Pe.o-1 4 vwmi. BATDItti '.o.V,n2l#o3l#.!tz xv. CiTY.',d3iPAms. sor °mum FAFINI OF .THE =Y. gleetiox Girths Executive Committee. At the regular mootbg of Cho Executive COW ' Wets% hold lost ovosing, thit following num box of ma wore roportod no at work on trio Eno — of fortlaretkin : ` • Dam' !us. 8•131•4Tron Works os Shasay,,Woho & 175 Paatloy, Velma ABO Spans, Chalfant & 125 Jams i ob.ll - 307.:....:«~.:64 Slooonberger & Baba & • • 262 Undo WWI & 120 ABredlalr SO ' ' 84 - James Lyon & 150 • 9 Standard Oil - 22 Xclatoth..llanplillt 17 Knapp. Itadd 00. - • 125. lhataii'l9 Olilsons of Zan Marty. • 14 Wo6".llnCallfallo., 1011 & 9th Word , Tait Jll2lO/1 Woods* Cir..... 275 PiloVr p ,...- aaa• 'Max a Op : &nap Misr asThrainger ElborbA Co /gitig a Wattle,' • • 'M Knights OIL. Jamie Dal MrsKilionstt _ Joao 4lr A. D. IL 110 Minton it-** Beummi'a Glarrn.. * 11.41dIck affirm Oct Bit et. Peon lriturort 14 Porter 120 Y. Basatark. • lOO iLtrtiosk 1150 WAXTO & Co. Lnab&xi& Oa. ram __ 6athe & Co., bases., iroarler Hostetter bodth. Jared kbeitti J. H. deotsw Hoban Douglass t Za 1111tes, Smith Co., 2 widow & 2 143 Walton. &Wipe & Co.,lBuns 91 Bev" Illebatas &lb • ......... 22' Grad & Matta= &Barba 26 John - 7:: J 64 Ilans - ' Joiloph Elooloo Graham 4lt Non B. B. Damao Go Deis Orldi a Bohan Xvon.n,• Prod= Itashall a aro - 'odor foundry Ot.y , 14111014 It 8., ma NUR& 8. . 8 oats Malta, Ya a Um., • l Porgy llialht , dy,a 196 ParaOtottray a Co. ipplOcott to Joao.; t.yd No•ro.ty Wdooidr Broom %Mayas Mack tkh..—. Jaw O. a L. Rout.* Okuboooosi Lloyd 'Whips t Bost 11111•OU Bohn Wurw Remlord, That the muchants of Liberty. Iiiloos„ - ibich and Minket soon& he Invited to read an orgarout forte, @I MO ass to Soportel But; to:morrow (Saturday) morning at eight Adak, by the Canzellairiiie Railroad. Buoteed, That all parsons dishing to work upon the aumliretions will report thanuelvu bemuse the bolus of 9 and 12 o'clock to ; morrow, (Saturday y morning, to the Bon. WM. L-Jobasios," at the Bank of Pittsburgh. ,Bnateut, That all bodies of man who do 414titaat work upon the entrenchments; will re port in composite or squads, with a foreman or captain se take charge of the uspsouve oompaistes or squadd, so teat they may he di vided into reline and worked to the but ad vantage. jtreoleed, _That Georgeß. Used, Phillip, . Rumor, JIM'S S. McCord, Joseph Marne, J. W. Battu, J. M. Barogloidi U. J. Lysol*, G. Be Pollansbee,, Robert Dame!! Jemu .06141/16 Alleghanyilno t ßrown," Allegheny, A. klankous ActlsketiTi -and B. o.'Loomis - hes somata to, aolleotmad organise :the employees of the retail sterchants of PLOP. bosh and Allegheny cities, and see that they are employed in some manna on the Sortie tattoos. - • . Barefeed, That a anunittse to imulat of I. It; Pennock , N. U. Eaton, Jas. O'Conaor, James P. Tanner, P. Reyna', be Asp-, pointed to reteive those volunteer oompages coming to the city "for itsdefense and see that they ore treated in a manner emeteming their patriotism and the liberality of this oommusity, to whole prelatic's they are has- , Wawa. - The burden of minstrusting the tortitostions of this city has hitherto been, - buss by tiiii - lnardifuturus, and other ail suns espied Wades* hula's; and Wononas„lvi! Wind that several weal - MIT alitensi Who Mat not engaged In active intineet," nay bc desirous of contributing thelrassistalanis thin important enefgeney Asioloe4 Tint ' Nuns. John Bissell,. Wm. Mangle; Reuben Misr, Haney Gads, and John Holmes, be appointed a conaniUse to menu contritattbuts se be applied. to ths payment, at the rue of one load en quarter dunce per day, of snob laborers.. out es oh ,Noined to wort on said fartilleatiols, is midi-. two to thou hitherto supplied. B.‘ofeed, That a list of Mimes of the keep ars a;s . ii. drinking houses, saloons, and us - tattan t.,-01 mks and boroughs, be fur sums q t y sononittee, who have in Manse of the protiiionation of the Mayor seder the, or ds t of Mai:;,olllMila 'Brooks, failed to keep; the : at tebtuaddiaste • *loud, in Mir that all legal efforts be nie49 i 9 prevent /110,g, BuoinS, That a eintisittaitte Omelet of Joseph Woodwall,',l Jesse 0•84- - bsil Jonas bioCandleu, be appointed to ausitaisi what storm are kept the idly ant butragits, netwithstandiag thirnapiest of this ununit= tee, that the lam Aida b• kept closed eta - the fortillootiess c ad rigs-pits, reqabol for 'the debate of she city,' be. computed, and - • • what nanufactunns are In operation. Bruised,' That the work on the futile.- ' Coss be continual by ear niudatdairers and Wise° men, mail they are monpleted. • - I. Joannvort, Cheinauth Geo, ii. Tiressros, Beentery. , . The Maus OrFriday. do Ist as we•co %tarn, the were kW• . storm of Trieley afternoon, was osnimad to . w ,nay narrow belt of country. 11411 act' es. I ' tend as far west as , nowiatiey, and esetiod to' more severe In and around the shy 'than m say poles east or west To the south of us the oranap dose by the hall was bat slinks. We hats not as yet heard aces the austliora emotion of the SOUS". _ _ Is sad around the oity eorugfershb dump was dose to the shads and fralt trash paps wises. sta. This yonig puha litgoted most, In Wag knooked cif by the Ma stook - 6 GOLDIN! OF amin ton Holi 11114 zuss.-Issas. IL M. 