The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 11, 1863, Image 2

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    Oitissburo 6azttht.
Unica Commie Ticket.
ler Profidad Jake 4 1 as Adria Cart.
*OS= suornow.
r4m , Iwo*.
1. JOHN P. OLASA. - • • - -.
U. AL/ RHO 111.401 C.
WIL 11.. DINH !MS.
_ Now dm IS% *JA Trommovr. •
J. IMILLI= •-.
_tqftr' flosarbacear.
-- rw rifrikr if 0..
Slavery of %Ye Negro Troops.
indsairiMng the terrible assault made
by the 2d division of the 19th Army Corps
of eta. Barns, c om manded by Lien. Sam
• mix, upon the rebel - works at Port Unison,
• .the -correspondent of the N.Y. Herakiasys:
"No.'more desperate fighting has . ever
taken place than that of the division of
Ran. Sturman yesterday in the attack upon
the right of the emmiy's position. Our men
' freed the storm of iron and lead that was
hurled spinet there as if . it had always
been their business to do so. They moved
stesdlly forward, under the most murder
ous fire of shot, shell, grape, canister, and
• musketry, with a etesdiness that was sur
prising. When Cindadllodrigo was storm
lid, the flower of the English army was se
' looted for the 'forlorn hope;' but they, wat
erline as guy were, never moved with
firmer step or more solid golumn than did
the 24 Division of the 19th Army Cap in
the attack of ' yesterday ',Upon the right of
the enemy's , position. With an ,impetuous
charge, the Bth . Michigan and the 128th
New York carried the enemy's works at the
point of the bayonet; bat they were com
pelled to give way, for the enemy had mas l
ed his troops here, and it became necessary
-• far our glorious fellows to fall back before'
overwhelming numbers. Not much ground
was lost, however • we only failed to main
tain our position Within the main works.
• The 2a Regiment Lord:dans Native Guard,
• Colonel Neilson, were in tide charge; they
went in on the • advance, and when they
came oat sin out of nine hundred men could
not be accounted for. It is said on every
. • side thet they fought with the dehpuration
• of tigers. One negro was obeerved with
rebel soldier in his grasp, tearing the flesh
tram his face with his teeth, other misspelt
having failed him. There are other inci
dents connected with, the conduct of this
lellialent , that have raised them TIII7 much
in my opinion so soldiers. After firing one
they did not deign to load again, but
went in with bayonets, and wherever they
had 11 chance it was ail up with the rebels."
This is the testimony of a man who, with
the paper he represents, sneered at negro
• soldiers. The New York Tribune, com
menting upon this incident, remarks: l
Thin negroes not merely "fought with
the desperation of tigers"--•-they fought
admit as well is terribly. Kaowing well
that fortifications can never be taken by
standing before them and popping at them
with musketry, "after firing one volley,
. they did not deign to load again, but went
• in with the bayonet; and, wherever they
had a chance, it was all up with the reb
els." That is the way the bravest veterans
‘eherge fortifications; and these were poor
bevies, who had never before been in.'s
ithus action.
„Nobly done, Second' Itegisient of Louisi
ana Native Guard I Thougb you failed to
Garry the rebel works against overwhelm
ing numbers, you did not charge and fight
and fill in vain. That heap of six hundred
corpses, lying there dark and grim, and
silent before and within the rebel works, is
better protdamstion of freedom than even
• President Lincoln's. A race ready to die
thus was never yet retained in . bondage,
. and. never sal be. Even the Wood Cop
perbeedsv, who will not fight thimeetres,
and try to keep others out of. the Union
rinks, dire to 'mob negro regi
ments if this is their style of fighting.
Thus poises one
,regimmits or blacks to
I death and everlasting lame; but a hundred
more are this day mustering to replica it.
• These,will 'to in the Add by,September,
.• and twitai is many hemline behind them.
Forward! •
A Proposed Silt of nights
• The D e troit ' Fru Press, in a recent nnoz
her, speaking afLer.the role of its confreres,
the Woons, tinntooss, Starins, Vsz.zas-
DlOnalril, etc, utters the foll Owing piece .of
gnadiloquent ollpirsp: •
' The right to speak, to give intelligible
utterance to our wants, passions, desires,
impalus, the -lonian-given privilege of
man over the brute, must be exercised un
trammeled by fear unmolested by power,
or there is nothin g worth living for left to
Amprican citizens.
The Cincinnati °sults is so much struck
with this -piece of eloquence, (which surely
illustrate what Sir W 1.1.131 Scott was so
. • ~ . „.,
costumed to *scribe as "doijog the big
bow-wow,") that it gravely snakes the fel
"l"ing proPoldilont
Uwe succeed in putting down this wick
4-rebellion, and if a reconstruction of the
Gorernment shall be gone into, what will
the statesmen of the Democratic persuasion
say lothe sdoption of the following pro
- - - visions, to be adoPted as part of a Sill of
InAzzie of'- : rebellion or invasion, it
shall bs bethe right of all writers and speak
err,saY way s V ili may see proper, to
oloite the people submitting to any
ls il zi a milasures or regulations -that the
or Congress may adopt to repel
tholes, or put down the other.
' 2. Although the President is Oominandeir
In-chief of the army and navy, and in time
of war may be expected to exercise such
military power u in his discretion may be
• . mecessary, it shall bo ,ooasiderol - perfectly
*, right and proper for orators or ,editors, by
working upon the upsilons" of the people
to prevent their execution, if in theirpower.
It: In case a conscription shell be adopt
ad by Congress, it shall be understood as
being the *work of the party that may tun
be in power, and memberi of the other par
. ty may prevent its execution if they can.
- g. In case of rebellion it shall not be
deemed improper for an Orator or an editor
to speak in favor of the rebels, by the ex
' premien of any 4, wants; passiona l &sires
or impulses, -"untrammeled by fear or un
_molested by power."
6. In cue a rebellion Shal axioms such
exteseite proPottioni ailo render it:guts
llonable whether the government be strong
enough to put it down,' there shall then
specially- be reserved to the people "the
right, to; speak,- to give intelligible utter
aria te their wants or passions," so as to
vnakenab. government as much as possi-
re aid das _many as possible to join
of rebellion, it shall be amid;
it soared lied of say attest' to prom.
- - ' lee tkO rebels that he.will use all the Lau
' suer piesiblei with rthe people, to prevent
their being ciushid; and such conduct
not be considered ss giving .44 as wafer!
to the esenti. ;•
itident that nothing less than these
provisions will satiety, the Copperhead
- mousey, with . PithePs some ' additional
which their isgennity can sup.
Pet tie hear from them ' '
'''";" '1191*Fi.42110,811031 Chur•
• itAL—A lfsebbitos offiellPendeni
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The Story of a Boston Woman•.Ad•
• yeatures of a•Loyai Woman in the
A Norfolk earrespondeat of the PhiWel
Vida Arm narrate, t/defellowing intereatioll
1 story of a Yankee girl, whom, to avoid on
, pleasant notoriety, he call" Miss B
"Bites B. is twenty years old, • little over
the medium siss of women, and thouglegraos
ful and Alender, le by no , mean' sylph-like,
angelic, Or radiant. - Her features are strang
ler ••woman, -but her Meth is rosy and small,
always compressed with await of savage &M
-ims, Mop% whine the lire an petted to dis
play • very Lie set et dusting white teeth.
Her: yes arciarge had fell, of a deep haul
uteri end have a strop way of looking at
one wonderingly; above them is as ample
forehead, muck lithium than the rest of hat
Lau, whisk is very mush embrowned by the
burning sae sad ezParurik •
'A native of Seem, the .riarried, at the
early age of fourteen, a youth of seventeen.
The -eareinosy took plum, In Dr. Sharp's
church, at Boston. • Por ithezyears the young
couple lived together, and hut two children.
But a cloud began to overehadow their happi
ness. There wu living Si the lane family a
lady friend of Miss 8., arholistened to the
entreaties of her husband and deliberated
open his arguments. Of course she fell. They
could not remain Ibnger In Boston, so the first
steamboat on whisk they could obtain pia-
sage carried the guilty couple to New Orleans. 1
Three months &Duthie clandestine departure, 1
the injured wife followed them to New Or
leans, breathing *enemies against the one
who had robbed her of a husband. The in
constant husbabd, the-injured wife, and the
partmottr, all met at the theatre one night.
An angry altercation took plum, and the for
saken one departed afterthowering bitterim
premien' on those who had wreaked her
youthful hopes and bleated her future life.
As might have been expected, the man Who
would not remain with a loving wife could not
stay long with a mistress. He left her alone
with her boatel's", friendless,
piudiess. -The rebel army was glad to have
his name upon the master-rolls of their con
flict with the government which bore them.
All scoundrel' Sod an asylum In their ranks.
The young and erring mother grew weary of
life, and death' came sure, and soon, and
unglue The little blbssom, having lost its
parent stem, withered, decayed.
"In the meantime, a dome of divorcement
had been granted to the tidy, and she was
known as miss 8., *the lies Yankee, from
Boston.' Looked on by all with enmity, hit
comfort lost, and her life daily threatened,
she sliver fettered In her allegiance to her
country—never owned to venerate the flag
which her old father, exiled under so long. 1
She was fiercely ordered to quit the oily just ,
- before It was esptued. Ascending the MU- '
sissippi a distance, she traveled as best the
could to Memphis; where her former husband
saw her and made overtures of marriage to
lter again. She soothed him. He pleaded
with ha as only ;he scald, who knew her
weakness, bat she was firm, and would not
allow herself to be trampled upon again. -
"From Memphis she travelled to Murfrees
bora, from there to Weldon. Sometimes she
threseded in getting into the oars ; C606110e,
ally a seat in • private Conveyance was we
mad, bat oftener was she obliged to wall,
with all her wardrobe, in the shape of a small
compact bundle in her hand. All the small
muss in her path were waded by this girl.
Once she availed herself of a canoe, to cross
Sayers' limy into "Meadville, North Car
et:en. At neither of these Sues did this
irrepressible Bostonian linger bat, wearied
and foot-sore, she traveled all day, eating
whet she could obtain', but frequently fasting.
At night she crawled Into the 'vamp, or lay
coloested in Disentangled forest till daylight.
She speaks with enthusiasm of the delicious
sleep whisk visited her at nights, white she
reposed under the waking, watching moon.
Having arrived at Woodville, eke etraigletway
started for GatesvUle, and from there to Elia
abetaCity. Miss B..temained for some time
at the latter place, aid stepped with &Dr. 0.
Bllsabeth City is in the midst of the *SUM
grounds, sadism been fearfully reveled by
both sides.
Kills B. manufactured a small Union flag
dating her idle hem, and placed it ea the
roof of the doter's' house, where it floated
night nod day to the greet annoyance of the
gamillm, who, upoa one insupletres day,
undertook to lower the beautiful emblem of
our nation. • Miss IL. passed her arm gm*.
fully around the MS, Ind, with eloquent
looks, dared them to take the Mors dews
while she bad an arm to support them. Os,
or two Chelan men rallied to oar hereinits as-
Attu* aid' the lied lanoline. promised to
end in lard Ibis. Bat the guerillas saw
approaching a camber of ear cavalry, and
opsedilyran away, while the Impromptu flag
Outlined in triumph to erase.
, "The swimmint,of a canoe Mum she
1 oldie a men leptille, and' her walk from'
Efisaluth City ben, a distance of forty-Eve'
miles, she perforieed in a day and a half—
upon two meals. Whatever morbid vengeful
feelings she may hairs had towards the youg
'ensure who had supplanted her with her
husband, ail teemed transferred to the rebels.
All thungb the South she farad good Hake
people who kiwi - boa Unified into nbadestin
and who locked with wonder upon her bold
demeanor. They rendered her every smite
in their power. - -
• "Two years is coming from New Orleans to
Norfolk I This wee ea long ••walk, eompara
direly, as that taken by the enfranchised Is
raelites through Out. places. Her life will,
be shut; there was long. • Bat **ingenious
earthen Yankee girl made bar way over all
obstacles, braved every danger, and at lest Ii
in a fair way of Piing Boston."
°Pastime* ip , Western Louisituta..
• An linritinord; Train of Negroes.
The New Orioles Ai of the 30th ultimo
allados as follows to an expedition, of which
hints bars before been Atom
"it has been truant* many persons in this
city that an immense train,eoasistiug of about
six hundred roams, three thoutand mass
mid horses, one tlibusand five hundred head
of MAW and six Mamma imorms, has just
been broughtlroun. the Toeba country to • safe
point within our lines. The train was fully
eight miles in Inge, and was under • guard
of several reginseau of volunteer troops, the
whole under command of OoL Joseph 8. Mor.
gm, of the 90th Now, Tork.
“The caravan otarted from Borneo Landing
on the 21st of Mai, at which pima the wagons
numbered about four imndnd, which was
gradually lammed on the JA6IOII CMS.
Theta wogoni were Wed with contrabands of
all ages and both sexes, there being an aver
age of about tin in each vehicle. The M
eanie was held by Clol:Ohlikoring, of the *Lit
Muasehasetti. • Tho artillery and infantry
inn provisionally brigaded, and span the
Colonel commanding noted the tare convey of
the train. •The first march was twenty
fin miles and the mood fifteen. Boon after
bivouacking "on the second day, a minim
brought totalizer's* to Col.. Morgan that •
Lprivate if the 90tkNeir Yerik,itamed Lokilds,
ad "been shot by the ;proprietor of a planta
tion some three miles tots rear, whom same
Is WileoZloll.l.*Claili was mimed in loading
ougsr into the . Quartmitiarices carts for the
me of the 90th Now Torir, Irbil' hi war dm
liberatody ihot down by this Wileossen, who
immediately nadir his wasps across the Teed&
A gourd was; sent back to artis t whoeverwas
upon dui plow, and found numerous flrearmo,
among which was a revolver, founinpon the
person of Mrs.. Wileoxsor, wild of 'the man:
who shot Loomis.. BM' was brought to the
oily, where she la detaintd hostage until
her hturinind shall give Maisel( up."
' Irvin the ram of Col. KOTSII2 to camp,'
after a hunt for guerrillas, orders were given
to prow* fir a night marsh, whioh was im
mediately commended, ind at about tour and
threezossitin 'Week the - following morning
the Infantry balled at thsplacie where Gs I
Weitzel made his grit camp previous to the
fight at Biskind; having marritod Mitoses
forty miles in torenty.two hours. him here
Lint: Ciotti; ..of the „1711th New York. and
Corporal Orewir, of the MIL New Tat, wont
book to raimmudire, and Min not: bien,heard
from since.
Tki Wield Mobs, ifiiibiallie "AO,
negro, Dome, xsdl., *Wiliam safely Went
and M now la • plies of severity .' ,
AzAispositur or War Poor,
Utter from the Fortieth lithasachnoetts re g.
intent repaststhst after foicabiable works
hid been erected ot Welt Point,And put in
condition for defenod, the whole force
abandoned on 'the Slat ,of hlsy
and marched to Yorktown. • '
A I t oto,BArmioir or
sas...4luktictierscirof Maim astiorlsed
strategics lobe famarotstadvinses
CaeralliOrill tbM 1 11 11 1 0 hMWAllkiika
Wk. canoplialme. , ;RasMw3elsOroa
Timodarbet.c - 0 a- 1 44 x6l. -
AID la /11.0r1M,Me-Pl*l •
Plitabzugh, 2uBa 8 8:1863:
'l3O/.111)_-OF "WI:MOTORS
Or r her , arotedrPFITUEVOTT Jr - Witter of :
• !Vs' Pant
T!. FtriLTAi tF rrosigfrvt
Tr".l,(Yllo , F..—lliet.: , ).rporatore of the
idieglaeoy Cemetery are hereby notified tbat
'OS 11412 . 11111 i e.eiting of Bald Corporator, lilt be halo
on TRI)II3DsT. the 11th foot, at 3 o'clock p.
at t4e ottoe on the ground.
by order of the frceident..
fe9a9t N. DLO R. Etocreii,7.
TlOl9 passed by Ma Pagh• nv 04nntt Union
Contwittoo. I hays app,i.41.1 the fallowing Itatint.
tfn ustonsivaa For tile •n Wog year
A. M. Sanwa, bird Want, ritttloirgb;
Casa. "Third Ward, Allsg.tenr,
BICII&ED Monossatala !soros&
D. H. isantesow. Low-r rt. Glair ip;
Joss K. 1114:1•31. Second Ward, Sasithanli
Is. Mltitts,„ Assond Ward, Pittabnis • hi •
Liam B. Minas, Colliss lip;
1101. 1010700. Js;', Iraq Vonetti Ward, [Meshes's . ;
Samoa& B.solaC Wreath , Ward, Pittaborib;
lailloa BROM, rondo Ward. do;
IL, Nos townsh
-Sastre& r. b ass ,Lasrascorl ip;
B. R. /Urn. Jo.. Ptoblet-townitilp;
r. o.lguilt. SIMI Wald, - Plltabasab;
JOni 7. - 110aw0, Etiahs townitip,
Janes Barris, Baas Ora do;
boll IlitkitztAszo. Omai* township;
Lists "UMW, Stavin. township;
.10Sis M. P 0117114 Tarstittiqp
WIUUZ Samosas, Bfeeland township;
H. 0. siaoszti; L t a Sloth Ward, Pittaburits.
Wel. B. SiEol.li2,
Charms of Colon Costrootion.
The above Oomudttee rrlA meet sting otos, No.
116 fifth attest, sittaluntt, on bier UM:MT, Jane
Lath, 166 x. at 11 eolocka. la.
JeirlanortdT ta. M. SUOWS, Obelnwen.
Osana.Axp A Prretealbla ItilelOAD
Olsialsltd, May glib, 1613.
82OCKHOLD11118.01 this Gentsany will be
held at Ka calm la Olereland,on ANONIIBUST. the
Ist day of July next, at lO o'clock a, as. on said day,
to take into consideration the proprtelt of Lomas
hag the Unita! Stook of the Compeer to it, antount
=Malta to Wow of the convertiAt of its Mortgage
Bonds The transfer Books will be cloud boot June
16th is July>b IL nOO ICUs,
sky29:lm scorattry.
Uir7Lol 07 *MIAs 2111037 , 41 , TAT10N t. 0., L
rittencirgb, 1147 Mb, DAL J
the finheoribers to lam Akio/ of the West
ern Tratirportellon (knife:at that em warmest of
PITS Dni.,14,113 HZ 0 0 Fats samir. has been
levied Upon the amok enbeoribed, payable at the olkoe
of the Ttrilltiftr. N Ptttsburgh. on or 0010 re the
12th day of June, 1163, soul a like amtnot every
thirty dale thereafter, until otherwise nottaed
by order of the Dowd.
10.1. as DISNOTORB of the Biiudep
_ bad'. last Binslimbos and B..tutb Pina
ta' Go Company Inn title dsy daelaasal. a P lat.
of TOUB ?Nis 01INT. - 00 the Capital Wes
out of the aansings of the laK es month., pay abla
ins and aftti the last., at the Commercial Bank,
o. GS fosith drift, nuaturge.
By odes qf the Roar&
POBIBEGN, Trasfum.
. B • :Almeida ISO JotiOt
.Ir - NOTIOS.-47he iSabsosiption Books
of the Ooopir Via Arr. nessureatesial
Osopasy .111 aoattatte open at sae 00Ios et J. X.
00u elk • tXI.; Dent Bieck, Mb - street, until fat.
the, aotfak '
rr 19 rzerrissaucxra.
B •
OAED WANTED—BY a geatlrman
and wOr. ultdi p'insant man—privdts bail,
• • . A Own dista.e, in dm coot try no ob.
Kale*. Adams b. O. °HAAN.
oil lit • Pc•....11h0w. Pl•te.r.b.
Qa.itcattuiwa ur.104 • }
Dater aed tad etr. eta.
Waehlegton, D. 0.. Jane Ida, 1867.
nnonginior. ins Rata of Jute tut, at the
0.2, (.bearrattul a 101 l of wadi mead 130103i1
AAD KOLA% the feepteet of the United Irtlita.
TIT= Cab. In Goternmeet Made.
Bale to onemenee at lu o ales la.
0 U. 1 0 11IPKINS,
fa Pt- Q U. P. A:
A lititat QM • CA tos A IfTUTIUJILT
.10. Kit —Vika:4e sultry ;rotary ler Tale, rte.
tan .t the and of Lila@ emir 11111 am Rearm* the as do eta llsarialag porVetion. • Thaw
lay two lot., with two Lola booms end arousal or
- shop, owl *Terrain **wry Cm can lug on I.
lostalmetag be4ee4. Is will De sold ea Tan terms.
smoke - on lb. premises.
ADill N 1 TALE . -1 he
Marla' preplan or lb. tuta Glens Sams
aid be age at ate lea tts/dm •an Vataund sLay,
le th• oily of Pl.tablara on Ttl July 16
Mt as le ...look et Ilmabe d turalltus. Neu
and ILddlod kltaata tlteasdr, nue I Itta.•• • 11.1-
stella Table, aladral Clock. PLtena, ac.
Twain cap. by .ale/ of
J Meld 01102tGe El1711111:t. I dualnattr•to,.
MEDICAL—De. KING, late eur o eou
A.P.L to the anti!, cas Ee coaentud dal', sr. hit
aloe, Ns. MI fouuttl efloMitT. hear We.d, fr•u,
u'ar,t4 to the m. nays trl 2 at night, except
statist es pr i.sdoaa 01S14 - 111. ...teens Tutted to
city or mutant. epe.ltal eiteotton pd.' OE. virory,
Dimest• of Sissies sod 4:2 I /ten.
P. a madam. no' WO. rdiabOgh,
Thrt Is to miff, tkat I Itsti boos martfat Min
for thtst•o• ea" dom.( wlttat flak my w•f• bo.•
u• c.o44Uss, AAA lb tees sw.ics mouths &ow
cot soithg ur. KL•O tits‘ptamotal co• tobb • Ss*,
h.tctby momKIDD.
PALIL--We mks the Izabad of ittfOrlDhlt OUT
Menge. sad tho •pabllo generally end Ti an nut
pupated:to Rxradvrr gang 1/11410U2 NUN
In Ur prattles of thentletry. itisso wbo barn tun
toetyontsog Ude made dreaded errata& say nut
toy miffs tut/ bane sod glee se • call, a.l II» awn
rata. Ti bate It nes has bun thorengb!y toned dor
Mtle PIA Ina" yeau, fatly intatodudag dee safe
Ptak' ettarazter Of the ouration. No Drop ,
or Ousglosh nue Galualo Illattory need all thou
'viable, lb. undue at a good std raltude Dentist
artll do well to eaU sad wank with B. SING, D. P. 8.,
116 - 94 /110 Knot
ar, Da. CI 1100,
. abut No 47 Sallhee'd et.. Pltliburib.
This wail krona waterier:Vase Willa formally
Gonad oa the It ra OT JON c.
The graham, this yew, will be us* r %hi immedt
' ate aperruma of the Yroptlitw. who will be se.
Motet by ylermaJOslPLl A. BWA'Sif It Sal 0.0.
It Is the lateWloa to make the home, Is all re.
etecte„ equal to the beet watszlity places to the cotr.
try, sad to worlds generelly hr the ormtot eat
memmodstim of the settata.
..lot taw or other infartme r tfon Manse ,
. - A. WeLbUM, Jr. .
lbstm Lew M Groter ' r 0.0 ••aware C0..0
1011. kLII, plaseintly - .thuds cm the mond
book, sear Salt Common. barbs - is trout at Se teat
by ate rbesyt lame and , anomalous duelling boos%
in modern rtyla.rawida ball,large parlor, iscmation
room, library, tiro ximmters,..,bath room, dining
roma, Ititoben, good Cellar.' 'DOM you% lastly, tiro
rooms.. Ottani:oar, two turnates• wash room, mar
ble mantles gas fixtures. fruit and abate Uwe,
vines, doyen and shrabbrry: Wien stable and car
dap boast, air la complete Wm. Prim low and
tetras may. dyply to , .
Islo 11...tra1l SIM 1 BON& fit Markot st.
.1 varnish imam tirAttN,
Cohn 61147 awl Federal &pith Alight,
axo. L. MILLI' , PoPSW"
. .
OisrPbyddsu prescrirtnu anarad.
Ajla &lasi) rtiOrueselLlS will be ramie.
167.4 by eb• Oretelttee au 111* Legless Old thee,
opt, Jam 510kbillIKI, kr three" thdamd %et of
twit quaf2lll %MOH L. 11,1111112 119814.0cr
re rive sod Jeuee Pates{ Coeptheir attaehot
thereto, Hope to be props:ell teemed beers they
IA Emile I he !Asa, whet' payment vim be made
IA UA, long QUINN, •
lere: w . _Oedema of flonteihk,,
fr 41. ii. N r- it /Si N. T 104,1ribt)"
J. SULDIES—A dui iksYof Its :wired aid swat
bossing styles of Iltl. Stew. trato. Obosolate sad
grass Oohs. farlialslow stall sad 2S St. Olds st.
jolt " - J. Is fl. PR11.11.12..
• - h t LUSH. 11,11UU15IS AN V WITUtiU
—tie. a rafts' Wfra statstlrs fa pints ait4
had Oats, Sam' Mdteri. Jobs BAIL Bowfin sr-
Clili.A.unatatiabd aid kind Tsbia
Walast, IllmihrGoa and; Toast 0, :Kaolin%
whal°l4l.""U lal i teA'saZtlSElAW.
- wait &Mitt.• 4 Rot, d str..4o.
witifiritni..uttutan4•ll44 , ol soperitie
gailltr, also. Itakat'a 8a 1 Chicolath kteparal
Own, to oasaapitttla Coca sad aroma for ails at MA
ittourry Stara Of JOHN A. BIENSHAW.
jolt canoe Mott, and Bead garret,
.11111.1.1.11GNAAi&UthiliES, pit up. for
JO Me sitiafter hi Phila. mid kr till ,
7,piskr Or,:eiry R taro ot.-
n übmt," /lir ti:PaltEltrve
U !ALZ4 e' •
SUGAR; wpm, bi lbw bun'
cr at ntsW • JOB E ALigupousw,
bit , • • eoniirrtlb:rty Bawl
foloK; ." powdered, for
looidrit uso;toiiiihtm -
jell • • • ontrawa.
IUU bblo. ub otned for Isle
garitir H vottve&
boo vas
m" 07Th
Melomme Iss Vim stut !mask by
.10 • — Triad) IV Mkt SP Lib•tiv it.
Lmansioni and to ailsby
tOartir at.
S. 808 TBX BATT. I i
-• ' Starr Dyr sonincre, 1 -
Borne of rqsayenef sad ta•cicitiey
Juan e. ISI 3
0 13 %Maly p &hp •yar.ii t , pooch nuateria"a far
tbe b airy, for the fiscal year lauding Stith lope, MI,
.Ili be lecke, etc • Lunen of ganipment acd he ,
soul Lb. ETII S.All dr .113 LA 11$ 010'.
T be m moles and ankle& nab aced in ihicleassa
tamed are panholely detect/bed in she printed
icheduln, any of efileh 1.11111 &entailed to mob es
d sin to arc, on anlleoibe to the cocemsod exits of
obe retractive 'nods. or o the navy cep n nearer
itarce, and Mos. of alii
the yards open application
to the buyso. •111.1• d, iihn tote memo oiling for
ate touvetil nos of &alert an loch, etch /onion
only *id bai tnnaleta I en are sa•totly r quhad Mr
Met. " Toe commandaut and is•y await at ems tilt *.
*O. WU. in midanon 0 toe'etsoefn • o' duct of
to to .111 pa do, ham a toy* of tee soseduloe of the
caber ye d. to t o .u.m nation oil y, from womb leaky
to Judged wtetbea la tall bode Larne ao mete op
placation tar buy of tt.eplains of those parts.
.. Llitare &net be mad* lor th• win le of shit class at
50 7 3 ald amen one of the prated schedule., or In
I 11.11110611.461112 theraelm, or &my .t.l not be OLII.
' edit .d In oempoting the claws, tb , pilot staved
In this calcium cat fusee will% It. Vaud," and the,-
' -grape • at I.e dem will °• tented out arattralng
t. lb. p. ion stated.
Tb. oar. neon • lit bo &carted to ah. lowest tam
Ala lades* who .gives prim, socull7 for to liono
&min. The boo near*. .„the right to enlace all
tin Ws for any class, 11 deemed exotbitent.
All article, moat be of too eels btet quality, to be
delicaed in the owl yards to goat coder, and to
Wish*, venial. aud pockopts, properly markedNeith
to. onos at the coomicattr, es the case any be, at
tho aspen e sad tick at al, a entrActor, insd in all 111,
spools napkin to the inepaction. mesentunantottunt,
%dohs, to, of the iiyitad whet. r•c•lvtd, and to the
entire antiefackkat mate commandant thoreof.
/in dais we r. forted to the bammatidant of the re.
spanks 3 eats fat esuip'es, litittnations, or paitionlar
dostriptlou at toe brook, (fond. ail other things be ,
lug equal, prefarenne wiltbe glom to articles of
American manufacture. ,
wryly oflor, es retuned by law of 10th Antral,
1011, must be sccompented by a written guarantee,
the form of which to Imminent r given, an a also by a
certificate signed by the collector of ante , OM revenue
tor tto distract In which he nada, that he his a
Meuse to deal In the erne es which he provers to
!antra •, or by eta alildavit whined by lama( and
sworn to bedew same msgletnits authorized to ad
minister Inch oath, that ho 1. a manufacturer of, or
regular dealer to, the satiate he oderito sopply,and
Um a hams. as such minute:met or dealer.
Thous only whnee ofhis may be incepted will be
notified, and the contract will be fortrorded al soon
thsnalter at resaleable which they will to reolred
to ozone within tin days latter to accept at the
poet 001.• or navy agency nomad by thew
Tee coot:tett wilt bear date the day its =Oct.
thin is alto& and dtlivalea can Le demanded.
bare:los In the Mt amount wall to required to slain
the anoract, and, their tespboadollity actilted to by 1
a I:tdiel State. I istrict Jddge, Bitted States Mao 1
trip Attorney, Colasolos 0r1.113/y I gent. .1111 add” I
id atisl secant), twonty par tientum well to withheld
hom the outmost cf the tine until the teat: cede shall
ban been completed t and eighty ger *Wand °fetch
till, appruent In triplicate by the commaudimts of
lb. tasyenly• ' , ads, wilt be paid by the nosy agent
at the gmhats of calkity—onliat requested by the
=hector to he paid at enter navy sgency—withln
tea days aftsr warnintsshell hays peso posed by the
hateriery of Oa Treasury.
It le stipokued tn the contract that If default Le
mete by too pante. of the 0301 pert in delivering all
or any of the attacks Mentions& In any ciao 1 4/ hilt
to the unitran, cr the gluing •0 such tine sad
plum obeys voided, ant and in that ens the ton
%noun all his suretue welt fasten and pay to tins
finked States a sum of annoy not aaaedlog hil.•
lb. amount o f iamb C 1..,, "hob may he eseoversd
from me to time, Wank, to the sot of *was
in that egos pmvkisd, spin's] Barth S, 1041.
Bo bits for mare than one yam man 04, ancleol
In one envelope, &ad utensils mast be allatuactly tn.
denied on the amid:* " rtcposies litir mitt:labs tor
the only oar the nt.y.yaru at" (mane the, yard)
le* too ... teams tte than,) tad *admit ••To Om
Oblef of all Biltlllll of ZiLalpsuat sad Xecrottlog,
Bevy hipsetment, Waeltangtoth D. O."
Form of Ofer,
Which, Roma Arm, moot De ..Deed by all the'wers.
bete :
f„roso—, of --; la the Matt of—, hereby
woe to knish sot dehter ta tee napalm. navy.
yards all the art cha nosed la the Cease Issr.te an
cassd, alrreeb.7 to fit* Yrnittone of the solltedolos
then.loT. oarila Ontralll littAi the alT•ti. anent
01 tllO birrect of iqulpaaat lied Ereruttlags, dated
lota 6, ler2. abeam toy, oder b. soasplod, t motor
to be a:de . ..lad as —7—, aid the toatraot emit to
:he oars neat at • or to eleaatare
tflipatore,) A. B.
(Dale )
'ios is.sisdale width Da. toldi:r smoke's: meth
pssatd off.r, and etch of shots fogned by h)e.
tomcod. each article La the echeduat the trim wart
he Iv, the oamoutlllllllo .01t lb* ourreato 1.116 i
op Kr •410.1 dal, lilt Up. aellatat liaesnee oraten
vtras. if the tar.lle oho Old do ass r mar
ate p am vitae sae artahe are to IS tilliver.d, tray
sots. name to boor off r yers-li to WWl= Orl6ll/ 010
ties sr. to
d Z.. npe
oA Consoler.
' The ..1 ---, to the Etas of
—• 01 lb. blot. of 1
otreby asareots.that fa owls the kretbdos DA of "
—.for •-.y of the Oases Moods 05054 to so.'
.pied, n. ca stay end, w.this too keys after the ro
my% of the e& WWI, 110.11,11 poet dila shoed or 00T1
31.010.111,1 is id, 01scilta the 00.11501 tar the Dose
o:to wool sod eafloaotioredes attd In wee the add
s,ut fau to toile Into mat. sat, se
To aids autos to in k. j,o.d the 11.11. r no 1:010.11
tram ua r of tbs Boa sad that watch may be
(.4ittatorts of Lire tairablorA) . C . D.
o o
(Dau.) t.
1 hatsq a rlity that ttte above nasal
bloom 1 teen men t.f!ar.paty, and ha, ta ZOOM
tune enern.t.e.
to .
To be agiod by tho United States Dlstaitt Sadie,
Vatted Scams Mann attorney, Collector, at Navy
VITIthCt non U' or ORtitD ROW
&WPM IL re db.o *raw esoc44 Thalia; tun
test or oner,or aggr abort b. tram.
sited by thh pour et palish to whom each ammo
or order nu ha gnat to sty alba party cr part/eh
aaa unit asy anew Umtata WWI cube the saanlinsas
of th• corgagi or ender unearned. so tar at die
Coned Matte as to.ot.tal J mails& Ilia all the
rights ore sedan are Lanny trsnwt to the Crated
stamina any brnash of such contract by the ocn.
tranlog putt' or pants
' inctlou /6. log hi it Iron dascad, That when
"runty contactor for sabsistrato., . clothing. ann.
samanunn, ntualthen of war, and for entry de.
scriptna of supplies an the army or navy ut the
wetted glans, saall be; foinad guilty by a coot an
tis! of tread or watts/ neglect of duty, he shall
pealshad by flee, imprisonnant, or such other m-
Wine= hi tho tours -Ouittial shall adjudge and p any
potion who shall Contrail to tend& supplies of any
clod of dtectilnitocra'alts army or navy ha shall be
denied cod Ulna sac put of the lsatior natal brow
of the United Mho tor which be shall contract to
Walsh inch supplies. and be sabjecalo the roles and
regtcatioua for the gritrerament of the land so4Aaval
SWIM et tbs United Maus.
Approved Joty typist, . -
/*aka IL: k ferthirr mare, That the dater
Wetly banana the bevy ltputesetl, II contract-
IDS Ite wet eaPPltee. Shall Mat liberty sorted the
eater et say puma, ab*. N yettalyet or merely, bas
alstaxtitir to any preview **Wass vitt lie
laary taistuatat ; war 'Qat puttee eilto hos talled
as petatipele or saretee Is say former contact b.
reeekv.d es ranter on ; otter o..utrteta t tot than the
ropeltsen cf.n Itrzabie Hammed's surettelor tett
ea or ler oath other; nor. to anitreat 'with the
Sea. halite. tball One renttecter M rtotheil et
eatery to erode marl fray control ilia wjiliS
the tethers ota spostaid 411*altiVAndi DO bids MT*
Lp tamest or &UM** plots Malt be eolaldetat
.lost II mare that one OA be oared by say Coo
party, by or It thosaese of blear their tiers. part.
air. et ether peter.; ill sack tiktslaal be re)ettee
stelae person sball - be Wetted et • otatraatar alto
to Leta. taanulactethr or, or &tater is e the unease
abut be ogees to imply, IMO' bra tot a Uterus ea
such usaufwAstreforttealar. , Aid ell parsons *Su.
tug bib Moll hats du right bibs preseat abet the
bias am spited, sat tiara& 04 . 660 .•
Approved north Ora •
- Wanda' any tat alum tatittaa at tie la.
ayeattle navy pada t ' ' '
Na 1,.T1i `-osan4wd'Twbui 6, Apar= OW 7,
Co:klogllkosibq 11,0404 / 0 , 6668005 t 11. 1. 6 45 6
or oloo.,; la , 10torso; 16. - 20; /4 1616716 1 /0,
Brakes: 64, Ilsotkooty o,.l6ordwaro ttd ;hip
Clulad l .r7 .Coopor Mtn i 64. try Gads; 0 - ,
tutwooal a1..70 (11660X0 1 4: 0 4 00.
•021.118TOWN, ' .111 0111;8N/TS.
No, 1, I las Ooaa4 awl Tithe:
Coolly( ll Waal e,etever, 10. Umlaut 11 , Luau
Besot lt, Ox /Mae - AaNalj 11. 1411101114,,
Lamm 15, ton It, lk*P aaWwallalrl
2, Stull:wn Sty anleato;l4. 11121 p - ulandaily;
116; topprr . Wier eh; 410011; 119. 1nt.1100.11
nth, ilia ant NcabLal OIL
• , BROOIdiTN.NatkIORS, '
No. 1. Nix Gant sad .I*wlnei 6. alonsi" 0 11 4
01.6466..8,4t0te1l /o,6m6berar. Lomb*
it 00 0; / 1. Globous sod Lori 16.2. r; 11.6..0 and
Tallow;ktiebbuii b lotionan Iludwas..;
lt,tblp 0610415.7 DII.“041 11/. lfrarco6
61. - Teut Oil and N.otsbot f - •• •-
- No. 1, ilaz Connie sal I.lnll 8. Ipono 0111 ti
Owil oll i NSW oi 10, tattier; /1., Lakin No 10.
Ter; 11, loop nod tallow, 00, *Hullo; Icy Olallbootyy
21,„ Uardwiko 21, Nolp Oboodlero.:10), Dry 1;10144
OS; lirowocd, 111.1tio sad klos•OL, SOIL
, .
I'o.l. PlatCin.o awl Vila, 0, Spun - 011; 7,
*clang Thsears, t 6101111;10, Leathery lt,Lodeir
woe Gene Ilettrj, Ltuterce ant Lasts, 1 eyry
/S. Reap Sod 94, DAWN; 01. stadoeur
klariyars; 24, Ride CeauSlarli WA. (Niper Wks; 211,
leveller; ; 317, try Goseei'2 o .; Wsteß 10 ,
nr.sved ao, 00•1 •oti ; 21, WW I , rob. Tar •11 0
Seautot 011; 12, Galley -sat Racy Ito.; SI, Chan
1.011: Re, ply . - -10114R04w
Sllv R.s'r;:4F BicAUTlte— Lapin' s
' Bomar Um', roe bautifriks nod Priginvint
the amyl- zum-suad AM. h also tolloOsta• Icr
'lnktmind all km7o of haser l / 2 - hum. I , oo l ibileArn•
Inumiatul other maw= dhows ham Om OM.
IN , ss Go 0 1 A. SILTA's THAI patio
slops, coup/ Ohio mbd Tiihnl • he
cka, 1 aura ti cerAttutil rower!, for
• • giving gloas SO Mew, IfityMcili Combrids Col.
th.O:11:1,, sad It itho invents Ibie Iron
'Tot Miloat 010; 01.21T141LL Ditt4
al""K aid Tersi "host...! fa
pa *gas for
gamtriir R. ORT.ll.lllOii..
I•lstttlijnis/t.IFi , Coir To et
tou roiikidoly,thttOffit &IVSell awl
Txth nnillOWArd .4l1 . 1 ant
dm atom devalpitaa - cigk' 14 Pr Gur. 4
411Z15.4. Witstlra oast 111,11031111
Oldl lhisratterfit..& r r
~~ II,: t
•, U~ . r ~~!j1e~s
11,7"`Arr 4 ty f
Leh emeput• In n 1 to us paps. 12 Reo
. .
L. Reinke; ' th Iles_Berisebyi
Tb. Privateer's Crabs:2o.lln farm !on
0. Berth. the. (And 0750. PutromernethelsWiud, 31. The Doable 110%
4. Alice Wade; 30. beet;
e. The Golden Beth • 13. HUM Mews. 10e.;
-6. Chip. the Cu. Child; 34. Beth Marva*
7, 7 he Beek of 321. Beet oil Won;
L Fedi Jorm4 '76; '
plasma of Itionas
0. Ihe ;rave Azasotor; 37. Gldeme Golbelt
10. Sbelliskvoods orede;ll3. The Wren Nos; • --
IL Ptholees of La•Tlenlo. The lead
ulcer , 40. reloehtlleuskier,lo4
11411 Addeo Irir; 41, The Ilastee'sChbla;
13. Oder Swamp: : 42. be Wog' Men;
14. The e motel ■ West . The Aileen
16.1% frootler ANA t. arra falkleadi
16 Dade litelthd; . lather;
17. Marge W 1144 , , .46. Wnek of the Albion.
le. Gat 11044 . I 47: Tlm Somble's Marie;
19. Wriedlth Dadaist 411. Othinstoo, the liszoo;
40.Ples&dS, or the net 40.1bie kola Heiden;
With to. lb. Bleak Ithip;
91.6 obil Ghost • • 61. The Two Gather,
es. The ibit of twin; 66.81 a& NJOI
23. Wbuthrewl Wtithrolr, Bt. MGM MI ignore
2s. Peon Moog ML l~ttle;
16. Debella de Oorokiva; 66. Gland Chs;
IT. tee Child of
dnt ell others se soon se orthlkhrd. Also all the
other Blew Boolis,thee be hod et
Much. UAL Ir" .. l'it
La C)
Pita Oz. 100 s. . 'St LOWS, NO.
lass ............ .01.
NA51111A...... .oi. ° jr, 15 .
Hattut do A kw the oh at tbio
, mined mar It. Lon% Ka, I t.
Tim it. ideation at alas and Bled titaitistottitelti
to the Ausinth even above. se medial by Men
A. A. Item of Boston. easi J. 0. Beath. of Inillelet=
Otto WhielhtoWter with the tat of weird upset.
sooe by Illsamai la Pitlabuals. Oindanati
sad At. lonts..dontabtes
Mai to lo the meet wad
sod valuable Illy'salv % whether Fare Ina at
liantrloanH. ' rots. • troth it ha
Aiwa Istennse Itons " 1134 to II the." stood
The Analysis IC at lie Or t. so tabs foto the
mho, without swathing est Annotation what.
me. It pcomiese say
peat wiluelvamers mad lastti
ganswit, which or. not duress by the Aryre,
whisk, stale of the sandethre 01 a bop prinottion
of doll et hotbed'
les now to All ordwe to th e shim
play. to be pawl from R. Lords or dell seed hem
!la. M IIoO3D UHT.
Ji. tided '.P4/Seelkwlll b• reestrodlo , tie Alto;
gassy With awned , it their ogee so
WU Anal,. I. the OW of oath.e'dock os T.llllllWil. Jae 1110, ter
tbe letedesthen seth thesooth et Mathes CI sad
IS et Mob roadoich abet olio Lk hi tenth.
IT wide end No Id Meal st the meth Othreao•
imam Crethabut obis lion the mesa* tomb=
of the rod at Etttaalog..
Mete &CUM twists the - IMMO work tetweia
tad ldthostaii sad meta aorta[. ett i" thi a r d lies mothered oesteetthes.
for Ale that to Is nib la ash, le
Mated, sod o
podia sod
seldbillth b the let id
ant iliNd l e sest bat abed& thy desire to exiathe
work panto= toothed tithe, they CM Mail ad tie
litontedlos neemeeth to sesble ties to do so te
setleoseeth MOW. os=atllon to F. Aunt,
de dtheir sad of Soak at Ide
odie to Pliabas 1111.1 1 Z. lie
• 1
ritaioGiuntro AMIXL
raarcaurato Aunnts.
numaurato ma'am
rall , " beet all &NNW 11111101dIalla LI the atty. aS
PI I TOOlC'ell
Opposite the rest 011 lee.
Loa •hroseva
roams , soya&
JOHN W. Prrrocilk
look eldtotaat7 sad Iwo Depot, oppodte the Dot
aisms? nun.
0R00179 =PPM, soar,. 10.
LW mum soars. sasr.---. Is.
o i mo. gum amiss. ssis ,
11/11.110311i, 100.
. 1 GOLT 1100174 osty..-_ a.
ITT Town immozATal =NW
Alm i calumun =m!s auras AID
suatoana. am sad seem • imipia
J. IL salaam /Isom *init..
Ifor stook Jut rscrboi ,
itePAßwoop, COLLINS & C 0. ,.
n AND n /Fre wart.
artirsca Mara= Ihrusarns tirr Pair Orproa.
, •
w. bate Jut retrinrod truir tiro mbres - rns
porrbarsi br CL$ll, tbo LA tor da"
Tory larp ;Wks!
Jer. ' ; -133 el' 8.,
• AT GUATLIr 21011031 D PRIM,
All of width In now ob. Alt sib ra i smin
whom oe arc 11 . 1101.1 MS AID =MCI
w awa, ;Nor* Oa mist Opradois at the
imam aLak.ti.wage. tessidai ihe areal St.:.
term la 31111111141 sad INGRAINS; sad anoabla
to odor ssampled,a da atd.
Carpets, Floorl Ott Gels,hi,
In, ll l oll4 Praw si a b r dm6
• - .
sow iii***nueisatitq,
Ws so still Nabs *ISSN PSlss les" IS"
White, b Gaited tuidiattoyKsttizip,
stow or repstfar
`. SSmei 'Twist.,
Jhr.uii rte MIL
Ma. W. uktinau. ladia
Dert Mara Lam be ipmaissl
• • .
,air 1.1/13111711 7aBWOIX4
WI It. wesparaltorannt or Wean lagarall.
term, Gm auk ton GILD CROP =MAW mad
TOILPSDOIId, alai bed orrlost
.02dano solkatad and Pflauga Woad
• Mt luti.ollollll allolll.
lowans of Tap sad PM, all Oak;
a 5 Waft La a., mut of 'Mr Stiess. , • •
Tana -
211 /
,T 01.4000.
basToOD Ire*lPT. -0 1/ . 4 44 'NIL
Anr sow to W fU.lsailnLMaW7lfir.
00/ gnawum Tolman° an vf n a mi t
isi tanann
th e inn wows sinuric , Oho IS • 111
/1: A. B. llaW/Altai apt'
UM' Senna ti. oitlasso of rßtaboon 5
la nu bon ornolntotl sole opal foram/aft of 111 V
era totat glad Awrvocasonvi
enc . f iltsrigstamosimi bile largos saw.
In tie Nth mass nbloli
01arr.1 1 / 1 11M a C 0.,, room a
. oonsOas Ism CITY 141171/ Co.
Zoo. roma a
r. p• • is; inn • ossy..pyrap
7 7 •- 40 do asseidall *Wks -
am. gab by • USWwit Ar Milli Sao
i ~y~~ ~,
AT Bum"'
FANtrys, - miouLksis,moA/MNl.“*JisAll•
TM swat soil scot istrabli Was Mad 1141 t 1 ,1
Ism Part glorantocd at tit losot riot i
SS& it as be Insin olosbos.
sato 000na.
ablbttaa f.
Oar sink to llw tarior aM lark riar
srar awl mat dada" braoll ripoio!..l l o
dasaamara la pima sad taw! la gDrtiell. Is.
log lbws dens dna dam;
rivi omission' , rusts,
II it Was, basatffal st:Floh 1! WA
m O 1 44 sansizeinriumr; as uO4
. ,„,
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eau . -
" S r rw l . lo * "rivi 101$ RIA
il 1101111DILIDPI0 OCIODI. $ u'=WU
WA HOOP unsa sad arras, on at as' sad
godly mind Was. •
N. 8.-One prioe only.
J. M. Burchfield's.'
unix WINS 1117410141 1 *.?i,
Temelbellitttogilbig !be iniirortlir.
llGuss MULUIL *RN OWN 40411'414'
LA,U4L4, ay U mats midi XL
roL "Os yolk PM.
P. K., kw asetbeilkWasti!
ozaAkots 'amiss
Ina% 111", Om sad White asp,
LAMA RODI. eaten*
LLCI mamma.*
LAOS num.%
Ninth • laqi arartailbt gads jastacelltd. dbele
Ibr - ff.
lon somas:, RAT AJID DP/Hl Initangir`
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Z lMA l kin vrin
swOr t LLCM
11K1=1111=1 .
AM «: Asikabis goo& ke*Etas.
sir 'mum.'Asa ansik-unt
ouggllid mit 'mini win.
,oa Oil zooszut'Aiin
ammie;iitai, Num mukaririr
• vinsisaurs Jam
"Inali 2 l ll A i n ) T I MM!
Thinga llll Mr *
AID LlSlrDielndiif
Lou. nun LID inuximui -t
T! as. emus, mak ulayiniall k ib!s
mono" LID snift Roam;
, Minit**lool*
A* the mat akabealle air -7.:
98 ussiprr 'Malt
BNSALiss • , •
Laos Oolhirii sad Sotts,,
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Gabrellas, -
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'Odom ;
Hodes, ind..„-,
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77 Lamm snow. -
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EATON, munumi CO.,
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aoebermrotaelilenl ;
011 mtmi'-4:7
gm!as.,L r
DUNI 11100111.
Dim mast cam, Al'
sue GOODS.
Dill : • • ,•.;-•.•.•:
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zawn% • tunnot
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most UST: ',
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Ninv nazi:44min.
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rr sirs Aim rAtak-Oxis,
law pitsuoyf*thmenaxis,
To weld';is IniW tti i4tdldd el it* peak.
- • is Malt= [WM
Pot; 11 • 1 Waft Wl* DilatiOl!a:
Toy ceciti ode td
/4 19 : 44-11 " au ? t , ciL i
LkCII W>•.
I bLOII tuns.
LIM Okla
LLCM cuass.
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alidinblian. INGRAM&
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WWI ‘l3l Ilatt litto so ittosiliai mast to poled.
theLa& to Mit bousoloold sae % Tatar not to,.
Ia gat*
uLdettica man; 1
_7y iiiidno .tme..lllli
W1111"1111C111 , 11LOVIII,
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r 1 staist: art dish.
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taiga Lwmaicia-Ativalii r W 03
dtta bingo Nazi 00 ; sad Deile
anal% auk% era g 310191 I
We Garry; 15 ma; Cbiond:Alms. Nimbi
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of •
OW Tough ip; soma o ta *abed young tor
thms, lIITTILL HILIADIBSON. via! ittll appear is
dm &aisotata on th• twos sinalrg.
TEM (ThissiboinDDlZO,
, bipramistA
• 1114.14416.
—...-41/8111 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 011.
011412 1112111u.......6.....«..a-644. C. BMX.
CAI DST = - • - - JAIL UNTO&
• soweaphrour
filkeidaq. 11, ire* a.zitossami.
A mu,
• Euliprra
• : . SPS 0 -
• I R Tza "sorsa.
soar or ammo tolomiss:
z•.1.-4te RTm,Desipstios'loaliataaandiaß
71*.Tor llforor.Tanur; Worm Oft, Wsalsd.:
.-. go. 5-rot COS& Tsadang mid MUM
11*.4.-/Z . ...los ol la*Ds l ". sad
410/01PP Di ea 7 O, Mai
all.-Tior ORM% Masai MA% ToaltbS
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Sga.ITMT" Astifs"Rad sad 7111.
th ak is s. , -
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- ITST=Tory'rak sad Deriard
13.4 t or soar&
. zl4=. ?gad
'orikusna* Pattrda, -
Preps Mom, Beszbar...
L - Rrita l t irs ltmi& wille !!
li*WAldtl iba drerdit Ros:lii'OOdißllidlastAMS - ':
-rs" 'POJT-Nor
_SRAM", Rae,
- um", PRI Tam
ja r -pat"-Tar DONN=
ISM= la tb" OMR Trolt,LotaroT LSO".
WAD, WM, orClatarol adults or 44121.
id. laoontla.aoM:~eatlas th. rd
11".;aTW.epossa,Porrada, Roma or "maid
_ . .M.11-11111Ms dt tamp is 1.11% Tusair. -
4sl:slsAMpo sod fireasor Otoeul. at. PLR
4-rse lone mad 4104011,1,1111tmi5. Dumb -.
_ .71214141010 , , Dilsedbe Wand or -,
0 -l •
ot Elk "Trialier. lodsaadlyta and ;
Talft e e lroakie Sharid
o***oll"asDsadlairilf root,
....114'..Oeress , Maalstrog lidakao"-
Air sr Piradaa-Orpommod, DMoir. laW IsT.
bond ftaMosoatoedtkatatrap9 and lapprar.
Itirsa,paft pa tam':
~ ..Por - DeMomoma laiftem"-Mmbay"
IRTIDAVIT Mai Otioulls• tumor •
welik,,, - Set *Ma is i a Sooklaludam at
lag sod IlJattyrbt,lbo," Tad RaWlada.
Dr . t , 6 . p oi = liare , ocaiiizionia " . ,_ .
d io ral e Vesa i ; ( „ maw :, riatm l / 2 "44 - i r o =o*/* boi. ;;
ArAlaiinaaffte-Pballialor Norma Irak. j.
as% saber of Wow, Itroseras Ism.
gaaam Wg " 1 . 1 . 1 - 11 ,4 1 , 1b rIV . F . : 1.11014 :
pailmo-Mdd Asiozotaktkaß Toad ram•
IMVUL Milatr Trim
sed Mom rani or aultSoa.
amy NM*
thO i lrliWdl i n kba d i sik td .r ss atad , JridasT 6
!Isl, 1$141 11"11 .14 Tilslidsdsa
Tod amisrpargurimailaimbutw.. Mom* '
ismoisedamitalliftdairldr oftesogia b"
101131 - .11.1=014
Na, . 1 1,00 69
loil4ifsi *O!. YriraV o ) 2 l 7.-- -
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Mat lads
~yLRP ißOjiefseitor Laid
riot ar t wasstm wirraisc
1 , 1 - 1 . • ....... .1
alibr.' lllll°l4 . . Ith lagirerrtac i o.
... .... . .......-..,.,--.......ketilblidi Most
ApieetinntliSZALWOltiPare ilad
08 4"..!1 1 /sigi I° Iva of.
.„. pt *•"! W. ii.,
411011111,14411.8410111111 L4ituglik
. • IKAKOW&A it. 11411141.