The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 20, 1863, Image 2

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.415 CROP. PROSPECTS roe 1883.
a• I SAAC NrWnis !K.,
cout_uktssion in. of Agriculture, has just issued the following im. ,l
- portent tabular statement, presenting a short abstract of the returns to the Agricultural
TURDAYMORNING.4IINE 20, 186fi . - Department of the amount and eondition of the, crops in May, 1863.
In explanation of the e, it, is , only neoeseary to say, that the number 10 represents
Maws Comas, Ticket. an average of Cie crops. bOth as to their amount comparls3 with the crops of 1862, ind
jai ,. , te 04 . it .,,,,, 0 . 4. their appearanes in May,.:lBBB. , A number above or below 10, represents as many
xosin aurrrox.- tenthsu it, is above or below it. Thus Bis two-tenths below an average, and 14 is
Mgr *mak* four-tenths above it.
lirFitieSLACIL , .
The table is prepared by first taking an average from the returns of each county, and
m. San S. 111/113011. . . .
.r....,'.'.: pro .WIL IL DIZELSTOL : - from those an&Verne of each State , as published in the table.
v. 81108. J. BIGHL/L. %Mira SPRING
49..C1i0r6 of Cnorte. , RYE. 0011 tr. OLT& ya a. GRAB . COTTON
- ' t WILD 11•*111/1011. WHEAT WHEAT
--- ir - . . .
. '.
f 4
r :..1 i 701 NZ last'''4l l . ta . 1.1
_ 'Pm dual, Trosiseir., . . 11 - I 11l 2 - 1 .4 g - .1,,,,,i -
_,l - .., -
!Aux Alth e a. lvt/ 7• % -Er, 1 1
i • airiallt. SliCLUall• 11 ` 4 ,,, a tile. 1 a II w 1 •VIS" 1:•;1 ° ' • l a 3 ; ".
, . • 1," - I - -- 4 .- - 2 •---.-- : e , 2 -- '
Inca mom& x WrATZS ' '; b :At O iil ' IP : ie. ~} 3 1 : 1 3 1 ' 'II I nc
211 8
-, • • •
lsec &ire Maw. - 1 = VOftgi s 4
ll gi ' Igl -6
!1, '''... §1 '4
• ~ , . SIM* 1 / 4 11111TOIL •- . a:8 el 3 0 1 8 l'alu 0 "" 3 8 18 8- - 6 18
•2 a •.- a ...- n , g :3 0 •/. .1,4 : 6 a
40811Y.IISATO. • - _ al :I:Lai .1 tli •L a 5. .8. g . lu. e, :, . • rt, la
ta" 2 en ..x ea ._• 5 -2 B . - 22 I 2; 1;,. 2'1 3 = .
e 811,-,41 -,... tr. c 8 ma rel./ 1 1 1 8 t.. :. \ -c-.. rate f i T r
... ..,, .1 A 44 . 4 414 4 9
Conaseticat.-......- 10 10 1 10 10 10 10 :10 11 1 10 10 10 --. 1 - r . ii
Thlssrars„ . 0 9 , 8 9 II It 12 - 9 1 8 12 9 8 12 1 5
III1nol.s.: 32 9120010119191L10 1 15 10 70 10
Indisn._._„„_ 10 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 10 16 11020 10
lowa.- ........... 17 10 13 11 12 10 12 11 I 11 19 10 14 11 - -
Kansas. .-....... 18 12 6 11. 15 11 110 11 1 10 12 12 13 10 83 10
Kentucky........._ 9 11 - -9, 9 8 10 -9 9 10 l6 10 27 12
- - -
Mina .. - -. 11 10 10 ,10 9 10 -
10 11 10
Maryland— . 10 10 --1010 10 8 511 10 11 16 10 20 10
.I(aessolineotts..-... 10 9itlolllo lO 1 9 10 10 10 -- - -
Xisislisti...'.....— 11 101
10 ID 10 10 • 10 10 1 10 111 10 86 10 60 10
111inntect5.......... . 13 11 12 11 10 10 13 10 13 10 11 10 19 10 -30 10
llissosni •......• 12 11 10 8 11 11 11 10 9 5 10 10 11 10 15 10
New Hananshlrs,_ 10 8 11 10 10 10 9 10 12 10 11 10- -
New Janet......... II 11 10 10 10 10 11 10 9 10 10 10 11 10 - -
New Tort —...- 11 10 10 10 10 9 10 10. It 10 11 10 11 11 1 - -
Oblo..- -....... 9 8 10' 10 10 9 IF 10 10 9 11 10 II
14 10 15 10
Pennsylvania— 10 10 8 10 9 9 11 9 10 10 11 9 23 9 60 10
Rhode Island-...... 10 10' 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 1 0 - -1 - -
Yermont-.....-.....z. 11 9 10 10 •10 10 10 11 9 11 9 10 - - - -
Wisconsin— 19 10 11 12 11 11110 II
11 10 -12 11 11 10 i2B 10 - -
FabtaskaTorritory 11 -8 11 8 8 10 8I 10 10 I 8 10 10 1 9 11 -
. --....,-- ..
GHIOIII Avows.- it ti to 10 1054 10 10 ?,41 9;4 9 1 4 11 Ito I l O l4 15% 37 103
------------ ---
lad -- -- o 'h regiment, ler. n--
pliCautdost of forming an efficient
dssey argarditati.on, on- 'which we can rely
in future as a preservative against that
Mod humiliating description of moral or
pividcal Umlaut which we usuolly call a
peado—and , which always sweeps doll):
irlik the sudden and destructive force of
oplatunk—fa just the one subjrct now
chiming precedents! of ail others, and the
one which ought to be considered, decided,
nod acted upon- loimediaLely,—with, of
sourer, eunuch practical.isdom and care- i
fat foresight as poulble. Now, in order to
ma &broach, so to speak, Um 'thoughts of
our most experienaid men on this subject,
•we take pleasure. In laying before our
readers to-day, in another column, a tom-
Muntration from an altar of the United
titres army, in which a very thorough
. system of organizing for milltrzy service
all animas capable of bearing arms, 111 Bet
• !nth with such cleanteso of detail, that
-'nothisg but a careful reading is needed to
put" even a person hitherto unacquainted
r with the subject, in possession of the
, We require the organisation of such a
system to would Fonds, us =amp-
WS from panics in the future, and each s
liens. of ammtity in our homes alai business
is woulderne from the canoionsness that
• ,
loth ware protected by strong arms and
blies hearts, seedy, at the list signal of
approsehing foe, to go forth and make
ert_lmprevtable living rampart rise in
t ry delis to bar his way. _
tht inn u the Cumberland Valley raid is
regarded, its proportions have waned rap
idly as more accurate advioes have come
I. It. appears to have amounted to just
this t hat a small force of nimbi, not over
2,600, crossed the Pontiac at Williamsport,
in pursuit of Helley's baggage train, which
they did not snowed in catching. This
force went through Hagerstown and enter
ed the Cumberland valley, but did not go
more than thek miles beyond Chambers
berg: . •
We trust that the raid said to be destined
.to semi, down the western valley of Penn
sylvania from Cumberland to Pittsburgh,
may prove as small a matter. But, why
should we expose ourselves to such raids,
by our defencelessness? Let us improve
She occasion of this excitement to put our
selves in a thorough state of defeat* by
continuing the construction of works,
guarding the approaches to our oily, but
more wrpeolally by organising such a force
as will carry a living wall of defenee to
any point Ant threatened by an invading
foe—which will long keep the peaceful cir
snit of our high-crusted hills sacred from
the desecrating tread of rebel marauders.
Tie. Fortilicatiogn.
Pittsburgh will soon , bee fortified city.
The energy and patriotic spirit of our man
ufacturers, in putting their entire large
fermi of stalwart men at the work, paying
them liberal wages while so engaged, and
many eases heading them personally, is
beyond all praise. We have r however,
heard of exceptions—of employers who
stopped 'operations, but declined to make
themselves responsible to their hands for
their labor on the works of defense. The
consequence hie been that many strong
and willing men hate been idle for several
days, hating no one to direst their opera
tions and secure their compensation. This
Is all wrong. It is alike unfair to their
fellow-althens who sated more liberally;
iC te . Slab& to their employees; and it is a
wrong to the ;inhibit at large.
i t =olli NOIMIATIOI3 zz lowa.—The
Union Mate Convention of lowa, on
.Wedatraday, notainatad CoL WILLIAX IL
Bronsfor Girernur. C4:IL Brous la a law
yer by prifeasion, and wad Judge of the
YOurth District Court when the war began.
He Whited as artiste, was elected Major,
/ raptured at Shilokludd a year in , rebel
prises; >taaUy ualianged, appointed Cola
nal of the Twentillesond lowa, and has
slam beim twice 'Sounded, the last time be
, fere Viekidnin.
Rooms Isusio To Tex Eatecom—As soon
as tim news of the rebel invasion , readied
Providento, the Gorman of Mode Island
lasnedi Gill for the Legislature of the State
to meet en Thursday, the 18th Just, to eon
eider such- measure , as the situation may
The Adjutant General of the
State sloe issued an order for "three regi
ments of infantry and one of cavalry, to be
organised without delay, to respond to the
coil widish Juts been made." Well and
Femptly done, Ws Mod, I
Buck Bum= m Puts.—Tbo Ftvneh
love sou of the upseJedloss of color,"
wblok bine lug asodo such misobid on
this ibis of Oki dtlintlo. Inn letter se•
edmid from Paris by the lost Mame; we
sN tie following;
Paris is now in Nrt garrisonmi by na•
Poes, and they/end ommt of Napoleon II
k I.
dep..,slot ippear observe that there is
' anything absonnal in haring the guard of
",:the palms mounted -by. black ram The
greater part of the apsidii and the Tame
sre'Bodouins, it Is true, but 'there are also
Xthisplans among thero, and all ars black
• alike. They are also empk7ed as an es•
sort far the Imperial carriages on theprow
Ituntres Weeox Iw,, Ave Mara is
number, arrived safely at Iterrieburg on
Tuesday ' lestsiwn the extreartilmssi =sob
doss , ores zed twenty miles in forty
et& bounti =Wan so only to .
MA the bosses. Part of the n was loin
In wattles through the enetny's Unto at Ater
ilsebusa but tbs tats wbfeD got in was
~ over Aires _Wiwi in lennth. ce ss id ee b e e
",what MUroy bed to mounter, he his do»
enielitsAY bsiss/ut so /talks Potties of
bleartet WAR-
summon, WARD, the itsuitiosa !Mbar
MY wio sH toa to oo maohltisttootion
Okinsb,bomoolood tho bow of ap4bood4
=.lOtV bon mood to iiimfOry
', -:4-4',t,,,Ki,.•14,i6.•;=3--t,
The Copperheads Rad the Peace Men.
We know not whether it is proper, to
make two 'distinct species, or genera, under
these names, out of the whole elan of hypo- al'
critical platitudinisen about the rights of I :
free speech, about the labia, corpus, and E
especially about the Cba-sti-tu-ties- al rights I
of treason and rebellion, inasmuch as the
minted hies and whine by widish the area- ,
tures are known from all others, is really
but one sacs, which, in its various gra
dations, seem, to be a constant and unmis
takable characteristic of the whsle progeny,
Speaking of them as Copperheads and
Pease men, one of our contemporaries treats
them to a cruel piece of banter in the fol
lowing strain:
The Copperheads Mid the Peace men are
full of indignation at the indecent seal of
their fellow minions of Jeff. Davis. Too
many cooks will assuredly spoil the Cop
perhead broth. Here were the Pennsylva
nia treason•shriekers about to meet at Har
risburg, when lot a rush of their impatient
Southern allies in that direction overturns
the pottage and disperses the sacred cooks.
In Ohio the Vallandighamers had just got
everything fixed, and were becoming of a
most pacific turn, when lot the intemperate
zeal of the rebels mare all the plane of their
Northern friends. What chance has Peace
to make her nest in the, border counties of
Ohio and Indiana if thise rebel raids are
to be the order of the day? Somebody will
get mad presently, and then we shall hear
no more of peace. The Northern Pesos
men are at their wit's end it the upect.
Where is the Peace Society? Why will not
Jeff.. Davis serve his cause by calling off
his hordes? It is inevitable that there will
be an united North, and a rush to arm.
each se we have not yet seen if this new
style of irritation le to be hept up. We
sympathise with the Pesos men, but see in
the enlightenment of loyal men every
where, in view of present perils, an earnest
that the war will come to be prosecuted
with an intensity it has heretofore lacked,
en unity and oneness of purpose before
which the infamous cause of the Rebellion
and Slavery will bleach away. It will only
be when the people of the North'lay aside
all trades but War that Peace will be
reached through Victory.
A Curious get of Patriots
The PennsylvanisDamooratio State Con
vention, held at Harrisburg on Wednesday,
adopted resolutions violently denouncing
the war policy of the government, but failed
even by so much as an implication to con
demn the Invasion of Pemmican's by arm
ad insurgents, leaving the public in doubt
whether, after all, the "democracy" did not
expect and desire the presence of Jenkins
and kis rough-riders at the State capital, as
preferable to that of Governor Curtin. and
our loyal soldiery. The Convention also
denounced, with
_popes:lie' vehemence, that
part of the national policy looking to the
employment of siftren in the national de
feat*, and the suWaction of slavery, in all
its relations, to the risks and penalties of
the war it has evoked. Yet at that very
hour stout negro arms were building, with
in eight of the place where this Convention
met, fortifications for the 'defence of the
capital, and a company of colored citizens
from Philadelphia, embracing men of char
acter and means, were asking at the hands
of Gen. Couch permission to fight for the
preservation of the lives and property of
these very "Democrats."
Lee's Plan of Campaign.
We and the following letter in the New
York Herald:
WAJIIIIO2OI, Jane 18.—From rebel sour
oes the folio wing is learned. Ido not know
what value may be attached to IL It com
ports, however, with what rebel sympathi
sers here have mysteriously whispered from
time to time for s week pest. LWs army,
numbering 98,000 men, his -been divided
Into three parts. No. 1 started six days
ago from dordonavills for Parkersburg, Va.
No. 2 left Culpepper Court House to pro-
Geed by way of .grallott to W.heeling, and
Pittsburgh, with instructions after.occupy
ing the latter to unite with No. 1, to pro
ceed through Ohio into Kiaiucky. No. 8 was
to proceed by way of Winahester and Har
per's Ferry into hisiyland and Pennsylva
nis, towards Harrisburg or Baltimore, with
a New to—make a diversion to eccapy the
attention of th e Federal army of the Hut
This lad division of Ike' rebel army is com
posed very largely of cavalry and 'mounted
Richmond is for the present , abandoned,
with the espeotation that mserly. and
new levies will be brought there in sal
dent numbest to garrison the defenses.
Lzis Aim: is reported to bit 104,000
strong, ta tt o that his intenUon is to cross
the Po for the invasion of Pennsyl
muds. Meta's army is not mush less
than Loa's, and is not divided. Another
throe lies back to guard the entrenchments
at Washington, sad th ere is a tolerably
Aron body of men at Harpees Perry,
while a heavy force of militia will be 'eon.
oentrstad at H.anisburg in the Oulberland
Valley, tallow than a week. With .0 these
dispositions of . form, Hooter, it he la
equal to the occasion, ought to be able to
attack Les and punish- him severely.
Hooker has been trying for slz months to
get the rebel army out of its entrench
ments at Pindorioltiburg, and new that
Lee voluntarily comes out of his detonate
and ewes, himself to the strategy of
Maker, the latter hail dui opportunity
of proving to the country that he - knew!
bow to Like laTalltSllll Of the filet to strike
*decisive blow that will send rebellion to
its grave. . .
Saw You Contains us Wolz.-7tena
-t tl7, sots ..stit attar sidaiobt,
IM liSt spirtiof oar Wilda was alin. As
Nos lik-raglowsl marital dews Craig.
%sr el Asir woo So' Rairiebsig, awl& Sks
lautaitoads oassollag of libidos awl pat.
Coils isaltlia4a6 Towards main .Sk. Sib
=snanbail also witk COI: rank&
ail s
Isloks Cis S toll
la Cie Pie thING•I6 Oa a:kies
iliasosiowst se Oa mew Mind 110
(entry, Bth regiment, left Governor's Island
for Harrisburg. Notwithstanding numerous
obitaeles whloh stood in the way of the regi
ments filling up thetiranks, the enthasium of
all concerned remained thoroughly alive, and
in good time, Gov. Seymour and the Ideoretary
of War removed eve:7 digitally, and General
Sandford was ordered to distribute uniforms
and equipments until every man was supplied.
The sth, 11th, 21d, 18th or 23d, and the 87th
regiments are ander orders to march to• day
(Thursday.) The others will leave on Friday,
when it la possible General Sandford will fol
low: them to the field and see that an are
properly provided for.—Now York frames, of
Immense Union Meeting at Concord.
An immense Union meeting was held at
Concord, N. 11., on Wednesday. Not less
than twenty thousand persons were pres
ent, and the enthusiasm was intonse.
series of resolutions was adopted pledging
support to the Government inputting down
the rebellion. The fourth resolve is as
follows: "That the men of the loyal States
who by word or deed, directly or indirect
ly, under whatever pretence or disguise,
discourage the recruiting and maintaining
of our army and navy, or in any other way
lend their aid to schemes calculated to em
barrass the Government in this crisis of
the national life, ally themselves with the
rebellion, and are traitors at heart." Elo
quent addresses were made by Gen. Butler,
Montgomery Blair, Gen. Hamilton, Ira
Parley and others.
Wreck of the Steamship Norwegian.
A dispatch from Aspy. Bay, Cape Breton,
dated June 14, via SickviSe, June 17, giv
ing an account of the wreck of the above
named steamship, was received in New
York on Thursday. It reads as follows:
The steamship Norwegian, of the Cana
dian Steamship Line, which left Liverpool
at half•past 12 o'clock noon of the 4th and.
' Londonderry on the 6th inst. for Quebec,
was wrecked on St. Psul's Island this
(Sunday) morning, 14th lost., during a
thick fog.
All her passengers and crow, together
wits her mails and baggage, were steed.
She had on board fifty-eight cabin and
tiro hundred and seventy-one steerage pas
sel:igen, all, together with the orew and
mail; lowed.
Cass. A. Hick:arra will probably be the
Democratic candidate for GOT1111:10T of Ken
tucky. He is in close fellowship with
Richardson, of Illinois, Voorhees, of Indi
ana, and all that genus.
arTEI MEMBIRs OP CO. F, 136th
Penes Sol., ern fall la ebb =rata( at WAN
o'cica. to to la Camp Halm A bar more good Eft
wasted to all tn.
fall ilk, bays sod son't b. drsftod. only for
do mouths, sad fa this Depart:mot
101 l rsy frog Wm of sorodlawst.
JaitlOS ArGrisT POBWIFN, ruses.
0700 B, 15rn P. M.—A few more
repeats will be seaweed Is this °mopes:el,
sow is Ouse lbws. Apply to twat. Oat/UM W.
ROBLSI, roo•no etreet. or at Ousp Howe, to the
Ceotedu Wow le the lest opportunity.
J.191t • P. Re DOLL cantata Os B.
PUNA. VOLE.—A. f gocd men will he
acceploi b this Baiter/.
Application may In mad• c, booL A. N. NAN.
BOUM. or Got. IL 8. WE! 6 NW. Cro►ut Marsha , ,
at Olraid Maws, earn4r IlsolOdold and Third Mats.
0.15 TH 11M01115NT
ILbrut.. CRAB H. BUMS and Amp. A. T. DAL.
MILL ban been &tolled by Cot. lists sy to rowan.
kr the 16th ArAgiment Pwanyylvania 11111 Mt. nay
ban opened In Co. 01 Aritmtr, Iv. 64 radon' At.,
allwitteny. All recruits will be amt Into Coop im.
stotlooli. jat'Llw
o , LairrzerAarra J. EL SCOTT AND
JOHN DSZNXZWID searulthug 00. 17,
Mb Want,. for ste Months. The old members
ere ever:WY Melted lapin.
air gacauldag Oare, 001119112 FIFTH AHD
WOOD 5211.14T8, Finebureh.
Dear round the lbw, boys;
Bally as wan,
elumtthi the bstile.m7 of Freedom.
10. RECEIIITI3 WANTED, far the
9th Itmement Pa. U. V. 0., ar any attar
Tannryintala son Ira the 0914. Yank re.
craft Nlt really on* hendnid deflane begat:.
Tirenty.nha• dolma ntll b. paid In attunes.. soon
a 9 am= Into the Ifni 94 elates ouilat.
Tor atbar Intarsaattna laqalre at No. 76 itret
Stamm appalls tho Pais Mai.
Mist Ltsat. and Itecndttag Realm at
Patina. llaaarre Carps. Jaltlasoll
O.THOS. M. LIOWB, A. A. Adjutant
Coma, Ps.—Dcar dr: The usursiand
propose to ram a body d Onstry. to nuoster from
100 to 600 am, 'lama to the etas or sa•
anal flo►eramaat, aunt x arms, smumattloa sad
subclasses Tab ma duty, to sena dmtsg the pres.
sot emergesey sod to be ablest to the all el ob.
Oosomanaug anent dam lhasialst of the
noussbeis, Drills to be at bad as s wish. Will
Ica to good gib to Isar= us stratur this prop.
WU= am be sompted ROST. H. PArriillatar,
Ley. Clumard,•• CITICII. Daum,
ilitrbstilb W orries
t isa.
Mom. &Ai M. Pattinett, Job Er; Hater. sal
W IL Berth —llzra t hoer Mfg , tolaira body of
Omar,. to nomad tram 100 to 100 mm, Vilma
emote to the Sod% to aro for flu maul mar.
prop. amp; ter aim easmuottion sad sztb•htimapi
ow been submittal to Major amine Brooke, sad te
=spud. if• 0141111 MIDI to be furebbod se soon
es your ormudsotica Is repotted..
Touts rameoraMp, THOMAS AL ROWS,
A. a Adrt Gets, Pease.
'the uattonitguad bars authority kola Major 6a. 911011 road Adjutant On. Boo• to raise a Cavaly .
rota to tounbtr from 100 to KM man. to atm dating
the gement tonergenoy, soon mon to dad itio own
Mtn and tgoloasaati. lien. thoolul will Cunha
am ono ausuntkon.
for Author patients:it sot, to
, Agents calk,
Glass, r ulna LADIIIITT 0/ti WOIIL
_ übesi auk striumfatbol coiglimet,
ceased Sr erode Petroftuab
cm, *wan WU MP MMUS 11=11,
__7 7 •
..•••• •,••:;„;"
u_i , . i n- ,
sr FitzeesW,X-016,,
LA , mill
Beeetvrd tbi dity, it
77 &HD 79_ KASE ZT srumzr,.
760 Pieces Paris Triassniag,
in et the dettezble colott.
GT 'WUWee dealers warpled at
NT PI-2 icze.
boot. rf AND 79 31, DICEY =MIT
. to. • tFr r A ru'i
11 —all p rapt are betel w 2.60 . 0 I that the P.rt•
Numbly beretotere thbaleg lee Y
ctItIL , Ita and , -4 T L. Rll t , Tan , -
Ins &MUM% U. der ;be penmen' at, eat CIAIUTTR.,
a eirt be.eby dre •Ired There beTlelt •
del= 441.1.1 the en, .1.1 plate time's to.. ni
'ht., bare leFlotted to Fall Mtn wet y wse• m• 4•
P'3ln•at ge the undertlathed is bs Bete -Ito. 69
fourth alree , .l'lvebergy, 1 ,1 ; h. be, teen entherteed
to 'stile FIFA* Galilee's O. F. am. •
11.11. -Tbe Pateragl3.lnres *II be catiled ye es
anal by neymt No 45 Boor. street, Pbtsboreh.
.wx•usir oan, sat.
.4 . „,::r01ia AOII Li %V at. .iPiti k
AVII , NOIS.—Iifor a: e, 20 feet (root by OS dup to
eiß foot alley; three story Mot hao, wi h rm.!
et mate, store room, gad o.llar, ate nom., yard,
bock bnlialath water and gee Ottani Outage the
horse. Per lute. a d tonne *ply to
1. SO a flatcar a Market rt.
A lorgo thnetto-7 brick d r.lll .of hall, two
p .rlora di. log room, kitchen, collar, barn r om and
flya bsiabart; .a, and inner fixtures. S tinge on
decond aucet, sear n sket Apply to
J.,17 n. (lOTA b orr A,., M If arks, et.
I I rtlVEtttAb UWIILIi W11.11%1115E,
•b• 01,1 7 W.toger that Is warranted to ere tat
traction. CWI end examfut them t•fore prrehming
el./bowl.' /or ode by 3. 1 Pill 1.1.1P8,
Je 2 o W 21moi 288 t. otraet.
14 1 1.1“, 13A.Las:.— cry desirable 11W14
FUOMACE PROPELS rT, &host , d et McVey
loan. aunty, Pa, sable a ehort dinance of
the Peuorylvanta Itsitroad and Canal The heehold
property coupine a Faraatc. with machinery of
ape power to blow% wins either Theron] or
ihrnise coal; about 130 sores timber lead ; alto the
celebrated Orienwood pip bon ore bank. cornets:Oleg
about It tern which wrodaxes to apandatee the
unison from which. John a. Wright., stag, mates
his renowned and !nay ceistPatid Locomotive Tut
so 'Oar Axles. This la the ouiy area ibliproperly
le the State which pr. dams the on repileite for es
tattlishlog a badmen of like character.
lbws I. nen abate 1150 acne of bed within half a
mile of the furnace, held under 1006 leant. Mal
Irbloll %Madsen of a:cell-on hematite cue eau be
nano, et • cost Tot eat:enter fit per too, debuned
on the human beat, and-on wttob Mutts hors
ieountr bna intilL'aad produce saMileut
an to eopply the krona , . Boh fossil ere is else
abut:dela la the neighoorticod. t hunts , ' to any
puntilist, can be bee damned at the .anises in
to sw, outs psr
This Pummel is nal satiated ter the Make% tee.
Lig water and rail o 'manatee% ass etch Philadel
phia. Pittrearail. Pentane. harrieberE, and other
imp at ant matef. etude' Wirgt.
Bo: price, tuns and is polka's. Apply to
IL b. BlatithedialS,
Philadelphia. Po.
a u N rtt
All , lIILITABI 130g1Le. at
II El N ra.
II II N 78.
UM STAND. 3. at
N T'B.
S arra IT AT tUNIIIT POST 1•01.10111; out, ItIS
watt ; SOLDIERS' WORK 80.1 Lia k MI LITAZI
EVILS ? at
/1 N T'S.
PflOTO,ltts4H slaw blyirv,
Web sad pd.., 'IL clasps (rows bu oI upwards,
the obwpost and bwt m to.. city, as
00011'3 1.1,D1N .80011 • DA6LOP3 MAGA
ZISE, for Jtar ,at
STATIONS.IIY. all M 4,. a
II II .: , t re
zw.0.0 Sall. nla Suort
ens.. Come. stir or eon rf• nos t
/n. +nt , . In 0,186 i f
SEALED PROVU,AI...t will be reotiv
ad at tilts odlaa caul lS at au It D•
224 asp at, ital. a r !h• eltr.iy st hi. path,
.t rata Win' sun n.alaiwas the 11604L1101.0 ray
tt • katowla atUdits, Cat
(11n) One Massed aneldfly carses Neu re- k ;
CO ..00) tweet, Welt Apoutted rounds Brun, (claw
(MCI Teo trmdred owl arty he hale Holy Rebus;
(SO.CCW) Tea thuessed pond. WON
t , 1 ,0 ) 1 4 ,4 , hew. tad Plunde SU OWL*, rosittd
in/ groin,:
(16.0(0) Mewl amused porta& flooar. B. Orlwas;
(t,oal co. tam:maga aalf•aa Mier Ymegar;
(1,260) "lul uCaau h.adrett and lily puma Adman
slue les;
(1,OW) Pour thAsiod pante Cuba Bow,
(01) bcwhele OWL
(700) teem hundred owls* Paktum
(61.004 !try ter Uletwand youth mesh Bret, nolo
sad abash to be outsold, all to be ct Ohs
test quistr.
Pathogen to heorede sod plalbly mashed with net
Infest and ears. sal Do ,tar ~ thereon allowed.
popgun bide brtl be rerelved Lr fresh reef, aid to
aU Useable articles state esuaterated collsottuly.
Bach bid nut be axe= puled byte gutrenty• for
the execution of a cooked la MO the bide be. ac
cepted. sad mod sad 'nrollklest comity will be re.
Veiled for the due pertcratacroa thereof. Slosh
term of bids awl gaiwooteee say be' procorrd de
•Plal rs ullon at this aloe weaselly, or by letter sr
Proposals of done most ague all the parties to
1101 ann.
m.proixotbrot nbt to conformity to the
oboe roquosoasato will aot boboholdmoi.
fildOsr. Mot bo promos whoa the olds arorposed.
Itto rfgbt Mod aR Lid. m , ""T".
Bid. to be .adored, .Fropoosto for Babsi•toboo
!tom'. J a KM 13. (MOW,
Umtata A Ocuttafoory et Valance, U. B. A.
Wk., Oar= F.aa drops and Gornto= alloy
NOTIOI3,—I sin still selling
100TH WASH, and
At old ; and ortklo) milk so sumauvies
BMUS as sooditkleig Ut, hal Owls lonaorprlcoo.
130[011 JOH2fIITO3
111:11t Oettolr Petra' sad BmJtoE.ld streits.
Omar Okievesi Mani Es." Arkikohl
GEO. A. :ALF; Iloijoidr;
PATatt imu/0111514/110
Plipkitas yremiptions spcnclitetreAsrr
D SI Tift T.
Um removed Wa aim to the Maas or Mum /ILD
LIIIIIITt ennums. Mom Roisbate9 Blom =mom
as Glbotty Moot. •
swum= bows filing a. m. 1.11111 P. a.
trot . •
TM Lsdkie lralM
80811 &HD 1110111111,111 TZ& OA NOT
Can be obtsteell et Um Tim Alb easily Mem le
the _am illorkat Hsu%
•1711.1. axe. prikvint.
ana . ...2 wide bspreablirb,"" M.
."" k4, scour Dobai so b b rwrabl
*Puna au, stick -la matraisli7 km"' 10 b.
tksbtaadardeprbsD.dlDsaajbarpt. - 21140 3, bag
is eseslisat ted—arecissa, abbsod &mob% Now
abetanol aad 11.1" sds by ems 'mums.
0b , " 41 . - Pal Woos M.A. 11 ,4 a. slam
hir Guinn nautili*Ariu ,inTuttUr*.
xa —bra& rordeirlircriusterOba la Ptsta
but plats, Moyne sulks& jots 11011.4111.1114 13a..
11.7. lairoden With Loyal l'atkle
bum, Itsslbroia sad Itsollo. Idokur.
br ants ' , bowels sag nt•JI bY
JPIO 6,114111LW,
• .11 armor 1,1.4.5. Hold
pt./ tATursb.—A Stwk,l4ll
klod ItY shire • + •
I eat Ida Otoodk kloia;Jk *do* .
leo load Prlosidibii o'babo.l
Direct Awo ulnae, Vs I :WA fo-Wl.tOT r "g
jou • , 6,04- a 00.
I" io.utur.-4.10 , u nvki 0/11.6A••••
• ; Coastry
Nuuxowis exorA.
18 ' ' •
Wbg TV; • :
Wife. Obi 'DAVISP
*hog, too./146".41:6141"
LILIL /Alba is.tV ULO I
41 . Orkirm.ll44lo,ll4.sir.
MaStl6l. Mask (Gyt• relersj aad *PP rldditr
' Qat la On aatliiimbimethipol
Iliad al as. Oat: dassa,
_ w.
I Dana u/Soisti Itlabb •to
Jo. per illosboo. ssoolsot II illtisAssleolo r
vossa,lo Oise 01111.01•1'
---- - -
, 10 sig . err:F.llSi LIQUORS, Bled In the Climit's
Oaks up to June 10th, 11143 :
Hohrsou 3. A...eattng ton *,Bit ward, Pataboorgbi
PI carior 'Davidson, do, do, do;
Wile rrederieg, do, do. do;
Howdy Barton, do, do, do;
Eloopuran tilinbela do, do, ' • do;
Meanor J. 8., do, do, ' do.
Holmes lirlab, do, do, • do,
McColl Jame, ... ...Ao.- a., do;
Ta A bow W: -
J., do, do, do;
riots von Honla, do, "do, . • dr •
Pahl V., do, ildierami;Pitiablergb;
Medie ruches, do, - do, do;
Tacoma Wm., rating hems, dr MK
Mc twimpm H. 11130.,stipr g ,do, do; -
lea a John, do, II rt.-,, de;
Vrsta - . pJ. 8., , de: - 3d rural, Pittsburgh;
Giesoo 100 A. citing hones, de. ; - dr; .
Ye iormen 'robins, dm do, , dri
olcetayflernard, frt . :III. - do.-
_— doi
Wold KI/010 do, -Ather.rd. Pitliourgh;
March Hisaboth, do, ii . d 0..:.. • do;
at CCullo a. h Jean. o.her goods, ; do, du
Byetsoll H. re Co., do, • - do, do;
reams:h. 8., ,do, • do, dr;
Hire Jo.eph, rating bow., nth ward, Pittsburgh;
Berets' blimp Ann, fO. do,• do;
- for Jac b tavern, do do;
Williams T., do, do, do;
Weber' Hairy J., , do. do, do;
Lang Mlcha-1, do. do, do;
Feltz T. A eon, other good., do, do;
Haim P. A H., do, do, do;
Amin Jobs. • taming, Bth ward, Pittsburgh;
'Togo lobs, • alb% bettlf, Ith ward, Phlslnagh;
31crodden Gorey, other goods, do, do;
Mullen Catharine, do, do,, do;
.- ldwards Boberc, tavern. Mb ward, Pittsburgh;
Kaiser Frederick. rlo, do. • do;
(Moaner *alum, otter goods, do, do;
O'Hara Harr, do, do, do.
;Berens Thomas, do, gob ward, Plitsb ' urgh;
Niters John, do, do, do;
Haworth Thomas, do,do, • do;
limo, Mario, do, iin Ward, AUsgurns
Grant Felix, do, do, ' do;
Htlitricts 3. F., - ' do. do. do;
Tnatledor Chu., - dO, rd ward, Amway
•Elhelfor ARM. do, • do, de; •
Brown Blcbsrd, eat'g home, 341 mad, Allegtuing;
Mel abort J., sibs goods, do,' do;
Hoes ff,. Worm do.. : do;
Porter James, do, do, , do; •
111 ennoweg 0., other gads ;litli wed, Alleilsettr,
,Bezenbaca Henry, co, do, dc; •
Conioily John, solicit bores, do, do;
Barlow Caul, do,' - do, do;
Switch MIAs, tararn, do, do;
Weber Antriola, do, do, do;
Handal Herman, do, do, • do;
NWOloster vornelics, do, , do, do;
Menem Arena, do, ', do, do;
boosny Milmoißtd, do, • do, do;
/mud Philip, do, Birmingham;
Notate= "radii., . do, do;
Blot Arland Pater. • do, , Best birnlinghlul;
Beellog Jos. A 04, other gogde, do;
Notirkalte T. do, : I do;
Bev rows Sow, Jarmo, Bagueson
Jahn John, do, oe;
F. x Jahn, do, I Lawrenceville;
biros Barging, eating hods% do;
Froelich Georg*, Ware, - ' Mancheater;
thorn Valostizer, Br., Wei do;
Ileir r Margaret, do, licionsikele;
WI .I.g 11,nry, Wing hoes.. ZaKsipon;
Ltudosy J., other goods, •41cc
Jones Jceeph, do, do;
Boman Front, atter: good), rout& Pitteburgh;
BorigkrAatOnl, talllrD. . co;
liellr Michael * other Loots Wes • Pittsburgh;
Mow John, Jr., eating boa ' ', • do;
Breech Berl., tanne r do;
Vaotina II rakish, do,
Handle John, do, Tamparanorrlll•;
Illoarar John, do, do;
trughe.Mary, sting boom, do;
Helium nesimi, tavern,Yllubetb;
Feeney Wm., do, Baldwin tp;
Chumon Joe. do, Gollism II;
Nyasa Hobbs on, do, do; -
Marshall Illiza, do, Bindle, Ip;
.1 arrott U. 0. do, tenth Tsgetta tp;
Rom J.cres 8., do. North Fayette tp,
Whit. Jams, do, Hampton tp;
Hug; Boni, do, Harrimn tp;
Thomas Omer V., do,- loons= tp;
Pore s Margaret, do, do.
miner Andrew, do, dr;
Hartman John, do IlloOlurats
Low r 00.0, eating boost, looter lit. hlair tp;
rohoffa Martin, do, dm-
Mllitam Goers% Warn. do;
• !Wow' Pilch ass, do, do;
Young ills.bas, do, d';
bolmnbass r r., do.. 91t1 SP;
Nolte thurgs, do, dot
Toler J. do, Patton tp;
Me rpbr J ohn, do, Penn .p.
Blouson J mar 1, do, Paul sip;
Pam selward, astlpg Irma., rusvre l P; -
"kola Thomas, tame, Huilt•nd to
Put, Paula'', - - do, • Mr fum tp;
H4OOl 0.,
Anew °bail a. ' do, • 'do;
Vlachs; lerewati, do, do;
And., era Wm.. eh &Ott tin
Irlenhiama J•at, do, Plow Is
1141 wild W. L., de, Rom tp;
Order 1111cMai, do. Patton tp;
Patatm oat Pour Co, To Mans is
The, Goan wi ll Mime on WEDIBIDAI.--Jolp Ist.
181:3, at, 10 o'ciook a. m. lismorstraaws rumba Lad
as or Odors that dill. Applicant* Mil bring as B.
Banda to my odic, twiny tbs day of Mang.
1.184 ad W. A. HIRION. Mork
400 Walnut Street, Phila.
tirs Malts that* Its jut bra ablest si
Ti. Icrair, Lira h4IIII4SCM Oriarrir.
Or lint Tom. Or ilmoure.y,
nth JutooBlol.
P. A. STAIfI, Apat IbrPsassybraals,
IlialAUt a!reeS
pow 61r-W. fats the war dot Waist .sm.
aim on all oar polkri aro dailies' of
Powaylnt& who ow lobular OR Ito Otaano to
mei the prrat rebel . larekikidAle vials !is
enitartal Latta of As /tato.
Tory ripeotbpryean.
M. ST, ling imixiHr, rrtamal.
. .
sail! itipVol7oll F=III
atazutrAtihlootLizti as in;
- iressa v ,
Batista tb• Plat OSes sad 'Miasma
km Jolt stothrtd so atm Mook, amobassl at
p.m odo ebaf+ pokes Ist Splog, 43a.
Pr slogli most moot?* aadmosolotoisomotatoat of
yipoitoikm ofjpoti to out Mt; WWI Raabe
for silo aro moll oatimee
to tol, Wu stoma bear2ll 20
4;;; l gracz nra. gut, lASI Ilea 'Stumm
tf it* on Et! 101,11 igAIFIPtit
140 Mail.
AJNlA,ltlittp. N. ~.. _,,, WO
4 4 ettietioi Wells' trostame of
c aw) 1 DieilMS. tie Hama NASA offe.
doom ThIAOTAMIrt 1713O t he Angst ,
t at
.lAL P Plik floorie aIMVICILILL 211%1
tows 1111,4•11111eleilt NT elf she
1131112,11 tad 1 ilficomo S 4 the am
, -
. .
Ill ab i Oh il.' W — iiii Mil* ' lOW
pimPtlBll LACIIieHAWL9; -
72211011 POtl2k,
bill Paawuk
G - LE . q &ClarTik . .
141101301114110;• -
CLOTH sitArta:
-- (will ociumias%
NARISIII 154 CW18; _
Baßion 1114.511.131
1.1/11N-IMMINP: - • -
OALIP O B,f es I.oz i rad;
ens. CLONE Asp auxins KANT 1111;
Al redaead akar'. at
21 - FIFTIf ESI333MT
SUN 1313AD19,
HOOP 810:11T3,
sod ray don. Uas or .
LIAIIII ,111. 31111 . 0 H are,
Dm ' -
So it MI
and 79 Market Amt..
nut 'suit mart
. • 7
SALIM 33%.
59 Market Street.
s.AEL 0 Q, NI B 1
111 N la IQ_ S,
. .
011111113 'MAX 1111111.
N. IL—Posarnux sir! ass • •
is ANTeI GOOD.±,
M. Burchfield's.
1101, CIAIENZir);
emirs ao. *or mug
D.. ram Diss_nialr;
phdol salLpiallw
LUJAN 01110LI3
BLACK suxicsa'awza: -
Awl • fan samodia•at pqr al mg daltiPttar
on Lab sad
FOB 03 Douai Arvi
eaterai dread,
emm. 4114.101X10 AID ODIVOX
. IDMDIDDIDIS . AlO tiklll4;
asinaiunni Tomlin .
1111111 Idle 111111 EM
minor, nisi.
sitore oolanal
um, intim rms. Etzrowns, ais
corm LID =into 'mai
Jvis Unt,
itmcs= si''‘mynEms,
p 001INTRTM1161131 . _ARD
EATON, sauna & co.;
mum wails " •
pew' Avid. mit Ossik Wog
wades sass Meg 11161111110•111211 to
00111121,1U1 s 1114
raDDIMIII. sad mil olmi bow So NG opts
I, le/ 7 . GOODS
I.t mom as
Lam. LAIMT a Oa%
nun whom;
Odom ClootitioN 7flatoo;ilid Cooly:
Do de , Oulur lOU -
Do . Antes Gots Prf000so; -
Kosoollrolloto Oat oats lon Ole law dad sod ton
Loma. Tholletosilos Despwie or-Phsok
11tH Moo al ohnopooaloot
r% °IL .
rill-MANI3I ,
um panunx !Ails
Is Asko idol outtalks. MEM MY ad
name Mika EggEPEIOI.
4 .+1
J.I rodueeilltb:M
=rum Las,
LLCM 001.1.1211..
zonva war&
BIIA 51#0231
1132Tik 40.
, Saila 111211119M14 licam
•at thi 1110 . • P 201% IN
DTo IT.Ysri T9 ' y4Rs B~ie,
aoor sunk
now mum
.c .7 . -k1 '
NM% Mpg/ t kO9.
urrmlTiln%in Tasra -
--/Eathtten Jaavourneen
o.lonelarbilnett ef axon lUIUU.
ICJ 4 1 ° 3 . EV * W7DAYI
-Au comes:-
Th. trade supplled at
EASTRRN isßibsa,
Ts .gssmore sumer,
is.sozin annum,
ulna goods of Zia& sisaishosoiv, boaslst op*.
ably tor trade".
incalotecaux a ._,
U *JAM:IIEIAL 1030.-iiand
167 assort sons of 11101. AND.QaCIEUX
Sufi Um, Si 30VOM PRIMO W m .
umbrae eat rets# inure. • A's- - _
- lima; 31.40#1:01 : * CO $,
411CITIOX 1141. r.
111100.112,1E8 'AND.BO,NDEUM-=ol
- 11•1021b111 , 11011N1/104 Judd 200.. at 10
obla s wil la sold, at tkolkou bal • toms,
. 10 bars Oar" dam
6 do Oodllo boor,
10 bdi gabs!broakbust Cbtra;.
10 barib Bagman
6 do • Nos llama aa'ar.;
6 do ca era dry IlmOrryioobacog
dosed rantalma oars Hoes.
10 vas pant, mash 11.• sae;
jai JOalflo a aollaVAltili. Acts.
Mb, at 11 creloge, will be age, at she thiumFeter
Bain Seem c.41111b stmen,_, .
. 1 stabs beltop Bogey. owl ledebeil; •
1 egerier faddy
h neee;
Jele ball! a mat.WiiNl4-Aikers.
I , ABOREERti - ,WANTED,-40:10
J4,114111110.1pa tlas tie , Nov Owns and
ilmaiwt Vats/ Baillroad. LOUR= county, Pimp's.
111,60,1 1 e.4 1 7 gad 4i 541 14 zhnissar
Weis: aloOlit•S.0.11.111141.1 Ou.
• Ow mule. Wm *7. ati;llaellw
ANTAAITHWer4SO Alkuitall, Irani
IT :Amite osoo • sonsbi Azponass ,la sell
ourife~mq teadto, Orlirtat Thinsirs„ Mama
l ime.
°Mr asw, wed and ostioal , listelis. gt 4oll I 'dr..
ieragumm? • SHAW it MUM. 1014146 LI.
WANTBIL,-.4764 monis 1...4*mM to ,
VT him Apia. in "my amnia is llMlLSizik* i
amnia palk Ur sgl iir saw otow samitr Ninon i
necktie,. - /Admit; • 'O. NaDtatillti" '. 1
~rr . a 1tred:31664. - . '
1110TOGRinno mum.
pr its T003r.,5,
• 414PAilena the POdeaCe*
Moo. • hew MAI ' -
001111111101 MIMS,
roar w. Prisocars,
r4 P 4 ' 1492 1" the 1.24
$1 MAIM! 8131.101 X :
Wow malaccoitirrais,
Do. SID EUUD sools.sair.4:••l6.
comEnzawcianini, earl*
aut0Lu5;024.— .7 .:, - 7 , six
aimians wawanow.
IsompAiklrOMPll BA t011ALtl; NM!
AND anranors comp= DAINIMS AND
IAAIJEORADIA - 69uat Wear • uniun
J. B. NORLOD, N Market Mak
i00!.`m' , .....,, H'. ,',..;,/
,SEMED,ARDIT 111Et0444311i
/ ~.
Misanillfolt..ll Mousy
Fig r l
jobi OPMULD.
P tai r! ll r / ?, ta a° l "nt 6 1‘ 1111110114 the
111 " i, wens rinfits g the smut ps6:
ti Utinians, am en ebb
roar. cantata ineollatent
Okistcrleor 011 Olotki,UlL k.,
—; „walk. wilarp roketh;Osielom
urne.,...FousToinc *ea.
:~: as ~i*lEB ~nl.
4MAS, 'BAJA lab 'VW UUU•• •
14 1 - 7-4114 t Itedartrall4 Aim lircaged
*NOW ealidatikcalukr Prk a.. lftw
orfo i tud w i n akbor the b7 maima llagaillt i Z amr i bl 4g as lsa
thu SAVO it," .Pir arst elms tan* V. kir Wort
b mut., et. be ctrobandbx4SaM liana*Bots
iteemair I.s Umpiavo4ll`
una.tils‘ ss was** foe th•
tbe imillswl.7%?l,iiihrozseleetti_vs4ll6
. trawls 4. •
- Ituriphon' , 011realkis
mr010, ,, u4,u5.,160,..,
• - 4 n tan o w
• =
- IMOD Mw. 4 littli ol ol, Mao
Ua hal vs 4 ..I.n
Cesar et mit
Mak 16 1 0 =poky tine
-- kjorlitT et (4 4 'w -''*4
• cri; liincostiOn•
sm. s 5 Oat ehl•
Nadia tad DIM
Otrals, 01310 I
Daus, 00 was I
:wet et the
t SOL! O.
tate Wiry
Is agimi t ta:
T. 0. Flirroa.
.1..0 Mum
..o. Yuan.
If(s. IT Mali semi.