THE ESTABLISHED IN 17%,C, GROCERS. HEWER JCLAZEAR, IPIZOLZIALS 11110011311 00111M,:ildlON miaaa.Lan, isa, If sad Ilialtadield Iterit• Omeur ilianAL CIORKLY • 1/110115/11,2 GICKIIII. X 171 LIBKIPIT BTREZT, , PITPOSIII44I, P. BA at Ptathaoot the taunt of lslof 11111 as the bosineos at the old er tow*, s i t I = Ds to nods* tho patrol:ma of hts el/ tries& • • • - . • Mat • & TRULBLE, W - Guam P CT. Coasuesso CO2 • RODUT.. /R, BAI ' .11 AND LARD OIL, IRON.NALLS, • N TARNS, and Pittikth • • 7,119 sad 114 Second 20 , N4 POW • 777,1 DO Mill 11710. • .110. •1111170:134 (of tOo.,he late arm d D. a D. IrDat or tl4Pittaboigh. a WellevElle. 013 0:07 , ANDODTALD I JAL seta thwant. 'DOD= ma Ocarintas Ma oaten, Jobbers la oorm. H. 0. MIDAS and 'IOLA ekes aZIII2I2GD 130011.11.6 mod aIrBIIPLI, 111.0IIR, : AOOD. 10 / 1 &000. la 114: DMZ. OD.ltlaii, aILIDI3, £O.. ND. 9{B sad 2114.1gberty.tit., Pittsburgh. V. 11221122...'.......1. L 11211114*.M, Ip.IIMM. TIMOIEB - 4t BROTElrl i e—sui, Am Boom rola:t w os ratriirM U ;.". D _ ortMng wigs. noriorugaustraitae,waz w lice, 1116 arkt 111 Wutiti . ittseg, Don iri.t . th„, argil, 111110=1 S. KM ' MIMI UMW Ot ILETZOAR, Gum* AID AA Cloaxance Itzacauxts. anetisisits IsP -an , ksio or Ckrozzar Pima= ura enzonouspE SU= . narross. No. 4 kri Lib se g street, oppodus lila of Wood street, Pittsburgh, ft. • ,aghtly IL N. SOUL iaND. JON SS 130A1,—WIRLE 101" Gummi AMID . 8011 roaasszor, . IIAbaLLK =pis, OAKUM, 01L8, PI ix mid Plttabotihnottoilemeneet said , es. No. 141 Witei Et., 'hove the Moooophels Bridge. PittabargW. Pa •O3IZIT Oht r. 013BRIEVEDAVEmEur• . /t - 004 Wawa- A.waucauifiecize. Oawarisioa AKD reairaaonia iliacdmitir aid iamb dealers In - PRODUOZ aid Mu manalbetares, Pittatramti. MEW 111PrOs.-....A. *ALIJA/. LAMBERT, LIPTON & Wawa. awe Gamow and Psoatroi Dusan, No. e sixth street. Pittabargb• Pa- ,116 Jon WAIT JOAN WI/1101. - WATT . Waolaguir GE°, -WATT IftscaArts, and &alone in Produce and Pittaburth sumatictures. 210.7/6114.11r; arty street, Pittsburgh. MIALL DIVICESY , sauna& .L Qom" Oomicaso Ntwoujim anctiNoloso 12 PZODUNN No. SOWN m ", Moot, rad lzo2O Mtn; IMOI. W. L. DILIWOLTL. j B.:DILWORTH it 00., Wzozaws V • ilicam i t !•!.13,-.l,4.l=3oxsidiurkzeti JOIN Worm— '''''''''''' • =Aram rump: lOU FLOYD eo.3W o •••QlSo ourAso Ooloasnom trsocuresHr. ITh Wood mid 228 Liberti shat, Pittsburgh, - 10/ 8 "NNEALLLAM. .114l#A14Yi Wzougsma Glao os N. 18 ,add 22 wood:onewitts- APt 37 1` - • e annum JPS, Qum; Lis ries of Bova lar, No. VS Liberty area, • ra: robe JIAJWVIA4C77OI.I4II4. - DANIEL BENNlerrillatAilizu =mow& os wlrrs Min CHILI LEW airennos ass-igazszates as Bra, IA Pum • --•, ---- A/AOKINTOSH, - HEMPHILL & 00., •ALII. turner Pike end Crilsoe attest, near the ay Pittebrugh;i L.L Watudhetarere of INLA _AND MEIMAIrmiI ZIEPBOVID PATIONTDEKLILLATING MAX =WIN AND BUDD ITALTNA,Ut allitaa andlitit aqL /Navin put up marldnery of large capacity and of Übe beet quality, preWe pared to do bang job. trtn& volidt work he line, lauding by promptness. and,the cluonoternfona mot, Wimnft Weette attentkm to our BADANOZD VALTB OSQLLATINGI =calm, • oginbining advantages heretofore unattained In this clam of jetteutyd jthiELPH . IiAMILTONit Oorssr of Phst and Liberty stns.*, PI1TE031:13GB. P.., MULIIITUATIMMI Or BUPPRIOSI BMX INGIELS, mAceiliiat _____ myttEir • • 'OA No. bt) Warn maaschaturarafßOlLZDNlTNlS, - BOUGHT OONNON AND IlltiatOAD, am, dakriptian. ..1111MuN wlar Ward ar Waged MN= • JIM or aniall„ Rada to ardor at • sake. iiiDDIAN ttX.)h.„, No. ILO o e t tnAgpme a r Ain r&int arid mu deneltpOos of LIAM= 11441D:Xli` Orden n4kitsedg wi a ictum ne thelredi, ant ly 1 r hr ehhned es Tme +warm J. L. VOL/1..... niallllo. - VOlll 4 MOM= a 00., esdas Xaarosdo- Ttril2l.Worsham, No, IS Wood stn.; parser of Mist, Pitdaborib, Pa: - oos-.lyd afuolc, ifc. BLIIM.E, Diuxis 01 1 / 1 1149M, YMCA L. INSTENSLINTS. bolo non be limos& 00.'S PIANOS, HAWKS BSA& PIANOS, and PRIM 031 i 00.'d 111.11.40DX. UAL .No. fa Plfh ntroit, round doer aim* WoOd, Pitalosegbi Ps. Siellanas to 105,,nn4 /Men In oz. shanplornow. . splo IILLEBEH, Bull ., DIALNAS /X Almon= itosucuin LIZTROIMP2II, int OAS ' e /or Staininsfo calebratod RUMMY No. 63 Pi • • my 29 :TORN . H. ILEUM, Dm= a Pwroa rep maccoon, its., No. PI Wood stmt. Wawa hoorik-airoot saiid-Disiaoad Plttatatrily Pa. D zs=x r. Th. -- iiVialWis - b — WlTlibin • - A. /PAIN, BY TH2 USII 01 AN APPARATUS 1110311128 Y HO DBMS ea GALVAXIOBATTHST . . 'Redicti gentlitemk sad their RESIN hue did /their teeth extracted ify my proms. sad are reedy artity as to the Wet, and pdalearsem sf the mire- Itos—erlastever has been mid bypsniona biteeteW la amertingthe contrary, !rising - imewlidp or sly atfIrARTITIOLII, T 1222 lammed in emoLetyle, W charges vol 7 law vs:natal ta ell ream be of L the beet materieL OUDRY. Darner, 134 Smithfield et. JoBiali ADAMS, Dawns% Connelly, Bultdittgoorusr of Diamond sag Grant'strests, Pittsburgh. Auxusco—Dr. A. 11. Pollock Dr. Thisxisrs Bobbins. &mu Ittrett.' tuya:dly BOOINCIIVEZZES, JOHNSTONIi'OO., Sumo" zu. Du= Dam_ mizonteinsw, a= Jo Palmas, No. D 7 Wood • 11 • • . • 1,00 If A Mt, • • • tionso, No. 66 Wood ltroot., next d Ara oor to the . "w t c ' t Th Y d r Pittsburgh. Pa. , d scaoqi. sad JL. /MD, &amni . mos, D. TS lvattk stmt. Apar DlVOgligs• itOWN HORNE, Daum" is Tam MINIM WILUDIUMIII Ars Maim Gosasi IL TI eket sUssl.l . lllobursa. Is - 17 /111: , . rr 7 Fr7r77777Trrfx" - 71 IADMALIAM WARD,' Thum a PIMP V MOST tints, Bono, Narriwass, wi All wo torttbe tor xsouty. Pottoos out Wow procias LOANS Omagh my wow romosabio Thor Ididas to hind Mott stow to good ad• "labPo awad dad drit and socontd . cdtos mot wm, IMF MS. Ali ootancidottdost tad thiminrs strkgy %M ClatkodtaL daigisl•-• 01110% Gnat strut, opposite St, Pull toduUS prALL P4PERN. MARRRALTs Daum WALL Rittsbergb IiT.Z P. uas, Betiano, ito.. No. ft Wood &Set . • H. PALW. Woo° &R., Dolor In BO ItATe irl j alW TUX' INA OMR - I • •4 Y PITTSBURGH • sz*iffwi .ffirteimrics. WHERLIIR & WILSON'S 1111;18:1117 111/1111ItIM, QIBOGLAR HOOK SEWING MACHINE. woxivs nu, LODWITBILL EXPOSITION, With labia& floranziants. Th• eat, *Wain in the Werldng MAN Own Puma, Mumma and Ocusdry ImProwed Hama" aacettvosiodooonmlishir=hotted tion to . call at 4= in opera lirdil ifecUme werransted arse roars. 1111111 and for a Circular. • wm. suitinvEa & co., -WESTERN. AGBNTS, P l prismuli-90._27 2 4 17TH 6171211. Chorosamart—PlETY ovp3.A. BIIILDLIKI. /An - -fa. 1 lAJONIO TIMPLZ. C w. WILLIAMS CO.'S INIMOVID DOUBLII TABIIIIII fir`*ldiot lArtihisses. Ilskuroces, 11% 68 Fourth utrest, Pitgabrath• '.llwwwideit - a ny /isle to twenty donate 'obligor than any other moths" to the city. Th ey will do an kinds of weds, and are warranted to thasejsate,Theyoreeo shale that niey and If • aid Cal UM Mall to merfootlon. o Constantly on =kin itneentlteetaz Raabe aiedkw. newtna W. Oottref. ea. Won't idneketvesiet. 1 , 7, Jill 82111701. Amt. ri-duros. _ _ rt'NABB & 00.'8 PIANOS —4olt apenalUile week a choice supply of those beeental leetennentsi l Vl beyond II doubt the luta tbecennta7. - la now almost solnweeNi canceled. Jr name mantle pat we twin not been able Co BB cesedeV of our orders: intBRANVID 7191 TZAR& MUNN :131101112118. ZIONL/108 PIAIO -19/111121;114 bees nbeep Planes made. War ~Is by 4111A-BLOTTL BLUM 13 rush attest, tide Agent kw news RROMMULIP Punoe - and NlLomosra. • 3.13 BALWILINS i t SKOO 144LND MAWS. • T octavo Otikkibaautifal tusk 'Want case; verp MUD vie, co • 7' oaltale fpaltharbsy riorwsol; mad wt. ahm - 4, Int rata teustrwasat.-6—........ MI MI 07 i 010 i 4 00190.umm004 ib uldwass Plastoanirood elder lO3 00 ._. ,~R. ~, .Z~7i - • leis 00 A octavo 61616 a Oa., mumcd. rout, a steetlant Plano min -2 160 OD • 6 606nablekarto& rassirsod, round 00IE• 190 A 6actmealatlek- Dart 004 Imemeol_. 138 CO CO A 6 creme Nam% 80 00 A 'octave eau, TA 00 A 0 mtars Germaa,GO CO & actin Dunham, o so 00 A 0 edam Local, A 636 eaten MVO. 40 00 0 CO • 6 octave ..,,,,16 CO For mle 40EilliinaLOII, 11•18 81 Wood surer. STEINWAY'S PIAN . received the PIBEIT OLATh NMI MIDAL, at lb. Wcomo's Yam, Loodoe, ISta illirWiusanted eupoefor to all other, fo ever, re. epoch A new dock of the shoes just arrfeleg., larkols Avery kr kik district Ix Ur Ettr!miry Plums el FL CURB= A Blirre e sid6l He. 63 Mb arrest A FMBH SUPPLY 07 HUNPRREY'S OPBCTIIO HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES, /Oa TEI PEOPLL LIST 07 BPZOL7IO SMILEIDILS. I—ler Tenor, Oosigaition and InDamn/Was. Ha. S—rit Worm /me, Woila Odic, Wetting the 7114, C F a b & . ft!Okint Nad Wakeful- No. 6—Yor Disrrboo, Oboists &kat= sad Bun. No. s — i tr a- 30;:111;1_ptop, - plionlaryor Bloody No. 11—see Mohr% Molars Iterbas, Voodtleg. No. 7—Par .Zt s ;kls, Lorlseess. Sore Timer. No. s—For reoreoke N No. 164frre Noolledi, refire, Nest H an g of the Heed. No. 1 0 - O EN4-11or Weak sad Deranged Stomach. mod laver Oconglalnt. -New D o ia Palled d oo No. Tor . LeTmoshe. acon less, Prague ,[way,, s, Sestina m of 80. 13-IPor Oro* Scene Doug% Bed Breathtag. No. 14-Beh Mein PW.-.Wor arththeisa, Vv. thorn Plat los ea the Ilea No. lid— Pab—Por Path, temetien or binue=== L .4 olai or Limbo. latebtotary Dar-harms and ZiIiTOID dna Nu ba—diore booth, or Osaka o adults or AU. Ito.o--Pobiary Isecattain co, Wetting the ard Ha l ll—Pir Praia* Prim» or boom. No. 111-11alletiog a chaageot Ws, thsabes. 33 - 1 44417 sod 'Pena. Clikocoe. ht. Vlti. 1 17 =everend Ago" 013111terer,•Demb Ago., P—For Bit DA or Elleedloit,,Liternal or Sr. Wear. 0-Iror 130110, Weak or UMW Z sod 111e1idei -Zigfoci Weaker Blurted 111 o—For Catarrh, et bug standing or ro ma, edam with otatzuctkra er proton dhoharp. W. o.—For Whoophig Clough. abating ho riobotro. ALIO Emma". for Adams or Firkbaa—Oppriereo, • Dithould, La bored Breethlag. =ended with Croup and grpecto. million. Plias, 60 orate pw box. lor Zr DiegerproWeiDDlocharpie anew du Ler, the reraltotlicezha Ina Margra or Mee. ouriale. — Forifokestalhallwatardweit of Bear log and liagtog hi dlerlfroVentrar-Lehe. Pero, 60 onto per box. • Gleadrealarged and to ld= • • alp oeuttper bar. ' A err air Nava* Weak. add= box .or Zrleartiag Diachargea. Flits, 60 an pat for Drarty.—nald Anna WON, Tumid Sinn. fop, win bent, Saaratkni: rstosi 500 . Sox. For iSsa Inkan—Dantly Siolona.lrarogoOrwa; ass, Vontgas t sal Slakur from 'Strati*. azatioa. Pak% SO sena karjan, lar VainryY , Minna,a-Vnenoral,'Snal Oman% Meth, Palatal Ü b tation.Dnaan Atha Kamm lar 10.1.4 Bnana'a,—lareloatax7 Manama Conaegoan rraninintioal Datillay. Tin nun socorafal an Meant many ,knowa. and any be rain apes NI Inallh Peke, SI per tan. JOHN it. ITITOII, Nos. 67 AID 69 lerreii gram, FITTOURGIH, PL.. 8010 Amt Jar as WINISSISI Gauntry R BEMATB. BAlnoB /111111TITTI0N. lomporatod by_tho lup2alotare oi - I*opinago. tor Deposit, friio ii;. $o 2 *Vag* p. la., d o'cick r: also ou SATURDAY MUM" troo'd / Mr ofl6. is ircioira ernaniz A SAYN, 001111113 SUM sad PAOF/TABLY IMPOSITORT, ArikaiSsakahlabaras, Meta, sad an nine whole limas or marbly ars pull. It Was = d4 AytrtZt i =ft fid AjAc d trata a t sal=clan st 41, PTA GIRL ger pal. ma la daptYta. wbtai, 11 sat dastra,=wlll As ONO Ss tYandtud UtsAissaltor oaths tat days of Nay sad Nerabsr, sad tiarsaftar bat es sra latinst as taw shiallyol. , :At tW tab, Imo TUI &Ws Is kr Ora Mite plank - Istiontaruhsupsioniusliterattillajtrd asd mama dale 4 41111• Jklatildllie mask dayadts sal war Bask% coulabbir 01161•4 Brawn. AA. Sanaa. and on aggiostios at tis sake. " a; OOPBLLBD. IZOIIIIIIII Bovril% Nan, ma. a. &abaft*, alartadlo6,3 Saat mow , reAv penis, aid A. CUM= PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 22, 1863. pittsburgh Outfit S. RIDDLE ifts 00., lIDITOBB AND PDOPRIETOBB. Publication Office No. 84 Fifth Street. 1110BNING AIM MMHG NDITTONS, DAILY, CONTAINING TEI LATEST HEWS VP TO THI HOUR OF PUBLIOATIOZL MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 22, 1868. NEW TERMS OF THAI GAZETTE, Mumma Ismot, by mail. 7ear—.1143 00. month... 70. Is. slngis L Mums.. Zzartai, by ma. pa par—. 4 60. sonth— mob-- 10. .5 " sines Wm.LT UNION, tbsgb Copies, pee par- 9 00. dab of 6to 10, , " 160. 0 0 dubs of 10 annum - 1 26. --end one extra to the party sandhog, club. For e dab of Moen, we will send the L'vf ammo Gummi dab. Per • nub of twenty, we well send the Mown= Warta dally. Single 0 0 Ptee, 6 route. enbicsiptlens //OW,: is adman, end paws sheen stopped when.tbe that motes, . No Reaction-.WO Cannot Afford It. As same will, no doubt, interpret the news we have received daring the past twenty-four hours as indicative of most swan* peace and searatity for the future, so far as Pennsylvania is concerned, we think that the paramount duty of the hour which presses upon our more intelligent °Rims, is to counteract this false and superficial view of the late movements of the rebels, both as regards Lee's "change of base" in Virginia and the consequent expedi tions sent out for reconnoitering and plunder ing• purposes into Maryland and this State. °neat our eastern contemporaries has some remarks on this subject which are timely, and which we will quote as well worthy of being pondered by those who would give way to this delusion of "no danger,'? thereby lulling themselves into a false sense of security. After referring to the exaggerations of the reports, which prevailed in the beginning of the weak, of so many many impossible thous ands of rebels hare and there and everywhere in the border oountios of Maryland and Pennsyl rant, andfollowing this often-experienoed but always humiliating picture of panic and alarm, with the very striking contrast which was promoted when the actual Lets became known, as if "cue day the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is rooked to its foundations, and the next it is laughing at its fears," he goes on to say : Thus it appears at present. But this cannot be the end of the matter. In fact it is likely that we have not yet leen its beginning. We have not yet heard of Lee. We have not yet heard of Stuart. Some where along these Virginia mountain ranges thirst is a great rebel army, which snared up there with 5(16111 object yet unsocomplished and undeveloped. It may be that the object was baulked by the rapid northward move ment of Gen. !looker. But no good General starts out on a campaign of such magnitude as that which Lee bad evidently projected with only one need line of movement or plan of action—with only one string to his bow, By returning to Fredericksburg, 1.011 . 4 cam paign would be a ridiculous fiasoo--he wordd have to acknowledge it • failure in its very _pace. - We have, by telegraph, from the headquar ters of the Army of the Potomac, a very lucid statement of the line of movement of the dif ferent coliseum of Lee. army for the last thirty days. This statement shows that the movement has been a deliberate, not a sudden one. And It would seem to point clearly to some mob campaign as that of last year In Maryland. It may be that this is still 1011.111- ble. At all events we would not advise the army or the country; to fall beak with the fan abed eecurity from which they were eo suddenly aroused a tow days ago. The Fight at Mlllikeies Bend, La... Row the Negroes Fought. "Meek," the well-known oorrespondeet of the CittoletAti Costeterci4l, glues the follow tag oleo andOetailed 'count of that elfair : Ts s 3111.11 tr NORCO AID OUIL /OWL A couple of weeks since, nine regiments of Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana rebels left Little Beck, Ark., for Northern Louisiana, for what particular purpose has not yet been learned. They arrived a week ago at Rich mond, the oounty seat of Madison Parish, twelve miles from Yazoo Point, and about the same distance from Milliken's Bend. Scouts and 0i145111111 gave to their commander, General Walker, information concerning our force at the bend. It *unstated only of portions of the Vth and 11th Louisiana (negro) regiment. and 140 men belonging to the 23d lowa-800 Degrees and" 140 white men. Our officers took the precaution a week or two age to dig rilt.pits, and make a weak show of fortify ing. The estimate put upon the fighting quell tie, of the novae' oy the rebels may be judged from the Mee of the foroe brought against the eight hundred contraband'. They knew our strength to a man, and pitch ed four regiments against our small force of darkists„ The regiments were, 90th Texas, Colonel Waterhouse commanding; 60th Tex as, Colonel Plonrney commanding; 70th Tex as, Colonel Fitzhugh commanding; 20th Tex as, Colonel Allen commanding, all forming one brigade rimier Oct. McCullough, nephew of the late Ben. MeCallooh. AN ISTUVATING 018ZONITA1101 Before being informed hew the battle went, the reader should be .told that the ogress ware neitherdrilled nor disciplined sufficiently to warrant the most sanguine friends of the - aspatiataatat oostrabasd soldiery to antici pating good results from their lint fight. A majority of them had not had guns la their hands more than three days. some of them wen furnished with mfiskets for the first time after the light had aetuaily oommeneed. Un der these circumstances, any person who re members how poorly some of our volunteer reginienta stood Are at the. commencement of the war, will be prepared to hear that the der ides evinced unmistakable signs of Panlo and demoralisation, and did mon running than fighting day before yesteraey. But they didn't run L foot. On the contrary, they conducted themselves throughout the engagement with remarkable coolness and courage. Boole will say they fought because they feared that, if taken prisoners, they would be summarily dealt with, . Bat I do not thinkthey had any snob fur before them. They obeyed orlon more strictly than men who think It 11 &ques tion of victor', or death to them individually are apt to do. TIM PICILITS AU OAPTUIRD AND =CAPE The rebel brigade left Richmond on the 6th, and arrived at the picket post of the Band early on the morning of the 7th. Than were six negroea on picket. They captured these without much difficulty, tied them up bands and feet and left them at a cotton gin near by, telling them to stay there till they (the rebels) returned. While the darkisi were 'standing statue-Like against a flame one of them dis covered th a t th e cord by w hich his hands were fastened wes.poorly tied, and without much difficulty he loosed his hempen fetters. Ale maul work was to cat his oomisdes free, and in less than an hour after their capture the plok eta were taking a circuitous route to camp, whore they arrived ahead of the rebel column, and in time to give valuable Information a to the number of rebel, engaged In the attack. They brought their arms and cartridge-boxes with them, having found them.whatv the nil.' els had left them in the cotton-gin. von RIBES AllY/1101 crow min wonta. *ltem our picket post and tide-pitthere wee large open field, in whist' several hen= . area head of eattle were grazing. The ad.: . IMotaTf4rdefahe rebels drove the cattle bo. fore them, thinking in this way to mewl up to the rifiellts and, surprise their occupants. Bat the slarkies wire wide awake. indeed, I em convinced that they were more wary than their Wham fa this nowt; for while theist ter insisted, for a time, that it was our own pickets who were coming in, the former were -fully persuaded, from the moment the cattle turned toward them, that the Oonfederates were advancing. As one of them said to me, yesterday, - "We bleak one knowed day woe oomin'. Day couldn't fool U. An. we wanted to shoot, but de officers said day as our pick ets." However, even if the Wilms had known what the darkies say dig knew,' the, would not have opened fire until the Confederates got close to them. It was their policty to let the Texans come within good and easy range, and then' give them such a volley as would make them withdraw'more hastily than they approached. • CHARGE rrros oua arma.rivp. The rebels advanced confidently, with the intention of charging evic t , ~tha When they were within a /undyed lade of the works, our men disabused. a cam, a t them, but without mush erect.' The white soldiers did considerable ezikation with their fins, bat the negroes did what all trodps have t o be repeatedly cautioned strainet—they aimed too high. The rebels received jibe fire, and again advanced. The contrabands loaded their guns so quickly that, before the enemy had mimie twenty yards further progress, a second volley was poured into them, with maiden:as tocuraoy. Moro 'than lig rebels were killed and wounded, and the survivors fell back in disorder. ITS LB /RCA ♦ I'LLIE , IIO XXXXXX The rebels finding it impossible to charge the ride pits, fell back and reformed. Ben. hioCulloch then moved his brigade to ; im left, for the purpose of thinking cur works. The Texans minted rapidly round, and soon had a deadly finviditund into the retie pits. The. light was going against as, indoor a* would' probably have been oempelbiti to lane their works but for the timely anini of the gen boats Tylor and Chordsou, wide& came upload threw a few shells into the rebelyanksi killing and wounding a groat many, and making the whole command fall back. As the rebels re treated, Dome of our negro soldiers Int their shelter, ands good deal of hand-to-hand fight leg ensued. The result was, that between the 800 ne groes, 110 white men, and the asiistartoe ren dered by the gunboats, the rebut were thor oughly defeated. One hundred and fifty-two dead rebels were counted on the battle-field. Not leas than live hundred were wounded, most of whom they succeeded In carrying away. We took near.y a hundred prisoners. Our loss will reach about two hundred killed and wounded. The 231 lowa lost eighty out of one hundred and forty—twenty-three 'of them killed oa the field. The lois of the negro regiments was proportionately mush smaller. A Captain commanding the 11th Louisiana (eolored) regiment was killed. I have forgotten his name. 001. Leib, of the 9th Louisiana, (colored ' ) was slightly wound. ed. He is a very breve and •®dent offieer. I== Among the Inridente of the fight worthy of note, was the capture of a rebel soldier by • darkey, who was his muter three months ego. The Texan was caught in a tight plate by one of HoL Leib's men, who cried out to him, "fold on der, and put down your gun, oz. shoot." The rebel surrenderedlUlool2. ditionally, but alter identifying his scepter, said to one of oar elbears that he protested against being held Qs a prisoner by his own slave. "It's good enough for you," sold the officer; !'that's just the man •to guard you. And Jim (addressing the soldier) , -U he deo% behave himielf, shoot him down."' The chiv alrous Botitherneforas very indignant, and his wrath efferveseed in • series of "tied damns" which fell' upon the ears of the "in telligent contrebend" without effect, The dusky warrior kept a_close eye upon his pris oner, but refasej. to 7seld - any conversation with him, or answer any of his luestione to when hoc:1113W, or nerrlierderid fo level • gun at his master. ens THE intoeola COWASIZIO I know it Is said by masty that negroes are naturally cowards, and will cot light against white men in battle. Apart from the Tabula tion which the engagement of the 7th af fords to this statameat, these was an instances worthy of special mention. On the battle field, yesterday morning, there ware; found two dead men lying /We by side. One was a Texan rebel, the other an emancipated shire, belonging to the oth Louisiana /Iwo Regi ment. They had bayoasted each other. The negro's bayonet Was actually In the abdomen of ate dead rebel, ■nd the Texan had killed than:ogre with his bayonet.. Here is mother iastance : Daring the fight one of the negroes got short of ammunition. He had lied his last cartridge, when o rebel attempted to can him through with his bayonet. The, negro deliberately seised the barrel of his 'gun and cut the tobs.'s bead open with the butt of it. f els corona was witnessed by hundreds. I==== The wounded oolored soldiers were yester day put on board the steamboat Pringle, and I took OCOR/1017 during the day to visit the floating hospital. The patience and eitdor ante with which the poor 'fellows bore the most terribtawounds struck me uremailtoble. Among an equal number of white soldiiis there would have been more groaning and complaining. But in very few omen did the onfortnnate blacks give audible expression to the most Intense suffering. Amputations of legs and arms wile made in some instances without the use of chloroform. Thos. who WORN but stightly hurt MAMA to take a pleas ure in ministering to the wants 'of the mere sesionsly ttjured, and from this fact vary few had to be detailed from the ranks as nurses. RNADT /OR ANOTHER 1/100T. The negro command was in good condition yesterday, cod eager for another fight: The dead were deeently burled, and the wounded all removed coon after the teratinationof the engagement. The battle of the 7th afforded happy 'elation to the vexed problem as to whether slaves ockald be made to fight against their m►eten and for their freedom. All they want is good gone and good alters. The Storming of Port Hudson. An officor with Danko' army Mato., in' n private letter, an incident whieh weaned dur ing a temporary temp at Port Hudeon, on the 27th of May. He availed hiensoll of the op portunity thus afforded to ride to Ike reb4l works as close as he could to gat a good view °reborn, when he saw a regiment of the ono my throw down their armsp and beard , them give throe cheers and say W. surrender 1" The rebel °Moors at • once spproaohed Ahem, and, with drawn swords and pistols, overpow ered and controlled them, and compelled them to take up their arms and resume that! peti tions. The smile °Meer, at a truce entered into next diy, for the purpose of looking after the dead and wounded, while riding as near to the rebel lines as he could get, wu hailed by a rebel °Meer within the works with the ques tion whether he•did not think, upon ranee tion, that be wu coming nearer than mu ex actly proper. Our officer replied in the ne gative, &eying we bad haduen wounded and tilled as near to the enemyas be bilis!: thei was.- A cloiversation then ensued, in Sahli the rebel allow spoke of the Sherman chew of the preceding day, and remarked that "in side" they regarded it as the inset thing of the war. Oar &Beer did not belong to Sher man'. division. Important from Fortress normoe. A dispatch from Fortress Monroe, dated Wednesday, June 17, gives • very interesting hint of important operations being on foot in that department. It will be remembered Gust we referred, a day or two aim to • demon stration against the rebel capital from the Peninsula, or perhaps on the south side of the dames river, which we' found some allu sions to in the rebel pipers both of Richmond and Petersburg. This interpretation whisk we give to those illusions, is fully. bonus out, we think, by.the dispatch from Fortran Mon roe now before ns. It reads as follows : The Yorktown;asmagerslof the lath, met "Our most important local news is for the present contraband. Great odic* prevails In the Depifirtmentoind li,patbiukudy soul-. Meted In this command: , -;- - - mit Gee. Reyes is in front to' oostostag.' pelatee atonmente Le patois, and Btle. Elea: Sing Is la oemomend at Titiktowa. . The Rebels on the Potomac and West of Harper's Ferry. Brom the Baltimore papers we learn that the rebel forms invested Harper's Berry on the 16th lust, on the Virginia side, and made an attack, hoping to surprise General Tyler's forms. The latter, however, after 1101i0 re 'Wane% the Maryland Heights, from whines the rebels were shelled, and compelled to evacuate the town. The rebels then retreated to Williamsport, when Gen. Tyler reoempied his former position. Travel betwiam Harper's Berry and Baltimore is re armed. It Li also slated that amoral Mulligan has asked to be allowed to remain's& New Cheek. He thinks he can hold New Omsk against a vastly 'spinier faros, and will he permitted to remain. The Baltimore Asetrisan, of 'Thuredei e . , , glees ills news !rem the sipper Potomac and ersitward, as foII&TSA - Yesterday aiming . Gen.. Tyler ummated Harpies Ferry end. .removed, his forms to Maryland /MOO, 'here, at bet adiioOh 110 bed not bun disturbed by tha Confederates. Thane's from Western Maryland last night woe of She most 'suiting oharsotid. Offielei military dispatches, edvioss from the railroad °Mars on the west end of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, and privet& in formation, all apes in placing the state of af fairs 111 that vicinity as follows: A large body of the Confederates have moved both on the Maryland and... Virginia sides of the Potomac, and also along the Una et the Baltimore and Obi* Asikoad towards .oamberland and New• Creek. The railroad track and railload,brldgas are reported to be bunt and destroyed, bat this real deems', of warm, oannot yet be asoertadeed. A body of the Confederates ounpisd Clllll= bodied yesterday afternoodfor a shoit time, and than Joined the main force that fns ad vancing- upon New Creek Station, distant about 21 miles read Cumberland. _ All the tracks, Au., were reported as being entirely destroyed between New Creek and Cumber land.. Gen. Nally, at, last &dews, had /waived *lth all his forest at New Creek, and bad marched oat on the road to meat UM advanc ing Confifdatates. A battle was imminent. All the railroad stook had been removed from Cumberland below the prompt troubles aommeneed. . The passenger train. oa the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad .(u Instated yesterday) now only ran' toilLonoesay Jaastion and /hider- Wt. The road between the lifonocasi and the Ferri Is only need by Government trains. The manager trainthit arrived at sixn'olook yestaiday evening from Frederiok brought no wounded °Goers or moldier', es was expiated. It Is asserted that there were but few of the wounded at the Ferry, **most of them hay ing been taken prisoners. Major GeneraiMUrrop left the Camden "treat depot at.two o'clock yesterday afternoon in a special Gain for the Ferry. It is stated that he desired to return to his men, and volun teered to set in any position that he might be deemed most serviceable. Washington News. The eastern papers here the following tele grams: WASHINGTON, JUDO 18 =CEZCI3 Senator Wilson is here on the patriotic er rand of persuading the Government to adopt las plan for bringing immediately bark into the servi.e the discharged two years and nine months men, In anticipation of the draft.. By spools!' Inducements, ha proposes to get the are worth treble their camber in green troops. Oil. COOOll Vu Till COLOIRD TIOOPS General Cottah's refusal to muster in a com pany of colored troops that wont to Banis hing, vu based on the law. Orders were sent htm thin morning to minty. them. [We trust that like orders have been NOM to dineral Brooks, who,was under the meats city of refusing the offer of colored troops here for the same reason assigned above for General Couch's_refusal of them In Philadel phia.] /111.10T . 11 rows It is stated that ail but 200 of the 2,000 men who were missing from Gen. Illiroy's com mand when it reached Harper's Perry have come within our lieu safe and monad. AL SUIT £01151? NIL SWARD. George W. Jones, late Minister te Now Granada, who was arrested in November, 1861, by the Goverameot, and kept four months in Fort Lafayette, has stied Seerstary Seward for $50,000 damages. The case is Just entered in the Supremo Conn of this olty. Is answer to a telegraphic dispatch Cent to him by a gentlemen of Philadelphia, general Simon Cameron denies positively tint, in a recent speech delivered by him at Harrisburg, ha advised that the command of the State troops should be taken from General conch, and given to either Generals Franklin or Mo- Meilen. As we knier the MoOlellanites anywhere falsidersi as well as blind par tisans, non of their acts now surprise u. They an desperately Wicked. Toe Junes Iteurass,-.A dispatcis from Baltimore, dstid Thunday, says A squad of Jenkins' cavalry, captured at Greeneastlo, ar rived to-day. Thor"; *implosion iniurroo tionary assd &oblate. ,'Tbe rebels are plun dering pronitemonsiy about Ragouts's& and Willismspost- Horses sod earthier' trieehlet, oonTerts to the Oinfedersoy. IFIMILN PRBBLB ISPEOTAOLES. Lai Notwitkitending tko ottooke Oskar lapooOok maws, lobo wire to tbo ...ow or Col. elpw, ths • , 11,178SLUI PIDIIII4 SPIKITALOLBI an nmehlakt atAttbElrbia* oltdocoolosato of Oat 1116611. AU tat It abbot 7r to moo:0o* all other eotooloot Mob osll bad 'obalobtO tho ZEMAN POlBllttl mow For Ws by J. DLIDICIUD. Prix lea Upitaiu, Itaint tptw tdr 4k• lkumako Ribble ilpalliwiss, le o .9 otro.t. Mp Pat DASSAGB , FROM TUE !'OLD OHM, J. TB.Y."—The undoestgOof fo - sOw i od" be kin out usitruitte fr om soy wild Ito; Wad ot*oOload. slaw tryooostior Lid ?Mil Itoossess, joolodloyilho mammoth MUM, . T IAbTIII6/1 ~ orltrit ohm 'ratios 'Tim* lower thou tiokstlooo b•parotiowd kr at onisrofiloila tittotmrgh. Thu-atoomoos lona , mu' W•dosain OPOOldig al LOodondorry I r shot matt. The salllnievorolo Imo Linopoil wary week. 7-, D. 011111.4 Ilkuivoka Avian lo Boildlog, of •Somoil ? „Italak atroot.'Puulotrob. & STONEMAN, - • - ICARITRAOTTIR MS or WISH WORdi, Rave al .wza ina l Wend and tub to *Mot 111011.101 D DRAW - VARA mania atm au kinds ; 11113 D foandrz, ; WORK TOR WIRDOW.BIRD oscura, OR. RADIRRTAL MIRA WORK. kr 110111,11 i Ra. ' WAR ahaa cd WIER braid% Manta Zia. 30 MOUTH =RUC. W. N. N. UM BROWN, MOIARQW,4k, HODS; SIGN AND ONNAIANDTAL PAINTINA anAistana AND 6LA11124, No. Yi ritzszo,erlisiT. • erinivaas,' EAIIMONTIIMaraOW,ICH POLlbil, for thu ag k io to urk% OA lam thin 5,10 aAJA0...04.4 sjim. lOWA prwvrkis id! Iron • • rot .. at 910 AI INIGI:VIS OXINTIOIX DWG MUIR, cor,.ubso aad trdseal straw.. , lei IVBW PRIMIIBIIIf. new Toilet. AN% bow Potioadoi Obis Sok NW otal Tooth Inishoo. lials• Ina s. tbablibt Mot irti. oho. of bob drarbttoo. con Ann be_ooogrott at ow. A. RALLY% OUTZAL MVO BMA ow. Obb and Ted=Lamb. _ h o s I NDle AUSISSIL'Olittill, suitable to hivil Maks% bit mobil at the lodia Jilt be opes, SO sad SI IL Obbitrob. TRUALTIT6 VOLUME LXXVI---NO. 188 OILS, WALES, WETMOEE & CO., C03A3Z1881.02.7 ALECILCH.A.brra. SHIPPERS OP PACTROLIGUE, 113 MAIDEN LAN; NEW YORK. *V Amplo hailltim fon STOBAGII Mal IMP PLUG, at Um& yazd and wharg, It= noon: naltat • RIDER & GLARE, 00111188101 XICROHANIS, And Victors In eirraomom MID I PIIODUCITS. 61 BROAD STRUT.:— To= 60 HAND STRUT 111 lira Sethi PORTLAND ERROUNS OIL WO NEW TORN researnm Qum.* OODP , Ix. W. A. CHAPMAN, Us/4 . - L. 'vitas , 60 Hasid drag. . OIL MILN: need not be einberrained by the eatortesmith of the Balk Ordi= when they can hare their on , tended and withtmt toathlng the City Whams, m chap > more olprom der, pt, with lam Mak, tem trouble end In better at BIBS'S OIL Y.ILED, On the Anal henry Valley Railroad. above longronos• vil/go, wham 011 la paragon from the baste dlreet to the ars, soda to am Neat or West, without any or noeh lig. All orders on - to. 1101Mlie at lard, en Mutt IPsomongsr B. B. Past Ms Wrens, BOX 902. Pittabigrgh ; or I can be or.. daily *I the 011 Ittchthr I RON -CITY OIL WORIC. . LYDAY 4 GRORMINING, Kaaiihotaters sad Itellasro at • CARBON OIL, BRIIZINE AND LUBRICATING OILS, . I=l ()BUDS PAITBOLDUJI. Mr Works, opicidte Elnarpsburg. Office la Mali BLOCK, I:Window Way, jelltdai Prriningaa. Pa. RICHARDSON, HARLEY CO., Commission and Forwarding lorokants, CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, N.. 19 IRWIN BTSEET, Prressuma. air Liberal mil anTaacw on ocasslgaresnts for Pittsburgh or gaits= Markets. Mows. J. B. buxom= A Co.;, Illriusoza Hooluvoa, Tnoaroos BMA , Am., Prue; Ckomousrofal Book mOlOdoo . ROBERT ABRIVOISTR, Ito. 1 ET. MAIM 1593JECT, Pittsburgh. Forwarding & Comminion Merchant AND DEALER IN OILS. ING - ILLUMINATING, LUDILIGATING, OILUDZ PIC/AGLIWII OIL An , oonstanclj on hind .nd far .t the Ammo maltat prim. CONsimuciril /131 D OIDIII. octctssn. spl:l3m "mv . "Dwrizei - siciaTuimirmii" woo Y. 61101103 W. HOLDfaIIP 4 00., Nwmr4QTuUl3 OR HIIIINIXO OIL AND IMERIChiTIEO OIL,; Eev oonetantly on hand the very best - twilit, of IMMO OIL, deli sad without odor, also, • good 1.131111/10•TOB, pare WHITE MEWLS sad OAR OUILLELE. aurAll orlon loft at No. 36 luv Ilmurre, /WA woad door, mill bo promptly ottendod to. oottdd LUVENT Offi W 0 Kti. DIUNOAD, DUNLAP • 00., PIIIII WHITS RIIIINID OdilBolll OILS. ONloo, No. 291 Ltboet7 nerd, ==MI _r&MJCd U WD, 011.01 VITSOL, AQUA AMMONIA. Orders left at *Mara Molar A ONWe, oar. am of Market and VIM Meet% win metre prompt atteatloa. DIAMOED OIL WORILIS lifArLol ti SMITE, fariszas AND DIALLER IN CARBON OIL, Unearyamed by mg In the market alf•Orden lalt at ttadr odic*, No. 41 NABS= BULLET, ar at their wort' lannosteavUle, ulll be prosat4 attead _ NUINBB Of OUDI oth. athll pICTROLMou WORIES, suurctrAantisi rani Tens claim= cots uszoga /IXD IMOLZON 1.031110 OM an: Llipsatti two shosmauti errryta Dar ws REESE 4 GRAFT, Proprietors. Ofildo, N.asongsbau. How % Plttabnigh. sirS6 QTOEAGE .13 attention of oil men and oasts le called to the Lot that the undo...tont has e lyre, coot and dry muds, imitable int storing itodnud BOST. ASHWORTH, myl3 Duquesne Way sod St. Oletr strnt. BEDFORD SPRINGS. This molar rummer nowt will b. opened Oct tie aormammeale• of Meilen, en the lard JOYS ALIT mid will beluga apes until lit of October. lb. Hotel will bit under the chap of amedetmed mamma, sad miry mranmemett hu been nude to atm oath* eatleastlem to mart& lb* Bedard ._ - Ballrood will be cesepleted is • few dip to Maud Pletbelitatica. eta sad one half Mks east of Belbrd unit tom Mat plat. preimpro will o oonnrisd to the lipriage la drat cam bog* and . Ample ta bare been made to .epplp dadam and Rude , with Baked Water, la et anclant crab, at the tbllowiag rat.., at the Metemi To t ban banec-(neherri,)MTp/1mm.......411 banal. (oat) 40 'Woos. 00. (rata 10 .1 00. A ordon oddment to IL :1... - AhDlolllo7p, Bed. ford. promptly GUM sad water. seat to imy pen of :the mashy. it le that parthome ditto Una ohuld be Alyea for marking bunk.. •- lPencosarlithlog room; or say tatormatlarmacent. leg Mot Oprlam, Mmem *MAI PRO. 14111120ba AI If az prim° BPS NEW GOODlL—litiniig kat riturned from the Zest, we have ow to store maiden-. sire amertteent of warn and &drab!, HOOTS AND 111330138 Adiddad to tdo NORM Dodoes oanbo slued LADIW, 1118 W tEELILDHEItire u0W1.0612111.8 nod FANCY a slight Mums ex, auk . , _ azo. gonna. eon 00?8, led No: nctßifailf Wood 'lad Pooitli L eta. pARTIMAIMIN:NOTIOIt=-We tbla dayseedletated edth'se Ma Sown= NM bubbler - Itybk the Atia to be /MAW Saris DULL. the partnership to take abet day. Tim Ott buboes "IS be carded ea by Um dadrridgeed r luostototta - - Hy MM. Mau REM I GIIAIT. au= mara. atom=4lllS/M. axon, 1. boss RBEISB,aIp 115 DULL, Agooplidenirs qt Wilma. seription of Hap. &Um mud • ! Rub& coastnaggid oar troika vitt • TIM asking tab Wad of Iron a ardalith Ire nspirtailty aolkdit•diusoiihwtrad• - arOilks, caroms or IlatibliAd , and ,illatar a. a. upaaara.. saw% S. lawns. & oa t 0 r //Looms UP • NAN mar Idlbiety sat Alias etneth 14 001000111 btl/11. Pet da7. • - A.S.-416 ds. prune ; itiager# • 26.- do do : oat 211- do bibs- &O bi soon NZ sup issarrsasz,- sas • slaloms" , And: ' • *A4 "'" 43* 1.~',t( ~L. pEOPLH2 INSURANCES CO4PAN OS" N.l;.tionicir_Wood ant Fifth Bts. 11BE AND JILIZMIDiEIITRANOR; 'L . : ' Dmisarosez - wa.phuligi t .. Ames D. beam John wan, : ... , , Oppt, Jolts L. Rhoads?, Wm. a. Hai); - " ' ;1116mtill P. Mika, Jolla I. Pate.' - ' =W 1 ` Jam ' on.s.s. a. Brio. ' ino*. Wu Vu Kirk. . . ,- O. Eamon Lou :inro . ao • wx. r. aimintx: FT.INBURANM BY' THE BALI 1011 lITVAX. naiewas von - imunnet. 1811, 11:1 - airrux .;• • Olissio. SOS Warm t • Sionius..lSSMSO; Amips, VOW - Pint Maltby al Lipiessilott*Sup..- ty,44 4 ll2ooliblWthiskaiointXl O- G=24 nat. lot elrr j , 2,469 9 6 Dam: =IL OWN Old 91027990 • - 97,900 a qv P per cent.j.oia.... woo oo c=.0p6919 pit ot:P. 14. Lon 10,060 Ot. 1,0955 i yea 4409140....... 2,600 00 Efunlisitkieand - Mud ' Top Mountain .11911rcrid. Oompas„Tooortgage 2,01: 1 0 Perinsylnals Railroad 00:4 29.4. 4,009 Nook of:l2•Usai• Illutealinsarszos $4,960 94ock 4i Oeuuty, Ike /nraniao• 1,060 00 Stoat M DeLivar• B. I. Innarsna ON_ 700 00 Gmumanialliazik An - 6,136 0 1 Steobanks • Bark de 9,019 .0 Mika M. 1949329iiie NUJ 11409hable, balfaus mar 4,297 19 Book Amounts, smicraid Wares; , 1 6,70.6 79 0,42 ect band sad In bands - 01 apnea..: . . 11 . 385 /5 .GS iWaL Wm.'l. Thome Frederick Brion', O. atom/04 • Meer: John L Worrell, - 114reliall11M, H. L. Corson, Lathrop, d, Tolan Fred Cbas t i , Jaaak WA t+4 CL EL Smith Dawriii, Jr. a , Woodward, Johri Pittares, tiOHYLNakendarp. .J.G. oorn.w. Area. ncr 8 15irethant corear Third sad World street. 11 1 1DKIMITY - AGAINST - LOSS BY .1.71111C-IRAKILIAIN 11111SINERIBANOZ 0011- PLNIr OF PHILADZILPILIA, Ot➢q, pi sad 4a Obiataut street, near 'Fitth: - Memait of Saab, Janimi Ist, 1060, pablialwr agreeably to an aot of Araembly, find Mortgagee, amply amared...—..,...41,080,093 80 Sal Meta (meet e 1111011,3111 CI) cad 1.02,1036 00 Temporary Loam, on ample. Oa atrial Sacraria. ' 86,135 , g Bucks, wrt;tri — tTain7fliti:67l l l47Z: soma or Jitotea and Bilk 1,101 00 Saab M' The only profit! from ermelyms widen fie LOompany determined telde & by • - IMF WV seam widen been losaroactemada oa 'miry ilaeoripthai of property, in town and ooraztry, at as low r an °mensal Siam their iacorpocatioa,,o poricot of thirty yen, they hareptid ham by Ore to as amount etroeedh.o Yaw 1111 of Dollars, thereby emitting erideace of the &dnateesbt Issorance, no well is their shill. ty azal• dlapaaltfon to meet with pawpaws. ell Lows IT Law paid dariaig the year 1168.....--.4106.086:67 DMIMRIII Chula D. Bander, Laso La.. Manteca D. Lew% Jacob D. Bmlth, Tobias Waimea.. Wind o= ., David 8. Brown, Ciso. W. Bamast orsa c t Anias Gro .11111111111.' . B, Pr 014101.4 =WARD 0. DALY, RANUE‘B AI Prepidast Ws. A. pram, J. 0 AMR (1011714 Apia. Ottioe Northerat ter. Wood A Tblrd eta WEBTEIM 11 1 81MANCE-,901r1P4. MT 07 PITZEIBURGH., - • ' • L_/ 1 4L40 1 . Jr.. asides; O.IL GORDON, _ 09104,Ne0. Wan non; snag it OD.. w In. komato stai awn, n, nun ea 1.14414 Ans net Morn Bids. A Hessiainiriegu - i 9 Dincens an on inn is Ot.onereon, net We or. Jen. "IA 1 4' 90 ninth As le w ken impomid,o 4 la miy sh. bob dairolo • - afgaTts, wars= 1141850:. 5t00k69,000 00 litartpeni 0/ oats 2,140. 2i5Cl Own Annan, 44. TAM OD Ont. * • 14,9&t 1nn=27,606 14 Nan and MU 174,079 U MAIO St - • B. /Liner, Jr., Jams Ife Edina* JOIN/IM. Aue: aback; Oftatl Den* : William H. Runk 0. W. liadmirce. mI3O • Astdrow Acme, Aluarideitipeer. Dirrid Loog, 8... J. Minim, Benj. P. Bokinno Jdin L'irch" pbuisows. INBVRANOE COMP'Y OP AIORTE einqacte. PHILADZIsPIIIA. lzuroranoe Co. of the State of Penn'..., PHILADIUIII‘ Hartford Fire Laurance Company. lOW liming* In the stereo old and retteble.ool.l pale. aid I►obtalnao by epplicatiottto W. P. J0106;46..4 , . teal:dly Bagalefit Wf,iar ain't 10 12 0 11 W8/NBCFRANORIOOMPAN V va ()film :man. 01Soeornwc:,Iltagrkot sad Warcsteistsospiallitoot:. • ' 1 4 .11 T0 P re l d "U sainm mai IsoussaboakbesSessol s limn waist lon aid to ,ta• swigs*, ottlis - Likes Is 434 =4 8 erararegtV _ Wah IL VIZ W