The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 27, 1863, Image 1
THE - .ESTABLISHED IN 1786. •ROCZRR. swam. .!AZ-BAIlf witotaima awns (~ I rn•n:y..' lbw% imam% • . M. GOBAILY, ,• wsounumi monk !swim Lis' Karr 811111 T, PITTS3U&GH, Enthas gardateed tbs Wind or kb Ista ea costume tbs bulbar at the old? stand, = Par t= trued to ratan tbs patronage ot him ibt Moab UAW! . j a„ II" L °C)SrIML 0. Burt . fizmAisa P. /11211C1a.........4,L 1111111.1116.......111. IA UMW: ')l3 r lnta* - PROVXM3, 11100011100111 ,INRaissils dean /a BPIRIX, AUG 7/RX WRlq, AnsLai. XS mad Ile Woad ident.•Xffre / 1 77 C ram's. 3 • 3 If/ilk , • *wan ZEISILUI. - 11 a V . 20413, GIKNAZIF.9IIID. • N. 11111 • • (IRO.' B. JONES itl3oll, Wm) im a .11.71 Gnomes are Hogg Tragg.. Beans !a MANILLA ROPE. OAKUM. 0114 sad litteggeg;k gisadliefered articles, No 141 Water gt, Nora the •• • • • • Bridge. Pitteimrgh, Pa. • MIMS DALW • • j. DAMS& .011EBT DALZELL co Wawa ', it au, Iftiumaos Jun Ifniv szat FROMM andelger ECCR0M1......A. WALLAS; LAM:BERT, SHIPTON & Wan. aicsalagacciu :sad Pam= Dmi WA ;trod. Pitt•bargly Pa. • / 010 700 10A _ JUNI =AIM --FART kWlLSONi'Wnorseata esto bias, Oosionwit linazansoind &dm to Produce and Pittsburgh suutuhettues,No.lllB Lino erty street, Pittsbusugh. obil ISAIAH DIU IC. &: 'mama 112aaatas, Closumatax ilizacaares„aad &dere la rsoDucx No. 110 wage sired, aad db trout Wait, A. DEMON= 1011.1 I. 11161/1111111. -S. DILWOILTIL - 41r004 Wkaiziati U • Giaosu. Ma; 1.10 LA UM amid strait, mar Smithfield, PitWourypti. • ; .nog rionl WILLIAM WIRD, FILOYD 01X, Waeumua Gio u bra. AID 0011MOX ariIICIMITI. x.. 1751 Wood mod 51518 Liberty street, Pittsburgh: • Jae WILIA A ikt WILOLMALII Omni, so.. 111 sad 90 Wood wet, Pitt*. itatdtf .114.41011ACTURJEJ38. le l---131 "14 w ' NE"' 1 iti, 9 . 1 0. 1 = (MLR 001,031. D WARM. - • WClatiaa a ao WASSZOOSI AT No. 74 Pftres army, Prnarvaaar. Pa. mII14:1,11ax w. a. 1LMALUT0531.......3.1111112%114.....4....X.1. LIM HELL ar. streeby name Oh. City at , • Pa., Itsaulbotareas of ILA ••• • AND AIWA DORM= PATINT 080ILLATLEM DLIAX MIMI= ADD ibUDINA.VVID3, at alltlaasand best Aria nal ll 4 Pal OP. !Atalpity 0 1 bal. albal4 l 7 aad at histqvalib.-inakta perparokto do bang ,Jotp.. War. sad KU:a moat in aka, Daa,trbstlng that by p.rala; afitmo of cat rrk, to omen rd' Wor ain g attaiiiion to on , ileum= Tilers OSCILLATING INGINZiliet making attrantagas' bareefook unattained to this. d at Mairtaaa. JOSHI'M F. HAMILTON #OO., fbraw « Thst and pets steady irrinusan, Pa.. 60P12110111FALIL INazaso, ii!Aomiriarr. t)i;ossithatble. • r g a lis zr A. .190tiderarion30 SOMULTIOLLEPOODOWIANDSBLILROAD. 11 71 Ord or doped EEO= and NM 41snpror waif, INA* toonfor ag than masks: A. irdassorlftint essiturtly en Lid. my2Ctice - ,IIT.ILLIA :ALMA 4, OM, No. 216 ■lbalh ommolbeturamot 24.50:121.0.10rWV1 4 ' _2! 10Widlrietifdi 401111;03.11 =WM' Ordimmilakdtlical Iv shined as Tor beiblieUesiL 114326.• Iratrdeir=9 -" Vollatt VroursmantKirr 00., Masi Itainmis. vows. Version% -No. ill Wood And, corner at . . . se6o • 4. l UalVs TfIaABLOTTR;AILMES, DRAWL- lit • V ,ltrfilit3l3lD - MILIICIALL INIMITEXEITIL ; sou ogtottir 4100:8 MEV= 21101L11.1.11Waod: 00:1 'OXEL - at0.1141, aaoond.dosr above ood, , I.lPlitotittly" -,loBrVioca **ant tabs to os. o jgr trillsivtxtt,gishlfweht:l6% 11341LLOR,,Dassa arriota v moo*" NO Wood ono, Nimes Stunk simMAWDbriadiVis./1101baduPs. imarzur TlMlYritb PADI A BS Tat OF OP Al AFFALInOII WEIUMBY NO DittIegoiIOALVANTOP4MMIT timear faxill.lo'lll4,o"Liii!!!' 11111 D. It7otfilirgendsiam _ _ their toe& satesetsd sey mem sad ids irsidy may as Seth. ssfstr setpdsdosams et tbdvai. .pow—diudsva bin lon adillq pumas bdins_ls` esisedmittio inittary . Inedag ksaidsdie otsisz • - 4011 - VXtli Wooled In ornry sty% 'sad *urn 'Ai Jaw vsszseted essucto ps MIDST. Dana:, Lid dadtilsid eV' P i I, Pakrolit, - Elall - 10k, Ithiallore /144111.11re511 &reit. • mr/dly BOOILKELWiIIiIy Jia WY. G. JOHNSTON Oat STAYiell . 1" -es -r A A 1 • ^,• MID . TWOOS. NO. NOW SUVA, nait door to • moot ot Ittistaugh, Po. el:WOOL • • MW BOONS coasting, out land. T L. 11.1LiD AND iniNiza, Via. ploy:qt mud, Apollo Bedldbp. 1 1 : : CRICNEi YLES jlir Mak . • to*M 41 ooris,ffe.77 lhoimusar.l= 4 .llbeasoic„, No. 1:421%* 4 StiUnM!le- WU4 1 4 11 4 WARD, Dwil IN Flail. :aortase li t "*". - ,11 lad , rams Veratia 117.1.2 q la mereelage tones. . _ Thomididag Sobtvesi thole eiry 6 ) . r e=attu r leri tad arse Ind soma dam paper aonsenaliediese sad tatentaws strictly =IL artia. erne strut. Ortheiral.•-• "WI ! etild'ar r-„ TALL JPANDwui. l aw -- :'l. - MARIIRAT.T., Dim as= wii, 11. ,, : , ,- . 4 ;zogiviMsaf#644; No. yr wow and _ g, p No Woo , - Tii. filfl4. , 6 ---- limA t .. •4-. , • t =MIME • ? -t DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. JUSCELL4XEOUS C4RDR. DIIQUELMI BRASS WORKS. MIMI A CRAWFORD, Mannbottoms of ma misty of finished BR= WORK FOR FLDIERIEB, IFFILEI OR cuismErna 00Z l i s imuL comuns, AID 'RR= OAll=lB, olkeeptiona made to older. IftZWOAT WORK. OwaRIE RID GAS. and BIE I iPALIIonIII pionWit t spt inghr attended te. Peaticaler ation teal sp RIFLE=- Y= TOR owa. AR!) °Aim orus. BolaArmablit tb•Wisters District of Fans- Ibr the ode of MAIBEI, LLOBDIELS. It.' m UE =MT MB= PIMP, the bud wee Rattan so nine, It la sot Rabb to get sato( seder, end will duns twee orator than any paspo pf tortoni dna . ofla M. 13.4.11110178, Me woos A. L. win s aao„ Omer 4 troll rid Cllnmaine Waft, QINIRAL 001LICIANON EIROHANTS, And .ito Arils. NA, of DUPONT'S GUNN/R- D= AID aura. sm. Noostve c . riondipusbont MI tithe of Weotiea Pro. dock and nab adnososo tboreos. N. L—lialrood trick fa trout a Worobows. IMO TO William H. Bolth Oci., Pitts!arik MUT Bkausaori. ela• lismud. gal, illispbsa, Ilarehmate Boa. Baltimore H. le Tani &mos. imnorrED ocrr. 8,1861. Dithridge's Patent OVAL LAMP OHINNIECO, 'lmam:tared of XI FLINT GLASS. • Muni °Mends ere hitended Ike ll* Mai lam . via& busting stll partial =squab doormat szpsrp . Nq 1111. • vertlli*Gbiss 'Works mil - W. M gr 8 4 st is. LADLVS FANCY FIIRts ; CHiLDILZWEI IAHOT EURS; aware rya can, OOLLA BEI LOVE% EMS AND OAPS. Every variety hhd style of the acne goods on head B utell DIAMOND STEM WORKS, grunt/ma, EA. PARK, BROTHER 4 CO, Ifiloufacture:gm of BUT QUALITY 1111'1MID OAST gnu., Square, Mat and, of all Asa Warnintsd :V;&AY or maabotnred to thu at and Warshaw., boa 149 and 161 MST L and l ir 811110ORD crams, litttbardh. Edblyd STILL A OHA.NCE I MINT'S FMB //MOH ALT EQUARIC TO= ilillrljal ma got • pair, al Ti WWORICIS FIRZORACKEBB X I'ORPIDOZS, riaos, mom Lemmas! CULNION, ha. Xi. 7. W. HADFIELD lumber stem ma the only Depot In Kalhat Lane for Me celebrated MUFF PIUILNELIM 1111111,08Ka. We aripropend to lace then oa the met farcesile tertaaace oak e bat lalLp CHOP CZACICKSB and SCHIPHIF7I% et The kneed market rites. Ogdmi solkitood salsreuptly Weeded to. 111Taaaatiaala a K ar OHN. "Liqcortep Wren and Fase Goode. thoden las" gams cd wail= atm. Nu Tom. a LUMB/Piti eed AND STWi 00. 1' • • is • WC TATE 'as CO., Diem In LLD- PIP/ OMIT • LEAD. MI MIAMI% PIMPS, 0H11101112115. BR O[ mad PIND•11111 0 .-Thotilhop fitted lep with hot enit WWI vats ad ph In thar most_inryniot gnaw. - No. rd , (Pat .14.,) VEDNIELL 'STMT. Piloorbolowliobboton. B..+llophtegotoptily ittialod to. foliat glfa, McWitatlOK arW., VALLI! nimi Plikbargt, Pa. ' ili:11d.101 Marty Went . .161010010milif11001e.0.11 AND MUT. 11:11011101141NATZ5, 1101.1,011 W • 01041_ adOlasl Moulds, Bee -4011 KM • rra.o4 OssOiVatar wad An 11•01010;1111 pet iWaigoa 11111 z Kettlel, , OszWbools, and 0.41,0g1 Jobbhl= -- glitqC . _ = Pdasts4 KB; 4 41 or itanone. ,sad AL • ` 1(1&N IdAY .FILNO WNW • TOL&000. 11 9 COLLIIITX& & BAER, 10t WOOD MITT. Use daunts he RUM stteeti 4ln nowlerepand to lelleeiebtatedSlDJl OUT 08EW1093 TOBLQOO 107 smiatity sod at Ober** Wool Vireo: Ginter • WieL Je9 11.11:10SAILICI A. SAAJUrrAn. ALLEGONNY GOAL: YARD. vr. rat. maw" ODAL,GOIOI,_ LOON, rion,PIIB rAzia, COOLANT, MA NUM AND 111* OLAT. _ . .11rOnsorANsisremarosi Awl &410 aistam ILLIAM BASIVIIILL& ILX) Boiler , ~, •STIGER lkor.ilkalir„, ed ,L liar ilipikelei my .& 1 4411 - 11ferabligl ai. S. IWO* I=a I,l l i t et. - -.--- .lii s a llall mom= =r i a ll' ilrolond 'ki ... nanni -isina ., vizi simLirrifill 1 lia timmlinbums,ocniammezza, Itrilat a iirinit fr i atto rt i ttioarectar uim aot BAIL g deo ee , 4•llrif ' la) Olai&kW 1131 lIATIi UM !WIN Zak AVIII 6 toi-botto, to -the- Imo- of ltourdar. 'lt Jo onthltid to tpoot i a gtooos (mit tbollquid Oltrato of Mow* - and sod illigrd - Watat, fitaltl2ollsol6l. oasa , oloalar - artelio. , When' titistAairraweabit ticihtly, It hag on Metro& dad on ttio puma were, removes. constipation, 04 **dos. optof a ithib ..m. . .."44.:16t ;IR* Lan ?tonal 00= a 00., Pita. bergli l by ad at the Nant, No. 193 C W,'.. 43 - 11 P R OW 4 ANI NOi 83 bOath " KreN, 2 / 9 44 1 .4 411 4 Mal kiJobi Naew •-1,4; 11 .. ... • Nat u osi,osAy.tor ps_ knnat mutat Dirk*. This A# Y putlederly 6404 to,u.atak!nig of ouzo BMW MIN sot Wed boo& Of GINVINN SILVANK sad kinds of SMOKING SOBACGOAIT LINOS I.I27OkTUS fn Ier4UND/M.,21111T5.. LAM 1/0 , N. 8.—..2h• TrcdoiappUed • co Ilbccal tom scythe:lv MA I Xi:LIG/MN/41'S. ' AV - 100 Dais Hiliatiaii I zi4 W. B Obocie: bulb. prise Dr, Nacho. Chain* ' basb.-§qo--W_ Apple% • : &Mei Zell met earhil4 acka Bme . , =2O: lf sßioand West. pit •. - BSA= GOBDIII.. VDDLCITUDA, : AND SWAM Ulla A! moss, bilitiadsce waimt, Wm. emit, neboglay mad the Petaled Goo*, f at ada as swot 18 dl.o4air Arm. - 7. IH. PLIILLIPPI .1 1 (i l l t iff s ? NI O. hums; Yoi isle by J. 11.110 AMTS. Jr 8WZ1111 4 714 - - sad INI Übatsiitrest, iniblytla O).EN-1 vsr load for . ; •., irompt lULTIMOBA .11IsCORD Alk CO.'B, De. LSI WOOD OTILIBT Another antral of BOOTA. Imo/ ROBB'B, N.. 89 BLUM= BTRILICT SIODAL N=Ml PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 27, 1863. Vittsintrgh 6azettrt. B. RIDDLE & 00., ■DITOBB AND PEOPRIBTORe. Publication Office No. 84 Fifth Street. NOBIGNO AM) ZYZEING EDITIONS, DADA. oorrrensrnia Till LATIST NEWS UP TO THZ HOUR OP FLIBLIOLTION. SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 27 NEW TERM OF THE GAZETTE, momnia loam, by ma, per year—=i 00. month.- TO. week.... IL Angle L lemma Lornow, by mill, per year— 4 60. moots... 84 . single ooples. L Weave Ihirricit, single copies, per year_ 2 CO. . clubs of 5 to 10, .. 1 50. able et 10 or more 125. —and one extra to the party sending club. tot • dab et fifteen, we will send the Zerrentsi Guerra daily. Per • club of twenty, we will send the ■oaan• Gamma day. Single replan, S cents. ogrAll rabscriptions grierhs in advaara, •nd p•pen alweys stopped when the trate supine. The Invasion of Pennsylvania--The Rebels in the Cumberland Valley. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Press, writes from Oar/isle,on Tuesday, the 23d inst., an amount of a trip he made from Harris burg tOVltambersbarg,on Monday afternoon. On arriving in Chambezaburg— . The - kit news that greeted my ears was that our cavalry had bed a skirmish with the enemy at or near Smokatown, some seven or eight *Ms from Chambenburg, near Green castle, In which we lost one man killed and perhaps two wounded, together with the like casualties in horses. I found Brigadier General Knipe in com mand of the post her, who had placed the troops at his disposal about two miles south of the town. These forces consisted of the 71st and Bth regiments of New York Militia, together with Spencer Miller's battery of howitzers. There were also some forty" or fifty cavalry men, who had assembled here from regiments of Kilroy's command, and who were out on banning service; the entire form not exceeding 800 men. In order to increase this form, Gm. Knipe issued a endl for all the male citizens to as semble at the court home yesterday at noon, in order to form bodies of minute-men for the protection of their homes and property, stat ing t h at he had, to be placed at their dispos al, one thousand muskets and plenty of am munition. The remit of this call, In a town containing a population of some six thousand souls, was the getting together aforoe of sixty men I Scouts were continually galloping into town, stating that the rebels oompied Green castle intone, and that some eight or nine reg iments of infantry were advancing, together with cavalry and artillery. Gen. Knipe, See ing the apathy of the citizens, and oonsida ins the smallness of his awn forms, ordered our men slowly to retire. Cars and every thing being In radium, the men, guns, and ammunition, together with the commissary stores, were safely started en the road this way. A short time before this train started, and which brought away all the rolling Stock of the road, another train took its departure, taking away some sixty ladles, many of whom had been attending school et Chambersburg, and who now thought that home was the beet place for them. The erodue of the colored folks was amain in fall blast, and those who were eager a few hours before to get home were sow Pali as eager to get away; and I must say that the getaways were not confined to, females and colored folks, but that army of them were ro bust men, who were leaving their homes to the mercy of the enemy. We left Chambers burg at 9 p.`rn., and reached Carlisle at 1 this morning. Whether we shall go forward. or backwards is not yet known. . We have thought It worth while to repro duos the above for several reasons. Not only doss it suggest what men whO are so spiritless and recreant to every sense of duty, that they will not arm and prepare themselves to mast and repel the rebel foe, who comes to camp and despoil their homes, will do in the hour of actual danger to . make Amodio still more bane and contemptible, but In doing so, it suggests, and, we should hope, also eloquently enforces the true duty of citizens—the fore sight, the energy, the courage that look dan ger in the Ine and prepare to meet it, with the generous free-wilt of sriag of both person and property—with every :weans of body and mind that may be pressed Into the 'cu riae—with, in a word, the all-denting enthu siasm of true patriotism and true manhood. Al we tun I. the eastern hills, and see the mornink light stream into our western aftrUriaAing such a narrative as the above, shall we sot swear that, so far as us Iles, no shameful record °lces riaranoy in the hour of danger that' OM' be read in the light of day': But ire eerthinly cannot 'escape that mord, shonidsk Unborn, each as tries men'. sonls,oome upon us,—we certainly reanotesl cape • like record In that hour, and to stand written In all oar future, erupt we Sow act the part of men, by making all pouible—all adequate—preparation to meet the danger of which we have been so often forewarned. Recall of the New Jersey Troops by Governer Parker. The Governor of New Jeri*" has issued a proclamation recalling the Now Jersey troops from Pennsylvania. lie says : • The necessity no longer exists tor "the cit izens of this State to meet and organize into. oompailes, and report to the Adjutant Gen mai el the Stet* as soon as poulble, to be or ganised into regiments as the jffilitia of New Jersey, and press forward to the auistanee of Pennsylvania in this eme.g4ency," according to my proclamation of the llth iutant. I, therefore, direct that the troops raised In accordant* with the said preelasiettion b honA orally diseherged, and return to their re- Apeerive-plseas of swop:Lent to pe mustered ont, and paid for the ISITiLIe they have per formed. The companies are requested to re tain their present-organization, res their tir eless-may be needed again at any moment. It Is said that it is not that the neoessity . 20 longer exists for their services in Nam.* als, .whieh has tensed this proolaihation to be issued, but that It Is owing to note disagree- Mast between Govltrnor Parker and Governor lolior of Thersduy. The Pirate Alabama Bald to be in a Tight Place. .4 oirriiipondent 4r the Boston Trove/kr mita from Nowburiport, under data of Juno 234: "1 hems Sewn Cant. Bally, of the schooner Amalie, which &Mild here on Saturday. Re Left Maysigass Juno 3d, .and juVeforis he wt. kb Suarehant readied , alit from St. Max, Misr Beth, awing thatdm Ade baler was er that harbor, aed A l a Northam war vasselAlabama andanother TT tad BMWs war vessel outside. As the ,ma at our last amounts had. teenlonit wash on the equator to leavo, and there hasktems time for her to nasio,the West ladles by the 30th, the rsprt seem probable, and the loans from which the report coma L trustworthy." Wio Waal "Azoiro TEI Pima 7"—The . MIMS ISt:mad Kirke;' which appeal" on the title paps of ifArittag the Pines,' sad "My Bentham Primula," is, of pone, a kantlewyaie. The Name of the real author of thmiabrilliaut and truthful piaturafof Swath em I& we have sera OM la taint. We ham how the beet worms that J. • Gil. üblither of the.seolifinestalMonthly," feeta,-frimi owl =ham •latki Beath, lad that this Me tektedal we e Wa wok. ed •up tato the two laterestlig volumes by Leland. - The Battle at Richmond, La.--The Rebels Decidedly Beaten. , The attempts of the nimbi under Prioe to approach Vicksburg imd epee oommunications with the beloagrieraitown from the west bank of the Mississippi, have been met and foiled in several recent encounters. We had in ac count of one, a day or two ago, in our tits patehes, in whist' Col. net suomisfully at tacked them and drove them a considerable &Maoe with groat tors. We find another en counter described in a speolardispatoh to the Cincinnati &mu. : - 011101AllAlf BATOV, Jane 1 41 Cairo, Jane 24. On the 12th the rebel Gamma Andersou, with a division b longing to the oommand of Major-Oseeral Dick Tailor, .narohed from Biohmond toward Lake Provideloe ' where Gen. Raid was stationed with a small Federal form, consisting of the first Beams and 16th Wisconsin regiments,with eomeaegro troops, less than 1,600 la all. _ „ . Richmond is ei4ht miles from Young's Point, on the Louisiana side, Ito point where the Shrevesport road croesesthe Tenses. It is about twelve miles from Mllliken's Bend, and thirty from Lake Providenoe, and an im portant pointy from the feat that from It than places are easily accessible by good road, and for the enemy it would be an exoeedingly of- feuive position toward us. Gan. Reid went oat to meet him, and de stroyed the bridge over eke TIMM, a abort distance from the head of Lake Providence. The rebels opened on him with a fl-pounder, damaging our force:AA lirstuniidembly, but his men suoceeded in.silenoing . the gm and preventing the rebels from oroising--alio pouring in a terrible ire of musketry_ upon them u they pressed up to the river. •Thltdc ing our force larger than it was, the enemy retreated, with heavy loss. On the same day General MoWer marobed on Richmond from Stemma's Landing, with his brigade of infantry, and Taylor's old Chi cago battery, under command oft:Papeete Bar rett. ..0a reaching the Tams; he met. the rebel pickets and drove them In.; -The rebels burned the bridges, and eadertobk to make a stand. Captain Barrett opened fire, well sup ported by infantry. Such was the combined shower of shell and bullets that, though filthiest well, they were obliged to fall back, with what cavalry force they had. - General Mower then; punned the flying enemy, succeeding in capturing forty two prisoners. The affair was perfected with'signal vigor and promptness—our troops, in their impet uosity and daring, overcoming the disparity ; in numbers on the part of the enemy. It is likely, from indications, that the entire force ol General Dick Taylor,Who, by the way, is a son of old Beek, hu sedaddled to the Red river country. From Vicksburg... How the Siege is Conducted. A correspondent at :Vicksburg, writing of the der, describes the following novel way of am:Wonting it We were approaching the fort by way of the road running along the ridge, and the fort, being built right aerate the road, corn mandi the position so perfectly that it was impossible to dig the ditch that is to lead at to the base of their works, without some pro tection. A ditch six feet wide Wnd six feet deep was completed to within two hundred feet of the fort, when it was necessary to tarn it In a direction to the left scroll the road. Prom this point It was to be tamed at right angles nearly, and one hundred feet would bring unto the bus. To dig the ditch across the road was the main difficulty. To iccoMplisis this • oar was ,construoted, thirty by tan feet, and 'pat upon small wheels. A row of cotton bales standing on end were put in flout and on each side. After it was ready tita men run it oat from behind our earthworks into the road in front of the fort. It was hardly out before a rebel popped up his head, std exclaimed with an oath: "ilere 001:1105 the Lincoln wag on." Their cmiosity was excited, and it was very evident that with them it was • mixed question whether it was a simple oar-lead of cotton, or some Infernal maohhis of Teaks* invention. Heads would appear aboie the parapet for an instant to get a leek, jut long enough to hear the crack of some diarrhoea. er's rifle, that fractures the cranial box of some inquiring mind. Yesterday the oar tram nutout," and during the day the ditch aortas the road was comple ted. It was no longer nuessary to us, yet the rebels did not know this. It was expect ed that they would make eh attempt to burn it last night, and perhaps' a snecessful one. About midnight, as I was watohhip, the move . menu of thing. along the line, saw at the distance of two miles gee - bal l thrown from the fort towards the wagon,"l and soon It was in flames. The flash of musketry from our ditches was vary rapid. and the enemy suffered se severely by it that to retaliation they returned the fire at well as they could. POT the first time mina the ship begun, mu kstry firing wastapt up all night. This morning car men are at. work again behind a large round bale of cotton, made ex primly. for the occasion. As they ' advance they-roll It before them. Gen. Prior intingn rated this species of strategy at Lezirigrzn. Before this mottos yon wehope the-object of Ude work may be attained, and It does no karst to say that it is for the purpose of blow ing up the main fort or "key to Vicksburg." A few days' more will complete the work, un less some unforseen . obstacles ate thrown in way. 'When we once obtaTn possession of these works, and the ridge running into town, the fate of Vicksburg is deeded. Polish IleSole= A paper Jest published bj the national geir-, mutant of Lithuania, states. that a detach ment of three hundred ineurgtotta, sada the cenitnand of Vincent it ollelt, hid for the last four week., /poured the Matelot of Vilelka, .prooltilming everywhere the dm, of the ir easel government width:. seounni to the pea , tint the lands cultivated by them.. The pest, seats gain an enthtudaatio motion to the insurgents: The limbos, dreadin ti te tf feot of this propaganda, rsiolved to t he minete Hostel'; small troop ;Catty, eeet.' Strong detachments of troops wins oonse.' gamely seat against it from Mini*, Vilelka; and Botulism. The insurgents happeaed to be between the river Ills and the breakwater . of Stapewol eonstructed by the grand army in 1813, when, on the 18th of May, Um ; were suddenly surrounded on all sides. The.da tacitments sent from I/Reit& and- ROualaw - were drawn up In echelon along the 'break water, and that from Mimk compiled the left bank of thane.' -Theriventairted for the surgents only a narrow passage by crossing th e river in the direction of the great forest which could be seen at a distance. In. Order to reach the forest it became necessary to di. riot the attention of the enemy to another pollt.. , idopted a desperate course; °Brothers," said he, "nine of as must diorite ourselves to save the remainder. I deriuutd 40 generous hearts. ready to die WWI Me." . Re was instantly surrounded' by 80 young men who asked to be permit to . sharti his fate. Then, giving the chief command to a brother ollker, he made his detachment take the rend to the fang, while he with his 80 waited to meet the attack of the enemy. Two hours after the departure of the detaolunent lut grossed the river, and, meeting a Russian co rps of 310 men near the village of Vladykl, he 001111111X01111 a fusions; attack, The volley' of ete sheistr brought' the &ottani to' the :p u ce f r om every direction. Ana: an eagege-, emit which lasted Ave hours, 40 of his coat- - pinion alone rentainedaliva. Re attempted to Oren the Ms a second time, in order that the Russians should lose all trace of the de. tachmentibrit hews. shot down by a musket ball. The rem a inder died with him, bat his object was arooMPßllted. and the analat'Parl of the detachment was raved. 01] At liiratud Einsvia•Othosan is The pollee authorities of th is cdty, sa chu m p j o wl's; of Oa 18tb, won app thb zu , i s a : a Kentucky stank* wre st 6 tire slave woman who is to b e b e . They replied that would, have nothing, to do with it; Chloe yolk. doubt not be used to N eg le m . wow set 1 4114. sinihol themsekret • ~., ?4,4,1int0t :ISI other c : •. l ' 4 f4t,•: 1, ZlY44c' ~, ••••.,..•.•„. ~~ ...~.~;.,.,;~; f i r; :.. <:. =BM Latest from Raniebilig by Sail. The Bantam; Taegropl, oi'lliday morn ing, contains thofollowing In reforms to As rebel Invasion : thx °retook, 1. a., June 25.--The informs lien we receive from Maryland puts beyond all doubt the fact that there is a heavy rebel force, probably the whole of Gen. Bindrs corps, in the Boonaboro Valley,_but thalr,pre olse movements are not yet kUy developed. On Wednesday morning it was reported that the whole force was in rapid motion over Smith Mountain in the direction of Freditiok. Later and fellable reporti, however, are to the effect that the rebel, have shown no Indi- Wiwi of moving toward •Prederiek. The larger portion of their forme was lying in sump, but a column, supposed to number seven or eight thousand ,men was moving North, ap parently in the direotion of Chaabersburg. Parties who left .Boorudero yesterday state that this allures, movingliortii, bad with-It seventy-six. piece& of artillery. This is an extraordinary complement of artillery for so small alone; and if the count was coned, must indicate that the whole force in the *al lay Is to follow In the same direction. And jet we doubt the accuracy of this state ment oonoeiningthe seventy-six pima of ar tillery, as the rebel Lee is too prudent a man to trust no extensive a force of artillery to so small a detachment Of troops. All was quiet yesterday along the Potomac. The trains run to Frederick end Harper's Perry without interruption. A deserter from a (fear& regiment same into Gettysburg. He reports that fifty of his comrades had deserted in a body. He locates the whole .of Bemire corps around Hagen town., but says It consists of RIX, brigades and numbers only 12,000 men. I, ri i The scenes at the railroad* be are full of interest. Each train' that . yea from the south, on the Northern Central or onthe Cam berland Tetley road, kings its load of fugi tives. There are congregated at the depot the oldand the young, mistress and maid, strong men and weak children, white end black, all commingled in one common .mass pante stricken, weary, hungry and exhausted. Bag gage is piled up like huge stactut—trunks and carpet, sacks are continually accumulating, while amid the pili Which rears its leather and brass nails, we noticed at least I doses boxes containing' coffins with the bodies of those who have already offered themeless a saantlioe that freedom might be sustained and the Ga untry preserved from utter ruin. The same at the railroad depots , if nothing ore frightful grows out of the present excite ant will long be remembered by those who sly em witness them. .. _ • ....-- ......, lead of Wagon load after wagon load of /men, woman andchildren, poured into the citY from morning till night,many of them contrabands and fria negroes, reeking to 'asps frobr the grasp of the Southern rebels. The light of these defenceless people was trn4 pitiful, but few of them knowing which way to turn, and all depending on the generosity of the people east of the Susquehanna for support and sus tenance. ~... Tin o'ccocr.—The rebel axe 'portably ad iil lis valuing on Cu Is in largo for+ Parson rownlow Once loco. A rebel prisoher st Johnson's Island, San dusky,l Ohio, to a letter to Parson Brown low a few toy ago, soliciting 'money on the score of old b si new relations. The Parson replied, deolin g the aid and giving indeed some wholeso e advice. In thoeourse of his totter the Pars rt takes occasion to say : All I had mutilated' in thirty years was taken from re because I refused to turn Wei. tor, war up my government, and not with a band of t I most -infamous acoandrals South, that over God permitted tJr breathe the vital year. This la not ail: my wife and emu children were driven out of the country 'after me, and wfused the privilegio of bringing anything with them, but their weariest up paml.; Mr tire sonartsetin the Viderallser 4 .. vice, fighting the corrupt government; and the stilt more inbunoui Louthoritimi that forced them from their nide° moil. My wife, and bar helpless girl-children, are boarding at a privet* house in Covington, opposite to Qin oinnati. The Secretary of the Treasury was kind and considerate enough, without any solicitation on my part, to appoint me, one of the' opecirl agents of the Treasury Departetent, on the 18th of December last, and my pity meets thi board of wild' and 'May, at Covington, -and no more. This to my condition In life, at the age of 57. I repeat, 'no Bentham Nebel, or rebel sympathizer, has any claims upon me. I watt no fellowship with snob men, : and I shall be found opposing . them td thread of my career. When - they loss their 'ingress, 1 their lands, houses and bosses, arid even their lives, I CM bat thank . God, and take, oour ap I - _. . _ I am for the vigorous proseeittion of this war until the old flag, the banner of beauty and glory shall wave in triumph over every foot of soil between the clod-fisheries of Maine at& the Gulf of Mexico.' In tither,words, I am for using every means that tliOdhas . placed in the power of the /federal goirernment o. crush out this rebellion, if, in doing ro every rebel in the Southern._ Confedanoy ails be extarminsted, and every Northern traitor hung I Li!' or at, sink or swim , survivenr perish, I am for lite Union—the 'Union one and' ndivisible.• WaskiiMitos Items. . Wmethaeow, Jere 24,1883 OUTLMILI OP 7111111BiLl. Capt. Halle& Hann, of the Pourth New York caeahl, in the &may Hospital, post = •tireir +Wets that idesevere wound through the breast was inflicted after he was Mammal eg by • i- Bal m ow in the fads, 41 after he was on the rind. Th e proof II abundant -that in th e t devilry .figliM -the rehab sabrid.and shot many of our men after Nur, were captured. In no previous collision hays they manifested moth implacable bate. _ ..: • 01121. ' ' 'The rink of Major General was conferred on EleniPleaaantonlo•day. • 'l,zsoor.n icia.'nscaasin BOLDIIIIII. Siirge`on 7 4}'irst his justoommented work of Inalung :out a ooniPlate. °Metal `nit ;Of all soldisil MilO haye illod dwitsr the -primed% war. 2he list is intended to_emessee wrety Ileitis in the regular androlunteer for me, awl to giro the. name, Milt, Regiment, company, causii of death, data of death, aid placed ,denth., ~Thlslwork Mill lb* almost value to, the Penske and Landictilion, to fu- tarehdjadiestlons ~.iss,regaird to diCessed sot . aka., aid will save the wevernmeht mush ex pense aid time in 'complicated OMNI which would otherwise arise. . _ , • now 11/11/011.1L Vol oos.oram , 001/11. °oust/nth s disonsion - jll Whig . excited emus medical inn, in nand to the uniform, of the oebired nalmentr.. Mani of the Pro fession olahn that their habits, physlath na tures and , -the foot that Many of them are - to be and in 'tie entrain South; demand as ori ental uniform like that' of the original Zolt an d'Afrique. boo ikon urged upon the' flearstro7 of War to sabotintla for the straight jaoket.vrell adspted to the nortionmwhin sof - 4ier, the loops, Nell ventilated oriental nal; form. . • t . From tile Army of the connoissarice by Gen. Stahl, etc. , ;OMIT OP TIM POTOMAC. !ICAO 34 1863. • • (}au.flusal'a.eonmand returned last even ing from au; sztoodad. roooatudosanoi to tho,- T iciaikr ad Warrenton . They visited not only, Warrenton. but Sulphur Spr logo and Sapp*: buttock - Ford, soouredthe country dews through Dentarille, to. Elk Ittpli and fipottod Tavern—ths latter one of Our eat wfttirt's haunts. No fora of rebels' whatever VW dia oovered. 'TM? wake _torsi is undoubtedly west of the Bin. Rldde. . Information readved - today renders At nearly positive that thii whole of Blrell's oorPO has ban; transferred'. into Naiiland., Tido 'oorpor-outsiboxi about 23,0p0 infantry and sr— Shad's eavolit -atlas si agar aim, the London Vollot o nod* the ONdoca shadows of asltaryleek out Ido4.oxidilLgt_64 oaogrAißry Tkoddloboi of Panda* kokio*Plooloatos's cavalry'.bittle# ,-, bgbidAlll9lBl 'rook Is ;430,t blittatagl_ll - abillthea Ano,lo9la, 'lO4 throe Idiatealdiako ' th ree_ hisiotsi olidibitratil*ollrojiti. • " - ;at• I atr:ll-cri Al ; :ite4.Olatte '4 4.&F ,, No • .1 • V • e•PWAAI";I,I4 tW V .4'. VOLUME LXXYI-7-NO. 193. OILS, I; c. WALLACE OURTI9B, COMEiIUUON NIAOM4III2. Aid degas fa CRUDE & BEITSIED PETROLEUM; 66,2071:111 EIRDOHD STMT. eltratortiptestOtit (=dor coma for 15,000 bbio. Alto azoollont Lt• ttoo tar 11140 0 11 to Anode= sod Iforahln ports; lit our whirr cos the Scholl= Una Mir the podia duo Pram IL.. BRZWIIR, - IMMO k 00., COMMISSIOI MERCHANT& • Agents of the GLOBE, PAOIVIO AND /MOO OIL WOFF:, MMM=I:= Refixed or CrOde-Petroleiuma 001 Dogmas WAY LID /WmNta • ITISIBUIGH, P. WALKS, W • ride commussioN rairalo]Eutwwit: paitrionts OP pireraozcuil, if..arar,zr zarwasw rep. Rik' Ample keilltlis Brokaz AND NO stakdr yard sad wbad. Bap Bios. myl4:tf OIL MEN need not be embediseeei . by• the mamma of the Itolk • when they an have their 011 barreled and ulthont touching the eity Moines, as cheep, Puss prompt, pith lam rirk, ter trouble and in bettor order, at KISS'S' Alt On the Allegheny Valley Ballroadvaboie Inierenea% rllle. where 011 le pooped teem the , boats diesel to the cara end a dr ßel to 9=a, ran or Wed. without any or ret-el AD ceders peony attended to. aroma at Tardon Menne Pan B. B. • Post ODos address, BOX 9O PttlabwO ; or / no be men dully at the Oil Iterhengs. .11 • DAVID XIBX. IRON CITY OIL WORKS. LYDAY QRORP.WiZIIZiG, klaacitactaren sad Basso el CARSON OIL, BINZIN AND LIISHIOATINO OILS, I=l OEUDJIfRTBOL BUM - 11111rWorko, oppceits Burpoburg =cola PERM BIOME, Daeptana Way, MZ=l RHEUMY:IN, HARLEY 00., onuninion and Forwarding lierekanU CRUDE 4 REFINED PETROLEUM, Rio.llll IS WIN 6TRENT, or Liberal cum /thrum on ooltsbiluilobia for Pittsburgh or Zastara Markets. •8 =!1:U=0 , • . Arm J. 13.• Davoion Oa; Briampa EaLkuteu. Nah. I t • . , Taoma Baiart., ?Alm% 9e!iiiizglerobl Bait" ROB , KT-11WLM. Ha 1 ST. OWL= M . ina, Pittotargli, Forwarding & Commission lierolnint AND DRAMS IN On& air ummaNAT/110.148810•Trtie. 01WD11 PITSOLEMIC 01.1.% la. constantly on band and for sob at the bwoot surkot plan - WOODVILLB OIL IMBINICRY,, aroatui w. HOLLOW 100.. mamma ctii. AIM W11110A*110,011.4 Hasp sonatantly ,on band tile Tau bort .qoallsj BUSUCI 014 slam and without odour, alma, • awl LIMBICIATOSi prie WLUTA'IFIINL9LII sad Galt .11111rAll olden loft at No. Yznri luny, Ala Block, mond door, will to promptly orfoudod to Watt- LUCENT OIL WORKS. DIIECM3I, aptima a co.. Nssabetann d - NMI Wail% 111118 ED CARBON On/. .01bet No. ItiA 11614117 atria, JAMES IRWIN, liazialidamor. of 011, Olt 11/'lllOl4 MICA AMPIONIA.. - Wart hit at William' Holism it oo.'s 011 op. Mrs Awe of Yorlog atroots, wUI ronkor prompt ottrottlio. OIAMOND OIL ..WOlihsi. _ MAIM. é BMITII, ASSINBEII Amp: MILERS IN 010111031 , . • • thuoupooostlbo say la tie . RbR 1111"ftrilooi loft at thole offloo, 8a 41.11LAILIT . EITETItat atAlialrwati la Lipir eaIU 7II!, be, OfCIIrOMI OIL. - • • ffROLTrK OIL WORKS, rilittnATlMlll HEM MIMI - CUM OIS; 'Dart* Asp imrsosan fAilitaidtze Oipsode r.. diamOiadr limb war 11/0116 . .8318.11.1 OBAZIP, ProPirk (1111 m, Mcgoangshalk Eclis l / 2 Pittsburgh, QTOBAGB FOR RIUMMILD PO ottootion of on nliessoll on aollof to tho. Let OM the ifatiordipsoi liao hurl, cool sad dr, graultomlioblo far Wain Zeiss! BOST. 418111NOBIlli, Dogmas Way sad It. Oar 'tryst BUFORD UJUNG& molar mama moat wM bo email ix it* imassimidoi Cl ea, Me WM - Or JUNI imms,, and will be loot *pm mill letol.Oatebore.: Hoed will be wader -Widow Of impecimool isasicois,.ead mow ameogemost be. been Nua. to Ws mitre astidecibrotossista.:, • ••••-• ' •',-"`•• 318 , 1ford'Hallmi will be ociolsiod• - ollisr, dap to imontbamb stimos;' dela •a•-0411,1406' art of Holibid,, sod Moo tbst - pcint lotimorepd to . ilprisp Meat eitee Moks sod AM* . Y ni bin i i di.10444. Molars sod Baba Wet* to Moodomicsako,Milietawbes Opt tor • ika bong. Mik) SA, Minis (WO ikt . &‘Coiderl oddrami to .11...10A/M11110011.11.4 , Ibrd,,loompliyl3ll•l, - ead moist slat to mor •r,eilliy,, - "12 - bribriesble ibaS iiee 4 / 1 11100k4 be shoilbe martheibionls „zimooo vows' iwoo„ maw lokesatbitiono 14'06' Opilasi, will Mime 0dda5i,..2112, IRIMITOMI OP 113011011 D 81.21111111.”, , 11jBW GOODS.-111Ting jusintuntiii 43 than the Not. we have sow ts stare ea adeaa elvo assortabeld of warm eaa dedtable . - , Booms A.bria 11.13C0338 . ' • -= Adapted to the *saw& Daiwabe :inipliali and MUMDBitill N 00111,41,111118 oil LUNT: DUOS% at a stied sinus tlat eardka{ -16!10. •L*lllll.llolidabiL i Si -- " ,;.• :". 210 i;l4 iniani7ioadaai IMECTILk 00 - 'On Timm* • owl , mitae owl iio►ll~7Kix .:1 ; • deßia Tonilled-1604.1pr a ..1'. " 1611 ' 341.”7.4•R1. ZNIIVILELINVE. Olio%..comer Wood sad Fifth S. FIRE AlailllllUNE =swum: I Jams D. Varner. -"I opt. John L. Batsaist Biased P. Shiites, tatat a : O. Reason t w 0.... Wm.hnlN" PlM!pi Jo Wm. Jobs Z. 8.8 M tiair^__.' W s Maass Wm. Tea /My PIUIADJELPIII. WIC/. iIAILDWEIL IORB INSURANCE, BX THE REM. ;J: AItaIIInITUAZ O tt 0011:PAN T EILILLADILPHLt s au BUILDINGS, Matted s imeamoung,lllllllllMl. Wu. tu U , W Mots,• Offlou We. ace Walnut uncut, °min s IRWIN 113EW 06—Invegtes kakis: Ifirrtipip aei Talileity Proper ,tliltailkiktals lb*" oli , 6 6 ,dX , .6itonsid 2,4e2 eo l'anaisli:3l;oahi 6 oar itL9OO oo Olty of /0 6 picout—Loin... 30,000 ce 'A.t=ar county 6par ofe" Loan 10.0io moo 00 Ibmtlngdon - and Maid - Top - XonatmAn Oaingany.snottantacidan—..... 4,000 60 'annuitants Banned oo.'s Jidda otlisibinaaldninal ilajdo tU Stook pi aunty An Insionas 10SQ co ' - Stock nf Datairuir - Y. 10ur66011 polompAsi AWL 5,1116,1 , 1 lldobanbie Sant dio Union litsaranolVa.hitlorl. Bills Socahaldia bottom papst*;,...... Korn ." Book Amami', soxasad Inter O.SILTIV Cash an timid and to bands 11,3 . 1060.'„ pos,soilor. SLIM TINGUIT, Pradisstief-:,. . s. L. Orasou. 'fi'ed. .7 3.-11 1 b2Lit"541;:k.-14"T T °1411 ! : B c on d.d:ig aii a. 8: Wood, Baklih Bowan, Jai. 8. Woodward, Jobn Mumll. Pittstegtt, NOBILLII. &oratory. J. G. OOYIIN, Agast. my g : Withrow/3 earner Third and Wood wool. Glen • fleanuel l =in, Wm; B. Tkompini, Skiers Steed, • •Indsilat Deem.. Wm. kleuner.. 4 „ .0. "Ellevemon, Bent. -W. Ttneety. .Jobe B. Worrell. • B kumbuirry • AtiAINST LOt3t3 1S Y J. 11.113.ZMIANLLLTA NISZIVITISANOZ WM PANI OP PH.U.ADILML. We, 435 and 137 Chostnnt drat, near JIM. Stalemant of Amato,. Unitary 10, 1800, Fabliaux' agreeably to an act of Aomerabl,t. being— Tint Mortgages, amply aegare.3.....—.51,880,393 .00 MealNage, - Orlin rd 11108,314'01) coat 102,90.5 00 Tomporoz7 Loam, cot ample Oollalmal &curies . 89,136 Stocks, tprilant Taltte MAT 69,78t1 00 0 Notes and Bab 1,821 0 Gish &WWI. 01 lallr The only mils fmnsepoondrazo 'Mob. thin " Company can divide 'by law.iinolman Mgt ofblcit: bars boon datenatnad. Itunnanco made on miry piregotty, la town and country. Myatt. as Mimi owalatont they btompotatkah a Wiwi h they have paN, bass by Dee Wan innonatimoodlng love of Dealer. Comb; allordtag 'Manes of the advan of Insaranos, as moll as Moir 0111. ty and dbpMttoa to- mast , :srlth, promptneas all L , Lours paid during the per 1t,i6.8.........-5106,010;.67 Charles N. lichokar, Liao . Daa, Nattletal D. Duda, Jacob B. Smith, Tobias Wigan., - Eltward O il = Dari 4 S. Drown, Geo. W. Bamoal Gnat,t 011;' _ales. CHARLES . B 1 LIIMM, Prwiduct =WAND- O. DA.14710f Pratidua WI. h. Druz, Burstarypro Mu • - J. Gamma 001171 N, Agra, mit Ma Northeast cosi- Wood di Third As VgEsTERs• INBUIWIVE GOMPA. urOr PECTSBURGH. , . • 72._11:44,1113, Jr" ProskGml. m. dorm*, .oNce, No.' SW Wear drag; Npazyr Co.'. If ore. = " ag= dmq taisiiN : lin mod Iwo /Mk; A Hoes maisgai br Devetornoka are lode ke•Mie ammealtib am{ who abid an t ra r wi lamer sad await , k saisiaNg Immo aimasd. tl erin g At Wel g Ages who dub. lorf A9BITS, 0010.131211 88,1869 Illtdci Lowing,. ,-1 e 3.000 00 =Cat= .oj.en EaUM 111144 Jr. Andra., A 0 Jamas hiniod4, Ahmander Spear, Nathaniel Dolman, David X. Long, •Abou Dem J. Thomas, ppaaae~y~ Dan snub. r ßas oan s. , O. Waliolcataon. • " wad • ' T. GORDON, INtiottriNO.O. ElittricAHCR O T A. COZP, OE NORTH AXBRI Disars4ve Oa. of the State of Penn'a., • PIIILADT&P/11141. Hartftord - P • in Warms Company: sor Lamm. In the gars Old - and rellablkOxot yeabottro tottObtriosil by oppllottSoo to W. P. AVES, Aiwa, =aft - Ift Water amt. =QM rill }• • - 13 USILDIGEWMPAN Y WV! MEE . TIMM' - 'Op Nik, 'wow Mirka end Wstenelinele, mooed fear: _ •.• ,-..._ __,-- iri a i t tik . . . , ... iiPPietAtEdey. Prodded M. '• beam VorsoboidUsed . '' ' teettud*lllarphe the nsehratie gaAloo NA , Weirs' NW" Lobe es mok aid - wriggle.* dile, Bor. . - area wins* lots Bed dome. I/ ft% :• - ..,2,' .:-. .".t , , , ~,, a 441:11a101111111V ', Wm.BiC a : _,- . 1L14. - Zior, - :ra„, Paz ' Jr.; - . . .". ..Tobe . • IP; a:3' ' '-' " " 781.11C.' 7. Ha n . aok ' ,-," • ~ " ' 11. Emu J ta ~ John B. J r.. ::n!tertheePrintein' ' ' ICheddielit.__4o:,. k SANOIi tX; aaaeArtzormrpouies. , imam. N 0.87 ..A 1 444#4.4 1 41 1 4 - „ - has* latiihaktals al ll:sad Itisto• Rift., , „ , :, , ~ • -... ~, ; , 51A.40 11, Prefisos. —. I'ORIM NOOONA TWIG Effaigalta z--a.., I. too l, gordirdat:: --'.< ' ,-- r,:.. .; : : - 044. .wiLICLUG liaind Agnit. T ~.:,,,...:•„..,.:., ~....•,. aolui - D t Stead; a _oi .*- . - ' , 3 ,=" -00-iludain Jambi ~ :11UntrAldidle..- ::: z. , , , , j:. Ji. Rditatithg, .13s$: X.o.lersy t . :,-, .: Aliti -Wm Dm% ' Ulm Intitailt ' ' Wu. Iroacaw, . -I..L..mousiau•- , :- - ii.)4,4i, DM". lows e.naviir • ' aliwinni. Alijk3 is idoIIaWAINE!, Auctioneers, D •Y - No. of#znqz. or 4 ICU Eat Mtge, Rock sad &caws' Auction Bud. aim, etiablitbad la Ida hy 410 MFR - 4011.2 D. Du% Sill be cesillued ii Us fat socap4 No ad Fink et., cuide-tha &prat DD►TM & NoiLWADFL JO : ' G..DATIL Aidellud .tdeochdad Via him TA tierd MIMI , melt kanowitac dross la the haw& OK „TWA, -Dendlintilletelelvai ex. ' ^ ideetwity a Anodic 'Eadasse. la which p.. , .adiactitisit load soctieno‘_ tiro _confidently 80. etnulguneidal eCecallte Itenda al Pod/. Mind Omni wade crbea decite4 7, - - ' ) Mir of Mal Bitawandis. . Bolds? to., avirt -..• P 4 L iatietrarttaddoa cake mum. • . whindlentiacti , ealtettiosa or B oa r. u. intil ,- . , . ~, ft ame i x,4 irciuddl, _ llll , l / 1 •1811 , the at. :teeditco , id ell &veldts» - maim to ids PATWIT arasselitm. shish le auttallaily known U. U. Me xamdliedfigilig aldbkOmsolat, Thijr,bak• virazolmil at , - 4 rsitesseosestaadaurabilvataa. , uhraeratioat Ibr NIB_ ,by ,- wirriefuorsx , ; , uthicaot :.111wIl samiaclthied,Seeteni mo il ., 1 Vgdeblitli &AVMS AbldiUdigt.aitie.'- -. dta,--zier a: ?tube skseitanadie. ta "pints and :bag&t sa lkWirr ibbl o ilai rs t7l 4 issolikingielahakniksied- vitaps, ilkli iiitidtiftY ilw . ,,qs,u-, ..-.Li-.,,, : . .16-',!;= ~ eiriaktibeitsk . ate ~i ca.410, 4 ,0)t0ie2;•,, ;41.. tttleesailbitabligralMazietwitatiar Vi1:10 1:f. ARO yE2411.1 ~: S`~ill ~..~~ DISIVAMMI. 7,60100. 18,361 99 17,696 14 174,076 19 --........ 1an,4151 $1 WILIIMOMI