ittsiburih SATITADAY 11011N/Ng AMIE 27 I ply dFPdIBS, orzzauz PAPtit or ram arrr. wax. OassisvAnon for Um c.- b 7 0. R. &haw Optiaiss, No. II Fifth stoot—oorreated- dot& s VekOka MAIM 62 I. a .00 70 r. Barel/1•004:"....... 70 29 4-19 EICPUBLIOAIt =ION / 1 1101111113 001111111= tell nest Ca Itnentear imam, Zan 11th, at 10 Wendy at the oaks or Breen 1t ,11arehall. Zr eri amber Is requested to be present,an than viii be heathen of huporteate brought 1.. beefttee. JOHN R. WIIIWAZT, Itseretary. Work on the Fortlfic4ltione. At the meeting of the Executive Committal?, held last eight, the reports of the men work ing on the different lines of fort:l:begone were coiled for: 6001.884 nat. Laughlin and 01...... 30 Robinson & Campbell 9 i Ohne, Smyth and co 160 iles borers Mi t i r foGraw...... 2 John Redman— 6 and lrinkbise 14 McKee and Bro---- 61 ba rman MaQueDonglam 10 Robt 15a.....-----, 20 and plough il id Bole.----.. 3 TeamTsters 23 Et Hartman ..14 0n... 6 and Woods.- 19 Thompson and 0n e .... 9 18 horses and earm R Womsar and ea-- 28 Preethes and Poster— 16 Oitizens. Tobsoconists unn* ...—..—. 30 Watson and B 23 4 B E1inierke.............. 6 BUrphy and lisgp— 17 Dipatth °Moe...—. - 4.7 114 8ru5h....—....... 83 United Pres. Cam—. 3J P Blum 65 Come auditors ,3 Wm Barnhill & Co—. 24 /trace, Ikhards &co 36 Kell, Chives & Co_ 18 A Salton A ai...... e Donbas .9 23 2 11411 31 i 118 Jowled' & - co 80 W P Richardson—.—. 8 1 horse and cart W 8 Haven er „ 18 Eutaw. & co—.-- 40 Barton, Yaks 6; .00 10 Carroll & Snyder.-- 111 tient /lambert 38 Jam Thorn 2 t a.....—. 88 J Stacey 6 carts and— 23 34 Brawoett &C 0.....- 8 Robinson & Campbell 8 Zeke 5......-- _ . 5 hones Efartupee & C 0...—. 40 Pileton— 3 Howard's Paper 3 a is.;. - 7t i ct airier— Piaatzniu -- a Smith. Barry 21 White &Ala:Kander 36 0. O. BALA% 3 Bair Boarer 3 %A m& Noloop-. 8 /ammo Patterson........— I X Ostr 4 oas 25 Win 17 Parnaltar .6 Morrow— 4 7 ._barann Orotanry• rrurelap & Later.,......,d Orr.. 6 .1‘ It Mine '8 Jahn thal ; t B 1l Dark-- 4 8 Gard 4 Andrew dotley— 4 John Brown. --- 3 Balboa Hubs n 4 W Walt:r. Kenneyr%ll.l3inthar. 17 Polica..—... k is d Oa.-- /5 Total... =2ZMM so: or Km ox Win SapplC-- 20 Hays Itlld thin •••••••••••—•...... /0 LandoNotaor ifeles.-- Babtaskon ?roma a Bro. Popp a Bator..--. • b Wow/ 0 4w a Broom 10 0/bloo a leobssop a V. Biartla.. WettaCh t J. 0. lb Ottion c 20 John AIME." 11 Ottlsexuy, Alleshany.— 2b Grog& Absionder Qua dchoopplla co 12 44 1 Joburuppor 18 Vera- --............ In addition to the ahem' the following taupe Inns 8 fant stied: Gregg, Alexander A Co., two horses. i John Peter., wagon and two homes. A P Do, maga' and two homes. ' B. • Adam Newman, wag on w and two horses ' Porter, wagon and Io harms ' Wn !Sample, wagon and two bona.' • . , W ./0 .. 101 8 0 . . Eir . ...Ezzaq cox.miti.„,. - • num' nua. Poitley, Bela= A Co. 44 Alen • 8rad1ey....... .... 106' O'Hara Claw Warta.. 32 Fishman, Beha IX 178 Mlichell,,llerrint &Co Oto Zug A Painter. • 26 i Wra.lleCially A 00... Ai Junta Martha& 41, 78 Ned. Paean A Co..— Frlleaahaw . It &motner..,— --__ 21 'Jenny 2 hones 8 Clerk . 111 J. 21. Demader.--.—. 13 Scddien and Guard.— a • • T 0 t ai—ww , ;_........................---- es iiiiMEMZI:::::::CeI • J. XillUngar & Co_26lJomm Wood & C 0..... 250 Wm. XothOly & C 0..... Si tobacconis ... &.• John earns & oo. Mama, Sox.. • /4 Lloyd & Block. squad.. 60 Woolild . I . 6o l l totanatoct & &lime. 60 Smohllold at. im Oil Wort. It 2 / I mlck & 00. 7b fLoblason, Mints &Co 80 No Bob* Mononga report to a. m Mg &stern Division 1:01 hel Y> 'a Eau !Mach Is NoDonahl-. 22 A P Ge1tr.....:-........- 2 J B a 811 Lazwe11......... 6W a McGee .......... 3 Jams Deinsidy-.-... 6 Hugh 11e5dng.......... 7 John Batchhuan—... 6 J. Zisder...-......... 4 Loch Ewen ~ -- 6 HII Bore . 2 W0rk1666 & O.W. 11. , P Eagon lopton, hone and *rah lbalset, 3 hams - w • and P10y.:.: 'V Bub ham and cart A B.D L Panama... lb Boothe& 11111sr 6 Iloward'apsparmW- • 8 - 8 IL Badgers, ham I 1141/0:& Bocasrahace Jamb Cket...-.-........ 2 -- --- 11 U V tha1thv.............._. 8 , Stoat. B 8a5ky.......... 10 1., ithaerar...... 2 &oral Clembi7al._ 16 J I 0 trasSw...... 13 Gray fd l ditatan... Lsoo 8 . 4. Jaw --... Prod Bfflunar --- .2' John Broen. - Jr......... 6 .I. Mialust, ham* ,wagon .-..-________ a Mari Raglan/2 is „It 1 Mints it Mealy... Cb „,..... i John •N01tra1gy......... b G Lladaty: 2 bane mini RAnshan .11.—.........., AAJ la - ^ : atiesin iCo.,i bora. • 2 Xanhall 6 amith w fund/ 3 awe. S.Lsagssa.... ---- a D Pu.son—.. 4 , zwaresiscm, VI. W. 413.11.11. Cb lora toots)---.156 es suFriry Aitz. =tau 0. & P. B. B. 0. (own it sou, mot "Ass, LID 'd Gnaws .4 Pfahar - 8011rwin'a Vitriol Work, 6 keno t 0raff,.......7.7,15i atm= of Ilarkat and , Oa* t Co-.............. 8 Pith airma........... 40 Wain of Pinabursh IW. W. Wallace— --. 23 . - z ooid A11eemay.......1 nject, - itaL:' a squad of ftaadof Capt. Bon au mau5ea1ar5............ 25 taa r ra. a." ..,.. z .._ .. .. ts. LS Idoechati r to and i deke Lusa of et tnalr, /db. • front S ard'e to "4 122 I arra and Meth sta-.. 6t rars,tro.aCo , Para, W.8.&a1ie................ Slo llounny i to., and Gnarls 4 Bill ,16 , Beath, Auk re 00-.200 . /Esottuast and aorta /oink Boyd 4 Co-..... so 1,,„ Atone Naritet and 6th' 80 Bobo W0rt5.............' .. 75 G. .1 L. H00f...,. 5i Drumm and tartars- 73 Iferntor, Bark* t C 0.... 11 mama re Phl/11pa.-. 40 1 . 1a1214/f ... _ .. _, U iKiil4loo..lh ChM MOON . -............ 2 'Wm. a0mua10n.......... 2t .rehar 80t0n......-.... 