EILTIMDAT 110112/1510, JUNE 27. RELIGIOVIS'IPTEIfrIAGENCE. The General iesembly of the New School Presbyterian Church, in the United States, met in Philadelphia, Play 21st, and was opened with a sermon by the Moderator of the last Assembly, Rev. George Daffield, D. D., of Detiiit—teit : -'"ln the Isst dam e , perilous times sha ll coma' After so routine platten were attended to, Prof. H.l B. Smith, of New York Union Seminary, was chossubtoderster. Rev. Herrick John son,- of ',Pittsburgh, and Rev. Henry B.' Niles'irero sleeted temporary clerks. Ow ing g o otr liFtitid space, we can only give, a b r ief syphilis of ltit doings, ait follows ; The tonal Standing Committees: were ap pointed, slier which the invitation of the Union League to visit their League House was considere!A - and, allia — ' 7 - 4alef rent 4, was accepted unanimously. ' !the invitation to visit ' Union ' Volunteer Refreshment Saloon as, also accepted . The Eleventh Report of the, Preebytexian Publication Commi shows that the value of grants made g the year will make a total of $l6, OS. The Conimittee to whom Ness re , the communication from the Gen eral idY of the Old. Scheel, which i met at iambus, 0., May, 1862, proposing on interchange of commissioners, room• mended the acceptance : of the proposition, and the appoiatment of delegates to rep resent the Assembly at the Old School As sembly, holding its session_ at Peoria, 111., The report was adopted, unanimously. A motion was adopted commending the American Sunday School Union to the sympathies, prayers and beneasedlorm of the Church. Report, of the ,Comilttee on the State of the Country was presented by I the Rev. Albert Barnes, of Philadelphia It is an able document, and expresses the strongest kind of loyal sentiments. It, however, elicited a long and spirited die oussiou of _the wording of some of the res olutions, but finally the report, after being slightly amended, was • adopted unani mously by a rising rote. Its great length prevents its insertion. Overture on the subject of :Bobbed: Observance was adopt ed, recommending the duty and importance of •carefully sanctifying the Christian Sab bath. The Rev. Dr. Skinner was appointed Commissioner to attend the General Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church, and the Moderator, Rev., Dr. Smith, as alternate. Sermon on Home Missions at the next meet ing of the AssemblY; Rev. George C. Cur tis, and Rem. Joseph F. Tuttle, D. D., ,as alternate. The Committee on Publication recommend the "Church Psalmist" as the most suitable denominational book for con ductingsdevotion. A resolution was adopt. ed disapproving of those books of Psalmody which, in their arrangement, blot out the . discretion between those songs of devotion which are God-ierpired and those which are Iscri-inspired. It was also resolved to raise the sum of $50,000 for the use of this Committee for the furtherance of the great interests they ire prosecuting, under God and the General Assembly. The - report of 1 the Committee on Church Erections was discussed, some contending the fund had not been as beneficial to the need of West ern churches as it abould be, and that some change in the present eyetem was needed. 1 The action of the ComMittee was ably de fended. The question l of changes in th - e present plan weenie: l nd to a special Com mittee to report to tke neit General As sembly.''Rev. Albert Barnes reported, on behalf of the Committee on Foreign Mis sions,-that the system of foreign missions , in oonneotion with the American Board of Commisaioners for Foreign Missions, in • which sixty-three ministers are directly engaged, domande the undivided energies of the elMrchee, and int:reseed camtribu tions; 'also, &alit would be unwise at this • ' time to contemplate any change in their - relations to that Board. Report adopted. A resolution was adopted requesting the -churches to render perroxiary - assistance to certain Churches in the West, properly an, thentlestedbyilynedical Committees. Deis _ Asies were appointed to represent the As sembly in the following bodies:. General Associations of Fle4 Hainpshire. Connecti cut, Massaihusetts, Vermont, and, Maine; General Assembly .IClutoberland Presby- 1 teriau church- General Aim:a of the Re* I formed Presbyterien• church; Synod' of the Garden' loilormett church; Presbyterian mid Congergadonal Convention of Wiscon sin; and General Aisembly of the Presby- Lodi& eiutielt in Newark, N. J. Delegates were sppOinted last year to the General Evangelical , Lutheran church, which meets - bi-anntiallY. Rai. Herrick Johnson, pastor • of Third Presbyterian church, Pittsburgh, is alternate delegate' . to' General* Synod of the Reformed. Plushy wrier: church. The' Committee Cutnittee,. 011 Nu:alive of the State of ~ ••'• Religion, report that about_ eighty Prosby- '; toilet I:erred:lees, representleg nearly all ._ 'lke Synods, - MOO 'Oonie into ' their hands. The report. 'represents that the past year bin - beeninwof reviYaKand that even now the werleof 'revival exists In, some of the churches. ',- It also states that the Sabbath Schools are enjoying unprecedented pros . parity and *Helen oy,. Committee oil Over tdres reported is the CM of several over turerfrout-driodireldireebyteries. Over ture on the subject: of 'Sabbath schools, Sabbath sereloee, and the relations of .ses , shins tlirete l l'orse referred to a special COmmitise to report to the next Assembly. A delegation was appointed to convey to the PreiddenCof the Halted States the ao tion of the Aiiably on ;;the State of the Country.,-.Revi if. Johnson, of Pittsburgh, offered a :reeolation,;!'widch was adopted, that *CAM ttellre ;Week, of January be observed' are s :Week of Troyer by the . ' churches. The ,nonit tiaras -were- offered, - 1 and the Asserobly was dissolved. The next • ' meeting Ohio, on will be bold at Dsyton,„. . the third Thursday of"MsY, 1864. ' , • .---The'first :Conference ; Of the. trutted Brotheron in Christ , was held in Baltimore' seventy- toe il•years ego. . There are - now over thirtytuirtual, williiiiota .." ' maiubeiehip.4 - 1)10 1 i tiver3oo,oBo,, exist ' ing,priteiptillrta - tfilV:l4iddie andlYestein States. Theoh:aohbp s/printhig office ht Dayton, 'Ohio; where are published the . "Beligitma Telescopef_FOLUdrofe Friend," and else - i: •Gefrinad isper'' The' goverit num t la moderately ; Eldsfeial- /* pound 11 taken spinet slavery, !shot so __ Z-sielbik*th , l the ulteef.irdent spiiii s it i. • kver r ' : 'I— . ''' ' ' ' ' '''' 'At e recent ticcestitio, 'Epia -Gin - ' - - yetitioi lo'rthe dloorecof Connection; the 1 ~ ..., k inioprwtedthikAbtriest Phi Tear be issitifter4lsl: 1: aigralail i ligt444:/ 2 41ititiiitett ta Ai 77:Catilyti. - Tr ' AIM Irldii44lo7the - • „ -• • ' —ln the report en infant baptism to the Annual Convention of the General Ai sociation of Connecticut, by the Rev. Rob ert Vermyle, D. D., shows that five infant baptisms should .occur to every hundred communicants, but at present there are not two to a hundred.. An instance is given of a church where there has not been a bap tism in five years. Ministers and laymen ass blamed for the falling away in the practice of this ordinance. The report very strongly urge the importance and ne cessity of infant baptism. —Rev. Dr. Durbin, Corresponding Secretary of the M. E. Missionary Society, who had just returned from an official vis it to the Westarrt Stites, stated that he be tiered the receipts to the missionary cause for. the present year Would, be fifty per cent:in advance of the previous year. Mrs. George- Brown, of Baltimore, hu contributSfi $30,000 to Prinoeton Seminary, for the erection.. of a building for the ao commodatitm et 'lndents, and to be known as "Brown Hall," after her late lamented husband. 1 .--Nearly seven hundred persons have united with the churches of Rochester, N. Y, during the hat three months. —A series of religions meetings were commenced about the middle of May in the second brigade of the second division at Boseonms' army. Two hundred and seventeen members of these regiments have been taken into the army church, and the interest is increasing. —Bishop Bayley, of the Catholic Dio cese in New Jersey, in a notice read in the 'churches in Newark, advised the people not to make any resistance whatever to the work of enrollment; that it was the law of the land and must be obeyed. —The Committee of the National Union League, of Philadelphia, says the Prat, having in charge the programme for the celebration of the Fourth of July, pro pose to invite all the clergymen in that city to preach a sermon on Sunday, July Bth, from the text, (*Proclaim liberty throughout all the land, unto all the in- habitants thereof," the motto inscribed on the Old State House bell, the object being, we understankto collect all the sermons afterwards andpnblish them in one volume. —A correspondent of the Christian In talk/nicer, (the organ of the Reformed Dutch Church,) says, if it were possible to drop the term "Dutch" from the chbroh ti tle, 'St would be for the good of the Mas ter's cause." —The inhabitaats of Moravia intend celebrating this year, the ono-thousandth anniversary of the introduction of Chris tianity into their country. - LATE TELEGRAPME NEWS FROM OUR MUM EDITION.] From Kentucky—The Expedition to East Tennessee—Details Hourly Expected--Ouerrilla Depredations. apedal Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Churette. Boxiaart, Ky., Jane 55,1865 The Teneessee expedition, in command of Cola Sanders, retuned to Boston yesterday. It has been the most daring and ruossaful raid of the aunpaign, and the particulars will redound to the credo of our brave boys, com posed of detachments of nearly all the mounted regiments in the division. All were interested in its sums and safety. They penetrated through the rebel linu, destroyed a large portion of the railroad, the bridge at Btrausburg Plains, the ootton and grist mills of Lustre & Bros., required five hundred prironers, nine pleas of artillery, and over MOO stand of arms, together with loves, stores, &a. They must have he.. within fsw miles of Loudon bridge, and at Knoußle. Details Sr. hourly expiated. A small putt' of twelve guerrillas to-day, representing themselves an Merges men, same into Yontioello and demanded the mall. TM carrier had just left with It, and came la safely. The in= puts crossed the rim at Mill Spring end attacked our pickets, killing a horse.. Tke doing alarmed the memo, who dramas smunps lima over the river. Ohs. Garter will have no way on brigaads, who bid lair to bona ammerons. Nine Carolina and Tennessee &eaters tame .In . to-day. ' S. B. LEE RIPORTED IB MARTLAID RUMORED REBEL MOVEMENTS Olir Authorities Not Idle Bairtnoau, Jane 25.—1 t is reported, through various chamois, that Lee and his Italie:tossed the Potomac yesterday. There are MIMI 242120111 ; in connection with rebel movements, but riot sulltsiantly definite to be worth repeating. • /a regard to our own movements, it Is aam- Odent to say that our authorities are not Idle. In t ling Isom Washington WASIIIIIOTOI, Atm 26.—1 t is not tone, ea stated, that the Adams' Ennis Company re fated' to;day to moire any voluble/ for tranniission north. ; Of the fire kindred and tiditswin rebel' pris• own to be sent south fez exams% fifty-one are veraely - wooded; - Keit of than wore eaptared within the put week. It is understood that Gen. /reset luis boa' waled to the 1101J1 of liarymes /wry. A ruminolisiticM wint yesterday within sevand miles of Culpepper, but found only s fewrobei scout& - - - A large somber of siok end wOnaded were this afternoon transferred to hospital' in tide eloirittifroni the Visible side. The allllloll.ld C aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Jarrinson Orrr, Mo.,Jane 26.—The jorltJ report of the Conalttee on Nntanol potion. has been =du dlsenulon all day will-. ont aotlon.. - The President of the Conisatioit rixiefrod s telegram from Gen. fleltolleld, otating afterpasonal examination ,of Viscera, xamidnhe, he has ordered Mat optional' to be sent beyoad outline for disloyalty. Mr. Baffin was *spoiled tally for Malay. A; ODIN AHD WOOD °HAIRS itillaZil on Wllol.llllUal 01 laeAlli. JAH..W. WOODWILL, . • fril ' • - Aux I mow mutt ~.• Air 611.1 kine Mid Bain; . 141141irso der. _'"10 - 61kgers Mt - NeOaradot's rallimiliaq God 0. ob. ito.wngi e 1 at-Oro or* Ines fp ben •11-thile *wk. 'LILLE RICULNyII 00. • ' ^- ..44,4.4 ;4-,. -s,. arse. ;-r t. -"k1 LOCAL 1 1V ELLIGEB From Yesterday's Evening. Gazette. The Pittsburgh Female College On Thoinday evening the commencement exercises of this popular and flourishing Institution were brought to a dose in Christ Church, Penn street, in preemies of perhaps the largest audience ever assembled !spoil a similar menden. Every available spot in the ehnmk—alaliu, gallery, and vestibulo--sru thronged with people, who exhibited a lively ntarest In the proceedings. The enrolee, opened with prayer by Bay. Isaac Aiken, - followed by an instrumental perforinanee by Min Mary Hugus. "Latin Salutatory," by Miss Saida P. Wil kineen of Lawrenceville. This was a very oredltable performanee, both in composition and delivery. Bong--" Tie the Harpist the Air," by Mire Alias Init. "Crowned," by Miss Fannie J. Canfield, of Homewood—a very pleasing and fanciful pro duction, written in excellent style. Menlo, "Transcription from Trovatore," by , Miss Mary Schaffer. "Li Visible et L'intfisible," (the Visible and the Invisible,) a French essay, by Miss Bessie T. Shepherd, of this city. A very fine performing*. Arietta from if Basic, by Miss Lama Gos ling. s'Woven in the Night, Displayed in the Daylight," an essay by Miss Lydia A. D. Robinson, of this:eity. This oemponition wee faultless in style, and vigorous in thought and expression. "The Passion Flowers of Life," a poem by Miss Cora Steevens, of Michigan. It is difloult, upon a single hearing, to give an opinion as to the merits of • poem, but this fair author has already distinguished herself as • writer of verse. Duet, "O'er the Hill, O'er the Dale," sung by Miss Alice Tutt and Mies Maggie Mak. Valedictory, " It Does Move, Though," by Miss Priscilla M. Verner, of this city. A very beautifully written essay, delivered with flee effect. Instrumental music, by Miss Ella Hitch cock. Ear. Herrick Johnson then delivered a very fitting and appropriate address to the gradu ating Mass, whieh was 'listened to with the Molest attention. Instrumental mule, (for six hands,) per formed by Misses Este and Ella Ilitehoock, and Alias Tett. Rev. I. C. Pershing, the President of the college, then conferred upon the graduates the degree. of Mistress of Olassisal, and Mistress of English Literature. A "Parting Bong," words by Raw. George Rood, and male by Prof. IL Rohbook, was than sung by the graduates, and the exercises closed with the benediction. The musical performanoes, under the imme diate direotion of Prof. aohbeck, were of • very high order, and evinced a thorough training in all the requisites of this indispen sable earomplishment. The progress of this institution has been mrletremarkable, and the great suoceis attend ing it has enabled the President and the Board of Trustees to extend its facilities from year to year, until It stands equal to any similar institution in the country. The next term will begin with a largely in creased catalogue, and parents desiring to have their daughters enter this college should lose no time to making the necessary arrange ments. Circulars can be obtained by address ing wl. 0. Pershing, President Pittsburgh Female College.• Colored Americans At a meeting of the Committee appointed at the meeting of colored Amerloans4 this morning, it was Rescieed, That in order to bring together as many men as possible for the purpOws of working on the -fortifications, the colored men of Pittsburgh and Allegheny be request ed to assemble at the corner of Fifth and Great street', on Monday morning at 7.,ki o'olo4, for the purpose of organizing and prompting to the work assigned them. Resofeed, That in ordeal° make this a nut ter of as general interest as possible, all shops of every description be aimed, and that boil num beentirely suspended for two days to gime both employers and employees an oppor share In bearing the bonbons im posed to by this emergency. Bssoloed, That hotel keeper, and all others employing colored man be requested to twill tate this movement by sending as many men as re:2l 6 , That pastors of colored oongregs flans be requested to give publicity to these resolutions, by reeding them from the pulpit on the Sabbath. EauNod, That s committee of three, with power to increase their number, be appointed to cany oat the spirit of these resolutions, by calling on all colored man. and those Who employ them, to asoertain how many can be led; and that they be instructed to publish the name, of those who are enrolled and those who refuse to beenrolled; and alm, the names of those employers who tarnish or who reline to tarnish men. The Committee of Publio Safety hate as signed to the colored people the special work of building a fort on Maguire's Hill. The Committee Ls compossdof the following named persons: G. W. Massey, Wesley White, Benjamin Richards, /lulus Jones, L. Wood son, M. Jew, J. Peck, Pittsburgh ; W. Wil liamson, 3. W. Parker, B. Nes/e, Allegheny. A Severeßutrerer. An old German gentleman, by the name of George Gauls, who resides In Braxton coun ty, Va., antra in Wheeling on Wednesday, having In charge an Insane daughter, es rouge for the insane Asylum at Columbus, Ohio. Ks Semis is 72 years of age and Is a thor oughly loyal man. He owns In Braxton min ty six thousand and three hundred sores of land. During the last raid the rebels robbed him of sixty head of settle, nine ; horses, four hundred bualmois dried peaches, a large lot of key, and, in fact, everything he lead. There Is searosly a good fence upon the farm and the aeonmalated wealth of twenty-fire years has been destroyed and out to the. winds. He hue Iwo sonsin the Union army. About a porno two or three guerrilla+ caught an adopted son of Gerwig's in a Meld and out his head of with a scythe, for.which they were court-martialed and hung et Button. The daughter lost her mason In oonsaquenoe of the troubles to which we allude. Another Old Citizen [lone. Mr. John Irwin. one of our oldest and most .teemed 'MMus, died this morning at his reddence in Sewickley, at the minnow! age of ownsittlive years. He was env of the *ld ea reddest' of -Allegheny, when he raided for II great many years, and eonduted the •busiseee of rape making. with Emu and auteese.: He vas a man of most exemplary eliersoter.-• warm friend, an enterprising 'M ises. end • sinners Chridles: . Ulm private life -wee uneseeptiosebbi, and a a business man he had the entire oonAdence of all who knew him." He :-tru extensirefy known throughout die West and Sotth; and no man Ira Uttar knows or mores-highly esteemed among the burliness mm of Pittsburgh. The fusenanoliee will be duly announced. roll Boor, 01111 bf the party dismissed from the Arssial, called upon ne to-day and stated that woo net eno of the original party while names were reported by lir. Nara: - land, and that be Tao not aware of any soon cation 'pint ldm until he wail diteharged. Ifieexhiblts as affidavit to tals effect, made beforiJusties /mop' We have only to say, that if the pottier serand had appointed their port i on Id the committee, in accordance with origineLsuggestion, Idr. Book and all others morpooted would have bad =Pie op portunity for detente- Now they oak to cre ate sympath by asserting that thoy were tried without y having had aay aotloo. Itzet."--d. number of men ,entered the bier tam of Klatuiel Lens," Ltbatij street, this forenoon, and demanded beer, whisk woe re fused. They wen Intoxicated and entered ll= the Inn doer, the other doors being e When told they wild have nothing to drink, they began to sot In a riotous mea ner, klaking the doom, throwing stones eta. John &edits, Theme Minn, and John No. Garrey, three of the party, knee been &met ed end ootniaitted to JAL • 1111PC01/0 PRIO1i„ donor;—Tolts 144 hi talon held to an- . Weer • 'barge of sooty of the woo, probe:ad b 7 Inialallenw. • Pl'ko - putter Moo In the trlstaoad,,Adostiosy. sad' duneniq enr oata<LleireaWat Vann ► loPP•numL ... • thnuaosi.4Lownwrit4br . Choriaftil lutooloid blow! at *air bn tortfloottons Pa r ante& %wit, for wide!' Um bad to, .... .~ 4 F ... FROM WASHINGTON. Mall Diapatcbsa to the tittabargh Gazette. WA/MX(I7ON, Jim 24, 1263 In igilarance as to the rebel position at least, it may be said the situation remains changed. Opinions from the army seem to unite in locating the bulk of Gen. Leo's forces at Snicker's Gap, on the western slope of the Blue Ridge, and stretching thud back to Winehester. The more prevalent belief here, though all opinions and shades of opinions are expressed, is that the rebel movement Is intended to be directed through Maryland against Washlagten or possibly against Bal timore. Our own army, if we are to judge from Its location, is disposed with the double view of covering the Capital and menacing the rebel front. OHLID INDIA, 00IIXOI1.. A grand council of all the Indian tribes in habiting the country west of the Mississippi river will probably be convened some time during the ensuing Fall. The object of the council will be the re-establishment of friend ly relations among the - Indians themselves, and to induce the disloyal tribes to return to their allegiance to the government. The last grand eounoil was held in 18.13. The 1, warn mu" and power to call the next council was then left with John Ross ' head chief of the Cherokees, who is now here arranging with commissioner Dole for this next convention of the tribes. It Is expeoted that a large majority of those now in hostility against the government will attend. communions Liwues DECISIONS Member! of mercantile or other firms should return as income for UM their whole business profit of that year, without regard to the time when by the privato arrangements of the part nership, nteh profits are to be divided or car ried to the credit of each member. Citizens of the United State. residing abroad are liable to income tax upon inch of their blooms only as seams from property in the United Suttee. Persons residing in -the United States are taxable upon that portion of their income de rived from abroad, equally with that accruing at home. A Hirrororamus, attached to a traveling menagerie, broke out of his cage while es retire from Buffalo to Detroit, for the sake of taking a bath in the water of Lake Erie, Ills keeper managed to decoy him to shore by throwing in the water a dog to which the ani mal was strongly attached, and then he was wand without difficulty. Conan:ex Lou°ao.—Mayor Alexander yesterday lodged • commitment against John . Campbell, charging him with the larceny of • small Jot of shoemaker's tools and some clothing, from Thomas McLaughlin. Salmon Cassaps.—Low Campbell has been committed to Jail by Alderman Nickel son, to answer charges of seduction and forni cation and butardy, preferred by Catharine Long. The parties are colored. Caaams Lunar/ has boon held to ball in $3OO, by Mayor Alexander, to answer • charge of awaiting a son of Mrs. Gertrude Metric[. The parties reside in the Fourth 'Ward, Alle gheny. COMM P RCLIL BECOBD PITTSBURGH ILAJUIILItio Oflrltl. Of MS PRIIIIIMUI DAlla Neogene. t Yunsay, June 26, 1663. There was a slight improvement ID Dinginess to day, and the genera market, although still very quiet, was more active. Thsro is a fair demand far most of the leading articles of produce, though quo tations ar <without mated& I change. There Is I:Tut bat tittle transplrlug in money mat ter@ bore—nothing worthy of special notice. The New York 'ironing Post of yustarday says: .Geld, on news of the adranoe of Lee, opened at 114% and subsequently , rose to 146. Thu quotation ea we go to press le 1441, The loan market to sa tire at 7 per cent, with an adequate supply. ' The die. cline in stock. this morning to apparently not due to a pressure soy mosey, no but Male cash stock bee been thrown ou the market. The rail reason la • e.g.. approllenslol3 and deprossing incortitude aria. hog out of the rumors from the oral of war." ,The sales of produce reported were no follows: 160 LElrltrt ra flour, Iromitoro, A Aso; ID) bElkaztro Vaud); at $6,26 to $6,76 per bbl no to quality; 90 Imo W It Cheese at froM 10 to 10,tio, YOU boob Potatoes at GOO per bush; 125 tomb prime Oats from story at 75c; 2173 boob Shelled Corn et SR:; 11 bids Eggs at 110; 1000 Es Clear Country Sides at 7; 7 key Country Lard at 934 c; 60 bide prime Dry Peaches at $2,76, and 18 bush prime small Whits Deans at $3,75 per Groceries are rather quiet and dull mod Coles to • dude sailer. Pittsburgh Oil Market. Juss 25—There to ouraiderablo inquiry for both Crude and Itedined, and the market I. Ann with aa upward tendency. Thy demand for Crude appears to be in excess of the supply, and holders, generally, do not seem disposed to tell maim st tail rates.. We note ales of 45 and 125 bb :a at 1630, packages to. turned, gad 1;•.0 bids at We, packages I.neleaded, and them may be arnaiderol the ruling figures. Refined firm,-with • fair demand, and there It beta Ilml• ted amply on the market. Erb of 250 bbl. bonded, for immediate delivery, at 42c, sad 500 bbla bonded. for August delivery, on private terms. There sp• pears to be no inquiry whatever for Pmasine; aml, In the abeam of sales, we omit quotations. flew Yonirotiolettat Market Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh dinette. Nxw You, June £o—The market Y excited and unsettled. Per Crude, the demand V active and pri ces-have advanced 130. Sales at 50d6dOtAc. Banned In bond, 411060 a on the spot; for July' dellyary, Wad 152 ){,t: tot August delleml. 54067 q for September daunt/. 57340600. Banned, free, 684661 c. Naptha, 23625 c. • C. Chicago Market. .1 vita 14—The Wheat market declined lo per bush with rather more selletty—lio I lipting selling at $1.07024% No 2 lipdas es 82202342 end Ite,Mcted lipring at 7 / 4 .276c. The market at the else was quiet but flim at the decline named. Tee- Meer market was dell and heavy, with light Wei cf winter ar, tram at $5,240,76, and spring- aztnie it 22. 0 ::4112P. flaseillne brands were in lair demand at skonsipa. The.Oorn what advanced Me per bushel, and was unatually active and buoyant—with tales of about 376,000 bushels at 130.60%* for Myer Illgh Mixed atkott Y ellow ,50000 for Liver and Claud Mixed afloat. eito for in stare; 47.,42111130 for Mixed own In stare; end 4s' 4c% for Steiscted Corn la dole. The greathalk of the sales were at 480 for killed, and We for Bejected In store—at which !la urels thernarket closedsteady. Oats Were quiet, and under continued liberal receipt% the market destined lo per herbal—with light salsa at betalteic for tie I in Atom The dsmandly shippers is very 110 t, and there I. little or no speculative Inquiry. Ay* was quiet at 670. Harley was neglected. Mg wines were Anew and more active-rwith Wee of NO bble last night and this morning at 42o—buyers at the close generally dining only 4130. Cleveland Market. , .Ilas 4b—flout rlates 80 bbll red XX at $5,85; 150 bbls do at 86,60; 80 bbls lodlana white at $8,40. Weeat—The market was dull and &doping, and Is lower., bales at the Board-1 cat Indiana white 1 o b at 128 c, and 4 cars red wheat, on track at =to. Then was a Armor haling attar 'the Pew York to. port, and wheat amid not hare basatbonght at &bit figure. Corn—Market very quiet and dnactive. We quote seminally at 88c for shelled on tusk. Oats-- The rerslpg and demand both continue light, and qltelations are nominal at 010 on track—liendd. Imports 4r Itailrogd. rIITSIOIO3II. Pr. WADES al Damao° Ilmiartiik, June 26-30 bra sliest load, A Gordon; 8 bales cotton, Milano A AoJer; 60 buts mad, 'Oleo Bro; 150 bbls whlelty, DM bp corn, 100 bbla Spur, 912 by oat*, 1 car corn. D II Wallace; 250 AP Dad, 11 /1 Oolllum 110 bblallora, glaakeown,l Idabart; 100 dodo, Gregg A Olandoulag; 6 blob eggs, I bbl bacorN, L co,* ears cora, Illtobcock, ,ll co; 2 to ham% J A Besabaw; 6 do do, Mercer/ B o o; 80 hides, 8 . llarbaugb I co; 277 by wheat, j ti Liggett k om lon mlll feed, !Simpson a Knox; 10 bbla flour,Wm Blughast; 268 by NM, JP Dlfkosbachom 1 M OW. P liolColvy; 840 rolls piper, llartmala .Loro; 70 bbbi Boor, E 0 Yahoo. ; , Pim:us= & Clumurina Itannotn, 'Jane 25- 30 bin amen, 111 Panesld; 10 to dry .boaf, era co; 36 bits candies IS 1J H Sawyer' 360 bµ corn, .1 Kirkpatrick ! Kw; 100 dodo , Jos Do;rington; ST %kW, Jlt &Wane; 12 bid chose, It Dalian co; 20 do do, L H Volgt & to; 100 bbIN flonr, 0 B Lank; 4 bkla ow, Jno WO oks brimstone Jae Irwin; 60 bbln dour, ft m Gooper. Ti ISH—Of all kmde. .1: Iteakaral;insdlaaa and Win Ia bbla. a Wilma laltbrar• Ballbolli , I - ba Laba Whits pttras nab and Herring, In bbln a ham 80 p Oolain 100 bb1n..19.0. Bnadasai 1 Sllbbda .. . . . 80 bozo prlmAlbanw. _ ___ _ . Tor lak by lIDW'D HiAZIELTOTA. IA Dimon Dalicu 111U1T.-300 bushels choice zuz.ddid Apples. llof raw low to oboe on► lot. Gill loon, it 117 lOWA, drool.' • " • bold _ • WlBBl WILKIIOIIO3I, VON ArXkLIA BU • DBES, pot is ig the obi Kau& _ NAV GgM 71: 1177.1:.i i C bump prime " , Datri;Ossia sad liassassia,, loss reads 4 104 Inrol4 ST ÜbterLsl o•It 501711. I ~ F 4 ~~ ~ !_ PROPOLSLH. Dirtrl7 QvAirrionlisirn Gsaxasei Onnm, it tstmrgh Pe ,Jaelli, 1001"8 , . Smiled Proposals will be rrceived et Mir oldoebtatil 12 m , the 30ta DAT 01 JUNI; 1863,124 farabh. - ing_ and deltrery at Pittsburgb, Pa., ONT, 1111 tr-, DASD TONS or GOOD XIBOHANTABLII NIT to bee, welt Weed, weighing about two kmadred wad • fifty pormds each. as follows: 25 tons on or befora tholth day of July, . 25 tons on or before the 16th day of July, 1682. 25 tons ot or before the 224 day of July, UM 25 tons on or before the '3oth day of July, 1863. Prop orals unit, be malted .tropossis for 100 total. of Haled Hay," and addreesed is Lt. OeL 0.H120114, Deputy gnartarmaiter General, 11. B. Army, PHs, burgh, Pa. r==3 • The deity of the bidder to fill the contmentehould It be awarded to him, wet be varenteed by two responsible pawns, whose signateusee mast be irs. tors poniedr toeepoeMMlity the guarantee. . • The ot the guaran must bellsaiii by - the Medal atUdcate of the Ode= or the lurid , District Conn or of the United Otatee District hra. . Bade . re most be present lepers= when lbe bide are opened, or their proposals will not be Mesidered. Donde...pal In amount to half the am fo be te• mired on the amtrect, signed by the ondracturatld both of his graresdars, will be ruptirsdef.7tbe salto . cadet bidder upon giving tbs. contraot.. As the bond must aIrAMIPAY the amends It Will WOO* earl for. the_ bidden to hare their bonhomie with them, or to hare betide signed In anticipation; end reel; to lepredueed when the contrast to iditteed... lone of Geostrages. • L . We, of the oosety of and. Retied • , •' L • and ol the 0 4.0 , of sad State et do' hereby gaarautee that Is able to fulfill 'se oott tract in 'mordent= with the termed his •• • •••••-• and Ithat, should his propeedUcat be • • be. , at once enter into a contract in sox • •a them with. Should the contract be mmuded him we ere prmi to booms his snafus. velment.* tang be appended the official outhloste Shoes mentioned. ' proposals from disloyal parties wilt not be mut& end, and an oath of allegimos will be required of successfal bidders before a•• tog =Meseta. The undeosignod merits to himself the eight to reject any or all bide that be ivy deem too high. Payment a bomsde upon the completion' et the contract, or so moo thereafter m the underalvel shell be in fend.. 0. OROS% Mont. 001. and D. Q. Id. GeneraL Duren QIIAZISIIILITZI Grasiten.a Oman, 1 Pittaburgh, Pt.. Auto VA, f 1.000 BUSHELS OF OATS. Seated Proponds will bo received at this offlos until DI o'clock m., the Ma DAY Or /ÜBE. 11353, for the fundsking and delivery at Pittsburgh, Fa, on or be fore the Sib day of July, ISM, of TEN THOUSAND BUSHELS. OF GOOD, OLEAN, SOUND OATS, in stroog sacks, well sewed up, and to weigh Ilktpdio pows4 to A. bushel. bti l .aro! 0 l' a l 47 l. t i o N :il l it i atse l ;Zit " alL'Zi. Deputy Quartrimester General, U. S. Army, Pitts burgh, Pa. The ability of the bidder to (anal the mitred, should it be awarded to him, mull be guaranteed by Soo rwpatasibis pawns, whose signatures must to sp. ponds* to the gaarautee. - The resimisieflity of the guarantors esmt beshown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the merest District Court, of the United States Dlitriet Attar. trey. Bidders mtot be present in Puma when the. bldi are opened, or their proposal. will het be cm' ',dared. Bend equal moult to half the sum tote remind oh the contract, alined by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be 'required of the secoeseful bidder, upon signing the contract. As the bond mast accompany the conizsot, it will be meow vary for the bid der s to have their bondsmen with Sham, or to have bonds "limed In anticipation. and ready to to produced who:retie contract is signed. . Pons of Guaranies. We, —, of the county of and State of —, and —of the county of —, and State*: do hereby inmates that—la able to fulfill a eon. tract in accordance with the tetras of him propped don, sad that, should he proposition be accepted, he will at once enter into a contrast Is accordance therewith. Should the contract be awarded him we are prepared to became his mouritiew To this guarantee mud be appended the official certificate above mentioned. Proposals from disloyal patties will not be consid• ered, and an oath of alleglanco will be required of nicer:add bidders before slgelog contract. The undenigned reserves to himself the right to reject any or sit bids that he may damn too high. Payment to be madoupon the completion of the contract' cr so soon thereafter as the undersigned shall be in fend'. 