The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 25, 1863, Image 1
fr 4 &--4 V PITI SB G " UR ft, e ET GAZ • ESTABLISHED IN 'jut; • GOJlLleussioir, 4t WEBB & 41.111 h SON, CommiasioN W • Wholesale dealers In w ler t I; ti NININVI Oat ilk DRUM LIMITS. DOT ttu .310414, OILUNN, and produce pmetatly, Also, INA,TEIRB, HINZ% OILS, As., No. Lltserty U PlJNburgh. Mr Nish sdrancoments =ad.. ganalpsiiiieute So feiteind &Mawr encersswa—.. -Amass =nun PNACKEOWN FLODP Liz Gun Furman, PRODOCCI AXD Cowin Of.ananrrs, for the .al! of Floor, Grain, Pork, Ba Lam. lard, Batterr,lim_ Cheese, Beans, Tann. Grum, nations, Potatoes, Pot and Pearl Ashes, densanna, Linseed and Lard 011 a, Drb4 and Oren Train, Timothy, Ckner flax and 'lran deeds. Oub admen made t. tkoudgelmanti. '...Pitti7 De: 2itl':LlberLy It., Pttuburgh. TORN B. OANFIELD Comma slaw AND Ifoawkaotaa Mucduara and whole s/. dealer in WESTERN 113 6 / 3 EKVS. OHNNEII3, 1411111111 LAUD PORK, BACON, PLOOII, TISN, ms. ANIS Asimi sALKEL&Tus. LIN. _MD, AND...LAND - 011,2, DRUID FRUIT sod Peplum generally, Noa. 141 and 143 Front atr,ol ilttabazel. cos IN& CULP, C atarann irEPARD Concusalon ;Oka V =awn and dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN NL PRODUCE, No. 243 Liberty street; PittnburgL FT. Make brands of Flo. for Doke. and Pauli, wastantly on band. Particular attention polo 011111 5 orders for Mercbandlne genendly. oc6.d ty W. Watttnutana., SOSOAWIER • & LANG , Cvatx:a3l,:n M3:II .LOUR, 118ANTs Mad grhol•ealr deoleil d Y GLUM , --/surroz, Lrberty streot, Pittsbm CtILABLEB B. LIiEOLI F Piotrz ash= Tama szolkocianco :LIIIIIOIIASTM sa• Igo cd GRAIN, nat, t, PRODU bglaptit 'tor cedebTrantun town f r at i r t a i..l . lls,fiaxtd 'sad kat. Argots, imr ttaeaa a amithlligd. IlttsbOrn. Gat DALZELL g SON, 4aßErn•Ao. roams ay LARD OIL, And Oonassoon Mop Maris tar thepurchaaa and 1.1.0 of DELUDE ADD 313112MPKTIZOLNUM, Nos. tn and 70 , Water it., Mahn' Murton =AAA on mndgnmenta. HOLLAND RIDDLE, successor to Jno. purlWWI a bon;' No. 1113 Liberty sheet, Pitt. h GENNItAL PRODUCE, 011i.ft:ENV AND 00 lON .N.N.RNEIA.NT. Goallichmenh. faihdly . ICIIIPASSICS. —.JCS 6 38m ?,TRICK. -.II.IIIICPATEICK & BROTHER, cr • ( mnooloion to Brown L gallpsta 171 s, 1100113/3, Noe. 191 mud 193 Ll.bfirty Plitaberab l/ . =mug imuoh t i o . t i nut , 1 uarED, 4L A. 007113, ( , 6 P. 4 . 1 rkriner. FLANS , CO, FFIL4', successor§ to M'Oandlasi-ltautadol., ATIOLZSAL.E GI:LO OM, comer of Waal aml Wit& strati, Plitabargh, ' Jy9:dly . . . - WANK VAN •99RDER Pu:man elm; onbcresoi Dirr• zsooms, ants; taw% uderin =Sp, PODS, D Lberalm.thadrances sceadea3oo4slgmetenta: Warehouse. No. 120 Bocoad street, Pittabtrgh. • • ve.GT H. VOICIFi r i CO., aucceasor to L G. Gaff, PEO . • • D COALlajalig; OILAIPTI3, 24.7 lA.- .1, Pitt.llsll. ItY lOU 1. NOVI/. LLD -11148.62. TOWN L HOUSE. &-CO., Gaoczas aim Ontaiussios Eizacluarrs, comer of Badtbliald and Water streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. jy7 t rbirfiT & W. 1-0101.11910 N abuicwrsorzd *al.' in P.guD UUlt, _VC R, BAWD, WOW., 013A12, &o n Na 12 ,emitbfwid strost, Pitailmrah. kinwAlLu 11.11 AZ tail'UN, wacuureatx CinOCLEB . A.tiD uumattiouoit KILEOHAXT, - Mistacoraer of thy Dtssuoud, No. 18, Pittsburgh. othltdoos LIDGERNON ART, Wnoue xi uu Gnocros too Coozuseioz.Wiacaoirre, No. 107 Wood moot, Pttt.burgb. ,42.311 y DRY" GOODS. wn W114101.....111311 W. 1re,•1134.115/. WiIoSON, CARR CO., T - •- --gar We-.. Par*. • C 0.,) f OBRL.GR ILISD LKGSMSTIO DRY GOODS, Mo. tit Wood Man, thled beam .ban Dloaood alley, PlititO2rgh. aplO:dtf ALILL BATES, n _ is Furor AND Buzz' 1/11.1r GOVD3. OLOWS • BlieWLB, Ma Y 1 Arab stmt, RUUD Pa. 1. B.—MOANS made to sax% al. T ,LNE, AIoA.BOY & CO., Dealers in FORLIGIS AND DOXISTIO DRY GOODn, Rio. 140 Federal linnet, (.mood !bar below new kW ket Henn,) Allegheny City. mbkty EATON, MAMMA CO. Wholesale .112 and lileadl Deakin In TBIII[INGS,II.IIIIIIOI. Dada= end DIU 8001)8, of every dlocription, Non. 17 end 19 !Mb nolo, P999bargb. MAMMA. els GLYDIC, Wholesale and aidad IPANOT L BTAPLX DAT GItouDS, Thalthalgott, ha, tib. 18 Markin street, batman Mood gild Fourth, Pittsburgh. : , :1' 11'011, micsoessor to • Bola Sal & Ctn., Wholesale and Seta:! Leaden as efT/Olm& ANN NANNY DST GOODK, North. Yet tomer arTtduldi and Marks: `i,;:1.. : • •. I . .. :* . . , .;,.. :, .. W: BARKER k 00:, Daum a Rim o goose, No. to BLOW =rich botwoon Third Lod Mt*, Plt.taburgh. DR UlieZB TS. WOODSIDE & WALLACE, wliotwai DEUGOiBTI, -Aa 4-4 asistiInIVELTILX&D,RICD LIAD. LITE' &SAM PANTS,: _, irALBNL9Bitas, DYL -OILS *2OPIII,III , IIIDOWGLAISS AHD rIITTY,SPIOIB, 714517/1101.111G , BINEDIN AND °MOWS OIL, br.. Woid Med, INttibargh. JeZ4:/y 011itON JOBVTON DIALER PUBI 'mum Aro =mans, PiIIiIINXItY, reXor GOO Inflame mom OILS, rem stricay pilau s q lat hy whi sk bedibisat lov i m i r ;u t Oa, _Oorcur mi • Maar rai. goat • did at all boars. 7-- - VI A. F - &W., Waomp• IhrAkiaily sad Namalimans of WNITE LIAD AND LITHANON, ccand of and front Ilmoto, Pittsburgh. m 67 --- - JOHN - "P, Roraima Luisa ua Din% PAINTS, 0114 VA.BNIERICS AND DIM SWAM 2i4litkerty street; Pittetwriti.— WI ordeal will Nadi* proem attention. rata4 I • "." : 4 . Mac , 110 Wood dine - 4"aowitai of Wcol 'frost and Ikea sUay, littaborsh. Pa. PROPUCE. ames. masa'. T. 010111.11 ,INDBAY & MA/BD, WitozzaAL3 jl./ AM USA= 011071.118, /LOUR AND 1.110- LOOS DILLIES, 1117 Liberty strut. Pittsburgh. WAKIWOUSE.-111C.N 114 gh.i H aad dealer COLIANB, Fo la OND rmatlas sad Closandmion Nor. duet ICia, BUTTEN, /UR awl Produce (*florally, No. SIS Wood street, above Water, Pithibuzgh. m ' (IRAK CALDWSLL,.(imooessor to ma /mei Ifolous t Co.) Pm& nazis mad twain. to PIOTISIONI, mug of Matra and Front Ito., • • • 166 Wt.. P. BECK &CO Vi'Bousual moms ltmouwir a J. TOWNEEKND, (snooessor Co Jack ‘.n • son a Towaseada PURA Patna /um DIALSI Na. 12 Itearth 4., war Liberty, iftesbaro. n 027 ATTOJEUVE FS. ,CI_EO. B. 00431iELAN, Artourinr .RD ax GownotAiinZay Law. 0191c4, No. 49 Grant Alma, Pittabargb, Pa. All Amhara entrusted to Vaasa will receive prompt attraitinn. Ondlactlona fadetoAllnibany and In ell adjoining counties, and .-* 2 , 0 1 Mill t 9 d P 709 9 14 17. sarly _TOHN G. IitoOONNELL, ATTCHIMIT SP la. Onscs, mond gory Hinnt's Law Bonn. noir On Idarnond street. attend to tba mettlennent,sad caw. ef chh 99 .9Onnttes, to. In , idatztot of oohtubla. asl9:6nur x. malcszios. gars cg DIELUIN, Arms- LAw. ala 133 Iwrth etneS, n" doors Pa Pitts myl7:dtf a. iczolga. S 1141 Ta tra it.rtoi3rwra AT • LW. 020 WI /fourt SI h a t, rittemeo. NOT BOOTH .[.VD Bftozs. J~- - - _ CIAAPBELIa MAau s Aasumaz. 01 SOOTS AIM UM dsecriptiletitio. 11/10. A.LERM, BON & Oa, Wzo MO Ls. NA - wawa asean.Thus ft s 13 BOO_ ,Tll as. wow Wrath sad rsTime, rusiburet.W, Br "6 .73. CHLXIER. _.„ W •— H l• I, di{ & 'WILSON'S k • H TE. ^'" CIRCULAR HOOK N G MACHINE ERIE Dr N. Pants valuable improv.mentL INA I. Io the World toting Gran Gioia tt and Como., with Improved Peery cu• •,p lavitc , : ro call at oar of .1,111,141 l 0 opor.tton. VW' _l7 liar • ranted three veers. V 4. T 5 o a vt Melt & CO., STERN AGENTS, INIME If . IFTHTIiXri Yiase OPJB DILTILDIE;3 Md 901510 TDIIIPLII WMILTAMB & 10.'E I ; I PROVICD DOUBLE Tll2 iv,D raileiZy ineittk Machines. 5 3 1 ,1ihatAr, 7a Er You 711,17 e trrootr dollari oli;rfso• tl.a, ay oth,r Gezhine ia dry. Thor will do .11 114dr of sti6 werrsazted for throe, '1 , 1 , 2E. Tki t• .-15 - child 19 year> oil ova st-o • —.r;07,At4nr.17 oa kit& 'al tl-4.1t n(p Nev.S..!mg, umirtts SM. 0,3 E, - • n: 1.1? 1 TBAIII. Atast. et.eiirok, ------ kr N A BF. & PI ti,NI.),'S A-1.. —Just epone.l 'Lit week a ' .aupply of these be.utt:al bstrra• ' ;Iztdor7LkAdocatt.2.lo tee conosry. .1. fact IS DOW taIIIO,t universally q Dv • Per some months put iv • Ps,. not I -en shit , 1., eji 0 ,,,44). if our ordera. IYA/ißdNl'dip P/ HAINES 13110T1.1 XUEL.O PIAI3O - the boat oltottp v or isala by s r LOTT it ftt.t 6!S Ci Pitt • r..t, hole Agent for '; ale 'Litt litt' NOB and PRlvi•rite felt' ' • as ncLaTe Chlexel • ,+ awe, 'roil A 7 octave Chick-1ln; • • , ."j r, n 011; 11 &rat raw. . '& 7 octave &ay, • I,: el° 00 . Plano In cog! at. •r ln op & ,iVart L.. 151 *lan. oleto S in)., Mar 61cpZent It S P 3 &C, ,, tart , (;Metering, rominecd, Fond ear oatooo klellat, beat' et oa., roeowoo-... d. 1.15 e • r.tod.rt., ...... BC , 00 ,tIT. A VT.tft, 75 00 Prase, 0) XI •• +- iiatauee, •• e+) 01) VA a Land. .. —. 40 a) .6 wtavall,ngllal4. .----.—... ce 66 . r..ct•we • 46 1.4) Forale t 7 iOE.LH H. MELLOW. 61A II Wood moot. STRINWArB PUN received the HST CLAEB FSIZE MEDAL, at the WOILLed Fess, London, 1862. lellt"Worreated =porter to all others In every • .pact. 0.0 stunk 01 060 0100• hest arrtylos. Nor too Avsticy to thin N.trfet 110 the Statnarby Plan. II 71 . )I.l.lGliiii , * 811015.. an 22 No. 63 Fifth .errs A FUESEI SUPPLY HITIIPHBEY'S EIPL'MrI.O HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES TOR THE PEOPLE. LEST 07 SPZOI7IO HIXTDIILS. No. I—Por !ever, Congestion sad Inasatiastioa. No. 2—Tor Worm Fever, Worn Colo Wetting the Bed. No. S—For Code, erring, Teething sad Wasted her of Infanta. No. 4—For Diarrhea, cholera laSantara and Brun mar Oomplalnta. Griplap, Bywater, or Bloody Ma. . Clotera, Citto!era Herbal., Vomiting. No. 7.—Por Coughs, Colds, Ingeeara. gore Thraa. No. —Tor Tooth•ache, face-ache, Ne 9--for Headache, Vertigo, Heat =woe of the Head, 21.10—Dmpepaio W.. uld natant-ad &mach, Constipation sad Liver Complaint. Din. 11—for female Inegularitica, Smanty, Palatal or euppromed Parfaits. Hw 11.—Yor Lencomhea, Prange bilimies, Banda( down of remain.. Ko.l3—lf Ctroop, Doane Cough, Bad Breath! 1. N0.14--6ait Blasts PaLt—For irysipataa, Mons, Pimples on the face. • 140.164—.Misseauria Pills—For Pahl Lameness or &imam him. Moat, Back, Loins or , Ltmba. No. 23-Besslnal 7.rolations, Involuntary Discharge sod Harrow Debility. N.. itil—Bors Mouth, or Canker co' adults or chil dren. No. 30—Urinary Incontinence, Wetting the Ned No. 31—Painful Pertain, Pretence or bpaenun 3;--BuiTeling at change of tire, finales. No, iltlitliegay and banana Chorea, 01 VOL A—lca rover and ague, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague Old Illaccanaged —lr agu d or Poz• Pile., B li n or Bleeding, Interne] or Ra ternaL o—for Sore, Week or Intiame4 Eyes and Eyelids; /ailing, Weak or Blurred. Bight o—For Catarrh, of long standing or recent, either with otairriction or profuse discharge. W. o.—For Whooping Conga, abating its violence. ALSO SPECIPICIe. For Mara or /Masa --Oppressed, Dillcult, La bored Braining, sixendaderith Cronp and Expect.- Mien. Price. 60 cents par box. For For Discargaaal Datisera—Discharges room the Ler, the remit of Snarler Fever Meseta or Mer. canal.. /or Noises is the Boed. Limbless of Bear. lag and Rtneng In the Ears, mod Ear-Ache. Prin., 60 mats per ha. For Serkfasta.—/ Ci landJ4 Enlarged and In &wain Tonsils, I ll=pand Old Ulcers, scram. lons Ogrolery of Children. Prior, 60 cents per box. lw a.ya Dobility.—Physical or Nervous Weak. cum, either the moat of iskimess. Exceadva bledi. cation sr Exhamitlng Discharge& Price, 50 cents par box. ror DrOpil.—Thitiaocuinulellora, Tumid Swell with Banty BacretiOns. Prba, 640. gar box. For an agebress.—Desdhly Sickness, Vertigo, Nan. sea, Vomiting, and Sickness from riding or motion. P/1011, AO ceana per box. /or Urisrery/Bassa.—lfor (gravel, Banal Cammil, Urialkin, Thames of the Kidney.. Prim, 60 amt. per bot. lor - Sieskai Natergoac—lnvolontary Discharges sad Consequent Prostration and Debility. The most successful and sidelong remedy known, and may be relied npoa es &tura. Price, 61 per box. JOHN X FTILTON, Nos. 67 LID 69 FEPI72 BTECEST, PITTSBITYOR, P.., Boil, Agent for Ws Western Oottutry REAL aim SAVINGS INSTITUTION. • • •• • • t 7 en. Lagtslataire of Pmutsylvimb. Opon for DaposlG from la a. m. to 2 o'clock p. m., daily ; also on HATITHDAY ZifibilliGli. ham 6 to 9 o'clock. SW Omer, 63 7OUETB entzwr A " BA7I ooisrvszurra and YRODITABLA DIPOSITOBT, tar klisclianks,Labonsis, Olsrks, sad all thous who's COMB or savings ars small. It also commends HMI to Xxsoutors, Aduilnistors, Col. beton, Agents, voluntary Socials, or Associations, sad parsons of m olaim. Interact at the rate of BLE. PXI3 OlalfT. per an. nom 4 odd on depodta whlati, If not drawn, win be placed to the credit of th• depositor oa tb• loaf days of ay and November t 'and thereafter beer tbe dime intermit we the prlnoipaL At Ilia tato, money will &silk In Imo Ma WAN years. labored will commonaa on all dapalto tbefird and sMa ad ma dap of the month a ft er nob deposits are a Boob, oontalaing Charter. 81-Lat. ha. furniA. a/ on application at U) oilice, Praidtai—lßAAo Rum. Nee Fruit:ma—W. B. OOPZLAND sarrriut Ma. no* now% Hon. J. K. Nomimmil, Las J 0. Q. W. B. , I Jacob Efinseryi Haney. ChM* Mahan Toostly. Wm. 11. Oats& mrl Tomammr--14 L. Clansiza. f Whams m72o:saiwr "TTTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING; JUNE 25, •1863 .INISCELLAJrEOUS CafßllB. DUQUESNE: BRASS WORKS. CADMAN dc CRAWFORD, Itlonufacturero of wary variaty of Itulohod BRASS WORK FOB PLOMBIBB, BTEAX OR GA.Split3, KAM:MITE, AID 00ePLIIBMITRIA BRAM QS, of all descriptlorue, made to order. ST MIIOAT WORE, BT AM AND GAB. FITTING, and REPAIRING promptly attended te. huller:ler attention paid t fitting up =FINE. HIES Pull GOAL AEU O&RBON OILS. Also, dole Agents for the Western District of Penn. eylvanis fur the ea. of MARSH, LAUSDELL 00.'8 PATENT SIPHON POMP, the bed arty Inrented Raring Do values It 4 not liable to get out of order, and will throw more water than any Lmmp of Coke Its Gan T 1 • M. BARI301:111, Man D. A. L. WEBB & BRO., Orem of Pratt sad Cbmresree fitrooa, BALTIMORE, GENERAL COMMISSION lIRECHIANTS, And Agents for the sale of DUPONT'S GIUNPUW. ORR AND SAPETT PERIL - 11.eoelve on consignment al kinds of Witetern Pro duce, and make advanom thereon. N. B.—Railroad track In Enna of We:cheats Will TO William H. Senn A Ms, Pittabargh & Rickets's, Spencer A Garrard, Cala A Shepherd, Merchants' Bank, Baltimore ._ ll. I'. rant A Sow, PATENTED OCT. g; 1861. Dithridge'l Patent OVAL LAMP ,CRIMIsTIRS, Manufactured of XX FLINT GLASS. These Chimniee are Intended for the Gat flame, allot, heating ail parte a! the Oa" ectu. ll l, does not expose lit° cracking. E. D. DITHRIDOK Port Pitt Glass Works • Washington street. apl7 Pittsburgh, Pa. LADIES FANCY FURS CHILD RIM'S TANGY runs G ENT et f C It OA Ctl , ()ULLA 0 LOVE& Every •erlet y eto .1 'tele of the sbov• goods 012 hand C1:1=1!1 NaCORD & CO.'S, So. IL3I WOOD STRAIT B LACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS , PITTSBCIIOII, PA. PARR, BROTHER & CO-, LIST' 141.1.1,L1TT RIMED OAST STILL, Nriare, Tlat emd Oct ~ or all .Imo. Warr.. Lid egtotl to soy Imported or mzunlicturul 1, Mb coantry. airodk. and NV areboun, bee. 145 and 151 FIDE? 120 and Kt dIPOOND Plltsburib. fnllayd STILL A C.ANCE I =MESE OS-NT'S FIN& rRKNC,II I:A Lr — tAp. A liF s TOLD BOOTe NW Obit asa4 a•a • p.l-, JANES ROBB'S. • N. MARISZ r nitivr tu• - q1 R 1 , ittE-CRACK HRH TOLSPEI,OBS, UNIVIS LAISTIUSI CASNON,dc. lid. J. W. OA DP.121.1) baling elven us th e only ',spot to Mallen Laos ftr lL otlebrated rlbt , T P JUDI FIBIIWORC., Vi• are prepared to odor t 0... on Lb. moo favorabls urea, for cash, toot Ci LLD COOP GRACE LES mud TOOPODOZO, at the lotreet mutat [aka. Orders or, licked and promptly *Condo" 1.. 818 utllll:4ll.iER t 110 Hbf. nepotism of Tbys and Tabor GOods, blaidert laoo, r,ruer of Wrllletu btryet, 21 of Tai. PLUM} NO, (MS AND ;TEAM. lITTING.-liIR WM. TATE, Jr.. & Deele•s lu LIAO PIPE- efiILILT LICAD , H. Das SIC PUltra, (WAD PliLltain. 88. ETr, end PEN De.15,1b. Dwellings Ailed ay with not std noel water in , gas to th. most wprgYedt6•6l46r. 310. 36 (Neat 4136.) rEDICUAL ISTRZT. r, awr below lf6binsuia, N. n - R•wirl 6.663611 v TAT K &SEVILLE, (Goooessoro to wm &e. PII.A rlOsL rt , ostuotto, , 4 AN ANAP hTLAII /I TTAIId, No, BB [awl)) Ed., rictahor and No MO Yedaral maga Allagheuy have oa han ah. d .d r.Ut harateh LEAD PIPE, AD Eli LEAL, Bali LEAD, 6LrAt HOBE, HTD6a NTA, eHOWEB BATHS, WATER. OLOBEN, BATH TUBS; tart. 1060 E sad ALE POZPIi, DUAOLIO BARS, CHANDELIER.!, PINDANTB, BLIACEETS, Am. AU wart warranted to siva sane action nayalv•• ALLICSI, hio(X)Iildlilli A CU., VALLI' roomer's, Pittsburgh, Pa. Waamioces, No. An Liberty Mast. idanabotarere of 0001 E. PARLOR AND HEAT. ISO fiTOVES, PARLOR AND KITOULNG RATES, HOLLOW WARN, eta" Phial and Olirm Moulds, 1141- 1 .13 Crei.P. NM Dearing, Oes, , Watar and Ar. PiP.• Ste Irons, Dog trtus, Wagon Dense, 11 a. gar Kettle., Polley., tangere, Car Wheels, Coltpliami wad Carting. georrally. Atoo, Jobbing and Itechlbe (Wittig@ made to order. Palmated Portable NHL .111. SWIM or More Power. Aplrreinol 'VI 1 CIL ILi A .ti " Ind. 1 IrLe OMY hat' TOBACCO WCOLLISTER & 84ER, OS WOOD kITBEET, four dbors from fifth street, An IA o w prepared lo Bell this NW, onlebrated CUT OH 1614.1b1ti TOBAOOO In any guantit, and at tbn von Inmost flgata. Oka It a trlaL Jet W. W. SWIM. ALLEGHENY COAL YARD. • W. M. ()LANEY a 00., VOA L, 00K N, JAHN, rwtru, PLANTER PALM, ONAIINT, TIUN DEIGN AND 11.111 CLAY. earCiarA. dada.. Owl mod North Dooms. 1•29:ly • W11.1.1A6L 13610/ HILL 601., kkAler . Rakers and Sheet Iron Workers, PAWN STREET, Noe. SW, SB, 21 and 26. Having rewired • birojard and forideheil It with the meet Improved iesehleer. we ere prepares th ce inanalhotare every description of BOILERS e beet roweeer. and warranted equal 18- any made In the eonnta7. GEIISINETS, BRIGHEN, if/RE BEDS, STEAM PIPES, LOWHOTIVE BOILERS, OONDENSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS, and sole manufacturers id BARN. - BILLS' reass r BOILER. Repairing done or the ehortaid natio. 1/tilsaie IiITztATE Ui MAGN IgnlA JAI) in 6on bottes, hi the form of Powder. It Is entitled to spacial preference over the Medd Olbste of niennesbe, Saratoga and next Miura Waters, Etsiddta Potsdam, sae other similar midst. When taken in the morning regularly, It bas an ad mlnbla effect on the general frystan remove s ootunlyetkm, oorrectlng acidltab and cooling off all Willa cont. plaints. Pape 25 omits. Mild by lienra. WARNS:STOOK ft 00. Pitt*. burgh, and et th e Simadectery, No. 103 Spring By, Y Na ork. C . W. OHIIROHMLN, No. 32 booth Trout street, Phl'Adolph* Apar for John Mgroll SODA ASH. Hee It coastaatty for male at the lowest market prim Ulm Ash Ii particularly adapted to the makl_ rig o I ANNSTILILL, /,mm a AND DIALIA In theme select Snead' of GINIIINZ HAVANA 010AN8, and All kinds of SMOKING AND 0111 WING TOBAGO% esurr, 7ANOI MIIIISSOHAIIM PIPIB TUBES, itc.„ to., to mai varety, rg i UNDDB Tall ST. 011eiBLICS N. Pittsbuh. Pa. 11.—The Trado supplied on liberal Lama NicW CON MG 6i/disbar& •• • ioa boxes Hamburg sad W. D Meats; 60 lamb. prima Dry Pe■obrs. (haloes); 76 bomb. mime Dry Apple.; 10 6b16. Mist Keaton to dowse Hari Dram.; Jut ractival sad for aslo at 210.1.26 f.erbd Draatr 1. 1 1 nuaix VAX GOADS& ittsinirpit 6auttt S. RIDDLE & 00., £DITOBB AND palorszsross Publication Office No. 84 Fifth* Street. HOWLED MID EVENING EDITIONB,DMLIt. OONTAINTIO . THE LATEST SIMS 17P TO THI aotm. or paatawator. THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 25 The News trona Harrisburg Making all due allowance for exaggeraUon a the news from Harrisburg and the Cumber- • d Valley, is well calculated to stir up the people of every part of the Stale to renewed aetivity. It is a shame that a few thousand rebels have been permitted to penetrates pop ulous region, like that, as far as Efhlppene -burg ; but It only proves the truth of what we ',smarted several drys ago, that men, with out organisation, are of no use In "each an emergenoy as this. The people of, these cities have done bettor. We are already pretty strongly fortified, and the work IA still progressing on a gigantic scale-14,000 men being at work to-day: and those 14,000 men, with 14,000 more to back them, can lay down their picks and shovels, and take up muskets and rifles, or MID the batteries. But let uenot be contented with the mere derails of thesit oltteg.' •The whole country between here and Cum berland must be protested. To •asra, ?NARD- I/ON; HUNT wow woo is AILLN TO milieu, •HD WHO Is NOT ♦T WORK ON THII 1 0RTIt/CIATIONI3. The only thing that will save our end of the State is to let these marauders know that we are ready for them. Affairs in Mexico According to the I hest-adeloei from Mail -00, It appears that the Mexicans are prepar ing to maks a desperate defence of their Cap ital. French residents have been obliged to leave the City of. Menke, all the available Mexican troops are being drawn to that point, and it Is resolved that should it prove neces sary, the Valley of Mexico *lll be flooded. This Is a desperate and ruinous remedy, but it may be adopted. It b stated that Gen. Juarez has taken eommand of the Maxims troops. Juana, by virtue of his office as President, is Command er-in-Ohief of an the forces of theitepublio. .the same as our President, but he is no more a military chieftain, practically, than soh. Abraham Lincoln, and It is an error to say that the Mexican President has taken the field as General. The San Francisco dispatch is but two days later than the news we received some days ago via Vera Criu, and at that time nothing had been 1101131 or heard of the tbots►nds of Max loan prisonere,,wltb their olSorare, said to have been eaptured by Forey at the fall of Puebla. On the notarial, Judge Low, our Consul at Vora Crusi who came by the last arrival, condrms the barren nature of the Fteneh victory at Puebla, and positively de nies the French repotts of es:tansi►e captures, and the easy progrets of the French toward the Mexican Capital. A Feartol Record Another development e( the horrible mys teries of that system of cruelty and barber so euphemistically called "this peculiar institution," has just been made in Dinars] Banks' Department. An army ofhter writes (mut Louisiana to the Boston Tco.script that the camps of the black regiments in General Banks's army are models of neatnees and or der, and that but one man in the whole cow; mend hat been punished for misconduct. Never were men lean to fight with more daunt lOU emarege and devotlonthan these raw re cruits. tie adds : • "Every man presenting himself to be re• malted strips to the eltin,,to be surveyed by the surgeon. We do not tempt ono-half that offer. On Tuesday, out of 82, only 33 were *scented. I have directed my surgeons to keep accurate lists of the macaw of rejection. They report to me that Rot ane iw ji/osoo ia fres Iran marks of severe loahieg. Moro than mes hed/ ore rejected because fr./disability uririaegfroes Gashing wish 'bilge and Wing of doge on their ecdoes and thighs. It is frightful. Bundriods of them tiara welts no their beaks as. large as one of jour largest Alger.. I Intend to have these memoranda collected and published with certificates of surgeons." An Important ItaHoed Connection in Rebeldom. Oar forces in North Carolina have so fro• Tautly threatened the rebel oommaatca►toas between Richmond and the Southern - Statile of chi "Confederacy," by approaching the railroad °causation at Goldsboro, that they have at length begun In wisest, it appear', to provide a more Interior line, to case of mis hap to the 'tonna one. They are, therefore, bury, according to the latest accounts, build ing the railroad from Danville, Virginia,. to Greensboro, North Carolina, by which they will have another line of conneetion between Richmond and the South. If they oan only transport the had of rail road iron and material they have lately selaild on the Baltimore and Ohio line, they may be able to go forward with the work. JODOII noir, whose proclivities lead him to ember:us the Government whenever and wh he tan, has, on appeal of a . revenue oast, mined the &olden of the Court below, and decided lb. regulations Issued by' the Bee rotary of the Treasury, Aug. 28,1802, founded on the sots of Congress of July 18, 1861, and May 20, 1862, which provide that po goods, Am., shall be transported to any place op the north side of the Potom•o Viva, south- of the Washington and Annapolis itallroio, nor to any plate on the eastern eters of thil Chesa peake, without a permit of a ,d4ly s t ithiik e d ofloer of the Trauma DttSrtinsat, 41 be op. constitutional and 'dd.]: n Ilittritit Attor ney has, as a matter of cojirio, appealed from the decision of Judge Unify. - Bean sympathisers at Memphliptedlot an early attack upon that olty. It is doubtless the intention of the rebels to make a desperate effort to blockado.the Mississippi, so its to cat off supplies Mom Grant. A deserter, well known in Bt. Lents, arrived at Oaplo Girar deau, says Ptla received' orders Dian Jeff. Davis to do all he could to interrupt asst's oommuniostions, and that Marmadake left Jacksouport on the let of June with artillery and marshy, to plant batteties on the river to atop shimmers. RICHMOND NOT Bua.—Thy Btehmond Dig. patch of the 1913, his the Allowing diva- Gant porairaPh, ultiohmond is about to be utieoyered of the defame afforded by the proximity of General Lee's army. es mpg of dial se already ie as Vag of WOW, mid probably ii Yorykuid, aid Ohs rod ssalprobably foltorp on, when", they cannot be brought instantly to our assistanoe, if wistaria we should need." Tim notorious marshal of police, Kama, of Baltimore, having escaped from donnas through Judge Taear's °minivans* and sympathy, Is now In Dl:l44nd Is reported, to hare been made no less than • Maim General in the robs! sepia.' Gin. Sciences orde r fe . bent was papers, published on Monday, was ntrander mood. He doessottprohnit - tlyeliroulotion of the World. EzPres, L. het forbids the s u mmers in his &pennant from making entreat. from that osmium How the President told a Story.— and How the Story Won't Do. The N. Y. Evening Post thus cleverly disposes of a story recently told by the President: Mr. James Taussig prints in the St. Louis Democrat some account of a conversation he had recently with the President on certain phases of Missouri politics. In the course of this conversation Mr. Lincoln is reported to have said that "the Union men in Mis sonri who are in favor of gradual emanci patign represented his views better than those Who are in favor of immediate eman cipation." To enforce this view upon the listener, it seems that the President told him a story—a story which was quite a fa vorite with him some two or three years ago, bat which, we have' been pleased to notice, he has not used so often of late, Mr. Taussig writes: "In orplanation of his view on this sbject, the Premium% Laid that In his epoeches he had frequently end as an illustration the cue of a man who had an exams:once on the back of his neck, the removal of which, In one operation, would result In the death of the patient, whde 'tinkering It oft by degrees' would preserve life." Now the President ought to have taken the advice of .a competent surgeon before he Ina this as an illustration. Dr. Carno chat', De., Dixon or Dr. Mott would tell him that no oevo but a botch or a butcher would attempt to "tinker off' a tumor "by de grees;" they would instruct him that the true way to save the patient's life and re store hie health, as well as to avoid the in fliction of unnecessary suffering, is to cut out, at one operation, the obnoxious body. Mr. Tauseig was tempted to reply — to the President's illustration with the story of the man who wanted to cut off his dog's tail, but without making the oreature suf fer, and thought to accomplish hie purpose by amputating an inch at a time, with of course a fresh howl of-.agony at every blow of the cleaver. We are sorry he did not make this rejoinder.. The President would have enjoyed the story, if not the complete overthrow of his argument. Mr. Lincoln le so fond of a story that we will venture to tell him on; from which he may draw a moral. A gentleman from Peoria was one day walking up Broadway, when he noticed, sticking up on the edge of the sidewalk just below Grace Church, an ancient mile-stone, on which be read this inscription: "ire - To New York two miles." • He looked round, and finding hint self in the very heart of the city, said to a friend, "That mile-stone told the truth once; but it tells an enormous lie now." We leave the application to Mr. Lincoln. Another Account of Pleas.anton'e Cavalry Reconnoissance Mr. T. M. Nowboold, of the New York Tribune, gives the following account of the late splendid succese of Pleasanton In TO.701:1.• 'loitering the enemy's porltion: Gen. Pleasacton conceived it desliable to ascertain whether any rebel lufsintry existed on the east side of the Blue Ridge, and con sidered that if he defected the en►lty force of Stuart near Middleburg. rebel Infantry, If any were at hand, wapiti come to its euppert. He desired, also, to disorganise the rebel cavalry, and dishearten the men to such an extent as to postpone a further raid into Maryland- Acoardiesty, en autarday morning, leaving his headquarters at Aldie, he detached Bo ford'a Division to the right of Goose Creek. which crossed a ford near New Lichen, drovo a forte of the enemy's skirmishers before it, and, recrossing the creek, formed a Junction with Gregg's Division and Major Robertson's artillery on the lippervtlle turnpike, near Rector's Crossroads. • A heavy shelling was then opened by Maj. Robertson, which lasted till late in the after noon, and the t vro divisions charged repeated ly, driving the enemy finally Into Ashby's Gap, when the defenses were too strong to be assailed without a heavy force. Gen. Pleasanton then retired, satisfied that tot only were there no rebel infantry on this side of the mountains, but that there were none in the neighborh ood: of Ashby's Gap in the Valley, otherwise they would have come through and attacked him. lie learned, also, definitely, fiom certain sources, that Lee was at Winchester, acoompanying the two corps of Ewell and Longetreet, and that A. P. Rill, was marching with his corps up the Valley to join them. how New York has Responded to the Call The State of New York has responded no bly to the oall for troops to drive the Invader from the soil of Pennsylvania and Maryland. Twenty regiments, saYs the N. Y. 21-ibusse, of Tuesday, have been armed, equipped, and supplied with subsistent.e and transportation, and have gone to, Harrisburg and Baltimore. Sixteen of these regiments moved from this city, two from Brooklyn, and two from Buffa lo. Oen. Sanford is earnestly at work for warding the regiments as rapidly as possible to the points where they are needed. Every day wtinesses the departure of our gallant men, who hasten to the lorries with a deter mination to sweep the rebels from the States they have invaded. Many of these regiments were fall, and could they bare eupplied cult ableuniforme, they might have duplioated their numbers from the crowds of volunteers who thronged their armories and urged the, o:wept:ince of their services. The 10,000 men who have gone to meet the enemy are the bons and muscle of society. Numbers of them have seen service, and rath er like It; they have been under fire, and Cr. not afraid of it. For several days past the various military depots have swarmed with soldiers and their friends. The sound of the fife and drum has been beard in our streets at all hours of the day, and corps after corps of men have marched through Broadway sing ing the John Brown song, and hastening to the place of departure crowned 'with the good wishes of their patriiitie friends and neigh bors. Not a few of the members of the regi ments who have left are men of business, who make great pecuniary sacrifices to render this needed service to their country. Important from Charleston--Azr Ar. finery Fight... The Gunboats Take a , Hand.-Confiagration in Marine ton. A letter In . the Boston Herald, of Monday, from the blockading fleet off Charleston, says: Oa the afternoon of the 12th inst., the rebel batteries on Morris Island opened a fare upon the troops on Folly Island, and for half an hour no notice was taken,. of the tiring by our forces. Presently the gunboats Pawnee lid' Cottunodore' McDonough steamed up-to Within good range of the rebel batteries, and poured in a deadly fare from their heavy guns. The Union batteries of Folly /stand now open ed their dre,:and for three hears the ehotaad shell flew thick and fest. We could see that the rebel shot fell short, while those from our botania and gunboats burst in the midst of the rebel batteries. The faring hutted until sunset, but the result of the engagement was not fully known. The rebels were wen car rying off a number of killed and wounded. During the. firing the rebel rams tame out from behind Bututer ' and prooeeded down gent twoMdles fromthatlort, where they re mained until the engagement was over, not daring to take part in the tight. The same night the whole roadstead and shipping waribrilltantly illuminated for Nev. eraliscumi by an eztensivecondagratioa tag- Ins in Charleston. The heavens were flighted up for miles .and, and the :destruction of property must • aye been very helm. • VIZ neva,' at Newborn are flocking to the Union standard. Enlistment' number from fifty to ono hundred per day, and one day ranked three hundred. The colored brigade, In formation at that place, has from 2,000 to 3,000-oien it its ranks. pußzeruaß AND STAID OIL CLOTH', In fealtetkra of .Watent, Oak. new wood,litehogimy nod the Printed Goode, for sale at 26 awl 211111.66aLe street. Jett J. at H. Pini.Lipit SEFID BUCK WHEAT.—Eioeived this &lams Qutesse Valley, N. V, 300 Whikels Bockwbstt. aupedsr rred. for Wok! • • VONT R OO. • VOLUME LMCVI.---NO. 191 0/ZB, Jfc. B SEWEB, MEE - COMMISSION MERCHANT% Anti of the GLOBE, PlOlllO AND LIBERTY OIL WOBEB. Or Mani cash adeancee made oa conalipmeala of Refined or Crude Petroleum. Ctia..DrQuip4 WAY AID MOW= BT/am, PITII3BUZGH, rA. WALtit3, WhalgOliEs CV., COMMISSION XeCkcR,CECANZ'S SHIPPERS OF PICTI4OLICUM. U 5 MAIDEN LANE. NEW YORK. *sr lizopLo &clinks to STORAGE AIM SKIP PING, .t their yard and wharf, Bra HOOK mylt:tt O LL MEN .need not be xmbazzaased by the can of the Balk 011114111,* when they can hero their Oil barreled and skipped without touching the Oity Wharriesilm chimp, soars prompt, with lees risk, tem trouble and In better . order, at • . . SIBICB OIL YARD, On the Allegheny Valley Railroad. above Lawrence. viih; where Oil la pumped from the boata direct to the cars, and *hipped to any point, UM or West, without any draylne or re•eitppteg. All onion promptly attended to. eiirDOlce at lard, en-Citizen Passenger D. B. 'Post 00Ice address, BOX 002, Pitteborgh p or be isen dal! at the VLL Exchange. apsrl DAVID KIRK- IRON CITY OIL WORKS. LYDAY i t OBORPENNING, Maaubuturars and Retain at CARBON OIL, BINZIEW AND LUBBLOAT/liG And dealers In - ()BUDS PETBOLk 5, 091r - Workz, opposite Eltsrpobarg °Moe In PERRY BLOOM, Duquesne Way, .RitIIARDSON, 11ARIXY a co., Commission and Forwarding Merchants CRUbE & R&FINED FETROL,BOM, zwr - Llbaral win £DyanCL on consignments for Plttabilrgh or Nastern Markets. eleven. J. B. Ditwounr - 41. 00.; dramas HAsuoiya, AR. Litinavoa Baia, Seq., Prooet Cumsneraial intaikbso ROl3EtiT WUATti, So. I ET. 01.4. re. STBLZT, Pltubargb. Forwarding & Commission merchant A.wri DEALER A'S OILS. eair ILLIIMINA TEX°, LOBBIOATIN3, OILUDN P VAIL COM. ulL.+ + no., constantly on hand and Ito eate at the lowest market prfaea. COVISIGIMIUMI AND OIDIY SOLICITED. sp76on usu. KKKKK 11.1:4111P WOOD VLLISE OIL "UWOE/I L G168G6 W..IIOLDEUiIk A Co., ILIXITFACTIIIIIIIIII 01 . . DIJEINLNG OIL AND LUBILICIATENG OIL, . Beep oatutantlyoo Ifs.' the very boot quality of 0 OIL, eloar and without odor; aka, a good LUDIAWATOB, pare WBITY BiLIIZOLY aad 068 elirAllen:len left et lie. &I Firm Ntrarsr ? gal* block, eacend floor, .1U be pbstoptly attended to. oeS:dtf L UIIISZIT Ull. Vil4lHath DIII4OAN, DUNLAP A Ot), Haaatiaturers of PUBS WHITE 1/1171:15CD OABBOIS 01L/3, Offloo, No. 201. Liberty .traet IM=l M= l ,=l j difiEb 111.W.114, Manufacturer ei OIL OF V IT/30L. AQUA AllllOBll. Orders left et William Holmes A 00.'s Waco, ow. Der of Market streets, will resolve wont attention. sap .I)I.IaLUND OIL WORliti NAYLOR B BAUM EISPINDUIS AND DIALYSE' IN OARBON OIL. L'brarpasied by way le thp market oirOnwro loft et Moir calor, 80. 41 KAMM STEErr, or et their WOCILI in Lairrionanillo, will be nasitonded to. Or 01111 DZ natal JAOO3 aril 1431r41W GRAM rETROLITE OIL WO:IKS, iumnicrusu NAUIL INUITS 6, tarn! am, alissota AND PlTlotlOat LV11111),11,41 OIL L'Apaeln , It. I.lllOUlSti4 AL M, w "mg REEBB G.RAFF, Proprietors: . ow- omo., Idasiongxhals Housh.ruisbargh. my2B STORAGR FOR REFINED 014—The attention ot_oll men nod Ohms fa raffia to. tba tact that the on Maligned haa • large, owl and dry rata, suitable for storing ltrenod • tiOnT. ASHWORTH, m 719 Dolmen' Way fade.- Clalr aimed. BEDEWS, SPRINGS. Phis pope* a summer resort will be opened tor the 11000040:100:itiOn of visitors en the or e UP JU BRET, and will be kept open until let of October. J. she Hotel willbe ands the Marmot esperlenowl managers, rod every-arrangement W been made 'to give entire satfentation - to gurney. ' ' ' Ike Bedford , . ludimed be completed Ina tar days to Manta attellasinalon, sin and oae halation ems of Beaton% and from Mat point paisingers well be conveyed to the Springs Indent olsin harks and rtalam Ample arrangements hews .ban made to supply. dealer. and indirldoale with Bedford Water. Ist standard casks, at the followingrates;at the for hat barrel,' (mobir.) galkan. " barrel, (oak,' PO half barrel, took,' 0 00. All tram; addressed to IL L. anannoloN, Bed ford. promptly filled, and-wane lent to any part of the mantel. It is desirable that partlemar Mons should be given for marking bards. - lemons waling room, or soy informablen concern. log the Springs, will please address, "TB .II Blto- rlarmour or BBD /ULM Bl t BlBllik", myttOttind NEW GOODS - 0 --Having just ruturuect from the lasi, we have now in stets an 113Ltinp; , elm erorttnent o acme and desirable BOOTS . AND HECOIDEI Adapted to the mm. Bam out be nned tiIth;LADIEV, and cw.lianezwa su muornieraviimi a nd ittNUT at • Bllght advante toteway 010.1absra1,8011 a owe, 9orner Wood anitlfcnirifitS*4 D - ARtNERSHIP NOTlOR.—Wivhive: tits day eascolated with ea In tbelloillniy KUL bombe:ANA. J. OULU. Ur style' at ithe :112aa to be HAJLIS, 41; The partaanddp to , take awe da,y. The 011 baeloase will be wiled as by a/tantalise/0M as Italietobte. Nay MM. lath BM= & GBA77. .1/.001 . lAMB imam asarr. AiDER J. Dino R KESH GRAFF, irDULL, iffmtra,re . n at sR ileariais at Hoof, &We mid 4foiloof coartroofod oar mato witliff vim of Waaant this kind of Iron a ipootolify. wo toppooffolly , may corm of laolfhliola wok Wilda' NOW& - moruzos•* ) T a LIGetETZ (X).,C1Er."01311;4,,..0 • litchoodiir übsetir ~.. ICIO dq f VG B°? 1.11:71i/R l.rer. P EOPLES 7NRffUNC}. Office, N. Lamer Wood and Filth Stu. FIRE AND _ E 'MURANO: DISCTO.Re s • WEL Milli" F ' Plume D. Varner, John W att, OW. Jabs L. Maids; W. Hw. 1' ' . !sued P. Shrives. Joke X.. Parke, . ~ - George B. Jonas, Chwins 8 . Blw. : 24.2 7 Dodd Wallace, Was.. Yea Birk 0. RIAIIOII, Lo r a , , _. t ~- • warglittals, Perkiest • -- ` - " -- 20.13:11 WATT, Pio Acme. wm. I. O.I.ItDDEN. flicriese-e. .11214:0 rIRE INSIIRANCR, BY - THE RELI AMOR 111 :1113/..L ISIMBANMoomeea r, Or NILLADZILPILLII BUILDLNGS, limited perpetual, ESSOILUIDIBI, to town er country. WU* No. 1308 Walnut street. Clarriela 1 1120 X 0 : Aral, pa3,oCe 96--4nT114113 ea Mow: ' tintliortpirs 68 Improved MyProper- Inrrth doable Oho =owl arvand rout, dna ,c huum...ll. H. Oa:a 6 per aint.'lfortvg; Loon, 1180,000, ow • 67,900 OC Plilladelphls„ 6 per ant. SOW 0 0 rillesbonsaonaly 6pw at. P. FL 8.1.wa lavao a. o(illatersl boat* 4.24:4) Efitatbigdon. , and Braid' _Tap alannaun Barred, Clomplay, =flows 1,06. Nrauvirardik -ruck 4411 A, tckoL.Boliamtlirnal lasterwca 24,5h0 t 6tock of County Firs lawrarm 1,060 00 atock or-Delawars K. 8. lasareknie CC.. 700 Lk °M:qa"..C4 l "il.l , 6 ;4...ff.' 01 lisok• • .:T.? .0 Union hi. litssisnoe Op.'s lin) C 3 Bills Receivable, bomber ;err. 16,1617 Book knoonnta, warned interest, iilet.l.. t,2le 71 Out en hand snd b hawks/ svelte, (lim 16 lAsm Tingite, , , ~ • D . I...Cellsm, gunnel Blepha.m. •-•• 1 & -Lotheop, Tlunopeon. . ...Bold. To/and, Robert Blom, ..Leland. Frederick Brown,' • Fred% Lennig, Wm. Hawn , Jacob T. Dancing 0. Staveamon; Danl. - W. Tingley, smlth Bowers, John R. Worrell, - . Jas. S. •Woodward, ltanhall Hill, John Dime% Pittab'et IL %DIAN; Bncratary. i .. . ~ J.G. (101Thl, AP.K. my 8 •Hortbiwiiat keinier Vidrd :ad Wood ameot. INDEMNITY' AGAINST lAMB BY L/11111.--TBASELIN YIBZ INBUltAliwr. WM. PLR)/ 01 PHILADELPHIA. 018 m, 438 and 4.'ef Chestnut street, dear 711th. Statement of Masts, Jawing be, pubtlaboa agreeably , to as act of tutaembly, being— first Mortgages, amply sewed ... ...l{l,Seo,MM tar E Beal state - , @set raLIIBM,BI.4 ta) amt 11.,885 00 Tamparary Imam, on sample Collatang Becuries:7 .., 89,131 Blocks, 0re;;:rt . 7117;rig...6 . 4375r001Z 111,786 uG Notes and Bllte Besahable . 1,871 00 Oub 47,918 Or, ==ta 12,213,061,-M .iiirThs only profits from 'Preminnn whkb Mil Gompuay san divid•bz law ran iron risks whkb have been determined. • Iniarancrimada oa evarj dostription ot property, in town and °Gantry, at ray, as lovas aro conrirtent with acidity. Since their Incorporation, i period at ttarty year they bare paid Imam by bra to an amount oxceedir, roar ifiitioes Darn, thereby aliarding wridavcr of the adrantaa of fromsanca. as mgrsn their atilt. ty and dtrpaition to meet with 'promytarsr 1111 Loom paid daring the year i&58.:—.11:641,08e,t1 Charles H.Slaneket, . I h Z,. 1 Blardersi D. Lewis, - , Jacob IL ilmii.b, Toblai Wagner, Idwird'O. Dela, David .. Brown, Ake. W. Ilicherd., Genteel Grant, . • Geor-lisles. CHABLIS SiMilIM Preridewi IDWAHD 0.. D . lIIM nos Preektor V. A. Gran, Beerorrylne aena -- • _ J. GABBNIII.OOPIALLAgesi, myil Office Northeair cur. Weed Third ate I,u - ESTERN - INSUBANCJV COMP v HY Or PITTBBIIIIGIL e1,15L GORDON, iisaraiery. . omoq lio. 951 Water . titamei t Neaps 4 00..11 W -is. Ifik= "4 . 114 oL awl Mos soo 846. •IL -Homo looligutiosi iraweatiaid Dirk:tars esho ars leaLl woo to Like ammessaity oho are data , mimed. by jprols.plias lete, to mist the Maracay eeMeh they kw ittswiaal=triag lA. hod prodoeffosio thaw who dodos Ohl* . • . . ABSYTII, OCITOBY11 ; d0.1411: Stock 63,000100 Martooff Aiwa 2.5“ c OP= Aoodunta. 7,aos oo 2/9,99 99 1348 1/ .. • 27,60 14 Note* and 1707.5 14 B. NEW, Jr. James /143 A .0116. Nathaniel Hamm, Ge m. Donde, W :illiam H. antith 4 O. W. Blaketeon. me9o INISUISANOB. INSURANCE CONX'Y OP NORTH ANIERICA. PRILADZLPICIA. Insurance Co. of the lite'titif Penn's., Hertford Fire Inertranee 'Company, tor Ingaraixos In the above 010 rellablo Clois4 pales eia b. obtalned.b7, •PDllotton to Bagske. Bnildleti. 8T Watee CONIZ.F.WISINKIIiriNtIN tXmlireN I V OTPLIVIIBUIM. "Cetioairner Narked iad Water negate, eacend flote.` - -'t ' - - BAXOWL,ItIIA.• titereemf.— , laitiree Steamboata sad outgoes. ' - Timm airatmat lea sad damage la the parlor!. or. tba Elantaira. sod .Wastara Sham Lake. .a I = B Wind 4dd tad daitlaita,by ; ere. '. I . jWiLaa.x.tidlasisnak: 7—,,d,81.1;61::., W .v.".....6; • ILE Jaw% :ki. 01.04 . .I.ealdwe r.. 11 = 2 • 11 .- /kw. . Jaz, go . aril. ' , Illualay Paidas: ~ . Madre EL &too, " - it-Li.LEU • Y r - 110SUAAIMS PITIODUDDR. 'cal* No. 87 NUM ina.L.Haak Block .:.- • Imams agatoalaAll JO llroaaa Naga* Wok a LIM/ AR oi S, Presklkom. JOHN D. - SWORD nos Zrati.arK D. R. BOOK, a m p Wi DILL Gasong A Psi. fralOrgait, • Jolgt D. 140ord, Owt.'Adoas D.S: Stall* • ,1 Orag...Nra:Doso. IL L. Ilakarw. Ilintt H. Darla. loiss; :0:4.11= 4, - ; ,- X11:5754.47. Gish - Jan . mot o . 'D. L. latustatea. Rlllllll as UI.A-11114 COXitti BUM And /*lois to roam 'mum — AND ,1111 .P.IIODCFOTE, 0114 61 iutoAD ..Rualrk - sir es ihrui• Poznan') imam ou. lor 'maw • TOBK pa. et/T3/1! Quoin MU' - - • ' -74. ( 44 , 4azi:0 1 5e5t , • , • - 4••• anot. 2 SyV4 II. 4 1 /AWL "'alt. • o.•GfelblOniltrA• 480 ;48 4 Olei ' mt 06 #8418 0 4 . —Na-114-8188E1ITII112;1113•Mrehip, Waal= tlf.ftly*Atft 00IIIIUM. irsiasoe 80 ViAIII mry 8. at ODA t_Dpas draeristrium _ d Ta: 100 M. 81 , OMCISMI, eat Sulam 8088. ma anal 8101810118141oi Wteeki dow{ •• Tinate, 04801 AldhUssalloUwassa4 otlialapt sump sostattili atlhool who limo died hi dr= Or 1104.111 at Mos dialers% Itosullisum -; 811ri•8101azit0 B . Etv•iii to osnorBlB Wax • mom. o '""" saw • —as hhda _ prime tr. cuessil • - 25' 'do do E. ; • dr. eloiii.asawautor..; iiluknalanGas. our 1.91/4NI IT )9= B.IQLL=S. Jc., Paskmt. • WV& Et Aidirs • A , Anizandor ckley gpoor, David AL Long, • Bea 7. Thomas, ,John d Benj. P Saone% WOnns. GORDOi. Ma'am", PHILADILPECEL N.P. JONES, Agora,