The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 11, 1863, Image 1

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    ' ~~'~~f''l'. t "`~u`. '+~ ( .e?'' * 7 r~x*'Y e' - '^!s';~3~. ~'~'~r4x' "`~' '~"
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<. BCOEMoi
- 064 2.4 11010WDIIMitt01:111.
4 34001 00 11 ,110.4 Kalif illidleld
ViAt=43. trwas
64t6t4:4110.414444 iLlsosurr I.
, el 611116,161611111. PRODIIOI,
eaispat tot asisbratii 16niontemi 1/11-
• 11066116 4146466 awl 146 TIM Mutt,
;;434 44.114614 d0dt161414. Mamas& 4.514-
V I . vi - AlautoWif
albci Fft u T i o so irill2°4l ,=,
' •., •
i A jp
›, •
-' I
• "-.- ---- -, -- - : - Arrole*, .
-- - , •........................-..,..:::.,.... G
4XKULItAN. , - Ai)
. .-. %X ocHniimaik*Lum. ipso, E. so groat
Pittabanb, latropOod to
.:"WilaagalVeriststht ~._. : Calealosi
. - 4 : iiiid• SIC MIL *;i^ nrr ecamtlisoad
..,-,,--', TAlsoussay • ..._,,„: 1,- .• .53,
. 4 .:::.:.‘A``X-'l:= 4
awLiir 1411Wirmall aka ianali.T.iar.-
asOffr 1111 stied. 1,, ~ - -
- VIM Naiad to the
lion at cistmiii bonatima N 4 1 :V it5 . 2 : 1146011124 "w*
. as
Wasft.'l32l2l MUM.
lir LILIEPATRIOR k, N, Anos•
kllocus it TAT. No. US low* In do*
• . - fabonakatadlaidaiti•bars*. Pa.. •-, , myriad .
~.,:...,..,. :.....: s t
...,.: i
..: -- . .7 . --.
i' ~"1
' ‘ 1 ,,. •
• •
" .
.'• .‘,
• :
' . 4 •
•• • :',t ‘.4"g• Z'' P• 2
,:14• 1 } , 14 1.
„. •
- 41T' '
~ ~ ♦ • a
• • t
Pk t a
1 • ,
CI • -•
amiarrumax, "e.
lab 4Migar-la
fOrAlll4zl . l•37it'
IP4 . 4dpaliskonalyilias. 141 Lad 1‘
u • Oisoomoto to Brown * Ilthicteiloittoi !Mow
sus 030021111, Not UV azia fib lopooll
Pittebotdx. i otosay• •
mamma n er eip,.. t . t o MTV Wl:moms%
11A1. COMN•
Aiwa low; ii np a s zt2ar io
yaw. •. arms MO.
F r Tv L t. v . je.DR A
001:111=eil KOCUAtet..,..ditaLte
Allrelliad Praia°. gen.
Arinakoms, N6..ns Sicced MN% Pa
üb.,*eilliwk 1."
.. imisww
• Miaow
1 • IX • sla.o
111101MILJuitiaminuouos -
Aims oargrest. thainsagadi-Ze. 11,
a'{l:' 8011 -"two a,
• Liv ,•• OYER, 1"0111.
agar ••
. aAT
. ~ „ ..
. , ,--.-AppoupsunteliyAtuat; " -
- - artalif• -
'.. ii4aivititil-- •-, .. - f, ': „iii a .
rAta . . rt, . ilse. DVS
J. .11-4 r ii• U 112 , 10A8,
~,. lry r. MIIU ~..,,g . • ..11 fit&i .
~.:- . - 1 . L•az al- • •IFO . • W.:.,..... -. .• • 'Pakit
‘7.:,;._1/441 "11 , , VlO fii 401- " Tr.. fx Polo '
1 ,-,,, - -satzster: ••- .• :I. 1• , 4 , p :. , ..: y,
Witoy 000m_ • . •• • . • • 4 t 147. FAX.
111Dialiniiiiali, , Moll prim* gm&
irekich bacons llauh
3fl- , ----- i Wawa. 1
41( -warn .
~ Ai.ut . '---,,E.,7l,4iroaialtri,,
IC ,
~ :.... aa ,,, ; ritu ---,,,i t,yrs,- • -
Daiwa .
' . ris ill4 DZIJOII, i P.l —iIIi LI.tJkjUEU6U 2I AHD
:::..4' nirrolFl l lo , .. , ifstri nod --
, 41 julatibin 4
~vtifiVarnal PILUGE5 T=.
I • ,Yt
-4r . jr„Op VOX '5
, ita sLoun 411 e. •raozau
ravairatiocimVl AND rso:
vuouripastassoo Lars: or rissibartik
• etatt'—'l 1.4
4 ' ' rM
. - - •
r'irer•Ti! -17.11 lira;
-roN „ • ,
"131 .10E4 " 4 -.4 smwraw.
'"'-ownlw.t.i.. • •
. AWArmitirkoos to
, w il.lbatr a irAWPand desk:
" tole*
' minaCtotrv..gsiit.ers.
- i. - 1 - -= •GIB,DINICIIk .13.0MVVAssir: irox,' I
; .'" iljirlhainuci:l4 limo mum= is. 1
' •:' mu** Oestrasury illarta,mw wear yd.& mot 1
t a--
stmts. . , 1
W r. 302$24_ ‘ .11 , assit N
a., AWE:
. - -.`
: . -5,1. JilliA, Eanzuss 1
Lwow= ocatrart, maw mut," of waist,
domemi.•./J , .. _
"'"- 1 -IL-Lilimutok-nommulmr Warms
--- jff - dirbilsa - 701 1 : - — ciiitegintkeira ...,.. , j .7.-- ---
13m n
4.2 • r
t: :1
• Az IMMO AND XIIIIICULt. immiursins
Oat e lAggaieWit
OIL WAS atnetonaut dove Wood,
Plttadowdb• Pa. Illinlosoo to los, sad tam fa aro.
taro so atiod, soltr,
ti:' X MM I6
maw MOD VOL'
r wse-4-1J
lusinam. s. o. Waal Ma a sys=
ma *mom ant& Pew.,
•=a*ay Dousas IGOR WaltiOwS,
...,... _. ~..~.,.~..«..:.m.. _ ._
WALIC,t3, WEFMO.RIC & 90. p
cll9S!gB§ . 1' DI
iti=; Etc..
, Ucuoas
. lig
YR ,
Inca And.
11172141.11 M AMID 139 PBODICOM On a,
n a .. CApunam,
1A11.10.1111 ITBJELT
:sw TOIL
MigiOtinitliZ.ln ZU MP r io
WNW TOIL ;PAN4 1 4 1 . 91
W. A. CHAPMAN. Agent,
Banana sired.
—ism "abet llot be - exabarrasset
Of aalluosamat °flits sag. 0144sixop
Jr qui h kus tbosigli=lad fgalliblota,
A toucing nip j IA damp. awe
Willitlirkif lidigkillt , WOO Ind bl IMAM
' '4, 1 4 1 74100 1 .7 14 AIS A i
"11.1 0VV 1411"1 = 4. ttram ill =
, whin Punned
0/111.1111de tO sar_Pointqll4 fir ralt
About Nig ar wainaphit, ; •
Vra l ai =i
volt ONIOI adteisit u n. X
NeAssoLdall saAbIL
- ',DAnD BUM
Via la 1113,11%.SLOGLIE, Dwane Way,
kuttlinkm, kuusa4gy otk,
Coin luioo ud Forwarding illorthants,
110 . 19 laWiR
arLlberal caul aciaidip_Trals sar
Pittsburgh or limideernsiteti:
ran-3. &Damara IL
Brusaia 9121.11:4111,
• • ,1133;111iViPriirtclmibuiroial Bank.
; • ,
jtosltcr aanwuxrn,
fob. I IT. gialit ITSZE:r. Pitiabargh
Ferri;iirding & ro mmission Merchant
• Ap lamp.OlL9 .
itSAMSON OVA to coostaistly On hand and
ferpals at tits tomtit mast prior. Ostratamturatk
samosas NOWATID. sp7:6lti
UM WogGir — w
1 " ,, "Giant Tr. gamma. a ;00.
Susan e
UNIUnitaM9O, hoot tbo .;vogy Diet quility.of
',that andmittiotat Wail oho, rood
unquaams. paco.WRITX, DAINV.II4II sad CAB
' wan erdas LOU 141,1117ra Smarr, Bost
illookmaxiikikkx, *WU tfomptly Wooded so.
LicHNT 04 , , 0,415.
AnLi. A O.
9" . 411a.ffl Liberty stmt.
imp - , rntriaUlan, PL.
- on; or iiißoi
Actuk Alntoni.
oraurous wimica‘ Kolas 11P0oN ow
ma of Market suit Nina stre#l, vnl 100alve penesplP
itsolooll,- MOO
ilarWoo lott et their sae% ao. it YAM=
Main Or of ttiotrwort fa totrrouirnlllo will b.
otoraptty satiated to.
OW MUDS on.,
Alan MIL
'saki:ram' ma rind Taira cum! imaLu
' 4 %.:t" ill-inr I FTM L TFIPP Ie ou•
%pow tin emend iorrati p.ff via
rz. ItiIPRI ..42477,
ossrohilrOagthei. Plltsbuzik,
e icAlt, LAM
nAb !Wool Asset,
a pito,' • ilic. _I i2- 2 ' , :•': T. , . •_,-4.
fro WooD Str i
Olt; a;c.
Belliais of
n :1 4
. Ana dialers bv.
elt.l7D.ll..ltirsV , Z. a CI M
runs war!" alumna anima ou a.
UNA 14. 1, 4 ,.' Ylightti
sArLos !sum
io sttoatloo of ea ;add lei A lad to I .
Rot that the asdadostd -
voids, sultakh ibt staling moll
coax. 411111WORTO.
II . ~ , . .1.,4. - ! sada -
so Abis DompiWhoa Bessans. - •
mill Oar. 01 Dossime Way awl Char se.•
J. do: tigaii 'AMC
.11, J. at i lo el 00 'Ann to to
11/111$11.1i1SAIR the l artaetehip to Ida
afoot We do. ,"211 -budwoo wig le could to
17 the sidonlipoi. • as honstote, liZZ fo. :2)
**MS IN Y!
NOM sum • W 7. LlClnatilf 2. Doi&
1111 t BEBE, GEWM" 4% DULL,
filow4fOdaroro egl doper!oikts of Holy, Vow ood
' ? ..dtt z Vtig 1;1W
Waft Waal sib= •• opoolatiky, N 1:1 1 ;outdo , :
moultsgswo 014114 k Spa* t at - " -
;:1111rOMPoolitotalls. ) orgiC ea Wept;
_ . _
:1117thlitatiaittaqiniTa taciWed,
a'Abitees" zed Mena lion Instal. nu
armalos.poolv* and 84. 0 W 1 -
0101 1 1 ,: temmtlterttIS: .
olaseeiptioi el DOll2l6l a s th e but .7a
1 irensated meal lo a m cm . p a ,
j m .
?Ma t " OTIVE 1211,
arum WM, BOIL'S IC p
IIIIIAM•POIlleediele seausteetei ate ,arit
aLtair„PATIM t 11011.1116... Regehber dos" el.:
Vie elielleet soda. ----- - 41•11141;
1141X8ras °tram OF MAGNEkIa;
aras. b 0411900 }alrlboo:44, Paster. , 40 It .
ill rimeo am Um 104 4 1 101 00,
vinsitwitherivAidause9ooo : ntabol: WOW
Er '-' WWI
ts ban
lmilMansioves psoos,
90' al 000...
tra 1101011 W 1,.3 +lt an, ..7. i .
~ t. 4 i . ,..,, ,
i leb r rasmiwinaminootyat 00.. rittr.
. - 1
rk. • satiVedlb datairitabil •
7 . --. • -, - -
'r ,
• -
Ai Ihuaini fa dr oast Wm*
RAW -0 16•68 . -016•115,_ and all Idads SISMING
WM 0811119311 • TonA - EllallVlM.
XISPINIIIAITK ,SI. bo. •• fa ,
irdwiemman - Tairliz , . . ,
. •, .. -...„..
~. _ .....--,1.•,,'.g•it.•,'1%,...:q-,Vi 1 .
- --•- •:.-. .--- .. . • •- - -'''',':' , , •'''
. ~,.......
i i ,„- ,:, ~.:. - ~,,, ._•,_ ,• G
p • ..
„ - ,
~ . ,
- Z
_ 6; i - ,:
_IIIIHINSVP:III4Igna, 031.0171,•11 - 1MC „
WO .'8 PAM, Cowes.-... -...1
: w araments.
Tho entjll;43iiis In th•Wetid alms Mom
patiray /piamia and Oman, vltk improved
n . . . . .
Evert cos it towed' ally lortta4 to ad A t oat
dim A
sa sii• the *whim opszstion.
.7104•00Mistia oat pant.
gilelkzul far warager
.24atiliiviaz—No. 27 -117BILIT.
Loinunzat. 1 "Asomo-rourm
0• W. WILLIAMS al 00.3 • •
imam' Tisa
• ; ..fagisUp laving Machisaisi
saier.6 Ann. Phtehatill. '
Vinvist oits'tton !lawn to limn doing
*thsaYet Una hant anchtn ta, the city. • They
'llll , doltn - Ittakl o rit. and in wanted*,
ltroir at " , itto so dap!. *dim ohnd
years old 01103 no to hirbotton. 'Omaha* in
lisa; arktidliKboltng mow zigollois; list's
OM Cant:m..l4; Id town Motet ;dor.'
-••• STlth*Ltrat.
W 13001Ilti
Hewitt% BMW* of the BopienetweeL 9 Tole.
akatonso amnia's, •Ay_lin9.l l l.l.ler.
Memoir of Oluidelpheriod& By Wm. Gordon.
• • NUM in Am nion loy
.By Inbone.
• tn 12. Open Air. YAW Winthrop.
Tots of Two Mon - 11Menekie ed. (Sew TeL)
Two PICUIVIS. By *ads Welsteeb.
&Walk% Oampeigno of MIA
rEot g W io s ne ambs o Ke7a
00.. 5 7 6 . Wod
Dlnolons ofZurle , 7. II vols: -
LelawrirDelstiesl Wrhars.. 9 rob.
Dr. POrt•T'll
OnclUo do Trento, hi Dwobb ant Latta.
Bores Tglattos. uow
.IDdelisers attir Barsuristke. Hcralay.
IFiorwesail Data' worts. VroL
Kleistuars Buratak. Wrols.,llll ma.
:11307111. LOOLUMISOII Ilediltarl,ll41 1 1 11 PrOPaNY
Warts:. 1 yoga] so.
- 1•118 - .1. L. fourth stmt.
tty lloatbal% 6 lntblida: • 64, 1 .
ro lc Z at ortia Zoiadoty of :olio Wo a d& .
n. Gnat Zzaonload. I l Uotralow.
BoutofealbUtl low la the U. 6 Pookata.
Ilturrabloa. 'Mao and paper.
Zyso and Maar Washer .
"Ilia Stirs and tha'azioVa.
Itotka la LUaloti.'lloo. ltodfdttobt
- ozyla ' Jol. %76 baste Wog.
Kti:re,f4Ftr.iwypywall. ,l
Fg RC IY U A R '' - !
111114.110 011
wooriakui OS urrAu.
mad, tig Tided stmt. eppaitta IL Ilisistftos 00.,
ii Dahl°
pATIMED. 00T..8, 1861
Dithridga a Patent
OVAL , tele ammo,
-Moe Obbealms teSandsd
as Aim, vidcb berth* ail putt ,
91!_enolludIN sloas not•lll
77" .. i. D. Draining, •
Fort Pat Was Works
• WaddaCUm Wu&
anti PittibUrgh. Ya.
antra sun OAPS, ooLians a GLOVII
grimy r•ttetj.nddyl of Ma aban goods in 414
NotIORD 0.119
■a. isu Wool) litiars.
~-._PA LK, BRovizz
Itsamtactunirs d, •
,A88T , 44011.1.111 1111/11LD CL613.7.8T/014
Igo My sad Wieo .of ail dam. griniaii
:Orr to say Imported or maaalkotanal la thia
aarutloa satWirlikapo, 1055.149 aid in TIM
and 190 sad 119 MOND Ifflarrllq MOW/At
- mania.
A uaut.ilei=COAL YARD.
.W. M. OLINNY s 00.
Dolan in
ukniong rAras,
9,2*( A till'ou,kuall Y A3 ,o v .•: 3l2lll, :o "11.
, A
4 m.irosionisi raitapenorrav , ~ .
antliVamovut No. Ni Marty Met, , ~ ~
lattsolotortmor VQOI_IO._ULELOB4.), Mtn
..0 BTOVIA PAM , . art!) GBATiII.
HOLLOW WADS. Ott. Wad Haaitth Mr
tog Mill Outlay, BM, la At. ,
- Ma Ttmloit BM UM. W
car listUN. Pr.llM, Oat
asil Cleiglagil pitssia. John
clootin__maao to Mar. Panonted ,
4kA11"RFAQ9'118911)1..,1,1,.. - Witted
1-4th U. brailatiN, Blass ith iominkusy
u :au wco Of AM !tyrant. AU of BLAB.
gr i gHt %MAKI
to WM. iklat. 3141111
as,trr 'mad at the notion
~ _ 441 Gam loft at BO N A re, so; us ,
-WOODAITHBIL, will bamiaptly
rimai t i
• 1111!TM al Okk Ilytt
*w ok 0 asayient altplagiltOtil flair badageh
.01 Moro to eye itatittntetos la mat rotpopt.
_ern , Hiotrit_Ti
s law -Lonoadi„„rfri,a4,Ad!,..!iptiuts.
100131 t 1114.13911NTYi B4CIIF rlpfl
it.. us , ram
caseamiii iguicsiourt soLDLEN.
s=rdtlii - gStai nom
• •alo
" •
_AN.1104101,112" Metiviir
uoiwony Inalro MEW
1101/81;1110 1 AHD 01111MEM#L. iP/41 . 1r,rf
j2V4 4 1 111/ * 3 t4 .4"941-4.;
TrNABB di 00.'8 2140108
• =Jilt opialid 'tailed& &blades
sap* of tbssebssatitai bstnnewsty
beyond n doubilblVal °Mato". not
le Mar IOU& no - onuelad. Tar some
- lintates NM 'lnlays. ' , Ws 'ebb" to WI das•bor at
pea ardess:„WM% invivatea
pwrelsior pt azm. mum PILO. I
TOSTML Ills bat ft nos. Tar ads by
'OH/sums !mom: u nth larva,
Pilo MILLODICOWIL ' • j. 6
BILIVW!LIrein ankAntl
• ToctaTiMidgerhOmMistlfplidaisk walnut
a; very CO
• m Chialaa& disinvied, annul cor
a•ra • int Tab tasimiakt......--4. 200 CO
• T ikre gap a OiNi naravah, • hiedsoms
nu t % j• poi ards•-»...-;,*:-..
• 41% °Owe globe, nsiwooll, caned web
Aiii — octs mad
A mt .. = _
Nenirod, rand cca• leo co
A 6 661666.11.116 t, Da61 , 4 0 :64, itsmcd..... 155 MI
• 6 ode" MOW, soup
A 6a:66r• 8•111, , - - -1
A 6 octavo Gantsa,' • • so 01)
A 6 =Um Dualll34 :CO 00
A octirni Wadi • • 60,00
A 5
octavo 006 616 Roe,. 10 00,
• • • j -• 15 CC
Tae gals by . • • PORE B. VISAS.
nrindlb PUMP OLIFB P
MODAL, .& the Woaaa /4,11/ LOlidiat Isa.
11111.Warrsabat, =paler ta ail oats la aria 7 cr
Ned.. • sowaioat of Os &bow Ist dJaL
Bab uaisi7 Bildillis7
risso. IBA SRO'S.,
: sou •2, , Saa 6101 . 111 h Ana.
flitNltiltAla 02401118:141 106.
%or wka Maim T.
AleiTsaj i tlasile Sanas. -
. Se. 191.1113.
ii =ali .. /setbs .ot Sa I alit Si basby
Till• Certh din ore4rie U magi
hereafter to *lightaunts*belt.
The aunts* absll he *de Ilf teen ins *sor
bs soareas..iss , . ..5 . _
iins. ay tekbag thowtothaers sad ilialsted so of
02 5 4.
onassade sr faro had (whatherstiosily peseta
or testPaurTY. anent.) wbe. tress maned
In liellacet aline* co
to Ws a data.
are anti for Yid elsieh. but es of ell.
m ay scans duty, or Oath Other s duty as
say be tecsked.of =USN - Beental
Ocenenathas Sall st once( make s intern
tics saand treat theft' Modica sau i F i ray 0111..
as aid from tbilz Oes Itiowliddi, imeablinfr
I. the Tana fundebed,) of an suss the SS.
ass and ISMS Ses nader that
fall9l do aliodicormattioaa. Tht
~ • ~, ..
I. TIM tbey...anmadtfor . sane d" terns on
*sat of wateds ovaleeeti as than lbw
pn * rit
of duty; ads LS bail oittlEsdh • Mama
In Unisons eflor WOW ••
9' That they . se .at Sir • 41de 464
tedea Mew* artllled by the Omar, es
ebastata posusioluslastioo.
3. Tat Mi.' es to the opteloag 14:- Os
ttlllgi'll Mows. nalathaus maddi
These roll. Sea be caillted by t li lbutsbas
. 3arpon sad Ishaietel Coeumader tad nansalt..
tad, arose the span hhennels ot Lary nom '
spandans to' the hot* leaks! rasa Of the
United Stets_ 1 .
The lisstmental Cbauseridendud . 1 • :Fs ath
anus of restarke, moats sack Aar nese es the
ro/11„ a statemant es to an pastel ' of the
oaks kw latallcence, Industry. ty sad Sten.:
lion ta dot/ I sad allbasthedethOotimandlets shin
same there= each ants .toysP•oollo I.the
or If th ey bas t ote
they etas bale*
.thoq siterlatna tit entatse the at ;baker
et *Sass =kb'
.14 ta
il - lustler
tolls altia be IsinaW_PCOMI itisi .. . forbiamt
the steam of man figautag tin :Sitio= easser.
bud of the eastankial the the encrotadef a
expeatht. , . .:. ..' I
*on/ 11 ' ' 'ideas and sellsted see.
till la , . ff 7l, . en the' ToILL bet w 4 as
Anna - • !fir.... :Is 'aseplfiks or I Citersiasoszt
. • . o Inds the contras( Medial
. atop *libiliseltethaer-la si.
lands- abut NSW the roth- eacoatets to Tors%
i entshat.the soma of oakinand sin hos the ,
Sts• nabast on u roll IT= and and I
aseh lath thenzillaith at an May idyll' dall' I
ed. to As prays Xestabutal des sbo- will*,
*sad Wes fe testabis ipartaea,:loint ts , lb.
ease oandattue sad naulresents. , S. Is say cola% 1
tee Sselas eta Oomnander. - ebell.adek , An: oat=
heat, a pant of chereater, to contemn fa 14 es.
vice of the lucalld Oaths, tbathb dramd and am*
Ad by see Buses be will 1. *Win* is the
calms of remarks, and nate the canstlan balsa.
eislus the ontaces. ! If shy taloa Or nand mat
nog Ia lb. rale% but Smut sad bayutd la neat
of a lens" oSoff la SIAS di 2[ollotai ow Oe••••
Soma Map; dolma lto WS On Dor" 110 will
take tee wane lanceted below* an" she has
been basocady dboterpd the suntan
MIL By scoleint *Gee Mese sea saktedimen
:whets. Sea baitsallt dforharald en SOCERMI of
SOundlr or theme onabaSed In ills of duty, sad
who desks to Menial the winin.... hi 14161 4310111 °ilia
Skis seilcatbalta l sppolatftwat *at be suds to
•11b. trases blenba thsend at theitlaltell Sala
thmeallalla_orolt estelbs4 a. Lathy Lesbasat Pro.
.tan Sanaa Glesetatar the. Bass - blo.appUoitlea i
..cdtkie land trill. be foneLlend wafisa the gnawing
easelltione ere oaapheelY Walla's : ... _
._ I. Thal Ilieleypbseat endow the eartliees• of tee i
*Mon a .ths llastdof Ineoltsent * lb@ district
to wake he inlildlll4 test be b null Sr elate nal
duty on sonsat ad Sande or dins, lad Is not 11. i
bat to drat, but le Seto patina dab}.
a s turnithentkeoe oraanatable
:au asset at tnnaidsatdbabillty astreoted dik =
• .3. Thai be .thodnairectess• tans the Le-
sfineateh-Ditgade nod Derbl4.oosainelse ander
Sias lo lanardY snot: that bats ulatilY of bath
thus proildeakenadspeble of SishMs adequate
erns to the aotenstea. , la ass It Sal be is
yesteksbis to pt. We bet enters be may,
.weadlated the: MA two paints. atoll. the
;Ikon' et Lacallanta . ant* Is . the.
est Its aistalnate. ad , the dea. .120 EOM wait
at be obtalmeLby thesoltattlth • se& set h• ties. I
sated vflathie spleabonbriscan . t.
_- 1
If there be no *Ws kinstiodt 7 XiiiiUl
General Sr as etne,the isaY , L twin*
ttlcllll.Asuutaat . or A. ass%
erbo Is ae Seadarsa.thletaa MlCllllieteta the
*144 Idany at 14 spas* sa - ge Say nisi ar 1
pe se alboard ey Ms teconb, sad. tarbsid the woo 1
to tbe.iteces *SW goes' dale Pitted States. 1
. s um
halbeed. meat hosonhan..lsobez4d atonal. of 1
of dis c teditai to rs wig. . Catlactetn
pawn thesterfol to Ma Said at . flat lat
.the thlnat in wart they seas . Is ranatbat by
-,thiftunfooe tbsteit, , who dual a lbs.
terlse neat In the Baud amt., -. : .
!O il_
. yleasa ebell ,lltal monks leak cirs.aod if to
*twat to Alta ta. rad
. thes spaded
=z el taird OS eve us . powwow to test ,
.4 34 1 * I. ciiiiontoe' in at* leld. . ;
. kraatba Is tt lac amiss duty. ; - - '
. S. This be la seatatiss sad dossoanyr . ' 1
G. That be wea hastsblY, dhchinged twat the
It ° ins* :3lfcelua. la la tannin - shall that I
wl • Um, impilattiok: yak Ude ,Wake* of the
Boyd. le.4lwhillall .deastant..Pirotrad blanha
Omani of the 01414111110 Sal pneater eadinat 1
ottenioteat oksheaS es tic records the Compo
st to taika be basted. oa lthll6l lbeYieideeertete
el Stitle_ime 41wil; end If that It Is a
saa arry owl tbat .14 sea b be ~
wlll Sad faltotoctiata Sth m od rs ! is 1
a:4o, k
4 tbritenik Glintratitat Willtl.
ladled thertatah'lllfelookla - • at=
Telh<Mlllsl*-thestleadoro. *kat
wh o m 0 sbobem on* vs and na
alsidalliri arrlhadastat . peat I: ' to Say .
Sea ander thelnetabol wbo bay be* for aink• In
V al lrlitt o Cia ttAilli dilltr . ai -4aiiisiA with lbw :
assfasbl ol*O. god tat i 7. 0 r v." Wl'
dot in l OW sada lb . cont o af Funs. ~..
t 4 ,1 1 7 1040-ot thl, ~. .t . i. tis
.: aleleeeidlutint Clessal.
E!Mi 53
u1313113 :•idui ,17 , 61188 T!!!' " 7 61 F 4rt ", " 1 ' A74.81.1.141 4,
I." '
.•,_.-; ....'• .FriaßLlA'.o,
ILUISLtso-r. •
" awls' tblstmegi .11 c a m
annoildn,ua to retoma pod mats' it
ST 3
MI liks* ..11 th ir - sk uj il -
• Itiong***tiest swiss bl • Niski,
zi,ho t row mend Minate
rtreillart - 51".. — •vrt • • -
,YiamirAiusiniiioi Wine wosz: '
al. • •
avalltil Inall GIGOT:O4 The m e**
113141111:-111 - ,riston ,, t
wom wiaDuwsiaccvszaucuLais,os,
--ivugsgWo n
It% 0 wffiroll4 ibt India% am;
..0 .1
AllatAgg A MOD 111 seater.
jklitil3lllMol Om" IMIWIMMIL
Vittsl3nrgit Otter.
S. RIDDLE & 00.,
111DfT ORB dirD 44043111T080t
Publication Office )16:111 N .II W
voaniaso Arm Irrauct swum, DAILY,
CONTAININ4 vrirrisor vows vr Toms
HOGS OT PU8L1.011103..
THURSDAY to)AlijallriliZOti
iec t umill nr "l4l 0
, 4 r 7.---"
... .. _ • _ ..k..... ,
.. " . . ilaglo 3.
Emma IITIIII. Iv am% pu rur-- tw.
511 , math.. 10.
. .. .. weak...... -10.
.. . 0 single p0p1a5.......-4 S.
'.Was: 11101=01. 114.1 cf,9101. per JUL. It 00.
0 . 0 'drake 01 63410.. .. V 'l6o.
1 _ 0 _ 0 ciaboolloer awn 0 - Ig6. '
—sad arse extra 1.) the pots . sending dub. Pm a
';olabisIIIII86.0iiiIIII ilimo the Erma GAZITIII
, ' dilly. - 110 .. &lb of aupty, vs wall mad the
Kama anima dins. , Wish 04486,6 amts.
mrin ntscdpens ark**. &maw, iond mon
11.rayi stoppatl 1.11/0 tlio:llasi antra& _
iteported Capture of Vicksburg.
Both our own imolai Correspondent and the
associated prom dispatches give us reports,
derived from refugees and other rebel souses,
titat General 111013111TOX had surrendered
Vicksburg and his army of 12,000 men to
General QUIT. The marts hare the sir of
probabilittabout them; but we prefer not to
be too langelie until they are bettor within-
Some anxiety b felt thatJoniaron, ladles
himself unable to reline ViaMtburg, will
move down upon Sams, and, if poulble,
taro 'Pert Hudson. The latter has' semi
25,000 mea, while the garrhon of Port Sad
son Is variously stated at from 4,000 1010, 000
or 18,000. .The Catania from Jackson to Port
Hudson la alma tyro :hundred miles, the
greater part of whlch'eut bo traveled by rail-
Them Is ireniarkalde similarity In the sit
' nation of both the contending port* and of
bath - the -plums. Both an too strong to be
labia by anaelt ; both hare bee' trial; both
are • 6101 4 invested ; :tooth :are. 'armed -
cholla throwlfrout tleriver ;IWO both, unituie.
quickly rens ed, must shoonmb to starvation ,
sad to Intolerable bombardment. At the sant,
time; it le equally true that one or the
my be zelleirest by Gin. JOBlllll.O
roar. Navy:theists, we hi
that both Please are eves,
alas of bur toms.
Illissri-Goversoz Grumble.
Man , the eastern delegates to the Chios-
gi • awl °ovulation vhited .-Elt. Louts after
idjeurnatent, and were sikairod with ads
'dreams and elm esanifestationi of raped.
But ens objeit is ,introduoilh• - following
brief soils* of the quick of Orer. Gamble:
°or. Gaiibli;oir behalfof the Shot" of Mis
souri, twoognised the , iniprstonoe of the more-
'ent, sad WV Ilassonst deilsso to marines
orriptidng to the Union. unmirsa, An in
stfttion whisk belongs to sabioult and slon
asstalsr With the liontlosbe felspar, 11 03IIi
to reserri. - (Cherrel- Oho hels the baron.,
Coos of the lajunotios. -"lt•the sight head
offends eat 11 off.*! [ Cheer s .] That it is a
S;ad fast that it is to be dine, and does se es
to be. poratoaoat, I do ,set doubt at all.
ECReersa , I bop that Ion -will imolai Your
talloosal dot movely to open , that ossial,. but
that „Ton will ere to tit* peoples true bores
sion of that . the dotorsalastloa
sad loyalty of 1111880ot in adhering to the
Union, and ooessusting her elite h. [Olheres..3
Wlll4Ol. hue been In the habit
of regarding thrift's (feasible as being not
Ault" as 'hearty in the work of .emsacipaticoi
as wished; bat the above is es ea.
pilot' as can his desired. ; -
The Department ot the DI ainsla -
W• hne a paragraph la this 'mar jriciag
ths gratifying Wanganui Oat aiwani lava
hem tam to ma West Virginia gad Wotan
Psnasylnala a beat. Piatuni of debunk
It is * little slagulare hewer, that thi press
of rittsbuigh is obliged to mean intelligens*
of imormisii of rah local imparting) ant
ono brought about mainly by Pittslitighirt,
. .
froniNsw Mukalla Washiagtosi. I . Di *Wash
ington litter to tits Dispatea of Ale marniag,
we find - ths Maytag additional linformatica
—mum manna than , that which we copied
from the Now Tonic Du . ;:cim Pang
Waitron:as, Jana Manisa
suotesded this Musing in falba a MN dst
mamma mad.. It 00/11pdwillnastarn Puna=
amnia talk Wost•vititiod l 4 to bough&
ths, lispataillit Ilionitoluilsi nsadquar-
Urg •frfitsbilitt. The lbw* is charge of
Dspainalna aiscumid to-morrow.
Gummi Saraard, an eminent 90111Mililli Olt!
jihMT, _UNA , for .Pittstrainh, to alkia
oonstnistigig worku af debase. The oCmialt..
tas ban also sucievi r ed. lajoigi their -azpie
tiosuit rabbi -a vehuttear fuss for the
Won *.4ePagili!.476llP67;.sll!", 40.
niltitnino Sinnesse attain ut Plan
num. a.—Tbo Philadelphia Rene of Mon
-114 470 t Tin bronati • ninth" dle;•
Owed,* the 11110blill LlMllllllll'4loloTea
a$ Port!, Mains, tuniitltsi all denbts
as to noir en. Infante
•BilliksE!,lffsti,llllol.4 now *A*
and at nip ninon* tho won man;
Mai a PhII delplte eolond WOO; hang
boon antiorisod - to ie so. ,On Satiediy
big ninth isibundrod colored rotirsitiiriMit
fano Interior_ of the finto,pullitt - Ilutt* et'
UM efts on their way to Miantmette.
lriMr t he
- onstod - id a hnistton
a mi no ~tbs nine& poolito e Joanne
notion- of - the city. itaC lua fattened
then through the suede" okontag:Jondky
tviy took noir detentari;,'
A 1.4r0x lou °crup:what o( ta
Ytuk.fflulosso slrs►aoate-la tins taato et
the zur44l,y'utt# from illo4fort!* COI;
MOutiOtam.: - The- says 44. Colosil
Cu limit' Off with Alm 116ff0,4004rorth:ot
isbsl itooporti, has &strop& pp. dwelling.
bousis,luto desoutratod tulitid an quidlciF
'it**ro, Ootoffirs 4111' follow Othorsvor •
tasu4aro toffy end that the olavio on
the ,rtei!ptsitattcois of South ffirollnus aro
uteY*o sreti dap lieu, sad lb . auth portion
of thoil to litre thesurto 'of ffioffoosilo:
I "atm thi es*ytot:iddisti.
liia_Nala York Maossayi .
war idalikimilitahorat i V .
Ha r toes art* raorossaailip Bi
rok tardy lt,wu still ca.* Mutt
midall4•o 4 so' bon?
tko mat yrlio, eat pilimiW
lokotougg la' for a, snit 4141; 41.4 ',devil' 0:
chit sugot Maki la clap
aosatonfithiniSli ins Indio
dm Out third 114 lamotalrottlyr-mati .
bafges the doos Of dui lima.' )t : •„ 5 3:
- .
" 4 ;. — likkis as la rim iitreiNiAtillt
" 4 -Vtitge
447e-411'..4ii;"!4?; '71"1-fpW,177 -?"11;
- -40AM40.
Pittsburgh to Danger?
In the following glance at the entire DAL
of operettas, Maths pnbabls movements of
the rebid iambs, in the event that they can
not save Ri littiond, the New York li-Unise
comes to tha , ironcluston that arm. Lis will
attempt anti ion of Waters Virginia, and
a daunt upon this city. We subjoin the sr
dela faze unsideration of oar readers. It
is Taff trim that we have no forces of any
etatrileXeoe betweint,Gordoiliville and this
olty bateau Gustaf lan get away from his
priuntgaitloavithout a tight with HoorEnt
he divide his army without exposing
Bircimoitd to certain capture Thy capture
of Pittabirresilowner desirable to theiebds;
would be. a poor compsioation for the loss of
thsir capital:
Thorigit we hale not hitherto been lan,.
Ole, we now feel mere. than i horial ehat
Vioksbarcis it lost stronghold to ,t“
Oen. Slab's extensive raonnolsaneatromis.
that - Johnston is not on the point of 01014 ,
Grant's bodiless army; though waiver . ,
sally knout that 0111. POMberta: h 'reduced'
to As last straits, alike for food - and , ammo.'
nltion, but moreospeolally for the vitailj"
Whet article of percussion oats. Both
Johnston sari JOE.
Davis knevryst Attest 4-
fortnight shoe; hat Pemberton imust beta..
!loved b,y this time, or Vioksburg mat - falls
they prolate( to bring One Hundred Thort.
sand Yen to his runs within it fortilikt
the time has p assed ; tho relief is, not at hand .
and we think Vlsksburg mast soon siriendar.
At lout, such is the prose:it probability.
But thembel shish an not asisipf and if,
'unable to sate Visksburg,theyerill . endeavor
to avenge its fail. To this end, Johnston is • wall nn his way to'strikes sud
den sad anerpueted blow_ ottani& before
Port Baton on the one side, or at Nosaghlt,,
in orde r ' to °What afresh.ths nufgation.of
the Illuissippl, on the. Either. Attie elan
as has been apprehend t at.
heesboro, that ho will rapidlgtilatiroillen:..
Brost, and attempt to overwhelm 'Nathan's'
and take Nulivillo. In one router or an
' other, we may be sure Johnoton,lf unable to
save Vicksburg, s , intent en bteskint
foot of, its fall. - -
If Kirby Smith, from upper Louidatos, has .
indeed zeinferood Part Hudson itith.the bulk
of. his - army—ea the Bistunontil hernia- by.
telogriph report, and we areinilde positiolh.
to deny, though no such event lat 'warm'
ap to the dist nit.,--lleis. Banks :Ma of lesu
his'. hoods , full, and must praised 444, eau-
Be ,haiprobabLy not mho' thin
, . _
twenty thousand sum, to besiege a naturally
strong :ant Iludt.fortillod post, ;defends& by
from seven ti tan thimsand. Reline probably
the &heritage In ammunition, as he °Weighs
has position and force. Ile may nisedlelp
before his task *ea be fully sorozeplisbed,hd
his &um of suclous eosins hopeful, according
to hi Wont direst anoint, which ' ; will be
found in detail in an other . artiale.
As to-dro ,tobill", army of Virginia,' it is
doubtless Jihad OIL taro:Mei : Futilely what
..inisoldef hi not yet apparent. If it is Word
hubs ~ by divisione toward Gordonsville mil
should infer that Lee meditates another
throigh West Virginiawhieh was found so
feebly held by us last Month—anibeblY ,
an advance force OR Pittsb urgh.That
city Is known to be a great man toiy
Ohtani* and ordnance stores for tha Un
armies; It .is :la in everything the reb io
need; . and thee kin* probably as few Biondi
thereto be Waled by its seek as in any tarp
pity_ between providence and San lhancisoo.-
He do not yet Doi assured that Lee is last-
Lug n decided movement at all; but abets, he
is probably intent On Yittsbiugh in one dura
tion or Norfolk In the • other. And, though,
Pittsburgh il the More 'dittant and Ws ac .
usable, its' capture, hush but for a day.
would so gratify the rebel) as well as iet o linlatt
their liesatfatoteir,ilirtiordiali not sure
prisedifit attompten.,
We are manifestly on the eve ' ofdecisive
Ohms. The rebels mat. beat ea rion, , before
tail forthooming istionelcdriditalut elfeot,Or
they lhow that then"muistiopirlesd. ,
Vick/Mug and 'Pkit Mattson.
Beaks aid Great, says N.j
Peer, are now on tho Unto side of thii•Mhsia.
sine. Johnston la said by the rebe l Journal"-
to, have gat hered a . 00nsidersbiii forco'k'
Aunt, and hi reported to, be nutty ready' to
siteekhis. Bat Omit hts,tickdonb
ad, strong relaforerieshme, snit was to be
without slum.
To sosseedlste of a kandket•thog
sand sna. to.ltississippl&-under Johnston,
1"1" W
.difeirlinal.-theat from Vicksburg,
wind ben waoteokstreigth oath Whets
,l4pla donut often penualt. It is, mote Molt
hay!! thiiisitedity. **hit this brie - them
- ha will-attempt some -movement "Mug
them hopes of pinta advantage than the,
mere relief of Vtokebarg.„.
, It was Mated, aleW keys stottistgihnstan
Wonl4 peabips move upon Ncuphis, instead
of Vioksbur& , , The. okOrit of nick- &move
ment woiddllm to out. off Grant's `lignites;
w h ich UM* froUesixoi Bat Johnshin'snwle
oesunahatieno would be 'adenoma -by
Shy , at Nestilds; Gant and • Bosemath
might_fofra.ttjanstion behind the -kindred
thousand rebels ender Johnston t indent them
off frau roinforeenwati al Will se sup el.
The 'esse Brigs Cpl'aPed'is Sentaohp last
year manor, be sopested his:ear:
It has added linmesselystossestally
to ho,dlitaldes; of
thelebeigenersis.thst the eiesuiendlin 'AV!
opposed to Osman men of s.tioo t , , Lett y
at tide time Lee ant Bragg reckoned' on -hi'
euphuism of IKstllellan nod syell-clt; wee
one and'a very. important, element in their
plane- But Mosul! *du not de to
treat Roseentrat he treated 13 ell,landlLse
gaud, lately, an irsimlonesol Dooksewhish
tuts taught him athastemitioa. ,
The .I;oidom Times Reba . ed.
Itemriseshing to know that the malleunt
.ana tsh•hoods of the
'fhttile haveapt pas sed without rebuke; lab
Who from London to the Boston ''OinitiOlr ,
moat, Rev )I[. Di - Voiwky ridatie l foli.
Ilion after George Brauer Train lift this.
li:tat:joint was *ads' England
lee, enclbeletingOflievint olapped England
In Out*, etihp a 'asthma; treat to mat isi.
sap pont thirealtor if the lioulbtli Timm;
Milltwhom he had *slight iceinilatituto..Tho
idititiokidliii i f he had Mukha - the :mar
dirt and Uu that Trail was dinging At Brig.!
lend. 411esi said the
"I Imenzwatt clink word, and I.linve emu
here a& Inclining So say to you, es friunbaltr,
Lug visited . Ad
hooter: it rein Sat, that what Train h. now
of Eliglaird - and what the L ondon
rhea DI saying Of Englan d;
topan'iand di s gusting -to . all . dglik;rianded
men.the Iwo. oonatrina. gild Mirtidtt
!DS tor
ow in the posse&
mai ei situ
lii thi Lag. vt . "
du.* „ , 1 1 1 9 k,
papar,of p Mt, night o ,thsl4
hot. - ,We'isoir of shah thirwlifp - hitadfil'-'
Wail, ; A. Mt. Bib.., an
ihh•alid•oih 'llshmaix; mishap hi s.°mon
hod selelbalMd 4ppllittba, Bitlareoq
lowa, rotneb = had Ni itt i pesehilty-
MONO hiplitmet : Tikry „dsoadsiu
kunst konsiv, 50w511640;41 ma-
DU Ihmwdoif t •
11113)1TWVIOPPilai...,.: .1,1:::- i -ea e
~stiesiciiiisiniiiiiiiii I* operie dm
• of -didivicalys Abegiqft la JIM
11 imilvillbetspt opairstaVeof CktliNitau
:I. no *Obi timAgr *066100 cnidwort
INEngen. aid met istrammontami poirm_saimpi
Istirmombehotioot la Voith , Z A b -
&O 11l
WL iensi Arab* .
amplit ' ill Aa MP'
Awl SG Kona DOW Ifilipi, as WI caW bag sift:
aradilikabeiti ad hen vat Itillitilia a
ittmv. as nes olami !Va .
attliOrieli . :: %Witten inidt:t• lirpip
isolorariliiiimusoriaadth lloidifill WME
;lofted at mgivit Ebt . _ •
• '!:l6thig 1 8..1.W. , .... .w . ,..
,) .4, .. i,..g.;,..;.,....,..., : is...
715i4blt t nii ask A CA
'.. - ‘ . 14008 ,C_ 5c511031, sot-
Imair. m re d r - ik any pits .
11=.40.1e, Jimrsiogsg*lirlo,
lin t e alihipilWrilr4.4
--A...L...4 4 , 4 f. (tt ±{,i.-T:i}td 44 , i.rt 1. - tif
s ites
la lie
e: ::/:,..i-s° (j ,"W
..., 1 .
. ,
r " : : :: : T, - -- 7 ---.-; • \
I .r .S: i r 4+Tigagoi..krCr" ,
' ;jorliaWittllaNCS COMPAN Y. 1
. . ..y.. .ii;•:, ~ ..g .4 ,
Mow N lit,aorner Wood and Fifth thr. li
.‘' .
PULE ANDIUMPI tuts acct 1
~ , ~....., Tll Dl,llMOilli
w i g, Ptah*: 1.4 . . RJaamoß.lrrid..„ 1
J.,,,i,w.u,, ....-... ;cir• Lamborn •
12, 1 AM - '"7 "( "• • B.JarA •
• B.— ' . • WOW*.
°harks& amp ~ , . -- - 4
wo. vocitit; -", il. , • urre•
. ,
, . . Perdisal.
...' JO WA v Ms 01111111 m ' 4
WY. 3. CIARDOWL , : tons ^ t-
. ~
~ INISILLIANU4 B TB-K iiilai •
411 PHIL_ADILPHIA ci NMNllryinunlamlhnlted o ~,
in In
=4:61...1nku117.. 00Ice N IB :Am Walnut street.
• IMINTAA, 12211,1N01Aimitt,:14011,604 - - se-SsusO
st Mims- :t- ; -
nit irsegiii mlaprovel Ouy prow-
,worik &WA, Ur sascnint..„......-416604N CO
Oc ty cera Mt, 11/01 plain - • 51,462 CO
losigua. IL 00.4 I per conc‘.4l.ortmis
lainaNt ..,•••• SVCS 00
4 ridllolllo l / 4 0 leer metl•Lesa.- 00.1430 04
matt II pn• GRP. NB.:Losn Mow au
On w•11a50nn4...... , ---. MOO 00
.IT=TesII - ay, mblipp les6Mad Tap: Mountain
Vossist—. 4,004 00 , _
EPlttmokNßNliskoßnaknsu4i oWe
iaoaaim tonnlsasa• 00- fWID CO
t irotmmtr MN L I 1 o• Oe' ' ' TA Cl
lo*stDlAWwll.llaons 00... TOO TO
O=S a& • ..i... ..:- »- 0. 136 I
Bank di ~.............?,---- 1,012 60
Milan 11: - Inmannosenit StrlP.,.-. IMI co
BM' SWOON, bulba 0.... n.- /4XIM la
ggok ucuns. sconsii,e,sts-.- son Ts
wawa and latuna of .npan-. 11,936 If/
, ,
• .
, Olim . T
Btrpb Inglq, 1L 'L. Oszna,
Busuel. sair- ' ' ' :. T 4 , Lothrop,
: Ww.W... Ilisgspicei 1.., : Sat. Toland,
'' Traderlaktircrini; '': '''' ' - NW% /AnWs.
‘Wnl. Wilmer r -
13 , : l3timpuka4, ;;; ..,....
Bakt• W. Tingloy,:
anibß:Wn , a, ` J
o b. 6. Woodirad.
-Bißp , jbillmal,
.1 .. ..,.. • ...11,-,II.INCIHMANI.
.. ~ . ,T. , 00M.N. Apat.
' ' Third Gl: aid Wood strait.
' - "Dv
'.PANT ON. 1
VILLADIILPHIL. 91304, 436 and 437
Otitibia 4477,Aliesertftb."
Ilislismealvdritimatiw hainar7All, 186% published
~ migroiab li p: la sot of Aseembly,
....: being—
ThstitlOrtoskapit ileota
013,31 ved.......51,8 80 . 0 M 00
ile_Tit Its111411)ac4 102,00 S OD
. osomplo Oollotorsi -
*AU 3D
itrac.V.DiareoVisloo PhOnlll)lxist 89,71 M OD
Notes :1111k iluidiadoil.:-i-- - ." - 1.09 1 00
. . . . 00
- illf`Tio'iiiili OO is from ipioisinto whloh thie
Cbspolay. om 411hida by hoc an from risks 'blob
km boob dotorminod., z
..iiimtoopoo York foi'firod Alualytfon of=zi
111 town bAfgulitgit Pft tall!ii. lo t. al are
vita giomility.
...-18poo..theirlsoorpatittou„ sTpullod of thirty you +.
_they bays pad loess by Sr. to ea omoont osoodlli.4
Tow Elam,4tDoUisrliitlikebs 14 ' 44 "idn"
fails Uhrauftem of lormonos, oluill es their .5411
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llltl '- , • - " '', L ' Win. iriili i .
-161.!i1;41',461ng lb.' Tr.r:ol»---slO6Ai. 6,
- Obilllos If; Babobof, z - 'IMP Du,
lionSocalikloinda, , , Joub,B. Elmitb,
- "Tikroo,Wognme. - : Zionoi, O. We,
' David& 'frown. - . - Goo. -- W: Blobsobl;
esysiol °nut, . ,---, . ' , MA" .
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!ap SaIni:PSOOTIAL4.., ea , e lar Maar* A n of ilisfas'
ibk‘-• A HesagrAMPiAd4staawiertig Medan sae
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raigictiookr Obese vie d. sYM
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s„ muir, :Jr.; ::. ~ , . .1 -E ,- Aatini, kelars,
hobos Manley. - Z:ikix Speer.
Hathazdal Nolaue,
_. Paid K. Lang,
- Eracithsack; -- . ' Rags J. Thomm,
EL Dud% - : IJ:' Na IL N'Ouns
l. P. Ralsola.
amity. . ..john
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- i ~....P.: ‘ gri.P.A• GOP.?". bbrigns
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of Pewee.,
IreitfOrii 'Fire Isigursiiaa` •.; Company;
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Fab. em b"obt alnf bj to
- 'lllStrolV. lloid•folhanafitiOrllrotor stmt.=
N.„ . .1 tV7ITINUSURGIL,Ofte.,#teett Market and
WeltotiVedtdi Midwife*. ' , ~. •
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_-__ r WM BAGAI7I7, boas*.
. • didkigit,ll,ll; ih.....t tc4, : . .
,Ineoredllteildbodtt tesd•
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it the imam ideV Welters • wee; Lake' ad
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x Aloft. Ti JIL, Memo. .', r John &. . ,
, -Bendy rtedhed.. ..I .9 kidqhteit, Sok_
As, nor mineguiAn.: 01110,116.57111tb
'PM,* ii 1 t4. 25104 4 I-- - . 1 A 07 , * •
lIIIMIINI ni 41 kibillia te r4Di Melt* Bilk..
, ''' /LAO JD Prosioai.
r. 1 ' , L i lII*I4 , ref Prirkied,
:: 1 1 / 4:L :, : 1 tom. ‘ 7 '' l
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boob d if di d .
Elsati rzti
''S l Min;,y '- : 1 ritswirlf...
, Indigo/a . ' -IL licCiant, 1
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mado to
Triltrallpi " ln: Mr (,'W.AIID aka.
Wriumai aiturautiza - wank e...
n_riltocous mum** astiwansi•
Atm ram i e ,
w hi ad , m g Dom al Peas. •
, to VOLTA
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