0. CURB, - jellied Lieut. Cole and D. Q. W. DeseraL PROPOSALS FOR HAY, STRAW ADD OWN. daunt= Quaanwasurrea's Orrice, Pawn Dmannort, Corner and Tveaty.enoted • Wessman% D. 0., April la , IdOS WRITTEN PEOPOSALD are tinned ho . • la. 5 , == 1 6:1 13. 0011N, in the me BYlrad Depot, oe: at an i Mte is Wharves to this dry. . • The proposals ts be widneeed to the suadmigned, and they should use. lb. 'quantity of sash article othwed, also the pries and the data of dalhery. Proposals will be tenoned hr Are thoussod (5,000) Mahan of Cern or Ono, and fifty (10) tall of Day or dtrair. and upwards, =leo It sto be for the la• eaten - of the Government to contract for a len amount. All grain to be put In good mks, of *boat two (I) banana rob, which in to be bandahed at the oat - the contractor. of _ ile - ; Hay end attar to be reatagy baled. All Grain and Ey offered to be subject to tight hapection .by the Goreratant teentrects nth he "maned tron=tine to the karst teammate bhidea, as the taterests of the tar eta may require. and security will he r.galred lor the lelthftil taltilinent of any contract made ander Mt" advertleasenL _ _ Payment to be made at the completion of tho Goo B. L. BAOWN, op9l.An • • sod d. G. M.. U. B. A. XZIr S TANDARD I ART • WORSE IL &Infantry Twain. 'Authorized elltlon. allhanealtentud her Volunteers. Wiben's Infantry and Ells Tenths. Boott's barratry Tactics. 8 vela. MoOlalLin'a wintry. Meehan Bayonet. tupbroy's Anlllery Meehan on Thad Astillsay. Cookes U. &Ormsby Tan g 2 vola. oayperes llald Manual for (karts *metal. The Company Oink. onaafrang lostructions for : 'Nadirolls and other pawn . r=ears by KLY i 00., 66 Wood at. QUAD UE p VALUABLE BUUKti 1019vandona of P 9 vols. Laland'a Dalatioal Wilton. 9 yob. Dr. Portrei Liam' on Hamitic& • WWI" de Trento. In Oparahh and Latin. • Howe% Tondirou 15 mo. *Mum Of tb Barret on. Hoag. Non sod Dame Wolin:, loot. ='a llasatah. 2 vol s., U zoo. return oaYalytue,7sabt Proydreq. Hove. Works. :2 atria, vs. tarla J. L. Ill&D VI Fourth street. LATE PUB.LAUATIO By NLI. Benthera Minds. St& History at the Beaneallen Ii Use Buses 01061,1 n. roam . on the Boundary of mem World. The Great /ran Wheel Izaadned. Brownlee. Benton's Thirty Taus In the per Bleats. Les hilsarshlsa. Moth end p TIN sad Lea Besostrer. Thu Um and the Angela. Works In [Beery, The soyls Jai. L. Ornom Wannornal Chrr, Muck 12, IEO3. OWNEBS OP STEAM'WS:MI Si mm inTiud to toad to the Quartermaster Omerare oW. tondoriln their charter or aal.. - • natal. should coat= rlsoodptions of the womb, their dlinendona, enrolled or wridared. tonnage, aotaal mann g copecity, anierlel, whidher ooppond, whether able•whad or propellors, whether or . iron Wan^ Ilse and power of endless and end should Osto the priosiat wklah they are edlond, ha long or Mon charter, with the 'dinned =no of the vessel In me of, arts or e ta t= w smninat swan meter to parch= lost= el Owners of steam womb Windy la the WWI 1) toi amyesetod make knownto SW Deputment say redaction in thetypnesat tan which May may be %and aloe I/ 0 10 08 ,M *Mak alCfiilitelaUt suck tendon should be addressed tone:Asst. termana Onward tholinited suita,lllB Wealth** ton, and should be endatsai KW:monk Ihr tho tor or sals of Inaanters." . riestiscowy will be Department yin endeavor to winos the heavy si. penis atumding may tramp: nation wpm the ones and %Moaners by substftutium whenever twain of neter " 2800 oslanty for te non ; inlProPM m WE. RENT—The three okwy BRIGS WARM/0081, Ito. a Wood iwo doors for tams apply to IMAMS BAUM (Plallatan, Rabat 41. oo.%) or to .10811Pfl WOODWALL come 9d aad Wood stopata. f 11U - UNT—Une r t wo r-Tbree Mx= J. In the third or fourth studio of Ilorano Build. lult, fifth 'toot, ottb or otthowiritals. pawn. trn ititN o third • • story of the bona vow Mb, tho mible4/1". corn: era. el 64- 4 ' Newt. Ma wow's. - 1863 . . NAM J;afil eta smelts WE. Tho uqe ILI ~ iWO% tor:rsomwe gparaer SUSAN NV RD. Ott?. Wm. BAlNerek Win em eeePAt Pei mem teemthe ON* poets. Learn for .19friow.0117.ZOio$ Ihriteler • owl Pay ty, toorldnig ot /Pert Maros, Lortagtok Port Potrotor. Iforoarttlo, Point Aaboir Net lad PowarClity, arm WiDpllpEpAll loam w ervelond lIATIIIIDAT IPORPIING. AU tertLeti ooludighol to' nook* prom* at. Make. Thom& warnoOonolo. ODlppors bar , toirfrapSo mob Nu pad •th ou .to our two; Ida • at int bosiviltbost disryte for - • . ,drAirtilrall lOM a Woo., stioot •.-5() bble.exttli 'Money tgrus - 40. do - 1.4111141111 broads dok sod eallit7 1p141.0 MNIMIALII4...: - . 910 Watiff.lNENtoi, =~'"- VOB, SALB. deibable :11101i flalliflCP rl T,:dinated at Nolte) , toltnildifElbsill. _SW iiehort &UMW ot -the l'abbyltinda BeMlleabl She freehold vroperty. coospdar•.larsaiwerttb nairtdnett aspnpowettoleleerlee ellheraharioilnr. Mabg co .boat i rlicrlsttriarr g nu i she abirit - If sorry,' end* abundant* the amp 0 , 8 Itrorw-rridoir ob , *. ura. makes tder e adweitinCeaelly.arisbrated Tan -••• 01 1, 0a/f& stsaal• woven" In thelithithidtdeenmaioialte for ea l a Stendeddl al lloralda . 4 -• Vibe "Lewitt. WON eland idthla half a mita. of shiltataaag lame. Imo rat9Jr•euritsto agailialikuratite Si. can be 1•1• 1 4 -1, • telt not mop ymteal. unwed 'ea the bra4 . luta:eir Irma dap hate. reaantlybent sodriaad peodacisollefent ore to -suagb%.the Itrarpri,-„lkailtirli err abo abnadait WWI beibbaed• d•Mug sl) my ulif* ibit eh id deltvenlyoh• ornakeat 6 wager bushel: - g" . -Leldrnos men ettaisifsiiiii ke iemata and tall ieaeuta~ t ftth i.PlUbartft ete;lsrfebfb ' Mindhooteinid mai-Other- tatiher partietdaralgt 4 ' ' ipc.strasou . FOB SAIL"MADTOO/ ( S OI INDRY :Lir luteno. lithW.—The: Om ebb. 111/billKlell64 l6 oeilddl Is hod ethgely ett• oiled ifer-beelaup.7.. •Woontelos a Imp =mast sr . imidd=rdideo it lier , largee emertsset dike _Whom Or hdll sad refirced ;pit /Whls a, , „ for at nitheoi Oa Pholdiel ieell/blOr. r Riesbeterhs --hotel coed tianuee'lle ' -to all -thetesetry: limb ere• We Wag ebi bathe looellixejilliill- - so ease pi the United ISO. for IPA The fecoximear rill WI Ur eiteblibilipt, If SbreeetiorAitoodlerphe' or the•hilt ot ts to web letwelret prim who unterstandi will the nainhyriedit marb an estabibbreent. Or UAW olietio . be would nut to niposithiviettfas ler wietarof yam, Mathis' se ,bterado, c,bl,,ei asarieWber parties whldog_le rent. - nicest* ,tVo' largo ibl* yard. to the' p lies; withrsorelidekitilfiebirtWE thay rea do, ea inikppiAbirdistetlit tilovoldriNt lie steamboats, sesheileadaseiblealohe 6d to go gopher bawl* Wien, Of 3. 0 : 61X15 g ' to do the wok. . ' - •- ' ' for trreis and vb. address SOX 410, Yoffirow, Iniferia.• - ' ' • • 01453) 11001 4 2 % .1fie Ily Tattoo of aft ceder of the Orpluate Cowl of-21W , rite the" , ea Wayte *" st mt, ft.ithe al Pittsburgh. on TM/MI, theWth day aflame. 1868, at 10 - o'clock a. au the lot- °Lido , Carta, deceased, ea that. Zealots lot of potted alba ate on the oconerofarayne Sod sad Jaelson adey, to therrACT 01 Pittsburgh, hallos a heat sti lost II hadtei =Sous street, aad.ealandl ll 2. back - 01 , - Jeakaiii alley 90 Stet, bang lot No. s,plata lets bdd oot by Bev. traaoht Iterroa r reoxdad to Deedllook teL 39, page 189, and the same wheat, toe. coaxeyed.by , Hat. Iraacts Herm to saki Joh.a.Garta. • teed, by deed dated Juana 27, 32217, recorded In Dad D OO3l 'fa 5 . 3 4 re is , on aid.* Ii emoted a two.atory brick d g hones. ----- - To bath. JO.llll C 108756, 112eelltatt fet pectleaLrs esquire of o.'lleelireitaile' jag, Attest:my for Witham, 80. 186 north atm,: Jelteodtd . PARM(, FOR . J. war_ away, about two Win Qua contalatagarp baadral sad obabtpatew laud ta 'or rbd quality about cos hasafradvitrai 'Oaarzwillaaestoas oaths prosdari—lbis DwalUag Raw, Barn sadOrceatd. Owelseratted . tfattwroi. Will be sold )(ay, altintiwtwor two; ortbra• WM. low farther ;maiden no ir to - a iiikam. or, B. PILTSIOII , SU= atm* Or. J. IL WOE. glttaantaitati - - ' =FOR . . SALE—CIon well isitebradorith Lea! z•.=tr &harem 'maul, ha. "MIA t o wa.LltS Mlethear month war the Otts Pee. lame brusriyeurocr by James I Whittakir, decree& WM be eat cheer Gs ash. 'Also, !LOURING 11EILLI Mira sir the Hardie KW With mesa *arse eland. how, bail and other hoprcereemuta. Inquire of Du. WM. H. HILL, Neras.part. Pa.. - ISAAC MILLI. grsildonles !kids, Pa, - - or TROL.CL. Lamm elt.ogr. Fourth and Greet stn.* Pittsburgh. oHolus rtsursaar MU • tiLLEr -1,1 Thaw US; 90 b7'116 int soh. itoatlng awl+ toglmoty Monne. Aim l!ktoo L. 96 by OD Gott II on Payette strolit, 60:001 WonlinDolOwo7. Thaw by o very &shah% todayin corolDtlon boot locatkow 'of the city a nd within foot- et the lisochootor Primager ibra en' Bbitooll • aim% (Ikagokentwono). loth odd six iota - ft mu moaner, torylow.-- Tonwt Ow ior No.. 48 040 street:- WE, 841.110.-Ono maiM moo A: band 01L11115105101:M501 0 Isobar by - 110 .Ono roporfor now *Oil% 155oib5d1ronsfarili TM) 141111.10 111358E55,t0r IlinsorA irtai Bernal new and oloondannd IMMIX 1N9551115. - from 115 Lohdlarnotor down 40 5 134, WM Do vole low for Nab.. IitION 11. - 150 LI, War. On tho - ALUshons amPantalks,-- FINB STOOL SABM FOR" Billagi centa ittrAnZ Ihrecocic scanty. Va., near the Sr,Pare U" 'been llerenat, and Ire W !'" OneebertantL ms Waves. menu an a Itaan =Use ihrelllim bank b.zn sal ortnard. /111111 is will tot to ride. busant ta booner_and on err arena FL MALL= Ph, NI loath rt. FOB SALST-Skes KIINKON - HOUSB sad,ABOVT 031 AO= OW GIROMEN.** M o tio c A l a masa at tia lOoPt Wadau ta tbs banal* anisdllauft. mkt draw of kunstdrat sal Ur bat nt kais dna Wag pat damp atHassurn 11 8 =d_wasrt_ arty. jra. tans; lapin at "1.1). NO. St Wads add Witts ! 00ILIL ••13113__ L . • • •• • oxtail! mown= sizac •Eoun. idea mai i Ca=odia est biarmswasema • traml Nano,: I II lots pa ;men amt. Lmobso•l, afar at TEM OFF/01, orMitit MALI! NO MORE Otalattialn: 'I.4IFD 10liddIll 113111.1. sad am , s.w.ii d am 1111.Mr/1111 1 .s til = has metro. tha aulaiss arad of Wisest proplasiit pbolaboos ta Os UMW Maras, Is sow onset to as alaillat Masai:by as • carts* cars far the lolloata•dhamasad asiq mittair lioar dismal sad abase td:ths II co Amu' Oman .lisairal Thibilai i ta m a . . PhJudail Er . .7adastUty, Blood to the Haid,Osafasod Masai . . Irritability, Iladisome sad dissOsisasal , Abram al *maim r LW of ft n i tlatVi a.jbas sltloat Abouratio= tidos el tho sail* hod all the asasaltsahi Oa otnut and stale oithe gags, To to tba isiallam• oat this 'aid.. Lob •st 1 11 4 1abOra• Tad 11 ! • W /MONS JUNO ULM JAI. IS . t4i sad mita Ss smut ILL 'of qkl!!"..A DIAD D klad MUMAI. hhishb.tuWanatebuind .. r• MOONAO4I mid. .1 Os rio go ts& ; mow ths warty HAY AMC': I *OM WEIL FOX RAVIAMPIII. ixt Mat at t11.14"4 "- .7 "---""-" 1 - . O. 01ILMIL MMMI TO LiT. !OR SALL - /Xl/WAktM i" - T - huliTilecat -arm, Airm. io&. • riaziabe, Pluzinwitk-isfa Pliziaga ig• anima Clearailmh liertapaset corm Weal sad . Amine_ • • - TT 04300 id Vionalvaabt :EAsekeed-lt•-• 'Aims • • • IltWatar stmt. c a...... _.5, r . .. • . r.." 777 7 -, • e • , • • •, • •: r . — r • •.` e.. • . ihinisuniCkicrlir'4llllllatelistrileti'—: p ISIL.BOOK; Alaritair. Azamiwist : Ouckil*lll4ll4 ICOL -TWll4 . lfodl in.. bills • • saidilksbui, bequiallinbre;4llllLP. .01a1ta1k..,41/12,Mwest, fa CFotteissedviiitet liottem; I/ZAPPING TWVISIB: two _Twines sad rkik Adage - 110 0 e, Cfardo, MAIN 0044 ,10. 4 ap. Curdy" salltuthoWinices‘ • : a. aksysi. • 11 - .tSII.II3BAJADAttI_ L- • • • • - ...... . 2.. ii UP GRIMM Will: ~ . -4 inibbX(ll W.. Z. 15 Dinh, Me DArd A - IL • do 'oboloslutro . , 0 Lisa Yak Yam% 1 ' - 143 ,„. , . L. H. VOMIT AOO VIA,THBIIB.--.1,000 m.. pripie geith.; J: asjohUus_o___lbrailobly, ,111151MOTIX, • Is , , 14 amt.''' OR k> 0)410 --20 boxas.Oheese, in stare; to)um% I* wt.% for lab 1110-Sootol'ideNt.; .1 - lug . ITT . -Tanned, - 11 ii Hos% mow York) sad Ifigassi . yan utaataoo,o_4l4.lrenizaarl. SlZADAii.b.Wrrr-r.der 421& 2 4) and 'Alibied —4WDAIOOI. a , 2011*/ - - • c r: 'o 10111 Wear sersol. On. bind sailir'"' lAA. -Dawn& as so*, 0 aid 10 Wear stroa, ebbcpr Deck Crook , Tnoldia; WimatiiltesoteossOtALasastrAtrimp Lit h bs, easiteireCnitt, 3,11.--Mtb/isatt6WV mum numert r 1 w_ll.ll)...AlMlNtligiiiiiirat _ _ _;il4:, :. idijar. , t'is.! 7 tr- Aljunnrsi. muixii: - . • ...... • ~, ..1, ~,,:-..,i.: /1411LROSIDS. mag shy KOZDAV - liar; •41 I 4 I 0 4i A . 411110. 4. " . =glomooat ealsdaD) 1 . 211 :XP _ . 1 . 1 4( 34 ma bet...a Pito. i wawa ma mm., esE4 imaktng !Amp! COMP. Ilea to Pm Team fULMlAllo irkill =l . -- -" the po. boo, lM = awarl laaollai 11malo- Now omba) al Imalat lefellibt 1110 1131 •' Daft alaltbaltiodffsof al - moomm 1,4 11 1 61} ind mon sad Widdlogias. ad kit lbw, Yak TM nib. a lrel3olla =MN Slim bo w __. , 1 4 ' in a t 16 = g ir Or t= II lir k t hi It ani2 . IL `-......,: *low Tort via allontnm toots •- gm I LIIIIIMMat 11111 IMMO dog/ tia•BS ando„)..a.V.Sl-p, v ari = aV an : -ViltrAl=ltd/addPidedrllar ide" - 1017030110t=fir MM. ' ' "fi - ll'ailajditra amoomoMblaolltlllill NOM 41444, 1V403.41440121411414444 sa;tteppbat Mal/ Moans mottrasOdaffiallosbamoomosbe . " . - ploymoromodatlosTratakrifairallaDaDamo I* (img agaakd aix La. ' slam. asmouwaft **: Wel 1110. , twonelallploompt aily) at UM a.m. _ ~,- • ,40PoolUM4altkil •ftift Pm Walt N. M. Woo (azeopt &Ma) at IWO p. no. • Illamtlt Moft. to Wall's Nada Mom daily (amp flnalbooLat &Wm a. Tim Came Tnitikare. Wan ftWr snafu -ft at 9311 a. 10.1 totoralaig, IMM • O Plttitnorgi at lt.t3 p. a. _ • . • - . . Dototootat i onft• la iftlakowo ' Dalahnore" 11:al p,,.m. t P Ra wl% Ildillfiin.3- SkiderttlD , a. no. I 'NM IrgaiNM - Da• - •4 4 /mmarm. Datlll *Auk; 111m3rIlfalrorilltallik ..Ellosammoolalios .11:111 , m;ffik re. ,• .• .14. • • aalit-Mondila sVaddi Ike ‘ 111111 ITlM=a= ,Sok= lll"B iamoommodatilm Train Nat: *rains 4.. n•40013111.0f Eir 0te10331 with li. ; I== i and KM Draft Wontoad with Timeaslo -. Thi C s ot w i ll itr ana t Tilau‘l" =l: IClSPlar a zuraanoal maw Amid ammolliof an Dee The Baal LIMIMItot Mow* ' from *ad, WammoMifooLleamilolo ' to oil vb. amp amyl pa )lood.dell ••, . •., , , ... paßinv., To llow-Dift.........532 it ID 1f011tai0n..........1. 09 To-DbllnaiblM....,l4l a It To Sarnia..._' T 66 ' - ' Do_olombool _to all on Me Panootes. Ala I.l..aamsksal to Palloolelphlm, Palermo _ 5igT. 0 .14.6.. MI ears MIX be ' • • "e - Toiasio; to dlstanat bravelol, In • ' • ',1‘4 1111-1013614- 1 11 3. 1 0talopt from Mathes ,Mlitri. CrOlalantilm l3o Agfat: •.• , lirolorof looOlisßompsay irtH WI • lotrosoltildbe, ina. om baili n 4 ,114 - : : : ' I eCIEWI NiIe r 14 - "taifill.` 100100 to for nob pai ... . ~. .I. 110- L I.t ll .!:11A ll r ii; sr Ve riar AI fla..a•Dootted iati brnea L k &mos .INattioli . _ ...• .7=''..7-'. ... . 9 1s aajo u tt5 . alitn - M? . ' b Ms •Dapoll of ID,- frolkkjloar! . .2llol3ranl, In liMo. JAI AL4 441 44 i eed Mao, r i a a. at. ISM p. a. •• ••Da •• MO , o en - • 266 • ii i, --Me • ./. -D.lO " 11311 • DU a • ao Wboollig. ISM " DM- • OM a Anima Dollalr— M a • 10M5 • D.lO • Ommootb, at- tomige sod Dab& vita Ital. bentille and Railroad and Casual obi. Bat. atad- OrSaasnina, 71.wara. clal_ near, _ma* Dap ,t.o.,Jadbia.•oo. clattimal. loalroline, Calm of. Lomb, mad ollpolloto vet and matiwool, and .0 birl=Dierorana Ohio Itallrarl. .. ... mit Olmoimat - Dare , 10n0mbi1iManr0df......4....-. Ma. m. 12:110 p o oh . " do' alloollfor..;.:;;.-..;- 4:20 ' • IMO --- liktiralarde.........-, SAO • 4.ea • de =saw .7.. - . - - - .:4...L. DU • Ma a " do_ ..!,,oa- • . - • Talt - • WM • ' gar •- lo=_ ........,........ 'TOD J. WO a `Writ stElnaland.l.l.;;..l. 1/0 • 'IMO • at Bawd lath Toocatinno lama Do sr and a r t at mat 110ao ast cam' I.thaM slat 'grad Madera NOW P l e f Lad SlMiabas' and at CII= ~, , .....I L IL'S. • fbr Pr* /Lbd and Botha 'VIVA D :R. 34 Ibr 11an4,31i• 'plod° , and also , :WM fbr Dotoolt, . - 11e1InflIcaotatoomolstlitistrom it SO p... • Itatunfar mobs item a. •11 - 13•1? a. no., WM and ' IMIS p. ameabd ftlo s. Masts to all paha§ con pe= the liberty Street Depot s , Pfambarall. be 61104 411 . 2 .1 3 1.145, frkkot Algot, And at /Lltootiony Olty, . 9 4 3 6112 W i 10 Ta . /.5 1 . 43 . . AVIA • At 13...'441M , 10; 0 1.1* rtME,I , I 8 Paw O. B4XACS. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANS, No. 61 ~ -.• . e: Acawmatim is us. corgi ' Moo to 1 oblodti olio an Wodusiitr 414 onotart .Nit Ist to lotionst • Ihtfednato O•o' Mallon Iformbor lit So -rgoooltoodni .of 41V - stintiot nu than On Ddior, sad a alined of In mina 'Minn Moo a mon name mot Doo'l4 . 7 mbor.. intend bat bond& ' find ip:oso ant poosonm Mow - tato •ltoWfpgr epdt oa; it In lite 01 nt pot NM. a . . onA :4 n 4 4 i M n n lmnt tilonbndl,eu lro llloon l ys . Ltnooi kOO0 th .n oei o mm r S e n a a s m . . ftnot h toinnonnianohlusiondinanor a idoormorotimitlmontngns. Ofmnoptnipinboinmt*anto6na4tsr.kßath,noononfoqiind wis' on onfkotbs of ni Moo. --- gliiiinono-01103011 ALLBBIL : jail; ififfiddmi ~ . • .lionli.Thrapook. ~ Iduivaphoss.-..:xi 1.7 4dltiatinhall. :.,/unionr Nom ::: riamastaD.X.reas. :aradiorst ofla . ~11.411. !Wooly ILL Dr Joan Janos i : 411111144 J. iliadanat. • 'sr ,Aiolia U. Madly, .61 WWl= V•i4 q....2l4aciLHimakar, LAW_ rrc•-initimi B. ~.,11soaszuzikla Potie A. Nodsln. WW2. Ilan/u4, -Harr ySkid*& letapridt. • hum .ate H. WWl= 1 1= krasdas • .1111 Hum Taakht. ; . :Imeallbltkisr. • Wail W i nsome d. A. CM/1. .-Aliti"---''',' * 241! --"- ,--....--. .......41 4 4 ~...........r.,. ...,.. . . tx . . - ittvilti . - 1 .!. . Tesituanissierma OMB M oms 011 , 101111.11. Im - ituan n e ellllmapeo rd =thwa Oreend, A UPI AWNS 'IL T4s , ,-,,-, BOAC, NMI 00.. B. Z. Ink MUM ' illbilistliiiiratii,7ll4aboret, PO. .: 1— ' 7.r1 q — 'LL 'IIR-MiL uimigrzuWN tifiglAr ia l i l e rr a l%is tualsrM" _ cm . _ 04 ,, : jitsowde QM. '1143121321111/iumt St., 8L;.........." . AV 4. 011-WAJUIMITOILLIAIabud NO IL • owl sOoollllelt IMMO, a IWO, kom inor , lILTZI as TAMAN Ai Oi iti it 10 1 itiosVBo - - tO =I z CW 7rnt. SO "" olo: - toloot 85 to ' do. r to - tomoo.. Mt 10 " 4o; :: to-Pirkl.:.74. 16 - 1 4 do. ''t• Ystfo..— 40 et :JINN= Ith MMUS Skirl t ilt.. - W.llsattug ST th =ohlO amatwriasitomat r llowib im =ow. sot. lows bowl hirlB°": Lt Clibbt Q. IA SIM - issorain, - View who whh to j o g a . thib *map i si Whets bon at the t flgrallillLlSP§f iill the COSMO COWL -,- • • PAR Itahhl4, ....• • ;-.. 401M - 'lso I, hook " • fi g awe • , ant boom Iwo Um Map, .", • .-::: Plttobwroh. . MIBUITTRIEM--Litsuanni rfit,'• .0 ownal:Law; times* if otioko ISM elastiotelvolilhato skint, IttomOrtth maps& No ors Woo to halo mop trot le 112M111. .4x,__Asokszslttvg., of IP/ 0164 per Ittor.llo. totteutik woo yodel 'book plon, /mot tot utak. siosairs . . Za. .. MI • ,• 1:11 - : Nin.l,llandilt•Onn4 Oita's.% day i Xl* ainnOwn• sag OnglinnlArbaS : On WM sal ibe akar s e nt — " Jimmie " — ga. , . Mon 104 Snood dant B • ~_: ;. 4 11L.V NW', • 4".• IMAM owls. semi 7 trr Or Map, • E d. ltiotiew. " conirtOidir ,11.14.treste.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers