The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 17, 1863, Image 3

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ittsbttrgil ttazttiq.
war OPTIMAL PAPER OP 581 0717.
Y~rsosotastOii. Ossaivanon for to GO.
OM. by 6.1. Bbsv. Oytkilin, No. II ilitb
II Or. 71 Slaw.
$ o'clock, 4. 00 68
126 18
" r. 74
All List Act I
In stow of the dispatches we liars reesived
this morning, vs think it is imperative, now
at Wag*, that earned those apathetiocitissas
who have hithertorefused to letffere aaything
or to do myelitis, shall forthwith slough off
that thick, insensible skin of theirs, that
OMITS those inward ports Where men hid, sad
join with their more sensible and ins
obstinate neighbors In making such prepara
tions for horns dolmas—for protecting our
slides sad Lonna-as at this late hour may he
possible. A thorough preparation to meet
any danger, morally &rats it, and renders
the actual and more dissimeable kind of
meeting unnecessary:
Are We in Danger ,
Bona few of our oltlans talk as if they
thought not, and very many of them act as if
they thought not. Bet there is danger, and
the sooner we realise the fan, and prepare to
meet it men ought to meet it, the better.
The news from liaveitan, Greencastle
and Manhattan ought to be enough, of
iteelfito send every man who ban soillalatt
• physimil stragth, into some armed orpnist-.
Lion. And how do we know that there may
not bee column of the rebel army bearing di
rectly downmpon our border at some point
wen of the mountains 7
The Government thinks we are In danger,
and has told us so.' Our neighbors of New
York think so, and are sending us 20,000
men. ' The rebel generals thought so several
weeks age, as is shown by the letter captured
in the late cavalry fight, and which fore
shedowed ray clearly the very lamas that
are now transpiring.
Does our community wish to see a sudden
transition from apathy to terror. from a con
dition of false and careless sanity to one of
aimless energy and utterly unwilling arca—
amiraillng because put forth toe late ?
Important Order from Get. Brooks-
The oepartraeatal Service Ex
We commend the following order, explora
tory of the first order issmd in this depart
ment, to the comint attention of every able
bodied man in the county. The doalties
supposed to be In the way of enlisting nnder
the nmtreguletlons, are now Imp:illy remould,
sad there can be no excuse for any MIA longer
withholding his services for the defense of
the department. The order is so plain that
it deeds no comment :
Ibtaxwarrits Ditrasezirroo sae 1: ono°
Pitutwitith Jona l 4 I
Tba Provident's Pmelamatlos ctlling fa .1z
mgmotba . tapaia dow not au;rercala GM. carts 'stab
I ably; • Data tiorut•l Carps. .30 name of which
trormico sip.' •to be miry., dirstood. It Is so: mr.
alga. t as .alp all anr,RWLmo toe ia. Saps Mao lea for
say dic,n Is paid, but ...rep y lo sotabitan soll keep
Op dat org.a.aul n tor the Lr Isabel alba dafthaa 01
I ova ma ntwt art'. tot familiar to awry orm
and •IR boat wren mqulted. Attar Ow parucula
Mors nog le ow. tn. troupe Witt b» soot to weir
lamas watiartuoy car straws their maid mato..
.ti a. asetiscaro.d. They 'rill or. rmll.ll out only on
gersauums • f hnratrowl Manor or p r odliells low in
**AM • mad la trostron Woe am last ragas. it w
latinOsed Lbini La au . .tears 1101 Ore 000 day La the
we e k wt b. trecossay.
I.TOTIa iIO . ► lbm Immo wads by IC= of the yatio , te
eltlaws of ibis city to samosa tba Gann:mart Oa.
mestassry Moue, LO - VII thew ttealpe Tr. gristly . . a.
VA any milt not haw to watt Ms. art on or Cla
w.' UoSsc as rsito m tacos gas Mari umrps be
tralargrrort to any augur zopartment.
By cow:nail sf
MG Goa. W. T. U. 131100'LS.
T. II WE. By zszt sesS, Clayt. an/ M. A. Own.
L- - .> 4
To the Citizens of ittsburgh.
Wiiinvits the attention o P f, and urge upon,
911 r citizens their sunset efforts to second the
spirit of the following resolution!, which were
adopted at the meeting of the Committee of
Safety, at their meeting held last night:
itssofted, Thai Adjatiat General Eon be
respeollatly mooted to call oat the militia
of taisdistriet tor the porpoise of State debase,
their term of service to anilines only so long
as danger to the State is imminsnt ; and that
he also be requested to maks b tall on all per
sons repabte of bearing arms to immediately
Jona theinselveminto companies elect oftlosrs,
.and prepare by drill for scaly° ;mice, for the
purposes above mentioned.
itreolesd, Viet the chairmen of this Com
' mimes be requested to make en appeal b all
eltlsens to close than pieces of business for
the purpose of enrolling thsmselves for drill
under the call of Assistant Adjacent Gomm
Fiore . for working on the fortificachid:f tions sad
foroirig shorn eves tato squads for ew
And security of this vichoty.
k ia
. '1
. ' 'll
: .
V i
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Legal tettelngests.
ineiated fcr.the Pittsburgh Casette, Arne 10, 16634
etreseasszsettie—rtreesstrsasr z e &wewie.
The Greed Jury returned the following
trim bilis:
Z 97. Com. ie. WM. Bbore,ParmellaWilion,
et it. for foteiblit entry and detainer.
198. Corn. vs. Adam Oxenhart, for loots
taons adultery.
199. Com. vs. Jas. P. Barr, for libel.
200. Com. vs. Geo. B. Blviwi for libel,
201. Com, vs. Ohm. McKnight and D.
O'Neill, for libeL
202. Com. vs. John Gartelly, for nuisance.
203. Own. vs. Anthony Pry, for notional.
204. Com. vi. John Pergnion,for nuisance.
' 205. Corn. vs. Peter Nardi, ter notion° •.
206. Com. vs. Lou's Calla, for nuisance.
227. COm. vs. Stephen Cavil - Asia, too nul
208. Com. vs. Jummert Martini, for nob
209. Com. vs. Andrew Ferguson, for nut
200. Com. vs. The Mayor, Aldermen, and
citizens of Pittsburgh, for nuisance.
k4.2l,lf.orCnonuutivatuo:ody Pattarson, manager,
k. 0., for nuisance..
212. Com. vs. Wm. Lehrman aid Adam I
Herehenroether, for nuisance.
213. COM. vs. R. H. Bartley, seqoestrator,
2 lk. Com. vs. Jas. Blackmer', siquestrator,
. k .
a ili. or join. v s s ee . lan Irwin'sind John Brady,
for highway robbery.
Ann godson, for l
216. Com. Te. ilial7 arceny
217. Cont. vs. 'Surma Gallaher, for felo
nious assault.
218. Com. vs. B. A. Naiolitoni for assault
and battery.
219. Com.vs. Geo. Gooks, for assault and
220. Com. vs. Peter Lehbarger, for assault
' and battery. _
221. Com. v s. Peter Lebbergur, for assault
and battery.
123. Own. vs. Anthony Lehbarger, for as
sault and battery.
The following case' are for soiling liquors
without llamas.
223. Com. vs. J, B. Meyers and J.:ltodgsrs,
of the 32 Ward.
224. Com. vs. P. A. Sherry , of the 32 Ward,
225. Com. vs. L. Wolf, of the 3d Ward.
228. Com. vs. Jos. LadCig and G. Ludwig ,
of the 34 Ward.
222. Com. vs. earolino Stoehr, of the Bth
The 15th P. M.. in Camp Homo
The 15th Pranging& Itilltlll4 radar cow
sand of (101. Bobcat Galway, tuned oat on
parade putuday aftomtooa, fall, uniformed,
sad prossatad Tarr appomaam. The
mensal was not so fail as was dashed, bat
azmined oroditabls dataohmimis from the
owing compasiss:
CO. B, Capt. Watt;
4 ' 0, Capt. ;
D, Capt. Rattan;
B, Copt. Buffalo;
If G, Copt. Balaton.
Ii lo *spatil that Co. A, Oipt. Gross mid I
Co. Capt. Hammer, will report tools;.
Tem rosimsat, atm 'parading , through the
Wham stroms, marshal oat ht Camp Mows,
Wham they will mauls for the present. Thai
will as
wilt bo osos Provided with orayabig
Emory for camp life.
Grausiotte AUL
Lest evening a squad of men who hue been
engaged on the entrenehments on Coal
(or the put two day, received a vary kind
invitation from Mr. and Mak James 311111n
yrr, to partake of an sualbmt sapper which
lud been prepared for the ocessien. The In
vitation was erupted, and everything passed
.41 pleasantly and agreeably.
of than
Use men dbeforeoing
ample Justice to the good Also set
Ans. Ater supper a vote ks
tendered, three rty chews were
and thr given
for M &Mager. sad his amiable lady. flue
mu, prtor to working on the entuooltments,
were employed at toe planing suit of Mr.
fritliogyr• . _
Annum on Sterriorox.—ThoUss H. L 1147,
of Austral notoriety, was arratat a tsw days
ego, by Col. Hosier, Provost Marsirsr, on sap
pardon of betas ditioyai. His took was 4'-
mot/od, bat sottdeg of a duloyol eaten wu
A Is wae asosetained that sins* twirl
the AurstuJ,lrsiey went to Now York attyi
sad vol MVO to oonuasnos w etting at his
tr(sislUagehe hardware for saddles) gait
Monda ade y. Tu *doss of his visit to thu olty
is not saws. He was Muni Ow tutu.
Ina Nay Yorrindrucors.—Work Is ,
resew' vary favorably upon the forullesuond
arooad call olty Lend they will loon be reedy
ter Ule vas. vle OM It stated thet the worn
on Astrales lilll, seat ilisanvice, writ be
fumed Port limos, in honor Of _UN IMO*
Jobs Ileum Iv Is seggeatid that SU mal
sr work. fn the brourity. be named York
Anderson. In nreatery of the rate Col. June.
mulaaos. Both these WU, inl.l,ll2oWitito d
honored Addams, and the num woad be sp
. • to,
Can. Y. A. Buxom" (Wm Skit Montan
tat o f Co. It.lOom Pa. toltmost) t toorids•
ifig WUP•ha gai ocaPss:. w moo minas
I m promos onitpally. Uept. Dilworth is •
wow. ouoirolosoo; and sal ors deairiog
to sailsc eaglet doltostsi this job" his eon
play. Bo biAntal toad as ids hoad.
;WOO stmt.
328. Com. vi, P. Pane, of the Sit Ward.
229. Com. ye. N. Binten, of Ist Ward, Al.
230. Com. vs. Jas. Porter, of the 3d Ward.
231. Com. TS. *TIMM! Porter, of 31 Ward,
231. Con. vs. Jacob Ofinehart, of 31 Ward,
233. Com:vs. Charles Warish,lll Ward,
231. Clem. vs. J. P. Batiste:a, 4th Ward,
235. Com. TS. S. Korot:mg% 4th Ward, Al
236. Com. va. Bred. Boner, Birmingham.
237. -Cons. vs. Prod. H. Brtiman, Bir
238. Com. va. Daniel Laver,Billsbeth.
239. Com. va. Barbara Pau 1.111111•0001 -1110 .
240. 0012. vs. John Pronnliolts, iaawrenee
241. Joseph Jonas, McKeesport.
Walker, Idefieesport.
243. Com. vs. WWI= Voigt, Booth Potts
21 rgh.
4. Com. vs. Margaret Moyer, Mononga
hela. •
245. Com. vs. Andrew Miller; Collins.
246. 001:1. Ts. Miettsal Shireman, Collins.
247. Com. va. 8011111114 Bolton, Coliloa.
248. CM. To. J. Bogert and P. 'E.t.a%
249. C.m. vs. Thomas Patterson, Pahl*
250. Com. vs. James Dignaos, Puebla.
151. Com. vs. Jesse Plant inton, Pima.
252. Coil. vs. Joseph D. Keating, Boss.
253. Corn. va. Peter Brioig, Loiter St. Clair.
151. Cons. vs. O.IIIItISI Coatmeler, Lower
255. Com. vs. Clement Chettle, Lower St.
256. Com. vs. Bliohasi Krieg, Lower St.
The following bills were Ignored :
257. Com. va. Mary llotalag, for adultery.
W m. Boiling to pay oosto.
258. Com. ye. Andrew IL °roots, for for
gery. Cloy to pay costs.
259. Own. vs. Margaret Smith, for assault
and waster,. Nancy Campbell to pav ousts.
260. Com. ye. Mall Ann Potting, for as
unit and battery. Elisabeth Lenberger to
pay costs.
26L Com. vs. Catharine Barry, for ilITOSIII•
County to pay coats.
262. Com. vs. A. Moevelor, for honing nut
woe. Comm to pay costa.
J alga Sterrett resorted to the Grand J sty
that sins holding has position, he had oiler
seen 1111011 laborious dukes performed with the
Weary and vigor shown by the proSsat jury.
Although In session only eight days, they
hal paastal upon more than two handfed and
sixty bill.
Tha Court then adjourned until Thursday
Supplies for Soldiers.
The following letter which tells its own
story, has just been received by the Christian
001111111111‘00 :
Mueseaminoao, 'tare., Jane 10, 1863.
I. have reputedly said thee we are doing a
geed work hen. andreat and effectual door
has been opened ; so fir as the Christian
Coninalesion in the Department of the Cam
hernia is concerned, we hale good wage to
thank God and take courage. Bat we. Piave
it ts possible for as to d much more good then
we have been doing. o We must, however,
have thermos'. We foci gruel sod I
I- sure you th e soldiers of this army feel
fal for what lite ehristisn people of
Pittsburgh and tillegheay have already done.
In the way of supphas, yon bare done nobly.
Both at Pleilivitie and Murfreesboro, boles
• marked ". Pittebarg army committee," are
frequently rgailleva. These hospital stores
are very acceptable. We need them; indeed,
eels belle them. You coma send us too
large a quantity of them. Bat what we sp.
dear need now is reading matter. We
ceive a large quantity of pepen, treats, ..,
but we most have mess bound volumes, pock
et bibles, and bobke of general Lauren. It
is our intention ,Air up • reading room for
soldier*, and to form a oirenaleting
La this way we lad pereneded that we could
aecomplithu greet deal more good amo the
10141•111. Sow we , make this appal leg
blends In Pitteburk. Will you help us to do
thief Will you send lee good interesting
books, pareplUate,
pain, ie.? Doubt
ng you have them to spare. Oar brave/Ol
ean nagging the changes and hardships of
the camp anti the battleAeld, need than.
Will yen not do what you can to supply
them with wholesome • religious reeding I
Let garb on, thee, to whom this appeal ontes,
do enseillog, and great good may be seam
plUbsd, sin a God will base you for It. Give
books, give pamphlet, give papers, Aloe
pocket bibles, give everything. Let the eel;
diem know ised feel that you sympathise with
them, gad appreciate their services. By thus .
Mapping their spiritual wants lon not only
fortify them spinet temptation, and etreegth.
es them In the principles of re li gion . , bat you
cheer them, encourage them, sad Disko them
every way-better ••soldien of this country.
X wary day in our prayer meetings, they in
voke God's blueing
. spots you for what yea
have done. hiey'tney lean just as good tense
for gratitude in tthle to some; mid we want
you to bear in mind that Ibis army le depen
dent for *applies mealy upon the•friende in
Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Oieveland and Chasse. e-
We do not receive, nor aie we expect to s
nile eniplies from the gut. I mean from
the rowan omit of Pittsburgh or Philadelpia.
Dinot at least three-fourths of your sup
plies to Murfreesboro. Beeolleet that the
wan the army of the Cambetlaedle
ken. There are bating trosp‘oimparatively
at SaairelUe. Whatever you may *boon to
end is Ma needed lan here. Let the people
of Pittsbargli know Cu? wants. Do whet you
can, and may nod bless you.
t tone, L. $
veteth. Capt. lutes iomponl , or the 17th
Pansy Wash" Camay, wino deserted on the
29th ute.. at Fredermasbarg, was arrested by
OuL rooter, yesterday, and by him tamed
over tol, the Provost Gourd, under Capt.
Wrighti to be forwarded to his regiment.
urtersr...-At the Dental Insti
iintoilici. Wit, - Yens street, sets of tooth for
ionr do e, better than those et 6.111
at aysi 0 sr dental estebUshments. Au per
sons an requited , to giant as the Institute
after g yeerialtted two Wrest Furs at
the nth etump per. Patients it be
snared theleouldh and preview at the In
ilSointgartty or rowdy is allowed.
• -
IliesttagofiberEretratl v e -Coatatitteer
of Peelle Safety.
Boon or vet Tummy' Comeniza of Turn
Pirrserisen, Joe e 16, 3861 j
To the Mimeo of Allrgiessy Comely
The most reliable information
. piiissased by.
your Committee, shows the importance of vigi•
lent and prompt sedan, to Wale safety tothis
comani.y. No pitmen loyally disposed
should hesitate as to the 00tille - to be putatled.
Let all be prepared for any and eery emer
gency. The works for the fortification and
defense of these cities and vicinity west anif'
&hall progress to coompistion, notwithstandm
eny rumors or reports that may prioall fro
time to time, whether favorable or otherwise,
to the success of the Government in Its efforts
to maintain nationality, Thelon, and free in
In obedienao toe resolve of your Commi of
tee, j 'am directed to appeal to the citizens
Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and addjoiningNoisier
oughs and districts, to =upen all ,
(except such as may be essential for the sub
sistence of the people,) and that all stores,
shops, offices manufactories end factories, bo
closed netiaurther orders. _
That pee cots, co pable of biasing arrn/s
forth witn enroll themselves in military Or
ganizations for drill, active 110111011 and de
lenitive warfare, under the several orders of
Major General Brooks—the proclamation of
Governor Curtin, or the orders of Assistant
Ad. Gen. lieu, hereto annexed. That all
persons, not so enrolled, shall form them
sabres into squads, for labor, and work upon
the fortificamone for defence and moult, of
this vicinity.
We earnestly ato the ppealpatriotism of
every °WOO. Let there be no idler. Lel is
permit no grumblers. Our fortunes, besides,
end suture—oar liberties and honor are en
dangered. We cannot, is tom mini
Let permitur
them to be uatifloed or thiperilled. o
good women provide plainly for our waste.
Co them we surrender Our household cares.
We know they will faithfully and well dia.
*barge their trusts. We must guarantee to
them Mikity end proteetion.
Let ns sot u one man, with one mind, and
for one pnrpose—the perpetuity of Ainirscan
iberty, institutions and laws.
On behalf of the Committee.
Wm. 1- Joantroo, Chairman.
, .
ElZaaVaiTsaa psalm. ?annul
I iatb..9ll, .h.... 16. muss.
10" TH E GOV itlibilat. or 'lli.ti , Oirbi•
mONWiI&LTa ' sutlimted the or.
trantaation ol Oompeitaes ant i*
raembi of tufgatry,
to ...rye doting the lamella% emergency," an prians
to Western PenzwaTeso is mettle al ben 111 scan ars
aroetn. rrqaegied liaceadlately to* Droll tbesativ.s
tato wor, aa, parlor compeant. atacir• et ttielr ova
'6.01 - a so t repo , t with ttte least ;erosible delay to
Owes head.; avers for orders.
I ate authorise:l to etryardatsace Met the
realm, e ev, cm. .1 I be for S otaa'a 5,1
after tbe present, Wear., shall have named.
Taus •111. HOWL.
aIT . . A. h. Adrt Gatil Peen.
010 TIS Baines for
family and in ANDanstfaanaring purposes, are the
best in nee.
A. P. Cstaronr, General Agent,
No. 18 Filth street.
THOLti PARKS, Plain and Ornamental Slats
Roofer, and dealer in l'annaybrania and Vet
snout elate of the but quality at low rates.
