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LI .„,.. i ..,„... .. _...... _...„,„...,..„,.. ..,..:,..,,...,.., _ • _ .. .. . .. . . ..._ .4 ' V :ri . _..., ~, ~..: ••,.... I - - ' . , : , y~r+'~;uw3B~ a z . :1%.: • I=l=l r'qESTILBLISHIED'aiIIeIIB6: - • - EMI= .:.- .TC:PX , ~,—.1 1„ , ~,.: , ' 'Iikvs'oriCTIIIITNITE.O STATES, ~,, •Paased at the 1 Th ir d Sonifon Of t he Thiffied 7:,%kt,iyrest• • . i .. -. ...t.f.•rn 1 [Ponmc—No. 60j _ Lw V= to emend the laws relating to-the, Poet Office Department. I : t..."1V.1 .,,, ,-r , t k at noit n ••••..'t i: i Bit it enaetellig4 . ogyza•f, --- L .- A. 114 ' 4 1 '.- ,Sepresemartio etj. Vni . te of Amer ,dt..,. All 3 - e. 1 , t, in ~,.;_,....,..., a b ßrA bi et e . -- .paielp .. , 4 Vt i. , i i) 4II' M. lovnyvi vis• . . ...V , tv 0 , 1. , . I 4 + master Oinerigtigt pcn, 'lgower to sp. ~ ~ t ...z. :: '!_ A1tat,,..:.;_,....444:44143i5amiv m - 4 postmasters l i tsx . I.! lif A j} . 1) Li:, 3 , ~ 1 ,1 V•1i . 1•14.44, et oolgOigiriAti for the pre, : , s! .'' '!I t'4 ' t *ding Sum y .ittkr:i t t lie time or aqtal? ,. —-' L. 0----1 i tappointment retie'elt - aseir paned to be i ---.40 , *--- abougatttt A'o - A ri t a pt•e, ,x , a;• ilo y ':r 141 L , '......"-.*"..." 'othie oases the pd..Bltigat. shall —... t r mope The person appointed post --, slain reilde,withia ilukdoliverY of th= 1 1 :. 0 ...... KiVefiniblikie ball belippatited. Om 2.`And be it further aiiiel,''Tfiiii . ::,- ~.rt y i tkrkeni Gineratodipos asters, and dieliti,and - all perso e' - ehiployed in the General _Post Office, or the care ateitedy, or cottinvanoe of the ail home termpolated or, employed, premlaus - ' to sinning upon the dutiesend ed to le Ottedi or the elecitiOn of' the inifs, did •.--.::-...' ,04.:--_-_, l krt i lutil be taliatted 412Pi1tk10.7 atra therefor ,A ad don to the --•l7' E."; - reditiiif eat . titniernietbilh ififtecit-iini t - tine . -1 1!.. ...Siddrad.ind a ty-two, res t ..-;,-1-Clisitedlrialiefidetainaccribe `emote, - ".• ..,-_, ‘ , ..--'r eatirtwaldrittalldtf i ldardirom magistrate, .7:7.' ,, "J Laird 'anti ertibilniekthigaired - .bed 1 :-,', :.* , -::.•1- LI thus Ostorid- • Poirt'Obleet%24. I:, do ~,, r etlirte;telythes eikiety• - - i that I will ------ ;wfaiventialnitibirfrekii- thing for- . biddenbythOiyintin rela - to the es. 1117 tabliskanwir df the post ofil • and post 4...- --..., ~ • ,:..,- - 4011411 withef.thittitlited ages, and that I • -- '.., -.ova.knift-ii-0... 2kii.s44nt for and pay best IV'moue ys "annieng to the '... ,-„I itisbk.Thited States which may come into ~, mime:salon or con ;,... help me God" _ ..7. - ' 3 252 •"Xsery-piescat-wh A,..4 „any manner „• employed In thercieb,Ons 73337/1300 - 1. CC Malagezle* et Outman, 3 be subject . .6 - min pains, penalties, and for deem dlti 6 . *Aaiu n iher thjenictione or pleating the required of him by the la s relating hies of thas a ti b ttfiee and t - •mot ; 'whether shall have I -.••L =._ _ o t -iiiinitte 411finenalelbel V -P--••at hove pre O '-• A ;,11ter:8. - 4W% Int further buret af • =ilia, mitten shall be delivered by the :, . -pilioraster until - the pestsge,dee thereon w r ~ .-.“,-, , gball have been - paid: - and vi e box .sCapp - ; v , 4seete_OWlthall'esauwAastkto the 'ullY et :','..' :,'l,;",;4„.isayiperiidli watiPthe fitthfrifer has been i,,.. --4; l sl dAir i ~it / 11 4, „ 141 44,16.1 1 009 which th e. „ - -- *inn - eater easaigleew receipt, and keep a _ . reeordtherrof in his ,olrwe r ,,whipe now - a _,7 J , A ult dt 3 V4g.finallooew r. •kdr,„4:;,- - -; rha iteisorther- led, That •#. - -mil SKetelasetridiall keep a rd ill hie 4 .. 1-4 .... *lti[44ll4, Pre,a4lestiorissope Ala, nvelopte, and of ailliosi*bobkkbhuilll4'arproperty : $l , ,2,„•, .17, 1. 'ir..erefAilllaltil nada listfisielioWle Ass tir ' "IA .-_, 5 ,-.#CUit th ePlNt , o4olAN4ll33ollll3loft 11'031 pj :::::,5' -_a Any-Onts.agantaraad:tilbillitwltpayments „ 1 „- ~, .-... d :....In aseeferfor-pnum'w-44)111 payments "1 1.- ' - farkestlerti-..ieceipur on 0.„,,-„:,.,-Alfilbount of All9,.Part .the postal service,. IP. aziiiiilieny other transactions which shall • si, 4.lquired .:ga by tt =sster 9411 : 1,1t ' `' 1: ` :. • -• •- ' • :°:!!": " 1 - 6 .1 1 0 1i9oreler ni • Offieei - and __ 4 -2 - . : , ..-. ,n.-• s • .. • tion 1 . ..iliketnyjobleageiire the actitAtseent. ..,= Elea 5. And be it further ted, That : : :i 6 !,:- ..t. CotAltie , o f a Val ? or naval force near any i pM o ffice unusual; business adman %west, the Poet,. , mister Generalis JrcAT required to make ~. , , V ' •#s special "order - illowing proportionately -... - -1 -...., - -reasonable !ovulation *tie postibister, -t - ” and for clerical service, daring the 'period of such extraordinary business. - _ r dee. 6": Arid z - Ils-trtforther - A4et{ 'That ,7, - ;;., ' ...;teliald-herthe deltref pi le to . , Ten -. , der • quarier-yearly account to th -- , muter genera l , ebatl _der...oath, in each form, .'l' 3:333 " "s tar t ? sUule by 0124 respectively l'itiTellanierecein°llll; 1 "ed for bole" or pigeon . hales, or Other re f,., - 1 1- L it' ;Rarf44o. tilairAanargi ilka 1 " . •-'''' ' • *barged for j toM vid , ; or for 3; A .. ' , Marjr,of lettersi lid 04in at or from any raw Whatever and of alkeinolgreents, re -_ _-• l -3 144ipta; sad ploillii mu ltir i t:Wilma at.:li m a s ii.,•,„„,,,,v4; ah - t .' ' 4- -' .' l• ••W:tter' -- tiiid no Pretsataterstianniereaft pos er, , - ' . •• l a_ ind ir_rgris tet si 1 * :' smore thin the,anwurdt 4"t sren . ~ ::. .7adlhedesteester/A au - A•.3.'-_ , -.Aborieed to: requhm'lria s U*7. proper ?,.. c...-7- riyitimbint,* . ii‘ficit atiteniaatete,llloo‘l=Ps :' ' tfz aiai following , the litilitetrfriichount of -and 9 7 en Pcolasitecel.,Am sired that - ,,:p . " - . ) ,`L _lath pott*Wilirraliftenedant truly '-' mut the wildmissauhr-ofllusties, box rent; .and an -calm -efilwittloon mola r:lentil todreidedek - teethed bp at hig ~..,---, _aloe dories saph i qtagetribt, '4:l Ike boa knewingirdeflitafirdar: . ttod to ter sl dal& pastage futd tat paid at the time of delivery; and that such quer terly account exhibits troly And faithfully ".....thireathei receipts of Ils Mere 'Melt • • been 004•043/ thersatrand theentire suet •---' ""' - jelfTpkenuldrhive biltm-ggi - due Re nee .43011003 ed UM* ' is le verilyan are just rue ri=eves; and any fals4 meat. • tag therein than render him liab t o;the .PPt i ßt, $ l 4 - 441 .0 1 • 11 .41 1 •41 3 1'P-JT l '''''`.•-• Bea. 7. dad bs it ,furfkarafeette That, ", ''""'lnit Postgaigar sfeitsrililer hereby' Groff 'o ' ' "1 - .' - rMte'•regniore tho , perfodr"dttritfil which mat an y OffiCik.#lo ieK IP' Shall '0 - poll , , , d,?, he !taunted the dt 4_ leiter et...i- ta ' -make regtdatiens for their return to Ike ti ; l writers from the' dead letter cam, when' he is satisfied they cannot be delis. to the parties addresee& He is an orised alai to order the publication of the 'Est Of don•delivered letters at any maky in c 3l_l ,I Mehlildleeretkoeby p irtitingipoeut. -a putk. place or laces, or in any daily o week ly newspaper. orderly published thin _the post offioe delivery having the : circulation within anoleasikary. ,an d ` ft _-where no daily paw le published n thspost-MilMsielfeery, such list ybe published in any daily newspaper of mr-IM , ~,c l o ill I t qg m de l linty having the largest bison- , ~ within the delivery of the pose o ffi ce .4 0 ' ' it (the] Um; but in no meet shall Ampeamitilitelormliallablicatioa be al lowed at, a ratefol. each letter so admirtisid sx4 Vil 4 =itublloa;, ~ .0-41 en MA be required except Scherite'the „...:::LaostinseeerOmerelithsll - "ttecide - that the tilditlitifielevdmiiiti Ar, TUC litters 47 , 4sotild~bilerfaisi" bera 2 me7 be 4 4 4 "Iltddisiairlalijinumal'of the !management. used by the partite_ addrmtekil,Mcdi be. 7„,,r ahliaam4-orliijahling de. 2 V t 4 a J a ik & rtici ena cte d, M .11“ afr 11*i-' 4 4meentelnisgslufildfilmidoeures 1141 bereestritl/the deperiment; and : 'row °AVM that they-tan neither be delivered to their address, nor , to the wri ,ziutiareatbel-mmiatc-thomo4 ii fails svelte. - - ~..,,,,,bler shall holacludalwith the receipts - ....--41. • - lialisamount - thereof shallte Mims in the arintudreport and shall be subject to reclamation by el that Me party addraitedi or by the sender,. for toar . vim fram_realstry there .?, • aro -411414ibil kePs or th e same. All e igaa *tars deemed of value or of import smartie" Party addressed, or to the wri. jgashisk it mew cannot be return' aCtis OW, tidadou, shall Jai - • .. 1306. H. be It &Alm en=That: -71 n... 6111Via$14-a1Y11191114 ;Inls-7-- •,n • - •r -;"rVef4-054rx--4:4TANV, - - _ . 111iitt'tihrfliipartitiiiit "if 'pieiteff matter Vailibtrerealtut in any lent °Sok or in the: Departmen4 not called for by the p ar ty odseeped;Auktite d postmaster shall notify ihiViddliiiheli timely newnpaper.or pmei. cal of the fact when liiii subsoriber ,sliall,' refweedto_lake. tho laniArt.,from, ~Itti'hiftcjklor, Shill neglect to callfcle the same :hr., • • period o f en' Inßakw i rdt niece 'inallie: Seat ceder regula 11 to .4 ; milked irkiles,-Poinanuiter Gettii* bet :' .•,,, 1 4 - :.:-.., i ilititefo l k - Vtliii i sea respect:inlet forst& d -• fitters shill be subject to conventional' stipulations • with , V.VATATIP ena cted, . ti°ll .That 4 eler-carrie k r: t itaal l =na . lo c ted wild 'direct for the delivery of letters , in tht Phiffle;teepectimitr where snob post offices are - established; and for their' servitimi they_shalL sevewdly _receive a Salary, to be ' i Preseriheithythe Postmaster General, not exceeding eight ,huti,dred4oUars per 7, , ProVided;Vhat;ihr eatitifsotO4 evidence of diligence, fidelity, end experience as carri- - , -• , allglei*.tee General may increase near respective salaries from time to time to au_sqpi not exceeding . one thousand' dollar4 - it - iffitieir whdit the . Winn's' froin ootegtwonitheloca letter:etched ,yield a shin mor e thNklltgadeut to Ply ell -SaYeee . .., setrotweit'cariter'system at such offices: i each of the saidlcarrienvishall ; give - bond; with sureties, to:be approved WAN' , Post- maste.r General, for the safe custody and. ft=tAt.atekVieli and money, . _. '. Bee. 12. And be it _ fiirtlidr enacted, Thit. w • never the PoetWelliter_ *enema i•libilli have perfected the carrier Wstent in any, postal district so as, in his judgment, to justif,t,itiro, , ,,_thereta i bit ja,authorised to mak. • '-'vett , *KM trait &esprit* pot 1 tai districh,propittpmMter by letter earn- I era, as TrilihiliifylieTthe public conveni ence in, enalugetriet ' shall require, and shall idate ill proper regulations for that __.. . . nr: -. eC4 .- it And be it further enacted, That Bb Postmaster General is authorized, when in his judgement s the ppblict interest or convenience I ;ll4l.,Wqiiriit,tiiestablish one or more branch poin,..office; and also pillar boxes, or other Nreceiving boxes, for the ' safe deposit of matter for the ' mails . and illirdellvidyl, and in case of such establish monk of a branch office, the person In Aerie thereof shall be appointed, and his toslarynxediasin the cave of a letter car rier, and the like bond required: . Provided oitt, &win ehsge itf, the branch . - ; - widflitsnolt &Wilily for the gale of stamps, to be delivered to him for that pomp I - i,ilkeiltioettatetiir of that postal I dis trict In MOD not stAnytishe to, tinheed . • titsar ofirtery i of; ais bond' Sec. 14. And liti'ilfiuther :enacted, That all expenses for the letter , carrierebri,nch offisies auk receilf boxes, or; Illeidat N • 7 1.4*01141/ illi Bred and reported in a separate account frim the ordinary pos tal expeneee r eit- mottle* office, and shall lie iliciwirin cum son with the proceeds of the postage!' on local mail matter at eseb , efflue, in order that the Posimainer General may be guided in the expenditures for that bcpeickgf the'postal service by in come derived therefrom; ended stich ei- ...Peltelle_ehall bediaid out of the lncome of the district In *hitt they ire incurred: - See. 16,And be it further a : ;VOA the postinaster,ofan office le . carriers aria'WhiPlel4 - air 'instinct with the publiskershf any circulars, for the de livery by Rallakian*lnwithin his postal district., of any auch`pribiliiiions not Com :betimes:X*lm usallScit'-'istee and upon terms thle weed upon, such arrangumnt, tirdstelitg - Tqlisditopen - to an like pith.- ..Whoa; lut.sueh ooldraet shall have no force or effect until approved by the Post,. master General:' The Postmaster General ;my. also Worlds by regulation for the de livery by such carrion of small packets ether,___.liutnititttutuir-papus,--and not ex- Ae.W •tihrlaialale wei g ht of mailable packages; ut snob packages must be pre-- paid by postage stamps at the rate of two cents for each four mums or fraction there. led, That %a A 2iiii;Lit . ' atriiitertio 7 no postmaster shall receive to be convey ed by_Gis mail any packet or pailtme which ..Ma setigkinern tioseilentr pos, except, Woke Publieheiker sitoulsbed: by Order of Congress. 14 Zkj o nd.be,11.1cmther : welted, That the postage must be prepaid at the tine'. of ailing, by ameepeinaless otherwise-ex preggly provided in ibis set c. First. Upon'oll domestic latent, whether. passing tough de. cm :obligated or. delivered by,_ penal agetsta.ar canine:. • tlleoted Vit=4l.Petaiistiait Printed ter. , Third. On. all egg 4 Min" bulbs, roots, and Intohai lhookelp t eseasitdepuid Wooten:en, -mpg' Pinta, eagravings t bla Us a ble patterns simples; an it phanographia Mori .tottfg :1 011 olitok - -Pootol • ouosioPeog • per, and .hotOgretto representations of. tat. thligif In the iiturdotothentriiielmbeleiii provided for lea 18, it furtLis ,oziatt.Thts 1' - `upon - de ' g nallable_ mat : Obis, , postage shallireiteltt , Inctire delive r for Room pysik r iowvqwt j er nor more than - hoe sgaryidir'icidt . raiment for a Min ; may Y&midß'ei her'al dielinalllng 'awe .014.pftee of delivery. If the tern, aottbstrit. any other time than et: the boginsdogr.7lf mieli payment t01d1140.,,f00d0,t0 !IA z.frootionol gaging - to intdAtib' -the 'next following quarkettethentise the 'postage shall be: r # - ,RII 94L74141StrrgmrIeekl— in-weekly, on& weeirlyoad oblUp.ptildlohircin,' and, sit other regular publications, issued, from 'known offlosetpiddiesthos at: Mated'. OSW, ods and sent to neptler,eabseribers. ;, kikl.k - Aili.tseit - fuilher enacted; That; mailable matter shall be divided into dude celacen,„ ascent:: Jaist rz lettersj i snood; s 3l itt 4 d,thiktort'ililide Deol/a mayor., • • enacted, That. ,t sn t u i cileostlseten e luseet all aerregponde nic ,i in, rt isni iule n Vsecoo clues embrioet '' all man quoin elvokert*osarr regularly issued_na. stated .„o4e, noel addition by writing, pair'third ones embraces ; awe manor which it or may bureaus;' beby law doiehred zardlabisi adbriddit all .poisPilelC'nisieslanir'Pebllaidlene;' bookorWkotalsolteriptiptediproot sleets,. whether • corrected -.met, maps, petal*, ••41iggintilit1,lolinks;'llegible 'pstterns,-assac. VolitrAwitio cards, Phonoltrot 4 o 3 pair letier enT 1 49 01 4.1*f 11 4. 13 4”L0PN , r coottiopor, - toom or. 'ornamonisti , Ph° a J.rgrtiollottthto of di ff erent: t - endings,: bulbs, nets, and; gem 21„ Mir bs r., , sseeSK That the ma:ban= standard weight for the sin; gle rate of letter rasp is oneaalf ounce .wvoir4 ' . 11 1 144, , - esitarc -leitstf be larger taseta4- That the rate of postage on all donusstio let transmitted inthe mail of the U. • iitatekvigi *W. exodedittgr one half ounce in we mama at three wall; nad forlasehlielf•outio4Vor fraction thereof of addltkenaltweight,thettildralftitchargid Xate,of Jane oNitivf,be is A iPeprspaldbjPcbieftjailliVAlAT afitaeg-tiwbohletter.„, ! 863 ; . te• 40: be , 'fis;ike?,4l3;4llk That 1 - the dilate!. °Walt litters t ' ' through the ;1; PITTSBURGH; - MON or its eyrie* commonly described as local •or drop - letters,'and not exceeding ;cow bell ounce in Weight, "shill be ciniferat-at two cents, and an additional rate for each half ounce or traction thereof of additional weight, to be in. &amities prepaid by pos. , tete clamps affixed to-the envelope of such letterl but no extra postage or carrier's_ tee shill hereafter be charged or colleoted tipno l leiters delivered by carriers, nor •Vihr-*Frea collected by , them for mailing or delivery. • . Sec. 24; dad be it farther muted, Tina the domestic lettef rate of poe It ere tablisited for all mailable matter w . • wholly -or partly in writing, or is so Marked' as to - convey any other or farther intelligence 'Or information than is eon- - *eyed by Ace original print in ease `printed 'matter; or which ie sent inilols; T ifton of leer or regulations of the:depart-, i latent-- touching- the -enclosure, of • matter which _maybe sent allesathan letter rates,,, `And all other matter introduced into the mails-tor which no different rate is provided by 'Provided,; That book inanusedpto, and corrected proofs passing heileen authors and publishers may Vol& at theinto, tor Printed matter: And pro. -.1 444, /erase* That publishers of newene;' pers and- periodicals may print Or wrote ;subscriber, their..publicatione,- sent to regular 'eubseriberse, the address of subscribers, and the date when the echicription expires, and may enclose therewith receipts for pep Merit-and bills for subscription the • - See. .25. And be if furf.W‘asaeted, That on 4 1 matter, not enumerated as mailable matter, and to which no, specillo ratio of pottage are 'assigned; and which shell hoseithelessrle -melted, the rate, if " the Came shall be forwarded,-is estab li shed at the rate of letter postage.. ' ' Am. 20. did be it further esaeted, Thst if spy matter on which by law the postage is required to be piepald et the mailing, office, shall reach ha defaillatiOll,lfithaaa shah prepayment, double the prepaid rates shall be charged.and Collected on delivery. Sec. - 27:4nd be it fortior enacted, That the;Poetmaster General is authorised to provide by uniform 'regulation for trans mitting =pais( and duly certified letters of soldiers, and marines in the service of the United States, to destination;and all other letters which from accident or nag Jen appear to have been deposited for mail ing wittione prepayment of postage, where; in the latter clear, the _writer is notknewn, or oennOt be promptly advised of his-de fault; but in all- cartes of letters not pre paid, excerpt • certified. soldiers' and naval letters, the , conic shall. be charged with double. rates of postage, Teo be collected on delivery. , Sec., 2P. /ad be - it further masted-* That When 'any -writer or a letter on which. the postage is prepaid shall Ondonte or in prink upon tha.outside thereof his rains and wickets, with a request that the same be returned to him if not Milled for or delivered within any number ofdays, (not to exceed thirty days,) any each letter shell not be advertises nor. treated as a dead letter at the oface addressed, but ahall be returned as segueing, charged .with the proper postage at the prepaid rate, •to be collected on the return delivery ;- and not then delivered, ehalkte Imitated as a dead letter. _ Sec. - 29. And be it farther enacted. That thvicsiage on returned dead letters, not registered as valuable, thatl be three mums for the single rate; on returned. dead let ters, registered as valuable s double rates shalt be charged. - Bea ao. And be it further enacted,: That. all littera directed to any person not found at the office addressed„may be forwarded to any other airtaa where he may be found, with additional charge of postage therefor. Sec. 81. And be it further enacted. That the Posummter General shall have author itY to pay, or cacao to be paid, a sum not exceeding two cents each fardlletters con veyed in any Tend or steamboat, not em ployed in carrying the nail, from ova port or place to any other port or. place in the United States, or trow any-foreign port to any :pert - within. the United Stately subject to such regulations as the Postmaster Chin! oral 'my prescribe. But all each letters shill be deposited in the pest unite at the port ef - arfliWi foi mailing or delivery ;- and if for delivery within ;the United .84140 a, shall be rated with double rates of postage, which shall cover the fee paid to the Tend. No -lee shall bo allowed for letter*. collected by - et , carrier on a mail - - route. • Bee. 32. And be it farther mutated. That, for Ate greeter secarity.uf valuable letters ted for , trattendesion in ,the malls of the United 'State*, the •rostatientr• General is Aid torieha.to eatabliah• a uniform plan for the registration , of inch lettent l on'• aipli cation of Terties,postiait theimme, and to Moire the payment of the postage, as we as a resistration' he not twenty cen 4 l on every Attai.3ll44e or t, to be orioenated for by e.maitas wedeln the same in -such Manner-at the postmaster lleirriel;maythree ,t; . X'Svitied, ~ho wirier, That-such.registration' alkalised be conk- Imlsory, and ,it shall not vendor" the Post time. Pepartnuat: Oitte.revennisliable for 4210 Ail of, soak letters or, packets, or the °entente thereof ; end , liretislme. shall be madebt .regalation for a recur receipt to liiii write"; showing . to , •whom and when each registeratietter, ends dellicred, Which receipt shell be i 'iSoolied-litthepteurta,sa 'prima tiolii evidence of, such dellivery: ------ See. 33. And be it farther enacted, That the maximum etandard, weight ler the sin -gle-- tabs-if-pallege - 011 , *atter Amused , se printed matter; and also en that classed as miscellaneous,,.,nll4,44l4. Par onices avoir illtlazglect te.thwexcentiotk pr the next / 0 ges 4 °l l .t.rciv i ttto4..ti f-, ' 1 r • i iOit4s ' tied; iit.lefortlie ' r enacted, That the rate-of-postage - on, ttaiilipikt mailable *Mier of„flie,eesiond tdisok,'"ond.else on rdicellantons Mailable matter of Aboukir& idass,,(except circulars and littlltsjelkall be two cents. for each .four OnnotWer frael4tat literef t foonfelned, 111 any. ens whage to one: addraml and petite 'WI: in all eases -41 P Nlylimishi by /temps, plainly affixed - ice,lho : wrapper(' thereof: Double this. isms shall be etunlvi ler books. tin sealed:_°lroallimt,Met , exceeding - three in Mutdier, iheil:peei lor• the , single rate of twi ,00nis, an& in that :preportion :for a 'greeter number * Mldlng one rate tif three circulars; br less nit - Leber thereof, &rooted to nne-addrees----No- -extra - Isretage - shill be vilikrll 6 4 'for . 'ik''zikrd printed or imprsued Avon a., envelope or wrapper.; These rates matillps ill cases be prepaid by, stizepv - ' Seer 85-`And be it further enacted,' That thik rate 'of ' plitllse uponMeltable knitter of the sitictiCtlstatened -gem -s- wee; ,til more • trequimtly p 'from - kk , known. Mfice of pnbliestitcV sMd,', • t', M riteler' anicorib eri; ehall; bees 'fialowi: Upon newspapers and othei periodieal publication; Isiah not exceeding - tits ~ sander& ,Meight, ` of four maces, and •plesing, through , the mails or post offices , of the Unitalltatis,'between any rilkiAr the tats; each guar. 'ter :of it 'Jeer shall: t be: loripibhcettorif leaned ,- once a 'tweak ) , Ave cents; Maned MON, a week, ten multi; inknedAhrse those a :ireski;:ilftein Sento; Wiled sixtime. a week, thirty Gents; 'issued= seven times ,a week ; AtUM • •five cents; end.:lst that:RM. • • • • . . r-oito-rsto-fOriisidr a more freginiet - thai' once Ake i e a di " be • ; .o - week. tor . e r weight- fbu Outi*Miknot** dllC ill dorge4; and u n'thi saute soill;! . an - miditionikV , rate' rot - O4coh", gffitio4g. weight' or bur_ oatumaoiroolion therooti and inch pootogo lout be. prepaid for o.', tam .341 : telii-Niiik one '4olgioritor • ;'at ' • ' ' • •• , obits:rib oodlorotioollisi I Arr , oti - • ;itliii - optldei".Of bill : t ub., . ; .or ' moods a 'xinordiholl A ° MORN , • be made • d 'pisiened . - aebtll pint aloe al harol; _and nntualtflq cation shall • dered'froat .officr" tit no b pay . meat is made; katthopublishbrs of weekly newrepen may mind to each actual sub- Variber within' the county Where their pa. pout are printed , and published minxepy thereotirenuf_Postage. .._ 1 Sec. 28—And he it farther sheeted, That the rate of portage uponginallable matter of the_ second. Cue ,•buitiedlees frequently than once a:.lr_iek; ti9 l knownottlecor pub.. on, ant sent .te rogninol a b o o r lb: ,4 1 y 1. , be ea ref ' folloi on neiepapers, woo, _and: ether periodical publlw lions, each not exceeding tile istandard weight of four qunokkandpaspingthrough. the mails; or" . .pNit.olhces of i the , United. iitates;beirreen any points the in , the rate Air each - suck paperer peri odic al uhan be oho' cent, and suiXokiltionai is of oneeent ftti each additional weight-oT four.ennces or fraction thereof."•:yrevided, That the ,postimaster' fl iMe r tilmii'diovidat b art -- 40*.fiti the tradipertation ellsm ae4 s pspersin‘psoltagelf it the lane saki by the standard, weight ettitnplaisgamfrien sent !o " ,„,..-„,, agrees). soit , the raktd) itefein•Vr• vided must be rei t lid it uithertthe o oe` tematua* of daDietir„at Aoption of e the subscriber , fora term notj then one quarterZmmtmere , thin one earrexcept: that newedealets may pay the roitargekkai iss their packages as receired at thslnnkrbieti, pro rata as yeark,or etntil-annual...mtb; Ribes - WI r uf,• - ,pgYlickt!taB9 9111searlY in Id' vanes. -•, ._., _ ~_- • • r.i. i, - ' fien. - 37.slanii be Win.' titer e ted, That publishers may sailesii du , ' irlmblics- Ilea int *to .r01044 . ....;tteci mstul-bills Tor subscription thereto tritium ant-WO. Bohai charge of pitittA and y write fit print upp*Viiik itibUMixfuri r uPot the ri t wrappers thereof, the name an adcirtirro the subscribers then* and thdate when • the sntearildloti irk "expire; b t any other inolosure_or addition inure or in print shall tribjeco the - ebeie.to 'le r - Dostagic and shall . 'he relleated,bafore ` ; delivery tint Sec. 88. And be 11'G:ether intuited, That. the Pitegutaiiktheilicier may him Cute to time provide by eederthe sates Ind - terme upper wfddintternientefthei.redelre and deliver* iketiehil,otror steamer packages of newspapers and periodicals to them- for - that ; purpose bj. tie_ publish- - .ere, or any news agent. in, charge there.; of, sad net manna from, nor dgned for delivery ,- at any .. poet - office. „ Elec. .89.; • Aniflii0 farther 4 . um 1 , p ,,d, the Postmaster.Generd =has a GuiritY to I prescribe by ended* tho'noanner wrap-' , Ting and securing for, the mails fall meteor not charged wititletter postage nor lawful ly_ franked so _that .the same may; be conve niently examined-by postmasters:.and if I mo& so wrapped. and secured, ',the same Shall be subject to letter postage' He may also provide-by repletion leriscertain 'lag by farnititallati, by Wilda tor °th erein, whittlei ppbllshers lien or have pu i ro sent their • as unpaid- ugh the mails t o other thin their re salmi- Sec. 40. And be it further ensloted,'llilt postmasters, at the office of delivery,. crag authorized, and it shall-bi - Molt duty, 'to remove the wrappers and enveLipes- from peinted and other matter not charg ed with' ratter postage,- nor- lawfully. flked, for the, purpose of . stimertaining whether there is apots,-er ceatintiewith, any stioltrint-' ed matter or in:enoh package ally ,matter Or . thing 'Which 'woad authorise ur 'relestre* the charge of a higher rate '4i postage Section ill: did be it farther-eidgeol,lhil the Postmaster General may require an- af fidavit in form, to be prescribed by peter, al righlitice, to be taten by any publisher or any clerk, agent, or servant of•sdithlali Usher of any paper or periodical, which by the terms of =tns act, may be sent., regular subscribers without prepaymenof7 p ostage at the Mailing Office, to the effect' that neither he, nor any other proprietor'', clerk, agent, ortunployee, within hie-kneed edge, has sent, or. owned or permitted tole sent through the mails, without prepay; mint by pantie staiips, any co phis of snob :piper or periodical (naming it) exceit - On 2 smite were sent ' to bona fide .._and regular Sffiisniibefilleirlio.- And if it lm sacertain ed that tech pipers or periodicatillin been tins: unlawfully sent, with the knoniedel or consent of such proprietors, or If tk agent or clerk in charge of that badness,' or suds allibleerit, when required by. _ the Postmaster General, or by a special agent of the Poet °Din Ttehirtment, shall be - r - fused,, the person guilty of snob deuce, or nfusingsuch oath; shall be liable ?to a fine of fifty dollars in each case, to be ',recover -4 by.snit,-beforscanayfeettet cotiOnmpetent Jr:ldeal:tidy OntSitall'Of 'Mt when ropey !: erect shall be paid to the informer. ~ Q ' go,i,; - 42.' , Aiiitili -- -fiaiiii.' enacted, That authority to frank mail matter is conferred, upon - and limited to the following herr:die First. The President of the United States by himself or bisprivateseteretary. Beccliffi Tne Vice President of the United States. ThirdlYthe chlirfeef the several eiecutive departments. Fourth. Such principal of ficers being heads of bureaus or chief clerk, of each executi v e department, to be used only for,oflialak , f eeroritunications, ine - the - Postnaster 'General 'Shall by regulation Inscribe. (Fifth. Benstonand Represent*. tine in the Congress of the United States, including delegates_front, TerThories,.. the Oilieterr..l4. AbiA9nrite and 011itit. idn'thif Hones of Representatives, to cove ,corres pendants:to and -from them, and all print- . ed matter issued by authority of Congreso . and all speeches, proceedings, and debates in CongresSianditil printed matter main them; their franking privilege to com mence With tie Ursa for which thhy are elected and to ilifyitir teethe first Monday of December following such term.ot office. ' a t . dttreides ic rgetrtna 1 e ' kale' .4,4. of Government by an officer respous ,le Abet Oputnentx,Froeilledifffitatin such tin4l4 42t ue cases the enveloYe shall be marked "add" with the sigastetre , thereto of, the lacer. writing the coinuniiliatien. Seventh. Post, masters have also the..fnaking privilege for their 'Weld . nmenunicationsto other postmasters: -, Ambled,. Mat in all such oases the envelope shall,be marked "official,' with thi-Signiture o f the writer Mote t°, and ler saynati - nvary such ' endoieal meni - at , °official,, falselymado the person 1 making de:lien still - forfeit and pay thres,htudroddoharn , Eight. Petitions to either branch of Congress shall pose free in the nilliAillith. I.lld otnisitudeations addressed to any of Me. itanklag , Officers above l, escri...bA' l 4lneVASSeftei ii the ,foregoing o ases.., *OR Ate 'Prepaid hi' post. Gige .stamps. - i This franking <irlyilege hereinbefore eifititid 3 shall be limited to packsiges ,weighitig, not, exesteffine, toot l onacee, except _petitions to .conecrese and Congressional IT eXeciatitedoturmenti, and inehpublicitione or *kit is hive: or may le: published; procured,. Or iturclutaed by. order of either Honotinl" Cengrees, nr a joint Malden Of the two Alum, • wWeIL, ehabit;lioneldered as piblia documents and entitled-WAG franked' as' such ; , and statFt!lolsti seeds, 'oath:4k rootsodleme,' the treed of. the packages of - which' mkt be fixed by 'regulatlint.of - the Pistialiter " ' 6:40: sa.-,Alheb; re /414,4 . )(Mica!, all published Of :poriodltiulsi - majpehiak int loptiiiituti rthich aft , ' &lain a.iiihghisbilitsvallaved itriessolumi thek) i -publle . lllolpaft `cant fia 'ego -7 0 40 5 1 4 - . onflosolLio st_s :4so*Wiei! 7 1161171 - 4 a &lotion 44. sladvkAftoisedior Mat t& tea ansi - foot fee:end sfter the thirtieth day of G TUNg. '• 1863- lowilinnarorsind siity-threa. Beath, 41. And 6. it , foram mm 44 Thetall, Wand puts etrwetteintionets; 'tent with the itiovhdons_of this set sre keret); iektled. • n• 7,1 r; Approved, Huth' 81883: [Ptramo—No. 61.] Aa acirto disipproTti of the twist - y-04 ' aeotioit - of the ad of, the lestlalattp as sembly of the Territory of liessikamd --- foiTcaer pummee. But by as-Senate and Hodes of ilepresenta fints.of do United Mates of doter- , tat in Congress easel:4W,-. That - section twintridx of an of the LegislativerAa sembly of the •Territory of Nevada tled "An tieVto provide r . for the formation Of Art:orations for ce rta in pirposs'e," ap proved Deeemter twenty, eighteen bun dred and eizty-tWo, I:Md. - section being as follows: "Section 26:'A11 - corpotations here torceelorticut under the provisions of sots of inoolorition in other States or Territo ries, holding or owning property ,with this. Territory of such character, - as specified in' erection first of this Act ' i ar managed by a board or boardi of "trultwei or directors, and , having their pripaigil place of,busincss out side the limits of ,this . „ Territozv, are hereby required to. remove, their principal offices, bible, 'and papers, heretofore kepti or nes. ease - 4145r .the traniaotiott of such betsinest , some point- to. 'bb Zesignsied 'by . said corporktion, within the limi6 of this Tot Atom within six months ifter r thipAsskee, of this tot, Or otherwise' each oraporation or 4 ° l oPtiP/ Jskill• be disregarded In law as a corporation, and: the toorppraters or stockholders thereof liCarwite 'ten= ants in albumen, or joint owner. Hof snort prowy_oo 0 Or t wned held within . this Ter. ritory, Any corporation, by filing AAA. rot cording its certificate' f inoorperation, ore', Certified copy thereof, with the Soirees* of the Territory, and with the clerk' of the county k which suoh corporti' it may cAte &Atha principal place of iwww, and , fully complying with. all the provisions of this wit; shall be deeMed'etifficient . to tie such corporation to all .the ,rightelfit rivUegesTeuidsit:the - pliariaions Of-this JlCti,": be And the same is hereby - -eliaappeoved, and des same is hereby annullentiand made , void. 4 iota , ftectaan-2-41.03 furaw. Thit all incorporated companies, - red - .1111Y1State or Tecritury of the United States,•may sue and be ailed; plead and be impleaded, in the several (Worts of the Territory of Nevada, any thing inAlui laws of . Bald Terepiiries to the contrurywotc withstanding.• • • - , • , [Approved, Mara:lB, 1863: . - "TAO Rego of Vicksburg.. Tito •Airest Assault of the 22d - of in ailTvyll:4# Doactipin oan ti. , In a, hitter _from tiM sormspindiniiie OW Now York Trill:et, with Elmat's army, Irani the following animated '. descriptiori' Of Si ire/I'l'l66'sta on tits onemy'a works Ortiiiiiiiy,, .the 22d of May:: ". The 222 of Nay, 1863, will be always Grabill as a•disf of berate daring alid yorlovis., ,17.1 n gurnao side wai'a iiiorciobwf liattleMen to 444-:iiiiii-pitorstrotobleg a natural . chain of 'sabotraids's!, sarthwOrks for ;etc miles or, more, a nd *ditinded by the remnant of the ay reap "or" the Jiiisissippl,aniewsung so. 30,0 .or 20,000 men. On the other ma. vast 7, thiteonquermswf litivhatlUi bide,. and ' ' nett 1p to the hialieitpitchof metaia who "Story of Ai Kit is that of ail's:Mean atte tby a splendid army to storm ; one of lhiii ice : 406,01; Sltiliold foitifleatfoni: t fri,ll; wed& ' -The chivalric and row:Mini brae of that action was worthy of doshoeik days f the or tho,f_9ld Ouird ?! ,', . . . MI 'OIOOIII,T. ' ; ' -. . ..;131.410T-break Friday morning U . rations' cannonade commenoed 02001 the eatirClisia. _Until 13 olglook_tim.homy_slischargs - of mut notL. ii the, di:salon; of shah river, and: the biarating 'of ..stielie•wver the - city einnonneed that tha.gituboats were Oleo angagtod. Dar t. • • aillardmontshislapoundats alibi. lot Infeatry, under this., direotiod OlL,Jens: itoblitot, of Ocitiniiklan selebritj, di trendtd exeottion, blowing up font or Oa et stme id ....., And, doer, render some with 'Me,: sitl.lon abaU.witaessine olthese sights -tatil7 soint; and the to of which thtilis the hiairti iif lisatittil7:witg Miigied' Wonder, athsAmties, • • iiikrOW,forviist often:aid.: • . • • imitglae panel( wa the Attest , 'of 'hifiaii hill, ; envied with fresh earthworks, • Pour higto Perroitzgerte maid on the i situunit.. Wimp up to the top laud i/eep over•-matiously, rkflaleaArasilffiageaciaghtiasairiritlithat half-audible, deadly , sound ishkktins while/ knows so well. Just in front, aid-IppnyenUy not a stones throw tilValthough in feet die , mint 700 yards, is ttio bare reddish outline of the fort we mil to 'Maim: Ho* steep 1••• how oininousiy Mout and,.tisurelala it looks I Oho ilohlA-firray - ttrai . acitlitny of Various or, lips coul,d abide them. Between: it and 4416 ti'' 1 trill,iy,'OP. ravine, that makes the apPrOtioi l h - td* the ,opioNiteirtlit plipmE prioipitenr:- - Ab - Olthiir ozirsomuy orthe bastion lea ion, ittw . liale= - of ride• its, connoctimg:whh', elstilor oak - r., toe i ti-left,u fa theyen can Math, form gMt unbroken Wklamis ri4eplstkil lortlils•tiotr , t 7, - i 13, -'.,. iti64abitirth , tif Chip - fur immedietnii: i front, the riile•pits mike,. •ttend.4lflot t..4 if tO Wait/ With an entiliding . Are • 14, . lelI el party..:: When yon look at yonderstee that. co r don of breastworks oonttived ° Wl oonsununite' ingenuity and l lahoi;lbei lark slake within you. To the left, with itabhuld red bars jail visible *bore the rifielits,siew: ,vt ai ritaviritireATiriti,,lll the nof trmomp„, ; Beyond the western hill;; p ointing peacefully heavenwitoi, Li I itj11,04.09,4 11 1 0 ... 11 0 14000 . ..0110111L . 0 propo#.,„ lions, am thi spires of Vicksburg. *All7aliing; thit nut' above andhlimitatlillas the' roil lielotiltaTtiimPisi, il-.. ~ o , 4 , ;:.i 'if At length; titid ' of - baitin g , taiilsiek, the friendly Shadowg ofi.. Oen: Cam's tent Jut bit low, and await the progress, of event/4,21M, .Iwlt.,i , .AlaintUkeetriees ob Mit air.i Iliciy are eitatglog I .Itswier's brigade is advrithigi Thineiti a geberstrusli to the summit of-310k ropoiese of sharpshooters anitakells. Thins they'they go with trailed mnsksts,, half erokthitrift. .witivawift bet stealthy triad, stream to ward the fortress. For a moment-mot sh ot is Attie' Thfri are mania 'trim the taking shot. of liltenvarb7Alta aids 11- lb. ta'ol44)'• Satinet as tag emerge into ,the. open spear balerittimithiet, the'llibridte And' bas an the left, the works Sin front, and-the *pi :Main from ite right ' all open rep o Heat .with a deadir storm of billets; Wily sip: sertedithe - ritdObblitiri - ell - illie with faiiiiii and mushoti and jets of smoke. Phi bit 10, crazy with the sharp rattle of masketty'AUC the mash of .014 non. ' Per a moment the advancing oolstm 4 atilt:: gen under this terrible ordeal. Then M• It& brave fellows rush forward s right tip W - ....tit iiresetVoikiihislitsAewiromni.• the 'ess•' of the moat,-leap in and disappear, emerge oh the other side t andstraggle with great dia. Galt, up liotsteep side` of the parapet. llama of them reach the top, and stand fora meant ii.he>tergeb of , thouandclot , billett' ani Ala rend, bat awful nitro% gaze down at 0 ' thing within, then spring forward and limp: peer. Is it video ? I. the ttroogboldwoal- Or do they enter there as those who moiabhir Beldp of Sighs, never to return I Now Itthite, scale he works to be met by shot•frommltht. in, Andsiak-to-thaauthroe-reehiokwl4 into trimitte‘ . /Itifolfallibid 14, i 4 . t . , araibardititte aletiSsWilishiplittlig in . a assisiamOmf fan likettattiNvirtlinOoPport, no - mow • fiz." thillia4d;of ,a foil tilkodaft6V "iii l4l 1116 / snai i rrog i r •0A ii, swot; 1 1MArMisitiniiiieb,, t• UM " Tint, vita ' 3100 1 4 so iisii Wand ,- flaw burro* ;ItifliAnd add toot 44 teloastJatd••thd.iiaftwiwituat v Siam :A suirie raist 3 ibtfoilits.. :_i __. 444 -the Win ofde of tbilliklAKall pangally ed.:frommuketr 11111-4030 soldiers Oleg • • . ;pm rosorium—pio di* urijolto dm: 11 • tilss Meat ;pa cAat. oatour -billabi i/Clie .04. Sid 0 the 1.14 . Aswelag; ;- /-- . 4 % . ~ .lon. with ; aitiorerd; tataliv. aIS el* IPAblk fliftiriumpeat • .doirrados. 81Vroiad tam thy rob forward wore the snood outdo* ono or two at adore.. BO ;~~~ EOM )y et yet Slick ..L.Atieul =R -of ai thaparspit, .feitbr.tberfrectellicacabmwoa . of 'Mitre& We altdismr to ilmerrisst a liartslaketeskcomee arras sad okokee tits ettetwais. Witat we . Waal 1114:111* tenser reiatortiMents to than ems: pilaf., 41L-divisien•ef nos thrown for ma:import the envier of 'yonder Nution nag iumns =Vicksburg. , -After a •fsiOntoments, which. seem an age , Laittinues inigago, or: a peaks of %same fibroid toe position !qui: cileteat from the redoubt . with that occupied by,thenutimportion.of Lawhes!tcrigadee and eau be got ao farther.--- - - i Will* Laud/am - Is moving tip it is plain that thelonamy Is inasabg kis foiaisAgainst us. Min as he' can rushing clang• behind , the. rifle pint toward - . tats:main , works, ,both aborts and below.• ,11 Is evideut r that an at= tack mut be made allesthere by ay of dire= elan. Aeoordingly Gonad Idlisraand or. Benton and Burbridge to put forward. and engage the tummy at ins . alba - tight: Tins oonstant Inquiry is now what saws front thcsight? 1 Anat. SOW *llliCi Sitmoom. taut iiio!husonfic•liserrephily sag homeroom of any. diticiption I. eateohisedi - fl it 'thcf bate motion Is isdanittsand t oututisf ry.l Mo. Pauson's corps , was , - , oloso to Fat ens a. work,- ~,0 az day wan - piloted s upon iho titbit i l ia peiaPets at mink plaint; bat (Vial:Wl/aft takaa. Ruston Cu.. ro that - II t,.bat port 1 yeid to. beldiholli foandation. -, I was aTtoat i til AM the. attack , was averywhere. heal filth I 'Doi withiltesty: colonial, but eh:lntim -, loper..l The -iirec of •the-eaesty se, twoott_ matratakaad taardaroahlkoth as too desk and amuck' tooNgir to Mt Thus the* walk akar 11 aVi gallant. 4.4VIIINIPAROOPaIcaIartra/ aba . . „., I not attompt At ter to ' A *utak ikeseili c olat thillitio fin Mir piitkofik ' bids .thesimpliriaant•lkat , / dbiaat mar It . milt ntatement ofifestkobtained from 6thdisrinf sailifia that ink attire of ski diffealttOlatweuriubuitadinalltbdigallatif-v lci of. lb. Jolt* rsjiwere very .slush the 1 a1 ",...,0 1 ? i f. 112 ` 1 7Z11: 1. ...,1; i ~.i i i wi. r a- d _ _,- I '" =war twerp, lo tspo ' ry bre. - *slim a iiiijiat ciiialfeChi - Of tie itAshilt' AI 7i"'S' ititkiiiiiiiiiraf:eiVo; t io'ilie l tiiiiiiiiioi` aiiiaitiiiiii 646' iihiciiitizia Bthili : -faufoniontilisfikridtmattSt lit this we troiztheibent4Mailpftiii"l.Mbilassault at ;aim lotatpira osiri inn judge 6f %imt. The' 4. 01041 " ti boron; Idllazll4talid l indeed "has P 41.4% itbetbir estaairahaahatot have made ~cl l 4, 4• ,fitult, --I t Pllothlabisi sienna al- . MTtes.C.P l !kes" ll fvOttaiirimb_tteniiite.of.lifsi but ws Frame thereAta.not, Anyht sullaleat doici'on wklidi to haie any tiostwarthy, ihnli.r. 'inint;ciiiinithingtaticti than mitt rash °phi itirt; - rotating "tell *tun:. , ' The Fritfm, iloinifigirta tots innWerii thoseirfiaaiiithl -obfebfr ta visirea itiiiiiir: i-' t - - -i 7 ,4lii , bb asst i.wi6litfatt i 'ftitttiiii" patimiaaniktaranaerlar =wag thiraftent u he .t 4. ,_ _lt will -,..bi armed agilast him, 'fitit, - thit , Vidaniintrg Win - fairly fainted by tar assay, aid ilif , qmptalakit awai sfqatitiOre6f B! i liaartadis-thekthOse: ski lard -0 7sita . py wermould nokbo. att tff,llll7- ualtl ,, Batbi`point br . fahr nhithar of thou saiertion a maw alasehitely. tilat.Pliriffiipothf vpaytto to 4,,y, hal! jiaLosr Johnston. solgbk aot 'apjpiar kraut raii with'Sotia es division sad :11urirapaaat' of , lintoon's, betide' the anti,' whisk ketflottaAbehind Jactionst:i . lirkes tops. , fOrriments might come, &DA 401 f, Ai oopi was a , craiition which no' ideliCan'swer.rt was oataintotathe othstriktud7-11ia.tbe siraitf Vicksburgore&torrUsixtinsteraiint4 -tiustattr °an-Wasps:Sid alroany stormy sad marled, !lad. Works of litaMostformlliknedticifiption. The attack aiiija• - bialtimi upgatf4a4Aia.4* reoonnolmanoeto.amertaiwthe strength of the atemPft P/titioit; :Th•lllTliatiitt of the forts *tad nit tic datutipitarity. iatertataid V 44;7. systassi . of - merit iirigat..:lrt turned out that tha latirior of wt kat 'nue pf.:iitc4 bulbul 'could biobinigandafaitei ft was itgtenty'xiiii 'Atria the 'roar; thifit - eould . onlyl hi taken plow mail, as partitions dividsd its intake. I take it for granted that obstacle s if this. ' known ' - til the of k nows were - not na !ling A • , - • How:Dosertoritatez Tressed ii !Albeit, Aupky,,,„.;; ! ALlat4l°l,o44l !p ; _ Ategi'4,,inah, now eitii.thet itt l I `ethatekeTA),t Were the'ine slielidisicala,44 *MITI. - weettions faOil, dir not imftaitesitti seatetsc , ititividfoittany InAissow Awe/ theetlaijohted the w itigog oft's Int logohle v ead wkett,thq foiled liotevattik think* holetiFeretela the buds if tits masa ustreliatinberi of them lift,_otatteppte4 towee..tego_te..thelEfew-. Tam - oilitte k thr this was ow. _ *Mob* stiookountot itiCwith_• &If- 1.-;" s ite st - iste. Ili wis,-ke. ft lostisrippi, sit lift his eoaa._o_k_sititrit mot into camp of InSUlWUnaltettlitßonths attez.ingila ,heWILI otegtstotili brought to the &toy, set it mag t egastentaiktioitii !Own idiot, .itt oilucvmsks_:. zit; Artois Sh as . an SIOLSOIrot tiakere 4114‘.' " I* l44 :l l 4 4 t4T.a,utiriiikine 'lldtie - iiith a toti .ok mit lost. to did tishitetertlitki'olthihe.te tit De and: tikikinersit relict time intdekaOtref. lOW itudditatailt &hiked Itelintitiesn~' ;Al: Relk"toopest. L. sun:LUZ:el .:: ..,,, TMAfolltilaNtaecogi tsettesehem imlaiirptPcoerlitlihAihni. tee lisOkCreggh, 90 4 .1 0 E 1 Pitilltrtir is thintinniz fish Stirring w old ,raw eitisittei toside7tiormitsi,nd, hi, it, 7firwiind stair todposottobiliinde , bit - aft: l oV titchti l lsiiitepong; wash 10 - lOrtrtie oilti'Statee,on of tits _maw iiia.4 stet 1' " iii4(lol46iiiilii,.l4o:4m. in :minatiel: l A. the Oninial'i'dik en' past Ili' troops he!ioneetehil Wet'te be ptsteisiteed as a warning.aturoteridi dikttnirSoNsirlgriepBl4 jirfLii7l.:lL:C , 'ITU •, ~:.1 i 1.1., , -Z.A. -," •. - , tl i r i i ;" . 4 KI L PV I , I, -LigthoOsiblini in eery ' .B s t i oc i a, orightattiditatenWriihO iL sosording to the ofithetopeehti:olgos of Geoexaor- Yegtote: Atokellighjefteedordi. ilia - h.* !kook: Oar losa 6wi ter 't al = l tt4i-s&lTrgiott, it tl444mmainsftit.;* auarjai D o h b un i r ty ralk i kiva fitakilaoy.tViocie CelliAlik,e/4 11 4 0 004.1147ania1ti0 de: attilUSt AL VW the, VnfiK140011, 4 4114, atkow44 mike 4 Mat IrerthAttone_. ll -_ l 4..ik &Rue kit 1614 e Moot sua4:dayistii4o4l,Ul insh-whin'thq • lavintauretki 4 4Pri 44 . ,424 Btos StO!iri 1 61 ".t94,41 9 0 , 4 9.4*. - .Tl*- 1, 0 1 411 , 2 •:. 'ALlitiziat. ow, )/oiro 'ii:mos ator.;:mo.oiro.., Gu:P.--B. Bitit•7 Me ordortd2sltuddlttooot tiszyz - Pue) to lasata is al t i glottis? tci ibba. Igfilma. 114dt* itotitorionawanot ids 0011- 1 : 11top0114-4440.-lio.loteasts 1 gtoontlit to , ..• :Ws* 4rosois ..litosishot. itol ail - n4l t lila :vim* tad wham. •TM =Ma" :will .14 of f 'Oil altmt:ittliais boolil4iiitul eisiPc - 4 1 241m pik-Itlllia.kaavy. sourloettb; otki ittll Amx - ths follow*, Umtata* I. Nitottol7lAoiltlisty!ok- Disk rldgado;* lhatay's blond sad oautake. but 41tOilt dtvialoa Itnishod to , I, , l bei r — LMMIMN-glkOtlikeilnlorrauropi.' • swilidattatic 1261444 44a ,, . . VAZIra Ihtidisit'Dkootas PthelfteOliii I - Wiwi:43lAm% • . h - a &/a - .1 " lma, .4 m that thez Mat. boil- ditirliiit ' l jitoittlitilsig pall Aim daso , tholyitilitiiiilhailorotoo; , ,.... itionStutiatasereetremir thrhaz Otira,..: Oestqa .4 fitioelleikuprAtilatollaethe 3 164 011blevelabei Alive *a 111101 044.._ 4441101 teas 1 .. a ...' riliOrrtor _ Vienf..10143.1f44, , I :=;, 1 1 4 " , • - nri Pii24,, , Ap.; . ,:itt uzihnolgoise , li9.."Mialilatiii,ioi444iTiai efflrht&W: ociur r.ez"eabidiriuteiTelliiiik tit • soil. IP. eettpedWewt... lie lettetead tit rreePV RIMWAA.I44IOOII*,:J,:vI t : 4 , a z rel;sltt itingmli t wtei iteittilei shore V . tor tneelialetta t ziwiiiiii km_ Omsk Olevelsad ea _w_eiLth ma Forty %lend melte lett Mama* ea Watered", to the Zoos. - . '''''l'''A 4101°. " 1 ' • iiiiSi O'D ii a'i ii a ill.' i...,:t: 4,5c.4.4 e...pi q , , il . - - 84 . .1<,1t 4 I.tl ' -- .----*"•----- T;V ..e. • . .11 Lk- ... i ..„ ' - e' . . '.. ;•- . 1 - t - .r,v:i7..r ii t,:4 w;, - . • ''''' ' : V 1) 'III ' ::.... '.' ' 64 k10 i ' 1 11 ..... •' '`. - .:. 1 : 1 :: 1' ,... ' . .473 liMil tkii4l l Z i ti 111Orkll ...,... I t r o etaz [ tat - istana ',Ai* a sad -• ~. l'a,: l- .- . 3"t t t ma y. ~~+ ,~ "~ ~`..~~_. .r_...._~... 1. 5 01-Pg_, -1/11 21 10w, imp rsorazirose, 84 AM Iltnet. iiietlkas 11D122018. DAIL% I I • • 6 r a jinn VP TO MI ROM 0/ 11Thliaaktioleu • .MONDAY. :: )11488111Gi q JUN '8 NEW TE 89P THE IGAN6T7 Mum atoll; ik•rjur......212 00. pea* U. " •" • " lertirPo, I"erp.. 2 7' aIIN.PO Par -10. L 'llii•milansairodala - POP4 Pr Ter. 100. " ea. U. _Fe eArlOP.Plo.ll4*l3lirass dab. Ilar • 'pia of 2116•14 ar• wain& S t p,l2uppi Maus 4 111#'• twenty; ,Irs win ism ft eaueislutr." imbilstiopkr, 5 oat& .42rAlliatpalgeoP0444•4100• PP* , .I. I W I - 1 14 4 _2 2 4 1 . 7/200.2 1 1C1P1C ovum t , ;: The Sitaattoit &Afk 'Crliatarbeniiits tb. eibiteilke making cps Ake great ekswelecaid* the'donth-western .Eitabre, whareihs gambler *Mils sow bolsi „plognfort a. g,lgeatbsii seaki•by their chose* PAPPasiornallaronslinua i 4 Pactsuron, 1 ,c1,4,M.,:1e0,(4144utik eau. Racing vii*Pg• 4 4-IVT*l9 l iiitiorier lines of -901 , 84'..,9Mts and iconbl• nation! esn'htmasialritAmappraUre seem -1y• ware4c!ing,m. !yr: - -eihritri but 4 prOblikijillefik 0010104itid condition oidatintriindOW4iii "gawk. program Mailintiat'llieVeliiiiiWataations ranch istarkidi °Kitty Ibi didroilit'of transport- LarplargsAivislimir4lkikitaM firm plus to Pilwort, wliirlutillsay,sapplieqhnd otloor Laz,T1.0.14.11-:14:. .1.544 • 9 1 4441kAtellYrite,itatisar, that, ha the PORMlJlP9rtrrscaballoyal poop* km' net grorruthaateel ,tha yalu placid npon_the_earapatioa of Vlokaburg by the rib. alc.. Ammon mama whht ha'said, Ii luG% aped disPatches,_,Vwulsalmoonraged Pik aauox to holeoou t , arlth„thei assurance that aqua' plug la his di- . and Giant hi: rirb • P' thVialiiiit. nu hold • ,;••• tibiloosuai&ty tlie:ViediAarg garrison ifokaskois, tbilefdiCkanoentrating Wogs loud 2maborton,akhatiby =Wag a - dlmotwtlackaport:Graivi *lose by moving ‘ 1 4 1 4. 11 , 1 1.1,, inenturif Utast= :tu1..4!0T,•4441443441PP1i1icihil would rsa •"r "`!P 9 'l*-9 1 1V 0 ,4 1 0 111 A-bitho Man jiimi*.k.iiiiikti•TbYlp-PF,04,41; aid the ,iebela:Cenahohi I(emphisjpAVort Hudson, trait - ol! 1, honk eppliss. A motetihoat igittestSliemplalk; kourer, would ha a hiivdou owt,andlrainellai to the epla ion that ilie'prograviera r talikaalesatrato alt "thaltakiiiblor-tiiiii 'ilia& u *sat 121 the 1 14...; ,‘;', , N,1:4z. - ,1 4 buita foikidii of %Kee army his month I , to' ershithroP . Johnston. Olutrieston i .,lllthils unif..Biusilak hare also tuts stripped'Of ttoopkfoi thaftnrposi; and it Lenora - paled aid otidit4ftwill.thforined aisla that niuull the whoth of pages army his thoyed Bps& :Thaw IS tatting hi oar lialreeskoro* this sup . tqdn. me obeli, - 4 - ticAito reeennot. trod sad. at :Mantis the ,nthel. cavalry were death' than* Grupe' amaton. Thls UPI isithlitijklkar. lo user tato whether Gusset Itintiams had bun sioldilitio - opi - link* to nor liaises re dlipinebii`th-diiiiiiini4e west of thi>idi at Esithastan''on'ifrfdif; still more ltangly tidiest, dun the elesibsittitioa of the rebel amiss la the flouthantlit the rear of Ql. nk bell* rapidly sleeted y for the lead en of the rebellion rsoillse-the rapertane of hilding the key of the lthrthulypi, and so will put forth all their inoWir, itswigis even to the dthilt-strually to sari the doge of Via s hore., lrentaado Wed*: , . witliblearlisha thoi'AeVTork Do , - , isl Prliee - Or4p, Li oat BitliOototegstait the war. Is speech made list Theisday to hi. eterubl4 'followers le dam'lath.. Ant plies .theogv eir„eaveramest *wok egpowir,rooemekliwiewetaster. • • I belie* there bt *Awe shot cieteri that 'the** iltstiot itottottastlonitt *Ills? ina , polier apatite the State, walla fowl& ' 44 e.t da a aaa at the I% 4 1 0141***Adlo wis 1 Ilia4,o4 l , 7?Prft.lffitkinti 4 110,14•14, tbt,,citto42. wit to WiDialittor skit =I iut . ever pre dieed—Aidinclae ihst .the 17 1494 mut, awdr)uinibe liWwwitdil and la, that*bilietbAr lei WA, it dire* pirtiewei toillipiiiker co**, libillbloa sass a* 014-b•IMIII61111 Ediftlf we can, olgurq mad IrllmE l****, what la *Bed the do'fi!;o • L ' ) , upeettittpert7 to Mow *O4 yir‘uip. Both eb eWttersaaptue toAs:weeeplet ti. faith both are to be rewdred*.•_vot '4ki*raiie prbiet 'illel47l:liatiel"A7Ao4 IMPA•7 414!' be matter fortherj Bier bee both IlowooveAlo tWWI I liCetirtaF tax Wl4 be 11. . 1 1 1111 4 0 0 111 4 0 44 11 16 4 0 1 14 4 • 1 • 8111 - i4fabolttbtdim w3o - *bee "POWs** ia" taut a casigasai - • e • • ~...... .e '.. V* !ii at .:1 AM vas iso a Glib* It. :alibi*. : At air bib.' i brW" . ed. initbla sat inia4b,dibiesiiipiibt, nu OFFIA abillobtal ma AllbabeiHrlbaatles, barna nib ItaliftalithlllV64l WM ' '" sfai thin e vi ti l ta l3o .4l 4113*imaii• .%771 1 4717r: *t.A.fitiTri, old , IF Ogblinsirrcallid liblimilidlie Vll alid, ow ila - biltibi ,Wlrlettry car tl-14 , ''diz-zufiktio... airnoti*lfikkaa. oproliii.'3 row. ow_ wooforfonhooo of 01 i :d.., odoilitot uk, ,ioklivoi bi liwisepoot Aiwa to di+ tibibir il ' ilk. P N P , *- * ~...,-o*Tlle kit ' AilTillikri , ge I ** , /KW!! mulitia of &Dui w.glrit rawaty, Was sliap• bi lamb IMF saki* ow, .tate4keldrip otruitiotsai iru&Airipitki 41 Iiiir it hailAwiiitaki pnelog lilau4 . 4*. " 11 ta l i lila b 016 , 91 , 1/1 " 11.1.. ' I op* thobirb, possWibl44,o-1 1 1 011 I4b• tubs.! in#, 'lb boaisiiii KV - 1114 ,*11 411 iiiiteiiiiii i at. aiblliblikto bilia. ,- - - 11/billW I ,ilia bib ilbilikill*ltsfig. . . ,p - 1 I'IM T 04414104 11144 8, TillF 7l, Tiorevitbiro • baba Inn• . .......,^: ~., ,F„-: .: , taking a• orsk fir eargelea, 111 " 4 .11114 —amait ia t tr adoessedis' 4',' - .- t _ . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers