MONDAY bIOBNINO, JUNE 72, 1863 LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. ,To Saturday's Evening Edition. Letter from Washington Mune pertained to melte the following ex - , lisoti from a private letter mitten from Washingkrn, by a gentleman of this city : WPsaausotoz, Jane 18,,1863, I tutdis long, ion "'interview with the Presi dent to. day in regard to the establishment of • 111111011 among the "Freedmen." lie gave s t y papers an autograph endorsement, and neommendeth• War Department tees, sub facilities u may be consistent withlhe public eervieet - .1 was ushered into the Presidential presenoo compasy with a auditor of gentlemen from Connecticut, who had no business, and whom, I suppose, the Prosident sunned to get rid of by giving his attention to my badness. He .'ufailltedurkllithey entermi "Why, we have been cal li ng - oat the multi lately, and there ar. sq ;I?oiny,hore front Conueotiontas would tt make 'Obmpasy." (I thought he , sentnt more than he. said by this.) He eon ' flayed : "But as the man said to Noah, when ite tefusad to givellua - -paSsage in the ark— 'lt is notioing to be much of a shower after ir. Mr: Litiooln's last I remarked, slum j.instrated my erodes . nine% "I am not golig to preach to your Ha - FuZ: it bat merely: to make provision for -wpwirl Can aid -you," said be happy tudo to." I taw Olathe did sotutake sp,",ead after the gentlemen left /Add him that, It was reported that he had laid to's mishear : was afraid you had sobs to , preach to me." He said: "I don't rnessater ttlisie said so—they mate a great . of imo." The President:talked • good deal about -Pittsburgh. He tad that it was more an ob i / j!et both to therebalz and the country than Hirrizburg, u thire was an Usual, some / gun handl-les, and a good deal of boat build . The dust and heat here were intolerable, bet adrenehlag rain has just fallen (4 p. sad allayed both. There wu some Mal, too. I was aISIIMKI to-day that Gen. ' Hooker is in the right plum. I visited the Navy Yard to-day and saw Some prattles with a boat howitzer. The '•Yeaee" Democracy--el Pitts burgher on the Stump. The Jefferson Star reports a meeting of the puree democrats, held at Brookville, on the 9th inst. The lint speaker, George A. Jenks, Rm., made the assertion that eight millions of peo ple, lighting (as the Southernors believe they an) far Glut, could not be °ono/eared. He said nothing in condemnation of the noel .lion, but was very severe on the "unoonotitu tional" Odds of Mr. Lincoln. hearth, from Pittsburgh, followed. He bad something to say about sympathy," lad had the impudence to try to, make the peo ple believe that he and his like-the copper . head einn—have sympathy for the friends of the fallen in skis war I He uttered to wotd of disapproval of the slaveliolders' rebellion, but aMrmad that he (the great Pitteburgher) could brove that the abolitionists of the North had rought on the war. He called Prelident Lincoln a quack, at which the peace men shouted. He represented Mr. Lincoln as the weak prince surrounded by forty thieves, via: Chase,Smener, Wed., he. Be bad forgot Bu chanan, and the thimu, Floyd, Thompson, &a He is an unmitigated, antyCing, copper head demagogue. Judge Gillis wu called out. We did not hear him, but are told by those-who did, that in his few remarks he said thatihe rebels were deeply dyed bothers, and that the abolition ists were doubly dyed traitors and should be doubly damned. The peace men ware quiet whindhe spoke of the Southern traitors, bat r sleeted aloud when he spoke of the aboll tieniets. Rebel Prisoner Arrested Capt. Either, Provost Marshal of the 23d &street, yesterday arrested a rebel prisoner named Thomas IL Daunts, who jumped from the train in Allegheny City on Saturday last, while a large number of prisoners were being carried through to Port Delaware. He was a member of the 12th Louisiana regiment, was taken prisoner at Champion mu, Mississippi, by the fortes under General Grant, sent thence to Young . ' Point, on the west aide of the Mississippi, thence to Camp Morton, Indiana, sad from theses be was on his way to Fort Delaware. He is an intelligent man, a native • of Beaver county, in this State. • He has been melding in the South for some years. Upon the passage of the Conscription law, he mut he volunteered in the rebel Barytes, rather than be conscripted. He expressos himself as tired of that service, and is desirous of taking the oath of allegiance. Gm. Brooks said he bad no authority tankage him on that cendilion, awl Mimed hieita lie,nant to Port. Delaware. When arrested he frankly acknowledged that he was a poisoner, and gave all the facts of his being taken, his travels, and the manner Of htr escape. - Arrest of a 4eff. Davis itaiinter ...A man named John Bradford, residing in the Third Ward, was arrested on the street to-diy, by Dr. MtMeak, Br, while engaged in the "Inneeent amusement!' of shouting for Jag. Davis. Bradford was somewhat excited with liquor, but the doctor nevertheless deemed it proper to stop hh.ohnoxions shout ing. Brad'irrd became very valiant when his "freedom of 'pinch" was questioned, and drew a bate in defense of his "eonstitutionai rights," now about to be abridged by an The sight of the weapon aroused the doctor ' and grabbing bold of the "myrapatilmte " he dragged him befire Alder man Belly without further parleying. The doter did nordissire to prosecute this bracelet', but was ratlieedispesed to excuse him on the seen of druakinness. The magistrate, how eveT,nquired Bradford to take the oath of -. "'allsgLeateet, and' to enter into bonds to keep the pease. be thankful that he was net banded into the custody of the Pro- Volt Marshal. Pittebnrgher Milled in Arizona. Thomas C.MoOlelland, the young man who fell In the late gallant expedition against tho Apache Indbas, noticed in yostarday's piper, was a-son of Mr. James 11. MoClelland, arch- Itiot i Tef - Ildr - eitY: HO left here irk 1861, in oompany..isith Cof. Lallej, to insist in man aging' UM bisfosii of a large silver tartlet oompany. The. death of .Col._Colt, of Nil/ York, led to a suspension of the work on the &nisi iire-sitsinted a few miles from Tacsoc, Arizona; and in Mara last Colonel Daley left for Snit; placing his business .N charge ofloung McClelland, together with the clerk of the works. It appears that the • ApaohurlisorbecrEfrequently - troublasonse to • the settlement, sad a company of civilians, of which MeOlelland was one, bad volanteered to assist In chisttsing them, bat he unfortu nately fell mortally wounded in the conflict. 11,i1tilleabliaistirs Sol Jtri.e.—A first. rate amber of this popular unigasine appears for the deleetitonOCitsinly Wallin. We have, as the opining piper, the 'mooed of the Side, steepen. !thornier In then. War of 1812,. whit% was tiommenoed last month. Thal one stern is interesting" - sleek& of Harrison's easepaigne, with numerous illustrations. Egial in Interest will be found the lively, ,watt-written wrath* which follows, entitled aAs hawks& Yawn, Is harmsny,"—also profile/7 Marna — ta. We might thus go through the whcai. taiga of contents', and fled mall wetter . fer 41mM:a anywhere, bat . stern the reverse, 'had we either the time or the ipso. for snob a review. As we have settner te. 1 1 1 4 . we • just... War our readers to /lfdieles:J. W.. Pittook, opposite the Post-of leer. fanny Miner, next door to the Post.of.. Ilse, and W. A. Glidenfouney, 45 Yilth street, for iiegdaierhlidi they ean rod and "sots the entestet se their. own tut* and judgment sesy preeeribe. , , Doman Anasesan.-7 hawse Lay ton. an igdbldnal wsU known la this *immunity, was wrested by s squad et the Prated Guard yes - Vaddb had lodged In iay. lle to a &water - drew ii•ii,-11th -Pa. - Buena, and will be Istwaitisd to his 'salsify 1n s fels,lays. A netwilwissui Road, beicraglaCte Allegheny, gdaltadup .as a deeettss, and given site she eastady-of the Preiset Marshal. 1 11 ;4 0 0oi 4.. LID Comrstosors.—Fiftoss -:-- ,--aot Irlorttooralt offfrom :G.m;l Afilroy's • t osiikilliii ittWhlgitHisr, rod fourtma issa, whip rim .01046ipltal it Citobstiaadi but Will by tbs Itorpos for ts& P iablili to ' 'lllrd the tray of ths Moll: ty4bls:aminiog.: -. Tlkey until. 7,, , • :-brosirdolatbsiiii l of MoJor Owing Brooks; Tax following donations have been received by the Allegbcny Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Soci ety, for elok and wounded soldiers, for the weekending June 17th : Mise Mary Patton, Butler county, 1 sack dried peaches • - Mrs. B. Mite, Butler county, luck dried blackberries ; Mrs. Jas. B. Day, 21 magazines and a quantity of mosquito net; Mrs. Gibson, 8 cans fruit; Mrs. B. B. Bru net, 1 'piece musquito net; Mrs. Bebt-Hays, 2 quart cans carnet jelly, 2 quarts tomatoes, 1 bottle currant wine, 4 =gluing/ and 1 book. Work by ladles of SoeletY-4 shtru and 5 pairs drawers. • 8111.101711 ACCIDIST raom 60111.NAMBULISX.— On Thursday eitalatug, about one o'olock, a little daughter of Col- James Lindsay, aged about nine years, and residing in the Dia mond, fell from a third story window, a dis tance of over thirty feet, upon a brick pais meat, dislocating bar left arm, breaking the shoulder blade, and receiving a slight ant on the back of th e head. She had been in the habit of walking ln,krec sleep, and the aoel. dent is attributed to canes. Her mother was awakened by the noise of the Dill, and calling out of the window, was answered by the child below. The little sufferer was at tended to by Dr. Hamilton, and is getting along well. Cow Satin.—Daring the storm on Fri day, a fine cow belonging to Mr. John Mc- Millen was killed by the blowing down of a portion of trwin's rope walk, in the Plait Ward, Allegher 7. FLOUR A GRAIN—We have but few transactions to !sotto& In /lour. calm in the small way at $5 for Superfine; $5,37g5,50 for Extra Super Ana; $5,76 to $6,25, and $0,5003,76 for common to fancy broads of Extra family. There to but little doing to Grain, and the market Is dull cod prime are altogether nom- Inst. Sales of Wheat from wagon at $1,20 for Red. end $1,20@1,30 for White. Oats from But hands may be quoted at 00 to 650, and from storo at 70 to 79; according to quality. Gera to doll and prices J are Irregular ranging from .75 to Va. Rye remains MPORTANT FROM 'WASHINGTON. I Coulter, Provost Mar she' of the Twenty-first District, this morn Log brought to this city eight deserters. LATE TELEGRAYRIC NEWS. FROM OUR IivENING EDITION.] OBJECTS OF LEE'S MOVEMENTS E-TATENtENT OF TWO DESERTERS Stuart's Cavalry at Warrenton ORM LEE'S ABMY MASSED NEAR . FRONT ROYAL. The Rebel Army Preparing to lace PROPOSITION TO BRING LOUISIANA INTO THE UNION. Rebel Officers Killed by Indians AA ORDII IMPUTING OffICSILT HON Colored Regiments ‘E-c , &c Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette WASHINGITON, JllllO 19, 1963 The• Star of this evening contains the fol lowing: Gen. Lee has not force opposite us sufficient to attack at this time, as a oonsider able portion of his army is yet up the valley; but there is an impression here that his object was to move by a sudden dash upon our detached forces at Winchester. Berryville, and Martinsburg, to do an affective stroke of business thereabouts, and at the same time, by a feint at an invasion, cajole Hooker into transferring the bulk of his army north of the Potomac, by which maw:cane he (Lee) could reclaim the sacred soil to the line of the Potomac, and perhaps by a quick movement, gobble up supplies, and any detached forces of ours south of the river, and not protected immediately by tko strong defences at Wash ing ton. Two deserters from Stuart's cavalry came into Union Mills to-day, and say that Sto ut's cavalry is at Warrenton, twelve thou sand strong, and Lee's army Is mused near Front Royal. It consists of four corps, under Longstrut, swell, A. P. 15111, and D. H. 15111, and numbers about eighty thousand The troops sent to capture Winchester, have mostly returned, they state the whole rebel army is preparing to march, and will try to turn Ilooker's right flank, and cross into Ma ryland. The rebel soldiers have no confidence in the success of this movement, remembering the issue of • similar plan last tall. Wealthy men from Louisiana, one of them an owner of 300 slaves, are now here: They pretend to represent 40 out of the 50 parish es in the State, and promise to bring the State once more beck into the Union, if her own constitution and laws can be guaranteed; that is to my, slavery restored. It is pre sumed that this proposition will not be =ced ed to, but the planters are still here. A letter to Commissioner Dole, from W. S. Collin, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, In dian Territory,, dated Port Scott, Kansas, June 10th, says a party of rebel officers, Con- Meanie of three Colonels, one Lieutenant Col onel, a Major andfour captains, were attacked by 'the Osages while passing through their country, and killed. Them officers were on the way to ; ,Colorado and New Mexico, to muster up alithe rebels tney_could find there. They were armed with four revolver", a carbine and sabre each. They made a desperate re 'Wanes, but were overpowered by numbers. General Order No. 171, from the Adjutant General's Office, provides that when an Ohm is detached In any way from the army in ac tire service, he will hint over to the Chief Quartermaster any horse belonging to bins, which may have been purchased from the Quartermaster's Department under privilege of paragraph 1143 of revised regulations, and will be allowed the YIIIIO at the time re turned, fixed by the board of officers ap pointed by the commanding officer of the troops present. In no CMS shall such value exceed the original price paid. No cheers will be permitted to sell serviceable horses which have been purchased of the Quartermaster's Department under paragraph,ll43. Officers applying, for trans ported= it authorisedlorses at the expense of the Government =attend else a certificate that inch horses are private property, pur chased at a distance from the scat of war, and never belonged to the United States. With out the certificate, no application for trans portation will be considered. Such transport ation will not be allowed when officers are transferred for their own 'convenience. Land for agricultural colleges is accepted as follows : lowa, 240,000 acres ; Kansas, 00,- 000 acres; Michigan, 240,000 acres; Minne sota, 120,000; Wisconsin; 240,000. The Secretary of War hu directed Captain Poster, el the Bureau for colored troops, to melt oolored regiments In Illinois. Thirteen hundred applications have been made for a commission in colored regiments before the Examining Board. Bart, commander of Battery A, First New York Artillery, who Wall in the Peninsula campaign, has been made Major of the first regiment of New York colored troops. Gen. Martindale has organised a commis elm to examine tke cane of colored soldiers 'Maltreated by whites. Iltiehip , n has received her land sections for railroads as follows t Six eilisiMmits, Introit _and. Milwaukee, 6,4 89 IR= y. Moen Wks !BON, 211,91! again Inotrogt,llßwinkno;Ank boY Lending and' Tratirie Bay, 1057 sail 3' Grand Rapids and Indiana, 23,226 sores. Total. 31.,694 sores. The Commissioner of Internal Rivet's, bee decided that predawn of coal are entitled to as exemption from taxation where the annual product shall not exceed $6OO. Christopher Morgan, of Anburn, N. Y., has beau appointed Comma General at Havana. (Y)AULICIte H&J(' RD. rITTSBURA,td Orma or ee• P 1:•ILY G/1.2221 . 1, SArnan:r. June 20 Gold opened at 143% to New Turk to-day, and tom gradually to 144, on rumors of Lee•. outage of the Potomac, and of a rebel raid ort Baltimore. Toward the close, however, the price wt reduced to 143%. Bore, our bankers are paying 140 for Gold and old Demand Notes, and 12701125 for Silver. Eastern En. change remains-unchanged. Seminal, generally, continuos very doll and re, stricted,ht consequence of the foot that most of our merchants have almost entirely impended trade, and devoted their time and energy to the completion of the ketibestions around the city. Although our business men teas fond of money ea those of any other city In the Union, yet they are too patriotic to neglect their duty to themselves and our common country, to remain Idle at a time when we are me oared by a treacherous and unprincipled foe. 41 one; making, for the time being, has been abandoned, and all have have been engaged directly or indirectly on the defenses of our city. PROVISIONS—Bacon is dull with .mall sales former quotation.. Sale of 40 pm Sugar Canal Dry Beef at 13c. City Lard la selling at 1030, end Coun try at 9%ogilOc. Men Pork la very dull, and, in tke adorn:sof Mks, we omit go Asthma. BUTTER & EGGS—Butter Is dull with mail sales at 12e for Packed, and 13014 e for Prime Roll. Sale of 10 bbl. Egg. at CHEESE--linn with sales of 75 boo at D,Sio for Common, and 100 for prime W It, and 10%c for Ham burg. POTATOES--steady with • good demaudat prt • naming from $1,50 to $2,00 par bbl. Pittsburgh Oil Muskat Jona 20—There ix no new feature to notice lb erode, with the exception that the market Is hardly *a firm under the unhootalds *drum from New Tot It, and the prospect, under the induct. oe of the recent rains, of a rise In the Allegheny river. As yet, however, the re 111 no particular change In value, and we CotitiOne to quote at lsKal6e, packages re- turned, and ilittaatn, perhaps Included. There was not • bin& transaction reported. Banned Is firm with a fair demand at our last qno. tattoos. There la, however, bat Ilttlo offering, and the market, comparatively vesting, Is Limpet barn Balsa of WO and YOU bbla to bond kw immediate deliv ery at 40r., lees the usual commisalon. She following on the present petition of Petroleum from the Circular 012 the gallant, leaned by Ur. C. J. Turner, ku oil broker of New York : .Th. stock of Oil here now le estimated .t 50,10.10 60.000 bb!. of both crude mid refined, and the stock at the vette imd at Plrtsburgh is mid to be very little if any, more than ueual. 11.0 borne trade, It I. well known, me entirely bare of .cock - , and tbe supply of •tree' Oil is now &Imola exhausted; ao that, at feat, tbe government is beginning to realise some income from the fax on Petroleum. It is well known that the export trade has absorbed the notion - product of canned, duce Jan Ist, as well as the three months' accumulation of bonded made prior thereto, fally.boip Dy the fact that, until witbln few week., the =arena! In the price of üboudid. and 'eras' Oil has not been kreatar then tire coots per gallon, and dozing a large portion of the spring there mesa scarcer soy difference between tkent.” New York retroteem Market Spocial Dispatch to the Pittsburgh GAZOttO. New You June 21.3—Evening—Crude has de clined to 27@a7%e ea the spot. Mined to bond to nomival at lslat63sic kr present delivery. gamed, free, to scarce, and the market is Arm Lud higher vateo are asked. Five-Twenties int and after J all lot, 1843, the privilege 01 convert ing the present lune of Legal Tender totes into the National Six per cent Lunn (commonly celled "Ike Twentiee") will ream. Chicago Market. Jr's. 12—There was more Inquiry for No 1 Spring Wheat , and the market wee etemly, bet No 2 Spring war dull and lower—with moderate sales, at 111,12•11 I,isy. for No 2 Bed Winter; SIAS/4/4,01 for Ileiestad Winter In store; $41041.14 for No 1 timing; 924291,c for No 2 Living; and 76(g)79c for Rejected Spring— the market claming dull and drooping. The demand for Flour was eery light, and the market remains dull and unchanged, with very trifling Wes. Corn declined % r oper buhtiel, and rimed firm et the de preciation—with sales of about 272,000 bushels at 49KAgqi i ie for Ether sod Ossiel nixed Corn afloat; 120* for High Mixed .0..1; 42,044T%e fog Mixed Coro in store; 40,4,%485(0 for hei.ted Corwin store —ths market cloung with biome of Alined at 47% and sellers at CMo, Olga wero in good supply, and the market ruled eery dell—prices closing about 24 per bushel lower—who light Wes of No 1 at 64%0 ark—claming .f the inside quotation. Bye tholes an improvement of Mlle per bushel, with min of No 1 at 46X44,610. Barley wee quiet Llighwime were generally tied u 44.3ic, with • lair demand at 40c, and light sake at 40/0.40%c. A lot el city wham, to extra alcohol packaged, was sold at 41Xc; but that sale was DO Critarloll of the market. Loans on Gold--Offielg 1 Decision. The following In lb. ()Masi declalun of Air. Lords, the Oommlorintler of lotorma 11 .roorio. rolotlro to the paeanee gad ulo of gold sod ollver coin or las. thereon: let. •ll contrects for the purchase and sale of gold and Over min or bullion, sod ell contracts for the lout of money or currency sem:deal/ the pledge or deposit or other dispoeftion of gold or Miser coin of the United Staten, If to be peribrmed after a peritsi, exceeding three days, must be to writing, or printed, and aligned by the parties, their agents or attorney. Id. Snob cantina. meat bear sdhelive stainp. equal to amounting to one-half of one per cent of the price to be paid, or of the .moron of money or cur rency loaned, and in addition thereto, etamps equal to the amount of interio.t at the rate of nix per cent per annum, upon the contract, for the longest thins named therein. • Sd. A renewal of the contract would be subject to the same conditions; and if •contrect originally mule for • period not eteeding three days he reoewed or fn say miLraztended, such contract m st be duly stamped when so renewed or extended. 4th. No loin of currency or money on the security of gold or aline coin of the United States, or of any marinate or other evidence of deposit payable in gold Or Wirer coin, can be made fur an amount ex carding the per rattle of the COW pledged or depos ited. UAL Child and silver coin, loaned at the per vain. thereof, is Subject only to the duty Imposed on loans. 6th. Protract. loans or mien of geld or Hirer solo, or bullion, not Dude In acsordance will this decision, are wadi sod to addition to existing penalties for ci tation of the axolotl law, any party to said contract may, within one year Livia the date thereof, bring salt to recover back. for his own we and bowel, the money paid on any Each contract. 7th. Nothing In this decision ahail apply to any traneactions by or with the government of the Uni ted Stated. Imports by Railroad. 1T1V11.01.811. VT. W4lllBB A 0 )810800 ILI mem., Jon. 85-21 bbl. liquors, L 11; ,rts .k. raga, McCal wash, smith A oo; 36 bblooll, A Lyons; LA bge COM. la) bbl. Pour, 1 car corn, no moudgmee; 200 bdls paper, Lupton A Olden. Pnviatrhot A Ounruann Hattwo4o, June 19- 117 oil Lute, Clark A tiumnor; 20 boa dream, 1 bbl elm 11 . Yangorder; 25 bbla Poor, W P Beck A co; 51 boa cheese, L 11 Volgt A co; 31 cks pearls. J B Lyon A oo; 9 bas cbeeao, J Ilrownlse; 26 do do, 1) Haworth; 40 do do, J Al Almaden; 415 Mrs corn, Bingham, Stu, you A co; 7 tar edam, J Daub; Bdo do, W P Beck oo; 10 do do, Al W Hankln; lu do do, O C Balaley; 20 bbis tobacco, Little A Trimble, 18 balm tor, 8808. ad, A Childs; 46 Du abeam, Wm Hadap; 50 bbl. whisky, Ju Little; 22 cks clay, A Gordon; 40 thle lud, 31•Mee A Bro; 6 hhds tobacco, John Aruba; 9 bbl. butter, 3 bbl. .gp, Jam A Vetoer; 12 boo wine, John McDonald °roam; 101 oil bbls, J C Hirkpat. rick cm; 2 litids tobooco, J Murphy; 4do do, John Greer; B .k. rap, !lowing A Torrenw da4f/ CORNER PENN AND ST CLAIM PITTIIBUBOH, • The7t, cheapest and beet of the United States pays for a hill Commerciel tonne, In. chiding Ming and Commercial Arithmetic. &W lie ised and extra charg es' Bo ok ntsat. urers, Steamboat, Beak .kesplng Miniature ems at one-half prim }Redeem enter end reviler at any time. This InstitatiOn le conducted by exper i enced Teachers and practical basher mien, hence the prat. mace [or graduates or this College by bugloss men thomerbont the country, as well ea this city. Prof. A. OOWLAY, long known is the best PUI• man of the Union, teaches Ormunental and Rapid Hosioesu Writing. trrror imsclmene Of Prof. Gelder. unequalled Writing, and Catalogue 000toinlag MI information, oaolotelitotity•Aro coati to the Pan 4117LINStAITE, loAlktplow4wasT Na • 14, ASTORIS3I%4T•LAW, ,Sr riminred to RAW' law Build/mg, 93 Diamounkruselletiot atm 99,911rdairdarlaer PROPO&4LI9. pROPOULLIs FOR ItittERIALS FOE THE NAVY. Levu Direareisarr, Baran of Tgeipeural aid Barettieg. Jett 8, isa BEA LED PROP ;PALE t furnish asaterbis for the Navy, for the fiscal Tear ending 80th June, 1861, be receive t at toe bureau of Squipment • d seeing, until the Ecru ott. Y Or JIII.a N KAT. Them deila's and ankles end , aced In the chosen ratilen are particularly described In the printed schedules, any of which will be fynaiehed to !wit es d-sire ro offer, on application to the commandants of the reuective yard., or to the navy sgont 0..1001 thereto, sad that of alt the yards spot application to the On eau. This Maiden-into arises wing for the convent:ow of dealer. In each, such per/tone ouly •dl be furrilstai so are actually r. gutted for bile. Tee commandant and navy agent et ame eta• don .14. in addition Le the scheme or chew, 01 th lc own yard., hate a copy of the schedules of the other ra•d, eisMtilatiOn only, tom wroth It may to Judged wt ether It will be dab die to make ay plicate° for nny of the claws of then yards. Offers taw he made for the wh le of the clam at any ford upon one of the prink =bedlam, or in stAiet koatormity therwitr, or the an In n tat °w ade ad In coinputlog c the price stated la the column of prices will be th standard, and the • of the claw will be a out accenting to tee polo,, stated. The coatroom will be awarded to he lowed bows Me b.dder who gives ptopor away for its inlllll. aunt. The bureau resew.' the right to reject. all Shahid/ for any den, If deemed exorbitant. All enlace must be of toe very beat quality, to be enlivened In the nay yard. k. good order, and la alitabie etude and pack 'vs, proPhrly nal:la with tee alone of the conasekr, as the Caen may be, at the ripen e and :Ist of the contractor, and in all re. epeere (ob)eat 10 the illeptet/011, Mtattllttnntlcln ram, aright. k, of me ys:d whore revived, and tithe enter. °natation co thei nommondard.ilioteoL !Md.o ate r. f:rred to the commandant et the re. .I . °'•tto lards foe earapee,trostoustious,or particular dosariptl.n of toe uwalece • and. al other Whip be ing equal, puha:once will be emu oo articles of America, mandrecture. I rely offer, as requited by law of Ifith Augast, 1815. must be accompaded by a written guarantee, the form of which le hereinafter given, am alio by a certificate signed by . the collector of attune" revenue tor tos district In *lda he that t aebar license to deal In the ante:es which he proposes to furnish; or by an affidavit signal by him& If and sworn to before some magistrate authorised to ad minister Koch oath, that he is a manafacturar of, er regular dealer In, the articles he Mitre to supply, nod been (Menet, as ouch manufactuier or dealer. Thou only whose off:re may be accepted . will bo twilled, and the contract will be forwarded se soon theratiter al practicable, which they sill Le rehired to caseate withip too days after to retecpt et the pat Maw or navy mutiny roamed by them. Toe (outrun will War date the day the rootlike tiou le give/ sod daimone, can be demandal. dureties In the full amount will Le required to sign the con tact, and their leeponalellity certified to by ca Cubed State/ District Judge, United !States t Attorney, Collector or navy A gent. As addl., 'wady per ceotum ° wtll to withhold tom the amowt of the Lille moll the contract shall have been completed ; and eighty per centuru of each o 111, approved In triplicate by the commandants of toe Impeller/ yards, *:lt be pant by the usly'ageut at the pultita of nolivery—unlea nmicested by the• °oat/actor to be paid at otter navy agency—within en days after warrentilahall hare Wen passed by the But etera of the Trenstuy. It le stipulate,' In the contract that lf default I e made by toe puns. of the Ara pert in delivering all or any of the articles mentioned in any class hi I for In the contract, or the enmity at each tine and places above proalded, then and In that eau the eon• tractor sag his ursine will forfeit and pay to the United /dam a BUM of money net eauding talc* the amount of ouch clue, which mar be !wavered from tome to time, accord'. g to the act of ,]engross in that cue pcovidad, ',pineal March 3, 1611. ' No bide :or more than one pull moat to enclosed to one envelope, and we um, must be d is tinctly 10. domed oo the out rtopoulis fur meteriala for the navy, lot the aavy.yaw at" (name the yard) ...dew he ,t' ems the clack) sod !anthem, "To the Chief of the Boreau of Equipment sad roacrultlng, liar; L'epartment, Wahltagton, D. C." Form of Qffer, Which, from a flutr, mutt be afford by all the ma Gera -, of -, the State of -, hereby agree to forateh and deliver In toe mpective hary• yards all the ert . clee named to the elan es hereto ew e axed, agreeably to the I minions of the enhedules therefor, and to coref.reotty with the reve rt. anent of the Borten of !Equipment and Ifecrultlng, dated June 0. 1603. thooLl my offer be aocepied, t ...feat to be eldr.e.,ed at end the contract Dent to ohs parr agent at t r to -. for elgaature and (BiguatnAo,) A. P (Dote ) Witntes. Thy schedule which the bidder 'patios most be pasted to his ofkr, and each of them Mined by him. Oppcslte each oracle la the schedule the grim must be eat, the amount carried out. the aggregate hooted op for each clam, and the amount likewise written In word. if the parties who bid do out rodeo near toe ram where the articles are to be Gollvarad, they says& name In their offer a persso to whom cress I on them nos to be d.ltrered. • . - Fares al Guarantee. The undersigned, cf -, la the !tate of -, and -, of -, to the Etat* of -, nereby guaraltee that to awe the /creasing bid 01 - Icr aty of the dmea therein named be ac cepted, he or they .111, within ten days after the re ONO of the contract at the poet otto. earned, or nave agent designated, execute the contract for the same lotto cant and sufacleat emetics; and to case the said - email tall to enter into contract, ea aforesaid, we goaraatee to nuke goad the dletermw between the otter of the meld - and tlud width may be ao.wp ed. (olgostoree of two gnotantora,) P" - ) 1 herons et rtlif thst the above namo..l - ars known to mo as men of m,p.rty,knd able to - make igtoll Mar inarutoa. (1114notnre.,) 0. IL (Date.) To be signed by the Uuitod States District Judge. United State* District. Attorney, Collector. or Davy Agent. lITSACT ►nOX LIM Of TIM 001115 ISAMU. SO :don 14. 4.1 G It fhrris enacted, That no con . tract or orter,or any inures; therein. shall hr trans• Erred oy the party or wile. to •hom each contract or order may be Shen to ary other patty cr parties, and that any such grander shall came the ananhastit it the contract or order transferred. so far se the Utited Utah.* al, oonnertea i Trorided, net all the rfahte of action are hereby removed to the United Matr rot say breach of such contract. by the con• MMMME! ever any contractor far subsistence, clothing, arms, ammunition, =tuitions of war, and for every de scrlption of supplies for the army or navy of the united States, shall be found guilty by • court mar tial of fraud or willful neglect of duty, he shall be pro:kilted by flan, imprisonment, or suc h other pun ishment u the court-martial *kali adjudge ; and any M‘Twho shall contract to tarnish supplies of any is description for the army or navy he shall be deemed and taken nsa part of the land or naval Issas of the United elates for which he dull contract to furnish such seppliss, and be subject to the ruins and regulations for this government of t h e land and naval loran of the United Staten. apprOved- July 11,11343. I. d.d all fart U r. rooked, That rite chief of any bureau of the nary Depute:lent, In contract ing Or naval lopplue. snail be at liberty to react the afar of say paean, who, a. principal or surety, has been • &bazaar In any previous contract with the Mary pecartment ; nor shall panics who hare fallod SG pflatipals or motto* In any former contract be noalsed ea meths on other cmtracts ; our shall the copartner. of 11111 y Ann be termed se suedes for etch firm or for cash other; nor, to contracts with the mine bureau, shall on. cent:actor be no lived ma mutely tor another ;and emu contract shall requhe the delivery of a specified quantit i a i nd no bid. Oar ing nouttaal or fictitious prime a be conalderaL That If more than one aid be Mimed by any one party, by or In the came of hi. cr their clam, part. oar, or other pesos, all such bide may be rePtclem ; and no parson shall be rooked as a contractor tabu not a Imantectuar or, or dealer In, I t , articles which Le offal* to supply, who has not a license as each tamintactimer or neater. and all prima offer ing bids shall have the right to be present ahem the bids ars clued. and inspect the soma Appreesiitarch ISM 'The 6Lcortag ars Du dame reqalred at the re !wetly° wary yard.: LIT MET, Mittlilra No. 1, Flax Canvas and Twine; 5, Sperm 011; 7, oo.klng litandin; 8, !naves; 1., Leather 11, Loath sr Low;-18, bantams; 16, ; la, Tallow; 1...wh0a. dualunary ; 13, smears; it. tidy Ukowidlery ; 28 ; Copper pica; 67, try Goods; 69, 111 . 7,0 0 d; Tarfl and Ntatatoot Uli. CUALIBTOWIi, NABILOHITSWITS No, 1, Ilan Canape and TO11:10 I b. Spoon Ott; T, Cootics tanidle; 8, Moves; 10, Leather, 11, Leather Hue; Is, Ox Uldet for hope.; 15, Lanterns and Lamp.; 16, ',an 16, Soap and Tallow; 10, Bradlee; 12, lindlonerr; 25, ardware•. 8111 p Olhand.ery, 26, Copper Wire; 07, lay troods; WO. air. wood; 61, %halo, fish, Tar and NetataLot Oil. BsooKiarti, time' roux No. 1. /lax Canvas and Twine; 6, Operas OIL 7, Onollut Wend's. 8, Stores; In,Laather; It. Leah., lima; IS, Lama, n. Lamp•; )6. Tall 18 . Boap and Tallow. 20, 111.nahea ; 22, ;stationery; 23, listdvislin II 611 p Clutadlaty ; VT, Dry Don:.; LY, Ylrownod MI ; Tat Oft and lit.ataloos 011. PEILLLDNI PHU T exti LVell I! No. 1, v.: Caavaa and Twins; b. Vperm ; 41 °. 10 .1 Wratda. 15, Loather; H. Leattar Hole; 15 Tar; 15. Soap and Tallow. 50, Drusbea; VV. ot.tic..y ilardwim.; 24, 81.1 p Chandlery': 21, Dry Goode 1711 wood; 81, Tar Ltd sad Desist at oil. WASHINGTON, D. O. No. 1. 'lli 04111.1 and Twitor; 6, Spann 011; 7 , 00-Alna DtansUs, 6, Stoves; 10, Leather; 11, Leather and Gam Hen; 13, Lantana and Lamps; 16 Teri 13, Soap and Tallow; St., Brash's; 22, Stationery; 33. Hardware; 34, ably Obandl•73; 3 3 . 0,, PP 07 Wlre; 26 , Iturnlturs; VI, Dry Goods; 28. Wnlor 7711707 1; its, thy/road ; 30, o°6l 011; 31, Whale, Nish, Tar and Neataloot OH; 32, Galley and Dewy Iron; SI, Main boa; 36. Plg Iron. jalLlad4w T O PAPER MANUP4OTURERB BAAL= paoposup wilt be 1 ' 1041 . 6 at Ike office of the Baperintendsnt of 'Potato Printing, for sopplylag the paper need by the. State for the year commencing 'ltaly Ist, 1661. Bold mar to be Dock Paper, nossouting 24 by 40 Incase, and to weigh, is. opectiveiy, to and gp pounds to the rem. Also. Double Plot cep, mousing 17 by 26 inches, weigh. such 26 pounds to th e ream. 1,18, will be received km kind sepiustely. Sidi can be handed In op to WIDNIBDAY, July 1, at 10 o'clock a. In., ad must elate epeclecally the price per pound of paper. liesapies o i f a c i iirdred will be ant to any par • dee spin to the undersigned, end can an be seen on the day of letting. L. H. TUNE, i!!!M!=MI_MI 100 boxes 00 1. PROPO&4LII. pROPOSALt3 FOR LOXI3R& Carr Ammo= ittiAlazuwens's Corm of Ilth and 41 stmts. .; Wathitsgbs, D. 41:01Ine' PUN 88ALKD eIIOPOBAI.B era{ be received at.thig office motil TOEBD&Y. June 621. et 0'444., "trCbLlG:lhe.eltY:ol,. Washlngton,,st encla coat as the Grpotliositermestry may dtield., E YI LLfo7 (extOGIV)IrKES vl LI3,IIBILIk of the following kind and dencreptva, vier Slght beret led thoruiehd ,(800,000) het 44 or coo loch white Pio* Common Gelliop. f4ty thou.. ut (.50 000) feet dressed, for glad sad grooved White Pins.: Thu thousand (60.1.01.) feet Scantling, 3by 6,16 feet long. Hem cck fifty thensand (mow, feet lauitilng, 8 by 6, 16 Stet long, thernloole. fifty thousand (60.(00) feet Elandlng, 8 by 6,18 bet lone, Hemlock. oil theahove dsertibsdho b. good merchantab's Lumber, voile. to the inspection - a en peat sp. tad an the poet of the Goveenment. All the lumber to bo delivered by the Elth day of July, 1853. Proposals. Teis full name and poet office addrial of the Udder must appear In the brewed. It .a hid h mule In the muse of a flow, the names of all the puttee mut appear, or the Hi Ell boat el/lend as the Individual preload of the party dip. legit. toponalsfrom disloyal parllas will not bs canakl. end an oath of allegiance natal accompany Mots propodtkm. Prapcsal. met Is adAresW to Capt. DDWAIID L. HARTZ, Assistant Q rimmatar Untied States Army, Washington. D. Cl., and should be plainly marled ..Proposals for Lumbar." • • The responsibility of tbeauralttors mast Leehowit by the Glacial certificate of the Clerk of the neared District Coat or of the thilted States Barnet At. Carney. The deity et the bidder to tall the arirtractolinuld it be awarded to. him, eat la guaranteed b) - two reeporalble perinea, when signatures are to be ep. Beaded to the guarantee, ins weld ginnatai neat accoompany tie bid. • mast be present to person when the bids are opened, or their propelledl will not be =addend. Bends to the son of Live thoorad dollars aligned by the connector and both of kis gnaranton, will be reqdred of the raccesital bidder clan doting the cootract. Awn of amrastes. We, —of the amity of—and State of and of the minty at sad State et do hereby 'narrates that = le abbe - to MC • oett. [not in eceordsooe with the tamed - kb and that, shoal hie proposition be ma= at once enter Into . a emitted In eapordance *NIP with. Should the contoten be awarded him we are prepared to become his wasuritien cro this summits* SULU be appended the &Okla ceettelcata awes torntionsel.) Thu right' to reject any or all bids that may be deemed too Id& Is retested by the Depot Quarter• muter. informal proposals will 1* Mock& MDWAILD L. HARTZ. lalp:SA Captain acd A. Q. M.. 11. b. Arm PROPOSALS FOR HAY, STRAW AND GRAIN. Aistrmar QVIAZTIMSIIII . II Ounce, Deigns Derannuurr Comer CI and Twenty.weoond street% Wammerton, D Apr 1 1 ,111,110.. WI/ATTU! PtitIPOSALS sm . invited ler linnish. tog HAT. STRAW, _OATS and CORN, Mr thi Me of this Depot, to be laliveced at tha Rallroad= i r at any of We Government Wharves In th is . The proposali to be Vdtessiel to the no and they should slate tbSicantlty .6 each arta, shio the pries and the data of daft . Dropcnis will be teesimi Dv fin sr booboo of then or Ws, and they (60). tom at or btraw, and upwards, soles It Minh! be for the to. tenet of the Govenment to entrain for a Ins amount. AU grain to Co pat In good Sacks. of 'boat two (1) tenni gen. which are to be finniabed at the cat of the contractor. Thu flay and Straw to bt secriveiy baled. MI Grain and lin offered to be sat)ect to a rigid Inspection by the Government Inspeour. tootracts will be awerdsd from time te time to the lowest tenoosible bidden,. the intsinte of the err• vice may make. Good enmity will be required for Ms faithful foinhant of any meant made ander this advertisement. Pitymem to be tone at the compl etion of the coo. out. hnOWN, .pet Om Onion sod A. th U. S. A. XElfr BOOKS. NEW BOOKS. /rank Warrington. By the author of "The mahatma:lda" Kg':gi=M2EMEl The BIKINI of the (Ad Wed& Be Chae. L. Brace. P. tee'. Nxtise Tax Lava. 1 $ To. ~ . . Ll• In the epts dlr. By AUL WLsthrop. (8 TO. Life of Chrhitopher North, (John Wilsoo4 1 voL. 'session of the Orinea. VoL LBy W. Magleks. Annual Sclentlio BleconnaL for 1862-'63. The Two Pictures. By Sleds J. Nolstonk. Vol.. sad Sketched By Hugh 1111 lier. for sale by HAYS OW., 66 Wood merest. QUA ROB AND VALUABLE BOOKS. 2.1 Wyandotte of Parley. 9 Toth Lalaad's Deistical Wilton. 2 rola. Dr. Pottery Loaves on Henaltler. (bancWo do Trento, In Ilyealsh and Latin. gooses Troatlan. 16 too. fridanos of tba Basarnsatton. Honloy. laws and Batas' Works. 1 roL Klopttook's klemialt. 91041.,16 ma. mayors Laotarre dnYßlptnn.Paefa • Prophesy. Howa's Works. 1 rola.. II re. all 6 J. L. Mk% TS Fourth gust. 411.111M1W71111 lia/314.11 . 11 °MCA } Waremioroz Orrr, Mita 19,180, IWNEES OF STEAM VESSELS are v-r hatted to owl to the Priortoramator Oonorarr aloe wider' for thatr charter or lola Tenders should ovate;_deastlptlons of the math, their dlmenelons, enrolle d or reglaterad,, Sounetp. actualoarrylng ametalty,matarbleatether eepplosed. wheheel or propellor; whether at iron Wined . tbse and power*, *Mem and and shonkl ebsta the price at which they am vault ter long or short charter, with the asetmallad value el the vemel la as of lces, or in me the government mould ptehe to purcham Instead Maenads& • Owners of stem mewls already in the meta of the Quartermaster's Department. me m united to make known to the Department say glidnaticar In their pretreat rates which that may be :Win to grant, and also tho price al whisk they will be yid- Leg to sell them. All such renders should be arldmeed to the Quer tensteaterfkoneral of the United Itstes, at Washing ton, end should he entire md ll.Propossia for the cher tar arwile of litesiten." WhiCreatived they will be considered. and the Department retil endeavor to reduce the heavy en. pens attending army tramp relation upon the omen and tido Teton by substituting; when It can do a, cheaper vowels of equal severity des thole now motorod. DIME SAVINGS INSTITUTION, No nO Simony= ITIUT (oppoono tee Costal Boom) Obartorod by tee . Lees Woo.. OfflXlo/1 rresIdait—JAIILB.PAILLJ a. H. T. Badd. A. Bolueraav, Janina Rhodes, Job Blackrath; Alex. Bradley, Alfre d Black. W. H. ODOM, t John T. Jenotoe, Tim. D. liondar, Thos. S. Blair, Wrsucia Wars, Weary Lloyd, F H Jaitah King, 0. Zug, 0. H.:Wolti, A. 8. Bell, Jai. lworth, D. Ombra", 8.8. Yowler, W. A. Di tad. W E. m. limit!, J. W. Woodwal, 8.0. Botunarts, 0. B. Jonas, F. Rehm, 0. W. Woks:son; B. Y. Jones, J. hi. Thotuus, 8. H. Hartman, W. H. Phalts, H. lB . 1 ,11 4, B. J. Anderson, o.t. Hamm, Jan W. Barter, D. 11,. KoZinlay. W. Mama. Eaczatary and Trourotar—D. t. ICIELZY. Open daily, from 9a. to. to 3p. ID. Also.Tneeday and Saturday Malthip, from 810 $ o'clock. Deposita receired ai Og I DIND and upwards. Dividends declared nbar and Joie of sank Dividends allowed to nmain are placed Is the Mein of the depositor is principal, sad bear inter esting tsmpocadlng It. meadining Weirter,By-Lawa, ile.,finnished at the ogles. Olo"rtits Institalksi igen, especially to those per, eons whom earothp ars small, the appal:many I. ammoniate, by mall dap:mita easily sand, a mint which will be •resource when needed, their money , not only being eada but beating interest, Imbed of remaining nuptoductire. nitiflaystosaz EXUELSIOR INSTITUTE, • MUM BOHOOL FOB TEACHERS. 61?0=11M;MI Tunica, admace,)—{le fora full copse. The girth demMo wall onnaterms MONDAY, July 111, and Dhow NIDAY. Angust..2thi... The 'Moot pals will be an aNalsat Amps of among w Web Is PrOL.J. T...WAKILINN e Organist In et. Paul's Cathedral, a mamerof Sacred euntgeo. alerhlcale;• Prof. 'ALIN: COMMIT,* XXVII City Oollese..tbe bast. Writer W tbellaloh, who excels all ...palters la leeching Plain and Ornamental Pea. menehip ; eta Prot..INAIT. WIND, of Chichansttl, itystlesuished An erlosti Nicauthoulet. e *MN of stud' will be ample, embracing all brand lly taught-IM b andts, with the ad dl Uonof Phenetie Analyst@ Phone. graphic lanolin/MI/thy the Prinelpeli Book.kespft mar Ifferoa.Ule Arithmetic, by Ptak JINK.IOB BMW ; Vocal Mao, by Prof.l. T.VAMICIAN • end Practical iirmalcm, in a Imam of thirty Meson, by Prof. 1L1DD.....• As Teacher of illocattonro, Kidd has fewequals.'!--Pids.Dispshob.. °To ell Flo enjoy fue, cr appreciate lather, we oommend Prod Kidd, His docutlautry powers are wondarinlP Oradea Special lectures will ho r rid/fared daring the semion upon Peramage,Phydral Oulture,ylm. cry and !maths. of .Tdair, load and, Moral Qualidattions of Teachers. s/A ether sublets in. westing and prodtable to Teachers. by Erma. A. 11. Tacoma, B. R. Erie sad denim Wumn, D. D.l Drs. Tninamt J. Gaiarmaand J. W Bras; Prof.. Mums, Dux, OraooD. Hawn% Doman" and cdtais.' rot pselloolszi sail at Itsoelsfor Institut* Ha, Iron Ottp,Oolley 80141138, comer cl Penn and I. Otelr stn se% or sand for oireildr. - BoiIGRAY, . .I•AlewassrAtisrT - s. Pittsburg& , A SPLENDID FARM POE SALE, JON, city, h p ew e i M nt e o n s a* ew e s i e w s t k w h i the M maw al t 6 It Bteetewilile /iamb lzwelbwi . =nem far immi• try peete, sadeeield With Goa iielnihe Toot Wok. TiY peipetty hi ahead at &groat latastaa, i lrerlig laugh drat. Itre=ra Ltt. mukuiri. 'OR &ALA GROVE. A Bin 011AIRT1 708 A BEAUTIFUL AND DBBIRABLE COUNTRY HOME. Thcabfaib. ,, is NAL tLt teantleal woo 4 t tn 217,4,1 ocettabdng about a% wif ta, 4'l d la the Borough of Bewlacley, bums- Zady m ta the new Presbyterian Church, and beautiful ?addend, of Chula Is. Thle Amon, pissessea many advantanea kw a rourZradium, Drat swag whirl, Is • new All abawitaal Osiris:ASV:Ur • litid spring Ks point' elsvatut to unable the pa:rehear to WWI thir to dal Peet of the manila The soil is good, end as this pound b new covered with Ate aid Oast Usu. the purchaser will have nothing to do but to ream • ha wf,the tries tornecllately around the alb he stay_ Mealle bow* lay out • kw roads. and be will WWII that can be desired be' • ommtry bmais. That' Bps surance to Sha-ZaParti bath to" end Wit Lt of t he nom, aay_tbiryt - tbs . destrablebm ol the hood—da WE- L= 18 , WILLL KNOWN. . This ;impiety will be sold on terms to reit the • Entdre of ILICKING di Wood Wow; for NUM $4.6 00 . Jl4lO. FLEMING: "DOR - 84.1,11,7—V0ry . .aesinble , IRON x .rmutioN idtuated at ReVey. town. Bilffibe tointy orithLa a short Memos of the Pennsylvania Railroad and Cenal. The freehold property comprbma a Inmate, with machinery of amp • power to blow It, using Althea . thareold'es an thracite call about 1300 acres Maw land; also the celebrated greenemodpigke Isom owe bank. containing about 17 acne. whiohjeliduce• In abundance the same ore fres which John 4. Wiiiht, rag., makes/ his canownadand lastly celshratadlommottv• Tim and One.Ailea. This la the only amiable property In the litateurhich prednots the ore requisite for" tabilahhig • blighter of like character. lime Ii elm abotn 110 ammo( laud.withiu half • mile of the , ' terms" held under long lames, from which ahandatme KA:celled hematite en can be taken, at a cod not exceeding $2 per ton. delivered etlythequitacii bank, and on which' shafts have toemitlyamenannit.and which will protium =Tenni ore to, ,apply the_furnam. loft food! cre is also abundant itt- dui neighborhood. Charcoal, In any tisablatieknem be hid delivered at the tomato at 0 to Wants per bullet. TM !unlade WWI situated for the markets, bay. wutm . and Sill conununicatmus with Philadel- Plttehurgiu galtivacre, Harrisburg, and other impottint manufacturing towns. P o or rine, terms and turil i nia . tr a ti=la to hada. Philadelphia. Ite. FIiALE.—MADISON FOUNDRY AND 11.40/1111 8110 P.—tho abme sotob• Ibbment, in Madison Indiana, is most eligibly sit uated for badmen It contains a large amount of machinery, andaho a tare large amortment of the most moderated:erns for angina, mill and railroad work. ALadison le • very desirable place of residence and pommies Superior streantsra for otantatacturtng —buttlattgtKt hottatios for tronrocrtation to all parts of 'country. Rents are low, Ming chap, And ths , Unlit, second to no other in the United ilbstentosical health. The proprietor will sell the ortablishment, if appliod for soon, at a good bargain, or oae4half of ft only to some competent person, who tuttersionds wall the mulling and management of tub - an establishment. Or ft not disposed of soon, .howunbi rent to rorpcsmiblo parties for a term of peers, retaining an interest or not, as mop snit the parties wining to rent. There are two large ship. yards to the. p d lait, with more work offering than they ma do, an many parties desiring to contract for ootantbonto; engines and machinery, are compel. dto go to other cities, for the want of parties here to do th• work. Forlndiana. tams and price addrion WS 460, Madison, Jelin EPHANS' COURT SALE OF A , ur -BOUM AND LOT ON WAYNE EIBERT.— By Virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of MO. lMCount there willte expoetdto Public Pn of y A ian. i onhe(i,y Pletsbnigh. on *7I3DAY, the 30th day of Juno. Ists, at 10 e'eloek a. in ,ea the property of John Carts, derseedotli that certain lot of ground sho ats on the cotassof Wayne Weir and Isabon In the Oily of P e gree t bailing a front 29 het 6 inches on Wayne greet; aid extending teck'Slong Jackson alloy 90 fret, Wing lot N 0.4 Ina plan 66 lee Lid out by `New. hander Hann, needed In Deed Book voL 60, page 160, and the game which NU' conveyed by Bev. liatuis Herrin] to sald.John Outs, deo'd, by deed dated January 67, ma, recorded in !Deed Book vol. 63, pie 66, on which Le • acted a twoetory brink dwelling home. Toms wish. JOHN 017WELAxecutor. For fruiter *Oculars enquire of CI. ilasbetruck. Esq ticey for petitioner, N 0.166 Fourth street. Jelbsodtd . . . - FO.ll EIALE—About 20 Lain chola Lead, just right her coaster erata,' with dale. Mews, gaisad if emus older, beldam lad: he. Pena the Waved mad. drer t i s erad Madam tat Wk. about haedred feet, lad lar ell or any at width / sell =Pa for now. Tide property if at the Uftddiculi Marebarter Street ratfray, sad at the Woods:ltaa nation of the Wort. Mayas Sr Mow Ilatheed, oa which the ire b only Ore mate, and time of trmult only eight artmstra. Also, itlarge lot of pentad Manchester, so fret front ore the Ohio river sad !table street, with Urge dwelling ef twelve roams, aged large Iran trees sad ehrobbray,ac..basumly, "Otela o'iidec e b y Irma be exclmgd m eta n p pudu Mttra Kata, e. neWthe dam nuttier fatereattea sad plum of the prop. a S rt tatkm. B. y ere to be bed at my tailgate*. at Moods' LEORY. Wm B. zahliameedets FEM. FOB SALE-Situated in Ben- Ter comity, about two wino from litonomy, =tondo; two tundra( sad eighty-otos aorta. Tt. land ki of good guilty ; "boot htutdoid acres oloarod. goal and llnwatooo tato grasolaaa. Alao Dialling Haan, Ham sad d ttlani. llncloarad land wall thatowl. Will Do sold low, Whiz in on., two. Par brass gartlaulars l apa t tio z a er,-B. PAT &108, or, j..K. ratu ar bm blitttrests Pittsburgh 'WARM: FOR SALE—eon b 7 A: wow well Impfuesdi Whit them oroctod, Man gip,to Allosbany coront7, ow tie Oity Paw Zany Ibnowly owned by hoar Wlltfakor, _doom& WM be odd °hoop for cook. Alma, • ILOUSISO LL, known moth, "Hatdla MU," with mon nem eland, boos% barn sad ottwr Impiedromonto. InOntro of • Da. WS. H. BILL, lialunt. Po., MAO MILLI% Broddook's tfoldo, Pa., PI of. T nb HOS. 0.7 ...a o:a. Mouthl2"l- sal Grant AB.. ttabin. • .IRYGP: 41JTIOCW.i 111001:14. F W ILL , OILIXDII6.IIOMIA 90 Inches by SO ben kula . One eoperior=a,Mß, 89 beim &roster, 8 Th i neabLlTLlO PUMA:4 for named, with mine ellatninistb Boma her end isosed-hindliTllll9 ME1G73626,. tram 16 bah diameter down to 6 Inch, will be sold low for cub. area M. BOLA lOW . On the Allanturey Ibid. an. Point Mira. . 01101019 1•1101111iTY INS 154 LE...• V Muse 104 9) by 1.16 test tech, hunthig On At. legheny Asensio. Also. Three Lots, 15 by CA bonthq da Wilmette greet, Hand Ward. A lienbeny. These ere .ruy desirable, being- in one of t best Wakes of the city, mid within 126 feet of the Mistehestsr Paallensor Ditny on shwa street, (Bapley's Lou.). Ur I will sill tbs Wad tio one Miramar, vary low. Termer'y - Apply to . JelL2st -No. 46 Ohio strut, Alistchenl. 13119 AL Edvan PUB BAIA to closet Lb the 'Mafia Dr. Doltwiag. ameesett,dtuated: at etewut's Rua. Timmy moat," Two treat, —ow of LW and.aaother of ND mem. Thom tea. mooing soma on thel.l6 um tract. and (Al has been dboonred within '1 =lle of It. The propmtf will be wed al nivel. Damb's Noted, on THUS& DAT, time Mk lin for farther blibratatlon imply to P. 3. DAB,TI=, ,findatei, bahtd CI Warren street, N. T. VOL% , 14.1)U.K. gAW4 Nutt ISALE; op:Leasing Daiwa% 176 tem Shirai MA Dtto. ed.altnate euShe Pan•Naadle, Hab er month Ta., Dear the lima. Ike, five Wier tram name% PST and Iva miles fnea New Otunbettaml.: Tbe Worm , meets am • MIMI cottage dwelling. bunk barn and co:bag. This bras well oeloafatefifor Mem rafs. - tag, awl . ran Le 00061410 w gad Sasearfileiti:. • • DU B. IieLAIIIk 00.; IDS }mirth ah TOUII - ••'. 1• e blialtilOti • 01.1- it aid ABOUT OMR AOlar 01 'ollollHH,boi , tong to their*, of the late Hugh Smith, tem; Ytn loaeW.ln'tti. bump Of-Xencluster, on the canes of. Lome atria. end Um hunk of the Ohio Arm Jiang guts! the:wet/43nm Gnenwool peon arty. :Yoe tens, WO:* of A. DAMITH, No. 611 Wake street. Pittsburgh......' mayliktg A titltlll-t) • . ' Ott if Olt Atc* MIMI- Wic. - -,Tataable Sir aele. site. mad it the liied ot I.ll=l6 l7 Ettia Steroid. It hi in the midst of. dourbbtett population. Then sr* tie kith twrivid beam end shoemaker lit axedneersat7 Jeri:varying on the htieties= SI lel ps• PIA en guy term, JeKleitw kilIMAIA,l,454k2OOll7•Alat and velt OVIAWINOTOIMAIIeniLIgPiII, with I, disaystawa tesma e. k. Cei Loots% strut , aistibeit way, Inquire at MB colnakasito HANSI N. NOMA% blewt•trieLllssobater. roar . 1863. Ism, AND LAZA HU RO NW SHORE LINE. Tbs . ow awl Gloat lowyneore stoma NVIXIM,.. CAPT. WU. EATEWAT Win est defog the p. tehnote the above pet , Beglnaw - Lontee Ctiegeteil lax &dor! Can, ilast eat Beg Oligelotedniat Nem Mood, Lexington, Poet Ilosilar, Wester, toreettant Petit embarks, ItelAuetin sad Teem Cith IT I FY WIIDER " A MIMI% r *amok.. - 'Ldsrio ilegtenqrtiet:cleireisne EATtrilD69 egoill — pea tow will noels prompt U. oea eleitifoiL. • eleitisete entdo. 4 Shlnem b om . Vegath.uotrail"-2=61,01!". 7111 11. thg r a TIM 'cl°14" 11 1140 ; • I.kiitiar I'APICOP _ . Virarilitil %AIN MAO Otrellt• Mir • mar J HOW/U. R4IEIIO4DB. SUMAs MER, Watt: =MUM BtT AD. Web. PIBMBILT 0 Tka MI Darr.? ritsatilL_ nototrea 4000 XIB li ODATION TYAIH kor!tke Plassaiss Rattan d2j , v#0 13 1 4 18 , , TV . at all B s Ditiven aid rak122.1 alfect =sm. .VVl n i, / • the rw (m, dli) at . xe.V..d Harr. , tor frx/82.2. vis Ptah. TILLII tuna IS ttit"trli =kW! lard* rg is :42111sors ssA - Nut Tts E.l.Lotown roots ths 154.10c0 Lag temps . APPPtcsi 004 a& pancinoi Alasristnarg to sat on ad Pidladelshhage New rock. AODICIION.III.II.tRo. Da dobnatownitoossonamasis Tram tams tau, tau & (mope (Wag) LIP Drs., stopplan at oll,stsots and imuksion as istinuimmith. • Mad= Troia Ws Waresdiattralsaves datty ( iiiill at CM ih. flaoand' Train tts: Wars dtailea kaiak. + 2 4 l ol 3 sodsig ti tt ll l 0 a. m: Ow Wail's *age, ' loam (armpt )_st 400 p. oi. loath Aoccontardatlas Tinft Pm Wars Staten Wyss daf i laanoopiflandsy? w atelilp. ra. - 'llea Oh Traps lame alPsEttatinn aim Ilea. day at Mod a. a.; returning, lean. Pittsborgh at 144 0 6 p. m. ItstosnlngrsAti ants* hi Plttalserta l i c i to .. no:a Whence 11:50 p. O.; Ell Zs pres, ISM p. za.; sat Was, 12,-* a. -10, t. 1, MallTrain,ll.lo a. in 4 rohnstairsldtenatodationi ISod6 a. Es. i Rest WalPEPtation Acannsicdation, adid a. ,n.; -13scoad Wall% Mathis Puigoorsolato. 8.15 a. sa.; Third . WWII Minor Azrammodstlea 1.110 p. tO, ; roarth Walre.abWk. dawirialaroadstion: 406 p. m. BALtimsr• Impress will artiv• with Ph& 'MAIL Iti-prom SLUM p. an SS UMW& Teens for Illatmilla and indianasonsecsas Mani. tills intatesoting with Through Anoommodatlons Johnstown Areozantodattos and tames Ends last, and with Baltintor• 'Express and Jotissintra datets. modation West. Trains kw Ibensnurg_conneot at Crtmon with Ti mm Trains and null Train Vitat,anil with Through Acoommodulon and Sinproo Tr ai n Rust: • The palatial wilt End la granny so toatr isstassat, to mmHg W.'s or West, to karat by 11.a.1'ramyiraula Railroad. u tha catccaur.ostati t. etc row °Vaunt cannot ha awrpau-Ird so any other raw: Vt. Row: 4 trallionad with Mono. tad Is Wocirriy ham at,,, , , .1,...,_ NVa can proadm Way aped and colt tort to oll , r, nay taro: thin Boa wills the& iss.x,,,V. To Sow Tort $l2 801 U 00 Phtbsdalpelo...— 10 'BolTo:Loate . Jl-44..-,.. 880 Harrtobar:;:.... T e;81 Elscrags atamtolt to La . P.noolts: eta lafeetssi Railroad, owl to INIJ.41:•olle, tlalttizon ea New York. - Ponengere crarchentuk tickste car: bt =tDM exam, eascatlertnaistaxse-Scatebill, to et to the marlins Intel; en:throe setters the Oceepany bee no Ageot. DOTIOSL—In we of tote, the Co4awly, wPi Sala thetneeivee reepondishe tat . :Ftinf wey, and to en amount sot ex. .V AC' D. D. —An Osuffons L. lter'bech eseblesai se ens cy peafeingete end be cpe to raliktroui the 13.. • pot. at a °ham. not to ez , -Yl2lSoactis L.r nose/ ea balance. ror ticket 4 ann./ tn J. n'TZW.L..T L At the Pentsylvent4 Limns' Ratify.,; eels.. try E-1,-o, sal 9. - .+l r sole V PITTSBURGH AND WITHELING RAMBOAD SUMMER ABRANGIALAIsk - ..-on, , and atter MONDAY, April SOM. 1863, Traftrt,wlß tam the Depot of the Palmy hauls Barra, to Pitt burgh, so follows Pfahsegl add WAssiket Lfile. Lents Pittsburgh! LOO ni.l 6:10 1. p. m. -do Wellsville.' MO 0 ,x 16 0 4.65 do !Reuben , / 4.:10 9:07 0 WS do Whsaillig. 6:10 cc MOS 4:156 Arrives Beitair.— 6:26 10:25 6:10 Connecting at Stembouville and 13ellatt with Steu benville and Indiana llallroad and Central Ohio Sall. road ells. Newark, Columbus, Soda, Day. too, Onictonati. Loulinillo, Odra, Si. Loot. St. Joseph, and all Flints wad and maths's', and at Wheeling with Balihnons and Ohio Rams& 'Plastorph L aad Choekial ae. LaveslWO IL m. 1440 p. m. do 9,60 do I l2 do do ,7:ht I Ida d 1706I 706 " 610 0 , 7:10 at Bayard with Tuscarawai branch kr - 20 0 0 _rids and Canal Darer; it Aillenos with Pittsbargli;rart Halm. and.adosso fialhaad; at Itgronno.witHAtkidtic Mid Vela West= Railroad for ~Wairlui,Greenrißit Ideadvillo, ,Ualon. Carry. hismaßwll . and . Ilaisisantresi arßadsou with Ciao. and Otrusti Railroad Akron. 7alli Hillarsbuig, and at Clevelan d 8..8.f0r Eris, Doran* and Buffalo 1 with . 04 T. B. H. ,for Sandusky, Toledo, and also with steam Detroit. WellsilliaAeciairdardatton.kares at 3:50 p. m. let sing trains arrive of 0:10 a. m.,. ildift and SONS 410 a m. Thzumßh l 0 In pro Depot points can ha procured at the Marty Strait Depot, Pbares. GIORGI PARILLS, Ticket Agent, And ot Al A. Q. CAndOCLBBILRY, Ticket Agora. Tor farther inicroatke wum ai to THWART, Agent, At the Company's Olio. In Irmight Station, Penn st. . BA rye. DOLLAR SAVINGS: BANK, No. 65 Fr an= thosme. , • . oluarriaucoD usa. Opera dailyloom 9 to greciork. stso an Wednesday and Saturdayaranlts . from May Ist to November Ist,hem. to 9o' and from tierrazaber Lt to May tat front tto ce . Doppia' rewired of. all awns nollimis than One Lic4ll4 and ÷nd 01 th. ;manta lidoland tyke a year, In Jona and Deomnbao . Intendants tam de dared. scant-annually In June and Dicaraber, dins the Bank was c at the rate of do par mut. =ad, Taimiii =mu of the deposit i _saprlnc4aloued.baars the mmo tn. tarot from the Ind days °Limo roculdlogtwizoui yam altheat troubling the deposi tor to adi, or elan to preamtlia pen book. At the rata, money will doubts to loci than Jades pea Dadra containing the Mader By-Laws, hulas and Begulations, budgies:l gratis, on application at the ofloa. •-• Passuiass--GNOBON LIME= • • - .vion.ramonsurs. John B. McFadden, John helmet, • Alaaszoiar. 1, Dana 11. Pennock, • John•liarabell, hums D. D. Heeds, A. M. Pollock, M. D. -Hill Durgwin, • Wllllem J. Anderson. Heap L.. ltmliei - dock, Jamaa Elcutoloy, JIM* Hardman. Pater , A. Madeira, Wolin R. Nankai', John Orr. , Hebert Lobby Henry L. litagwalt, Jaws Maas, John 'R. Meeeaberger. Wilthua T - o% Alesauder-TiaMe, oj W yrhil. ilita at. E hitw .V p.4 ll32kh z : . BAB. °MON. Calvia-edam,, . Jolla-G. Backstop, Jolla o.• Bind Georg*. Black, akpaaak. Owlac, Ok•uM•J.-Oolton, -MMus Donato- Jobs Sr Poiss-11. Haaksr, Itiokbara Alm!, - • Jams-D. asLoy, Willbtm 8. Lovely, - 81X118rAhlr 8.T11.1.4311 . • Ltiu f " 014 EXitftWINAT UOBVILTB, _MICAROAO 'HEEA.b7III3, .112-DID-BUOB,IIOBIIIIITOI42IOThiIui TUBA YIOOI.IIDIN eta.; lIMINOVI Olt PLASM YOWLS. ANIK/118. 'Pio.' Bold b''lrenippletr everywhere. -Beware of altwortbleee Werdlom. . Principal Depot N0.4311-Drosderty V. • A 414.11011 'POD DM, .8. Z. ISZIr - LIM 00.4-WhollialliApatir, Pletibusb, Ps. • - 11041M:AL:.11...gTEVUS: BUMF casi'muunishis. calks-all ammo DI& INN" • both of Wks and Chntlentsa, by I am metbod la the use of Zbtotrldty alone, without my Medicine, or even any Palm BOARD may be had; with Dreatiaent, by MUM from abroad, at reasonable rates, in the Doctor's Letters applying for ,tdronlars or bather lanntele• lien Till be pros:aptly answered. Delco and reabispos at litec sou= 'mix SQUAD; PbibrA Poonabints, baps a tea tt as well as d_ Part of thnetty. — . ilartnit Strie oat for fawn Irlff IiAreItrFACTURL.VO - .I3ITES FOR A.T.L 111L1L-LOse bandred Cod of Ground, or say :muster cf .tboaa,lylnig - parl.Lo tte 011701 MtW lau Pa. r lupin a treat al :LON /1.4112 the X*. nola SLOT, at.. Look Zio;1. alba 71aolgatka 1761, Tlitlaniqgh Batlrosj Wawa& the centre b For-tarlsa apply. to- P. .4:O6TILLTOB, No. 1/1 Beekman .orser i ew Took. or of Wll. N. bUINN, Sin .110. 131.7ourth goes, Plttabargb, Pa., where no.p. , 114. o , prat be oe. ll .meb:Smeod , flat' RA , ' lb, ha : nasalise ribbed Sides; . " s„o:rd •a , clear d o. .404 as, (plain;) . -rho do Shoubh,n; rer tak al led r 1 erty street. lelE WM. P. HUE & 00 L•ldti =Fiblit Fiba 1 r Noa.l, 2 and Slereel, in bSle ,js de, & kite; Baltimore and Bag /eland Ben trim On hand and for Gale by . LIT T c d TIIIIIIILI2. 119 sad 114 Boxed stmt. if. I .I.\ ' itubys t LI SUGAR. corn. &ad dne, Jar std. byab• banal or at ritail ''J. Übl A./MN/MAW, • Ws' cortior lb rty and. Band alma. LARL, On hariOgud . cor sale bl is. son. 89 ,Lod 70 Wailer 7tre•t. St • I .1L - tsccs oney z-y ! urc 40 do - skated latesus go store eta los gala by MUD* diOrt: t /01.0 Sid lite 3 Meet,