Moo at Alex. Loughlin'', tows
the Wale
Works, Pittsbargh,l.k. ap8:11m
Free Dn . ' 0001:11, LLCMS, gO.--WO 0111/ at
tention to the advertisement of J. M. Surat
ileid, manes of 4th and Market streets. At
his establishment may be fond the greatest
variety of goods for CAM and bora wear as
well se the belt and lowest prios of ladles,
dress goods sod white goods for ladies, Geri
andr Bomb field also offers the Wiest
finest sesortment of Lerm goods to be found
toms . establishment this ride ; f the moon
tams AU his goods ass at the limey& prises.
7.513 -ell would dt well to oat at air - Burett
f..i.d's store and •lIMIDS for themselves;
they will there find not only ores of the Asset
lot of dry goods, but polite and obllgiogoin•
pioyess, who consider it no trouble to show
goods to customers.
bray AllitTLL 0/ 80111M111 Ct.oraiwil.-Of•
ten we are mead, whorls oat we buy • neat
zed comfortable summer suit, made to order,
Laos boring tie obsr.oe of selecting-our own
goods 7 To all there inquiries ere= answer,
Motlee A CO., 00r9•1'
Foderel street and Diamond Seam*, Allsere-
1 cy, end role will bo suited recording to your,
tseto. They have jest received their snallner
goods, and for elegem°. of styles they winnot
be surpassed, end for fitness they we the Tea
persons, seaustr work ts all done under their
own supervlsiob. Give them a call, sad you
cannot fail to be satisfied.
AITIVTION, RITIIIL1111) V °torrents t—The
attention of our country's breve defenders To
oenty returned from dreamt. of war and of
the politic to general, ii again direet:d to the
very extensive and handsome assortment of
the latest styles of Yrinett, 'Bnglish and
American Owe goods, for pan% sost&and
vests, lately received by MOMS. Jobs Wider
& Co., Merchant TWO'S, No. 126 Faders'
street, Alleohe3y. A tasteful selection of
gentlemen's furnishing goods sill also Minis
be found on the shelves of the establishment,
together with a lot of readylns& alatklag,
got up in the best manner. .
Jew Brr%num nos TIII ilor.--amasel
Gra36131, rierakiaTlC Talon world ropeatially
Interco big trims& od tha pabila In gesersl
that he bas inst returned from the least with
his new stook' of aping and Gamma Goods,
%hoisting of ill the latest styles of sloths,
conforms and vesting,. ()imagines desiring
I stack to Walt from that cannot he surpass.
ed by shy other In the sit:hand their Wit.
mots made la the most fultionsbla manner,
would do well to glee him a *all before par.
shaming elowhers.
BL wan GLOWS. Mordant Tailor,
N 0.14 blunt street, ono dose bon nisi.
Cowart , ze Nasnt.taa.--R M. Ykaoker,
Pitoner, Onsaaago county. 1.1 s w York, writes:
i t
"I am stzty years of sp. By the use et
Kos. S. A. Alien's Morld's Nair Restorer. ruy
grey heir is restored to its natural
tcoon. i
ara satisfied it is not a dye. butthe
.seurctions. My hats 0631101 to falL Your
1 Hair Dressing is superior to a'l ettisrs. For
eruptions It has no sinal." Sold by druggists
everywhere. Depot, 198 Grewnwink sueeti
Now York. ,
rotas's tato the. expepare and danger of a
rotators life, should prepare TIISISIOITOS for
the fatal foyers, the alseates7, the sores sad
mum, wbish an almost oattala, to &p
Ilatoisre Nits, used oftastousity during
tha catapalso, edit same soul& Noah to ITT.
sty m en. Oily 36 eats pa boz. 214
NOTIOS TO. PIANIST' Ilocamul, Agin' Les
Aty Orsati Psi Mille or al
undoes to woo or dwoUlap, sa'► TOZ es
earthing "e Is the Orepantar Us% at
Oatabett's Cerpoter Shop.= Virgin sihrh
shore titadthAeld 'create. AU osiers prosaptcy
[ teemed to.
Ileisibt, WI Fess street, Mts
lIS Seto4oloa•
Rebels SI
20,000 Rebels Reported a
New Market
Troops Arriving fr om New lork and
New J ersey.
Ilausrauto, June 16.—Dispatches reostved
up to this hour from Shippentbag, Maas
miles this side of °Manhattan, show dutt: .
the rebels are stlll M the latter plasOn fares,
not exceeding tiro *Outwit cavalry ! ph no
infantry. .
Gen. Jenkins, aho oommands the . rebel
forces, ordered all stores in Chainbersbusg to .
be opened et nine dafoek this morning, which
was complied with. The merchants were
forced to lake Oeitlederste money in payment
for their goods. '
At one &cloak te - -day the rebels were drawn
up in line of battle, on 0.1. Illoaluro's farm,
antledpating an &Reek. .
The rebel 4:Lesley to-dat,eoenpled MUGS.
town, siesta milli, from Getkralstag. At but
amounts that halt not denial beyond that
point. .
The rebel Olken at IThiabersburg stated
'that Vol were only wattles for infantry to
arrive, when they would moire forward. The
authorities hare doubt this statement, sad aro
Wallas& to believe that they . win not mese
further north. ..
The farmers in the valley its 'Sandlot their
hones and cattle into the raziotsins, to avoid
their billion into the rebels' hands.
The rebels are gathering uall the
that can be found, with the intention of=
111:17.14 0311/46a OALee ein be LUZ
of tlio Ono:Juio oala% N0.,1615 'Marty Wed,
,lay or rtlght. AD oTdoro loft at ttto &NM
Faso ea Do stomptly ottosiool to. All 01111
50.% bAr pr td 's stimsel.
wbo ban sevollia tber , navel in ibis
th.mploy am afloat to winet Om klWeal
LOT, wow* U.S guni 615 pafkad 51111 Baud
thins% at Ws. is. drcliel b0a1661..
-86.7 81. JR, Lteut. eurrd'ir.
NCuriSiCimnibbe lB .
.1.1 10) Poses 6m:4ooes snd W.ll Obsew;
b 6611. Frio, D.y ratobes, (Livia);
7,1 buss. writs@ Lep Apples;
)0 elAs. rant 1101:612f;
%0 dusts tied
Jestr4olVNlandfur ie LA
VAN:G sn O d A ODmEDit
Jett_ _. _ •
ritt-71 ti
Arm 'tea of the wrest Sad =cat
atylam at Dull, WI% arab. Ohoeolate sod
Grum WWI, tor tale law at 2‘ woe VA at. 044 at:
t J. a N.
tSC"--"---tiAS.C(..--2.4 WS. pril//0 U. auger,
di) do Y. IL to;
uto do 010111 do;
ID store sad Off solo by ELZADKIBT
9 mill' rkiatitit eatUULDBti", net
1.41.4.vviy moked,Lbsea. 000,711.gbrizsyrssidesrlia00...cut:1
19n 19 nnslllol.4 4 *Own. I
ztUr.--au OM. eiird rtonny inrnpi!
I' to do stattal brown do;
In Ital. SO4 for saa b 7 1/111AU a all Zia a,
IstO Loam swat
ibbotit tortotguatopt,
tot o f Chat law ee
few l.
o± A° l2" SI 00. •
gugibzuso— , JAN CNA** fa mil. by
, LJ aT nobcrsa.
Ili Dia" ' -
11°111"16°I'lquatialislifillirtuanwl 14r a co."
at Chamberib
them along.
Bo few is heard 110111,01111t8 property has
been respected. Last night they learnt the
railrood bridge aorou load Creek, BIZ
miles this tid e of Chambin ßoa ha t rg.
Th. SZOIVIIMIetd. hen ts =balding, although
hndreds of woisten and ehildtvm left the oily
du the Several citizens, on leaing,
were booted OA coined at by the crowd
assembled at do depot.
Tim troops are not reepouding to the
Governors cell with that promptness
witiohlhoie Who bow the trite position of
affairshere Would &wire.
1114. Bee', h e
of Transportation,
his made anangements with all railroads in
the State, by which troops essembling for
the defence of the State will be furnis ehd
transportation on application at the office of
such oarepastos.
The authorities have information, which
hoe not been sonersowd up to elm present time,
that the rebels avast New Yorke, Pa. with
• force of 20,000 or 25,000 min.
The hotels are Ailed with &legates to the
-Democratic Gonventioa which meets to - mor
-IWW. Messrs. Dirtier sad Witte are the two
most prominent eandidatiwr , for Governor.
The friendi of Beth men ass hard
has at worktende :
The Gorsimor of New Jersey
Pennsylvania the serviette of many men,
whisk ban been seapted. •
The 7th New York will arrive to night,
and be folloyed by three or four other regi
ments !caustics same Buts.
Excitlog Reports front Gen.
llookees Army. •,
Wee You, June 16.—The iag Pow
prints Washington specials as follo Seee ws: Per-
eons from the front this manning report all
waist. There are no aline of the rebels this
side of Culpepper. Oar army is in a new po
-Alton, thoroughly reorganised. and full of
confidence. There are na signs of the enemy
on the Potomac' between hero end Harper's
The ;sprees prints the following u a Utter
from Washington: Hooter has retroatedfrow.
Falmouth to Warrenton to intercept Lee, who
was &destining ou Washington. Lee passed
down through Thoroughfare Gap, flanking
Hooter, and cutting off an Wile amps, (woe
-sot ghee.) willob is stippointl to be captured.
Leo to driving Hooter, the latter retreating
to Alszandrie. Hooker burned a large por
tion alio tents, provisions, to., stream:nab,
[ltiVili be remembered that the Baps
a oopperheed organ, and its news ought,
therefore, to be read In the Ilitt of this knowl.
edge. , Doubtless, in ilde nese, ..the wish is
Ia nto the thonght."l .
IN amuse DOOM'
Dim Patch from Gim m es Calling,
for Trooply.
Postmaster Von Bonnhont has metrod the
following brief and important mosey from
GOlllllOl Cl*ll $
, llassmaime, Jane 16,1663.
The eneinT Is appreachiag. I mast rely.
„ po i, ti. people for the defense' of the gm%
ani3 having* the militia for that porpolei
The tam of 'atria will only be while the
danger in tics fitata is immineat. Bend ler
wazd e olopes . iiu es 1100Z1,1411101111b116
:: rtigasd,) A. G. Ovani.
is - filssomil 'BUM,. CtowtomMlo9.
Joesillon ems, Mo., Jane 16.-The filthy
oirventies sot et 9 e'olook, A. M.
Mr- smith, of Bt. Louts, tatrminoml an or
dunes providlng,/st; That no 'Wu eltMl
come Into the 81ate for permanent Attain.»
Moneta t 2 , 1, That ea the lth of .1 aly, 1870,
slavery shall, mate fIitVIIR to Mluourl t lid,
That tke legislature may by leo deelire the
Oland, states of free ent of °Mor t and by • it ea hum pat ane iy stem of ap-
V,,,,,doisasp, to be unshed thy:111'10ot the
(Mona!; spinet snoh pusonsbeoombg &pub
U. clmp.
I A cloomittio a ono from WA oosiiroutonal
&WM ism otootod by Om Couroutiou, to eon
glair au plass sad proposition for am Mum.
611,140:111o.::bitoreekfttliosaindo ola ts uo rto s sui l ie n t It o
sepo to d o ksine mm it : Towt:Toottuts : is
Ur. Woks milled up his imaaolpotiork reso
lution, Offorod yostordoy, sad moUs, lengthy
Omoreatiou *luau.
pubis the ottoman issolon, several plans
o f miscipation wars introduoed, withal'', to
pitisiwith!tarolinaid maralog and
leitaday, refuted to the Quainittes on
Eataboipattom .
Latest from; Vinkaburi i
manta Arvid , id—Graas Hopeful and
bo s scanah ;020 /.6.2114121211 from below
w a s i bog °Mehl dispatehes from Grant to
noon ilthi
6 l
of the
i I t
11 ' bp
;tentton.: Tan ilt bosuns
watehad. It is doubtful stoat Ids having
iambs to moss the door, tut 010 21100t0110.
bayou soy agora hiss belittles to make tha
mssss Tko reboil Walker is at.'.lfasoa. mid
i s opoos cold to baro artbrad with oh divta-, - 1
ton of Wag from Jima.
Great It esullamt asid -
Abm t %ago plamism arrived hue -from
FROM Ti.ll"Jl wilsi3El.:
i i i
Special Disistob to the Pittsburgh bootie.
- . riarzusnoso, Jima 16,1863.
• -
- The fallowi g resignations were accepted :
Lima. W. H. Papkin, 9th By.; Lint. Mary
Byers, 17th; Capt. N. IL Wallace, 93d Ohio;
Capt. W. N. Nord, Bth Kansas; Capt. B. G.
Weoiworti, 913th Ills.; Capt. 0. B. Bowles,
40th Ohio; Lieut. Gay W. nooks:a, 10th
Ills.; Lieut. W. B. Scott, 4th Indiana Cav
alry; Col. J. G. Bieftlinn, 10th Wis.; Lieut.
O. V. Orgy, 70th Ind. Plpkin end Boott for
insomPatenoy;.Gray for the good of the serviee.
hiaj.ll.A.lditahell, Ist Whi g disqualified by
wounds for active eardoe In
the fisia;
duty 1 1 e or
dared to report to Gast. Boyle for at
Information obtalsod from deserters, to.'
day, loads to the ballet that the sltuof3on of
the Mods in front has not boon matorially
*honed tines thelaste
a rebel dvice, soldier" that
. The common
Impression among th Ls
large reinforcements for Grant lave gone from
Roseman? army. '
Wm. Nisei, of the 9th Sentneky, was shot
to-day for desertion.
' ' News is soiree to-night. All quiet, and all
eyes timid Ewa.
Excitement Alen. the Line of the
• Pennsylvania Railroad.
"Polka Dispatch to the Plumber& Gann`
JOllllllOl/11, Jim 16.—The excitement all
along the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad
is increasing. •
the Governor hes Issued a prOolamstion
ceiling out the State Militia, and ordering the
posting of copies of the proolimation at all
post *Moe and public places. The oallis re
sponded to with much enthusium. The
country for miles all along the track appears
deserted exempt by women and children, most
of the men having responded to the all.
According to, the latest smuts readved,
it appears that Sarrisburg bee not yet fallen
intethe hands of the rebels, notwithstanding' .
the report to the contrary; neither b it con-
Arend that the Raliroad track in that viola
ty has been torn up.
Pittsburgh was in a state of the most
internee excitement; business being suspend
ed and the citisensjoining in the preparations.,
for defence.
It was reported in that oily that urls
burg was burning, baying been fired H
by the
rebels; bat this also lacks confirmation.
The I o'clock are from Philadelphia was
delayed somehous by the breaking down of
a , freight tgdn. ,R. A. A 0.
The Siege of 'Vicksburg...The Sir..
stews upon the POlnt of utiny:. :
The Battle at B M end, ete
lisentunisnas, Foul Minn rit ran Rums
o y Vralliatlal), Jane 10.—The siege Is still
prosecuted, and with more fury during the
past two days. • Several of the enemy's guni
were silenced by oar batteries and -sharp.
shooting. ;
Deserters say that the garrison is upon the
paint of mutiny, and that they are desirous
of fighting their way. out to Johnston, to
which the chief °Moen, will not consent.
Alt previous reports of destitution are
The rebels occupy &abatis and YesooOlty.
Poll accounts from Miniein's Bead mine
our loss In the recent battle 140 killed and ISt
Col. Leib and eight Magill wore wounded, ,
and four Lieutenants killed in commanding ;
the negro troops.
The bleats are admitted to have fought with
great bravery after the black flag was raised
by the enemy, killing every rebel they reached.
The rebels were under hicOulloch; who was
mortally wounded.
Colonel Allan was killed, and Colonel Fitch
Ls believed to be a prisoner.
The enemy lost one hundred and ten kilted,
left ea :the field. The wounds! i
yen meetly
earned off.
The enemy appease! at Young's Point, in
for Tuerasy. It le believed to be their
inunition to reinforce Vicksburg and cross
"' The rebel' are oommunioating from the city
to DeSotb Point, with their Louisiana allies.
The navigation in the Misiissippi is becom
ing more lasardons.
No trouble is experienced froutJohnstrin yet.
The predietions ere various about the fall of
Thermometer 95.
Br. Lotus, Jute 16.—News from Vicksburg
up to the the
evening of the 12th, states that
there Is no change in the ;misrule of
Pigs. General Dennis in command of
Mitilikhes and, who was largely reinforced,
started on anupedition to Richmond, Ls.,
to attack MoCullough, who is reported to have
near 6,000 troops.
Nine hundred and Oyster. soldiers mostly
Iron Indiana, Illinois, and Towatred
here today They p to Jefferson Bar
Blathers by Telegraph.
Cutomesi. June IG—r. —near rusebanged.
113Zrettttrteafr41.2:::°.ivort, ertora
nal math doing In' whit.. Own and ode an
alined. It Malty 40 cents, sod stead,: Settling
done In provi•leas. Mewl 011, St In. God Iles
edvanoed to St 44111 47. Sliver, 11l 135. lichanp
sg44no on
'DAWSON. Mo. . •
Its. 3. W. DADVIILD Inalskilma tat doll
Dypot by *s ra Lan fur rt. rated .
Miff Pasuuur rzzawaßti. -
W. on anon! to arm ibis on tbs ant Damao
tars, far orb. bat GILD MOP On owl
TOMPIIDOSI, at tbo toast mond ran
• Oran liolaft al sal promptly stiondad to.
PIM yaßtfratit i MUSD.
if Tols rod' Pony Gera,
DI Kansa Dar, Dots'" of MOIL= titwit.
19. w
Re vs sat salsa et the prier et r h h°
White, Checked andliancirleettings,
In seem etylik Ana of • isnwh* . q!en t l .
owns ircipitocs. & CO,
jos et 1,71PT11 trrialtint.
.L rtrrum— O,
ssw marralnasmarr.
Wit. TATE, Sr., & CO.,
. .
Dagen , Is I.IIMI PIP& `SWIM, lillAtt; • 111 Z.
vssoils. etrltetcoll/..t,DSLUItte, 1111.0111101,
saj,"Pt.tatXTlD Amll,34:7.4...rriLit,l.l.llol,:alsttt..pmwird.l:l4.ltttLueganzatiot.t.vissi. _
Do. se. twit W. 4 rstilla/a. brass r,
N. 8.-7,4topttttog ixotos l 7 otPudo4 to. jellay
"W kinds.
Slsdosol, WI andWS. & ban%
ralttwar• Sontag; • •
. Sias White inn zi.
sad nisin bbl.. • my%
WWI Oaths; •
ion bbia.ll. Volaseir;
• So di 0- -
ao boy.
• -Si blids.
• libirssis by
Ts% a as cki•A_PlihatiOlL PbUdlllata,
mug asp , MM.% So. OF L 1 a rm
fa Mama midi al
ITtekaomilll'il'ilullifinilsb LIMO PIPS, S
MOLY& -DM/. TAUB, 01416W% 12 -t a
Mit TOB. mad ALIA. P Hx•
Daman' nip
SidUlLMllidds ,bpd •• sin aim.
taritike,l3lliiprtor copper - 1 0 R
anavtisoliro* 7
CO., •
it.mictino SEASSIMILT
BOLT, COPIR, TIMM) 09/141*„/
obo Livened. and dealers in 111STALS,TILI/ L
Main 13024, WIMP, is. Oosutiostly 4,
=UMW 14.4talIna AND TOOLS: •
WAtiocsonsa, No. 149 Stitt sad Lin &Cala •-
Pittatiatgh. P0521 9 / 1 .
larapecha orders o! Copper cat to any desired pit
tarn. mism-40,10i
To Nervous Buffeters of Both
g 1 -L reverend gentlemen having been to
stored to health iy $ few days, after undergoing ell
the venal routine and hregular expenalse modes o.
treatment, without sucows, =eiders it his no to
dayto communicate to his dilated fallow madame
the we're or mu. Hawk on the reogri of an ed•
dreseed envelope; ' .111 send (foe) soapy of the
pleeklpthete sie& ptiect to Dr. JOBB InG•
SALL.IB6 Yul*i street, Brooklyn, B. Y.
useturcs of IRON HAILING, 1:SON Val) M
WINDOW GUARD% So., Nos. 91 Boxed stsvoi. bad
Be TWA divot, between Wood sad Harlest. .
Hos ea baud • Twisty of my Estier 92 . 1F 9 : 1 7
sod &Eh idbibl• fee all purposes;
Pullosdar attontkra paid to eneloslag OtITO Lot
Jobtdor done at short notice. • isb9
Lang, Miller if CO.
works at libarpantag Station. allosimaii Vono)
11111110111. MOD and Watabouso. No. 113 New=
=Err, ritattash
isaldimattwo of ELLNNINATING and MORI.
or No.l =MOM OIL. warranted nott.oxido.
oink oimoTtubi",
W. C. 11111141.
"11=0011' DOURILMEN* * II , II4OII KILLS*.
701711211141 AND MACZISIitiI,
Wonna, Pittabargh,l'enn'a.
Oman, No. 911/anixe BTIm.
alasuslanarl , all Wadi d =WI 12FICIMEWO
ariossum 1011.11.181liti done on slue
wn. hss:4l,..
laC"----------------Pittsburgn liteisl Wort.
Kanafaotataan of OAST fiTIAL; also, BPIWNO
AILS& mew of Loa and SIM stream, Pittabarab,
y sy
ossateas ka.aurearesuois ,
'.-- And Nanutacturers of
80. 7 fin OLLIE. STAMM, and
DIIQUIBINS WA?. new the Bridge,
Erwwasug isErtimas4uoursori,,,.-.•
ZiIdNI7I.I.GTIJUSS. . " ' ..1..;
No.. lt. add arm;
. botome. Nitioli Imbi
garasist.oo ins
HOLIVD3 & SONS, Dealers
NOTES AND APH(NE, No. 61 blanket otreet, Mttr
ner Ilineetiona tondo on al Mtn ;rine:pal eltiall
throughout di. COtt.,'"
,1 3 8 7 3e 21
ItlttiltrACTUßS.l3.2 and dealers In BOOS, PRINT,
Wrilave removed from No. 27 Wood street to Itct.
89 Bralthdeld Meet, Pittsburgh, Ps.
MilrilAßil Oft TRADE- YDS
GOWAN go t Mar"
WiLUDING AND Col6llBsth 2 i
lithe dater In MEWL, BLITTILIC,.
17211, szka Produce vancally, Ito. <b !Food Ire,g
IPlttaburgb. Pa. nal
Em ean Monk
ID! . :D . II#I3LT O I 6 .
Large6 l / 4, best sail spent ssiortmimt to the ail, it,
Pz ocg~s
Opposite the Post Ottlce
Alio, • lugs apply of
ogitagar HOLMES&
11)010ET Booss,
look. Shiliatiery and Naitt-Dart, appal'. the Pat
rpoToGuAra. BOOMS,
Ohl and bd dod, over Thichardaeo`o .Traelry Stow,
PHOTOGRAPH& of eTary Maim Oda or
alma, from the popliii Oat!, ildts to Whist
sad Lib
Xr.p32llllXCrXrrosibl partiendarty calLtbast.
toratkeng the AalD MID MUM to thil . i.4*rrat - ...
tattfor tbL rataXhitairrit, ban reached brava-
ale abort Inght at stars. •
Pin= =MM. anoBlllificti°ll Ia
.. . .
' ,‘,44l),lntiverte
10 "4"4345
(Mom* to Jump' Hama Jroß4 - •
„ . .
• • .
' - POISX: I lOrilio. ......,.
~..., , ,:•.
1111011. ND MOT -in: - -- , -
.. AND TkaErr , ISTIMICTS, .-
_•llt4t. -,- - , 4 P..........r... _v•
.b-------,-----"------------' .
Niki. - - A. Ai.' ..0 , WA./ lat ttppevyulop I
, Worms tie - ethos" ,i9t .41stabersii, , ibak ,
M 99.9 Dom -appentad eldestent for ibikisvot. 109,
; Or. a ape• ar aaaa Wixom la awri.ou.aroAly a
eau; . Tha Ste ,09109.11119114.4 by sta lialast hones
la lb. ail, amcor übk,b. 0r...._., , , :. .. :.. '•—
Mutt. Usliires? 0LC0.,! 19 sxassitoil ; ...,
Ilooilits&rs di 9.0 i tiox am •Astit c 0.,..
Valk rAutaui aux; - :,. •,-. - ,
UUL' lilt
V. nut •li•Lsis, tulquisatties. tPelgike. ...•
• neap. Inas end Cotton OX .!1.11 1 !,
&airs on/i.VPIIIO
004Iaa ikid•Rtdittit• far (Natoli 71, •
:limo . 'Nines and
'Opts. Cobol bhp.' Sao N. iq.etb .
Mani iusClvta• Wirailcim. ' 3l i s i4 T.
..114 11•Vam to. •
04.P.U.L.4 i I
41111513;.110,17S INLYw.eall • DITIZTA. II
-,1 - P lll
CILIMII3 of aloft dooftofsou..tellfOid M tb" .3l "
oodbor. at th• tot artagrace, viz : Poidetuhs l 9
ollothor olaboojik6o. a. Awrim.os. •
Attorney at •
004 Lair .
• Ifo.flOr&n Y i t .141"16 rifolbullf4l6..
N If odolga does oaf'
mai --rre natio. :11
J,--: ; , :iimiciaizi. ,
:Nomm ad ,„, -- i - esaluassombs i!cry!da :
e S s is.aserrios , sto, . .• pww
A ./10--. - ',
:a. taldidigsadidd d y , at sid,l4d Cl atv use.
!dig - be MO at OM lota MOW* o i DtszsoDd di di.
Id *ditty of.,ll,_ldtdded. op Tio It daD)&, .1 soy t
" 114 . 11 . UP eillWL d , ILI Bomb., d raystesde: Had
Add IIMIns; Miami SWOON :Bar Hai
stab ,Tiout - igt.sou alga. sown. p:i.:_:.. - ~., ,:,
111/31i° YAM) 32 was , ur opts.
',LP artior . 00 rff-• 11WAS' ))10rjri a AK1,,,,
• -
filiaaa- O . 111.1 ,
.140 CO.
. • - ,-.,,,
_ .
caues•Drice 'axis. ci. w.i: 3 ..
hieroharkt, 'Tailors.
_.......,......„ i.
. _ •
, •
AdoOtoito it/v.lllmi ftsto, ;dads too Ws abet. 5 4.,..:.7,,
ed vittligesstnars i s west tba edervallis• Oil alat -4•A'
many triendsaad patrol" sad smiths.. by Ada st• 1,114.
station to Casinos" sad strict istogrtth to mot ebb 'f . W
lIPPtOOOI dan whO say biota' yak aWI • f ,,, .
. - • -:•••.7-4,
0014Natir III(46111111 IA:,
• • •- • ,-:,--,-.
Mao Wordily In ths toot mow and on roombible V:.14;,
toms. Baying lambed a veto s ooty warmish.-
kor Ma, nold sat • ihi. maws, as well as for the
Navy, we ars vopeavil to steads wan to ttlo Ur V.* ,
vitt oroottPw's and despatch. .;?•,....'
Libretti. a yap cholas sidsctilan of rossisahs, v-.
Gomm agars oa ha" .
."wL.or m'-'l4xtrusenans.
And dashin la
Pig Lead. -
mock Tin.
= Patent Shot.
sennookliirm ara thiiolo34
8211111 AND TOBS4XIO. lustzionless.
AO di 18 =AIMS MUMS,
- (Urinal, 49 Ohnffisindtrest, New Tsik, )
• .
Wonld earl the afteettetiot g Woe to the snide at
Ws sassetheterli its:- ; . 4 .
..... .- ENO gilt SWIM - r
Mentboh trine hut^ Went hews, Umtata t
Gentians.). Desolgros, Pore Virspla, Neoaltoehes, 1 .
OeiteLheieu ,
- - irltiLOW 1111111,1 t.
Beeteb,-111gb TU11.% *colon. Irish 1110 Toot of ,
jdoidpf .411 am Lel Baotou. Irish Roney lisota,
trod; Birdoli. • ~..
ellrdifecolonli celled tied lane rancid= in . 1
prior of, Irtm•Clat. Obeying Beanbag Totesodds
whit* will be bound of • superior pneihr,
gpowno—youp. 90,1, lia, 9, Ike. 1 snail OW&
Geenelized - .
quiz we Oszerseet--Y. k. L.. or Plaid ; Odtli_.: -
•dl , ll, or Sweet 1 ;West Panted Oronooo ; Tln 101 l , 1
I.Jay.ndtsb -', -
• duos ano. Imo. BPsidsli, Quarter, Toithit. 1 ~.
..1 . 11 : —.A drtilliat CII prices will be was Lae
pLumeatits MAT. 5111.61.13.
lISPOBTBS AND .vis4tzusait Mut%
asso comitracus sr., Adledathis.
4 stsrigy Iretorl Begs serrtisiest al Omar,
Blawirdadaidlaidnadso hos Beth Tons.
att...04.-s.aphia nag 50...
• vekati sod at MOS 1.01164 SWIM
I ShlP:Vridikr i t a:.X444"..
Water Clow, at. Insp. dencrttOos.
'tamps. Raw, do. k • -
iltaampßeldPart.arite Waab Stands. •
Visetti:d e Benda, Brandies and Trap&
Plumbers' Braes and rub. 4 Wets, tvery 141.
- L d Tops and Brads, Plat *ad Clathr Brlrsat
Pod., lily Grad Beds. Ploidere Desks Marble
Webs. Babbor SOON 10.,
.Isw as ray Wile la tas
1862: - .. 7 -NDVDM.B ... llll ..... ...1865L 1
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0 A- IR. , P 311 ril B.
W. D. dc - IL wom,vna !
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pretSota oo.=Mrru : of
ad, Ottasprecedlng the sdisuos ot the
Wisla the Duman Alas
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Erhotas,wurnow mum,
• •
opwrimukin mew"
modnrsta_ as price. win euathli o n.
M.ADllitnitadliCili .- AG ENdf
. . . ~. . e.,
Tt..zuriardlrmol Are Agin* for Ptitsblnlh sall ,
vir .
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Lnd loop anninna Ily vs Una • ripply ill be old
, IEITLEOS, 'ulnae style polugoll,lshieb w
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'' 12 OWL - IL 0: Bop): . ...
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bols. arooool, cotroo saws Wee Boom
• 20 0m..110420414.84. Y. boop;
. • )0 bbla:76 Jog bbts. Was ,1 II t 3 Shaw*
- sOK 'Ca'. " da. ' WM. nib;
10 spas Xsitchus _
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, 6 Sams pyramid Ositss'
90 Moss ..lasissatt Osman asp;
SA Ole. N. O. IS cosassr,
WV Ddb oiolaos Ostsis:
10 do labralor Iloniao3 •
Jost tmoiredmid for Ws by _
• • . 1.././IDILY I TZLTOSID,
- ISt tiotory Amt.
• .
CW. OIipBOIEULAN, -.No. 32 bond
rro:t !arms, itaidaPbis, 3reit Jobs Yam 1'
a 00:1
SODA. A.U.15
Hrin W"nanii;0hn..."1.41.11114.-.4.. afgk4lo...
TOL ANIL b w 116101 4 10 tio
ririumm, r.
aria Okboivai a V. /1.-"Elliasse o a 4
• 11476.75/PCSOS•
No. 'pinata 0...00 4 eir.& l o ii&Affskit 21 4 6
view. ;inzain. sosic seem szeitu,s,
AND ihik CAMS Oftllolnlllo.lffe 000111:111111.
cawi , o . , - BAuggrri , , , 4
Produce II Mod Coeualsolotllirekast,
• conaccaumou 3111Q133. • , :: ~
--- .:44.4..iiiiiiied. is 4- * 3123- T P/ 14:4 "' ,'1
Near ) Zl/2/g1"8""*
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VILL18113:a ROA
Y om . &gin Wall 12316
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2.911.0.99, AIM 111301.21., -
.s*l . oell # 6ol> 111*EriV*1Talaill!' "
iiietp;XlMllllirlgiblid:ll Lige TIZITY (11 "WI
11"14:1"a‘vt bikin""
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bed o cadic. zani. :boo*. my
utuamirs cwq.utp imam
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• DAL_
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•- • • eng tolkitel4
Quo 4“ AIV: 11111
la Ito OW ttriAillebar LOWS '
80.0. lbs. 01a14not
100 Wis. Isla rainy
, ot we 'lf awitadimommit.
pitirkiibis.—ft-t1 b. , •pt#Blo •
It *lt
-- • 800 1116
taiwt'u ' b 0 • '
hiibvcr.o 1.....wvi4a,..r bt, new
instaPotawancibiannosf newlibu.
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ousicuravri 0.
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tiAla • :pip twax...
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