, 4411,61i,y 4 11 , -•• - , MEI lIMIga ''+ CISME 4 w.y .Z ~~ ~ ~~~ . , ..'..'•:fir =SE .+; .e.;:.4:•:! , • • :• 4 1 , • 4' : .k* ;: . • ti,tk;.• • .e• ‘ . 4.:.;, 1 z. • : g. : ,4•41: ":?;y4K7-4ri C T:: :‘"• • ••:=1; ..; V2n . • " • 4. ?: '4l •',!- 4 MEE BREEN Itis Pis • • • pittsllurgh,-,' .azettit. TIT141 . 8DAIrj 11 ;3101151*_ Juxsit Caton County Ticket if* 1,41-4 Oa Dirni4a Ormi. ,i 101 4 1 144_ 1 1 11 PX; • ' Are !aim*: RIMS N. Dllollllllolf. 21101 . 1. 21113,1W1L. W/L,AIL i l k47 /1 ?•• A l l '1 11 . 1, f 11. • - - P. E.swilar. ABOLII.,!epOLORI. inL, i. steam N. WOW' HMI TON. As.'p e o, 4 *OM DILLTO:" ' .~J": ~ ~=r':i '-..* - •'‘, illiwasisis Union U** ton. .._Thirigtil4 Cesitta* - - COm has. en '" 24 i ;' , ;14*Larbi4teigigailk'fficiiner;0! wood oitdiriiiitk,oti;iititi iiktitotitio of thi 4044 -' - . :•.L . V.4441.1 . dui tOiooittaliookisigia to unto \ bit Inthis city on Irnineollii,' J*lst, 'to plot" in nomination• lliniibititoo for di, :iiiaiti iie,Viieciaii iiii - I.li/de. of 4. Sc- _1 titfay . rittif ane . Of 'lir, mit aquiline kani".210:P11417,, eacimple sa eiiaiia4tions for the uttatelde" delegates,' *Mk - second: stay will'atataimodate eosamitteea; Wortmeir =Lacy lagged Wails is the platforze t and erecting a bar :was tie interior, to eulaie all except Megaton, We hope , to'eee-the meet liberal , ansapitutabe made for the aoctotairamiatlca r:,' ' ''' , d ii‘ daiiiii4iii ... . • . Illautiactaren , C tloa at Old. onEw. •• Oa ThuradaY let a Convention of Man; llhutama representing ten States, was • • ;'Aald la Chicago for the purpose of inducing • • Cotignes to take oti the tax on the profits or aii,quicturers, u this second tax is :ni -1 `egad -and unjust, when "a tax on sales is :ranch, at least, Sr. the views Aims irk: sailed this Coareation, audio P them, that one of ths objects of the meeting '•'-' was to yelideli the Conasilialiner of rata. nal 111M111/11 to suspend the collection of leaaltpullts:,till Congress shall have h an opportimityle revue the law. , We &alba proceedings of the Conran. thisfranthelbicage Amnia/ louraciof Fri da7: • •• • , The Convention of Manufacturers, which Ti. held yeeterday afternoons& the Circuit Court Boom, in the Court House, wee well attended, notwithstanding the very short ' notlew - thM had been given. Ten different States - were represented, as folio n: Iflelfarir-indh• Oarldag, Z. X Parsons. Howse • ••BIM; Robert than fie.- L. Gismo, Spam% .- - Jana IL Irrtattai4 Peon! B. SCUM Troy; W IL 71 "Si t Tr 6 7; I. A. &mon. Tren C tsol. Xddy. Pew, . L Plibr i lbsp; Ettoksa.ll. army- Mr. Tan Z. 'IL osatts. Ton X. k Thsworth, Now Tom Owl V • L. Lathe, atiorwtossj Joha . .• ./114. rWoostarra D. Wadsworth. W. B. Patton. • - ' lbw* A Harrah, A. Brassy a 00.. &watt A Rat. r.l. 11 25 141 wr nen. IL 8C916J R. nem, Joseph _Own. SOWN Z. Maws. - - - L_ Eatooss...4l W. Coss.Pithbar 11. P. kg" _. Pitlikezda J. rark.Plttaborp; J. Ooopswaltto. - 01 31'114.4 wee th—R. socawseth.l*ta. Brown. Caner ' Lasts. Wistbad; P. Xisoklatoo, T. Bwn. wissomes-4. a maw. Milicaukse; 41 , IP 800. ma, Xtlaraabss; XL kt.lWtd. X.aosha. Grow la. - eery whit wear;. A. Whaetwatsr. awns, tan. , kr. 0.0. Zoom. isolosso Taot, S. a. MerrilyJ. J. Mood-e T. ftwwler. Joist Dawi.J. P. /Ewes s .• Co . Qin i oo.Vaoutpwa it Oo .3 ODo ta. Bus. .. - . • am, *WM At , J. W. Haan. W.. A. lutintso , ammo it Lie. __ • - .......v.I. f s i obtakkat. • lakir-,loho B tansy - Jtirod,as-0 O. - B. W. . wawa*,Richardson. •• - On motion - , Junes M. Cooper, Esq., of - Pennsylvenia, was elected President. The ~... fellortog was elected 'Vim President: .. I; O. McMurray, New York; 3. Bicakin t - tea, Massaniummuc 4. IL Browns, Maine; t dr : ',.... „ - J. B. Carey, Ohks A. Litchumbeitn, Ind.; __.' 47. . A. Noonan, Wucensin; ,John Deem, 1111- '"'- ' - f N. M. - Mills, lower C. O. Comstook, ~ • Peter Diankinton, Massachn '. • - • - I. Ll'amons, T. D. Drown and D. M. - ' • Nerd mere elected Secretaries. Utak* the chair, Mr. c001..r gild that • • _ is - fbeiedldomelf occupying a strange po lities; Tim object of the Convention, he _ add, was to. adopt measures which would _ .____lndsoi.Congress to do kudos to manta.. turns by taking off the tax' on <prolits, whisk, by some strange error, had laddi fa . posed upon Manufacturers in addition - to ± . ls,Mittax - equee. theit,Martaftlethrit. Speak.' - lig - tor the ussaitseturers, the Chair saidi we are willin g tiiiontributs to the 'appro.- . den et tit= tsbelibin by all means, And, if nosessm, go into the Aoki ortmelvem if • we wish to beir no more then our share .of ..::',.:1:1 1 a 1 0 DIX , bigrdsa famed upon .Um country. Titi diflitadtrof_ carrying out an enact . meat ilk. this afraid be taken into mad& erstion. It, was impouilds, owing, to the credit system, to tell what a manufacturer's ooyEg ntMiessir Lieu. , lin sont . up our prottm we often Sad that, instead of a gets; we have suffered a serious loss. Theri was w,.,;... - ,0, mown for inequalities sot previded for In &emotive taxstion. The subject wis open ~... 