The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 22, 1863, Image 3

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    ittsburgh Ohnittto
Work on the Fortifications
At a meeting of Gio Executive Onlm t tin ,
held on Saturday eventsg, the reports of va
rious Committees sirpc" •ca or. Friday even
inn?. called for, wt, Ito F Johns to
who was desir .1 for r•o tab rep II IC of
Men aillitiDg to worh ,t,-•orilheetioox, te
ported that, 500 •. jl.• rked to hint and
had been nu , d t.• 11 lila, and that
fifty-two 6 , L... n non handed him in
the lieu of I.oor, co which thirty dollars were
subscribed under the signature of cult, and
by B. Britton, Jr., $l,OO, H. Sheler, $l,OO,
Edmonds &,Co, $5,00, Louis Grable, $l,OO, J.
G. Baokoffon Son, $4,00, M. W. Rankin,
$5,00, P. M. Bockhorn?, $2,00, Geo. Hooks
man, $2,50, M. Dishy, $2,00. Joseph
Plummer, Edward Gregg. and John Flem
ming, a committee appointed to procure men
from Wood, Basket, Fifth and Liberty 'treats,
reported that they had enrolled 116 men from
thou streets; and there hall been anittscribed
the subjoined sums, by the followinefirms, to
pay men:
J. B. Weld's..
Dans & Moilwaine
S.F. Von Bona ot se
Harry 5ieber..........
J. Ludnriok...
W. A. Gildenfenney.....,
Jae. Rolf Gyn..—
Adams Express Co.
Also that 24 firms in thole streets had
agreed to pay for the employment of 83 men
at the rate of one dollar and twenty- live omits
per day, 'CZ
John Fu11ert0n....._...._.
Joseptr ... ...
Wm G. Johnston
Henderson; (Theatte)--”
John Har i Filth 5treet.._._...... .
Chu. Mogalight,
Dan. Simard
T. Colvin &
J. islak Creme.-
Veld as Lars—
Hartman & Lazes.
The report' of working parties being then
Galled, it was reported that there were work
ing as follow :
A. & D. N. Charobera----.-.
B. McKee et Co
nes ..-
Bakewall, Peen & - Co— ..
t o tter= g rtf i ll & (9, ...... .
Graff, Bennett (7, .....
91.KnIghl a co
Joseph arenb & Co- -
JAZIN. V 00.4.1
Ban & Co.
BroUley & Long. .. 160
Gray- - 180
Zug et Patuter...-.- .- . .......+
Bahneatcek, Albree & - 70
W. McCuDy & Co.. Blip 4o
Mager, 13 & Co. . 140
.Dobtraon, 1111,1 a & 110
Jaa. &
Wood, Mathew, & 83
Leon, Merl, 131
Phillips .k
Jonas, d Boyd
Wilsons .
Bead 1 Graf
Williams, Black
Vmerson Prcecoi
Lloyd d Black
Slocum dc
Qty Men--
Perlin Yosaidry.:-..---
Woman &Son
ISArshal &
Stint &_9l&------------
Craig a
Chan Armstrong, 212 am-horse carts and 3 one l . 6
one.home carts
Part, liceardy a Co.
Shatak, Park a
Park Brother a Co.
Lippincott.— —.—
Hutchinson& Oo lc
Pardkner licOdney —43 men 2 3 hone carts.
Daimon & )terser. -- 9 1 "
Thos. Nasky
J. Vance A1tadta—........-23 3 2 "
=lay Co----1 7 " 13
klattheer Conard----19 ", 1 1
333131 "3 1 .
David Untoblason.—:.--. 9
'John 9 .. 1 2
Jamas N%ftluney--.19 "1 3 " "
Smoot ItrAttday —l6
Jamb rance--.--
John Becket " 1
Geo. 8 " 2 .. .
Boubsii . 2 1 "
JnP 2 " 1 1 "
song, Chalfant di
'gamey, 168
A. 118
Snamberam &Oa
Zug 88
littchaU, Samoa I 56
Wm. glcOull7 Atli I 966 Ward Works.— 75
James. lerm 85
iamb Dalaml
3181Inuot Sub= k ,
Patio. Selma
Jamas Sem ball
Malat66.l4mo 61.11 a —...--.
Mom tßon
Standard OS 0o
K-Mlndd a
Morro — di 00.—..
Wo rimer &
imagblin & Co., men
Umtata & Co.,
5. Nark. t Og—
Thorn & Co. ..—.—.....—.....—....
*TO:iiiriitu a .
rt Leo
Mow Boogth—
& Fat a h 00., 4. wagons 4 166
W. B. norm.- 46
John Bedouin- 2O
Walton, Philip. a Co., 8 hones sad one plow-. 25
B. 6
.0.0441ter 14 23
Leo Q
. gtomp
Mr 512012421 Doveso, 1 hone and art. 25
Jared IL
4. P. Haigh
'Bryce, Richards
It Will than moyed that all shops, business
houses and manufacturing sstabLuhroents be
closed another week.
Moved that the saloons and drinking
houses be shut up. .
W. Y. r joasurrox, Olusirssaa.
Ozo. U. Tonging, Swam".
N/161BEL711,Iaw pused by
the United States Genoese Axes the rates of
,postage on newspapers, on and after the bet
of July next, as follows:
Daily par quarter —....... Be cents.
six times *Area, per quarter.... ...... 30 d ,
Tti-weekly, por
-Semi-weekly, per quarter....—....... 10
llamas& Cosran.—The examination of
the classes of the Pittsburgh Female College,
oommenood on Friday lust, will be roomed
slits morning. At 2r. x. to-day a reading
contest wtli take pia°s in the college chapel,
and a beautiful cap will be &wanted to the
victor. Judge Burnet, Bev. L. B. Ohba, and
Jas. Votah, big., are. to sit as Judges. Tits
The musical exandrattion , on Saturday called
out a Ana &odious* and was a decided &nooses.
IdsurauT !derma AT liossmammuao. —
A gentleman writing from lieuidaisburg on
iriday, no "Military smatters have brooms
ezoseengly active. The summing up of the
tletitohnsents would Plata the number of effi
cient men who have gone from and through
this Place, at from four to lire thousand. A
slumber of oarulty.acoompany thelnfantry.
Draws* B D SlD.—The dwelling house
aflame McAdoo, d Montgomery township,
Indiana county, withal fn scuts*, was do
strayed by ire on the Ant instant. Loss not
istimatod. - ,
Shocking Railroad Accident.
The Put Line which reached this city
from the east, at half-past one o'clock Sun
day morning, killed a man named Daniel
Moran, near Brinton station. It appears that
the engineers did not notice anything unusu
al until his arrival at the dept here, when he
discovered the arm of a man lying on the en
gine It had been dragged out of the socket
at the shoulder,and by some strange circum
stance had be en thrown n'p on the engine.
I Iho Express train reaches here In ten or M
teen minutes after the Past Line, and it also
i to pposed to have vassed over the body.
On Sunday morning, about daylight, the
swains of the deceased were found on the
track, terribly mangled. Coroner klicChing,
dcir•og the forenoon, was notified of the cir
cumstance, and smiled out to hold an in
quest, taking with him the arm and hand of
the deceased, which had been found on the
engine. The investigation dovelopod the
fast that the unfortunate man was a coal
digger, and had bean in the employ of Messrs.
Dickson, Stewart k Co. Ho had beta pad
several weeks' wages on Saturday, and had
spent the evening in drinking. At I o'clock
in the morning he loft a grocery or tavern to
go home, carrying a lighted candle with hire.
He was not again seen alive, and he had either
fallen asleep on the track, or been unable to
get out of the way of the train. The body
was dragged along the treat a distance of
nearly half a mile. The deceased was a
young man, and unmarried. He had been
working in the vicinity for three years past.
The jury found a verdict of siecidental death.
$ 5,0 D
. 25,00
. 10,00
. 25,00
. 5,00
. s,OO
. 100,00
FittelinTgh Female College.
- - -
Tho aiming 8X8841113 of this institution
commenced on Friday last, and will continue
until Thursday evening of the present week.
Oe Friday the examination of abuses took
place, followed by a musical examination on
Saturday. On Sunday the annual sermon
was delivered in Christ church, by Rev. W.
A. Saivoly. Monday and Tuesday will be oo
cupied with class exercises. On Wednesday
and Thursday evenings the closing gamins
of the gr dusting clue will take place in
Christ church. The following named pupils
from the graduating alms
Hannah R. Christy, Kinsman, 0; Said° B.
Parry, Manchester; Lydia A. Robinson,
Pittsburgh ; Matilda C. Smyth, Mansfield ;
biotite J. McKelvey, Wilkiasburg; Mary B.
' Ossfield, Homewood; Mary E. Read, Pitts
, burgh ; Sadte T Wilkinson, Lawrenceville ;
Fannie J Canfield, Homewood; Bessie T.
Shepherd, Pittsburgh; Lydia A. Robison,
' Pittsburgh; Cora J. Stevens, hicCiemants,
Michigan ; Ptir,tilia M. Verner, Pittsburgh.
The ()crab of Lieut. Ben Gough.
The Fairmont ( West Va.).NatiCeof aontains
the following: "Lou'.' d. T. Ben Gough, for
merly publisher of the Natiencif, was killed
in the battle at K r ineheater on Saturday. He
had, at the time be was killed, command of •
company, which Wlat lying behind a stone
wall, waiting for the rebels to advance. lie
was riot to the hip, the bail ranging upward
into the bowels Lieut. Ben Gough enlisted
as a private its Cept. Priihard's company lest
August, and was universally esteemed both
as a cittssn and soldier by all who know him.
Daring a reacleace of several months in this
place, his noble, bigh•minded and patriotic
eharacter attracted universal attention and
admiretion. It is with heartfelt angaish that
we rto,rl his death. In him we have lost •
brave and truCfriend and unite with his cam
panlous in erne in exprossiens cf sympathy
and confidant:a to his family and friends in
Pitteburgh, to whom he sent a parting mes
sage several days before the battle, as if cot
scions of his approaching late."
The American Tract 3:minty.
The report of the American Tract Society,
jolt out, contains a statement of th., work of
the Penneylvarda branch. During its first
decade, which is just completed, the Pennsyl
vania branch has circulated half a =dillies
dollars' worth of publications, and distributed
of the Messenger and Child's paper, over ale
million <lapis", while its eolportears here
made frienoly chrisllan visits to one million,
one hundred and shirty-six thousandramilies.
The amount of oar:augur missionary labor
performed, has equalled the murices of one
man for nearly four huncirel years. 'lto
value of religious reading matter gratuitous.
ly circulated, has been $62,120, and the funds
generously contributed for this purpose,
$28,366. Lest year, forty-two eolportvars
visited 41,417 families, held 675 religious
meetings, and $40,627 worth of wholesome
religions reading was dispensed, an increase
of $lO,OOO over the year before, mainly due to
the calls from the army and navy.
From Lake Superior
Tha steamer Iron City strived et Cleveland
on Saturday, from Lake Superior, and reports
that fires still rap in the woods on Lake Su
perior. A very disastrous one broke out to
the vicinity of the Pennsylvania and Arayg-
daloid Minn, on Sunday, burning up the
stamp mills and everything on the Amsgda
loid location exarpt the agent's house, the
oiler and two other buildings, and there was
little hope uttering even these. W hen our
Informant left there, six buildings on the
Pennsylvania location were consumed, end
the fire still raging,
There wee considerable excitement at Por
tage Lake caused by the exhibition the re of
11001 e specimens oLgold-bearing rock, laid to
be found some few' miles back from L'Anee
The Iron City brought down 100 tons of
Bride •
copper from the Cliff and Natinal mines, eon
!ivied to Hussy Mc o 212 tons iron
ore for the Cleveland Iron Batting Co., and a
good number of passeaprs.
Col. Thomas A. Scott
The Harrisburg Telsrepit :aye: " When
the war broke out the services of the Penn
sylvania RaLlroad, with her immense resonr
east were pieced under the exclusive control
of the Government. Its energetic caw,
Thomas A. Soon, Esq.,
on to the
the State and Vice President o
the road, outwit: pers N
tional mephitis to render his aid, and he eon
tinned is that sortie* until others were initi
ated by him to perform the duties. When
991" JOU was Invaded last year aid the militia
Calla oat, all the Can and locomotives that
could be commanded were furnished without.
remuneration, and troops pourid in for oar
" When we see the capital of the State
man in danger, who do we test spin at his
old post but 'nos. 1. Scott, the- ViorPresi
dent, giving his sots attention to the preier
vation of our lives and property
non■D TO Go.—iamoug the three hundred
and thirty 'volunteers from
the neighborhood
of Erie, who came to thle way, were knout
ber of farmers who- , had left everything in
their hurried deputnte. One old man was
shearing a sheep when he wai hailed by the
passing troop. He left the sheep half shorn,
hung up the shears and felt Into the ranks.
Lowr.—On Friday afternoon, soconwhero
on Fifth street, probably, a small bloat mus
lin msmerandam book, containing eavoral
important private papers, of no value to any
but the owner. Illeftat the Gametes Counting
Room, the Ander will much oblige
J. A. Star.
Tsoora i MOTIOI.—On Friday and Satur
day last the ranuoylvoitbi and Reading rail
roads wars taxed to them utmost to Sumgait
rtatioa for the troops oomiug wort
ooultanaretuaterfolt bilbi on tho
Waterbag bank of Oonneetant have loads
their appearance—oze of the'donombtatlen of
$lOO, and the odor 00. We have no de.
norm L.senar. ncessaa's Dorms, - t
Waahhestoop Day 1863. J
MOTICIL—Tho attention of all officers
„AA who ha.* boon honorably discharged on ao.
conat of wands or: dhabihtr, and who Ogre to 1.•
enter the service in the Invalid Dorm Is called to
the provisions of General Orders, lio. 106, of 1863,
from the War Department, published in the psperli
thzoopaill the onuitry. Ouch cddoem requorted
to coat ty oomptly with the provhdons of mat or.
der, and aloud the: written applioalions,as there.
In provided, im paslthins In the Weld
nag the character of Dads dlaabalq.) with as 4/tie
delas se po.tbbe, to the Acting Itailetant Prlfoilt
Kamitiellnetamea te. Mate In Thick they may be.
MO noting Andttent Pwortet 'Umbel lament wtil
at woe brawn the epplbustions, with ledonsw
mint, IP the Provost allarshal Gummi of the State.
Mow for the
fur In
pipes twit
reWl Coro will be appointed los
seedLl4l7 Diami otedng she tered by
GOMA Wale 10a, of /863. from War Depart.
wee. ihde Pa 7 and aniclummate will vamoose
loom dee of emegitaano el mob eppointatsistn sad
not from dots of oraarthation of two neonatal.* Qom.
mangle to which tiny an be seattoect.
provost iffsbil
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gas, tte.
Wagargaros, Jane 21,18&3
The transmission of the following dispatch
from the Headquarters Army of the Potomac,
to oar Washington offioe has been authorised
by the highest authorities in the field:
Headquarters drzny of the Potomac, June 21.
—For the purpose of contradicting all the er
roneous reports, and giving quiet to the pub-
Ito mind, Non. /looker authorizes the follow-
tag fact stated: There hes been no en
gagement whatever up to this date involving
any portion of Gen. Hooker's army except
the cavalry. Cavalry skirmiehes, fights and
reconnoissances are taking place daily, with
the advantage uniformly with our forces.
Two hundred and fifty prisoners have ar
rived at headquarters within the hat three
Tho alarm existing at the north during the
put four days is utterly without cause. No
enemy is on cr near the old Bull Bun battle
field, and the panic-stricken report of Hill's
rebol form at Dumfries is equally Wee.
The Richmond papers of yesterday an
nounce the capture of the rebel iron-dad
steamer Fingal, which hu been co long
blockaded near Savannah. Oar gunboats are
supposed to have attacked the Fingal when
she was making an effort to coupe and at
tack cur wooden blockading vessels. The
fight lasted only thirty minutes, and the Fin
gal wee badly damaged.
Adjutant General Thomas has returned
from the west in very feeble health, and un
able to make a trip at all only by traveling by
easy stages. He reports twenty regiments of
negro troops fully organized, and sixty rebel
plantations along tho Mississippi put under
cultivation ►gain by contrabands. He was
very warmly welcomed to-day by the Segetary
of War.
It to stated that Gen. Stoughton is about to
be reappointed Brigadier.
Attorney General Bates has gone west to
recruit hie health. Assistant Attorney Gen
eral Coffey sets in his place.
Le the Catholic ohnrohee of Washington, a
letter was received from the Bishop forbid
ding Catholics to resist the draft.
The Provost Marshals are completing the
enrollment more rapidly than was anticipstad,
hot it is tot expected that soy considerable
number of drafted men will be In the field be
fore August.
Col. Rugglee and Atesiatant Surgeon Bar
tl r:lumow bare been appointed to examine
apitieanta for commliviene in the Invalid
-• • .
Col. J. R. Holman, of Milsoari, has been
appointed Colonel of toe First Regiment Dis
trict of Columbia colored troops.
intuit:ism Is imams re xxcnexcla.
Oar Commissioner of Exchanges decides
that medical officers and chaplain' tall non
oombatants, and are net classed es prisoners
cf war. As soon es prudent they are to be
deli , erect beyond oar lines sod uncondition
ally discharged.
floreefter no parolee will be considerod es
valid bat those giveu as provided for Va the
cartel. That Is, the parties most be delivered
at the designated pianos, and there paroled or
exchan god.
Coptatn W. C. Church, of Major General
Casey'e eta, to about to eitablish an array
11121 navy journal to New York, haring re-
signed his position for this purpose. Captain
Church has had oxperienoe as a journalist,
being a graduate of the Ne• York press.
he BUnatlan to Maryland
FLIDIILICK, Mn., June 20.—The rebel cav
alry left Beonsboro last evening, after captur
ing anosabor of berms, and returr-dd to Ha
One regiment of infantry and a battery 0.1
artillery are now In Hagerstown.
Yesterday MX thousand infantry is reported '
to have crossed at Williamsport, but it 11 not
believed that they will visit Froderlok.
The enemy has nearly 6,000 infantry this
side of the* Yeti/mac, under Oms. Rhoden.
Two regiments of infantry and a squadron
of cavalry aro at Sharpshurg, and the re
maiz der aro encamped between WiLladriaport
and Hagerstown.
No artillery had bean sent ever, nor have
any troops erosead once ycaterday morulhg
Ocarina' Ewell has lett witnamsport, cud
has gone towards the main body of his ooin-
Mind, which Is stationed at Charlestown.
Lee's army le net known to be within sup
porting dist moo of Swell.
It Is very probable tact the rebel for co now
In Maryland will not penetrate further north.
/he cavalry force numbers about 1,200 under
Jabal., and the party whion just advanced
upon Green lie and Criamberaburg nirm•
bared only 650.
Admiral Fouto in ts Vying Conditfon
--Another Pirate--Broottlyu
phone Works Destroyed by Fire.
New Yost, Jane 30.—W0 regret to learn
that up to noon to-day Admiral Irootts was
able to reaogniss his friends, but was sinking
fast- Els rise has been given up by hie phy
Capt. Nelson, of the pilot boat Chas. Mar
shal reports that on the 17th he Spoke the Ash.
ing schooner HMSO of Boston, whose
reported being boarded on the previou s day
by a pirate thirty miles north-east of Nan
tucket. The pirate took all the perk and two
barrels of mscherel from the Bole, and let
the venal go, saying that ha would not hurt
poor men. The pirate afterward 0 IMMO along
undo of a pilot boat, and inquired for equate
rigged vessels. She is • three.mastea En
glleh built schooner, carries three gone, and
hoists the British colors.
The Brooklyn Caraphono Works were de
stroyed by Ire this morning. One of the
workman, .1. Donahue, was burned.
Inauguration of Gov. A. I. BOrI3MIIII
of West Virginia.
West Virginia is now a Owed fact. Hon. A.
I. Boroinan was to-day inauguratoci as its
First Go d vernor. Dusieess was universally
suspende, and the citizens turned out in
moos to usher In the now Mate. Business
houses and residences were gaily decorated
with digs. The day olosod with a brilliant
display of fireworks.
In firing a national saints, Captain Morris
W. Downing had his right hand severely in
jured by a premature explosion.
Good News from Vicksburg
blvarruaaoao, Tim., June 20.—Informs
tion received here to-day, says : Grant will
undoubtedly take Vicksburg. Ten days ago,
ho entrenabed his position on the Dig Black,
and in the rear of Sherman, of Walnut Gills.
lle is perfootly able to defeat any faros which
may be pant against him, and that Johnston
cannot rollact forms anfticient to dislodge him
before the mines shall have been exploded,
and the oily taken.
David Shinn, of the 41 Indiana battery,
was shot to-day for desertion.
A Serious Railroad Collision
BALII2IOIII, June 20.—A serions collision
took place to-day on the Northern Central
Railroad, between Williamsport and Harris
burg, by the Tarnow and freight trains col
liding—six persons being killed, and twenty
wounded. The road is all right between this
and Harper's Nerry.
Troops Ordered to Fort Delaware.
W unmoor, Dix., Jnne 20.—Five swaps
ales of the 6th Delaware, bete ben ordered
to Fort Delaware. They Dan this mans
is the Mama Arid, for the Ron.
Arrival of the Steamer Magmata.
setts with the Prize Calypso.
PEI lio&DILPII X• , Jane 20.—The Hatted States
steamer Maseackusetts; Lieut. Wm, H. West
commanding, trom the North an
dd South At
lantic Blockading Squadrons, Ived as the
Navy with 200 passengers, in
valids and prisoners. Re has bean SS fir
South as St. Johns, Fla., and supplied about
fifty veneer.
The fdassaehusetts towed up the Confede
rate steamer Calypso, a prise, from Wilming
ton to this port, the latter being disabled, it
is suppesiod, by her officers before being cap
tured by the Florida, on the afternoon of the
11th list, thirty miles south•east of Wilming
ton, N. C. 'The Calypso had several passen
gers on board.
Lieut. West also reports that on Thursday
night week, the celebrated blookade runner
Herald, from Nassau, was sunk on Folly
Island, by: the fire of tho blockaders,
three hundred yards of our batteries. The
late c f her officers and mow is not known, as
broadside after broadside was poured into
her oa every side anal she sank.. The block
ading off,Charledrou is poi feet. The Herald
was under another name at the time of her
Rebels Routed at BlMliken's B nd
—The beige of V =bilking.
WOSIIIIIOTON, Juno 20.—The Navy Depart
ment has received a report datid June 9, near
Vicksburg, in which Bear Admiral Porter
states that on the 7th inst., *vizi to a report
that the rebels wore in force about four
thousand Bitting, and were threaten
ing Milliken's Bend, where a quantity of
army stores were kept, and guarded by two
black regiments, and a part of the 29th lowa.
The gunboats Choctaw and Lexington, were
dispatched to that plata to protegt them. Our
troops had thrown up some extra entrench
ments near the levee, and ware prepared to
receive the rebels, with soma doubts as to the
issue. The enemy made -his attack before
daylight. Many of r our men had not arrived
at that, point. The fight wits desperate, and
our foram were forced to retreat, followed
closely , by the rehab'. The gunboats then
opened fire on the rebele, with grape, con
nector and shell, and they lied in contusion,
not expecting sash a reception. Another re
port of the name date Irons Admiral
tot Porer ,
says Tiearmy is still &drawling close the
werks. Not a tont is to be .seen moving in
the city. The mortars keep oonstantly play
ing on the pity and the works, and the gun
boute prevent the erection of new batteries.
Vioneburg moat fail.
Arrival of the 13 . tea . mer City of Few
Nan' Your., June 21.—The steamer City o
Now York, from Bremen, eta Southampton
has arrived hare. Lim advises are mainly an
A vessel arrived at Scilly and reports being
boarded on May sth, in let. 40° N. long. 40 °
W., by a boat from the Confederate steamer
Georgia, and was asked to take passengers but;
declined. The Gleorsia is an iron screw steamer
brig rigged, correrpol ding with the Virginia.
There has been heavy arrivals of cotton at
Liverpooi including nearly 800 bales from
io asses by the steamer EDAM, which was
abased and boarded by It. gunboat Tioga,
nut allowed to prtered after an examination.
It is stated that tits Midair' had on board a
bears: of dispatohts frees Itobstond to the
Confederate agents in Europe .
Lhe question of the legality of 'parching
neutral vessels, sitboat Itilrineng neutral
rights, it expected to be debated la the flours
01 Lords on the 25th, upon a motion for a
copy of the Instructions that have been given
to the British ships in the West Indies on the
saFj ect.
The Alexanaris ease is fixed for June 22d.
The Attorney Generet and Solicitor General
will appear for the Creel!, and Sir Bush
Came for the defense. I
Tioluselan reply to the American dispatch
olarreland expressee the Csar's sentiments of
allrection and gratitude at the attitude of the
Moral Government under the grave circum
stances in which lituesia is placed.
From Yon Royal
WAS NGTON, June 21.—The foUtwing re
port hoe been received at the Navy Depart-
VLa a ,•litr• Wanton, Ppa, Saw.
Juno 15, ltiss3.
6111,-11 , V° the honor to report to the
Department, that on the night of the
sth tont , amasser tetbsarpted to ru.out el
Charleston. !nil war Oirned back by the
eteamer Wissabicken which I pursued
her over the bar, dying at her repeatedly.
'The steamer wee seek, from subsequent in
t ormation received from deserters from
Char'eston, whom I stud notthby the steamer
Massachusetts. There is reason to believe
that the valid wed the Isom, Smith. I have
further to report that on the eight of the 10th
Inst., another steamer attempted to ran
the blockade into Charleston by the Bamford
channel: She was fired at b several of the
Is, but in the darknes y s
eluded them.
On the next morning at daylight, she was
discovered at the north end of folly island, on
Ore, which,,however, did sot destroy the via-
Sthe was a large side-wheel steamer, and
Is supposed by Commodore Turner' to be the
Havelock, but this la not yet oeslaletly as
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Signed) S. F. //01 . 071T, BMW Admiral.
Commanding South Atlantic Squadron
erederiek Occupied by the Rebels
Order from Gen. Schenck.
- -
BeLrISLOSI, Jane /L.—lnformation hag
been !genteel that Frederick was oocupled by
a /mall form , of rebels lest evening about flea
o'clock. The rebel pickets extended list
atebt 13 miles east on the Frecteriek ranspike.
No panic in this atty.
Gen. Schenck has issued an order suppress
ing the ciroulation of disloyal papers tit the
Department, as follows:
li.AoQnaa*acs Deer Bt.h . A.awr Com,
Orrice Peovorr Memittec,
Baltimore, Jane 20, 1863.
The following newspapers have been sup
pressed within toe limits of this Department
said the 'coat press .111113ot hereafter be allow
ed to publish extract' from their column,
By order of the Geoeral Commanding:
The New York World, Express and Caeca
rims, Cinoinnati Enquirer cog Onloago Timm
(Slgned,) W. 8. Fling
Lieut. Col. and Provoat Marshal.
BALTIMOZII, Juno ?I.—A party who lel
- -
Frederick thu morning Rays the rebels who i
came there last evening were only small'
squads who passed through the town, captur
ed a few horsee, eteyed en hoer or two and
left. This road of rebels were in pursuit of
come of our signal corps from South Moun
tain. Oar informeht says that no rebels
Were known to be nearer South idenntaln
when he left Frederick at 8 o'clock.
.., Southern trews
Nsw Your., Juno -Mobile dispatch
prthe 12th reports the arrival of the Yankee
opelior Boston, captured, off Pass , POutre
by o party of 'tutus:di men Item Mobile, wbo
also blunt the barges Lennox and Texas,
whioh had valuable cargoes for New Orleans.
The crew of the Boston, and a portion of the
crews of the two barges eve prisoners at Mo
Dispatehes of the 12th end 13th say that
the bombardment of Port liaison was con
The gunboat Essex is raportOd captartd by
the robes at Port Madsen and several gun
boats disabled.
General Banks had mustinied out aaaaaaa
Sales of Five-Twenties
PHILADEXEIA, Jane 41.—;ay Cooke.sub- 7
soription agent, reports the sale of $3,200,000
worth of live-twenties (or the week ending
on Saturday. Deliveries of bonds are being
made to May fibtli, and with the fealties now
p d by the Treasury Department,
deliveries will be more promptly made here
after. The esoitanient upon the border con
eminent on theundsvelopel movement' of the
rebel army him caused a Wormy diaden
tton of sales, more on seam% Vete prepara
tion* of new voluntoers tkau„Abont any want
of confidence iu the linallpault of the
struggle. .*.
The. Rebels Moving **Ake Direction
of IlleCouneilavote and Bedford.
111111,15813114, June 20.—A hem form of
rebel; continues to linger in the vicinity of
Hagerstown an& Wilibunepert.'
Scouts sent oat from Ohambersburg , report
that there are indleatione of a retreat to the
other side of the Totowa, bit WI afternoon
they moved in the &ender' of YeCon
nonliving and 13edford. •21.11r0y is on
the alert for them. • .. .
Latest From:oltr`•
Woautmrrox, Juno o.—lll‘aloial advlou'
from Viotaborg to tho 141horoo ham
Vetoed. Erorithin whO , lOW anwell then,
and there are many,litddendlant that the rebel
gatrbon mut lan 111211114.142
. . .
, .
.....t.,..-,.. .,._
~...... i.., . ~., .._ -- L. -,,,,, ... .....,.....,-, ..,-- .-•- r. , 1 ..,-.-tv`• , - ,- . , 7*-7 -----,,,-- .. --.7. -..--,----, -..-• -n.....,- , ,..-- r-e, 7....:t.. ,r-,-,7,774.t.,r(1-, i.. 12,4,;,,!,.: 4 :„Pra1,,40 7,34.. V
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~ t ivi,:t. , 117 .4 <-,.:..,,.,5,,,,, , .... !,?y,,,,,Mr.Vpt, ^ . .
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-L .5.42.1 ~. , :•,,,.. '
From Harrisburg—Rebels Captured
Near Nctlonuelsburg—The Rebels
8,000 Strong—tlea.-Imboden Ad
vancing, eta.
8411111117.110, June
op ho ne have eommenced on our side.
A rtion of the Hew York cavalry rear
men to-day, captured twenty rebels at o-
Connellsbarg, in Fulton county.
Col. Lawrence, of the 127th Pennsylvania
regiment, with a portion of his regiment, who
were mounted, also captured a squad of rebels
who were marauding on this side of the river.
We hold Cherubersburg, and the itizens
arming and fortifying the city. Gen c . Couch
has ordered that the place shall be bald.
The fortifications opposite this city are fin
ished, and are considered impregnable. Gen.
Couch has issued an order thanking the au
thorities and citizens of Harrisburg for their
energy in constructing them.
The rebels are known to be eight thousand
strong at Hagerstown and Williamsport.
They hold the south bank of the Potomac from
Cumberland to Harper's Ferry.
Gen. Kelley drove them out of Cumberland.
When they left they threatened to return and
furnish themselves with harm and forage.
They have already done immense damage.
It is thought spat = Rhodes' rebel thousa n d foi o
posite Wil li amsport with twenty
Gen. Imboden is reported to be advancing,
but this is doubtful.
Gov. Curtin will review the New York
The two Basle regiments have arrived.
The Secretary of War has sent a dispatch
saying he will sustain the Governor in his
promise to send the Pennsylvania troops
some after the present emergency la over.
Rebel Force at Hagerstown Greatly
HAZIWIBITIta, Jane 21.—Bellable etiviess
indicate that the rebel force has increased
largely about Hagerstown. They have 18
pieces of =non.
A detachment of the let New York cavalry
captured a number of prisoners yesterday,
and the 127th Penniusylvania Woo captured
The rebel pickets are within five miles of
Greencastle. A cavalry fora advanced to
Meroarsburg and captured horses and other
Gov. Curtin visited the camp to-dab and
was enthusiastically received by the New
Yorkers. Hs also reviewed the Blue Reserves
of Philadelphia, and that regiment will be
mustered in to-morrow.
The fortifications are nearly completed. He
fear is fait for the safety of this city.
Items from Washington.
PIIILATALPHIA, Jane 21.—The following is
all the news of interest in the Washington
Star to-night :
It Is reported in the city to-day that two
members of General Hooker's staff—Major.
Sterling, Aid; and Capt. Fisher, signal officer
—were gobbled np by the rebel gnerrillu last
night In the vicinity of Fairfax.
The Star mattes no mention of defeat or
victory in Centreville.
W/0111110TON, Jane 21.—A 'pedal dispitoh
to the N. Y. Serafd, dated Washington, June
19, states that Gen. Keyes was within seven
teen mass of Riehmond, on the 15th.
About sixty prisoners were brought into the
°amp of the Army of the Potosi:leo, lett night,
from the vicinity ef Aidto, among them •
colonel. They wo , e captured by our cavalry
en Friday during • aeries of skirmishes on the
Middleburg road, beyond Aldie.
It is said one of the newspaper correspond
ents was arrested yesterday, and sent to the
rear of the army for transmitting contraband
Itopor mitt Capture.
Wasatioros, Jaoo 21.—Tno Richmond
Dispatch of the 2.otn contains the fallowing
Dispatches resolved In this city yeeterday
from Bavannah announce the capture by the
enemy of the Confederate tron-clad• steamer,
Adana*. She was formerly the , English
steamer Fingal, and was commanded by Capt.
Webb. Bee steamed out of the harbor, and
was captured after an action of thirty min
utes by two Federal iron-clads.
Arrival of tan Isaac Webb. - I
New Yoex, Jane 11.—The pilot boat lasso
Webb reports that on the inn she passed •
quantity of blurted materials of vessels,
planks, spars, as- On the 190, in latitude
64:60, longitude 68:30, she heard ton or twelve
gnus fired in quick SQOOOI3iOD, in a south-wait
direction, supposed to lit fifteen miles distant.
Guernilas 'Shot
LOUISTILLZ, JUDO 21.—The steamer John
T. MoCombs has just arrived, bringing fifty
three prisoners of the guerrilla band who in
vaded Harrison county, Indiana. Some tea
or twelve were shot and the balance token
within • few miles of the river near Leaven
Yelled' Spoken.
PROVIDIISOI, 8.. L, June U.—The steamer
Sea Gan, from New York, nooks on Sunday
morning, a Beaver Tail, the U. S. steamer
Curlew, in Nardi of privateers. The same
day spoke the whale ship Mohawk, from the
Pacific for Nantuaket, with secrbaareti of 011.
The 22d Connecticut Regiment.
NIT You., Jane 21.—ci dispatch received
hers saps that the 22{1 Conneaticmt regiment,
nine months taen,_whose time has expired,
will remain at Fortress Monroe for the
• resent. •
Markets by Telegraph
CINCDIXATI, dune 20.—flour dull, and superfine
offered at 4,41V.6°. and low extra 4,76(0,90. The
higher re ado. leg marts, are flres et 6,10 to 6,60.
Wheat 11 c. lower Red 1,(113(44,10, and White 1.,130
1,15. Corn on good demand at alga& (Sate a
vanced Y. ants, and barn, et MI In bulk. RP 73 53
79. Whiskey is la moderate demands& 40. teething
done in provisions, and prices noralnaL We did not
hear of any Inquiry worthy of not*. Groceries on.
changed and mead,.
Gold advanced to 143. tlllver 133. Exchange
stead) at. 34 premium selling.
Degas employers and employees, who are will.
lag to eng ' sge in the work of constructing fortifica
tions br the defense of the city, you are hereby re.
quested to meet at the Pennsylvania B. B. Depot
Jpoction, Liberty mid Graritetteets, lbw morniog et
7 o'dook, or es soon thereetter es parable to organise
and proceed to Elerrou's mu, to mufti the duties
which may then be mehimed.
By . order oUthe Committee, •
JOB. 11011N1A
H. J. LTNO7I,_
B. O. Loom
sons Buowi,
J. W. 131.11.10111,.06a1nain.
A TTIONTIuri, - • • L
.. Ine prima mats tolls on every gad NU and
loyal citizen for nutted action io the denim of oar
own hones and !amide% ss Well as for
country. Let us not be wantioi I Meß efor mede
Tay. r o Reapers' damnation therefore cells on every
mambo avoid nudely, ne well Am on .11 other lemon .
and eating hones keepers to aneuage on
TUIIIDAY 11101;IA11all, JUNE WM,
. .
it 7 o'clock et the lOrpot of the Conuelfseille
road to form a romp's,' of thole own, in osdn to
pat thieneelves it the disposal of the oghnrs, to
whole the fortthostione of the city of Pitteborrh and
siethityluive b•en eutrested, and go to work forth
with. At the 'moth time we request at tetem and
eating bonen keepers toclose lbw pierce of business
on the abeinsnientioned day.
. • - VIZ 00111111TTilk.
bdirMWATNN, litatio'neers,"
110.61 FIIIII 811141 T.
Tag geargetale, Stook sad @antral &action Bud.
ateg, witaellshed In 1213 b 7 the late John D. Davis,
will be continued at Oa old stand. No. 64 llfth St.,
cedar taw atala of DATDI IIoILWAIII3. 300.
0. Deng having AD day sugolated with Man
ALIN. Ifoll.W&LibiN, Mal known es ulna's la
the house ler law Joan. Devoting thasanelnua ex.
&Was to is Clownligion Auction Badness, in which
they have bad long experience they confidant!,
onsulanneate of air, of gaga.
Liberal satiny* made whoa hired.
go. auseai %g ate, Btooke“litaida, atm
itiesday oisoltill, ffi that Woad Noce sales room.
Libraries sad asistellaaeons oollacilona of Dock'
woolly =Waned for paints moo. my 9
WI. A. b. rqopeoguily
471 hearse Oa of el. Plitsbarsh, that
G w b e maccelald eol.arat Jar the tale of atl
as a Elea orlainst 011XXIIT ANTL004110111111:
rXti. They ate tecommaarled by the target home
111 the dty, mai which me
Ayer, Bute= s Co., lemma a Co.,
aloolliaiu) &Co.. La= errs l'arar Co..
aurrarje 04;‘,
sad othui. Jelalr
mamma ruvansm
Supplies a rot htt pretT gottlushatund
hra suet kW a taarttrhats Alta ate ti
Bothaatalt OAS It tl DUTUBIZII that dam Ulla
. nth* Oahu* tattathas Skaters Valid. Th.
real attltis Ike tataluzatt taais Druggists.
.A. SABIWOOIWh ewe A 00.,
. 919 . 909 91 It lad Food siewth.
bipi. Netts received. ma
x Ike Wok r °Amu&
GROVER LIND Baria's Eiawma hismusi, for
family and manufacturing purposes, are the
best in use.
A. ff. ORLTONT, Getlarg Agent,
No. 18 Fifth street.
bonsai PAZIT, Plain and'Orrownsostal Slate
Bwofer, and dealer In Pennsylvania and '7E
wont elate of the best quality et low rata.
Ogles at Alen. Laugh line, near the Water
Worts, Pitteburgi, Pa. apB:6m
New Astatv.a. or Summiii Currinia.—Of
ten we are asked, wher can we buy a neet
and comfortable rummer e
suit, made to order,
thus having the Ghana of selecting our own
goods ? To all those inquiries woo= answer,
go to Messrs. W. H. MoGeo k Co., corner of
Federal street and Diamond Byars, Alleghe
ny, and you will be Butted according to year
teat.. They have just received their slimmer
goods, and for elegance of styles they cannot
be surpassed, and for fitness they are the very
potions, as their work is all done under their
own supervision. Give them a call, and you
cannot fail to be satisfied.
attention of our country's brave defenders re
cently returned from the seat of war, and of
the public in general, is again direstad to the
very extensive and handsome assortment of
the latest styleF:c French, English and
American go ods, for pants, mats and
vests, lately received by Messrs. John Water
& Co., Merchant Tailors, No. 116 Federal
street, Allegheny. A tasteful selection of
gentlemen's furnishing goods will also always
be found on the shelves of the establishment,
together with a lot of ready-mule clothing,
got up in the best manner.
Jun Unman "son Tau , Pte:.—roamuel
Graham, Meichant Taller, would respectfullg
Inform his frianls and this public in general
that he has 'just returned from the Nast with
hie new stock of Spring and Summer Goods,
consisting of all the latest styles of cloths,
Useimerecand vesting& Gentlemen desiring
• stook to select from that cannot be surpass
rat by any other in the city, and their gar
ments made in the most fashionable manner,
would do well to give him a call before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Baum GILLHAY, Merchant Tailor
No. b 4 Market street. one door from Third.
Coma= is HilDtuns.—Rev. M. Thaoher,
Pitcher, Ohenango county, New York, writes:
"I am sixty year' of age. By the me et
Mos. 8. A. Allen'e World's rer, my
grey hair's restored to its n atural color. I
am satisfied it is not a dye, but cots on the
secretions. My hair 008001 to fiat Your
Hair Dreseing is superior to all others. For
eruptions It has no equal." Bold by druggists
everywhere. Depot, 198 Greenwich sweet,
New York.
Caul. Dansurraw.—At the Dental Insti
tute, No. 251, -Penn street, sets of teeth for
four dollars, better than those at Ire dollars
at the other dental establishments. All per
sons are, requested to call at the Institute
after having amertaleed the 14west prices 'at
the other cheap places. All work dune at
the Institute is guaranteed imparter to any
cheap Dentistry in the city.
SOLDIIIIII3, TO vas Manua I—Yoting men,
rushing into the exposnre and dangers of e
soldier's life, should prepare themselves for
the total fevers, the dysentery, the sores and
'curvy, which ore almost certain to follow.
nolloway's Pills, used ocCesionally daring
the campaign, will scams sound health to ev
ery man. Only 25 cents per box. 214
bars of the Company enrolled by the unda
datelined will meet at the Old Market House,
Allegheny, on Mends; morning at 9 o'clock,
fee the purpose of going into aamp, under Col.
J. B. Clark. W. Y. fdoNalif. •
ALL OTTIIi isranaaren.—Sor repairs or sl
- to stores or dwellings, new roots, or
anything she to the Carpenter line, eon at
Cuthbert 's Carpenter Shop, Virgin alley,
above Braltheeid streets. AU orders prouipUy
ettended to..
and CLRZIA.G3CaI.t.twIti cclela
at the Garke_lbeta oGw., Hc, 106 Liteet7 ntmet.
141 or highs. e.ll Left St neves
place sSI he :rear::;,
• (tee
O. linca., Dentist, 246 Penn swot's, otters
all bossiness et ble profession.
The roll far this organitatioo is nay open at
the aloePattarson's Lieu, Suit's Diamond
street. Persona wishing to Join will call Instedla
stay. Whit drill will take place on WEDNXSDAT
VistNING NEXT. at 8 d'o;ock pmct.&7, to "art
from H. H. Patterson's Stable.
[O. liAblr.VON •ti Stit TEEN , ( F,)
PRAHA. VOLB.—k Pm good cum tail be
aceepted lc this Batter,.
e to Liszt. L. N. RSA
artictai7.L.b.S. WRIGHT. Pro art Manly,
et Girard House, earner smitnneid atel ‘ Third streets.
10 , 15 Ta 1930.11Q551T
Lieut. 01118. IL BUM:It and Sent. A. W. DLL
IT'LL bac, been detailed by Cot oa'say to recruit
tor the Ugh Begtalent Penney Wants Militia. They
have opened to Co. C's Amery, 140. 64 'federal to.,
• llealisny. All rintalta will be sent Into Camp Im•
WArefliD, far the
9:h Raglatent B. V. 0., or any
PCl2ll.7l.lllllBeglosents now In the Seld. Nach re.
trait will receive one hundsvd dollars bounty.
Twenty-Wu* Colon will be paid in advance ii scan
SI sworn - Into the Unl ad State. eervloe.
/or other Information inquire at No. 70 firm
&ism, opposite 1111 root OZCII.
-L. B. BicHATIN,
Pint Lieut. end Bocruitlng 0111oer, 9th Itegimeat
Penna. Brom Coro,. Jel9 lama
PITTTiBULD3 I II, Juan IPru idek
THOS. M. HOWE, A.-A Adjutant
General, TM —Dm, the undersigned
privies to rata • tody El earthy. to numter from
100 to 800 men, without szterom to the Ittare or tie.
don& 43overnment, ezeept for Inr,, *A mmunition sod
!rubdown** while on coos, to oe se du. log the prow
ant emergency .odic h.. select to the mil of the
Commanding Deseret rf the Department of the Mo •
noupdels. Drill. to be et lead once * week. Will
yru be good enough to luto-no us whether this prop.
adtion can be accepted. TO di% H. po,wpgabolf;
W M.ll. Ruse.
Aviv, GrommaCa Grum.
Junei Diermor,l
Pittaburgh lB tb,
- Mum. Bob( H. Pagences, Job. H. Etsioart mad
Wm. H. Hera -411ra : Tour offer to rein a body et
Oavalry, to member from 100 to EMI man, without
expense to the Beate, to arts for the puma emer
gency, except for arms, ammunition and subeistmoe,
cm been submitted toliajor General Brooks, and
sooepted• He will muss arms to be tarnished =soon
ay your organisation ported.
lonia rmpectially te ,
A. A. Adrt Gen., Peat
The undersigned boo eutioritp from , Idajor'Oen.
Brooks and Aajatans Gen. Hoes to raise • Cavalry
for,e to number from 100 to 000 men. to NM during
the present emergency, 'sok men to Rod his own
bone and equlpnwuta. Gin. Brooks will fora &
arms and ammunition.
for further particulars apply to
O•NOTIO3L—At a meeting of the
&NBILBS' BOAZ% held eta eateepoen;ll,
vas resolved. nostkooasly. That *vim to the bin.
dltloa of the 'mars. the Trost opetnpanßa and
Beating Honor close, on and altar the UPth Instant,
nova farthat metes, at 1 o'clock p. m. . Bagasse
nun and the puldb 'smelly will please note eda
Beet, end trannet their! anking Widnes' beim that.
hoar. B. S. Secretary.
07110101 21114111POWS10111 (JO.,
rusancrikOtay 2201,18101.
Obi Butocatbora to tha _Stook of tha Wcat
_am Ina:natation Clammy that an samialast of
71211 DUL1.22.5 co 00) PIS BULBS hat boon
hided apon the stock suboodtrod, ma t& at Oleo
of the Wawa, at Pitt:slough. on bobro the
12th day of Jul., 1222,am0t a UM amount away
Shirty days Omelet . , aattl othafithe notified
Sy =doe of the Booed. _
ja4.Bca S. . MenOwlltt. rtare4SZ7:
01011,2TAltril 0117101 kc
Chants= I etrattrusez Unman Co.,
01/welsad. May Mita MI.
me-r • eviassotanals at Ws' Ijoataasy will be
bald at tte dace tatlferelaad.on 11101/Nsave.T,
Ist day of July mat, at 10 o'adock aavald
to take lato aoadderstko the olvorlety of buneae
la Obis Ostdtal Stook al the Company to . aa amount
=What to agar of Ito aoadontaa of Its
lit T
Roods. %TM teemdifitooks kW be aimed troarene
Ititk eta* SL • . s.SOCLWIoLL,
. -- -
IrVitiOTICEIL—The taabsori tionlioobl
we" GI the Oxver rift Arms
Ompuly =tine qpn st meofee al
0001 , 111 Jo 00. Sisk Stack, rm One% ustft hr.
•altalle sa lCALL, PLPER, - - at old
w.r. ZuriliagUrt Wow; ono.
socoolsori to J0n1.09. voto
• 1 Merchant. Tailors,
--- •
Are am road(' nub
, .
Ada •to• DM elasa Mabry, wldalthwt olgotte
ad mat can to wad Oa apylohlttioa ot tbdr
maoLifthatda and pahosoiliad Waldo& by okra at
to badman awl staid tatiattly. Pa seat Os
salonl of an who may Amor to with a coll.
orriczatze uNnromis
Mt& to or in the bad manna and ost isesosabis
terms. Hattog loishad a groat soaay 111:11WOBIlb ,
for Staff, Yield and Una Oftsrs, as well as tor tbs
Nary, we are prepared to szserats olden In *la tips
with =maw and dsspatalt. •
Litwin a vary chola salastion of royalism he
GOODS always on hand.
MOS. 07f SIB. • ST. mars STMTS.
IA • 13 OHAMBIIHN 822.112",
(formerly 42 Chatham stir; lbw Tanga
Would call Um attention at graters to the saki." of
nandelitsre., via t
BROWS 131.1311 . V.
Mscabob inns RNA.% U 0... Sepses, AIIAtICSS
Gentlemen, Batista', Nu*, Bianca"
TILLOW army.
Scotch. High Taut Scotch, let& High Toast or
Lundyfeet, Bins, Boer Scotch, Trash Ronal Scotch.
Fresh Scotch.
SOlfAttention N. called to the biros reduotke is
prices of Tims•Clut Chewing and Smoking Tobaremo,
which will be lband of
TOBA • superior quality.
Sionrio—long, No. 1, No. 11, Nos. 1 audit mined,
Tors Co: Osurrro—P. A. L. or plata Garen
dl,b, or Sweet: sweet Scented Orommo t Tin Toil
Ilsocuro-8 /ago, ciposien, Canasta+, Tarkleb.
N. B.—A clzoatas pion will be mat on spoil.
cation il4l
WORMICIK e113t017,
IlLastafertaren of
dad dealers la
Pig Lead,
Block Tin,
Patent Shot,
Menrzcs Dim £$D arcuium.
N. 1520 CIONNEMON ST., '
Constantly In etore, • lane as wrote.% of Owe.
Zino. Iron and Galvanised Iron Bath Tuba.
Whit* mad Warbled Ply Basins.
White and Marbled or Hine Closet Basins.
trr gater r
Closets of t oter, de.criptloa. •
Pomp. Bams, da.
Iron Blob.
Iran end Ensaulled Portable Wash Stands.
Vitrified Drain ripe. lisnds, Ihoichot and Traps.
Plumbers' Braes and PlarAd Work, .1 every O.
Lied Traps and Benda Pins ant War Hydrant
Potts, Hydrant Rods, Plumbers . Hooks, Harbts
Blabs, BOW Wee, to., as law as any hones to tbe
collutry. apUatil
.... -NOVEMBER 1862.
A. 1' El S .
• huge portion of our stook having been bought
previous to a series of admires, and now internals
ed. (just preceding the largest idealize of the sewn)
with thenewest &IV's In
& Womble opportunity is cdstid to purchaser. at
moderate rata, cc priced will certainly Witham ,
ire undsrdiged AVatar for MOM' a "
consfaatly nu band • vals
_of theft
MEWL various isql• w 'OE to sold
In quantities to $O. Usd• on lust rooknoh - *Won
scaommum A LANG,_
asa 11111111/17 OTRIZT.
. _
36 bap Rio sad Java Hors%
96 II idiots Gesso Ind Black Taro
19 We. H. 0..60g5r.
901)UL cambsdoxdfse sod red Boor%
90 bzo. hos Hotly 11. T. flow
SO btds. half T
Ws. Hos 1 910 Iffsckarst;
9034 do do Whit. UN
6D gross Matcher
6 bozos propsroj Cod:.;
SI bozos cinclassti Getman dap;
20 bbbi. N. U. 1110IaMK
SO do Glabill amp •
10 do Labrador Hoottne;
Just meted sad for lies by
IST Moots dreot.
d p.s MoVAY CO.,
(Ws of the arm of W. H. WWII= • Os..)
No. 75 hwA R. sod door ro W Miskeke Boob.
maim ix
GIOLD, HINZ& 85.U1 .OTLD. 1114311•21010,
ODD OIL Mail. OW GOTIIrIiWP uoinuass.
Prodnee & eeionl Commission iiszonsni,
1111011AND1111 $lOl2l,
And drags hail kbids d 00MITILY ISODIJOIL
to. 179 irtUr2l7 UNMET,
Illandistarats said (Wan fa all Ids & of
TOBACCO, 511111111 MID liSaiXft.
10.1011 WOOD' MEW, l!refibtomoi. P. '
io~paosohat oaf beads hip oasfofff of Mrs
ua look of Tobacco. ~slams
TROP, to,—`lllttand arnaptiaa 1110 t and
bat caked= of Bolding Plante ikbout ib. City, rt
1 , 1•I.I.Y %MUT. %, Ifl I
swan sad iook at them.
pALLO 110U01:11.,
General Clonuibiion iltenguint,
415 lowa DUAW/JUI Mum:
lr a IL DTBTICEN, Baits - Apinnias.
yobs MD Dram Ihozau. - tied. olDiAll
ADD MOD 00011 mat to ma.. Ako. UMW
OADERINW,ariaI Nada. ma& as tamoaasowootsop.
AU ardent bat at DOWN I maws. No. lii
WOOD nun, vtu b wispily Wooded to.
• arms mamba* tAL AraLaslaa radial moo.
okortak..of amp Tame orporisao• Umarboalao.,
boon to giro maidociaos cam ragoot.
1,7 16000016 a, 3titotull2 Load% Olnalastit
60,060 1166 do do • 'Tisk" Kum
161,000 666 bkiess • .".
_ tads. Idled riusity Moog •
Ld stars sad for sale at • _
COOK. PsTrita.
64 Itindebtlild divot
arose, of en, dilimint midisketss Not Si
St Mir stmt. . a.-rmatars.
LOU' .—rlU tierces IS: IJA= OO
10 bbdo..priai
Tor a* bi J..090.1.18 &id 40 11
Mrs LibetlP—...
TIRSON:80 WWI 14 1 #-;‘ ,W - .
1.4 eatroitaxem
i i
f; :-
t tii
ousaisigiTi. 0.