1111111111 I !`'ll'4 l ;k l FX r. r =MO .:.n-,~ - ±.,, =ES a,. ,- "•? MAM=il • ••• ' MEE . • • • • :•••••• - ' "'• • • "..'i:4, '1 -.Y, - ' , i:V. , -: :: , t' '4.i. M.1:•::*:• , .-.:11:i:.:;:0.:'::::!,:'''',' '•l :i ~ N ~ ,y •: , c + ;:. *. •: t •;; 4 ' .• ~‘ y , „ ,•'' MERE 4." .:. • . [-,„/ • ipittsirttrgit ofl/46 lITADAY MOWING. .71111/1 19. 1868. Vines Juolaw s v zemipg. ProisiaiA477rheDietee art -- moose jrattprm - t. new Q. At.ra 'LACE. • • M. HASS B. HIRROD. Dr. ALL. H. MOM MOM. V. THOS. J. BIGUAIL 1••• au•A if Mgrs. • . WY. A. HMON. DAVID grave. la. •asnnw "Y iti l lhiV r . • • WM. RICHIAIWIt - DZOIOII HAM LTON. • • -; ; The Itald'itid its - Lesson. • From' &deities reeelv4 yesterday it may bisegaiffed as certalnlbat the rebels, after Lsariadoosnpjed Olianibeiibirg and threat - end an adianotr from thit point up the Cumberland . Valley to Harrisburg, have retreated arid gone southward,--bat wheth er to robin Lan in his new position, or to proceed along thi line of the Biltime ' re and Ohio Ittillroad, and oontinue the raid busi ness in West Virginia and Western Penn sylvazda,:nsnnot be ascertained for the present. It is not improbable that the cavalry force that came up to Chambersburg was, as we have already suggested, sent there merely se a feint to cover some movement of mere importance elsewhere,—for the later information we have trotnava shows that the nuiitbec of the rebels in the Cum berland Valley was far too insivithant to sooomplish anything saris reconnoitering the country and spreading a transitory alarm through the adjacent counties in that part of the State. We take it, there fore; for granted, that unless ye learn that Gesuirnl /bona has come up with General Les, and made, or at least threatened, an attack In such a fashion, that - the latter would be forced to recall hia;navalry to his assistance, we shall hot have to wait very hag before we shall learn that the rebel 4 'fatiauion of the . great rail the rebels have been nteditatint so long, is not up the east ern bat the waterwvalley of Pennsylvania. But whether this view of the matter shall be verified or not, we insist on having done now what has so long been neglected—the work which every prudent sad patriotic citizen we have ever spoken to on the Sub ject, has admitted should have been done from' the beginning—that, namely, of or , ganisiog an efficient home-guard,—formid able in nimbus, and still more formidable In zeal and devotion to their country's canoe, and to the great principles of liberty Identified therewilar.-ready, at the first signal of alarm, to march out and meet en the frontier an approaching enemy. We i say, let our citizens now at length see to it that this most important, this most urgent work shall not pause in mid career, because of any reaction that may possibly occur, shoubl it even be ascertained that the dan ger of invasion, lately so imminent, and Ilitich so justly excited the alarm of the animosity becatise of their conscious and utter defincelessness agabist a sudden ir ruption—snob as the rebel ems; or Lola Ms= might so easily have undertaken— :nay, for the present, be regarded as at an end. But every fact, and Um Indication of ev ery fact, known to us at this present hoar of writing, so far from leading us to make any such supposition as this,—so far from indicating that the danger of a rebel •raid • is at all overpas; or even postponed for a • season,—does exactly the reverse. We in may assumed the very lowest ground .cf minimal, in order to urge. that, even on tbat, all that is now proposed and un dertaken in the work of preparation for 4fenseAptinst tuners dangers of this sort, ought to be strenuously pushed forward to completion—well content to leave the a for ,tiori argument of an evident present danger to the instinctive logical finny of the mad er, to be parbelved,ipplied and enforced as events may, aidereN, ear will, all to soon and too unpleasantly suggest it. Sinetnattast or Jain Wiweihntrd. The selection of this gentleman as the standard-bearer of the Democracy of Penn , 111 ,P„, ta‘k• own party as much iuipiteisirit will the reembers of the party of the Union. Of Judge Woonwisn's political record for ion* time past, we know but littie yond the Mere fagt that he has always been sari of those who called themselves Demo .rata.— When the policy of Protection was -Democratic, he was for it; and when the *Mato Pal!aY wao-ataPkat by the mailers of the Rerv, he followed along without - making angdidicialty shout, it. We recol. bet that when this great rebellion was in la instidaid.erat; in a speech in Philadel phia, he, nothileined very stoutly the side of the Bondy and did what he could :a Per. wife them that they _were a grievondy skied people, and to ammo them to take the course they have taken. -- Whim Part Sumter - via bombarded, sad 1 the obit, of the nation Was stirred to its depths, Judge Woonwean made some pa . triotle speeokes; (but so did RZZiANDO Woon;) and we at that time blamed him and . Woos, and other loading Democrat; for having hiii . 'dreelved their friends of the &dly and then forsaken them. In this, heir* vs lore mistaken—Kim not the uithalsra. phut ourselves who were being -cheated ant- betrayed c- for nearly all the teedlai men of that party, after the *West Vat Of Profoolioßa of loy a lty, and Of being in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war, wheeled about, - and.ars now doing all tart do to 'masa and embarrass the government; and in the same degree to midermarsge the enemy. As fro Judge I r "" nr. f l P ' '!: 4 "ent " WS % - can lay wailiitg;ftii WO know nothhigi not haring elientlre to :what he has ' ' *fiwt f or doing aisle; neither hays we Yet seen the platform npon which the - men who put him mediation have set him. Bat be he *low 'What he may, le mild to r te . enough , that the tame party tkleltrweetaated VALLAJIDIONAIII nand .mated him; and he is not the mai to swim Amites than eihk, the current.. He would, if ;filmed, be la the bands of the master spir its what kfißacemaix was hi the bands of thenout erhosturrammud him.. Tao itru — ii • • iro ltakrai_lia:bwir. that tie operatoas aid others is. girdula the a/I Shamokia^ seal two liar' srly valsalassid tar the Swift dafaassiWad ths twal usis saspladsd there for assiai the prossat. /t Ii wqmstal that Go sample will be tollenrud la tie akar *Was rmkoss. . "'„°° ~ Ywe ' x:..r. ~~ :.wtm.. 0. : iu:.i...4v?~5r:.`:.4.~.r..~..+.:.~, The Preach Election*. Next in' interest and importance to the news of the continued swami of the Poles, and of the second interference of the "great powers" in their behalf, by a yet stronger remonstrance addressed to the .11ussian Government, comes the intelli ' geIICO of theresult of the French elections --id much more favorable to the cause of liberalisni--of " free speed' and general progrus—thai 'Tea the most sanguine of on this side the Atlantic, had dared to hope, aware, as we had been, that every means the Government could use, abort of the employment of actual force, would be most strentuonsly put forth by the ' Minister to defeat the opposition candidates. On thi whole subject we find the following lord observations in the Philadelphia Even ing Bulletin The new Corps Lesidatif of France will have in It a stronger opposition to the im perial policy than has been known since the elevation of Louis Napoleon. The rm sults of the late election are surprising, particularly the result In Paris. That city sends a unanimous delegation of nine op position members, and the popular vote Is heavily against the government. The whole vote in •the districts of Paris was 235,250, out of whioh the government can didates received only 84,107, the opposi tion candidates receiving 151,142 This result is the more remarkable when It is compared with the vote of 1857, when, in a total of 212,000 votes, the government can didates received 110,000 and the opposition only 96,000. The Imperial g oll erMilirattled everything but force todefeatthe oppositioncandtdates in Paris. 31 .-de2ersigey, the Minister of the Interior published several appealsagainst certain of the candidates, and he and the government organs made a special and violent realm/once to the election of M. Thiers. This was ineffective, for Thiers was chosen by a considerable majority. The opposition to him was unwise, for it pieced him and all who supported him in angry antagonism to the government, whereas, barere the canvass he could not have been regarded as more thin a moder ate opponent, having Orleaniet!Lendencies, without any inclination towards republi canism. M. Jules Fevre, heretofore 'the bravest and boldest of the opposition mem bers of the Legislature, is re-elected by a vote of 14741, his opponent receiving only 8,092. The other old opposition members are also re-elected by greatly increased majorities. The whole number of opposi tion members in the new Legislature will be about thirty--a small number it is true, but se much larger than has ever been known since the French people have had universal suffrage, that one cannot help wandering at it. Moreover, this small op position party includes some of the &nest talent of France, while the government members are generally insignificant in that respect. The Emperor cannot help feeling uneasy at the result of the elections. That, in the great city of Paris, to embellish and improve which he has done so much, there should be an open opposition to him of ispo voters against only 84,107 of his friend; is enough to make His Majesty uncomfortable. How slights spark might kindles flame of revolution among these hundred and fifty thousand men of Paris'opposed to the Em pire. The splendor that the imperial policy has spread around these people has not dazzled them. They see through it all, the great fact of • usupetion, and the horrors of the day] of the coup d'eSat are still re membered, even though magnificent new boulevards andatately palatial edifices cover the spots where the horrors were enacted- The opposition so strikingly developed cannot be regarded as absolutely hostile to the Empira or as revolutionary. But when the Legislative Body meets, and when, on exciting public , topics, Fevre, Berryer, 011ivier, Thiers, Ravin and the other able orators of the opposition condemn the policy of the Emperor, how easy it will be to make the liberal party a revolution party ; to convert progress into insurrection. The ' Emperor has It In his power to prevent all danger of this kind. If he were.to make himself the leader in all liberalreforms, he would dies= the opposition. Freedom of debate and freedom of the press, under the unction of the head of the nation, would go far toward making the nation untested. But if these are denied, as they have been in past time; the thirty opposition mem bers of the Legislative Body may beoome the nucleus of an opposition that will be ; revolutionary. The Rebel Movement. An extract from • letter from Washing ten to the Philadelphia Press has a word from the gallant Ithurnsuus, which should wake a responsive chord in every bravePairmlianian'sheart. Oh, that the hitherto wily leader:l'M the Confedemoy, in the blindness of their madness, in their hatred of the North, and in their deepen don and defiance of Heaven and mankind, because their ever -accursed "institution" is under the ban of both, nay persist is Ow* purpose of Marries, that our mustering le gions may the sooner close around their army, and crush out forever the life of this hydra of treason and internecine war. The following is the 'Merest we refer to: Gan. Heintselmen,• who commande the defence* of Washington city, is reported to have said on Sunday night, at W that be vu glad the rebels had moved up the Shenandoah with an intention to attack Pennsylvania. "It's my own native State," said the General, •and you may think it strange that I should make such a remark. But how else are our people to be roused!" "True," said a by-stander, "what is this do strtunion of five millions of property, if it came the people to awake, and Insure'the defeat of the rebels?" Is to thought here that the rebel movement liaa been Which . they may Wilma nisinitt P lambs it is now given th e honor to teriabing blow to the rebellkin. Her ions have nobly sustained her honor on the Potomac; let them do be now on the bank' of Owls own Sasqualann‘ With a itrave.andintapid Soldiery in the front, what will bosoms of Bawl], with the !eta axis of Hooker in kis roar , , Tim State IlysAasn. GOT. Curti; of Pennsylvania, bas been =dal the neoeuity Ofseadiaß personal appeals to the Govornieri of unions Eas tern States to hasten forward the militia of their, respective States to aid in the defence of Panels:lrani& Ms, Governor of 'New York kali /salved no an appall and the Governor of New Jersey, in his proclama tion too Jerseymen," says that ~Pennsylv an* through her. Governor, amide to New Jersey to aid In driving back the in vading army." A. perfect military sy ntem in Washington wonld have enabled the na, tional authorities to Inaugurate and carry out ineaimres for the defenoo of the soil of Pennrylvanla; but in times of 'wreak% like time, States hay not only to aid themselves, but their °Blears lave also to weal to sista Slates for aid. - Until' the olae of this rebalion, the militia of every State in the Union' should be kept on swim footing:-N. F. Thou. :- Dzx Nonni nn Now York aorrooliondoWe of the OE4O of Om sem, oa Woloombiy, tologisplw iks follow. be I Advises from Washington state that plz's any was meting up the Peasants, rapport. ad by Inoi.olids and gunboats oa the Jou , . Pamnaskey and - Chiskalemly Seen, and at last whims was within *mesa miles of Mak= imnid. Lee's, army Is moviev: ilesylaid fa di 'ohms; desolating., , «mita it thy pmmed... • tane Iku i al*, 344 kost, Mod $ all bu at kb aroibidos. ORECRUITS WAAN't, BP; far Sm. . 6 Doeiment 0.. — 0 r Pouneylcsolo Redlands sow la t he geld. Bah ce• croft will rawloe one haulm. d boo ti e,. Smutty alatitol m will be paid In odeaziee es won ao Bloom lota the Thal od Btu. stnlce. Toe tabor lane maim holt* at . Se. To term SAE" opposite the Poet °Moe . .v 2.311'84RD., SIM Mot. and Berndt:lag Penn, ern flqm• J•l9 I rn,n4 lAA B, 15.ra Y. hi.—qorr more rewalts tw 00000.od in We Catimany. Dorn la Cam, HAIM. rp'y to Feral 0601101 t IP. IitOBLIT, retinal street. or at Camp Homo, to the OootoPt Now I, the log 0 000ttauttr. P it , DrtLIC. (J.. B. - 10.CArr. JA.MRS ROOTH ig recruit. leg Co. D, 196th Beelmetw, for etz month,. He repeelelly Melte. the old members 011ie Oren - a. nim y to de ld% eoesstoned but will swept • few good men to MI the; entoo by attire HD, Mirßeornlting Ofeco, DIAMOND, Allegheny. )e16.31 HAMPTON'S BitiTENY, ( F,) PZNN/L. VOLE.—rt 4w gad awn will b. acapp.od b this Batter/. ikpolloatka lany no toads to Lint. A N. VAN. BONES. or blot. E. B. Id MORT. Provost Km ona , , at Oltard Nowt, carat, audtbffold and Minim:beta. 15TH REGIMENT. ' II :. CHAD H. 1117P1111 and neve. A. P. DAL. Z bass Imo detailed by col. na any torso nit Itr lb. 1541 Y kesbnent Psonsiv 111ilita - o bey bave opened in to Cl aro r ,. Jo . 54 nein" rt., • realony. All /emits will by sent into Cla• p ink• medimely. len I w 0 41 110TINANTS J. H. bGUIT AND loth JOHN OMAN re mralfing kolleuest. for six months. The fold m e nm are rpsulally invited to Join. sir Aeons! Jed OM% olasza NINTH AND WOOD STRIDES, Husbusgh. Ball, round the Mom wig; Deify rocs again, Shouring this bettls•cry of irsedons Jolter 11.. A. FEW MORE KIN WASTRD, To Ell Compsny r , Ineth Regiment Penns. Volum. - ken. Only for Mlrßeentitinn Ofilat, BELOW RIZBER'S DOOR STORE, TOM street. AFOUBT POHWIPN, raptaba. .1. H. 8ee0 , 141. hi Lint. PITTT•BOWILI, Jima int O.THOS. M. iILIWB, A. Al7rzn Adjutant coneral, Pa —Dear kw: The andetanmed propose to nave • b rdy tf Canonry, to Bounty from 188 e+ SCO men, without impale to lb. nta , a or ••• Menai Govinunent, ezamt fx Anna, ammunition and mbeismoce while an duty, to et no do, log the prem. amargeacy and to b. mitiect to the cult at the Onumanding Omani Oche Doiericturnt of the .to nongabela. Frits to be at lama once • wank. Will you Mr good enough to bear= no whether this prop. .dram can be accepted Boa*. H. ParTaA9tr2f, JOBN H. BTIWILIII, M- W. 11/111811. Guszasest Omir a Warraie Durratar„ 1 Pittsburgh, Jose , nem I B o b 4 H. rittalloa Yobs nth H. bonus dad Ifs Y. Bonk —Gains: Tour offer to robe • boot Omits, to n.thber from 100 to 100 men, un impede to the io ism tor to. unmet made Pds7.•saipt for arum, szesuultfou and subsistence, Las born submitted to blmor Gemaral Brooks, and Is smopted• Be ell arm arms to be fordshed meson as your insets Woo ts roportod. Tours remedially, THOMAS M. BOWM, A. A. ears Geo , Puma. CAVALRY I CAVALRY* I The undersigned hare salbotitr from Major ilea. D sad resistant Grin. Bows to rates a Liesh7 for• to number tuna ICC to 600 men. to atm dining the presamt emerginoy, each toss to Add hi 000 hone sod esoloisosta Geo. Shooks w,ll fornbh arms sod ammunition. Sur firths, Varanasi* IiPPI7 to 301 P a a rsw l A ON st . . K. HERSH PIIBLIC HIED - WARD —Tha °Rm is of Olt* Tel-d Ward .111 met THIS LlraN ISO, at at trot 7% o'clock at the eared Howe. for tee parpoeo atq haz aLliary compataei tor the detente or leo letedt O.II6ItAN LtutuUts rpan Inseting of 83a*tleloo Lwow of the loyal clisaa• of the hinds ffaad, • tabarge. h. imid nun sysaiNG, 111311 lath. illaahr &SD 1181311 BALL CeL J. B. Ca.e.em actd.ogs too teettley. _ _ - 11 .. NOTIC-11.—At a meeting of the &Miter BOA HD Iniki this a lieraoan. It urea resolved. nnantaiouda. That 0 . 1 .11 to th. orda. dltlan of lb. o 'entry. Ike Trintn Oiempatank and Snaking Boa.. dew, on and attar eh. inati Ind! rnrzk.r nouaa, at 1 o - ci Met p m. Dasmmo m nand lin pint! . gen•ralig p • no.. this fain a ad an. Pact their banking basiner batin• tbat hour. s..ail at. th VITSOM 01 T•• unto.. /1101/•001.11 ( Plqaborgo, Jane Ink Ina I YDIVIDENUOnt./B.—The Pres -I.lont 'sad kat. Dlnsefon of Cowpony fidgety doe and a DM:wad of 7118 di 11j (Si M. Pen 214 A RC. tree of U. ft Tax, payoffs to the fitteltboldata fo:thal h. lot-titt 13,‘ valet, Rim. wrack or In Artlll..Ao A M.AMS"pia?•2lUle rittsourgb. Mat Oak. 1.4 n. • INOTICE IIHRIsEll" GIVEN to b. Bitaiorfbara to lb. Stook of las Won ara Trsaaportation 0, topany that .a asotaaoteat af VIP/ Lioutoaltd 00) SHAUL bat boa aortal spasb punk .nboarlhad. pilau. et Lb. Oelk• of Ma rtuu, at O , ttabtarak. oa or hokoia; the 13th day of Jaaa, MO, sad a Ilk. amount efory hyd oa o a f th t e t Boaur d nit otherwise attaal Jdadai A . J. llotiOwilaz.r....4, - 014)••144 44. It 'es u./.t44, 011711.41110 a hrissoson Hataisoto 00, Olorsiono. est itsth, 111:11. • [l „ ,,r d SPECIAL MEETING OF Tea, 111100 ZROLD111111 of this Manny istU b• held at Its aka in igiontiosd. an Wllll4 l / 1 8Da If, tit. lot to tato Sas of Juts nail, 04 10 o'clock a , tn. on mid day. Into ocesnionana, the plowboy of lamer =l.lanital !Mock of UN &coping to al 14000214 t to allow of Qs camejaii of ft. limi t . Ion& Us transbr Bards will 1* dewed Itont Jinn 264 to July sd. 1. ZOOLINICLL, inifikim osonst-rs. irettliMUX-... lila ihilDaarlpilettlieolol of the Ooop.r ►W Arms •.n Clampaar will oratlate cam • e du Oako of 11. OCturie 1.10., Beak Block, MA elm; mom,ther wake. ztf -uptif F . - - oa BALI Ver y desirable IRON rustle= eaoPaary, shoaled at berg teen. NAP events. Pa. wittle • that *tetanal or the PlralerPTIIIII• ballited an* Osaal The reetiold property eosaisee a Pureeve. with seehheery of • p a polar to blow le ; Wag sitter among sr ea. Itemise rail; shoot Pa wan Mater Judi ails Ile Warmed etteswoad Oise bell or• haat oteltelable ahem If ware which produces to aenodaree the sass ore Iran will* Jobe a. Wright. lbq metal hie monied and. betty °Pirated LaviaoweeTne ale Pr a 11... Mb la Pe any mat able peepers, to eh enter* width pr. daces lbe we mai*. tors . tablghLot • laid ,•.• no lite tharalter. thee le ale, gloat 1/.0 mono of lase within halt • mite or the fararias, bald aster long ware Pat watch silawheoe at excelleat bernatite sae oat be Wag. et steam* esavelat 113 14e tote oa the Jarman beat, sae on Mid Ada b.,* mends two scaly sin 4 ebbs will peceluoi wadi bat ore to 'onsets to. Varna* Soft Smelt ere 'b also sa*Ltiest In the nea=memoc,- Maur', la &ay qvaisuipi oft ba et the' et 4 AreitionerporlildPgpf'," vas Wonsan le ellinstal for the warkehe, bier. tletiz i at a sed i r b e . ll „ OM . U . S:Lt ODI I.lsosrarldt spat eat Jua alum taring town.. If or Mt" Senn and arizaise pa/Umbers ipply to U. b. 1 1 08400 wall Pbbedololla. t l s, RI/APSES AND MOWSES, 0 S•horie hind stni ; It 41.boint do. do: In ill boas oafdo; NoClaiolak's Madam. imam innyand It in lb. kilt to ayill tkat.rta of uar..alor blowy ihor Verif. le /AM DM in' • 0,• utingird e it betting sow oateph.d be the eatecuber, arse ow, meet sad Datiatea• Way. 409.tt AMMORTIf. Gux uutiet, Jost the whale for ea eiee alwap va bud atilt.' Be ace fa BS. Char 'og:" J.t H. fat G. VP". • WM. weisp, D. 1117187, . . llr mamma idialkle to taa Maim er ELMO AID Lamar Sulam almy• Bombay's Dam satsuma as 14barty stmt. - • Mirolllak hears tram 9 a. m. 11113 p m. ,M17:0 iNii:Mi Tlw Lodir• taunt* DORI MID NOIISTAID 714 0014 . CU be ebtalsed at tient* *yob Calkly Eta% fa Um, weer eisekse Ileeee, Altegb.sy Qty. ' *naa fi 4lo. 11 1 1 011111. _ /Wir, *moor Ohio mei Morel ilfervoth Aneekeie. GEO. AL WAY, Proprietor. BPAItiLLTING BO kA Wit% PeiTalle NUM, MO. allribridese promliolcos itonsratelyterepottst IA oicrkUidd. .I: "tackled, arida" sod kegs, La kialc. d Uhl" : Salddena alantaci , ma. Wklacrialk mot Huth& VI WA. VII* 813=6= '' - ' UV O. _.;.:. ',' -. - ID 46.1E 4 ,4 1p&Ws. NI r U loare selies'aity r Nor map by apfl D U Dimon NOTIOE-1 am still selling HHH‘lirre PZIPAZATION4 0004.1 Aldin. • RALLT4TOH. /Lollll[ll4 1007 d WASH. and • .LATOIHNH IXTditHre At old prim wad a)11. 0 6, 44 h Bud H 4 V4.'B HITT HU sconasiddig Has hail thstr rower prtlia. M =-I OR IA? SEDUCTION IN PIIIONI, urea NEW OAiRPET STORE NoPARLAND, COLLINS 4 CO., rt AND 72 DIFTH STRAW, &twee% lb. Pad Oleani Dispatch Building. W. bunion reoalval oar now stock , purchased it • mu ::atlas tram plea of hat Op log, o nw pt slog A twst antrum* and ansaplet• aboortinent of oinaap aractipilna 'Wiped. in our line, wn.en we *Or for aste at a small advents on cast. W. Mime to awl obi. Coda 'at from TWIT TO TWIN PIE uctur. &Ate ma it. mu " goo M ds an nay selling fa In Nor Tors and Panadel. • a. ttsmw TNFANIDY, AtiTILLNEY AND J. OLVALay TACIT/LIZI. at HIINPti AR MILITARY BOORT, it RUNTS n. B OLDINPN' CAMP COMPANION AND wunas Dies , at H 17 N rt 3. IMATIONIHT POBTFOL:013 AND POONIT INK STAND& at . HIIN ra EMITS ETATTONIBT POBTIOLIOIVonIy 25 onto OLDIES, WOAE. BOXED at BILITAD4 DULA, at BUNT'S PHOTOSIIAPH ALUMS. o VW' Mee awl prices. with ahem tram le paste uwards. the cheapest sad beat la um ally, et H t 1 N T'l3. ZEN.% Gorgirs LaDra ZOOS • BALLOW,/ MAGA tor Ally, at HUNT'S Mi_lcbsd4 it RUN rB. 1.17 Yamlo Hal, Firth Sliest. 500 P4IRB SEWED ARMY BROGANS, Allasonie Hull Auction House, 55 FIFTH STItEICT IMMU lii MARIAM' EMI/I=L LADIIIP 11020000 BLIPPIIII, osaly..--. 60. Do. LID UZXLID / 300 18.aakr....—. TI. r.. OONG.I/211.1D certsse , oak, L 215. MAWR CAL? BALKossza. 0a13r.---- 100. CEIULDILIWA GOAT BOOM IS, BOW AND TOUTiII BALMORALB; BLIBGEP . . AND OHILDIIIII 00216111215 0117:1113 AND BALMORALS. Call sad ram • bargain to4Say. J. N. onnLAPID. 94 krwirst stmt. VlGlaitt PAIII.-11• tate We xcethod of informing our hitade and tho public generally thee we it. aaa Pothered to II t lan! T atilt tatTiltiUT the prectlos of bentlatry. Thaw Oho bare bees ocstbonlog thte nau It dr...deg operation may saw lay We* UM, mug and give no • *elk as the alma rata, we haws Is is, bas been threnalghly bed dor. la g Ow past tour pars. folly istaliassts4 the ash, c l ad painless obaratrar of the operation. ho U orrn, Ot.asuloals nor @Jeanie Saner, 0w1... all those enetileg the serrlon of • good a lm: eu ndagal iwth st..t Dosti: old do well to fah and consult erns JaltlLB I . KING, D. D. or, Da. 0 LING, No 47 tholibibed Pt.. Pftisbarah. WIIITZ SULPHUR. !SPRING(I3. nib well 'mown ',gulag ylmoo will b. kozobtly °wood oa the Ws J The ohm yob6 wal be nadir thil laistoodi &to n00n...10s at lb. Proy.rii tor. who will be as olotiol by Blosui. JD.IPU A. SWAttall sad U. • the Intealon to snake the balm, In all no rpikay. aging 1,0 UM bust intim Ina places In the tuna. try, ant to prancgenerally AA. onnort mad acceroodattan of lb . suns& Nor tame or other Inlocinatkas @Adam 34 Jr, Uhl= loots (hater ro » 1 *soars co LIGHTNING TLT-NILLNII Reppik• • treat Ms by every good housekeeper. Hefty s set will but • smut .vbeur a es se thick. aossabor that It Is DuT Mat don Ws. sad t too lc* owe faltatloss Saes ere offeraL: The nil *Was is for side es ell reoporsable 1 re testi. B. A. RAHN aaTuGrid. WM 'a W., evoker es Nast sad Wood swam, )(Mod' Thaborgb. EVA+,eau —Ds Buis pays &toms so It* troosoust op 4110 WIllt r OLILBSO. the &Mood Balt ; oPli• 6 4.• se o , 4TAluor, MUST 11118.11 be Atlta/1. iota[. PUI'LL Imam aansztaiL MX; sad tram UIVIAMMATtiIIf ITIO; also HARD 41 1 4 1.1.1N9,304 all diosoin ealamit the ger eed bedlam dopes/um corotae.. aid MINX' MUM - - - rri / 4 WO, ITU Has D1511.114113.-Ih* lark* a m at. amnatr ed tosysetaby i l l /Paranare Dishiest Sol* PAT/IMT aPAING BID, IBA* to tabbiailly known ea be ataanud aye*" Bain Obi it They nubs aa atedbass bed,areabasp,aaat tad dant*. Ban. atiesand and kw oda by BIILUII add rdba No.. a.f.n slut. H.. Ehtildral tULIJUIEd MID AliTtAlUe. --Isa iarrida• Wennatarsidre. In, pinta tad bad yhta. &pas' buttons. Jobs 811. Nesetaa M. Undo' (dab, Cumberland and Soya& Table Wabook, ihmahrwa and Timid* intalaya, qtr uu, tboratay and BUB by_ 1_ JOBE A ;BIIIIBA, minor LAbmtv aNI Hood Wawa. _ FUTATIJIMI.A 2•11 MAIO OCUIO 1111114 kind to arrive, • Lim Nut Of Prarachlflein, 11 - ssall 1 OW bid Ptilia• Abets, IS bb lo 4 Direct from Wm.* Valley, N. r.'and malls b 7 Jet u ; Vollet OD. I rilloLfA Atitinatt, ULUXkI, anitibfe for 1. trial Limb% Just roadie/ at thaladia Lib. th , repos. In sal &ISt. Oak alma lola • • • J.'S 8 PHILLIPL nib.--Itecusivea sate; e 4 bozo Ilsoibers Own Wan; :60 4J %stud doom do; Lad Ibr L. a 1•01101* CO. - _ .plllbl 'MA I • rttursii rY . Nuli SALL—% nmetory bleak dwell*/ hos% P Woe larkk Tema, WA awn mobsol. lialsbed ski; Peron, We Tabus. toss an foe ostlas.) Wawa. won of maser sad ;amp. Les 10 fees !root bp 1.111 Sop. 211 R/wallas Is Tory Laskabls. Rzko pogo. r I" of D. 017THIIIr t TONS, fl likuke stn.*: Critklibi ANL PIA ITALLW— W Wei Coos try Loud; SCOsswa onoesl TS birm-s W. &Lbws; Ti ban. Ow, Thisl AVOW bp'Na stoke Mans raga! - f kegs 11se1s Slobwrab 1 - L. II roma LIMY/IMM full assort. Me mat of Itonool titaspi, lumens baud el the. Issinial imam Ong% No. IT *me Woof. Mk, Whisfoons setrebesteg la isomfpko Rai ea of• DATED N. ~unon*. of v.. oaf n..osoc 6 1 1J1iLUZWIStf USAT/PILIATAI3 Ant 117,000111 . 17 BOUNTY .WLIMID.V • • - O. 0 TAYLOR, Sada ettat . strak Airifleamot beim nalll is y 1 11 1.1.0 • Ifr i e n t elm k AU • ttlibili•Uapy IlilawaiOaskiess.llet Paw, 'Mimi. aatitst, Wan (tor ovpivij sad a .arist wavy a t maw *Maur be Um skate /MUmbar. Do* as ird IS U. o.elr Maw% - J. *R. PRIZAJI4I. - VissuuaTioou um. itaniatut anima mose a lcaisis it* DA L In —"•—• ' rod 10 Muer steak •Li ICiiD/M.4,000 Dry Oaten steriaid brats kr mum MOM • 00. Jrzir 4D neR AGFIN°Y SMON JOHAffro2l MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE ..a Smith Sold strraa. Ult iJIL CLOTHO, ag. F. RATCHFORD STARR, 400 Walnut Street, Philedelpliia. Tha following dlapatah tura Jot taut natlval at &h'. oZos r Trga MOrrrat T.n.ra Incuaartaa Coring:, Or Maw 7oac . 14 Ilsoinw 17th Juns,lll63. P. A. ATARI, Zip., GanerAgsett for Pencsultatd4 WW2'S surest, PLlliiitlptda Ewe Ete—:Wer lab Ma war rtak without extra Sup on all our pol!cy holden who on dtlsono uS ionnnyynalla who now volunteer tor He dttimot to repd the mead rabd !nuke. MI& *WA lb* teetttartal Waltz at tka State. 080. L BLICISTOCI, /gent, NO. 17, 7111TH STNXZI, P/rTBBONOTL. Wilke Cl bblita drilliCa r • Pauborga, Pc, June /Mb, 11163 Cl ALED PROPOSALS will be reoeiv ed at thk ogle. autll IS m. oa NObDA It, that mu day a J.,1 a r the delivery at this post. at saw tams endeaaatior as the undersigned may ngrabe, tee it . glawlai &zilch', viz: (110) One hundred and Sky bane% Nem Volt ; (28.W0) Swain eight theatetd pounds !boon, (dear liderj OM) Two hundred and arty Wads eanc Nary N (I 0,000) Tea thousand rands NUM 14 0 .1 Lot titbits tut pomade hat 0i1,., reasttd ant groAiaili (16.000) !them tbossand pound. Suss:. 8. Orient, (t.Olk) One housed labiate Oder Vinegar; ..1.460) Teske Leaflet sad 1111,1 pottage Adman . tine Meeks; (kW) Maur sussed pounds loth ikeic ink Sony • wo umbels Sans (la) rev.a hundred bushels Potsthits (61,004 It ty t ar toosamd pomade lath Bee, nesse aod ,hubs to be einlused, ali to be at the test 2414. Paritages to b. moire sod stalely waked will net yelps sad sad ak thane. Menem showed. ...poste Whirl I be twined fur fresh bear, and kr all the attar snooks starve gummed collmaktly. Loh Old must be auras meted by e gutrastf for the tarktatke of • Oontrort b Glee the bide be ies. rept.d. sod good sad' auttldeut muds, wall be re. spired for 14 dee petkrameoe •tuez sot Mash Imam et bids asd sualmase. may be prhoond on oPVII eke at dill calk" general). or by 14 W or tale.radt.' rivposele of Sims meet name all the pall of to ., each arm. The get poufs ol teddies not la conformity the ab.• ream saints wall sot be coaddtted. Blathr. put to Oregon wean the bids aro opined. Th. rtght to tvicS ail tide ts teamed. Okla to be widened.' . /frepords for label hate Storm" .Yltl l. CLOW, Ciptaln k Ocaustsrav of fulaistmos, U.S. A. Oaks; exam Penn street mat Otarbas Why. hlluit A l 4 Al. 1 , 11111...-• • t MOO. soa. *lO. J. 44' ALOILIS4 St LOWS, MO. Pan Luis... .01. _ NaantaiZ t a A 1 . Em 100 - irs ssticsmdl th• 47mi Ibr Um mho na PLO Olarroilied arar et. Lorain Mo.. of I L- tho ytle Ow situates of Can and Wed Idanateotarere to Ur aw alrate474 - abevo. as reported Prot". A. 4. Nam. of sal J. O. Be", el Yhttailat widobr bee with the tat of utast expert• sue by aan Pittabionh. Olaciaaatl and ft Loef4 rieterattais t to be Qs, tared sad vidnoblo Clay now known. whether foreign at Asnerloan: Pots made from ri haw Mood In Oki Glass lltraase trowka34 so • maths. ills AWN. is ot _um cur as taken honk the miss, yearns •asy tressiat sr pirpststtor what ever., lt pareamess ginem sdharietasee sad r ea ms laailthe. which ars not eloreu by the aaalsel4 and wawa adult of thin tan of a birds proportion rd dub re blued o4y. I an now gaspited ,to CI Indies tbr ths abate ash to be shipped ha et. Ards dalltsrs4 haus ALEX. GORDON No. 111 szooED laws roam Puri% PUMA WILL LAID ram% RUINS WILL PIIIII run WILL MIMI, run rums. AZIALi PIIM-ps, IhILBO4ID 701UIPIIKPIL EMIR POZOB PIXII, LIQUID X %XIII 'MON LTITAND 70101 PIM" . Aid many GLUT PDKPI aroaahohand ti Chub • s Ow, Luce 11124. IL V., Mil 14 OUI-DOOs ?VIM for %lb owl whkh was bleed ' with wry Wad of Ms; , • Parole by P' i 7 0 M1A12170 AIMMIL nowdwuto ALEIIYA PROTOIIIIIP7IIO /Ml6llllOl, PROTOGBAPRIO Awrzs. railPs4 bri lad dingset neFteat is Um eith si T TOOX''Sy OPPoelte the Pest tittles. Au% • larp anis of ottasinwr Remus, I roam eons. Mloctra ask,i fttlawriraad>riwaDepot, media theltik • I J UST or,Fmak - . NIIIW CARPETS. 1/ minfirmiard•ta ilspeumei deb. Maikibirmi elmithe aps u ln a lo s. , I , I qRIIIIIIIIIi aid raliarws, sal ire ebb boast 14110 4841t1Mal neei 614 61241 1 JS/selk,ks Notbui. °MIER I'Miniz a CO4 i.e arliare. Of HZfir TOIL General agent, Jvirm ltni, 1813 Vay rtayeatlelly you. P. S. WINSTON, Preediat. 7 1rnretnam. Pit. xwm.r4ww.a co., No.lll Tourth strodit. AIatUKS. mu, "lian a invost 1? , s MUNE lAN 1 . : 11rD Lin/211(141711, _ • • . Is adder irises sad item; TILUMNP. SUR lia; azi4isa samoos icTispriew: - . - 487014 UK Otkiv i. i, sl L r r 3 1..4A) .• tech .tsizo nWMtsa Ogr m- /11,ad Reßah 17_ - DAP GOODS. AT IM'ML. SUN 1111/IDri, 18, 61171PITIM IdiaII; ES ID:CinfP3. 9EZ1A.D1192 VIILS, 011A111 VIM% BONSILI RIBBONS it TL9WZItiI, minx r a =maws BM BIA 13110 ED RATS 3 HOOP lii[lll73, 00BAZ'fil, BELT% STOCKINGS, oicna, • - ICrITII, And a wry champ Hite of LINAN BANDBX.IIOBI2/4 8 o ' S 77 and 79 Market Street. . , lithimilUld madam or . - - = soor mums. NMI!" . 111211084 COMAS% rime, OLOVIS. ETPUTItiI, YAMS. And • CUM 11 / 1 10111110.1111, MALL. W &Mid whip wrrlolll/. The law pewee es which mu flock was garebeeed rubble as So. otter Irma huhweawnle to MT! sad 0011:111TAT 11111FLUNASTA, IbLIISLES sad PiDDLIRB. turd sU vb. hay to toll nuts SA.CQ,ITMSII s urxiuux tKitvi 8 1 • CHEAP! CELTW' I WULF!' swv - t inrwt NZW! . 13 . 13 1iLMCMPL'ES. 59 Market Street. CIRCULARS, 3VCA.NTLZ DRE,BB 6FOODS. (mum Tins inris. B.—Possrmy sus o2m sips I GRNra 1 4 1Nis LINEN taltati, OR oXI Dazzas dm A HIM'. GAMLI, ELK, 11:1111210_416 COTTON ITRD/186/119111 AIID DRAW Ni siannuura AND TOIIIIIT neur.nrs sannsi JALN AND LIB= DBAWZBA; LUild, BUIL AND ZNANZLID TX 80&111171, STOOKS, 13 UMPENDER.B, &A; oerros AND DUBIN& 11051211117;- LADLIMP AND OBILDSZWS 80111tREI 11 9 0101811rEG GOOD% At the moot IDOdvsb Peter, at MACRUNI & CLYDE'S, MAR&ET STREET, Datum Fourth azialXsoinuL • Oho. Lad Shawn; 7 Shetland Stein% Shetland elan.* thet!and Shaw* Silk Rawls; ell. Bhagat, Fllk isha.l4 Bak /bawlk 8 hawls Pimp Shim* Baby Shawls; /map Stung' Baty !lbws; Ort Orpoillat book Organdisibawr Olga:WU Bhavilsr, Glptre thaw* Glynn Elbow* Gilgmo *bunt Qlpeum Blids; ; isoo Lail Blur* La no Moak Luto IMO* Ws a nr 'lt 31a nail* Molls - MEC Maw* lad riottred at BAUM', 11 FIFTH ',IT, A : -.Goyim !ILimacuris rm. TIMM thaw* efllhawb; Tbfbat newly, hiboVilatilir. pANT4I GOODS J. M. Burchfield's. *OW ohniiitars; ours ito; , sat WA. , Do. raMPANTATrii; imaginal% pied 4 Pubs Lulu aim= , azotra maps; aorronvitapiriGui4 UPITO 04113111104. a. :- Z l l l7ll Calr a a alnellintlift sLaatittutte ti 141134,," vzslifite4 1-‘ . • , . I,nd • amsortiostkt'Otioodi ofglory ateisrucie 16 ,C-1.'2-11? Cas6l. pLV.IC %).1)4Y• PI:E4=S PARIS TitMliadE3* Am (*ion. T. Inas mold at BABTpiRN GLYDEI4 TS MOEN Min. Ihrlnea Ibarth Mimed. E:i;i=:l IUIDVON) .ndolzsi • LA/mama . * Calk u.s. 71k,&,14 riWri.:lll4*JakTo OPPITTHEIJE*II TIMATRU. taro azs Plum . 11mi nanca—Prinis Bozo& 15 00 ; Wl ' no* wts Ilm , .151 %mama* sad Dna !card*, Obah, d am : 11.„,ji57! carer, - $5 well I 4219.$ (1.11.1 Mali . Coiorell DAM. 50 °nail LACZ COLLOIL.9, - • . ow Farewell berate al elm la •,,,- a' .1 .F . " t ". mart It , ---- -II a ;paw tot lb, brat awe a, .aa Wa sa y y, .1, - ~ t ,. , nlis tleel lee, IFIF ..,,,i. Wlll billwe• oleo, ' Kalb/eta' Atavaigrn een i EAFfi11i1ie1............-.......-.... Xrteß Ai IIS CIIF Ca, e. OwLY-....—...:.... la R. —...........-... P.. U. WllialL To Elkton weed by - - STRATAGEMS °FAN ACTRiaz ' tenRA....—.....:...i . . . Tull", i IMO/Cc .--ITria EIND3IIIIOIII. NeN - T..“...--.:.,... - (MUM let• :-..... J • - bob b/13LLNI-1;;Yn...........arr. cazersinuas. • - . To mediate with VALENTINE AND ORSON. =MATE C 0173, MEAD DEZEM EATON, RILACIPIAL & CO., Noz. 17 a 19 Etna Sun; xmmeffes, . . . . • usborne & Cheeinual Dr.totam and ImpetlidOottet Do do Quatet hal t Do do 1 itta GOns Pa Istnis; Loris Welds end extra len., tot bop •etzeo end tali, Gaon*. The 0,111011116 lirsperle , or : Irienik alit. AL toLl llne of Brailera h ht. elwaye on bend. ihitttl; AatlitUti a le. liig .. HAL 17 And IA lillth *beet. H 4 NEW (X)LUBS,- - . . . .11argint good, of Ingllsh awiFfacturs, bau6t cep.. • - Ith'oB QIT/i •„_masKELLse..—A . large and ahotca amoiratat at BILE AN - D AiIiGHAINL BUN 171 :1 1 8gLIG&14, at Jdatst poiattla price. to *kat* MIS titan taus% at • - ErtrinitArdr . ma LL IJAWB.ENCIKVILLS . TROPERTY At. i118071919.—Ch0 41821111/80021, oar, win ne told. on the ening. 4. ,07sk0wt 1 witlle 2 wig °•C e l t Ltepstatit St. set, Woof Bailor I street, t18.1031,4nig Valilsb slots In seaman...l cables Tare* lota on th. West eldeol theme.% mast, char Butt e r sio•t. each taring • ['onto' 21 Let your,. net asset end extending Week boat lel to 100 hey to s 0 Teo lots Solloinink tke oboes, sack 90 fast hest on Chadai nute ain't SAW extending beck Lem 90 to 98 - isea an troy. tine lot On - *hots:rani of Befielontalne street, at tbitorn:r of lisfiroadThavlng • truecof tO Get on isalloanitaloe elleti and otiondlte Oak /B 0 mlta on yolk is Needed.. sew . two..) y brick bolting. costentag by rooms, waist tea be esBO as two or Mrs. ien•loants. . blocwuoa.ksatoat ills at liallskitabas street, a.er the orrecaterg Pies, wild teviii • Nan, si 81 moron BellskUtattle street, marl aststolsng book 100 lane at see. - keSsosia desttolle of stamlnlng thl peel es will be dew. the pr. yet, ill asinus on Q. 0. taw, oil Meer 'Usti; neer' Adan. • yell! • trkVle t MOILWATBB, Ant's, MIT OOLLLEB Mot . liViarrso. ,cisk th. Um Oath au4 12.••••• V.e,y 8a,11rJa.4,, hiii.eme o.ooly Net.. N. Ware $L 60.pfe awl . 11:uolvi awLtail Lt La W. , Sew Male. ffia V. Inas d3w eiw q ,* 8•0412 e; anoints; fakg • alb; Wks; - - • WAN:T/Sl l .-461.1 - 4 mcwre uatil A 2•142 .t.s6o Loma, .2p. wee paid, to soll, osr iiieladtme row:a% Oritatat'Borammaud ildrtado other be*, tooftd'aud outitont at tazima. Allan 212 , milers seas- m Addr"., - m 2622,24 • did it Wa , MA RA. V 1 1 ,14•6•211, 122. _..,.. - WAII4TIG.-475 • aiwerti 1-1 want tO . . :7111.,0 AVMS 10 every email at SU • moody exptitair_plikli td Nil nil nee Ova, rrandiy BevuNg ..athisOoci 4144082.' •.' AL di tlndull, 0 11tgiolikw7t. -:, a Ift.d. Stafak OPPbter. wipadles; OnMOWN% CLIWASII; , ROkidLLti IqatsOLß . bristrlAULßS. spectsiV ir , "" dihnmaing . ate °ls le the • Air. of mil§ • •1111.88Wi -Pk:BBM SPECTAOLIS 411miTias iana warmort ilai= a b at ail call Ass. AU tubs la Asked to AU oUre P m Ihxr ca Om cull W. by - and tombs . lb, IngsainAl m J. DIAMOND, PrbaUest ttaaiwittarii r at Um Burka Zama epaataatia, too wpm, .ftraget. Move*. P...• %waft.. • PM Pols* 4a4D ralarg ass Polar, 140140104. NoimOr; Alois* is Husain.* Ileniaacti•; figraw. 4 % BothaAmu • 1 011A0 , o=6le IL attrza, 'wp_ocessaatt r on bead. • Iwo ima enalmi alma DJONLING BOLT rhAN •w/NDOW. ra sh Marl, zairnme, A/ JOitiTN, - LPOLITING..LANGN. PL. unes,ati, No . NM' till Gam be, BANJO' BUM TIM - Pirrw,18•11•8" ; atYW 1 rat 1•• LONG 4/kral or POP. tinned to =oda* LIN G doiG. • CGOLL LUNGT.sfy Neil vim ANIIILAN); 12U! la 141,31 I kit! • IVA AUTOBSDI-4ast ssurfahtd, lasiwlod Ita• t 4 Moo Ws Goat& A .Lottare oa• Um NA. ?MC TIMM otatiT'AlSD' RAN tIAL ODtI at trbasso, Anaival Waskams, lasotaataty 14io ", Antral • Dobibty, sod looped:watt AO Wyman awtrwallytnortonownw.,ooo"uatrzb" SP` homy traa litsi Mattasod Physkal Itroopwith • tonally Inwa tra4l.•trata.4ll6., B 7 Übt. J. Pater. 1 " 11 . - ta. wathor al •Ow O r. 800-es. "A Ikea to Ttroemaod al en thalsrL. a k nt swap to • plastameidlepe, loamy Ballroom, pookpokl. ea la. *Opt of olz awns. or two pastigo nowt% try nr. t.,IL Dot traolt. lAAILINIi - Bersty. bow llort.-Ar.t Oak. • _ - .i141:4113.31..th0ma 110.fia1iTaipwa) kr231F1., _ _ • smoriasst aCernsitvaes NAM .11171111D441111711KJIanzteatt ttakbiatt, alM willallat ilia lintati.pdate CNAM, 111IDAR OLARK, j ' w own4aatos moluiTs. tirryAerper Ann , rre mikvate, 011,11 einrsoaDsTazzi eaumurantPlP::, lir__ - 14•Iiiii'04)knesu moan Ca. wow, USW' pHsr,.,szu Gun* WiPAA2y la, . . w -- .A ; azi E nimr. asaa, likAszi&oB_ NAVA "AD WU*. ,Txsy.".,The.,itirisscilenid le" iv* pispared 1104140 s 010F,00 from put ot-A.,3,..a. .10...11..11, Whet by eapeetee rig Whits raq l, 5,.., „ swim , bweeet s it the millisoth team •liiasiiT, i uutrie ,,-0,“ elms oithie, Irtirek far IPI lomer thee Octets ilia be pambamidtaras s ., o k uce ., `tteheesh , She teeelle , te-liets. Lfterpool evArr • Wadowidei 'beam; at Loeb;' lor Q. ma/b. z w ,,p m , :=• •••o'a—JL - 14' iiofti.oa t,YelliMilt4 Dendreg, 8 •11. t: N.-Ole kit Nom or Yamlo TiiitilY sod prelimthe I bel:an44-xtua ead MTh. Ii kleo - my #4 111. We sir rnotTum AU - Ivn sat itamor...,tasi. , :+sa sm. bollmi r:ed=otb'rq sAIKNIIK4IO6 i • boo' Air Ala. 0 .0 , A a BLit.w one rbaL Da t , . “"las. eft age Ohio sod filmil'iltrows.- ifausweris *AUL ruhica, tot rtit*l* l i ltafOabt. goh a i k a ri : It age at 0%0 r eci • 10., sod T5....+1 ' i.e IJP,LACYLVAri...IVO iota. %ANJOU): ..t 64. ILIOSY k • I:E!M!MI CC= ==, COUNTRY KERCILINTS zar noznar a MOND. 17o.;17 71 6 these. nawt. =mum a ood, Ma 17 711111 alreq. rr:•.,w~~,.