The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 23, 1863, Image 4

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    TVfBDAY M 0 8 419 3 . 1 ,0, rpm 28, 1868
..., _......._ -
Frani ;Yastardarit livening easalle.
in,tetasting Letter from Mrs. Swiss.
atelsa..LespallUint to Ladies' Ala
laristists. .
She following extract from a letter written
, . .
* Iffilwieshelm, now in attendants at the
loppitabi et Washington, gives some import
:. ' l. eat suggestion - li, aid -directions in regard to
providing for the wants of the sick and wound
' al soldier,, and will be mad with interset by
all wile are engaged is the good work of min.
Waring taike soldis*-,. -
~ • . •
I have thseolunittess of ladies distritatting
Mums in different - hospitals, and dissever
that the beat way is to- OM each - patient II
• luau and a fees lumpref-engsr. He then
knows itchasiti sad if -hashonl& not-•
jest then t .thallazgeon ean.direat the nurse to
ppF a i a tior him. . , ilekiesikahealtentien es
•uttlt that4.4.lAMembired.
do pot like, nuoystiou. auttibutions.
Galax around with a bettbsof wlite, giving a,
'panful where Wyss wattled, UPI saying to
tU ticipinalttitat_itanumsins-aboa by
Mrs' a inr ' t jAst_ BaillitatwilMailtt efilitteretal7
&Was tc Wa l aff 4 1 0ktaitht Altut...btftllultl.
braes traaat7giadee lbw wine.-, , .
The lettam ient mi 1 - 4,riland'airealate
as reading =Mix; and - rhfl, BMA. very ao,
captable'to the Moriiitilligatit'patitrots. ,
My '
assofmtotrowolyts istoptily Miss Mary
A. Mason a dark in -thaJliessurt Heusi
meat, and I hope:Mutely*. the list in time to .
send with this j. but 1.-ant Mal ben ' ant' she
Weald at nay baerdlnglorture,mi*aistant.
— Th Bari °Myst° urrdireet a box of lemon'
from ehuilimljoffix„ wad:4W from Gerrit
Smith. Limons I And ere .sabject to great
loss from - Away. and It will be better to send
the money, and let me purchase here. I want
tea—tie very best green tea—and mashed so
garciative wine and 'brandy; have whisky
enough, but want tobaoto and pipes and el
gam, and little pocket-miners. Then we
trent little pillows, steffedliglitly, some with
~ l eathers and some with-hops—pillows four by.
1 six inches, in soft without:Min casse. Many
~" ars waatid or.this aoff *Bike/ _Wows this
and a common pillow. .Little oottith mate,
thick as a bed-comforter, eight by twelve or
fourteen inehes.lasoft users are very useful
under the small of fi.nian'i b ock who is worn
with wearisome days and nights of lying.
We need flannel to roll around the chilled
part of fractured limbs, and pieces of old are
asgood as new.
If Lunge Aid Societies could hear the
sick men fret over "this plaguy sight-gown. "
they would put wristband( on ,eury. very :.- hospit al
shirt Of they could witness the warinue af
ter changing, they would maks them all jut
as our grandmothers made shirts, when every
pion was torn or cut by the thread; when
there was plenty of room around the shoul
ders, and a gusset eight Males square in
every sleeve when it jots, the body. Mak
ing 'a shirt open in front gives no aid in put-
Ong it on. If a patient tan ba failed up to
put it around the baelt,:it spa be put _over the
head ; then, if wiffitMough - with guestroem
under the sleeve to ailow the elbow to come
out Russo. there is no trouble in getting in
the arms. If he Gannet. be raised, it should
be open on the back to be tucked under his
shoulders, bat, above all, let them have wrist.
bands and buttons. Of handkerchief, and
towels there will never be too many, and old
stuff is better than new. Let them be clean
and. soft.
I write disconnectedly, perhaps, for my eon
soignee is not dolts at rest, as one poor fellow
is waiting for "mother" to come and hold his
knee after his stamp is dressed. His foot was
amputated at Falmouth, and so badly done
that part of the bone mast rot off, as be is too
weak to bear a second amputation. He is
probably,in an agony of tsars just now, and
thinks "mother " has forgotten him. Another
wants the water grueliwislairno one but I ass
get jut slight. Than-tha.poor fellow who
he. eaten nothing for two days, sick at heart
with the agony of two wounded heels, wants
his beef tea, and John Brown's blot is to be
dressed that he may be got ready for march
ing along. Sandra* tea, sugar, and kind let
ters, with real names to than, end God and
ay Buffeting sons will Mau yea.
Jana G. Swissinx.
P. 5.—1 get so many letters from women
who want me to get them positions as clerks
and nurses, and dear only knows what, and
from men who want me to transact all man
ner of business, I cannot answer them, and
have no power to Peru Meat. I have no in
fuses with any one member of the Cabinet ;
and, if I had, would as lief steal the oontri
buttons sent me as use it for the benefit of
any one but a wounded soldier. I would not
take the time to go and see the President or
one of the Secretaries, if I were sure that by
so doing, I could get anapiodiltatlllifit For
eign Minister for myself or the beet friend I
have. I would not exchange my place are
or w steel . t „the
the Astrities,
and l brin
wW k s',
t me for t
laces ft;
nobody. •-t. J P . G. S.
The Western University.
The oommenosmant exernses of the West
ern University will take piers on Tuesday
ereallag, is the 'University building, begin
ning at eight o'clock. The literary perform.
anon will be as follow.: "Ukase the Hand
maid of BelWou," John A. Wilson. "The
Footateps of Time," John Webb Little. one
War," Richard A. Williams. "Priendstdp,"
Dallas Sanders. "Hope," Robert S. SUL
“trawrittau Instory," John - s. Wight:men.
"The Press," George W. Guthrie. "The
Scholar's Hope," John H. McrOandlers.
"Poetry," George L Whitney. "Military.
Ambition." Thomas Marshall. The Moral
Sublime," Orlando M. Harper.
The exerciser will be accompanied by ap.
propriste music, and the mission will be WIC
of much interest to the friends and patrons of
the institution
OwnerHaoted for n Hone
Ofticer Hermart,.of Allegheny, who mated
the deserta; !Daniel Hood, and handed him
into the enstodiof tbs Provost Yezehal of the
fin District, prevailed upon , him to slate
where he obtained the bane which he brought
`With him to tkis city.. _Hood at first declined
total!, bat finally elated that he traded the
mashy horse to aferimm named 'Robertson,
residing in layetteannty, for the one which
he rode here. He admitted that his horse
was very alma =Masted, wed could namely
Uwe! in further, and • hence the story about
rrediegy not 'bfilived.,' !Meer Herman has
leave for
it up the
Nuimbroas two, Pi., Jun• IS, 1863.
NS.. liresittei ./I"Yousg mom of this place,
jdit Nkritiorlarof - Nowernor Curtle's sail for
valuables's, visited Col. O'llties at Now Oastio,
iestardaffotsd ssgairsi,Sojs• with his m
Ha i
mosa. .ustaraed Wks p. m.,
semd&m so
b m in ew s h od
h a is ll u sat h r e e d
u *s n o f h, r mmo he
User•frona baton he went to bed. He le new
ow his troy, with his mightiest, to your city,
lomuist in itt defessm.7Could - serer your
eserptip oadotrlotio young ma i NM dn.
worst Town, as., S. H.
I.IIOIM—AL Gana* naiad Adam Huta
bargee la bout soundttoa •to Jiff by Mayor.
Alosander to answer &up of Mating a_
veto, two pan of pant& a hat, pat of .loos,
sato vbtol , frem-Poterilllsams residua. of
Troy RI& Rutabaga ald 'a, part of
'taloa arthdoo warkoti and
what arm/44U liiittbiZa La Ids pooint,
wad. bad on Aso 41. of pantaloon..
=tol Moult ban &hued
oa Liberty Must, in tb.Ytt. Ward. r inom.Bsornain:—.Clptata Bahwh in
• mid LionV",ikocom aro numbly with vary
flatamlnii numoco.fn neraltlngtill company.
Mayan both nuellost somimo,.ond ban
loodl sops salltary, acpadimol='to'Annigy
thommicao $Ol
Tkom docking to'canot: Mud' jams Wm
mimic *NW Minuaandon. A kir am
nmitmffllm raostroi onspAnnion at load.
A street sprinkler,
-jaw. up
• •PlinitillNC 'alit, to be used on Fifth and
Wo.d streets during the deity deys , of
Thaacailtwas made by Mears. Phelps,
Parke &Colima*. LW he is running order by
the liral. of nazi weak. will hes complete
affairaand dm oust will he so trifling to each
merchant or busing:semen - benefited, that the
sprinkler is expected to. become a popular in
'dilation. IA; the, water used by the cart will
he mostly sawed through' the street hose,
which will not be needed) It le presumed the
city will not make any charge for the water.
The enterprise It one which we 'hope to see
number of the Aaastie will not disappoint its
readers, though we_ know they..olways have
high Prorrtations as.to3heir-favorite.mage
ai ead any thing short of lirst.olass merit
inevitably-disappoint It opens with an
interesting sat of coarse charatteristieortiole
by . Dr. Below, on photographyi.tentltled
"Doisigs ... .of .Bunbeens.":, _follows a
quaint, but beentifabgesdary palm by Long
fellow, "'The 'Wraith of Odin.". Next we
have No. 2 of Gail Hamilton's "Gala Days ;"
"The, at Port Royal,!' by Prai
rie Paktum& tm-peem-ity T. W. Parsons, atf
titled Niles Epitaph ;" ea smtlten by Nathen
ist _lieortherne, called '!Outside Gibspees of
English Poverty ;" the ooncluslon of "Paul
Meeker," by the author of ."Life in. the Iron
Ifille;''dtpoeus by J.i.:.Trowbridge, "By
A. Bl M".,'' "‘,The Growth.of amiantus," by
professor ,ikgessis ;T be;:fdasialan,". a story
by Nils L. P.- Hale; !inaglisli Naval .Power
and English Colonies * " .by G. Reynolds ; a
sketch-4g Gen. Butler's rule in Now Orleans,
under the title of "Over General;"'.eaa elaborate
_though eondensed paper by Robert Dale Owen
.on "The Claims to Labor
_and Berries." and
finally a variety of reviews and literary no
ties& The Atlantic is for sale by J. W. Pit
took, opposite the Post-012os.
Kaarzina-a-VaaoosousDoo.—A man named
Aokor, residing Ln thalseend Ward, A.llegbe•
ne's.hekbofklaaelhAfteen dolleceand.eosts, by
_Mayor silettlader; for keeping- &wage dog.
Tha emnplaint • was made by Thomas Elton,
who *flaps! that he had been &Winked t obr
three tinsel by the aforesaid dog.
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette
Muarazzanono, June 21, 1865
The Chattanooga Rebel, of the 19th, has the
Osyka, Jams 16.—A desperate light ooeured
at Port Hudson on the 12th. The Confed
erates left their .istrunolunenta and charged
the enemy, driving them from their fortifica
tion., and 'piled their siege gun..
A citizen from New Orleans on Saturda
afternoon reports that many regiments are
arriving from Baton Rouge. Tn. Federal.
are despondent, and may they cannot tate
Port Hudson by assault. •
At New Otleans the river was low.
We have other •oheering but contraband
The St. Charles is failed with the wounded
brought from Port Hudson by bost-loads all
Sumemit, Jens 11.—A courier from Logan
states that Logan duhed into Jackson, La.,
on Monday, and captured 130 Yankees of the
4th New York Cavalry and twenty magma
with their horses and arms. A Major and
other officers are among the prisoners. Lo
gan's is • Tennessee command.
Mobilo, Ass 17.—d. special dispateb to the
Mobil. Z-Shu . es, from Jackson on the 17th,
sap that a °owlet arrived at Brookhaven last
night and reports the troops in line spirits,
and had repulsed the enemy twenty-seven
times, and attaeked him suocessfally. Aid
is close at hand.
Jackson, Jane 17.—A courier from Port
Hudson has arrived and states that the enemy
was punished severely. His outplay was in
front of a Zeus's regiment and made a good
mark for our boys, who took deliberate aim
and killed and wounded immense numbers.
He says that we have sixty dap' rations. No
fear is entertained. The garrison is deter
mined to hold out to the last. .
The Jaekson iirsaeissiryims,: of the 11th,
Mates that on the ?mint Monday a body of
Yankees whited the plantation of Jeff. Davis,
and rifled it completely, destroying every
implement of hnsbeadry, Nl lionsehold and
kitchen fiarniture, defacing the premises
and carrying off every aspo on the place.
The plantation of Joe Davis, brother of the
President, was treated in the same way, if we
except four or fire domestic servants which
the robbers Lift.
All is quiet here.
David Blazer, of the 4th Indiana Battery
was abet for desertion at 11:60 a. m. today
From Kentucky—The Rebel; Routed
near Sig Creek Gap.
Special Mortal to to. Pittsburgh assstta
Boatman, By., June 21, 1863.
Nothing of Importance V trouping here
duce the affair of the 9th.
Three hundred and Itty dollars was wl,l
Sled by the Cowart for the lick and wounded
Numberless rumen ooncimning the forme
and intantions of lb. rebels ara condos in,
bat nothing materially Make from private
01ihqrt's front detachments of the 44th
Ohio and 9th Ohlo cavalry, attached the ap
lenty's pickets twelve miler perth of Big Greek
Gap, and drove them in, capturing several,
and wounding one. After driving Mini six
miles farther, they eame upon Eieett's cavalry
In position and with 12. pound howitsers, and
attacked and routed them, capturing ens pris
oner and nine horses. The ground was strewn
with pins, clothing and romp equipage. Our
men followed the fortilications at the Gap.
Col. rants commands our outposts at Mon-
Gallo, and our advance is anxiously seeking
Pegram who will not probably escape so easily
if Rants catches him again.
In tido
Ws Itla
/Mg Ls
Ito objnot
/Wok took
war. two
` ontorad.
.6 prize
.4 =attar
!MI no*,
for this
Latest Advice• from Vicksburg
WAIIIIIIGITOI, June 21.—DispatChes dated
the 15th and 16th have been received from
Vieksburg. The siege works are still pro
gressing with vigor. Gen. Great was still n
onliving »futon:laments and the health of the
troops continued exoellent.
The whole loss of the United States forms
for the week protean the 161 h was not more
than twelve Med. The total number of
killed and wounded did not mussed Atty.
Dories, Ga., Iturned...steam er -p et
• esiptnred--Vallandlghim.
' -Woskisiiroa,Jun. 111.—Iticinnond japan
of JanelOth km bNn reCtilired. They say
that the eittof. Darien, ea.,:was burned by
*ha /Wogs on the llth Init.y and Is now one
ptehs,iffastiesind bkinkened - ohlsineys.. The
Vidalia also - captorsd - iht schooner f , Pet,"
read= ; to salt for Nassau, with u cargo of cot-
Senn Pedsral iron dads wars at Brass
plltirs&.k and large forees had
landed from •
Vallaadighana run the blockade from
Wtimia Us /obi to Nassau; *toe
wooonor , •,::
The Repotted Battle . at'Contrevilie
W.ttlikoni PoundatiOn..
WAsiararoy,, Jim ,411:1-_-17i - cptp - ott of •
wittiest posiirlino'llohrolo h deal
BO Mr him witimito' say foudo
tin lootrafkmdisionr. Thoritio bollotoil to
14 - 100M67 IONS Sltiiiaam.tblaitdo r pf
1101111iLtIL 3 • •
Passage of 7,000 Rebels through
20,000 Rebels Reported a
Jane 21,—A special to the
New York Herald says: Jenkins passed
thiotralcHreertoutlis last evening, with 7,000
mounted infantry. He had ambulances and
tides or four days' rations.
The rebel/ are reported , to have sixteen
pieces_ ofartillery and with Hums large force.
They occupy the south bank of the Potomac,
from Cumberland to Harper's Perry, and
Rhodes has 20,000 men at Williamsport.
The opinion la °Mehl *eke at ilanieberg
LI that the rebels have serious designs upon
Baltimore, and that they entertain fears for
the safety of that city.
On rumor is that the rebels are 40,000
strong between Williamsport and Hagers
A force of 300 rebel cavalry have fired Mer
eersburg In several places.
June 21.—1 f .the reb
el' remain where they are, you may exposit a
fight on Tuesday. To-night they are picket
ing the. road a short distance this side of
The rebels have seised about 2000 horses.
They ere -reported near Waynesburg and
Jenkins left Greencastle to-night with eight
days' eating, on a foraging expedition.
The feeling throughout the valley (mutton's
Great Excitement at Baltimore
Crossing of 25,000 Rebels at
.dntietans Ford.
0., &O
BA6TIIIOII. June 21--Noon.—The rebels
made their appearance at b o'clock last arso
n& and about? o'clock a small body of cav
alry reached the hionooacy bridge, four miles
this side of Frederick. Ths rebels paroled
the sick in the hospitals and the government
employees. They searched the stables for
horses, and seised all marked. 11. S.
A large force of rebel Infantry and cavalry
crowd at Antietam ford during yesterday.
Refugees august' the number to be about
40,000 or 50,000, but our spouts say they only
number about 25,000.
The operators at hionocaoy bridge, as soon
u the rebels appeared, same down to Balti
more on a hand-oar, traveling the entire dis•
tacos (40 miles) in seven hours. These oper
ators are young lads: named F.. Balton and
Gomel', and stood their ground to the last
moment, and only left when the rebels were
in sight. The former brought away all the
important dispatches that ware in the taloa.
• railroad conductor and several govern
ment employees also came down on the hand
At plane No. 4, heavy tiring could be beard
thin morning to the directioa of Harper's
As a matter of precaution against a raid, or
other hostile demonstration on this city, a line
of earthworks is being emoted around the west
side of the city, thus completing the fortifica
tions. A very large force is engaged, mostly
♦ line of barricades, oompoied of tobacco
hogsheads, filled with brick and sand, has
been erected within the city, extending from
the high ground on the out to the southwest
ern extremity of the atty. These will be de
fended by the Union League man, who are
being armed by lien. Schenck, and should •
cavalry force dash put the batteries, they
would meet with a formidable rtialsiatioe. The
Union men are entirely confident of being able
to effectually defeat any attempt in this quar
The disloyal *along us are evidently un
easy, and begin to realise that any hostile
movement of their friends against Italtimbre
might react disastrously upon themselves.
bo far this tb.1611t41104 1121•611100 has dens
good to the Union rune. It has hanged new
sassy into the Union men and strengthened
and eonsolidated their organization in this
city vastly.
Heavy Firing Heard In the Direc
Lion of Aline
June 22.—Heavy cannonading was oommeneed
early yesterday morning In the direction of
Aid* and continued, with intermissions,
during the day. Towards night the sounds
became more and more indistinot. No dell.
nits reports have been received.
It is known that Gen. Pleasanton attacked
the enemy near Aldie, and it is hoped he has
intoceeded In routing Eitnart's command. It
will probably be late before the reports of the
battle are received, as the battle field Is twenty
five miles distant, with no telegraphic com
Logan's Division Reported Engaged
in the Centre.
16, 1863.—There is increaaed cannonading
this morning, and Logan's division is report
ed engaged with the tummy, resisting our
vanes in the central portion of the line. It
is thought the rebels are expending there
malodor of their ammunition before a Bind
Johnstmeis assertainsd to be fortifying the
east bent of the Big Bleak. This is supposed
to be a tens ds pond to prevent our moiling.
Later.—Vlskibarg papers resolved at head
quarters contain nothing of Importance, bat
'peak of severs mulattos.
Return of the Rebels toFrederlek
Heavy Firing Heard in the Direction
of itarper's Ferry.
BALTIIIOIII, June 22.—Parties who came
from points up the Baltimore and Ohio road,
towards Frederick, yesterday, state that the
rebels returned to Frederick In small lons
about ten o'clock a. 11.. and 11161/11111114 there
all day. They destroyed the telegraph wires.
Daring the day . is small force of our gully
charged Into the town and drove the rebels
out, but they subeecrumtly Maimed.
The wittid Wintry ere aid to be itosil* Ma
ryland rebels, who same in tdiegtheir
Persons from . Pleas No. 4 on the Delthagis
And Ohio BaUrsed, strew that beery king
was heard b the dlrgtlon of liarrit . l, ?My,
et basal* gee* a q.v.:
p ri.sPriTS.
Nonni's. June 21.
Studien continuos quiet and iII•CtITS, the grea
majority:of our bullpens house. being entirely closed
and quite &number of our merchants an engaged." ,
the fortifications. There is nothing of any import
and doing in the prod ace market, and prices, goner
oily, are without change. A tale of 2 can Red whoa ,
waa reported at 81,25.
There Ls but Htt:e doing in Petroleum, though the
market is firm at our last quotatious. Buyers Sr.
olikning 16 for ensile outages returned, while bolder.
oak tom 16% to 17c. Refined In bond firm at 41k,
holden generally baking 410112. c for good standard
New YOfli retrolenm alarket
Gpectat Dlrpateh to the Pittsbust Gazette.
New Toss; June 22-15veling—The roarkat for
Crude La dull bat unchanged at 2741373ic. Mined,
in toad, la dull and prices are altogether nominal at
45 246X,e, on the spot; 50c for July delivery; 52c for
and 530 for tieptambir. Relined, free, la
nominal at 640560 Nspths is dull at 243404)25c. 0.
Contracts for AIM,' Sapplres Awarded
Commissary Clow yesterday awarded contracts for
army supplks to the following parties for the articles
below named:
311/I.i.ea /2 Mammon.
150 bble em Pork M 815 per bid.
Z 3,000 w M ood. Clear Bides at 7340 per ID.
250 bush Nary Beane at $3.0 0 Pe r 0041 .
10 . 0 00 A. RIM at 930 per pound.
0 . 0 00 to IlloCkdfaa, - Boaated and Ground, at 410
15,b00 the New Orleans Sugar, 13Xe per lb.
1,000 gall. Older Vinegar, 170 per gal.
1,250 be Adamantine (Undies, 250 per
4,000 Ito llotin Soap, 5560 per lb.
62 huh Balt, 750 pee brute.
7110 bush Potsdam, at 11,20 per bath.
Horn Mogan/ ma
611,000 me Freon Beef, necks end ellunks excluded
at *lO per cwt.
There were three or for bids for Beef, while fur the
other artlebs, "Lours. Millar & Maoism, ware the
only bidders.
Weekly Renew of the New York
k'etrotenm Market.
[ftePorted Expressly for the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
New You, Jima WI, 120.
The altogether unexpected and impales denim:tetra-
Ilona on the part of the Confederate army under
Gen. Lee—which created the impression that • raid
on the cities of Pennsylvania, which were accessible
to the rebel Cavalry were to be sackd—and that
Pittsburgh would In all probablUty receive one of
the gist vhitation, and that by consequence the re.-
o.4de Of tetras.= at Ude port, would in all proba
bility. Woo fall off materially--excited the market
dories the earlier pre Of the week, and rendered
holders decidedly firmer in their views. Meanwhile,
the European adriota per thanes, proved to be of a
favorable tenor, in yaw of which there prevail
ed a tolerably active damned, and an advance of
1 to 3 mule per xenon was established oat mealy all
brands, both for let. uu the spot and for lettere de
livery. Within the pest two days, however, fears in
regard to the Intreroptiou of communication by the
'rebels, bastes to a great measure. become dissipated,
there hat been much law buoyancy to the market, and
holders have been compelled to grant a slight con.
Donlon from the extreme mum demanded Mules the
earlier part 01 the week. The transactions for the
week have been Mir, though not very heavy. The
aggregate sales, Meted log all kind. ere about 56,001
bele, bailie* about Ul,OOO gallries in tles—of which
11,1100 bele Crude, at 26.56MM1 rents, on the spot, and
to arrive, but chiefly at alig.lita. 411,111 d LIAR Utfluel
In bond at 43448 cents, but chiefly at e 5447 cents
on the spot and for future delisery. '5,500 Dbl. free at
&WU mute, but chiefly at 6245 b needs, and 160
bete liapthe at 21026 cents for thelle. Today, the
market ts very goat, not to say duU, and the sales
are almost nothing. The ninalusl quotations are 27
(027 X cents for Ot ode, 4.54656,5; for :helloed In hoed,
and aeon: Oh for tree, which a maree and held wit et
much Orterwm. bales of tree have been reficrted by
elm of the most ••reliable" dealers at 60 centd, but
trutaffinch own ho. been freely offered at 65 cents.
the trade are ate Mate aback, and do not know what
to make of it. Th. general imp:swam is that allay
••.ice" somewhere. Nepths IN nominal at 25(M
26 cents. C.
Alex 8. a:lnertia's Petroleum Civeular
3nl June, 1863.
Remarks—lt U heirleeely awned, that had Petro.
from been in any other hands than tome of Li served
merchants, a very dlfbereut and dolond state of attain
would have been chronicled, In place of that to be
read below. American., mid American &dense com
ing to this country, have Over and over again assured
us that we were to be deluged with this product; in
return for which they have ever had the gauntlet 01
"supply' . thrown down to them, and the rescdt—
pertormaboes as empty as their promises. Exporters,
consumers, sp.olatora, all In their turn have com
bined to tointeddate Importers and holden into hasty
melee, sad siapremeditatot /onward oontrama; but the
studied conviction of pant experience and careful to
uchy has demonstrated to the latter, ••that if the
very foul and interior Parade Oil, in a ten years'
career, was never known to be under 3d per
sorely the circurtutances tenet Indeed be excep•
Lionel cud temporary, which could permit a touch
more superior burning olk tike Petroleum, to remain
at anything under Ile per gallon." Bat Paradia Oil
tune averaged lhl hd and ne during the hut Mx months
of the last tan yusts; and I! Lents are to be the basis
of prediction, and value lelcompany merit, POirui•Wll
ought to NM mach higher noes than time, between
tit. and Christmas-day next. Dy the lest ads lose to
band from Dew York, the Quickstep, U the only yes ,
ml heaths Petroleum for this market—the very
mouth that a whole fleet Should be preparing fur
estda Eurepleout ports femand. or the commencing :filth June, (long
y) d
It may not be kW the Interest of bolder/ here to
Wylie a .apply thee usequivoNily, bialidi heel that
the renumertuting future of Petroteont 'devoted/ en
tirely on its own meths, rather than Upon what cut
be said, or preecribed.
The mouth of May, thronghotai b+• shown great
stability la Relined, while the Large dentaisdand ha.
.proved boldness In Conde dors not show a aim&
apecalatton, the whole brio/absorbed by the trade.
Crude—Dating themooth, shout 110,0 M) make Am
arican changed Wads, spot and arrival, /ULLA to Ltd
Ye ad, ths whole to comemers and export.. Tree
allowances h.* to bo wads tor improper Oil, and ad-
Mistimes. In lamellas, culthing of moment.
Clawing prlosbAgsgurican Lle, cation= aoml-
Retime—Tha basher of May to UM date, show
salsa to the extant of Ib, coats at. la 9.1 to a spot
and stiles'. ha 34 to 2. Id liat thee* months. Mach
of thle l on • 'epacolatle.,' but should he called
matmatt," In comparison with the "speculstlen'•
of Mew York. The vil la parchaast4 paid /or to cash,
.cod .towed back, sad assay of the forward con
tract/ in for knows 911 and Maras now In wors
Mein Ficow-ls lit to 2s for Amerloszk, to to Is
64 Ist Osas4Jszi.
Beeslna—About 1500 casks .ow. during the peat
month, at L 6.1 to ls Dd, sad even la for very tool.
The went of &Mead Is lresspllestole.
Lubricating 011—Our progress to limited for the
want of the prvpsr supplies.
Toledo /111iiket.
Josild—!loot—Market dab; ;to tratwartkoat re
port/id. Wboat—Sartka Vat Wtwo N Y upon; the
aaly tratiaactioas raparted are 2,000 bag. amber 1188
at dirt 270 bash No 2 Rod et 127 a; ,ilOO but hNo 1
86d at WU. Swim willaat pa, war 12.56 far No 2
Oda I2L Oorw—Thar• have bib TO aka of thlt
pain far thexast two dap. T 04 0 7, Othr.d
b4r for No 1 mizsd. 0.14- 8 W at 62}4e. 1176
— "ehmatal; laic ails. at Tlo-11lMS.
Imports Sy Railroad
PrITIIIOIOII. rr. Itinrs a uakumo Ilanacso,
leas El-138 by coy, 1 at do, DAD Wallah; 10 0
bbls flour, Graham d Mamas; 3Pa cons, 11141-
cock; lloOrwry A col 68 bbl. cabin 011, Osughsy;
/0 bble dory, 10 bai dm" 880•10. k Tiadk 4 19 a-•
=.1 1 : "fro 7; 2: 1 do do, Dark]. co; 100 bbl.
Wm Ow co; 50 do do, 1/ Lydell; 22 by
= O 4l. • 4 KO; 50 bbk pork, 84Lars Ay; 62
bbls whbdry, Umbers • Skip/06;63 bbl. door, Jones .
• 4104bUsug.
Prrnsokort t Curamixo BY4soso, Dace 74
20 bbl. Ibarsd oil , B A Fahnostock k 4.,• 10 bbl.
41 01 4 . Nosock. Ball • co; 1 Akttobaoro. Job* Wa
rren 20 Mad. bacon, Little A Trtaddli 4 bbl. broody,
Wm BY/4104 BUY clay; A Gordon; 66 We kbAk7.
8 H Witaoc; 176 4bl. dour,"A;" b/ 44, 044 dr
MciLse Bro; 2 bbls sus, Bk 4 bettor, Bob/ Ina kri
83 by cbore, L H Volgt den sa by corn, DlNE
ban, Bturpon d co; 30 bad. britastrate, Jai Inorla;
100 001. and, Bey% Akbards*46 25 by D
Ilsoortb; 6do do, A Dalsell; 26d0 , 40, 1 b 414 4 8104
Bboataker 4 Lone; . 10 bbl. floor, B 4066 on A. oo;
bOb bettor, 0 4ble.sp, Plerolog• Wyk.,
TN THE 0112114iNtY COURT
• 11, March Term, 1103. Writ of Partition or 64.1.•
koo. i & o the piettecot lb. liattekt 'Albeit* Jima,
Tu tlantet ISt:One, Mit a 4 'died , tlC.lOre, to.
Whir in Wealtstea roan P. 4 . utIVI:
0tp..1 brook. cos ta i ti w zkinard;.:
librtrint7'344b Atti,) - atte ot WtmL . P. illeberd.
01,4 el lathe a ma: Oka t 1...17 ,
meilyliemy Z. I. of am., - Attu'''. of
couOtt. i avers 11. 1 2 4m - boa, (for
a rly Raga H
s . taltbo eik el Richard •
w., of Mauro,. tOobly, Ohio; SiOkof I , J. &ma,
Asa Inebio; Vkirta•
0,1 % , .7 1 Vdt a fro l f neekleme g a " o-
Moire; Franca Z. fowler,. (temetly Pante' 11.
Smith.) of Sham fowler of Brooke county,
Va.; ad alsabeth White, ei.Wkddigtult mutat.
re., Mire awl legal nipmrstatites of lubm.a
6 . 6 . 204 . -101 1 ere bear, waded nut en
laquation 0411 be Mid is pereamee of the staid
mestlokut tam or wit of yeallitri, as IL*
ma, In the liorough eewlekley, ea 1/IffilitWal,
tho tm da/ et Ally. Mao Donal 13413. et 10 Welk*
a. to.. te make puttlaa to sad mad tiebe'n,
opr the
opor u s . l 6 °No•di is •aseli .Weer and to kith
ik by the of tb Oksiniesealth of
PiamtveaM Is directed, it ill& , putlflou as be
be thane without ptql l dic• bar Iruhr Ills
wilt& i sub partition mama to weds Musa
thea te riga sad:amble Wt maw am
swan law, st width slat Piro 3. 0 Tris 7
tabil If you task propeDAIRY WOOD:7, abode.
Priaarra Orrsta4
• Jam 34, ISOL palmate
natiblag 1416 sam wilt& Mrs miles of the
ally. tiwr litatialL on the Pitublush a
negational. DAUM& Egagal.. Mirtael lb* ° M .
W mak 11 1144hia14 witilmel nm In toottbkk.
wan Pricalpr cared Ma rot
*On it J.
N 0.107 Poor* sinet, war ealthadd stmt.
ritop,osh,f.Ls !
- - --
DROPOO - 41.6. -
-- Elarr-Dtroandir
Brasov or TARN; A P Torn. Jason, 1103. J
Efllilill-PRODDSIAIA ter , awl 1j asiametell,
en ormd " impala ion Chu ate gebsaterba °lasso
kr the: ,lard• - •aredinnab tite,Yarrid" will be
reislieerat Lida oilhee email SWIM ;A the-I.4th day of
July uric. fti fernirhlay.,
real awry raids nanied - tbie - materftbi nod snick S
ambre° d la printed seh•dierma-whlth "ado bet:r
obbed co, implicit:tot; and writ-by _Mail. If in , Cre:
qu et d,.b narrow ,deearlag.t•:b otter to oontra - rlbr
evy go of t•.• o - the
Irmo /ALIJA .f the eerend two yards, for the Menai_
far Ll . send. on bet , their , command, Cr by the user
&mot nearest the rots, or, by the bares% for Way or
ad of the yards. a •r•
To peerent mein's:jos and ntidobee be andieg too of
fors, no ad beriminidmidele enitafes •et :ma for
mare tleasnee -rod les•ore ersrekije ; and etch imil•
victual of eaten mnatatitin:Sitabid end castract. • •
Bidders ere hysebantbned and pmticolsrly no.
tilled that theiroffire must be in the form herein(-ter prompinedisied he4neiled is time to rmob thar
damnation betaret.theAtine exp!rer foe nomerog
them i no bid well be countered welch Moil be mitred
ofhwt.j.-tod dated. andlif . altawanee will be modefor
fa Tara of the moil. ; • - •
To guard against offers befog opened be cie`the
time appointed. bidden ere requested to sndonnen'
the envelope, abase the Alamo, and draw • lino on..
der the endorsement, thus
"Prepped/a for Oran No. *me the don) for tier
Itegly , Yard at Naas tis yard)."
To the thief of the Doreen of Yards and Mem,'
Weahlaston, D.O.
. ..
ram qf ctfer• •
- • (Lime date Olt tam)
Ita utdorelgued, (here Insert the name or tuirow
comp:slog the km wbobld,) of 111.3te the foinfOin
th, .tats 41 (name the dtate,) hereby offer to furnish
under your advertisement deted (date - of silmot the
meat.) and subject to all the - requirements, of the
.1:1110, end of the printed schedule to which it refers,
ell the article:embraced in Clam lio. (name' the
class or clams) for the navy yard et (name the off )
mom rdfits tovald schedule, vu: (halo paste on no
printed Waster= the ,sebodule ' wad opposite raps
mile. tot the paws and carry ou t the amount In The
column Medoff= and rents and foot up I/tuatara
sale amounts/ the d for the class,) arnountistcfo
(here write the anima t in aor4s ,) •
thoild my (or purl Ha be accepted, I (or we) t t
quret the contract m 'be prepared and tent . to .
rho g a e tr ililareforthearTrY4yl3rdecirrei= and
above offer le made* stela conformity la every par
ticular with the law approved Much 3d.18413, IM
MO 3d, turtle quoted:
ISTSaCTII Wltalt lain dr TEM wrist. mice. .
f1e0.14. Ahab* ft liirther exadod, That no contract
or order, or any ilotimmt thereto shW'be trimulferred
by she party or parties to whom such contractor
order may be even to any, other party or. putini,
and Must Flom& .traneter ehanicatum the sanni
meitinittire contractor or Order trim:Warred so f
tke Weed - Mato ace tOncernid; Provided, natal&
the Mghtot irctloCarelamby marred to the Relied
nume• Par any breach of Itch contract by. the coo •
Mambas pasty orpartLes. _ ..
deo. 14 dad be if farther arocted. That whenever
any contractor ihrautelitenta L ciathing, acme, aim.
munlelan, mnoltleire of war. and Par every deecrip•
non aseptic, tor .the Army or Nary of the thetted
Star= ll ibe hand guilty .by a mart marthil el
fraud ur shi willful neglect of dot y, he atoll boptlnlehni
by doe, Imprisonment, oriole other punishent-as
the court mettle shalt adindde ; -and any 'person
who shall contract to furnish supplies of any Mad cr
description far the Army or Clary, he shall be dorm •
ad ar d taken at Apart of the land or naval Patera of
Om United elate. too ',Mehl's .bat! 'contract to nit
With sail eupptiha , dbe subject to the rules bud
resolstions *mare r rc.ment of the land and sant
foram of the Muted 6 tea. -Approve:, July IT, WA.
tea. 1. And be rs tber earicted, That the.c.nne of
any bureau of the Leary Department, in contmetlag
for eaval supplies, shad bo at litany to reject the
offer of any pawn who, s o principal or surety, bis
Men • defaulter in any previoim contract with the
nary repartment; nor Mull sutler who bare failed
as minelpale or sureties in any farmer contract be
received as startle. another contracts; nor metal! the
coparteme of any drat be received as sureties forench
drat or for each other; item,' in contimts with the
acme -bureau, shall one contract= be received as
surety far another, and every contract gull rendre
the dolma-, of a epecillrd quantity; end no bid/hea
ling uomloal or &adduct prime shall be comb:tared.
. . .. ...• ••
Ina If more than one bid be offered by eny one rat
ty, by or In the name of hie or their clerk, partrar,
er other person, all midi Otis may be Netted; and
nu prreen .ball be received a, &contractor who is Dot
a mann'acturer of, or regular dealer In, the colitis
which be odors to supply, aho has not a lloense a
such meaufactrirer or fled.% and all .now oger
tug bids shall hare the right to be Dreamt when th.
aids 're opened and Inspect the tome.
Approved Mush 11,1863.
r ere the bidder tr bidden and each cuerober o
the Om to sign )
Fora of Oeurantee.
TL. undersigned, (Game of guarantor.) of (nerve
the towo,) Mid chafe of (tame the Btate,) and' (name
of marred vorantor, Ae.,) hereby und.fakethot the
above named (.me the bidder or Glider.) will, If
his [or their) refer no above be accepted, Mita Into
contact write the United that., within ten dale
&ter the date of notice, through the peat once, of
the arcapi &nee of his [or thetrloilibi before mention.
ed. end we hereby that neither of ma have
been defaulters in any eontraceprevionall made with
'he navy Depertment. /
Witham, • (elithatnre. of gaerectora.)
1 ovrilfy that the abdve named (hers name the
(canal,...) are knowlf to we to be good and reeve
cute guaranten In th ca, and that the above do.
claret... of the gm: tors to this offer are, to the
boa of my kuowlidge ad belief, true and reliable.
To li.ignani by the Istriet Judge, Diatrict Attor
ney; Cotlocter, hay, gent, or some person km..
to the Marion to be insiblo
The beinle will . ut the times within which ar.
tide. Wilt be rag to be delivered ; and where
the pthited schedule sot need, the periods stated
lilt ici delimiter= tbe coplM In
th e
bi d
bids. All
ett. ornate which be oontractad for stet be des
livered at Inch p or pieces, including drayage
and ramp to the place where used within the navy
yards, reepectively; for welch the offer M made, as
may be emoted by the rommoudingalotr thereof;
the all ether taws being opal. prdentase will be
gives to American maunlactere. no ankle ell be
received after the expiration of the puled
In the ectuadh:am for the completion of dell.=
!en specially authorised by the Department. In
computing the darn, the price stated In the column
of prices wt/1 be the standard, and the aggregate et
the alma will be tattled out according to the price;
all Me setklet ander the contract must be if the
best Tully, delivered fa good order, free of all and
every charge or gnome to the Gormamant for de.
livery, and .blest to the laspectlon, count, weight,
or ineemetement of the mid navy yard, end be In
te um ishictory . to the commandant thereof.
Bidden an referred to the yard for plans, spectiles.
HOW or sample., and any feather docriptlom of the
mettles or explanations they may desire. When bid
den Mall be to doubt ite to the to miss articles caned
is the schedule, they will apply to the commanding
alum of the navy yard and got to employee. for de •
metptios of the articles la doubt, which informetica
' the mid officer will eve ht
Approved stnelu the foil mount cf Me coo.
tram will be reg aled, end twenty per *teem a ad.
ditiouel security deducted treat each payment until
the oontract shell hen been termpletee or cancel/mt.
tinter otherwise anthorised bytes Deportment, sad
eighty per cesium of the amount of all dellveriee
wade will be mkt by Um tun agent at
within ten days altar warrants tor the mime Mall
her. bean prod by the db.:rotary of the Tnetury. _
Ito pert of the per =Mtn nesteed le to be paid
until all the relented Whim offered under the ma.
tract shall km been named trots the yard, mikes
specially authorized by the Department.
It will be stipulated is the contract that If &Welt
shelLbe made by the parties of the first past in de.
lieetillit all or any of tee Milan mentioned in any
masi bid tor, et the quality and a the times and
Amu above provided, then and in that case the said
pa:Ma will forfeit sad pay to the United Maim •
sum of money not to aimed testa them:mount Meath
clam; which may be rieformed, from time to time,
according to these& of Ombra" in that we peOvided.
approved Nara 11,1813.
The euretimmustedgm the coainct, sail their ve.
aposalbility be articled to by • navy *gent, collator,
district attorney, clerk of the DiebictOral ur some
CUM pmsongstaiwttotily known to the busimen.
It is to be provided In the contract that the bureau
shell have the powsr;of annulling the contract, with:
out lore or damage to the Govemment, in cam Con.
yeti stall sot have made outtlelent appropriations/or
oho articles named, or for the ceespietion of works
etbasetimil d. ed for, and on which this advertisement is
Perrone where ears shall be nocepted will be nail •
Iled by letter through the post Mlles, wbloh Matra
shall be considered suncieni • and it they do not en.
tar Into commas for obit suppildespodlldd witida ten
days base the date of nolloe from She Masan of the
ecceptance of ,Mieltbid, a•contract will be made with
some other parson or , peones, and the imenntors of
sorb &brain blddera 1,111 ft* bold responsible for
all dellignanclos.
All oilers Dot wide ill' strict cogrmaity with thla
stivertleameat will, at the option of the bureau, be
Thom onls whom of rs rimy be accepted . will IA
=tilled, and contract* will be mud: for ssecution
moon thereafter .0 may be practlmble.
Claas No.l, inlets; elms No. S. Store; clay a No. 4,
folios pine lumber; dam No. 6, Cased bud woad;
rime No. 6„ White pica, spruce, Jurdpsr and civics..
Caw No. 7, Lime, Oak mud pinata; class Na 5, Cs:
meet; clam No. 9, (Irani and sand . ; clam No. 11,
Iron. Iron net end 'piked; elms Mo. 19, Steel; olsas
No. 13, Pig loin; choir No. 14, Ylles; clam 110. 76,
Pabste, Olt and glaii; elms No. 10, Ship clusaglari;
Olats. Ic. 17 , Ilardware; Mem No. 15, Stationary;
'rime'.l. No. ID, firewood; ohms bo. 00, Bay mad Straw*
clam No. 61, Prorantleri.hlathe No. Charocal; clan
ass. Belting, perking sad hem; clam NO.
°perm sod lubricating.' ells; WIRICNo. 05, Irma amt.
lugs; clam NO. 20, Auger.; class -No. V, Antoracite
coal clan No. 66. Bituminous caal,'Cansbarlandi
clam A, Rabat 11111; clau B, Means honor; clue 0,
Bishops darrlck ; class 11, Brat benders' and cars
banters' shop; class X, faint Atop; mum f, formes
Olaar GI, Bricks I can U. Mona; c I, White
pins and ocular 'lndoor and lanther; elaas J, Lime
and cement; din Hi Jiand • clam L, Nun; ohs Y.
Iron nails and Wino roiau kainta, oils and
eau; elms 1). Iron coatinin.
Grits No. 1. Stiokin olos No. 9, Stony obas No. Si
Yellow Floe timber; clan no. 6, Oair, and hard wood;
class No. 6, WM* pine, soma. NufVer and qProsSf
elms No. 7, Lbw, hair and plaster I ears No. 6,13 s.
mot; class No - Nowa - and 961141_01am No. 11,
Iron, boa sails and mhos; doss No. LIS 819 4 Wars
No. IS, Pig iron; 'lain No. 11, Piles; claw No. 16,
.IPalnts, of fs Wig obis 760.16, Ship ohandlm;
this No. 17, Hardw an;
ang dais 8m 11, INationtop;
elms No. 19, firewood; am No.lo,llap and Straw;
elan No 91, Proweadari al* Ito. dant
No. 99, Sonia& packing d how Lidos. Jo. Cherwal
Spins and lobrlnsihrt ono: sari - 553. Login;
.etan N 0.97, mattoot," oak dam No. 19. Bans!.
nom Oanibuiandarsll osoNo.lo.llsord•Biloainons
Mod Top - etal. and Sidon t elms • linshl ti ssa
Snobs; obis bl. Copper guitars; clan 0, so;
clue U . slam hamelft chas it9r Add
tame P, Bricks; ohms 0. Moog Wars U. Osk and
bard NM" thalmor and lumber; also I, /baby=
birdsdne whin sdni and sprain Inner sad nuaboxv
ciao J, Line and Tauter; class I. Conan ; on= L.
Grand and rand; din Y, Iran. Iron *MN and max;
oleo H, dining and tinning; claim 0, Mantas ;
clan Pont, and ; clan Q, Pig Ina; elan B,
Clan No. 1. Briukc..claaa.Bo.2, Maw data No.
SING Hour dor., tio. 5, Oak and bard tooodloina No.
g its 4uf....spm a, unarm and laidlitr; claw No.
tpir ,uad•plinner; clan No. is; Orates!; clams
st. Auld clan No. 11, Iron, iron =Da
1411 aptiu . wit otos No. 12 Dwelt eta No. 13, Pie trout
*lan ;•clua No. 15, Paints, and
Sluot clan t6,.5.bi0. Cbandimr, elm No.-IT,
data No. 111, Stationary; din No. co, Nog
and *Wiwi dos No. 21. Pram:War; dam Na. 21,
lliarcott- ohm No. 23, Boltine, locktag and bar;
CR 414%4. gircrataad lubricating clir; ohm No. 25;
I *. work,. bluing. ate..; olau No. 26, Atmore: clam
AutbrarDa coal; class No. 30, Eemlattulni•
none Brood Top Coal; class No. 31, Copper and con.
poaittorr nalts;:ciameeliose curtain clan 13 , Offi
cers' homer, clue ibutuirg. • •
. ..
644 . . .
Mir D, - VlGla:pina. char B, Llnnunritae;
c . "r - Pfi iron, - slam G, Band -for carting abal)a;
elan I, Van, eanvan and twine;
pper; Chß/ K. Leather; alas 1,, Wronahr
Bbiaradnp; clan er, riltr, alas N, Bran and Iron
,crows;. dun 0, kna--rennd, Ilet and square* elan
P..ranti, mu. x. clan Q. Drrmir, elan B, ' Hard.
nann.elarl Tic;. clan T, liblp.Ohindlern elan
P. l o9derb. .
. Clue No. 1, Moto; Sou No 2, 8tono; clan No. 5,
.bakasulhord seed; clan No: 8; WEil.tipine, soma,
Jun/pos. oad. oppress; elm Na. 7, Idato,.lalr sod
palter; dos. al.: o, .Amor Old sand; &au No.ll,
./zoo, Ina .el 4 and.splkos; Thus N 0.12. Steel; do.
0..18, Silo':;.rafots. ono ind glom;
. _l ,
.c100110../8,-.B2lp . ll3lindlal ; i.t. No: 1 !ford
. wasK.oloos No.. IS, fiaticmort. elm . 125...,... Mrs..
_otood.i.alons No. 2 0, Boy ont - .131t05: alio tSR.
Provoodon-01000 So.-22,.081820; duo No;,.
log. pack Lag andtroaqo as 28.22,11peuo'ind luWl.
cottos clls; c1a...N0.- 28; ppm aim No. 27' AO.
thratho cool; .tall No.. , so,,komfalftamlnotui Riad
Togo-al; till. N0..31, <kipper thAcOlspooltion ABll4_
class A, Sztoiudon of Jofneet itiOlB'clsis 11, 822=7
don ot , atore bones • -- .•• . ' • •• • . : '
1 2i&V.IEr irgurt
dui NO. liC6othlay Wiwi No. 2 11ati, Inaits and
.A 10414404 -damp No. S, Proilidobar OW No 4, Goo.
calloc.olsoONo; 6. Dry Eiciodi ' - clam , No. 6, Bread,
..dc.; caws So. Tobatogets• N.rB, tool; clias No.
I .2..l'olzits, olio eat thugs No. 10; Beloks, gravd;.olsos!No. 114 , Lambent:UN No. 12, Ere •
l_wood, oleos No." Provaklor; dui No. 14, 211401.
lanao.r, Ala No. 15, asedwarer door No. 16, Sta-
.. Glass 2(- T, Bricks; dais No. 8, Tallow pine Um
..b.r;.class No. 4, Yellow pine lumbar, clam No. 5,
.Cak and hard wood; clum No. 6, Whits pine. spruce.
juniper and- copra.; 'clma No. 7, Lima, her and
Vaster; dm. No. 8, Cement; class No. 9, Gravel and
nand; clam No. 11, Iron, Iron nail. and spike.; class
.,61;.c1a55•Li0.. 121, P:g iron; owes No. 14,
Filer, clam N0..15, Point., oils and gha ; clam No.
16, Ship Chandlery; class No. IT, Hardwars; cbus
No ; 111, citationerr; class No. 19, firewood; clam No.
910, Bwriend ; clam No. 21, Provender, clam
.bi0,•214,4./barcoit; class No. 23, Halting, 'packing and
-hmeralass N 0.24 Sperm and lubricating Mb; clam
No. 24 Antheaeln coal; class No. 29, Bituminous
•Comberiond cosh class No. 12, Machinery and tools;
• A, /halloo'. boom derrick.
. .
ejlara No. 0, White pine, eprnce Juniper sod u
prose' ohm Na.ll, lron, iron eptias and eons clue
12-4,10, noel; clue N 0.14, Mhz; class N 0.15, Pedatei
-oile,end stone; due No. le, Ship Obsattary; oboe
2lo,•l7,•liarderrion clue No. 18, litationco7; clans ifol'
lo,•Fiturrooii close No. 01, Provender. doss No. 22,
47horeoth clue No. 23, Belting, poking and bug
-ohm No. 24, sperm and lubricating ells; elm No.
ph outbursts cosh clone No. BJ, Bend.bitcuntneas
Brood Top coshes= No. 31, Copper and coisposition
*oil. •
• • Footage must be prepaid on eters forwarded by
mall atter the let of July Jalo,learlw
Ovtir A 13101111311 QvAnnznausreses' 's 071101,
Corner of 12th and GI streets,
Washington, D. 0., June 11th, 1863.
8/SA.LTD PIIOPOBkLB will be receive] at thbi
ollioe until TUESDSS, Juno 23, 1861 at 12 o'clock
.m...for dehvaina,la the Utty of Washington. at
.each palates the Depot Quartenauto may direct,
Oteli./AILLIO/2 (lmier,(l4o) Irma Of,
Lot-the kneeing klud and descrintton,
busdred shonund tBOtioooj feet 4.4 or one
...loch white Pine Comecon . oaillngs.
Fifty thousand -(5000) feet dreseed, tongued and
grooved White Pine.
Fitt; thousand (60,600) feet Scantling, 3 by 5, 16 feet
. Wog. Hem:cek.
Fifty thottmad (50,000) feet Sauatilog, 3 by 6, 15 feet
long, Lieralook.
fifty thoneend (50,C00) feet bantling, 31i 6)18 feet
loot, Henekek.
All if:League° dostribed to bo good tifetelsotabla
Lumbar, au►Jeot to tho loopectlos of oh Opal sp
polated oa tho part of the government.
The (all name an post ogles addrau of the bidder
mast appear is the prcposaL .
It r big is undo hi the maga of a flrta,The names
of all the partial mutt appe.arior the Idd will be con.
ststared as the Individual proposal of the patty At
Volvosls from disloyal parties will not be 00nild
wed.on it
ition. an catb of Whew:warning accompany each
Proposals mast b. addressed to Capt. EDWARD
L. RARTZ, Assistant Quartarmatar United Otataa
Army, Washington, D. U., and should to plainly
marked "trepans!' tor Lumber."
The rteloaeltlaty of the guaraaton matt to shown
by the *Octal bratllleate of the Clark of the neezyst
District Cowl or of the Milted States District At.
The Wang.' the bidder to Alt the cttittutybould
tt be awarded. to him, mutt b• TuateUteed bl two
resposethle pereane, whole dguatntor are to be up•
Sto the guarantee, ant nig goitruatoe greet
sooteopaoy the bid. • •
• BteWets mast be pruentpess O n When the bide
aro opened, es their le willnot be considered.
Benda in the SUM of re thousand dollars, algned
by the contractor and Wilt of hla guarantors, wilt be
ntqalred 41 the surcirefnl• bidder upon signing the
coutract. •
orin qf Guarantor.
We, —of th F e county of —"and DIME otr;—,
end --of the amity of —and State ef do
hereby guarantee that ta able tar ad= a mu.
mere M satordanat with the terms of ldpenogion.
and that, abould hit preposition Imitate _ he Ida
onee•enterlito a contract txr ace° al lbws
orlth. Bbeald the contract - be awarded Mai we are
•FICto become his lectultisa.
tide -guarantee sumt be appended the othelal
certificate lIDOVs mentioned.)
Tie tight to :Meet any or all bide that may be
deemed too high M mined by the Depot QUAittel ,
Informal Ampoule will be rejects&
Chiptaln atel £ Q. NOT. 8.
plioroaLts FOR HAY, STB#W
LWOW_ p kuna
iriau'i arms..
03.4“.ZaWalow. ~ •
Corner Wear. TVeltreantdottseti,L.
• Waioligros, 0., dad{ l6,•Ud
WHITENN P80P0861.11 aro . Imbed da
In; HAT,,FITBAN_, - OMB sad COBB. ix the nee or
thli Depot to b. 1101111nd et Oa Bettroad Depot; or
et iny of the Birrenuttent liirree ti1= 4,44
The Oropilials 16 be eddria4 toy the
'aoffhmh d tide the qoantit }. ot sub artists
pia and the date cd .
mamma will be rewired for du 0,000)
bathes Of Ontahr Bata, end Wry pa) time cd Bay or
&Maw, sad opverda, =dem it w.ld be to the In.:
tomcat of the Governotad to contract for hoe .
nto be gat good sacks. of goat two (2)
each, thick ala to be 'tarnished - at the cost
• -
of the eontraotor. •
The Hayead Strew to be acittett baled.
All Grata sad HAT ottered to be outdoor. to • rigid
Inatecthoi ra ZGorentment ILarprotar..
toootracti be awarded tram time to time to the
know* bidden, et the Gamow of tlis oto.
*leo mil mob* Good woonity fa Molted tor
the lettlabot tolillauott of say castr•ob ezado *oda
Pormentte bi midi 'at th e completion of the con.
tract. - • • - •b. L. - 11nOWN.
apnam Cantaln not A. Q. M.. LLB. A.
Jrzoir BOOK&
.YA /rank Wadi:trod. lly rho author of .The
Leans from the Diary of an Army lierpon. By
T. T. SIM.
The Ham of the 0141801 d. By Chan L. Braes..
Es twee axonal Tax Law.. vo/.. 8 on.
Life fp tha Upon Air. By Maj. Wlnthrop.. [8 To.
Ll 4 of Clulaidylior Iforth ;(.Tohn: Wain.) 1 Tot,
Tanaka of rho Orissa. Wol.l. By W. sinew,.
Annual flotentlfla Disoonaleil,
The Two Plasm& 85 illatbiJ. Mclntosh.
Tau and Ilhotohao. fly Heigh
'Wilda by NAY C0..66.W00d street:
Dleerstatas of Party. '2 - ' • ;
Leland's Delethal Writs*. 9 sida.
Dr. Porta; "a Lectures on ifamitka. -
Onsetlle de Trento, in Ilpenbh and Latin. •
Hones Tzeatams. 16 nw. • ;
iittdattos Of - the Itesntrestfon: Ecitdaj..
Bend and Bates' Works: 1 voL
Blopetenk`s itealab 2 vol B.. l 8 WO*
00 / 1 7. 12 L 4 CUUTO ikidjillnalCtili PlOpherf:
Ilowe's Wats. 2 eels. 8 To.
m 715 J. tirroliith
Quairnaaana. OSMIUM OM%
invited soseo4 to the Quartermasher Cisiusrort
olke tendon ter their charter or Woe - •
Tandereldonld oortatii dertilptions the r eeiirts,
theft" dfteous, enrolled or reverend. tonnes,
seines carrying equity, materlrt, whether °apparel;
whether 404..wheei or propellors, shather copper or ,
tros (sotom Aso on 4 power et amino, And.,
owl abohld date thethepiaat which lbw are aimed,
lb* knor or short charter; With thticetbrtdad rake e!
the Insert In awe et lan, win - cap the gonna
Mould prairie pathos" Incood oconokionos. •
Owners of Kam meek already in the 'arta, Cl
the Quartermaster's Deportment, ere romerted to
mike known to the Department ray redaction In
*hair . present , latis , whicla they may be raiding to
bunt: and, also the piles illyibleti they will be will.
los tOwelrthene., •
eL snob Minders ihould be imbireelert to ,00 mane
tannaster Geherat el the United Stator, et Wishing
eon, and should bo enderet "rio2oB.l° for the chit'
tee flaamee
When roootoodL they
, will _be soesiderod, and the
names the boar ex
Depulment =drawl.
penal Weeding tetioPexertion upou .
etid rtdowatere by sabitatridair, wamairrer can so
we, cheaper emerti ot mortally Ibr them mew
4/0 ,M AV siaok luwri
Oa oda by MUM. Pwrin at . {;o
Pa !t - 4#110 4 41. 4 soo9t.
The miteribr rho kr sale that bmactiba w o o d — .
lot known .4 TEX GEM,. cone 'Con about ' 7l
orisoltnatel ja the Bert nil t -Hay, tame.
direly owed% the tow Werra, let* and
ajoinkc the beentitr midair* • • '-‘16,118 Mt
Kadibti MO.
Th l i, prcoart7 powers many
aratry reddrioe, doe aired "Ida to sew
4.9 esid Weeder 8 1. 4 •9 t*.d Weer. This spring
hlocete da ta Whi- =mond', eh cued to enable
the purchaser to wain the wafer to e 37 put ef the
grotede. The coil h food, sad ea the retool ts now
cored with fir rid fore bed% the verdure win
have nothing to do bat to remote a ho of the rem
Immediately Ground the ilte he MY diem the his
hare, lay out a lbw roads. S
honayin b." t u t
caa be clothed hr country h • fee
entrance to the popery both float sad ea.
It la coreceordl 84 / 25 1 1 4! .9 1 0 . Miad
the digrateree of the ne/gh(lE,
Thls properly erDl be old on terms to nit to.
oteseßsr Ewan of PLUM BROS., No. Y Wood
sir plan, ;4,563.
R SALZ.=—Very desirable - 'IRON
71:11tlifiCH PBOYMBIT, situated at Na
en, hilMin coun ty _ Pa.. within a short dbdanco of
the Yennayleania Hailroed and Owl. TN freehold
property comprime a Yuma% with immehimay of
amp!s power to blow honks either chuooolor an.
threats noel iewbood IMO acme timber land I, alto No
aarbra.tod - HrcaniMod iron. fora bank, moaning
about indite; w ' the
Neu die from'irkloh Writt,./fuildwo
and Putty colagratml
Gar r Agite. Think tho only mailable property
In the Nide, Slab landaus the are tragilialte:for on•
tablHhbg Diatom of itteduiraotar. •
bale* Om 1.50 aorta of land Within half ter
mile of the furnace, held under long tame, from
which abundance of excellent hozoatite om tan be
taken at a coat not exceedins $2 per Wm delivered
thei farrows bank, and on which shafts have
latently boon sunk, and which will product, sallsbnat
ore to impel: the furnace. Bolt hail -tiro is aloe
abundant In the stekkbarheotL Chartool, to any
quantities, can be had thilbrarod at tkip imam at 6
to 616 ends per !onkel.
TM@ Furnace is well situated for aka markets, hay.
tog water and rail comma nicareue with Philadal•
phla, Pittsburgh, Battistero, liarriabaqr, Und other
important manufacturing towns. •
rer pries, terms and Molter partied= laPply to
Philadelphia. Pa.
.11.IID MAO/WM gllOP.—Tim above-esish•
llshment, in Madison Indians, ix 131,011 t eligibly sit
uated for hiplines . lt contains a largek amount of
machinernand abso a yen huge sasommint of the
most modern patterns kr tlnes, mill and tamed
work. Madison is • vary desi ra ble place of IMidases
and possesses sepeetor actmoitagm for ■
—having good tactilties for .-eriptsportatke to all
posts of the country. ileuti an kretdiflillf ehmw
and the locality second to no other fn
Ittatealar — good health. The proprleterwall - PO the
establishment, if applied for moon,Latn told Murphy
or one half of It only to KIM complitent- who
tneentands well the running tuff inanamacent of
each an establialunent. Or tf -not disposed of axe,
he would rent to respotsible.pertice Abr.* term of
fens, retaining an totems or notias play suit the
paroles wishing to mt. — Thera are itwo Mtge eldp.
yank In the place, with More work °geeing than
they an do, and many parties desiring to Contract
fora sambata, amines and machinery, am imaysli•
ed to go to other intim, far the wank o f potties here
to da the work.
For Was and price address BOX 460. Kadbon,
Indiana. •iotlak
FARM 808 BALK—Situated-hi Bai-
Ter minty, .bout two mike ftomArscolomy.
containing two handrail citdatghty•nine eine& The
land la of good quality; about one hundred scree
plowed- Coal and Unicetoue on the promisee. Alga
Dwelling Bona, Darn and Orchard. Uncleared land
well thin:need. berold low, either to One, two,
or the. farm.
for farther perihelion, oppir to
or, B. PATRICK, •
Ptah street, Pittebarit •
Or, J. MOB; Witlanzdar. ykte:
'VAR& 1 1 011 SALE—Qon hins7
well Improved. with LOG Dirti
thereon arectad., In ILIMIn township, Alliglaway
=nth war the City Poor /ma, formality owned
by James Whittaker, deowwed. ' Will be sold &op
for earl. Mod; a /10Eigliitl /WAN knownoe the
Hardie XIII," with loran acres . afiart4, hour, bus
and other improvements. 'Exigible of •
Dn. WM. B. HILL, XaLwportr Po., •
lihkATMLWltraddoeWs /Ws,
or - THOS. ffq , kww!ll, lrourth and Oswalt sta.,
Yhtebrrina , ' - • • - • inyiahltad
.l.7llazull 111ILISDIS BOIIAAb 50 babes by AO
-feet long, ell parthat. _
One reporter now 801L1111, 88 bakes dumber. 5
feet logy, 31 bach iron.
IseaIIIDRAOLIO PRIDISRS, foe Aniseed, with
pampa ell complete.
Simon! new and meamad-hand lERGINSA.
from 15 Mob diameter down tot Moly will beWold
low for cub. 1111011 M. 110L71,
teiktf On Ow Allegheny river, am Point Alley.
vThree Lair, 20 to , U 5 Gist neel, fronting an Al.
!teeny Avenue.' Also. Thies lota, 613 b 7 60 feet,
fr. Payette stmt. Ewald Walt Anisheni.
'M.: lot, are vertatentrabley being In one of the
be, Lcstlvaa alba city,_ sad within led of the
Peeeeniger Batlway. on Milli WWW,
(13..!cy's Lone). Ur I will sell the estd 11: lots to
one purcbsser, Vary low. Tel CU NOV W. WSW
Apply to
R SWATS FOB 8.1141it0 - doss
Jam ma mtg. of Dr. KoZwinir,'deessind, situated
at etliereit's Bun, %mango county, Pa:. , Trn, tracts
--use of 155 nal another of 116 acres." There is a
Lroaning strewn on ttui 555 awe tract and oil has
bean discovered within a mile of it. The
will be meld at Tyne!, Larsb'eo H 88.
DAT, Jun WM, 1803. -
rot farther intormation sob , to
P. J. BA i
BT/Nll, odates,
es Warren street, N. Y.
wawa in m, 175 sores dewed sad
ed,elrate on tha l'an ar dlandlealeaceek scanty, Va.
mar Shia/suss: Wu, Eve Wks kan - Blortwoe,
and 015 =Sam trom New OundenlawL The 'ripsaws.
manta are • Drama cottage await:yr, bank barn sad
ordard. Ibis Mrta le wall adouland Mr sheep ray.
Ins, and can to bought lowan" an mg Sarum
1•15 . • B. "WAIN , • "10g • • • et.
FUJI: 1111.4... The •• • tiILINJIOUI3IS
to Os Wats of Qs tis Hush Anlth, ban.
=Ay - loaded' In theborough of iftnahoiner , on the
corm of 'Lomat strut and the batik of. ss. Otto
titan Weirton of thittrelthnolin Grointrood_prop.
Vii. For taimplaqtdxs - of oh:, D. MIMI. Do. VI
Water tuna. Mibugh. , . • •• •
A GUM/ Of:WOE 1 4 91 C A.= • TOR
JCL comity propadur to nal=
abet at the, bead °CUM* bay
It In the =kW of see:abaft population. Thin
arable labLuktth two good,. booms ant shoeeuiefskeh*
de*, auct erarbberunesegy to egireplig ,
• batabeibijolowsa.,le me n r
eugere owthe prauda•L 461Prhir
nabs% Ibrei.ITMNAMIQW /WWKlerefith
rooms 11 0 5 4, Airedflae,)buteted, *Mb
frau" MI 4 W" or kb*, Nano
lecacust tampagmman Be
Mgt le.:L r abia l t ) : sastaitae . ••• leen
1863. - LVYatet sum
The dew and (await Winnower" demur
Wm Mt ?41100/1 thrdbof, pC4il
Leine Oletdared br failnew Mtn Zest Illeednew
end Iter.olly, toanhlngat kart Bnrar.. Zewinewn.
Pat dealla, Image. Snrwilvills. Pew
A l d
Port UAW mi Tam 01e4 , every, Wilrt*a
Leone INp:um fer.oleverand, emy NETUIDAY
All *WOAD ntllalguei la In will Mein pteept at.
teation. Ural& contracts made. Shipp= lam
Inp /mem way can send 'Deer to deg acre oil
go on nrorpolliwithoul charge for dolma.
s. 01111111TIONI
r • - . Mu :WHO- iINII,IIOIOiT
sod diwe *ls ISIMILYBOWS , 1124 ,
TRAM BUOSITO *Mantas auleettlie weikrew•
ant of theipeett jebiehlf.SMfa the Varied
Staten Is now offered to Menet humalty re •
reetaln oace ' forlliiilullowlpi 7 lW - Dins art=tem
aliktipt tern '-dlosates
ke 'Organs: ewer l.Dahltltrdrlaatal
AVOW 4spreorian, tliplJ4 l ot loa
Brood witt.Ead,thiaa.uarawna
ittilabilltt.sll4l4o6l ol M 9 r ea pp sitioil , ll4 =
'Abele= 10 -Ifrweedar MedeneiS id looret
IbsPIPI Illerectertnet Lop I", .prio
lion onlitrAyel.. of the VTR= ileherotkot, rl =.
Won of th 6 4o tact all the mooramaids
Sfabersfmi maul debliltOrairata of the
To ler,ore regollll4 " dot'this - 04 - 45 - r a
Wennbikev , reko no other. Onrte wearanteed.
anothnr colanan. mfifitdmap
Ft I • ITU tts
witozaviut oa 'swam
JAS. W. woiwwitsalw,
01 and et, 'tam stmt. ofixolie P. stinseake a
and 111 Fourth street. IPlll°
.UB '
' 160 tabli, ThiCl gook r ik,
116 '4. - • . 4, • vt:11 , 0 . _
trairrant..d tics from gritruca 0 6.= '"" " 0 7 by
* ttli•