The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 19, 1863, Image 4

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LOCAL /212tgasiGINcx
Won Yerterdari - lhaning casette.
.".•". '- Meeting ol:flanwfacturno.
meethig of the aiirdaetoiters of tie Ifirst
ward, Solidi! ibis Motilig a istelghtdelook ,
to odPlOirOn. soli, pleili of sago is the pros
- ant alitiolley. n?lildl4 /1110103 011 4 31, 1;
was Ocean Presided, and Nr.!,,O'Porotil ll
- seated ad Seastary. - - ' . -- 1
_OS Woe, th e ()as
_amanita Arias.
/goo itiosPoi4 drotfro.ll4 lar.ft•tto
a Ooymiwe to peon reseletionilor the
onsideration of thossesting.: l • • ,r •
.00nseittor,dter a kid -almomee,- atb.
mi tie followings. , :.: ..- ...,_ • ..„, .. , -
, , TM:o4.a° toned ot l 2 rods to
do - .01 1 Or oil till°4P4 . , ,thrtbiekelloy;
as rebb "-Teifol..s.ift , birldi, oli tho dow lisiord (16Mmoriiredik_mid;: - : , • t
anasil,: Tbs.; le Talus' - litr - hubueW
- Nee is autoited iiiiiieli , NUPOraireileate
dsarema_ ..-.,_:,:dilliforii,
.-'-' • i'lliVlAP,7 l _tkillii"tt --tbs7_ - fret
WOO, Will erased-and toWA of fiesidou,
, ; .IMut susiOW2C,AlthidOberbilpiSli*eseat
," patter eMpg'sboy inititoseklyinid 'nal 'we
' ' wignati,y lecintinindeitrafbllitiidliiiiiii - of
thte'werlitiojefatid itribleinoveminitiollat
-. ali—impkyer '.aat"-.4oplOyed-oesa.,:derote
tientseins astir), :to.-Oatiabareatt, of; it=
elate aid onatryal . ,-i :-_- .--i
'..; • ...;.. ~:.5.,-: - - -
Resoled, That. themaplinn,of iik - e /hit
ward,tf Our 0,,5-cf Pittiburgh. .Z....,,notisie
tot heir-employe& tbivillidid-milibrpr,.iteet.'
lac ItebtattimONSO Jsoknk tlt_,:111la Wilt; at
2 e deck, for tbe pupa& of ornononli=
selves Into conlianisi;tii 4 difer, th eir' ea
to wort in the mendiesior to% foraNtelisalso
into military eempankw; isd-all emidoyere
present hereby pledge ouroeldi to 'oozy out
the regolutions, oder , the lirannausts al
ready established for eonipensatios. — .
Resolved, That we retain' our -organization'
- Ludt doe OommitteelflMWOUPtitsbutgli,
notify us that the danger leuter r and that •
eomadtbos of lite lid s airpuldemile -report to
Gaunt Bo*, the moodiestOf this med
Inst. . .
Robed, , That . ..tie' employers report la
writing the noses dikeir 'employeu, Ohio
afternoon at two deficit.'
Booted;--That the pro:matzo be publish
' ea la the aftenioisti papers. '
The resolutions were uneamouskpadopted,
. sad Messrs. Jams 800. Sooepta.. , Jenks,
.'_'_ Do. liestettor a ldetes N. Kean_ aad.G. W.;
Coin were dednoustedeutts ;Oammltgi to 111 7
the proceeding Niteroi Gen. Hoire.
,-, - TM meeting thee adjourned.
Adjoaneedilteetlisg of Retail Dealers.
The retail ditlers end merchants of Ike city
. .
iteld. an adioallet Meeting this' inatilig
the store of Messrs. W. B. Solunaita - d; Co.,
sad ]lr:
.7.. M:
Mr. Joseph Boras uttered the Mb . * g res.
• daftly, whiali was adopted:
Besoleed, Thatmor,Alimerohantli of Pitts;'
• burgh, pledgrourselrealo a:Speed all bag
noes "aril the mama emerge:icy has passed
that we alsoledge ourselves. to organize mil
its:: oompi for the defines of our city and
Mr. amen Hebb ribmitted tle following,
which was passed :
itseased, That the Chairsaansppolat a com
mittee to confer with the mirobanta of Alla
• &may to relattOn to saapeadlng business for
„ In pursuance of the last mantles the
Chair announced the following Comm ittee:
B. 11. Baton, A. Bates, J. B. Roberts, Jas.
Babb, G. Follansbee; and 3. W. Barker,
- Several animated--speeches -wire roads,
pawing out of, effect that somekauses were
kept open for business, while _when wry
oksed. Come wheksale dealers,- although
closed in front, were Ailing ordure' anal by
• , the "hack door." Other stores had the stmt
. ton.stp, hat the doors were °pekes usual tor
enstemer •ri-the only dllbrense was that the
transaetions was made somewhat, Ns the
dark." .
After the meeting adjourned, the Fifth
Street Guards, a company for the defense of
the city, met in the third story of Sabine it.
k Co.'s building, for'orypialmition and drill.
The H la...9olo*.a_aimillar or
., gealsationi. prooseded..ike:Barchleld's ary
spode house, for the election of °Soars.
The Lawyers , ICompany.
Cbs members of the Bu held. meeting at
9 Val.& "thliriThnksdiffitoisTei r =in the
District Courtroom, fer the purpcipiof farm
bs volunteer oompany, to be somPosel of
menthols - of the liar irid tha enisdoyess of the
" °Mut-house:
- Oa motion eillitaphen R. Geyer, Big., Ju.
L Balm, BK., waa called to the chair sad
Amy O ' Leary appointed flee:stag. -
The President hiving stated the ebfeetof
for Alumsetiese Mr. B. Bauer
moved that .those patient enrol themulme
•• tato military crompeny. , 'Agreed toe
J. P. Penney, Bsq., moved that& comet.
toe of five be appointed by the &dr 'to report.
to the:meting what the sempany will be- 1
cavalry, infantry or artillery. Carried.
- The els& 'appointed the fellow's'` commit.
tee:P. Penney, Wm. B. Begley. J. O.
Smut's, Wm.3C 8 and Chine B. Shfrai,
, The_Secretary thew reami the name of the
' 'teitabeit who hadiefatied tltwaseleis (efighte
, :111•1111bees are thats far earalle&) _ - ;_!
- --- -no - owsiudwitairiftbiatti4l4lUlowits
impart:, lit:- That aa fafaatif arapaar ho
• ttonaid,.owspoositOf imam of do IST Ala
ofterta alas Catty is.; 212,71 tat thoolloiro
be Wait Mar ataalan of lb. tospaay ;
If. TWA Air 'soaps., most at the Court
Bowe at , two o'clock tkis attoraooa, to oom•
• rtrt-Ortaithatioll salt spud as hoar it
The report of the oomadtapo'irso adopted,
atd the nesting adJoutaatl till tiro 'ealook.
aid - costact,hi - gi - : Stria .Car.
There are anfostanately some person who
lung* that they here a'right to talk and act
4 a • paidirt einte -Just as they would
'et . .ireong a rained
• •of toeferiei theretwetsenter.l-• Aiwa named
_ joy ilartwart ;o Sittidiz Went of
dialers on and
on' Wsias ;fo t not oY
- had
• geatilientriarritre peseinprratitant, and
areseed their balgaation by his anraenneeir
wand aid bad language- The Prodded-of
the Oroaryeay happened to be in the ear,WINI
wader hie direetion.the darer Owen OlarbreP
• '• 'peered before Slayer .. awl preferred
• Wale of , disorderiiWitia4 egetast Hato - .
new,• who, after a hearing was Sued fifteen.
• hare the 51st a,wiehing an** when
they enteitie sof this eorapeerti t aw '
• '•• peered 'that they will at all ; tires VIA Waif
all liroteuiteetee dWiterierldinehree is ger .
lUwni:'-:lttey.throw on the are of the row
. enetA flaw toh* sleeted from
two ear or
_y the penalty of
their slaw-
MON roWriiiii entitled
to proMctlon front reassess and insult,-and
the eowpsny is determined that they shall
bare that protection.
, •
.-` •`i iiisary'' . 'ic - eits
; a ' Armstro
7., 041 4kr
A narttai iissithi - tia. lila in intiailabg
ililol thivraiklest nisi,* • Oroir•
Par Pi 4LeTtriNsitltriolitisOY.l 4*Llia'ci
tproparoi r Said • strolls' iiintabseirt:a•sos sb
ovoa+ gy
... 4 r Übe& of ono. - Imola as moot
. v.". *lulls@ UM, IVorldrktliC "to rhos. Ors
prostiod. liphOWiriatiros;', " o, ,an d
. Sows*. of ostollsiost wit ba;io , woll s•lo
~..-^ot- ,-1 H;
.isTOlrritsOirattlir - spodylirnsiptp ofIXO
,;•111411•F - 413
_Novas asoOrsi"olaprisT .1i
~..r„. ...m..p.vastLloat.lgastoii iuitUitol
1 -.11 ai m •Invalid soldlori,of Moans towso.
is gotits,trp •Sristkoroorapsay.'. Clapt ,
- _t
._I.; IM°
'l, 0
1N. 141 7 - it i lie. -;" 1 0. 0 T4fli. 11 V.. 4 APS.
lama miles ay ha sezepasy
011 4111 wwtadsai tbs dyer. Thee oftwo
~, 1 1 71ifitilotroteerlizelihWeielbloody.
terehmt, : azoicateste ete. Uwe are se lit
toghtsitsi to they sr* beaceible. 26:
.A.“ X t , E osokotor Otobratiorlista:sasuifif,
s;L: 'yaw dt Zikt.filitfloonit tteooK/4MSLia7:
tats Wk. Agior: Alum/kis: oa a iharp of
how without a permit. Ka woo
r: IM Faodliw lad /old & _ J
„ •v - -.---- ----.---- 7 - ei { - .:::''''
L' t 0 . 41 4, 4 =14110 - WethatUili, *Ns uWO
• ":/...
' Ikea*.
iivitaAffl' - •` ---
---' , -4 - entaimradpaysitil=" ,, i:; , : :
0, -',4oNlosiorm ein
•• , •
• L z r z "
" •
soill»rrnu: lieitlsrtmag oil cam rof
disorderly boys eon gated at the corner of
Elm and IrankUn streets, la the Bluth Ward,
I MAIM"W a r Olti . •2 l .9* , thod
dieorasksii - • thista: libi
.- *Ay come
ersoliesinls'lsoris vu &lying
bl • bow , whish_so_ immured him that h.
Jumped out.ssissd a lam boulder, aad hurl
itatjaKas esttdj iltakiplicksid &Amyl
antisfirini L m seiisisly. It iiiiAtiofight
that ens of his Isg — riTaibroksa. Boys should
unlimber lbsdakjiiisgidaistc,thlil law so ire
crackers in the streets, mush Ins t, endanger
lite by throsilasilrei — n at.horses. We cannot
,Oosuizteud the sandlot of the mita, but he Is
much lois to Wins than the 'boye Who promo
bed him
Thar Onto Iteouterr.—A good deal of talk
boa been iodolgoiln, relative to the expected
atd hora, otLot.,rtaligootit from Ohio, to
. 5 1d, the,defeasr.of . tide department. It
'Wits iit,'hoitritit, that tho rigiment or
loostai innstom
zarlatigroms-ths. faaS.that a Now Jorm roil
-atoatiAttaohottA jtosoaraas' army, is new oa
ihoir...wiyt hem% *ill' tuns;hoiing *Pin&
Thip hart tatoirtoult toadirit their Nicolas
:forth. dshastot-thls ottyitf rnizirs4C. Thiry
- min probably reach this oily to• day. .
Daownsn.—A boy named John Manning,
'ekttt`yean, - and sow of Thomas
oartari rieblint_oe Zen .street„
was drowned la tho Allegheny &IMOD Wed
needy inning,by filling bonen oil but,
U.:wu Plying with eomi bejs, and
ittempltng to 'walk slow dull& of the
boat he rained ..tatit footing and WI:kW the
- wear. The body wee moue*. this morn
lag, and an baguet wee held by the Coroner..
Tit Action or run Dinettiiiii.—The Ban
ta ratiseelitles of Pittilmrglisdid Allegheny
held s sseetleg at the Dental Institute, this
morning—Dr-Orr In die Chalr,p'. and D.
White, Beeretary.' It ,ii sussnlmonsly re-
solved to respond business "self:day at welts
reoltxdr. until further notloylor the purpose
of rendering any uslatanoe that may be re-
Aldred during the .I,omeipory.
sterrtio Ti. held' this taming at the
d La Watd BohoolHouse, by titer Wisps of the
Wasik Theobjtat was to form a - mllitazy or
ganisation eommisid If the oltisens'of the sad
War& After enrolling - those 'present, the
meeting adjourned until ex o'oloak this eve
ning. when all are expeoted to attend.
A. G. gloGsanuss, Preet.
Geo. Wrisor, Beey.
Tam mown' for home deform, fannies at
She store of hums Rabb o. 89 - Market at
will' stied Mils . rmilitir a Vllll ' o'clock, for
drill, at the seathealtoo MISS (3d story)
of the Mama Market Herise.. Mese wia
thg to Nil the coispay era caUdariug the
day at 89 Market street, to enroll themselves.'
Tax Pwwwr.veiti Itartaita.—Aa order
was reeeived' to-day .that freight should be
skipped as usual on this road. .This, we pre
naterho fa eoaleirtelee of the media of Intel-
WiLe t n hat the rebels are Win lack from
burg. lad WO damp: tkuwateas the
seed at pout.
:Tnn Onoeirtio dersae.—Georp
Clumbere, tali was thot rostetday on Coal
HUI; ts not dead es we were Informed. The
attending physkiew, Dr. llollapk, says the
lad apanot melee his bjnries.
rirresuasit MiLltiLi I
Orr.cs m me P•wrercian Duerr Gummi,
Tanzman Jane 11, NMI. I
Owing to the fad that benison was entirely ens.
vended to-day, we an of nemmity compelled to omit
oar usual market report. The only thing thought
of or Mani about wee the war news, and beninem
for the time being. may be coneldend empandaL
In regard to money matters our bankers were
oampletely in the dub. so great was the immure on
the telegraphic wires, that It ,was impamible to get •
dispatch through from New York.
Thus was a little feeling In the 011 market, in
comegmnro of the feet that the Penneybrarde Refi
ned Is wain remising themigh freight. Then le
ems Inquiry fur Relined, bat the difference between
iriars of buyers and milers prevents trenancilom.
A was of NA bble Orate was reputed at 22. f o b,
though we cannot wrath mr fie correctnan.
New York retroloan Markel
Ppxtel Dl patch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Biza Toss, J® 17—griming—The demand iirr
Creek le Sair awl prime Arm at ;ea on the spot.
tined to bead Is firm with Ws for present &hear,
st from IS to Ho. a.
Allegheny Ltvn Stock Market.
, ,
Ica IS—lt la almost the blight of billy to attempt
to make a report of oar market thb week. We hare
hada° Mr no market at all, that It is Laymen& to
quote oormetly* The nowt of the.rebel mid Info
Psonsylvanb, bad ae mach Intlostme upon tits cat-
Omuta, as it hat upon over kis& of bulimia
and the mull wee Ilterelly a dead•lock. . The reit
rue& named to skip sorbing rant of this point,
and the natural cooMpleiste me, a brfis moan, of
stook Ins thrown on our muket with no before, and
WI& the large sappy-on bind, reaching upward. of
of 1500 heed, It wen not dtfacult for ti e& aopuilitted
with our market to melba that all them nosebleed
MINS could harano other Wawa then to produce
deolbm.efideltlt Will be hard to OTOTOOMP
at this arm * of the yore ire naiad many sass
of small inhtior stock it la* one cent tor pound
isms thatithe same indoor Mak could ben bean sold
tin at any Wro obis Spring: My neaten on god
dock . win nongros& knit would am& folly am ball
mat pr pound Lm thaia boom _nies,wideli would
ono shippers to leie laryely.o they .old et ilia pri
me added; sad while we are anitbs, theare
'Will tare tudold cattle, 'enough to stayptyVrear•
keit foIIY smotbir Dor orti -shoe. say-
Vet that' thus .Is smytidar better adased2lbt mem
time to coma. Most or a postion of tea Mork
meals um tram the reentry . , end Ohio,
andinneitel It was &tinily to be agend for
&of. . 'Stock cattle, fn the' aboimris of - Moak buyers,
were greed upon the musket Med sold's& raison* low
odour. Them were rap few lots :mid oat entire',
end ebony of (Mr bed , emeen sWi hertr A their Pna
full clouds unsold. We miote m Mrutddlm at 6to
13e,0, sod Mbrior to lair at 2
Roos—The Hog market Is =tom dell and no.
7 ul sales Gould be aseeM Nay silow priors.
lola sold at from4l3i tob4 whits tutu.
haendn= brought to do.
—T Then Ilse been only 23i
awry large supply of Sheep
on mu tide week, emeenting to sane I,tlCO herd,
and with a very ilealted demand,- and that only at
law limues, prime it. a @bade lower. We quota at
9j( br common, and tji to 4a for lair to prim*.
Foreign COMICICtifti.
Per &:otla.]
Lnuroac, Jaw x.
Trad• at Italubsdar—ltut markt,' yogi doll iota
ftlay.. catt Sao.. tostaticat? Wpm mold °buds • •
alp. „atomaiftp bt. I Iran Impair at
, kw tbrotima Ot tb• ta P w
attic* •ad tb•
*44 415 : 16 . UT ' r kit• n l -m ark *"
,BmistiotAhir•Wriktilddi.• 7 llrst , "aft. Oar;
'doa, Brombikwaadll4piridi:Atp li Clo, 'noon
brudstallb doll 0•10 a tp A n W i tua Sr tb•
aillbw plot at Irpic . di a • • sd
. pr coda Wirir; BA 'Wt 4 , 10 .4 .....a P1 4 ,
India lib ells pr oolait Oxit- yr, and
at Attila 8.0•81116401" 04 41 x 4 d ;
. Prorbistomnrim &to:
p od
Wakalleld, Bah* Co. rood: Army tar od
under spolistivi porolmrs• Park doll . os•
Swot. bum& , BP= nap: dog ,44t4 OM BM.
Batter Idttdel notabik' IThimm• rafts/ essler.
It stertiikaiirt= -Talkeir litattady:
iug : ;l „7
41•4•••. Tb• Blobs&
__,mporbii 40*.
Qvyt' Batall lap 4r Iota: 446140. 11 4 144 a 41 44
quilf - por aloft'. ii tr.'
trt i g= ll 4• I pl i P t iod• : not and,
=l ii • bs•tte desuad 'at plea . Oola
1 / 4 110 4 m•Ist-1 . Ike plot, but ion &MO
at la* ' 444 •1 1 .0bi,iii.M mita tie dearer. Massed
esker soid as LV StramigUi• data °Nog* /MAK
Oil We AP for Limpet Mike: AA 'Write mom.
Baling owe fo .llsh Gila. ,zPißsteissi mgt."'
"i 4r ""las 4 IS Os or um
m _Or* 00110 at od. Tr. gaktt Itudituspd._ ', , •
landau 'ltadat•-,140••• itiatig; ila Bios, A
42 1... .t00ti: - limmitogideisirtiisi sot tptre. TM
iii:7Bar sad ardliti 6 .l•Bra-1.1t60. • /ketch 'pig
11apr oath, sod id - darer. Tab—Ooto Oman
i s mum 24:: Amos tessaar lbw, but know ice
!lowa. Bk. Walt tiewe a • .. Tallow
2 1, 107, . •AP,_ _ .
_06,1,1 , 4,, -. S , •'l4lfitt 974411.
Aro: ' /C' o a
ziusbaipo- ial ..
t , Hawesl
siquweb •17.16.404•4 ilk 1041.: Benin
ilketbrup,Aßl4 4 4 . : iAyPIY,Sai r 411444
Liviiii. , —ciottos—Tbo ioloOot cotto
Algamapi,,, .1.,Tb0 / markst , r4oled otbit i
aai ju r a Voig, .
_-- oonoreook . row. - Tho P.I. to
"den 1 4 milmistati - wer• DOD, Wks.
.Brodatote =Ad pia do/I bat staid,. .
- Prorkdons ward ipist bat ittedlv•
• •,B•OxtleteMtga.D ; ~, . i ••- : •;t
i 0.14110 iltoPo4ll34lllle redoW
him mi.
22 1 4 4.1 Z eSor Balllentop.,
= T M,. bi a. " . 42° Mit t 46 4 .
an roadva
la m r)* tay
T •=l= 2 .ol" Iwt„
ita/ r 51 ~' a sigT_Extr
&0000 iUlld .11:1 nin
ids by ' 1611 . 414 ibilZl ll . , l t "
-114 ?
Niioi Drptunrsir. t
Homo or TAIXII.A.II2 Jars /e 63
1311.LED.PlItOPOBALS 14s sob des. teparately,
en oriel r Propagate for 01.41 No (nerve the Wan,
for the navy yard at lame the year will to
melezd at this rebtrritrrlY noon ranhe lath day of
next, im.ornlatdag oat delivering at the • v.
airy verde' named the materials ids! artial s
*obese d in pritited-schotales. which •til be for.
adahed or applies:toe and writ oy man, If to re.
gnat d, to wanes dishing to offer to troltrir4 for
:no.y or all of tnonjobAre named therein, by the con.
ouneente of the (avoid they ,t area, for the clews
for the yardcandortheir command. or by the ploy
mot nt nearest Must 3, or by the burette for say or
all the yards.
To preset oniftuifen mad tune' aim in waling at. ef
fort, no bid will be remind settee costaias clam for
lam Mae ore Ford I a oaf .ankle; and etch inch.
Admit of a Arm malt alga Om bid sod ooatract.
Bidden aro hereby cautioned and particularly no.
Mod that their offer. and tin in the form heroical
kr Prescribed, and ha maned in tints to roach their
,deatination before the time expires for mooning
%ham *no 64d OW be oranhared ankh Oat 6. rewind
Vtictites parent dad, cad so cdireasee WU be made/kw
fames of Ow owl
To gaud spinet offers befog egmd he'oti the
Dino inpolnted. bidders us requited to endorse on
above the Wrier, sad draw a line an.
der the eadantesseut, the
"Proposals for. Oka lie. (wow de elan) fee de
Nary Yard anode. At gardi." • -
_Soltba Ulla of the Dare= of Yards end Docks,
Washington, D.C.
(Mere date the aim.)
The tinder:aped, (ben insert the mem ce names
,comweing the emu who bed,) at (name the Mirka In
the state of inanee the dtate,)tiersby offer to tarnish
soma purr adverthmeent dated of advertise.
Mud.) and ashiect to all the requirements of the
smite, and of the printed edhedule to which It mews,,
all the article auebniced In Glue No. tame the
41/11 01 damns) to Mahal/ Yard et (oa= the yard)
' adoerdieg to Bald Schedule, viz: (here paste on the
placed erase term the mheduls, and eppo.lte.each
arttote set the price aLd carry not the amount in the
commune icr dotter and cents. end foot up lb. aqgre.
/WA smolt:test thieh(e foc the Oak) amounting to
(bare write the eniount in moms.)
Should ray (or oust offer be accepted, I (or we) re.
quest the cootract may be prepared and sent to the
nary spot at (Immo the .0,017,) for signature end
mythic:ate. And I (or w.) husky dicks that the
above offer is made to strict con'ormity It every par.
titular with tee low approved March Id, PPM, sec.
Mon 2d, herein quoted :
arum ram Jowl of ram Cairo. &TATO.
fiese. t 4. Awl be 11 /stellar loaded, That oo eontraot
or ardor, litany Werra therein than 6* transferred
by to forty or poritto to Whoa 1010 contract or
order may be shim to sof other party or pertiam,
tad that any moh teSnoSor than male the 'anal.
mat or the coat:actor or order tranefertod molar as
the Milted maths an concertad ; Etosidiel, That all
the right of a:Ma sre Istreby muted to stop Onithd
elates sor any breech of moth contract by the con
taitatog petty or paths.
85a..10. Asa be is Mawr wearied. That wheatm
eal Coatractor for sabelstance, clothing, semi, ism.'
wannitken, monttitas of Mr, and for story tholortp.
WOW Ifigplka lot the Army or !far, of ths Collet
Beaty ahtli te Mind : ratty by a art marthil of
fraud - to willful impost of duty, behalf Os banished
. by Oslo lamtseruntat, oressronothar pualetusoet as
the' coats marttarthall aljudgfs and on, Verson
who shall coatract to Muftis siipolltil Of say, tr.o4 or
efdr=bartha Anal or NOM he Mill be deem •
fie s part of the land or no looks of
ths United 'CUM for which !lethal markt Solar•
alch uti ngpplfte, eed tee solgoot to the ratio sod
teauladane for the g...vern meat of the flood ewe nova
loroef of toe Delta Staten. approval Stay 17. 1662
tea 2 tad to It farther woad, 'That Ulf ca of of
soy barman of the Diary Doping:fent, la contractiug
for naval alone% alma be at Merry to Meet the
offer of any perms who, as piliWyal or narsty. has
been a dsfaeltar to any preview coatract with the
Baty repartmeat; 0w shall partite who bale 04104
we principals or
..surstiss to for tomer contract be
recohnd sairandla on other centrum; nor shall the
copulas= of any Arne be =calved en sureties for Such
firm or for Nom other; nor, to contract& wills the
sues barna shall one contract be recolved se
ion= la' msher; .?
end army contra= shall =qui=
the dearly= of a epecllled daintily; end no bids ha r .
log nominal or fictitious =lose shall t•conaldered.
That if more then one bid neogered by any ono par
q, by or to the mune of hle or their clerk, partner,
or other parson, noon bids may be ejected; end
ao puma shell be received as acontractor who to rot
a mann!ectarer of, or reg Mer dealer to, the snide*
which be ,flan to nappy, mho has act e license Si
ash saanntactuar or dealer. and all Fenian& Oflre,
leg bids shell bare the right to be nrement oh= the
Sada era opened and inspect the same.
Approved MAMA 3.1; 5803.
(e ere the bidder ar bidders and eery member of
the firm to sign.)
Porn q/ Glanssitso.
The utekeelgled, (name of gasmen ) f (no. e
the toon,) sod Mato of (name the State) as. 4 (: toe
=mooed gaanaton, An.) benthy couertese :het': be
above used (same the ohltier or w doe t !f
kb (or theltl Moe ea thee. be accepao r into
mom= wit" the United Matte ' wi th in tea ny•
at= the detect .notins ttunagb the pus onoa. ef
the anoptaunt of kis jor their] offer belos mentica.
ed. And we busby aveciare that nattier at In bon
been defaulter" In any connect grovionely coals wl:h
the a ory Depart:mot.
Witham, ("linden. of guarot
I entity that the above named (ten seam the
gcanntore) are known to me to b. good and ropthe
able guarantor" In this este, and then the [bore de.
of the onorantors to .1= oder an, to lb.
beet of my knowledge and belle!, true ant rellable.
Se be dined by tba Distrust Judge. laftutot Amor.
ney. Oollector, navy Avon, or tome I enon known
to the Ocreau to be reap-mitile.
UN subs:lnn will state lb* tines within which sr.
tic'a will be mutt= to be delivered; and Otters
tn•mlated actuante is cot med. the panels stated
to U. far dellearlee must Os =glad In the bids All
in a. s which may be noutracted for must be de-
Wowedit such place or .plome. bundled drayage
and wog. to us pis= there nod within the mosey
loads, tethectnely, for which the our b mode, se
may be Manuel by the anacaandtag =Mar tbmsof ,
eel an ether thiam being equal, paktum will be
gins to Magri:mu =mu ware. nee ankle Obi be
sashed stniethe exptsauto of lb. paid =odd=
to the "thedolne for•tho onapielkon of Ulnae Its, oa
k= ep.daty autharsed by the Deportment. In
anspattng the:dame the rice stated in the .demo
of papas will be the etandmd sad the aggregate ef
the clam will in curled oat eccorling to th e lakes
all Us aniallas nadir the contract must beef the
bast quality. dallvered I. good order, tree of on and
Map charge as espouse to Its Onersumult in de
livery. and isbnct to the laspection, count, ofelbt,
or imathrement of the mid navy yard, and 1..1. all
respects amisfoeica to the acenstmadaat thereof.
Ukiah= are refined to the yard for plan", stecifica.
Mao ar maples and any bather discripthonrof the
snick' or szplanstious they may dean. le bin =d
d.= then bout doubt m to the p. eats "tildes canted
I. theretheduse, tb.y will aptly to the onntasodbag
sikeeaftbellard Jornood mot to oftvse.. In d e '
sartptlon altba artichas to doubt, which lnmreeatkn
the wad oillimar win Mire in en Mot. .
• Approv to m githecia the fall amount of the coo.
Um= viii rogainel, mad twenty per sat:mai W.
ditisaal attandty deducted tram each moment until
tG maireataholl have bath comploted or
oa utherwies to outbottaid by t Depart=
eighty pageants= = the amouut of an datherise
made will be bytha Say, agent at
witbinnt, dap =ter Watrants for the semi shall
UV:tom palmed by that demmary of tin Tremors.
No part of. tlas per mottos ream= lo to be sold
'until all thersiectod snide' =fend mamas the
aw shall bans been temielnd Irma the mord. onion
specially authorised by the Departatimi.
It will be atiptdated le du contract that If
to adWl
shall be made by the pialles of the drat yen do
Until= an Cclmy • of th e ankles menthol :A In any
Mu, bidlar„,.br tho quality and at Its times end
slams above petvldiel, than and Is that case the said
peril= will -fadalS sad pay.= the blind State. a
num of lointiy not to Mused twice them:mint =Auk
alms; maybe nowthred, bum ltaa to time,
amunthog loth's= of Congnee In thiamin Welded,
approved Mardi 1,1813.
The thritiletslietelgalthe coutroct, and their ria.
e meg WVheartlit to Op anal= agent, collector,
distrkt atfornej.clerleof tho Mallet noun, a sow
etlear peu sa suf taint =sawn to the . ,
It le to be pradM4l,ln the costraot Upit=nrean
Shall ban lb power,ofonasning theocrat:le. with.
oat toes Or damage to Ihn thmenuneat, la mom Coe:
great well not kayo mode aullithnt oppropriatlons for
the sancta tamed. or for the cartnpagion of, works
setimatel foreand carwtakti the adverthealent to
bed.:, •
— "Potrioriroomoofteto itill'boociiptot ' 6lll be soon
by Istuo , lbeeagh 111:1= sMah ; no
sh lid all boo:Midden. estielsot4 I oi UI If obe y dodoe - a w n
ter into ecrutraellbr the nappies specified Withietemi
-depelfalsthe caeca of, soaks from floc Minim of the
AtßokuMsola,lr4 *nth itk
sainfrl4.4 l perellapf: woos. gSaranun
bactL i =oldtrroill ballad ropmfbla far
agfonstg. pot maklp,elll* oopforany with Oils
Advertneatuatielli, at the optlinkof the, toms% to
=O2ll whom 01140 tasipO.lotoplod will to
1-a,gusedosioporsoti lira b. may tor tion its
000tt thosisbor too) ottcobio memi
Nip NA,l,ffirtoltoplAmo IQ. 5, at Ot.C. clue No. I,
Arollow - pinontsabor; olool,No. 6; Csikaad bud wo .d ;
am ja.A, Whites's% avow, JoolorAlil Oman.
diAt Sip; 7. - TA WA awl plastorfolAst Bo; 8, 00.
-*Wort ihdo:ll6,9rerit ant' testy dam do. 11.
Arai; ftA.M.INSA 4 IIIatINAINN //WM Stool; atom
N. thrto PADA clot No.. afellNos; clan ho. It,
ratatil i da apd_isisys; - dmillfo.l 6 ,' Ship otoadle27;
'OW NO; 11,....DortArArb intim No.' 16, eta onini &
dont 116.114 . 1IttoirteAt ohm AO; to, „Dot so Bi r . w . ‘
titOollk4lailtritc4ortAlloito-tteCbsts. ;dm
1i0..13,76•WWqg 1114.11011.6th00 N o. ii,
Vino sod lab Alisi 0100+14.66, Ina oast.
bp; elan Nee 74.4ktigehiS'ealliii NC . gt, 4 ntnroolto
coot; dot No: 214•611tomitioti coil, (tab. rkod;
aims A, Pilot NMI clam 11, !WM- bona . ; elotho 0
DANT . ' Awl* $ oloto D. Scat bhildote of+ d cots -
Palos . shOSi.4 6 t B 1 4 roil kshop: cur r. Foil 24
- ,
lOL git. otrurcirTicifirot vs sp.
ohm 1,1 Wbtie
1 1 ** sad sigma tilibir out' Inabori sims
sad taunt; class I, Band ; 1., Saw asis
Vas rOl,lO 00d Wharf N.: Mats, all. sad
Carr dui° Ism ' -
Cl.. VW I,llllokii Ake Mk 1.011 5 .4c1 i. Y p .,P.
Tallow Ow Miami claw 10.5, Quit rod bard-wood;
demi 16. valiworice. imy 0 3 1 " , ";
dal 4. 0 .444wat. Or I Aim
mink dm, Ito. Gnat se4 Out' dor .710..14
1010 •01Fistd mak* OW Mt , . 1111/0411; ial
10. Ilk Fig Iron; GUM 10. 14. NUM Po. /5.
rab lll . 0100110111. - 1 1 .4 t0 1110 s1;
1119,0111 ; 14.1% opps; Illamer7l
damallo. /1210,00•11, 1141. Man 004 litrirn.
418111114j1j.2r011s 7
diet 80. V 5 Mimed; dam
IA 34 1111. Sothis- 1• 11 1 1 No. 11 ,
bons sac habilitating sib; dont te.
are a im kawiwila4 so k , atbakeise immg 4 1 . 10 319 '
I our ao.w.briiii•llltudaous
oiraotadiriamy d.. ' y
1143 . 1 V1NS AVegser Omit dm
dmi a...." 4 N. Bll . 6l asin'aisli l ; lo4l,64 X4F ( '
-r.; •
':"`dIIL 01 KOTA 20110 X. ;
rtsaiiket kW% alliv i ii k Z47
laoLiosiot - .
his I Vas, intata pins and space tinter and lainber;.
elan J. Lone sat igniter; ohne Cancet; elan L.
enrol sad sand; dais N, Iron /inn ap ne a and nvdlr;.
a's*, IL Platt* and Vining; elm 0, , Oorpulas
elan P, Paints and dim; Oats 4, Pig Iron; clan 8,
Ea hal.
- 131444 No. 1 , Filthy claw Ha 2, Btone: dim No.
2`34 Beans; clan No. 6, Oak and hard stood; class No.
6. White pane, slaw" rowan and 9uttrar, clan, No.
1, Lime, ban and plaster: Ann No. 3, Chmtot; class
No. 9 Grind and nod clue No. It Iron, Iron can
ant - spume; Owe No. 12 Reaolf clue No. 13, Pl. trim
411 . 9 No. /4, 331.1; data No. 16. P \War 11a and
gnat clan No. 16, Flap Chandlery: clan No.
1141411 an, clan Na 16,81ationery; doss No. 40. Hay
and eras. ;.dial No. 21. Propender; Gus Ne. 23.
61,411114 1. dna No. 23, Banos. 9341411 E and brae;
can No. 21, Bpi.m - and lubricating oila clan Na 25,
Iron work. toy ohne No 26, Mayes .1...
No. 21. anthracite cosh class No 80, Beml.Bliond
nova Broad Top anal; clans No. 31, Copper and com
position nil '.; oda. A. Hose corrlogo; clan H. (M
-ans' houses; clan 0. Foundry.
ClasS D. Whlta pine. itc.; duo Uraniall l s 4 l
clay . 11 % PLY inn. data G, Band for oistiog short;
elan H. Spotter I dam I, Vine Cann sod tyke !
.._ 01413 0 03PaG can X, Loather; elan Dr 614.24
11- . 11 I U/ 49 111 Wan Vilna elan N, Brims and inn
1139111 1 clue 0, Taw—round, dal and avian; clan
ware; clan 6, Tin; clan T, 61119 Ohernll ll 7l
P. Paints, OHL day duo C. Drums; chin B, Hard.
class U.
Clam N o. 1, Brickg dam No 2, 8006; Mom No. 5,
Oak and bait • 0014 clam No. S. Whit pine. Wan.
Jun l323 NM emus clam No. 7. Was. hat and
el__ 3 ,n.__Maar ma. 2, Gravel and sand: 'Nam No. 1 /,
1,7 0 1 1,1* c 1a dl fo lki . m l ; s. olom o to.l l 2 . , 5t111; clan
Mosaic. Ny Ship Ohandkr7; clam No. 17, Bard
wank dam No. 12, etatlonsry; Maas No. le. Wks.
wood:Aim No. 20, Bay and Straw •.clars No. 21,
ri 3 T 334 •31 clam Bs. 23, Cbancak dais No. 23, Half.
112. packing and hors; a ma No. 24, !Venn and tuba
mann oil;, data No. 26, Am.% clam N.. 17 . An.
*ruffs coal; dam No. 30. raml.blinmlnons Brood
Top c:ak dm N 0.10., Copper and comparitlen nails;
car A, Intension of Joiner's shop; clans N, Kites.
don of. Mors haws.
Mel Ni. liolstbloo clam No. It, Nom b:otr
ohm% ka.: We No. 8, Provisioner doe/ No 4. DM
elaesGoore• eJam No- . Erred.
h 4.: ems No. T, Tobacc4 doir ' Eo. 8, Coal: s thee rdo.
lida ono sad glue; elan No. Bricks, grarel
Ito% dim No. 11, Lumber: eau 12, Fite •
wood elear No. 18, Prom:dor; OW No. 11, Mho&
tutor% ohm No. I`, Harder:up; elute No. le,
Ma No. 1, Bricker claw No. 3. Tallow glair Um
berociats No. 4, Yellow pine lanther, Carr Na. 6,
Cask and hard 'word; clam No. 8, White phut. ortore.
Itualper and enruar , olies No. 7 Lime, hair sod
&Igor; dass o. 8, Cemen c'Als No. 9, Gravid and
Sand; ohm No. N 11,, Iron, iron t;
nail and loplkeN class
No. 12, Steal; clan No. 19, Pig iron ; a*" No. 14,
Tiler, ciao Ntt.l6, Paints, olls and glue; ciao No.
IS, Ship Cluiadkuy; ciao Ne.• IT, Hardware; clam
Ni. IP, Stallosery; clam No. 19, Firewood; elms No.
20, Hay and Stra la ss ial No. t i n`ven; clue
No. M. Oharcou; No. 93, B packing and
hose; clan No. SG. Sperm sad lobrioatig g oils; class
No. I; Anthessito crab elm No. 91, numinous
Cuuttettisnd octal; class Na asi, Machinery and tools;
class A. Bishop's boom derrick.
Class ' No. 8. White pins, some*, juniper and cl
ines; class No. 11, Iron, Iron epithet and smile; dos
lie. 12, SUN; ohm No 14, ItHer atom No.lll, Paints;
die and Maas; clue No. 18. tildp Chandlery; c'ses
No. 17, Zardware; iNm No, 18, Stationers; clam No.
19, Pirewoot; elms No. 11. Prorerider; clam No. 21 ,
Charcad; class No. 93, Belling, packing and hese;
chat No. 24, eyeful and lubricating alle,• Oats Na.
V, Anthracito coal; ciao No. 33, llemi.bltruninoce
Bread Top coal; elan No. 340opper and cusps Sian
sllrsfte a r s he I . t f
JoU ld an
" f j a l a je .11t:Irby
Omni AIIISTAZT Qcownmuinia's Ortiz',
Oonsar of ISM and
Wislthigtos, D. 0., Jima nth, ISM
SIALZD PR0P0841,9 will two meshed at this
office until TPIS/D&I, Jam IN 11t3, .5 11 &dock
m., for Maiming in the 01t7 of Waallostos, at
such point at tha Depot Quiteemastay may dhed,
of the Wowing kind and deme+ptkin, Ha t
Night hushed thousand (11/0),030j test 6-4 or one
inch if bit* Piss Common Callings.
Piety thousand (50,000) DM dread, Locoed and
hits Pins.
11771:feui W and (60,000) feet Scantling, 3 by 5, 16 fast
long. Um%et
flay th0=0.0.30) foot flatatllng,ll by 6 11 feet
long, Id
TM; tboasaad (i.O.000) feet Boontllog, - 3. by 6,18 het
[oaf, flentkok.
All the &benne dootribed to be good morehaatab7e
Laoshor, onajeot to the Wyatt/oil a an oval &p
-ink tot en tale pert of the Govartment.
A.l floe umber to Do dollmed by the 26th day of
Joky. 431
Tie fiel rams and pot Ake iddrtie of the binder
melt appear to the porpii•L
tf • bid it made la the name of • dim; ths ounce
if all Its parties mat appear,ir the bid will be con.
sinend as the lodlrldtut proposal of the party sips
loll[[ It.
Tropensla from disloyal parties will not to could-.
wed. and an oath of elliptanis most accompany amok
Pinpoints mast he intilriesiad to Capt. 211 WARD
L. WOLTZ; awdenat Quota...meter United SUM..
Army, Waahlagton, D. C., and should be plainly
marked "Prepaid. for Lumber."
The rovussibility al tbeguarantors moot be ohms
by Ike °Mond certinaile of the Clerk of the nearest
District Court or of the United Ste.. District AC.
The shills, of the bidder to 1111 the catkissat,shanld
It to awarded to him. mast to pnaratiteed by two
respoasible piasonm whore sigostrino are to be ep•
Fended to the inixertest, anci said itsarainso nut
aosowirany the bid.
Diadem most be present in portal when the bids
an vaned, or their propose* wilt not be ascablend.
Benda in the nun of do tboaand dollar% al4ned
bp the asmtracby sod both of his parontora, will be
trellised tt the aucceedni bidder nett *mins the
Awls 4 Qom emir.
W.. of tk. manly of and State of —,,
add of the coaoty of sad Stan of do
busby itarantao that is ebb to MID • con
tract is aatordanoi with thalamus of kW po.itton,
sod that, his inopsaltion be scat•tad, M wtl
at owe WIC laths contrast la arsonisacia than.
with. dboold to. ocettact batnrdad him in an
Prirrto bourn* aiwuritbw.
ida varaistao mod tat appsadod th. ofddal
wathicato than twationaL)
Tin right th thien soy or all DUN that way In
domed too bldh ft menet by the Depot Qoartar
Infotmil prop:nab Till be rejected.
iele:td Captain sod A. Q. Y., IL B. Aar
Foams Deraareoure
Omar end Tweatrewsoad
pril Ms:*M
Weawasavos, D. C., A le, S
raoroeuza ass United ter beraleb. ,
%HAI, STRAW, OATS mid CORN, to the nee of
delivered at the Railroad Depot, or
atsavD= be
Gossrawerat Mails is au auk.
The proissale to be addressed to toe oadendesed,
.ad thy dwell: Male the quattlyet care Article
elbsed, she Cie peke amid the date of delivery.
Ilopsses will be ved far pis suoi (IS,CeIR
Swims at Cera or C ate,and Arty (60) lona of Bey or
Wax, sad arierde, onion It thank' be for the ia.
tem; of the &moment to 'ooottsot for • lei
euertat. •
&VI tp begat to good oohs. of about tiro (11)
eich, "MO ere to be furnished et the oast
of the etatrader.
The Ho sad Mem to to sectosly baba.
All Ones sad Hey oared to to tiboot to • rigid
by tb•Oonoriusirst
ixothicts b• sourdisl fros tins to tb•
Vent lopossibis bidden. u tits (stomata of thaw
sic* my mats. Good troatitywill b• mato' be
Übe kltbfal falithasot of any ooattist muds =dor
this advarthosssat.
to be Dods at the otespistiss of tbs co.
sySlaist (kola& sad 'A. Q. Y., LL .
Jrzyr Boom,.
ntherlu insat Welsrhigton; By' tl. author of ..The
brims from Um Diary of an rmy Surgeon. By
T. T. Ulu- - -
Th • loom of tho ltbl World. Brew". L. Brace.
&tees Rube Tax Wm. I td. • 0 r 0
Lire In the Open AB. By My Winthrop 1.6 ea;
Life of Christopher North. (John Anson.) I vol..
Invasion MM. Crime. Vol: I. By
_W. Etoglate.
Mama ItoirmUlo Blemarees. for 1662=63.
Tae Tire Butane. By J Mclntosh.
'Wes and Illstchoo By Hugh Biller.
For mac by BATBOY.. 66 Wood stmt.
Dr. Por l ter alootamo .
Uondllo do Trento. In Spoolob and Wk.
Holm's Trootima 141 mo.
cM.nma tho Somurodlon
Mow. nod &dos' Warta. - 1 role
Hlrptook.o Ymd.h. 1 rob., 10 mo.
Oollows Lootanamtlioriptosolfoota*.Poopbky.
ilaireil Works. 0 OoLL, I W.
mjl4l J. 1...1111611.11 booth moot
(Minimums GiugzaiVa Orstak
- Wassmoron um. Marsh Minn
A.. Wel nd to send to the seeteetee Gletistars
oOai Girari Tee - their
Tandns sin old tostalsWelPtlem ee" "wilt
their tomatoes. snrollsd.or !raptorial, tOnuada
actual parytng tawy, saterfaloebstberceppstadi
whstbsnanwheel or WOW% "belle MP"' or
Iron Wetted, slne and poets, of =Ow 006
101 l
sad noon slats the WAS atirteAl'aley are olflent,
kW Wag we short abastirolith Iniasthosted vales at
Wilton! la 'asp Of loss; or in' own the pirstualeot
Sleorad gab: to pstalmer bansaa al obsrtatisg.
°WWI Orlioali "WWI WM/ Metes of
;the' tanutertnartses Dipartaw look n9 ,11,11 d to
• •• • Do-tbo-DwOolooo--1,20410W In '
UW E Mont rotes bs f>fum~ to
reel . trona 0 3 40 ete." l " . 1 817 nth be
7il to t ntrtr . ndsnt sbaltabel to the Quo. ..
sormastir (Isnsna of SW United Stases, at . %mo t .
len, and_sboalit andisinet "Proposals ass tin slur.
ter as nals ilneunern" •
Wltnatee.d7e 4 . lll •7 Yin be onalialrodt and tkU
litepartaatat4l4.sndarrifelta nitTfins tbo beney, nn.
taw stunning annyleanspalktation uponntut °ono
and tattettuniss by satinltutpin srbsnassr aim So
lot • • Mom okool COMM tkOOO DOW
'IL rar owns ,
eltakilisssrol•alidllr 11111“ - •al n
• Obit, • • t'ttl
The subscriber offers br beintiftd wood-
Int known ea. VII GRAI7II4_ containing. about 9%
sores, situated to the Sem& of Sewickley, imme-y
distal, opposite the ter Preebytellani Churl; add.
edielnlng the beautind residence of Mumble go.
Knight, Seq.
Title • property possesses many advantages 'be •
country nildence, gest swag whist' e sew
ilf=dawudmil M c cd yam. The whir
Is ate e point sogl they elarstad: to unable
the parchmer to rouse, the water to soy part of the
grounds. Meson le good, endue the ground le now
cowed with Aso old fond tees, the purchuer
Mee nothing to debut to mum • few of the been.
immediately armed Use site hemay choose for his
keen, ley out few toads. sad broad bete all.thst
ran be desired ler* coria4i bows. Than ih • due.
entrance to the pooped, both Irdat and rm.
It d id unneownery to - ley anything wlth roped to
the rablensee of ohs neighbarhood--811W10E.
1111 s property will be void on terms to Milt the
purchaser. ~
triqulroa MINING BROS., Ho. II Wood
Mr mole, 54.500.
KAOIMIX eflOP.—tha above inn
Want. la Madison Indians, is moot eligibly sit
nand for biainagr. It oratalna a lain WAWA id
nanithody. sad also a env gent grosta no
soon madam gatiants ter engul Lugo f. toill Id* "
work. Madi s on to • nee destrablo nion' nano=
and powwow impala' etrung auganadodog
—lrwin good noUltho for
to all
pens of no country. aggaisare to lidos neap,
and the WWI woad to no otherla the tiallad
Mateo for good halth. The prop:iota: aiII atU tho
etiablistusent, if etglhdl br moms% a good bargain,
or onegruala it volt to nee co:opens* tenon, who
intentanda well On rondo; and onnagernod
nth an adabllonant. Or it not dbpand of good,
to weld tent to responiblo putted for a Inn of
teen, readoing as Waned or not, ao may salt slut"
rnko* In w h no n l t
aoa r
, e n w t i . t h a n m
i a o - n tw ose bap g
tha p s
they tea do, sad maay parthw dining to Coning*
eignadeado, agglaso add outahlnen, are ouspolig
ad to go to attar bate, Or the want of parties has
to do the work.
For terns sad price slant NM 450, Madinat,
Indians. .
By vireos of an order Of the Orphans' Omit of saw
gheny Ootogy, there rill be exposed to Mlle SAM
en tb• prestos, on Ways, sued, to the City et
Pittsburgh, on TTSIBDAI, -the DOM day of Jots,
180, at NI o'clock h at. ,aa the property of John
Carts, deceased, all outain lot of "mind site.
ate on the ocanar of Wayne latest and Julius alley,
In ( hi al g a rittdblußbe baling a stoat Si via is
inches on auto street, and extending beck along
J 110111•3111 ally 90 het, being lot. No. fi in a plan of
iota laid out by Bay. Trends Herron, recorded In
Deed Book vol. BP • 189, find the sans whkh was
conveyed by Bev. Hems tosidd John Cara;
deed, by deed dated January 17,1837, recorded In
Deed Book ex& M ai le 88, on which la erected •
two4tory brick dw house.
Terns caah. OBN OUSTS, Ixecntor.
Tor further particulate etundre of 0. ilashronck,
, Attorney for petitions . , N 0.166 fourth street:
FOR SALE—About 20 dons choice
Lead, Just tight Ihr asitalsy Nests, with MIL
'dews, to.. and lt acne of Hear bottom land. be
tween to. railroad lad river Mid Hooting ea ale
.boat ex hnndnd Ist, Just rig
sites, Worany sif which I sell to If app
tor now. Thu property Is at the witilnas of the .
Manchester breast BailltekT. add al Ow 1110 0 6
Station Otto Yost Wayne Chicago Railroad. oh
which the tan to only WM cents, and tiara of transit
only eight
the Ohio min utes:
front Ma t
o, large Lot of plaid In Macchater, 50 feet
on the Ohio end noble etreet, with lam
dwelling of twelve roans, add large trail tread end
shrubbery, ha. tlarearly °adapted by Janes Masts,
Taq.,olWilreanwood Garden n The sloccirty would
be exchanged kw • unable piece of land neat tha
further Inibrinstlaa and plias of the prop
arty are to be had at lay reeldenos, at Woods' Ban
Madan, H. H. LBHICT.
FFARMFOR BALZ—Situated in Bea
ter owmaty, snout two rues ton Ittonoroy,
containing two bunked aid etgliqpnlow norm The
land la of good quality; about on. hundred wars
cleared. OW wad limestone on lb. tnentlaiw. Mao
Dwelling Bowie, Born mad Oronard. thadosred mod
well timbered, te sold low, attar In one, tic,
or tame Wan.
for farther pirUcalars spay to
TIM anat. Pit - abut& ;
Or. J. K. DICK. Kftlaanhur. Ps. sylalm
FOR SALE--Containing
la grand. with LOG DWICU,
;Ammo erected. In KIM township, Allegheny
county, soar du Olt* ?me Ibrziwitownad
by Jamas Klillbskar. doomed. WIG I* sold chsap
for cash. Also. • IfLOIIKING KILL, known so Ms
Mw, with Plea sores Oland , toms, born
awl other hoprotinazda. - ago at
Di. WK. H. HILL. • Pa.,
letkAo MILLS, Braddock's Odds, P..,
ar TEO& LAZIWI, ors. tooth and Grant sta.,
Pittsburgh. , wyWhissd
.1.. try glean to all perms, and eepataily to
John Hadley, that the Ida be expend at Pedalo
Sala, at our Livery Instils, fa the Borough of Tan.
perm:erne. an Saturday, June Bah, ISA at bedeck
p. at., a oettabx blind SAY SOBS; latch no lea
at our ittatd• was One 4101 by John Hallryi add
sale balm for ilia papaw of defraying the exputiee
of hatpins saki harm.
Tzneenaa, June 10th. jelltad
pas BALIL—Ons
_lppaior 11410634.
X hold - 01 - I,IIIDNII 110/LS. loam* brIO
fret logy an Mica:
Ons raporlot mow BOILIS. IS thaw diaMie rl
~Twooag,, NE Inch from,
117111140n0 nipll3Bl/4 for Iflassood t
pump! ofteozroißs: - •
Bonorai osio hod moutdplows EMMA XNGLIIS%
kola LS hob dtisooof down to 6 blobwflt . b o ooLO
low for ugh. • • AMY ht.l BOLIN
Ownaii • • The. oor. Point Alla.
f -
Three Lott, 20 by 115 feet each, Matta, en Al.
Itshony Airsase. , ' Abe. Three loses, ftd by 60 Ant,
fronton ea layette 'EMI. boxed Ward. A Ileshgey.
Thew We are yap desirable, being In one of the
ban locations of the thy, and within 120 feet Of the
ateadtiester - Pextlenter italthesy. on Wendt .tress,
(Denalers Lane). Or I sin eeLl the old fix lots to
one yardmen, very knit. Term eau.
Apply to OAIVION.
Jetl.the No. 46 OM) street, Allegbany.
DBhL ESTATE FOR liaLß to oloao
Mate of Dr. Hawing, dectead, Waited
at eteerart's Mu, Venni* county, P. Two thine
—one of Wand another of /16 um. There le a
running menu On the 125 sore tent. and ell bee
been diaccenred Within a tulle of It. The wwatr
be sold it Tyne', Laiab's Hotel, on TEM&
DAT, Joni 1813.
Por fattier tnirmatlon apply to
P. J. HYBTIIID. Amines,
82 Warren stmt. N. Y.
FFOR• SALE--Thitt . • beautiful •aoun_try
noldonof ocenyled by W. A. am,
Sq., with two moo of Lind, and =lnter.
oft to Tbb property fo • put of
•Ilvo=dad... five bibs from th• city.
Tor was. Ado. Mb' W
usosui tausiz, •
sanitm of A. Woodli
No. 71 street.
caotsinlag 191 wee. 1115 saris clairsd ud n*-
142005:6 on l* rawnsadla, Enoock aunty. Vs.;
nett Um Pram. flu try ml3ollrop Ilanum,
'dm; Wig lazier walt4mown roe !mood prop.
ay. Far terms, twin at A.A. eippl. 01 1
Water nresi. putsbargh. EOM,
A GOOD ;CHA NG=Way E FOR properly kor
A W*
atoll at the twee of Little riew : 4lUN
It Is In the otiktot pt noteirlithit PtPuiellee• Thar;
ere two tote;'witti tire good boom erel'itroitaaker
op, and' eri seetalary tar oerrytny teethe
Ott mold qa sea tense.
enquire on the premlese. • : .htrelw
'?OR BALII.=-That Lot of Ground nit
laud= War* street. mar letteebt Est
bilk Mt II heist neat* and - at boek3oo
ket to.rteat street, WORT Id* *IL I ma"
talals then .n. • -
No. 26 Wooa street.
Ingalre ofa
!a: anat/111.52112.2181GL110011* lath
Iti l ratat
on zoknivitmtf imamate 'tar is/oar
raidiM a Lest " :7 l6 °-
Tin•sir and sheaf Ilnr.nrrenra deems
13111 BAN Wu. Raraway,
WRtru duziog SA* onoion !Ahrens thonAoso ponso
ri Innen*: • •
. lawn Clotaisod lor CAth
Zi ng °l4l4" == av Aa S r ;
ISlst Avian Virpir Oily, :nyiry wirmlayL
ifdhsolL. , ' , • • ""' • s •-• I = ll o4ollo 9isigasit moer/4113110ATt
!, " , • , .
ionialliscitvo is
eaftritie mak - haw
imirempti" similliatatig
on And ban willing gimp • . •
00. • .• ,• • • 00.
CliklAl 'l) 4 l /9 1 0 1 0/V101#1 , 171,411A.
Iffitastslsoll , 9itsik
—1141 !' 4'" 2A131.21V
l i tNikgEirS IMPROVED
Lit.oov sc.o.mcliza
Cancerous Formations,
Serefaler • - •
Pimples on the Face.
Bore Eyes, .
Tatter Affections,
Scald Read.
Dyspepsia, -
Old and Stubborn Maim
hundioe, ' .
Salt Rheum.
General Debility,
Liver Complaint,
Lola of Appetite,
Xpitopsyor Fite,
paraiyait or P 1 0 ,14
81Pliiiiiii:Diessais and
Caries of the Bones,
CASH OP 1.04111111i1 . d..8QXP
r.ursismth Damether 11, /WI
tab photon* to matins
this voluntary statement to tumor of- • Inidielth
pared by yoti called "Mores Biwa 131140061;7
I had suffered tor the ysam with drip tkii• Width
oat ou my head and forehead So as to Alsliguii
me very mach, and took off the heir when tlut!
ease made Its ampearance; it oleo brake math my
aria above and below the elbow, and sat Into thsskin
and desh so as to expose a Martel sore. 'no dimew
on my head went so hr that several Small
. 100ta
bons woo MIL I was Tail weak and tow spirited
and had 'Pea up all hope of ever, getting wan,
bad tried some *DIM physicians and they did ms
no good. In 13epthaber hut, 1801, I warlndeced tc
try ..Lnmaires Immo mo Ewan dasactme , 1
most content I had no Bins to potent asediolnos, bat
alter I had used three bottles of Blocd &archer, the
Wars on ray bead and arm bOlOst to tibia; T. , BIT
wow taken eighth! ten. Datil* and my Itiidand awe
are entirely well etheit the soaMMinandig !Man the
saris. I will also dots, that t l had Met .Zioseinaldino
nry bedla .my onset and lisp. Ma Mood Bonnhir
ohm cued the whenesatins. I am rows wail Man,.
over tarty .ysars of age, and I teal thumb and. yorsitt
as I did when 1- wee twenty' -and-ha,. increased lb
weight twenty youndr. I would also state that the
dhow' la my Ihrebead wee JO' lat. that Intents ,
stooped end lifted 'anything hteq, the blood nu out
of the sore.' Dr. itelaw hid a photograph taken of
me by tir. °ergo, the artist, attar X begin ito get
well. It dote r.otaboway amwormme as bad an it
was More I commented taking the medfotrur.'' Yon
can ma the photograph. one otwhich is now in coy
porsetoa, and also *LW. Heywor,s,llo Wad street.
I would statethat I -took the -Blood Berths
width Om made before Dr. Roper sonomiscod =th
ug ft. Although tt Myth me sonte,J did 'not Mt
error Out mail I got the kind mode by Dr. Boryter
himself. One bottle of Ids did Mimeo good th at
two of the I Witte it Ws great s:monger.
MI Sill/J., has POOlalialtt* in: Mood saw*,
er t•A gr•.s tunas Rim 4imo6 toi mina
and I ballem it has helpeddm whole at Bela. Too
may pail& lids It yen with, and I am ansioni that
'll whO and afilletsd atl wan tayosenturi. I Broth
thlstay. Ne. d Pirsastrste r and am iniiicipid*uck
'Ms dr Anderson's -Doke Marble Worth; 541fayliti
rtriet. D. 121111. A. BOYD.
I 11,. m e o, st Mace 114 awl - bate hee
seedy bIIPA to bOui'oroi go( nearly' *irsjialea,,
WWI co Dr. law acct Shia- lateathe awe,
aged Wm to Pro ma glneetion to to luttitutica
tat the BUM, la Ibliodigthht. WSW to tbst .1 7
seed not go to Didithilialds to py w all, ea tt' bar
Medd, that Would cm ma, al he 'odd my dux es
war to the Noah,' 3 woe treated lat it two ar t iota
times te the kowaltal to Olt city, act was relieved.
but my Coma elwoto returned ego n mdnta or 010
snit lamas oulleillet.lhogato lewd toy CP
wow wow rotararod Pad I oilMokbp,4lPookowts
Pod rotoadsd "Mk oa Vor,. Samar, Emma
Int dth‘. ma. fori'oeirifia *ow
The Dooteteuroorruhtudee&Llttouttleeethee
weak - •
DAVID azormorzy
Wittibewoh, Jolt S, Ittd. Obelus MIA aglaio.
Wltoteet.-1. 1.. Wirmorr. Ladoromo Wm% All..
lbw Otty.:
A BAD .8081 OURAD.
• _ _
rthsantwetotatatatt thatta:4llltrabt mita
that r lurrahad a acurckirfar aria 4 - 341 a: - Is mks
wrote& ..1133 Ilan'sia II II II I walk gal,
work 103 , 33 ,13314Vanited laths! I VII
alabl4l4 At e si ar - , :
41 kol it galla tar 43 13341 ,
ais wa1bah....,1 atlas MwahlUis.
dti, lata , *Da
*474.44 , 1117T alma oithe athedia3
au antatt4.434l~l4A3paa ma MX boobs'e
sallatat autism aoiraatagy.ardl mai imiaticY
Mama yolk*, da Abatis. , - I as aaullmal WW I
lagla imam Ufa" :ai, rood* strotak imat istsaar.
Mem Tisells. - . - MOWS If .
1110 w_l etnost. ride txonetai.•
'r •4.
" tramtß4l . 43l:lltif
The•Proi4tr a t= i liebittutd •
art.' lb. ritie
fates. litaaketia Ilteltteaassatiitilui Lamp tat ,
TwastAtartytalattalt4s salbritarbataaatty MOW ,
MIS of AbieninisM Tbirtanty peat .atallgual •
I=alawypaprt uttlir ma* carettlia tar kitkt ,
VlV lTllllll attdotntlitiiiilti; 0f Qodarempt3ou4 r ac
Minna MOO r a !,
_ ItitillraAND:ilaidno 11/hi I$
M = T • osm *CU* ILMINITS swl
• Ulan! :c•
'rat 117581Lan
• '., - t , ~z iirlisiwirscrumnpsoftg..7lA ' ' 4 "
-11 l a tai r tlilltNFAX=l DM:
z .P.ilirluA• 7 -4° i P t k env 1. •
. - z` VPitilig! left to • -
~ ;;•,—.•-•,-pacialosi eitamitte • • -
1.. 1 :Si 44 1..' r4t .” LI ilillakeillir' . . .
~f liessaiilit iiitiThlilkipi• o t4
la. ALAI= at , Actippeop
NIKO 9A l !!
7,4n0t tq.
?-•-.- ' d::.t.5.;. ' • - awild ...A. flilict , -
; ~., likila alt;E l nalki4.l443 l l •!Itti3H 4,
ifspkwlr tath VA
1111. sisainicurt—on .
sad alter YONDAT A. •-•• • •
PRWHIMIN o - 1, kr: IN - 1.11;171.
. .
Mame al Ramos Statics =saMat each.)
at 4:50 a. „ v at Massa Pita
burgh and Masai sat asking, dinetrasso.
ttm Ibr Haw York Thiladdsha • - •
ICSCLIPZ Platten aria =mat Oar . at
tad a.. 1 14 daTatai only at litatapand
making dad canneothes at Rum ite-
more sad Wishasta aad tor ' sia
M i taßatiat T = OLFALBEI %au' 'aid* a
WO satdatait W Waal* mAlatm, addax
Clack awaimataan at EanbM
M I'ta NORM. sad
Waahts aidd ibr Haw Yolk viallawitswasouta
Thanissysi ea: EitallaidaA t t aim ias
amtday,) at -gas-pkia,crapplanic
Masa wand= mammalian Miliamala
Wonhiagica. and at raarelakatiFAlß
A000.11210DAZI011: rdiditatost
TaJohnitows amostmosammt tachisallahl,
(am. "wain WV SQOPPILMATtiIacu
and mats; as tar as easommosit.
day tIO Bataan d.adats.mted - " , ‘• - -
moat I.oa ihsts'its;:tValTi:lTatlos
ins daily (=apt Bade) at U3o,s. m..-
Third Aatowumodaticm Wi'altatara
bins daft (mot illeadyrYit dal
Tomah Assomattodiast.-WiMa Wigs Ihstlas
hams daily (sampliaiMadiwWW.W
The Mina Toistissam width M•a sramha
day it fka.a...1‘704. taalMadada I , l, Tak gittspzurth as
Igaaltrabtaa birtargu i riars
Baltimore HAP at Ex
visa .12:5M wet.; "Tdas, =SW a. a.
Mali Train, MO a. a.; Intantaxii AaxcevikodstSca,
MOO a. a. ;• NUM Wan laxmeatodidisa.
WO a. a; Hathar..Widilt
Lad a.: a.; T'ldedsdallTl - sittmismodstiss.
p:m.Positriffiri ' zaxsaoabudalios.
tko6 m. Bantams Impress anivsmith Pkß
Poassaust.lPO.Dt as1 1 : 1 00411.r.
Trilatormamm. sad Indians act as Man.
TM' AtalledillaillatlPL.Tta'aser . °dation
Johaattrink •-im wta oat and . U'irraialCsat,
and with Bidtatiaispai .V.aitt Lam-
Trains km 'Menalimy °Oases& at Crampon - with ix
prea Trains and Nail Month Wast,and with Through
Aocounnalation OA Rawer
The piddle vill find it-grainy tit Watt intarart, is
Hof 3tt are taxer by the Itanazihanla
Omani lislircadosiltassas TOW cgarei
cannot be =pained on ami Whetrants. The cad
ballasted pills aton sad is Sait Oda tram'
We We can promise natty, ispead - andanse=t ta ell en
stay Door Lids Dantean Milk potresses_
1 3
To Nov not ........$l5l 80 To 16ati1iva0....., 3 , 00
To l'idlodelphia..... 10 60 Tojasitig , :is--.... 8 *0
To Horrigkin
_—. ' 66
Bums m Mq.aa' to•all tattoos oz UorPamsylvs•
ea Glottal Zap*, =4 lo ndlodelVato, Balttmors
and New 'York. ... .
• Pcamegare •paroleggsr tickets , in , ;. tem erla; be
slarcal an -matt, acceedlng dletant• trayetat, ag
WWI= to - the batiks - rata,' accept trtir. etatfev
where the Comp ri tuts gaggiratL
NOTICCIL—aa war die% thCCOpPaY WWI halt
thannoteta Vetwalidblvgn: snip,
and ler mitattgaint aot O e •
B..rdn Add= Ll= late matt to
cae - ty plagetwats 'gad laalicerts anklroat Vo•
pat, at, a shams gat tea:Good RSIMILIII lexasch pat•
snater and booms. Yor debate, an!l to
• .. • • " • • 4.I7:IWRAP, tgaat
413 thaii=7l7%.tb .oentral '3.311-314.
'bu m , I.4,b.rrr 4ra(4.t . ittr.o7.' Sae
. . ._ . .. ..... ... .
et L YE L A ND,
x..... 43.............
‘..; - prrreinwit - Jam
WL1311.150 RAMBO
II UM II Ira -41.111ULISMINAT..—tnti M. sitar
MONDAY. April 20th, ISM, Magna Will Imre the
DtPdt. 01 Ml* realuiftsok Isium!de ; .t. mi.
' bwrah; as ,
loti•was . ..
- - Pfilgwrik' WWI 'VAN*, Lima ,
Latin Pithtbsterh liinla.ns i &IS a. In: 11t40 p. to.
--do - Walitala .Ihlo a,- 1 alit . . 2 n 6 6
'do ditanbarr's 4 :10 . 1 9:01 . UM .
'do Miutallna . 1:10 . MS . &AS .
Arrivorliellair„.. 6:28 . was .. - &10 .
Ckm • as- , •g at Btanbensille and Dallair with Stab.
twarille WWI lad/Ana itattrowl and Denial Ohio Bail..
road for Domains. Hewett, Oolcunbas. Tad* Day.
ton, ladianapolikClatoinnoti.. Lonitvills. Cairo, SA
Lott% It. Joiaphond all wints watt and tonthwad,
and at Wheeling with Baloas and Mao .1141.1zoid.
-Pittgero Auld. Oftselesta /Am
Lear , Pilitabt..... JAW a. ia. 1%40 p. se. ,
... .411 D .. .&
do i1afrd.............-...... -SAO - - . LIN, "
do A• dald . Ald .
do 1taranna.................. Tad . /MO .
do Hatton •itlb A. : . WO ~
I haired a 4;:i.Tlaii' .L..
_km ..., .1:30 .
. at. Banardwith ToWarsanwhnneti du
Now and Zonal Donor; at Allhow• with
-Pittsburgh. Yort..Wvnwa -an4 , oldeaveßaiksad; at
Banana with A . I .UM and_ Greed MeatanaDattroad
be Witten. GreIIIITRIAI, .11411411/* 111,014 Oarrn,
I Auntstowit and Intlawiwar, at /Wilma With clew
had., Mulalwilla and Cincinnatt- Hathosa for Atiron,
OnyalatiaMalla and Iffilkostawg. and as. Maitland
with O. A AL N. 8.-for Bris, Duaktrii sad Iltdrako
with O. AT. B. It. for thoultuky. Toledo, and also
-with daaman kr Dation.. .
Wallatilledaeommodados Imre' at 1Z0p.12.
- Rethodzoy Saint arrive at OLIO a. ta.,. 13:20 and
"6 _
:1 1 iprOlidnist to
pn at the Libeztrateset Depot, outana=
• - GEORGE ARRIS, 'Ticket .14tint,
And at Allagheny, Oity,
A. Q. oAlstatFlEßlllr, Ticket Agent.
lot farther Infixtoattoaoapply to
At tha Oonipanta Otdoe In Weight Static" Penn at.
Omer any tem Y to 2 o crook, IMO =Wednesday
Mr WennrendSrane H 4 he to Thmenber
let, Nem fer 11 b ,and teme November lot to
re divide Deiodts of ea inn not len than Ons
leen and = n the not= dean= Moo a
Isor,A Jo n , end Demob= Marin has bean do.
then sentmeermathr Am and Deember. sham
.Ihe-7tenkrwes at the ratan an par amt.
notidt.,mnvet. M pined to the none
ad the depodke prtholpel.and beim the inn to.
• tersettromihserstdmrs of June sad December, me
pomading Moe e yeerartehoot tronllng the =pod.
to to cake: ener_toent Ms pan book...AS thhr
rate, money mill doo In tr. that Mho yes=
Bono, asetsintos tbs. Charter, Spleen, Balm
I,y stU,"l /4 0 . 11 ! "°2 at
, 74 PitAll'ock.
Jain Mush*ll.,
Jamas - MD. 'Ands,
A. Poll
JIM Parpr7 ooki l*
NM= J. Andstro.
Pet& A. 31Adida.
Walter P. 171AVial,
Saws 7104
IiAA - EL; StAmmAcor, - ,
.William 74 Odameisi
Aktuadar MAD%
-1911 7 / l AALTsalifek
Isasp Whlttaw.
leos. P.
Christiak. bone. s.
HA . a. °Mats'.
John a s Itotraddon,
John Halms,
Alonandor apoor, ,
Itattl.L.• PaltneoWek,
"•• Janne. litanotoy,
Janus Hainan, •
- John o.llackaton,
John 0.
Abuse A. Omit 4
...obarke A. Colton, .
°l itlitlaMaran,
..Itator H. Ittoakor,•... •
Bkhard Hain,
Jame D. Salley,
Wilma 8. Lamy,
a m aAN anfk 1 " ar
Mir it
With? UM% ham readved the. .s is..
ma 01 the moot promaneat Ithvitelehe hi the Bated I
Start.- I. doer eared to atr Meted hunitifty es 1 ,
weals in3;re tor the bawled dhows end rpaphoes.
c o rt= tz mi zt dttrekmendioari d h . iallattoz
} Vika ri=s4 Bete GB
Bbd to the - Clotookl Moe. Byttetfa,Ghoorati
fitttatelty,.liedlesatoo sod Bleopleetdets B Al, =
Ahem* Nutidar 124del id Lete of=
apps tittootathoz., Law
ilsi o.: ,01 thaBIBInt Lim _
toltdeot the - fa hod at' the edetotaitaaut,
'ipt entre= blade tided Wade of the oda&
- 'Word the Plendzok , Gat •thhi ont: ,, Ask
Sanilmiirs., Taka:no of Owes goartuatoed.
nocwwis.:ll. ISTEITEN'B,IIIzaux.
viz Ihrtsious; is itatoir iIVOBIIO2IIO
W both 011•Leitio im• 8.0111~4 - 07 • law
artheitit.ths•ncotalisotildt7 alms; viustut any
Madk#l)ACCOTen SALAMI. .
' BOAX.R nay boars. uith treattosat, t 7 Patients
froirebtouti 0t putassllo tstoo,lu:th• Dodoes
tyetesrs - e44l,thig chvoluicit: familia inform*.
tlon will bit Er:211914 =wand. Offlar imultaskteao•
et, lsls 89 1 ? zu- 1 1111=XIA/Uk fttiadophis.
PainarialtAgifisa dagentr u i
Aearthit fox' fhturfretuonte.-:
UVAlla MAO 451.1.423- •
ALL 04/4.-r-eurborkdred.Lots ot -;l3llntud, or any
Umber of ihotodyfing jport in Us (My of Pitts. •
'Anornbi Pi.j Owing lama dl iOOO •Mt so hi IlLo• •
a=phila kat tin Zimigatim
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