Viltsiturgh Gaztitg. FRIDAY, MORNING, JUNE 26 01TY AFBAII2B. 0171024 L PAPER or TEI 0117. Ssno.ou.ioL 0111111TATIOIS forth. Go ods*, by O. N. Raw, Optician, No. II JIM a Sri. IN BIALDII. 111 (Moak, eo 132 12 " - 110 75 6 a r. 70 Barometer-- .119 5-10 The News. We need only refer our people to our tele graphic columns to =vines them tket war in earnest is upen - us. Ii may be that Phllade!- phials in more danger than Pittsburgh; but •let us not be unprepared for whatever may bappen. Indeed it looks as if , the rebels were concentrating their entire fore, on the Upper Potomac, for the purpose of driving' the war into Pennsylvania, and of making one tre rotations effort to retrieve their desperate for tunes or perish in the attempt. Oh I if our men would only glaze and improve this grand opportunity to crush the rebel armies which, before two months roll round, will either be victorious or annihilated. Depend upon it, the war is near a close one way or the other. For a few weeks war must be our sole busi ness. We have plenty of men to roll back this tremendous onset, and it will be our own fault if Les aid his hosts axe permitted to gain a firm footing either in our own State or in Maryland. Stragglers from Winchester. On Wednesday morning thirty-two men of Carlin's battery, headed by Capt. Carlin, ar rived at Wheeling. They were mounted upon the battery horses, upon whisk they made their escape from the vicinity of Winchester. They came directly from Bedford, Pci,her tog left that place on Wednesday of last week. The battery fired during the engage ment at Wlnehuter, upwards of sixteen hun dred guns. The boys almost cried when the orders:lame to traumata and spike the pine, which latter job was done most effectually, and the harness was cut into thousands of pieces. Capt. Carlin, on hie rout* from Bedford to Wheeling, heard of stragglers coming in all the way to Washington, Pa., infantry,eavalry, artillery and scoots.—lntel. An Infamous Act The carolling cliker of Knox township, BlauAsld county, was shot in the foot and seriously Waxed, a feW days ago, while rid ing along the road, by soma cowardly miseee ant who was secreted in the woods by the roadside. The ball; after puslng through the person's foot, entered the side of the horse, causing hi m to throw his rider. The foot will have to be amputated. A few years ago this gentleman had one of his feet taken of bat, with the aid of a crutch, was able to move about and earn a living. But aow ' with the lose of his other foot, he is indeed help less. Efforts were Mu to discover the per ?stratar of this pus outrage, bat without effect. This 12 the legitimate fruit of such copperhead teachings as we hear uttered at almost every Democratic meeting. City Mortality. The number of deaths fn this city, from Jane 15th to June 21st, as reportsd by Dr. A. G. Aloaandlsss, physician to the Board of Health, is u follows : Males ...... 9 Wh1te....17 19 Benzalet 10 `Colored.. j To tal -Diseases—Chronio Bronchitis 1; unknown, 1; apoplexy, 1; paralysis, 1; sun stroke, 1; burn, 1; dropsy,l; consumption, 1; gun shot wound, 1; unknown, 1; fever, 1; premature birth, 1; pneumonia, 2; diarrhoea, 1; soul-- tins Antigua, 1; minimum, 1; infliunotion of the brats, 1. Of the above there were : Adults, 10 ; Children, 9. • A Dawcaccrnva Fran.—On Mazy morning last, a destructive fire occurred at Albion, Erie county. Some nine buildings were destroyed, including Thornton's Hotel, the betiding oc cupied by H. A. Hills as • dry goods store, with, of tours., • considerable portion of the contents, and • dwelling house and barn be longing to Mrs. Warren, of Erie. The file oocurred about two o'clock a. - m., and same to have ban the act of • person or persons who desired to wreak vengeance on Gee or more of the property owners. It was found, on attempting to ring the Academy bell, for the parposs of sounding the alarm, that it had been tied. • Marva. OP TIOOPIL—About one thousand paroled primitive, from camp Parole, Annap • oils, passed through this city yesterday after noon on.their way west. They were captured by the rebels in the southwest, and hat • been Dueled for exchange. They represent &num ber of regiments belonging to arant's and Boteasn's armies, and will be dh bled and sent to camp Chase at Columbus, and camp Benton, near Ht. L oris. They were furnished with provisions at City Hall by the subsfs tents committee, and left in fine spirits. Altman New' Drreentawr.—The leg intelligence.- states that Gov. Borman molest a dispatch on Wednesday evening from the Ebenetary of War, informing him that s manta Deputment had been mad* of the State of West' Virginia and the counties in Maryland west of tlemberiand, and that Gen. Kelley hid been appointed to fu com mand. 'Tumor° Maori Trcerr.—The following Union Whet has been nominated in Venango musty.: Senate, Thorns. Bogs; Assembly, William Bagels ; Prothonotary, 0. B. Lytle; Bogies? and Recorder, H. B. Gordon; Trim mer, Henry Dubs.; County Commissioner, Thomas Rol=dsn •' County Auditor, Daniel Puling; Coro ne r, Dr. W. T. Bunter. Costilissios.-14 the published list of men employed upon the fortlicationd on Herron's the lowa foundry, John C. Parry, pro prietor; has been omitted. Mr. Parry has had fourteen men employed since tho cons molooesent, under Capt. M'Clelland. Kiddr — ro sr van Elmo OF Locurrm—lt is reparteiethst two children mainly died in the vicinity of Wheeling from the ideate of the sting of locusts, but the story is not fully credited. The Movements in Virginia. K r . L. L. Cronus, of the R. Y. Tim', wtttoo from Bookoz's army The present sontast Is chiefly one of 'trite st." thus far. :It U plainly sun now that Lee desired nothing bettor than that Hooker should cross into Maryland and uncover Washington. What gaiter proposes to do no one seems to knew—but Is don't sum In much of a hurry to moss. That he did not move rapidly into Maryland the middle' of last week is du to his went of consideration of aided fun at W'ashligten. Those furs were tantamount to requeste-rif not orders—and Chain Bridge was to be pat in good repair for the pusap el the army, even though Oen. Hooker preferred to neo pontoon bridges at another point. "There is abundant evidences that Lee is dlseonouted at Hooker's Janus to move • promptly into Maryland. The backward and forward 111rOlatiall of Lee's infantry _for the last few days indicate that,' Since Wednes day Lonptrest's corps hae✓'been moved from the Shenandoah into tho,Loudon Valley, and beck again into the Shealuldeall. "Staartfe cavalry US* been bully engaged In making they movements of Lee. - Tbey protect and cover his -dank and rear from the vigorous assaults/ of Pieuanton, and severe Agatlag has resulted:' each day, with Hived vantage on our side. In fte upper part of .London Valley Buford has reoonsioltarod to Bnialtet's alp; Gregg has mulled Stun twice at - Aldie and Middleburg ; /Chas cleaned ont_Theraughfare Gap, and Stahl has noon nolterod at Warrenton. The ground is well oormed by our attire rivalry, and they are now doing better 'MINI than ever before." Wooad—The lint wool sale of the season has been =We in Michigan at fifty cents. The-wool crop of the State last year was 6,600;000 potuldsoutd it is estinutted that it will be increased the presentyear by 000,000 pounds. The whole wool clip of Om country this year will reach 100,000,000 r 4 1 . 1 414 _ ,~f!r•yu 41iy~ _ Letter from Baltimore. •• • - *fibs Ntialargb Clasen. BLVMIOI2, .111N124, 1863 Baltimore is Inundated with troops this morning. Of their whence and whither, I have not been able to ascertain. It is staid that many of them came up the bay and will remain hare. COMA have taken the Northern Central Railway, and are likely returning home. This now popular road which is as elegantly equipped, in as excellent working order, endu well managed almost as any in the country, seems to be the great route for returning New York, as well as Pennsylvania soldiers. Much of Its present regularity and popularity is duo not only to its new Prosi dent, but also to a new member of the Beard of Directors, Col. Thos. A. Booth I have not the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with Col. Scott, but I hive learned much about him, within the last few days, from those Who knew him intimately, and I can cordially indorse the notice of him which you copied in a late Issue from a Marristaul paper. When en Impartial history of the present war shall have been written, Col. Scott will occupy a conspicuous place in its pages. I know that he is engaged night and day in the service of his country and the roads he is connected with. When I meet traitors at every step, I cannot refrain from paying this tribute to an unknown, but worthy man. The guard on the Northern Central has been greatly strengthened during the last two or three days. Gen. Haileok made a' flying visit to Balti more yesterday, and inspected the different fortifications in and around the city. He re turned to Washington in the afternoon in a special train, furnished by W. Presoot Smith, Esq., master of transportation—and a princes among masters of transportation—cf the Baltimore and Ohio Railroads. Gen. Schanck and Gov. Bradford reviewed the troops in camp Bradford yesterday. In the evening General, aecoMpanted by his staff, visited the beautiful smutty seat of the Gov ernor, about four miles from the pity, on Charles street Avenue, where be arrived about hall-put seven o'clock. This indicated that there was not much apprehension of a rebel invasion during the night. I enjoy rare facilities here for getting news and seeing sights, through the politeness and attention of our former, and esteemed fellow townsman, Stephen Little, Esq. Whither are we drifting? To what ere we coming? The grass is short at prevent, ow ing to the drought, bat in every tuft there is a snake. Rebels will soon be as plenty—if they are not already—in the North as in the South. Everywhere men, under the grilse of patriotism, are denouncing the government and the warp Now, I mast admit that the "vigorous prosecution of the war." so long promised, has not as yet been realised ; but if men are allowed to talk treason as they aro doing much longer, the arm of the govern ment will become completely paralysed. I listened with disgust, on several ocoesions while in Washington, to the blatant palaver ings of "Count Garoweki," about Lineplo, Stanton, Halleek Hooker, the .Cabinet, and everybody else- The " Count " evidently thinks that wisdom will die when ho dies. However, be afforded mush amusement to Professor Longfellow, Gen. Martindale, and others, to whom he addressed•hls lectures on the present mists, inn private boarding. house. Bat they did not seem to be much impressed with his military notions. Ido not wish to detract from the " Count's " ability and tal ent, but his uncalled-for cad unjust strictures might have weight in some localities, and do harm. I have a good anecdote of the Count, but must reserve it for some future occasion. liis.palavering: are only referred to as e spe cimen. In a word, for thepreserration of the nation we need more patriotism, more energy, and more Men. Spies. 1.10 LED: OLDItGI—On Wednesday nlehl, at 113. o'clock, AIIOHIBALD GE'3llolfe aged 26 yearn and 6 mos. The funeral will take ➢lace from the to fdence of kW father, Samuel George, on &such Avenue, Alle 'bevy City, at 9 o'clock Ineair erreasoon. The friends of the family me invited to attend. APECLAL LOCAL NOTICHB Lovra AXD Bwrose's Seines MACHINE, for family and manuisoturlng purposes, are the best In use. A. N. Guava; General Agent, No. 18 /Nth enact Thous PAM, Plain and Ornamental meta Roofer, and dealer In Pennsylvania and Val mont slate of the best qnality at low rats,. Oa= at Alex. Laughlin's, near the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa: apB:6o lAaw AiIITAL or Busmen Cacernixo.—Of ten we are asked, who» can we buy a neat and comfortable num= suit, made to order, thus having the chance of selecting our own goods? To all these Inquiries we can answer, go to Messrs. W. S. Mc Gee & Co., corner of Ifedezal street and Diamond Square, Alleghe ny, and you will be suited wording to your taste. They kayo just received their mune; goods, and for elegance of styles, they cannot be =passed, and for fitness they are the very persons, as their work is all done under their own supervision. Giro them a call, and you cannot fail to be satisfied. Arnurnos, RIITURNID VOLUNTSIRS I—The attention of our country's brava defenders re *fatly returned from the seat of war, end oT tlui public In general, is again directed to the very extensive and handsome assortment of the latest styles of French, Xaglish and American pleas goods, for pants, coats and vests, lately received by Mena. John Weier Jt Co., Merchant Tailors, No. 126 Pedant skim, Allegheny. A tasteful raleation of gentlemen's furnishing goods will also always be found on the shelves of the establickunant, together with a lot of resdymade clothing, got up In the best manner. Jun iirroantin 11011 all ZAIT.—SAMIIeI Graham, Merchant Tailor, would reapectftiny inform his friends and the public IrCgeneral th/i4 he has just retained from the Nast with his new stook of Spring and Bummer Goods, consisting of all the latest styles of clothe, caudaterte and irestings. Gentleman desiring a stook to select from that cannot be surpass ed by any other in the city, and their gar ments made in the most fashionable manner, would do well to give him a call before par chasing elsewhere. IcilllttlL (+swum, Merchant Tailor No. NI Market street, one door from Third. Osier Dearrerzr.—At the Dental Insti tute, No. 261, Penn street, sets of teeth for four dollars, better than those at live dollars at the other dental utablistanents. All per sons are requested to call at the Institute after having ascertained the fewest prices at the other etuap pirate. All work done at the Institute is guaranteed superior to any cheap Dentistry In the city. BOLDIIIe, TO TEI /1121011111 I—Young MOO, rushing into the *apostate end dangers of a soldier's life, should prepare themselves for the fatal fevers, the dysentery, the sores and smarty, which are almost certain to follow. Holloway's Mb, used occasionally during the campaign, will was= sound health to ev ery nun. Only 9 , 5 cents per hoe. 214 News To Poorness notanss, Aoawrs AND ALL *MU Iswitausan.—Bor repairs or al- Walloae to stores or dwelllnp, now roofs, or anything else In the Sam:der line, toll at Onthhert's Oarpiniter Shop, Virgin alley, above andthlsld struts. All orders promptly attsmded to. Oxman and 01111111.0211 °Ala& wW ba taken et the Omnibus aloe, No. tub Liberty street, day or sight. All orders left at tbs. above plus will be promptly attrackd zo. :63 tally mostbepsld a sleaze*. C. 6124., Dentist, 246 Penn street, attan4 to uti baitnooo of his protouion. Prox.arotr.rais. 414 D TEM Deuce or Pawasrawasta.---According te the state ment of CoL Ruff only one thousand one huniired and' seventy-nine men have left Philadelphia for the ' defence of the State. This number is exceedingly small, and re flects no great credit upon our city. Of course, we have still QUO Or two regiments forming for thesis *oaths service, bat the above number is all that. has yet be)n mus tered in for the tonergenoy. it is really mortifying that this "'umber should be so small.--PAilo. Press, of Wednesday. Sun Owszas EXZXPTED MON Con untirrtow.—The rebel conscription law ex empts from military service every owner of _a negro. In Georgia the law has been illberpreted to include even onrseera, and in the Baker county courts anion so cm ployetbste been dials:pi from'arrest on WI ground. Work on the Fortifications At the meeting of •he Executive Committee, held last night, the reports of the men work ing on the different lines of fortifications were called for : TIFF. COOPERS, IN CIIABOZ OF CILAILIJA EMOKYTLIN. Gregg, A lexander & Co. 44 John Flehert 7 Chan. dehnerlin 23 John Ort 7 John PeHier 14 W. P.-Logan Henry Geyer 13 John Lalya ........ ....... ri John Meyer 12 Han Eloultneyer 8 H. Afterhyde. 12 Wm. Langkempt 8 F. 11 Albrlcht & Beck 5 Fayatte barrel factory, 12 Food. 'Redman 5 John Bente— 9 John Helm.-- ........ 4 Beeman & HetteL-- 9 George Solomon 4 Doom 8r0....—. .... ... .. 12 Hummer & Houck 9 Gut tendert, Miller & 00. 8 Ituhl & Anton 4 Jacob Smith_..._....--- 8 Taylor 1 Henry Herr.........—_ 8 0. Sondem 12 R o b t . n o i, ..... ........._ 7 Hildebrand 3 Fred. Helm ...... —..... 7 _ VIZ 1 . Bare .. . ...... Jac Cal lory a T. ..... 8 La .pe IS A. Holstein . 8 Hays & Stewart.-- 10 Rubenstein 4 F. Seiler-- ......... .—.. 4 I. 0 lopple 8 E. E Sot iegel 4 G. Gilbert... 3 Samuel klatley 3 ..... & A. Frlerid...— Chat Helfer Inger & Bon i 0c0pen..._.... Wm. Hemplq • Mums— Ono ploy and team, Gregg. Alexander & Co. Jao. C. Matra, W. Brame, j IMO= OF KEN IMPLOIED 03 70321110411030 ON MI =Milt lIILL, Ir. 'White &Alezeniler 21 H. Wightmett Jolts W. Darr.._._.... 5 M. Fire Bailiff & Brown... .... 6 Aler..Cameron____.. B. A. Idorrilion_.__ 3 John Blorri.on 3 I Nnt 11 S Kirapatrick. 4 C. C. Maple B. Turner & Bra.— A. M. Metheas.-.... John Weir A C. Lied John Brown, Jr John Sooth-........ -- 19 Ihnlap, Maar & co.- 9 Wm. & itard;.- 7 Forester & hicgraw..... 7 J. L. Enos- 21 44111 and & Orr - 8 .4 Gordon 4 Tate, Jr., & 4,Cittaana ..... ...... 29 R. W. Jenamam........ 2 Jam. Nellie 3 Wm. Boyd Cu 10 James Ca1dwe11..........8 elaay 81 Arßousid a hither__ 10 C. C. llarbaugh ...... 2 llobe. Ray ....... ....-... Arthur Hobson.. Wm. H. Walker.....—. ll'lntyer, Al'liatighcr A co. 11 Jamesllunden S Peter Marti-- ...... ... 10 Stephen Manic I Itobert Henderson 4 Itlaml Hunter ....... ..... 4 Arthur Kirk.. 3 U. tiutmoyer, (3 days). 1U 4 Itotart H. Dorm Idichsel Vtduct.......... 11. Uerwig S Co— 10 Wm. Miler a henry......... W. B. llc ..... Smierick Becton Noble, Angle cu 4 Jo eph llldilleberger... 6 /3aniey&Bocaenpausen 13! Gregg 6 - Dalzell S 111.1:4 a 3 N. Vet.ler L. It Ittsdsay___.„ $ Eleticy G0rw1g............. 3 John &halt., boo et ca 6 Klee ..t c 0....—.- 6 Smith 6: Bulgy, (car renter.)..........—...... 2 8 eltizeuv-- 321 40 Allo,littly Con. atm... 12 Pole, b100r.5 co ti Wm Lolworth . Wm. !dela. ,t c 0....... 27, Jamul Wm. 1.1*.xter.... C. arid (Vrtatklin Cott I=tM MMEEM W. B sell and g home Teter Ytcerlion, 2 tutu 6 2 hone-% J Total ,pct fully submitted a Citavrct., for Coo, Snauk Cue......_...... 1 John Ream an 16 Howard's Leper Mill 3 Ounpbtll C G /loamy A Co , P & B blinaag Co f "- Co 1.. Lica/ Clark__ 33 J P I.lnigh & CJ 50 J. Thum & L o ..... 50 Jae Roes __ ls Gr.II J: Co 45 Ilouglees & Angceh._ 51 F liichardeve 10 . 11-rtou, & Co 18 & J M aleou 6+ S 'lavers Joe IMichael.4 J C kluOuto Glaser S C 0... 17 ru Derohill & C 0.... 30 J Y 13rws 70 LsogOankp s.Piroasier.. t o hones J 11 Jonlut-- linyder Elartopeo & co =IC= ti Fowler 6 co 1 hone end net Salton to co 18 Bruce, Iticharde aco 30 _gavel' and Kerr—. 9 autumn and Lam.. 2 blepetch Otßee 8 Muted Pre. tlftice.... 4 J J...... 2 Joe Plummer '2 it:heap John.. 1 . J M. /truth 85 13' 61cliaa . Lk, • 2 Volunteer workmen.. f tti woo 14 Watson Blenroo 21 Murphy and 15 Bang abd Pennock-- 11 larbra 4441 Stewart... 2 V, 554:side S. Wallace 4 Slash Hotel S Fort Pitt Mare W i , C D Dlthrldge c Pr tine and Volt.— 24 Laughlin and co 28 :ht., &myth and cu 160 Black and throoda..—.. In horses and carts Coume W e eincotpta..— Tim llictirmr. 2 [Mho: wad itlakbicko 19 .11cQuewrwaalauuglus 2 home sod plough K Wumeer and co 3 / 3 Thump.. and c 0...-. ll L 0 nomad._ ...... 11 and cu... b 'Gold Leo 22 11 31 I:,,na 8 uro Ga 11 - ostatt.r and Smitb !4 Walton. Phillip ± co u Li Palmer Jr 7 Geo It Wetting 1 Tobacconists ...... 29 Teamsters 26 I Wool Street Mee 53 EZI!!!!!MI!!! DAM Eatoo,llnerum 00 20 ILLS:mat, Rehm et CO 280' Sem*, Coal Worke,.... 40 'On. McCall A: Co._ 80 Elimbell.lierrola aCo GO 41tlzeca 2 Liberty— GO Liaavoy, Wells d CO.-. ISt Jame. Mar.b lldCk. elcizene 01 /lataptea, Ynoa & OD . . tilolultaar .—1% 111nd:taro -... ...... -.. $ 44 Zug 1 Painter ...... _- 44 Clark I Samner 16 J. XL LIM', 6 linty. bad a Co- 116 1. U. Dammler.__.__ 11 epang, Chalfant a Do 175 Frank Ordzy.—. ... - . 15 Juries 1 Watllnglora 10 Poona. Salt 05 7 J. D. DN., 'Li Lockhart y Foca 5 Kelly, Glaca & Co b Eaq. Jancey 2 hared 2 alclutoth a llomphlll 25 Deer toomehips.—... 60 Shernberger a tlo V. 4 ttiet. Drathoy , 1H rootlet, lielotrk &Co • 46 Pewter, & E1yene&C0_........._.. Cellars Glass Works— 46 Ludt Ddzell & C 0.... 262 SolLLers .d Guard N6Tox. Jac Wood & Co 300 Coal Mioes(voluuteers) 80 Citizen* Teroperan've. Zug & relater 105 Tavern * eating-house 100 Fahnessoek, Albreu Co 68 Woolridge Oil Cu..... 18 'Wm McCully Co di Tobacooniate ......... Singer, Mimic& & C 0... 70 Robinson, Minns& C 0.12.5 Wood, Matthews & Co. Ai 1. Mffiloger & 85 Lyon, Shorh & Co 140 Slog 14 YOUNT to McKnight A Co 170 Bennett. of . 9 Broil, Bennett k C0....200 Junes & Laughlin 360 I,llnuewoll A Pears iti.AßKeo.teo J. & A. lisp ..... Bateman A iJsrriaon... St Ihniern at Son 30 A. & B. H Chnutber9-1150' AdnlDtl 20 Porter A Dilworth 112 0. Mack burn 30 A. J. ...... B. A. ltahneeconi, - gun South of Monongahela de ,Westen , n'exzena's au P. F. & C. It 1t.C0.1 . 2.5' Hutchins & Co-.-- GI Boss; Heins & 4 Thomas Harper 6 Marshall C00per......_.4 D. Graham-1----.. 4 Citizens —.--..-- .... 241 Gray and Leect,--- 12 Carlin and Stewart— - 41 J B. Sheriff ------ 2' ' G. Joengert....-.-- 2 Wm. Park ..... Blter,Harttnan & (Ir..- 24 Sheets & Fayette Barret 'ley— 16 John Brown. Jr......_. a wm. Misr, hone an cart, 2 days. and CI Frasier 23 Moore and Chambers.- 21 Glasgow and 00 8 Cl[lse us ......... 0.0. timith„..._ itont and Maley 10 A. Azishutz..—. 12 IL P. Chitty—. ...... 2 Joseph Wisher-- 4 Blomenbage 2 a. Da1ze11—...—.... 2 Citizens.-- .--.. 35 ID. nehmen A don—. .3) A rt 11 arahall, horso and wagon. Mr P/IMngton, horse and wagon. • • ibsub k licDonstd..-. 22 Jl3 a bNazwell--. 6 1 Patterson a 7 Evan Prnticla Jay Donnelly.. Josuptr 3 Ontkar a Itiunrey...... 2 Oitit 48 Etesi i Olesey. ... . 6 Timms' rowan, bone and woton. &rah Mad Haalott,two honm and plow. Glemon tr. Go , 9 meu, norms, 1 wagon. - 05 .0..1103 A.8D803. W W Wullaze ..... 13 Fleming tiro, ......... - 12 Graham and Yither.- 37 -Gil Arrnatrong......... 25 .100.3 M. Bold sod e-.-. 1115 Braymen sod carters 123 1111110, Beat and t 0... 71 (J Wert and 25 BI ten and co 45 Merchants and clerki from Merkot and 6th 80 Tutu Wy1ie....._.. 60 Joe Pennock -----. 30 Yhotographera......— 32 Glikaide and Mitchell 16 Blares , n and Bro-.-. 23 Trait Dea1er........—.. /6 ICloman and co—.- 06 .1 P Ebel:maker and Lang- John and saddler.._ 15 Hour, /1111...--. 1 Pet 11a110n....---. 2 .1 and J 2 A...... -1 JolanJahn---..-.-. 1 J and II 9 Lewin Daft..........._..1 Thomae Elliott- 1 J N ..... 1 XViteaengcnt...-...... 1 John Polloir------ 1 Panline.l____- 1 Y B Floyd sod 1 Gabriel and Neely.-- I Thorne9 Molloy BA G 1 W W Wattles---- 2 White. Bros A co.__ Arbuthnot .IC, co ....--, 2 Narita 1 Wm Haulage.----.. 2 Win B C1app..........._1 Thai 80dge5...._..... It 4 It 1 W a Ihiwagt.---- 1 John 2 P nainnta A ca.---- 1 • • ()DUMB a 'a 831.1 ~ AIID 28102 PAIL Anew LI Gnard...-.... 60 Park . McCurdy & co Scat/, Park and co 266 Park. l 'roe and co Lippece At and c 0...-120 G and L H0rd....-..... 26 Vol.:Lutes , C - .... ---... 6 Joe Tool 'noon-- 31 Graf, Bo nnett and - c 0.121 W B. 130 dfo sa LloTio an 1 Bleak 168 Brown at al co--.-..-176 Thos -- 5 blab . - 4 Gotbr lo and Sill- . . _.. 26 Bre., ~ Burke and co 18 B L Fa . bnatock and co 43 Y J Dm tall— --- 2 B H Ha. ttlay---. 4 W B Bay H- .' and c 0...... 1 lOulpandSL NIPP.- 1 Donley and nchollo... 6 OW Hlooppa. .----. 0 Geo Albroa,,S, in and co 1 Wm Cannon. --- / Jos Johnston. --- 1 P Lippert --- Monis 8e11...... --- Michael llnnnco Hugh Horland-.„ H Edward Sponoer••••• •••• 6 /filler end Illokert on 6 2 George end c0.........1 Wm 1 John Mona, 2 , apt Oyertnan.._ 1 Volunteer . ... _ 1 MU, IlleClure - i co 03 M 63111 CoMn Smith Petar50n . ........ 3 Marrone di 3 Jos 11. linghee.-... 4 Muni. rrpeotert. e ... Gloating. dry gags 3 at Clair gard5...,;,... J W Barker 15 II & A Oppenheimer_ • H Gonnanattser......._ 1 Ewer, Phil/1p & oo * - Harndolla/ i trice-.- J Mak .3 M!EM=M=E==M John Inerreneon ......... 3 l Lippman & co-.- - 1 G Riensehhausen __. 3 'boa Brown 1 Edwin Sherrar i......... 1 8 McKee Betwooden A-Maceman. 1 J O: Ramaley _ 1 IG Kann W ORigart...— .. I Wm . 1' Beck arid 'Co - :. 2 W C Donato__ ...... 2 Wm. Tifackmin-___ 1 J Aichem 3 Cittierm —.—____ 16 0 DU1ter......._ ............ 16 P lamer ...... ...—.... 10 MoOnrao.. 4 Jesse Wilklue—.-.... 4 White. Orr and Co 20 Miller and Itlcketaon... 13 3 T , licOance ..... --- 10 Jlloobyer...--..... 12 J 8 'Schaffer- 10 & Litman end C 0....... 3 J id Burchfield._ ...... 6 Outlier and 8r0„....... 4 J D'ldeCord and C 0... 5 alcharlson and Co 2 J 8 Pearson 4 P If Hunker 5 E Dietrich -... __... 1 'Wm lards and b0..._. 4 J Llighthtlf.-.... ......... 1 o.l' lipentsr_,_ S lif FrEiber- 1 Trends Dlpple . 1 E Allen.. - • 1 'Geo' Cannlnt.---.. 2 J A Gassy. 1 Maxim= and Glyde 1 Wm Ensile 1. E'fry- -..................2 John Wallace 1 it 0 Dlfferibacher-- 1 John Crawford ...... .... 1 8 M Young 1 W McClintock 4 H J Lyach_ ..... -..... 4 J A: Cain - 8 A P Thompson ...... .- 2 It Straw 6 Z McClintock end Co. 2 J W 5pencer_.......... 2 Jae rUmstatter 1 J'l3 Backofeu ..... -..... 1 A for e - ant 1 41 1. Porter , 1 W g faith 1 .1 L Manhall______ 1 a M lioffstott a con_ 1 J Burchfield. 2 lea Breen 1 WM Johnston 1 Jai lfome A Co ..... __ 1 Alfred Gipson 6 John Porter 1 Isis, Williams.. ...... ... 1 ;nib* dellets...._ 1 1 0 II Lore aco ..... ..... 7 Eailthdeld aquad.......166 A 13 Berl' 1 Joe Pennock 18 LlOyd & Black - ....-. 9 BL. lahnostock &Lio. 1 'J . Bunla w a, Jr 2 J D WSltame. 2 Alas Y0ung....._..._...1 Thee Roberta 1 0 Ludwig .. . .... 1 John Kennedy & r 0... 1 11 Hallk ro 11 A G Hole & c0.........,..121 Alex Bates 9 G Thumen 2 Freyvoget and Giuner. J and I Elavekote I Gt or Albree 1 E R Gardner H Brady Wilkins 1 Jae Johnson 1 D Guest- - . .......... 1 L Thumm&Clo ...... 1 J DI Snowdon 3 Jae Kennedy.........._1 J. Lind5ay............_.1 Chita Belsky._. 1 Graham and Th omas.. 2 Wm Hays_- _ ....... 2 Lifirighl and Brce 3 Geo Boeta 2 Thom Hill —...-.. 1 J 11 4 E Prowenfeld Bro.- 1 E Bernstein A Co P H Lauf man 4 Wm C Johnson and Co 2' Little and Trimble 3 Lf Cooper and Co 3 Henry...... 3 Gbo Brash 2 0 Yeager and C0.........4 Colored men 43 Young 8r0.. In . W Bowbottom 4 Wm Kennedy DII Emlich and Bon— 1 Joe Phelan 2 W 0 Hawse 1 J F Chalky 4 E Barr_ 1 Geo Gibbon. 1 J P Hanna and Co 1 8 Walters. 1 DI AlcClelland.-... ...... 1 Jos Roush 1 Semi Baleen S J 0 Backofen ...... 2 Halatein and Stewart . 4 John Orr and Co 4 Jae Loughbrldge ..... 4 B ti earns 1 Jasper 1 Lowman 1 J 0 Ile "alien b. 1 John AndreWe 1 lingua it Barka. John Weight 1 0 Yeager 1 Jame. Prnder 1 Jno Kennedy a Co.-- 3 !licensor . --..--.. 4 hfoColliater A Baer .... 3 Chatony 1 A.......... tl Kohn ...... Philip Peasant,' 1 Cohen Joseph Budge 1 WJ eo try ... . 1 J bonny, Jr 1 M. Mafiaßongo, Jr..k. Oe. discharged Jas. Bell, of the drayman's squad, for working oh the fortifications. Andaman a Phillip,. ss merarland, Collins & Thee. Moore.-- ...... .. 4 Oa 8 Arthur Bailee 3 Coyle & Bre 2 Soho Work._ 120 3. R. Weiler_ .--.—.... 2 . E. fleyallma 7 Behmette4 & Ill .. ently— 4 H. Bemire.-- la J. Finch-- 2 irltnlmmonsit Marrovr 2 Stereltanta and Marks lintai Smithfield at... 1643 J. Statile...—. John Y. Abner W. O. lloppen Samoa Murray: Penn's ICE . . .... 301 Thos Bet .r ..._........ 18 Dal6sm, Stewart co. 76 Fayette Bartel Worts 8 lieamyer. Graff' ro 61 11 11 haltaat,4-homo Mayor, Wflliue tp. 41! team aad Mee. ClamsS c0...._........: 361 J. O. Fisher, of McKeesport, coal dealer, reports that ho would send 18 men to any part of the works. John Scott, of Seventh Ward, and Samuel Barclay, of the same Ward, each tendered 10 men. Wm. Doyle, on the part of the steamboat men o ff ered • number of men and wore or dered to report at .the Allegheny market hence at 9 clock Ws morning. Mr. T. W. Bash effared the service of ZOO colored men. They were assigned as • sepa rate force to fort No. 9, Magi:tires Hill, above Mount Washington. The forces of . the Pennsylvania Railroad, were asolgted to Davis' Hill, also the Novelty Works. A force of two hundred retail dealers, of Birmingham, reported themselves II organi zed for duty on the entrenchments. They were assigned to fort No. 9, on Mount Wash ington. The following force. Vero assigned to Mt. Washington; Lloyd and Block, Phillips. Beat, Capt. Follansbee'', Captain Bulger', Capt. Baker's, C. Watt Jr Co:, *Risene of the Sixth Ward. Everson, Preston A Co's., and Bissell A Co'e. Babscriptions of $2O from Joseph Knox, Esq., $l,OO from Brewer, Burke A Co., and $2 from J. Townley, were realised. M . Robert Marshall, Mark Watson, and B. Preston, were appointed a committee to Imo that the forces assigned to Mt. Wash ington, have proper localities on the works. N. F. Gilmore repoitod that he would fur nish eight horses and two starts, to haul can non for one, day. ♦ committee of the tavern keepers, report ed that Xavier Wats, Julius Weissert, James Lindsey, Adam Werner, were keeping their bark doors open, and many others, when it was Resolved, That the Court be reqeested to Ware tioenoes to the persona reported by the tavern keeper's committee. lion. W. P. Johnson and Gen. J. K. Moor head were appointed a committee to wait upon the gunboat yards, end some glass and other mannfacturera still in operation, and request them to dose. Mr. James Caldwell was appointed to call upon the carpenters of Allegheny, and request them all to suspend work. The Allegheny CoMmittes were requested to furnish the names of the keepers of all res taurants and drinking shops who continue to sell liquor in defiance of the request of this Committee, in order that the Court may be prepared to refuse licenses to them. Rey/4a, That the thanks of this commu nity are due to the restaurant keepers Twho have closed their houses during this emer gency, and that those who have open in de fiance of public opinion, will be remembered on future octagons. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to devise awns CO AU up the Departmental Corps. r James well, James I Park, Ben Jr., Wm. Ph and Ed illips, P. P. Bake nett, ward Galgg, wore appointed the committee. Treason and Baptism. On Sabbath day, 14th inst., during relig ious worries' by Rev. James Rinehart, • Presbyterian minister, in what is known as the "Springfield Ctuirchp two miles north of Petersburg, hishoning county, Ohio, • &welt member by the name of Solomon Heaver, priusted his child for baptism. When the minister Inspired the name, the Christian pa rent replied boldly, and without • birch, "Jeff/ries Davis r The it, q iior says "Rey. Mr. Rinehart, in • prayer, after the rite, took ovation to "ehow up" the degradation of some of our Northern men, in thus espousing the cause of those in arms. against the Gov fy~ ernme to t enter th which protiots them. The alder, re fatede name on the ehurch record. This man or avatrie, Heaver, le a specimen of the Spiingleld Copperhead iiiimooraey of the Vellandigham and Jell. Davis school. He hes repeatedly teetered he would help Jeff. Davis, if compelled to Aght. The eir °mitre* has nsturally occasioned • great deal of excitement In the neighborhood." Tax Plums Ceti:oz.—An immense eon- Gomm of attended the oomtneninment exerolsos of the Pittsburgh Female Collage, M Christ Church, lust evening, but a prase upon our columns compels us to postpone our report until to•dep. —w. a. Iwo ...Jam' maim **A I= r. I. &102.R0w & g0t033, Elo9 Mik:011191.4111 1 1 1 1.1. PALIMBB, GRAMMA AIM azazuma, Pun 108 GOLD SOD* WATEB, Dram from l'orosisla Irotmtales 1.66 an Widow UM 01411610 and Wan t al 60 kinds, &oh wry day. at SOLDDIIIS BONDS WANTED, MaTIGNSO BANKING HOUsg, 15c4.11.11 FINIS lITBILLT. REVENUE STAMPS.—A full snort moot of BOTLItil• Stamp lo kept on Mad at tll lutanist WWII* Otate, No. e 1 Water street, &Ile» &way. Pegasus posobooforla quantfliao oria fo r t file GOVIM/1114 DATID N. warm ",01 odloolow of Ow VlCllastriat. r riusUILISB-18 sacks in dot Dand Ibr r bf tMin *01:! ! - , - g.'N -, ; 7 •RzT?; , .:i.,1: -,. . - .. , 4:;:.: , '-I:', - :.;i=::.::g. , ii, : . : , .,:.., MEE THE LATEST NEWS OUR SPECI_P, TqPNTCIIES FROM WASHINGTON. Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Oaurtte 11113CSLLAHSOUS. Admiral Dahlgren sails for Port Royal next Monday. The counties of Columbiana, Jefferson and Belmont comprise the part of Ohio Included In Gen. Brooks' Department. Johnstown and the Laurel range are the dividing line between Brooke and Couch. Four atriums, charged with assaulting col ored aoldiers, were ordered to appear before the Military Commission, convened for the purpose. The Committee representing the Ohio Val landighara Convention, had a brief interview with the President to-day, and'ere to have a formal one to-morrow. The President amid little or netting to them, but listened to their remarks en the jndioiousuees and unconstitu tionality of Vallandigham's arrest, and re quested them to put their views in writing and to present Mtn with the resolutions pass ed at the Convention, which they seemed:to presume he had read in advance. TIM INVASION OF PENNSYLVANIA No doubt is entertainod hero that some rebel fore° has entered Pennsylvania, but It is delidied that tho accounts from that State are imuismseliezaggerated. - This evening's Repebfican, speaking of the invasion, says: "So for as Gm; Hooker's position is 001100 - ed, it is safiloient to soy that he is neither Ignorant of the wheresboure of the enemy nor losotlTe httneelL" Tha Secretary of the Navy rocolved to-day the following dispatch: New Yerk,afees 26.-6 on. Game Weikel Admiral Foote lies in an unoonsolous state. The doctor thinks he may die at any moment, and yet may live till to-morrow morning. J. P. SANFORD, Commander. HILLIS, ZD Hoar Admiral Dahlgren has been relieved from duty as Chief of the Bureau oklrdnanee in the Navy Department, and ordered to re lieve Admiral Dupont, In command of the South-Atlantic Blookadin &Squadron. Capt. Wise, Edward Everett's eon-In-law, for many years permeated with the °PILLION, Bureau, succeeds Admiral Dahlgren as its Chief. Re has frequently executed, to the highest anti,- faction, the duties of Chief, In the absence of his superior. Admiral Dahlgren is is New York, and will proceed at once to his new poet of duty. . , The statement that Col. IY,hitoir, of the New York Herald, had been dismiesed from the Treasury Department, furnished by the correspondent of another New York paper, proves to be untrue. He has resigned. A trustworthy carreipondent,,who has been among the rebels in Maryland, hnd has made his way book to Frederick, sends the follow ing to your Washington oace: Frederick, Md. , June 24, 11 p. m.—biota than one-third of Lee's whole army is already, on Maryland roil, and marching in three col umns into Pennsylvania. Union men who arrived hero this evening from Smithsburg, four miles from the Penn sylvania line, state that at nine o'clock this morning Early's division, of E well's cops, entered that place by the Ceritown road. After remaining in fimithsburg for an hour or two, they took up their line of march toward Mechanicsville, from which place they would probably take o road leading to Gettysburg. Tho force nu ered about eight thousand men, and was outpost& of infantry, cavalry and artillery, the following proportions: fourteen iegim ts of infantry, two regiments of cavalry, an sixteen plow of artillery. They were fo owed by a train numbering eighty wagnos, Most of which were empty. Another forn, numbering between ten and twelve-thousand men, loft Hagerstown yester day morning, taking the Greencastle road. Gen. Ewell was in Hagerstown this morning. H. is unable to walk about without the aid of crutches. r y irsone who left there this morning say th counted sizty.dx piens of artillery as the rebels marched out of town. Their wagon train numbered several hundred empty wagons. The rebel officers at_liagers to wn informed the citizens there that another force under command of A. P. Hill had (men the Potomac at Hancock and woe advancing on Bieroerabarg. The rebels oroseed the river on Monday and Tuesday night at three point, —Williamsport, Shephardstown and Ilan ant. Their forces estimated 35,000 men and comprises infantry, eavalry and artillery not inthstanding. Gen. Ewell has lined order, commanding his troops, under pain of death, to restrain from interfering with the property of Mary lenders. Foraging parties ore securing the country in every direction, seising all the hones and cattle they can lay hands upon. Several thousand head of cattle have been gobbledby the rehab in Washington aunty, and a great many have been drivenloss the river, at Williamsport, to feed that po don of Lea's army whioh remains on the other side. The rebel commanders hove. promised their soldisn that the moment they touch Penn-, sylvan!' soil all restraint upon them shall be removed, and that they shall have unbridled lioense to plunder and devastate the count* they pals through. The movement of their °aviary into Pennsylvania, the rebels say, wu intrude- merely as stealth but that this time Penney vania.shall be taught the hor rors of war •• good-earnest. - The robe troops veto - ing them as mob, who their swags They bout Sonday,i PhlladelphV Mixon ast In fro ,. terday al thousand mould at is the lar; whole arm The fen, msnded b; Maryland; Mod of the prominent citizens hero hare loft the .p &another* are leaving. The re le have eroded the Potomac rd four polata-11an000k, Williamsport, Bhophirds tewn, and Antietam lord. No. 91 THIRD BTRIIST, K. BUSH'S, N, Diamond. AUsaliona. Burner, Ida. June 25.--Grant and Knowles, the deserters who shot Mr. Kenney, the chief of Pollee ; on Sunday, while attempting to no. rest them for horm-staalbsg, wore discovered ie the_weede yesterday. The desperadoes re sisted; and a desperate and bloody affray took plates. Mr. Jenkins, of Detroit, *mid, the Pollee, was instantly killed by n shot from II revolver in the hands of Grant, who• also snemeided in mounding another man. Grant was finally killed by blows with a. knife, and Knowles wounded beyond reoovery, . Mr. gehnoPPßlldli. 121 : a my 'Mimi eon. _• ' '...;., , . • .• . i • ij,7;41:;',..4",!i1-1:Z&:,'C''...,,-...V. ...,1 .. . '-.- . '. `.._ . ' .../1.:::..1Y,T*T. 1, , %. ".1.... : ‘,'', 444310Z4APV-ftaiP.C:iiklijii74.7l6'.'4l.--1':":4Ct04:4 '-'''- , .. 4,:ari'VgYt.,,,,k.s.o' 'KO, ..;',,,,,T, _ . _.n ~.CI. ..> - BY TzLEGRATB. Juno 25, 1863 ADIIIYAL POOTE have a poor opinion or the bled at Harrisburg, obarsoterla. unorganised and undisciplined U oppose no serious barrier to tel march through Pennsylvania. that they will be SaHarrlsbuig , after which they will much oa .14 011110 A.rtu..—/.. A. Y.—Refugees Hagerstown report that late yes • oon another force of rebels, ten trong, ontared that plans. They iliiamsport on Tuesday night. It scion in Hagerstown that Lee's Is crossing into Maryland, advaaetng on Metnersbarg tr cam:. Bradley T. Johnson, a renegade Officers Killed by Deserters THE INVASION OF PENNSYLVANIA. Crossing of Gen F,well's t'oree into fennsylvania. IiGISTREET'S CORPS ABOUT TO CROSS INTO MARYLAND. _ mot THIS NOIITNG, T 3 o'clock, at thy CoOtt-Ilowic owner of Grant and Fifth stmts. to prompt to Ileflotro's Hill to construct • Tort. MI work bon been .signed thew by thy-Committee of Pnhlie Vesta. jolflAt The Rebel Programme. I)) - - NoTioN —ln .order that t 1 rota Hsamenuno, June 25.—During the whole' of loot night, end up to the present time, one trains of wagons, laden with goods and household furniture, have ontered the city from the valley. The farmers are flocking in with their horses, and numbers of contrabands are also dying hither for * safety. There ars about aim hundred or them between here and Carlisle on%their way. The Jewe, and many other traders, are packing their goods ready for shipment. The matter of declaring martial law is un der consideration, in order to prevent all able bodied men from leaving the city. This is considered as the only mode of compelling hundreds of persons, whose only desire is to make money out of the misfortunes of their , fellow creature's, to remain to defend the city. The rebel °ohm= is slowly advancing, this morning, on Carlisle. hicinvatit's Horan, Jane 25.—The rebels in force entered ideConnellsbarg last night at 8 o'clock. The telegraph operators, after a perilous journey through the mountains, succeeded in reaching this plaeo and eetabliehing an office. The rebel advance was met by a squad of the 12 h Pennsylvania cavalry, and brisk skirmishing ensued. The 12th, however, was. finally compelled to retreat before superior numbers, with a loss of three woun ded. A regiment of militia, under Col . Zink, fell back at the advance of the enemy, but an in dependent ;company, under Capt. Wallace, took their petition in the mountains, bush whaeking the rebel, with great ounces,. Num- I born of the rebels are known to have been killed, bat the extent of their loss is unknown. Fears are entertained for the safety of Capt. Wallace and his compouhas up to this morn ing he had not mace his appearance. It is believed that he has retreated to the other side of the mountain. The rebels had wagon-trains with them, and from appearances they intend the occupation of the valley to be permanent. W. F. Duermin, BAL./Mean, Jane 21.—Information resolv ed here this morning is to the [cheering pur port: Gen. Lee le geld to have passed through Wineheeter on Friday. 'The entire rebel army was then in motion, claiming to be about one hundred thousand strong. Gen. Ewell was at Hagerstown on Monday, and his cups marched on Tuesday, for Penn sylvania. General Longstreet's lore's were about atoning, end were to be on this side of the Potomac by Wednesday. The rebel programme according to the rep resentations of a highly intelligent sympa thizer who hai just arrived from wellborn Ma ryland. la that Gen. Hill's forces were to (m -ei:4pp Ilsoker'e attention until the main body of the rebel army were well on their way. The rebel army Would then move rapidly north, having in the meanwhile supplied - I themselves with fresh horses from Maryland and Pennsylvania.. • The rebels expected to capture Houlihan almost without opposition, and move at ones on Philapelphia. This extravagant pro gramme-was Balmily related by the gentle. man in question, to a loyal gentlemen here, who was supposed by the telecor to be rather indifferent to the 'access of the Helen clause. lie larther stated that all the r.bel ()Moen leave been Lowly uniformed and equipped, and their advance forces were mode to present a very flee appearance. Gen. Ewell instruceed his men to pay lib erally for everything, and that although the people might turn up their noses at the rebel money now, they would goon be glad to get it. These representations are test for what they may be worth. However extravagant and sensation-like they may appear, they are a truthful representation of he hopes and ex peatations of intelligent as thinkingrebels. WASHINGTON, Juno 25 - . L .-The Republican, in an extra to-day says t A gentleman arrived hate this morning who leis Mageratown at 6 o'alook yesterday. On Wednesday morning he saw Ewell's forces composing the left wing of Lee's army pass through that place. The hood of the column entered Masontown on Tuesday . morningand moved directly through to Penneylvauta. The rear of the column le understood to belong to Ewell. It did not pass through the place until that night. This force was estimated to be from 20,000 to 25,- 000 strong. The troops did very little damage besides seizing all the horses they could find. Our informant says when he left Repro town yesterday morning. It was understood that Lonstreet wain command of the right wing of Lee's army, war- then crossing the Potomac below Whiteout:wt. The main body of Gen. Hill's forces, comprising the centre of Gen. Lee's army, was understood yesterday to be somewhere between Winchester and Martinsburg, moving towards the river. To-day, we have no doubt, from all the in formation we have gathered, that the whole Of Ewell's column is in Pennsylvania, not far from Chembetsburg. Tha gentleman who saw sell'a troops says they hadwith them seer] large number of wagons. From this fact they intend to gather all the supplies they can find Depredations 01 the karate Tacony. Elvin% Oar■ Con, Jane 25.—A schooner belonging to WeMet arrived last night, bringing the crews of the fishing schooners Marengo, Elisabeth Ann, Rufus Choate and Ripple, ail burned by the rebel pirate Tenon:. They report that on Sunday last the Teem burned the ship Byzantium. Capt. Robinson, from London, May 15th, of and for New York, and the bark Goodspeed, Capt. Denton, from Londonderry, Slay 20ch, for New York. The crews were sent to New Tort In the schooner Florence. The Tao.ny bas /rued seventeen vessels since the 12ta inst. Richmond Garrisoned from Bragea Army--Lee's Army in the Immedi ate V minify of the Potomac. ' Now Yoga, Jane 25.—A Isttar datedWuli- Lugton, yesterday,saya 20,000 of Bragg's Sr. at Richmond doiag garrison daty. The letter also Asia den. Lee has his hole army of 145,000 man in the immediate Via:Ml of the Potomao. Bragg is to take oars of Itiehmondwhile Lee taxes oars of Washington. y Biehmond was reinforced on the 10th inst. Markets by Telegraph. Jo/10 95.—InOUT mishit dull 6/11/ changed; 1000 bbLs choice inperflua sold at 5010 and 600 Lib's fancy brands at 53 to 56 60. Wheat 1. un changed. .1 urn at 64065 c. Oars at elo. Whisky at 401. c. Provisions unchanged; some ma'am or bourn aides on violins toms Groceries steady. 00.0 advanced to 145; Silver 133; Exchange steady at . pram VOA LIVEKPOOL, (LoAnum AT BAL .": TIIIOEI, TAXES rIMOLCuII.)—T. floe Britlah Ship rif tiTH6IIIII I6 , - Dow loaning at Gratifies Wharf, will mil on lera Jots'. way freight shipped hl able won from • I laborites will ow forwarded nee ommaidno. and if consigned to my friends In Liverpool, liberal cash warm: s made. For feilght apply to the landennined. . • OnAn. A. BBBRT. 62 forth Gel rt., Baltimore. Md. jui UiLTALSY ULALMIS, AIL PENSIONS, BACH PAY, and MILITARY CLAIM of every deecriptkon; collected by the imb. scriber, et the following rem, eta: Pernalona4loVCr, aB other oldma, 53 60. U. U. TAYLOR,. Attorney at Law . 1 N 0.19 arantditreet, Pittsburgh; k N. B. No charges are made if the delta does not aoccowl. and all information even gratin .mtilir 28,000 151SAVAill teltUSI kt.,- .a 3 5 for sale at, the ILICELSIOE GOAL AND LIME %d V, Rums Avalon, dizsenzrz Om. JAJL aINO. OE= - pureluhai..—A kw lane of the MOO .1. blot to arrive, lam load of Peach Blows, la nob; 1 Car bond Print. Alberta, la bblas Digest from 6eame Valley, N. Y., sad for sale by 1.18 L. H. VOWS t CO. lAPCLUJISia rrltitiltUlSVDis MALTZ Of WIIGIIITB A$D-KIIAINS29. rr oScoh Ho i, Omits of Idborty sad 741211 strata. OLIN open emu wzDu uns sad SAP. 1,1r17 Ilthi 0111CATIsl yrodeattU. of tb• best multi to Wit Etiadsobe, sums of tke Stomach, Bearttarsi, sad - Nal ona• I.l,lzati *this; trim *0 1 117. 101 mai it 9.0 A S SLUM OINISAL Dare WORT.: a.n 6 . Ohio and Irrd•rma •••...ta. {42,- pittATio balm. assorts the is atom tad for uL 1.7 Je¢J. P. CANIINLD. I' UZI LIC JroritcEß. ti:ATTEENTION TAVERN AN SA LOON 11.11EP2119.—Toff ate resses,e4 to soft TrIIS (Irldat) MOllll NO. at T t.'Cock, at cur mu or No. 106 Wood 'hest, to or is tho fox/Motions st Iron /Able.; Oval Bill. $.26.1t By rider of Ow 41 nt , Pee. na•-• OOLOREJJ AMILHIUANr. Will Ofnce Clerks rosy coottibute their ober* to. wards r ladle defect's, and Met thla odic* may be xp exception to the general role, the ell•gherty 011bre etill be closed, daily, batmen the bonne of 10% and 3% o'clock, white bosiorts fa' generally sus pooled: • titcllllSL BIDSVIC, jerfat uo.ELECTION.—Tbe Stoo kboklers cf the Pittsburgh k Alleghny Badge Co. (Baud street.) ars hereby pantie that - au limb:4 for President and Viractordlo terse for the insoles year, will be held at the Toll Eon % at the Mu th snd of the Bridge, on 1101IDAY, July 6th. .1111Milit B. bigegiL, secretary and Treasured . Mr= or w sorroas 3 aassrokranow to,, niaburati. eta 49th, iB5l. 10. NOTICE IS HERKBY tHVEN to the Subscribers to the Mock of the West ern Transportation Ormpany that an torsional of 71V1 DubLAREI (15 00) PER BEIAII.II In Deny levied upon the stock subeerited.paysble at the ofßos of the Treanuar. at Pittsburgh, on or pekoe the 14th day of June, 1863, and a Irks itaituat en* tbirty,days thereafter. natll othetulee notified fly order of the Board. .• - Islt3ll A. J. MoDOlifliTi. FOCIVOITT. alralfilT/Lelrel u. rims, Oreaktatna k ao TittestreonMa w Ilituko 18th. [O.A SPECIAL MEEETINQ OF TOE aTooinioLDitis of &hie Golevany will be held at Ito °Moe In Cleveland, on MITINTADeIf, the lot day of Jalyzezt, at 10 o'clock o.m. on said day, to take into consideration the peoptiel of loom. tog the Capital BtoWt. of the Company to aa amount soMelent to @How of tbo ooatetaioe of Ito Mortgage B6nds. The transfer Boob will be domed from .Ituio gab to July . Aociwira4., =eV:lm • - . • fharot-ro. bubsanjanon 6001 ucv of the Cooper Yin 'tamelnsitofedulti4 Oen:Tony will oenthtne open at the Ofike of J. 14 COUPES k OO H Beak Bloolylltth skeet, until for. , Sher poem. A FRESH SUPPLY HUMPHREY'S ammo 110111EMPATOW .11WIEDIES, VON TUN PIOPLZ. LIBT OF SPIOTBRO BEIIIDITS No. I—Tor ten,, Congsatfou and Inns:math:nu No. it—Tor Worm Farm, Worn 00110, Wetting the Bed.. No.l-,lfor_Colic, Crying, Teething and Wakeful. nem of Infante. No. 4--Nor Diarrhea, Cholera Infante= and Bon ner Occoptaluta. No. s—For Colic, Grlpings, Dysentery cr Bloody Flux. No. 6—Por Cholas, Cholera Mortals, Vomiting. No. 7—Por Coughs, Colds, balloonist. Sore Throat. No. it—Tor Tooth.sche, ilhorache, Neuralgia. No. il—For Headache, Vertigo. Heat and gmlams of the Hoed. No. Bt.—Dyspepsia PCl2s—roc—Wrak and Deranged Stomach, Constipation and Lim:Comp'Mut. No. 11.—Por Tomah, lrnegularillis, Scanty, Painful or Soppreased Periods. No.lS—For Lanai:mhos, Protium. Ileum, Bearing down of lihmalim . . No. 13—lor Oman, Soares Omagh; Had Breathing. No. 14--Eoli Ahem •Pille—ror Drysipeles, &rap- Dona, Pimples on the Pace. - No.l6=Bhsaetie Pliki—For Pain, Lemenees or Bonzes+ in theCchast, Back, Loins or Limbs ill—Seminal tm i sidans, lavoinntary Discharge end Horton. Debility. He: =Sot. Mouth, or Canker of odoits or ctil dren. No. 30—Urinary Issicarlinenos, Wetting the lied No. hi—Painful Periods. Prormxre or br4111212. No. 31—Antiming at clump of We, /lushes. No. Di—lplispsy and Spasms. Chorea, tit. VOL A—lo lever and Ape, Obill beier, Domb Ague, Old NJamonaged Apes.- • P—Par Plush Mind er. Pilseding, Internal or Ir 0-ITor ten, Weaker lolareed' *goo and Nyeltdei lolling, Weak or Blurred Sighk. - o—Tor Ostarrh, of loon stauding or recent, either with obstruction or Frazee rilsoharga. W. C.-Por 'Whooplog Coop, abaSing . • ALSO BPI:GUI& For darer or Pirthirk —Oppreired, Dkult, La bored Breathing, attended with Croup mad ExpeMo. ration. Price, 00 mute pa box. ;.", ... • For For Dietherpre rod arrehera—Diethargee from the Ear, the roads of Scarlet reveri'Meedee or Moro cartels. Far Norm la the Head, Madam of Rean tag and Ble&g In the Xersi.end - Zerrderhe: prim, 60 ceute per b=. tbrefiris.;—Tml oinaiOltaupd and In dexer's" lainri and Old Uker", &nor. love Ca ch es) of : Pries, GO renal per bax. Per Geer& Debilleg.—Phydosi or Nervous Weak. near, eithee the result of 'fakeer. Examen Mali. ration er Extionothr Diathergea. Price, 60 cents per box. Pew Drory.—lfluld gormarditione, Tumid dwell. inga - milth ikan dearetiene. Prig, 600. par box. • Far Bee raimet.—Deethly Blame& Vertigo, dub woo. Vomiting, and dickers foam Arhus or mother. Price, 60 ogre per box. For Urinary Direree.—For Grub', Ben& Ormarli, Di Moult; Painful Urination. Dioceses of the Kidneys. Prim, 60 rats per box. For &mafiosi -- Instanter} Discharger sad Consequent Prosthetics and Debility. The mod inuremend and akin& remedy known, and may be retied epee sea one. Price, $1 per box. • JOHN - IL FULTON, Noe. 67 AID 69 Fats Straw, PITZSBURGH, Pe., Bole Agent for the Werra Country. piarmiumn, b4JULICIA 15aCtles. E. C. ALI aliCE.g.r.. •tlarr+hLar cod Claillldgens. NO. NO NUM 872111:19T. Pittsbult.iPe. Donut Soul to and olfshig countfor. Pseseontee BOLD I N•W 01. AM. of every desaire tiers ; BOONTIM, Ow all dticharged Soldiered PIE. BIPBS, for wounded Meow anti Solemn; BOUZI. TllB and EMMONS far Widows, Parente, Orphan Children, Brothers and Men, or other legal repro. 'entailers °Mess who have died In the mentos, or hue died after discharge, frac dim"e contracted to 'orrice. . . /NM° chaise until collected. cad to letter grill bs easyntrod nuke+ • Kamp ts wefoud. fogro,d. 'AMAGE FROM TIM "OLD WU N. TBY."—Tbe understand Is now prepered t. bring oat salgrents from any part of Snoland, tea land or Soot/sad. either by impeder farad Ims Mall Steamers, Molndlsor the mammoth steamer ..filisekT 11ASTIla II," or flies elms e allbm 'Semple, tar lower than tickets can beinerobased for at spy &Maces,. la Pittabh. The airmen. Mn L iverpool every WedmoW. Machin at Londonderry for the mane. Tbe millait mob km Mrs:pool atm week. Addroes,_ L. fr H=ILL, - Imapean AyeanY, Greek& Ilundirm,. mythanioal ntetb wawa. Potteeerre. MCI IL -a. r...esettea. (PATE et BBVILLB, (otwoosoore to Wm. A. Tat% Jr.*Co., Pitoomoot, PLUBBIIIib GAB bunph AHD MAX lITTIIq. No. At Liberty_ A., ritti. Loa- No. federal street Alligbeey, Lam on bandana will tarnish LBAD PIPE. bIIBLT LEAD, BAB LIAR. QUA BOAZ, B lißße ',How= BMA, WATER OLOAZTe. BATH TUBS; LITT, 101W11 sad. ALL PUBIS, BY DILAULIO BABA. OBANDZIJIBA, PBODANTA, BBAOSNIB. io. ABaork verrantal to gle• WAD. action. le y4:17 et LititsULUTION Off PARTNEtteitilr. A, —All p.rroos sp hereby Oaf re 1 that the oorehlp berstobirs :eoliths botoroo IC.L or OOUL alls. and Wur L. BIALTEBON. to tie Pant ing Bulimic =dor the nano sad aryls of OUULTAIL SMITHSON. Is bomb, dirs3lve4. 'Those hating claims stand Outliers 1,01 pais yrolont Joon, and 'hum bringindobtol to polo p make p.yount to tbi . underilpAid, at lus 141 fourth stroll, Plttobargtt, Di be Dm been autborlasd to ratio op tholoolosso of Ike Arm. Of LALLY COULTAS. N.B.—She Fasting Badness be carried on- u anal km% at No, ba Fourth street Pittsburgh. je1:001 ' VIP Llet - O , IOL • ba. It i flit. .A. H. ENGLISH — respectfully AWL inform the Missal of Pittsburgh, that he ham Was sole epos kw the sat of als. arm A Coes ca al OXIMENT 'ILIIII-0(11311031111 PEN.: They ate reamasaded by the !asset house In the city, amass which ars . Gaixe;Szeistx a Co., • I.lsoia I Co., .110ohnato A Co.: - , .. luxe (ha's' Tarte OP.. . Zak - Paw= & (Jo., ' - ' ,-,^ sod ether Wray fllO FO • TURN incewitt.—ihe .1. eadieslised weld nwpeettolly halt. Ow at. et ell Manaus Dodos to his PATENT lIPBXSO SlDorbloh ttilinenelly bora to be the Steadied Sides Bodin the smirked. 'May sake eae:oeUeatb chow., treat aid durable Mao. ulteteted sad forsi& by '^ MEM 106/1.131, Wiliam 4 iroallberme Skit. Waive. aim. I`_e 4,f6. #1: : I •. --Lea 411' NrsinelrorcKitirselre In pints sod • plats; Bowe Elsltoa. Jae Itesabe Ear. . Loudon ebb, GlEmborlind and Ito's.: Table autas, Iltuthemes aid 'DUMP) Ext.:104.4 • Ws whollaill and Mon by : . 1.1.- titiaria. ftfl 15A1.15. —. NTwo-dory Brick Basso at Om coma orloommi and Groat otrioto. an ezzollont !cation for tmanumet , 5 rooms on Lett 2loori 6 roam= woad Amer lica largolard on - tor prim at/ Memo spotrlnv 1•1111 , al 1111141110.=air tlooa VOA $700.--At mid lot a ela. ZlNAtik , "—.. o *tgra II 6 0%01'00 by 05 fieln. AO /14 bydnattr ill tc. X rto ,ie.twaku u . -WAD zU Wteosiv ArkiirE.l"..acrois•:lollol,lL-44 3cobtogiti:. . „ _ a Ilrotao6
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