-; ~ ~: TAIR"'" VAILY' .• PITTSBURGH :GAZETTE. ESM) voismasszwr eXari, -.C. I AOaf ICE M II.464III,I' (* MU lI CCIII mr 6SAllf, to., Zia 12:71= mihmariATAK. ONtamif• the etheralled Vakettotta 011. At' Desead end 146 Shit girde r to --.leireat eal !Niamey •• • ••• • -11 . 1 .-ilt, ' MAIM Logiumf. IY`.. • 'AO= O ni aNAMOWNJOODOOn inn Oonatioss;. ibetilervido: or raa, arab, ftrl4 80. iiallar.lasdrNottar: Nem Ohail, Dana .oirs AuSbadn. Itrtigas, Pot lad Peari.,Aidiaap. Lod maxim aid Aran Y.lNnwer, Vox and Ur &oda, Oultiadinnous =doom Cbtalgonants. 4 4 : 1 .7 No. 11/1/f - ldberty st. / INNabarah. JW P IN a OAKLEI,O, Omar uQaa Aso Yonarmino Masanare and VIKA& al* gala In WNEITIMN CEXCSII. 11132172 R. LARD PORN. BACON. ELO r tiDDS, ror Amos. aLraU m um AND - LAND OLIN, DNECD NB and Produce. Nos. JAI and HS front street, ODLi frll. sumum OUP kIEIHRPARD COlOllBlllOll MAR -16; omokraaral &Want la /LOVE, GSA= ARD PSODUallictdo. MO Marttrait, Pidithorik. Pa. Chola - broads of how for Bakers aktrazolly on hood. ?Mikator attaotkm paid to -.a emadas4M.rohioadlaa morally. ply lAJLES O. ItoVAX, HORWAXOIII6 OmaislON MAICILLIM•Ibe n tbi ado Of 11.911 X UMW, B =OA sad Wishes Plains ~Nol— l iramllSMlLD mass ?Int, Pittsburgh, Pa. • elareedisa dad condsousants solicited. 111 U. sue. AROMAS'S & LANG, Ckianamoit Mamoru awl whoionlo &elm is GROON. P P... &ix, No. NNI • itokst, Po. :ooltdly lAMEB DAILZELL 6,80/inid.anlirao• WU) on; oar cbuttsium isms be the sad a>u of OBVDIII AND -11111TEID alair4o and TO: Water a., •`' .' - Aktm idai Wdir an ohs. _ I !WV.' IPrl to no. P _ `llll2 /lUD. °ebilifica"" PRODUCE, G • • . 1111 . 1 1.111PATMLOK. _-r. ..KIRKPAT/11011 & BROTHER, tit to ftrwita IClrkisa.) Wawa. SAM Eon. lel sat 1.14 Mum atria, PlNelbuna." ADIS:4 IMAM 31/IIIMO2 owl p ar ri I Dan, attusosass, W. CCM% Ikeda partner. NUNS- O OFFThrSUOOOISOII 10 IlloadarkWooro 00., waomumut ORO- Wood owl Water stmts. Plttobargh, Poss'o. • . jy&dly ••:11.1 , a fuer cr • 1:4:1` Pkturvaa • mitatkr7- • D 4: 371 . 11 AD EZXN Ord and Prods= gem ZVI: advaziou niadiv i a . "72 . 4rmen • "Zwilarkix PEODIIIIf ia 0011417agittr 41100 L l9l/W ZOOLL 1O 2 - 114 E 8 AS/CCO, WEOthiSALE Sesitmet t i mei 111r n sTes streets, Pittlir of ETGUTD3r7t .... • sits raloassi ICIIIVONUMMIMan • kkl. ~lSTWoodsenet Plttabiggb, _ ), dlr QZoorti AND VOILIIIBBIO/14rigtHAMT, But oormeof" Diosiond. No. NI, tabliriaL *IITTO/L.X.EIV. 00011 RAN, Arriliusir mut ocs;sszissiv,:so- Lill Mee, so: so Grant arm; Pittaburh, P*. all business entrusted to Wore will rettelvsprompt attention. Oollsetlons made let Allesheny and ln all sellelnlng eoruttlee, and Ur sweep zentitted-promptly. seal, .1()1iN G. , MALOCONNELL, Arrimarir wanly: Onicz,sioond story MTh Low &am lar; rt!,t. =PATRICK aILELLO*L-Arroz issgs•ir Lis:4s.l33.rourp f 1 dam, —• • IT:dtf sallorml.. gory, 411 elf. C. 4EICHOYER, Ariosuis as D.f. oace, avanksa,tre rinsbirsh. ,„. Da trimmers. rristi's — 1: . 1 .. - „ Nixie 1,. waiiras: WOOmtuDlC* 3 l7*Lus, . szoniuzi - astracir. . W4 ll3 lWiiii/DIJIA.Ir LEEN- O TAM= • DTI iiiiuMiliip 0111, isr A r 7 ~..- . 3dHlailli LIVALIID: Olb, , 7--,,rsallatl , dedialduitikskly ' "SOMOB - 490Mtt Bums lit rum - - - -' irAliffll.6.ll.!aaku illanntaratir, • 011 a, TAM ftwqual. ~ -:r U.! . ~,',i 4: , Bram. L , -,,. t L.;ArsP .i^Tr-77.77i - c: f• - , V., ••4%,... 4 , Witoza- Dillow:Wit, at Wlirri ...roam • pew avAmillrrrat maki ' ri" . 7l • Ps. on,s; • r. 17 .. 'Amp • tr t uts. xwas caw; ••••4 • • •••:, - El:4 • :T. •••• .n. • • samearxtWoodierast lad - 111Pninip Friar . • : 7 • i WHEGUISALE r aoh_ saws :411sotassowng ?so - rmia•wilogbzwittrakia4vationink• , olkba“ -akiatir - ar •. -I • IRlTlMitplaiXl Mrstambmprgiy, a 11111101fitivei, Ildbul l''- 3 , • ". PhlangrAritiioeil'ioitO -i V irctit, a.Ck 4 4 o4 ,o2 , ..spaan osaa4rraii saida4= .„ .. .:,1: 1,1, %.41:,;:.11434ELATcgiViiiiiiiiiza 'T•lica . X0..1111 • - 7, ll eilff lad ~ ,..:. ,t, tL. , • • . . , • traajwiet o m t‘" :1:1, 1 - " ., 504ii;,,,,4 044014: 04411 ', . ' ' ' Ilk , . Arwidbotty '.. -- ' ' fiAritrit,if4V T----. :-:----, .1101:4701.: ~, ,a •CO/PliTNALeirt-roz ,-.... Airimmumgrimursionik.wleasagsiii ft --S.)= d!1; .41 . r., ; 1 .1 1 , 1 E INMIINNt.. sail ~,,rosula, Ambit Ircumi Amnia eir.TWlsal•TwiSiasti saltassied 111Twasratilia.;-' e.TI:1;/ 1 .; • ". 2 jliiTAir/lirkei istalr • *" . gr •• AZT art= • _ I:_t_ 7 Irstaratart. r „ 7,11 7 . . • ,mr „. 41, Dograasi Mtatkitiol. iii, a. y). 4,11 tie, la; .":• D that& dot Nlif 0011MOD1. Iblitibrralre4 to sat token to ilap• -in 1. • -4141Aa1l Ur , Arcakfteirou Rs. •! .11. • F t * , • .NAT 1.3.5 7 " :11 " • 110 6•4734 4" ...ib • - . oll:N . ) 4404- - . • noon Ant • , "mai 'pa r z MEM i, r ~Y. ~........ OELS,,Jrc. WALES, WNTdOR I COBIZIISSION IYEEMCIECAZimB lIIIPPERO OP parraoLicum, 113 DUDES LAN A NEW rest. lir Am* hounainfor friouan Alm sexe nig% at tide Ted and Wand, nazo Hoot. 11014:11 Rums a vidula, 00/411:188ION inacaurrs. AM ratan; In tXTROLIIIM A. 16 ITB PBODUOTO, OLIA OANDLZB, jG ISLBROAD Your -IWIILND, WOR Rirtras far t m) POSTLAND OIL RIM YORK rimer/um WOMB 09AP OW n eed not'be by . the eaforonoont of. the Built Gramm" when they can hare their Oil barreled and shipped without touting the Oity Wharves, as cheap, man order, atln prompt, with lam ritk, ten trouble and bettor X/RXI3 OIL 7 43D, On the Alley hen Valley Railroad , shore Laws,,,.. thMlle, wham Oil is ptunped nom the boats Orem to e rare, mad slapped to aity point, Beat or West, say 4lnging at 'l4k - typing. all mien promptly attended to. weft. at Tani, en °lnane P MA asseng e r B. B. Post Moe add:my BOX Pittabtunta or I can be man daily at the Oil kmhangs. eon DAVID =RR. pox sorry on worms. LYDAY d - QROBPJ2ThING, CARBON OLL, RENZINI AND LUBRICATING OSVDB PITBOLBUM eV - Works, opposite Elharpsbori 01lice In PEILItY BLOCK, Dutuanie Way, WlSk til)N, lidliLt6 If a 00., Commission and Forwarding Aeronauts CRUDE & =FORD PETROLEUM, ESWilit ersz4m, Premiramt. ca,ll LOTA3CIII Oa 00111dgisamata fix Plitabatil ar Laura Keiticsta. Nears. J. 8. DaiwaTß at Oa; Emma HAZILLOGI, rag. Tatou*Gls Bna, iaq, Prtal Cbsusirclal Bank isdalkets ROBERT AtiiiWOß:lll, 90. - 1 BT. MAI* "rain; iitaiumn. Forwarding & Con ndinion Merchant Apro puma IV drra LIIBUIOATIIS 3, OSUMI pirrsoLstati 01LY,0 .1 hood lad for We at the Invest lastket.pleep.. cesteituunersi Q. "uLtl 001,081CIP. W0.0.1W/LLE OIirREFINER Y. 6 1 Ear,vestrp a Kavirraorumas of BUUII4OIi AZDUIZIIIICATING Larlytantly on hand the Tory boat quality co II GI abed and without Odom alm, ay• LOSIIOATOII, pm* ItZIiZOLJ . I sad OAS 03111A511, • Mirdlllardara Len at No. &ti Itrra Bram, Bank Lock MOW tkan s. el/4 ha promptly atroaded to. ookdat LIIOIINT 011, ;Egg] DIIIOA2I, DllliidlP di 00. rose warts airtifth) cizanoa oue. N 0.1191 labarkr dint, • PlTTEBtritag, OLL OF VITERL. AililA AMMONIA. Ordan Wlat. William, Rama oa.'s Otamonr. me at limb, Mai NNW Mei , . PromPi atimitkm. mai DLAMOND OIL w 011,40 sairataus AND Dikr.. l 4 OLTIBOZI OLL, trzurorpeam!4 by "I!, I,.tke.tuckst. agrOrdees latt at tbilr WM* Na. 41 BLUMIT to. Min, or at tludr works to lowraaanaltht.talla ISMstioadad itil Or MIMI OIL. =ill pETROLITE OIL WORKS, ILLXOfLOTOIIIII rarica TAITI OAILIIOII ou , ITSZOLI MED 177ZOLEUX I .OIIIIOATIXO 01:4. Owenlty thoo2lll3la blirrilb per week. REESE it GRAM% Proprietors. 44*, illoacalsaltsla En" Pittsburgh. 11.111AGN FOR Embus)) 0114—The pj attention of en man and Gibbs Lt odbd to the bet that the andendined has I larr cool and dry 7,s'.Tl!"l.*rs"" h a lg A i dawowra, cam, _ B sad Obb now. O leabbis Lointating. ' Rai*, *AM 100 MAI INSAid.treo. •00 DDY Ditodoilatd Ronda% Tor We by _ • R. ASHWORTH. aolli etzittemins Way sod St: Clair at. .wrgcs.CL.,•exivo vs. P _ ARTABI4ELLP NOTIOII.—We have thia art sisadatedi with am fa the Bolling KW 'bode... A. J. Demobs: style of to to be DULT4tb• pertnenhip t. tate Abet this day.. Ike Oil badman MA be castled on by the emietvigneg se heretofore. ?till Mb. I GRAY/. autos szass. warztorw sun. ••••=w a, Dm ItICESB Ili DULL, mamiraotionn of •ZI deer= of May, Biwa mid mNaiad ixisistriiitid' o with • view of ama/ WI kW emis Stientalt - What i'skar• th• tra c k. y, we niope daithtidd Watilz rtrieti. a)111 wThiaLiowerinuris CO. Boiler Makers sad Id kris: Waters. 1 . 211 X 103E11.11:aZfilt Moe; 14 aid 111., Herbs seasnal large =Waal it with the stet isprarell b tea nose m,.IN raini• • • • . 44 gi;; ILIZE,OOIID TOIBII BALT mamma i n. RILL& AGITA PAO, BUM IBOX . 1/S1 W X II . ,MIAS. ropooeee meuebhma e tu t 80/LAL Hagaras dos be settee OGIVES! CIMILTB OF MAGNESIA; es. bottom, la the twat et Powder. Ult. eutithott to epeeist zerkrathetwer the bold Math of Meteeete. SWUM est - seer Muth! Wate Ilelitiltarowdeet, sad °thee 'Whir arthhu. Whew n. Wheat* throsang nqpilarly. H hie atfedattetd• Wheron the . '=l memo. themes conettpetiole. COMIO*1! wait eooithir of 111 lathe eon. Matz. Prim Month. 00. berwhisad al th e Ithaittactery, Me. 193 Awing Uri New - Yak, - - Daissiisibirmead saw LaiL. 2.2nra l/AVANA. 0/O_ lO ARs- ar t e co b lidada nua !ar ar 11 3113151 01M1G A PANCIX trilta" Mk &a Lt 'nzfaidr. MMlti at A En , Be= li ttiburik • 'II -11.-"Zhe-Tsabgeonstmlpfaratti6X.77-' SAM.III!kinpaIINON, t. -: _ Gb•: B, 94',*loMl dam muumuu, grit . I . 4ol6iiraiz iniass. "1"1"114 W. L OICAPNAN, &mit, 69 Band 'treat. lianufactanni and Haft= of And awn in , Prrnistraaa, PA. errnoltau.amumlN: Yamamoto/sit of 1147102 • BXITZI. 1 ItAP ._ - : PITTSBURGH, F szirr.r6 doratauvrEs. WHEELER it WILSON'S -- RUIEIRST PERICIUR, OLSODLAZ ROOK SEWING MACHINE WORLD'S rim, Lon.os, INDUSTRIAL IMPOSITION, With Waal* haprovecoantn The only Raab* in the World WOE Gum thorn Parma, Baum and Donau, with hoprored Nina& Way on* Is reepeothilly invited to Gal at our atom ands.. the itachinne in operation. leitrAU Maeitiser warranted three ream WlPtiend tbr a Machu. in. 81:12INER At CO, WESTERN AGENTS, Prtrairoasa-80. 27 TUTU ITISRET. Cfscretwri—DlßS'il GPIRA BUILDING. Loinsmon-1510.1 NADON/0 11111PLI. j 83 :1M1111, Gi W. WTLLIII2IB & NJ. IMPROVED DOIIBLIC TEMILLD P attiglit Sewing Machines Baleatoss, No. 66 !earth areal, littsbugh. Thal Kaohneo an from Mee to twiaty dollan cheaper that ay other atacktaa la the oily. They wl/1 do all Undo of work, and an wainatad thus path They inn Math' that AMY child 111 yean old can on than to oerlettloo. Onstaatly on Yazd. all Idade thwittg narrow needle% eavftt fillk, Cotton. in. at keno Market PANS. tor. I. !resell!. deist P 14.4•011. • . S NAND PLBO&' A ? octavo Otdok boaatlAd blank umlaut tuna; very I.lrikl logo oo Al octavo Oltakaring, rionrood. rood to r . am a Ant rata Loatruaaant.------.-. 200 00 A T ac 4. nap I Oa, ruorwood; a bans:loom Plano, to good cedar...-. - 00 02( octavo Btodart, wood, carved pamla hi boat-- 168 00 k 63 octavo Gala A Ow. ronowood. round trout; as acaellant Plano-- -.- 160 CO A 6 octave Oldckartag, onowood, round can • • a • ...6n °" • octa• litodart, makopti ll • 6 catano AWN A,°° • 4 **tars Guam. .. octavo Dunker.. g• W s cow . Loud. 6O CO A 634 coda tnekb, 41° ":1 10 00 • 6 octal, Eli; • JOHN H. KIILLOS, n w• • • ann. grEinvers PI4NOBAmi received the NUT QUM PRIZ XRD AL , at the Wozuol rani, London. MIL herWarrasted =pular te oboes °thus te cm, et P A new sleek of the oboes Nit salving. Bola Atsitcy ter distelot a tip 11stintly Plano. st ILLIDIM A 11.1043., suaSl Ire. 5$ rfflb Kati gNABE dr. CO.'S PIANOS I.X, —dart opened this seek • un to randy of the. tosidtfal Inatrarunts b•yond • Illeabt Um toss. Ist gm °pastry. fatt Et mt. loos salnusally arnaided. Dor some truants port us balm .or boils able to SD orwitaff of oar order. WARRAN77IID Fl PS YIANd. Ile /MIS BittrfflELVDXolll.Bl9l PIANO. rOBTSII. Midst dm" Plisse surfs Tar sale by CHS 2 IVISTIs 6 GUSII..4.I FM strut, &do PSI e vil! Agars fa BUILO SAIDDZ ONS. = BROTHS/1V PLAIDO• and r . one g7rit ›ol //liter /;; OW AID WOOD 011.4411! HILLIIIO 017 WBOLZBALI 01 ILITAIII. JAI'. W. WOOD WELL, V/ sad NI TWA 'treat, oppaita i Idinandaen s 00., and 11l Tooth stmt• mato PATENTED OCT. 8, 1861. Dithridge'a Patent OVAL LAMP Alisnatictarid ZZ FLINT GL&88. Thar Ohlautira sr* landed be the Ast Ostaa *blab basting all parts Ills &ma noisily, don sal i v t al o ascir• .11. D. DITZEI .4 Part Pitt Giro arks W stree sigS Pi P.. LADLES' FANCY ATMs ; UHILDIXNII YLNOT /VW; (=NI". rEril OOLLAVI 41 GLOVES; KATO AND OAP& Nam Twisty and at& of Masbate goods an hand nd br Ws al X•CIORD ilk Clo.'B, Do. 121 WOOD DTBZWL BLACK DLLIOND STEEL WORES, pax, - uolsoß a co., 11...hictur., of BLIT QUALITY IIZYINID OAST ATM, &pi" llstAml u l n ==. of WOlTlLltrilts .01•10 tO or naaufactund is Cousatrj. sw-unie wd ww•bou. e 5.1441 sad LSI FIRST M3041211110011D IThibfurA. 17d _ Ir. N. IMAM, ALLEGHENY (bAL Y7llbl"ll*.L. W. M. MAXEY 100., • GOAL, COSI, LL I / 1 1, FLOUR, PLASTID' PADA OILIERST. 1111 l SEIM AND MI OLAT. 1111rOortur Ora mad &ugh Oniumni. Jaritay A LL4N, 7100010 LICK A 00, liazinT Ifitips4:4l ll4 ■lo,yl6 • ;•HirWizionoos,./114). aua A4bety Etna& • PAILOB - AND H.T. crovzarrumos AND/020EnifiltATIA HOLLOW WABHO*, Mod arid Mar Nralds, LK Jou mulffimabs.ftylveut and l E um" :1t• bona, WWII • • . pr Kit 041•Wboals, • and Onitthe Jobblu ima id JOMilk Painted Xcc"lP o .a.W. splkam4 maw, Riau Fournia, Aciaus asp &flux /mug. All Abdo of BUM Axone* vociu-isisde to order. • Aboi , 11 58 CIAIITINCK WU kinds, side at that l i ako aolonolottr BOWN TIT o,•138 woatt asuirr:griu k.promor !mimosa to. awns mamberier lint Wing rootlool ow. air* of =Ay footsooll la tboltbasAtoOk will Wan to Oro iftami• • Oars tooled. commy. , i•tit LIGGETT hOO., _.oar ammo cortia 'Liberty mud Ads= streets, Pit*. ...Clgeof 4 , 0100 tags. pa dsy. n'tcyz 'BTAMPBO—A fall aii0r ..2.% iaear d Rained damps it kept caihaad at tb• internal Mandati Mak do. 07 Water atreetalle orpas. . Natosa parahealag la quattlidiell /wal eyed de drasevertddloollare Tlieedik, I r . : : voiltamOsiiii9 - ,potarpr#4 • . .1” . Vittshrgit 05azettll. 8. RIDDLE & 00., 11DITOR8,;4ND PQOpy Id TOBB Pahßeano Office Rd. Si Mk Street. Montana AND SUMO ZDIITOZO, HAUT, oosTenalra THE LATIZT NUM DP TO , PHI HOUR OP PIIBLIOATIOZ. FRIDAY ::::: JUNE 12, 1868 NEW TERMS OF THE GAZETTE, Swum. lternon, by eten. Pet leer.—..oo 00. 44 • month.. 10. week.. Is. " 414 4 4 eS ?mama Minnow, by peti4 Pet Yeet.--. 4 441 .. atotint.. WL week—. 10. 0 does L Wiraxzr Samoa, single toga, per year.. 1 00. , clubs of kto 10, . 160. dabs°, 10 or more 1.34 —end one extra to the petty sending dab. Lie • deb of Mein, we will mend the Znacreo Gilortia daily. Yea a club at twenty, we wall send the Mounts Gatatis daily. ate& 0,30... 6 mtg. SarAll eatesattteas NS* is adesess, sad oven away' stepped when the tints expires. No decided oonfirmation, up to the hour we write to-day, of yesteeday's dispatch, mow insr from rebel sources tha fail of Vioksburg. We do not intend to enter uponany dismal= either of the probability, or improbability, of the statements Made in that dispatch, for the newt of any possible inquiry, however acute or elaborate, would haws bat little value —but a short-lived late' 4—when at say mo ment a click of thi telegraph' may unfit the matter either way, indifferent alike to hope and argument, la its dealing with inexpugna ble fact. True, the &Meaty with us gener ally is, to get this authentic roles of tact, amid thecontiloting din of wild rumor and an daolous falsification. The aoootint whioh we have from Ph'Wel phis, of news from Vicksburg reasived to Washington, suppressed 'thin by the am mouldy, has not bias, Means a promising look, we oonfess,—yet this also may nun= a very diderent asput under the light of a full expLanation. But it may very possibly be one more of the inexplicable whim of that eereeson whisk ttu so oftsorremluded u of how the Dogkerty part of mankind in sun` situation And sups and opportunity. A Rebel Raid. Gen. Hooka has evidSitly proved superior in generalship, in these iste movements, to his rebel opponents. There can no longer be any question that the long-cherished preiPl of Gen. Stuart of • raid into Pimnsylvania, was just on the aye of boindearried oul, before the late double movement of Rether.rthst is to lay, the arming of • Ortion of . ths army below Fredericksburg, which immediately ea called LP's forms to re-poupy their half abaadoned position on the heights around the city, and the still lateroevali7 advance of Pleasanton, whioh has pr obably decked for a time the projeated raid. But for how long shall we say that this sheik shall operate, sod retard the progress of so enterprising as oases 11/11 firmer, who has now evidently , gpkooseraitted istitLos the oharge of carrying ont a . pet project' of his own? The Government Is doubtless now oonsid *ring this question, and It Is time that the (demi of Pittsburgh and the people of West ern Pennsylvania should assist to °lnsider In their : own behalf. We trust they will do so promptly, earnest ly, and effectually—lad had themselves in readiness toast, which is the importanithing. —Lest any should doubt or dispute the fad of Sinai: , having entertained the project we bare spoken of above, ne sabjoin to fellaw ing extract from the diary of a rabelinlioer on the staff of Ehm.filrasnr, will► was patillahail soon after the battle of Chancellorrille,,whem It fell Into our hands: ZIDUOID PRIOU Yaa. 31.—Toward evening, General Stuart, came into tent, and we passed a tol erably puissant tinning. The General Gabled his Staff, and threw them down in the ;med. Then we bad hard-boiled egg' and aeries about his different made... Be sald, 'awe alit, Gblekahominy raid was the mold per. Goes and the most anocessful of all; that if, on hi. Penasylranikraltaha enemy cw- lib, depth of viler, had prereated - hie j uutroesing the Potomac, it was hie intention to lave boldly penetrated into the interior of I"entury/- Tanis—to hare wandered about through the country, and finally, if compelled, totes e• turned to Northwest Visilaia, This scheme he said he had reported to General Lee and the Searetary of War, and if they Would:glee him 10,000 man, be delieetiAtotbiap better idea to.ueet.ii is wisp Bprag. Great Activity la the West. , :Clatter from Cairo, of 3tual 6, to the New York Alarms, says: As regards reiriforeemints resold/1g the im lsaguered city, this seems out of the quastioar, for two moons. One IsoVioksburg is. our. rounded by swamps, through which are a few pew", easily dehmilodi and- 411.4mirnionts. of our army hold the i a n 4 , 4 o ; l l ll fit o t r" could leave! in' frOnthfliosecriiiiiil u his know/oda* When' ha would. advaide s sail - ln fast he is now doing, inoh by Inaba Si Ulm were forosesing this use moveruit4... - „, ."AtilAh!Fr thi utmost activity prrraili'sti ,r int km ot. tween thli ;Mb:4nd 84 Unit and ilineinasti and Vicksburg.;; ateimersani urged forwOrd, loaded with provisions and army stores; and aver,. ransom sad poil:,/ilek -sin spare bolos is saiding. thsin forward_tte reishrop our haves. Age:Mamas informs .that he clouted thirteen lranaportse kmded to Omit utmost capacity with soldiers, bound for Oen. - Grant's army. • In the . : preashigneeds of the hour, sanitary .to ;Viligetal4es delloamiii medkdses, be by k " :thanirod taco, &e., it. kurriod forward without dennality. Ylllllllll , I s , day, Cairo aroused hirielfillidin'xletih nixed nearly $lOO in cash to'tellime dui ta of the 'Lek, and the exhaustod soldier' on protracted battle fed. One is remind of those times when man spontentiouly give Pt_ benevolent objects, only this antis on &sole more vast than the world over saw bidets.) Tue ChiAolio Tetqpraph, (Cinsinnatl,) Otis domed under the direct supervition of Inshol) Perot% tins cautions the Cath y olice of 00 West against being Inveigled Into Milo:Taller sedition, moths, t • " Is h vim /—Boate of our Catholic jouraili In the Rut are now engaged' in a strange work., - -Pint, advocating the Aarpetolty Of Blamoryithe greatest wrong that, one mesa, do unto another; mooed, expoelna 'Wm po - era that ho'!, to contempt, AnAt 4 1 ,w 6g , 6 poop to disObitUentot tbird,.enooaraging elstosita.to law; sad fourth; iirlap old ' it mmfort , to those In rebeillort *pion the 'OO I stitend sathodthe 'Do oni Ulster& sap ei, that thus". things-W il l la forgotten,-or , t the Church will nolibiseada to tuna ter tit lunettes' f.: Thompionrsais too ropliesi that' whoa. the mint las boeneakaishod 11, Catholics, will bo'ihe,''aiatt eletliek - -ro - i the iillY to Owtthe own, '..r, 11 net re _ otremaringtip tie traintr , We • hope, hp., deed, :'that , onr, -, inticipatiollo my_ prop beliOdlass; but we tsar amok that thpy w godly realiside. 1 , :.. • 1 ; ,:t' Gov. Snows, of neti, 111,ilo Md. t, Is l'• consenting' WA. re- s. , ~ . -1 4• 11- ii" . ' we should , 119•07, ruder 5a7 tornammallos ~ tomcat:to a monstraMionitflin: 11 ~ 'or to any polilis tallinitet;ll* - "go . •fititoe ,Ittion*byttoltelithhiopeck i . or a Ike iiiir ily 'down oar somant As , 21724! "" tiotogl!lifi l it. 14-' 00 " ;= lrears roam& -• . - -, - - , . The History of a Danish Officer in our Army. The Port Hudson correspondent of the. New York noes gives the following interesting socoant of a Danish omoer in OOneral Banks'. army wko we killed by rebel Rickets daring the operationi near Port Bullion : On miring at Omen! Sherman's I was shocked beyond measure, on inquiring form friend Major main, to Leant Abet le - had died only hal an hour ago from a rids shot. general Bankieand staff went Into the hoop!. tat close by to takes laie loot at him, and us I stood omr his lambaste form I saw him more one thumb—the Lost apumodie effort Of . Tbs. very morning .on which . I saw him, Major,/lafildll wan .. coming from Springfield Landing to , joie, Qoi,,lianks' kesiquertere, bat, radortpately• mistaking itli read, passed between the heidpiertin of. Shpts. Augur and Shermin;riglitaktor the rebel Pickets., B. wee idtanded'iti nobody bat his faithful and now lifrecesolitesid,,Cdtpani Thos. Nugent, from whom r glean -thi vroontof the len few houri of_ the pliant Major: . de /0011. aaLike same' upon the pickets, he :drew Lis sword,. aped up to the rebel lel, d 1.,, sad 0 •him to surrender, which he did, throwing. down Ids gun. Poor others then appeared among the Mahe' and all do. literately Iced, one shot penetrating the kia jor's lungs and Another hitting hie horse in the neck. Major Haffkill—not seeing the oth er four men--exelalined, a The rural has shot me after surnindning l " The rebels, after firing, had all run away. Corporal Nugent .supported the bleeding and fainting form of the Major as long aa •he Could, on his own horse, and then got him Into a male.wagon with entreaclunent tools, Wilds happened An tenatal, to be at band, and had hint iminedi &tidy convoyed to Gen. Sherman's hospi tal While there Corporal Nugent, having heard from the napon that the wound was mortal, and that he mad not native more than an hour or two, asked him if there was anything. he wished to say. The Major—still thinking of nothiag but his datrave him some Mt. sinus message to his superior oilier, Major Beitofe. When reluctantly toned to say that he alluded to =dement a private nature, as his wound was mortal, ,Corporal Nugent says he turned to him a look-of the most painful alpilloanee, and asked deliberately, if , he . meant he was going to die. When , Sadly in formed it wits eo,Then Nugent,' said the brave man, ' °I • !10 like a gentleman and. a Soldier." . Wejor A. Mattill was • Danish neblenian, • polished and highly educated oHori-Who had never been out of military serviow ulna his boyhood--holding the position of ald-ds camp to the king of Danmark, end pasiessing honors 2 Midges and titles druid by -hie Majesti t of which the outer maid Inr noth ing, but which the Nokia felt . pronde known among Its intimate Meads. I .• When this war broke out Major Heffldil, In the trim spirit of chivalry, and . 00111110 U of his knowledge of hit prefession;obtaibid per- Wilda 'to come here and distinguish with the proviso from his Danish testy (whirl I Dan royeelf seen) that wheiover be wished to return to his nativelaad his former petition and honor' were open to him; He originally cami main the humble pool tiros of Assistant Engineer under C 1,.. Banks, serer doubting that his milibuy talitnte and experience would - insure him ariedy4womo- Son as aeon as he mild acquire away little knowledge of our language, of which hellion knew nothing. He soon.found employment in the forwAsations of Baton Rouge; which. ere pronounced by all judges the very finest In the eventry,aad which, it Ia will !mown; are due matey 0 the soleatile Milli of Major who planned and sugnintendcd ttant from begianfog to end. Latterly he was pro moted to the mil of hisjor of the Third Ns , tive Snails (oplOrad)—a regiment which be tad no prejadiee, for !molten told tam, with sash diseiptima as liscould upon in one colored regiments, he expiated to. make better troops of theal than we could ever form out of white men without that folding soldierly qualification. bfajes • ' Hainan wae notawnerally knoitaand:, appreolated as be ought to burribeen. His imperfect acwintalioewith Our -language— which he was;hiwever, aequiring with won- &dui rapidity added talus lanai* modesty. and a. ocoudonsassa -ids inherent Worth, made hid stand aloof from all that mtigiii braggsdocis by which men too often , jump over the heeds of their superiors in thie tonal try- It was only the favored few admitted to his sonfidenoe who can really know hog - true antacids amen I write of—nobie biyoaditay mere eonsidiration of title. I was his fetlow passenger on board the NOM Star with Sen. Banks expedition, and through the medium of • foreigulangu‘ was. fortaaately.ablia. to eXchange thought with this anobtrad lag stranntir, and the aoqUittSl2ol9 these, deatalsymadeseenaipenedinto lastingfriend ship. If this lionost tribute to the memory of • good mesa should fall Into the hands et any of his friends, they will rejoins with me to know that he died as he lived-era gentleman • and a soldier." FROM 'WASHINGTON. Mai MitTotem to the Pittawei Gasette. • Wannixaron, Juno 0 , 11103. A Uaion man joined Stoneman'a cavalry when pasalng through Lonna 0000ty on ;their reams raid, who had been a reform from rebel oonsorlption for nearly a7ear. - Ile heelless bid.avray In the Woods all WA Um% coming ont only by night - to obtain "ainplles. Raw:- bars of ethers In the saminontltion, he ssp, are -Concealed In the wilds of that region: • 11001011 C r NOV ?Una. The Ant number , of a new evening Paper hu made its "%TO here. It Ii $ the bantling of one .T longue, ex•Congems man , Mid• It& Incipient ate, biranwlifressinhlis mash the hiss of • "Cop perheed."' It. day Iriu be abort. , • ooze/anon oryin carmax. Donn. The Statue of Liberty, • correctrsrepprrenaslente. tloa of which Is to bonen on the - 'end ,of the Are dollir greenbaoks, will not he placed' on the maiptilleut dome of • the 0464; an: the 4th of July, as was expected.. /t would have been en exceedingly Al way of , r ealebrit-; ing the birth- day of the nation, bat /Wonted forldruhuoss hare Intervened to prevent it. , - . 1 slow rninntau. Prom print. letters rewind from Mare in Admiral Parteer lad, in front of Viola; burg, June lai r we have the following :1.a., Aral i skVll4l[4g7latordenthanthdartth fr om Oa away a aner,in Sherman's fnont.a The' poor dulls havo.had all their rues billiard, and caret dr* a dot. The throw hand gre nadee,on era puny who are working away an dantes* their tau, ind who (throw them back arab.,' Yon map talk of Sebeitopol add 4thlakolf,' bed it rrao baler !mirth *lto Noll big ibarset 'palled the work of air arldias in rating up to . thaw - works, Yon wo u ld " lave to melt to liellairit. - Ali !hitt:handl would be notidng to' ell one-twartlitli of the stanzas otwork thearAlevili haroblaeini up in front, andkandlobarnatin s ask hens left behind our way for air mita. If yearn w crier% nreporter a tell -au trath,-ho will I write stale of store t than anp that bas' been published for lb Sar i .: Now and ttptz: we sink antral, or t onannik g-bnt !sank Pun/ thkrktor oat than airanan Ina , tha. um fulls,ithith will y lain terdiPe.. Um wow,: the rebel prriaa are Into/tint @nth' urban toes, frost whisk, I ern told, Asp gela• .grestrualsaatoe,itbeing *mama ngpa n 4. ragtime to ptdrig coral' • • ' - : : ~ . , ' An tlndelianbfe:.*eoUnei - .:- u . A. certain ?Weiss offsoto,reddenblia 40 !Ali !MI of In** Ili ""1it 61 4 is :rS l3 o7. l ~ . ~,, . a /dais Of BMWs rainpoa ' kid , wit flai gUah friends, to, ilium the ow dear to Abair esarte. Ames. °then who, morn theaw la. s Oo Jed: Da nuili vh. ex alnor . o tesduzum Malt a . ; Co re n sii e. i , vo itoor g u t . ALoo,:manwpil to.iie - ,..oaement-istokihiennin i 1 with on : Abolition friendlrholnwer4ll4led with- ALI:OD, .: Al .Mi solk . in ,: • tow room, , antptified,%ll4 dentkait ht' of,' an, deity, oemplOsion there, the white Abo l l4loll- J isf- ioierseptod'himi and iwtatlhunkliliii to' 1 ftYr Jaskion, lite onielieeen:t9 7kg100,401,- 'Mr; ,Patig. , ";;;Oi, tr.lilik-bloodea vi rmal 1 1 itioltattigii, acil"firit tr i mat a iz tr , inatatiegm* , Aliiikii_ li d•retiH tm =l Of .. PoWi asp; • - qri " 4 - 181 VSkikit iii i : t i r e int* sto , ,f , , itat is 4 711 :al idir '' r . 4.9wir ,•,r, 1..) , 4 7 . , . 0 .'. - '''. .. 3 s i 4 • Southern Kansas. The condition of affairs In Southern Kansas is anything else but delightful, as will be seen by the following extract from a letter lately noolud by Oommissioner • Dole from the Indian Agent at Murillo Agenoy, in that Stater: ' I "Murder, robbery and amour 'are th e order of the &Then. Life or prop erty hare little irettrity. The Osiris are guarding their country heroically. - On the ltd of last mouth they Attaehed,:and killed nineteen notorious re has til4r . 4011 ntt7, who, from papers fonnd:ln •th pockets, were shown to be on theiewerrlo Colorado to raise man for the Oenfederati army. The Osages rut off the kuds of iludr prisoners and held a grand war deem, over their dud bodies. They say they are lighting for ',twain." Pdxs . A Lacey e.—:A dlstingtlshed engineer °Moor who took a prominent part In the bo bardni ut ent of Port Pubead, has mule a calcu lation based upon the destruction 'caused by the late powder explosion In Eighty-sixth street-that had oar artillery suooeeded in ex- Ideals the-enemy's magazines at Port Pu- Usti, to whlohits effort was directed, the result would ban been the azutlhilatioa of both- the opposing forces. lie min would have been left to tall the tale, no stone left upon another to mark the site-of the contending Lomas. PsiNOIS P. Husk Bt., and wili,are at prea ant the guests of Gen. Oamaren, at hie corm: try-seat near Harrisburg. A FREBH SUPPLY HUMPHREY'S OPICUZIO HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES; •OR TBZ PIVOPLZ. LINT or_ snotrio asitniss. No. Tem. Congenfon and Inanimation. the Na. IPor Worm Yam, wora croua. Notting Nod. Na. 8-4 or doll; Crib& TeethlZ...ifinakstal. No. 4--Yoe Mantra, Cholara Infant= and lilina nier colopinnin. Ne. Oolia (MAMA premien; Or Blowy • .ito. 6—Pot Cholera, Cholera Maim Yetalting. No. 7.—for Magi% OM% Inanan . za . gist. Throat. No. Baidaebe, TrtlroLmat ataa Need. ...Nia.:lll.42lpgepris Pale--lor Weak sad Derangsd alonach, Constipation and Lim tl4l..Noenr Pa Irregolari=tt at flo p Palatal pre,Mela. . 131=.1ror Limerrhin, Donnie Nanny Dinthig down of /Mahn. - Ao / 3 -.TOr &lop, Hoarse Googly Bad Broothlng. - N0.1461' Moms PirTheircir insipolos, &op tion; rook Ho.lll—&am)shio Pit4—Tor PainLerseoson or &roma Li the Olitot4 nnolt,Loloo ar was. Ao. itS — tiontrukiiminito!;lnroluotary Mellow nod NormiDobilitp. ..12,-tpiA;4lpagi, or %akar of Oilelta or an.: 10.4trimary Inrouthlauee, Wetting in. Bed N. 31—Pidnfol Period". Bremen or bpeetna. :Nee—dinfterfalgarckangs MIN; fitelfe• Ne. 33 - 1 44 1 .1oBarut Opasece,.oboren, Vill. Sever and ago., Mal rim . , Duna , - P—Totlax, Bilict or Bleedlng, Internal or Z. o—Bor Bore, Weak or /allocesed Els and Eyelids; Tantrut, Week or Bluffed Bight. 0--t Ostent, of longstanding or reread, either with Obstruction or profonharge. - Whoopin gOnutk, abating Its violence. AuAt,apita=:x' Po" dedese c :Mabel-Upprep DUUcult, Li. bored Breddbid, - attended 'with Croup end loptete xstamf Edo*. 00 MA , PlMbar. Foeiro Doe p.. wd ii. es.. Discharges hem the Nen, tbeenadt et Bendel - hoer; Mieidee en Yet cadge. Po s t Winne la the Heal' spramin Emu, IngootdMlX tbOtars; end rei-Aebe. Meer laa ~ e SO eget* Pie °j:" datattaptdol,. 'rat icen utenety dununzen. " •Frica, GO centkier . box. Ai. (herd Diaank l PhydcakorlTereteut Weak.. nes, Other the nanolt at incionem 3ixandes nation ei 'l!?,lnneting priouir ap tante pbr inving.-11/uM Aim= .14.011c0m0. Mpg !rah - thire; withadintylietastioni, ' Pride; M poi box. aerderandneeo:—Deatidy liktbseny _Valfte, Nen en,,,lfoliktlag, and I:WM=I Apia qiuntor , - Inotkft - ItzlesadOnseteperhoz. "- • An: Urinary .tassoi„—,ror Grand, Bead, tddleattatintulllttnetion, Matelot ditto " Wolfed —lnvoluntary Disth and Oannegnentltoettathe, and Debility: The met muesedel end dadent remedy known, and Ley be Idled upos an a ann. Tito, 'Woos box. DOHS . Y. FUTON, Was. 67 MID 69 Ftnit Bully; 1 . 12T881111411, &?!ii . igeat ty the 14*sra acnntrt KREELOhI3, BOUNTY 'BACK PAY: 1: „4:4J4.444. Mihi.Am4 . . . 147ut /23121 trans ; vilitabunt.lea. , • Cletlaatftrui liViarread coma*" ProecontaßOlß cr7c: tton ; 800 tor 1110Niiiibr pd mh. Tua and PMIQZ(Et far .Wldowa,_ 039 am Attdktirft Braftiaft and Inetera."or - Qum' legal repro. Bentaftrec of Woe who 114ipp, awl Ibe amine, or Mai died after Miami.; from diocese contracted ft arm. onaigs,Tuktu ccesatig. and Ea lettatwlll eirograt Ware 'UM*4.elmlnomd. I•l9ll4nci 114.110 011ATIZ., !..n3r4T B A N, Isit.sa, • • - asecombinsii top And h4 varponad Omsk cdlDrilkati, 4041AND PLASFOREDOW,TMA ovum 0 08. 4 nadAitoryir.pinin. 7,291aUl askii , i sAwarirmurs , rrub mad Whir nitta. 7, • , ~ I'OR *LS. oak socliciedutvirmilad.to waigti iptcsk. - oroeue tat ',UMW sTu!rr, ago!! lOW/A. wrsatAN NIBBLE BPROTAOLICEL —4llocadtlislaadl4s shy siloots of. Woo =ado timbal', arito 491ra to Qs ..atia of, 1 08BLUUM1101 . Mr' firldirActitii '24 neetviag dolly *roman eadamaaatool oot etialae._ AZ-ibis d baolff• tO 'modal all other 4inseux oaks. for ids by MSIIMI tAioneD.irsek;l: Kaaalhotalkig "iltetia!siif'4l?ls Swint% '46 " li4lats jit . B. DOM 1 , 7 nt - ,-,". II OMItPf IMO 4isagtptioi . tr2tVt.ri t ti " Ala '110146 ski;rositivii. u: il,l4,FirtraiWati";24l. , i 01.13 -1111611 M. 43iiirrifiehiseiLleistit4 Argat./a/MLlMUnisswittilos rue "la ' -won= Us& Ite VI iron GAVIN/40r 4. 1 ' 511,11111119)Weer . iWilibeat. " 341C.1 PVni tt ra inm ll3KßE MUM. MAN ittri d tit Ont a, 00. - Taco , 163. 0 MAlPWa s ta y ika t y naillecpft 111MISPIall ills PlV'afttLitifientrllS avin _ , MOR.ROW•&1004 , ••, • , , soiliwaut Alm .•- ta'Altß:[.~'C~ COMPANY. °Noe, N. t Goma Wood and Fifth Stt. ?nut einnuzia rarsuLuroz. Wu: PIMA, Jamas D. Varnar, John Watt, amt. John L. atuads " itHays, • • Samaal P. LaMar, • John I. l'axits, Gimp B. Joato, Marks 8. BMW% Dental Wags*. Wm vall itzt, 0. Bassos Lon. JO WM. P..GAILDII3/1. RIM ENBIIRANM 11 THR BEL L . 1 ANON MUTUAL DI 0 COMPANY. OP Pant AD_ KURIL,* 1108 . Molted o Porlotool. AMCMIELN, JURNITVU, to., lo tom Sr 000ntry. - Olk• No. OW Would:mt. Mimi. W6lOl Alm% 0008,15011 96-loolotot r folkon: nit Mdit Piin a iblidnrsd 9 11 7 "MN. • ty, worth doable the e5t00rat...;...........11660930 Ou Groaad.rsat„ Ara rte 4,466 60 Nuns. Co.', 6 per cent. Morcep __ _ Lain, POPO, war 97,900 00 City of Philadelphia, per oink Lam,. 90,000 CO Alloafboo,l =eh 0 Pow ot. P. B. B. Loan 10,0 00 Colletarel Wade, well escatred.. Raoo /lealladdati mid Dived Top Mountain BaTuaa OelePouty, zmipp 4,000 I, PeassylTeats Bellroed Ate.or 4,00:0 Mock of Babbles Mutual Insersece C 0... 94,360 Stook of Cletatty lasereace 1,060 011 Stock of Delaware M. I. Insurance C 0.... TOO OD Coonteardel Bank d 06,186 91 9h: cheeks' Bank de lOU bu Onion I. Immo. 10* a. _lll l / 9 llecatieble, bestows paper 18,01 Book Axecoonts, accrec4 Interest, j 6 11,38 Omsk en hand sad In bands of sessan...:.. 11,386 1.6 . =9O MIK TINGLIIT. 11113013 MS CUM U. L. Clazoon, ammool Th irpLoo. I L laodorop. Won. E. Thonmsoo. Lai, Toland. Mart litoom. Oboe. I. • Traded& Moons. Pad%. /audio Wm. Manorti Jamb T. Bom" O. IfUrroamon, 0. A Wood, Deal. W. Tingley, Baia Ann" Jobs R. Womb. J. T. W s. larAnal HUI, John Bras.n. Pietw g b • J.G. 00F1171. Apal. say 4 Nortbamt sonar Third and Wood otima. ATt` Ar . I : • 11117..—TRANILIN !ULU INSURANCE COE - !WIT Or PHILADELPHIA. Me, 436 and {lf astesisitsei Amax, Josusmy Ist, MU, publish./ uy to au 1110 101111pti, was— riaps, amply a5am00.......880,323 Ou Beal wren vamotim 61) omit 10%966 oo Tomparmy feas as ample eallaiseal . elso Roam. (mead salsa PVC ri) 1/9,786 Oo Notes and SUL iheldisitAP l4ll Co ONO 11,919 (x) • • igil"o62 111 She only 'profits from pretubuna which thie Ciempany can divide by taw are Iron Make *hick hare been determined. Itentrance toads oh elegy dercelyedriti' of property. In town and country. atcetee es tow as ant =lmola Mace their Incorporation, apertedfif thirty yew 4 they hirer paid kens trY dr• to an unarm& exceedic Peer /Mars of Dam, thereby affording 'cf.:lsere of the adaantaLet of Ineurance, as well an their Un uld dapodtbn to meet ides - pronigtnere al l H exult Braid dllliair the' rar1568.....--.11104084.81 . . Macias L Daackar, baaC; Lea, Maniacal D. Laub, Jacob acoltb. Tobias Wagner, • Mooed O il = David B.D . rowa; Cho. 'W. Samuel Grant. Gloms roam claim= IMIKXD, Plowed - EDWARD o. Atm& Vico Poccabac. 'WI". 2mog,' =ye Ufilielfortheiat •.; . Wood Ili la= .it. WRATERN INBUITANC4- .pomPA- Ylf xx or PlTharlatat" B 'MIMS, fwoldag, G. N. ariaziow seava. r . ./ . WM* No, es *Aar gereg4,' 4a'as'a hoone..ao slat/3,-M wat *moo /pint OIL .IPiro• oaf Mork. Riad: A Wows hitauttoo„ mokivody .12froators Imo oro pa bow. I. lakomarami*.aad oho ors &tor. Wad. -b, ad itg. moiotoio thaniew.isaios thotion sanisid, as . gray Ow New proto to Woo oh ,ears: &Ws lo.4 Ovrosss 2xtrod„s Stook Nertffoges &Woo Ou %DMA. sect a 7,8011 19,861 99 '97,99614 MOM 19 Andrew Addry, AlFssadar [VW, D o w AL Loa& Thaw. 1104. Palskaull. ATernalL:lrOitea. MAR 11.11111ar,Tr., hausliodulayi lirsibsagal tiaDON.lecrire. TNSURANO.I 1151811/lANOZ.COXPRY OF FORTH LILIIBLOAL PHILADILISLC Insurance Co. of the State of .Pezin's., PHILADILPEIC, Hattfoid• Fire Insurance gongituly. lasursom nthrabsve old Aid rat/131400M 4 4331 11 b• 4 4 , 14 0 PI aPPlicitiog to. . , . . L . P. AukwirrArdwg. /amaii . .. 2 4 11 4V*Tuf nom ws.q.tree4.ll ‘ , 4•4` z 1`:I :2 - 1 a : a's t a• y -01PPINISMG71.- 02*.tioraer ',past sad Walustruthasand axe. Baum. TAQATAT Tneddiesi .Itsuses 116somboabria.: , • • • ••'," imam_ wawa km and he the irslikatts of ell .aosurra• Mil Ws di stimitiosik Lan W • = 0 . ,0 4 111 .11.1111410a otitis am. " " ges in a dmn r. PF Jar 7 • tht Ikr• ' - W. IL Ailiaamk. . . Esseg loam, gi;.. B„ _ • Hon. John Batela Prates.y • alum ALIXEL.I2III:II3Iting `COM zi ` unr"MTSl M E WL' l olikkligirtriete fif!ehtßsik-,. _„., •n 1 , 27, - ; .:;,,,,J Loam agateseall bola of Its iad 1114 kip Nil s ilk . ILsooki aikaib ni t, r..' , ~V #3-., Jona limb. Jt - . ' allgArr AL . eltan B iale j 1:04 B NRR/A WAW,7101,, of every 'misty of Itaidied -- 31,i1X WE • 01 ardor. Anu'for. 112113%111M a and t 1110 te vt aktsijd t o Um • • %WM. ,ft .„ 1561 ,tlsolti t ar: ll .l4 l ginV i ritir`4=Niibi km to isionsi., Aloft so ph...A hulloll Ind kif emr: sad Ann Wow Aeon infte.4l4 sus tribiatsidiawr- - eau D;~s,~o°a~, to- .124tzt ammo' Frou,sed t Aaratos"- AniAtear grim 1 - .. - Dzypoi jiilli ga j jar.. Ilaka; WM= .21-11.7- `--"'"- -111,11 "1-r a t Milburn billergek.' dam Ind m.ad vii ii*.• :;Bigetid tar* f 2/ 114104411 410 , 4 7 itaissitit• Vr 1 7 N Cr , A :T :l Jr L Do lord *NW iiii:VEll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers