The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 26, 1863, Image 2
Vittsburph FRIDAY MORNING, ? TUNE 26 UnioD County Ticket. • Wer Praidkut Ado of as Daiet Qort MOHO HAMPTON. Per Asimabk. . L JOHN P. °LAM ALFBID BLAME. TEL HANS 8. RIBBON. WIC H. DENNIIIITON. . V. TIM J. DIGHABL Far CRorlt y Cber6. WIT A. HZEHON. for ago* Trimorwr. DAVID AIILLN, Ja. Poe Iletankr. ABDUL HoOLIIBL Tor WM. J. NJOHARtat for O'. ronsirkedr. OZOBON HAMILTON. For Director JOHN T. D qt p oor • RAM Montgomery's • Proceedings .11 :planted. The . destruetion of private property by Colonel !dormouse.'" in his recent raids pia ' Georgia, Florida and South Carolina, has been made the subject of much ani madversion, not only by the rebel-eymptt Gibing journals—(which would natur ally feel acutely for their friends)— but alioy• ; several journals, whose con lures Ter solely dictated by a regard for the honor of 'our flag, which ought not to sanction any proceeding contrary to the well.established and generally recognized laws and usages of civilized warfare. We And an editorial article in the N. Y. Even ing Post, of Wedneeday, which makes the important statement that so far from acting without orders, or contrary to orders, Col. Moarooluar in these raids acted under the orders of Major General ROBTEII, and wait but inflicting the dreadful but neces sary penalties of the law of retaliation on the piratical sea-robbers and incendiaries of the rebel 'Confederacy :" Wait os LAND Aso ox Sae..—Darien was burned by the troops under Col. Montgom ' ery. It was not burned by accident, but on purpose; and care was taken that the work of destruction should be complete. The Jaoob Bell was burned by Captain Semmes. It was not an accident—on the contrary, the fire was judiciously distribu ted, so that every part of the ship and her precious cargo should be destroyed. The houses of Darien were private prop erty. So was the good ship Jacob BelL So were the little fishing schooners which were Seen 111 flames yesterday 9ff the Mass achusetts coast, with a rebel ship lying near to insure their destruction, and chasing still others of the fleet. No doubt the rebels will cry out against the destruction of Darien as a barbarous act.. So it is; but in what way does it differ from the burning of helpless mer chant ships and fishing schooners, which Ina been practised so long by the rebels ? except in this, perhaps, that Capt. Semmes risks nothing when he attacks one of our fishermen. while CoL Montgomery at any rate takes the chance of blows when he marches into the enemy's country to burn and destroy. Otherwise the two acts are I precisely parallel. Now it may be said theta rebel atrocity does not excuse a like act en our part. Certainly not—but un fortunately the only way to keep a barbar ous enemy within the limits of lawful war fare is to retaliate upon him the cruelties he commits upon tn. This is a recognised custom of war" it has been practised, and Sternly practised by the moat civilised rue tins. Of course no subordinate lacer has the right to order acts of retaliation. That belongs to the government, or to the goner al-in-chief of the armies. But when the order is given, the subordinates who carry it into effect are protected by it. Retails lion in war is like reprisals during peace. In order to relieve Col. Montgomery and his companions of the charge of unlawful and - barbarous acts, we think it right to say that they are acting under orders from General Hunter, whose object was to make -the rebels feel the perils and losses or war in their private persons and property, just as the rebel privateers have for months been kidtjeeting private citizens of the free states to like loam Until the War Department announces that General - Hunter acted under instruc tions from Washington, the public will he lloed that he ordered these retaliatory measures of his own-motion; and just and called for as they plainly are, they will have an lappearanco of irregularity. It is meet important, therefore, that the author ities at Washington should at once set this -whole question at rest by making public their determination to force the rebels to cease their piratical acts on the sea, by re taliating upon them on land. No one can complain of this measure as harsh or un called for. It is in the highest degree nor essau7; and the destruction of a 'rebel town bears no harder upon the adherents of Davis than the destruction of a fishing fleet bears upon the poor fishermen of Cape Ann or Cape Cod. Bat, to give regularity to the proceeding, it. must be tha solemn &Wet the government, and-not the order of a department commander. A FORMIDATILM LLCM- CLAD OTDKILTD TO See..—The New York Evening Post, of Wednesday, says: "The 'harbor battery 'of New York,' the iron-dad frigate Bean- Oka, went in commission today for sea service. She draws nearly twenty-four feet of water, which makes it appear ho probable that she can be intended for en tering Charleston, bat there are deeper barbers on the Southern coast where her, services may be ego : oily desirable: What slier opinions may be formed of the sea going qualities of this enormous dap, no doubt exists is to the formidable ohnrsoter of her offensive and defensive power. She ii the only armored ship in Americo pro tooted alike all over without losirig her original shape. COITADLKATZ nose.: In selling in Nas sau at four rents on the dollar, and some transactions have been made at even lower Agues. "Sooner or later, (says a letter from a Nassau morehant/himeelf a South. arner, which was found on a captured atelinera I am confident Confederate money will not be worth the paper it is made on." The writer adds: "The feeling here by holdouts seems to be in favor of the South, but Ido not think it exists any farther than dollars and cents are oonoerned. They are all making money out of the war." A Bases Pisan oit Tux New Eitatattn Cour.—By ootmting up the number of teexL captured And destroyed by the rebel pirate Tawny—all reported from different parts of the New England coast within twanty-four hours—we And that she haa captured the luau Webb and burned/ thir teen. A United States steamer has been sent to look after her. A warm° young lady named Brougher, who recently tore a butternut pin from an Ainarloset tiag,•at a schoolhouse meeting in Jennings - county, Indiana, was shot by e butternut rowdyaseW:tht mime place a few dayalafterward, - Thsr. Wag °teat' in her-riahtleg. -Tier After virdi Captured-aid "- Ins * wheat lairest - 11 1 13outharn sentmensid last week The 'snip in that iesetlonis • fine one, end the yield, it Is said, will be heavy. ~''~~;~;,r' - M.anquet to Gen. Meagher. One evening last week about two hun dred of the personal friends of this gallant Irish soldier, gave him a banquet at the Astor House, in New York. Mayor OP DYER, TRURLOR WEED, JAMES T. BRADT, JUDGE DALT, and many other distinguished men were present. Jaime T. Baser made an eloquent and powerful speech, contend ing that it was the duty of every one to sup port the administration in the prosecution of the war. The Chairman then introduced General THOMAS Fasacts MEAGHER, and in conclu ding, presented him with a magnificently designed gold medal, upon which is in scribed the names of all the battles in which the Irish Brigade was engaged. Gen. MEAGHER, in reference to the call, rose mid loud cheers, and made an eloquent speech, in the course of which he paid a high tribute to the Irish Brigade, compli menting the men for their services in aid ing to putting down the rebellion, and re viewing the career of Irish soldiers on every battle-field in Europe. After a re view of the condition of the country, he concluded by saying it was better that the taxes should be multiplied, that trade should trand still, that commerce should be para lyzed or limp lazily along; that multitudes should perish on the field with their coun try's 'flag pointed to the sun and the glory of the martyrs; that gaiety should put on mourning; that luxury should get down upon its knees and beg a crust; - that the bittern and the cormorant should usurp the warehouse and the palace, and the fate of Tyre and Baalbeo be its visitation. Better all this a thousand times than that a peo ple for the sake of having a glut of foreign importations, of being corpulent and at ease, should at the bidding of craven er endgame demagogues clamor for and in sist upon a peace which would annihilate their sovereignty, closing their history with tie crime of suicide aid an irrevooible een- Leine of ineffable disgraoe. Shall this be so 7 Shall the prayers of the winked pre vail? Shall a base conspiracy, with the hymn of the angels on its lips and the craft of the serpent at its core, prove superior to the laws, the army, the inspiration of the land? leaven turbid I Against a peace so scandalous there is not a survivor of the Irish Brigade who will not indignantly, with intense scorn, with the fiercest impetu catty, protest; in reprobation of such a peace every soldier in the Army of the Millais sippi, every soldier Bait and West under arms for the Union, will set his teeth and bring his bayonet to the charge. Talk to the returned regiments, and see if they do not, to a maxi, scout the opprobrious propo sition,—some of the noisiest of which were among the very first to incite the Democracy to arms and urge the war. Proceed still further—interrogate the heroic dead; let the orator of our day, in whose heart burns the desire to be enrolled among the saviours of the B.epublio, appeal to the shades of Mount Vernon; to the an cient walla that witnessed the signing of the declaration; to the tomb in the Garden of the Hermitage; to the granite cliffs of Massachusetts, and to the confusion of the traitors; invoke the illustrious' men to whose purity and greatness of soul man kind is indebted for the examples of this commonwealth. Last of all, listen to the adjuration of the thousands who, within the last twcrydars, have been laid to rest in , the harness of battle on the fields which their heroism has made magnificently fa mine and over whose graves, inscribed though they be the fires of Heaven by night and by day' maintain for the chival ry of the Republic a perpetual guard. We are conjured never to make peace with the armed enemies of the United States—never to confer with them an instant as parties to any settlement• or compromise; never to desist an instant from the prosecution of the war with the - relentless vigor with which Andrew Jackson would have pressed itrnever I until the image of Liberty, new ascending the dome of the Capitol, !than for the permanent happiness and glory of Arneric.a stretch forth the protecting hand, and dispense its benign rays whenever, until the outburst of the rebellion, the creed, the laws, the dominion, the harmony, the wisdom, the power, the congregated splen dors of ono nation, one Constitution, and one flag prevailed. Daring the delivery of his speech Gen. Meagher was frequently and loudly applauded, and upon conclud ing was greeted with three times three cheers. We commend these eloquent and burning words to those who are in the habit of list ening to the carping slaves of party, who are doing all in their power to bring upon the country that which the gallant speaker so Iridignautly deprecated—a scandalous pesee—"a peace which would annihilate their sovereignty, closing their history with the crime of suicide and an irrevoca ble sentence of ineffable disgrace." And particularly would we commend them to the countrymen of the gallant Mr.soaza. They will find him a far eater counsellor and leader in the long run than the miser able demagogues who pretend to be demo crats, but are no such thing.. True demo orat.rialk as ldsroass talks, and fight as he fights. The Shooting of the Rebel Genera rorr est The Nashville Union, of Wednesday, gives the following account of the shooting of the rebel General Forrest: A gentleman whose facilities for obtain ing contraband information are excellent, informs no that the report of Forrest's death at Spring Hill 'was firmly believed. It appears that in the vicinity of Spring Hill there lives a lady whose popularity among the rebel officers is..deservedly ,great. She is beautiful, witty, riot', young 'and enthusiastic; in her rebellious senti ments; eo much so that many congregate there to have their devotion to Hine con firmed. On last, Saturday evening one of Forrest's lieutenants asked leave of absence from camp for a few hours. Forrest refused, at the same time strongly reprimanding him for tusking to desert his fellow soldiers for one moment. The lieutenant walkedsilently away.' When the shades of evening fell upon Spring Will, the young lieutenant mounted his steed and sought the abode of the bewitching eyren. Scarcely had the lady gave him a welcome, when a rap was heard at the door of the mansion, and in a few moments in walked Gen. Forrest. • The general and the lieutenant confront ed each other. "How dare you disobey my orders ?" thundered Forrest, who wee about to draw his pistol, but the vigilant lieu tenant was too quick for him, and jerking out hie pistol, allot Forrest through the neck, who fell and died in a few hours. A rzw days since, when a car-load of sick and wonnded'eoldiera arrived at the Baltimore depot, and while waiting for transportation to the hospitals, several lit tle boys came into the care, ems gratui tously tarnished a number of the brave fellows with fruit, ice, &c. One of the sol diers, a member of Co. B, 154th New York Volunteers, insisted on paying the lade for their most acceptable gifts, but the little fellows most strenuously declined taking one cent. As they turned to leave, the sol dier called them back, and said: "My dear boys, if you will take nothing else, won't you accept a soldier's thanks and a sol diefirbitssing?" These few words were said with Such feeling and kindness as to 'bring tears to the eyes of those who wit .mitered the pleasing incident. Ena Toronto Leader says it bee authority for stating that the Atlantic Telegraph *ill be commenced at onto. Over. sl,6O o , ooo — amount required — bee be en subtoribod in England and ohmerloa. The - Secession !lenient in Be!Simon) ....How the Piens Rebels Behave at Prayers. A correspondentof the Philadelphia Paws says that in the churches of Baltimore many persons remain at the doors of the churches on Sunday until the prayers for the President have been recited. lle adds: "I am informed that it is no uncommon thing for worshipers either to go out during the recital of theseprayers, or to show their contempt by refusing to assume the devo tional attitude which various denomina tions adopt as peculiar to prayer. On Sun day I visited the great Cathedral of Arch bishop Kenrick, not because of any expect anoy to witneee a demonstration such u I speak of, but more through curiosity, hav ing remembered hearing that prelate when he was Bishop of Philadelphia. The aris tocracy of Catholic Baltimore comprise principally the congregation of the Cathe dral It may be here stated that the arch diocese of Bishop Kenrick includes all of Virginia as well as Maryland, and the city of Richmond ie as much his home as the city of Baltimore. "No disloyal sentiment or sympathy has ever been imputed to Bishop lienrick. On the contrary, he is known to give thegov ernment his hearty support, and if it i s frequently expressett publicly, it is certain that a sympathy for the rebellion has never been expresses at sit He is certainly in an anomalous position, and as a faithful shepherd over a loyal and disloyal flock, he has steered his course in such a way as to give ne offence politically to either._ He never neglects, however, to recite the prayer for the supreme authorities, and long ago instructed his priests to do likewise. It would be well if his congregation manifest ed the same spirit. "On Sunday this venerable old man preached at the CathedraL He was full dressed in the canonical robes of his office, his head gray with years, bat his voice and manner bearing all the vigor of his early manhood. lie commenced to read off the prayer, the whole congregation kneeling devoutly: We pray thee, oh God, that thou wilt bless all those that live here on earth in sin; that thou wilt bless our holy church; give strength and power to our Holy Fa ther, Pins IX, that he may prevail over all his enemies; and we would pray thee'—at this word up started from their knees many apparently the most devout, the silks of the ladies rustling, and their resplendent jew elry reflecting by its movement in the light from the windows, as they arose from their knees to assume a sitting posture. They knew what this phrase was about to com mit them to, for they had often heard it before. "The voice of the Archbishop continued —'that thou wouldet bless the President of these United States; give him strength and wisuout to direct the affairs of the nation,' &0., &0., &o. The prayer proceeded to in voke the blessing upon the Governor of Maryland, and then resumes: We pray for the souls of the faithful departed.' At this the whole congregation are again . upon their knees, and so remain until the close. It is due to say that the insult thus offered was confined principally to the most aris tocratic of the ladies. The humbler of the congregation and the males generally con tinued upon banded knee from beginning to end. Whether this scene has ever oo ourred before, or whether, if it has, the Archbishop has ever rebuked it, it is not possible for me to say. With such open and flagrant insults in the public places of worship, is it ally wonder that the rebels should count upon a cordial reception upon their approach to 'My Maryland?' " Jan. DAVIS OILDELE lasaasr's COMXIIII CATIONS TO BE Isrusacrrno.—lnformation has reached St. Louis that the rebel Gen. Price received orders from Jeff. Davis, last month, to do all he could to interrupt Gen. Grant's communications, and that Marina duke left Jaoksouport on the first of June, with artillery and cavalry, to plant batter ies on the Mississippi to stop steamers. Thiswocounts for the recent desperate at tempts of gangs of guerrillas to interrupt our communications on the Mississippi by firing upon our transports and other steam ers. LIT.IR 2^ JrOTICEB. _____ IMATERY, A NEW LOU/A GOOD HEM WASIED, io coropmta Pact Etattiwy mar litobanaltlaz 0121.., DI &MORD, Allegheny Toe Oompuiy L. oow . ll. Camp Howe. 1.24:3c . IL B. TTLCB. Osotain. TO' CO. B. 16TH PZINN'A. MILITIA. mare recruit. allLbe sampled la this 00a• PAY, 112., St Camp Holm. Aram aad somatrameata ready tor tba mcrulta oa thetr antral in camp Arply 1.3 Nret. 01(1. W. /.1 B JatAsf 6$ 'Waal atrait, I Ilrataray. tW HAMPTON'S BATTERY,* ( F,) PlLltirld. VOLS.—A for goad tarn will be laxepiel In Mt; Battu,. Application may b. Trade to Lfent..f..N. MAU MOUES. or OKA. Z. S. WRIGHT. Provost BiantnAl, at Girard !Zona+, earner Staid Sold and Third airman. Jelaate --- ATTICISTION k woo more mn wantsd to AU the ranks of lb. PIP P. 121118 PA. MILITIA, now la Comp. BKrulof wall Da oallozmoct sad oqulppid o loon 41.• avliztad. • IL GALWAY, J4l Galestel Ooomnodfas. WALbeiILA fir the 9.h Erginant Pa. B. V. 0.. or any othir Penny/Irani* Ilftlisenta Dow In *ha MM. /Bach rt. cant 111 rewire one koundrad dollar. toonty. Twenty nine Col., will be paid in advance ale soon as .worn into the Ord rd !States servlos. for otbar hof4retattot Inquire at No. 79 /trim Sratrr, oppestie the rat Otika. ItlCllaltD, Finn Lieut. and Barrultitng Mika, path flagtmant Poona. thwarts Corm. Jae lakeod alrIL or 411 U riCATLVIARIZ.trrs. AMANTXD-A second hand 8 horse I T powerlls2lN X, port.b . • oo •tatiol J• L. H. VOIUT t 00 , 257 lAbort st Lem" OIL —8 bola to arrive by rail imid for sato by IRA lAH DIOR ST PO. GO V ILJSZe MALY MILL/1 ur IaVrITUN. —ln paretuuttoof the diroetl. of the Secrelazy of tee and of demo, herotabre pobilehea, lb. Second t ado of CATIVO= AND ADANDONND COTTON, ISM b• mid, at IL totts, /b.. an HOSDAr, THI 6TH PAY OP JULY NIXT. Dated Jme VW, 12e3 WK. P. MILLIS, 016:1 11:perilstug epocial Aint, Trossary Deft. FOURTH OF JULY.. 1883 fittaW SOUR COLORS. L 82 ham 8 !nolo' to OD fiat A ILCMIZATILL /LAGS I BUNTING 714851 IIIIBLIN FLAGS 1 Animal! )Isis OD sticks. air We challenge quality and print with inateen CUuttifaotare. IMP PIfrODUEOH FLAG MANGFAOTORrat PITTOOKI NEWS DEPOT, 11IPII MICE; OPPOPITZ TED P.O Jd6 .. iroorzami_. MIX)LLISTIOI & Wag, ' al". 6. am. Illanntiotnnots and &dun In all kinds -of TOBA000; aims, ♦ED EIGABB. se. lell WOOD MOW, Pmuniza Keep aoadeafis an hinds unity or styli axvi tax Tebsooa, puTATUBb.-76 barrel. roams. m Mon he ale by .10111( L 0,11117111 D. 1 4 1 - 14 6 1 . Vi ;‘, I.) Akiv IT 1 ------ - NUM fartailENaktaVENN OT7 I OE, I. Lonageuryn, Ka, Ism le '6E3 J QEALED PROPUtaLE wi ll b* reedy. S ad entl 12 in. ce JUNE Wan. fax furnishing the following supple., which most be dflleered at Lowwet la, hy, , free of chair, Is r pacterm o; fthight sod realty for Intponsam. None nod loyal puttee need apply, end the nets of al'egiance prescribed 1y (target es will be rtgo'red of antotanhil lades, ARTICL ES REQUIRD. 140 (Oro handntd) Gamine Balla E , xO-It; i 600 fire hundred) " ' 30%; NM Ste hundred •• " 2.:5- 16; 600 dr• hundmi •• " 9 0 4 "5-10; 13/0 Ilth huad'ed •• " 4-14 t 600 Ere hunatrez . " 6.1t,, 2 : 1 , 550 Witten hon rat) pounds % loch it mod Lou; 2,600 (two thomand) penmen 3•16 . 3,000 rues thousand) " % " 5 , 0 00 nth thoomod) . Islo 1 7,600 haven th . utand " "ft " " -• IsC O,l mwen thommd . 7•att . . 7.000 lath= thousand" % 3,000 ( th ree thus:mood . 9.10 7.001.1 pavan thou and) " 1.5 7 . 0 e0 (tour thotwand) . ti " 1 1,600 one thaosandi " '," 1 " " VEO two thousand ' 1 . 1 " " 2,050 two thousand) " 1 . i , "I " " 6,000 eft thousand) " by l%ln oval Iron 4,002 lour thonund) . ,4 by I la, '' 4,000 (tans thongs:to) " % loch square I 2,000 two thousand) .• 6 ( " MOO twos samaand) " •2 '' " 6.1:41.) .Ix tb.d) .. .% " " " 8,000 ola thousand . I " " " ,050 two thoona t ) " . I }4 l.c h b. " " CM Sour thousatd) . olyf i . . . 1 7,000 leo thousand) " 31 72 4,tOJ hur thousand) " Vo l er' 4,tot, femr thonanad) . 4/2 . ~ ~ . 4,500 (four thousand) " l4 " " 6.030 nto thousand) " . 2 0 " " 6 000 tlx thousand) ' t, '. A 6,000 ( di t...... 35 - 4. 3 . 1 iow'o.. [hue sad) " 2 3,000 tutee thatuand) . s 'll . '. . 2,000 too thomand) .• - al% 2,050 two thermal:id) " 12 3.3000 two thousand " I% LOO two thmand " " , it 8,(00 two thonaand " . 2NM two thousand . 8.16.1 " . . 3.000 throe thouennd) " Xt.% " 6,000 ox thousand) " %It . " " 40(tarts)) bundle. 5,2 Inch Bop Iron; 40 (on. ~ L. e. G. 1111 40 ( (art " g " 1 , 0 on* hundred) boodle[ 1 , Inc h Hoop Iron; 1 1,060 ma thoman , t) tam ug look Sprang Steel; 60 slaty) bars 1,22% aims . CO djkl) . ye% I , o o' on• thmonthout)poondagx% loch Cart . WO Iva hundred) lean Bob * once Noels, 160 one hend .. d and Ikta) kegs Bone Shoe 1110 at 111,CCO three thousand) kegs Berm Shoes, 2,0 oeta° tkonaand) •• Male 1,000 Cann tkon•and) Wagon P,pe Boum, 1%23 in., 1910 long, (four hundred) Ambulanw Plpto Boom, 1520 I% In.,B)filo. long; (thnoty thousand) Lilnd Wheel (arm, %gen) hookas; Nina tbonaand) I", ont Wheel (army Wog m) .pate. ; (•lght hundred' Arm Wagon Llular; fallen hundred) na y nd Wheel (Ambulant.) Stoke.; (11.4 hundred) front Wheal (Stmbrearcti) Sp ,km; Ida to te aidwasad,girlng lost oflthe adelre 11, undethlgood W.JIINEINS, rand Gana and a. Q Id . II 8 Strath. NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL I DIMON'S AROMATIC BLACKBERRY CARMINATIVE TIN BOTIZZIGN )112111.11Df TOL DT.SXNTXU,Y, DI&BRUNA, FLUX, OHOLIMA MORBUS AND SUMMED COMPLAINT The hamettee as:es Unify to the meths a this estesdy The unnasnrus dully reports of ostcris'Sing cur West Its valet. It has adv.teges over any other rentedYs at ohee emir& the disease, and Imparting tone an/ etrength to the system. le Me sad harmleaa to the Infent r aad owes tot In the Molt case. T • havaylacesblenliabolsz "The Soldiers• IPriencl." Mothers find It =peeler to hay soothing syrup fa &Ulm teetitlath treed from the Infuriate' effects of lIABOOTICO3, gine net to the utterer by removing the Mame. by noper.isble denials aTerywhere R' Peoe, 25 01211.9 A BOTTLI PWfltD ONLY •T WM. F. DAVIDSON, 011101NNATI. 0 14 AR PRE'S MAGAZINE , for July. la. HARPER'S DAG ALM 2, for July. HARPIST/NI RACIALISM, for July. •TLASITIU MONTHLY, for Joy. ATLAISTIO ROSTRL V, f.r July. ATLANTIC SIOSIBLY, for July. GODLY'S LADY'S II XIS, for July. GODLY'S u&DT'a NOOK, for July. GODZI'd LADY'S DOOIC, Orr July. PLUM/ICS B AGAZLNS, for J o'y HALLOO'S 110HYSIL r. for July. WWI'S MAGA HERZ, for July. OONTIDICRTAL MONTHLY, for July. Ms. MIRRYIII AN, tcr July. NOTIONI. for July. BIItORY Or PUN, for July. NICOL DAL, for July. ARTHIRS's MAGA/MIL. for July. IMPOIGTORY, for Jul. All lb. MILITARY Hublie• AU Ow DOYSTS sod Other DILI DOOM% All the Ista PAPZ OS. 11AGAZIBIS sod NEW BOOKS. All Shads of STATIONABY and BLANK BOOKS. GOLD PIRA, the best that ars made. Paproassra — ALßUMS. the best sad cheapen In the city. CARD PHOTOCIRA PEI PORTRAITS, do. luttlsh eatosed an Pow and Anvelspea, In the label sad beat styla. at JOHN P. nusys. Whokrala sad Retail Hoek. Ilt.tlonsm NSlAdlle sad liewspeper Ralporius. 01110 MALL. STRZIT. Sateeripttous received to Papers sad Reds: slues. Dealers nisplied. JaY4 CANVAS 16110Eil, OA.HYLI 8110Z8, no eosin, and bust =rains Made raids. ♦ lot J ant rwelved M A town tearing twigs bald a estronlsation, Whisk was to* beat mettud olforgdooduc A sturdy stows owes save .a hts optulun. Iha. nothing but Raba toted sass the D 014114400. A saartstar 241,1,1[m1:14h the last was wall asks. Iwo bAtar by tar to Ostend It with sok. A ClAntsa , wlear than bath Lhasa togetner gale, try what you ple a ,, there's nothing like leotiter. While a .anal 'ovum" Maaatuar roylka, Just as yea 0 . .., 'T!. sleet as • .an. team, awe O, aoasiap itk•— ' 08E668/ Whish has been roppited by the ton, with antral to.. .till la roan, to be supplied at low rata by • WEBB • wlLKtusols, pin MI !Away outlet. Da. CONG. HZIELID QAITIBB, Duly Lib. I IIII UL" 2dAh'ill MeOLILLAND'S AUCTION ilooBll. ItIOLNLLAND'S AUCTION SOUR. X•OLZZLIBIZOS A 1107105 "(OUSEL MoOLIILLANDT AUCTION BOUM dID RACSIVED AT 08 MARL= lITHILT, LADIZEr KOZOOOO SLIPPERS, 0n1y,.-- 60 Do. ;ID lIIIIJD BOOTS, only.— Mllll CAL? BALMORAL', ce4..... RM. azuluniare GOAT BOOTS. 0u17^—^..... BGTEP AND YOUTINI BALMOBALB i ISIEMEr AND ONILDEETO ooNaassa 0A.12/1/119 AND BALLBIORALB. bll sad pecan bergaln to•dq J. B. BORLAND. NI Market street. ft/ • ' auuu ; au w usrt au W LTA kftSTOBED I—Just pubtfahod, In goaded Es. TURN, 2 P ftla TgAlri,BA Ltfturs on D tePI7E NA.c 154l hous. e::::1 totp l o n dlat °l 4 un ote l To klantag• gwandly Narataarawi Ootatimytf on, Zp. m ta and May Minitel and P retail loospadty, molting from 841.a.boort. ao. By Bobt. J. Dotter. M. D., author of tha Orem Book, As. " A Boos to Thou/and of damn." Batt undo/ awl, la a plats envelop% to any adanwlt Politioddy on in' alp( of di *ma, or two pottage amps, 1.7 me. 011. A Ha U . KLIM Bowtah Bow Toot, Poet OR.. Box 4886 enbISI amid/mid? Allover/ Stamm& tousseve torsion. t Weitheaston. P.O , May in, 1663, A LL MEN WHO DlkitlLN./Y). JOIN. soy particular iteMment of nanny now in the field. ars hereby authoneid taproom* to. at say time daring the mutt thin; dap to the Board of Bare in their , s o d Marina The Board shall ireauthas them, sod detonates epee their Steens for the wake, and U Ibuod to be fit, the Pte. von Illanbal of the District shall give them trans. Donation tickets to the general reodsmons, 111$ the Heedgesstem of th e A. A. Provost Marshal Gemini of the Mate. As moon se they prang themselves it this worn rendemeas they shall be duly mustetes by a musterhas and disbursing OMON . , and PIM by him line bounty slimes by low. ;Aura D. ray, Peanut Muskat Gomel. Buisairra paaPenezzobt, moos's', EALLiwropr. ILosim7L, l - 'OMR WASH. aod I/W IXTBACITS A s l old Wax ; and .attloloob IN.OEn Boa snows VITT Bid as woman aka Ulf thotr tamer prim. SIMON JOHAITOZI, Cknter tauOh and goiltbileld. BMW& A N A Lirtilzi.— C ..,, c .. 1 e ,„t, Nato. --_49.60. ,j, ""'" ...t. d mama —.2L20. ", Pim (.1.120.2 220. St. 1.01115.120, 1.2.3 --...... .OL 0 ,_ 21•020204. .01. 4 .4 AY WATI O L-....-16.40. ‘ . • • Marina accepted the Agency for the male of the BEM NA. CLAY, mined near Ft. Boob, no" I Ins vit. the attention of Glen acd Steel klubrfactoreu to the Analpria given Melva as reported by Prose. A. A. Bare, of Buton ' and J .0. Booth, of Philadel phia, which, together with the test of actual upedis ence by caustifuturen in Plttabergh, Cincinnati and Et. Lode. detumbus It to be the purest and most valuable Clay now known, whether 7 forslgn or American Pots made from ft here stood In the Glass Furnace from 6% to 9 months. The Analyst, la of the Clay es taken from the mine, wlttunt any weal tug or preparation what ever. It poweeeses great. adhesiveness and gruticity (salt's', which are not shown by the &nestle, sad which admit of the admixture of a large proportkie of shell or horned clay. I em now prepared to 118 orders for the above Clay, to be shipped from St. Brads or delivered hero ALEX. GORDON, No. 121 11100!Th 61911111 T, puma/ NUB'S PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, OODINEB PIM AHD MARKET BTBDE29. (2d and Ed oto.les, over Rlcluirdson'a Jewelry Store PHOTOGRAPHS, of twerp aloe mod sty* plain ow colomd, from the popoler o.ete de Visite to °bolas EECM! pina.viebrox weald particularly call the at- too lion of the Aaso Asa mum to the eery sooesi batty of this ottabllahmant, bet of reached by a sin glikahorf flight of *tam iqr PRIMUS 11 .0DZILLTZ, sad latiiinetiOn vlarala PUltiPBl BRASS FORCE PUMPS, ANTI-FREFFING PUMPS, IRON WELL PUMPS, LARD PUMPS, YARD,WELL PUMPS, ENGINE WILL PUMPS, 'FRED PUMP.% ALEALI PUMP., RAILROAD FORTE PUMPS, ENGINE rouoz PUMPS, LIQUID p la ANDRE PUMPP, • LIST AND MORON PUMPS, And rimy other PIIIIPS snernalsoturixt by Cowing d Co., &neon Tee, IS. inch es Olt4•DOOg PCIIII.B for Wells, and Cisterns, wbich nen be mid with any kind of pipe, MILITARY MEN, *RD OTHERS, • Should NH sad oupply them olm idea SHIRTS, LINEN COLLARS, • PAP= COLLARS, THE HEW STEEL comas.% SHOEING OLP. S3LDTHIS' D 11183159 OASES, Lod AU disorlptlooi of WORRISHING GOODS,. Macrum & Clyde's, 78 ILiRKET STREW. Rawson tomes Aso DILIIOIII4 hip GREAT 8RD1701705 IN PSIOL9, I pANTe GOODS, For id. by myl3 liezzanr. reanaLi N 0.12 9 t annh stmt. .Y10•0:1? BIALULLL 1.1 W sahlagton, May DI, 1868. Jr I . C . OTICE.—Tho attention of all (Armors /..1 who have been honorably discharged on no. count of arOunis or disability, and who &elm to re. enter the eervioe to the Invalid Corp., is celled to the provision. of General Orden, No. la, of 1/163, from the Wee Department, published In the papers ihrougocat the country. /inch officers are requested to co., ly promptly with the provisions of that or der, and to .and their written applications, an there to provided. far preitione in the invalid Oorps, (Ma ins the eh:erecter of their dleability,) with se little delay as possible, to the Acting Asslniant Provost Marshal General of the tints in which they may he. finch Acting assistant Provost Marshal General will at coo. forward the eppllcationa, with his tedors meat, to the Provost Marshal General of the bums. Officers forthe Invalid Corm will be appointed im mediately upon famishing the papers required by General Order No. 105, cf 1883, from War Depart. meat. Theis pay and emoluments will commence loom date of soceptache el such appointments, and not from date of organnetion of the respective Isom. mends to which they may be assigned. J. B. /BT. Provost Marshal General. CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, &a NEW CARPET STORE NaPARLAND, COLLINS & CO., A AND 73 lIPTH STBIZT, Between the Post Offla and Diratioll Building. We here Jut neared air new stock, pinhead at a great redactkin Iran prices of tut epilog, am mains a meet extensive and completa eaananwat of nary deectiptime of goods In our line, whieh we aki for sale at a small advance on art. We eaopero to all this stock at from TVS TO TWallitr.irvz IJE (MIT. 1.1103 than the tame good. are now ai li ng for In New Tort and Pillaried• • Ufa. felflanw JUST OPENED. NEW CARPETS. Bp purchases made la the naMt . dspmesten of the Ilastessi Markets, we are roseittai tits newt Put, term to BRUSSELS sad IIiGRAINS, cad are Otte to al. a complete maarteitrat el Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Ratting, &e l With • Tap lamp reduction to prism OLIVER M'CLINTOOK do CO.. lb m ' , art STUMM. MATTINGS, • FOR 1117147[26 11131711/111140 IV. are POI milks at the prim of • yew ago. White, Checked and Fancy Matting', In ivory style and of • raperlor quality. OLIVRICWOLIWZOCK & CO., I,! FORTIFY I FORTIFY Pas &Liz, 76 LABGL RIINTIICIET (broke) MULE% POM 16 tole hoods high. Ogg be seta at Rd Um Heat for three dip. 1••6.13t D. V. AIM. CONTEOLLZB.B Ori/ON, Julia 91811, 1860. CITY WRIGH SOALES.—L,SeaIoa Pro. posalo, address N ee d Flows Committee of Ceinetle, at aloe mall FBI. DAY, Jolt Al, 1868, at 8 o'clock p m., for Weigh mAstrra for the smr.rol City Wolgh Bede. • 1110dege .81 mete Isom much per mat. el the pea menu. orioles from red 8:sk• the* MCI PAY to the clip for the us. of the mom. JOIIN MoCARCIO, Controller. CENTRAL DRUG STORE, Comer Clito and radiona &redo. 010. A. KELLY, Prcgcletar BPASKLINCI SODA WATIN PATINT MILDIOLIZS, ao ftrnmikimulyworlytMummmW4wmpomd. WM. A. WARD, DENTIST, Hu nmoved his ales to the Oouu Or Hato aim Lumen thaw; above Itenehaw's Eton, entrance oa Liberty street. ouroalcs hours from 9 a. m. tills p. m. ri - inE MERCANTILE LIIENEEB fot the City of Pittaburalt ore deem and kayo to be Dead on or Wire the Ist of duly, sr Um City Treas urer's MON to order to MO bang placed in the hinds of an Alderman for collection. - WM. ICIOLIDAIIM. Treasurer. lime M. Wok Jetellt -IVIEXW ILN MUBTANti LtNIMItNT ogres Bbeamethm enrol Paine In the Beek aid corm Bruiser. Strain,, Baran, lietk Cott, or Wound. or any kind. Tor sale et 010. A. HILLY'S CENTRAL DBIIO WORN. iter. oak% end lidera streets left 1. : VOA MGM'. AlakitON !MOH OLLLAN, &arable for .tonal Cram 011. Swam of r. HAISIR. Jatlittt £3O J I.aa haala Arran. DRY GOOD.. AT RETAIL WI =ADM, 8118 lIIIBIZLLAB, BEI &MOW& ZOIIAVZ 017178, aILINADINI VEILS, CHAP' IrilLB, HOOP lIKDIT3, OEBI7B, lIIILTEI, o== LINXN HANDIENBOBIZIB, • AT 012,N33:1'S 77 and 79 Markat,Streat. 1.15 Pmemnum, PA. CHEAP! CHEAP! MEAN EllW! =WI NEW, .13.41.3 FL 3EL 3mi R'S. 69 Market Street. S-. a Q, El 5, CIRCULARS, M. A. MT 1 1 1 Ea DRESS GOODS, ORIANIR THAN AM. y r .., N. A—Parham:Ls sus oars MCI I .13 AT IVY. Burchfield's. DOTS' 0•88IIIZRZ8; GEST% do, for nit% Do. LIMED PANT EITII7r; MAIISZILLZS, plaid and Oln; UNIX CHZOKB ; DLOUEII LIHINS ; oorromuna, toe Pea* IMMO 0111111XIBIll HZII7I7CKY SEAMS AND TWINDB; IMAM 81710118 CLOTH; YSZTUIGB; And • fall sonnetninnt goo& of onnri drieription on lunds and sidling Cheap Bar Ceuta. ociumni ;:r immune AND EATON. KAMM & CO., Nos. 17 LSD 19 Fzm arazal, Jobbers sad Riptides of EIrISHHINK HOOP HUM 1101201916/12!, OEM OBLIVIN BIBBOHB, RIIOHIII, OMAHA TEM nomar, awns. sipirrse, TAU AM sorrisuat at • aIIALLI, WAX= AIM H 021013. TM law Woos es which car stook vas ovrobased viable, as se ogler ladaorasate So OM and OOMPH! NTS. lIIILLIBIBEI dad MOUES, sada who buy to sill mem. sydassitsa TO ARRIVE TO-DAY, 600 PIECES _ PARIS TRIMMINGS. ALL COLOR& Ths trade mapplhol EASTERN PRIDES, MACRIIM & GLITDIPS, U Nun= simmer, 1.13 Between Poenrik and d. NEW aotwisi REDTIOSD PRIOBBI FDLEOI, DZSID&MI LID GIMP DRY' Gt• 0 03D Atlli Mend It LAU. AL'ABOY * 00.'2. 140 MIDAIR num, ansituss. Omni FINE 8A:1031 ENLIL AND ulna I,AND. Ia choke Wars aati atylaa. Taticion PALM sad BHAtiat PAU, at knout galas TUE Nair MOBS, ng Boxsrr Immix Illegsat goods of Roads ssaalluivie. ND*. alai" for retaLl trod*. zoos, swarm a OD., SUN UMBISIMIJA-41. /am ana amps iumisent of BIM ANDVINGIILIC BUN lIEBBILLO . 86 lalreg postbk_ whowarna ing a* as Pk". 10 LUIZ OOLL/LBS, 80111113 BIBBOHB * SLOWIES, sugar d cambsaira HATS BBL 51101111 HATO; IA /A4_9.1 gTooLnies, GLOVZO, ummis, de.,ac4 And a nary °fury lbw cd awns, usosvm a pa, No. 17 /UM time. avroN, *Amyx t axes, No. 11' Pun amt. r gOo no, CIIIIPMIE LACE SHAWLS; NA - MILL& lIRAWLI; MUIR rOlNig: - BILE 'FHAWLS: B mam?, A. r ANot SILKS. e.HITLA ND b.SAW LEI At nanatd pekes. BILK dicrattig : SLUE otaMMAIIS. Inca atharrims; owl% tt-Q' Main B&REC Bea. TABLE DAMASKS; LIKEN DAYKLKS: LIKEN DOTLIEF; s 4 BLACK HAILNA: N ; YARD wi s O K SILKS; 06 L1C18,1 cs loc. CDs 0n.113, wFifti4e SOMMilt DB= GOODS, and BILK, CLOTH AHD EIIMMILIt MANTLS:BI Al wheel! prices, a 13 .13 M 21 FIFTH.STIIEST COI3IiTR.Y STOREKEEPERS AND RETAIL DEALERS, 01 the dty and retigh boting towns, ars isrpntfally Invited to Gammas oar stock ar TRIBMINGS. NOTIONS, Rosyssy jk clown , YELBSOIDEIII6B, RIBSONB, NOOSES, LAO 000D4. BEA D-t,set AsS es NETS, SU I STB, COSS STS, RAIN AND SON Dat BUELL/km, • BUTTONS, TS: REA Ds, • Plti 8, And the Tad= small art!clts fit oar Nat of buetran. Iu our Wholeads roperlmenq ru the second and third dare, VIII be found esteem.. aseorttrieuts of the *niche enumerated shoe We thereto. solicit e all from all buyer ysarei that with our lamvall• ed hotlines we can Ora them bargains In the qtallty of ear Etna. D. S. ..... 0. GLYDE. 11LA.CRI:117 & GLY-DE, • B BABELT STSBET, Between Yount' end thelem,n4. SIIPHRIOR HOOP E.KIRIS I • Osborne a Cluermild's Premium and Imperial Garet; Do do Qusker Sti,t; Do do I.xtre Cool Pl ittIe.WILSAS grid extra lone. for itrge Weed sod tall Largos, Tbe Crinoline Draperle or French bklrt. A lull line of Bradley's klrt. el we3e on hand. BATON, al nofl el a 00 ., 1.43 stn. Is %net la Infth sttgget. .1v?1 U 8 lEA~rs. ' y , PITTEMITRWI 7 T1.37.1' UNALID A:GE11«. Eitemimant, .1. ....we...emu. • H.-Ovaamerna. PIM= ar Antrum= —Ptira te Boars!, r. 5 00; 012. ftzta In P212111n Ban. In n 0; Pa:guano sad Duna Chair% 60 was rarally Urals, 55 pail (Mond Gallen, 2S caata ; Oulored Banes, 50 unto ; Elstkiry, 16 emu. 11111113ein5t of li k e LIZZIE GILLST; ElVlatll=o, An eethe new Irish Dra - ne, written by a young lady of Pittsburgh, entitled, • Ireland's_ Bights and Ireland's Wrongs. LADY !X GILLET. Champion dance bit eein'two - Imint gentlemen of Winnow gh, ths Planer to be pi•eai.ticl with a SIL. VEIL tilisiLZT. Bong and D•nca_... 'BMW( VA.I7G`I Boadlng WIC* likclainted......L.,ZZ tE GL IoLOT - . To conclude Teitll OLIVER TWIST. • N &NOT —.TAZZIS BILL BMW+ ..... Mr. R DOUR R ZErr GRAND JCVIINiILE CONCERT, I=l=lll MX.C.01_.310.R Et A.X..L. On THURSDAY and FRIDAY evening., Jana With and lath, Ondar the dtrectlcn of PROS. W. H. SLACK • HirDoore open at 7% o'clock p. ea. Cosoert cam =tenon at "1"34. pleoltely. 1111r2leketa, 25 CENTS; Children cloche 13 yews daze 15 0.111T:5-4o be had et the Book btores, W. A. Beadle Dreg /BM', sea Cl the door. The Plano and on the ...Moo 'sill be of the osist bratel &Joiners, male, kindly inrxdshed by kleura. Elabar A Bso., Agent.. laze 4t U. J 0.115 0. OREM, 7E2 CELENIATZD 0112,11P10N, Who altered to fight sty clan in America. and who Li now about sultan a match to tight the yours gloat, JIM ZbLIOT C. Sur too thousand dollars, will We a grand eshlblthot In MOZART 13.66.11,1 4 Seventh St. On TRIMLY EVENING. Jane 26tb,1883. sr. osam will be esslsted on this ooradon by some of the first elms sparser. or the city. The entertalammat wall OClteltule with a grand db. Play of the cleanly art between J. U. OWEN and JOHNNY HMah4 f. Mgr Doors open at 734, performance to commence at 11 p'clook. wicket', Jr2t3t Ei'.ll.ArTs. VIVANTED.—S6O NANNTII want TT tis at $6O 'moth, espouses paid, to sell Our Prank &hind Builtera, sad thirteen other new, mend and carious snick*. fifteen dr. calms nottfire. Addrate. mrennisater MAW n•OLARK. Biddeford. Me. WANTED. --$73 • woliT 1- 1 want to hiss Agents in .ray count:, at 875 • month, apnea pad, to sill my =if chaup Family berth; Stacilkum. a dzes, H. 11 , 11)180N, intlazmrT A Ifrtd, Maine. TIO.N' Sal LES. VALIIABLB STOCKS LT AUCTION. v —On TIIISDAT SATNNINB.• June 80th, et o'eloot, will be sold. at the Oontnasndal &dee Nem; No. 54 Filth street: Sabana Nneongalnla Ravings Beak Illttb: 10 do Bank ot Pittsburgh (stock; 10 do People's hum ado, 00. Stock; SD do Watern Inouronos 00. Block; N) Monongahela /Immo* Co. Stock; 4 do Nonongsbele blite on Co. !Stock: jot . DAVIN & Mel tsatt / MD, DIVLINISTRAn,•...s• ADMININTE , ATOR't3 SV HALE OF 131 . 0014.—0 n TUESDAY /111£0, Tama Stab, at olock, will be told. at theZ tatamsrtial Saks lamb Na 61 /alai street, by order of ILdwhs latwtr, Lig Adtel'irtf James in orotand, dso'd 100 shares Bank of Pittsbargh 4 tock; £0 do Blohangs Bank Wool:. jolt. Wale & eaczLN AIHA Anoen. D 131313L1LN PESBLIS LIPHUTADLES. ....Yfointikitanding the it 41*Aa et Jealous I=ngo maws, who entre to the 811118L121 PEBBLE SPZOTAOLKB ' Aro daily the misname a isiononeiti of oar editions. All that Is asked Is to examine ell other Ip=i; then and szonetne the BUSMAN ma. Tor obi by 7. DIAMOND, Pructt cal OpOolita. tiaedectater at the Itasday. rebblo ll9ectudir, g 9 Mb 'tract. Monateg Past mat= rprEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PALLS.—We tateittla method of bibrating oar Meads and the public generally that we are now prepared to NXTE&OT 'l'll/ITH WITHOUT PUN In Ma practice of Dentistry. ' Uwe who hare two , postponing W i lma pre twYoall, as l ba ' as ay e n"F ratite we have in we but been thoroughly tested dors faa pined four rot., Daly ettabilenteg the cafe character of the aeration. Ho Druga or Onentkalt pot Gainalo Battss7 used. All those wishing the earth*" of • good with teller& Deutlet Wlll do indl to con and oottealt with ' JA.IIIO - B. NINO, D. D. 8., No. WI Fifth atreet t or, DA.D. NINO, Wham= No 41 Oadtbaeld at.. Pittsburgh. B. B. Bumw, lisinctia,a b ikirs37 itir=ttlia pi rxi-crizia! W. 45 ISKITIMIIM 1,31113L1T, PITEIBUBOX, AZ. • to usextmet Krnmui mum a11C740. TOW) 101 141/YDUcoontaatit ea Mal, eh)* la we will IQ at the Invest otos fa aux. PREBRIC JR. WAOliniThia fix, GLOVER CO.. Manaloturas PM SHIM TILLS, ORIXISBISEI, war -- dram Mill ADD OBILIOUILZ CLAY. LU1D147.8723111T, Umi Z. B. Ammar Dico, Pi py sir (Wail sr* Nipalle obliadtad. is dints • oxeir prima v N., Moue jaxt naiad at jot - 1101I0MAILEB 4 LANG% ✓::.. ~+w"^:'-.'"a-'xa.:-s:-sa_n..x<:a'csrx•~ana.~-•~5~n,.-~_ 118; . 'WS CS; at a tilLl2l