The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 10, 1863, Image 1
: _.„,- --..- —ll ~..t.....,,..5.., SLY ~ . .., . . .., .. . . . g- : p R• i ' __... 1 ~ - ESTAOLISIIED IN 1786. COALMMINIIO.Ir, Ifu 4.10015, PITTIT & CO., Ccodussum •Va Naucu ts and drain In PRuDtlOl, If LAUB; SACION J. ,woo °aux keg 32 4 311 M 1 • 11 1 urest. ru - • • -_ eh 1917 VOlt GM . WiittilVelltil tif . . • , ; k aaMter the eelette s datanheint ! . . UM= NACKINFIr• IMAM LIIWIIII:, . N c t41 2 :1001Y11 tk LINHART RlUrt. • ma GSM Names. Yam= axe 43.: *ITU. iid Maw, Omlee - 9a: 1, 1. ipliaLeriie • • - :Cliadia.: "mar: , vram,"TeialLen, Pot and Peas; labia, Idasead and Lard Cilla, Dried mad 411 flea -.hale. VionaFe Irki a = "k rua Beaks. . , Cledi edralicarthadi air •PPAY No. Err Liberty st,lattetaran. ilkitA 8..;,.41 diti If 1 BliD,i; lima& U szoa m Toirimarao Miami* tad whok. Sill • dealorliviliffillini BLEIZEIND MUD. ' BUTLXL, LARD PO=DIT I MITI/PlBll. , POTABAJNIART: LIN- — DID DWI'D AND Linn OILS, S. T sad ~ Itodoin . • ', Na . 141 and 143 Irma urea; • . . . - . - - 1 oil 13113PARD, COMMON MiNe and &Wen m berty PLOW. GRAM AND PMODI - 7(14 . N0.,943 Li street, Pinhiburgli, Pa. Mire brands of Flour tor Bakers and Taraily • • , hand.. Particular attention told to j aw , . •, • -AO Ai r k'airwaiwitta n _.• e , (11/Watlettlta mi peani/lylio 10 HI Rrialaff avowal Thst, - Pittabarigh, Pa. I ..1 CIWILUEBB, it LAN_ ,Ccockunnoit Jkad_whiamsaik-azoorr. " REODUOry 04 Na 352 idxset, Pltlabregh, Pa. MAINS DALZELL & SON, MAZAlnragi ; tiraP - LARD OIL. and Clomitatio maiNllNtrAo oat Ws of 011111D1 AND MINITIMD Nos. of sad Ta woutrn.„ - .• • • • . •thoms onconx•risdium. • " • . DEIDD suooessortbino.'. • ' it • Ifo. - VIII- dont,' ?NM , r• • • • , . 7IIODDQN. eIiOOOI Ir. AND` , .7" 4 "`C 211dentitalT Maidialh • 111 AXIL 111111111.111BRILF AMOK ftAttl3ROT.ll49B; " t. Ftglirkirl Not.-1111 oast- , .1.4 - . mktg. street, - _ " Dm ?: oc=j 6i " l "'"l'rwil ul ped. I,xEiginßr.. ll 001171 N; Asuocessors to . trOshaallm, Maw 00., WHOLIZAJA plastrot WiedsaillWater streets, Pittsburgh, Pau's. JAdly • „ . • . dealer taJLOU.B4B +' • Ity _ alitriallorPOßE, 0 • t L s • 07;1 id - Pgectuce goo,. • -- - .., ‘, . .... ~ .... ..ix5.i...............,5. L. TONS ' I /GT CO, imooessor to L. 1.1. : PIIKIDUGI AED.OOIDEEMNI .i • L...., /OM L IWO neWVHCRA W ' 43 I 4II; 7I r OcniNtilsoallbaciwiirs.eorget bt • likleilkadaatilWatarAnett:littabasea.Pa. U.DGERTON do ItSTRWART, - Waosak , Ay *Az G.m . Aav Clozotium Magazimnigo, _ :iiitVeollimintidagnlta • ' ./ 1 4 4 / 7 aZtIVMSR WE044131 /WiLUits,. —APN" WEL 811.00111,1AMIDAVIIIITIPPIKIII1111120ilitliT, NissgenTsget Xcb IS, Pittsburgh. ..1 a - .4....i...... "......;................4.4.r.4............. , .. ..... .......' :: -.........' -i 1 ? .• A - 0001444 . AIM 5 ,II• g&T.Aw: * CAlkii:N% 40. aralat 4 ra. - Jar .= . • atrostild, to ' ; '. MI =VIM irt.iiiipt ' ' - , Collsolons . SEAMY Alls~sed teraltadjetthg boluitiai, sad Ur • sosirlited D® •• 7. early , JUANA. iiii3CONEKUL, Asiummir joi r law 1:,,,.....f..„7 IM.XL O d !Wig, ppmes ~,, I , in:up. t I, ` . ' 110 - istnatttantitiffi aidolUao -1 imtlilqlS.Ws47lllllbo4l6 Dfatrict 1 I . : .: 111* RICK 1:i101111,4 LET,aAavat. o. =Komi S a S.C. fa:ROYER, Ariourzral .4'414" 121,-11P-111-.621i4bgr626 Dl!*l6iEiLBTB. -1 - WSM I L II I2P • • • 1: , iksionlii..M=ISASOUVD LZAD, a;_ - S4VI/41.11N7.5111/25, rirr pt.. VT SG A,V1107217,311018, IS V, BUZ LS - AND CARSON Ao. VoM i gi vet = ix SMlckirdAa s tritil i nknlr : NUM . OLLA, ELT N 33.1.0131 Re, ha, of id , ..p1 qul; icyeralir s == api ril!rb.. e Pa a e g 1 a b X FA=2llElt 094 Wit 6-- ok L • -raratis- - °MI:O44E4ImA f W'Hrrs . iaraums 511 1 041 . 1.1121M1L z lI,AFAS :::45 ,1111 0 0 ‘ Mini • Meiatioa..-4.:-,. FaA Fr , •.0 .1: , • Daimon. 144 0 iguad-dassi,oongt pi. Airaii vim* n ralVar= Aza Ram, .AND - .PJW. )00 - , _ . : OOLLINIS, ILE% /haat mod draw bi DUMB, LAM MB soil Probes geasraz; 9. 215 Wood um*, Ova Warr, Pittsburgh. OBULEL: I 4; - 9MADWEI44 Oolooetsor to JAW Edam 4110 o.,) Pala raximi sad it la 21011751018, some of Zane. and Irront —"""*.dolb.00 --- -- t 4 , ---- CO r P. 'B Ji. 4 O t Waolas Mom* mid dialan In ZwilS, GR AI N A I r"r o P DWI ipostallty; Se. US , Liberty st. jai J. TOWNSEND,(suftwarlicasok • To Pm. PAM= ADD D rsovzszosti4x..4frowth au, DM Li • • I n 027 MIS URANC.IF daF. ima. I irialliteßliat OMEN, Atom 14 gai2lMrmerlitir=a4coesor Wool' :at Amts. UT P. JONES, kiln j e u rc l ist 4iimit• Nwriudium,""Akibrapy bacznlizz._ . l6 aza4 Wet luvimum NH= • • • • ozia,Au. WALES; WITMORE A 00; COMMISSION BEIGE RHIPPMILS OP PIGTROLZON, US MAIDI9,L4III, BMW TOBL. 41uPle Ar4llt4s for noun AID CUP PING. la *dr ,Tardlnd what Rio Hoax- RID= & MARE, 2 , 9II. 3I R I P M EXP. CRAIN, And /16;Aors to =moms AND IT -rstmcors4 our. CIANDLYS, isw rwwWWW. WWArituto trii4o OIL WORML lIIW YORK PiIIAVILWI 0014PANY. ko. • • W. A; OfildWilt riL tWet. aplT:to ISO WWI. ai BROAD arairr 60 HAND lIMLUM. o.Myleartp to . B e i r k l!artassaid when they an have their OU: barreled and without taaablag the OW .Wharree. es cheep, more aotePti with Mil t hk, ii. trouble and in better -ithra YAB'D, 'On the Aria lunliValley . talhad, aboa Latrance villa where 011 is youtput. ham the hosts direct to the ank toipoint,lteet or Wert, without any or nal piss. All ceders pram at to. 110 - 0111ce at Yukon Oltisens• PeazerjPat 010Whilr,' ; or I can be teen dillfat the Oil itrobanze. eptf . __1:111110 XIII& rfIPf;MY OIL lif.CgEW-7.. 417),(trj,6771 , 11.11119211110, liannbicturea ipull t imllans et 01011c1) OIL, BINZINZ AND LITAIBLOATING And dinkun in OBUDZ PETBO,LBUIL / I WW=I I . Medi. atmlAburt. l ance la PSBBII .81?:11A, Duil . aanr WILY. .MAR 411 X At at, Vontission and Fonrardiat Merchants, G'llllllB t IiBFINED PETROLEIIII, • N 0.19 maw 13291/1117•Pireutram. as t OS Zoolulipaiiiits mr Pitlingel , • • & Duorosai k to 4 Ilmaavas. AK; " Timm= Hama, bpi., l'net Oasisseced Una . . ROBEIRT laulworrro, Ha 1 T. ULAI& mew. rimburgh mmau'uLf AND RYAZAN IN OILS. N"' nrannastizol Lusamemia. osoint PITROLSON =Wanly Ott - hand =4 ter s 4 •1 10 lig• 'Mit *UWE& pdaaarOdsountzsrn ago:wsara • moianur WM.PWPA CRONEWIRY: Grows W,40414111t . 00. stagania ()mint unissossum viz; lasix" n rat= il .l6•""s LIIIIIIIIIIIOB, WO warn: 8Z21%D sad AB GRIMM • 11011FAII ardor, kit al Ho: Z - /ram, Soak itlock,aecoat Boor t ortg mogair ottooliod LUORNT OIL. WOILKIL • itaindliteivr` - rim warm smirk) tuLaßos 0114. OS" ifa. 2ri Mos* TIT[IDIIROB , -_~ 4411dEti ARMIN _ 'tetrutbi OIL or VITBOL, ...„ „ ALL .• ADA .IXXOIIIA. OrdontUft. 4 6 111111azi Ifologos t Clo:o Me% 0. 1 % 6.1. of Market and Pint otroots, will row!» prompt DULMOND oth WOMAN. rLot..a aiura, LIFINZIIII AND DAALIB IH 04.1 1 / 1 011 OIL, Unsozpoord by mini In tin munino. fin& 111 Ir Orders bet4it. i mams, se em s _ km *Sok 740. 41 MASKER In Lovrean“ll%nrlll to ProolPtli litiandsd to. Dorms or outwit oth. JACO' =NM plattmancom wo=3, ILUII/74M111118 PIM 'VII! iii114011.1)1ei MED PNIA9WiIi FriSlanklie au. Chlpathl pier 0101f/1131d 1111441 Pet*Seit• • SEW_GRAM - Pioprietors. sr oglah XanoPphola Her" pittabscrat. QTUIi&GB FURANYIBiNe 4)llioThe nJ attentions of oft lain and 24bani is callod to am Inat *ASA* Lo • lanne, cool and goy tan% sultabl• for otoring Banned • . • YOBT. • • • W .1144 W . /00 MIX lotalattlng r otoltO,, 11,0 bbli Baud; Mkt. 60.bbls ;1,424" XPaudtboe" i'de ' / 1. AUSIIWOItTg, Gov of Dooms' gad Xt. CIO/ tt MBI(M!EMIX'BOiItfEI. ipAirnamm , NOTIOB.—We hue .1 this day saist * Mtdrad . , la SIMS bustooot A. L' L ttso style o lb . dm 112 mes. aurz...p. A n dbilltßtoolokkillot 'Soot fhb dor." us Cdrbostom will be curled da I 7 —Ka ft* dm bdrokoktro. Mir., itIMSI a Gl/1,77.; r''..t• .• ..%': 1 /idol mu:' ittrnaw murk ;: ` mossy Jorao REBBili OBAffkilial* - ' ' ' ! , -sou t ikentrectiren cf 14 Assrisiles ii- - itev, gume 6+t mireDoi: ,Atimbr j odoomototroieffidluff "Ilk a 'tow bislang tkk ktod of trot o opooklity winspeetta • oolktt 6 tdooktdid - towo ,E.! 1:- • '' ood•Odloo, Willi, of ladtbdoW . sod ,111stok 81 3 ,41 1M..W• 1 7 • ''.2, 7tii i.;2.4 ` t. one WELLIAM. LABAANU/4144b,c0.,80 . ArAIimPIAPADAWIrni'Wei, , STRUT IRAII_ snill IA Having morel ' =it fel Mindoe . olterlth the met het ry, ere ;A.,. to ouupdeotimo mMs tai•illur • 1111110101 L ":11110 • SSW PIP" WOO/10TM 801L1015,0011101,00 • ILLT PIIIS,TAXXS,9IL 82114 AGITATO SITTIANG4I.IIIL aWIIIIS Llama -• straits-r siffiateastubot all et HILLS' PA r BOLUS. itspairirs bar • 19? OGICHEr * TEATB OF MAGISTEBIAi _ goo. bailor goy ken of Powder. It le =Mid to nada toolereati owe , the Ilveld Olerste of fdlifoede, der atop sod at Xla4 ll ll-W.en4 Maw Poidifsiaaa taw duller silkier.' w ubnll Sotto /a noi m in®ularlhil, Amos ad odiab 4044.1210 =Woo 'oooot lo Ipollood too, ad modes str all folrl/o tool? Bold by Wow& 74/111111TOOK 4 0 t a r ths'.llim ,", , ° P a 11"" iort g ami lis eX4 Peerwieht mooetedoolbowdeotaistrany - r. • • mad eillthek 01 , 1=0111114: .104141111,11P,Ti k variety. 171110/12elif.WtidA SIOM Pittabor6. IL D.= no • tuitMai!grMknidr.4.•;;lk,r . . &mum imistyrxiie -"'• ' . , -Ingliarli ,, ~ _ 4191011:111. , 4,10p11441 . , 04144'.-: . . , . - ...,... _ L IN'' . 01147•%, XO,, .1.1 filit - a swierr sat saw ~,,,••• Imo opaa ... 7 wawa* an lin an. vaIP4X r • - . Atiftese PITTSBURGH, WRNESDU ORNING, sztrixa MJIMSMIUL WHERLIR wnsows siassarr rainuum, onmnizan ROOK SEWING MACHINE. Woll4,D'il 111 8 , ianuyzatat EXPOSITION. .—un. Withiralsablo IsproinrsuntL T 6• only Machlnn in the World mdm anus °wow Puma, sums end Clanain, teeproeed ono in roopiedelti invited to cell at our atom and me the llookinem to opotstion. isuraa Manlikisit ormoded Oro roars. .rend Ibr•Chadar, 811JMNER L CO, WESTERN AGENTS Pr. Trims-40. 27 irrntaerspoir., (71saimums;-PICIIIIOP,III.sutLDIab Loomis:S-14 1 =WWI lialiFiaL• - ' - Hans C W. WELI f I4Ip3 dr 00:5 • _ LIR1101XDJX)11111/-TWASI 'tad* l inetrAi Mirsals4 6B • isaavA k ilbr. *mita stifist, TY - n*4ll4ln; abolition/ to nosolliddlla abort thin,a kt otbar assollas la IL/ dc): TM! artfl do 'nada of volt. sal on varnatial , line sans. rtem= biL tlall aair Welt Cbastarbrial tra Wads boadba, Bahrtipt si Kansa Wass. NIT 1111141.111, Anont .:rmer moose. WNW PUBLICATIONS: - owitt's History of th• Bapornaturol. I .or. Mkotobno aa4 Ulm By Bo& WILL km* of Oluistoyhu Val& By Wm Gears. Parts In Almeria.. By Labonlayo. Lilo In the Opin dlr. By X*, Winthrop, Tab Of two Mat Elviiredo id. (Nov vot) Two Pletarno. By Maria Nolntaih.` Szballes Ilanipaigoo of 11162-3. rKoen g s a by Lon o I W LIIT,4 m , s T BWo l o . d it. =LI Qthito.7‘ AND VALUABLE BOOKS. Divervions LelsairsDefithsi Writers I vole. Dr. Porter's Loctacras as Hcadttes. . tksclifads Treats, Is ilpsalit sad Irtta. Mom Trastlass. Uma Ilidassio2 tls lassmetkvx. Boa*. Rows sail tosk Satre W. 1 voL Kkpv's Itsmish.volls.4, NS. .-Oollysks Imetarsioslarlptiskisda 2Vop l a 9 . Bose% Wotti. flab,. ss. 24.15 J. L RILD,II rourtbistisst. LATH PUBLICATIONS. My Oaths= ..Irrataabi. 17 Mixt. Uta 'of Oa Itabrouttlan In ail thaw d Clivia. lmtifY an hit' Ik:watery ad anothar Wax* Ths that Dm Whoa Ihaishiad. Browalaw. BestaaVa 11147 law la tka B. L boast& La Ifflastahles. Cloth and paw. .fr,= and tha 'a: • litatkala Vtlitiary, Theslan. Madlatas, LOB JAL L BLD.» swiss ; , '" Tr ‘" TV . Pri . l7ll4 FEIRNITITRIL . taILLIII9 Of) II HOLIIIALI OT{ SITAIL. JAS. W. WOODWXLLs K mad 99 Third drool, opposits I.lllll3msdece Oks sod 111 Fourth street. said° PATENTED OCT. 8, 1861. Dithridge's Patent'• . OVAL LAMP CHIMNIES, noeueGelyed or • ' —, ix FLINT GLASS. non Oklusts as Intoogisit Mr the 4t Sams, which bestlais all pull at U= . l "i nal i. "" 8 " a v io 9 it r: I. D. DITHEIDOI, , Wort Pitt GUN Works ", Wasklogtoo spll Pittat=. LADLEti' FANCY FURS ; CRLLDBZN'B TAXAN MN; araire Iva oars, ooksAsa a auritaii *AT LID 0A ye. Xvity variety *ha GOY oftbabwotoobom Mat BLAOS DIAMOND tITHEIth WOW rzrTur nom, PA: PARK,IIII,OI2IIB BUT . , IaI4LITX iiiIYID MET 11111111L4 allUAnt 11 • 1 . 1 0 Moo d la AWL 'WP ocaur-40 'vaity-Ilaporaia or montootwoot la sams country _ warooroo sad Wsnixr* Riu iitl i t - liana TIM and ISO and 1.11511001fD 611:10 " a. sass#s A LLEI3II.IINY COAL YARD. W. (141,11131:.& _w i miat i mosi b r i m d r a ts49, , ligrafflNl4 4111/11r! PM! sad dssid Csorsos. uatimcookunox apuo., V i i !mn o, .1111111•WiroZVOLI ji kilistit.. ' Mantreacturer• V of 000 L0Z1...! 2....A.111An1A 1110111tnnilkAIL _LI - HOLLOW WAXlos•&liiilasitilili ?"1"1, Ing p irx4 M th e ir thipingeN_ VIII • gm isturs, Clair beds . . .. sat OpttopAbblloutl a r Malty% to order. Pallests •. .."114ife t ifgaratorfer...• • . ': i aiplikesdl AtuiILACEITRIEN, BAYS Fouirmaki. tit: On am Bram Prima. AU Mob at/LY' AND MON 000111 gado to order. Also, : 011,171191,100111gt0b00110 trn noit All orders lort at WWII TMM% NA 3VOOD STSBNIT, vlll r lApittptWottidulod ILO. OrThe imam of ris e ban Aproollotio* ate.,of may rare osparissco bootitot, hams to iptn ootiolbottoo orwmot. - •.010 - - . fi l7 " 1114 aLIGG7iCI4I"I 11 0 1 ~ 1 d 9 4 5 dala 6 3 / 1 banal. ft. bbls. Pr UV 44 0 .• HNei aR tl~uiig ` eraal , Nusrs~ah __ , ooaretbiielil .ea' Al,l3; 0 : 1 0, 018 . , PrompOsta BOLD OIALIM met iDOUllitini Selairsifiart mom!, Ib< Oficers Mb lea PIIIIIOIII6 ler Parents, Onßisa, MUM% SNOWS sad 1110140 1 / 4 0...Mb0t DPI ofol.: postatim of thaw "bp Isen sma ist Bag. Okedl sciar ; BßMl/M OPT lI4Is tngfigli datil mama* esql SO Mier bC sanwetid,iuUlii Ankbus liguAooo.3 , 44okOMOrit NORMA yvs. , .:-rtrw wised .. r k.6. l . raill 1r 1" tZ vs a—esoza rirranew . r ,ljallirkeaS PUN ' . OS k ....Toot spool ibis week a . aspply @Mum beautiful taistriskabi, f Woods &MAI *Salmi WWI essatyy . yid' Y 'bow Shwa .issisimisily; bi ,; ssisdad. - , tos s , esse ' Amin prime Um selfless sbiste fifessisq of ens 011•11. , ORAlliair/D , 127 S 'num& : HUM BROTHEILIP 11.0111t1OR ; PIANO. NOMA Wawa sissorp Thaws iambi. law by ONSALONSIALUNIVISIMIt stew; • 8. MY HALM lINSYWRIV PLUOb laki .1.1 lIII*ODEOIUI. - .N - - , • '.,” jog RAW: *4i •/ 11 WON ififM: a l ' ''' Atli - itlA96.' ' 1 ‘ 4 4 14-14 4 11d risa s ss T oetesi - am At* ♦sT T sre 01. gebm, Toresol. dot , ows ellt ri6 ooolloll SCO •00 014.10001004 lisadionAl phis 101 00 A . ITOOVOOO.OOITed puieS• • • lie 00 A. 101. 44% &Wlls ANL i 00.. To nne% round losesiNall MVO • SOISOO.OO4OOs#OIO. I P I O,OO. mad ad - • TIM 00 AS • TWA BR4o.Dsill 0 0 ., 056 00 A I 00,00 oSSITSISTIN : ;•••••••••••ies•4• - TS go- AVMs'. ORM% so go .coda wow • aA TXPAINTAN•esk , , . " 00 00 4 .2" - ' • eo roe alp - auari. iiins t . s. BAIN WAN'S P Met" at tea Ircmast !pa, LlFiduk .AlrWassaaled ay to Gaon tali*/ rip. gigot. • newrioskol tbitbov•jr =INA& 411rAlole Apo, is this ' OMAN* Um 1361n;ra Gsztputia.. Oitiblits Na ilk; , 2 WAS •DTPLICTICITIT. i 1 . .1 . 1 12/Tlll/1t 411nonthah OrraM ~ - 4 ... . . . Tablitta. Agell 1111,130. t n . i xi wllatkra ad. Sc Tallaild Taw tithing* TIM Orrpilltellnangatfheape o_l6ll Makti Tught. MU it Ilatalle ar. -, ~ ikle n gatioanhall Mama 11 1 0 ToTI W Tam. • and. gly • tabiag MOO seam nadenliand 61M of mum& aar Milo geld (inaberaetnally gnu* la IMITIIIII7 abseat.) tau hvetuoanni non** ta action or iamb =Mat* to the um, it day. en fait largansendor. bat an itilleeneld of oh tent* gradara lab or oath tabor TOT duty aa ' nay be round of ea Invalid .oofpe. OM 7 ,7„. Ormafaiderulall at arat lealonal.Mti tion gentred Um that halcearaheCloa - lis: atm cod tea than ant kaawledge. rolls to Ike iTratihrooo9 alibi mar of aak. am aarlagama AIM alder their *kV lal/11 the lbanotteg oandlifolle. Its: - 4 L TIM fiery 'Ur salt an eon* hold mikes eau* ei meant or Aram controoted In aegis of duty; tailifiet=l2l , ol . =ag Dam la tie eleileli saw , . I, That ere di Uri pains_ AMU; figs fiat bang milled by *be Tanen Olgar.,as dam. Oa . ohitatook,,_ ..toth— • .: .3 . L That: y, ma la ther, mum of mac, fkm! is k a " Ttot t Imit t la nalltada ts camoi X t e"alsuilaS• aosoibtho om lot ted.. i rbe r Volt " == tla • Tbemitere ash osituia i iII;I• COM• 4:oe oar lte eakolllcalt slam roll, •ilifm MU the gonad - cianka* the dear flabamay. ibibrlity -1 ttoa titian allbbait daat (slam Waal pall notliek theymeggesein tbs. eon a' ITibel TM makthey shall state kr 21.7: 2 1M1V"..= 116 . . alb le Turariled frOla thae tO tbal=vor W anaiiettallltair tb• doadlifoul ira msr- , stea m the , , t4f Itn arida nay . . i IS 13 =. iT . bildes than °Tara aid Wig M a - MU l a MU la alma sad. eart thil rata, bat il am abets* from day. la lieseitale or Cant t : GYM% Oftllptesbunna• under tbe ontrotof 01110 e m. I* IN am the Italoal ta an teaeMta abell yarn the *lle to gam. allidat on of *Mow ead.most4 tr tlior saw on ii roll by ,themplou &Una* tink ovieg=irel " o " = 4l2l"lBl'. ed.* .erlut *II toeniall.thaM ss berstoLargeolard. made** the nue condltiono and regUnnona. If. In *yam. Mr My Gotaineader shall that an Moor gals, ha pates* olooramr. to antra* lat7 t or. tit* tat tbilsts4ll Owls, 'Monk dlishled end I SM bi tbi lkiii be: will stalikbadidios the alluits et feaultn rarnotela n fooPtlotS stgatagibeentlanste. if My wed* aorrta the aehitta be_ettallt cad laTooThko bi • llitiall Ofioa la ourp hie Torgettal oes. ham& Claw Went* Ude *OW Isla absortnabianted I lobar bi Tom sh own bar boateablir dbithergal the hard* mi. sr weigteis dot spod And • .• • Inn hue bum lioartsbly moinged ea If -von& ft Amer antactel ba the Tom ofd..mat arlaiatais•ta NUM opegaoin a b lanniaat UWM n4l,f" 0 the Znapasi Mamba/ evaana; a( tba Ila(pata amnia the aka dottalal a TOW* L ..• • _, vat Mune • limbad ottbe Utak To UAU • a • dila Wad VIII broMegland Witt dui • • 4• oradltlone an unaletely halals I. Tkatibeephlamigulaa the antlleats • the Lugo*the Baud of garollaust in the • • of ta 'blob la rableal that be le noat kr Wire ad duty on amount of round. or Mum, and Lao Ile , 11. ila Men. bat la St Tr garrison daty; ._ 4.. Lark i t Waal* aliens of bamabli • • 4 01 1 of ounamar fliabatia loalgoAri a.IMO isei l saaaauoaaairogi.ja ~ aftkairlar. oaf -Mina 'Oreanaadkare• • when ha **LIM& be is oroctit Lai , ~d Ibuirpterlaake rad ingedrie Of nimbi' • ante Mahe fioammeat.'lle *UT Mal* 10. gamic.** le int TM laterldeace. he IV • andetabld the Tit tionES !boa • • Sara et ihannal tea la ' !! oat iii ungiali,hr Irkbi di be 'Malawi by Iluip - %bad. aura be. • • .cladd nib ill Ibir anaittinas.. • •• It Urea b• so &Wog radiant Trona • II geserel in Us Rae, the mlloenu any I. • r ul a Yr mhos .* .' whabo - samiona:dbiglidit era. • : of the MOM*. ea be say el. - Lassa by Ws ncorde, mak maw ea go the grunt hi argot genital of the Milted I IBialm 44 Illesaf rote amAlTA Won iota* of digibil4T. lo PO IMI OM^ ' Pfarotalelo*Ve. dIM, •alline/lannt the abralothlimioaltoqr yer . • INkTt; _,liranodrner, ir muzliim las than • Mat JO bean* the Tr, ant 4 , Ihe Tart Urn thea readdie melt arLand if I. applkaat Alf eisibekt mug gin, anallthorn . . • r• i baloiti Pe 8AN0.411 11 . 44 s ktii imellticate to that _!,l_wii'is lanai 6ir:alio. ii the frati.-J I - ! -- : na - !I, II It * l_ltr e °Alitzir.ll.l LED O►li AID WOOD MUDD SIDEIOI, IINCORD E 00.111, Mx. ISI: WOOD 17311114. Xatishottisis4t B9IINTY, BMX PAY; R. CL-N10,11:11 :;.P74.abl. 5.. - Ta MY MICIILL4#IeOVS.! I. "Wile - - marilasiolts" - aa bie t . Thal lie vas bTNroby . Aloolterpal b p 0 • '1 be Provost, Ilhathal tos DblsU *all this m i si - the 14,1006:44111111Clids.-adak of it SOO% ta'aza ilasistaat Pamat ilsoaral it thallsaaorlsomsalayessore sack alivice istdiAisssolar aIN word§ WOwn 1. 11 41 ' 4"l"4* *.w .? aal l i u s ". tt is AlOtwx.**7-saaud:outio I%s lhaNait Niue • 11 167= Aslaliisa=R~larll4M' . am ulna- • • 411N1 MUM Itill74l4lloh_olo Al* pe roll. llier bawl* amm. ficamal natabakilasotal sla eltaliod id& issloadowailhal arilotiand imam e1Pa. 614 dor la NM aldscalse aoalsolot . mass of the Bassalary of War. • • ' • ••).' .. witting= - •Atilitaat Acthilaal.thilallal.l • Wit. B. Bilatub, roman stinipizuni Ito. 4l IL Y. aftbetether retread', buttes. . ell kb hisses sad tee peddle to Ids • • Darts listablidatela /Ph Stalaaetreet. co& iatta. dile hes the Isliadsta* "14114 WM* dna aniadleeheitaa the Mt isattery4, end. Ude( Vel oath , ' stesa ria• r u m eat EibWilidli . lll4/Miltbil 'owned by ht sad am a. now popi taqi* the tattared demand da bib atillh‘4 o . Pio* ,fttr,„! bs. X.SErea 01 NSW ds v.tai m ....4 & lawn l . 4 , al sae Hole badee a eted. imia4.o 460144 to tam 1.0/a/0. kern eaddreeilavaa -41C/Adil /1480-fO esbrdo.rk , " la the atesera iti t o r, "I. sow c=imu s... • w ryszu., ..s fe t oil sued _of- P li na euTiO dillaaw memo of teeesi aoltdita et tease teen "V I A" le one m= !that MOM:Ma ASP lie Lilt ‘tte Util:,ll4 000 04 P ° hi earth. 8" . 17''" *aw ' 7,:irnildlatroixtßaßADkromlCßY.lllllL' -12PYPVITYPIrt5.. 16 -A.'ftiti Own: anwr "1.4101 k sral==titl Erma*. _sirobeible twirlattlikwe„4. Atespirsomaismei t. , • L-,-= Aterwrim ;NO " 'Wail assesaftm JUNE 10, 1863. rgh Onuffq. ipiftsb S. RIDDLE & 00, ID/TOBB YROPR/217r)B8, Publication Office No. 84 Fifth I Street. =BEM AND lIVENING IDITIONf4DAI6T, OWITAIN/El3 THE LATZIST HIM UP 'TO TEN *OM OF puntionlon. WEDNESDAY NOBNING, JUNE 10 NEW TERNS OF TICE! , AZETI:Ei, 1 . 2 7 s nor*, by nialP P er =trI SS A 0 • week....; IL angle oopiet. 3. arzwnea . tarries, by mall, per year--; 4 M. beenti r«: 80. • - n du& L Wiezzat tornoi, obits levicit, peep/a.. 100. s clubs of 6 to 10, .. 1 60. ololis of 10 or more s -' 1 26. •:-surfoue extra to - the pett'i e!riding Club. for deb of fifteen, IS wOl send the Luling Gime!. dans.. • Ter • club of -twenty. ws will S end the . Kamm GAM= daily. Illnetepoples, 6 onto. erdll eabectiOlolui *Micas t. adsosos, sad papers "guise stopped when ths time tapir". vicksourp Aaronling to the dispatehu from Pember ton to Johorlos, which the bearer of them brougb.: iiinst to Gen. Grant, PembertOn says that hie forage was all gone, Ida men rrere.on punier rations, and his ammunition nearly exisiste'd,-4ut he could 'mid out tel dejilOnger.' Thh period, fixed byrimbu ton Ibusilf, Waif up on Sunday, and if • noth ing lof an adverse nature hex occur*O4 we hard nay ground to boilers that Pemberton, having exhausted his means of protracting the siege, would -amender, when no': relief from Johnston, or any other quarter, ht dAp-. pared before that, the extreme term of pos sible endurance. A day or two, therefore. may wall brill us the good news we hare so long and anxiously waited for. --13pitilttnir of thls'dispateh from Pember ton to Johnston, the New York Times re :marks: .Soma of the statem;Ota in this dispatch are corroborated by facts 'already in our lutowl edgo7-itimlvac the running ont of =las from Irioksburg and the shooting-of horses. If Pemberton wie so hard pp for supplies,J bon ne!, we. ,he made a mistake in rtumhig out his lures • for, killed and salted„ they' woe* haven:ado good victual in a strait. 'At ;the siege of perry and at many another itli;* WWI 'gm there was much worm fare than male meat. Pemborton's stupidity in this re. spool Miler antrum the Southern story that he is a traitor—not to supan sm. It Is rather 'Moly. that the rebels ; will 'like two or time testy aortic& •on our Ham whop they mai& the point of desperation. Bat armlets tiny.premared for this, and has abundant fordo well Posted to Meet that: Ws hope that - before the close of the Vicki; harisad Poit : /Edson will be oars, and the whale in. of the Mislissippi river. The Pall el .Paebla. It can ne longer bidolibted that the herolo lefenders of Puebla,' after sustaining a siege filty.three,daye,liiive been obliged id woo comb to tie Superior skill and srUllerT of the Tfr utott. la the laid great assault not a single 'gion was fired frau the two prinotpellifeairon torts, Gandahmeand Loretto. Goal Bony having selected as his ground of atterdi the part cf the city width oppo-, sitidinotion to the elm -named fortresses; 0040164 k Geri: Ortega to move with the bilk of his army on that point, and to confine his operations ht • 'dicta' in which the fire of these forts would be of no usistamos whatever to him, or to the forces fighting under It emu that Gen. Ortega was gradialty lomontedin wlthbythat area of the city, liar.; rinds! foontile :Moth to' the south•orest by. a eircl.of fortresses, which be had to defend. one after the other; the guns of Guadalupe ant Loretto, thorefore, toed not have teen 'derilika r igaiiiii the; essaliants without lag both, theoltyand hit tOldiert." , -....fisielacti 1111 now be able to "dictate the termiret peaos'!.;•-that phrase will stably "tlte pvlde of the tiatioti'44t, tie capital of Utilise . ; :Yid 'We think he will be glad °IA, op.peettunity to re . * with Whit s Weigh:luta Would Call`konor. He enured aria . tbut. baSbeie With a "greed: ioltaite..of extending Us emptn over that part of the Amnia= continent, sad of becoming the domiaating power in a region which; from fts geograPhi- Mot Position, could be made the key- of-the Western heinisphere. Bat the state of ta to?, is - Triiiy 'different now 'trent What it +en 144 iiticitiriditigin theCatitereiho. -layout of Bast'aid 'out of the' Wei& Its treakliat him he Will Wailed of • = • , tim opportunity to Makoany terms wittlfox _ _ iec, as so , to. leave hlm free to dsal-With the frwrible event/1i Whlcieirii l coming upon turOpe Perhami upett Bream. :•Ihe }trench people ate filled With apprehension, and almost' wild withie;liees , eet on the pi.lishitnestion. 'every one ergs ••letter from Paris,' • "If the Milieu business were Only term!? naiad['. fall - of Pubis - my, therefoie; beths ' 4lvailoi.of . - Froisultickiburgi -• A spayil 11pstehyami'044, #jirivaing3t !hi 704 sing -Thor steinowz , llcw: Dan; Copt. 'Pepptir, brteaie` Vlok ü beog dates to .Thinidsq, and Me‘ phis .data to yen/surd:4 afternoceAr rind her this eissing. An caw of the' Alla Dean reports everything pros:casing, Ai m u, S VIM nit of Visksburg: The nl pen sadminers are still burrowing. In , 'Whale.° The gartbdats and mortar boats still operattng. Niw siege guns opened 9r. on Matra* nrand bat ; anticipated, bet what-resnit 11 not - asoertaned.. The rb _contrainden . thi rebel' 'Winks la tkerese;.and the Conlinieretes are_ not allowed to show their heads 'without coming tarts for one Madrid rides. •• The atonal pantie' of:Orli:Ps army mains mono:pd. TM advanced, sediments are being daily zelleved and sh stinted. Osterhatts to at Dig Bl ack Sher, to hqld Joe Johnston In iikeek skondke attempt a monesoset. Johnston'tforce sappond to. be apt am 10,000 "teat& Aghtlng min,. kat In is reported to have 20,0011 conscripts of ill ages at Bahms. Nils., and giant the same number sear Jaenton. ' • ~ Donnas report the rebels the bastipd city es ndstad to as. rstion:per day, most: lig of three ounces, and greatly dunoralissil la siker rnpo hr. - • - Another esptoh, of 011 same sate Sid place, says: . U.n. MoDlssaand, it hi reported, has best pal ander. arrest for disobedience to ordain, and en. Washburn , °Octal below_ to take -command of Ids .• „ • WifulOo tlie wed re rebel ware.. that s t i o dukpa ;op dm Combas* door, ffarellas, Lao tuned off - 1;000 agrees stiff ilselrordpeOperty tithsn o wotit of ff 1,000,000, The Cknifilshee flowt along the northern be*, of MienthWithitziee. Welsh • notion of the - Blate &way populated. with nevi's. eatborily wblek'hrir quoti Aou not, ass , *O.l the 'eleinteleafteror eozeppeitton the troops but ills deeiteleei %eons oeamanded - by leinieen whlehJeft - Pare' go yal two. oe three weekesiLe.....leerearnws k of teal AntkOma i l l q oa mOWAWhelaiMmee ries Ind gursou nnai libtf B6itk4Carollrus, einelettmeenEerlasMeti hid been. i s is aissivjushelneepei weever the) , *tin ShenheWilheorileilideeitteeel4::, GAS VOL Strength of the Rebel Position at Port Hadsoi. While the lower rebel stronghold at Port Hudson almost equally divides, with the up per one it Viotiburg, the interest and anxiety of the country, we think the following state ment of thanatnie and strength of the forma position will be of considerable interest to our :readent.; L . tier= la the fit. Louis Re peal:roe of a'reeent date : Wort Hudson is about. twenty-five miles alai* Baton Boup,.on the, east aide of the Mississiapl. It is at a politt'where a bend forms almost aright angle, thus completely commanding the• river both woe. 011 the north, for titillate!' of eight mile,, it pro:. tooted by an impassable swamp, which fs bounded on the side nearest Port Hudson by Thompson's Creek, the hither bank of !hick L • precipitous bluff , crowned by an Wrench ed abatUs. • This *battle extends from thee' river east. ward, till it joins a series of intrenchments nine or ten miles in extent, sweeping to the south Le a semi-circle till they rest upon the river on the crest of a range of .;high'biW. The country in the rear is roiling, and•pos. many natural advantages in. &WI of the enemy. Bateau Baton Soup anM Port Hudson, is a long shriek of territory, difficult of areas at , all times, being_arterail by dense woods and undergrowth,. and abounding In: bayous and marshes.. The Place, both byza-, tore anti art, is unquestionably-one of .great: strength. The Southern people In the vicin ity call it:their Gibraltar, and profess to be lieve it to be impregnable, The water defenses of Port Hudson are said to consist of eight batteries, numbering be tween twenty and thirty guns. One of these batteries Ii stationed - on. a MUM eighty feet high. •Another le jute. baler the .I:coati:of Titomp* son's creek. -.The. most 'of .the guns are 74% Ws and 41'e, but theroari one or two 120. pounders. - The Lind defenses were °Melly . built .after the advinini of the Baton forces to Baton Soup. .They mount In &Guine thirty or forty guns, some of them of heavy calibre; and in addition - to these there are at least 'four - field batteries, which can be readily toany pail.of the works. The faille' items. to be entirely inclosed in a series of fortifications of the most elaborates and breads* eharacia, but- whether tfurra are any interior ifner:reentilliS to revealed'.: The probability; however, is . that' tba 'reptile would spirally rely, on a single lay and 'that the exterior- intraehments inelude Several others, is was fouled WU:the oaf "lIX burg. Indeed, the . , general Ale de. fentbe at Port Hodson appears_ to be the annul' as at the point just mentioned, the only deiriz• - &lions being ash as• regnittal by 'Ulu tarter, lions in tho rarfaeo'ot*lo;OgOlttrYt Port Midair filstiiit.broanolanded by Ma-' Jar -Gip - 0G ninitlin.therdner,. a moisten ea- , dia. and an. able igloo; who was assigne d to duty then en th• 27th - of Deoestibot. list. A portion of his staffinai'folictrre _ ' Lieut. Aloe Dupre, ; Lhett.: T, P. Wilson, A. A. A. CaptJ. H. Gpratioy, A. Q.. H.;, Capt.. John J. Wheadon, A. G. S.; and Lieut. B. H. Rodger*, adnanctionlier., , Tke troops of the post ; wore until recently, if they are not now, under rcommand of Gan. Row. Louisiana Slaves Receive' our Troops. A onespondeat with SAG army: of .6eneral I Blinks, describing themards through.. Western. . Louisiana, furnishes some interesting Whilst 1 refetence,to the reception of our troops by the alarm... Everywhere, he 'says, "they floated, out to weisionie eV' mad 'rein exstaoiss .over their freedom. They gips us ,full pertieu- We Is to the sentiments and - Watery of their masters, and is other ways manifeit their frionalhiPs &Wag as If- tan/ -oonid :mit do enougli for us. One °title 'songs which Ail are in habitof ringing ion. U followe "liana nm f, 7ibl hl I. • - • • I itrdtt i Tio u r d t s o iti , d i gate: Dat dU de legi;,ob,lob.llol.^ At *llliarni° plantation, filye..ralies, frau Alexandria, , at - Alesendria, At. Cherryilllti; Memellb, Istarprise, Eihniuggirt ea - other. villages, the amines. Joined ; edr-idftel bl" notes aid hundreds. At, the .Ateliaisit river, is the arinylru' niarehlnetoweid: litselstlppl; they ism intros's with wightuti hones *ld -*ther..l" , ?Perl7.:,9 l te:. oolll M7, erAeln on an ' I m m ense fat-host erhhoh;war crowded with their - thir . Whoie nadir them:mm=o of a shrewd negro' who had4nrl 73 . dently been, at sem time,aaoillear . 's. sersant: Oer correspondent saysllit isery - ilava tit that reglowknowi all alteut the wrodition. They undentantAlegeetki.witlithattltey r taFe, free, and are iiwyi midi to give, 9 thing they hare for the benefit °Toil dell • , The letter haiwaemeterruderstind this, 'the& sa l Add that where're r they, essesakeww ta,_ Won the "fit of "lied" II at their eili Ineludiag awl !diaries it ellekinS,liesh gat IlArks AIR Petetees.h.ot'ororn.lweadi .1 tee . fresh milk, At.; and nudge* lhfill!fellaidxf Il i &pima, et the rase whisdrloOks - up itor fit hope and faith , thikleatrizattane et litela lee ispromirs4, Mat Ihe.iinityjitnistier PrlPated tie the itankw: these '.:' pie Who come with BIN _lll th eir hands ' . lei* is their ktuitt• ~: .; ~ :. . . - .;:- 1 : ~ ---- Rebel dlOvetrientit. WelSuppoia all the timusand rumen sea. , , .. owning thwisda mmrements of tharibelarrity, • maY be mcesidirell set at reat s by the !iotal. sloped on the 'daring reeonnoissanee li the south, bank of. the Reppshaanook, en •Nrii y fast,. It wield), amertaised Usk ag - the- I army ,wac nearly alk yet in the _viebtity or Fredmiatsburg, snktitut, no ,ogensice_suo ety mini had been berm, though Pomp works I. dances Ma one waif intended., We ara g thafilun.'llookerinadetktifteiro.ino it it were bet'to iiniet the imitliOloind.7." "',, - The raconnoissause 'ittelfLiair kiKus ' melded to antler , detalie. 'lle'bi tie fib Unit Gen. Hooker:Wu* kr snob Meets is' is beep himself, thordagbly.periad imteretil rabdraancancras. LIM ChM way/ thiy wills I; am Wahl* to =Wife Aexiti , tbey dbiby: b' retrsat from Manas sas , nor _wail as: ' or#14111111g;it u!sligftegiffillos 4 pimp's; as the hair se item Wane.- ,Su IC =mints:its lump the enemy ;en Akialert, f thecafety of his own .. .pbslilottOind tdso, of much to keep up- the , Write of obi mithily, breaking the dewy" daises' of w lopot I ,f,rf - s , --"";"---""•• anittrfklto!icro.lo,WPlN In- -ld f' M Baptist clorgymanofiliesneastesty, 3,' ,write: to *Medals Pboa! l l' hul: ' , , The rebel busitteharokitiairi fitifirk.': 2 . few days Ire bear of-soin-'beine r shot fa, aolik •r7 ' bito don d'imot, rude a raid tribiabarreestkidnae and-killed tan Mai with rob t j of ,wham i wee, Well acquainted:4.'ww f than woo InulUt. men.. They litst el* - the* of ~ everytbinc.buttbekr -andel , I them togethm,wilb agr- 0 ,4.0 0 1f/ft"d_ o rte . and thottheist nmili ag 4 V s , i . . _ 2 3 thrirleves on the ground.'.. my , I piny then imssett'ou - nOrth of, midtton,,,t4e I shot two eltisens‘ then be Om` home - I'2ld ' Obadiah. Smith , an old illi#thil pfesehbr' t' than holm tor twenty years. and 'h ot' 1 With **Mew balk. - They took front' Mt d body 00111-three , hundred ci Miami add are the empty pasta his wiles faestw'' 1 "- .1.- No person or' propor# bare Oslo!. a cOnperkes4., Um eciirproankd list irtelest these, aitirsiserati giallo -11 ml Desseorits let them alone. -' SotreingitLirinostak Cabo dim* a • Jonil t wit 'tie 200 zohigeis • to-day from - Momphts, gotbbrod totot . olppt :.anit , lToonotsso, --The; oOsintildii Jsolsaosasosooi.oothoefilitt: ,Botord, wing fact - this D 7104011 • , • Thq stool:rub* awls Nomea..itaitiolindrott* A dutitigt• enatica• *Oat. A 0 1 1 4, eilatigt Aratri tighloccli* viottiag soot , tirbil;.difpolUitie 2ltty will bit tr0bt0d1120411. bate, Oka it I. IloptirtiftyAß#VAWMFAN- Inittott to WO etntotlttoa. ~ . - ' Tea Chittanooki Rota s you undizakia-tor 0/avi in boltotottioColuontlonirkleie nitionf EnVii Aluitogi An rst#l tbo UOII 11141 4*b)SatkillS Joionil g . Pools Ina; ink - fitp no knosolodfo'or V ein po!aueontaiv obi oirinannol thillpntli At- Sinadinia. - A `';C:~:;~'4 ~; . , Ind ' ; a ' LXXVI-'r!-NO.: 178. DR °OD& icam Iniatir.:..alnia Mamas. w Its' v 4 . 000 014 •I pi•Frtsbnavg•• • ot4) • Intaulisapmasoin sounitVliiPMElnltetiff GOODS, do. Di Wood: • pant .bon Dios°uo.dtind • A LEM:RA - m FANCY AID 40111,781•Arsji-tatin,,elll:l“l !BAWLS. lio.llllllfth stWwit;,4, • 1 011WIL 8. 18.--OLOAXB •• •• i ger • .", IL* It. ae#3l3T.....sit yriTiii. L AX I a MOLBC C- r___,& 400,,Pealons in -ro ON MID wow. Roail) /Ward strap; jybapd ilostiolamsew Mir ka netimi.) Anegbiliy Ofty. , IMToN 111i:OICIDet —C(l.Wholessla ;E1 tisa lufan DedsrsIiTRIRIMIINKRAIBUW DARLIZI. °WM. - mask disettPtioa. Ros:l7 end 10111th street, Pit:tam/gig. • NArACIEUMA GLYDN; Whokiale and 113-.ltetail - Dselscs.ito TAROT STAPLII DRY ROODS,. Tumuli% am, No.2lS t i terkst street, totems Diassisid sad Pb,met Ptttlbersh. ussra 111.1ANJI W ttnd J. la.lll *and 11; ItZU: (11114 2 14 Dair I; ' ASV' BURCILINLirdifT, ; 1634Nusor to . u is.vempid kAlo...llPlidirldi and Bebe Dealers - OTAPLZ AND FANCY. DUN CIOODS 5..• IN:ILLUICE,B 0041.hektill Dm' " • " 0 " , • 'NJ . War bkitrogs.bliwpaNtard A.F.EUISH SUPPLY. Rump ra BPIOII/10 110111130PATHIV litatlEpLlES. 11'0 : 11 P LIST OX BPIPIIII9 NO. ii—Tor Tear; Obligation and Ingarattation. 1. • No. N—Zur. Winat Vera 041, , Wetting nthe Ded. ' No; 3.—lealloti4 may, Teething lad skald new of lobate._ 1.9 No. 4—for Dlittelfa,"Oliiilai Infabant . .. :• and Boa. lar.,,OdotPlettita., -L - 1 a aa 1, X I ; 6— . l r.°V;Clki. ArlSOPirJheisteria Moab Mika; , Soli Throe*. • 154i.11. --Tor T LNeconobs,:tfesabgelt. • TWIN—Tor Ifelefalte, Xubbla No. 10 -~raaeaet. Pillo,Tor:Wenk aid Deranged Biatuith;Ocualtailloti end Liar Ondpialiet. oeNo.ll--Ten lanais lerliilaritiatinoteity, Painful arra• Lettenba;Vrikasi'irsiag; 'Bassin ' • No. - 12-=-Yar tenni/. *arm oatiNlniid%)?aofhnlt. .346 -Law an• alma" Tap. N.K c.inve•Xam, • :am Noumea aft, Obeid, No. ini—delsrinelhaWons,lneolontary manage Pad 3171 a. En. Mouth. or. Dental. of i alititta all. No. IXI=4:fIiIILTY Incontinence, Wetthor the Ned No. 31..Painfed Pentode, Prams Of tVilgo• N9,31-Autivhitanduip9. at Ills, Tiaihes. NZu.I 23-TnTnal ImTerert., ''of DOonsD Ague, Em7ol,Pitai, to No. LYI 1.1 A o—for Sore, weeror /unsaid Aree ' n , nd Tallinn, Week eg Banat Ingle; 13—for adaiA, of loaB sanding or strers either with-obaratiOn seta:las dlacharge:" W. o.7.:Ter W=liMetist l / 1 40aittolenee. Ter/ influent Retrais.-.4.l4eanciD B. ilikelt, Le- It bored irittihig, Orneop iset Nnecto ration.: ?raft bu boa"' Ohs Tic , til . 1) "*73 Delf•Mtf N ial•CbalO te e nail lkirlotTerer, elabl r i or s Mar. arab: for /lambi timi lbw% Hada* ri Eau, intilnd 1n the Yntll k end Intl/fai r , Price, Tor Beriggr ar dilisaleabilagiehaid ditrattog litrOlinge tad Old Pam, 402/1 Q u eue of P = rinalio anal/pa ben. for - c l / 4 ionit Diealgv.-241#04mrAtimm3volk ntisi*Itor the rims of blckauae."locnetilla Nab esti "`.. lrt .frPtY. •P 4041 4 0. 'lhdueel o ante per box. rer,Prortb,ma.datitaNatioilliiTitaleg..n. top; vitt' :Scifithrea anty. liecretionn ,Pedinheiknow,boz. Tor So raimitlaY 7l r d, Nan:. 4 so., VanDinTeJ4o, Bl itot Slr mann. naidintentener Da. • rimr. trrkumx_ _Zhisamm• Claire:ooW Gina% rolourWiDinficuli Din Mal In! ppm. ". Prim Nfraiodepirbien. ~"" • . For Sopiool Tiederioner.T,Draileih,T.:Dadearin sad Oonsprksa P*1011%456 'Debpier. The non ananenakonik•Seient. amtedg - kneeing-AM Later be fear ut" .. AFL, Trio% SI. far Intl • JOHN N. PULTO*Ii( .• • ~51( 72. 2 . ( 1, 1 1 9.-1 1% Yc. mono ..... _ ... ttauvonu tint .. - • Thipopular nabob Mott yr al * apbooltbr the aoscoambiattai oVvlaltontatt tlia - Wbf Ot MHZ PaTe_ala Ilif_higt fro VOA ht fitOotaloo, . - -Tbabotd MU ha bulb thicharp or matanool ._„tkellIWII•„_0134"SoOtioollostla ltha - hailitetilla to . 1.• alum mm ormungs tp gossip., -. buff 1,, .3 Tholkdbblillaftroatioll lb ociirP t ai a kw dap to !bop palba Itathmataisotoalibitola* •bat of it llbta,lol fltai that paintparmapn will bitoomagen Utilpdsp laritati sad ' lattal• . bo ratad tir apply &abound paltkyllo4hatt WittAin Randall molar, at Sallotihtg Ms, at tbi a e: . Not MU logail, blallIot1) 110 11 1 • - . 4 " bait. Om th plbay , ~. ,2 . It CO. ,-- .l`k balfbabrai took, 1013arabf.3....... 110. 1 AA ardett Adidtattot ,to ttli.AZlDJUlatiWpalad , boliVramptlyllll64 bid' watbaent b say pot of Ilia cowl . Is b &Webb that pattbaliti. a• A i a Ain uC k r o tit l i Ota 6 : ll 4 th g A dd aci: •MtoMitlerm sun v 4 .:11 4' •••••z-IRvrotAlowitemailog • tailt /11 -01°VottE'Rva." '4 . - A 14 4 pipk'"Viciii --- bilit, r ___ - iia. . . (kW: swoons' tolho .lo4a Oormal to *oak thiririk thiportokout, Va:b l / 4 44 1,10 WM* 7thr°lo:7ll /4: B MPi l 7 l i f r eX imi6H*d."3:llBtw{ 2 Ain lituet6lllol4 UNI OW :=o 4 2l=l= l2' 'Mgt 'lll : 449"i ttile AO BtiVri ' WeiVC Atllde.lig iAlr,ll:Nt-prajorfilM *ta - la =CM forwargt.the..•=rlF au ltsNnerm*. s.. raidatitithrPonalt Oglkapro for 12*- iippoltaTink liwitatay apoa tpiolt Mb: .4)4crittliiiiirNo; :IDS, it flunk - 11 t• Ent, piett,piptauuLiiisq, treaMilebt hoorptauto of 1 4 lad not *midst* if imilakirtios' Will Au iittiditOthl* awes, t bkasstguadi . MA11.,-,4 - irAitile ,r IIII„ ~..,. r.,:rtffelltrlßOVßAollo.ollll. sotini - ~gpkipens. nAVIS &_)&al,LWA.lNNAVicapers, 1 . ,• 24 "ti PI T I V I SAPPITH13 t...-;) Tito „litainft elockaOlisiraddLlNS*4l6l - Nl* m ‘... : ' , 7 lA lit .liaitiin ti Vattili l t: .oadir Wi_via, a nat. •Dimurarrugemirday ASNAtigalllW4 wn .oollopair. tit 6:4.== auce .Dmtius . ..=t ra ivr=aararp drlsf .! 1 0454.14turitillidsaillithrti. - 1 musi or Mal fditia, 11140,0144=wr ,14samloy fri ,= leiseaTir /Am* agitgAras ' ," 6/ Pt S rA-Isit P.maoololl.llolo` •OL. anY_Paritligar asenstetwenguiiinotirtima tosid-ZA"Chet t .....rnamair rimpristlikeir ekr_ustioasinmeshies as s: Baia sball it i=oniv i ikos a so r , IWO* tiftirnitiinasarriet Wok anstidiesait Wide. YP1A57 . ..4M1N , • 4. ! -US a l Eflkilliattif 0J: 1 , . ' , la=e) pl+ittiriiitt. lo ( fvNY t r.77.7 v . r - 751 117 mum!' youass. ~~~