'llitarsoo; .1: II; -- Otainn aid: Wis.lL.,Heidi sabWwd ollettel7 to reeryt o aquadroa of Wok, for ham down% to iene wlthoshendwo to the Sate or eavotweiti, wept for saw saun olden aad tabionsaeo. ileathises unitin a- Is We mein will Janda thuds own hones a id egelptensta. • wenn, *Mae held this imm i x& ei the Board of Trod* now, Posith sireet, tie orgaidse dada Wee eondittens, ' 62 4 sot Alteriog to wad us expeoted to be • A Dtsessinza Onou and wulsorar ensight pplore Mayor Atozandor yosterdsh ea • curse of dlsorterlp 001“01, pr 'a ay Mari Donald. The pantos re. ads Mrs nett .11s Dtaatead i sad is append on ,tle Asides alai asp bed .frosiso ,tbs . sitgabotkood_by thstr "uutgerbasidsdal Xi also spread lies tka proseo OM si 'Neu toe into Woo; sad site Mapes Said Orrell sad into tea dostan and wad earlt; sltd - /Wri Dewitt Ave dollars sad estal. OrrinlweltiOn for Monies Meteniee oe - Degtnrilinentnl, Army Corps. By GeneratOrders, Headiverters Depart- Meat of the Monongahela, No.: 2, it settee that the Generil Order from the 'War Depart ment, establishing the Deportmontst Corp., bas been inthuirderatood. ' It seems that the danger. to Pittsburgh • Is not only imminent, but es long as the army of the rebel 0e Lee occupies its present threatening position, .Pittaburgh is not only • point where an im- Meals store of supplies to our, army could be cat off or destroyed, but which would offer abwadant means of subsistent:sand most need ed articles to the famished rebels, so Ling cat off fiom the requisites to comfort and civilise tien. To these facts our people seem to be alive, Wain regard to the proper means for rthderhis efficient our abundant resources of men and material, there sestet to, be not only * IS) such a difference of opinion is render all efforts mugatory, but snob as will destroy, eventually, the Tory feeling which now stim ulates to exertion, and render us stolid and indifferent. Alt will admit the import:thee of carrying on our Mull evocations if sompetible with the requiremesto of pablio Won and all -will agree that any meatus which will ens , bie ours rdinarY avocations to be punned with the least interruption is the true course to be .adopted. With that view, the following is submitted for consideration, to the people of the community : The general order authorising, or directing the organisation of a deparbnient corps, seems to,offor the boot moons (with some modifies tuts which, from general order No. 2, it seems may be preotioable) for the aocemplish meat of all that Is desirable, in this partial the, upon some plan each ea is submitted be low, to wit : Let all the classes at all capable of bearing nue, be enrolled in ens body. Let this be 'divided regain into three classes—the active, site nerve, and the honie guard. Let each establishment divide their employees into the three abases, according to the requirements at the establiehment, and the neoesoltiss of the individuals. ' • Orpaissesch olus into flee regiments, each regiment unposed of citizens from the tame locality, and yet to admit of distribution of men from One esteblisluneat is different regi ments as meth as possible, (for reasons which will appear hereafter.) Let she Ave naive regiments hive their headquarter' in same sonvenient with one-third of their entire command on duty every day, each man serving two day. in each week, and reporting at one roll mall emery. day, (reveille or retreat:, the Active Corps to bounder halm and aliowanoes. The Beene* Corps to meet daily for roll call and drill.for at least one hoar each day, and for review sad inspection two days (afterwards) in each month—to be paid (pay and allowan ces) ono-fifth or one-sixth of fall pay. The Home Guard to meet for roll call and inspee tion one hour in each week by companies, and one day in each month by regiments. In case their unless are required the active list are all placed on duty at once, (or one or more regiments from each brigade, as may be re quired,) and their pines to the first class sup plied by an mina number of regiments from the stood nut, and they agate from the third.. class; Some organisation of this de. scriptioa would seem to answer the require ment* of the government, would place our citizens In the highest state of efficiency, both in organisation and la drill, and would relieve us from the eletteinent end loss by these pules, and enable as to hold in check or re , psi any invasion or attempt by the enemy. Suppose the number enrolled in -Penney I- I yenta to be one hundred thousand ; this would give as an efficient force -tram the first and second classes et sixty-five thousand inen,that could, as two days' notice, be assembled at any . threatened poiat within our borders. The knowledge of the existent of this force would, of itself, protect as from any probable danger. Tie:expense to the Suite or to Questa :neat woad not be greater than that incurred at the late invasion and those of last hat; and the saving to our citizens and the free dom from unnsousery excitement and loss, by clubs of plans of bu s iness, would ow thinly more then compensate tot the loos si time inewthd nada' this plan. It does not nem bapreetiltddes ter use sub plumes:id, no doubt, be approved 'by. the government, and oni capitalist, would undoubtedly advance the means tops* thaexpensee,nntll they could be nimbuned by act of Congress. The de tails upon come such basis as suggested, could be azranged with the military unshod thee, under the order of the War Department, of Juan lith. In Allegheny County the proportion would be sayi for the throe eslieues,lfsmen thousand men; asailable for moth dies, lee thousand man. ha first clue might be reaped by volunteers, for constant terries, at least two thousand mu, having bat three thousand, to beaten from their daily avocations (mu tated' of ' their tins.) Only three thousand 1111134 by no means a large or Deposals num ber to be obtained. Beaune. Sava You' Banns.—lllsowbors is noticed the destruction of a barn, belonging to B. W. Moans of Pitt township,, by being struck by lightning. It was not insured. Poe • sma ti oast" any barn can be salted from destruction by lightning, by the nes of Brison's copper lightning rode. Tbs agent. Mr. Brakotron, will promptly Ail all orders which may be leit J at ams Collins & Co.'s, Monongahela Exon's pion PA.Z.X.—We learn from Sir. /..linag, the exionsive fruit grower,slitat hie farm was but very 'lightly Saluted by the storm of yesterday. Ms crop of strawber ries, which is the most extensive in the county,. was not damaged at all, and his Plith street &Loot will be amply supplied to-day as mai. Re has now on sale one or two new and choices varieties of this delicious berry, to widish we inch' the attention of his num erOtte Calt01:11111. Premium 1/1.1411 Commaz.--Che nation of the plasm of the College coot named yesterday. The tataskial akandnatlon pommels to.dsy at two ecdook. Th. An nual Sarittos will be rushed to-morrow in Ohdat it, K. Olteroh, at three o'clock r. a., by BIM Ird A. Manly, AL M.. The examina tions; will eozusemos again on Monday morn leg, and with the other enrages, will con- , tines until Thursday evening of MO week. The Mllega is just closing a term of masked TAII NMI Tonr. Wisszna.,There, of . writ, dinioadnotion, /oilstone and teetaler, melons mad am* illnattated, literary and faltoellanowas, will be found on the counter 'of W. l'lttoek't pews and Wadies' do .lfo 4PPflfs flf.?ttat taw Tun lon will Indrtnewellsto4 on Inblioetton, trash Lea ibaries Waskib 'no /Melinda lista, 21611 laderadignt. sta., Ao. Ems Ocular Kirre—Yesterday afternoon fOlif companies from Ede eoanty—one from Springleut sad Girard, nada Capt. Gould, ova from Albion, Wader Capt. Lembphore, nue from Erle, under Mat. aad one from Wataford, nada Capt. Barnard—az- Mod In this atty. ' They went to Camp ALL persons that ham joined the cameos) , of Win 'artillery, for Bort Herren, Miners alio, are requestad to attend Amassing to be held at the art this I NUMMI, at 6 o'clock, for the parson of orgasising. AU whale g to lola anus, will hare an ortanits of doin this g so at that tin's. ppo Butt Btrut.—The bang owmplea by 8. W, Mesas datryams, near Oakland, in Pitt Tomulap, tae ettaak by Heiman iineteg the stoma yesterday, awl estnsly oonsamed, topthe: with number of farming Lapis lassta. Weisman that there was no lararsnoe ore the property.. • "Auto% litow; os, las Govszios'a Is bUs ttuds.Q—Tbliis du title of a tale by Mn.. Ana 11. Stethints,,arsd Is pabilsked la Boadle's'Dlats Beriel' of 'Novas. It Is for tale by J. P. Baal, llasonle , Hall,' Filth street. , - Tn 0111.141001 t Biuddso &novas. --The otdorhshisi Mir elts dosing of all plsoos whose liquor so/d, lints, - sostond yostordsy, sad hassitss ths spoons and Isstastests will be open's" mil. TMI lOU In pod sows to *U$4 thlisty_soldj: Dianna, Ws wo nasalastrwr.—Tea do. eortors; who hare bola °spume& la thls city aad ti. sarroasollat ooaatios. wane forwarded to ilardsbars last Wed, oaarp of Idiom W/31. iallwood. Passion who wait a Photograph Attbam, shout all at Misers, oppostos the postmst lasi who haa joss nosing a larp sag volt letsesod stook of time basatitat pselos ma. Aspens large supply of then beautiful poesorbooas, aad earnaa7•holdar► seeeleal peteele7► of rtstaelres , oppoilto tie poee•d• be. • • - • Defeat of the Apitehees is Arizona. I The Arabs radians recently rewind a terrible thrashing at the hands of the Cali fornia Volunteers. Altar the return of the expedition, Col. Ferguson, commanding the post at Tenon, issued the following order : Huntmanias, Tunica!, AIiSODS, May 12th, 1863. j Order N 0.8.1 take great plasmrs inacknowl edging the very gallant and soldkriike man ner is which the expedition against the Apa che Indians in the Cajon de Anew" was con ducted, and the highly creditable-result of the attack on those savages, who have been devastating, robbing and murdering in this Territory and Sonora for oenturiss. Captain T. T. Tidtall, Fifth Infantry, C. V., who commanded the expedition with so molt good judgment, may well be broad of it, and or the brave men under his command, who maroluld for five days without ever lighting a fire, maintaining silence, hiding by ctay and trav eling by night to accomplish their object. That a handbill Of twenty five soldiers, and few brave volunteer °Rims, should so oom plainly surprise • ranoheris of the craftiest savages on the continent, traveling for six teen hours the evening and night before the battle; over frightful precipices, through gloomy canons and chasms heretofore mitred by men, toot a numerous hord of savages, killing over fifty, wounding as many, taking. ten prisoners and capturing sixty head of &took, without the lose of more than one man, is something for emulation to others in future campaigns against Apaches. We all have to mourn over the brave and generous youth who fell doing his duty, Mr. Thomas 0. itoOlel land,the only one who fell in this brilliant little affair ; he will long be mourned by those who knew him only to esteem him as a good oillson, a dutiful son and a firm friend. D. Faxen:mon, 001. Oomd'g let Oar. 0. V. East, West, North and South to the The Harrisburg Telegraph, of this morning, shows that help is coming from east, Wen, north and south : FKOK Tel Stsl.—Over two thousand vol unteers have come to this airy from the eastern counties of the State within the last twenty four hours. Nearly every county met bas furnished more or less of there men, and hun dreds and thousands are coming on. Piton TIM Wur.—Pittsburgh is to ho pro tected from the rebels, and the volunteer' from Allegheny and the adjoining counties are needed there, to min the fortifications re cently constructed near theeity. Proznoonn- Les east of that city the men are responding, and the eagerness manifested to reach Har risburg increases hearty. Thousands have already volunteered from the western counties, but e number of them hem been distributed along the Pennsylvania Railroad to guard the bridged and other valuable property along the road. Paoli UM Norra.—We CM many old ra mbler fame from the counties north of Har risburg, and the Northern Central Company is busy famishing the men with transporta tion from that direction. Montour, Lucerne, Lymmiog, and the other counties are re sponding to the Governor's call to rally in de - fen*" of the State, and every scanty will be reprilteeted in the capital city before the set ting of to•ntorrow's ann. Ynon toy Botren.—T he southern *cantles are not laming in patriotism, &Edit', men are flocking to the capital by hundreds. York, Adams, and the other counties along the southern tier, have responded, end the anima ted seal with which our southern counties have pushed forward their respective quotas is de serving of much praise. The Imola State is Idoing nobly, and too mush gratitude cannot be shown to those who have responded Co chserioily in the cause of liberty. GODLY 1102 Jaam.—Every lady should hare a oopy of this umber; it osa be had at Pit took's, opposite the post-ollios. tIPIXCLI.L LOCAL NOTICES GIOTSII AND Bezia's Sarno hUorizers, for family sad mannieenuing imposes, an the beet in nee. A. P. CnAmer, Gamed Agent, ffo. 18 BM linnet. TRONA/ PLIFIT, Plata sad Ornamental taste Bodes, sad 41.4 ler in Pennsylvania and Vex. moat slate of the ben quality at low rates. Otass at Alex. Laughlin's, SW the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Ps- ap6:6o ARV ARRIVAL Os 8111111111 CLO2I/1113.--.of. tan we are asked, where can we boy a neat and comfortable rummer ;nit, made to order, thus having the shines of eeleetlng our own goods? To all those inquiries we can anew, go to Messrs. W. U. Biotite J; Co., comer of Federal street end Diamond Square, Alleghe ny, and you will hi suited arwording to your taste. They hart just vomited their summer goods, and for elegance of styles they cannot be surpassed, and for etyma they an the very persons, as their work is all done under their own supervision. Give them s call, and you cannot fell to be 'sealed. Army:ion, linuagw Vontrinsas I—The attention of our country's brave defenders re cently returned from the seat of war, and of the Festal° in general, is again directed to; the very exteneive and handsome assortment of the latest styles of French, English and American piece girds, for pants costs and vests, lately readied by Meson. John Wein & Co., Merehant Talton No. 126 Federal street, Allegheny. A anoint selection of gentlemen's furnishing goods will also always be found on the shelves of the establishment, together with a lot of nady•ussd• clothing, got up in the best manner. Jour BATI7ZI2.Ir MON ran .11thrldantuel Graham, Machant Tailor, would respatfaill Inform his ideals and the plane in pluval that he has just returned from tile East with his new stock of Spring and Sununu Goods, consisting of MI the latest Arias of Meths, matiscares sna ratings. Gentlemen desiring a stock to subset from that cannot be carpals ed by any other in the del, and their gar mints made to the most fastimiable mean, would do well to give him a tall before pur chasing elsewhere. earns Giawax, Merchant No. 64 Market street, one door from Third. Commie is Nsammsa.—Rev. H. Thacker, Pitcher, Ghenango county, New Toth, writes: "I ant sixty years or age, $y the WI of Moe. 8. A. Alien% World's Hair Restorer, my gray heir b restored to Its natural color. 1 am satiated it is not • dye, but sots on the secretions. My . hair ewes to fall. You Hair Dressing is superior to ail others. Her eruptions it has no equaL" Sold by druggists everywhere. Depot, 128 Greenwich street, New York. Cana. Dernaray.—At the Dental Insti tute, No. 26L, Penn street, sets of teeth for four dollars, better than thou at fin dollars at the other dental establishment'. All per sons are requested to call at the Laan after having aseertained the lowest pokesth t the other cheap plugs. All work done at the Institute is guaranteed superior to any ohup Dentistry In the city. Elomem, TO THE Boson I—Yoang mmt, rushing Into the esposare mad dossers of a soldier's life, shontd prepare themselves for the fatal fain, the dynntery, the cores and scurry, which are almost aortas to follow. Holloway's Pills, aced 000asionally daring the oampaipt, will ensure sound health to ev ery matt. Only lb Gents per boz. , 214 Nona To norm: Hosoul, Amara AID ALL Census Diennesenn.--Fer repairs or al terations to stores or dwelUnp, new rook or anything else la the Osrpeator ll et Cuthbert 's Carpenter. Doh Virgin shoes fitoithneld Omits. Asi orlon yseaspuy attended to. -t Owns sad Clazaraaa 00.141 will taltakeat the Omahas °Moe, Ro. deb Libirly leo street, day Cr "Seat. AU Won lan et las AUTO place wW be proarptly aUeadad to. AD ` an!' VIAJOIWW4I4.,4n.i. at GArrllll6-..A11 famous stook of Liaise sad Ottlldson's Oonposs Gattors,just °pawl at .21o0holland's !Welton Nous% 65 fifth stmt. Mix's Cu., Burrs, Balmer* and Gutus, • new lot jut reostud Moolama's Au- Hon Home, 55 11111,1 f street. Boman' Ilium:so Been (esanat)st OUllaad'. AaotiGa MOUL °LIMAS sxosa for muohlng the $1 M4/41 Infra Amnion Sous. G. Stu. Dentist, MI6 Pont rtesits Mtol l4 to GU lmisloass et his vsotossios• Ass sums of Boots, lbw ma Genies is Mailleadhi 18 /11#11 PIM% - . :Fi:: ~t~?~;:~:sd tee,. - • OUR SPECIAL OffIPATORD FROM. BOOKER'S ARM LATE MOVEMENTS OF THE REEL Special Dispatch to the Pittebatightiiasircia. PHll 2 .l.l)lllifili, June 1V,1863 The following cdispatok to the New Y Times, from its 'correspondent at Hook Headquarters, gives thp *mut statemor the late movemesis of thb rebel arty is had ye' UZADQ17.4171115, Jun We can follow the °onus of the 6 through the lit two weeks, as we th pretty aoaa r~W 7• More than dads ago two IA silos, of what is now Ewell oorpi, lefi Fredericksburg by - railroad. R. oonta not learn when they went.rter — unble's brigade was ono. Thie brigade, which is composed largely of Maryland rebels, new 'tarns op in adieu= in the . Shenandoah Val- ley. We eau now sadly conceive how a force et one division w&o thrown around by rail into the Valley, by way of Stainton. The residue of Ewell's oorps moved for the Valley, by way of Culpepper and Front , }Loyal, about two wicks ago. WhenTrumble got into the Valley he found our forces top strong for him. Be sent for help. Swell supported him, and in the meantime Stuart wet getting his oavaby reedy to dub through the Valley. A, soon as the Valley was abated, Swell was then strong enough to attack Milroy, and en deavor to capture his whole command. A week ago last Saturday (June 6th) Long street'a corps pissed through Culpepper, and moved In the d hoc Lion of Thornton's and OW ter Gaps. A portion of it le possibly op to Front front Royal sod Asbby'e Gap, but a small portion only. This corps pushed up to tho support cf Swell, and is now undoubtedly its the valley. Rill's corps was left at Prederichtburg. It seems to have been General Lee's hope that the retention of one corps there would result In keeping Gutted Hooker's army in want geo, for Rill never mend a foot; still Rooker did. On Saturday last, the 13th, MIN corps began marching out, and OA Monday the last if his column, a battery of artillery, left the city, Whatever may have been the plans and al signs of Lee, those is not the least doubt jou they have been materially:interfered with ? not partially foiled, by two or three energetic movements on Hooker's pest, namely anton'a sudden attack on Stuart damaged llim. badly, exposed his designs, and isomplethry discomfited him. Rio proposed raid did not take plan,. and It is supposed that all the cavalry that.extend Patutsylvezda is under the command of Jenkins es Imboden, or iamb other guerrilla of that stamp. Stuart's heavy fora of oavilt7 fs certainly net there. In a day or two we may know just where it Is. Another thing that deranged Lee's plans was lifilroy'e energetic defense of Winchester, whlib would naturally render Lee's approeoh to the Potomac very cautions, In the fees of an uniespeatifilifsatiaes riestaorie. -- As to the reported forces on the line of the Potomac, and last north of it, they are proba bly en a:Wanes guard of Swell's Corps; and , after the occupation of Winchester, there was nothing m natoml than that they should seise the line of the Potomac' in the vicinity of Williamsport, and nothing more unnatural than that they should cross It in force until the whole of their army was within support ing distance, which it is not to-day. The present position of the enemy, compa ring to all my information, I believe to be this: Longstreet and EINOII are In the valley near Winchester. Sill la on the march be tween Culpepper and Chester Gap, but be has hardly had time to get on the other side of the blue ridge. Lea, it Is thought, may make one of these two movements MAUI the Poto mac, towards Hagerstown, defending the pas ses of South Mountain, on his right dank, or the sudden concentration of his forge in Lou don Valley, and defending the passage of the Potomac, at Nolan's Ford, just where he crossed last year. The New York and Philadelphia' papas criticise very sharply en Maroy's retreat from Winchester, and argue that it was alike un necessary and unskillfully conducted. The Pennsylvania exeltement is mainly over, and bat little apprehension is now felt, of any serious rebel movement immediately far ther north than against Baltimore, or mena cing the connections with Washington. In the meantime, Fortress Monne may (senile a controlling influence in their plan. Arrivals from Martinsburg give a more eon anted amount of the engagement there last Saturday than has yet been made public. Troops numbering . not - over 2,300, under nom mend of Acting Brigadier General B. V Smith, former Colonel of the Ist Ohio, includ ing the Mb Ohio and Capt. Maulsby's West Virginia battery, began skirmishing with the enemy, three or four times as sins& under On. Jenkins; on Saturday evening. Serious fighting began on Sunday morning and 11011. t ine d un til cep. in.; with reported Manion on both side!. yentas and Adjutant /Melnik then came la with a of truce, demanding amender, Gad st•hli SOUSA that Othatarl/11 they would shell the town. Smith refund to surrender, and the women and 'children hiving left; the rebels opened with shell from SO-pounders, posted so as to command both our daubs. In about fifteen minutes, Smith, severely wound ed, gave (den to fall back Gunmen's p aw in accordance with preview instructions trot_ Gen. Schenk. ' Daring the retreat, Smith was taken pris oner. Oar loss is statadat near TOO. We lest four 6-ponder Parrot% and all oniforage. The latter was burled., Surgeon Ilstapp, of the 136th . Ohio was killed; and oept: Maillsbh of the West Vir en% batted winded. Caps: Dominos. Chroasurra from Oblo, wig wad Volunteering to cam dis patches on theliettleAhlid. , George Pins of the Gilissisttlaseter's De putt:writ, fdrodslY skierTtOrtes on the oinnau &ja ,16*Aids& Marti ihniir e s i have a hor ' se doted gg MaryOm* wet into the d o t s i z ieii.dre Oral and , tame oat with . onlysinett nos. ' • Our ttunsportatiotteireated to Harrisburg and was:poned by ; the Made to Elhippens birg, leo dor burned warehouse,, s rfirra w n a ssion Is th at the Invasion tole hones and beek.te Hagerstown, Md. The of P•as-ylvnah Wooer, and that their fur ther immola te' are aimed Melly* TIMM mon Of postibly at Wbstithilt9lt• Rescue. ~.,,,. HE LATEST NEV BY TIIIJIGUPH ac., &a, Ca krepasiss o lleaus the iltAit. Wise Cosswes,h Ctone. Josh 19,-A emu - posy anis aletosted thinist9m Ii Costws; Coe& On reported to be deter ten trout the n 47. twa latothoo with sone ditloyal mes I that , )they are fottl. 6 *j ar Aro sio ustets, Rail dm lemma peh pose of restatisig the draft. Their amber lo mathately estimated of from 119 to lee. .9tteee etshoomeat =We tw that reglea amoss lbw 1:10011. Mos. )t);• Lieut. J. 8. Preseiof the 17th 1ndi0..., AS- , : siesta Burgeon A. M. Heat, of the 33d Mona. All is quiet here to-night. Them is some folk of Bragg assuming the offensive, bat it is not considered probable, unless dame great misfortune should hap pen to our armysit Vicksburg or in the Bast, Bragg has 4,000 or 5,000 men in our front, and having reared the wheat crops in Middle Tennessee, will doubtless hold on. The des perate forlorn enigenolos of the rebel service may require an advance.— Let them oome.„ FRO THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC!; DESPERATt CAVALRY FIGHT iIIiD4UILTI3.6IIIXY'OII. POTOIIIO, June 19, 1866`, A ionfilet transpired, yesterday, between a detsehment of our cavalry and 001. Bits.lfugit Lee's brigade, luting until night. Our tam; pushed them from petition to position for Ave mites. Night coming on, and not knowing the enemy's strength 'ln the vicinity, this round was sleazed of thi dead, wounded and prhoners,and a strong position Paten on this' battin.fleld. The flght lasted several hours. We took as prisoners'74 priastor aad , 9 aim", 'minding • Major. A large number of Om orterelf*f_ killed. --A oompimy of dismounted sharpshooters Were posted to piok off par ofk one, but most of them .were osptured,Among the townships on our side are Col. Domy, of the Maine Cavalry, killed; Ort. Do'Clesulla, -of the ith Cavalry, mitring, but whether' wounded or taken prlooneils not known, And several other °diens killed or eMinnaril. Arrival or Hie Bohemian.. Carl RACE, Juno 19.—The steamship Bob.- miaa, from Liverpool on the 11th, via Qneens town on tholSth, paired hero at noon to•day, . and ou Interomptetbi the nein yacht. The steamer Citl of Baltimore arrived, at Liverpool on the 9th, and the North Ameri can arrived cut on throUlth. The ship Kate Dicer arrived at Antwerp on the 21 Inst. She had bruit reptnted by and relea.sed on giving bonds in the ma ei 840,000. The sow steamer Southerner. bye been searehed by British officials, being suspected as fitting out for 1 rebel pirate, but not ling was found on her to warrant a se- erre. four days Liverpool C.uon Murkel.—The sales of days amount to 17,000 bales, Including 8;000 ban - tiroaculatarr , and - for expert. - Tim market opened with de:lining tendency, but closed steadier. • - Manehester markets dull. Brsadstuffs doll' with a decline on an qualities. Messrs. Riot , ardesn, Spence t Co., and others, report dour. heavy and quotations easier. Wheat flat; zed western, 91,495 41. • red southern , 9s. 41.1& Si. 81.; white Weste rn, 95 Id.@9s. 91. @AN. 3L ; white southern, 10s. 34.1101.15. 341. Corn declined 64.; mixed, 285. 3.14285. 61. Pro visions quiet linC steady. Beef steady. Pork dull; bacon dull, and declined 6.i.(g)ls. Lard flat. anger quiet but steady. Coffee inactive. Rise steady. Rosin quiet but steady. Spirits turpentine, no sales. Petrels= quiet -bet steady. From Williatitaport.-siosers Caval ry--The Governor Reviews the N. Y. Troops-.Yreatt Troop, Arriving. Haaateaula, June 19.—Two boatman who left Williamsport on Wednesday evening, re- port that at the time of their leaving sin reg iments of mounted infantry were encamped on this side of the river,. and more were eras ing. Gan. Rhodes' headquarters were on the opposite side of the river, at Hagerstown. Titan were. four regiments of Infantry en camped about two tulles this aids of the town, at Walliamapon. The rebels ware paroling all citizens, and both the boattnen bad their paroled papers. This morning blosby'a cavalry Is eight miles below Ohamberaburg. That portion of the rebel cavalrywhich left Greenoutl• in the direction of Neuenburg, yeaterdiy, ware at bloConnallsburg this morn ing. taking the road towards Hancock. They are an the horse and cattle stealing expedi tion. The governor this morning reviewed the New York troops on the opposite side of, the river. ' Fresh:troops continuo to arrlve in Urge numbers by emery train, bat not as rapidly as the State authorities would desire. - The illitisourt State Convention , ST, LOIIIS - s Jim 11—Nothing of. genewai -interest has transpireil ln. tho State Convert. don for this past three day,. misting Emancipa tion oommittoe had o third misting to-day, and send upon a :sport which wilt be pro snood to the 0011111110.102, by GOT. amble, to-morrow. 'Laporte wore made by — WWI oat of nine memoirs of the committee, wait underatood, recommend that Amery abaft 0111113 'tenanted, in 1876. It prangs. Om emmigration of gloves from other States, but axpnumes no opinion regarding the saborio lion of the ordinance to the people. ^ Deserter Skot—Gen. Forrest in n Dying Condition. Mairszessolo. Jane 19.—PrInto David Blazer, of the -Indiana battery, Is to b. shot to-morrow, u 30011111111e1 Division, for the mime of desertion. Gen. Bernet b reported in a dying condi tion from wounds indicted on him a few days ago M eyries SUL The difficulty originated about a woman. Gen. 3111 toy Adrancing East. Estuuntreci, June 19-9 o'oreor. r. It is understood that Gen. Milroy is adrano. log toward the east with 4,000 mounted In fantry, and 4,000 riflemen, well mounted from the mountains. The Rebels about Entering Marylasid Baarntoia. Jane 19.—A considerable rebel infantry force is posted on the Varnish" side, near Williamsport, and it is reported that another infantry force of the enemy is near Antietam or Elhephordstown; And an about to 01.011 Illarkete 4 by Telegraph. Oixonau2t;Jultelour very dull hitt'. tower grades, and Itopertlue Wad at 11 4 . 10 01. 50 1 thers irides scarce and comparatively firm. at $4 to ao, • Wheat quiet and unchanial ;511,143002 for 1144 IlbaUed Corn advanced to 611947; Itac the at 65a. Oata dull attOe In butt. Waitaki, 400, but In lithe demand. "No chatty in Prod:dans. - The raltrof 1,001 phis. of Pork which was reported yedetury of so 25. wag not exactly correct at rap as the ;M.4; which Rao a shade above, pAgs; 9. . 0 . duet karma; and:ol4 Olty la now held at 19,2,54,00, - Nothtng done In Lardilt is had at Wib tor city, a..d 9to 93c for country: Gold doellnad t.l 140, and all. otetu Extbsalo 0 1019 . 1 7 14 %yr! prom.. Nunn. Chest lkoli the imaders tolofriphlo was toostood fn this oity doting that a body 'Of..iibbuf *O9 robot °booby had usdo" their oppeozolica at IlloCoaaallobarg, <Fulton .oinaky, lobar. they stole% noinbor of horns 'And oatt/o. They 'eta& bats abort !Intoreold keit poises. , Alan of MI tolopoYll'ollloo while tbsyrougik. ts.,whiy I. l.l4d P ft 4oth, a ri4t l P l 4 x eon. F 71611 19 ' • nu 41614..11 , is liathiratt of MeCtosuithbunt• • bbli. err: r "' ma 614161 " 1 t i ..B. l Ntails oo.' ' pi atinot Acceptetk rho eiraiiituloslioni Bt, . referenee to the red troois In'this 'depart .to Gin. Brooks: 'The Girt ,rbid theirganizatton of in the meaner preacribed•by or N 0.143, which requires that all• _rearing to enlist colored men far 4 smoke, mint lint be examined be the board constituted for the pupate it . ashington. Gen. Brooks has no power to steospt colored troops unless orgenised•by an claw spit:l'llY ; detailed, for the purpose, by - the War Department. Persons who desire to recruit colored troops must first pass an ex amination by the examining board referred to, as provided by a general' order from the War Department. • I understand that a duly authorised h andling Boer for rotated troops, will be sent here at an easli day. ' Oessayea. Tan DR.IIIIIIIN WACIONIBII Alfa OASTII3 had Smiting ta ct ansigh3g, at No. 1 Irwin street, Hone Marketyurd —John Gray Clair man, and M. McGaivey, James Waugh and Thomas Meldiehael Gioretaries. A resolution was adopted that a meeting be held at As same place on Monday, at 7 a. m. Commit tees were appointed to proeurs plaks aqd shovels, and to collect and conduct draymen, tragenm'and carters to the intrenehments, and bring them away, at the close of the day's labor, in good order. dt•RRIED : CLARK—P=OI3.-11 Philadelphia, on-the le* kat., by lee. Albril. Eames, WM. F. CLAMM, 'of Meadville, Pa., end Mier #B.iN M. riTOM,:rt NoLD—on ienetletigid. She mildew. et be• tether, Itiige 1 out, at Lesinie Ferry, ELIZAIISIT, tette or U. P. Arnold. Xs4. The innaral silt take.pleee on ieennot T. thi 20th, 'fro.; trOtto the trereitopyfile Matto), on the Aur.. ehanilrailsY4tailriad; earths eetv.i oS ttu) t stu cwt Xi* . apical Digpuffikto:thipmfttOrargb Gazette. Byta,.lto*4'''.3adat**t4 ll ll — Tbe •Barko Pr , Crude Is aad:ptcaltialak:ds9llaad 34 pp - ionic...! at *class ilettniat lu baud la don and pilaga have dac7ti*l - ;Atli majak:ltit iftei 46(01744 July dainty 4115150F,' dept4imbe!blia63a. liapttiat&iorataal ai ~f/Nditda.L.: 11E1.1640 DICES. - 43e001•_ LARlCiihk trench the vrnete-tiosio cutlets AI- ItiatekroPli ti ommeaolv FIRST - jAYNGROGATION 'Or Oisoietra. of Pittatnilby otnot.stit. todly, 4 tbo ISON OITY ~ 014.1SOLBOILDIIJG, _owner of Ono and Bt.' Clair 2444 ." Prfichtog LOWY/ DAT--Aloralog u# Ittentip , tit thi mad hon4.-11014, pottool at Sys o•otock hon. ,Praytt 'Sooting 'ottftr.`WilDfilfiD&Y 'The -14.arartep.ottoll, josO:ft !ELDER:. T. Q. LbIaK.E.E.V.EA of. Nam . st rlatoloary, will proud' for the 00N0110621101 .DI.I3OIPLES, (stioisfat, ea EXUZL3IOht fLa.LL,oaso.r..l.r.o.tra fht.ll LOKOCX. tee , its, Alffrahhny MA) ' Ta-1110altOW; :(Lbri's Day.) at 10% s. in" and as nip-1:111. Itabkot for toe morls a r , [ht !Tt a os yutllore .I:llfAVEti-er, M. lg. °kith:kW:l7 Abeabasky. will bo ,ia•aleaed DIGIT.BBII3. IN 1110k191bG. (To•roriaw,) at'lu)c - o-k. Nadu bx Dev.l .41:P3DM:de:M. D DaOlt P un.Lic "xoricEs. a. meeting .of the smr htld Olt alsonotn, 0 wa taelitot:tinsidtoossly, Ina: orlon to the 0130 n. aid= of, Oa psnatry, the Trinit. Oempanks and Emoting Bonita dots, on and attar the Inch meant, until intthoustodat, at 1 o'clock p m. ' Ilcortssu nt.n !tad the ptielrpoortlly will puns now 00 tint.und limn met thel, tanktig holdout, bonne that 'hear... . IL B. 2111111, Scaskla t ty. , : jsuhtt 0117100 OS 17 UMW VILISZSOILSITIOSI.O..A. rittectuali, nay Witt, lain.- 04C 07743 11311EttSHY GIVEN; to the Bubseribare to the stock of the Wait tra that-ea aseseseateif . awl Dirt. 14.8.13 (15 al Pra BHA hit has beau licaltd.opowthe stock tobeentedc palates at the Whoa -tha....Tnasunr. at Pitisourtri. ca or talon the . Mb day Of Mid., co.d a "late Ancona eyorY. thirty daps chancier. ostllotherwin noWled .". fly V ardar of the. Br jst...n .A.. 1. sacoo"wift.L. ,ocrettry.i • 0.4,11111 L as. a 1:1 CLIRLISI)* Itrottioeo 00..1 'Cleielsan. 33U.. al as, 13FECI&L MEETING OF THE IiTODIEHOLDIRS o! this Contoany wlo te held at LW ollice to Cileveleosi. on WC DS 2.nue 2, the Ist day t 4 July nett, et 10 o'clock a. ro. on sold to tat• tote conallorstion the proprloy of items- Ins the tle2ital Stork of the Oompsny to I" amount mnicknt to allow of the converelon of its Mortises Bonds. • The Malian. Books Istil be closed Dom J one Stith to July 24.'1100n.WE Instefint • • eoctetvee. fr?NuTtUlfe-ulna eitiosonpizon Boom; of the Cooper - Tire Arms fa etmi ni Ocaapioy win continue open at the °Moe of J. N. Oout.l 1000., Zack Block,-Flft!a street, until far. - titer tartlee. aal:tl IIIEHTH EXTRACTED. , WITHOUT : PAUL—We tate thin method of Interning our hisnde end the , pnblto generally that we are now prepared to IXTII&OT TIIITtt In &TIDO? Part In the tosottee of Dentistry. Thine who Dave beta postponing tide tooth dreaded operation map now la mks their We and ilve to a °W, w the appa. Mae we have In we has been thoroughly tested dnr. tag the pad four Imam tally eetabuetdag the , mate and pelotas durum of the operation. Do Drop or Onisnakalehor Gavin% 'Histter7 ruled: all those whittles the unless of a good sad contents Dentlet will do welt to oat end consols lone ;Aim B. KING, D. D. S., . o 90 OUth Ansa or, Da. 0 KIN% jadwai Ne 47 Arai ee.d ls.t.o‘nrob ils .6-W 9.1.11,1113, /al E6I.ItALISt [UN F TOILLIDOIA SIAGI. 13141011 LAST/a2ls. psalms. so. Ma. J. W. HADYlELlvhaeling given us the only Depot la ltelhost Laos Ur hts Meats! • MUST Y 81,211061 FIB SWOinte. We ari impend to otter thou- on , the mot favorible terms. fir caah, Wet (1.141) 0110. P 06&OHY1131 sad TOSPlCDttlhiv at the lowest menet • Ortiets sollohed and prat:lolr ~ : ended to.. , BTB+e6DACM: St NOON. . • . - Importers el Toy . . ma Saner Goods, . ib lielden 4112111, earner of NVll.ll.¢l bunt , mink Ire 'Nat YOWL • ALL Arrthun, - - • 708 014.111118 TWANIBLU9G4 w. all still Bath!' sttke ot:6ltitit aigot White, Ciheekad =Clow Xiittingi, Mil style and of • supdar quality . °Mint IrCLINTOCOE - ss "Timm: O&13 'AN driaAJA, IITEING.-811W EITAIII4I3IIIISN'T. WM. T&Ti, & CO.,' • Deem in LEAD FrPL fainri LiAII. - 1110, IMAMS, PUMPS, OBANDEGIRRtI, BR aOILLTS, and Plat DAMS. Dialling" lined ult with hot nal cold wean and gm In moat a•plar.d ' EL {Rut Ski..,) 1111D111 , & 1 4 : fITEiB l." .Ed dootbaiow Soldnion. B... 13•0102104 weeouth stun/Nilo. Wad' .. bi TILL A VI . 1441Utt; I • A!kother ardui aura ruts 711.121011 O LV Hatrialt lORD BOOTS. eardill and VS • pal; •• JANES Bows, ikazururr WitailkkallAv,-09 , Trani stsset,_Vdlitot*ilsiapat Pa Sobs Maros Itss tt instantly Ow molest ttisterttl =ad Palos% lids Asti Is Pstdoularti ad'42,4-63 2141 - 911" ears meow' trtwas4II76IMaXAMAII, • al7/10111, • Oeruer 6 sad4ld sir , eta. •• poldoigton,-D. 04 Joao Bit 188! 1017tbro 'BB .- klub!) AT AUCYPION. on TV ' the Eft of Am* bat; at the Omit near Oboaroofol7. a lot of cotaltiatea HMO AIM IMAM the propixty.of the 1334i44-ifeatoo. Volis s iolobt to GofiroolOot joll:id • Toot 'A Q M.:: r: 4 Sa.tioldfolVeltUeUbto will: be' remit. %Jed by Sbb earsalltamyoa Irks Zaitned sad Haw ay to yasselatbilddb„ , kr UM 41001tSilid tat' but of TaX OH. iceTaimAusig.coP. , asd.isars • Patsat vOllO4lO "sitaoissi. Ease toad, yroparlytarisd brads to in toothed ay tbs atty. when %alumni 'Milos made !okra • nnosnlti•Si i — as' 7 --ou boxes W. JS. IMKOPollib Class 514.11 lirstain!iiii!l fir ,0* . 17, 01,E4.110. SAlSiela: • 3•4: 17, sleiski MIME =IRE ci4 E-4Jr Et, ,fr. r /INKY GV.;; • • teriodelterito lama& ~., , ATerghao s ii Tikgor*. Arivermovisith,k , :PitXl(o SI'OCIE .-OF 'GOODIN adapiaiO3 - • fist vrlthaninit dim a Meet tber — lt elYntratslt many friannkianryalran, tention'tenntrumfand Btriot Integrity; tester. :Cs OFFUTI4 et MlltkonlAtONVirythAaak ,.,,,, -914.1021SiAlitrOBFB ' - - , Rh& to Wheels:miner lin t ums• Bowthillhtihwd W for Eton', Yield end. Lige Office.. ftwei-J 1 1...,,,,r!. MIT). we w ropond - to *smith, e pIA Tx...V.. with corrwwwww end despatch.. LI I 01111•11 'very chaos WM - obn to usimpom.. , GOODW always on haw& ma. or Pll3l , di al. aura WORMAK & WOO, ~.:-,',i!-,..,.,-. ' ,.,- - .•••,, n ,•-•, , Litr - :.,=. 7. -,,-,-.4,!;A:H:--nrAi.."l-1.4::•:,,,:v..i:D AND BAWL . SKEET_ BfOokAlii; I MW •-• 2 4 t Brraisi r lltang iukti ttrAiligoas.: f,ll ESTliSlatiEtEp ; p6O. -filgnif,:'ANl? UtBA () CN' !W, 3 T L' , .113 18.nzugszatfir;sizAr?.i-ti: . - ;-... .oroftterly 42 Ohs di ow' atresti ineYo , ll.) .. • , Woiiii Ail ito all:sitlat o 41.eiyitetto*.iiiii. 01' . bid 0 1 **4 U., OA ::. , 7 1 ;... ,: .:' , ' I. , •: . , , v , ' , -_,.... .. Baojiris ' Ersprif.` . -' - vrticabdrilti .. islisp., van:, 8.304.- , iiiiiacao .. i o r Gait!m ,4 4 4 ”laigr o N ra M... vl so#4 kliM l 4 ,lI Lg, :' ia0 c ......- ._,- . 0 4;...46; tie. tali.* 00:00.0,. lriab 13411 • Toast "....7 teadylkohlioaey'4,o4.Blllll4ll',./regh 11000, 8001014., - 111rAttihtlou 15 .:7- 10'diediei* ttii . 1 . 0 - iii'l'idialifosl3o.- .•'-", pleas a rthe.outpa.wing .ld:/4.9 1 1Nreligf 03 4 *-- 1 - whiosh will I. *TO 01 onoperlor qualpy.,., , . ._ ....,... . 4 1121 a 1 " 2 " 7 " 7 /941 1 l i " ~•4°':l4"Xl9P'' 1 l i'll tt d i l o. -:, '"'' . ....I•Nun UM .0011001111.7.. P. .0.4 ,74t 1 t0P. 1 10... 0, 1• 1 7.19 1 ' 11 "7' dl•b, or liirest ; ,8000; bc0010d.,w00003: Ito foil-- ii i i , n di n h; , , , . ... . t.,,:...t- - ...: t - . , z :a .:: ~' • ha olLiza-. 6 .. Jam. sewsti..omestir.,Zu. l 4o. " W. B. - - -;e10.0,01n0 otpx10:01rilrloc Pa 'du 11..000. 00400., . -.. r : f.,'A. , ..1";. , ".: .- . '... ~,:-, . ;.:igklC, -,. pLUMBEES MATOLULSJAc: CEMita auroaorza . wo.aßckaomaca!to r i pr.. EVd.44 1 .110- • ikaidaitly-tadtord, Lrsa smdatanaa' atedicer, "Ana, lana,sad.Qalukniasd tro4B pia vatuNitvetatbliekt.liatSa ' ' sbitfiladBkrPWBlr,- 8 , 18 *.ta 084 1 , n , . , . Witer.l.4mic comptetif. . Waist cldiellootrearingtecittptiogito,.: , PampaJtaanOk o lron Elteal:-' .. • lads mks Jiaratalll44Poit‘ 8 Vitria, - 4,Disla rips, Zia - isf,l3rlnedias "raid ?raps. - Plum bard Num and -Plat,al i Wort,.4o.2rm d. Ladd Traps iind'aciids: Plait •Cltdv y not Pats, Sladrasis Boisc.,Phintt,B 4 O o l., - *obis Saba, Ilaabar Iliad,ao., sa low ss any Loan la Cu. <outlay.. -,-.7•1118:8rd 1862. ISM J1... / . le, vvN'OA/LUI,, TR rani= CRAM? A Large pertiort et oar ototk batter ltioill - P6aAtts prockras to • stortzwot•zArtinoes, sad not: treplootsb ed. (tut putzed=rerszt advance et the szatos) ,12 : ETIO, oarOLOTHiI,WINiC;WISSEADIri, . . & Womble opporkiniti is adored ks susterskiestse, si prior will witeleity bkpAr. dololl, STAISCH, 4.1:441.4,; Tim andutigatt: ars Alpittii.for Pftbatraeb and w Y lni qr ic .'F/ ITATra Ammo* 47 41 5 2 4 T-V 4 -Y*' And bap mean* 4 GO Una, IP fling, SMACK, partaaa stils plokapsorbipb_ Tip by 'bilk qabititbmi to ttiiiAnsibvit land rsgebtabgeiwirap. SCIIWWW,&.-liiictr, AIL; 4 - 1 :: 2001t1 1 .7.°,Ltrax, - =itcored ! ooaw sad pat , d"6p(it.; —2O bl"ritiVl:llZ7ier. - :101 bozos ,frictsusti 20 bbl.. N. Or 0 I 04 .."; • • :`,l • 10 'di' V ii . o oldi, ll P -- •• F 10 . 'do .-14OnlicF , Eter4co=7 just acsivi. " ll4l°"*°7 311 a Tiwost., , urr Liberrl. 1 . 114.8. *VAT . * Zr. jl - 414 (Woofof 1 1 41/Wallngigik. ls 4 33410441444 113 .,. -11, 3t0 4 No."rog!i i,ll4 , t r zi . ' kw " o. l.l r f a n ial h atiL COLD. BILVI6, BASK E Z ' TlVtallablall. atkcioasopgAgsge,liequipits. - ay.6.11m • Produelciestalilosaissieillealtist, - • c.•• a:S2 4d4.4iiiila *IP gli ,l. :Tx,'9l : l" . Joan , 4.ipsavviridisr.:it , . 1 , 44 -- Perim:rear. P.. • iransarrx----. ILEy . • NaLLAUSTABat BA , . - ilads .;; goirr azai4W, 40.1WWQ9/0...04.447..witi.ePA . sins easitally at Viola , btfplisilds Plpse i" 4 4 ; 2 4! , . 01 . 1 . 1 , 011 , 0 P.R* * * ,, , r , •,: 3 MP, raonif,;-/i4v-Awithait. Ana 003.61thipaisiii lei, at 0.1)4D-0rii.6.0/14119jahraSialif.., L T eso HOUGH, 41A • lit t eraltsfit, _ . ag sego VILIONOW 4414191,111 ' • ' - • - pfinimitsrau. iNkbidiimmo ocux,: olt 1.1 A.r r• • • O.IIGAR EKIBRD HAW:- 'I; lam owt e t. ) .. itu it ttc.y . #l,m ,4. r . c= r ---- usaii -wtiolormshookiret,rl:7l:- ~ , , , :;P7ll 15.000 Ctoi. Bibs; • • • r.. 1010 01)% Mgr' 'asidir Iu W ei 01 4*. P 4 ,4 bo It* i - —.O Z. tic4.l4.etewr:, rP. R AV•I3 Plat %NV 4atißilSiWirt owe, ottbe automat widittloaVail ev mar *opt 131 Li ACKati, JJ iobsa..p4lis Cfir: Tor sembg „J. LUMP/0 it tug g; • • • • —l,l••ii'd caszsß.=.Bo - buierttiMe..' - J4 ,IWHOMARXIC/kAA , ""' Ue!n v—iou ucls armorsC,— AL !..thstuistam aid for bs hIN YUAL4,lvAtia , -.-Au4b LVitto,lroudowitaruebe. - • I.IIA . an 4 for We Iv Patent Shot,; rryticrmakim3t cisma , UU PIO n• *VP' n 1114-9!7-W54424010* -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers