Ei2i 44P1PArr, I °EigGg-M!P-44G4Mq*.. , tiumndiaa a weisi a s r s oa l Tif andik. „jitist. Tho %OM rise_ , `AO 4 4. 9 "_ 1 Wl:44atimmd, 17 bi1*L.'21111,11111,71 4 • —-014 Isplita 4' aped t'Viik**/ 0 4, 3lf eetOA bmstiple Pule andll7,: an Aolig -34/!.`^'.. ' halk" Contlat, l o. *Dot,— Dem% of t hi s 6 14,, i hiwilikSbe .aainselgative, -asiesoa treßf -4 4# 1 . 7"Thei 4 .4411144.4,ii!iab1ia to ,be pOtltoeeedl'. a . ... ASOlig 'Wiest WIL7OI arsl interim& wastba Aisit old" to ; pis 11 0 1 14.401flas s Woaiplbufbe with on14"19131 proii ossly. After t ioas,; Mi. 88race BlinciiWMlLUT.weloofnedAte: OJAI on pelfalW.o#ll ? eagwe. Rerzidr. Llgitasi, - of Dailvillaf . ?l, briefly and elo quently S:ensecied t .::Aiiiiec6f were also made by7ltsv e 'Brooks, Rev. Mr. /WM. 0 1 / 1 0!rT -7 .5 Mallon. The - • Xemmrellomi here* MiloWttmusen4 pissed , - nest an -1/1/111 #0 11 .4 11- OVIOtt bed in Drsk, midi hat. Jittei filturehifikilds city. , 'o! the Peissylisals Blble : t3tiotity'44 held some days slime ci the of tlw . tplphany, Phlledeliddsiaet Cterelfiriel *slant. — 4.4lfisiiit;_iters Jude fagrt J. XL A. Botsbergre-D.l' R e 4 4 *aid in; MoiaJoh4:G)spielw sad , Cow. - - AVXinling4o.okieilimultrello#, ' putt year was '21,655 Bibles; 2,286 boobs of the Bible; 74,834 Testaments; making a total of 98,675 volumes. The amount of Cash received, 829,441 07. The - society maintains its eiliclint, agenoyin the general work throughout the State, under the care of their ante= sad,Western Secretaries.'L. bi stated a new form, of five oral* . ,tet,timu, in installing a minister of the Lutheran Gtr , Sts :=just been adepted, each of which is audibly =intend, "1 do so ?manse, 'with the help of God." Six'ques- Sens are also answered by the 00110410. tire, in one of wbiohthq solemnly promise, to stake all due we in raising and nevi. lathy giving the entire promised 4 theft minister. - -1 —Upwards of Mien lumdred of the English dery reply to the anti-alavery litter of the Frenol,Preteinant olergymeb, "that it In honorable to France and French Protestantism Suit it' so heartily wishes the dentruinlaref a - slain system 7rid#l mats four ailllion of Itegrossivrehthed, tiw tiddiniantein, td which diatoms WA Auto* of the Dew School Peekbyterian Osier Assembly fe to be • talti at Dayton, Ohio. " Tke anpunimeeting of the Wesliien • .! 14 1‘ 1 1 4 1 1 4 a4 In lizaterHalf, London. The receipts for the Tear =mated to .£l4l,6B9i'apial to - $ 7 4- ' • DA'. LArbir Tespindittniti irem - 1145,537. Twenty-nine ndielanishe kw* been sent out by the Boolokr,todiiferent points. The Sty Ise 605 antral or primoipsl =beim stations; 6,618 oluarohei and other preach-, hiiplioes; 'and 889MilitslOnsriii; and u. _lsmn bn prevenient on laid jeer: - Aar*** were' made by Ar-Andzow! Agnew, the •Ber. • Charles Pm;liev. 'aka. Otoodston, mations)) Bev. Wes. IL Punshon,*t." Dr. linnaskand others.; The curd= mt. ouptid eve lows Ind a Ulf. • thwbAs oesaloti4 the Old lohool ,Pesekytety of ISt Lonb, a - f4ort represent tei s Ma, was'iabis i rate -415 against 9.- -Ittalibe t rib, the brag . rehired lapel:vise treanonitid ' belga& as (Misting within theta...hem* • • —The Presbyterian elves =Matta front - • -ika °mind itigittraps4 itiolunond,'. kote"rbiitt trf kept 44 Gitaligiteuiebly Of the COntederste States was to meet In • ----Clibuoble r tio , ----''ltk - ' . May, to be opined ektit'itiertnon Au. Dr. I: Li: .. ,, , theiftdaltor. ! Pite i 1 riPtl i Cillkil - -,- ff,#IPPOI i ft, imitated 'tiiiiterci Interesting debate 1 tir • •Ia Us lunesablr.i ,The-inpott, A is "oil irililsieri! , be ;IPVII I O IO 4 Wow- . 1 Beikisil Abis• Pki* 'llitttereiiiiiiitittdatiiiitte on - P s ailtiiiajtlie" mooted at Os Amtealgy r and olio al ate-: 01 , 114211121 / 01 Thiai OS! lam et- Aseefgeto: Esfoload. Clip*plt lluk Amiably. - meal ritival-workAbolpon = 4 'Mk Illistob, over :: professed coitualikon. 172ssi naliti of 114 . '4Si:141as' n 1111041ouiri thipait year, htyn - beeikslo4.BB4 2 SWAINIO4 hal 17 . 8# : ai~t—aigre- Vrerent ionitothic• Twit—iimabsr of , lag & as spri, b M 5 - 711tere -powidocio the shuiohes - °a Pati4fs. o 4 l /4 6 /37 , ii".!* • -Thkrty " * 44 ,mir''/Tfitkcatta with " -----I•ll ** 6l 7.7 44 "teklorrirtirlitgr th a' `V IL -Chrll / 41!lrAi m Pu l drO BT o takeisiteinris to raise one hundred thous 'sad At* to complete the eidowiment, fad of the Isititute: , • -"; • mit2.64ov..rukiwt - Aditt'Adiecipi4 Mar* at Offle,ll &TA not faa tamer ill sstklbtur•iliv-;I , _ ?* 1 _ " 1 : , , , :::easecoant osmium torpiloyai tie &atlas ot IThs. tiabittp ia i :l3l iar __lnetioaliknalk:!o 4l4 l o / 00 4 ‘ 4 ** - re AltNitsff PUY uktigotds46 ligiala 611 ' sO's 00 . 1 .5**** 444464 rids t,ls 1$ ono of- tonnsonniv ,and wows sadlimilidiugninimissimiza sodatitaffidi t pi WA; has Preb 11 0 11 _I I 9V 6 TiI • • sal, to Biigi ibiatas." ieeeling of the 9:thedez 1. "r 14P04 'ee ass r ablr, .•• "T'At the 'Mel* 'of the ftr,4lAlFN:4l47l4444l44awimia ' JUNE 6 within a tetriestc, At the vecent session of -Conterinuettr aultatemitk - _ - of .OTeT 304 iidth 7,54:14:011 tviit, "Atari :Veported. — . Tye Catholic - titchbisbar of Cineizt= esti has weed a eiranier : -annotutein his intention of . founding i Citholla Normal SchooLin his Moats/. - The. iaterraise is to be inaigitated hi a convention of dele gates, .to 'be Opened Crineittoti, on Wetytesdey, August & '• '' --theincorße et the Atiptietidisskanary iintOrtithatiii ink !acreage 'Over lift you'a Isseitil'otsls,2oo - . • .LOCAL INT Ri.T;VEN 08. Ilstofling for the Draft ...As mpOrt. • wairtilllegvelliarri in the several dis. blots fhryaghoul t 74 eoanb have iseat i busily , engaged for the Oast ten daye lir taking the :neuter of persour liable to - b. drafted, and it Is expected - thit*Psifiak ,wIB be ambled in • few dark Brims of thsiretnnes ore already Ta; and tie s areheing . pared. • • -It BOOM th ee no . ptinision his been =editor taming these district lists. i revsed or odirrectsd,,and as - the carolling °Meer snakes his return, so the names must remain. j It is not presumedtbat in any o ne district the ca get the will the name of - every man ;liable for military duty, and it would. seem but just and .proper that some provision ,be made for correcting the lists. Por instance, if the entellheg °Boer for each district Would give notice when his Hetl. completed, and that it could impublialy martined at a:given time and place, for the puipoii of making eddifiossei.lt would afford on .opportunity for everyman to see that the name of hi. able bodied neighbor war. enrolled, and it would d• cuabtedli result le the MUM*, of many odgers and pkulkom. „Barry_ Apace is : now 00104,t0.0.04er to sniff giving the name; sad aa every.: name omitted, inaremes the chances - of. these stnrolled:for bring drafted, every m a n on the list is intorestid in having his neighhot's name there also. Itaeenu,however, that no additions tan be made he the manner indthatied, as the law does uot require it, and-when th district lists are returned; as 00134110.0 AV! ore 'at ones placed epos this:oonsotidatod t.• That is, a complex alphatatioal list is to be made of all the names returned from the al sub .dis- Biota In sigh ,ffoogreetional district,. and this emiselidatatiliterltiLtata-thi- buff for. the draft , •Tbet consolidated Bit-for the twenty -Aided-Ditch:4 (imposed of :that part Of. Al legheny Poway South of tkirriversnad eta. braclegthinountlai of ThalirindArastrong) Dios belt prepaied, and hale been re geestd emiaake a suggestion, ,we thintwor u7 the attention' - of the %trolling Boards of the, reveral'distriots.' Ws' gar thit.when IlMseramat &lib:Bets have; beim, traniforied to theisonsolldoted lisle, they Is ret u rned to the suboslear . and plawa to some oonvenient po sition for public intpeetion,and that the of bo instrnoted• to . add as many names as my be,reported to him la "oltissions, but in no sue to male any erosions. These addl. Mout could subsequently be made to tbe con satiated list, use while adding many names, it would at the sun time place all upon an equal footing. -Maus something of this kind is done, many will escape all risk of the draft, to the greater risk of those who despise dodg ing and skulking. The PubliC Safety 4 Yam. : Auk sidourner in 79 at oity for the - past few months, I have - been struck with the perfect sane of mouthy from rebel raids that pervades your community. To a stranger, acquainted with the geographical position of Pittsburgh, but ignorant of the extentive preparations made here to repel an invasion, it would seem that -the people of Alieglieny county did not realise their pool- Ont. The herculean labors performed by, the . I Committee of Public Safety in organising "regiments et infantry and cavalry and mon pades of arena Cry for the defer ,. of Dorton and property , am a worthy . al Falls, and 'Merit the approbatiotiof au inttittgont people. What would be the position of affairs in your • ty to-44, for defensive "operations were Lt. net: for dm labors of this committee? It would be helpless in the extreme, and a re proadtkO a people possessed of any degree of semidryy. Let the work already aeoomptisked brositosuilitte• be appieciated_by: all irks. efah.-to fed aware in the possession -of ‘thelr -Mame and - Ambles, Seek labors &odd, not Ass for Men - by a gratsfal- ' people .':, Through the la leemutlona of them patriotic Men, Mithlke ald.of the others , of the Mate, theeltisma tPltmbargh eon, -to day. Seima to all - TOW - ruder,,icome ' treat what diredtion they may. Allow- 2 e, the,-through tite-stedium of- year parer, to engoduiste She Ismikeil, massafactmers and claws of Pittsburgh generally upon their good fortes* In laving itetuted the Fervid, of these self-samillatag men to lOtik . bier their • •Weifase.r. A. B. A BitiAltsiir of - Artillery-tor Llama ' - • etreitratithst - to- barn thatthe Commit. ,lea Whit this itostei# fa ollarse asbinakthg -nay favorable program towards the formation .et a Bittoo k ot Aron fol. lb. 4it nil of the GUI: ben kin bans age dI&olly what *gl:fffat Ai = W ./lunge' ak.4 0 1, 0 4 fita7the Govendient bong able and triangle supply refiaa fbi ttaries. 'l - i=t=blis :: been ire Pito now bees as tiraly obelated,and r fail soseplaannt of boron for drilling sun new.inind at epos u wi t lirstbattery I. artimiut '• .44 ji propoinel now to enlisloni itnndr.n and km J mem and - ttrbsainilisilliair one*. All peinens - wisliths tto I I nonant themselves with _the first WWI, - whisk will owlish% • of sLc-punders , art rosnested to *ll on Mr. Wm.. MetAilf,.nt thwitort - Pitt - Workt.7 - It.trudithlOod ; th at, - when limbo** , Is ergablied; It :Oils nu ' • the ooninand oreefU'Allalai.it:AnaP. lit, ofitdip suktofv.ufu lerixionand ifilsifeirb, a few: weeks; It is desirable that the battery be termed as soon akpossible, laid all doaii. faitliiiiiitonsation upon tie ankles; will please call non. Mr. Metcalf who Is anthosind by:the OSailaiktee enrol tie amass of thine sin wiebto Join. Beltidiithig t et 8 crip. Avoid dal of thosorip lioned by pivots _1011 7 fb•:- Inifinatioo, hos ipit into onyx 144: mat., wing Uttio # 1 ...40* gill• Mot owl engraving, and tcttee tut thdy kambion, Immunity oiiiiitenWidaa.oltif :tiny oongrotnlata• liminalvisrilob!thoy did not Ijop i nooolh tirOrini•lbOiihy.mooped an gtartM t r trii`hitronnoirAinttoid of 4144 . 41717'' lissi=an d :: ' 417 "44 • Ilia dillionib , to distissnlah lionottmar , th• The business ;inn °Mato of YouszttowaDftdio, itarejoallad a itoetiag and resolved to.talta attutoreeerip of aay_kiad after UM lAMAW./ and it w i li n" be tong before Qs evirlif acelp • will -14/ repudiated irrirpleturtc-`,;: , " : `Aiitetuia. A, 'llttussuctas ioz ihiluvArtiMalt•• o 4 raiiikttl Pro -441/7,7inuipla towed. 414 • 14 4.‘14t. .4 11 P Solo' maw wiltaissi Tamura. AMA- Kitianalas; Commisidona. NAM SIR: lis i V e r ui t StAcedemy, B. 4tittaxisiag. Stirriaso • lamigr seam wasting , go ..dte , - Itoog-tke Maxi ex cept that aU shisroyer!ki-smoot be fogs. Theron* ilk loth. ie the npartod /1 _l* 311 d Iwo tad patties 14. fo itilaymintbjest ere thlo. Ike good PlALMOkAdi i .i.**: • ilflkeitioinks and iwalegke .41f.Saxasiftirfarw—Thomso BOodi of Yong ZghttlafftlikagfaloJalfr_difyi op, tromesbatotornmpansAagoril i w Ittrit.2;ti l tt woo of thoClotavolif big's, "177 . 47 --- ii4jol;4ofsW . Nit wymq ,- . 1 14!!" iwposatt „.• - • 4 ,4 3 0 ›.4.4•4' • - Mwatte. Defense. 'The main •f eatirrittili- the Alleghsay rirer, for two days pelt. lee beim entirely free from oil,aa4,t3e3ater ls now akar, as crystal. To be sore, Uteri U bat Hills oil being .ohipped by rim now; bet it would arm that the waste feels the wells would'.* sagielest to spot the who,, sad still she It that greasy appearsaostrltioh it has bona- wont to wear for two or three years past. Aurooia has beam flvoded : with oonaterfeit BS'i on the Bank of Nortbamberland. The oounterfeiu are welt ezeontmi and "Ugly to deceive. The but way to prevent being itn= pored upon would be refirte .811 a's ea thja bank. Quite a number of business then have more of them on hand.than they will be like ly to get rid of very soon. ' ' OOPPIIIIIIAD T/CCler 7011. Omtamm....Ths "antenrided" of Gnome Smutty hare Read natod for Assembly,„ Dr. Abrandir Pattoa; Prothonotary, Justus P. Temple; Treasurer, Jones B. Jennings; Register and Resorder; Peter Brown; Commissioner, John 0. Dias- mom; Auditor, John Clayton; Poor Director, Daniel Pallor. daaavirs.-3. S. ()apples has -been held to bail by Mayor dierander, to =ma a °harp of asianlt and battery prefened DJ Okada flensebeek. Linked -Zekert,waa before the name magistrate; on • 'lathe vasty, prefer red by Jatob Meisel, bat the am wu settled by the defendant paying costs. LATE TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. tFROM OUB EVINING EDITION.] IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. The French Reported! Again Severely Repulsed. $2,590,000 for Europe. Now You, Jane s.—Thiitaamer Nat/tarn ,Linht, from Aspinwall, on the 2711, has ar rived at tido port. A Panama letter, of the bYth e state, that I the steamer Origins arrived on that dui from Ben Prancisoporith a minion and a qaarter in trauma. Ina has late news from Dinka, Aespnloo, but the date is not given, Co the eforotchat the, Prewar bad met with_ another severe d'efast::at Pastas, and were air - !zr to pnised,Vornonfort having added.hic forces to those of Ortega'' The British steamer Tribune had mailed it Panama, from Ifaxierii with two end millions of dollars for Baropw. The Baited States ships Lancaster an 4 Bt. Mary were at Panama. Thins la no aura of importance from eolith or Control Marks. • AFFAIIIi IN BOSECIIIIIV UNITIES? Heavylleconnoimnee bythe 4ebeis 01lit MEN ATTACKED AT FRANKLIN Prospect of Capturing the Enemy MUI11111113101U), Jane 4.—Tke rebels have been noonnoitering in our front. Yesterday Wheeler appeared on the Itanohester,soad, and this morning on the Shelbyville 'road. Brisk skirmishing has been kept op all day. The 24 Indians awake, on pplokstdaty, eras first attacked, sod the 39th ladWo, Beloit' Harrison, of the lot brigadey of GU. Davis' eras subsequently sent to their as- The rebels was driven *best • tale. Oar Jou she only. one ass killed sad seretst. wounded.. The 4th .esvally wadi en. gegen ost .the time on the Middletown road. In - this last fight seven van killed sad 'vomited. • Colonel lie Cook reporti fieap flrbg 40. direction of Trillium. 43sniusl Grsager telegraphs that Ghnteral Baird, et the 85th radians, la commalid . at Pranklin, was attacked to•day by rebel car ` ` At the Wad dates Baird was still asktiage with tome prospects of &spa:ring thesaway. • Me hear of as robot •lalaatry aped.Theirhewhol ca e valry is eapged la reepanaltettag t line. Great Isitional Celebration of the Anniversary of American Ind.- pandeace,in Plillmielpida, 2 „, Pinutair.rals, June 11.—A 'great Nailanai . . , Celebrationof'the next Aaniverssirg.or•nier loan Independeloe will beheld- in ' thb;eit7, . .. , . ~ . , indss:the Auspices of tie Union Leave* . • ThaProsideat of thiNnibid Stags lam , ao cepted ailiiiitition to Wertisipste In thil oar anienisa.-,:lhe ansanters'or hti-Oablasktths Cowmen of; all . Ow Statis.mit , la 1 raaillisa, Lieutenant esserslitiottiltuM SuerallUl- Isolt, Han, Ndward ilverattandNesurall Cale ere tileillatill4ineited,to be PUMA... ~ i 1 Large,dalptitms et loyal nithirtes cots SJ/ part. of .the Union will Most an Nutocculane Thera will bin pubileireoeptili ,of his Piti cellenay, President Iditiols, - otitheaftuneal of the Ed. On the dth salutes wW bill kid doting the day - from four different batteriek Ths most prominent feature of the dawwill be the grand proemial' of all the Neon Leagues of this city andiron abroad, together with the - Grey Reserves, Home Onards,'Strua Rescue, Marines from the Navy Yard, Sint City Treops, Invalid Carpi, Permit Curd” to: The whole to be reviewed by the Pratt- dent. • Splendid lushes will processionbe mated at the in.: tensatiows of some of thettina trouts ander ar -ldelithie Will --They tr,.11 boa composid of Ammissa fill I and ether asNon alemlitsinsrlaterspersed with natural towers and evergreens. • badge and regalia will be asteroid by the Committee to lumen' b the liaegtter• , ..--.. There will be ceremonies at lade n windage% • banquet of the. League and their Intl*. pests at the Academy of Nub, and ad torchlight proeusion by the 'Seaman 116 A, i t oommittas has also bun Skids -to make= arranounents for fIA inuatitati¢aA all the pithily 'buildings.. sad ,as zany t:i denim as pouible. . , : .., .' • `..' '..4 636: ism, Aili'Magoti 18 lli SHORE LUZ. The new sal Aiwa kniqrsrom itmest .131713.11QN - 74.1N: 437 or;c 2L at, Loans Croltabil far, Olt . sat sodality oltyiloolobtag at Pool intro% ••• Pat ALUM. Ifentstor. FatatalLy Past: As • • _Post 41111101 Sid TOIIIII 04. _alley WADS - 11TMIIIIGVat? Olga: I • ..toommiltighworibuChm4Wlmilimillpo AL tril l.t itscoaahriarl tonsil= tooth* proubtal. taatic- : oa aoatracia Shlpposs; bow bog tratibta ou mot -Ws to 'Oat atop; go oa firot boot without diary for. , - apUtam LQALMM6Mift pLIIMBERe MATERIALS. . - median -ox 1/114,LZIALIC DRILLIO3,, _ 00,11/1171101 az. ck,usardlj 01 Cifvp#,' Mae: triVed Chlvialsed 1144 Tabs. • • wbitkio4 Narblad at Hha Okra Sodas. SWIM. Oasts; eamplats. Watiettiesiti awl,/ ' • Inn _ _Um uni-ananglat .11 , !1_,._sellrOmads. VW** Otabilips. linowe Ilno• and Platt Wei% .1 inn Imat Taps and Haab, Plicsat, Port% 14drsat Rods. .I'hubm' Hooks, HMO Blasi libber HOMP,4O.i as kr! pal lab antsui. WHOLB BEWIR; ' !' 200-LBS. P -,- _ SS bads Up sadlara OAK ' . , 118 \WAIN* grim rad'alook Tom - ' - ' - ' , liF,t.ti.jtit,'V.V it ffsx.dpi" -- .4 -- ' .---, 46.t0 " ;Mak. .-,.. • `' -';:-•'.. oliffacisol,E.l;-,;._ „ ~.,- .• . • ~ Slinadaliati Oman * , r .. .. .10 , ;11s. lobeillarlarblepac4v.:l:2 i .1 : 3 , ~. • antas 44: ,• , . 11 1 =g 4 t: • 4:1'4,2. .11,4i.144 y,l -An MEaMMWMMII COMUMCIAL RECORD rrrrstsuagett ausKirris Onus se iitilversamm Dann gismo; • - Luau. Juno fJ, - Tboni o chirp irtuiteour to the *se of cold. Gold la New ..Serk_retzudna ea lest quoted. while bare oqr bockats instill ming It 2 143 for Gold WI Anglia Notes, sad =OM for Saver. ..Ea.teno 3 g•charWo ItUdilinorsateut GertilleatO of Isdr.btai r a t s .ftl l2, 4” ll 4 l 4llA . • • Edsolddreo at W.WlStotdPittio triAbed, ad meek for elan 1114 k 1 51.1001oi•Plabi'8d fikelOo for, Plats. sad Mite Clanymod Saw Oa*. Theta is " OLIO Lard or . Mastßitt. • " Y . - s very 411 them* Died. of lhttra trom fiat hands at 115,26 6 a d 160 hbli both litotild =5 6 Th h. Iztra, amt :105 to, 80 5 tot' aitislasitir. , Bye Ohm la" Batt trithetoall mike. tiltfitfeegdotatloma" i L. derat." -11!Mitatr..lhero • m &Maud, tor' clrequiii, midi se champ to cots hi titatot• Bogor Mehra, at groat 11% to 12Xc; Weer 113.380,tand . MolOmml 55 0600. . GLUM—The Gra th market Jo eery quiet sod and la the Mentes of Wes vs omit *tattoos • POUTIMISdun and dre9gov Wo cote !mall man .at boa' $125 to MAO per bbl,locuordlog to qui4l4. iI<-11no, with salsa of IMO bblo No 1 lid» 4 " 31 damk 81,741,80, ani bbla do 11t Pittsburgh. Oil Market.- JUIN d—nora vas • bettor &band dor Ctudite• day. ad& rim though. Itto,,horo bid•rilimc dant. Ma stock la market la thoeidlogli that. sad with a iiiadorata local Inquiry. holden ote ' Ann la tbada4ra; h¢d tam to Noll =law at lid( r atm. We 'cantinas to gads at 166160 b bulk, lad 510 0 1 0 ta hada4o/aa holders asking Zhu Baba to , day of 110 bblo at 20ou Ut bbla at 210, package, Indu dad..aod tOD tddva ,bulk at /dNo, matiourod to teat. °U-Tb*A741,414•136 bbla heavy ill via aold gt 143 . ‘0, sad Ita . bbla g cod gnaw at I . 4o.bida la both oral. LAMPS 110e1TIld fnm 4:111 - 014C dQ;raportthnmsibt than doll-sad Unabated: nuns has beak cossiderable excitement Li Betbied 104 % ia etiflitotedite of igen favorable adriceefrint New Tick sad Europa, and with gootbdemand •an • advance of frouiltto 6 rants par gallon wan a 4b HOP& la alwaye the epee when lite . saki& to admit's& 'thin ale:mord bayen.liwe and.; 10 4 entreflasie, Paindiy, are holding off, ander nip los.' Oradea that pierceirwlll Mill go WOW': We hot* • eale of 500 bbbt city Nand Ii bond, hentediate de. livery. at 3Sr.. 1000 ea. for July delirerj In 'bond at 40o.and 3000 Ws in hoed. far August 'sad deptent• twe ihdirun int pleats emu. The market closed awns With 49 mita freely oared der good city brand! in Dodd. Ural, no druiscid for Broriar, nod. in the ob. 11-es of war. rr• omit qtrotatker. —.l.:Chicago 'Lancet, Jooalt=Therainoi mu seam 'hipping sod, Vide. Ilttilatfelry tor Ile t Orrin* Winn ito•deyV the market adulated feta Or lath: but Not Pt lo l 11111.1 to yery United Mound, and priceerednon folly fort 'Md. with liberal train/non et it 10' for 210 2 ?Ad; ta•Uhil.ll foe _So 1_ Oudot ; vatt i s c ._ for dot apnagoad 724000 for Rejected Ilpt the nukes eluting Ina tar No 2 but f No 1 Sado& . The tkmanerket was Tay quiet, wltt i i 4 e r e of 'line rimer uttik at PAW " aid ez nee at 110,1123,10%10 ibr nil mono qualltlet. The Oora nukes was brisk. And buoyant, truth melee of about 200,000 biehide at an Menne of MA 30, maid sad met fitted Most- Ntlfnt et, elye.q• Woad ht non at 1404130, sad Bryened tailor. at 460-424 onkel donut Ina at the eatable quota• nu - •ke for One _Mullion booyeat , and ao. the sad We note a forthsr - lnywnenent fa Urine of hilll)fie . Vlishel, with wine of about 710,000 bunt. 111 fa Ka for Nol lance% the greater bulk of the being at, SW aye woe urinated. Illith• whale wire held at 89,10, tattooed demuol at Sio. Prot' talons were dull wd sewlened. Toledo' Minket., . Jim I , —Nittu.--No edu.. We quota Nina 14,741 oßsdka• 1444.8% Taus isiAgo, Doable •Zstra andelacy *eh Wheet—Adeaaced ealeabefore Yon zepost.-000 bash No 1 Bed , at 144 COW bath Nall Nadat 134 Nee bath 'do at seam; WO 'huh dode at Ma. W* hew ciao MMUS slate Now Totheyort, balm that and the exeligar adtioet as tatataws..iocterd ttrioaesealate in the =what. Oota—th asoderata demist Nan 1,000 bosh No 1 Mae ea private toren; 11.107 bash NOI tted at Nevin beak Ile It Whigs at 6k. Oate—!.m ta good do. mad; sato Ne bosh at ilk. -Rpo-111 inalna it MI. Badairarbg 8 1 4 0 0 1 .1ist Mimic WNW" Otaimaito lam. JuaelL—Blour—llates :of 100 City XX tad at 116,6*; 60 W t. s. City Amber a selabbia. XX tad at jX23,. at—.lltarloid Ana and 1411113(0 batter. Sales to day Cairo rad at track at Litt; 16600 budials rat o at Mc; VAC bob. at 131.Xtr, 3„000 bash do at Oonb—Rorkst fizso Lula tsillo bettor, nun 2 con one on track 22 ten 2 car aboliod, dolltorod on O. t P. Una, at fnjin Oats—Hale. I sus as track at 121 q 1 air dolintred on ed Cl. al 1114— r. trick lllaaild .at Oa sad 1 air ardaril sad &lim- litports by Railioad. ,21nsausaa. h. Pons &- 499.4a4 , i 149.999. Joao 6-44/ MD (arks 91. 011119 &Cum 91 do do, .4 044497; do de, WA. Da& &49 d odo, Joao Black. 6 kap 191149. 411019 e & L• 91449 MU m F Dilleabirbet; CA Alp whoa; X Saki Ms fto, 155099 &MAW 10 WI 194194 9 Ziniet 4 by rts CI Hollitotti s ltA 160, whisky, Ml bp 49444. D & Wollaas abley, 41%841199 54 doom D 0 9 1 9111189499 & on 95 OWN. Nap & & 5444/94100 bp whist. 1' W 119911411 oko pea* J 099941 to Ws. Rai Akron: as do do., 000 0. Patin 99 - 'W/154.4, Jlll9 490.94 e 5 9414444" 18.49hoolly: , - • . 14taursimi'•* *limas*, Imil*//m.' Sass 4- 10 bbia e. p, Lame Oil am SO litriabacm). J W Taylor; 111 MB imam; Steacksm*J Pastor• an 11 tozimbrak MA 404411irda Wldula to baoca4 Jobs Odom 440 de, Jobs, ; IS tads .11/10/4411 Liammal ma - OM/ b 21.10 ilaaMe• toss se baur .1144 it ow lEht; 6 alt,./Immly. 4/24 • alidalersi*, 3 Suit reLALPS 1 4 big drool, if hi* mks: L ag Y MI/ 1 / 4 0/0 0 A I lIVIMMad; 100 Mir Jas feta* 100 bib JAW.. Inc.. Mama* aaolo Maw • Mai VidlEhNeadinill Jr. . 1411 f° 10,06 %. Us" itirsoatra. I Fpoit-cuaßosik BT. Looll3.4 i iii —no las - Mama 111014701tY Meta AIM ea aim sae tavirmao date=Al. Pearl& AS 4 p. R ea board ar to " MOO .I.IMMIZZON ock. Matsu. Esx.mw/433n) r.Exim Lozu.wu), eunfailutliValkiXß: NIUHVZILOTTIBIB. i 16411 Gal KU= /TM?, Tarka "" ilbigs4 Ansi. New lie tti ilhattoairt tor Ito utkaas of s•' I ' :I .r ew i n a. 'f l#i i 2 i ! n a it ialalPi , eOtOt , Tgeirgnn% ' 0 tow. igataptybiaP 1m l i a gir e k t at Dow emy rpm ► i04,1x401 . reasetke dindig Pg,00016 Rai4and a -Irtia obit tkpletai ND* Ea, or Met Omit Agra ammo; T lab °nada. "fr.7.4-BC-POMPLLIAMMti:ia OWA l EW aw gSgaregj m i# - hitherabe bier ' er • N'" _ - , :behierealbibeemet. eirtir . ' ' - OW IMlDNldil nar k litCOPSOVlalnAir- .: alaw ," Mell .12°17°°g rl=r 1 ....4: 1 ). Wm hatoba,atmelie= ow al/ • 1 , . 61 S 4 =4 11 .4h . 14.10* uss.illiti•Od Was a" libbettaabb oar di. gobbet 'IVA! Web to padres ef ehartiebv ~,,:. , nbentiolleaat bob b th• win e the la .11Ritarto bah == , t ehr , *NW bellid tab' . bAPS hf`. Wig to Mak iatink ablittabb u reeht, tebbitel t eitt al i b I VIItM se b 6 e 2 it 4.12 a twigs" tile that. War isiedPlNdirtiPi ' , 3 4 " 7 ''' L- ' L' , ;L .— r Mom siodraliber Attllrbi iihieellilift4 be be, , Ptbetamat IQ if : iliteirdlbelhoutrit U. Plas t r i tttimem **bib alma th e ebb: - aad hy, Abowithis. wideurree It asa do .4 1 0. dumper : vets pit 4_s .or those noir OR ItErlatox v• ?NZ • ' .10 Oiba 'doe lit lOC hart. eil • bi 44114 Allus; 47 • Fa -1-601HIMMUnli %mita LUBaltUerlaGOlLiv rse44- zy, r bliarprDilig alinkt:,l:l- j f eiVratAci!idiary .13. *SOL Water stag. I ' Sitla :•=:P011 - gIaUSTEEI3 , .BAI.E of the nimble property Utopia i# tha lI~LIfOHT : N6I L; li ILL,- I . Sy thesis of a Deed of- oast s made vnthe ilmOday cf March, lid& totwoin Henry .Moors mad others, cottonitorthi laterfirm of " tioroinYto othiernill 00.,' of eke care part, and inytelc at Ittatio,*f lief Libor. wit, I. will, as the MONTI:LAI flb.).D 4.1..011 , JUDD, 110 5 altha hair of 10 o'cloek a m . offer for savant 'property - lieretnalir - dirdribol; and Will;cion lbw said sale sreciselp at 4 o'clorJr. p. - nr, - ol thlisiold day, I . at front door °tabs Coara one lMof Oho cironly, as 44 . f 4ireinb , t. le.. iha City.:44 -Wheeling, ertec will be eold. to. the: hat andAigbatt bidder time • tfili folloWilg dieCrlbei repeal ! bt.onto- Saud diet I. to gay : That panto 'of lend, inethre; I.lk.Ward of Meaty of •Wbeeltu, Containlmotwo ei acne, on kkhifure bout exited t he BalliSitmia. N•ii.rii(A.Ny..pacow:boildinge:of the a fichiblit lion Dotka Coinpuiy, ,beloriginc to . the lateDni•of tforteff,*dxliefoo & tio.,tssibie'iltli" hie owl* of land, e. landlogr; Inv Ore eat Ddr - of •Witiri event. and °lobe Uhl too ants,..attending,,freet sad t to low .waterr mark in the Nifty, which weft heretofore conveyed by "Joseph_ Cobbrelt and ,2rlfe to United H. Dorton' and others. • • - ,- d 80, •TIM lot norther*, Di in -tho addition M tha clarbt Wheellog. ft:laid off by :mph Caldwell. , - 1 . • fliso, , ldi eambered DI In tbitratas addition to th* - Letnambered MI is tbs sal addition to the .it .8 Wiwiing • Alismilut sremberfal Maths aid aldltlon to-this • ski* Let umber otur Witte odd' odditlen Miles dire,-Tbe meet of , second NeiCliiitrakkjitt the rifiltWardol the cat of.WlowaltUtrlsol at • kollowt iDedisithig ftit lik*oanievir• Otcseti• at the 111. Wr earner of: thirpeoPuty 'mrlebicolo lit elected the glaestrotka ifenserly awn& br lattenies dr Ontsleenoe with Um llm albs mad tetpbety B. 'IV, It 1(0 fist; thence N. liojr II SO ferenfthanorff.' -NW-W. NUM to the Mid JuilleUt stied; thenoalt. , I=W, with said Carom tattoo tothir pa*. (litho logetogither with lb* coal 'and - the etioltielvs pelvilege of .miaing the muntionihor 'idol lithe laitd of John Lob, edjoinbrg•tbo mid pa , od'of Vaud iy. tagbdirlleil thegrelatesual gotulages formerly sold by tbessid Joh* SW terleftilloint datitinon and oh era. and , tow...tonMd by-Julie fk • torte r,Ond the south glior Ot William_ Chapintei•and nboo from so much otitis. tract olland cotropyrt bI odd John Doff to Z. Jacob, se is included betweeithir froth line of sebtrorteri-end Me sontirdleitcf -William Chaplin* totbe boundary of eta traMitio , lionveyed t n tha add Jacow to the farthest-Matt of that hoot. ' .‘ glso,.lbs coal hob tkivezebistve. Mew c f ninon for site aamat,ander the tract of land purchased by h. Jersob-frontJohn lectrEartle: mai adjoining on Ma eau the coal mine last elesatibea.- . • - A t :AlO,-Tara coal lots in the town of South Wheel , lag. sag said wooly, and known on Cm plat of the said town u coal lots IS, So and Si, mot town lota deolgoated en mild last named plat 'slots hoc .11, 111, trioquaro DS. and , iota nutbmed 14-10, 15 and lot Jaro, ,, A. lot of grand situated In :sald-town of Saab Wheeling, in said conaly,- - knewsrantl desig- Missoula N 0... nated on the ptat 4.4alloferblenp of sad tun eir , let tonsibere arlay is manl I in fu deectibedintheastd dud of. Lost, noordedin Docklls, 4810. 1 211leelldallille , PO 111, to which retattoots , ham grade Mr:a morerall desariptioi, which will be sold se above, tamales with the meld villa! tbsealk Inn of Merton, i.ohawati Co., with abs fraitshismi, ,sadliuntudttee:atdipsiriletes appertainift t* nut aame,and:tkspaeaba ere thereof alMlligittlake the parsonalthsttede theatedonsing toths -odd Inecol of Msuld.projearty who au ail of tha 'late Inn of Dorton, Lobesandi kico.,except.the fold Bury Moose, at mappsolsement unload= tab* mud* or thews Ade, olklntereeMet- telmstoe -um tat - to - be asolot bt Alm parehusw.anothee. by the remalalag inernSall of said late Demo( Morton, Acheson it 00., oulades el thes•M Be:or .Meareiaad the third by thoi lOW two chonanthe amonsit Of add spwgsentent to le paid. 'upon a codit of 4. ii. I, T and 1 noon* . 'with notottablenotes with security. The sale of tie sold red istliteto be made on ttue following., terouirthol ' 'to may: Otor-fottfth rash to bend at the lima ofthe 'edeptturvonrincer to be- veld La foot enpal Mash mnat, - psysblif 2 r ,......sightsanasidtmenty. Der molar* tifteir he fourth Of Joly, 1, wits in. .tenst hoot theOw lad mentioned deter the title to i be ntobsul by therTrualee until the paschau mossy ' shall___ ~_„__l 4* •._bc,.Q...gal l7 PIA bat Me musision of the property: I. Pa morale/ le Um patcharron 40 rid Minh of July, 1869." The'object of the trait and Write to nuke a disuibutton 'monied they timbers of lb. totalize of Dorton, Admen DIM . of the Igo- ands cf the meld property, sotorcing to UMW avowal jalousie therein. ~ • or, • felling at Trustee, lerM oily poorly loch title am Is sorted la tee by mid dud of eonveyinos. sayllettel 11. °Sonata,' Trusts*. T OA : PII'ALIBTI3 AND jan.r. PEARL BThAlt FLOURING RILL . . FOR-SAVE. L '`-,''' Thikowners of thew/in/1h ertutignii,- Eip. Log settrety:engemedin other parmaltsomd ilmirthe to maim a dividoa of their Wanda, oder Mr side Mb WV end valuable setablishawrit, owterniellist mum move advanosisoun to - sir • Jhiplagstre earila the milling badmen ~+-• - --z• : •, petsoas [Wesr in. tate idatnity I:Mirtlitaltik' desmiption of the pooped" may be annewmartry, am the Ilill is la full snit snmessfal .operstion by tbe• lames, Yaw& SS itlibrillDt A SEUTESR; End loot open fto the ezendnatlau • of so wbo may Mutes to throvhle- - Tor Atm Intion ot who a distance, a a brist tton Isforma hers glen: se: inTE. 14. 4 . The Mill ocnipian a square of caround In the City of Alleatheny, at MUIR of LiaocAlt end bet , reeis Motets, which the tirty on the math and met. The Made Oasa - tents its Donk. era and western. booa .. turning et the WU sad Titre i ft . 67mt :iteit 1 010 the 1 cr" imuand op ..v. ...-6.0,...., isidalad sad . orotecied srom lei; risk from twa t ulag property, Miring strode ea the south sod Nig CV het wide; thehenalum the north the same width t- while on the wool thins is a bean about 100 Au . licarli. .114. MO. the Pintasylvenia Masi, 'boa Ifi Id hoes the earth end of the lIUII. runs the tract of . the ommolldnielf Pittstenalt, Wort Wept** libinage sad•tilevelmsd th, flitsburiti liallesya ~ - • - : - ,'• A larblie ammo the canal. n ro tatlY rebuilt; bilge the 1011 into may mmsostWa' with these roade, end matte the seoshhur of grain ft= them mum. abut sad einem, • ~. • • __MO PALL la substantially bunt of brisk, aad rooted , with slat% It Is 13tii het long, 6t het wide, Cr. Maim high, end a sixteen foot garret, making six noon env Wally In am. It was completed in the miring of 1I 3. Theca is to pairs of Mora sad Ire immolate bolting sheets. TIM machinery for destudng end sooting the Wheat is extensive, sad the bast that min be proomed:“ 1%. madly 0 Me Yid ass be arrelsd—,diar bare bat nadir l o: s . strousastances 880 may could be Med upon.. a as swede _ _ UM ETORUOUSE Wm added to the MN 'ehtell3fr davit got itdo.fill =whoa the ammetty for lacemeed room tee Itestaloor sad Barrels berme apparent. It halo biet lea& witereatlatly. Malt, Ulm tin NW; lad roofed TIM idea; It Adidas' tly IE4 mid with 'Whams {he table le, the , twee nabs me the mail _ _THE It urlTheit amp ler the. Oild laver. ftwee llonthem, ladlarm,l3llaakhltheitut sad leatnelty.ead thaahrleioe" Ira 114'esuleasee sad . . N arthex kW obappl._tbe Illtabarale. Tort Wane in 44811 / 811 {la Paharairlfaftways- thera C lM Pa sad say imam foam areatest gads =aka la the witeht.t-88.11U/TI Of 08101.00—aa we to adlsamemeeraba growth; neon araxis at, bead. ta litatlicii aentralOhko sad bedlam - Dada( the low step of luta la the Obis *Nth br thermostat": of Jay aad Nowt. sapplhei of Wheat an - *Mabel" tram Omahas vide atm .Berdooky by ralL pp ~ Ihe Pittsburgh dilteolemeille Railway. wow =sar is tollaPn!bel. adll afford an addisioaal Boa= of ml markatfor the prodaa of the =I I. aw mama reached by am PISS& Lusts Itadsoed. w.haa, all mama It le a sad se madly aid, remming large wzmalate of Mow aad sea;. Tor farther end for tame apply le any of ace woderalleaL JBO. T. LOGAN. EINNZDT, _ • WILLIAM. 8/LGALIII. Plttaboadt. Aartl. nes Waal GROVE. ' • • BAEZ OH•101 1012 • Euravrnim AND Jams= 0.B1 : E2 Thirtibtoft4 ofias kr Mb 014 billa#l4 trtol., 104 %loft trTillitiliaille - atititt.W.lbtuilei titsw4 tittuitit slitisterftli trututit Wm- Arita, vpitettordwa Inv Prottrytedattimaly and ;..044041521 001402*. Sibatitt /It. . piSNus dis g ztAdr i ttatia af poi Warn ofturabsing V i rlanand: at s t-nalletritix envotat.to.anabla .4.1= 1104 410 017416 l e te " 22{11110alg and an the vaunt it conoraTilth:dea' Or* itan,lboyetband 11 knee bothing.to do bat to mom th taw ot ttoor bamodlandy aannadtbo ons. la taw thoteallaradi boar, lay subslatittcmdk and be Ed lumen that Po_ datind, ..2/44..ttaatttrbabo; mow nay. ..trabgt-Iti 4n, . rtt sonth trout - ' Wit taltbinlvitli maid Li tba dastraldinter of tho nap 11-431,1141 CUT LAI IS WSLio KNOWN.'_ ' 7 in* WPM,' In In sold int tacm. to -anti tit W" 3againat ' elr'allar; WOW. • - = .7 PLTMICG BROIL:150. 24 Wood - - - JNO. 1111124ING0' MEM Tlar...ndibiltP.-: • MIT% I:JAL/V . :MN ' •ik‘l Ail ;mono Lim LOT, Cat TAUB ' B 73 l lllMei'' Ni *Pot alto otdotat Alm 4/robins' Ocaristal‘, gla gt -M , 4lV.V..llPlttEtposod to pukka B.b„ acc - +els aya• aucabc krelibb At, st ?ftwookoitwooi DAn.tho air at Jury In; lElit 4aoloilk Aim di*illepoott of law Vots, dammed. ass metals lot 01 Lima cloak . atsoatMa.arstWoyasstesstandJo.kooa Was. - 44. 1 4sitbbabt lb - VOW 21 too Cid, . 0 0 11 Anon sad u4aadlak back alai* 'Accksai alloy . faabeinktot - 110:41 kw Oak las fiiiii , ll%. by-Est.-Wands BottalWriddtdoif td: Doodlino. vat; 90 papa t„ Oa oitoo which-dal tooottnitty /km tiroadolikozon Jobckeant, asergby dead dela -Odditor ST, Mfrs 4 " 0 110 4 - 14 Deal'Ecadc iI. W, N lls 611, an T th;ok 44.1.-01110144 . 6 Modica Wok d ham. -••'' ' ' • an* , WIN funkor pitununomitutt• at , 4.-ildabooodti' , V i t eti ttoepotnUait. Ala tlitraorth RligAL NoTATAikai4tiinit ot.galoru, nabs motit.4lll44mtot,org, orttbia 1l must oi of I& Woo, ii(thiAstuati;to.**Ailep. is • WOE. YolldV todattollprltote. Of ailltrottoto, 11n SW Pi 1401111T11 MM=IIM==ZMW_Ma ~*041 1 7.1041mit; . .. B alairriT. 7.. .' -.-- . ' .:-....• , ' TIE - , s WIGTON 'AOC' - BUMF 11411111, w , • , .: , AT NINGASTLi, Pi„ ',,'*-- ,- . .Thow.Wattai *mated *eat eat Elie era el the town cy Now 00E4 ate adored ler mei. -- Val e ra loisird'..4 a beantlfel ,watioase col: lea. pm is abiai. on wldob la meted** Naha, WU** it awl aril Pate itmaawaletth all the WNW* tbaesasyto Ibiesoarbal,wealidaotwy of WINDaW ELME; alp; vlllt war 111 DWELLING MINDLEIb and on Mouse land b the Eas onadstone reek from which tbo Melanie* Wawa la lianabotared, • ,for bozo: nab ettelati b not aorpowed to tad. ocantry, Alio, tIO or .12 yeer_ftwee et all thew* an 20 - larwod had, threalbartha of • Elle whloh II taleitialfol was Um. and fr om w tar IfietWybranyolhd wfla ea* LO. Ow to are bawled wowing , ardor, and In altaltabal ,lion at thkissa:."...: ..Doweetloa itwe on lb. dm of My; nest, sad U norteld idllbe for rent kw ow year from the Owe data. Infbraattas and tar= wade haws by eye& nation to - the inzleadber at Now prtl., or to J. burghtbewthar,et the *be at Opes . Dennett a . .... . . .. , . WIL. W . k - ÜBSE FOR SA LM - O}I.MFNT. ooirallime a 4ozsi4 en ands tons ;and to ii - goot! date of s • •• . .Izopromoosy oosodot of s now BMW DWlETAlNG,voitablag Ism roma ; tarp YEASILII BLRIL good TSIIANT EOM& silk dm =dui oaaluara or iron° nix& eltuatad abont . flve Jar fram . tbialiy, fa Bad Ida i 011111144 . _at /16.1LZT, 11/LIZILL t 00q ===l • IFFOR I BILLR—MADD3ON FOUNDRY :AND 11 1 / 1 0H13131 11110e.—The abate tablas_ liehmaot t ia Unarm Ii met eligibly alt. tilted for tradassi. ft contain' • large ealeont of isischlway. end alp • text lug* amortsent of the BUM lardera toe lar sill end Railroad wotk. ' le ••way Otte at tesidence and possums repeater auvenbp law aurcetteteritig —.having gad isedUrbe for UsuparbaUci to en pans at the country. lianas an law thin chop. and the Wall woa i dto no other n the United Crates for good The proprietor will oil the ettablisturunt if applied for soon. at a good bargain. a coarkelfol it wale to some contestant person, who ant ordeals well the. rennin and managazamit of saritnn satablislunent. Orb ere disposed of moan, ha ercaldesut reepoulble pulite Ihr • tem of re" rstidain Untwist or not„ an nay sill the eartise infahing c oteht: Mars we too Lege Alp: laritikitta 'pleittorith 4 aeore work ollaing than alumnae doottuktuoly- •pettlie &shim to contract Ow etainiaboateongiasewed machinery ere contesil• id te todo r to otter cilia& fierAte want et parties Wm timi4sia:**ll4oisirsol. MO,NMIa * 11147 i Jett FO4. . ilo_Acies:abcdos 44 ,1 3* - Mr tq meet% atilt One 'Time haeaad" Ow bottom lead. Ite tuieoilW Maui' *aid- fr ostteg IPS lath Paaatehi. kir atea dish ellar27o=l ash low a l i f ir P eftrieec Alva* the Maim ' Ille ,lad at. the Wade Rao hattomatehe & Belbeed, oa wtelektheohre va ciatntthee'el Orstudt 1 ,4 IdeflAlllllll4ou . . ..:.JC:i•••-::.).‘.. - fr r t %A umi llltipi i i:;ciArywod In Iffesekalese u t fah 4.44.06 , lint sad Feeble , t a avt lorp free , rams and aad Ibuib itat•A ll attria l a,The . 14a = cit leerf=ef a '' tame. "w 1... tailor nu /*math% Sad stab* *to* tryif ,, liht , . a ef l ieT , ' ~. , PIII. ip yoode P " ?. Elat ' . i ,; 1i i . .. , :-..-• -- _: -• %. , - 'EL LIMY. • VAA414.11 DION,: ;ffliliiifila R di* iOieffriZrAg:iis ode °ll oft. alaolkoT.. 'Ma ea Ira Itqaatala TO toil es Ott °Cosa funkaartaire opitaidoa, Tagalog frau WOW= to " ate tar pie dass meaty A __ ihr lithiniros hille UMW , Sao stable sad lAA iotii" ' ail 'Kai 000 acres of I ..Fgathi. l A... ilit ..i —,.i. • : Moo, a irDlithikAmoikaa loos lioastala crritlit 4ielltr , of lUD . on„ Wl* Smile = t r it = i . i t tani bimlok of amoDararo Do la fa o. N am leszaaoa Nor, larChiro hdbruistiosilisfir at oar agar, ta wawa ,ovai .. 7 fooDiat4Or, ozwandoi rho illfbnielrfiTtoreoa. fe.ITTITiki.; c 1 A worn HARM= lk OD, - .IpeaCalltrult: • -;••• •in Bar JlZ.Tierispottlisi , abiliAlOssi' =fl from Ilsaaaray. ecatatoloA two kiridxsAvad lighty-sfas sorsa, TAN Loafs 'or goof/ toolit7 moat cos Inuidrod sons oitar/sL• Ontsaa IliorAsse ibis pssolass. A/so Dostlicsr DM" Bars sad 41robsAL Iljorloirsd Mad Tidl stioissoL WM be soldibr. altar la oiss, Soh as Uses 4: L 11 W hrlOg PATUGUIVI.arai - ~swuks asap% • 0 ' re. 76,1)/ - YritisiatelA PA/. 13.A0/ eft Nrissokstrauthaty raasymidevrem, tam mho Om mitt eisiegobt eos: The Bret Moldy nem. flee tie Ise* led est .eons w* de l . .Bteieso tht.li TM ete~.t4stllr PeehheiS. AM** EFC - SAMIL:f.' 4A'Tiah Aft •rtdrit ile;ti,t%'*siettacl' littattavtatogVip.. am& ty; war Ile 1110 &or iniiiThidp - b Jugs§ Iliklualzrammisa, Will 14 sold WNW; for auk AIDULIWORIUR *Mb, kaamila thlt "Flardhi *WS /Mg MOW Gilead, lwari, bus end 134eurinestaz • I .a t iadot 1 11 1 / I AO "age I. Tag& Ve sit: &miasma atai. weir V0478,41,11‘,..em,;: ... )41 1 .0 0 ~9.111411 bit l Ult rzEunivfa. .., • ikuoitss amez4 le m s= o=4 „,;, 16'1110 ki*llie 'NEW ' - riotorny i lusi :- :isie. la .6.-T to .x bly . z n lIIIIR s a rl a st bg from Sib EOM Mal an Quo UM 111 WM rosoutflosabi -- •stittolag PIPPIrb an ri ar plonallriir s tottfit W t 42 1 e, Emu von Oast gram, Cliii , 4lll4lkV on* by lot gibs Or NI 5 aItIMAI,,,, ,Fl.ll- i imonnoodinbvply to. , ~, • . ! ~: We ,3 r , -, -LBrilLllll.ll l D.Pialilretilb iii., 4 i 1 111tiiilli0.. 6 4t '' ILI4OII the .11 , sotho 411 0 csrstor a. "wawa oaaat. ma ha.aaraZ MI& 440004 illtillifilibell.lll. mu. =of te rttato •ormilk:Altitot niti a a Mr igr a ritiidll toll oall nod numbs tho lio. igio000• d obox, • lignite totJ ~ , A. 4Q ignialL anagobb ...: VirL.'...1.34% .rzcirokr: :.r.i. 'VOX tErAli3r.=_M jic ./J . and VI M -. 0 4. , be. TO - -ity hies if tan the ' _ rhistinkotiLßOlLbobeimtbaltstAbn Qkb 4, t . _ . 7 7•"' A i la. 1 .• Al mayi • 71 4it'rr ... -. • ' mid Wen, $OO4 * • •. ' ' AlMlllimithY _ oat osa to:r _ Irmo& wftti • bur • _ , . t , ' mu luau% ww " laccat ; ,l'evt' T .. 0 _ , A r raren i t BI UMW - lanutonosoltnbo _r._i yat, e, Loit3 —Pr-vavita ih a tatt l w:tti °astabl • 446Nri?1, - usiina; , hadathibio - . t o r is Nut. .4 4 2 /4 " 10. varAtiadl . ik l 121011.16, lwarAlmettiroa bbh thew Wk rocs p s from Oho , th Wa reil t opc~7.► of ta ,-,,,, madttalki...culo*kgr i f , 49s o( 4o g . qi.mt.o4.6,o4,kamirobw 4 - V- 1 - 1 / 4 • FOR - ChtitaWfaximpw.' 2 ;-_-- - • williiiD_OlL—aa bus.. mivar DWZD-Piuwase—aadlis pis% L•I In; ; IV/ ....aa • • 7 4..Talsasetrzantik octal_7. , 4 . , . : - ' . . , MIN 4 1 . 1 : • . '- . . ' ..... 0 , 1 .f..t.% :cacti mg.:. 1.3 Ilu'll 'lo7' 41t0 GJA...,{ - 10'44 . ( Oki° , WOO_WP,'_ • N ifp ' • PR MINOR Alliaams. I pi .._ -,lll lgiottv•fsea assi:; amniero - .5 . "! mall II - ~,t,-,„...11#4 4111 4:31 . scream ;as:" B. 6imp it sll l lNWNlthiatiti) l / 4 ' - Z-4vo I _ -, ~. ," arm glatla %m a r ' Nlll, l2l Ai t AD III**•ISA- ASAANAmsastu—un ask sass ananairs Aktil Wm ISSN Tease trot - ths ih ." Als. Puss:phials • , Zettresd, Ss Ms burgh is =mu Pi Muni Ind WAssitta Edw. l uit, do 1 1 1 1 =e 1na..... i n k iVlPird P. “ 11. I do Ilesabow• tao . co 7 ...„, •El : !do Whaling. aft ' 1•.....• Dallatt— Ald ,o ..N odd - ~., MO " at utt• ant IR.: fat with Btao. baintda add Maas Mama and 0.,...ral Okio Roll. load Ito Idantaitda. Maack, %tuna... halo. AV Chidatd. Unholy Mho. at / 08 •1 61 . V 1 1 11 ,jpplat. vett 'ant math and itt=o.7., m_., _ and unto SW ma y......, %an -- I ...... 1410 a. %rid do 17 1 = 16 =_.. tao o goo do. ............. WA .. 4.4.- .............'..6,4 ital--va. - z al do Itedion..... - -TOIL-0 dashed Si lindant '1.......;...; - . IAKCE at Badiordmit6 =am duaen . Neu and %nal Dolratiot*ltl w t.., ttlditatgti. ..Wqm sod Mont .: di at Ramat sal Asia= ant aria litodinioolmod As Watraaveltionvlllo.-Iton Cora. lionotairnand Illalmanali at 'id% Mow bad, Esamsitlia mad( tootanatt Mini* lit Akron_ . =CaMY and /1121idtvz-eattit -Cifivolsod TO A. R. tor Mk ftllilltirlikili Raab a. C. A Sal E. kr Eistubodgrololdia. mud abo gaol% daxennodatut titiiitio p. IL • ,-.. Retuniog taibut,intre 0 . ~..!."... 9:m and ZdA AtAt..a., W a t ti ea be at lie •ett Atrial - 'OIIOAO/ O , , ,AIAA L 4t3d, And of _,_4ll"4l"Allithi[lt-Cltidt dog, lot ___emp 110-.:. , ).4 At as coiiiiiks. in IngOsat'ude t P 13,1 BUMMER zatiante sad Mt MONDAY, • .1• --• . 11011. pazzetzirms n - "."1" -7 d NIT'. lass DILL! masa - The THROUGH AOOOMMORSIIOI lama the Twasame nation WO GuaddY.) bar ah eat p at 4:150 w at all *taws Pitta. lea maw don kor Naw Rork ' • Tb. THROUGH HAW* "limMil:tb• Pao. litattaa awa,suzliamiloadapj at UT Amu; was P l-1 /Mididavt. .dad waking dinoot auunctimuiL at illittairma Mr mutt- Wdaddeda led zillot,via Maw Win:soma UMW tr..6l.l3llasia Mai at Mila Ma alA u tivalataticaa. dirsat wansaaama _ _Ott , Halidauwa mak att Walit=adti lavßtaf ,. oth . v . ,:to nate PAGGERiarraa - tha OtMto*HlM ix a=ll l otailm) at 8:35 p. mum, aoassaus as trAdibtant Walattsataa. and at -amanita.. AOOOIICMODS2I a: Ise Johmisintavaressaanasestunipme (*tact liatatitir) al US p.m.;allMMapltiytatket ant nualug la Gs MatAaannaftMa Voda jai w ee Ram Mt/ 14=0 flasibtalitt Gad a. Gam! aataasoaMoi Tildn'acr'.W&h Matta lama tit i (at x rpt diw) at lidida..lWw 'f far , ar Maws datip (inept Banday) at olk 410 w s Malin Mara Aawanawdation Vain for WC/ Hansa hum daily o=o Sandal) at WO?. Thy Much Testa loom WarnOftiterp Gas. dap Ait MI a. in.; Inman& Jame Egattougl at OM _ . Medea arrive tkripipbn se idiow a Bantam 1200. Ja..s - T 11: pm% T Ma p. aui id e vart' il rain. MO s. 0.06 Riga VA 1 1 .4 t • = LSO p.- acr s yr haN ?Z. s *CCOIRSICIditite. MOSdialthawillawnwr 'Mir with PIM. Ididvel •at 11Wda t• 14 Motahwa. 'baba lo analnattratownwaatinow• . Alba Inanadtton :with TLlx4, s !ltadiaddai t2llll tan, iobastowa AccfairetOdlliklikasid . 1 1 0•, and with ItaltltaadWaprad fottaddra dom. ' ' modation Wad. .... L. i' , 7 ,- . .. - 4 '-'' : •—• '• • / Train kir • with Arno Tuba and . • 1 , 411 . dd1d Andamadatke ' Itint...., / TM .Milled At — witada ,tdanat i t aaae,ia. L ew toot welrustirte , _ _.IIIC - Vdadtanda Bandaldtattitiaos add wallaatdattdideadandaladttiat :1281 balm asplatad.:wlia.. la - .1c3 , &AN!' d . rit 10 * , Wa ourpostatia' A lpaitaaaal" .. tia Au lib. tazydnot tplak.odkand tbdr , - , ,;., , r.: - • • •-. ,• .prazin : - ..,..1 .EV:—ZIT.,.... re Maw I - 0ati........811 WIT* adlaiaaFfa . 10 CO So Paiddaidda,...../0, •TsAaadar.,ara........ 880 a_ddita4Pirlia. aniXataudat. ala ile ard - , - didrattaiddif - Zaltlat - rs WIN* . '' ''''' , - ,_ ' ' !,. .. .• : arkatid - T A. na La to the dada_ Mem , . ii AOX -d ICiIdL- atapidt• _al..El ‘r %M 4 ,• . it/1 add .; ~/, aalY li , $ x.adat: - f r. .. 1 " . i; ikirlor•ol I. ont - ErPdisattgati-iinlitedad •• • - the Da. Pat, aF a LOW 80F..aatlada 81,aandaddd dd. ' '.i / FtL lWr Azt J* at alta r -MVP::: n 116e..lkiik421=IMV-•• -I ' adi ikiWI L ONV I AED c2t uom huzilla Inca* tWl=l2:ll= '1D11181:111. CM ON • -‘ IR M . gßOAßValgostport mac alas 14, . • pr•loplardi Gelitorti MOT CUM-4 SO 00 1011311tAtiti dp 40 JD bawl.. MI 00 to . tojmomam....3o 00 , c - 43Ptifirtice6 , 01 , irbtfra , to 00 de to 1 . 1 190R0L J 9 . it 9 . fal;=mum , . Rol* 2:01.11 —hillimpritolottarotaibill ma by masa Dan at as allomtn3 rata to 't a ab :Stos ige. 'Mr? ..7 - 121.saciwaslexusloptubatainalistim Plionsta. asassuptKlattroasc -1141 ors WU ti:1gm114364 Jg99 , 9,93984Pad San tasiTW44, olol " - Atir k i l /05C - 13.1) iw , l &at 1.1; bat% 11444 tinotarattotat ;meas. dei." DROPOUTS , TOR HAY,. STRAW .1. AXED OBAIIL - . "a o t Amnon! tatuukttamostmeo Ositt , M. ‘, - •' •••• `Fidittir'iticiMtk f r Ptia, =i sm } IPastosaroat Vrapielai A 1 -z•Viiiteir FourlnCkinfriwatio * w mud. .0 nali.srW gas cunti, 10 I ONS MO le 'Mi. .R l Poo l . 4P NI 0 MatitioliftioUtopot, or Arl.9,_._ .otr*o r 11=7 0 1. ' AtioloWonot rot""lttrOiottOrta AtogOOSlOro ittel obottljaortitirgooctte at - am luta ' UM hid lb . 01/1". 14111 , 107. trtotcsola Muotolvod.fot If comosiot MOO) Irraffigregollt___ _Or OW! MO Altp: (sum a Am oii ItikVbare4ri I....t=tiv:. 1. 4 4:4,...r.F.0.4..,,...24,tibciitiw0 m .......thotbk # A, Ant lite to larceolotocAlio tat a l-t4 sontroctar., 0 ~,, - I ,o .--0 r' ' Ithi Bay oaf olio, role sectliali NINA ( an Ototo sM 1117 Gaged to be oubtratt:tti i eel Artmitab by 111•Goamment ibilyituda 1 Ontracto mill be awardat traq-quie la Wm 10 Ur ilottotOt Mccattlgt ltdodin. 111 tOlutol d t a b. otto. tibial, motto. " Good malty ted t to mind kw Mc MOM .Iclllllcoct of my toiltaLt molar tcosolt to Do mob attbis coctittfactol Mc ma. Vali - '''''ll"• Citi:toiCii3OLlM. SV l&L. IVAWi atm Aid • - AkAttiastuaper ' .I. - lab Mourn gaNh ime' ektr - tit a az' _ Nam& mod of wastinitheistilikrilaisloillioValtid -MilliMollttlNr ialoßatitiMiaM! m a toototibarti fat 16144010 a. _g l oom' Mt i = i 1 =. =UM liosii; Goma Irritability. srmequirtai giemberemstniald• " wspw Abotoort i VAllortilOtAMOMost - rmalm,"" LOir liliWic. Moo or Potato's 01 go tinotio of Pat* totitio-es tifri-fliiirt, Midis Mot OHS* ale barium iisilutemstactt MOMMtito Mo . irooklt. .00/Cosittors Alakitilit AM Li eclat...wt. woo au ottot,Oooto otomtom, ,-oo otttutocatoyttottotcpt,ootoco..mocoutcr Attila* V OVA .1484.11 li uW 'tt ili tti tt o, Nis _ fa 'Abe I. Tijom c ILA. =lisp; -1 wiz okikiniza In .t. isotaccua Omni .D • taftto so 11110 Moim ai arfortollookt- Moot IP. =CZ • W I Z • an is= mill. - tio, im ' AMON itm NAL Boos ti', thaMitimr. titotitt IMAM crag to a plata malty% Moat otiksim Prortitm M . 0 4/ Pi SIX °MK or ttott.. IBA J. ‘u 4 . Am rolr y. w,lkmr. roio bsw lark.= gam • ir - 4iii.D l saiti q ict tra.ox A - . 6 . ar I.lid obestaa biNkl v" arson 111killn121 1 r riffirrt• f allk • 4,19. PA .41.3 t^3l. V:101:Vi MECCia:4 E=l