-. • , ~ • , , T H EDAILY • . . PITTSBURGH G•: ..,...:... ~, _i. ..„ ES, ABWHED IN 1786. 0 04 106110 . gra UAL - • LERLART I __ ' , thnualtesitria*PlOWlMlAXi' u mmuisig Ilawwwwai fritbdrarleat-Plaar, And; Pal —way Aarlar.Battarlypik Cala% Bac& reitbsri; Potidor,'Pot sad -- Paral dabs': dabiatakt a dard awl Lard OUR - Lorlad and Gam Waits, (WrairMait and Gar Breda. Mak advaaaw wade wrOcaiddrawald • T.O.Rfr - fC . 044:NP/ELD:Oaloofr U . on um rointuunse BLUICOUJIT snd Inlaid. Ida dealer le WZBTLRN 1111611111113 "IlliTrill, 'LARD. POIX.IItOON. FLO -PNAEL ita , m - eatimait M A". AND - LAND'. 011.11. MID .714 T and /radium gooscally, Noe. 141 sods.lie /nod stmt. ! Pltiabordb. OIILP & SHEPARD Coiousai . mean and &aims In PLODS, MUM Alip, PRAM:IOB, No. 243 Liberty Meet, Pittebiagh, Oladoe brands of !lour tot Bakers end Panay um eanstently an hand, Patikralar ettentidtcyeadLto Wine orders bar Ilerchendise want eed.dl • - QOHOMAXER LANG, 0010118210 N 110 Maacturis sad siesleeete dealers In GllOO2- gu,s,urLom LOCUM:4 zuoinrce, in., Na 322 Liberty street, Pittaburgh, sel3:dly /VA RT xH B. LEECH, Fun= AND 4 4.0 Qw norm ma Omar= Mancaurr br tb..ls of GRAIN. 111111D11, OHIX6II, PIIODUOZ, ta,,_ _sad wont tor the calabistad Uniontown 014- OMIT, Nos. 116 13saind Iliad 146 Mist strieta tarots Wood and Bialtideld. Mob aid JAMES DALZELL & SON, ?Lamina op , LARD and Oofgafaaloo Moo o .sooT . tbrtrr porefri - Mall of OU DII LND =WI= PICTROLISC=iffh Ca and TO Water at,. 'TOLLAND . ELlDDsuossisior t04n0.. sa.11•3111 a Bee, - NO.' IS2l' street, Pitt,. bor ONNZBAL PRODIIGN, G Y AND 00.BBION ILIBORANT. Getalinments 41:5/73 T ..KIRKPATithac: II: MOTHER, IP • Cumoinemmi tolerant illibtilatriball.) WIALIM .Ara vka- NIP ports villa. 1112 1 'MUM i mm 6 !am s'autossa„ 'atz - . a; oorm, , - , . . ppedg- Partner. ItirEANS .CO 1 11 . 01M1M11 SO AIL 11^0sadless_hteans & 00., HOLUM= al10: 011112 . €MlPsr el Wead axtd Wieststaielai Pittsburgh, Penn's.. -• „ • _::-• i r:.• .1).&&17 10- • K •VAKAKUID • ' • Dtrail J: Clamestoz leinimmAk4Elist Tl/01:111, T 78,811001,14.1. . el/131111k PO IMMO' MID .AW SWOTS. end &Wane `en *AXIAL MVPS a..T01 H. VOIGT & 00., inanallear to L G wrA.;NI';I. JOHN L ystrwaila Rom. TOHN L HOUSE4ti CO., Wacuserza Giocsas Mat AblFciaMr mart 01. 11Ut01, XSITSIT £ W y WISITILSION lissamna, sad &elm In B4OOI=GRALTI, do, So. 191 VD WARD iLKAZICLION A Wisoutuss GILOOSIL AND (VMXISSION NRIORANT, lad =roar of tho Diamond. No. IA Pityibuml4,. IVIMEINION & MB • WaoLs- J 2 sum amain Asa Cloitimucot izocourzo, No. w Wood street, Pittsburgh. Padit DR r GOODS. MiBOMSFSM3S NIVrII.I I .ON, CARR & CO., (Lab Wbw, Poor J Ca.) fOl/111 . 011 AND Dommerno DIY GOODS, No. H Wood sum; third brass Homo Diamond alis, Ham • • iiplOAtf BATES Maim, nr FANCY AND Dna+ DRT 140015, °LOAM ealame, zt Ma strong Pittsburgh, Pa. IL—OLOAXS midalo order. crag s'a.Bar.—Q. 'urns. LAN _SABOT & CO., Dealers in WORMILON MID DOXTZTIO DIY GOODS. 40,160Nedwal street NSY tausos door bolo* sav - 3.-+ •-- IMBIO 17.. VATON, hEA.Olll3ht & CX.) ~. Wholesale .I.4sittltieeti toilers - in xanixistes,rsosaoz. imam ;and vse. GOODS, ot - uncrlpties, 111ka. ltsad ID 11011t1i. • - -MIMI • : ti&Ogirld aieLvis i _Widishe and MR. Rasa 'Dalai lAL RANDY* BYAPLII DRY WON._ ' RD, Ito.'lllllLarket stmt. BUROI4OI=2O osooesoor so •"U slkikuldad Cb,"Wbolarsla and Elba Dollen 821.PL1•A.11 LiNC ADd KY. GOON, Korth . Ist wrist a • • sittat knots. at :rt 91` " rnrcn . an. Ala Doke ha al/ &lade al Tll.llOllllllB, DST T. W. BARIUM * .00.; * Dwain' nrDsi - Gloom, No. /51/Yeabs4sfins% bilmis Third and DRUGGISTS.. , , Imam wocoman.--;..1.---.....—aasksi b. WOOLISIDE & WALLACE, . ; - waoimmlit.Ditu tXI dwlm in MarkLlTli- , 446 PMET14 , 01126 • IKA Remits/3. ors emu, ra,voninow Wand LND•CUTIT.SPHULS• Pllll.loitidi,,r A n smiszoil cab, ks.. PA. rf:Wood am*, Ilttsbergb. perkiy Qiittitti - Attar 4 P- 14.1) % 1 ;:thILINnr Pews ,-40 DRUGS PBSYMIELB.T. /ABOI;000D6. swarm mum OILS, Ws, ALT ALSDI ta,IIKL; stAfct=to qua -147. wrilthli oft, atJaissi prim. ' 14dr011ith - StreitC ntrompt, , . -11 -A. r • Bel 'az DllBl3Ollll-11111111 IJIAD AND lanws:4744lFrw;o ' t;itnits; . ' 114301Alai AIWA% lif DiglaBrrAlNTll,ol,tagArßiS AHD ,Ars nuns. Now Lamy *seat. rktubfulkA . All orders will stogie prompt attirtiam was, :GEM " • • MUIR,' -Dawn" loVi L ittiV,ood arget, earnai Of Wood droit Ulla rittllthUgh. PRODUCE. wn, saseskr, rsirau. INDSAY driTELBORD, Wtoupii jjlllll 111 ALI. 011001118, NLOIII AND IXO: LiJOll DIJLIU. 181 Liketty stead; Pludwila: ABAIR) IBS.— • X H. °mum la Yo=lSad • • Oast mad dialer . roman sad • • paadiny, a. IS Waal axe* ii._CIALDNIDELLAsnsoesoo; to & Co4Pota now ono eiderC ßAkk hostzalatt la P2419=10104 ectriler oflgaiflat yid rivet da„, •S' CO" Wm/amiss ‘1 soma sad &On TLOHNOINAIN 'ad • 11obl7ol 41 , J. " SENDAliteoei•Oi to Jack ' 11.11006 a 'law it urnaans LID saws - 1 =B11,!i.-Uch: lour* st o 'Mir Laney, .LTTORJrZra. (Is _ B. (ISO. - COCIII:LiN t Asioaincr AA) NA °mamas Via , Law. • ea" Got $ Grant attwat. 'Pittabaryo. Pa. An' badman *standar& fp Ida was will raway• preset attetfai, Clailaatiam Judea* Jamdawail _owl la all' adjoining onatlas, and the money pima tad pimply: seagy sirouvisiNßLlA, Arrows, it Law. therm MOSS& 'lmo Mods Lair raiti• poidgir OS Dbilioad Amt. ti ataart asd caber =WM +GEM I 11••• -• - - iIZhiQXTBIOIC .4 , Meow Julh, am Lalr. lit Pauli dr*. An awls assudiad. riusamtbas. NATITatt S IVA WHOM Amami* AT • LNG Mo t US Fourth Ant" Plltibugh. " iuz-40 f ~Nar Arag - airtbrdll 1161 . 06 1` , • , .* 7,4 ilseasuris Oositinr ~H ~ ~ ~ S QHEIVER E LAZILIE, witoxsaer,s GEMEI3B COMMISSION MISCHANTS, NIL IT and 2 Sfmithlleld Sort, Quasi ford, m. gontLy, WBOLEILLIA 43110018, No. 271 LIBKIITY BTUZT, PITTSBOUGH, Be nR Pornhaaal ghe Uttered of Ida late partneny 1W continue the boatmen et the old atand, and wi ll be gassed to recedes the patronage of Ida s td friend@ and outcome. myt&dtf gg. ramie, sra-- - Tema ticsts. 1 _ITTLB & -11.121410, %coma,' Juarianks-AND ookirmace- aftwomumi, dealers is PBODI7OII, /LOUR, BACON 01111323 E, PIIR, camoN AND neap , ma, Luta, Gun, COTTON YARNS, sad Om Pittsburgh manufactures geustally, US and 114 Second street, Pittsburgh. Ina. v. wig. s, (of the late dm of D. A D. N' l Donald Pittsburgh. A CO., WaUntil., Ohio.) • • AXDONAL ow D &ARBEF ' Weir Ali LUZ Onoonse, Paonttoz LID OirKIIIIIIION Nun. Jobbers In 00/7ZII, N. 0. (MOAB and 1110 Iit7BWINID SWUM! and BY BUM FLOUR," ACON, TOBACCO, 7/AB, BICIL, ouziraz. MUM, !a., No. 242 sad Said Liberty Bt., Pittsburgh. • no14:ly M11110114........1. L JU1T1L1Za.........1/11. o. &WM. RETHER & BROTHERS, mooesson to. Bomar *lindens:n:4 Wholeads • &Wars in POILIZIGN FRUITS, NUTS AND SWIM, CON. PECTIONERY,SUGAILS, PIl3& WOBILIS, do., Nos. 128 and 12.8 Wood street, &boss Filth, Pittsburgh, MIMI 11. 111•11,... -.ailsß =MLR, GROOM &SD liwuntarra , and dealers In ell tends ef ClorraraY Parma in Prrusevon Wear raarmias, No. 219 Liberty stmt. oppotite head of Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. apaily xi:Lim:mi. .#ll I, - • O. Ii.'IOFOL. (3.110.8. JONES & SON, WEtourama %If Gawmas LW, Bohr Tuarunzas, Darien in 110PZ; . OLILIIK, OILS, PITOLI and ttatr9 2"L urgh mattulacturedarticlua No. 141 Water et., ;shoes thallabougaisela Bridge, Pittsburgh, Pa. UMW DA ROBERT DALZELL & CO, Waolar SLIM thllolllllll, 00•11111111101 NO 7011WMIDIXO KIMCILIXIN, mad dealnin in PRODUCT/ and Pinta burgh' masinfaenuren, Plttoburgh. LAMBERT, BRUTON& Co., WaoLa- Lla Glom= ask Pisaaras pitAisais, No. 0 , jalB San JOII3I WILSON. werr & WILSON, Wnowsluax Ciao vw aims, ocuusios miicirm* .d dealers in Produce szni Pittsburgh minudecturog N. 1.38 Lib erty stroeg Pittaburgh. u 23 Dial&l DICKAY is (X), WHoumax 1. Gbashot,.lENixisatou hicaticsars, sod diadem hi PPitßtsbu rg ODUCE, N.. 80 Water street, sad 66 Prop same, h. W. V. I. nutroara. T B. DILWORTH &loutewrz V • Onocias, Nos.= and LIS Second street, near Indtblialet,Plttantirgt, nol j/LOYD. YI) , W Oailda:SAlD Gao u am AID 00•3111181011 i 2draoamits, No. 172 Wood and 228 Liberty Woe% Pittaborgd. jolt WiLueit BAI.IALNY, WHOLESAVII Gaocia, Noe. Li and 20 Wood 'slava, rub. burgh, P. 1144 AI . M: , .. A Guam Import or of Sone Axe, No. 21 Liberty stniet, Pittoliory*, Ps. robe aimExupacrommits. WANFICI BENNWETIi — i3ON, MAx u. Imams= or INTONII CHINA AHD =Ail COLOR= WARE. aIrOMCB AID Wumors• At lit. 74 Purr Blum Prrastmat, PA-. mhLS: Tant •.MACNIIIONTOSH, HEMPHILL & CO., ALL earner Pike and O'Hara one* new lb. City Water Work", PLttabwkli, Pa., Manufacturers of KACKINTOSH AND HENZAILL'II LIIPBOVED PATENT OBOLLI.4IT/NH STEAK KNOINE3 AND HLEDILTALTES, of all alma end beet Style. Having poiltyt up mashinary of la d ro mpaaty and of tktwat gefo. res propose to hoary Jon- king, awl solicit workort o in thb 800, tr sio usting that by prinsiptnew, and tbo charwstar of ma work, to merit public patronaka. W. twits amid attention to our BALANCED VALVE OSCILLATING ENGINES, as maintains, advasitakie• boater= unattained in dd. claw of Engines 1.24: lyd JOHICPB K HAMILTON et CO., Owner of TIM so f Minty 'treats, SUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES, lISOHINERY, la, An. m Untf Q eiN T RILINON, No. SO W ATEA ST., Ws, Pittsburgh, manutmeturer at BOIL= BriT,TS, WBOglllTSPlSl ßdiscriptirm., 001010li W AND ILAILBOAD, Pardmlar shod or shaped EINEM and arr. LTf3. az small , Issas b order at short notice. Ago simpoetuwat toorbuttly au hand. togEOuss J.. J. T. PLIIIIIXIT*. T. 11•1131 BULL. WICELSIOR• GLASS - WORKS.— NalroLrz, PUI2IIEI7I' it 00401w* liesoreo• muss. Wareham, No: 14 Wood .rtrrot, comer of Tint, Plltteberirb. Pa yeklycl 7 101ELL8, ILIDDLN - Jig CO., No. 215 TV. Moody stzeit, oppadto Mobufgh, otaaulictomen of WRIMLABRESAND BWITUB • ER sod orfory dfocriptkra of IMAM= BRAIDED BOWL Oruro soitoltod s tro* tholfodo, sad good§ fonmod• to &loped es Dor thaftotkoko. fodolimbri ntiABLOTTII ,-BLUM.IIy Miami ix '-la ' DIDBIO AND ausroAr, INNTBIIIIINTeI. lorent be KNABS&OO.4S PIANOS, BAINES XO5, and /AM= & 00:8 NELODI. •ON . iIIo.ABZIDJ3 street, mond door 0b... Wood, :fittedwigh, Po. Ifirtlinoßitdid,B44 taken to ex nplo ~ Wxosa. et wltuz 1.1 • • ASA B BRO., Ihumuul :LL Kam Moivaaa laurasassrra, .ad aolr mama kw Stetnway's. colabrated 11.6X08, No. 61 Jt• th street, Ilttabaria.:.: my 29 :lON H. -1:1 6 /:)BALP36 131 Puros Imam.lola» Qmu Wood desert, balm& north drama atidDimiumidallorJPlttablisii, Pa. '-----IXCAr7IB2III2: !rii..EAM&WMOUT PADS, Altll l tuss or- mi APPAHATUB =B NO DAD 14a GALVANIC DATTABT It ID. • Iliodieel•gontloataa- aad tbstr Altar bats had :tbadriattat at/add toy proms, and art toady to Witt ea to tbs at adoty and plikIMM/1111 of the mars. . 11 04 -1 01 11 ister k boil NM by porton" latanoted to "atoartlag tlts °oakum havAts no .luacrwledia of M 7 earealnlcaVricern iiisrrid to req .171,, And ottaatja Tot 7 tow; ormantatt la all ammo to, ke of Lb. boat taattial. OIIDST, Durum 1M Smithfield M 7 3. • • • •• Diurnal, Conn • y' cocas of Dlaathad Mid Grout stn. Plttabaxgh., . • .! itsrsaisciii—Dr. 'A. IL Pollock, Dr. mildly BOOKIIELLERS, :K. unr. G...JOHNEITON X 00., Swiloir , Kui, aux& Boom ILuovrovioraoso, *so Joe ftumnit, No: 87 WooditreetrPittotnargh. now IT A A (30,i .• • lIIILLIUS AID 3TA 11.1. ma mg; 110. 66 Woadfitrasll, next door to • wow of Third, pttsbirsh, Ps. scraooL en. J' Ala) 81A • :soma, No. TS fourth anat. Apollo Boildiop. t gu lti i KPlT 'HORNS, Dim ix Tans. L uc S Loaosuarr Gnaw Gomm, No. 77 droo Pittsburg ' f I,i =TATE WARD, Duran nr Pam Bons, Mamas, and att.a esslUita be soreq. ham aus proms LOANS through m 7 nom ramocuble ter is Sborrorkhhsg t m. o hawk their money to to wt. *Maw= simi MAMA ankotoond dam papa st pa - mor, sew AlNaossaafatlon and -Minim sidatly and. 0111 a, Giant idreet, wadi* Bt 1• . biting 11det WALL PaPEREL 1~ ~~~ . `; r:7:IIIABESALL, Mina W ars Xosailve. 6:4 Ito. et Wood ` - j1;41 14. H. :P • No. a— Waco Sr i nadir 117 hi igne• STZAW/FA . , sat LITMO fralireft• GROCEII.B. PrITSBOBC}}I, Pi., JI I tI/C, s !'' . ,:iiii: -, .-,:',:: , ., 7 J - :': - -.. - i.,„ PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 15, 1863. SE wi.re cHl.)rks WH BELE R & WILSON'S HIGHTAT PBIIIIIIIIII, 0111,01174&11 HOOK SEWING MACHINE. WORLD'S iiilll, INDUAIIIAL IXPORTION, With valuable lasprinvioeuta Th.. only llochlue to the World =dog Gums Crary PRINIZIL, Baatnaa sad oownte, with Improved Mumma. Ivory one it respectfully Invited to call at oar °film sad we the Machina In operatton. mar,ta warrastad *Am par& 8111rVend for • Circular. WM. SUMNER & CO., WESTERN AGENTS, Prmssonaw—lio.27 SMITH STECZT CINCIIIIITI-PIILVB °PIMA BUILDING Lotnsvie—No. 1 kIASONIO TrUPLE 3:uvalrlr Cr. W. WIII.IAIdB d CO.'B ISTEOVAD DOTICIGI TA Gamily Sewing ltirachissei. 21.). as route .thist. l'lttibursb Three Mechhiee are from 41;a0it to meats donate cheaper than any other machine la the city., They will do all-kind. of work, and ass warrapfted kw three yew a. They .to Ito MMPIe that ewe child 11 Teary old can nee them to correction. Oonstuatly 6.a8, aU kw. or 11... in et=tun• Deallta tkrobli Oottoa. ar., et laweet Market mice.. • WI M. eTRAIII. Amatt. PI.IXOII. BAitaikiNd IN 813(X)ND-0101 HAND PIANOS. A 7 octave (Thickerlns bountiful black walnut canN'very cu d_...._. OD A 7 octave Mllekering, rosewood, round cor ner.; • unit rate instrument._ .»...: &t 0 OD & 7 octave EE•ya Co., rosewood; • Inlaalsonte Plano. 1n rod order—. , , 17b 00 W l :tare BtOdart, mavron.l. cern. , M.. 1. 63.4 octave it - Co., row...ad:lnroad trout; - wo eso.llent P1an0..—..__.._.. ...... 160 CO A. 6 octave Clilckernag, ro.uweod, tun ed • . _ 160 CO a IS octave a•l2 a Oa.. ra•Parcoa--- laS 00 80 00 A. octave ittodara. auoBoollol----- A e ocrtate Swift, A . fi OCAMIND Gramm. , 40 00 10 00 15 00 A 6 octave Danhant, A 6 octave Load, A 5 , 14 octave t 041.1211. A 5 octavo •tli. H. MELLON, • el Wood urtnet. EMI STEINWAY'S KAN ncalve3 the 7 1 / 1 8T OLAPS PRIZ VEDA L, ►t tL. Wotz.o's rArit, 160thilat. UM 1101 - Warraztiod otrporlatis a 9 *than to firm 1 . . apace. AD. dock of the shoe ertitliti,. sir soii Avatar ter this district tr the litaleirity Ilan. at .k H. 11.LZBEit h 811011., liZa==:2l .1118CEI.L4.SEOUS C.4RDS. FU RN I TURN °ANN AND WOOD (HUM E=l 8IRD13011) PRICLS, 4' - JAS. W. WOODWZIA., p 7 sad 99 Third Knot, eppodt• A Ilklareadrou t (b.. and 111 Tartrth Wart. 191110 PATENTED OCT. S, 1861. Dithridge's Patent • OVAL LAMP CRIMNISH, Maztafretured .f II FLINT GLASS. The.. CDintuits at• Intaaded Jar tb. fiat fiat., which basting .11 parts of ft.m gaatb. daa. ant expos" Ma araa.Ung. IL D. DITHRIDOZ, rant Pitt air Worka •tr.° 4 l 4.17 Pittsburgh, ra. LADIES' FANCY FURts 0 CNT'S FOS OAPB, COLLARD & GLOV £ axis AND OAP& iv or - 1 g oriel, sod Idyls of tit* &boy* goods oo bao4 !El= lI.OORD &CO.'S, N. I 3 WOOD STRUT BLACEC DIAMOND STX&L WORKS, PITTSBURGH, PA. PASS, BROTHER & CO., Min' QUALITY men HID OAST lentil.. Spam Mat and Octagon, of all liana. Warraatad opal to any Importer{ or outaatiatared in If. Stir t ligo• sad Wcrehosimp, des. 149 sal 161 11118 T and 160 sad lig IieCOND STRUTS, Pittsburgh. If. IL A. • ALLEGHENY COAL YARD W. M. OLANIT 1 co., 0011 4 001[111, LIND, FLOUB,PLASTIE PAHA atlfiNT, nun BRUM AND Mill MIT. Oorrer Amidarsmiararl sod &u Ocersos. ALLEN, ktoOORMICK 4t CO., 'imam Ifooinae, Pithburgh, Pa. Waaanooan, No. Nil Liberty deed. Idantegeotatrara et 000 K, PARLOR AND HEAT. LNG STOVES, PARLOR AHD KITOHNNOBATKII, HOLLOW WANK, .to.. h eel and Maw Needdie, Bale ton Pips Hadlitior Dog Cketing, Water and Ar. , Sad Irons, lrons, on Dila pr Kettles, Polleve, Hangs+, Oar Wh Wag eel/40cm and Otedings seamodly. Ain, Jobbing and Oa/tinge cos& to order. Patented Portable MU, with Inman or Home Power. apladned MIiTHEN, BRAN, Youitims, ti • Ilea Aso Wraea rims'. AU kinds of BRAES AND IRON 001:1KR made to order. Afro, BRAES CARTING% of all &Indy, mode at the aborted notion AU order. loft at BOWS & TZTLIIT'N, No. -tee WOOD ITREZT. will Im promptly atianded to. mirThe members of MD AIM Whig practiced air sAaske, ot many pare' ezpotenco la their baalneve , trill insure to give satlafactlon newt. denly • • T a LIGGETT I CO., 0= Fthintria u • mu.z.wome Liberty and Adams streets, Pitts burgh, Pa. Clopscity 400 bbls. per day: pENSIoNS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY H. 0. NACIEBILL, Iltionsey-at-Lam and Maim dews, No. 11141 /MS BTBIIT, Pittobarab.:Pa. • • WeatloußliettgEr ..sl4.ig_olaloa Proeundes BOLDlwlity °aura*, of may delorloe don ; BOUBTUB, for ma dircauurwed Soldisna PRII• ELONB, for wousdad Miami not &Miaow BOUM. TUB and PldfillONS for Won, Parent; Orphan tialldrea, Brothers wed Meters, or other lava repro. eentathered (boa, who hard died la the Barrios, or bate died attar dieobargee from dimes oaltraoted la Sarno camp tustEl collected, And no War will blip ...r..wed slaw a alum b naland. IblOslurie ko ,tt,iniamnsoN, r ipe j iptpni;'wEifirri 'Aso ow cook or 0/Oh - xi, halt graft. - atitakowirr IFllDisuaw t . 4i.:" - :': - ..';';fi.O ., "' :..,::f.,f,...,-,.-- :':',1',,,:‘.,e--e4.:,*.f4).,].,7-,if6i.•,,,`,:5".j.:Y.: Vittsintrgil 6azelk S. RIDDL & 00.. 18 - DITOBB AND PROPRIETOBB: oblieation One • No. 84 Fifth Street. HORNING tam lIVIREEO ED117028, DAILY, OONTATHING THS LATEST NEWS UP To THE HOUR 01 SUBLIOATIOR. IBEE2I MONDAY MORNING---JIINE L 5, nu NEW TERMS Or THE GAZETTE, MORNING NDITION, by mal. Per 7 00 z--4 8 00. !month— 70. g. . single ooplee-----. S. Limns° Earrios, by taall, per year...... . 4 60. .. • mont h_. WEIZIA IDTTION, single copies, per year.. 9 09. w dubs of sto 10, w 160. w clubs of 10 or more " - 1 25. —and on, extra to the party sending club. -dor a club of peen, we will sena the Emma Guyer, daily. der a club of twenty, we will send tbe mcnunsa Gassers deny. Single copies, 6 cent.. war All fables-190one seri* in ;Arena, and paper always stopped when the tine expires. [From Saturday's Evening Gazatt e.] The Defense of our Homer. We await with some dome of anxiety the meetings already annonneed by our several home military Organizations, for this evening, to recruit their ranks, with a'view to the per manent defence of our hoimis. It will be seen, this evening, who are in earnest, and who are not. We have not lost faith in the patriotism of oar people. In order to open the cue to thou who hesi tate bonnie they cannot see the "emerge:toy," or because it will "interfere with their busi ness," or because they are afraid the govern ment Ii "setting a trap ingot them in for the war"—we hare a ward to say. It Is not ne cessary that the rebelcavalry should be seen on the hills surrounding our city, or occupying Morgantown, to demonstrate an "emergency" to intelligent and prudent men. If they know that the eapture and de struction of this city enters into the rebel plans, and that ten or twelve thoutand rebel cavalry, with plenty of artillery, under a bold and dashing Hader, might aoositfally accom plish that plan, they shbilld see an imminent "emergency." In regard to the government "setting traps" to got, the citizens of Pitts burgh and vicinity gulled into on unexpected and involuntary period of military service, we have only to remark, that the thought is unworthy honorable men, and we think none such should entertain it; It is Impugning the honor of the President, the Secretary of War —himself almost cased our eitizeni—and that of Gen. Brooks, who is in command of this Di partment. .. So far as we have fawned the Intentions and wishes of lien. Brtoil*, it Is his desire to carry out his instructions, according to the order of the lii•oretery 41 War. His desires to take Immediate steps for the, permanent 4o fon-os of our city—to do this promptly, and so as to involve the least possible sacrifice of time to the citizens whir shall volunteer to that end. To render of erode forms efficient and reliable, he desires to bring them togeth er at 01200; to the immediate vicinity of the olty, and equip end drill. Meantime a strong corps of laborers will be employed in throw ing op intrenohmento end digging rile pits— and this duty will not be devolved upon the citizen volunteers with arms—"eltisens for labor, and soldiers for defence," will he the motto. When the volunteer forces have thus been brought together, and organized and drilled, so that the General may see what forms hehas to depend upon, they will be disoharged, to return to their besiners, liable only to' ri call, perhaps ones each week, for inspection and drill. The Oener , al Commandlog desires tc snake the defense of our homes as light a duty as possible, compatible with the public' safety. To this end volunteers will be kept ►way iron their business Jest as short a time as to possible. The military duty, it is hoped will be very light, r fair an organisation is of footed. The Government will subsist the volunteers while in service, and the pay will be precisely . the tame as in the regular service. In order that the property holders, manufacturers and Wiliness men may bear their proportional share of the expense, It is urged with great force that, while the volunteer oontributes his all—his time and services—those whose fam ilies and property are thereby protested should contribute liberally to reimburse him in part. It is therefore propond that a fund be sub scribed by the citizens to pay our brave vol unteer defenders, while In the servioe, and trust to an appropriation by Congress to re imburse them. We have no doubt that olt meniedElen and institutions will see the ne cessity of providing a suitable and ample mil , ltary shut, as a loan to the government until Congress Meets. We can honestly and. earnestly urge this silkiest upon our olden.. Let each forget self, end manila something to the common. defence. We still think that the people will act prompt!. The Situation ist,Vicksburg••lieenrity of Grant's Pius Sortle•• visit so .a Blino••Tho Fourth of July to be Celebrated In Vicksburg. _ , As the eidat'potnt of interest M our military operations, the eyes of the public aie still di rooted toward the Western Sebastopol of the Rebellion, and the barter, insierabie es fete, which imprisons Pemberton and hie army in their stronghold. *ls retell ohidtalc, a ren egade Pennsylvanian, is not valuing in the spliit and desperation .which will hold out to the lut,aa wean judge by a speech he made after lb. light of the Ult., which has been pub nasals theJeekson Mississippi/a. , ' , You hue heard that I 11111 ineompetent and a traitor,: and that it was my intension to nil Vicksburg . Follow me aid y on will see the out at which I wilt sell Vicksburg. When! . the last pound of beef, bacon- and flour; the last grate of torn; the last oow and hog mid horse and dog shall ha:* been consumed, and the but min shall have perished in the trenches, then, and only then, will I sell Vickiburg." But OTIIII 11110 h brave words will not. go fa under natal* ciroumstances of adversity....: will no t supply the inevitable exhaustion of provisionv and ammunition, nor resist the sure yiegresit Of tie works of a vastly supe rior force. The blemish almost dally brings' some fact or biota whloh shoi unmistakably that the day of driom to Weinberg and Its defenderi / cannot be far off. The latest, for butanes,* &pate& from the rear of Wein berg, dated the Bth, say, The siege is regularly progressing. Our forces gain new position' from day to day, only to find equeldificultlesprmenting salvos from other ilia:tau. We art mounting 1111411dTaidlig usltiutP IdeL• fast as posslideg . • Thom an gamy ledloattou that the reboil are Woman in want ot both foodaud,auunu- Dittos. m AU. demurs :maim Sato our linos, sad there u photty of • thsoi tell the nate story otetitcdmt sad ihulittqba !p Vielu= bug. MO wan" mad *Wilt ate oboapolled • :,j'F ,'~l ~,.,; rji:~ to stay in caves to avoid slaughter by shells, Ina of those 1n the 0111141 some have been slaughtered, a eironmstanee of great horror. We subjoin the following interesting letter from a correspondent of the N. Y ;ranee, which describes the situation and progress of affairs up to the 6th bet" two days before tie date of the above Maps tch, and which will give a good view of ihe respective positione of the assailed and the suallante : The Vicksburg problem Is still unsolved. The nitinitte keduotion of that stronghold is in my own mind asoortain so any figura event. Bat how and when it is to fall, whether by starvation or storm, or the wear and tsar of oonetant cannonading, whether to•morrow or next month, is entirely a matter of conjeeture. Bin TWO PO/313LBLZ eogsaaa or DiLrVIZA2OI. There are but two possible sources of delis- Grano° to thehesieged. IfJohnston could mus ter a force of 30,000 men within 20.1syt, pus the Big Bleak and assault nsin the rear, it Is just possible that the army of Vfokeburg might out its way through, effect a junction with its ally, and thus escape. To attempt &diversion with any less force would be she's madness. Sup pose that, Gen. Johnston, by weakening the column, orßra gg and Iteauregard, and rally ing the scattered and demoralised fortes of Loring and Bowen, collected an umy of 30,000 men. Suppose that by desperate fighting and un wearying labor he euooeeded in storming the strongholds at the Big Black now held by Osterhaus, who is one of our best Generals, or getting through the net-work of obstaoles on the Baldwbes Perry road, he would only snooped in bringing is jaded and dispirited army face to face with one of the largest, beet equipped, cad most;determined armies in the country, intrenched in a cordon of fortifies- Gone almost as formidableln positional' those which protect Vioksbeig. Be would have to fight an enemy capable of re•enforcing from all points, without any concerted plan with the besieged, and with a strong probability of being whipped in detail. Pemberton's army might make a desperate attempt to break through Untie Sam's net between MoOlernand's left and Warrenton. There has been some little apprehension of this in official oboist. On the night of the let of June, we were wakened by a sharp firing of musketry, mingled with heavy cannonad ing. The first !supposition was that the ene my were attempting to cut their way out. It proved to be merely a sortie upon Benton's miners. Two or three men were wounded in the sally, but our artillery Immediately open-. ed upon them and forced them to retire. - I look upon inch an attempt at escape as hard ly probable, and only as an &Harnett'', of an army utterly despairing of all other means of days/awe. If k'emberion sue osseded in tutting his way through our lines before Sherman and McPherson could arrive, he would still be obliged to flee in total and fatal rout, or to fight the whole combined army. In either alternative nothing but ruin complete and Irremediable would be the eon queue*. POSIOBILITT. OP ANOTHIIa •83AtLT It is possible that Grant may feel justified in making another assault, rather than to await the slow progress of the siege. Our ar my is slowly lessening the spaoe whieh di vides it from the enemy. McPherson's ap prosahegium vary close, as are those of Bur bridge and Benton, in Oarr's Division, and . those of Gen. Hovey. =CU A few days sines, having a curiosity to get a near view of the rebel earthworks, I deter mined to explore one of the mines now on op eration. Since this approaoh Is in plain view from the enemy's works, I believe I am not violating army confidence by describing one of them. As the constant furled* of sharp shooters rendered the visit extremely unsafe during the day, and the moon was at the full, I uluted the Mose of the evening as the most propitious hoar for the enterprise. With the glaidance of Lieut. Adams care fully shunning every crest, and threading the windings of II ravines, I soon found myself among surroindings which plainly betrayed the presence of the enemy. The slopes of the hollows on the side next the rebels were ex catid and bdrrowed into by the-soldiers as a refuge from canister slot and 'pent minies. The picket guard were lying musket in band just under thecrest of the hill, in dead silence or talking in suppressed tones. Except for the oecasional far off rushing sound of bomb shells, the air was completely still. I learned that, by creeping up the hollow to the left and emerging at a point where the storm of battle had been sweeping the hottest, I would strike the trail of oar pioneers. Picking my way through the shadows of the excavation and the line of ploneass at work like buyers with pick and spade, I came at length to the extremity next the enemy, where the moonlight streamed in obscurely from above. At the further end, a line of rifle pits Internots the mine, partly sheltered by cotton hales. Cautiously looking 'over the - embankment, I found myself apparently a good deal /Oil than a hundred yards from the Vicksburg intreaohments. The grim battle, mutt, three in number, loomed up in the an. certain light, Immediately in front and almost on either dank. This silent sane was la slum hexing crater, soon to be on fire and resonant with concentrated musketry and aannonading. Were occurred the sortie and sharp engage ment that alarmed ns a night or two alter. As to the number and whereabouts of then approaches it would be unwise to spank, as some of them may be se yet undiscovered. They may prove of advantage, bat their ego- ous is extremely problematical. roman OP .tat.v TICIBBIIVI. A number of observatories are being extem porized, wbioh will/command a large portion of the enemy's works and a part of the dry. A tall tree ' ascended by means of a ladder, in General Boirey's Division, affords a Lae view of the city. We have constant proof of the fact that' the garrison is on very short al lOwanee and cannot hold out long. Great quantities of dead cattle have been seen float ing in.tbe river below the city, and many are being turned out of the works into our , lines. Thirty-three prisoners, who were let out under pretense of bed,sll gave themselree up, and represent matters in the oily as in a most deplorable condition. Recently, it Is , the rebels have been flringold nails and plena of chain—a feat which indicates either a as- Augment of cruelty or exhaustion of amianni . thou The antis expects to celebrate Wrath to Vicksburg. Amanita piece of rebel gasconade and false hood may be read In our dispatches, copied from a Ilichniond paper, stating that Kirby . Smith had taken Milliken's Bend, and ant off Grant's 'input's'. Our own advice', by 'ii steamer which left Milliken's Bend liter then the date of the rebel dispatch, show Olt so far from haylug captured, the rebels had:been repulsed and driven bank with great lose in their attack on that plase. They may have surprised our troops, and driven time towerd the river at first, but whether by the aid of the gunboats or not, certain it Is that our men, both white and black, werevictorioul the end, and drove the assailants away., Brookins correspondent of the New York Tribune at Bt. Johns, N. B.„ vindicates the althea' of that town against °barges of bloakede running, and show that most of the eontiaband trade from there Is done by Americans who pretend to be,l9aL Steamers are lea from Boston and New York to St. Johns, their' names eltangod, contra band goods are Pitt on board by Yinkoos and the boats clam. under a British -regiote; for N 441411, the oommon rondo:rem for pirates, and thieves of all nations. It is a pith the' Government cannot get hold of sear of the enterprising villains engaged in this badness the Judaea who. inbsoribo to the Batten! loan with one hind and stab the .Nation's Mart with the other.... , - . Pres ononsoun one hundred and fifty'. =IV. grants =rind Is Nair Yorlt city last weak, and 49,681 have nabbed that port shoe the lit of Jan • ~ 'Only 20,6811 arrived duiing: the mune • dad kat year. Tax NI eatebUshid sold a bf t sp. a dedor, f 01411,111,0. . , Odom ;him - ~D•iin newspaper; b UN late John Ataihumn,: tan 06 Ohl 23d to De: Yon? tasso the editor of tho -paw; _ VOLUME A N OBbnistliek ' PM Wig" - Certain jl3. prisilspe to , the •Vttsburgit and Steubenville Railroad Company,-, _ Sea. I. 'Brit sals a sad gained by de /foyer, di &nuns, sea . ire mei qf WDerb, S n ag am ast Con eleisChre arershia, en d it ie sesta by elui , i f . a. nlol, AB. power and authority be and the use U we usb gins to "The Pittsburgh and Suratesalle Rillroed Company," their emceed son and sawsalgaaytt, to lay down, construct and um double rallroad , tracks on Try street, having • width of roadway. of Medal bet thereon. from their bridge now being conanscisHaver tbs Monongahela rins, is ritoft WardatheOfty of Pittsburgh, lis stars i lino of seatradke SU logielef upon the centre Ms of said sued to. point fates fast north of the i northertahmell BnirMilahliel eirsti asap cumin r; to.On Ina sidantlan street by a ane despiser. for &distance Oahe kanshed and fortress tost tO le• 7 Point Am feet south td the month= Its of That 6 WW6 1 0119l twenty-Om feet east d'the western ling : of. Try sizesW awes by a tangent north twenty. g / three . =sos es. day air het tea point nigeteen f'" a A b " wahinn Safi rird 19190 t. and , say test lust est of the Western line' of Try street: these casting to the eas, by. slaw degree CWIT9 ' 1 one buedred and extreme feat to • mint man feet ' f south Of the seethere lined amid steed, and it,/ tam het matt thaerstemlin• ed 1.17 strait: then by • tangent Wald with. tliif line of Try street' " a edam a lbw hundred sad am-lest to • pliibt seventeen feet math of the goathern line of Fourth 14 -anal theses mein to' th e visa by • four ;degree arm, with a width of nadway of reentrair /set 2 to ornate property, and over sod slag said private moped, to and ender Paraylnala sense, end nom thence by a tunnel to • point south of Corinth latest, sad from theses to and wider sold street at a point between the lower Ilse of raentain arid and west argot, and from thence slang end on privets property to and under Washington attest, sad from thence over private ty to and over Blen street, to the track' of the India Balboa Company, on as pound Visit souSAWS area ; Pro. died, howerier ` that thej Of of Seventh and Washbattosi ands shall De altered from their grades ea now stab ; Provided, farther, That satfilearced CompintrOak not make up trains ez shift onto or, locomotive& ontobakport of their nod between thellionsgahela bridge end fourth street, mid treas, to be sadly. lent last: ten Inches to width, or what is known as a feu foot ten Ira gsage.trom the Ifonomphola as. Sennth amen Prodded, eled/That the conattuctigia et sad Sand and relkoadtrack shall not interfere with the grade of Pannsylnata amiss, sa may he keresiter ettab- Rebid bytionncila ; and, 2 nada, alas. That nothingAgrein 11911109 shall .to so construed as graFonfright or, privilege which Councils may not grant. El 2. TUC the' right Is hemby given to sad Ceensawy their enemas and workmen, der the on of the City Regulator, to enter and.npen the situ o% over, asp sacs and un• der which the said tracks are to be laid, and the veto dig down, altar and ass, ho such manner as may be necessary, in order- to complete the can arenas of said trick, and locate the some in so andante with the grads hereinafter established ; Provided, That the said Ramat Company shall prated, by sops end suilident benters, all exca vations and entbankments at the dirtied streeur named, and shall E bv bond,. With =MOW to be ad proved by Colndb, to Indemnify the city againevell claims for damages resulting from the negligence of said•Railmed Company, its employees and seamen, in the, construction of their said road, as beret authorized; end that am Raireod °mossy Moat, Maar own experem_oonstroct proper and auto an • till badges ors, along and access say/street over which, aung sr across which their Sias may ;ass, 09 as to afford fill • and ample wrists for trade and Usti dubs the construction of tkiwork. hut S. That the grades of the Salinas; streets be established as follow, to wit: , Cram of sesecm; owe live of Try stew, from Sexed Meet to Perremarmas Avame. . Cresmacing at the northern curb line of Second .nettle at els• tenths per Minded feet to northern curb lies of fourth sneer, thence by • uniform sal rending angle to the southern curb lino of Pa sale avenue. •/ Grade of Third sired. Commencing at the west curb of Try steed, se. rending at four feet sad one toga per hundred. for as. bathed end siztrfing fest ta the end of the west pavement. 1 • / Gras ei( Yourikatreet. Oaninachig at the west curb of Try street, level for twelve fee; thence rim at Ca hundredths feet par hatred, tithe end r ciao plena palmed. That the width of as Powelnaaa.the west tide of Try surest, from Breckenridge street to fourth eras a, shalt be Ong fest, sad the pavement on the east side col Try street, how Benridge street to Sera street, Sall be eight Is reck t • inc. 4. That the add Plttiterre , and Stetlbeneille almed Caro betas thS tedsole obeli elks lad, shell give se tho mayor, alder nos and alma of , to be Pod with ths Controller, OW the tors elf a person sr comas be wiles alters:teal oossepiettial ammo to it conwtri n Voet c ur t i gnael;. shell Pe lm et* . tea by Woe tiditusets_ .l -' • , Ss. 6. Rho geld Rafflued Company shall pay to iheility of littairkgb duo sem 01l ese 'boogied dol. ha sazigally for tes paellelple Dereingran led. Soo. O. That gad Company shallCoistrect • good and malkient well, manstebeng at theinorthern corn of Isiah strest.northwerdry along go much of Try street at may Ds occupied by sold tracks, and oleos the western aide of ifoentouteitest from rev *nth sired to Washington area, and nom said walla that be esainntad ari.iree rolling for the safety at the mato sweeinaever And o f Ta lanai the work to be shred to - the approval of lia Slreet Clossattee, and the same to be hop i. persona , moi repair by the Common; and the said Railroad 1 i Company shall. at their awn expeorsconstreed over Seventhand Washington street% at thepoints where theirtreeld shall pus under the ems; good and sub Ostia tram of Ira ac stone, with , suitable rail- Ingwand odostiory to the Staid Committee, and 1 the g u ns to keep in persilial the. Mar for the i convenience of the palls; and the construction of nutrias aid bridges thessid pany akar pro- !.. tact the pe and water ' pipes in weds manner as te render them at all thosimassale end et for nee, and ----- "elf the removal and regloattionsf the sans shall be td, der the dlrectlogadf the City Begulas and the Os and Water Committees af ooundle the same to le dossed the expers of the isid Bailroad Company; end alao at the expense of *Si Barraged Company keep a watchman at each street der which that map rum with their Malls. ease duty tt shall be to give Sao, of the apsoodrof nabs er kenuctine orgler=ild * l itaßs 4 ' g oidVo l i s sea ll e 'ley°a'S,lrllt t own dusk hoop to perpattall add repair from curb to g curb that Donlan a the strode which may be tray- i dined by their treat, and as all croashogs daimon Ooze sad trades Via SSW g ..: .... Jac. T. That esti Company shall soy all the ex; - posses obaseloned bYthergeadine, - Isiving and sal V. I tug al° "oh of ell the asrefte all tan th eir grads -- ""ggerr, establiehe 1 by this ordinates; and shall also provide ..: salable means, sialastoma thejltest Committee, V for carrying "ma the water from teesed street, ano t , ' Third and fourth stregartietwea•Roas and Try *tree% ma IntelP WY urea lemma Rank and Sec- 1 ond streets, ad shau also grade, pave and curb Try street, from eland streets Plasightuahi avenue, at their own expose slate eighteen setts attar IS pumps of thls " • Hie. 14 Thst.sshi Company thsa . .hot moss their Dees or loconstins from the end of their bridge at tkoltenctigebels riverto antra area at • wester rats of speed than four miles whew, and any vie. ISIS or ay of the provhdots a alltarlinence by rid Oastiar. orAte gnu ce MVP's. then sub" pet tad stesspaus to a ~natty a Oily dollars for rsash orals; so' 11* modened by elation of debt, ems elogemid; ems half of said Am Foto no the inborour 1 • 'and ths other half to the city. This Meier Saner Sent Will he Mona kr Alge ilia= ill ON city of Plitelblgrgb have tn. riot, wootessodeon of visitors en 'llia:kOna .U 7 AWN withlbaboAsent,of the' ellpiirst had and obtained, bilaXT, it will bekspt spew =dill* Di October.' to consict with thd Mai ImetTeuthorised to be 'lb. Wail Ida be Inds the clans of expoilescall. side ala to Modals Inins.for , genes/ railroad per asiuiris. , ho g ~,.,..r.r oorm ag. me, g i ,,, i , :4 4 e y t ,, , nowenck ressonable tacos and conditions ea Ws sat", istietsatiott toOlga. ; i - , my soled upon bYlislaTittzberghend therabge, 'Tb• Redfordritailrosi w i lt bO timOlod to ii lbw • '4oi• Laced V 02 1 342, 322 Isla cionTenies; end Is d o . to ii.if bah i ptatho, og osig fa beis wk., t, 40400 parties in anyAirstrfal to agree on the come sea of Bellbegli end fr ont' the pent pabeengere will gessetkon otralistillassid of Ahem. thews ass te . be gee. coneftWil te.ltolatPetnp to flea Masa Seas sad : ducat to two disintetwed sad competent pence% , . ~ , _ , ~. , so be ohms respectively by the Pittsburgh and Sten, , alma Ora iip t;., i i i a. tilo DOS ' 0 . 14, 0.60 to IMO! bearillerliattroadiksapany, and by the railroad so dealers _ and in with :. Bedford ,Water, •ta ' e as eareisild; and haat gad slaws Sail stansideseks, itutillowhigTsta:st th e SWAM:, :WAS ettee,nlibattlfor their anneal ymaesimmiippe. ) so gi110n5+......113 tio. seett4 salosilT r shelli gin of eaten porty. r! , ,Isangel.lisakillSoogd.......- , .......... 11 CO.. le sapointed the Omni thmenon,Blees go: alle " ha" bun i =i' its Ifi' v "" i 2 us^ eau,/ County, than Insemian, or 17eny ~,,,, a a..,, All orders add, to w. L. as to i 3 01- , ;Jodgmbi Vacation& sad Ch.•bails/ fiCsald Totems tool, grossptly 111•4 tot wsite tint to soy Putt!. , ' shall b sad armeississig lending epee th, W.. 009 00099011.- if la riedlabla OM - putkeser lineage trig and if eitherputy,a being WM& upon by the von should be given Ow Asking barrels. , ,-, - SMK - yarly.trkropolOt bis; . nflemiee shall fill to do - Persons whining room, en soy innutuaten casino for twenty unarm, b c) ;,, r ...., 41 , 413pQn. th . Nu n' lag the , IlectePle wili_JPtou addiwg , 'VII Plat,. Gout -ot-cansfroo Pko/40.040emsob made,shon pbxszora•ol:l3riturvitD 5P81.110... , eimelai i i mum m b r , n un ma j uisx:o4 b r the itir - uer r '' - rroin sr , - _,,.. OILS, lie. ALES, WETMORE. A CO., COMMISSION sine's:as OP eivramanues, 113 MAIDEN LAMA NEW YORK . . ,_• BTOBAGE dalD ,PING. at Um& yard and "bast, Jam Hoar. myl4:tt • • . • RIDER & . , coturr.saunr icsuairra; :; . • • Alai Tutors t d . • rzeraoLsea AND I'M MOON% caw, CAI/DLL, .16.4 _ 61 mit) Tan:. 5011 AND . . WIZ b.br the 07r1 Nl)rirtzlFrill oompay, ao. W. A. ose.Pitsrl,.p.gegit, 1111131 d deed. 0th412-iN need not be L enibirnuseeii the enforeeicont oLthe Bolt Mink.* whim they can km thdr 011 barrehdhoolAtippWl without tonehhig the Oily When,.. iN Militlim lam prompt, with Ira Mak, ime trouble Wd 1n Wier order, at IBICI3 OIL TA1114• -- • - On the Alias tent Valley Balltdad, stswerpturzerie ell* where OU to pumped - treat the boOtattitest to. the co* sod shipped to any Whitt Zlon or Welt, without enydrilla* or. ne.shtpplog. orders promptly aitended,to. ; 101P0111ce a m t Yea, en* ontsens Vasseaggir B. X Post Mos addinses, BOX-90% Plttehorgh ; or .1 Dan be teen deity st the Oil tschany. *pia IRON orry OIL WORKS. LYDAY CHOSPSZININd, Ilandtacturern and Bedlam of OARDON OIL, BMW= AND LOBRIOATINCV OILS, OBEID! PETROLEUM./ MrWorkm, opposite Snarl*lstsrg. Offlos in PLUMY BLOON, Dugasszto4, And denten In RICHARDSON, %Lama . & co., ommluion and Forwarding glorekanU, CRUDE & REFINED-PETROLEUM, N. 19 STREW, Pirritursaz. oer Liberal out ADVAICIIIII coualgtosioulla Ike Pittsburgh or Pesten 'Musket& Newt. J. 8. Ditrostx. It Co.; &minium limuutual, Sag. Liioaursor Bus., Sig., Pers't Oormoralal Bonk. mh10:8/a ossxr AtitiWUILTII, Be. 1 trf STBIST. Pitlabirgh. Forwarding & Commission Merchant AND DIALNJI-IN OILS. or mason Ara% LUEBIOATING, coma ertgowc OIL tn., constantly on hand end her .le es the lowtat mask:a rims. Ocnoworloarmi MOO OIDSIS MIOLICITUD. , ..7:131n ova. w.vrommatr—.;..». - .......5av so • • • i . WOODVILLE OIK t AIRF.DIEIIY, olosom w. soibletiiw i Oa. / - BUDDINQ OIL AND litIBBIOATINGIIIIL4 Zoe oonvtantly on hand the very beat quality of BUBHIHO Olleeeleor and witlioat odor; alio. goad LIIIIHICIATOIt. pan WS /TDDENZOLI: ead CAB GRICABIL Isamu orlon MR at No. NI Inns livassi; Doak Block. wood Boor, will be promptly Wands] la. othidtf LUOISNI! OIL WOILKS. ouniasisr,'DlJNlAP • cc., palm warrDRRiINRD CARBON MIL OM* Ito. "I LUx.rty 'trod, C===! sopt.thadits I AMES 111,W1N, Matinhotoror of OIL OF VITBOL. s 4 • saes AIIIIOIIIA. Orton lan at William Holmes Pt oo.'s 011100. rah, oar of Market and Pint ;Moats. will rawly, prompt attmtka. • DIAMOND OIL WOMisi. HAY LOB A !MIER, wham - AND DIAIDES IN GAILIioN 91/.. bi any la Oa mark*. . ororaara lan at mai 'offia.,lto. at NABS X/. STUN?, or at their "mks to-Lennwerittlle, will be promptly ettioded to. • BUIEBB OT ORIIDII JlOOll 11 L awriusw GLUT pETROLITA Mr; WORKED " : rastrivinnuti 21i1111,K* rreibuiva cosignania Osimelh newshaniaat nor , 'VS' 0811.111”.14. ' SEW # G 8.4.07, Rivrieteum. „ S i r " Ice . Meno°o44 l ! / 4 0 PN Vitab ,l 7o . QiUktaliJlA), 441+1N,ti0114-43/0 IV :mention et di 'fain Ilfid o4srs is ogled to it'll. tact tbst the aniUnissa ties= coca ma/ di7 Taati.luitabkq""Slialt ASlkWoinAt. ed ; Way sod 8 :- Clair otivelk BEDFORD-8,4 MM IVEW GOODSHaling:juist ispum e ig AA nom Oil last, tithes* mi)w-la store an =Una. sire awortamit ouscurimid defifsiw; B9OTS:4•1•11:il /14ted o*samen., I/Was aan amanita wittiaistrtia% inksllo and 01111.01111111: I rll al, 'op, 14 • elliglitpFpwAy • .17111F111,1111 . 31111,11011.1 k 00 II la s ' Tl. 4 corsor wow sas 1/4360, eta, Mi 0 KI 014 i fo - * - 0. - 0 - 0:, mtPcox.usirina 'ar; le 1 44 yroiji aruptle. itia dews 'train 111flkstrikei. 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