The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 25, 1863, Image 2
sburgh guettg. THURSDAY MORNING, ME 25 Union County Ticket Par Prortfort l fy. of A. Dr►(a abet ROM HAMPTON. lbr Arez3ll. 1. JOHN P. CILABB. U. ALFRED BLACK. tn. BM B. HEBRON. rv. WK. H. DINNIEITON. v. THOS. J. HIGHAIK. lop Myth qf 0.44 WM. A. lIMAR ON. • Pe Om.* Vimanorer DAVID AlErlf, J. . jr ADDIW - Md7LI L RE. W. J. 111011 . 8ter: 13;11101, • HA MINOR. Gie JOntDirrit of As Poor. The Union Convention A tiae gr un. frinnlHarrisburg, in the GA iimit at yesterday morning, stated that it is probstole that the _Union State Conven tkm, which was appointed to be held in this city on the first day of July, will be postponed to a future day, on account of the troubles arising from the invasion of . 6* State by the rebels. In fact, many of the delegates are actively engaged in the defence of the State, and for that -reason *kid not and would notattend. TM:Dem ocrats went on with theirs at the very mo ment when the manranders were pouring -over the border of the State; but as they are peace-men, and not very much opposed to the rebels, it was only in keeping with their principles to go en with their party work, tharbeing the only thing aboutwhish they manifest much eolicitude. Loyal men, however, cannot consistently act so; hence the suggestion to postpone the Con vention until the soil of the State shall no longer be polluted by the foot of an armed rebel, is right enough. Ova dispatches seem to leave no further room for doubt as to the position of the subs body of Lna's army. As we had an ticipated for several days put, it now ap pears that having been baulked in his at tempt to steel *march on General Rooms; and make a sudden swoop down on Wash ington from tne front, he has had to content hintielf vilth the alternative, which no doubt so prudent and prescient a general had from the first foreseen and made his arrangements to snit, in ease his first scheme failed—that alternative being pre cisely what we are now informed he has done, namely the moccupation of the She nandoah Valley, which BOBXBIDN'S move ment on Fredericksburg last year forced the rebels to abandon. • As to the designs of the rebel General, none of his movements reported since our last, seem to throw any clearer light upon thens. One of our cotemperaries makes the following judicious remarks on this subject: . It is not probable that Lee has moved so far from-Richmond simply to refresh his army and to harvest the crops on the She nandoah, or that he will be content with the achievements made by his advance and detailed columns. Tnongh the vigilance and activity of Hooker's army have foiled Ha rebel attempts on Washington from the front and have postponed any immediate attiok, It is very certain that Lee will not abandon the object for which he has made this northward expedition without the ef fect to accomplish it in part or in whole, end it becomes of the greatest importance to watch his movements and to penetrate his mysterious designs. That he has a grand scheme of Invasion on hand is evi dent, and it remains to be seen whether Baltimore, Harrisburg or Pittsburgh is to be the end and aim of his march. We have bean fought by experience that when Lee's picket guard along our front is the strongest, when the marohings and evolutlons of his army are most commie. • our, and when the smoke of his camp tires wends most freely, he is engaged in de veloping some nuuiterly strategy, under weer of which he is ♦e sure to "turn up" where least e.rpected. Just now there is biudnees along all his outposts—bridges tdestroyed West to Cumberland, cavalry lighting But in the Leaden valley, and tumor-inspiring raids all across his North ern front. It is just poseible that these ac tive movements on this 'wide periphery — cowed the more rapid motion of the "hub," and that while we are smiled or alarmed by Pleasanton or Jenkins, the bulk of the rebel army is slowly being transported across the Potomac and taking pp a posi- Lion in new camps, where a thorough sys tem et invasion can be organized. The Mr wild rumors s week ago placed a large force North of the Potomac. This coon wasted away to a few thousand men, and .this again has by slow secretions reached an imposing force, which is massed in sev eral places, the whole,forming a cordon of outposts, preventing the egress of informa tion and enolosing,a large field in which active preparations may be made for a vigorous campeign. Slowly and surely Lee would seem to be throwing his army upon ate new/base of operations. By fives and tens of /thousands, and with little per ceptible nice it may be rolled across the river, QM.* compacted into a solid body, . and suddenly launched upon Pennsylvania or Baltimore. Its very weight and unex pectedness would give it a terrible momen tum and render more..difficult the task of eitholdag it /It is obviously - the duty of the North, if / such be Lee's plans, and indeed if Lee had no such plan, the duty would be equally imperative, to titled n thorough organiza tion of its militia and home reserves, The value of an organization has been. proved by the fact that from New York and Brooklyn, where the militia system is tho - rough, a score of regiments have been sent at once into the field, while not one has been obtained from all the State besides. A presumed emergency arises, a sister com monwealth asks aid, and before • single sun has ma, thousands of men are under arms and ready to mnrch. The very delay was caused by defects in an organization which, strange to say, proved itself richer and more abundant in mon than in arms ' anti equipments. Before Pennsylvania could determine the terms and limits of militasy service of-its own citizens, there were thousands of New Yorkers upon her *AL sad prepared to meet the rebel inva dem' A uniform system should be put in *par tial% at once inall the Northern States, so that we may alwiys have a reserve force for a contingency. The report of - • rebel raid must net And us alarmed and calling upon the federal government for assistance or frantically invoking neighboring States, for the men and arms that we should have thoughtfully provided and laid up against the timsof nee& It is the duty of • free people to rely on its own strong arm - for protection, and it is their privilege to be at all times prepared todo battle In its own behalf. A Confederate Spy Making Union Speeches in Ohio. Doubtless there are plenty of rebel spies in every part of the amintry, but the diffi culty of oommuniosting witi•the aConfed army" nsayoftan rends:their activity huh-- las. The N. Y.. inn* Post tells the fol . lowing suriontAnz of one of them spiel playllot,ftiOnion orator: tai hrOZts ' this oily, traveling ," ago 1,1, ° Ohio, st ein =ass meting bald in one • _ _ .• • ~,,.-••;.,,:•,:,...r'-ili-,i'T.:-',:.=, ',7-'',,•,,.ii,,,_•:.•:-,....-k,1,..,k-:•;,:,;:54,,•:,?,,1,. -. • .41,'.H.;',:::--,•.!•14.,,1,,4,.!•:;.:,E,•_i,:-,:_;.,t,,,,z1;•7E.'? of the lazge cities of that state, and among the speakers recognized, in the most ardent of them all, an Englishman who had for merly been his teacher in one of the ward schools uptown. At the close of the speech the young man appproacbed his former friend, calling him by hie old name. The name was disclaimed by the Union orator, and all acquaintance with the young man denied. But the New Yorker could not be shaken - off thus easily, and pressed his in quiries until he succeeded in making him self feared, if not recognized, by the Union speaker. The latter finally winked to him to go with him from the ground, and asked him if he could keep a eccrct. Upon his answering affirmatively, the orator took the young man to his room at the hotel, again extorted his secrecy upon honor, and, first taking out a pistol to guard against surprise, as well as to frighten h i e 'Milos, acknowledged himself to be a .Con federate spy in disguise, showed hisntri form, and aloe a commission as a recruiting officer in the rebel service. Ills pressing business at the time-of meeting his former pupil was to carry dispatches to Canada and England, which mission he has probab ly by this time safely succeeded in accom plishing. Why he was not denounced by the person ho took into his confidence we are not informed. The Invasion Excitement in Haiti more—Preparations for Defence. The Baltimore American, of Monday, gives us some information about the preparations made there to meet a rebelvittaek. Our citizens will like to compare notes with Baltimore on this in teresting subject: Saturday and Sunday -were two days of unprecedented excitement in and around Baltimore. Oen. Schenck has been using great energy to place the city in a state of defence, and has met with the hearty cos °pet ation of our citizens, at least six thou sand of whom have been furnished with arms, and are organized in companies, ttrepared to defend the oily from the threat ened invasion. , • The work of erecting barricades pro gressed rapidly on Friday and Saturday, and yesterday morning the entire circle of the city was completed and ready for mili tary occupation at any moment that scouts and pickets shall announce the approach of the enemy. Should an attempt be made to take the city the ocaupatiotirOf the houses in the vicinity of the line of barricades by riflemen is also the prospect of many who have longed for the arrival of these trait ors in our midst. The erection of the line of entrenchments and fortifications on all the approaches to the city have also progressed rapidly since Saturday morning, and yesterday attracted thousands of visitors. On Saturday morn ing about one thousand colored men were gathered by the police from different' sec- Lions of the city, causing much excitement among that portion of our population as they were marched out to the different lo cations for the defensive works. At night another force was secured to relieve those who had been at work throughout the day, and another relief gang was provided yes terday morning and evening, so that rapid progress had been made and the works are now ready for immediate use. The appeal of Gen. Schenck to the Loyal Leagues of Baltimore has been most heart ily and patriotically responded to by our citizens. The arms furnished them have been found entirely inadequate to thezde mond, and in addition to the several thou sands now in hands prepared to use them at the barricades, as many more will be furnished to-day. Each of the leagues have formed companies and chosen officers, and were yesterday ordered under arms, with three days' rations. A cavalry raid may be made in this di rectien, for the destruction of bridges, but before any infantry or artillery force ap preaches Baltimore several battles must be fought between here and Frederick. A cavalry raid could not enter the city even with our present preparations to resist them, and wo think will not be under taken. • Hon. Henry Winter Davis has tendered his services to Gen. Schenck as volunteer aid, and has been charged with the enroll ment of the volunteer companies. Military Movements in Pennsylvania --Operations to Drove out the Rebels. A letter to the Philadelphia inquirer from Bedford, Pa., dated on the 19th, says: Early this morning the citizen cavalry from Blair county went back, under the direc tion of Lieut. CeL Sian, to picket a road ly ing north of McConnellsburg. To-night, as Milroy's forces lies between those two points, they have returned, and with them comes a very large force of infantry, under command of CoL McCartney. This point is strongly susceptible of defence. These forces are nearly all from Blair and Cam bria. At 10 p. m. this infantryis marohingby, and the whole population of this quiet, re tired village has turned out to receive them. Cheering is going on from the inhabitants and the troops are cheering back again. Handkerchiefs wave, fair women and ar dent •young girls shed tears of joy. The juveniles kindle bonfires upon the streets and the century-old town of Bedford feels as if there was new blood poured into her veins, and hot young sensations leaping through her heart and brain. Sensations in Chestnut street scarcely parallel it. They are ail completely armed and know how to shoot. Rebel raids towards this point are rapidly becoming dangerous. Four -rebels, captured near MeConnella , burg, were taken to Fort Londonderry, ten miles west of that town. Nothing has transpired relative to who they are or what they know. The telegraphio communica tion between McConnellsburg and Loudon, a telegraphic station east of it, and in the direction of Chembersburg, was Out last night. Everything is quiet since the troops have entered. The volunteers are behaving very well; among them is a relieving element, composed of nine months' men and volun tears who have been discharged on account of ill health, but who nobly have re-volun teered for the occasion. Gen. Milroy is expected to mass a force, which, from his present position, can at tack any enemy in the flank whieh may at , tempt to move northward by Chambers burg. Bloody Run, where Milroy now lies, is less than fifty miles east of Chambers burg, and can be thrown upon it in three days' marching. The Rebels at itlercereburg, Pa. Professor Schaff writes in a letter to the N. Y. Evening Pea the following account of their visit to Blercersburg: TELEOLOGICAL BEIIIAAILY, i lizaczasatraa, Pa., Jame 20, 1868 Perhaps a summary of what I have seen with my own eyes of the rebel movements in thin State will bo interesting to your readers. Since Monday last,the rebelcav airy, about fifteen hundred strong, without artillery, as far as I can learn, invaded Franklin county and held Greencastle, Chambersburg and: the surrounding coun try at their mercy, destroying public prop erty, and stealing as many horses as they could. We expected them here every hour. On Thursday night a detachment of Jen kins' cavalry, consisting of two hundred men, and headed by CoL Ferguson, of Vir ginia, passed through this place to the neighboring mountains, where most of the horses were concealed. Yesterday after noon they returned with one hundred and twenty captured horses and about:two hun dred head of cattle; all of the best quality, the whole estimated at from twenty to thirty thousand dollars, the result of a few hours' expedition. They also had a few contraband neuron mounted on horseback. They remained about two' hours in town, without'clistAcrtOst the skims, who turned at in Conildirsble numberrto witness the humiliating might. I had a long conversation with Col. Fqr peon, an intelligent and aourteomt - officer with an immense beard, about the fortunes of war, the right of secession and the right of revolution, the prospects of a reunion or a separation, &c. He spoke with great determination and decision, was full of fight, but showed no disposition to assert his military power against the free expres sion of opposite sentiments. To me the whole spectacle was most hu miliating. Two or three regiments hurled up from Harrisburg by railroad would have soared all the rebel cavalry out of Penn sylvania and prevented all this plunder and devastation. Unless we get armed assis tance from a distance the enemy will coa -1 tinue his depredations, and subsist his army upon this rich valley. The two hundred rebels looked like semi savages—at least, many of them—in the most miscellaneous dress and equipments. They left here at 4 o'clock, p. m., and took the road to Hagerstown, - where they have, it is said, a large force. Gen. Sherman A letter froM Now Orleans tells us that Gen. Sherman has had his wounded leg amputated, and was in a fair way of re ooTery. We give the following details of the operation: The wound was in the right leg, some distant* below the knee joint. The shot, in passing through, fractured and splinter ed in a shocking mender both bones; and where it passed out lacerated the flesh to a great extent. When he was carried from his room and placed upon the amputating table, his face wore an anxious expression that spoke intense suffering; in a few sec onds after being placed upon the table he was fully under the effects of chloroform, and in a minute after the leg was taken off above the knee. The arteries had been tied, and the stump was being washed, pre paratory to dressing it, when he recovered hie consciousness. At that time Dr. Foltz, who assisted Dr. Stone in performing the operation, was leaning over the General, fanning him. He recognised him at once, and asked, "Doctor, when are you going to commencer The doctor replied, "Gen eral, the operation is over • your leg is o ff ." "What!" said the General, "you don't say so;' I thought you were about to adminis ter the oblorofornz" As soon as he was fully conscious of his situation his face brightened up, his eye sparkled, and, from hie expression, I felt that he had changed far the better. The wound was soon dress ed and he was carried to his room, feeling more comfortable than at any time since he was injured. - He is gaining strength, his appetite is excellent, and his Wound is healing finely. If he continues to improve in the same manner he will be able to move about on crutches in five or six weeks more. PUBLIC JrompEs. , omELECTION.— Tho Stockholders cf the Pittabrugh 1 Alleghtny Bridge ON, el3and orreet,) are hereby notified that an ligation for Pr.tarot and Ltr.tore, to per,. tor the mooing year, ettil be held at toe Tat Bone, at the if crth Id of the Br.dge on MONDAY, July eth. ran ti X a bldel Secretary and ?restorer. ernes or Warrirox 9 talnuoarartos Co., I Pit:stanch, May 'Mat, 1643.3. lIERILI3Y,GIVEN to the Elaturedbars to lb. Stock of the West- . . ern Transportation Ocmp.ty that no astesoment at FIPP. (1,10.Aii5 ($S 00) PEttlalll`hae been levied upon the stock enbecribed, payable at the office the Treasurer. at Pittsburgh. on . before the toth day of June, b 63. and a like amount every thirty days thereafter until otbetdae notised By alder of the Board )‘2:3a A. J. 51 I °WELL. secretary. Encoscr Y'd Off a PII7I=II4IRAILMO•D 61/•• 6410..1114.111- . AA SPECIAL MEETING OF 'fag trtOIEHOLDEBS of this Comastay piU he h.. 1,1 at It. olSce in CleteMelton WEDNESDAY, the Lt day cf July next, at 10 o'clock a, m. on said day, to take Into ootaideratlon the propriety of loam. log the Caaltal Stock of the Company to •a amount end:Went to allow of the amverrlon of Its Mortgage Bond. the transfer Boom will be closed from Jane 16th c, July L. NOOK WELL, ma Maul Recret.ty. OT 11 E. —T . a Os bacription Books ti . cy of the Cooper ' , ire Arm. Man ofestcrir." %tyrupan y contlnne °pea at the °Moe of J. /1 N. 6 -tl., f r B:of Y.., fifth etreet, until for ther o•tio, ro:6l:tf rTIILIT.IRP XOTICES. BATTERY FLW nitax 60: , D MZS WA6THD To compact", Plat 14ttely Macr o I In: Cltle., L 1 iNLOND, Allegheny TS. o‘mpavy I• cc. , lu Bain. I•f4:Yi 11. X. TTLLH. C.ctala. REChIIITS WANTED, for the 9.h Regiment P. R. V. C., ete , r Pennsylvania Regiments tow In the geld. Bach Pee croft will remits one hondred dollars bounty. Twenty tine lotus will be paid in edvance mg soon as mimeo Into the Gni ed &atm gamic.. for other infmtatlon Inquire at No. 76 Parra Smarr, appetite the Post Moo • L. B. RICHARD. First Lien. and Retrulting Whoa, 9th Regiment Penni. aseerre Corp, ,I•l9.lmeod w. A MEETING OF THE BOTCH 1r.8.5 will to bold la .be Diamond Market, Piusturgb, oe IS UstoDAY BLOBIN , NO, at moo o'clock, to proceed to work on the fortifications. an lb. Batch*s of both elite sod vicinity are lashed to att. od. By Greer of Jedd:lt TUC ONIMITTICI. 1 . 1;? CO B, 16T PICSN'A Toasty more remelts alb be 64:witted In this Opta. potty. n 31, at Camp Howe. A ran and accadtremecte ready for the recrnlla on their arrival In camp. APIA/ to Nolo. CI=O. W. leTAtt 61 Volga! Wan, A Iletb.ny. [O. IiAMPTON't; BA'ITERY, ( F,) P/CN ti A.. VOL& —A few good men sill be acceptel In this Battery. Application may be made to Lleost. A. IQ. IIAB• ROUES. or Ospt. It. B. WRIGHT. Provoet Mamba% at Girard Bonus, earner Braltbfield and Third streets. Jel&Ser. fi ATTEIS 710 N I om• mon ton traond to MI the ranks 01 the FIT, AEGIS PA. MILITIA. now In Camp. Recruits will bs uolformtd and etivltotedan. 111X0 am sr Dieted. B. GALWAY, Jeltlw °aorta Oomisaadlng. • Jr 6 W dID rmarizziwzdrivi. I-sa Wr m tan D.C. rKaO24 t ALL MEN WHO DESIRE TO ..10.LN any particular Bailment of Cavalry now In Um Geld. am hereby authorised to mend tamed's, at any time during the twat thirty days to the Board of larolmant in their respective Dtstricta. The Bearteeball cumin, them, and determine upon Met atom to. the MITIM. and If found to befit, Um Pre. volt Marshal of the District shall at.. them tract.. portatlon ticket, to the general rendasvons, at the Headquarters of the A. A. Parma Mamba 'General of tha State. As soon al they prevent thee:matelot t this gamma tendwene they abaft be duty mutat ea by a mutating and disbursing ofilear, sad paid by him the bounty allowel by law. JAMES B. TRY. QIIB ',Ltd/ telliiDl-1 oar load for Nilo I N voy2totot P"'"'" 11."b4 AJ by al VOIOT 00. WALLACE & CURTISS, COMMISSION MZSCHANTS, And degas In CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, so. 68 NORTH lISOOND STRUM, Eitoroge capadti (nada oomr.) for 16 UOO bbl,. 61s, exoolleot Wiliam for. ahlpptog to :atomic= sad Iforolin porta, at oar wharf on the flrhuilltlll Haw, near the platform of Ms Penna. B. B. FULI, Habit A Latta& BOON OICLLAB, Suitable for Marius Oarbou OIL • Xequire of r. kelesti, )e21.1: 930 Peeearivaela Armee MITE MERCANTILE LICENIES for the City of Pittsburgh ore doe. and bare to be plod on or before the Ist of July. at the City True. unsee Oaks, kt order to arm being placed, in the hand. of an AS Itleraiaa for collection. WIC LICH BAUM. Treuarer. knelt EILEIEM pox, LIVERPOOL, (LoADma AT BAL- I: nwass, Taira l'sysoLDur.)—Tne fine British Ship MKT/110116C cow loasing at Wharf, will fisli en ;cit. Any fought shipped Di this used from FL tsburgn will De for•srded Woo of oomm'srion aed - if consigned ter ay Mends In Liverpool, III:jai lush sdvsno • awls. Nor Insight riply to the undersigned. on mi. A. BNIIRT 02 Farah Gay I. t" Baltimore, lid. R - Mildtsittr. I El=l ROSE ABD MODSTAIN Ili CANDY t'ast be obtained et thr Fine Apple Card,' atom, in the rev nterket Dauer, Alleeway City. Jr17:1•1. clap BM/141M. htOUWABTIiR & Itlnnntscumori and &alas In all Wadi at TOBAOOO, 101071, AHD saa&Rs. No.DO WOOD 8221112; Prraiscriaa, Pa, andlEsmcoastaa Tob ny osi band • largendr4 /IM 11 DirrAl‘Ass.—i= 8Y1175 barrels rotmes ut 1 MON Orval* by MUM CIAMULD. .rEJr .aprEßTvirwrE.x.ra. H.4.IRPYR'S itAGS ZEN'S, f.rly. HAMPER'S MACINZTNE, fee July. HAMPER'S RAGA MP. for July. ATLANTIC MONTHLY, for July. ATLANTIC MONTHL r, f-r Jolt. ATLANTIC MONTHLY, for July NODES'S LADY'S B JOH, for July GOOEY'S LADY'S ROOM, for July. GODNII'e tatra • PETERSON'S MAGAZINE, for ß JuOily for July. SA LL') El (INTIM Y, for July. LESLIE'S II AGA Z OIL for July CONTINENTAL MOATS LI, for Jely. Ma. MERRYMAN, too July. 'PAWNEE NOTIONS. for JOll B^DGET OY ETTNefor Jo' e. Lime NAN, for Jul/ AWTHOWS MAGAZINE, fur July. LADIOS' REPOSITORY, for Joy. Ail the MILITARY BORK.; All the BUIE NOVELS and otter DIMS B All the late PAPERS, MAGAZIN - Pa and NEW BLOBS. All kinds of ATATION EBY end BLANK BODES. LOWS PENS, the beet that are made, PHOTOGRAPH ALEIIIMi, the beet and cheapest to the cite. CARD PHOTPO It a PE PORTRAITti, ao Inlttah eratound on Paper end Envelopes, In the latest and. host stiles at JOHN P. ;AUNT'S, Wholesale and Retail Book, Stationery, ead Resumer Emporium, MASONIC HALL, PITCH STREET. ear Stitacriptlontreetlind for Papers and Wage. slues. Dealers supplied. 'eat NEWER KNOWN TO FAIL ! D1X0110.4 &SOMATIC SIMSBURY C&RENATIVE via 110VTAZIGII 61:MILDT scril 1)11111:3711Y, DIMMICA. FLUX, CHOLERA. MOIHIIII AND MINIM COMPLAINT. The Immense saes testify to the mortis of this rouvily The immerse.' daily reports of astcrishing cures attest Its value. - • • . It hes adventsges our any other remedy, et once easing the disease, and Imparting tons end strength . to the eystem. I. isle sad Masleee to the infant, end power fat to the adult cue. - • . T. the saltier, tepeclelly, It It Whig perprieteiy termed by them, in many oartilicatts, "The fiddlers' Friend:" Mothers end It superior to •nf eo!thing syrup for children teething, treed from the lelarion. &hots of NARCOTICS gives net to the eufferer by removing the dim se. 119 d by r rpmtableidelders arerywhere IFIr Pr ce, as CENTS A BOTTLE Inman, ONLY ST WM. I% DAVIDSON, O A KPATS, r lAJOK °IL tilArrtie, ao OBIL4T BRDUCITION IV PRIO6B NEW CARPET STORE NoFABLAND, COLLINS & CO 71 AND 73 71J STUMM Detnets the Peet 001ce and Dispatch Datiding w. have Just noelved mar new dock, purchased a • great reductto• &cm prim of tmc Burin& ocm Fret% a most extrusive mad complate wort:neat o ovary ovacrimios of goad. tu oor Due, which we oec for tab at • mall mdrana on cost. . . . . We frown to moll LW,. Stock at from TIN TO TWIN tT .IfIVE Pin oEllit. Lan than the tame goods are now ..11og for In saw York and Philadel phia. felealsaw CA_L4 VAS tsl:loAti, E=! lita wla•t and beat marching Shoo made. A lot ecal, .d at HeCLELLAND'S dOOT.ON HOUSE. ANOLB. LAND'S AUCTION IJOUB.E M.OLdLLISVS AUCTION HOGVE. MeCLeLLAND'd AUCTION NOME. Je23 nuhiVrl)4l:l . I=l I.43.DULS' 11.0110000 SLUPSIII.4, 0n1y........ 80. Do. KID IIZZLID BOOTS, 76. D.. CO O. 131111,ZD OAISIBB, caly KIM'S CALF LIA,MONALS, only—.-- 2.00. OIIILBBIB•e 00• T BOOTS, 25. BOW eBD YOUTH'S BOX MULLS ; 111883:6' LED OHILD6tN•B OONGHZ3BITICES AND BALMORAL& 0.11 and roan. bsrpin to-day J. H. BORLAND. es envoi ÜbT I..)rifiN ND. NEW CARPETS. DJ purchased' made fn the resent &Quota' of the Calera fdrakets, we in nodirlag the newest pat. taro to BIII:18311,11 end 12PGIffitititf, and are able to offer a soaaplete aosartniont of Carpets, Floor 011 Cloths, Ratting, tee., With a very tarp reduction fn pantie. OLIVER II'CLINTOCIC & CO., 1.6 fm 71.1711 STUMM hi AN kit/0 ; nOW LUST I tiOW ILL EllaToll2lll—./ sat pablinhod, In . sealed Ifm• ral7pa. Ilfof di onto. A Lectors on the NA. TI3I{II,P2II4TIIIINT AHD RADICAL CORY of Bpssmatortinsa or thlialnal Weakness, Invoinntafy lbsions, Bona D.bWty, ,and lakpodloionto to Minas. gmarally ; lisrfounms, ConsutuPtion. U. and Pito Manta! and Physical Inospeofty, falMtledi from Self -abuse. ha By liobt. J. Wm. well, L P., author of OR. Orris Bah, le. " Ikon to Thousand of Millsown." Sent minim mewl, In • plain envelop, to any a:Wm, paet.pald, on ro. adpt of aft cants, or two postap stamps, Dr. OH. LINN, IST &may, Row York. Post Ulm Box ism odthldhadawfar razzims BURS ITT'S PI4PABATIOB S , 0000A182, HALLieTO6. ILORIAIEN • o(iTa WASH. and rhAVORINGI AXTOACTI3 At old prim ; and atticlea each N BOISHAVA'II HITT IC VA at eam.thieg ILlts half their former prices. 111 Oorne: fourth and Baltbeel4 Ante. tiro l • ttl DUALS/I - 1"e andetetweed twodd reepectfally invite the at tention of ill Tontiteze Dealers to hie PATLNT SPRING BED, which to ti niverselly knottn to be the standard spring Bed In the market. They maks as enollant bed,—ere chest', nest end durable lion taw:tared and kw wile by- t HIRAM T BMOCS, teh&111,0 Ths. g Bkwk, Britoni Morn.. I4AL/Ul2l AN I) &SUM:I,IIr. —lea• Perries•Wertustenhfra. la plots and harem% Boyers. eultsus, Jobe Ball. Besullog Bar- M. Loudon gab, Cumberland met Basil Table Baum, Walout a Mushroom and Temsto Ma talaups, for oat. who: gala and retail b/ Joas d szunisw, Jot comer Mort, and HALM stmt s. purenpsm—A few mile of %tie unto Mod to snit., 1 car toed of Pooch Blows, to isasi, 1 ow load Prince Alecto, le beds.; Direct from Vow,* Why, N. Y.. end ter isle by lele L. IL VOlGlTtee . 1 ALIN • MAL ALM lib • no" only Wringer that It wannatottonioa sat. Wootton. Gall sad asandno than Won ptpothialng ohowhono. /or oh by J. Re. PHILLIP2I, $.3 sad 2S Chili stmt. Nate KU • • 'WAIT • • ii.. 4.11911, Irsirkaks. Mow. Orkkas.lll4 ristOjdosts, WO" Mugs, Übr Pap•m) ••• • I••••• Twisty 01 other eziklas iztubell••••• inti• 311 •••r - D•S•• Si UN FM. Mak Orl. - J. 410/. Jrair AD W"ERT/BWI:B.IM'a. A N A LYSIS.- 8zt0...—.....49.50. •" 4 t. A comrz —MAO. "r" St LOUIS, YO. Pd Isom 2.20 LT. MAOISM— .01 °L A. " - 11 Basins eccopted the Agana, for the isle of the SCR PL. it malt, mined near Bt. Lords, No., I Bi ldta the attention of Ohms and Stasi kieunfactetren to the subtle!, given abase. as reported by Profs. Hats, or Boatel:4.4lW J. 0. Booth, of Philadel ride, which, together irith the testof stelnal expert more by saunfacturen ip Pittsburgh. Cincinnati sad Bt. LOU.. determines it to be the purest and most valuable qny now known, whether foreign or &merlon:l Pot} made from it have stood in the Clem Xtritsce from IN to 9 months. Iha Analysirds of the Illay es taken from the mine, sabots' any washing or preparation what ever. It possesses gent adhesiveness )1,13d plasticity , Ada which ire nit shown by thalami:Ms, and whtob admit of the admixture of a large proportion of ahsll of binned CUP- I am now prepared to On order for the above Clay, to be ahippal from Pt. lamb or delivered here. pa OGRLPHIO ALBUMS. PHOTOGRAPH/0 ALBUMS. , PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. PHOTOGRAPHIC &LBWS. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. Largest, hest and cheapest assortment in the city, at 1 3 I T Opposite the Pt l ist Office. Alfeo, a large inppLe of OOBBYBOY HOLDERS, PiNNIET BOOKS, WALLZTkao., ST • JOHN W. PITTOOK'fr, Book, El Whiner, and Bowe Biwa, oppodte the Post Cfece. lab puEvrtarows PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, CORNER FIFTH AND MARKET STIDAHTS, 2d and 9d sux lee, aver Bkhardson's Aweiry Blom, PROTOGBAPILS, at every alto and atyla, plats or . red, horn the popular Carta de Yalta to Ganlnet. 6=! Hr. PURVIASTOZ would pitioularly call the ►b EMI= lion cf the ACIID allO DRUM to the easy Aare batty of MU astablishmont, befog michod by • do ale abort flight of stain. mar Palau KODZIATIR, sod satisfaction gamma p ÜbiPS I picas FORCE PUMPS,. APITI-raraztua PUMPS, LION WILL PUMA'S, GOLD PUMPS, WILL PUMPS, TLILD WELL PUMPS, • • FEED PUMPS, ALKALI PUMPS, lIAILEOAD FGROZ PUMPS ENGINE POSGE PUMPS, LIQUID MAMIE& PUMPS, LIFT AND POISON PUMPS, And mazy cther PIIIIP3 rasembeetnerd by Coring A 00., Baize. fails. N. T., such M OUT-DOOR' PU SumW "retie rem certe.r,,,, welch an be And lath say kind of plpo. E=l • for solo by FAU/SZLL /s 00., 1.1191,112 CUMULI kiIIIIZAVIII.M/ICUI. i l a Warble ten, Mal, iscs. I IQ . OTICEI—The tot e don amyl officers .1.112 who have bean honors ly discharged on ao• maul of weans' or eLsabilltv and who desire to re enter the service In the Inv Gorpe, is celled to the prothelons of General ors, No. 106, of 1869, from the War Department, bushed In the papers clu-ougucat th e country. ii °Dicers are revisited to ro., ly promptly with the provisions of th at ar• der, and co send their wring applications, es there in provided, for petitions to the Invalid Coq" (sta ting the character of their dleability,) with no little &tsy . possible, to the Acting derision; Fromm Merstisi General of the Mem In which they may I. Ouch Stites dasistant Provost Marshal General will at moe forward the a pliostions, with his Judaea• mint, to the Provost Marsha. General of t h e State. Organ for the Invalid Gorr will be appointed inb• medbitely upon furnishing the papers required by General Order No. 105, a 1868, from War Dopers meet. Their pay sad entoinmento will commence from date of ecceptance of each appointments, and not trots data of organization of the respective coin. mends to which they may be astivied. . J. B. IST, Drowse. Ilaratiel °worst DAMS & MaILWAINB, Auctioneers, No. 5‘ PIFPH STREET. s The Real Satan, Stock and General Anction Bomb rust sataedlthed la IPA by the late John D. Darla, will be continued st ter• obi stand. No. 64 Filth St., under the stybe of DAVIS a ItaILWALINA JOS. G. DAVIS having : this day ammlided with hint ALM, MoILWAINE, well known is ealennan to the home too many Jean. Devoting themselves an. endue ion Oomesim Auction Dulness. in which they have had long experience. they confidently so. Ildt enateignments of every description of 'coda Liberal advances made when dednd.. E`:StM;SM . /SSMSI r*rS•M'M FORTIFY I FORTIFY! A town Swing wigs held a ocrenitallon, Which woo the beet settled of jettgastics. A 'tardy stows sows gave.. his opinion, That nothing bat noun could save the Dowb.ises. A aanzaireza sold, though the last mu well spoke, Term better by for to defend It with oak. A ovum% wiser than bath thaw together, Bald, try what you plain, there's nothing like Loam. While a "Warrzzis 130111T1" 1111eLtel replied, Jut as yon please 'Tim oleo as s seco.beam, lks4 is nethiag iiks— Which boo bom applied by rho ton, with •oral tons 11111 In roma., to bo aoppllad at low rata, by WZBlil t WILICIOSON, ell 211 Liberty moot. M . ATTLNEIB, We are still selling at Om pride of • yew ego, White, Checked and Faiicy Matting', is e•n7 Olio and of • ouperior quality. OLIVER M'CLIITOOK h. CO., CENTRAL DRUG STORE, (brow ok. and Fairs! eaves, Agagkinsp, OP.IIIICLING SODA WA PATa l t IDIOLEIZ2, &o od *lrrbyvidsaa prewriptlorur secorstely compound. iota gm Whi. A. WARD, SIMON JOIIBBTOZI Su :mond his oaks to the Oorincs or Mum Om LIBLIIIT 611111116 &DOM Rottaisteo atom, cannot or Ltborty stmt. Comm torus from 9 a. tn. MI L p. m. • Mt! SAMUEL FERGUSON, Nlsrsx 01 WILIGHTS AND 111,411911E88 our Umao, So, 4. Conker of Liberty and SILO stmts. Ofie• open ass? VIRONNBLAN and iA7• mu 33 WANT bT. mg wax.— w o•dor Brick Homo at Um corner of laccMd and Grant streets, an axocilant location for imam* 6 rooms on lint door. 6 rooms on woad floor. OA cellars, large yard on &mid street. for Wee ant terms appljto Jai 6.OIITHBMIS t 607!6, 61 Yuba st. VON .700.—A pull Ow. '.g _lloilo .1.; Alia and las of mend . No. 68 Mat, Allegheny. 18 fi at front by 66 dam; bar mom Idiot= and oa ler. by dront eta. AN' to J.. 4 B. OUTIIHNI. • P IBXIOAN MUST ‘'G LINIMENT cam, Ithearcatlas, care Palau In atm Back and Ma, arse Sturm. lambs. Baru. nab Oath cc Wimple of ant Mad. Pot tale ago. A. azurla ouraAL DRUG !MOBIL ara chfo and Telma lama.. di .1(/ • 11) tittEt.-- • air ik Wyatt§ La Ligon itemet. is leaking, In • row mtathar, deaoknad dour% hat readied sad for ado at GlO. A. ILILLI'II (1111TEAli DRUG SWIM ca. OW* Gad Yak ALEX GORDON, Na 191 •SiOOND ISTEEZT. 13==337! Trevasosau, ra No. IV Vcrarth urtreet. C2=l==l od for public eal MCI= FOR BIIIIMIIa rowsunaiso GEO. A. KELLY. Proprietor. DHNTIfir, n=a3 t _.. _ '_ S - ~'l. DRY. GOODS. AT =TAM EMI SHADV4 BUU vikurnia.Aß, 0171PtI= 'sae, BEIM:GIMP& LAOS COLLULF% zousva onus, OBINAIIINZ 117ne, CRAPS VliarLEl, BONBCICT unison i rLowzga, tams a cankaasra HATS BMA MORI HAT* 11:11AD DIUMI, HOOP IHELET3, 00BSIPPS, lITOOXIISMS, CILOV/26 IaTTS, se., &a, And • Tory cheep lino of LIM HANDEZBOHIETS, H 0 Pi N 311'8, 77 and 79 Market Street. VI PUBB LACE BELCW - X4 *TELL& *HAWES; 73U0H }WM: BILL egaml*: BLACK* PANCIT NUM BEIZTLAND ISHAW/43; At stelnett prim. BILK BACQUBB: aux otectitessi BILK MANTLIB; CLOTH SLCQUICS; CLOTH OESCULAIM HAREM !MOOS 8; EMRICH Ideri2Lßß • TABLE DAMASKS; - LINEN NAPK/NO; LINEN DOTLIKS; 8.4 BLACK EICENAKNI; YARD WIDE BLACK BILKS; OALICSM,Iosa 100. a yard. GLEGEIAMS, yam; EOSIN= OBJIBS GOODS, sad - BILK, CLOTH &ND BIIIIMILII NALNTLIS At reduced prima, at 49.. 13 49. "I" 3311 EP , 21 FIFTH SThEEKT. CHEAP' OREA.Pi CHEAP! NEW I NEW I.NIIW I AS 334EL13. 3rik. 30 WIS. 69 Market Street. S Q, 7CT . P-1 SI CIRcULAUS. NEA N T L3ll DRESS DODDS, CHEAP= THAN MB. ST. it—Poarrmay Bur ONE ram 1 HIS MILITARY MEN, AHD OTEMBB, !Should will wad supply thazueltes with LIIILN COLL/JIB, PA.PNE OOLLOA TEE NEW STEEL CiOLLABB, 13110EING Can, 83LD/ZllB* DRIBUSG OASES Lad ill daseriptioas of II:151E12RM GOODS, AT " Macrum & 78 1 1ARKET STEM, Balms room um Duncan) pima GOODS, . M. Burchfield!s NOW QUISINE81113; Mrs do, Do. 7.15Z9 PANT STRIP: lILLBSZILLIS, O&M sad Dl►ini BLOUSE LlZi7liB; OOTIONADIS, for hoar, OWNWatili; ILXIITUOLY J1.4113 . AND TWEllrg; BLACK 51D1111111 CLOTH; VlSffiall ; And • toll amortmont of goody of ofory deamiption on lump and wain Cheap fbr Caab. (1013NTRY STORM:I%MM AND ve,J ItZTAIL MUMS, at the city sot= boring brim. ar• reeptottelly littfted to our Meek of • TBINSITNGS. NOTIONP, HOOT= A GLOVZI, 11111BOIDNBINS, BIBBONS. LAOS woo& BICADASISPSZB • - mire, arms, ooßsvas, BAIN AND SUN UIterIDILLAS, BUTTONS, THSBADO, • PINS,• And the TLIIOIIII slug =tidos In oar Una of Avalon. I. our Wholesale Department, oc the nomd and third need, will be found adeastre Nesortments al the walla snosaaratal above. We therefore solicit • cell from all buyers, soared that with oar bores& Owillties we tan give them bargains in the icaUty sad pdoss of oar goods. • D. 8. C. BLTDD. BLAVEITIII & GLYDE, TI MASK= OTBZWZ &Awe= Fourth mad the Maim& HIS TO COIEMY 1113/10HANTS AND EATON. 10A.C111E1111 & (30., Nos. 17 AID 19 FUT. r4sairor, 121/00311136. HOOP MUMS. 0131101D311" inairr saran, 11111BOZB. 2110213, WIILIS. HOKUM. awns. % - :KT as :Liu, MCE=:3 ULU& WMa .' n n NOTION& no low Woo at wbleb , u.ok tram Datotioao6 sublet in! to aNr pso4 m0,....t.A atm to ULU sag 00173TRT 'MI=N= WI PIDDIMiII, sad all oho 1 , 54 . saw SUYISIMM, Watt I Orbono S Cbammaa's Prowl= Gild Lostial Gomm; Do do Qtplift Skin; Do • do fat.. Ort, Pctoomr..". = WOW mid sera 100 two t h m e n d TO/ Chnolleto 'Dr • fiktrs. • fad lino of Ilholloro ais.yo on hood. /MON, a ett, ion , n Mil littb _ r '7E17:7 -„ „,:,7.-4.i:,A,,,-,IA-46..4,;;;;.7.4-714514.,...-4,w,cy zYP':.IAG4gPWS4iy gg 7/42-?ltka-.74r-VZ.VAt • . DR V #OOOll. TO AVERRT TODAY, 600 PIECES PARIS TRIMMINGS. &LL anon Mu, trade *emptied mt EASTERN PRIoRS, ill &• SLIME'S, M !BEM 8750012. Tnidoen Ingot!' and Diamond. NEW 0 REDUCED PRIOESI litiraH, DZBLILAIILir AND CIMILLP DRY GOODS Alit remind at LANE, WANT it CO'!, 160 11DILIL STUB% Angsbass• THE NEW COLORS, IN beat= BOHM Zlegsat goods of Zoglish mai:all:softy% bought ospo• eta/1y los retail Suds. ZATON, !SACRUM t CO., IMM=2:2I SUN lIMEIELLAK—eI Ii gs and chola assortment of BILE AHD OttIGHAX 1311BItELLAD, at lowest posit& Woes, to wholesale and retail boyars, at SATOH, IfLAGIIIIII • 00;8, Ho. 1711th Amt. AJZIISEJEIEJr7II; ic=ORAND JUVENILE CONCERT, XO.FEL S /O.R HALL, On THURSDAY and IBTDAY enningt, Juke 96th aza th, Under th. dlnktfan of G=l leArlhors open at 73 o'clock p. 316 Cot art cm a. Menomat 7%preolrq. 26 CENTS ; Mahan under 13 lean of ate 15 0213 Tel—to be bad at the Book Atom, W. A. Seed's Drug Stay, ana at the door. The Mono need an the *comb= will be of the ode'. bratea Imam, make, kindly tandabad by MOlrr. Alober B 800., Asada. Milt icrrrr.ll3/6111%12/3 1.112141:1*.0.111. L® AID Ittutaa P{loll m Ainnunion.—Pdvsse Bossy $5 ao I mei es seats In Pthrsis Box, it 00 Parqnottoand Ms/ Was, Okuda, 60 assts; Sanstly Menlo, 25 man I Oolonsi fisllsrl, 65 once i Wand Bozos. 60 seat I esllary, csnia. ' sir Meestlt of Mr. 0 HIPPMMDALII, whale cor rect &Manila:Le upon the step haserpt the appro. Tel of the Pittattugh peptic. THIS Monday) 1171050N0, will be preowned; The Soldier's Daughter. GOV. ODIRPTIIDALIA. BYIOI7. -- BIITOL WIDOW 0/1111Dithli--.....—AdiNill Xri. 7isimosu--.L133111 GILL= To coacindo with THE GOLDEN FARMER. HAIM HAMM= 0 SIPPZEIDALI. uOLDZIS O. 1013T171. iBRILLIL ffirtriday, benefit of LIZ= GILLIT. ° [W. JUAN U. Vitt. TAE CELEBILATED CLIAILPIOX, Who °farad to tight any rust in America, and who it now &boat matiog a match to light the yeas' giant, 3111 ZuldlOT r. for two thousand dollars, will give a grand exhibition to MOZART Seventh St.. Cu PRIDLY EVERING, Jan* 26th, 1163. Mr. OSTEL win be tubbed on this °ocean by some of the drat clean apemen of she city. The enlersabemens will ooccinee with a grand dis play of the wanly art bemoan J. V. (MAX sad JOHODY MsulCm t. air Doors open at 734, porton:lance to oommarero at 8 o'clock. 'ticket., to UllßT>.Hat if"AIrTII. WiNTED.-460 • MONTE 1..44 w&M ' tkte at $6O a month, expellees paM, to mall oar fear kWeg Paoli& Oriesial Bffineeriond thirteen other new, useful and *ono= article& Fifteen dr. calm sentfrea Address, talittrenarT SHLW & areas, Bldddord. me. WANTED. --$75 YOWnit--1. want to mot Uinta to mom ocomity St month. ropooom pad, to sell my tomr chow_hotly eindaik Itooltimm Milian , B. MADISON, mytatomaNT AUCTIO.X" B.CLEB. E _ LEGANT HOUSEHOLD FIJEND TUBE AT A.UOTIOti.—THUBBD,LY HOU'. loti,.June Stith, at 10 o'clock precisely, et Ho. Hancock meet, (sear Perry Hotel,) will to without reams*. es the tunny to secumleg from the city, the satire Household larzatummit of new sal superior Walnut Wurattare,Ompets, do. , aninprbba llsrb.e Top Coates lab* alx dole Mat Chain, doh tut Arm dotter, Spring Boat none erhat,Hemanar. tette Table, Pinto eadilarbla Top Dressing Burgess, (memos, Hat Back, Case deaf Chairs, do. Boolts4 lup Walnut Mamba Table, Bedsteads, Mask stands, two Itraskele Memel" ingrain do., HaU sad Malt Brussels as., chamber Matimg, Balt 011 Cloths Transparent Minds, Maisano' end Badding, Dishes, Bitches Utensils, Au. Spedel attention Is called to this erso* the articles belga in sae tot • few weeks. Tms cash, par - hinds, IMIS T. A. MoOLZLILIND. And. U6l-IAUAILLIZI A.UunuN. v —Oa TM:WAY aIIirKNING, Jaw 80th, .0 o'olcck, 11111 be strld, at the Oamaisrctal 6011 Reese, No. 64 Ilfth street: a shares lloaoagalitla 6aelogs Beak Rock; 10 do beak or Pittsburgh Mock; 10 do People's Insamaos Block; SO do Western lasarsaoe Stock; 10 do 11cmongshels Issuance Oe. Meal 1 , do Komoasshele Plaslgetioa Oa. Stook; )41 Davis diliall.l6WALUM Aoat'ra. A DM, / IST.IMATUkrd ISAIAH .0 t bToolol.—Ort . TIIISDAT 8V11611.11(1,..Te5s Both, at 0 o'clock, will be old, at the Gemmercial Behr doom, No. 66 Filth street, blander of Shag M. Luna, Zell, Adw'r of Jame, tiortesod, deo'd: 100 shares Book of Pittsburgh gtoolq 10 do Izehasup Book &oak; • Jett Da Vie a acthwallSll. /Worm R EffiEgiZE . 44444416 P or "Et. tr RICH Ft , rILIDILD ir.lllll3rt etrzetapaux O ant ftlion.l.- ...a , 1275.8URGH 171110 oquirall7 ai kani. gni*. To wfil toll ai al tor-. vnlf ; CAS,74. Pat:IMO. -••••• rata) WUXI, OUTLET RAW KILL% nzaartsir czyr, Loops constantly on howl Iwo suatl tosionod dook of DRONING BOAT AND " Mer rhAmic. WINDOW maim 21117/4 Limas. Lure suB.SILLi3, A4:6, JOISTS, spounao, LATHA PA. , He will BB orders for BAWL'. 117:01? V oriel prottiotom and at Dlr Wee. L ra m= wanting Lou hi plist or mt. ',AR. ore puttouhrb olto4 le 4-2 , -("P•rr rju UTR , Tru. ••••• u •• • tahnlf vt_7l.643Tonella ysn Aw•ivit 4,110 mot vats to ordoi Ir.() s• fib 31 s C.S iCS 4 tl. CLSTI> ; BIYYSc , of 81), luxi • . xi 0 MAJ. 'or Friuoilty ose • I:L.:VT V: FOB Witaiß)Wb, t. , CLUD thartfi, OS t 4NR.A.L. nur nowani. 1111r614 Ow wrns foo We A No 30 rni'11111•111.1tYS. W. N. anotip. If. BROWN 3 MO '4 - I FtOW . j .k Now% ma* Olth Aina AO. 'ltiVnallit atAtilms Gituttitv, • Pk P 1 row •904710 211 r*,,