2 1 - Tho Committee appointed to visit the sow mat aumudiouning establiolunwits employed upon _Government works 'promoted • written statumut from: Tears. Unowdin a Talon Aithig that, shay had cloud, their works on Ifriday, and waft willing to do so, but at the , , sime Was the Navy. Department were urging tbenoso Moonily to hurry up the boar; that •-• vaMour thiCommitteo ooneluded It neousary -.. they ,woNd - Prefor. running. They loft the see Is . the ludo of the 003119ittell. Trout than rosolved that the oupentors of Pittsburgh and 'Wary at. hereby ruinestoti to mid a Worlds/ party along thins, of Afie ld, Olt fierron's Gill to repair such blow u wale= brat% in order to prevent cattle • • from breaking fa 1 the parapets whits yes on. 4! . woe : reported that 600--additional- au scats be eeePlored Li the loworof MI. Wash- Nolo& 44 'squads unamigmod will Mai - Odiarefor daty. , - - - , • • Two sad fifty imitokart reported gat: reldP6ot budged NULL da triiondWorrasslowi to ,10 / 1 /Gee - Ally young men from thilroi City 0•160 In dings of Profersor.i.O. .finaltb, were as aimed to Port Tag, i • Newurer A Grafill•form were assigned to Port Wood. . ' , • liquid of /00 me uder. . Tr. Pollock 31 , 810 811842114 to Onaiby'l Till. /L-14/11.Ztwas added to the Committee "E•-•-eoll wimp tyyigaTaloalng storm reputed lo ft/Mini Nam= t—Your Camiiittee tote to-dat • a mew onspenstu of busks* .11k Sheba. •uteeptions, NI o, us Otonfeetione i 7.7. Hinter , on' Wood 'Ur*, nob - loris sten, but subs au nasecoma - - - :` _ - • • play. Scniral 'Wholesale Grocers have doors opon. Retail Grocers, Tin Ware establish. reentsoke, in full eperetlian. Also numerous pqnor Deelers, Drinking Houses, Eating Serums., We all for laureation" in refer ence to the cam noted. The Committee sug gest that there exists no neenidty for retail thanor any othen to transact business la ter lO o'clock A. M. /t was then Resolnd, That working parties wanting sods to complete . batteries, will take Perm whine they can be had. Booked, That ill retail dealers and re staurants are at liberty to open their places of business at f, *Week Saturday evening. W. A. Litre stated that there was an eviden disposition upon the part of the manufacture grand mercantile interesta to resume busi ness on Monday next, and stated that he hued if this was the ,can the fortifications (or at least some of them) would be allowed to remain unfinished. Re presented a paper in the share of an appeal Intended to emanate from the Ezeentive Committee. The point, of it wens That all business be suspended until Monday evening, and that the Executive Committee designate how many men In pro portion to the number of taseldes are needed on the t o the and that meetings be held In each ward on Saturday evening, with a view of furnishing oath ward's proportion of the whole number called for. The appeal was referral to the committee of twisty-one. It was resolved that the whole subject of employment on the fortifications be referred to a committee of twenty-one members, to embrace all the various interests of the two cities land boroughs, to report on Saturday evening, at the usual hoar. Adopted UMW'. monsly. It was resolved that all the various Inter ests of this community hereby agree to abide by the report of the committee of twenty-one appointed to consider the subject of labor on the fortifications. The following were then announced as the Committees: J.. I Jos Kep. h enn Mcett, Knight . CT= LID COMi. 'James park, Jr. QUIP WEN. Thomas Haswell, 'Mark Plasm. Jo ng LID WZOLZIALL /MD =TAIL DM' goons James McCandless, J. F. 'aeon, Jesse Carr, John. Brown, Jr., Law Jones, Luadrgir WaLoon, OS 7 01111170M0Z0 Of CM. maicomxt. Harr!y Mllltr. Jas Pater rtz—,.....-....-/4 Pryor a Furl et azz. 6 Nolte a A,,,, . a tuna.' a co- .... 8 fati ri aßa - iire. ----4 i Barker ik co. --- 13 BM= ek Brovra. ----- . - Nntall & Kirkpatrick. Alex Cameron ....- Wm Tate, Jr, a co Beni,S aita..... .""-John Emr.f....- a: JHZiork .---- Wm Boyd &co ... /d'Donaid a Biller 0 0 BKyda arbangh....." G....... .. - Wm Balaton ---". Wm kt'Kee & co-- 1 ,V adßildro w riL........-. c l itireena-.-.----.....2 . 8 Cho Lammas «.._. . ..- ObarlorDisioll, I. d. Bazuna,, Joseph Plummer, HT ILIPZOLL ILBOLITTION. Wm. F. Johnston, Dloarboad. The Committees warn instructed to meet at the Mike over Zug A: Painter's warehouse, at three o'clock on Saturday afternoon. The Treasurer reported the following sums of money received, John J. Huston, $25,00; Wm. H. Smith, $lO,OO. The following was then submitted to the commute: 001P11 OF TEM DR'S OF tea MOINIOLEILI. The undersigned citizens the county of Allegheny, hereby voluntarily agree to form a company, under the authority given to :Msjor-General W. T. H. Brooks Commandant of the Department of the Mon , ongahela. The amount of service not to ex cised one day In the week, or its equivalent, unless the Department is menaced or invaded by the enemy ; and under no circumstances are the undersigned to be taken for military iterviee out of this Department, according to the terms set forth in Cider No. 2 of Major General Brooks, In the following language: w Under no circumstance/ can these troops I. transform( to any other Department." .. 0/11,1)1VILL. for Ocna. 'aye zuz.r., Araiattar. ,Hezu7 Geyer.. 10 / 1 .017 Alt•rh2; rood Chvort 7 John Banta 10 :lawman &J/atz011...::, Jamb • • - nary I &ISt 8 Prod Helm. 4 John Teshert.—..-- 7 (John 6 lilostinpr. Wm Lungtemp.....—. 6 Ibricht d Peck---. Fred Batman. --. -- 7 John ILeins.. GeoBolotran 3 & Moore.-- 9 Ituld Q Anton.....— 4 GattendortMiler.... 4 25 Drivers, water navies. 93 The underolgned appointed a Committee by Assistant Adjutant Conan! Rowe, ti prepare a Muster Rol/ for the Volunteer in this de partment for the tondoe of pretesting their property and homes, and suitableto the pros entexigenelea of our industrious community, have cartfuny drawn up the above in the form of • soecialooatmt. Taos. Bassintlx, A. W. LOOMIS, Jan. L. GRAHAM, P.C. SnAlteolt, JoH.II EWER, C. W. BerCireLoa. ZtPlittioar, • Borolood, That a committee be appointed to tell up the Departmental Corps ander this plan of organisation. In tissordanoo with the above resolution, the undersigned committee appointed at a meeting of the committee of Publio Safety, call upon all loyal animas of the two cities, baronets and townships, to meet at the school house in the two cities for tharpurpon of or ganising and arranging for the organisation under the above plan, tab Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock. All persons enrolling under this adopted by the Committee of Public, Safety, will be entitled to arms, uniforms, and pay, for any time they may be In service. The Muster rolls tan be obtained braining on Gen. Howe. i'o the Colored Men of Allegheny. The Committee sppointed to organize a force of colored men in Allegheny, to work on the fortiloations a report that arrangemenu have been made whereby a separate torn will be formed In that city, and all men whittles to Join in the work are requested to meet i s the Diamond, Allegkenyi at half past seven o'clock on Monday morning non, when • place to work will be aesigaed them. They will form an independent squad from that or ganiud In Plttiburgh, and will report at the time and place above deeignhied. H. B. IV ILLIAXEM/I, SANCrIL A. BZAL, B. H. P•azaa, Moan HOWARD, R. J. DAWN. Baas Lesues LADIZII. MAGAsura.—The Jai, number of this beautiful pablication has Jun appeared, midis for &sisal Mr. J. W. Pit took'e opposite the Post-o Moe. It contains a splendld.double.psge steel engraving, color ed, exhibiting the fashions of the month, and snob a :number of line wood engravings as would doonny MI halt a column to antimonies them. Indeed such a number as this is, for lavish pictorial Illustration we hay* not yes ma. /t appears strong, that such a publica tion can be sold for twenty• Ase cents. ILLMITZAVID AID R 561101711 WIZZLY NAT You PArsee.—These will ell be found on the °ouster of Attack's Elva and•Period feel Depot, Opposite the Post-offloe. The Slotorka this week, embracing- • Asa ly, /crawl; Lithe and the / Newt ' ere espenaliy, non in interesting subjects. The ludepumbssi hes the first Of the /Lev. H. W. Duchess bitten from Europe, which will doubtteu can,, it to hi amok sought for, Tazarsm—The lovers of the equestrian drama bare oerfainly a treat in More for them ebb ensuing. Manager Henderson presents for the last time this season the - oembrated equestrian speotaol• of u hluOpa," together with the drama of Week Sheppard on Horse. beak." Miss Brazils appears not only as Yampa, Lot `as Jack Saeppard also. On Monday, the Pittsburgh favorite, 0 harley Fester, tuns his farewell benefit. • Barrier . 4 .—Paaeon.—The line battery wider ocaunaud of (Apt Meta&lf is now thoroughly equipped—bevies six gins, cais sons, a fall oomplem•at of horses. eta. They were eviewed, yesterday latirnOoap at their were near WlWalburg. by Gen. Brooke and Gen. Rowe, and if the weather is favorable they Will ooze to the city thls afternoon tor prods and drill Look oat for the 'battery between:Um and four o'clock. It be worth seeing. Colummox-1a aiding thi SubsoriPlioes by sons of oar onions towards the comple tion' Of the fortilbsetiens Nome. Brewer, Bari' h Oa, were areditid with " ono dol tar!' when it should have boon - two ioadrocf— quits difference. . • /aux LcaVo iLtooktrii.—Thla molting Lady's Book. Is out for July. It ooataloa soma.filty tashion-platoo. Story akoalldhaTh a copy. Patook opposite Ike Poet-olkno - 800 it for ail& frcti= " on.tart his. k artlvAat Whoollag, auto of the Asir ° . ". 117, "Ilkai 1 1111JUA— Ibr Ws b y ROLL O° MU& 1 8. P. Jon, •Int. Bampla BOLLIZZLIXICL IJSZed K. Bradt, 7 . 1191 : 1 111711.DICII, 'Hobart Lee. TOPEDZUNS. dim Bradley. mu. /. 1. • key. =OS D LL.. Ba w. Carnahan. W.LSTAVIANIII. P. Vlesheller. 6AXIStI3 and Obsatsee Os.cle will be taken at the thstrilber oMoe, No. lab Lawry street, or night. An briar laft at tb. above Fli t• co NW ,:roriptly ettaeziri , t , ens em 'ail •• • . dr Yittook'sNowa Depot, opposite the Post-ottlce, you can always fine a large and wall selected stook of Photograph Albums, Pocket. books Wallets, Stationery, New Books, late papers, and everything connected with the business. THE Poarth of July is near at hand, so lay in your supply of flags. Pittook reeenes or den for large flags, all sizes, from flee feet to fifty; also milk flags. Ilia plate is oppnite the Post.oftlee. 'Hoe the greatest to the least feet oan be At ted in Boots, Shoot, or Gaiters, at the *aeon io Rail emotion House. CAZTAII Snonn—Jnot the thing for the eel cilar—for tale at litoOleHand'. Amapa Howe 55 Fifth street. EWA. Dentist, 246 Penn street, attend to all brsineas et bis profession. N. 11. L,--The Central Council treats at Headquarter, tura (Saturday) toss• 8 o'clock. A tall atteadame (a mutated. all vary laprtrtant Diatoms trtllbe brought oe!ore the Council. 1.7:n pigtanuonh, Juke 23th. 18 63. Bt y SILSII-ANNLIAL COOPOL cf the Bald/ of this toad, doe July lot, 1803, will be paid on ttutt data, at the °film of the (kmpw ny, 1n the City of Plttaburgh. Porsoos a Wain( Oost this road dce January tat, 1863, will plow poternt them for payment. ledf4e, il3. PARK, Jr., W. Paw.' rs, ha. I. 811711117 ‘ ED. Gaza°, P. BALLnrsiL, W. G. Wmunx. u . NOTIOE.—PubIio notice iii hereby &hen that application will be made by. ..f he Cook of Plttobcrgh,' (located ha the (Iffy ot Pl:ta• burgh, P...yz. in. Lothlatuts, et Its lung ao, to . I eoewal Of th e Chaffer of aall Dana, withr 100 [be existlog Capita of Twelve Handfed Thousand Do!. lars, JUL(II Glin.flAbl, Preeldeut. Jakio 88th. 1863. J.86:11.186. 6 - 8 order that tho Post tithY Oahu Olean may contribute their share to wards public ilaienss, end that this °Lace slay be no exception to the geseral role, the altriheny Pam ( Mon "PI be aced, &att. between the hours of 1O AZ/ 334 0%1004 While D0.11:11. I. get orally 1104. penden. hAMUZL tilDniliC, j06.3t Z.ICLECTION.—The litookholdors of Baud al the Pittahrugh & 4Jlegtuny Bridge Co, (reet,) are hereby =Med that an lltotlon kw President and Direetora, to MTN for the tutning year, will be held at the Toll Bonn, at the Borth end of the Budge. on MONDAY. Jotl 6113. &Bah& g. tifSegfeL. Beentai7 and Steasorer. Oman or Worms! Taattaroaratins Pittsburgh, May nth, O.NOTICE IS lIEBSSY GIVEN tO the Subscribers to the Bleak of the West ern traturportation Company that an asuaantant of If IVA Dutd.slifi ($5 00) PBS 8 11111121 hsa been baled upon Ma nook antoparibed,payabls the Mat of the Treatorer, at Pittsburgh, oh or before tha 12th day of Jane, 1263, and • like amount evrmy thirty days thereafter, instil otherwise nougat By order of the Board. jalk3m A. J. MODOWILL, Pear . Oamuso r r rm a r °trios, CA }Coisona. May 25h a , /563.. li..A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE IiTOOKIIOLIDIBB of fhb Oceneany will ha held at Ito onto, In Moreland, on WIIIDIMILAT, the Ist day of July hen, et /0 o'clock a. ni. on meld day, to take Into conilderation the propriety of Inweet• Ind the Gaidtal thank of the Comptny to an mount solllctent to allow of th e convora of Ito ifortop Hondo. to The transfer Books will be eland tro from June 26th July 54. 1 BOCIALWXI4 ott2O:lm liecoitary. IL-NOTICB.—The fiinbsoription Books 00c0 of the Oooper fire Anna Boa Ptni otonknte opan at the Mantra' t 000BEtt CO., Bank Block, /fifth street, null far her woke. enattf 41 ILIT.dtler ,V-OT/CEO. A /Zl9 MOllll GOOD MIR WAIITILD, oar Rom - thing Ofnoe. VIHIOND, Albillowy. T o Oonmany In now In 010 Holm pllat H. n H. __p 11ILIB, Curtain. RECRUITS WANTED, far the lith &Wenn, AL 71.. V. 0.. or any other Pennsylvanta Betinunte now In the field. Mach n.exult will receive one bondred dellati beauty. Twenty.ulne dawn wiLl be yak] In advance, IN mow al mom into the Unlad Shoe aervice. For other Information looldre at No. 78 Ilints Drum, epsomite the Poet Ollce. inr " Lint. sadL. 11 Nun.. a m , B'iums ota.;, / " HARD . ---- '''rkwPg• ' 9th Bagbn.i 419.1sawd OD co. 18, 16T/A PZIMPA. MILITIA. Toonty mono nouns wlll be sooepOld In thlo.ooll. Plai. 1321, atComp How*. Arms ardammatrocuats may for tau zeorono on Moir awful In camp. Apply to tart. GMO. W. II LIALMT, .lealaf 69 rodoral atm; a Ileghtny. fl .-71111.1111"TON11 BATTERY, (F) PENJSA. VOLS hi accepted la this Battery. .—A raw goad auk win A aus he made to Una. .N. 11.111. 20 WS% or Chpt. JZ. R. WRIGHT. Provost Fiarihal, stalraal Wass, saran limithasid sad Third atrwid. jetildhir EATTENTION I ..T.J. iGOIS more men wanted to An the rub of tie MI Minn PA. MILITIA, now to Camµ nettalts win be aoltelmett sot *quipped ea eon ea etltsied' . . _ R. GALWAY,._._ ' Colonel tbemeadfeir pLyrAi dolor", rat* lush dm sad far Babb, J. B. Chill7lLD.. , ' B .E . SCLLL LOCAL OOTILMIL GROITZB. AND Baxia'a Bawrao 311.13/1111116 for family and manufacturing purposes, are the hectic are. A. F. CRATOXY, General Agent, No. 18 Fifth street. Taotun Pow, Plain and Ornamental Slam Roofer, and dealer In Pennsylvania and Ver mont slate of the but quality at low rates. Oilloe at AJsz. Laughlin's, near the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. aplitem Nsw 6./OLIVAL OP 60XXXX CLOTIIIIG.-Of tin we are asked, where can we buy a nest and comfortable summer mit, made to order, thus having the chance of selecting our own goods ? To all these inquiries we can answer, go to Messrs. W. 11. McGee & Co., corner of Federal street and Diamond Square, Alleghe ny, and you will be suited according to your taste. They have just received their summer goods; and for elegance of styles they cannot be surpassed, and for fitness they are the very persons, as their work is all done tinder their own supervision. Give them a call, and you cannot fall to be satisfied. Arrouvroz, Nwrtnumn Voitrzysim I —The attention of our country's brans defenders m oonily returned from the seat of war, and of the public in general, is again directed to the very extensive and handsome assortment of the latest Styles of Trench, English and American piece goods, for pants, coats and vests, lately received by Messrs. Joke' Weier 00., Merchant Tailors No. 126 Federal street, Alle g heny. A t asteful selection of gentlemen's furnishing goods will also always be found on the ehelves of the establishment, together with a lot of ready-made clothing, got up in the best manner, JCIT BartIIIBID PROW 'RI LUIT.-43tallUlli Gn.ham, Merchant Tailor, would respeotfully inform his friends and the public in general that be has just returned from the Bast with his new stock of Spring and Bummer Goods, consisting of all the latest styles of cloths, cassia:Lorca and castings. Gentlemen desiring a stock to select from that cannot be surpass ed by any other in the city, and their gar menu made in the most fashionable manner, would do well to give him a call before pm/- Awing elsewhere. Samuel. Glazer, Merchant Tailor No. b 4 Market stoat. one dm from Third. CunAr, Darrnrrwr.—At the Dental Insti tute, No. 251, Penn street, seta of teeth for four dollars, better than those at Dye dollars at the other dental estabilslunente. All per sons are requested to oats at the Institute after having asoertalned the lowest prices at the other cheap places. All work dune at the Institute is guaranteed superior to any cheap Dentistry In the city. 50LD1117.14 To vas Ratios' I—Young men, rushing into the exposure and dangers of a soldier's life, should prepare themselves for the total fevers, the dysentery, the mores and seurry, which are almost oartain to follow. Holloway's Pills, used occasionally during the campaign, will ensure sound health to ev ery man. Only 26 cants per box. 214 Norma To PsormlTT Hotness, Aolune AID Am. Ornam lirriaasTan.--Ver repairs or al tendons to stores or dwellings, new roofs, or tnythilig else to the Carpenter line, tell at Cuthbert's Carpenter Shop, Virgin alley, above Smithfield streets. All orders promptly attended to. PUBLIC JrOTICES. B.C. ORB. Tmaturer. To complete Park Battery THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH OUR SPECLU, DISPATCHES. FROM WASHINGTON Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gustte. WAISHUICITON, June 26,1863 FARADS OF A OOLORID The Pint United States colored regiment, eight hundred strong, paraded on Msuion's Island, with a full bane and dram corps. It Is expected that the regiment will be fall next week. Nice hundred freed men are now at Alexandria, by an order from Gen. Martin dale, promising protection to colored soldierr. THII PXUIDINT •ID JOBS XORB The President is Min urged by John Ross to send troops to drive the rebels from the Cherokee Nation. TEI IXAMIISIIII/ HOARD Passed one handled and seventy-Ave °Moen for ordered regiment'. THOIifHLIT WITH THE INDIANS. Trouble is anticipated from ten thousand Indians, of Moroni tribes, now assinnbled . in the vicinity of Fort Lined, unless they are taken into the military se tee, a pokey which is nraca upon the Bsere4a7 of War by the Oommissfoner of Indians FROM HARRISBUR PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVKRNOL CALL FOB, 60,000 VOLI7NTEERB The Rebels in Heavy Force neat Chambersbnrg, and at Mergers burg and hieoonnellsburg. REMOVAL OF THE STATE h.EOHIVES &0., Io Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Quetta. IiAREIB3IIII3, Juno 26. Two well equipped cavalry companies, un der *mound of Captains Murray and Myers left the cavalry amp near this city on Thurs. day, and marched down the Cumberland Val ley• Pour companies of heavy artillet7, num*. tag each 140 men, reached hemp from Roches ter, N. Y.,en Thursday evening. The term of service is three years or during the war. They are at Camp Curtin awaiting marching orders. A six pounder battery of four pieces, With men to man them, also reached here today from Buffalo, N. F. Gen. Ewell lamed 'proclamation at Chars. hamburg on June 24th, regulating the sale of Intoxioating liquors among his men. Our picket, atbd extend tome miles beyond " Telegraphle oommunioation with Carlisle ls yet maintained. The rain of the past thirty-six hours hie raised the water in the Susquehanna so as to prevent the rebels front fording - the river. The bridges at this silty will be broken before the enemy shall pass over them. The Governor, this evening, issued a call for 60,000 Wittig for three month!, union sooner discharged. The proclasnation IT as follows : "The enemy le saran:ling la force into Pensuyivania. He has a strong 001431111 with in twenty-three miles of Harrisburg, -and other columns are moving by Fulton -and Adams aeon ths, and It' can no longer be doubted that a formidable invasion of otur State 11 in actual progrors. The calls already made for volunteer militia in the exigency hare not been met as folly as the crisis re quires. I, therefore, now-Lae this, my prop. Lamation, calling for sixty thousand men to come promptly forward to' defend the State. They will be mustered Into the service of the State for the period of ninety days, but will be required to serve only so much of the pa. clod of muster as the safety of our people and the honor of our State may require. They will rendezvous at points to be designated in the general order to be issued this day by the Adjutant General of Pennsylvania, which or der will also set forth the' details of the ar rangements for organization, clothing, cub detente, equipments and ouppilea. I will not basalt you by inflammatory ap peals. A people who want the heart to de fend their sell, their families and their fire sides, are not worthy to be accounted men. Heed not the counsels of evil-disposed per sons, if such there be in your midst. Show yourseivee what you are -1 free, loyal, spir ited, brave, vigorous race.! Do not undergo the disgrace at leaving Jodi' defense mainly to the cdthens of other States. In defending the soil of Penneylvania, we are oontributing to the support of our NatiOnal Government, and indicating our fidelity to the national oause. Pennsylvania has always heretofore responded promptly to all the calls made by the Federal Government; and I appeal to y ou now not to be unmindfni that the foe that strikes at our State strikes through oar deso lation at the life of the republic; and our people -are plandered and divan from their homes eohly because of their loyalty and fidelity tei our free institutions. People of Penneylvaals, I owe to you ,all my faculties, my labors, my life; you owe to your country your prompt and :salons ser vices and effort'. The time has now come when we must all stead+cr fall, together to defense of our State and in gni:pert of our Government. Let us so discharge our duty that posterity shell not blush for us. Come heartily and ohearfully to the moue of our noble Commonwealth. ]Maintain now your honor and freedom. Given under my hand and the great seal of the Stater at Harrisburg, this 26th day of Jane, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh. [Signed,] A. G. Chranz. By the Governor: XL: Purse, Seely of the Commonwealth. The arching' are being 'removed from the capitol. The oil paintings of Washing ton, Pena,' Columbus and Fervisanni were re moved from the Senate Chamber to-day. Two fine steel engraved tropDA'of the Doehr lion of Independence alone hang on the well, of the Senate Chamber. Very good authority says tea regiments of rod infantry 'are now at @Moberg, sup ported by some cavalry and artillery. Tire war bulletin of this sysnisig says the en emy sum to be concentrating in themountain pima, and are either waiting for reinter*. meats or fear to adrenal with Hooker In their rear. They are feeding themeless in Bank -Ith, Fulton and Adam comities. On the 25th, two rebel oevalsyinen were taken near Chantbersbarg. They report the robot tore* to consist of tarenty.eight reit aunts of infantry, lye thousand Gantry and twenty pieces of 'small% mom, w in. They are oonstantty sending Oat puttee to gather horses and live stook: Ono party which left llerombarg, Prinklln county, with 0,000 we and 8 please erudite:7, haws Jot arztvedat MoOnasellsburg, Pullen Co. B ozo of the herdstrara are railer pp* Unrellalds suanki are intitino ' Gen. Dame Dillettemeai siewAneindee the 01 1 7 OtPhnedelitah. a. PROM liC Ex-rucKr. Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Quetta. Cal. B dSers°7le:pelTd' (Ky.) tiou irnreet2B2l6,llB6a3.ol2' horses a men at London. The particulars have not Coate in. A few en of the 2d Ohio cavalry have re turned, a d dercribe the whole affair as dash-' Lug and duous in the extreme. The, horses have bee tally replayed by capture. The rebel l iwas complete. The L don bridge and Knoxville are strongly Mended. The efforts made there to destroy t a factories and stores have proved nommen ni. Tim brl go at Strawberry Plains was loaded - with guns, 'compelling our men to retire. We paroled over 500 prisoners, destroyed ten of the rebel guns, and was obliged to spike our own. We lost two men wounded and a few Tennesseeani, who straggled to lee their friend,. The expedition may be regarded as a bril liant summit, although we may regret that it had not been of suifialent form to accomplish more. 11.1mors of rebel aotivlty, amsompanied by all manner of reports eonoerning the move ments of John Morgan are en the street to day. Otherwise all is quiet. EliaAl FREDERICK o Pordei itl Patch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. PIIDEDION, MD.. Jobe 26-8 P. M. I have Just returned from the vicinity of Booth Mountain battle - 401d, thirteen miles from here. Prom persons who left Boonaboro this af ternoon, I learn that the rebelshaVe all left that place. Anderson's division of Long street's corps, which arrived there on,Wednes. day night, and encamped, left on yesterday morning, taking the Waynesboro road to wards Chamberahnig. The force is estimated at from 7,000 to 10,000 infantry, cavalry and artillery, accompanied by large wagon-trains. The whole of Longstreet's corps has crossed the Potomac, and L advancing in the direction of Pennsylvania. Bat few rebel troops were yesterday at Ha gerstown, all having gone to Pennsylvania. Lee and Gulf are on this aide of the river. FROJEI .IPHIL4DELPHIJ Spedat Mr:444 to the pttsburgh Gazette. PHILADILPHIA, Jlll3O 26. Prom information nmeired here I learn that therein& are now within thirty miles of Harrisburg. There is not much alarm among the resi dents, as the city cannot be bitten, although gnat damage Iran be done in the valley. There are no rebels on the upper Potomac, this side of Harper's Ferry, and everything in that vicinity is reported as going on satis factorily. TILE REBEL INVASION Gettysburg Occupied by a Portion of tongstreet's Corps. CARLISLE. STILL UNOCCUPIED BY TEE ENEMY. &e. 8A111411112131, Janos 26.—The robot troops, which ocouplod Gettysburg to-day, was the division of Gan. Early, belonging to Long_ street's corps. This makes two corps known to have crossed the Potomac. The troops of Longstreet are supposed to have crossed at Bhepherdstown Ford. When Rhodes' Division, of Ewell'e Corps, arrived at Chamotriburg, the operator was arable to escape. He remained until Wed noaday, then made his escape by . way of Lou don to the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arrived hero s ta-day. Thy numbered about twelve thousand, and had Ave battering. with a long train of wagons and ambulance. AU the Whom had on new uniforms, widish had no doubt bans sent to Hagerstown by rebel sympathisers in &needl:4lon of their arrival, When he left, Gen. Johnson's division, be logging to the aims corps, wu within olz miles of the town. Thenoldlato battered thy Imo going to Harrliburg, and wen very anxious to know how far It was. The enemy have made no effort to occupy Carlisle to-day, although they are encamped within four miler from town. - Skulking and Harboring 'Skulkers. Editor* : Some days ago, in obedi , Ewe to the call of the President, the men of West Virginia were required to report them 'elves to the proper authoritisi for the pur pose of an organliation to defend the land from incursions by enemies of the Union. But many in thePaa-ircsdla (Hancock and Brooke counties), instead of rendering that obedience which interacted:se loyal and patriotic °Ul f sons, sksdeddlid !' Into Weskthigton county, Pa„ and became inmates or boarders among their friends, whom they knew where to And. , Axe not those In Washington 'county, Pa., who harbor, conceal, and secrete those who handed thither from West Virsible, as guilty as the fugitives themselves? If no, then the same military power wlll reach delinquents In Washington county - as Ia the Pan-Handle, as all are in the same military district. If it be the duty of thole in caudal station to execute the Uwe andregelations impartial ly, it Is no less the duty of citizens to co-op orate in such a manner that the burden' and hardships may be distributed in a limner man ner. Therefore, the principal object of this communication is to ascertain where Worm-. tion may he mint in Malian to who have be,. and are harboring and conetaling those who - han left Hancock and 'Smite (mantles, West their dut Virginia, for the purpose of avoiding You are requested to publish this, and cell racial attention thereto, if you think it will promote in any way the interest of the Allegheny Count); Ahead. Mamie. Konen t—Tho other day you sta. ted that • Lamar in Indiana musty had a sheep from whioh he olipped Mem ponds of wool. This you mentioned as something ex traordinary, and not to b beaten. Pious make a not, of the following fade James JK'Be Ivey, of Wilkins township, thlo oottaiMauts four sheep from whleh he clipped /*rejigs point& of wubscl wool this yur I This, at the present pies of Wool would be worth SIT; at the rate demanded by the wool-grower's oonventlon, KS. Two of these sheep yleldad twelve 'pouts each; ano ther eleven, and another ten. They are of the Cottswold breed, thorough-bred,- GZIMI of them worn over three hunfind pounds sub. If diens county tan beat this we' , try again. . DiED 1 - I lIIBDBII2ON-22 Salton* Ts Jan, 15. ii . of oluonlo diarrhea, T. MORROW Hll2/211.118021, of Co. A. 132,1 /pi 21 ft% Pa. Tollailizy, Vol. Swilits!r, rm. . NIINDPOOII—At il*ltal - of 122 t- liijec lh - wham% Jun. 1211,1264-of dysentary, w. was. aisrauDaasoa, atSlo. Z. /Mk *Newts t, Ckd. 0 0 11 14.202.20 Jun VOA L1V341 , 0, Ci 4 (tcyjnbra Ai Bar, ship • RI 11:11MIL LULU fteautoit.)—Tia• BIM* Taatillia, .aaar kaabrir at wharf. will osa iiioist4liSS, Lip blight 'hippo!, hp Me "Mil from thebsriitewme Wood et pomesilis i sidif coaidasea t!o Woods LI pilvorpOif. lihindetkoilsoos a NW": • ~,foi!liOliWfOritilit Vass& is 'Atli' a Takinar 1--m-afg.m,rrrq.=. u==ll A FRESH SUPPLY Ruicezura HOMEOPATHIC IMEMEDIEnt NOB TUB PIOPLE. LIST OF arsoriio sancinua. No. I—For Favor, ragestion and No. tho Bad. Ti—lfor Worm rarer. Worm Ore, Wing wNo of . 3—For n Dor. Orying. Toothing and W Inter 4—Yor Diarrhea, Marra Ironton an mer Oomplainto. sum- No. s—For Orr, Griping, Bywater, or Bloody No. 6—for Ohara, Oholara Hortmo, No. I—For Warr. Colds, Warr axe Throe*. No. B—For loothrsoorthoi Nblzroltm. 9—Fer Headaoho, Vertigo, Rust and el the Head. No. 10—Eggoaria Paio—Far Weak sad Dimmed Bronch, Cructipathrn and Liver Oomplaint. No. 11—For Tumor Irregularitir Pa da B tae Lonsurfbasi Ptiftle lbw" ilaarhill down of Posagos. • No. 13—For Orinp, House Grugb. Bad linothing. • No.l4—Bak Mori lfre IltryWr ee; Maul, Pimples on the Yam. • No, vs—neeooso POL—Por Point h visso or Borrow in tho Orr, Zook, Loins or No. 121—flornal eaksiono, Involuntary geoharge and Norm Debility. No. d 119—ifort Month, or Clankor of adults or okr rin. No. 110-11kruy Incontinence, Weethig the Bed No. 31 —Painful Periods, Prow or bpassw. No. 3 3-6affering at rug of Mk Finahoo. No. 3 3-1441sply and gnaw& Moir at. Viii. 014 . —Fcrr Farr and Ague, OM Few, Dumb Ague, ellatareged Agar —lor Pry Blind or Bleeding, Intoned or ilto ternal. o—No Blu r or Ingamod Ism and lyeildg lair& Wentered med. o=Eor Grab, of long staring or moicall, What with obitmction er ravf ain Warw. Whooplog Omsk, Wri as fts viola nor.. • ALSO fIPZOLIRCIL Pop Agra or Petrie—.larreo. Moult, La. bored Bew:dog, attended Group and Bogor eibra.. Prim 00 canto pir ban. Par Ear Diamterre mad Debson—grobargus ran the Frith, wilt of &Wet lever Wake yr Mie. our& For Nolan in the Her. Hardman of Her. loand Zinging in the Las, and Zaretre. Prim, ento par bar; Mindful/15w --Inoge aiCanditirmailk= Orbuy of lag ants pg. biog. lad Irma Dokitgr.—P or Narrow Wor ry dam ths rad of I Blemerve liodli =WA okr Ftrairing Drbrope, Prko, 60 cants per boo.. For Dry/r/.—Fluid ionnuaslations, Turd Swell. Mg with gray Secretion*. 'Prim, fem. per box. /Sorra Bioirm.—Daml4 &raw Vertigo, Bate ma, Vomiting, and glokmal from riding or naotics. Prim, GO cents per box. fr Bram Dbaus.—For Gravel, Bar Lknolt4 Diteoult, do rta Urination, MINIMA of the ICkineys. 10 sad Cl Por gioral mbarpo onsegont Pontintion and Deb Di ility. Tha mod rolled immortal and remedy known, and may be upna as • Prim, gl per box. 101fX X. FULTON, Noe. 67 larts 69 Fora Brzare, 11118111711(111, Bole Atm& ex the Woodlice Gauntry RILL MUTH SAVINGS nralTrumoir ibconyzabod by the lolligkion Opsn for Doparlta from 10 to o'sloak p. a" da on BATURDAT zvlaruies, frao4o 0 dolook. Mir 01Sos, ea 10IIRTEI arszzr. A 001rilathINT and PIMMITWILM DEPOSMIY, Ibr Machanka, Laborers, GLIPtio, and W those whom means or easing. are smath It abe oenunende Itself to Szemators, Administers, Clot. Motors, Agents, voluntary go labs or Amodetkoe, and pane= of all dames. Interest at the rote of 111 Pia MEMpet as. sum I. aid on deposits, which, If not drawn, will be plead to. the ansdit of the depositor ea the And dun Of May end November, and thereafter bear the samerntermd es the ptincipth At tide ista, man will deaths In In, thee twain pa, Interest will cenunanos on all Avails the first and Altman m days of the month after sorb depodte a ade. Boob, containing coartet, By-Len, •0., fornigte id on agedicattee, et the odic% Prriams—l9ia.o JOU& Pia Prakises—W. B. OOPILIZA Hon. imox. Heirs, i Hon. J. K. Havithead haw lone., G. ff,.... 7 W. B. Copeland, Jacob Palma. Harvay Cadlaa, Monolog Wasik, Wm. H. Smith. revdeean, sad Treamy,,,..-L. d. Hall3/111. knal• mfralltzevrlP RECRIVED AT 93 MAIMIT 87/11131T. LADIZEP 11101100e0 IBLIPPNBA, Do. HID 111111.1./D BOOT% only . n•. CONG. EXIIILND CFAIT/118, my LIN. Main War Diktat'Nitta, 081LD8Z8 4 15.00A2 BO BOW £BD YOUTH% BAIMOSAUI; t AND oail,Duars aosaasse omim AND BALNORiaIi Call sad wan • bargain tools". J. H. BORLAND, NI Market street. pesse - Gz FROM THE "OLD OWN.. .D. UT."—The uudicaliamt Is saw masted le bring out emigrants from say part of: Do. laud or lloottaud, Other by awls, boatel goism, bactudtot the unalueth stassusr "0 ' T IAbTI6," et iten clam Wittig Ilausbr. he kw Mau tickets ask be paanu,,,ftt Drat otharotbouba Pattab ma nommen bum fury W , bauchtnar at Loadatulausy ton Do aulat. Tb• matilag vameala Lave Umlaut fintsty west. Addaxes, D. 07 1 / 1 1114 .:Zurupson *wavy. Obrooka, Dulklbur, lattth strut. Pluthtexii, O'NEIL a STONEMAN, EARIIPAOTI/ItlEB Or. WIB3 ivoax, • Rue always on hand and mete to order IRONARD RUSS BOREIR WIRE °LOSE; I of WI kings RIDDLES. for roandry us; M. ITI woat WIEDOWb, do.;BLED cuara, OR RAkUIRTILL WIEL WORE. tor Ifkrutris, he. sirvaidim of WWII for atio, et No. 10 POrritTll pURR Ica GOLD SODA WATER, Drava from Pomolab, rambles And also dallcdonsloll CIAIAX and 0/71118, at all Wads, !hall emir day, as K. irzerwe, No. 111 Diamond. A WKA. WARD, DENTIST. Rea removed Ids aloe to the Onus or Haze axe Lizzarr y &NUM. above Seziabay's lam, maws cia Libert street. 1191 . 01165 e Loan from 9 aL. WI y Patti SOWERS' BONDS WANTED, 41. NoTIGHEI BARKING EOM wins num cutNTRAL DRUG MORE, Cbrike eh!. iiillsranst, away AMON% 6 1 110. •. SALLY. Proprietor. BPARZLIZG SODA WAT PATINT% AO. ornykura preazikacasi ktIILICS 1 MULES I •ra u uteg,unrivi**(bre6l zura4 s' • lrroin LS to - 16 handshigh... pus Loa sain at Rana. Road Jar th roe day'. 164.3 t R E VENUESTAMM—A.Ibn limit* loont of aflame amps Is kept on band a ago Wong Boltontio Ma, Ma. a Waior.ana. gloom Ponons_ porchadog froaailloo hie& Woad go Gooorsome DAVID •7inakolk—ef th en CONGREIB HALL. OAPI 11114 This Ant dui Hotel to Dow ppm*: nosptke' of= JULIAN, i Wart Propeletais. IMR 41,24 P A I/ENV'. WINDOW SHAIDII,II ass stook sir ti La post bwoutifol_ stria elßoAr. nom. ljrsb, weer Odars, kr Ws law sr2S spa WU. astr sat 11 • J. tB. remark tVellislits ADM , ft/41ft skew* Ver s li V l 4,4 l t m i t e a us HAI „ 114. ;` 'I 4OOOIY erd lum ed. Sairlii4grigr. 11* MZrsrassiatit Lwa. AlMSlllfigitri GM= bit sushile ma KRIORAM &aft . . - . - , 1. , ' - ,•-• :', NSI/***,lk:Ar,,y; , : i.'l ., ...,'zi--;;y,..."'.-: ~,tz;.,A;Fja,:."1,41, 10:-104154041.0.x.. .; ----,4,-I * .- oßtwo,-',, , .4, .. --:, , . ~..u, ~_,. 4,' I,w,tt-44.-1. HENRY G. RAM & Miaow SPRING STOCK OP GOODS, Adapted to a ant due tradadrich hu bun edam. ad with mut ears to mast spprotatioa of % = n timfa. and patrons. and.hinattap. dm at. to-butaun and Ulla maul% to by taut ay apprpral of an who may bur na with a Ma& to order bethue beet maim and eletatil• toms. Having &Mod • greet many on r and-devatob. 113.1401111 n, ibr iStaie. ineid awl Lino Offlown, a• nal at be Nine we an rowed to monis onleos eh ibp Una with consenter Likewise • very choke GOO itleotion of ruazuenas DS always on band. ith6 COL or naA t ter. cute mans. Ef3TABUHZD /76% PE TE/40E144RD, 81117117 AND TOBIIOOO, /Untri . • olllB7 l / 1 , • 16 416 CIUNRYBiI BTRIZT. p ("xiseady 12 Chatham otreetalaw Tort.) Wonhi eaU the attention of dealers te tim wham of hit sannfattere, Ws: now" BhUll7_ Wacebol, rho 'liappee„ Game. Ram, Amnion Geeileste,Dealgros, Pore Virelata, Haotdloolue, Oopanhargan. Tair.owawry. a troth Book& !loofah. High Tout Boatel, Irida Bleb Tort Landyoot, umsy Dew Scotch, Fresh Honey &t:deb. larAttentkok f. cailad to the large redneticat ht palm of Tine• Oat Oheiries and &oohing Taboos, whioh will be hand of • superior enaihy. TOB6OOO. Baaciao—Lanir, N0..1. Ho. A•Efoi: 1 and SI nand, Granulate& H. Ina arr Oziererta--P. 6: Ta, or Oda ; Chran• dlab, or Sweet; Sweet Scented Oronooo ; Tin NO Clatradida. axasimt-49. &lab tWaliab, Clammier, Tarkfah. IL-4 demise of prima will be rent on open. cation. aolda IitrOORMOR & GLBISON, SHEET AND BAR LEAD, Pig Lead. Baran Nam gam anuses., hiltless! 1 . OINOIettWATI. G. pLtrliThr - --------------- --- ICREC MATER I A L S , CRADLES IIILLIXT/11,* lIIIPOSTRIS AND' WHOLICSALI DLLS.% . N.. n oir a o oommisr., PhiriadslAbg Gonstantly fa stong • large assortmeut of Copper, Zino. Iran and Galvanised lrou_Bath Tuba Melte and Marbled Plug Brim White and Marbled or Bins Gloat Hadar. Ship Water Meseta, complete. Water Mesta of miry clued. Pamps, ,, ts . ms, do. ' hoe 8/ ben and Ibtamelisd Portable Wash Stands. Vitribad Drain rips.•Hencs, Branches and Traps. Plumbers' Bram and Plated Work , ilif every di. eaription. Lead 'rrais and &ads. Pine and Cedar Hydrant Ports. Hydrant Hods, Plumbers' Books, Marbb Mate, Webber Hasa, gig, aa low as any house In tbe ason__,_____try. 1862aplagm _____________. . ..... -- """ER 18 0 .2. G .& zt, P 30 T 8 . W. D. & a WCALLUX . . .. , . IT DOUBT STRZHT. • 41. bugs portkos of our stock /en ing been bought pons to a series of advances, yid now replenish. ad, Ond the newest prenadiv i Llargest 'deign, of the season) with In • . .. QUM, OIL GLOT2AWHIDOW MAMA kg, A invorabla opportunity is oilers . d to p die urcluesen moderate ratan, as prices will certainly No higher. atltolv *ADISON STARCH AGENCY: euslene for wed Sr. Agents, ke_Pleseleulth and wArra MADISON BT4RCR OOKPARY, And keep constan uri tl7 ma hand a ottmly of thetr trusoic.nrioas mbiliti which will mto oold issittitho to the mum ook moot tomonnblo Mum SGROMAICEM & LANG, t isirtiTir amid?. ULAN. 411; Produce-4 burro' ulen Merchant, mot_iuminnes num" And daaleitzliq kiwis et .00IINTAT PRODUCOL No. lid iuszarrorlitsr, adalaa• • • * 'Privity's% Pa. 200 iss- • LB rarriat • booptltb and Joys ChM* 25 hoilchotta 081,0 and block Tom 20g oi; D crul do tda od. codas and Wed Ikon; 20 tam. Jam PAWL Ir. loom 202 . 0 4,42ha1f bbli. Noe 1, 42 8 Mocker* 20% do do • White /lab; 80 6 bozos= &am 20M boxes a. uhrefouolooor.ti diem= Soar, N. 0. 20 -do Golden llyropz 16 do Labrador Honlat; Jost foookrild =Mr HU b 7. La • LXBDSAY j TIMED, •• 187 Liberty tivot. ma waartirizo nowErzaats gopplis a' limelight' by entry . mod housekeer. Zoom semi win 1111 • quest 'where Mee we thte pe k. agnunaber that it la tbat does-this. wanton the bees !Whittling that are re anent!. The al sable ie for nehe gee reepeoseble ito iege. B. A. FAIIBUTOOLS, SON 00.. comer or Meet and Wood strews. Plttahnrah. RO BIC 8, Vi:43l4N4k;, HEido• Tama, Jto.-ril Meat ezeeptkot the Ingest end tont =Motion of Bidding Plaits •honl the hitY, at miliwoows ft:awn nuanar. suradl &ad loaf at Mu; IRA a Ma i r AT.A O 4, (UP of ale aitok "LlLAWallin C 0..) BAZIAIEUtak' Mx 'a Asia fa. doirlb `as - Apdamice Baal. GOLD.:, 11114 , 14, 4LUIX -XO7" IXOBANWO, ..wile AXDAA D ODVXDIrtim ABOXXIXIXL - - J -W 4 ent= Built FOUNDED/I. •Wu um Einufilms6.- AD buds of_Dliaag AND MX 000= suds to order. Alio, BUBO CIASTLIFIKOfoII kW's; ludo subouortut nuke. AU =lwo he DOWW /11 : LAT No. 188 WOOD MUM war Uprmu‘sTlT O, Wended u - 11111 , 1110 imatormot iira lofts. pious/ siongs, Omni pus' cromi•nos imam: bailor., viii tom to eft oitimicate Mg rasp.% _ -,Enl3 AND. Var-Da. pays sasstarer ua:- o . d DAB; 44! aura. lIINT 1111.1* *ltem. 01Ald 1.0114' I OTA lad tesida_Add lionamtaavoar BIM; she N at maw, mad al! dddiddi dffdeding th• Nat sad • In Plans 'A.F 14 NO •ti 4,, 0thl au a szport rlV E rlto or on . , Am ' mos tor IN TITUS I - AM lamb midair Us R.74i. liv, pu t , ' ud r WM. L.TORIsToa 4 co.. • Cad Oft sad 111,11 lad kr We ay o, lad Brom; WK. Q. roxfirroz oo ,811 471 re- Uce cm,t4 ?Oho aleg. hp, IKlLAksig, t01C44X4 kiWoNI ohm. • goi ~,s zeitti- 4 111.1712, A* new Niels AllaNiasorki *saw ar mai br Joil L. FlOroLit AM% (Itaamears so hams O. Watt,) Merchant Tailors. Ars now nothing's tor ommur truirignia _ - Kainftstares of LEAD PIPE, and dealers In Block Tin, LID — Patent Shot, 11111r11 878.1.1 -