The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 25, 1863, Image 4

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    • --:AltuasDAit-litilLantlicl TIME 26.
1 w
• r
From - Yesterday's Brazing Gazette.
This-wparatatra party of men, with s mar-
4.1 M,; stairtsoAny L,Mptip street, for the
10M•PoseliT oo s igpinine 'or - rtaa chop keepers to
.tote up_thairstorso. Whit* the great EMU
f p businomman hays Tried out the m5 „161,1414,
„161,1414, Ofinorohauts, a
few' despisable-follows, who value a dollar
r: ,MisenaMikgsed. opinion - 0 ,tbe community,
perstiatial iptig aim doors, hopin g
to resin Wornit while their more patriotic
nefeibors "Pi closet.' TM. amuses' ooe
deals so-srawifostly unfair that it is tot
...struts Mist sii,tedignant -spowd should do•
... c ortsiml - than 4:Pm - Wirier at hag pay
..1." 7 ” *Mai "Pintifinint 'if - Mary ire not
mildig tonsiiit-36 tkm - .6eminfin , defense.
icorlrovilo l 4 4 #4liP4tea9f ateresisieszly
alto!iihich wen soon afterwards 019140. The .
.loth!' store of M.. 4mb,urnh of Lib
is *la ppo ; g•Tho, pcppclotor.was up maim,
ultblttag tools to mistomeri was ealled
down by, the salesman , whcridvited him to
:Skim Ma beam* very utnitignant,' duel/ma
. , AnirliPuld aPi qtrit - hic stoterritud ordered El:1-
. 0100 U ollto tee Mayor's effuse for a polio.
• fame Midis:ppm the crowd.. BOTonions refused
- twin tatisnyinaliairindiiad was at otos or
dered cutout ill :store: :,- Me then , demanded
his wages, whieh wore paid,....emd he loft.
Asainink thou Mood bunaftar the crowd
IPA lie opentidllie final door.
Tke. Caldwell ravel' Wells--A
_ Large: Transaction.
'll will be reemmaberid , that the large well
reeently stattettemon the Barrel Norm, has af
flatid the flow of the Caldwelkendi,ii few rods
distant, refuel:lg_ the antouat prodnoed from
it, which woe: .near 600 bangs per day, to
about 100 -barieds per day. The parties hare
Mau negotiating for some time, and soup
staiia..a -.compromise—Os : , partles owning
~the Terrell Well, purchasing the Caldwell
Weil for $148,100, pert - of purchase money
down, and balance in forty daps from date.
This is the largest - Price weir paid fora flow
ing, well i endes hev the purohasere free frost
.a literlerande that was to be apprehended
fremike. Caldwell' Well, • both of these wale
being erideitlp on • the sixakritin.- .The pro
portion owned by .the port lealidllig out te—
arer% Titan t Co., one half •,:.; Brown. Ts
belhOo., one fourth ; Ewing, one
fourth: 'The .panties sidling offered to take as
part paymsnt 1,6,000 .berrals of oil, at 83,00
per Intim delivey; but the porohasers
preferred CO pitY the wailt,rather Wilk contract
IL that Kim - ; • . :
.Too YaaeU.woll3i tio* said to be flowing
'gent %ODD jiiioele per. dep.
BWili &hi Alrgazdis.
A eenuallthe what around among the hutch
in the Diamond market this morning, to
isbertain whit they ',Mild do by way of fur.
idshing•men er going to work themselves
Rpm the entrenchments. To the credit of
the butchers be It said, every man save two
either agreed to go themselves or to pay for
the employment of others. The two niggards
.who informed cr. - 011unit%* that they would
neither go themrelves nor pay for employing
'then wirelOhnidnialer and grad. Warner.
A Galan woman; rtiO sells meat In the mar
kt/4pol theirerfellownto - thantsby asking one
-of the oommitine to put her name down. She
did not-understand exactly what the commit
tee was after, and supposed that they were
enlisting men to fight. She said: " Put my
- Wadi down, anyhow; I cannot use a rin, but
I will take a pitchfork along t" Wo think
Muller and - Warner ought to follow the ex
, maple of-this women, and, if they can no no
benir,Tortyetllooate on and carry pitchforks.
Bowman or 1812...-Thii - Assoolatiou of the
Wenders of their Conntryin the war of 1812,
podding in - - Western Pannsylvania, are ro
'4painttad to meet in Common Coupon cham
ber, firths cityntTlttsbargh, on • Batnrisy,
the 27th darof Innio, it 10 ,'clocks m. The
itlareatattn&oeeeeatakarLate- Worm= action
with reformat to the invitation ' extended by
the Committee stPhiladsiphia, to their old
omnpanloarin arms, to join them in - the oats.
%oration of the approaching national anniver
sary. The invitation la deurving of a maim
bli response - and, if prsollOhbill, a delegation
of ths weterims - of 1812 will be seat from this
" 61,1 07% . •
CASVALITEN 11:61'210 1 / 2 AT ALDIL—The
• • , 4111•PciwasyJunta cavalry, as • we-deara from
- Chapatis!, ltst-of-casualties already publish
- -adoes. la SW , hte fight at Aldie. The fel
' - i t e r i
i r e l are ilte Daly Bauchi et. wounded yet re
, • • 'Be thigh; Wilson
• adiattigviValf tly; J. A. - King, K,
Wel OW. cavalry, iu which area num
•',fires of Mb uithiers, war else *staged, sad
- - the following are detWiteld wounded : Q. Roe
: •waikkpluead; .T. , Witite,-B, breast; Michael
- Ecensaa, , Li feet; • Thema- Biqa, R, head;
Meat. H. Quist's, hip; H. Bloater, F, foot.
'Hortsborger, who,* ar
nut for lariiiiy've have already notlood, is
rrbow sat lifts@ into trouble. He
uf. obargod witlaaving stolen two vests
and .two dollars and a half In. money from
litotablfisir,Orthe Third Ward, Allegheny:
HU artistica-wire recovered, having been sold
to John Ober. The 'Colas pistol had also
been sold to Ober, and was op. An ad
dltiosal commitment was lodged against
Hertsborger by Mayor Alexander.
•Tan Pur..Bawniw.—This due 'Battery,
wider ..00naund of Capt. - fl. B. Tyler, of
now, In Camp Rows. The Cop
tats' witfindlst a; few more good men to fill the
Thies dashing to- Jobtuthh favorite
MAN ehaidiuninwes: the :pnlionli opportu
nity. as they will thu plow' thamulves under
an auperkneed omen, and a brit - . aid OM ,
Apitleuelaisai—The haldquartusixe at prat
- . anti& thsDilmond, Allegheny.
Concert no Ans Sonntlia.—.l.:Concert
afro Inhibition iiilLbe even by the pupils Of
the' Third . Ward Phbll 8 hool. at Concert
Hallos llidaveresbigieltu2iiitt. Inst. for
badelb toiTtbeLPlttsburgb Subsistence
Oommittee. Ptlekstyt adatesion, 26 cents.
ildirstortinrtilurvert of the school, obildien
ql W iimit li rottto comfort •of our soldiers,
,Asid4alo goadrewcriled.- -
BnintsPiiri>4lo6auLT AID
Baszorf...jobleCilMaDoireU las been eata
"OW .tosjaitloyalieeleitUßaUar to anew
ebaegeritt adffwg 'Berezwithowt , llama,
liedarieC bysloaCrtek JineaalL = Patztek was
'sewer e.tebaiter:of Mundt sad battery,
-- ,, preamed MillowelV. ' •
Odittennonittarr.—The criannienoinisnt cur
. • alealrat- thePittaburgh, Female College will
begin tieivi'Valoeklitlx evening,
-- inmaaga=htalit:77:-..14 - 4ihialia invitation
Wtatiadatio,thisipitrims 11644tiends of the
Charge to , Tkentiodag eternises win
leownaolf La fig italatrahnielt toninorrow even-
~driwirtzonla directed' to :a meeting of the
bittelrl,...totioikadlitt dm Diamond market
• bewardrew (Theeday) atoning, at 7 o'clock,
.2.tirillitttu-id-TirksuLtbalretillsettene. The
taarket will be sifted on tbatlay in order
that all may have an opportunity to mulct In
the good work.
2101;Luszon Pni t tici fionool,--The pub
lic newel Will Live • concert and exhibition
en Thursday maing, the 25th inst., In the
Preebytaiss &Ink emulating of Luiz,
r, essays, etc.
Adlaidot Mat anti.
lloita.-7/or. James Prootioy, D. D.,
pastor of tho Boooad Milted -Presbyterian
stook has arrived both from Ms loaf through
tie Old:World, sad will preach to hlo own
magtoptloa oa ; Sabbath mt.
13m, *viz.—Pardon Barrett, of Suva
karma county, eoavisted of alines bop 'to
sisal Jotters boa the post Oflioe, and eenteseed
ao gam years la thelptiltuatiary, aractaltee
afer Way.
- 7,04 - 0;111/ to' wirer a attars*
Atcoosomit Aid: battery prof
by Noah
.Tadapia had LAwr,or Ifohloz.
Jim Gam*:
Mow eve Lawriscooounty *rah for this.
--ImbuidlitfiguUruiEdrod h'your atty.A
iloYoUtop nautradoto of your
, ,11111144, r ZATlnai.
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Most Exoitiog News!
,000 Rebels In the Cumber
land Valley.
04 :4Mira
The Inhabitants Fleeing.
The Enemy Moving Toward Harrisburg
tke., Ike., &a.
H►aussoao, Jane 23.—A special digpatolk
to the New York Herald se9a
- The rebel General Rhoades has 10,000 man
and thirty pieces of artillery, and 5,000 ere a
the road to Demers,'lle.
The rebels commenced to move on Green.
castle on Monday.
The Williamsport aqueduct has been des
troyed by the rebels. -
Two men of the let New York cavalry were
lost in a akirmish yesterday. Three rebel
prisoners were taken.
The rebels have gutted all the stores in
Chaniberabwrg, and steal alike from professed
friends and Unionists.
Stirring news may be expeeted at any mo
ment, an the rebels are advancing as an army,
with hone, foot and artillery.
Latest-7 o'clock p. is reported that
our forces are falling back on Carlisle, and
that the Inhabitants are preparing to flee to
A battle can scarcely occur before to-mor
row. The rebels have cut the telegraph.
They charged on oar retreating force,
chasing them to near Green village.
Our forces still hold Carlisle and Shippens
burg arid the 'heights near Gettysburg. •
Col. Meatus reports the whale country
bordering on Chambersburg as full of rebels.
It is rumored that the rebels threaten to be
is Harrisburg by Saturday night.
Several wagon loads of Degrees have arrived
from Sharraburg.
Allot the refugees are unanimous in stating
th r at • the rebel Gen. Jenkins was very severe
in his contempt of the Copperheads.
The • Sas and 75th New York regimeats
reached Carlisle alb. morning.
A Shippensbuil .dispatoh aye the rebel
mounted infantry, cavalry and artillery, en
tered that place this evening.
A special to the New York Times dated
Harrisburg 234, says that one thousand rebel
cavalry advanoed to Scotland Creek this after
The citizens from the country above are
pouring into Harrisburg.
Capt. Boyd reports the rebels slowly and
antiouidy =crag this way.
The pcstmuter at Greencastle arrived hero
this p. a. The rebels seize all the property
they can find.
The Slese Progressing Favorably
Successful Expedition to Richmond.
500,000 Percussion Caps Captured.
The Casualties in General Grant's Arm
Be., &C., &C
DIIMPHIB, Juno 22.—Ofidal advice' from
Gin. Grant to the 19th inst. at noon report
come advantages gained by our forces on the
18th. The siege was progressing aatistaoto-
Osneral Meelernand has been removed
from the commend of the 13th army corps,
and Glen. Ord assigned to the command in his
Colonel Nis= has destroyed the railroad
at Panola. No particulars have been re
Yotrida POINT, JUDO 17, YID CAISIO, June
23.—The Marine Brigade, under Gen. Eliot,
sooompaeied by Gea. Meade, made a noon
noissance to Richmond on the 16th, with 2,-
300 men, and drove 3,500 rebels out of the
place, captured 30 prisoners, and burned the
town. Our loss was slight.
On the 15th, at Marion, Ark., Eliot's cav
alry captured • wagon, containing what pur
ported to be six barrels of flour and three
boxes of goods, but on examination by the
, Commissary, were found to contain over Ave
hundred thousand percussion caps, peeked is
the Sour barrels. The boxes contained sta
tionery. The whole had been permitted to
pass out of Memphis. Doetiments ware also
found implicating certain *ill known mer
chants of St. Louis as the guilty parties.
copy of the Vislieburg Wkig, extra,
printed on wall paper, pretends to gins ex
citing Northern news, patting Gen. Grant's
loss at forty thousand. A rebel Lieutenant,
captured- yesterday,- says that Pemberton's
purpose was to die sooner. than surrender.
Thera was pietist akirtelehiug at Haines'
Bird yesterday and Monday. The rebels
are reported to be advancing on our deforms
at that point. The total easseities in Gan.
hiefliernand'e corps, in the Carapaira. is MI&
I The division of Gen. : Blair lest 896 killed,
Wounded and missing, in the assaults of the
19th and 22nd
The report that the rebels are fortifying the
Bleak river bridge Is erroneous. The enemy
are within many miles of that place.
Correspondents from the lines may that .11
is onuinelly active. The retail are firing
mere continuously.
The news from Jelinaton fore shadows hot
work soon.
CLICII,III, Jllllll24.—The &mates cone
'pendent, writing from our Vicksburg, same
that Gief. Giant intended to open with hot
shot on the °ley on the 20th.
Frederick Again Threatened.
Bat:moss, Jane U.—lnformation Was m
oaned at Clan. Elabssek's hestlquartars this
montlag, from 7seiterick, whisk says the sir
tmls in 0011111611111111 fora, with infantry, 011 T.
sky, sad szellem seals threat= lindariels,
and ate half way batman Middlateln sad
Boolsberomossinglitostblioutalli. Banda
ats 110 W out.
pedal Dispetob to the Plttatittrith Gasett&
trarsszszoto, June 23, 1863.
AU 'lnlet to-night. The weather is moderate
and warm. The troops are in excellent con
dition and rplrits. The bands are everywhere
making the air resound with patriotic music
everybody feeling good.
The troops have been indastrionsly drilhifk
for more than two week. put in esolutions of
the line and grand tactic.. No drill to-day.
A family coming through from Shelbyville,
today, represent that the prevailing senti
ment among the rebels is, that Vicksburg
must M.
Tley traveled all the way from Almon,
Georgia, which point they left on Friday last,
and everywhere they heard despairing ex
pressions among the rebels with regard to
They saw but few troops at Chattanooga,
but there were a great many at Shelbyville.
The rebels campy it In force, Wlthlines of op
erations from C3lumbla to McMinnville, and
will doubtless contest any attempt of Gen.
Rowans to advance, with great vigor and
On the Manchester road, tha 3d Georgia
cavalry is stationed not more than sight miles
from Ilinrfrawaboro. Two miles further on is
an entire rebel brigade. At Hoover's„Gap
the rebels are In force, and would dou btless
offer stern resistance to a force advanoing on
the Madatiester road.
04 Webber, of the 51st Alabama, holds
the post of honor on the Shelbyville road,
and would be grit usailed by our advanoo.
An entire rebel brigade lies this side of
Guy's Gap, and at the Gap itself there are two
additional brigades.
If-Hoover's and Guy's Gaps were in our
possession, we could easily assail Shelbyville
by either a front or Sank movement. No
doubt we shall meet with considerable diffi
culty in occupying these twe positions.
Byecld Dlspatc.b to the Pittsburgh Gazette
Boman, Kj., Jane' 23, 1863
Military matters remain unohanged. The
rehabber. apparently left our front La Wayne
sonny, Tininess**.
Refugees came in daily, also an occasional
squad of prisoners and deserters, confirming
In the mein oar prelims! Information from
the enemy as to numbers and locality.
The health of the army Is still good. The
weather hot and roads dusty.
Deserters that came in to-day stabs that
two divisions of Bragg's army under Break
inridge and MoCowan, were sent to Idissis
Two Officers Killed by Deserters
btuclde of the Murderers.
Bkrooa, Ma , Jane 24.-0111csr McKinney,
of Donut, Me., was yesterday shot by two
deserters, named Grant and Knowles, whom
he was endeavoring to arrest in Troy, for
horse stealing. A number of citizens then
turned oat to arrest the desperadoes, and while
attempting to secure them, they died on another
oMoer, and killed him. Finding escape im
possible, and determined not to be taken alive,
the two deserters then deliberately shot and
killed themselves.
Rebel Depredatioes=o• Union IClan's
!Store Robbed.
FOllll2BB Muslims, June 23.—Lut night,
at II o'oloek, ten rebel soldiers, in oitimns'
dress, led by • rebel officer, came down the
York and up the Pottouln river to William
Bartlett's store, where they paroled the guard,
and took away all the goods in store, The
neighbors Bated as a guard for the rebels,
while they ommltted their depredations. Mr.
Bartlett b an old resident of Virginia, and Is
• well known Union man.
Sale 'cr . l Ftve-Twenties—Cont/dence
to the Government
PUILADLLPUIA, JUDO 23.—Jay Cooke, Sub-
Agent, reports the Isle of $600,000 of five
twilaties on Monday, and $814,000 on Tues
day. These sales are mid* in the face of ru
mored and actual rebel movements, and al
though the amounts have fallen off, the num
ber of subscribers are still very large, show
ing. s laudable earnestness on the part of the
muses in the suppression of the rebellion, as
well as aonddenee in its accomplishment. The
imbscuiptlons from the west show no diminu
tion. The Bonds are being delivered to May
The Capture of Washington General
Lee's Object.
Nur Yost, June 24 —The Petersburg Ex
press avows that Gin. Lee's object U the cap
ture of Washington City.
Ezira Billy Smith Reported Cap
Nay YOLK, Jane 23.—The itishmmid En
quirer publishes a rumor that Extra Billy
Smith Was captured at the battle of Win
LX'Suß.,idrcx GE.N-713.
mama Ooarramiza, Nort,b4ast =mar Woad sad
Elp - P. JONES, Lam Nom Aimll
- . ea, Blida of Pannayhanla and Hartfard In.
tonna °ampulla', h Wand. striae.
SAM lEL REA,- 61110111 TAM Orrmar
Issawas OoKrarr, coma Market and Water
Id. GORIX)N, baoszrAzv W gams
• tarsoaaaca Clostrestr. tri Water street.
. laromazos Cosownr, ST 111th stmt.
WI sad 99 Itled street, apvelts L Ildsseadsoa 8 Os.,
and 111 Fourth street. . m6lO
MID 1:1118•71111111)1011118.—ror emplessenl
anstrump , s
TAAM I Earr& tom received the endorse.
stint of the most prominent physidane in the Outbid
Steles. fa nimr offered to an afflicted humenity er s
certain cure fdr the folicuring diseeme and symptoms
ad trona dieemee end abuse of the Urinary
or i tl ing ial Organs: Gesimil Debility, iffentei dad
Physical Depnisslan, Imbecility, Determinatioo .ot
Diced to the Head, Oonfored Uses, Hysierlealincerel
IrrlbltlOty t Ttertlemnis sod lineepleenmeeet Met,
Abeenci — of Yusoold, inffloierncy, Loue of iippetite,
-Dine/mid Issecistion,' to. Spirits, Disorganisr
lion ot.Paratyds of tbiremp= of Geoaratien, Palpl.
tattoo of the Heart. and In tact all the oottemiltinstr
dol• nervosa and debilitated state of themiser.
To mean the genuine, cut thin on dab
ffelmbold'e. Take no other. 'QUM guarasteed
a.i.dr.rttsementtpanothercolumn. mencIAMII
LW —limiiidataafigaisWWu W lwdow
illeta renders, Who Infra, lo the .saip of do.
Ars madden thdly the wafters& isdarinnaina of ow
damn. AU that Is oohed bto azanahanit other
epoctsolaar than all and azandai Ibe . 411881.411
FIBBED moo. Wu oda ha
J. DIAMOND, !nails* 0101‘1111
as mashctonr at the //nada Pythias litectscla,
MID as Ptah street. 1116n1r Per Bindftc
P•111.—A• take toothod Inhorothwitir
trliata and Os Dahlia phohlty that in an. now
to 7111111/10T MITE WlTiuntr
rilr mak* of Deattetry. than who We boo
postpaathg LI& math dreads," typtratloa may nth
lay odds tit bus and eve hi a WI, am tha
rata. we hay, la an Imt Noth Wad tbs.
W h o a i i= " un i r i a °panties. t b.
as me Gshiudo Sanaa and. AA lb..
willt he do In Wall sad goo
Zs M ittth sena
at, Dz. O. UK
misk, areumm rttlatnulAh
rtirrsautiGitllaidn:ri , t ,
Orr. Hassan, t
Wionso4t,4l= ISSI
• . ... .
Business =thins+ aa 11 hill been for serel.. l days .
post, Tory dell and almost entirely suspended. 7 here
Is a hdr demand for *amour the leading Artie!e of
producg to supply government mint:actors, while so
hr n prices are concerned, there is no material
The money market ramalas about se 1.1.1. granted.
On Tuesday, Gold - opened In New .Took .at 143',, and
rime to 144. It subsequently receded to 145!„ and
af,erwards closed at 145 3 / a 14.1%. We aro !Nil bout
whim:eta day, but the general Improoton l ir, that
there Iro ne-material change from the rat of Yee
flour area quiet but uncharged.- Eialtmoi 75 bbls
Extra from store at $5.6U, andi.ollibbie"l4tm Fami
ly at $5,26€06,715, as to crudity, Naze*, is MO. in'
Cirdred for but unchanged; ale of 144203 • tbi Mtn
Hams at No, tnd 5000 lbs • Sager Cored do at Ile.
113 t. Cheeile Is In gcod dammed arid firm with
Jaleaolloo boo W Nat 10c. Potatoes are . In good
demand but unchanged; sale of au !nigh at OM per
both, and 100 bbl at $1,75 per bbl. Sett to Amu
with small sales of No I Satre at from $l,OO to $2,00
-- ? ,, oldlArli generally asking the ... outside figure. Oro.
Cechy and Grain contlnuogrilet with small .aka at
about former quotations.
Pi*sbzugh Olt maxims
Joss 21-431Mde is Inn sit formsvquotalions—boy
era offering 16e, while holders are asking 16% to 17e,
nsokaire returned, and 21% to 2:0, packages Insirl
rhul. The receipts are oer ltibt, . end tlanenarket is
almost entirely bans. There 444=8 , 113w:dry for Re
tard but the difference between the views of buyers
and sellers prevents iranisctions There have: been
no aides for several days, that we mold beer of, in
the abeam* of which we omit quotations. Bin. zine
Vety dull and noglectedin feet there appears to
be no demand fur It whatever.
new Yorir. retroleum Market
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Garotte.
New You., Iwo 24—The market to excited and
unsettled. There to an active -demand for Crude,
and en advance of 3. cant per gallon has been Web.
lialma—ranging at from 273 to 213,5‘0. Defined .to
bond to arm and cent higher, with sales on the
spot at 47916 e; 52)40 for August, and 64955 c ton
September. Refined, free, Ls steady at 66957 c., 0.
New Tea!, June 23—Kvening6larket much
excited by the Vic-labor; new.. Snide on the spot
Is held at 219280. Refloat in bond is firm at 469
470 for immediate delivery; 61952 c for August, and
63953X0 for September. Pailued, free, steady et 6.59,
670. Haptho is dull and lOwerranging from 23 to 21m.
Philadelphia amino Market.
Jove 22—The arrivals end salsa of Beef Cattle are
Isms thle went reaching about 1,800 head. The
market, In consequence, is very doll, and prices have
decllned folly too id 100 On, Graf quality Weetern and
Pennsylvania fiteeni sellmig at from 1201.23(,ci fair to
`rod at 11/Mlll3iic, and common at 840,5i,c, ad to
quality. At the clone the market was very dull, and
sales ware reported at lower prim, than the above.
00 head were lett over.
&beep—The arrivals and sales of Sheep at the Av
enue Drove Yard continua large, reaching about 7,000
head. Then is a fair demand 'at about previous quo
ted retail sales of clipped Sheep are =skied at stg,sY,c
la gram, sad a few extra at b>ie. Lambs continue
Kam, and range at from 113 to SS N head, an to con
dition and quality.
Hoge—The arrivals and sake of Hoge at the Ifuion
and Avenue Drove Yard. reach about 0,600 heed this
Week. mains at from 57148,25 id NM Da net.
1833 head mid at the Union Drove .Yard, by New
Glass at from f7ie18,25 rel UM CDs net, as to quality.
710 head sold at the Avenue Drove Yard, by John
Crouse I Co, at from 57@5,215 5 100 1M net.
Chicago Market.
Jelin 22—The Wheat markeiwas more, active, but
there was uo improvement in prices—No 1 Spring
selling at g1,0941,11X; No 2. spring 924,03„qc, and
st e j ee ngi Spring at 7tl4,79c—the market clueing at
$l.OO for No I and 03c Tor No 2 Spring in North Side
The Flour market was cinch anged—with - rather
mere activity—white winter entree telling at $8,25;
spring entree 64,4004,90; and epringeupon at $2,05
6 1 423ie
The thou market was In. fictive, but there was no
change in prism—opening firm and clotting quiet at
Saturday'. closing quotations. About 278,1Ai1l bush
els changed hands, at 150X,c for Yellow Omm afloat;
119X040/ac for Usual-and diver Mixed afloat; 47c for
Yellow Cum in atom; 47%(047.,,in for Nixed Corn In
item; and 116%e40,,ti0 for llepKted Corn in store—
the market clewing steady at 473f,c for Sliced lu More.
Oats were in better request and firmer—with sales
of No 1 at 66068 o—the bulk of tee sales being at 57.%
Wile for No 1 North Side elevators.
aye was in demand for shipment, and the market
advanced lc per bushel—with sales at 67(570e for No
lln store. , rley was quiet at $1,C5(.i,i0.
wines were firm—with mks of No t at tic. L Provisio.
were quiet.
ices 22—Our market opened without animation,
with . moderate enquiry for amber Michigan and No
2 Bed at • slight decline on lam west's closing quo
tail... Slime the receipt of .deices from hew
Work, it farther concession of to would bo neceuary
Mlect soles. FLOW—liecolp4 light; there are co
Wes reported and no enquiry for round lota. Wheat
—Sales MI before report-2,000 bush No 2 lied at 1290;
4,000 bull do est some; I,uoo bush amber Mich at
129 c; 1400 bush and 2,100 bosh amber Mich M 129 c;
600 bola Wbite Mich at 139 c; UM bush rejected
Spring et ftsc. Oona—llnchaned; sale 6,EeM bosh No
1 at Mc. Oata-82>i0. Mye—Doll et 76c.—Blade.
Imports by Railroad.
n. wavaa 3 61416100 B4II.[ICAD,
Jews 94-100 hides, 19 N Holiatotitoal do do, It /lard;
579 kge powder, Jam Coll= & co; 9 can scrap Iron;
Kloman & no; n bbla egg., 1 ear corn, L IL Total A
di; 7 this pot üb, Bryce, nichards & co; 40 to is pa
w, Perkins & co; 0 lidls 10. 10 cite rivet., IL Town
send; 62 tibia oil, J A thaghey; 10 bag map, Jim
Brownlee; 10 do do, H IC Sellers & co; 10 do do, B .t
fahneatock & co; 25 eke rags, 111c0calogigh, Smith &
to; 225 bbb Dour, Watt & Wilma; 201 hide., I) 19
Bryan; 6 lib's lard oil, McDonald & Arbneklo; I bbls
egp, Little Trimble; SOO bble dour, Meakeown &
Wuhan; Beare pig metal, John Moorhead co.
6 0 ball bbla Ash, 95 bra clews, L Ileazielon; 3 eke
beam, 10 bra cheese, Clll Bolden 25 do do, Stouffer
I Tindle; 30 do do, Wm P Beck & co; 13 do do, If
Yangorder; 222 yta boom, Atwell, Lee & co; 25 baa
dome, abomaker & Lang; 31 do do, J Il Canfield;
335 eke corn, Illngbant, Bttirgeon* co.
Markets by Telegraph,
Prazzatrava, June 64.—Flour dull; sales at 44,60
GATS for Superfine; $436,112% for Extra, and 46,25
(46,60 for Metro ranody. hie Flour deal. Corn
-kleal, $4 for Pennagtranla, and $4,123$ for Brandy
vino. Whoat In very small demand; White, $1,55 to
$1,66; Red at $1,60. Small sales of Rye at $1,05.
lam lo good request at 87e. Oats dull at 75(476c.
Colkalull but unchauged. But little dolnen Omar
sr Names Provbions unchanged. Mess York at
514,25014,60. Lard, 10j4®d0)(0 to bbl.. and 11%c
in kegs. 600 bids. of Whisky gold at 46447 e.
Nor You, Juno 24.—Ootton buoyant; Wee of 25
belga at 62,463 c. Stour declining; Wes of State at
$4,60@1,90; Ohio, 0450 5,93; Southern unchanged.
Wheat declined lc; salad 60,000 bush at $4154@1,34
for Chlsago Spring; 51,21531,36 for Idilirautee (dub,
and lb; Bed. Uorn declining; 60,000 bush
sold ai 741475 c. Provlalone doll, but unchanged.
Whillty dun and unchanged.
liemipte—Plour,lll,ool bbl.; Wheat, 00,783 bush;
Corn, 11465.5
LEI V 137 1 ""113BUIXI" .. " "A rl 11 9 0" -- Biirer M&N.
tOreaniiNo Co.
Mit, GLOM I 00..
. , r tisagstann of
111011.411111.714 TILL, 0111101BLCS, aa., and
disiamin, Intl AHD ORUOIBLI Olda.
1111":"5:0010. 861513Bzwrrarszsr. opt;..dt•
B. E. Namara Impat, Plitobargh, P.
Onlans ar rommettnilv IdtsL ler I v.•
IDOCILIY P 8,10119,
28,000 /111AV1K .FMII MUCK
azosiziou 001 E AND Lam YARD
thtisree hstid Behan ;
H t-bone do, do;
10 hone Delft do;
hlcaoralck's Mothlces. Tam= ;ley And It en ob.
loci to avail themselves ct Ibis machine. to hurry
ep theli work. tara &A DWELT a 00.
01. W.-20 bbls. ho. -b ud thi;
10 Ws Winter Strained Whale 011;
10 do Bank OM
for sal* by J. liiiiliPATl3lo6. BROTH[..
141 • 191 'and 193 liberty Su r at,
- •
PAMILY Obis. on con .
1.! Moment, WbltoWbeat 118113$ p. V for Yaly
1.13 WK. BBl/K A 4./4u.
FlcATtlactiel.-1,000 lbs. prime Feint).
ere arriving and for sele.b7
lel end 105 Liberty str•eL
CtlitilttiE.-20 boxes Cheese, in store ;
too W. B. vhoese, lo emirs;
Ibr sale at 1.16 Elixalil inset
.BILTHICH tlak. lannea,
of Ilkyre (Najtork)and Thoinion's (01notn
-1/1"Ioinoinoo. on hand SO4 for gab of SO and a
AI. Ink street. , J.111.P11141.1P+.
111TWilailg—tfar Oracle and Lien-tied
ao on. Oft Banib an
JAB. other
D ltracbsadlas,
LT k SON ._
dg 'saw W.t.r
.a.; 'do.; We lading detAd t: at the old stand.
abhor come end bop
' lett W. P. IidIIVIALL. 87 Wort
(-200 boxes prime W.
Oresol andlialiburgbr Pod mend and*
kw isle krvihat Lita:tyirtiwt. eel in soon.
ieutirr,—suo buslielo oh
i n
.16 ,10 ids. law to &ie. one
C . 1 , 1 ,_! 0012 . at 111 T Libegirstreet•
wens WlLKligog.
Tolcdo Market.
for sale at the
117iittr OrriCA 1
• Jilltsboriah Ps., Jane 114, mem j
100 TO7PrS HAY. ; -:
reared Proposals .111 to r;oilietint.this ales until
13 to.,.thabira Alta :fif,1171111',160. for fiuntsh•
i05••..1414.-ohliwy.• 10,PlItaborab, - 1%.,..0N 6 El US-
D . ', lca. T.„).,544 Aar 6ya0.0 MITALCUIataLT&I2 I I. I k I BAY,
Nc tri:a wttbdi.d.aridEbyilit tiOtru trod
a , Lf Paniirdit4l4l. ea
tedtc,ki;or bet ,re the Tat 'Ufa: Zity, isn
b 'I., the lab.. 4/Ay of Joiy,
21.fdto2A the Yaidalof7olr. .E6 l
ar . belor. the 30fliati,of
fi - iVrtiltancit Ir rnaAra! ttiolnitli for 10. tons
of add lattenelti 1:z.:0•01. O. OBOE'.
P:tptlf, Qlartarmoster G 01 5 ,1& ; r p,:g . ; Army, rm..
buto, , •
The . enillig of the biddo'bill4 fish Unitratt,ahould
lit twell.A.lo him, unittlos Ignareuteed by two
reepontitle - peisons, whose . efizaWW . -, moot be op ,
pocded inlholoarar, tee. -
Thelifiroaelbltity of tbegtiitiotaii hinsthesahowa
by the °Masi certificate of tie Clerk of the weereft
LcistrfOrClonct or of tbelJnited Steel District £O.
....BIdaVAL-P0.710. De Prerent Its gorging If en--the•bide
ProPolnlalehiM.Oi °moldered.
2.9aloging.l¢lllllpol6o tnhalf .to be re.
celynifoktpsyfontract, signed,-hydhoeltintranter and
both OiAntegsulsantora r will_hommdud bt theshr•
coed blddej op e n 'signing the amine. 'AI the
Goad coot accomvent the...Mtbanaelt will be MM.
earj for to hen their boodeson with
drent, - oi-to - itiva hetdilitgbed in Suticlpati:a, and
real" to be pitalocei wheaStocrentrieekle
For. of Guarantee. -
of, tin county of —.-and 'State of --,
and of the county of and State of do
heuhY • able to fulfill &con.
and irao enoordanearithatte terms of Ws propotition.
thlit,aftecgAble Prep:ration be accepted; kw wig
at outs:outer into to contract' in lemOdance then.
with.'; Ruin% the outran/. be awardedhlin we are
prep/Sod-1h t.lonne hie
To this guarantee mutt - be ippended the official
eel Valois abaft mentioned.
Propmaistroen &Vora potties will not be consid
ered. and an-cath -of. allegiance will be required of
etteceeent bidder. befarp 0.1043:1Z . C51.011.134.1.
TO. undo-Algona' reserves 00' hilloolf the right to
reject,any or Ad bids that he may deem too high.
Voyeur% t to be made upon the completion el the
°entrant, or s, coo thenafter it the undersigned
Oval be in foods. O.OBOdO,
JeYiad Lieut. 04 itid D. Q. IL times'
. Pamirs QUAXtiliesTilt Oramtaaos Demos,'
. _ Pittalsargh,,Pa., Julie P 22,1861
. -
dewed Prop.:mai re ill be received it tWo cflostustil
12 o'eldok m., the 22ru DAY DX J1G211.12113, fpm the
(areal:dog and dollvery at Pllts'ourgh..Pa., on or be-
LT. the 13th day rd hay. libgt. of 21611LTHOULILND
strooleisoks, well lowed tip, and to uallth ihiithg"
Proposal. mist be aria* "Proposals for 10,00
btuheTh of Oats," and aaatensklio,l4. Dal. G. Cams,
Lepnty Quartemisstor General, U. fr. Army, PM.-
The ability of the bidder to fulfill Ana Atutrarge
should It be awarded to bin, mull be guaranteed by
two repot le persose.whoes signatures moat to ap•
rodeo t• the guarantee. - , • •
The rsiponatolUty thuicutrantoramsult,th 'bairn
by the ofthial osithicarg,of,the Clotho! the nearest
DlArlctCourt, or, the .11nitedlitatem . .Dlattint Attar.:
ney. B idden must-tss peasant to person When the
bloa are cyanid, or their orgasabt will not tenon.
aldered: Bond equiri le anima& Se kali ire nom fobs
recelial cn the coistkiet s slansd,by , AtteWentractor
and hefts of bls gainthtota, WIR: be noised of tbe.
incceethal bidder, upon signing thecontraOt- : As.the
bond mutt ecroupsny tbescoubnol,-it trltllth nets' :
eary loi the bidders to bare their 'sandmen with
them, or to have bonds algrad In anticipation, and
rrody to be prodncid when the contract Is signed.
Rona of Guaraxim.
Ws, tha costa, sad state of
and of county at assilitate of —• do
hereby guutuktep that.-- Is aids to-failli • con
tract in accordasct with Ma Lams of his propcdt
lion, sod that, should his propolothaz to acoastalr
ho will at oac• asps Was • ••atrara W alanardanca
therewith. thvola the soatatatla► awarded him we
. re prepared tosbecome Me acuities.
To this gualaatee must be appended the offleial
•-tl9coto above mundane&
Protestle disloyel ;with* will, not be conald
eret, ;tad en o tat at alleglan. will be reguinrt of
out oesdni bidders berate eigeing contrast.
Tia, undersigned rutty, to Monett the right to
reJurt any or nit bids that be may deem too high.
Psi meet .to he made upon the completion 4.1 the
contract, Cr 0) soon thereafter no the undersigned
shall ho in bends. 0. oaolll3,
itl2:td L'ent. Poi. and D. Q. X. Gemara,.
aseisritar Qoaaratutasraa'a Orncr,
Immo Iticresraionr,
Corner 0 and Twontpesoond 'treats,
Weinticrrant D. Die APS 10.1669.
LIT= Pituroania are invited for
ins EAT;STRAW,AATEI and CORN. kw the woof
this Dtpot, to be delintradat lb. Railroad Depot; or
at any of the Gontroinent.W.h fa We
Th em e propagate to be addrom 10the undersistuda
and they should state the goantlty of eenh , lertlek
offered, also the prk* and the denier delivery.:
Prcpoisla to received for nn thousand.MOOD)
ainhon of Cern or Oat; and fifty (50) ton' of By or ;
straw, and upwards, axiom it aitonld be for lb* bc
target of the Govonnasitt to =Antra tor also
..All grata to be put lo good tacks. of SbOat two (11)
tombola *sob. which ato to to tondahed at the cat.
of the contractor.
Tha Hay and straw to be securely Wad. '
All Grain and Hay offered to be subject to a lied
Inspectloo by :be Government Laspectar.
footnote will be awarded trout time ea din to tbe
fewest tespousible bidders, as the intends of the ser
vice may require. Good security. will be niquind for
the faithful fullinient of any cancract made under
this advertleement.
Ovtain and
.rLw 800
NJ U. 8. Infantry Tactics. Antberistd e/ition.
01,bases Manual for Tottintrers.
Wilson's Infantry and Bins Tacilaa
Scott's Infantry Tactics. 8 vela.
McClellan's Bayonet lardeins.
Sicgobury's Artillary and 'ninny._
al:1J arson on Yield Artillery.
Cooke'. U. S. Cavalry Tictica. 2 yob.
Coypea'a 11.1 d Manual for Courts BlattiaL
Tho Ocutynny Clerk, containing last:ructions tca
snorts, rolls and other wpm.
frcr age by KAT &OM, 63 Wood at
ILWIGIS A 141) V 11111141.131411 BOW .
Is.) Divers:loos of Purley. 9 . y01n
Leland's Deistical Writers. 2 role.
Dr. Porter% Lectures on Heroidea
Oooeitio de Trento. In epanlab and Latin.
Bowes Treating. 10 mol
arldr.ri of the Reartrreddlon, Hanley.
Holm d Data ' Works...l voL
Klopet klenslab. ma. •
Conyers LoctornsoulleriptinkractslkPropbray.
Done% Works. 9 roles , 8 vo.
m)18 J. L. Itlii.D.7B north efsest.
.. .
.1.41 My Southern Friends. BP Kirk.
tilstory of the itefonaetlon to the Kam of Calvin.
Footfalls on the Boundary of' ahother.World.
The Gnat Iron Wheel Examined.. Brownlow.
Benton'. Thirty Tiara to the lienate.
Les illserablre. Ciotti and paper.
kyee end Ears. Beecher: .
Tim eters and the Angel& ;
Work, fn lliatory, Thawing! Kiallehre,' hr.
mythJAIL L. RKAL Fourth, sired.
W AULINGI2OII errs,klarehlil, .1131331
e tottlod to .end to the thilittetwanotei
omoo tenders for their. charheratessieed; i
Tender' aboidd contain danialwatisot., the meals,
their dimensions, enrolled A1f1,11104112114 toned',
actual carrying rapsoity,coaterisiewhstilet toPPlitlede
whether elde.wheel or propellors. whelthmi copper or
Iron faitened, sine and power of taminse aled Pollak
and ehonid state the price at widaktkeepera sand,
for long or short charterietitiksher s ne eg
the scowl in mu of las, aria sat thnoTernmetts
snonid prefer to purchase theta& attalecteriag.
Owners of steam vffiroalsateridtbriba ;iambs of
the-. gnartennarteen Depehtment e arc irequestel to
make known to the Elepactment-nesp twAaction in
their present sites which Map ma be Willing to
grant, and also the price at whisk , the/ will be . wills .
tng to sell them.
nil each tandem shoal be addrinumito tilt galas.
immesh& General of the United fitelen e u tilleldrek ,
ton, and Oland be endorsed uProposeislcir the char.
ter or male of Steamers." • •
When fersdesal.Shey wimablared. and this
euilesem So , rediseacibe?briwY
pause attending army trampirteMerripezithe omen
and tide waters by grabstitutkur a Nsitensses cr CsUs . l4
au, cheaper semi. of equal capailtrias * now
vox RENT—The thro4tory inlax
L WMIEIIOI3BE, Has Wocid, suso,laro docks
from Water Moot.
for terms apply to YBAISEAMHX .
(HaStatinVailltai C 0.%)
ooimit H aid WOW attista.
ro 411.4—une, '11:wo
1. In the third or fourth otorlr atiassaris Atulll4-
loth rilth otroot, with or without steam powUr -
Inquire on,tho
Volt -r.,.:che third story ;or the.
baildrog now'ikeculed b; the snliectlbar, miser
of St. Oh& atteet tad invitane Wiy; • -
1863 -4 ""thlet '""tigth
Ths iumr lov•pramare, 'tamer
sus.eav WORD. cum Wes. 11421liaTt
WM cm Mixing the seentit bittitotat the above pant
LOSTIN 011Bnlind kw Bajbuar Ott4; Mat Waal,
aaA BAY Otty, tonchlnunt..Pest itanni..Lirtinigton.
Port dals% liccratsr.Torsetrillib Point 41.latiny
Port Anitin and.Tawne oniqg
NYMBIBM. it recindh..,
UM" gagADAW SIC 411.0111dallii srorylllATpUlT
All Mdikte ConalMiti toie otilialialvi prompt at,
tenting'. whoosh entratantsjnedontlibippnes hum
Inn fed/XL moody emend themttngitsz stoat will
so on eat bast withwaidluingt ttu .
molthltm . 014.1! b 00,
SY late.
b eixtbilifinr, ti pp
dA . ' ftfa' ,wszu isa
The evb.crihor o Eat for sale that beautiful
Ica r .2112 GIROVS, iontainlng about 93{ i
annagod In the Ikrougitef dewirkky, brow
&stilly °media the -new Presbyterian March. and
adjoining the beautiful residence of Charles Pio.
Kid Of. AR.
This property pommies many edvantszes for •
country randence, drat amongwhich is a moor 04-
ama. .alwadool Orkt Pa Water. This spring
is MCI= at a point safiloiently elevated to enable
the purchaser to some) the niter to any part of the
grounds. The soil la good, and as the ground Is now
covered with fiat old Arad fresh the Purchaser will
hare nothing to do but to cannon a few of the tr a m
isonsadhde/3 around the site he say_ clam far bin
hoe" lei out • lbw roads, and la will lave AI that
can be &aired far a country tams. There la • One
entrance - to the property both front and Kean
It Is tounrcaseary to ray anything with repel to
the dealrablanses of she neighborhood—aZWlo B .-
Thin property will be sold on terms to edit the
mar Enquire of TLIXIECI 13110&, Ho. £4 Wood
esiag. 14.51 x.
17.4 End
F OR SALE.—Very desirable
PROPRBP7, situated • at
town, ktifilbi county, Pa., within • short dietaries of
the Peiouctivania Railroad and Oanal. The freehold
property comprises a Pumice,with machinery of
sop e power to blow it, using eiher dismal or au.
throat* coal ; about 1300 scree timberland; also the
celebrated Greenwood pipe iron are bank, containing
about 17 mom whirl produces in abundance the
mime ore from which John A. Wright, UT, make;
his renowned and justly celebrated fescomomrs The
and Oar Axles. This is the Only available property
in the State w6loh produces the ere requieite fora ea--;
tablishing • beidume of like character.
Them is ales 'bons 130 acres of land within half •
mils of the INthia* held tinder long leases, from
welch &bandana Of 'anodised hematite ere can be
taken,it a cost not eraceding fg ler ton, delivered
on the VUZIALCO bank, and on which 'hafts have
teornill been wok, and which will produce mitticient
ors to amply the femme. _Soft fossil ire is also
abundant in the neighborhood. Charcoal, In any
quentitim, can be hag delivered at the menus at 6
to 6% mute per bushel.
This furnace is well 'Unshed for the markets, bee.
Mg water and rail occoinardcatlene with Philadel
phia, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, ttanisburg, and other
important manufacturing amnia.
Po, violater= and further particulars apply to
Philadelphia, Pa.
AND kIAOHINN 8130P.-2b. above Walt.
lishment, in Diadbon,lndians, la most eligibly sit.
ousted for boohoo& It contains a large anima of
machinery, and also a very large aisortmant of ths
most modern paths= for engines, mill and railroad
work. Madison Is a very desirable place of nsidance
and possemes mistrior advantages for mantafaMnring
—having good tadllities for transportation to an
porta of the country. Bente ars low, living
sad the locality second to no other in the lIIIM
Stabs for good health. The
' proprietor will sell the
ootabildurrent, if applied for acon,st • goal bargain,
or °mbar of Is only to soma competent person t wlur
uncentande wall the running and management of
such an estabibhment. Or 1.1 not disposed of soon,
he would rent to rosoonsibis parties for a term of
yam, retaining an interest or not, as may snit tbs
sorties wishing to rent. Throe are two large ship.
yards In the Owe. with more work offering than
they can do, and many parties desiring to contract
for stminbosts, engines end machinery, an compell•
od to go to ocher cities, for the want of parties here
to do the work.
For terns and price address BOX 460, Madison,
Indiana. jelam
By virtue of an order 01 tha Orphans' Court of Alla
gheny Ooonty, share will be exposed to rablto Salle
en the premier, cm Wayne street, In the City of
Tittelutrigh. as TOINDLY, the 30th day of dam,
1/1636 at, /0 o'clock a.. ut., as the property of John
Curt., deorsed.ell thsecerhain lot of ground Mur
ata on the Garr of Weyer street end Jerson alley,
to the Oltj Of liftibeirge, bastrigm Lent 28 feet 6
tncher on Wayne 'greet; nod mending back along
Jackson alley .90 fest,. berg lot No. 4 in • plan of
iota rid ant by. Ism /sands Herron, recorded in
Deed Boot vol. Ni, gage Mend the same which au
cciaiszed bißlir.) 'antis Huron to said John Oorts,
died, - by daartdite4 *deanery 27, MIT, recorded in
Decd Book Sol - 14 tap NI, on which Is erected •
two.itory Mak Mulling boon.
Tollllllosen. JOHN OllHTZ,lxecator.
/or further partkulers enquire of 0. Hasbrouck,
Beg Jototney for getithrear, N 0.156 Fourth street.
WOE - ISALX.—*—Abolif 20. Acme choice
Laud, lust right Ihr ooustry slats* with fish
.torrsekree ant sorts of rtrer:bottont be.
. Mann Abe. rallsced rirerft beer
"aboat facusdnid*elart Sr mart. ttii
atm, all or any . ed" which I SO law, it applied
Yee now. This property he at the terestans of the .
Idanzbestaratrest.bailiray, and sr' , the Woods Wm
&KIM of lbs lit Wayne, ..otdoego Barosd, oa
which the tare Is only Iva ante, and time el truudt
May ellgtirsdnates.,
- Mot, & large tot ht /mid to itanchista;a6 fait
Boot on the Ohio ,her and ?table streitorfik Urge
dweUnag of tholes mom, ind Llano !nit trees and'
ehrabbery,bc... formerly oemsd by Jones YoSidn,
otitecci Garihnia.. The pushily Wald
be exchanged torn wettable Owe ot land pest the
hicks. farther Inkirrnatlea and piaci of the prop.
erty are to be bad at my miaow*, as Woods' Ban
bunion. B. R. LZOKY.
• tabledalsodzs
• a of the eon
L. BnOwN,
'PAM FOR eALg--liituatedin Bea.
war county, ' elwat twp miles from Rommay,
oontateleg two kendzed oadelgktpaller ores. The
Lad is of good "quality, deed save
clamed. Otel ear Mariam oaths Also
D eelltag Ream. Brun sad °Mural. tlasteend Mad
well timbered. Will Oirgd MIN ellAst Is moo JIM
or tom
1 4 . u., co. ♦. .
lur Icrthreyorttoolors oOply to .
or, B.
VA RiaBloB,
Or, J. M. DICE. Onto War, Psi.
EARN' FOR HALE—Containing 57
J: sank will Imam& With LOG DVALLINGI.
Go ma areolad. to . MIMI* township, Allagbasy
'nanny; Uffir MO out root _Pam. Ibrmarly owned •
by Jamie Widttakar, &bowie& • WM b• paid Moo
Mr <oak. /1..... 1 / 2 ai • YLGUILIMG WILLI known as tba
..LiardMILID.. will IMMIX lama eland, how" bars*
and other tniparrrameniar• of
Di. Wit. H. SILL. WAN apart. Pa.,
IetaIOW:ALX - priddook's nab, .5a.,
oe THML O. mu• Rona. North and Grant atn,
• myna:bad .
17 1119 bond it- 7 -24124 01rIatillit BOUX.9,VO C IALTt
1101 longoll portion.
• - sonata . now BOIL IDB I B9 Inobto dbunotor,
foot low. idasokt bon.
Two BAtratitlaLlO PitrB=3, for Ifierisood, with
PCPs oltoionvisto.
&moral nownnd twootut-hind emu,' Vialtra, -
froci.l6 -fide diameter down to 21 inch, will • lOwnoti
• km• for arta, - *.• .B 01"
fo6:tf, the - .lWOltnitn7 iroint
ThboOLotbito by 115 bet wink tronttog on Al.'
legbearAnnns. dine. Three a °cm, 26 by 60 bet,
trentbion/aystto stmt. Ennead Ward. Allatheny.
Taw tun T•ry dudeabis, Wog in one of tan
best locations of the city, and within 120 feet of the
nuotobwhw Pusulgsz Hallway. on - Bidwell
oeptd.e Ione). an IwillellU the odd at lots to
000 pluahnner, nifty low. Tama any.
. Apply to W. • ,W. OABEON,
pheaw • No. 46 otdo stmt. Albgbany.
the Idal* ot Ds: Yolldngialimeased, deluded
atevaePs Ena, Tenanipe mentlaa. Two Inas
—.one of 165 ma: another of 12h amen There Is a
Itinnlna stream on the US acre bract. and .11 hem
been diecoyersd within • WU of it. The
Ida be saki' at Wend, Lamb's Hotel, on UITZ
DAT, Jana IMM, 1813.' .
lee bathes inloneetion apply to
P. J. Andra?:
82 Warren street.
XA. 11,,AAL10;.a = : - •• INGINB; 0
rmsagwoos u .140 , 006664-16 8 68 inqi4P
AI and ,o 1 slant 160 am* maw. _ Alao..=
ilrater - twelhy Ohba; sad - .BM 'a - Bolans,,cma
'II illtiairilacktica:bas Qat' Back Bair caw
-Pao Soda tor oviv•iil, Ima
DOTll i M mt siut, OM 100 Bat OX and I
. - -
mAUDI kbe sieve artSckacyla bs- sold at i ipxkt bar!
gain by asclatts a; ODOR st42lllMth glcast, fa
101.1416 bIUCK 1AP141.7.24.41 : 61111.416,
conaatm a nil sarsa.. 176 9=64 .un antrvsz
war 1 / 1 0 Psalm Pin' 67 6 PPS India dkannot, Pa.,
and Ain nano dm aunbudand. ,Tha toplana.
Mona aria dame aorta dlielllat tank bona and
masa& Ttdi ttimia 5,.0 ondannand tbe map rata.
ink, and tan be boiniddloar and ma'am' tannn
fold ; .1B alalNk On. 192 ninth it.-
VOA efAILS—The meNiIWN .11.011131§
Img to tad Wage of tba. WA. Batik Osalthibadd-
WdArlodadid laths bore sh of ladabostar, maths'
arms at ..Lixatil stmt. sad the - o 1 the:01110
,thlGltlhe parka Qs wen-known Gliedinrotd pop
ium*Yoe •d. D. 1 . 1112E1„. Flo. al
Val. ' • Wait:
.PL amity Nowt, for.y,.ltsfr
Mad MAW,' had of Idtila nate kU! road.
111. In thandilit an nourishing, popoiallons. Them'
an two. iota. with. two soca* and abotanatar
- plop, andotorythlng naciinary for carrying, on the
butalmlnit bottom& It will be 'fold on may tams.
inquire on the nirwidoon -
FOIL diallt•••A 00nTaUltaa and well
Wailed TWO-ISTOUT 1 7 101.110 Ua11. witb
TOO= NM tad by 44144brtniiitirsteral
game Nalikrbuk. • Bat 21114, er
IC UMW. atnakniathisteri mot Ttrompr Ball.
744alra Ma -0111/1:14 ce to HINAY
RIDD/4.4,lpixalt sines IllatuVon.. aohtt
LARD 016-60 bbis. No. 1;
."L 4r
Os band and be sale In
DALiacti. soy,'
sorrm • 60 sod 70 Water erpet.
1 0 6 ,6 r e b Duck Ocork . 1
Varsitma bistros gett; NM sat togim.tor w. b,
.. • - ..JVIVig 150
WAWA) 01le-10 bblL in Mon .and
tor sok by =al MOOT Co.
. 1,1 „
NMI DAzzr, fig -
tlirgell Accoristawntissi Tuns
. Im a m s • Italian daily . (arm Si 1010 . 1 . r.)
at all .13mui Warms Pith ".
twill' add P .•
As s rakkm comm.
tke tar New • pbthadw iL , u 2 :1
Tbe TEMA - MAIL re • 1 tbd Pm'
zoor 7i4sar)
S l 7:. •• • • cntly Ated
,onk nad
matins Wa d • Electtcai Hozatotr. kr Matt'
mon sad Wip est. .2 to SlavPhilo.
V a l•l'HßOitri PIMP. uais - de* at
th.l e = .-. a l. =p4 -Al., Nak
to ilima
Wia= .41 New Tort Ma Allantotrn meta
P Illootsa the Ittotioa tolty=
Elosidan) & p. ub
studious; it liamhanitite Saft.o
Warkinutwo. ThilodolMde tar Pe& Took. wl
6 Ce O ; a 1 3 1 = 1 ., 79 " 1124 ',._
'no .ToUnitami " 'Drum MT" 0 ..1
(tmaipt thinday) at tts p. m. stoppind at all MM.'
and radon, a" kw mOonsammil --
daily (= , 11100341-11.1 1 01.11..'•`'
_ Blom& adwi l Tr* hou: WWI Maths
(mope at
Ausaammudialon for .Prairr Matted
Jsarra daily (except Buraday) at
Fourth AccuMmiodation TraM Ike 'MUM
leilm _dally.3(arept ibecuispW AWN=
ThwCniondu Trudp leammilran flqpitaa nary illne
- A/TAW Vd r!torgAttberliAttlibaTlA "
TIMM serPol @ Marta as follows
Saltlimes 1100 1;1; Ma"
16,4 , 24 MingtrAnkenCenalAdllin.
acess a. ail ItialUrstataft l faccossodiman
1015 - 4. la& Bauaud‘WMPit.MMO;
1136 a. m.; Tktrd WARW9stattow
;Ad pit a.-;PotMde WAN iltalte.7.ltoomanuadatiok
si=u sta.
trawl aut 1.11.42L.5.... at Blatto
sins Intersection. Through Asoommodathom.
Johnstown. Arnetimodatits and lizarms Train Mut,
and Xi* Maltimare rxprim and.Toanstown doom.
'iodation West.
.1 Trains kr ibemborw oonsect at &moo with Ms.
prom Tanta" and Mail Train Wast.and with Through
Accommodation and lftmem last.
Tha potato vitt grA M is Cute Wawa.' it
=NA or Wok to Void poonsytrado
os Os now rand
mond be marpamod on as rtiste." The Nadia—
with Amity =Olt tottirelt fro* frOln dud,
W. Om punka seirlporpood and oannwt to sill&
moy !amt Mali Boa with Unit indravaL
FAS:a. ,
7.oriesi T0rk.......410 00 To .Ifilltb o rco....-- T 00
To Pldlsdolptda.... 10 50 TWAsseast.' m... --- 11 00
To Ilarziabors......-,, 'I 65 .
Itmloop_olasasi iii SLU as oi tas Pans/4M.
it. Omani ILilitted,aad to PhiladldpAll. Batilaoss
aa4SswYOrk: ..
Posamwors _paratitag doksta fai aws
„2 M
=an_ sacs , moodtorto distils= tom ,to
to ea Alan rata, swept from Mathes
when ths Ocalipiaj has to Armt.
NOTHEIL—Ia or • of taa, ths Comtaal will hat
thaosstam nspolufbis km pliMil beggsmi ea%
gad for as ilstomat not exossolos,7,
V. B. —An Omani Ida* Ms boon =Mond to
ars 4 pemonsas sad temp to oottrout tho D 4.
pot, at • atom not to mead 01 arasa fs: each ow
mum and 1•113,40 1 . Tar tioksts, legoto
3. Sl7sWaOT. AO"
AT tha F=123 , 11 . =.1t tlantrol Itsdirsed Pram/
eklttrut. 2" L" akin 4 arl ,,, t gtri4. l ? WS
C .Il i gEl l gift CLEVELAND,
Willecm NG MAIM*
&13MM 11 R ARlLABGlteginigtn.. and NW
MONDAY, April 90th. no. '.. :will Um the
Depot of Me Peansylvards 'O4llO, In Pitte.
burgh, ea follows : $
Eirreiwrgi .d ' Wheeillee Lisa
Leans Pitts. I 1:101a. m. 010 a. so. IVO p. m.
'do Welb I 0.10 . AU... 1h56 " I
do Iltembenv•si 4do . II:OT . MI .
do Wheeling. 6:10 10:08 . 4:66 .
Arrives Bellair.... 81i6 " Iturf,:. kW . - 1
Connecting at Steubenville end &Mali with iltsn.
temente and /Milan. etallroad end Centred Ohio Bali. ,
road Br Lanenille, Newark, (Almada. Xenia, Dap.
ton, loßenspolls, CiriMixotti. Loreills, Oath, 6t.
Lon% 80. Joseph, and all points mod drill enthuse;
and st Wheeling with Baltimore end +No liallmail.
Pitheergh and Oteratmee Ur.
LOMB Pit=h—...-...... WO a. m.rit.43 p. m. ~
do We .......... 6:10 . 060 n
do Rad uni 5zt..—............ 8:40 . 4.11 l 0
do 030 . tea .
do 80TAt1 ...... ..."..
las .. iks2 .
do Hudson - '"--
....... UM . OlO .
Arrives at illev ' tacov , 1 700 .
Elm =
at Bayard with Tustartwas Druck Li '
New Piphlit and OsnalDover; at Alliance with
.Plllebergh. fan.Werne and Chkago- Bettreedi M
Rations with Atlantic and Great Western Whoa ..
for !Ferran, Greenville, MeadvilliW Colon, Cora,
Jamestown and fialamenali at Melina with Glein• ,
land, ghuseerille and Glisulnnett Hallow& tor= . V
Zeta Falls AO MlLlersburg MO at
?: &IL B. Batas Tr* Dioakirk and Haab ,
wills G. &T.B. R. tor Gandusky Toledo, and elm .1
with Mennen for Detroit. ',.. . ' i
Welleville Ateimonaletion.leaves at 090 p. m.. - ,
Returning trains arrive at 010 a. za., 9.10 and 4, , , ,
0.06 p, m., and 1:10 a. in.
Through Tickets to all NlMllltilard pointy am be
wormed et the Libsrty_figreet Depot, Pittsburgh.
- i... GNOMON PARKIN,. Ticket Agent, i
And at *hammy oft,
i . A. ci.IIAtitiELBMARY, Ticket Agent. 1
imcm =g7l l l to
At to. Gangway', 013 a in Freight Station, Penn it. 'I
.. ...
_. '
DOLLAR . 13AVT1,,G8 BANK, No. 61 1
_ .
OlTdd gall/ *Ma sa So a 0.41 94#00 0 1 131 W•dadidail
and datardar esetVon. Ls to 86711111101111
ISt, treat T to' o o' landltora Nownlmrlat Is
-rsoitesd .41-snios not less than Or 4,
DORA Ilitdadreldiad of thapeallneisoMrsdledlos •
year, In Juno andjDeoestbar.. IMarset hem bar deo
cluedlnsfrand Noszober, diabe
- the Bank wss at the rate of six per amt.
ma, to plied to th• awn
of the depositor se principal, and bears the rune In
tenit from the drat &Wad Jura andDeounber, oom•
. team alssr.mithasS troubling the dopoii•
'hi or area to 'pawl tdipairbork. At lids
rata, Woo mill:ndmW Is thaalvilre yaw.
,Heoks,, ,atying the
_Charter: By4raws, Halm
and Emptiationsniebsd Pratt/ion appdiallon at
mar raxmolormr
John 11. ILa7addem.: ,
him Holmes, .
Alexander Speer,
• Temd. 7slumetocir.,
' Jaws McAuley,
James Hardman,
• Cffdrln
„-lesse Pennock.
%Tan Kimball,
Jame 8.-D. bleeds,
A. X. POMO', K. M.D.
11111 Bassein,
MIDI= J. Anderson. T
Peter A.-liadelra,
Welter P. Marne% .
John '
Ffebsit Zola),
Bent, 14. Blagira
jams Wee, lc,
Jobsr...H, dboenberim.
' wialitar Taal*,
limo lelstStler,
.IVes.2. - W i ren,
John G. ilikaluden, -
John (J. Bindla3,
Morse Mack,
'illouso A:Carrier,
Charlie A. Oolteu, •
William Douglas,
'John llama._
William S. Haven,
Peter H. Hanker,
Diehard Hays,
Jame D. /Lathy,
- Winters S. /duly,
Brearrear a Tsar=
" teihdaw
• •
osfr w 4, *Ft mti
Bi&sztEncipoiaurroze,NOTlE run,
woourne r inti ON MEM 101110 $
AN11108.40, ntett.bp, ett Dual** empettlent
'eratiocall en:ditties in - Natl.:am • Mod* Depot
No. 4311tooederwilX_IL. ,, ,. , •
• D. Jo4YAB,NNeTOONB, WON C0.,1 11. BE,. LlBB oo:2•WhotesoliAgetits, -Plttst,esth Pa.
TVooToR ..SUITEN& Exam&
t i .SC b Pirtur , b :V a& ! olmolno
niithod tho moot ZiortsidWskoto:utrtott
Arodierso or maw Ulu,- • _
'BOABil be bo T:'reitti''Dont;by PUMAS
Dow abroad, at rotoosolo rota," .11 rho Doctor's
• lOW'S ipprillik for - oircultiiit iftltior Istrist•
Mos IMP orotaptlyosoro Ograo sad toddlers
al 1416 BODTIL SCIIMAX. , -
Nuigrtnauz y bidas • , *Atra!m:irall,7a d =
--amt. Ws Ont for tutus ;t robrorier;
••.Tay Lies stick of choke
ili k ba•Thaagt...linxidilUTS' To rvz
:otoolootld oadattoo to obOgoo. Dos. irlth "Orr POW.
Ido osto token to tome nary iragiot t ax Eki ,o uto Dame.
- 1, 411 Applo slow w• •No DE, of trbki
oto ern yeor oldoilo,ooo tour pox Poar,lo..
4100 too to three iron old. reoob,Plum, to., • Ilagg
iteek. - _
• Dirliuuto—tbo Vow iz gbO 1 orlory. a i n,,a
IVDIGDZINBIrorz Ito 8 foot,i? boadrod,
them sloe, 1111 ADM -THZDS AND raE111113B:ty
wholiado stotrotall—
Addrome PnTADVUGH AO OA &LADD wrest.
.•14.dalef- 1011 W Istrurionn
llLLlt—this hundrallote OLliiroand, or my
cumber. of them. 4tiiit lark to the City of Pitts.
ewait; haring a front of -- 1;000-reet 021 the. kbo-
Sher., at LOOkAd 01. the Narlictlint
Chiapas), the Pltteheriptrapprine 4TWe liatirond
OreeieS tbstaggh the centre OP
F ax ., tann".. 0 areLTON, No. 93
Bielcitati etzteNew.,Yoth,.or:of !EN. A. num.
' ms 2 90.1 3 1Noarth - greet,:ntsballi, pa, t hen
mops of the oroacetf can tassels' •oryil•
'Vida' I li'D3H I RIECTI
tra.l, ft and 3 leackimel, k do, kits;
On Balttgaixe aid Bag lalgtd
1113 I!" 3. 16 I*LITT L tdrHIIIHLH,
S HAN (.4 14, a arit
111:1G&R, t: - Inrrel
or at by 4011X4. - : w.
wo corner Winn end /lop .tre*ts.