The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 10, 1863, Image 4

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.L0041, - 1, - . :1 - NTELEIGENCK
.--,:-------:::.- _...,.,4:;.;_1, - ,
Frol:Tedittitars-litvsning -thlima , "
Delthanthre diroc,la Laiiiisceville.
Ills susraint, at half-past one o'clock,
an outhouse bolonstai to Mu. 3 31s1si, li
do borough et Icnrrosecrillo, Was dhioorered
t. hoes dm .Netwitbstandittic the carts of
the Whelk OW idfolnhig building ought,
and beicalprt than e lire ltad exceeded to a
row a 'Wit Minnie a kin" - ISX.Pestr of Robert
Wliktetanawiq. .11 sizr
azertion was rude
rp spso.ityp knossocat he tan midst of this
siaelyedforts to do up, thewells In tbicildsh
borbeid failed,"-Sid , the .destrietlon . of the
property woe oddly ismeaplished.. ALIA*
eareprosts lees woolly, wad claw Mr. Jackson,
wbe was alssas witlalsAntilY,ls banned to
have lost trreryUded In biaiswaric•
- Surtax= wedesclialticiorthe. own
leatrefibesestalsiouwis were lamed for a
Net. Thhicrill suggest to their more fortii•
ease aelgltheric ;their datj, and frost : opr
kaoliedso, °CAW 'cagily we fool sere that
snob - lathe' oyapathy wUlt Do - extended to
those stiforers tur their mishears's way buil t.
Kr: Within's*. fa sore• fortunate. di
theigh ku less Isleavy,it-is folly severed by
Immo la the Dalawsra Mutual Co., "What
the &steal loss Is we areznahletorsay, bat it
binary in this to Mr. W.—that the greet
dnwa far louses In; Lawninosoille; osasedL
by the aethrity in the &venal, and the Mgt
rate of rote width an property- of thlii de
etthialadithere, will belest to hia;
Thu': moth of is unknown; and
while cone: suppose , it secidental, staay.ll-.
allactothe War • that 111 s the . work of an
thasidiary. The lateness at the. km when
the in was first discovered, end.the absence
of say meson for &lire in the out-house,
where it wet list seenigith rise to the suspl
sloe; aid soda the harmlustese of the people
Wend, would mem to forbid the idea tluth
any one amid hare any motile.whatever for
thunkrand todketratomeilat
ezeept pure .direllishaess,iimid s lore of
atlas .
Tioilinporbunleif 'woo .orianisid protoct
tiou whist Ards - is this large - and , growing
nabob, and tlinsoassity of prompt adios In
the matter, will oussaand itself laths citizens
more powerfay at this tine than any amount
of warning at another, and we expect to see
Sash Ressuree adopted** will protect proper
glades., thd - ierusitilfreth the .certeln
neestiou whisk waits Of ItVll7 fro that ooaurs
lathe borough: ' -
A . New . 111a1luti, Oil Company.
A sampan, has boon lamiloratod to Lan
des. maim Width' of CI Ths 011 With Com
pany of thasiliVt ;witk Admiral-81r Hoary
Leek% 1.0. IL, M. T., at She head. Ir. C.
B. Bohallsr, -11aaapr, Ii low is Veasago
casalg;oa Nudism oosiostod with oh. own—
pay.. their, tutottloa,, "moat other
Wags, to Puroham a largotrost of Casuidmit
on laad. Ouo or thidr speolal WOO% how—
over, Is to open feel fitlis - to Maws and will
ovum of Piaasyloatim ; to. hare, through
Utiir agsaoy, good, woll-yoatllated store,
imams sad rata tor both Muds sad rollsodao.
trifles's, and gamily to develops, on an n
aiads* sosloor audit whloh now In its Infamy
lids-bblr to b. unequalled to suttut
sad prate. The storoboues ars oath. stoor
Thomas, In linglead, sad will suable parties
la MMUS to keep thole all at small °largos
so ea to take. advastams of Ohs rho of the
markets. . - _
It isprometto altablish &pasha through
out Gnat BriWa sad Europe, so as to iatro
dam thiproduesr almost diron to the octant
seri go4sPlitcsaiLpittea az
nageiaiiitr.lor naming tin oil and its pro
ducts ton', 'Arserisk.lar elimfflitaiest
sad noodled minis; to ambit spats Is
the Gaited Blots. te - Mari sad ship the
sane, aad who ars geinally to have power to
attend tealinatesn oometod altitthe proper
worlds& refit forwediug,
It is the is otift.l34cludior to visit
seam of sir Pittsburgh rilianies, sad Musa
to lamps with as little delay as possible.
The Tea Plait.
The mew las plant, said. to 411r11 111011 m
essily dlieetsred is Pennsylvania, Prom to
be as old sessaisissee, Instead of a sow ose.
Mt. Janis Jackson lithos to the Tioss
• _
ilitstir admit it: lie says ho has tued it
for eerseal: sears, sad proton It to the im
ported artiste. He sap : •
0 /I is Os Chasethue..dass*me botsa
ides was nosh mot by est sped sins Is Us
Ole 1 / 1 •• itovelsideseiT- Wee wader the
as Ai . Lib wriit • Toy Meadow Walpole
and Iffiw Jefsq Tea, and is also, kaolin se
east Most; It Is :a sisa o riadellatn l oat
—lresiss is piss -bads thiessissit the Usi •
natis.i - TitisTset ii*talsgest,satiispoists
s eel lelitor testek:" Tiwileseee islustlalsvoi
ianslightteistrisstat dsd isisilesisoss, and
the 'pleat m Aside ' srepeettss. We. have
lams esosesi - weakly ram to - insider
thessehse , sods lieseited--1, its woe "'-
Omsk Ow Irma igsseeast of its sellealsai
- • it Attisits:be
Is lb. sooath of Unlit hear *Si - oaths Sloaatila will so•
eurs mon that say Wally oW ass.",
Betasad to Barr Him.
Ike Ganef Ude/ bdiugethe rebel rh
eum who penaltlireitgli *ls any yereirdsy;
Mina, .1011 ray die dile who died, er take
say steps temp kartig Ida baited. Cord.
aar MeMpag. heistede dud lamas& ea dmi
deemed bid Await alfelled Iltetierpstmer
et war, lad bed 4114_1/Idle o their outedr,
It itie their bambini.** ese did he ira
intr. - barlat - :Z s Cred",replid
deadliella least" - and d
isewthebbithera' loarletbj the i tektety
eaddrltlod sob. ild:
Nom of Oa raid prime's memo& to ,kkow
the isms ot. Oar thiersied amozsdi, 'be
oft eviintes.littleatity. 'at& 4,lte , Como"
enliklatwa. the JO kids& thorpookot
I(osnuilko, k'rilrf,ll44 now&
. Mudd J. Mini Oa 10th Madam illst
jibe ft diddludad Itontild Willits! and erin
Ss sePrs' lo Iik.APIONW Ilemad
I 4141! , A . #11, Wes, Ow • _
atis ifittasPi annnrow•Aearreepondenti
indaiscfrent Iferfrotsborwo 4tirfarl
yesessifiyonsi*spisitin- sem% istiona
miteetwiel br sourly all Altivpisera if
tie sotryw. sithildeli ‘lli:die letb
Obis,** bayonet cotreise ittiel9lh
, etsWatiselbietitiversol7attearnpv , -and
Iffidlise %twig, of .solithstints bent dikspei.
Santa.- After Ali- were,lolll4.W . of
tie virgin/ ism liar, sum,' nausint mom
owns* anseiget wkish thesseitiag "steeple
obsai," ant tie grand atoms of the 'Vim
Broiled Hamer " will net soon be forgotten
by oilier yostlidplutts or witnesses.
' liammem' • ran Nauman= ur. Blum Co.
—Two 'amen Matthias sad Lerreaoe
Hue, raddlias in Bearer anathemas brouglit
is tide Mir ea Meads', sad attar a Mamas
beano the Milted States Commissioner, /C.
BOW, oommittad to jail to an.
sinte a liaise or rooleting tlie masoning atm
K tii• 41iltrietAir Tblek.UMS - reale. 1 " Tipsy
str'ibitkp 4arts, piths. dial, yaws of
spy li}rate aupdvith :Midas ammiltal
-Cm meminins olleor tkreateafas to Minn
idiamtlks kMek.L•••• - • ,
' 311111.11. IN FALTIT7I.—WiIi illaill hill Xii
0014,'Net; Dopey Paoroot Kaaba of la- :
o, ottoman; tint tba oirollths oleos of Bury
' -rtSl74oPitoottrooltioras a - 01M to 40.
tesarbaroUtog. 'Ot 1101106 . los paid . i.ito
\ tool 4 asonasson. -A fn.rabs, nib-
Wthijoralmi feed by oa-btosaillaio
Mt krOquittb" as ilanatira•
Won sat . Pak , Wier fo;'•
, . ,
...nitro Osearzonor.. - -Wor - Oral: at.';
intim to - a• yowl. a. 128 ft Rtgi/lials
_ Patasylnals Venation; Oa JOAO. Mask
• - :fa soothor sonata. At as s onant of ilto
Cloantitsos of POW Polity, Osl, Warn do
nows of kosplagitp as oriontooldolii deep.
to keno damn. lbs fold sad Ilsi
alsorirlint iniorlsohat to' most, tbio man&
So 01261111 C-v; P. anuip-Aiostpay, for
. .
iiarfAlta trarnitnia.-11141WTaller,
110071,fresi th• slNal d Kasillikeeli44 l
witaii•alhaday, liklialinkhighsadtswild(
• goia al the_.rilifie4 eat shift
it ithog ' MoralAilatseisind t
g p
‘ 3/
1 1-4
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Anton Minnie to Pain TOWIIIIIIII O .—A
larp and entimslaatio . meeting of Abe loyal
citizens of Peon township was held at fi. B.
stomstMegialaday evening last
rtiridif.aariad. Johnston
war- chosen Beoraiary(._'W.T. Dezniaton,
Brq , of Bast Ltberty i (candidate for the Leg-
Islature,) and-W. hiscliank Big., delivered
appropriate.': and . patriotia -addressee. The
preeeediess weraenllveaed:witit made from
wt of . the band 4 of the 1116th Penney Irani&
B.satinant, and alio the Penn township band.
The meeting she • vary .gratifying to the
blonds of the Union-in that section of the
county. -
, .
/AID TO TEI PUILIO.,-0111 Our 100012 a page
to-day will be fOnnd an advertisement from
Yours. SUM! k 00., touching the reliabil
ity of certain statements made Ina letter
from Mr. Rowe, which .appeared In Satur
day's; Ofuweiois. • A, wt , have MOW &Its 'WY
we bare no Idea of taki sides in this ion
troverey, bat we may a the lame time, state
that In the •elliolal report of the Oonunission z
ere, whioh we have essnined, it . is there steer.
eikthathat onemedal Would be 'awarded to
any onsealtihitoi. With . this remark we re
for our.readeretktke Maus. Einetner's oard,
and leave them to drai their own oonolusions
from It. •
Italia°to Szotaiss Kruttn.--.Tecob For
ney, as emulator oa the- Pennsylvania Rail
road, was instantly WWI on Saturday last,
by hit held coming in contact with& telegraph
pots while. looting, out or the, ,window at
another train. The accident happened on the
Patera ditLioa. The deceased residid in
Lancaster, where ha leaves a wife and one
Asimsommmonsee.—Tho Soldiers' Aid So
ciety of But . Birmingham, through Mrs. Su
san Carson, President, and Miss Anna E.
Dhaka, Secretary, - seknowledger the receipt
of ps 10 from the proprietors and employees
of Messrs.-Bryn, Mosher& k Co.'s glass fac
Cro>suo• FOR Commarrrs.—The Provost
Marshal for the•9Ed Dlitriot, Captain Kirker,
luta received from the Qoartarreastar'e De
partment a full equipment for one regiment of
Infantry, whir& will beat onee inn to those
drafted into the service of the Government.
master, i• expected to arrive in the city to
morrow. He will pay patients to the Govern
ment Hospital ant, Provost Guard next, and
other claims afterwards. He will be a wel
mute visitor, no doubt.
Itsaniven.—Capt. J. H. Poster has re-
Ilevsd Capt. 3. A. Berton, late Provost Mar
shal of this 2ld district of Penturylvania, Capt.
Foster has 'mined the duties of the oMes, and
mats, his headquarten In the Odlen building,
Fourth street.
Corrinrr.—Wm. Golden waroommitted on
Monday, toreentempt of court, in refusing to
pad the mate In an application for diverse.
Hewes ralstequintly released upon payment
sif the, amount taxed spinet hlm.
Massa.4.7ohn Cloven, of McKeesport, oom
ranted by4netkee -Wimples on a charge of
abasing ItitiMfe Is now suffering severely
from sianie,nesstied by Intemperance.
Tan Wieva.This destructive hunt has
appeased io some notions of Cumberland
math std theTwhite what has suffered very
auk h oessequesee.
ArliNoinsiurp.—'2 he Ars which rspd on
the ateunteins, tut week, have bun extin
guished by heavy rains. The damp done
wu vw7 extensive.
A Quern belonging to one of the home com
panion yam pinked up to the attest pis tatday,
and one be had et No. 186 fisithlield street.
(piAminuiriii OsairaLVll oirna,
WAtaliolVis atm March IBoiL
hatted to rod to tho Quartorteastor Gemara
olSootartdon lir their aorta or ode.
• Trains Weald coatain deordpikets of the reasels,
ash. distemioes, emotled or registered, tomato
actual carrying capacityotaterial, whathsreoggetrod,
stashes alite•whost propetkas, whither eopper or
trim tietemed. idle aad poser of maims sad Willem
.15/should meta the miss at width they am eared,
he tong or short charter, with the mitasted Tabs* of
the mama Is case of lora Of 15 case the government
samba welts to makes, Instead et chartering.
Owners of steam wee% !greedy in the. service of
the thrertermllatees DesetrUmsit. ere request to
make tam to the Department say reduction ed
their yremat rates • which tth*ey my be sliding to
west, w ain theists, at which they will be will
to all them..
Wm* tender" ibould be addressed to the laws;
ammeter aortal of the Thalami States, at
it Waiting-
Ses, sad thosld ettdoe ski "Proposes her the char
ter wage of atimatim , .
Vara teadvel they will be eauddered.ead the
DopettiseatVal endeavor to reduce the atm ss•
pore ettealtog army truktpartetkat epos the Gam
sad tileinten outetttedas wiestreer It am 6o
so, chasm mesh of sled capeetty tts theme sow
es • , • • ethek3o
1863. 'MAW liUgtillik
The paw mg *boat low•preatant atstm•r
WlOl ties dating Ow 11111011 Ultima th• sb6» pond
ae beans
Lames Obmlasd for Begbow Clity, Vast eaglesw
tosobtog a, Pod Mum; Lido glop,
Tad 6allso..lonsits,Apartmlll•o4llna Aabarks,
Part Audit sad Tows" Lillty, miry WIMPILLIDaIf
MIMI% at T *kink;
lams OsigilaW bar Clevidead miry lATCRDAT
Anfriqtiuicerliord . ii) wffl naive prompt at
„oormorrads. Ulm= hr.
his Illedelto Ns° or rad Ors to oar rave;
Dom land boot irtrootobrio brmonis:
opledr U. OMIRIITISIM a Cu.
Ho. 620 oommitos eE, naataphi..
• Otetideally In Station lame sawrteeent of flapper,
Use. Lou NM galvealsed Iron Seth Tubs.
Whits sad liothisd Plat Bolas—
Widte aidlierbled or time cnora Elaelta.
Ship Wafer elate. oomplota
Vidor Mull of every diswelpUoa.
1 "Slab
t bait sad gosoteDid Potable Wash Stands._
liltetllarDralo Pips . Bands , Breaohea and Tema.
Plumpt ita. bers* haw sad Plstod Wart, of. owof7
inet • • „
• Lead Ting and S a nds, ?toe and Ceder If 'haat
ratte; Hy &ast Hods.* Plazabers. Hookii" Marta'
MAN Mater Hale, do., as Sow is any hoar, idhan the
EEITAB 1760.
. .
lINITI7 AID 2OBA.0!XI YsaueLoroasn
16 • 11 OILIMBIIIB Brant
(lorrrosii42 crtiousi Burst, Era Took.)
Would Wltti •
&don to the wilds. of
ldo lioaudietaroiots:
.. - ....1110.WW1M1711; •" '
. .
"Itaisabon/111, ltapria,Cleine Napro.Agaisiose
Duales t Pin yystas, N.oidso49,
-•• ram* ,
--/ bii = 4, 4lkh Tri sr lkotek h =tgb 'Tort at.
11,10 341dnotIon
prior of Flno•dat Chairing and !no _Tobaccos,
mblaindll lonadat alnazfor
Isidanno.+44. 114:1. Ifo.ll, Noma and 2 a 124
Btu Ovi OsmizraP, A—L.; DC 04
MA, or Sweet; 'teat 13,tx . 144 Oronocio; ;1".
Saw= &is, Ikeda, Clestader. Tar Web.
31 . draelle et Won MU be maw gnu
WAWA erfAll4lll AMINO •
Tr e taasia!i c ki i i , ars Inia, Ibr ttsobtaiti"
" t 1 321 1.: 111. " '
1/10111011 111118011 00/11ANT
p r e aoutinar b or' Eisitil q ka uail , ilies
la gooatfhos to ittu o ! aoK 71,1704 1 11 1 :::
..41141 - ettf : • Ado
2fin • • iiisrarralit;
V V , UN. Bko vadat& Clo i t'i
' la kat tigstrarams sii4 Ti.. 4 '
- MIMI' Iliao.ll,iprill ; : +,
~. • ' *Me. •_4iiiiiiiNitl!ol/110C014F idyl reiaro;
..., ... . • 2010i.Jessimmus lie!. le*
•-• SO bbia.41.101110114 1104 Li a 1 - 1164mtell
10X, . , ik--, Wklb Illibp
Alku n
r.• ~-,-:. { U. 1:: 1 . .. ',
1= allay ...1'
SD IniV w taiitlo•olunloap; . .
Wise /4111=1:.i '.-1.....
.. 10 . 00 : /140110111 - . '..
T a ArileTORDO , ...-
ikfrOliiiii&—ise , Ortuttpikadf - itelliilri
la.ollollll - Ilenklcaall
p = ,
, : 4 ;ipsiiii . , , , , i 003 TO:: 1,..) IS aillligi t.. 1
.., •
o Fighting from the Nth to the 31st of lay
Gen. Sherman not Ineeted to Live.
cte., tte., ke
New Twin, June 9.—The Tribtots says t
Prom a gentleman, fully conversant With of.
faire at Port Hudson and In the Department
of the Gulf, we learn someinteresting, facts of
the situation of 01191. Bank.' army. Bur in
formant left Port Hudson on the evenlag of
the alit nit. There had been no fighting of
any oonsequenoe since the - 27th, tint Gen.
Banks was - industriously sad rapidly con ,
treating his line, and approashinuthe 4 rebel
works. The wings of our army meted on or
very near the river, both above and; below,
and there wan no possibility of reinforetements
reaching the beleaguered garrison. Gen.
Banks had made up his mind to Mangle place,
"and he bad the men and means to do it. -.
Gen. Sharman waa hardly eroded, to lie*.
Gan. Btona Ia at Num Orleans and ittli
probably reedy° the command of ilsa: Shar=
mane dlvirion.
The gunboats bombarded Port Gideon day
and night on the 29th ult., without meeting
with any response.
It is reported that Oen. Gardner offered to
surrender the place, if allowed to mirth out
with their gene, provisions,' &o. General
Banks declined.
Neither Gen. Nlokereon, Col. Clark, of the
Bth Michigan, Col. Bullook, of the 30th Maa
eachusetts, nor Col. Payne of the 2d Louisi
ana, were In the, least inju red' la the r of
the 27th ult. Col Lull, of the Bth New slip.
dare, Col. Bean, of th e 4th Wimonel , sad,
Capt. Wrotanski, - 01 Gen. 'Weibel's Mai, were
kilted, and Capts. Oregon and Barth and
Chiatendra, of the 4th Mbooneln, badly
wounded. The latter regiment lost 70 - Med
and wounded.
Col. Chapin, of the 116th Now York regi
ment, wee killed near Port Hudson.
The Union Association of the Pint
of Now Orleans have tendered that . serviess
to General Banks for sixty days, whenever it
may be found nooessary to cal for the aid of
the unconditional Unionists of New Orisons.
Our Position on the South Side of
the River Strengthened.-
Successful Raid want Colored Regiment.
Say Yon,Jaail 9
Hatton on the Itappahannock remain sub
stantially-In Imo goo. The poritlon of our
troops on the south side of the Rappahannock
has been stniagthenet, and the pickets of the
opposing, forces are In close nrozhalty.
A Hilton Head letter reverts &statat loss
of the gunboat Shepherd KatPp, which went
idiot* near Rama
Cot. Montgomery had made a raid with a
colored mg lomat, bringing in ma thousand
Visit of the New York and Illlssourf
Delegations to
s trop Monstals.
Sr. Lowe June 8! '. Thal New York and
Miasbnri dec eption to the late ChleagoCtiael
Coneention, visited Iron Mountain told/7
accompanied by a large number of citizens
from St. Louis. At Pilot Knob •• needieg of
the joint delegations was Argailsed; Mayor
Miley, of St. Louis,Pouldeat, George S.
Hazard, President o the Buffalo Board of
Trade, 'Secretary. Addresses were made by
BK.Governor King, Use. Cochrane,
GEL McDowell, Messrs. Repro, Dopey and
Andrews, of New York, and Mayor /Mei,
H. Blow, and Messrs. Hitcheock and Nam,
of Misso uri. Gen. Walbridge, in behelf of the
New York delegation,' made tho co:Wad's,
speech. This movement to direct the Did"
of Missouri direct to New York, &Meets
great attention, It being the int made i for
that object .sino• the oommeecemest of .the
, •
o — tga . vitiation of Colored:Beibileitit
is Illtesoart.•Gen. COLIAiII.
Si. Lows, Jane 7.—By spatial antlority
of AdJatant Guiana Thomas, Cita. I'mWs
bite detailed 00.P:1de, of Windt Illasoitrl,
to saperintand do organisation of Witold dig
lamas in• tide tepartnat. order Will -,
been fully endorsed by fienoraliklutielikskke
has din: ad all the idiom in tal . 4=o
to afford all proper facilities for um" "
of est dray. Col. Pike alse obtained pio.
mission from GOT. Glaatideje enroll _sad re.
nova from the State all mopess dell/tax to
=Usti saint those belongiag to loyal *lil
a.. '
Gan: Cards lift tie oity last otcsdag, for bis
home to lowa. . . ,
The New York delegition took their to
rture this tooniteg.
Rebels from Jsimes Island Operet
leg , Agmast Grant.
NET You, Jane 9.A letter from Yogi
Leland, near
,Oharleston, dated. the Ist lug.
states that a few day, /moths
bin °burred #ola the look.ont that James
Idea had a dearth! sapearease, a. meth
e -
notssaim w ordered, whlell•rmaalted In tlie
demondustion that there weri Lou than 1009
robot troops there., Thatrhuatbsr. had kit
to bee* eatiate from ed - at 10,000 ki .12,0 .
, The lateen°, among our anis that*
balk of the rind form .Itad bear Mat to one ,
it* against Gen. GraaG
Colored statiftedusistto Hoglntent' at
- Port Borth _
Now You, Sus, 9.—Tho ,64th Colored .
Manaottasotts Itothaut bas arrtiod at Port
Royal; IllOath,thtiothut.
fteorp.,..a b the Ligidata• et 11111 1 1711M114 .
der at=MA I P . I4I4( 4 =
0f166,0 63 royals =wax ~.
• ears, onrvionratT sad, EgDY/*AIII4
Dieoarrosr, icr mcbsoehubotvri4 o :4ol4ol
a that rbow Isamu or *Mop ail oig4L, hyt,
ammo& *WU to Jtasoutori, Adaatiastonii ,
Wm, apoa, volasstary lkodatlas
oat lamas of all dams. - • II
Wawa so the rata of SIX PIA ULM pqr sau
non to maid oa 404.1010%. MYU
be placed to tiwarodtt ot dapoetotass tbo- liii
dui 44,11al sad Prosotoo sad Umtata boo tit
sans latent EA the pripidial- AS Olt aft mow
old lasi& to law Ows' raw so r& •
Imams* wilt oriosolsoion jiat
Mama lap of the month Mtn rade *Raft asa
igokts caCtliblit tannish:
oss appllsolton as the oleo% • s
vivoic ;one .
rim Ilc 11. 001.11LIUM.
Skos.lL*Mo, Mad I. A 1901114114.
Soner, - ,• • ' ...O.itows o t
W. B. Clorlimd, ; • Aloe Yea
ass ' ,2Wwww—.l.. ALOasicialt..l
the stiooka ad. looioit
ate. TsWu% van NON. to Um o'lloOot-ApOi
sues's' PEULI songricof
rosoltlog dotty tie wonsoit OorboomisoWat iosi•
ofsbtoos. AD Simi It WWI Ali to Outs, Wow
Vuolodu Qat oollsood rancho the RUIMILUI
B BLI °am. ror . ,/go bT • J. - ;
7. MAISOMNPOOLi!'r_rr;s';
Itantudam are 014.4
flit • - AND Nittii.:z:. -2 -rot
of Illauki. johns N. 0.1111011 -;:: 4 . , % '' 2,
IT, de . PAL • - aft: -l' '. - ztl ,'a
10 - do4laba -‘" din • ' _
_ WI bbleamillsoi------t#47
' KAU 1, -MWFb6I4IOII/1111
joier"- , spa 15‘..v.: , : r44,7+ .••t•-••
•ro --,,-, 14,xamist A
Si . to" " • 1 '-: ,
-n-!, :t. v . 5 , , , % . 7.: .i. 1•Ill TI - •
z;zsi*; ,, 1 , 12,4:•710:1 1
rr;nre"o =Oll littivicri
COMM :Re Al 4 , .RECORD,
Orrom oc smiYissettozan Deux fiss i pe.
! Taunus, Inns 9, .
There has been no new' feature to notice . In Coln.
Gold Is still quoted at 1423 fa In New York, while
lienisPl&ballbere are paying from 1411 to 140 for Gold
`and 129®ii0 for Silver. Old Demand Noteaare bought
at 139.5)140, andlestern Exchange is steady at for.
mar quotations. There fa no change in Closernment
Certificates of Indebteduitea.
PBOVIBION&—Baronla quiet with small sales at
broom quidatkint There is tool: a Eddied demand
too dheoldell and &die, while Hama, ars film with
an "Pwurli•WPdeneY. . Plain_ my,. be quoted et 004
1334 t., and Sagas aired 1461130, the latter figure :
for choice Cinctoriati brinds.
GRAlN—Wheat is dull and lower, dealers refusing
to pay mar $1,20: foisniall lots of led from warm.
There lia little man Atlanta In Data, llsomitt4hus
Is DO 01116001 in rates. &de of HO make fiketiedCO*
Wow :delSOSal Goo. Eye remains about salmi quoted.
OECOZRIESSugar IS firm with a good jobbing
demand at prices ringing from UN to 1.9 a, for cow.
mon to cholas 'grades. Oates is quiet with occadonal
small rain at from at toB3o rot. (*minim to' piime
Rio.- :Molasses tinchaged.
- ,111.011p,--ibus la wow feature to notice in this
anise.: The demand ainUntme Tory light, and the
M7Mseallous are altogether of aiooal chasuctor, while
pa:al Mania anchang.4.
YiSHLeteadyisith Wei of 30 bbis Baiting:so Hi.r•
ring a3f,60; 15 halfbbte White Visit at no and 10
Wilk& No 3 lf scJitersi it $4,60.
..1181.51) 1111IIIT—unchaspd; sale of 100 bust. Ap.
peat $1,00; 175 do do at $1,00451.401 and W bash
rokaleg $ 2 . 75 49 7 . 00 . - •
El&la—eals of 120 ',bid No 1 KUM from Store at
per bbl.
POTL I TOES—o 'bode firmer but uncbibsed; u 1
01 300 bills wrlnkayam" on private corms. '
OBlBBle—la tact a:mina with oalo; Whits of 150
tin new st SiblOc for oosumou to prime W B, and
16* for Hamburg.
PitUbarak Oil Market.
Jots a-With Ihniled receipts and klldr. &wand,
the market lotqlriadi L dim, and our last quolatdona,
are folly =stained. Anus have Won .: etareds lb.
Uttiund la almost entirely I=4 and either. I. but
tlWe offering, the transactions, consequently, are
eap 'leaned. There aro quite a number of !astern
yentliers but they Cannot accomplbh anything.
Hi* limes are too high to admit of %bin:Bents:
We continent° orate at ltic, Packages returned, and
no.Plekaites (=laded. Adel Cerro:mind • from 011
City tooloy, report the market there doll and nl'-
There has ban considerable ouremeat in. Refined
io-dVkjVliliortt, beware!, reit charge le rid" The
divrtifthiatopther for 'bonded, ordtheinierivitioill
MI deicer entirely for' predent delivery.' 'We note
rem of WOMAN, Jane delivery, it 404 1500 . bblii, July,
it mu Aare; 600 laverdiate delivery, on inivate
Vrrier, : iffibbla pleat dalliers, IQ* 600 bbl "Ar.
dereo.", July, die; rod 200 bb! “lisrphor sad
2do bbhf "Toile for leuiliedirledollvory et lar..ll;litre
Uteri littio ireauli7 for free, la the above°, of
der, e6rerikit quotatioue
There is some inqUiry to. Sonnhte, but holders of
prim doodeelled refuse to roil at the current, rare
• Pew York rotrolOOktikorke‘
Bp°44DisPsiel! to the *it4.o'oo : -
It •
Nrw out, Jtras 9. = l"totoir—Ctrodo oF.liit,)god
• IrittCaiii at 276211 c. *LOA to bond to dub aid
prim bare declined 11 coat% isoglog et &will; to IMO
oft ths tpot, 47)is for Joly dollvori; tto Ito Ahgost,
and tito for aupteottior. in* riogio (rota iI to abc.
Weekly Review of the New Work
retroleam Market.
- ['spotted litprealy for the Pitts Mundt Gunn.]
NW. Yam, June C, Ad. ..
Po son opsoodn'on a eery dont market Ibr alt
kinds ot Petroleum, Me and to ban-4k bainaibnt
and futon dellyery. Thus was a mon buoyant tons
to tin Market on Wednesday and Thursday,ihow.
.., , .-
am, when priest; though " olthout ,-
rani in blie of the teller. ' On'fyistarday Ind to.
fir t i
day to roarket-eas exellad and untitled, and sins
advenoed materiallyl.44a , liming quotations In"
about 141* hanker for Os lids, 304. fa Be Ni'
bond on the NW, 4)035601f0r tutu. delleery, nil 141/
13ie for Nandi& The ;demand SuCrude Ilie ben
modem. all throve. 514 Tern, end -thsadvad4 nr,
using Mini,' to thesraider Myna to Baltnedi The
transeetkos :ban -Dan 'moderate, comprising only i
about 12,000 bble,abont halt of 'Udell ere for Mum
dallesay, ihe , markst Mend OM at - .273028e tor
lota on wives, and itic for suture
mud for Banned mat fair daring the .utter tof
,the net, but. übefiutinly benne ilecaldly rs
both for tuunedlata and hours delleary, shoo rte ad:-
Vane ,ebon -quoted vu nada, established. IMO
traasauloat hare been decidedly, Mau, emeraMg
about !9,000 Dbl..; (salti and Matas,) nearly.all-to
ben, tad Minium abaft 60,000 bblt. for Mu do.
livery. .e sue brides law tan in Reda to.
day,sa • ipacutatfolo_lbsi parttadart of. which tress
not panting te tomptir. fent intaa:h if
the Jargon n.ustors mpatted Ma buslotiem
41 lin lit Wir feeling daY, the Intmessiou `wee
thn the 'lieutenant lien merry at heavyset cm
which inandlid—stddi saintated to ill, WO
bets:, on the bailie! 41 46c tar bonded, tot
July dliteery, ma 61 to paa got Auguia awl 564 m.
Mr—the =net chain', botrysot and dim . Na tea
vat doll an sleristng daring the fret put the
mato boa elms bloat, hi .aliondhy - oath other
Hods. "Shitalei are essall„ usiounsing lo thuoitirs ,
titan out MY Milt, Inn.udag Onsde end'
-redoing Arta of inhanOt. Tb. madras laud
neer itanatiderate, but anent& m the demon Y 5
not ibr ialleillS4 Ma 4111KNIC Shoal, ea' epeuladoss
FM caw lots chug. *Mtn meson cm ailettr
M t
Mote whin the gnu:does sot dllolutsh an r ly
ea would sneer to be the case, - • - "! ' .
soar valeta is liihglithil. tit i'iltgiblettshi
Tha foll Oaring oconaludionkm Erma ]k.l). L{ ill
ler, of rhilaaaped k u o • iki. hew Work iklyphof WA
will ail dot& to rowt with. I.l.rist by now sawipa
I. ibi all bulasii. n Ws 'ilvolt withoeu CIPPOng
Any %Wen la regard to oho wittiest Own oe'othut.
meaty Wilma that to Umee who are move htur•
Quoit the chlafoliatadm to theaoreraidd
.1 Ilia linde haulm btu tbe went of weer
egskeittliket. mid Mean ea baud to cos p
4)4 Um VaL .hlthl dlaiallti ha In Pont
s 8
,be andlinly OPPOIP. A, to aggiUfte lun
Y toga ienentot th• o=lll twin ' / 'blur film
who bare been Mauro to look for ears /ow pier
thk gateau am Igial7to be &tippet:kW, Wm PM
nowt production of Us wells out be doubled or nu
bled, or .yes. tudrapled. mug ail wild epectilee
hose ehoubl be dbeouragid,ll mai be wise tolook at
Moto *Mika% `ULU tag probabilltke tendbiwtto
graalar,ltokhllg In
li e '•lattiV, Zto IS I " thi
grows, it alibi
deptukail end wildiolhiholig whlik tun ed
Truths bet InlormallOP •fothro ll .' l ik"
the dilly prose lien or tho oil woOpi ,OultOta• tPle
Pat VI , PO UN middlo of b . Iliri7 OP down
tl y i; r ti
. 711 , 112 . jezz . t . 1 ...... na
year Imlug UOO to 1070 l — mMi . h - iperday_t_egtdaat intl. 1
maha bumf boat 100/2 to IllitYlL'l,l l t urns 1 4 11
par thentoclM of *au and Zonablithishookh
and itilialty, sod of tliergreek„ were very buy, •
cutoubdadla itatkipagon *bike 4PlatiPt at. •
Itetesui Tai law 1 i .
. n 4
. a I lathe tau Qua ikki• In Pittobargli aid ike Oh
rolliMasiodiltd as "Fmk mat 4111 thim iamb weir.
the Mocha Ire tettandi relefirdiwiterit Illikti Loth ki
the rim and the Weis. The growth °VW "OMR
demand bee been naphmadandail Io Us mldity. Bat
IlultinOanueht4Blll. witit•Wilit. One milit. gouda.
expoWted froithltuTultedetAtesa and totwalihaAlt
lima U2SsUtfeellrenthro himilhaigillUmwar rum ,
4 i t iti ,r Othlknl i gallosio,l447 OM Ointitiar limb
, of and war v gluten Una the whole el 15
The wiry loon which some partite burtucuried 7
eiumpalee alitp= i i
i i.,todulciff joiraff IM r 4
late leaded io t'apprecligad Pries!Wit nit i*
•liitilinkt market oaks,: Wisidielmimen m~ Ittei
that and impartments la aosandie .arkialp Other,
would ban bout tubed Why alowlye Witue n
. 1 1 0 05 0 hare au swami to supply as &gleam
,ohows once opined thy WM Row- P • •
wklia tpplylienii but cangase Unscrew solo
as Ifettokum timitnUM to hoe aulli Ern PPP4I I
MI bat sad uheapiet light In the alihiled w .
and would .1111 be at a liberal atraidiaboU pramit;
prime.. Thew coneldmati *cut kdidigaddikti -
Muni* to Winn, that while tne Ifoalto !it . 4 9,
sedelemaud,inad chit urea cropaolMon - m. 7 tap
lt up and down, It le unlikely ever to ruChlte low It
paint as lenurl7, bUtlutt,kle e l ga. of .ash
of Mmllning prkeeNrlll lb* and lildber7l
-IUPPIIIIIPSPIPOI4Ith 0 Isholeworbt fora
aluudi .approachea imaturi and minx -.lls niiiiii ,
Indy aa wormed with th• - vaxicla• other prom of
orillglitallbignmakkidt 1- • • - • -t,- , - 4 • ~ = 1 •
Olevelaird and Allittalmargh JEtatlioail
. ..
i,.._,W•Ask°,P*racreting , o*qutt ID , ratian to , lin
"mianalai -4464 0 -BILIDS S P° Blo* #7
pit: ntiNini 'toikintint Of iinntall_. - - .., ••
:' In tar Ciamisit andlilltiliatti killitsiiiiis.
flout amilistobban Mama suntan* tarp'
dni LigiM, niacin W il l prove Inisinsas in . ,
Irli swami.' sauith•posnon a Thai gas lames
Aland to saticalkalmoompany•in aspinsari Men
Ai* Wilk. vial, of Magas .dors it t,alana, anal
10....c. 1 7 44 prasecani t.b7 ei gurtio.the i b .su . 7 l 7 c ith moirint k : sup -a150ff .1187 .6.75„ 7 .4aat
r : dt -Fni ,tbsi t to t sr . l7 l,.. . l""aft. tria ls th7st. s . t u:a llt i
by Aloidithig , tar , ansulit sot Statt - mass •sala
orwitoolpf AsOOLIO/O: OtOgik , io .1010111141814.10b0 . am.:
,11:040 1 crim ikiainn. Atasiin,wasllo6. al *Au tia•
vuararlosk, ty • qapaiq 04 firs
d i:Z SI V I • • . .11111
. ~ ' of
Tm. 4
' I ''''' • . - IR sr to
ilyths laid "` 4 ' ' • - 'f' . .. 1 00%
al. lAi w ll*ollinalltitS .
stay laMensatt,loWitst 7 alls,.
IrMIPIMPOitti - 4 , ,' lust' 1•± dasil mit 1
cat iv, ttoollot WiAn lb , 4fine - ai canclo,
.ccd:Al &AI 15lia0 tAliiiitclio x V ,ti al kr , I
lamena,ay Railroad.
. .
1.2228801028. Pt: W17102' It 0170100 RUZZAIII
li c e
Jana 9-2 404,tobacco,,i W Taller: 6 a mid:a Z
Maim 4 cot4sekrik; 11-A Faboascack; by corn,
125 do wimp — Orb. big Dour, .1/ t Li W ; 34 - Liza
ta...4,,.,148 kiWaear; 10 bbl ' Dm. A . Loa t co;
50 doatrocapar.: Saito, t co; 10 bbla o Z 8 Nobla.
6$ bbl. Carbon on.' A Osotbay; 221 bin cat*/ Mal
it Iletkirarefil dodo, nDeletefek; 11 ttia pearl& J 3
Clantabi; la bbla Donk 111111rkpatrick.720 bp wiles!,
Ir. Dakar; 23 don broom, LangSanc; 10 tot barna. D 7
Qataby; 100 bblatonr, Shomalcer It Lanai. ; ' -
Prrtnroton A Oian . riciso 12811:10AD. 40118 —2O
- - -VIM o but
Im co; & te to
. do, T Iftwg 6 Otto do, W :
Maw* 232 bid., Does kudos.
• .1 Pal oteo• too; 43 ck:„ blood. r 15 a/.
dos broom. sad knitted, Shomakor
tobacco, D.Gesu on ,Fo' do, /obi
bp oat., Jos Dorringtoo; oko bacon,
, Cook, doting it co.
bbl.. bomb
Dihrartit *
1049 u
sum, bbl.
lees po; •
Lam liti•
/Saki bail
Veit /4,fLE.
DX -- ONT . :SW 4-;111/..6
By deter of a Deaf ottlesti weda'ne the deg day
of Warob,_illdk astwomflenry Ague ang (Murk
'cotensebig the late Arnestf. Norton, Soho* it Ca..
'Odle One perk he
roped, attrutha, of the cibw.
'ski r l-I'l4'os the TENTS (104 h.) PAX Off .TDIOI,
=;ei ski hoer all? oPekrik a.m.:olhr lot wale the
grvettulteralearter dencelbed, and-wilt Glom the
sold salt mama, at 4 ti'dotka. swot the gala Oh
at the front'd4= of the Clourt-No age of (Ibie oomety,
ant State rf Vfttelle, the City" of Wheeling,
which theeW:tes:the:bast and Iditind bidder
therefor, the following desodbed _prop,: one
pareek_thetle to ways That Inicat — lan in tba
frith-Ward of the of Wheelie", metal two
acres, on.which have been anted. do aolliegaline
Nan. notary peed other buildings efltba Belmont
Irosi Work& °twiny, belonging tethelabf arm al
Borten' "Ar.hesoa together with Um istarip sf
lead, or - landing; on t he
e wet dds Of 'Water strut,
and - ateaset or ‘the add tee oone; extending from.
sa'd 40.0 lola, water las* In the Wit which
were heretofore annoyed by Joseph Osblwell and
wife to ZdwartYL.,Norton andothees. -
Abs, The lot usinbered TS In the addition to the
city of Whaellag. r laid off by. Josewnoaldesil. ,
Also. Lot narabsted 78 In the tams addition tethe
eit4w,...u.... _ ;
Lot numbered IL le trial - addition is the
. Lot numbredllin the said sidit I. the
city of ithrifein'. -.- '
Also, Lot amber ens Le the said , mown to.the
Ire The parmi of - peeled on Clew strarria
the Tifthlirerd atm city of Whielbse, deactribed as
roller : Ilichohni for Ms inteen German strati.
at ..the II: .W.'. gorses °ILO* property or whkh is.
eretted tht ire Mirka brottly awned by goodie
it 004 thanes with try Use of UHI NO property 8.
?a; 11 , DO 7eti4tlmailf.l9X? IL 00 fee o onos N.
4 34.
it': IWY fist tattle said woman aun t; throe&
c'.ll4 , 4.Yrithissid INS own inset to the p of the
'in tresthar Er no coal- and tto exclathe
ye viler of .ndidagthe mune errand in the land
of John Itiff. adjoiniag the said wad of nomad ly ,
low between the mond and printers forrely sold
by thi rid John JIM to WWl= Andorra and rip
ss, sad: tor anted :by .Jamea 8. Porten and the
south Ire of William Ohapints, and a/se frost se
author ths trot rimed conveyed by said John Ist
to 8. Jacob. sir learned between the north lir of
said Porten and the .oath line of WlLliam Cheyliss
to the beendsry of said trot so oonterd to the said
Jacob, to the forret limit of that test. .
Also, The ooel end tle =Multi del 4 4 : ii fj/Idlilt
foe the mime, ands ths tnot of body= by a.
Jacob troso.Jolut /Ctrs 1,1111, and eijotelng on-the
net the owl aloe last fleeetibet,
• Al" Three coal lOU bl the tole of Booth Wheel.
tog. and sant county, ant known on of the
sold town as cad lots 29, 30 and Si, an the
town tote
deelgnetel en said het named. pled as lot Noe. 11;
11, tetoeire inand' ten numbered 9,10. 15 and le
In 'gime Se. 41. • . _
Lao,A lot •of gutted shaded in said town of
Beath Wheeling, In told county, known and dada.
sated on Me V* or add town es lot numbered 8 la
thaelnue No. 41; allot which gooperty is more fully
de theaeld deed of trust, rec or ded Soot
le. teatelentleg an- Pool% to which rehienee le
here made Ibr amaze tug deeadyttenamhich "111 be
bid as above, together web the good Silt of the add
dim of Norton, Admit. J ao., with the granddad
sad tweasalties end getylletwl serrttsildull to the
maw and the Ptnialler. lhinedi SIMI she take the
yemanal chattels thee bd.:ding to the add Weer •
tbelo=l B / 1 late pm
ma all of : lbw . nim of
scesdo, vo..acept the said Hoary Howe,
Si anapinnitemmit er ?slued= to be made by three
bar, didetweeted ptaone, um ins to be named by •
the parthemr. snotkw Nita restablogineuthas of
radiate inn of Eaton, /Aeon di Co.. eudmtn of
tb ruche ay - Noma and the thIWI by, the dhoti
two Haw chosen: the amend of mid spgastsmaint
be geld epee alms of 4. I. O. T and menthol with;
negotiable ee wide semulty. Lie ode of the said
reel estate lobe nada oaths follewleg termai that
is to eay
.Erne.horth taah la bandit the time Oldie
Ede; the muoateesr to be paid le four iced Wed:
wanttiyardillita twalu. lightest sad twenty.
bar Moans after the ber th -el' July. MS, with la.
jet:mitres the odd nuadlioned dater, thitttla to
be retained by the Ueda, until therm:Ware maw
Mall bare been filly lead, bat the melte= ef ther
meetly 1. he deltraed to theytua on the said
imeth ot July, INA, The Cit Get of the amid
sale Is to mete a dieletbstlen stomare the mendemt
of thelete Stag Nostra. Aohmoe a of the goo.
media the add peoperty. aceendeg to thetristretal
tntstelte Heade.
faith.' as Trustee, I. will oall corny, nal MU a.
cm by odd bad of commaamos.
. ORANGLN. Trot".
• aim CIEALTOT rim • .
, . •
:I sm.
0 0 'DI. T .117g' 11 0 Ikl i E
Tha elle foe ' oak that tOstrlttal lobo&
la ma TIM ascent. au 1 1 11 4%; ,abonl IX
tosoa. el In Ur Belo et newleany t toltios
Cady eyykidte ate newlltesltytatlan Ohoutho odd
adhttalms hotatttal - mama of 'GMT
aenad=l rim nt mug Leh la a- OM=
hatted as elM id tly at irr r aal to eatthie
the perehneur to team the vats to any pot at the
groonia. TI. sett Wood. and ea the ground It Ow ,
stn; old /aro , Ilea The pm trill
hoe u i to tm dcar o to arms* Moot the Inn
alto: boom_ aims, lot bit
Waite *At a few oWtind Iwo= , lutvo ail that
lon be qftoon he a eoaatr7 borr. Thereat pi Toe
anima lons fauttudy both bort lad raw:-
It le naheowery to au anylkttgolOCnrod_to
the:disthleneet at abe sArAborboal-4aIIAM!
UR 111VELL'iltOWL'• ,
Thappreportrinn bc said . an wag to `ire is
0(1L1104 BROIL, ltw Si Wood
10f0111, 114,500. .
• • JNO, FLBMINtis
. •
rAlar lOR RIM OR umarr,
aninutpte 41 Aaiun,
♦lf maim beet sad fa a good beta of eelthatient
,crens,t . ,ff r not 11110
_ , . • .
containing tan room§ i hip AA*/
SA"; Vxxl TINAN!NOM% with ay. room,
, : 111 , 114 "bout dti mUlt from tlui aityda Bald-
Liquareig , PAZZIILL (At
216.121 Irourti stmt.
. 1 ! 'AID` XAMIIIi tqtai=4l4l: Ohre 411311 b-
ia tili/Mitifit WidliacTlOWlehe Olen allebti
01111111111Mairle 411141111kat
liathlUN sad mho hear tarp soot mad et is
sat mft.pettssaakaragtass, sill sal rattroed
Ilhdisoair er MUM* pigs 44ice
rit.flomk WS l ooolll l l4o l art2
dir tor ; snapogiata• up;
:putt') , tip:Moho* low listettleykpl.
sad the leoillip..asowal keno other to lb. United
04rge t rodlat0 6 MPlONliit!lit.. o • o o l 149
Odd. mile Arlatothltood.hrptor
Of oft. romsorbir
each an artsbllshasult.,..or ft 4011- disposed ot soak
bolskold feet to tellpardhle pirtlss fp • term er
pea* raskilap Ward or .ftotote My tke
, SO visit; balk» , twit imp Alp- ,
yards to the Oboe, with sore work orates Wu
duo as do, amt staap-,periles dishing to seatzest
. ter deaden% new pod tosehlnap. «ova..
edit) go to other older, for the vat et has
to do the work. - - • -- • '
paw Fps Itarx-eritiatoi
To - onke l , "boa two' mail Orin loriorkr.
Oisteg sooktadvrtimil tilettpator ma. - TO*
iand *I goal craLlry I alma cos bradritaarrr
dram& Gal era Ilsestro• airthiOnlo , Alse
Duals' Omar, Sup ardOrshard. thu4sm4 and
orirtil li~irtfarterd.` 11,1 *Mirth FA, tvp,
for icrnhymirthalaVV l C
1 ) W. r En%
ja z ek
avant- FOR' 'lloBl64lbtiiiiihin' i s: 67
a: ,literivwbii limier no Este' LOO 'DWI the
Dams mated; to Sala towialdp.
.Vgg? "-i tlo r l abov .
ar l oej•l44lunrya
Ble..A{A aol44:l"*in
Da. ma. a. ws,wir
MAO Wl_ .1A Draddoclei Adds,
or TOOL 0.14 W%, amanita aail ply .
Pittsburgh. . - sailldakir r
! as Puswitraabi miss; about Um. albs Ikon
tft ka llathdis Ent swabs Lameli,Lime•
pr Oars . Itoakoilkid aft muss 110(I
as Ile P. LI. ads
you of lociatth ak
TI. aft *Moe*
Thoweiratialme at MO in.. is the
r WVA-11.1.11,Tipattil.4
.i.;-it! . !...N:W•,..L1AJ1N3 ;I t
role- sears!.
cAut.;4l "ll
ifilehi Oh *Otos • •
..ellraml at, Put* 12 • • •
`tie Nurareatrthli °Mew .•
oa ALTUBDAIri the day line, ona • ••••• I
et 3 M!obeltio thstbilkollatileautbel
or . sof Isfal,tylminadnelai bribe • • • • •
of YanotceondlamhlarnearAleatimemesty, Pa , •
' .Ne.:L-41fitazflot.No. 484utimr vlan of sold •••
- cues of lrallsicel, lboweard on thiloitilbyltrater
er, on-tnoisothy Darror 'or* 10.*fst. an -
WWI b. 2.4 loCtltoolleyould . ast tho weft by Male
No. CI, fo the gang ALA horimilh af••• Tel • . •
'hitt* southowit petoraild toffintindlag
toAltedeetarinitpleetonthiLlatm -
3,-411s-fedrothlif.disedbed .11ro tots is
red 300 Thih• ritcarbill&retrorrille== 3
.1 11 0 1 . 1 4 0 j: 02 4.-= Of
• laid outset's or alley ndioaninethero line •I.
noway latelyorthe folio ariffcilftliriler.
simutemathatsgy.lroefitaloomonewa I:,lWria
lifty.hr4. gimes dognosoost t •
bundredieet: Wenn north .I.lsyst ditties. ort
two hundred and Arty hot_lo . ift34, Or . '
thsnoalryAbeassue • ?Muth itvNtqWet
1 two buntottleit to the plitei-Of
No. 4.,,Lotroseibto36-b the Wasp o>E Nrfe •
minim(on the ; 41/4 ; Minlealudrir 'AMINO
Unmasks, !dews. tit. Oaf 'tliii Birth - ers leak
alley Oa the east by. Ikea; WA*
'anti:Lir let No. Sq and rint : hemikpr . ' 1'4= 30
No. 6.-444 1. ;23 of Mandembilrinddlticn •
- Erldiviwater; Winded on the north brim* Z.. 84
sat by Sheahevilil senora tour"'stn het, mouth by
lot No. Sri and wet . oy Jimbh - 613,M,01m0ut ail test
No. 6.The' narthear put of lot NO.s3l.otrilit
visa of IlladeOlall'S eddltioL o to i tts wi dertit the • • •
by fat No. WAG ths raft tfuegiter• • " "
teen Viet, on the sou th by_a plunTlel tohlollpo
COMM* W ktil2re&lSand'illi 3l3 on the 31 -. 3 1
Xmlikushhle street flatten time, ; • s • ,„ •
-.The ma* int be pares andthe
on the OHM,' of the died; whlWallt anitilences.
.willOf special. wansat,anly—but. ream= It •
will to sfforded fie thenettomm ,• •
by yardmen.
•--• tartlet tnrirfalfhin pole obtslad at ML.•C
• Agent ot =d!id;Yejelllsi in la
New Bristean. Nay MINK ••• •. • • (Odd':
TIE "c4Tox Rog DUBS: Tom,”
"nue W altaatedabout ens aninut of the ,
tiara of. new, we camelth nee. Tl%ent
'looted en a beastUul nalekenee of. land. eon
18 AMU. on which te erected the inidtary mid
In an I ter - IDPott Winneoseadtla all the
incsiwel ththethathathithenthethore of Winne •
GLIM: Alen with lam 18 DWALLInG /10II8318;
end on Qs sum Lne is the lea andetane sense=
width the Croton 'took Glue lemanabotarny whit
.Ox treaty and.: Annelle he not terpethed thle
ooantsei. Ala, alO or Et eiwe_leese of all th e ewe
ea 20 acres et had, threetieasna el nano distant.
vitt% le he eatheneolatenatem and fro,width the
runny is mined with cosi," All the iteenniewinte
area good smiths' ceder, ant In encenanil opera ,
• Ponenloa gliin cm the ihat se Jalyi next. ned U.
*Ana win be benne item, rear Atha the. abaft
date,' Ininathitha end terms role hainni !Win
oaths: to tint eabeceibee at Wen . Old* on to. J.
Mather, ailbeeilloe of llean,lnniastt Witter
- <- WA: 'WATSON.
LUBA. Jrol3. baba—Sß:aortal) 4
.1 sitnaterumiliviritto intOiharer Ira thq
Wen Talley IfeUrced. In kW=tOWilltl ar. Wll=
ten meaty. Pe.. handle Obidier.
26fieres pod ' Ltatierilo gam el mpg ow* All
pod Iliamotois bold. 1 . 14141 " g m =
emposome. logreveneatt are Igo d
one s log bowie, the other • tame citing% Oet .
chard 4100 loans fret troy of good q Magi'
'gather *fault of - older how, ao,•• Ill r aly.VD par
B. 111eLAIII (110...10! et.
Ultn4 rapasaaaac
.a: weeMIAMI& SOMILJa laiblaitkr*
Onlam o superior ant 11011, , 1 , El brakes dismitar.
bet 36 look boo.
Too aIItIDZATILIO rlXßarb, for Euxuselle
berremi orossodsessed.broalllTlULlt
111 bob
Goya to ti'
lOw orb. - IL. ZOLA
- AMU- Oa the Allsobsoir Myr. oor: Frans Mk
)011. tfuthlt--411 Loxes of Lens i**
AL: lioneal'of Shairibor &situated co A U mss .
haala Osasi, ociaVsniltst_ y
distriblsioliatioalm onn•
MloVtr Us tba. above I"4" mi wi l* lr i got il isli au trcat t
and mains Qs propitti. IMC(10.
JAL' 00118T00140ffietnuli"
11ARK ieUlf IsALdi IN -; lflie
14 9 . 1%,=1 mi l li'
Unbend •;. had the batgsaiU7 ooit
two pod) Dwollth
o g rialt•Bast
Moot Room co w mut of the =WON*
Of bait. ot (Wald lOW I •
rem Zo e liallarighouition aggiirtia
11, DMA
ny9l/4144.:, . • . areeleatireas. pa •
LIMNS], OIL;;-.11:kbiako,ilutismailigiaturs:
D11111)-711A43111111643 raw • •
DOR itlNT—The ilizeolSory-BKION
m wazzgoosik4lo. g-W* 4 40 " 1 " .°
neteemispidy se nu=
aranaist, Sian /11$ •
or to p 7061 {!8- an
Amor IlliagWeed
rput,LiSS—On ik Two -Wpm). " li ck=
-"iota tbstild er lbw* /Madre et Quern Bend.
1111114 rereMeortai or..irldiaalsbosa poorer '
••, ShiIMSWIRS. :
Wog! ^
M4"Nw •
5 •
h. 7 -
OflorniAlCl4c. T.._ -num Jun4lo.
GLASCIOW -,' - - 7 ' tlatarday, .1U427.
aft k "TY a
.PFIRre , 11011, 4 am . . 31 . 11 A Mira
tire.- , , _
tiiip diSiolit 10 6 4 11 . 1 . i s Ig rawhl '..i'
'117:118IW13/t...; Is ari5i1.....11.•
da rla Labbas...Las so is - sambas... M
is , alba .....;ifi. isLielisis.. So
do' idAssaftst i l w ft-- - to Moberg. U .
himilratz selown.Bruirri U .
,rZ ano. likitikeo l . l 4 knratal. -- 7 ; -
le_ ilidle
birth/444M It .11oDuirlairqsaWr
imiLlzinerat at Mr• Alt. *,
cr ommi not. torso ps.4,_ l 4nallp.lit_.
.Thisgamilialailiutirkir ' lIM
mid airriiiinselmilklierviaiiiis '
sea N 7=.ts- :Wsbaidaba bus alsklaCissa ,
km:arnia. -
- - Has... 11!s!Jiom Boas . .. '
~. _ ai lEt:
- . -
4 1° 4 -
. ~.... ..... .... ,
_ . ..,
. .
. - <7- etIoN A •-- ' ':
.• .:, A. , • -of 313 '••:. i ,
_ .1203,...._
'' ' ikidike - .'titimilbenksii uktiiiiiiiiisei
iftor cc Tint cownotati . tit /1 . 28 PAM
:T..h.eosaoti„lts eidet4 i . d t ,s r e 3 a Pi-lk.O r em &'ul
5 u 6_w....4ny;1p
mirp ol'-..'
alsonli MOOS akkillki ,, ~. .• 7-T . •' -" I .
li 'Moore oOulaus AN - o? • h, llDlArbltele Se
WPM, Pr emes,g,
.s.,v4ina as
7 ItirOtern IMO •,•••,-,'"''', . 4 `
7 ••• ,
"EiNeal eontAll2ollll.,ac.a. --.• L. , - = -,::,._•..• 1
.• -zpip ransom vusiasx.tiniiiiiialf.--
--` ~ at.oemussiwea 0 - ..- I:-
106, 1 byla w " -ipirunuatra. nu..
:.--IPICPUIL , dad ward* sot _PP f £:,
-, .sevidode,
= tbist rria WM. 411 vlbea'7l, - z , -
" ..,..•.. 7 Porimetiffielhi - •- • ''- L
,!...,._ :.:_-_, , ,.1.111117v.i. ~ • i -
'- mot owl a° • 04 Odd Windw.
lin 'A'bc4C PM dud 1 1 weitilidOld
oiliCetediflrolliw. . • ~ _
4L,linalun rrot,.., 1
~ , as. blikaikikitaid rii4a)fility --
* BON bin's. 3ier11W5.1,44 WO Weed PPP.
4 ,m_f
.041 44 . ..,„__...1...
filvtittA 7. , ' , '&l,
~•:• ~.•,,?.. ;;;I::::: ,. ..: ,' 0_
..:::;, , ..!,t' , .# : ::::; -.,..,...;',
ITOOL1114.16,;1 ZO 911F•zwarm - rowza.
1 MULLIS. ao. .11•111-bp*Nnuffiti
-1 ‘ "llanl ial t
. 190 , 4 : JAL_ _
_ 24 "It t i T imi : - ' -zs:
k , A:razirlaTOMM'li4i . ' '', li; - 71. 1
;Altlllllo3.lllliodi,lllo,4y . AA*
.., t::::, •. , ~,,,....-...„., ; ....-,7,.,....••7..!,
i ill bblei.iiiiilkiiMi'Llidiaair-'..??•-'f
TTt ball bbfi:Acor jlicv,4::"
.. :A.': 111 0- 40, 04i1141do5 ; 54.:Aou.3 •, fr .c, :',,!.;,:,,,...
••••::,' :91146....r4AD-',A1q::,'414iiit,......:::,-.l'-.
h 7. `.- savacortigth '••-•7 ',.- ~ • : • ••)
', ..; • • ` O- 'l4l4l4lttiqg ilii, !SAWA . a IVA ,
Wee tiledl44lllllA 4 1 1 011.1.." , •, ' ' , V . '. : 7 , i
7.41711ftg1-.• IT. • silk AlailOalititliliiiia, : r
ILFlSEKliinneeniv#4, 4,4 i L
: . ;t V • 111 6* 1 51 11 16 , 40akillii4 1 2": : . 14. il
, 2j , ; . . 1: t1t magi 1-. l ,l ll .l!tikaillav 1i,.L.... , ',7 ..•! ,• 4'•
Amilds4io, l olsaesii•bi
..--.1= 4, ; /.i3 , ..f; . ,- , 1110116,i
, 7' k. , _ - .7'. :::,',,,.,T . , 11_4:711r14!
4 .ll lVagisjs
JIIIONALT,Aien Ism rows sae
. 13.95*. • .atkaaalltild, r
with. is.rp.
sku es
_______ ....„ . - 1 Eli -" Tkii - '
......, ! ....-:-. [ Ea..., lUD •
Poiwooll vedßan... rink New
bonnie sod laillkailed Owls Milo Wl'
nod Or laagninh NM*. Ooloartr , ardor Dv
4o*. ladbutspes. Olodhcsitk- Idol, , it.. 010 1 1. M.
lon,* ed.iolopksadAkpoidu mot rod lootkvost,
and al l n =r k a l l ial , ma qtdo isihroi.
.... amid imindmi ziw„,
L..s PS - .. llodmidi---..........11400 d. L. mos. oh
do Wi11UMUD......Z.,-..' . *lb ... 240 .
I l holodIrr." •. letI et tie 1 o li f i . l lo a u
11MINS. il& . ~ , t s ;.! ISO -.
id Bari* sit! broodli Pa
Zal .1141ssulandlikolodt u s e ,
or Wino ical.Clkimpo_Aairoodus
W m
dlimhisa ALeantiWoad trostirmuni Miami's - a
hir wow* emaittlit3lihearaby.: . 11 sta Citat
e and Basaum4 Si , g_
__, _SIMI ano•
' bat, isomillo and Otoothaset• summit=
rten FOB lailliOl_llll
Id 11 Ili 1.3. It the 11•1...gmisit Bade
with MA 2tlltilL , for dhodeadli VON% sall Wm
tk idosomm=d odi t - " '
' • Manilla l• 11 .
- Roisoddt tntorEglt‘CWll4o:4oS &A sal
. ddif p,..M.01ei ikUk 111.111 ti -. ' •
Wi tr _ ~- • ". -
WWII A* al mossuit....insa le. ot Os roirilodd Mop*
-- ' 010114 / 1 !,441. 1 7413 0 14t .
42"Alb r i aldaillit* '
, ~-._
... ' 4. • kat.-
- lor name hp -, - .• +.
'M thi CompaiOd La MOM Nala ii.
- `... " EkTir •t i ' I '• - " *-- . .
aataaar - 11[011DAT‘ .. - - , - - *
ink, inunimy tr 17• ,I . X11." l 111 , 71 r,
3111 DAILT TBAITLYA = -C , ' ,,,
You Oa Pa/maw nabs dolopamppilloidirt„
fa Wt. at tn'lttstlookbittreen
. • ana It Ina ilalkial dEaat °mac ,
' • lbalraw Taff'
~ Thim TEBODENAILEI I" MIVIEWIi thc 1.7.,: ,
VrAkakkm` 4l,lll X slardlir ( data .) Ft
ao..te gsconi ,MATAk i r-n t .... ',,
illara- -
man Eut IT . Ede • , - "'"Ila r !If,-
liagi:„ - - --t- , -=:. "•,°- '!' ""‘i '
t1330170E - SWIM EEETEEISEIev..
tra.ix=iretwiliono, wlutr; .
' - -11211 = w't
.w OE 111WolITI P/ M mak
, awl
• TN" TENJllearn:EMTElabillal'
it =
1 anIaaTaIICESET‘ , I II 4 , ErV re
etr = i Mw i.. . - WA rallillt ..
at Er
TM - Joballafit
(ac Eaccalacall lll9l . lEEE
aspi ihsado4 61E45 p a za. =WA slialas
mad risuillt miff c i Vi a % t A 2_2 •4 4maiims
• . mul " VatTi.oll Stella
isms EMT Except l. at matilt n) at lOW
. .fotewhol Mtn OWN
*re &Ay (mina easaale lcAk•'l , l
114 1urik Atoteumaliata , •Ibt.l9flrt Iltslist
UM, ileproxcaptspork, ta
- ,Th.uhitrobirndii tarns aITS ..... law
. ital at 1145 a. ca.; notandiE Emu.
„., . 11
ME p. ca. • ,
. 2 :F ITs .. -S - .4..e...1.11 , a,
MTatti -sir
OS ~ 1 114; ineolt Wain :0111010K
,410/5 . 0.-104. Ai10.1100 411101 4
'11:10 at ,ad l itl a Par W a l
'l.lO p. oCi lourCE
00E adi isr MatkaaiiiEniaar PE&
.. k , nun pc a.. as' sureirs.
Thais ILTEitaillsOnaliaimilai Ebbs.
rtlla ratiaboakm. .arttly . Jallafica.
Saltaalavai a. - calsoccataka aid rota ash
and with Bantams Itipre.,oo.l, . AMMO
'haw for Usubmipousi;ll,l Itimitsgtia iti .
= o ras i ass m i t . nentw s =4.oBl 'woo
' Thrimktki ,In ilii i r w lirtit, tt•.11 11.111
Mama or Wan las *Mrt_ 110 ii
P 2090411.0.1 Cs=0110r0001 4 ?)10111
,W 0 out tt.itgletistr l SA i ipillil.
nal wor ld . fh Sart trith mita •
20,110v-14014/,' 0 . 01C: 1 / 1 10a....a 00
VO 190161,411 10 60 SOANNIEI 404. 11 N
iis I tir"-10 0 .10 1tta1 , 4 011 4 _
p a pa
ilibilittill 1. lie
06 : .„&...
.61112110111CP101.01/14, be, ugh
*OO Ser4olalicataasal elnee.oUr.o -
. - - /,; ll, it i i• 16 . 1.. • - w
4 ,..
ra. , .., IV t Ifir ~:::17 tot pit.
P.MVlgilablialal‘ Wit 'L • L". •
."" ' C'Czntr I. , D4IZI - , C • ' •
Ai. tic , •Pittfti :gm* ' .
- Mow OW ' lialloutli • • i•• *n
MILAN: taillYtNoBl.-1141141 O. 0
JO Iftwasi 4 i
Al e.. , - 1.i.! 7 t 1T.41*.
" altillikin i OiS ll i4o lol t Fie ilk
ant• Illitigdir ,
10,11i4i*Wirs? Ole' LIM
.M 1 10 .610111•10 -^.Q3 v..,!ilvt, .
Aka's, Ark s WlNit r ie CO par will• 11-
rigrisi Debrisba. , el.
dos* slaNiassidly lOUs' , doe
fhatilarkliat ist,tnewir Millie eisli.
. ,•, • :IP , -, , C*'.3 ,;)-
6 =44 ii4ltritiri
c itiNalLoethoosses
so os j ine gg ril. a
WiTaGr 6 til
.PISIMINIZE ig 1 41181
7. 4 1 F _
Bow - Clialle,
— 'iailissasiefig
-- -.7 - ILlhasaik,
.A.Z mt At,
:.... 6 '
eilult . .o ~..;: 2/4.: , , -
r ir 0ba ti11i5 0n. ...,...... 7
R e bb4g.7
ftw - sifUabigiisit. .-- -
1 . • JaamallidOw ..:4! p
1 . -,..kag4 iL L
Et a ir t ra=k;
Jlakee .
. -
&Ida 441!
• '
I = Meek.
11: Clentori, '
Peat 111 - :
Amok& &XXV
Wiilhall 11114
PROPUMLI3I4/011 , 4L1XiiniftliAlf
AND 41,1
, •
.:1 : 1. • ...AlimempurroilisaiibilT? • -...,:.
,• . MUNI= Psarcatiaelisa . lie ,-- • l
.gi l aPa4tr i atr=st .i ra ia lldibur 6.l" o 4 : - ,:-, •
lit 1 07.911- w ikminiast.„lflonpuiia , .
Thw a tesai tik bOlidtiost - . 1110 . , _
'alit& telpeoht - its* tV 4Liik, lia ,Ye Vick
' • llialetionuit
.• tromeelratlielle i , Brip.
.IsOssf GS
i ctra or .
rye[ a Badrrrisal.,
i f • f ir km ;
3:4Rpib Scilastattatosiiiiiali *I ii)su&'fttlq• - -..:: •
mum seallotiWT , tsfrimajit
, vtit 1-,
..pii. l - Z2 N
ii,Ezr e. irs
il an‘tilt( ,_cv . iirkitt
thi=ey ft* ihnersiiiirt. „.. t:. , rit3
=saitimited to tbs •i - ,
videZ ia rsirdni; .419:d fesque4 vlll tsit - - 1. -
faillial,-13i1T7-c°l?* _ . _
4 16(
lldsoli - 'l.t ...,-• , •-a ...tf31,,,...-r ;
..t InKrimq..t• b!"lit Ala arabeisrAtkuoi- ,_..
. 411 4 6 , '''
6 31:1 - r:iatVA. - -
mum 3.2110.f,11.1/KIC UDINNUMAIit .. .-
11t 4gidaa PS"
or tfORIT I , laic I.
- siso teal ant tik thollatiel
UMW " ./fil Wm y e
6ditl °Aswa n* .
iPkoai= •a -
L i - a
Ilkoi to 4 1P W itimil lier, iliVint.
431144 4 / 1 04)14 - too=44,,
7 , 73rarideit,o, 41/11. -• ". • .
411.:1 I YO •