46 tend& without number; then the swiss . ` sari, whose duty it was to mums our prop. - -J-- • wits, were inaneriantred men, who know ,--- . ;am •at poiitios. than Imehtess. Again, ; ,.,,,, - ',,, , ,,,Agmilints connected with - they st e m espi , asap of grest . magnitude. Suppose for -,.' -, '"fitilissioris man Ii tvisgod, in a busbieu yielding ffa Or 100 per cent. profit, and an ~, ~..siminer,:- is -"approached with inquiries • • c' •' the baiiness. Hs divulges th e of the manufacturer, and the . m * .. reoeives.thishifertnatiott mune& rehlisz nibi nudy embarks - in - the' seine branch, Inop. patios to the man who: has ;pent a far linnsell Introducingtind developing a new kepi* ,o t ;mina( amines. .11, educated a genirMß"Mits tax on maanhatarers and - , • _soli" at:morehents, aid argued that the . - .meant -- should be taxad.on hi"islek as Lt . !'" vial.e•Jia Euimihwitet his wares. --' ' - 0 4) s. assi'7 l %. Diva, of Mo isubmillist ... "., - aloe addressed the - Convention upon the • Wades dons. the manufeeturers by :the c c.. , equesdlmutof.the miss 'law: . ,Tlati - ' on desolations eared tie r wlag emotion of ths Cowan ihmossully aroma aawadmoat of cost.. to ~ t i. w w wir ui llt.atawatastants. hi :Wpm to . ths t td . eidept maw a Anther ta epaeoaot x et Rom am to fife par issar at adapalts st asautaaires aad :Illiopolis* Iron h term to Winn this dial& • , , _...- OW Was Ow rand. of aotddrat. and that Is was not :' :_:. - -- - -Wlttatoaties of fhwinas tostapcm es= r eall *P• - • proaD• harass whoa soasalkotwwW. no .- Mosby; That 1310 ManhatarignililiVOUlaii;OUl - trusser"r i Or poet*. Ow d tmii a .or Yr Oftamakome of Is isngnunump, to dibp the .I. taisatioa of thb dune of Ow amiss law uadi Ow awswhilas of Cloadams, to the end that as *art _awir Maude to maw* this ostrsonfhwa and use. -. ~ list umouthm atm Upon • stadia drier &Issas. - arashroL•That while wit doll at ill bars rwpcsset ,L_A v ellme r r " the 4116 "ta thoPowal ike awtsrasosat ..., , , thimesniest.seasesse but sod ad a the toots* t watapt aa • .. - ,,iplisaawidsodu, at dbaladsithri sastrntrilyssalast =l: ll. lhO l it i Pts le grot li rldr " sr "" l f o c Z 11asoldessaseof lb* " 100 " 011 ! 44 4 c OVEAD'Asit als _. _. . ~,...r-.,. .,. 4 4 . 1.i1fi - liltios more& thefoliww Mimeo • 7:- ,M l4 idis' •,- -cl . , '''''''' -- ' .7 . ' . 1.- ''.' ,-- -...,_ ... ..... -- ":-..atarasair flat It to mogiMinded 16 WO - 11111111 i. - min to SW trattld Statolor thhilates, Isamu to ssassatiou ta tho oft,. if Ned% X Y ..ttatito Id - immott asesa at=ztt, to.i=oraslbr hich u Ltho tar& • .I.Ltillot.sastir 'roved that the idly. of New Reek her sabstlatted ler -Baltdo; s et that It , /tigers be 'St Tmedo of Nepenthes. A* 44fond fis es an i mheadiest for tha purpose or , . --- :eislith4 di'eleirerCtho eoavantlen. ~-,, s: r.. ~, - ' _ A gomumMa atria es thom nsolithisa.i by • -----... Sr: M. s it.iilielisettiesh of Detroit, Mr. Ph:. • ' ismesot Mixiskiltalltelf.44lNtrialidithers. • '. Aso inejrt samftpaStrin *Sad. No fa !maw 11•Serptesiares-Wearthetekes the •r 5.•••...- -~~:~ - - fot,- , ' - • - - • •'••• u_, mid Zifire,York et the Owe of holding the ttonviattlen. Mr. H. T. Galin eihrid, to folialrLog : 314 . this Ommra iteitigrpoint a delegation of Om; Oleilragn N.IMOSIii4 one from the Mid-. &kited ow from thiake teal Staten. (each with preirct imletitotfonj to ifilt Washington at octal' to the end that the; anti Induce the t• earshot of lb. Treasurry . or the Cbtounationer of Internal Cayenne, anspuier Ilwritolliktiooa olloccitiii. fix" ham moon " • lattur.s. oath there *may be time Ls. Courses to to to • mistate to thew:mead mitt loathe 914 motion o• lb* lottrnal Ravin* tat law. and +egad to the Convention, to be convened In tie gig ofirmlrdttwmors444l tomb,: iwit. . . Viddrifacii44l*:'lll. Caorr, of Potuiryl- •Noitboodawelosso-41 4r. Alian. of Mil . AsiiiiiyAmi,,k o t jot, =mid. Allf.llladtatty *dried thifflik mannfaataters bald -`oitimationt loAtaff-varligia:Eitotos„ and Atom somlasto diktat.; t&tbo Natiodol Cau tion. to no hold jaliow;fort. t • *Ovid'. ~,sti•atitti for the av, pointioeit • Ot• bootidttod'ofiltria to form an' iszepattir• aosaisittes, Wogs &KW It-shall ba urappointa maretiqrsiidttnamittiii;COlse# lands nd aaiy oat 81W-i n ttol thia Ova-. Tondos. • • - • • • The substitute; waireolopted, &ad the gentle.; auk oompekteg she emaittee be dime .The *Sem 9i . thfi CtinetatlOn wail le *Unclad. to dsior•splhe 'call. bl i the ooseen-: gee' to •Votecof-thaake.were weak-And the Osin volution adjoenkett. . Ls`Cgctip;,a_Candi4iee Evexiveationahle giestion , will•probably be answured satisfactorily in thnt-:Aven the'griat Seetefot the earth, kept frOMull thuf ages and guar:tibia the put= ihere the. kite 7hati its rottroes—htm been revealed at 7 last. . But thli : gubernatorial secret, though not 1,44( one, .nor one. f enduring importapa to any Emig; is yet sash a one. as denmailkiut•attsver--11 we are not tils* . brbilitifci . urgently inter rePtol7l4f. isciiirstiire, - ;tolies in some of ourneuspapeis. Hearthe Mauch Chunk . Gazette free following; for instance: CI7UI/1 A ollIDUMMI?—W111 both a dis position of oozes ospooiet friends of Gov. Cur sin to make hint • oendidate for swisomion tion,. and sonsti - whtrire eonsidond Wider* openly declare that be will be supportod in aannadon, and U nondamd that "he won't Are se to understand from Miss &slats dear that. Governor Cartln's *Medal Medias- Goa was oily a draw sad that,-If ter all, he wants Gut smatinatloar? Barely Gov.:Carttn is not affable of sash triiiing . erith hit *alit hat triads as to. - dailirijin an irdloial limo! melt, that hi widths!, aid narroaditlicially, Malawi a twamidastleo,, and alteramds go tale' a print, atisagemeat to have his aims spraag spa the Commit* iadby getUag up • sadden Us Midnry abo ut " avalliedity popularity Masai ',the - ioldias," to crowd off nary Othii,caudidsto.' If' these few: seat blurb ot the Governor are really satiumiserrto sly,'irhit - they, do say, that he wW la valid !M A and Mar l U aoratasted, he will not deoUrre, than we can Ray say that he Is, not quite - the mas: we always benevad him to be. . . • We Walt Gomm Coda owes it to him self to say, Publicly, whether these essertiens, that hi will Oct deollaW• if nomisseed." are by lila astiliertmsli .Or whether he wilt 'poi. itimity Mara to be a oeadulets, aoslastfea or ao nomiaattoa,eosordlag to bts Lest mo t et. lo sad ends' Oommeatestion to the fleaeral And the ilarrinbuig . Teksity Ala hardly . lass urgent for an unequistioal atatamemt of Gov. Cuann'tt position from under Ida own land. Altai quoting rho' above from thei &Wok Chunk Varetts, it adds: Tor the satialsodoi of 'iar iontotharary, wo will' repeat what we , anniaaesd a few dap, alsoe,,;thai Got. Curtin intended, Inanely, while on his northwestern tour, to reiterant his determination of mot being a candidate toffisbantatorlm amithatisa baton the earn. tat gittatiartti;Gotiventina. We did not at Ara wan that augment upon oar own indi vacua ainhority, bat were iodated to du a by alma" wash Gov. Cana himself rab optima and approves,. and *List tan only Dow be distegardel Lc the visit of veracity and *toast honor. If that pabUtt Jua nita, constant the doolinaUrn of a renottana non tor Governor, had net been given at the northweety'enwe wet authorised to sanctum tt wail& it cannot la to. lust Mot oar stem. snout, WWI Intend atonal! to 'Last upon al. high - authority, oa 'width wd risk' door atstsatont, not being mining to ris k' our own voracity In, tlitatir which to highly adios the intorosta and thifthasitar of the principles sad thstiauovs twirsonts.'_ '• With isie.oefoaPainf, quail:llw* we think it lo now du to the poollis au well a to those who support chi gract taus with which -the data Admistatration idatthod; tin film Cada inunodiandy abnormal Murtha he intends to odd. brdot MOVAIIMS . 4f ids Mot aussago, b which hi alms*, aid with out equivowition withdatt,hts Irma- (tom those Who ari ageing' ti the Oaie - ueorial soutiontion at the hands of shoirmal sou of P aims kraal" • - our own pert, we;could not divine dui meaning <tali 114 after Om Courts own fortimi decimation, did We not happen tO.knOw that certain *sone who rust belong to that class of uerpecial friende:Of GoY Co=iia abitia'spolten hue bean tin n y in t h is ciy, sad some places in thirneighborlutod - with list, or lists of italagalas pledged, to 'support: Cimr. COATLII, and professing to be acting on something better than their • own - authority; to 011 111211ini1..4e sippeecr that sitnliar verations, carried on elsewhim, have made the question "Xi Oi;v. box= a candidate?. one of• the questions of the day, that :miler times for an-*Bawer. Still; apart from .the,,operstions of I. especial friends,'' we should nit have thought thar ll 4 e 4. Gould have asked,. !'is Gov. C ya n*. .csadidatert 'without Implying that he did not belieie the Elu -1 ernor erns a Man to, speak the truth. Close Quaiters ot tke Opposing Fasces at Ifteksburr. Ws And the pllowin "sketch dike Mop *Perstkas ae Vtelubgr& wloon se ii 7th* Our soldiers at • Vittsbure , almost withis ark's length of the enemy. On' tits' tight Cloneral Sherman his rialto& ftseleri division squarely ki the . foot of .ths., pars: pet.- • Otamen ditchilon. the "lomat the Pereloet, en the of on onset olpal_ forts: Irsible to . take it.by steno,. they 'exejletoroiani-wot to retire. The federal mui. rebel soldinni are not'twenty.; five fest apart., Bothers powatleu to Iliad much harm. Mash Watches •the other; and • dosen muskets are dredlrhatevir s sol= . diet exposes idineelf - sbove;.tho Works 'on either side. Nearly the samocondition'Of tidstga: (Wats lioPhiticin's trent. i ßio sharpshooters prevent the working of the pieces in one or two forts. ' Fancy yourself :lying thus on the shoe .of a parapst, clinging by your hinds and knees, only twenty-Ave feet from &fellow 'with sharp eyes sad a true aim, who would think it sport to knock you over, aid you have a good idea of theperils of , a soldier!. fkoosico Moors is LotnesarA.—A tor., respondint at Baku Stip; nodes dot* of `Moy. 21; writes t niters ere shady live regtments-of. volved -troops inputted In this deportment and eLridlted to the Stator of Loudon& II it expected that,' in ill. twertyolsht zsghnints will be oronsdrid' it moisia the deportment oflietu Thostrronneoont whlohlW Books had insdo with the;lanters, 3a ward to paid negro labor, tho deldfor redrultino. But Eton. Ullman was informed by Orneral Banks that a o6unty would soon be opened where negro erileunente might 0000 r !plan almost suillinited - Otert. - 7 „ , • • -.-Arioraz Eft ea A.r walla roseisio, Utak Ma lir 'abed aid *DI be sort st•Bak poi twessitimeaDarme, illibieleff pi Ee•ty viti w Iplitai4, MEM Punzarty .fforzcza. lizamme Amckll4. e l• jblarg, - ilfttaberce: Am I • EIABII. OR DpIECTe u4ar- havAi did JOWS algrrr, 4r., tailiaett ttnLLlll/111 Proxiehri. T O. . i nit; :he _liar pa:at:alum the Allegheny chem. are harytry nettled that the UMW •OtillS otaaid-Corsofatara vitt b , bald otiViKil3D CYJ Ab. lttbinet.,,al 3 cede*: posy at !Id office on the trotthda ,TArdirof 1 3 . BUIL liscratary,. 1.123R.R EGIM ENT, t 3 PA: VOLEl.vtter afil.atont this Regiment goaded to omen' rdpectnft cudgo ll i`ed. at a.m. f,r It,me datava. Td. fa the dunsof tinr. actibmiifirinths - twoctlas los *iir .M6ll Mg)* ninatyolot fen aseb company Alt dm nag and .dll ow CC ibot Itailmiast aro requatad - .w. owe. ea, 'l' Ong oAT egg 'PG: OM iosbatoggAbl, birittaatit'af the 24 U. P. MUGS, go coot, foe con-olVlonma rapid yW tit. pnapolot, Organ , cs. lon I boys 41 *co-oparit• astamtly. And Ana: ro , rny.lmartleo, oda gonecallyl mama to An: wom b,,. of Co. 1,.wb0 km not yea Itcolual their anbattenoinconay, it , to so 'Mout del.:. " JOBE *•!tiliAlia ; " 1130011241111VM 01711/11. ; Ordtramto t Pimutmol 21111110A/10011.. • OW Illordsa M SPECFI4I; hi OP TatE _ _ 4 ttTOOcaoLniYitbttYlalkas.wLi kom at lto atm la Okrabod, on 1 1 / 1 1DNFAT. Ike Lt day of Joy sort, at 10 o'clock& m. old day. Illt .takdoolato.fos 114 prMamm eptiota,ytollimmar, `c ick of UM to ;al milkokcit to allow St of Um ocammits of Itt E m arill oms pp ;.11//ada. - 2so tram*? Books trlll be domed kotiasaa Mk klub & zoolowata l / 2 -, mtstlm . • . orifirram SzazoostatiolfCtt.r • ..Tittaburgh, Mil 7 Steth.)fett j ONOZIGE. HERRBY GIVBN to • aubeariberi to Os Stook ortho West. Traurportattou Ocummy t sit IWIMIII.OIS of P IPS Duubollth (g 5 00) P JO BRASS bait boil titled upon the ruck utheorthed,gorabla at the aim of ttui Tresenter, at Pittsburgh. oa. or bobs. the Mb day' of Juno;l26l, aad a ilk. =twit orrery thirtgelays thereafter, mail otherwise bottled hseu4st of aim-Board. - Vikboa . 0..1. XoDOwibi..•seere , tars. ... ,10.Ttili DIRECTO/18 of the Biratingt. ham, Nut Blrantogbano sad, South Pltha burgh Ow vompsug taro thh, - dtg , decking I DM. dead of POOR (41 EX a OVAL Shlt Coglt4 Rook out of thy* ontology of the hat ala mouths pooh!, Ei all anrr the lath bon:, theitymoterdol moor, 68.Yourtb save; Plttoblarglt, „ ardor of go WNW& • '' • 1.t.! 80811111014 Thavoror. , ll:rmfoub au. Jane 1, 1583 • r Meta— ATTENTRINi : DISOHABGBD uv.Y, lOLDlLBBl—huatuust to Goma Oillait Went. the : Board liii miu daltr, Ostctk p i. at ttudr BOOS 4 °data nuildlas, street, . httatunuty. wbynt dbobaryld Wan . pat Want Oes Kt* to altar the Invalid Corp, ow pus, mut thainiennik tartiontuattas &I Bur . . . J. i... 1111 11110b, Cm$ila awl Proton Ilfseduit lakt B. D. h BlibllteptOt s • Of lb* Coosa' new Anwi Oaalpsay,sill coatlage_offlß,O._ _14.0111, St Othifiks CIO., Binh Moak, MU din su J. n tw .ArstrveIDIPACATLIAJ/MIT'll!& . 'MAL WOlOlB FOR FALB.4"zi the Mp iesisliala 'lvor" o.llthlfeeL progiati permute nammal advantages Woos* wlakwish to •.tgags la tlo coal tailcoat, works am imam . p,ratfon ; tOo railmad. Gas sad bonnie ands roll order; eke makeg impat.r . 'Hilly sat Ismotablg kaolin In , mortal, Pammatc. vesalma, mbe 'fittan blndish; y. A VOA af dm Pinata asp Wm sal tartbse information abtalnad„ *alai ai ii t , tendar. mimed. • J. 8. YO J. nlo Attoram , staoma Mo. MT let • . LIB OLD ti IVY/F. ruLdatt.• , • Baran orb, It 1" Ultra! tlisu Dry Ita idt 1. It lr airtady sized. , 2. It ham to mill whirr/or. ' .5. It product" to dtrs or dank ' • L. It wand' Ibt mod Isttua, butt. 5. It pratamt Ira' rat. S. Ii to *ls umet 11X611111110111Pg1al. T. tits sot ostruarth 41,Par. , , . • . ...for Mb . • 511110X.,,K11121511., ' otrutr &dialog liid Poen& luitudi. °LUGO& .t mess aim wall; 0/1,144C0. Jut nk int sCild very 1011—assa sp. idat • • warm oaw a ob . . '. C uolu rtifuestts.k tylkialioa• e; newt fors, 25 by 115 •••1 liwattlupwl ligunly Avelino. ' siso ?Imo ow. 1 1 1 14.55_5t0t. 1[481414•a /volt* .nisi. foooad Word. .alLeroy. Moto lot. aro very &fixable, Wag la goo of two bow Loaves,. of tiloolgy. and witbla MD foot of tlw Woaclowor . Poloonor Solway on Nitarell alma; (Nosol.f. LIT I will mil elm laid az lots to ono pwwlwww. waxy lot. MM. soar. A.pyto W .91. 0111110 N, No 48 Olga 912414 Alkal Lb• £l4 JSer AT IS close the fatal, of Dr. Noltsfax,daapasid, altastall at atowatt'a Rua. Tanaitaff aftiaty Ts. Ise Inca —on* of In ant blotter of US - mom 'Than fa • mating auras of taw Is 3 lam fro& sad sf/ Sof boot fitaaw,r,,d .tibia a wile of It. Da sill ba vela at Tyrna. Lulea Hotaf;=os 9,11. Joao 3,384.3111-, "2, : For tunasSt laaanto spots la •ii4stet. '1•1414 • , Shona Anat. • T. NW UUaD$ -liaving joist rstarne.d from the tot, me Mei Dow tti elm siCertall; dye ateerte.ent mei sittl &dist& ' • El O.)113 163303313 ddapadia_Ta saia • tDusan4:aa aaMlial wits LaDtl". *USW . utilLUAlld'ail.Oril.aMlTl23 aad SAINT NUM. at a Oat% adaaa for ada at QRO ALBIN...SOX k ■.. n 0011kIlt Wood aid fort► 010. • TOBACCO, BI'itOLLISTEEL & BAER, Ice, WOOD BTILIAT, Oar doors two NU NOM, OH Pi4sivti 13;iistia . jussoceupbesi.dinis can callow ina TosAuou twsplata4i7•oll tin v.", levied *gam Ch. It. - toe • MAYYLPOW I IVlhA e r if VI • • 11.-4.tepa, .V ".Ifimic thishboOled .hilb ultra% ib bt (ter%br rips%) sad wprowtoloty si _ LOS• --On' 'Nate; vooa . Third ktoetrikaYttslll9ll3- hOD. 'lazy It to Um clitti4o at Na. 93 Worm mar WU' to suitably rmabild. ejsklt 11 . 1 NAMIONTE3 !HMCO/11'0MM, for LA/loft skies IlhaUsi; Oalibtler. OA. inn, airs bmsoke., sad le pram!" the ins sibuiall I 0 awn. - ° Sag sale at a a o.A. ziezzriAiswittiL pima meg. cw: 4.10.41 re.a attests. , tiTSW ' IV . : new 'Toilet gasp, FameNvHati 3 Ons lter;•Zan aga, Tooth !room Hair GNUS sal Wet aril% doer, docelptke, caa itineslbe • pesountsl - ad A.. Valois!"1 1‘1,14 OSIT/W, /MI MI • • fOlit. aay Ohl . . F , OF Baal/M..114161 Bizoom Coi-11VTEllor bwatifrag awkintiordit thq.econel , zus andstl",: It le .alsr.f_araluable fez inzuhrjag all' lonia of h0m0n..4 mat glinisio NM. 114111 1 10ad - otlitriarsilsofie tbs Mt. tor.sl..tOlowl siltd.ra WIZ tB41! 001113, woe Ma aid lardosl strafe. • • sot , la WWI - Ultr4llU AA! MILS, Ow .tad at Ostia UMW t , Twi' tailkekki. Oft 04,,C11firelaidk iltitivegb , Itintosi Nat OW Clis be pit la : WM sfainallimples.l TIC 10114 WWII" to cumin, tie porn yew do se osa. ingio xr• 1 ...,/?/ 41 !;." 1 1 111 !ri Psliai • Jix emu, an, &Woo cofil%** to ' . . _DAM VIOLA Uls.ilqtts,' Pal TRA‘l.l4lll5Oll$/iX i ln,s Sy X. T:, VAITUAIa DAM* trAntSi Cam': 0 6 4'14 Adarol Arkii4eV. •-• •• • ioDs. wairitak •- 2 Nni 2- W o linii . t s i t i,{l4, l ",;44torpoini boo . $ • liadlumitonif.P, Is by , . 41 10 ,4 1, . 1 ' • - thiettist t skip "Wallertitt sad - !it !Mt& Wltt; 60 bligßOMlCkele - ;Clapp& //AL 1101NMOR 60 do am ram& toy " 11341 " 9 1131 Akterak arm . r IS-11ftsavd. DA V Baltic tifAtitriL-4 111004. ""mtciVallillb. jatuaapionitus Oikvalreff stnist:4ll6- fb•Ai.. regtom vo=bilmithlea war io 'miry* ainioninal 3" , , 7 - r *" AVID 11. t : 44)44 A.A%a0.th.5ettp....1 1 N., 131 ,tu ir - - - • ~- , :::•.i ftl6;7 .i pkg.ttfiptitUli/Ves imalkpii , .Thi4..i: AmiguLkaofturiutiftelieV: i 6., _14.41pr . Aarallaiimi-_ i‘i lo tiii, . 01 " , _ 2- • • .-44.0:7,* ► :4 rre - .;: cl wa1.:1 , , liNr-1- 1' . tiro trtprOAPATALIIMI•WW WWI •.& , - 7 • -" ;•-• titie: • I II: C . • . - FOR-SALE: ' --- Tbotwasts at tboull•NTJ,MMlLMiff.L.'' ts•-•- . to•ltahattarpood to otkor patrotto, aotbrisit to it aka • dth4fa of Mar basnats, offer n r We ..- --- OrP r ig 01 11000WOMMIMM01, - hetottibtkit =ow promo aataatopoot sow pear widilaig .54: "MN Oa talMoi boatiata. ..'fo. pmao• mien_ bt .ttto_xtctotty a 'particular of , Ma womb my to . k g. as - 111-7 1 M a" to lair ea olecatiod - quake lh the Walk tom. T. T. 113111ZDT • 111071113, and 5). to lb, onadhata Si say Vb. - hoar Oath to M E 11,4 41 b 11. roe Ms latbruatioa Si postioi at afloat, a add -"amptala as allh gm ' : -- -•- ! - --, --1 ,- SITL. :.- - ,' I : i .1110 NM oaspiso a aliall aqua» of groentila' 66 01 4 st . aziagasay;as ma are dm La , k all Mos hap Naos. Hl* Mead Ma poppet" oo the malt astioat; Ilto Poostyltiala aso,l , lbetakthtortk, sea sad vestrni baws4ol7, t"TiOng sit. tbo WU .. _ sad ___= ll ltiapotoo tithio "git Altilitioaq .4.6 tor. I N to ' gm- MISS* woad , ftaa pra hos Aro tisk ambito ionmoollog somotth OM Mr o M ls i gui le along% ad art IVAN - MN Motalatiht , Ur tbs. ocatit o Mittbl 1111/0.4. v. 4 lbws lo • bads about 100 hot - Rost% - Soot same Ur -P heal. Cloool.sboot If - hit boa Ow act* oat - tba 11111. taw the tack 01 tba tatuallibtoll Pittsburgh, raft Wain§ II 6ikii o , 4 OkTaa " a ami4 neatly rob Wage 'At k li t l itgbtaloy coo wttb *ale midi, sad sobs tba notatitog of, /*a:fn. jboa emu. - 1 1 0. a -01 g riboili - , . ~ TSB jilt ,-..-, . ;:,- '''''' 4800100 1100 WI of Wei. oat Tooled with elate. It it UN tot loog, &Shot .Ida. An Nololo - bet gonot,ifolthe do loottioi &Val In ale. It vas coarpirtel to the or a ul lilt- Tam Is Me game stamissi an bolithl 010 01‘ , TM usobtaary hot - 015eatlag oat scourtag UN Who et la onararo, and the but UM limbo lthavoi: .Is. «pa* Ce. X ° "ft I. E r sz t at imi na int i p a .. i ts =as N 0 ha coda bb haled upon 1. -- ,, L * I MP 1001 Mot., ..- • ,_. - , , . - - -. ---- ---- ---Atili ATORMUOMB* „ . , .. 4,wites noosed& therteeee i ota LIAM tithe a rl'ai rw artar 01tot fete the w_ Ittegetiad Ihusah beams 'owlet. LM~DMtbRnOWeWIIf tell 4 lam u l• Nalinkilid *int alets.' ailiotit The I[o., o wl %Oh blame the hitter the t~ilt ai"w tlet ousel 111.1: - Abtrieciti 'OF SUPP , • • . 01 Wheel are by Ott o smar. *maim auk zooliu k siw labstati Eat Itatatay. sad thollisljasst Iran %masa seerabetasa alp Iltabsoel; Val Varlet sal IPiti~ asthma tharel i tl i t mamma s womb tas gissesel esha' m whit la timorseld..4ll urn OrealCiltlite—es me t 0 salaams ands desvhog mks Weak at laid;111 aettbees eat orandehle Disrlat to. -K ateatel mar* the Olds Thee; the oseatbs awl Amp* Sayillesst Most - szs 'baba, Teo asalaasaeatkl sas les myna. the Patanstsaalatbaallls_ , sew wo ts ,cossomi. out ionalo aldfitamd todea ot kr or As peasolit fil; ion to iaii a il or ur to restird td'is •br 'lardillailltrad • lane ear sat s, dtie • hit. tam*/ lords dastales et Vow sad add: Mar Imam yorthskes stalker twos slyly to say slits Malian& no. T. ions - Willa • &OIL latt . • FUSYTOGRL , PH ALBUM& PROTOOLIPE AUDIO: 11101001411911111111111 k I.amount AL,ITML laoToillo/141LBTINIL PlOlOOlOB ALBUM JOHN P. EVOMM, Maimle Han, MU' theist. ni.w. It! w a l lar hr. Id 4i e 1.." "P" rioneume asstraL rttmqmn Al),umi: mmunt Ann:am PETG2PAPsILso*L P/IXMr/API ALICIA inset 6e dishiprof»d !llosuo".m? imerseaset or imp se4 C/Lriall ss M. ' se flyritivi Fri iril rsosocuunacr autnis. rIIOTOOI/0110 41111:11111. 1111014c1,11&11110 ,8230 XL PEOI'C6 , I4PRIO ALIIIIII. Imp^ bot mad dowel awartmal 4t, dig, et plTtroox's t Opipeette the Peet CH See: aniumr lanzuties; . PcOmmocars, aa, JOIN MUNni% - 11 " k • s 1 , 2.17 ' l 4 Imp rmed. wow Or rat ria - Bina • aucamia" — ""....atio. • Amami/Luc 'St. LOUIS, 1110. 0 r Ag. I • . • Y 0 . *PM/ Ast.ike .sile of u. --- sabot user Lists 114.1 L. the as atimAlkik ,ait Maw wNestmlystszers toes b 1 4 1 3.1...11,011 OMR& MI 1191116111 Prin, A: A. Ism of alsom, rot J. 0.1k44, 4 P 14414. 11614 Milk ors %di lit OM it wed awl. /110~4. Ilealmatt sal IL Usk, It tole i ig A mit Virile Oleg wit Maw Wadable r or AseciAmi. lair aide leas 14 Its 4 Olec* the Ohm Inarea AM faiestla s_ the. kis Was 011iq sok. tabs alga no NON* , wir Inaba tor porponan mita. rte . layman genii indbelmseir gad rastkily _Mike An Wilma by thy askOds.libt Most mon st ce ~ the admisSits AO M Gri a lan, ~Mos Abner s bAt , I - . , - w . ad=e tr Ihe abs., ash ;• Am IL Yak ft dollnArol ben. • 4111.1 E; GORDONi If 11111100113) MINA IL BA A ' Malin X ► A BMA= —a Nassmaka, mailman heft 10 1 111411.1*/** IS aCel• -pedski, *NZ 611111111111“4114.4 tattMl saw a avagass, vmind; ia laaft 1104 reella.r. NUM gad platd• ICAMATAS •elt attimegapear tato pdalsg teas le Inn Vile rad slinabier. aiVien=tldosp-Ma silo. - Lg at ata Itllitt Parasee e god 'air raw te - 111 , 1.• - a earanitra son. simairkat it .5 XISMINt - - Ilaapdaa - z " • .T. 11111101 111111011110, • - • 1.111 Libra, MEE vo 'Pi Ty: 4oamktsetior oho, . rfallIDDLIk '; is lon s m auv e sien sat "sun limn ' lasli Winn no "istOlat On Sousa P. : 5 1 .r.. 0 . 11,0 0 lbw I fl • 6'11,11. - is ann. oda, ea- nongnsi • Ihrolol7. .1:11.11.1P/311Ung 1111102'nini • .co. losittlit • : , ' • • loblit•truor stained Wbsikos4 ftrali— rq 141 • b-.istainnizon J*S . wit in Liberty esnit.,,. FUT • 1ai...417 • • , miezdeiMrsarti, ' -& AM= iserinut, • In ma ohmic' - - - -YAW 11011 .Jrzw 4DIPICIRTZE DRUPOtiALII k IAC 1111111117. Saar 11111110rarra .7001114 o;orala tat 1 taaraablittiy thalfo,l lll %. poem at a, t iOa UU pt Jutio,for Dal a Eat', ti tt a follow/ay datertptltn i randy: G , l l, t tit DV..AZ444 11114“16 Camara al. oafs.. true .t oar.n, 4 14:14 inoltlphi of grab& 1; d setter of davit' whetl to plteb llso 10 / tah.aoo I+,oo rat alt of *May rank ll - iati o limo» 8 man sorfra easdraat grab raidott bras . ocityraipli Ora lorterarrancioirslllllll7.3•lmeUoiLeaser totio balm ralt iiraera bran ooblii caufabilDl POO mots tat of gtra 'lofts sof 00,C0t sgostr fi at of litsuog saran. To ban aiquissathi .=- 11m; bra, otio.ramto oraroriot ISlbot info has* of If lade&. To rail s tar aid atypic :odder, rudder pat sod shoe. sad to, 4 prated nub trait Marais intro and 401. stoinn !raga. The gumbo et tams cob's "tan alairasd tkit Bram of Ohm kolissiday. . f loui awl. tat ifia, awl seueo. Mod, istrant, IFlttity dram. tat of aollitaint, foram stroko of **Ma throe toot Vat tura. To bats oat Elevalre mho Oa denim Wilt asszlmis Oraigetaimossat fa Upset! ram. diosttg =dm V.W orate first. ,To bare wall .cat isater.tabik 1100 11.50 Irak taws r tato,. oratalattag 660 oraa • rat of assts irato• mod 111,000 esWs Ora a Arabs admit. Tobin a • Lt rapatotoo. To ban Gra tam weir 11:= viskaars agailadittag rat raw tit to .10 i,dfisstalttn,lo4.oo, sad 8 hat loots leaf. To to paorrad wttl tae bloortig itsa• gra and rat storm plum TM ravine of lira •itlatotada 0. 010tolfaitil atilt, 15.... rattosiolls t Betkoktekat avaisaalfet afildedt.tikatuif of r allsatte 60 Who% 'treks II of WWI —To bewe one doweire =We tOwdoeterttfilt - owelos Woo tatoe sal ea wooed coedenteg RISCO . 1:= .„......A..t.:-.44,4....kar,,water tato with liaolity IneartaleitrootitelWg4,ate titut4' , yet* Who% and bkooo hot ol ' sob* -To bus a Raper tiopeW tun To beim one kw now id 16 foot Wl' tour bladea sad 6 leaatistd II OWL To at. a btate we torpor radderoaddes-pott oed showed to be provided with 'kW bigotry! waste sal .tat swot pampa Tao dudes of Wee enef torte; ha dialler what at the Woo 61 WWI ofteuititad gni:odor abd 5 hot 6 Woes 'Woe efiLlit,. - - ..•"!-, ` nociDoolles osier mesa c7/ 1111111 m, loth of 33 Wow obaolic. SW* Waft of FlDow of 11 Lools:' to loco aslow. 01l • mhos coadamor, vllll maadoos Iwo Dab% nod Onallit widowing oodprolOf 1.1111 Mt; To kacii r "Deana lidos , tubs bollork—‘lllll sooalfoo haw Wu. MW! 1141 •of Vito who sad ONO alum loos Of Mulls intim. . bore a ospooklatias oppotogoo; To . n so. kiwi any DC 11 nit Mansur, Dldi Mr blaikkond lor gni of 11 WAN: .To ism oilers WA radikr. taddagieu sad sko, sail to tip oeorwM. DUD o• 'elms pomp. Tho orsodap tam lue ooii oDsalsod a 1 qmo Boron Inolisod laddloarbid oostooo 'tor &ale salad . gaaboasollcli ow glade, tin hobos Olagamior $1 • Wm, sad a stacks of plates of $ Slos $ foam . • 11017110$11$11$4'7cond$Mot ba tube, sad as slowed 000 d. Wog sorb* - ol iOO, 110111111 To limo 'NOW w•lor•tabo kal silk woalom been sabooolotalabirTsl mars of pa* Oodiee $llTlOOO . l$Ol/0 ixt Wide; cviTo re //000. To biksoo wY(a}lisp 01=81 ba .Isdhos dl• 10011 , 1111114116/doibirro t.ss *Ws* oolOaastoolaToW Mad Ipp en boat Do eat bow u =bled jo Ilk Malmo 01 Moak , the . inttethil.4reehatiotaiip ad lAA Of an the' = trod bobs the ma. thedise. hi the_tiso tee Wm madam stabs deeps of eair2yeatata doorsteps ot arida .achlatt *WI the yetselpu Wen Awn imeghe in isk taltibduaaitala tie Vatted hit Abe ptorkesee mahatma Weis etabrothi ter that suablatryosayele to the otatmete Oita nay be made War Ole athorthsteselt.: Mosso* au. Las or anliolllo Weep Deed 'belie. leleeti et tOO% tharaosateidetb moat ipteyrettaaagyor be slyphat, shalt WWI be. la Yea upsediestisma. xip promill SD be Mem& .P.oporas he Moe Iheeldeety.". to dhothipali Abet from other , Mod. Maras smaraid to tar tar le me at the abovreeglam or- tor mama le they earn ernehier then erne erne i• esitate: , • The ethernet ealtrii the Mmed . cerniUtiem. aadptrta a ada ,h'ihaMat mum as Me *Mt prorate: - - , • Defiesmat e rne tiow eekat.....rnotiten or earn eta atopatele thatimir odrigtillutlrli.ht tie ternlit - Me[est Thelel , elide tin e ar Mier t the Se et *MA the 'make Mite bairn to tureal tie arneketrey I Ike amber or wafer to Mehl yam =mord thelittierti. " =4 Itlariestabil tatelais PIMPlat to IMO& arnatseet tarn aim lade' sad Mils trn elostiMe atajka date et ors whltit'rney r a t, - elarbrairlM TM peoperkeeperttosittl mho be ornudilitMitha may Meese to NMI& maim, at rani poise ete Sem eeddoorttoll. j iptellternieu of theism la plena Wet Moto elliotta A "APR SUPPLY Aah OF =lncurs mama 1110BUSOPATI110 lIIIMEDIIeas is. • - SO , : 2 11 , 17 ,6turic 6e 11 0000, 11. lir aft - -- - z,z_ite a. Ir rrawr OS ISlSSLll . _ eimetaia 0 1111EXISSL angtommuimma, I— iror COOS 4 7 1 161o~SOIlialialaS' aso or Lhasa 86.11-IFor SUM* llialora tarsi=sal SM. li e. OW 00404 ost 111. .._ 11 , Lf, ,t" , 41—1 04114_, Salaam. _ , T/ osi.thsel _' So. Witt Chian% Ades 100014 Trialitar. .11a."—Ste =MT taSomaillato Thaw& . Sal-2w Amoral*, lioaralca t _ lka 11—Blit Nrabial" aUgo. Salt aka ram= , "1..10-+4Pflio.:-Tor Wakes& Dump& amok sad Lam -La li—lfor leaaa ° . 4 , 111. i er r= tragardroo. _ Printm Zairal l ik Soarbil Ina of Slomploo. _ ; So. 33,. . Mr Cram &airs Camila Sod Proprorag. Z 0.14-414 Mesa Pa6 7 lla: limkplisai Drip lbw Ma . " as Orlata. - --- - le. tioar 110aL4rost Pte, 111/0 _ _llll, ft Gomm la t e a. Chirli DWI. Lobo or masa. • No. 111—lhookal ralealoo. lasdaatsa "Saw oral AINVOIMI BMW. _ _ -WM _ 11.11aao lloalbi or yaw/ or SuOlall!, rm. -o. S 'Sat 10-1 .4 = laaatthraorM aleadellha Ito. al lid" rosanas or Narah r es=r ft ia=c 4 illeilhillttii;': rk...aar Ihtive awl Ava,olllTimei , Sr" ,llia lammaseal Apo. _ ..• -,, . - 1111w.IPLoo: natl. - MOS.& /! ,01,1111 ft 11. • o—leorirro; 11Oiltor tailaiaii los a4.36ai ii 111ooltor Slanefildat. Clatasti; afloat atoadlog ar rocraliilabor vitt SYStictlas or mime Soolomp. *47i g"..44rlMANaltreung ii"lia-ce. ibr awhereonfria,, totsslBoo. - : bond Dmataarra altaaisi . Siospasit, snow, . ratioa.',4r4o. is mato @slat --1 '•'-; - /Yr Bar Dloolorros aro Saaft&iii/kozos Sit llio Swill* roadarlikitba aosolsoomm, _ /*ll4or. sacisik, lye labia fatUailloatuatorrosillion‘ Vim 311 V, Sim " t wo 1 1 i A.W 4 110.• tgoa. "lbrilormalrigOrionima la. Mreall o u re aril 49 tikana re ts ist . Amorgirr .11Iarj -ljr— - _ __._. ...... maZfo. splic --, {I. Nm= Womb , the ._ of_ 0— ma. - Itusidni Mit i !" 41 , 5 * D . l4 #P l ' idge O e i'l l , P!". ler Drrsq.—Thid Allo stku. staihake, Timid ifflii. %A r yl:amity lear Ps**. ft. a g imi bes.— I - Tealabasi ari iii=r4,744A:rAM rotioty ll . b Wmis l iciortol,assoi* moist MOM Misilig =mom 51914 . 04,(Wuprod- i nh. 4l l l M. 1 assuild sal murtigopp, I M ild .V . ,.. 11 1 10 ". ;: I ! llo 4lPrbbni . ''''' ' , - f - Z:l(l.ll3Cit - litlifilli;fi - - - ~,,,,f,14,„..::„„ t!4ics. -- 'lliaiFiGitimervituist,• ~., M•41 111 $ noo At, : .a6r• ac.rimusilasisfardall_COLlONl" DI& belk , atledis eraMaglyAliy • pa . Or use otinseiddri Xsalhilmy eirossasi - •`" • ACKlDarrkeill.ltlkMobirstArrampiap 1 0 1 1904.41mi55e,16 , taselw Zia,,ea Ursa= iboulsr• iartifir Wimp 4M. willioiskyrii atawaz'"tlDia as IHa noun illi e t i ttrUA tiasalysals. Wass .41 111 0 11 4, put *my - • ° z Ude oat far lam Minim • ' IaiiNUZILOTtIRING:7,BII2B 1 ,Aza.as - iai —Oast zadniZots of atio4iot ' Rubber of times 104 pi% 4. -t. berai4l%;llmiitagatrin of - WO one oa Uls: ; 5.5_s atm at Look Ilea af,tban lei Ormemr, the Pittal= „4 lk Gim vino P ious ioroolliA• or IL. .' . - 17 ,1 • ihr-leileimply So P.O.'01)11TILION,1140 %Num alms. Yew Torksor of WK. AL 4WX • As ao i o f k o ob o * b M wig lM :,Al a t t Y . 1 28,090 ALtiFox*lii-ortia#.l. VTOL YliOrutimai will be x -imay tee piese sh=r +ui ,„z iatitrifswaidth-- 'mow Mantas a " ' - '4A'V't 4 nrf - *air, IMOD& .19-tiCE . T B - ATIST'OPENED. ~~~,'. , eoo~gieoa~.a~~ws~ ~ua~ezi~ Tams Ima! teikrut *rim 4.lmllidali. 'POMO Ottabotifliablit, vUellicsalos imeighltsembsia.` , . • ~' JQST OPENED. Dili. 400 is; • oar 11;4 fie b swer:aballieri ell songwrrtA!l6aYt,tf;LL raeb l ,art 4 . 0114 sejouksall boa is 41115ir bs. low Liss aftllowilige obssr-:=-: ...:,a;I:.III6T,IME=D. nfiriiisas maw Nur:4 Illotalisirdieindlid 40* ai GUMS 44 11362i12140YCYdL t MAN * . Tiiiiiiteirvinditimatifflejesjilit4o4g*lsa. -JIISTOIIII3IO. Ls%. , i•elitiiiii!=isnar. taktiidiatiiii,liamurs. ape =tam ' 171: 1 .; - , '- t - 1 - 7:7_•: M otuo.AL Q ,„,,,, ,., ~.....,,,.,,,. , xif-_,,,'.. ~..,..•-• I s‘' Lair Laa ' ‘ l'. , . ; z r .....47.. , ~.....,,,,, ~.., WILI: 1 —.— , Wiria.S : :- . 1111FTI 7 If. ~.! 3 '. ii .Li 1.301n : :' 11 rilli 5 -‘• :. CILCIQ ilr 4 g kiiiirit ' -, ,..?: 1 „-: 4:2: iiii ,. -• . 4, 11011I1IRT. - II IC! .31..0 a lax:. -: . *1 1 1 , : fi b KOSIIISy. , im ili 0.6 I.:1111111L ~ • .. 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''''" 12=,.rie. ...e . . assoot e 04,4 it; illb .--, .1 - 1-101•11 i fit 40 - - a -,- - n:, imeril a v tat i a . ''''''''S 444111. i- „ismairasimste - ter - .•ANIA-st i dk ildkuuddritEltr•ligrWiaritie&s..y ordd d . ~i: eV • r/leyA , lt el- . . heleleaar Mar salsa alma he Oh ' beta.,:, - ".. -•.-...:: 7 , - - ir tr ovi . - . V,,, Ari:aii. RD illtitt kr ri A - - - --, iikU;i.i.. oaks: i ' 7 ,jeume. d - - . ' - ,-= z.. - ,31 ,1 %.1 1 7! „„ .. ,•-__ ...,-3: - . zi."....0a . c.0.7.. , . , 210 , 11 ~,,,,!"...- ,-,....:,,, , .____,..... 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Burchfield's. 10131112 AID= YOZAMBIQUIM he LUSO !Iron!" esitiowityme lax Ironh on. .1111014111k3itima7, ler fa am . . - alb 416 , A** 11. 1 min *lti.kOk - MINIM iAinia: - Int* MI, ail ide: • pimil9lWelni H,L11.114 Fon 44107 A a. - fLIQR . SII4f.7,. = • iii(ll.ltaalura - WI& 'up smetwo4 itigoolsjidnestisy dap TO• OUWerar 1049441311111 AID • ••••"z• •194141NL. • EALTOPlL*t.Ultint* 1 1. : 144 P 41 = 4 ' 11 ° 1 501 11 :W±:'i. 4 10$0. ' 1132 .1 1 0 61 94ft -01 *.ia." 11114 _ ESUOINAZAMIL-- _MEM% TAM • - 1111111.1..yousAiD ;Kam *IS knitideokill al* smaidnip sailtaid hilt abevist CM al . 001.111 t JUIROISUISN Skiinfil aril nannallitilde .101.114111111110 b. Ep agE ßO si` Wßigiri NOS /10 • ambit sit_wor. aPie WV* --41.1eafnm • atom% 4,14 ' - ; oi I I MKl==?=l TIMBAL BOHOL 3- vitt lel iris itWras. per pair w 7 ,s",*Kiiteaukiifinarp, ;:.:*lllO, • °-.-111181 9,tka( 4 #14 111-; : ."'' ' ';' L f . -ssetmea Mil WilrkllLt, Ct. TIMCDOIIZ. Kr. 1111.1 X, mar AtorilatidessitisairapoiC, : ' 37;:i 33,41LX04 • f-1144.1 S. .keladidar atitteiri, l449. __ _ raantsgi Wier, L..iralkvartigeffigerariusi be Was 4Kom.,llfwite. sums z. maims. lir Dos aid • isinuktet, Baba L. Audisr4h 11. estkr,eirk4inhiNg. W. 0 7,... 0 , - - ... . ...IRimiliwma BA. li. Duallias ihilsadlekoritd-ifilltrr-ZWt. i5bL.:.t=.. , .cm...... «..n a.k.a. tip Jr piaide,,)-• --.'airirg. 4W 11, IlwasAk -7Thaselx Tabs Itsilant Ilcalli Ilaii-If . *** MN IL %. Illailsail.....itthitrklittigilrinli. VT:ft ise ig ridtaarilo74 °l l 4 ea ', anabimil4l"6l. .--,1111L11,9411.1.116 ~.. „. . . . _ L zaboo;lkaiiiiratlger couster.. a igialp .. " - aki , - • . Meml.• Ines 1.V.11.av .._ii.,lllEnotwi k . DM , ratiliLlVis Maylltr. I. runup* sat Ns.T., --- -'' Da Nalt., WV, -2 -11111111PITIiiieWto..rinli. JINJA Itoirliimsw.2lmmatz. 1 . P 4 /4 111 4 11 1.dinsaisr, iniAtusw.ifiellhri. , - . Illiii,ft. llunsix. . , ,-, •-, ~ --' ,,1 . '' C gd abr ial%P.i.o l l 3 .e.Us:' :•41.11iw - may g. xia : A. anal as OiseloArmil.►. Kw a: as= _- IL 0110116411 De aa4 Demombier—ams. _- MK. Wats. ftempaset M 7; Wafts, to . A Iliabalik Asia zF. eall - 6 Watacitimi, A: auticr.iaiiimr. . ap .vroal it c.pswaxt.... _ _nr.,T,Aa Mx. N. _V uirtaio,n a im Mims ...4.1 ',ra suptiNritws. Minx sal IL • , r- - . 11 = 1- E ry: , l , . • - --t , -- ~,,. ~ 4. lll66llo 4eamtatillisswase - warm or ..- 4iiiiiitcresaatheis = s ;. Is r,imeitr 1111 imilmi :' Wil i vaak,k,,e4, f e mbi - a% " aliniAl *Nam .er nieteeliatio*Nr abssoftiebse routs tar • , irm s trosiojeap r i um. thbassigi VALICIPX.O.Ifr it it, ims: 492114110,4witeitiiineui. 4 .71011111101 • -tewelegi "GBOSTOOK4O,4 6 " - ",.. 11 Fte jaimmima. NOW so; spasm mooßmiox k • r1:14,3" uy y IV • : - •. D r -1.-zzAw.;•.; - _174 • , a• , • • • N N • 3 . • 1111&4•14 • , .
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