The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 06, 1863, Image 3

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    ~ ; k.~c- -;~3
iPatglurilit Santk
01710741 L PAPER °rms. cirri , . • .'.
Mines°Losioat. OsauT•7101111 for tbo bfs
may bp a B Show, Optiobsa No 66 Biiib
on --6 S.
g Jo' T 1
. _
' Pepattodi.tie tha Flueleonli otos. ne. Jun. 3; 18831
Mtn= oautr
Wad Dougherty A , SAT fax alto of lvd
--- 31. Doughorty, ye. tho refayir, Aldurrne ' I, a n d
damn, of Plitiburgh. Jul out.
Danns vs.', Blair:, "Motion fo"r rem trial;
1111 4alowlise aster us , aitdin ciaoh for
ilosOirj - Jaao Bthi borers Judge Ulu=
• re. GUM Blackburn en. limpoutoe •of
Cloths= va Samuel A. Wawa
711..Xi1r7 Nolet Ts. PilnaiTunin B. B. Granyarcr.
111:41abart. 'Mean, et d. va. Wm. Loirle et al.
WW I& T. VoCqurig es. .a.. O. Plieerintn.
114:4arn T. Goodin and Jr. H. Evian' ne..lllO A
81.,/dirln B.°Gook be nee vii:Peistelleaula %-
manta Onspany of Pittibmub.
SIVJohn Curls vs. 0. /J. '
Mt John T. Oochran ea. nog roma.
a& John . T. Ccotrran Ku, Ann nines sad
Katthsw Green.
uuntaicur zulart—junoe
Soluoutw-ik Blakely . vs, Keeler & McClurg.
Suit fu damages for bro. - .ch of contract for
istiveryof relined oil. Mr..Millon tor pl'ffs;
Battle for def'te. 'timpani in evidence
s' that - Maga 18th of ileptuelsw4lB62, the tie.
hadandraeld to the iftatatits 40 bble regaled
" OD, at 26 dm per &Omani $1 Si altei for
• ' the banale,Atel oil to be paid for wined the
lan of It should to Winn& The defend.
.satg delivered 15 bhhi at the time or the AAA
-trait, and nothing more wits said about it un
ill the 20th of Novembu lollowing,ptho
' plaintiffs - demanded the residue of oil, it
hinted suddenly gone up in mike BO dente
pargalloa. Thedefsndaats reitmed
- mid the plaint& brought tell»•
Defendant.' onnuel asked the Coarl to in
struct the Jan—
let. That the delay of the plaintiff; to de
nse- Athe 01l for m long a time.was indleieat
tit naiad the contract. To which the o.eart
raplied;that so demand on the part of plMrt •
IMO was sesomary to enable the defendanta
to darer Ike - The contrast was an open
sal t : , as. time for delivery ;padded, and the
could b11110401190111d the oil It an 7
title and relieved themselves of the-risk of
main of prim, and their not having dune so
ht two months and no demand by themildh
' tiffs Would, ant .SMLIITIt to a recision bf the
211. That the time st which the damage
were to be estimated war the date of the eia •
tread. To lkis the Occrrt refilled, that the
time woe not the date vt . tho eon treat, but the
debt of !Whip& by the defendant.. If the
delembiats aseastiol to &fiver theoli the
ellelatiffs might mpge it boat suittilleffind
'aatesesresteso so sd:night as long
as .ft was osaMmialt to !themselves, lot It
eland so, but it was abject at any time to be
caller for by the plaintiffe, mad when dsmand
-- edit delhin7 was• thin refuted. the contract
was - broken by the lafaitSl and the difference.
between the price' which_tho plaintiff wee to
bus paid, sad the price it was selling at on
the day the demand was mai*, would be tbe
. mum or damages. ' • • -
Verdict for piaintiffs, $557 65e
A. eausit va John Kilgore et al. Anton'
for dumps for 6nm:hot eantriat in the aott•
dancer: of oil. The making of the contraet
Ina dialed hy the dafandsat, and the -Ira
. ' dimes on the subject was contradictory. Tory
The followiag sues are within remelt for
Monday, June Bth
at lea O'Hara vs. Hugh Richardson et et.
So. /ADJ. Pear is. Jamb Gowisecugh
fit. John Maps= et a/. se. Chrbtopler Niger sr. at
gt..Jaceb lambs& midi/arab his wiSs es. Wesloy
at - aelleahir, Orals Oa, now ,fer en of CEOs
k Bra. va. G. Waiters. •
111.,Anket Kapp! Bade at al.
. 1 11 e. &Maul se. Dllworth dr Saba.
10. Jas. P.: vs. the Allegheny Issuance Co.
TIL Hessy Avn,3l/...11. ..yalte and RHO!,
"' • zoiloooi 0..
or of the Pittsburgh Tans amour ei. wm. Bair-
Ida eta/.
7IC. Pittsburgh/cad Bteulawavillellaireed Coatis/es
for was et• the Pittsburgh inert Compact, es. Miss
bath Gnat
W. Mary Murphy vs. Ward, ccaecuter;
W. lierriassa and wife we. 2ton. W. itrigest•
B. P. Gorden outlawed Mchuspet
ill. J. Clarke& Wm. W. Waimea
4171.1211.11 nova lava Howl.
.The grand jury returned the following true
.N l / 0 .? t.i •
- 97. Com: vs. Mary Thalheimer, of Law
renceville, for sang liquor without itoosse.
98. thus. el. same, for sidling Ibunir oh
99. Com. vs. Zoo. Jones, of McKeesport, for
sailing liquor without llamas.
100. Com. vs. Patrick Barlie,"of the Pint
Ward; Pittsburgh, for selling liquor on Su
4 7811 Car. vs. John P. Walker, of XaCees.
port, for seines liquor without license. •
111.1. Com.n.Joan Miler, dLawreacevilin,
for selling liquor on Banday.
103. Can. TI. Ja47-Xeladdes, of th• 7th
Ward, Pittstarrei, for soling liquor without
Ikeask _
- 104: Com. van Simnel 0. Polk, 7th Ward,
for selling liquor without lloome.
M.- Com. 111. Pater llciarland, of But
.111mcdrigkess, fet .seillag liquor , withoit 11-
N ' . ' ''' ,'.. 1
104. 40114 Si. Pelee KeNclaniaad Bridget
Noperksad f df Bast Birmingham, for selling
JJT. Cont. vs. Jamb Bserwr,,of McCandless
toinseldl,ferielling liquor without liaise:
. - ~ . 100. il. vs.Joesphltoon, of Yollasuihms
,leanuldh for milling Hence without license.
, ... MIL Oen. vs; Jamb l'esi., of. Mega:idles,
acwaddp, for selling:liquor without lkessa:
/ill.' Com. Ti. Wm. Andenon, of Scott
•. ittownskly, for selling liquor without UNDID.
' 11.1. CCM. vs. Wm. Bonn, of Timpurans.
' ' VIII*, for selling liquor without Bosnia.
, 111. Com. vi. Lassa Abasur, of Temper.
... „tweentle, fce selling liquor without Items.
0/, Com. vs. Wm. Gtillth, for assault and
bitter ''VO. va. Hwy Who n,'lm mann
114. ' .
- • 'll5. Com. vl4 lan Blid1•! al tsr suull
' - 116. Cent. vs. 0'.!04 itemiet•ilt/101 • 11 1• 111 6
sal lottery.
117. 0•11. Ti. I. W. Sam, tor •11 1 ‘ ,1 4 114
assaidt and bettery.' ,
118. Com. - vi. O. N. alum, far eggrvand
119: Coin: 111. D . . 017,111, fat "gowned
ammult gild batteiT.
Uil. - Oom. va. Agra Ammon, for mantas
• Meal Ti.PalliClk BMUS" fOr MIA
- . .
-:. taigas a nabanolo. , - -
131. Occs. TS. D. YelCidglit et al., for focal
. •ble mazy and detainer. . •
- . 12L'Closs. vs. lamb Jacoloson at el. for
- . -
j. vonslll•47- -` '
126.C0rn. Tie Piny ;0/1211011 11111,0ha 4.
Ckssea, ler felezdous -assault and battery. -
- ' ...'
si llb way
It .• Com: olue. va. Basal Naintife, for keeping
The busying bills wore located 3 . .
o' --'-r- 139.-Vers. Ti. J. W, Carnahan, for abet
,'' ' Oillat7 to jpe, COAL ' , ,
: s i '',.: . Vas. vo:Jeseplift.Capplen, for assault
"jeittogy. Theyrosentor, Chu s llb onto
s T r
~. . *ma i m goy the ooste. -,.. . -
'i • ' 'llcd: Clem. vs. Wm. Tyro, for 'ablution.
prosirettor, Alm ifimUsaw, tb - 00‘7,00,t1•.1
/20. Coss. Ti. Bank .T.llit, ter XP4 I I:
-,iiillandlerbr hiciam. , Pro/mules, :Jlarfarei
—1 •••• _ vs. Win. COOpet . ,:'
p er Pill) 0 7?
TM "m 466011 11 MitrY 10 pay COS". e.
• -- _ 211* came *phut B. Abet more let.
lied, Uiedideadants paying the odttr:-. •
Ti. James Yon and Com. - vs. John
- = Eutaw (moss milts tOrSIIIIIAIt sad batter/9
P> to delendant,pgr JoiAhant Butcher, tot gouty,, ouch
OM VI. Antra, Versa for assault, and
- ' tatteiy, found gain,. - --- 1
• B a li, ‘ 16-311 . 1/ .7. 41 •117Kaiy Itnight,
( 4 4 ,,
for it • holm on W3lie IL,
an t lin, :on enrol N. blidUpu
Ont. 'i
es ' Ja rs,.
, •
D*"' '—
;be"mof Ptsvolg Ota n t h ft
ty _slab k, & at dikk Q 4 01114 Is the
swum thilatla, for Aka& tLatilaii, ° L iu
Nossegibilb rtrer. Tag Are ' &taw. t o
midst Us waft Oast/ 3),!!Mrifoynop,
ems, empess figalik;
.t Lightning.
- near Centre
ville, Omnimaland - county,' was ittnok 11 7
lysittabg, a few days ago, and while parly
'very L intels if fOrnitnre was destroyed, the
intraktenaped tinharmed. The house was
Of lop, and onalsted of two robmi, in one of
which were two beds. Mn. Walter was in
one bed, and 'a girl tan pars old in the other,
while Mr. Walter eat on a du& between the
beds: gentleman who . visited ea bonze
gives the !Whring statement:
The stove stood' in the kitchen, the pipe
en;leg at the top of the roof. Appear
ance* than itmc the lightning first ran down
the r tom pip:; After this there is no telling
*ii , vre mass. The sextet Boors torn up ;
the !ewer B,ot in the klt9hen is all torn up,
and ~nto, o t it eollt MS% and the floor under
toe bed *bare the little 'girl was sleeping, is
zent no. "There azi
"but two, hoe-de is the
eh ;a' pAreitkin . that, are not torn down, or
..*eked loots,. the door knocked off _the
Males; Am ends of two of the sleeper, ars
sebudly spilt Ins enugh for bake wood, and
items of the Booting ;&e., thrown out in the
yard. Two-thirds of the plastering is knocked
down; aaarly all the glass in the house, in
cluding the lotikleg glass, are broken and
knotiked entirely out. I noticed the solid bot
tom of a Astir that was broken in three
pieces; backs', tin ware and dishes, all on
of* plk, broken top leas, one tin tan having
the bot , los knocked "out. The house is not
only " auted," but it is likewise "skinned."
—lt hsrlng been plastered on the outside.
The dog pen, :built tally Afteen feet from the
honk,' s left just as it was, whilst the dog In
it was tilled Instantly. The old gentleman
informed - me that though the Boor was
torn up and the partition down, upon and
against which the bed was, where the little
girl was lying, yet /he never wakened till her
rather Aroused Oar and told her they must
leer, the boos°, and the three °mutants
started our withent having received tits least
Another Bente, to Oil City.
Naintanstocu Faun, Lawrence Co., Pa.,l
June 2,1263. J
(faze/41'f I read an article lately in
year paper, caper , the attention of the oltl
lens at rt.lsbar g li -gralroad in contom
pluton of being Oildn from your city to 011
Citi via the itehraing route.
I wieb tti.catu their attention to another
besot fifty Miles 'honer, and one roll
lion qt . doll.ra ltse a:pansies its 1201114110-
I ion.. I refer. to toe route via New Castle,
fiersior, and . Brownsville (In Mercer county),
to Fraoklin. :rho rails are being laid 1)11 the
New Cala. and ,Beaver Vailey road, and I
Sari been informed that work will loon be
commenced batman Brownsville and Frank
lin, leasing thebetween New Castle and
Bwtiselim, a d i ce of thirty miles, to bo
made, to perfect tinnone lino from Pitta
burgh to Franklin. The route from New
Destle to Franklin was alarmed some years
ago by Dr. Whipple, and found to be direct,
with Issorahle grads., and comparatively in
expenglro in its eonstrustion. Distance from
Pittsburgh to Psi Castle by railroad, forty
nine gime; from New Castle to Brownsville
b/ route arrayed, thirty mita; and from
Brownville to Franklin fourteen and a-half I
mills-whole dim ulnae, ninelly-three and a-half
mikes. Yours, he.,
Mr. Immo is mistaken vha he says the
routs of which be, Masks is Na l miles shorter
liuni say other. The route from Pittsburgh
to Praiikila, by way of the Allegheny Valley
and.** bishonlat and Strialilla reads, to not
more than ten miles Lougee than the see of
midoh he Speaks,' while ft has the advantage
of pudat through the midst of the gnat
lion;prodstrdut region .of Almatroag, Olarlon
and Vamp eanntles.-
At . cclllor Inititate.
This flourishing !edit:lidos L undo/ the
toot:oi of Rty. Vt. EL mislaid by Prof.
Oad c Bart, A. if.,—both gentiomen end.
n0t..4 dated by mimed= and experience for
conducting mob, an enterprise 3—and af
fords rare faculties for the thorough 'dues
tiOa Gl.4T.ohart. Thariiines of Pegs. Cow
„ifamtdink and Kidd should inure a fell
; II BLOM egbillOi trio, la their re:
.OE-Perturuohlp - Memo
itri a - ; 1=en "1” id be
, t
,Irou Aideelt to 8(d.
Prot_ leeteri errs weitritle tuition
for eno faU Omni% Not only teadernAot
shwa; moo; leirytme and odium, whose Nud
ism oettudideftsquent and protracted is* of
.the vdoal organs, nut end-it to their interest
to pationisoProt.Sidd. The/ate Dr. Joseph
. 7,-anthor of Rser - Asittunstio, ones said as
the'lose of one of hEr. Kida's karma
..Thu hairthe most amusing and
Instrnialve r hare" ever spirit dozing
a forty-risen forty.rea years." This was
a high tribute to the Prefesior's
ballity,but nothing. more than ids merits de.
serre, for Similar to this is the impedance of
all who listen to ,Bir. Hides faultless and
.ntabildass elocution. - Thu fifth session of the
Institution borruninom ,ifonday, July 6th.
Teashisitand °Utast isitersits4 eau kern lad
pstleaktip by,:adOsisint 'Us Psinsilisl,
per etivenisamsst, found in anther column.
• Flres.ll
Monday last wasluttursuilly windy, a doh
punts deafer conflagrations. Two fires took
place In Maullion.. In the forenoon a lum
bar-dry-house, belonging to Mum. Resell
dt Co., below the railroad, was burned. In
the afternoon, a 'ebb', the property of Mr.
Noah Madison, caught fire sand was entireir
destreyed. Prom inn batwing stable, on the
west side, rue the railroad, the wind blew •
strong pie in the dinette of the but built
and most fashionable portion of the town.
At tildantat thus n number of the best build
ings ware ignited by the bruengsniagles and
mbar, Curled by. the few of the wind three
'or few franked me, tine*. toga wail only
send from ihosteletlcelbeneue if had been
sapped with weir *eche.
A Ti. Nossw-Bartiatt liasmsre—The Nay
Mader of IM. ibis quitterii, - itss Jut ap
ired from the press of Mesas. L. doott
C 0.,. Now Yoshi Um dials= - publishes.
Tits °manta me ail follow :.Dlstategrattoa of
Esopiresi DirilaVLlfaraters, Past and Pres-
Mit Klaglakes Tama= of the fairness
Vegetable Bpideates; Hill Tribu is lad a; .
lfodsraPrwohlasj Y. Bartel sad Spirmas)
British latetremlon la Iforsian Straggles.
Th4sibiSthildfcid*Wiceolan of fare !kb*
ad rmaimalle nada eight to obJeol to, oa the
silote elthar - mudoty or latarest, Notwith.
staffing tha isoreased 'pilot - of. paper, the
Pablishers of Biaticrotod sad ibe*British Be
rton Mei not lameaseCtlie.price of those
satiable -psdilloatbrass- aad atter tho Ist of
Jet thePAW. Os' thew will be redwood.
/awittsbargh thadiaiat fer Mary Molt *
Co.'. pablisatioas Whir, W,4l,Efildssafermey,
411, Birth at:, from whom tbs British anima
aad Balsawood amp be obtained _at , the pub.,
Ushers* prises.
" "Sr.' Orrseir. A Nous." Thle is the
blld title of a sew story, evidestry written by
na pradiceiland exiiellent iad bide•
privilogrd art and watery of anthanfdp—es. .
pietally that lloperswit .of lt relates
to the ek/Ilfulireacing of the warp aad wee!,
the plot asd Wade:sty of a 11301111119 sore!. "it
le, Indeed, a story of abicablsg Interest, and
well worthy of its place 'in the popular eadu
In - wilds it appears. It foreislhoUlat sane
bir of the ".Library et Bided Novels," pub.
HAW; by 'Moue. gamer. A .Srothers New,
'fork, sad for sale by their agent Uri; ifs;
Hoary War, /fifth a(reet;:souct door to the
Taz locurraatin-Wmuse.--Thne, of
Georg name, will be found - on tits counter of
our nolighborAr. J:-Waltiack, at is-Newi
and Perialloat Depot, eppoid/ I*. Postornoes
Ateetneeed New • Weary, Reek
Lagies .13adod thinitifte dasai.
ocoi, Glocuots's Latter, Cospettoe, etetietc.,
will greet the. reader *Maw an attraotiva .
page, 'each acoordidg Wit; tir4." , OW and
loot rya the Mai, • • •rir.
. .
84sator,Alszander8 Mamas ; hoesbig,l3.o.i
Adieu= ; Opus ikyors
iiiiirisactitsawdor j
_JO* Bovtio 21reandVr,
"Isssoftlapros_A Dula& Rads;
lirgan W 111; dadater,
Edwad fr t'A
/11141,116111 /ifkeoLimur.--
Union, Convention of Pam tout, ant laic X Ai Nam Blosnaitalft. lad distal Boa.
ialiC 7 ellglitpti to the Pittsbur7,b
Otimnittosi, with fastittetto4l 111 PrIS Jio
It?ltoothts4 for tiontior. -
044 Pltkialirs, opposite as PostoSifisi
*kV 111 allnir 0,1011411,!g
• -c HowteMeteitta.
We are pkaied to not. that an active sent . .
it to be made to Beni* the immediate orgui
zation of a sallied:Mt form of volantems - for the .
defame of BouthWastera Penni:ponds. The
Committee of Pabllo Safety, at a reoerit meet
ing, appointed as a Committee to arrange this
organisation Capt. J. H. Poster, (Chairman)
Cora. T. M. Bayne, J. B. Clerk and Bober;
Galway, Lient..ooL J. B. Kiddoo, Maj. Jae
Browns, and Copts. John H. Stewart, B. lit
Patterson, O. W. bialieuty, J. H. Barbour,
v. M.-Knap, and B. J. Bishert. Thu Com
mittal: me;,and after a fall intentaugeof
opinions de cided upon recommending the or
ganiatton referred to in the following ad-
Mail. Everything is gpir In trial fore thor
ough Military organiestiOn of the oanitty, and
If :me westness so long deplored u sabered to
exist ham:altar, the fault will lie at the deers
ot.the paopie theinselVell, who , have failed to
respond. The address of the Cosamlidee Gas
To the &Vases of 4/Irphony Oomery: The present
condition of the repel goverument satisfies us that
dime desperate Caudreadelit, such as an invasion, hon.
ever tenspormy, of the [VIM States, will ds resorted
to by them, to revive the drooping spirits ut their
supporters. It te hutiecatatry, as It would be impru
dent, to state the luau: C. asutu tor believing that a
tall may 00 proJauid, es:doting Pittsburgh and its
neighborhood as the diatom to be savaged. The bat
mode of sorootioing attach, Is to be at ail times thor
oughly pniyored tor deienso. It is not enough that
we ere inatheiontly strong to capture the ending, niter
they have done us imaleulable gainage; we must be
strung enough to. preveut them mcenaptieblog the
inior/ we ore thittard they meditate; and this cati
obi) , De ttuough nedide.inig and thotough.oidaetirr.
To this Committee the Octuati O. mmltte• of Put.
tic ea.: hare summed thr organisation of force .
for /loom lhalen ; but we air poweilms, unions
anted by the .curd and Immediate- co-sparatlon of
its urge loyal yupalauun anemia as.
Alter mu toirecuatig• of Werra . upon the subject w•
hare timitalinoueiy concluded to urge upon our Stabs
=Moo. the trearedlate organize, ton of
Tao atkllUuual rittputettla 01 intantry,
Truly. Vatopories of Cavalry. and
Your eir. lieu Beettinfee,
(in oaf!. ma to exlett g orgaufratloos, and without
roW frilieg Warier/W e ) to bri at sal Waal to mama
for aotlrtta fur the d.teure of tliMborillO sad 11"LUI"
western ranueyor•ide, arramou soy tumid of ins Oa.
My. To - alto:0 att., at 000 u, VIA that we nary Elio
know our atiriagto,) Liaow organisation already la
eralteltus are ratotalad 10 report at one. in writing
anon lumulem e i Yemeni comation a* to arms arta
alltrlgto, with laftsrlas of odious, to the cllalsniall of
thla tearoustarr e
is emu wero e borough and township In the coon.
tj e toe ca taros pro ratuart ly urged to orgaubta tor th
with at Ira tam company, Sur num. Defence, awed
notarlonuedlaile realer, as above, 'lraq the earwig
or the cultausantfluff ofnceer.
to alrecatug Msw organizations we cannot too
strongly urge op.. them the exordia of propmfadg
mant en lb. reelection of rnergrotto and capstan, fncer.
oloempaoser. When a milkmen' answer of cadent
contiguous comparat, are formed, regimental organ
arrival. wall ilo CaaCtcd.
d./llea sad eoldlare who have already seen terries
may do much towards putting our community In •
proper stale of detenco and we cannot too strongly
appeal to th e PoAriothull they, have already daplayed,
in urging them to aid do every way in trat object we
deetre to attain.
When the company erpffdaatlona noonimanded
lure been effected, untrocuons and Information will
be in reullnin for their commandudr officers.
By order of the Committee on Organisation.
J. Brans if (laza, Chairman.
The Coronditee cm Organisation appointed by the
County Conisolitee of PmUI nafety anaemia of
Gal. T. M . Bayne, Capt. B. H. Patterson.
(k.l. J. B. Clark. UNA. C. W. lit'lletiry.
Cot. Hobert Usleay, Capt. J. IL Barbottr,
Weed. Col. J. 8..11,1dd0 i Capt. J. M.
Major Joe Brovrn, B. J. Seibert, John H. Stewart, AA. J. H. /Niter.
TI/ZATEI —LAST NIONT or !HZ 0011W•111.
—To-night "The Robbers of Bohemia" and
the :musical drama of "The Lost Ship" wilt
be played on the =salon of the last appear
ance of Mr. and Mrs. Conway. Mr. Coates/e .
impantonation of "Charles De Moor" is won
derfully grand and effectirii. On Monday we
hen the Charming Ettle.Renderson for the
first time since bar return from Room when
a highly pleased drama,eaten "The Blower
Girl," will be produce d with new leentay,
damsel and decorations.
AGAIN we would tall dis - attention of our
readers to the largo and Malmo assortment of
prime boots, shoes, otters, bad/maul, .ka,
just remand from martufacturan ' at the ale
moaio Hail Amotion Lim li
Hail e ad fifth at.
Bur:4MT should haver a photograph el
ham in their family. The place to purchase
is at Pitiosk's, opposite tho Poste Oleo.
Poorrr BOGK3 of kinds sat Pittoorm,op
pain du Paraffin.
• - war - -lirrrAiSaLti, noindUy evening, Juno 11,,
al /roister, by B v. Janus Allison, JOHN NAT.
Jr., and Walla/INS S., ;Souza.. or Juin S.
WCao7 r Sp.
WollthilliTlAN.-90 Tuesday mender, Jam, 14
at the Potomac Crmk tiorpttal, of wounds rscatrad
as the bait!. of Chantotlonrillo, on thsidar. May SI,
ad truant WI I, 1.1 run In 21tAN a HAN. (yaw&
sun et Inalsta Wm. Mackay, lt,q ,) at the 15212 P. V.,
in the 231 year of Cl. ago.
ltunual trans ihe nsidonoe ofhtsanaln, T. T. My.
der. Ns. 12 Anders= street, Alialhany ran .
(Saturday) noniron, at 19 realm& The *lands at
the family are fanned to alias&
tiaoran ass rasuuradirinsis !layman, Sor
tad dly and mazalacUaing porposm, me Lb.
belt In use.
A, P. grrAenn, General Agent,
11, /UM strut.
TKOMAS Y.IIJULY, Plata aad Onameataitilate
Roofer, sad dub! La PllllnUivar" aad Virr'
most elate of the but quality at low rates.
O loe at Alm Laughlin's; mar the Vida
Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. apihths
New Minivan or finnan Otaraleo..—Of
ten we are asked, where can wo bay si nut
and oomfortable suinmar suit, nude to, order,
thus haring the ohmage of ' , sleeting out own
goods? To ail these Inquiries memo anosior,
go to Muir.. W. H. Motive - th Co., eerier or
Fedsrol street and Diamond Square, Allogbo
ny, and you will be salted aissording bi jour
Nate. They have Just neared their summer
goods, and for etegsnoe of styles they cannot
belurpassed, and for atom shay are the very
persono, so their work It all : dons ander Abel:
own supsrvisleo. • Give them a °all, and yb . n
cannot fall to he satisfied. -
'Jur' Itantsurno rand rim ZA/1 ,
%%UM, idershant TAMA. worddrespoorinily
brio= his friends and iha pall& In geniral
that he has jut returned:from the Bast ;with
his new stook, of Gping ant flitntmsr Goods,
conristing of all tWlatest styli' of cloths,
ousbaszes and riptingi, autism= desiring
a stook to Select from that cannot lror sysimas.
ad by any other til thir rity;•alitt - thelr gar
manta made In tho most nultionabla manner,
would do well to glee him a ran bsibfir liff7;
chasing elsowlienk .
!Wirral. GLISAII a Nerchast Tutor , ,
Id Morkot stray ono door from Third. •
Arzenint, Itstifitizo Voturraiikii4ll4
attention of our oonway'sbme dationders re
cently tetittned frontUii fiat of war, apd of
the patio In genetel, Is yptii dltioted. to the
way aztansive and handsome itssoshaeht Of
the latest. styles of - Franck
_Aweigh, and
Moth= piece goods,
‘ for plats . ; edits and
fests,lately.yeoelved Jett Wlder
k - Co., lieroluittt Talk a, No. 126 Redentl
st sst, 4Xeabeny. A. tasteful selection of
gentlemen's furnishing goods will also always
be found on"thr sielves of thiutabasluient,
together with a lot of rwidy.4titte .olothlngi
got up In the best taander.... - . •
Two Kornai Usa..-11111er &may • Robin
ion; of Londondertp,ll., under data ofi Au.
glut 20256, writee: "I hen mode 44 dz.
pertinent with Kn. 8. A. Aline* World'e
Bair Restorer and! Zylobalaintain. -I-hate
used them two months. I now km a new
growth of hair owning out, and nty pay hair
is extinct: Sold "by drugglitt ereirpwherii.
Depot, 198 Oreenwiolt Nair •Yorh.• POP'
Conrony I—Volution, who
iipoot to foam thirst Width anhopitroj
and tho asnapalp. mutat is. to It thoookdon;
do not trust to tbo ,- Arinr - Iroltiolt9luPt47
7onolves wIth'iIOLLOWAY'S P ILLS ood
OINTNIIIIT. Booty Itadllaltodblkeo lamp
sack oontibui thrtt, .0/14 , ornate _per box
or pot.. ' - 212.
' Mews so Purim ilsiaisalid.Oinfili Asa
ALL Osazu-2asaiurna.-46; rapars'or at.;
taratlabe toitaras oidvalllalto•rwor roorre or
,aaysldag ,la.,tlo,l:larpaatar lifie, till at
Cathbaserilutar , l3ll4, , , l 7lratlo `•allay,
• Si itreoto*, Air o .rloloPtk/'
l,s • • •-• : • t
esiLitartalsi Bontij Galtui
of sll dasiOpiloss, for .Lsalea, Outs, lillarrt,
Boys, so eohlld.esa, .al idoNstrfa-.4l.suotlolk
Sous, 47-8/fth street. . •
O. Bu 4 Nudist, 2461tia1l Heist, at S•
bv. 4 110- I V4 Probilloth - . 4 .1-14 1
Special Dttpitch to 111 Pittsburgh thusitts
'Kronur moven*: Or ' , Van Inn any.
The Cabe! army le banned to be palming
from Fraderioksbarg. is the direction of GM
dontrille. A benne breonnoisnotee .n
t re.
ruled the feat thet , tat'retio amp h . pia
up the Shenandoah w4l4y, bit it LII nipriget
orally believed to horizons to findousrllK
It is imppond that, this Is the ;swat of the
flood of Modes about nbel aggrenlve monk
mean, ant thr begianing-at once for thi 'is.
lief of Viontoarg. and of their policy for the
early portion of the cumin.. = _.• '
• . SerttnngSimax.. ll lllM-
Soimiler polfast's wits haring rented no
as to be able to bear the tangos of a jo Mirky;
he ton her yeaterdsy to Newport. Tbit Hel
dman and Ohio road, In oonkcsotion with the
connecting roads, furabhed her-with 10 ele
gant spinal oar, and ..madiesmaaminnnts W
which it was takinvditeetiy ,thren g h ad N ow
York, avoiding all ohnges on the reed.
inn 1100111.
The negro ireeptonifoimedanCpintpped,
an d pa l oadat by a Ma brass bind, paradiden
the Avenue to-day, making a nally in ap
penance. In the inning they mareind up
to the White HomMendpon thilfarpipert."
mnt. At some ;Mints they were udly
cheered. They mind a hundred renal , to-
Voraaido Wood tiodwa tatavlaw with the
Statutory et War aid aha Pnildaat tO•day.
Rio owl aemint of !their' purport oho*" that
ha talked New York, itad thorttitonod
without disnipotd.iia idadti s e *4, h a d
no oPoollio. lBl 2+ or a ' .446. ° 1 9 1 40f0l en
the pail. of khootoow.
IC Gilmore ricer not - news. Hatitir, he
doubtless goo , to. Booth. Carollss — tti Mks
chump of 'tome epeeist worir:
1 I
It la rumored that Admiral Dahliisa, who
applied for satin Barrie*, gm oatzlth Ad.
mlral Foote, aad that Admiral Dopomit will
take charge-of the Ozdaallaw Bum.
Official fleport of Mc bialtbis
(limbos; Chian
Weeny:Wm, Jane 6.—Tim follotang de
tailed amnia of the sinking of tbi planet
Cinobenati has been received at tiallery De
partment: 1 • •
blientstrri Bonanaeld, Pray-Sues{ Baehr 1
Hawn, Vtanasniza, May-27,
era; Ia obedience to lira orders, the bias
clansti got nadir way this morning, at'seven
o'clock, and &teemed' slowly down %kW&
,abreast of where the mortars lay, when
we rounded to. Ths enemy fired sutural shots
from a gen milled ''Whistang lek,'"' but soon
gave It up A; half past eight, with'b fill
hand of steam. we stood (et UM pi/titian as
signed us. .Tho creamy fired rapidly, and
from all their battsrlits. When abreitilt of our
positioniand - rinandiiig to, a ball 'onto* .the
mowing, and she command sinking rapid..
ly. Shortly after the starboard Cilia was
carried away, and , aftsr this lb. enemy Iced
with great ensunky i ; hitting : tti:Nnottil arm.
Wo were oapootallz antioYedly.ydang-.
hag shots loom thmitills, an &dash rigs-and
10-ineh smooth bore doing as =soh datnaget
The shot* went entirely through out. praise.
itch of hey and wood;. and now, !lading that
the vessel wouldsink/11M he right up the
stream, end .as near the right hind snore as
oar damaged • tooting apparatus would ponoft.
About tot' scan toes' butore ohs sunk we ran
alum, in, and got our plank out, sad put the
wounded oshora. 'We 0150 got a hawser - oat
to make feat, to hod, her sasu aka :11buk, but
,err as
loft It without tuelilog at fast. Thiespiroly`
otlll grlog, the boat , Oidatutibucod drifting out,
acd I sang oat' id' the 'Man teiternii aohoro.
Toll; king no IrfrtiF.4 4 oopirimigr.ii• was re
coned, uUst we roalo were, .suppose about '
Id more drowned Cud , skits - 26 killed and
wounded, and one piebably taken
Titis,will sum -up us.' while /on. the boas
sunk in aeons throe tatkoals.wator, s,*
una, , slid man orattp raised. .
within nage the muses banterhut *T.
veined went down with boOooloto login to the
mast, or rather the stitipp_ . of . . one, an three
hiving boon shot enag- . '
Oar Are, until the ./114151616 'was .irokned,
was good, and I am imilialled did damage, ,We .
only And at n twoltanAattnnY•
Very reiPobtfullyelidtkohedlnanservient,
' Goo; 11.8.0aa; Mint. Connatzling.
To A. B. Admiral D.1).-Pooter,oosuninnbais
Itissloappt , .
Rebel Gianni,' iear ranfax
. . .
.Watautorox; June fatlowiat Mo
gul!' was tatetvid morning:
Zintraz .0. Jua _4th. All -in Ruler
along our Gnu, and In front oathe frontOrsage
Alexandria: Etidlrcohl.; This morning at del
o'olooN, what .tthr nolief pained, oun_viekete:
won attacked on Sairyar's road . b 7 guardian'.
Col. Gray at onoe started with about Lid Wen
in reareh.rof totem; but could' and - nothing of
them la the orosds., ~H e then went on to Rout the whiskw
doer:, ail when he pasta:filo
yryiurport his reat-inord..wan attaoksd by:
about oz.* hundred rokole, who. wire hlridob tit
si thick wood:, , 011..,Gray humid htirooluinn .
and charged .tha tsbsle , ..wito dad treat
too Okrough the woods.. lie followed them
11 P_1 0 .AttiWit, and d . ..froni_thanos _retirned . ria
Drainoseilie. Oar entino throe !gland , "
od and some , horses wounded: , Wa 'optima
their, surgeon, Dr. Massada:.
(Ellaintol - '7: DriU. , Maj.. Gen.
Latest' lrear Nashville.
SAMITLISII. Jana 4.—Natoi from Franklin
up to two p. a. ,a.dey is that Gotonel Baird.
oommanding"thatlantioni was attacked by
1200 rebel amnia ,ynaterday a , who, drop. his
forces bash . into the zentranshinants. : They
rallied, hewevat• and readied the enemy
with haeitann!•3" ll o 4 `‘'elagitans"-
ly - sttaak kende uPail,Aciebnii
Tritute._ , ,.Therwaillapnbted with lobs of
20h. snani,4llo:lmawslinad apt of camp and
tarriaoaagaipapa. v .•• 11;!Z. •
Gen. Granger hns Wand tho fiii t tiasof
Lai tabayabstarAY, bait, ,Tkukrii' •
peat OiaiWaiiit waastihe fang._ • •
Eli hundred ant seventy-wine mask sol
diers ardiant la this altylahriainith& roam
!eating .11a seginuonia, T he y . .± 1 14'4, teat to
Ptitan - artt4 7l mok-4franoltit.Dratal,
Dis -Hulot- partner -of the -batting -lido of
Distal Co., tiot-iimsh i;ioridblo &oddest
,tida aftotamtm, - ,DiSattegiptild. to -lamp [tom
tits /pain Ballroad am lionattionth
stray motion; Shot 'ha atiunblod
and toll lionalth Lb. Hato. Omi logvas an
and, and lb. -attar lomahodi Ito was tea.'
mod homy tint Ids ortimiisage Ivuteri hli
imovory almoithopidost..,
Jac* 1.-41 s. -Drazol dM
at tat o'clock Ibis minis/ of bit infittiao:
Pratanztrati; :two 6.-4ay Cooke,. Bob.
svias:44A motto the sale of $4375,000
la ase4weaties, lestsrday, at the4.vations
agencies in New York, Bostowißaititooro lag
this -city.. - -Alm lewd insliseripUftstkroughinit
thi Wait art -1117 7. 31 4 o; ta stotool.7
a town or village which !knot uproot& in
the subsaription toads popular teas. •
ter:from Madbioni' 10014: received yosiattith
entioood itribidilption•of.s2oll COO. •
Iso4cionerArmed by a BiltiekNonlni.
Yortanaekr4. letter in the Bailin
Avaawiptsi WS thitV, iht_lohositoi Juniper, was =1 near`lioldiii white' al is /
to ran the e, was. armed and tuned
by the British Consul iitriirsing Neve
also the owner of the oidwir4l l o,ll steamier
AntAntonia{• • •
soon Nat
CI4It the eiteit.ei'ihi Phi
, • =4 . IkPl'ef 4 o4ll°
ago - Irma vik Like edlitialvattneaktife;
°ousel salmi for sadieeib.6l4eses
draw do builatt
adtwhorvisvp44 ol . - ''' - - •
Llifluart rav ,
.4 I .4
. ,
Mamiminunto; la. 5, 1885;
::•-,.. A litter to the Chattaniosi IWO of Map
Slat, dated Hoover Gap, May 211 b, .., 7 * dee:
sreeklarid g es dividon bad bin brobmiliih.
And the 'pledem scattered. He and bli eta,'
with ono of the fragments, has been ma .to
another 5•15 of , labor. The letter. pea on to
eulogise Brecklamidge, and reeds tbibroak
lag Of hie command.
All confirms our »ports of • Ma troops .
barbs gone to Mininlppl. -' ' •
The Mobile /Zvi/1w; of May 29th says that
Grant, having, made seven assaults uperoili.
Pemberton,: and tiling -bloodilY ropufsid la
Snob, has gm. to. digging. Tbla acuis ` rq-
wiaxilige.operations, and an attempt to starve
the garrison he cannot whip. Can he starve
out Ticketing? Not in a hurry, aertandy.
It is well provisioned for six months, and is
half provisioned for double that number.
Groan posseulon of Baydet's Bluff gives
him large advantages for the propomd doge.
General Johnston Reported Moving
Towards Jaoksoo.
Car .asso, Jana 5.—A apish& dispatch from
yloksbwrg, dated May gist, says that the
bombardment of Vioksburg eoathkass. All
our guns are la position. We opened Sr. at
- saidnight sod oln4hrosd . anUl daybreak. Tie
rapidity'of the Acing was napandlalad, sad It
is believed groat damns was indicted.
Twelve .rebels( mtrej euilAnfolkllflerau7
at dsylighC2while oudostoring to min
our piokats end pt Into the_ 0117. Two
Modred thousand mn
etion cape were found
tu their possession. On of the rebels,* boy,
oome out of the ray tau days ago,suld took
th• oath of alleglases. He wee than allskiel
to go to his home, Oro utiles la ffrn OOSZ. It
Is probable thatte will be eaudemued .:Us
Gensrel Johnston Is reported to be moving
toward - 1464t0n. but Is not in salolent totes
to ittsok
ilenry'WinterDatras Nominated
for Congress.
BALIIIIOII, Jolts 6.—The UOOll 00111/1111 - :
lion, u..-night, nominated the llon.:-Henry
Winter Davis. Representative from the Third
Congresiionel District. He was imaa4ol
and made a 'Pooh, in which he mid •
'should, if *lotted, support the entire pulley
of the Administration. There should, he
'said, b• no side Wass. It was tine for
Maryi •4 to 'mahout boldly. Hesupported
emanoi mho, and was for the vigorous pro
motion • f the war and croqueting a mama
for Our Troops in Ten eeeeee .
val.!, Jana b.—Spoolal.spat
- United Staters Degas:hwy, pee
received from the Treasiuur of the
tamps g.s.o met 0. of whleh $1,500.000
distrituted Co /Major Alleee pity
for our troops in Tennessee.
;.0 •
-tat in
l a
sidocable,quuulty of lb ponied stook,
all nsior of visit** aro iirdoing
Ipato,in tho l oodlawn sou, whla
hen on , owls', an,A promises to
I Haut affair.
- '
L co
sad qu
to pull
be b
units Gone to', vw ashington.
Hos a, Jane 5.—A dotaohmeat of eavatry,
one hundred strong, left- Reedville this atm
nom' for Weohington. These - reeraita are
chiefly from' Calliornia, mid will fal Ity the
blassaohissetts carairy regiment to this
mum wombat.
alarkins by Tolegnsph.
sow Tom Jim. 6 --Stocks ad lama. Gold, 146.
noun niud SIAM bat. mold at No. • Maar basrsi
lUMN Mils: mow; Std., paha MO; Ohio, 1415 e
panther.. g 6,6607,10. Wheat 1a .o . lathan bush
.old; chlnugu baring, g 1,81401,43; XI antes Glob,
gi,e1,3444; Red unman.. .1,4643 t * Own /o
Minn 60.0u0 Sash. sula at 77(.7t0 &m at •
OS. Walt gnat. a1w..5164204.13. • • Lad Ina all
-Wohally.ln. at .,, Vdmratag o4o , lll,ll l l . lt ;
...-• , , .negggi23o. XMAS.. Amu -31106„31, ,
Mee namaiil4AWN4' . /Melts &tn.:: • • '
Ctsu:Sslar..innis,—rantr dull litiiiaia at we
anus snow; sitpernai, 14,76. Bad Wheat atlihte4
SP, and le
Go ondn St r lbed,l7; whit.
.oally tut.
changed. ' arta at am tor Ear Oam !wad st
ina. UralWhlen,y, 1110. Na change ingdyWalass
asosattu g don wutay or notice. GUMMI lUN
alibied: God, altar and Nodunsie muds, ii lad
plated. , .
PUIZADALPILLI, Jane 6.—lllons „la _MA and 'pried
444:41ig. :,•Tin, ordysalos itsAtOin OK a r t $6 76 for
Sups, limy 4,1i50507226 for ltann.lranft, and 11 76
to 49iiicxwo,y. ,Mectopts vergsmoliditi.. ; 3$ lour
dale ;at •173i• - tod. Cord , deaf ni 111.—No. demand Aar
wbm.t, and_ lied sundial at it 6064,14.atul Walt'l II e 0011.10.. Smell son 'Rio 3334* Cora 13 g 0.4
radon stlanter Tallow. tlas nal on antra at 111 a.
entaidnU.. /radians. In 001ar and Nrcusissa. Wen
'elainigatet,it id of net Was Pork maid .4111410
- and 2,.47 tleinta Hmas In pale WV • • Lead
1 t ." 4 .". 4 1 . 41 V 3 4° •• Whi.4 1,7 a 4 7 ..- • •
ristgohianif Rutin. .
spas! Dupatch
7ols1„ - Jcsat .5 —lsnollospQ2radelelnis sued
blither, with saes on the spot RlM:sad 570 s l s Jid7
ili/Ised le Arm etskexeltedorttli lerpooles
to baud for Jilly sad logos' &limp at 50 to
.and . 52%.550 for Septsmbsr Ifspthe , also
has advsaliedlr lu isslse . ist frro ., 2 23 to 3lkw for pilau
Osinsum and CaIIIDAINCSALLimiIIty Mtn
At the onnitaci a=oo, 104. 406 !Abut/ Bluest,
ertiglat. orders tan at the sboys
p 1404 ba prozes4to4o'.4l4o6. MOM
gr40k1)4j444' , . , , a tt Sis
Dinr•.6. Litsnirt•,=.4m work dons at AU
- establiabmsails aaaiaat•ed to be Wier sad.
cheaper . !tuia oaa in bad la the *v. No. 211
Peaa foam: •
, OPECLAL Jrorioza.
TA AID *MOAT, itslicrwed to promos: -
ha salvo, r,ry /yin:whist sisetkas;
Mather Ocatable;
. .
; - BtoNaou, =mum'
'nisOk, &nig/ ps4B, and Ittio 'land ta
alit Mkt. I: 2 itorwams, Anatlit s and
4:42.tuukti -nay ; us itooditgooto
,llRldalit‘Loot tha moot:fait Trooltoo, and teak se.
tradmi at, tore osmootithan mho oartstodbltetV Bo
an to gotrd openot woethlots lattstloao. Matt
roll.tkaltail lae]lt oset =AosiaNal Maio, 'flak
hatrotproool gilds #lllitutlty:o tot ot . Mil rms.
.2 Ono ititiiktestioit norm oltcothl 'use titti lkocipm.
hipttory lyllOats aad,ltoldiontorbo cum= *boy**
otui 'to* Ototatoi - ebonies, should ban
Qom -Solkottordolett SS mall ger box -'-
totaladatoT . • -
lina. _
ge Bupenor,Copper *ill sad
0 NOWA Itmatntoo.
Monotoottosts ot EHNATNIIM, SIMMS' AID :
BOLT COM% = iNgNaND oania:Aorroacs,
sAuirm sorrokui. swain DOLDNIt
oho Implottociod &Won to =TALI. TIN PLATA
man vuir, ay •• co start on hind.
WAstantoss. No. Itit Mat told DD &woad An;ION
. tettn:i,%N Dosts'it.
aorspeartAmiot Ooppor tot to otty dottod pt.
tem. ougetAsittltT
_ tirwous:Bufforots of Both
torogiad pattlesatt *tag boas
'Acrid tolladtl in taw days, attar' undergoing all
.{kaasail,ravinesad Isteralar eaplastve moo at
treatment,, without soixeN, tOnsldees It bit atm
dat~.3ooonigtadgr ti in bb isioso fallow mom ..
the mutt at aoza,:iHintia papa no at in
drused -43 Milo Pei 144 ..'?"i 4 V,CfrN) s'Aci, a die
pneatipilon:pN4:"Vitoct Tha.7086; IL DAC.,
LILL, iite fait= streitt 81 1 3014* Y. T.
tobllelydamT - • . •
I wo: T 4
Mater tf Ca
Works WI libiniqxnt Wank' antempkylN)
11 4 41604 4 4 1 c 4 , 1 ka wArfalkoh..ll!). luau=
Ateakbetdren IpLl4l/1 1 / 1 1218 sod Linda;
CUM 01 4 3 0*.0na Nut amotatt.t -
or _xo4 Barnnto on.; wirrsatod ampogigo.
OLN.E9 * 11018,
- . - Bata ON
oaf ta►ssool Din i oort.mug
atom AND,Fligli
r.-- k•Aok v 5.141,1640.1
.. -ci _~r~ ~~ _ _
OF V. : Prima, tantann Wawa end =Mal
larmildia Alba Mews maga silt be atveaiaan d
OMNI loaimplkar ann , la obtataid SOT an aklinal
Amts. els inmaala nand Abe lank ta. eon plead.
Inlet f a r l a
J 1241 9 .
tell l a °I teau;
Inan. agar tin Paha - 7 • thr
Malmo. as the Rao at
Beane , Tabsy Railroad,
m eals
Wages .
$l6O par , day awl p
ONO& 11161.
be low
- meaty
; mpt mont
Alf ANT mit SVr46O AAR&
Aria PO month,
war Zwidastiag owaig. Orients et_
.1461 . 41 tyr u ,,
otbrasswoMittl sat aallosts
calsesseasfrlik • AMT..", • , ,
~ aillWair • 'MAW t CLAIR
111741rATIElfr4 • mita 1-4 want ta
I V-" Amnia to mg meaty as $l5 a suno,b.
expunge paid, So pa sky ROW &tip lhantly bring
Stroktms. 410dIrim , .„ NIDIIOI, , ,
IsTilassr -
W• mud= as GAZDENBIN
b 7 :me who undlonwtawa the grow
tow of Togas sad ?knows.
lat ltdittu, J. E. Lootwasollto I'. 0.. lbw two di.
itt . .
WANTED—A sec o nd hand Swam
v mianri s (Hairs's prelims& ) Zook& at
14 . 811908'D brain"-
WI. TALE, Jr., & CO.,
Dodos In
6111ZET -LEAD,
WIDI I / 1 1919,
13BICIEVre. sad
DeeMaas 'Mad op with hot mad Gold water and
IN In the stoat assumed maw.
No. td. Moot sLdo,VIDIELL EMI r,
Ild door below Zoblesci.
11.Bspithimg pleaptly &Waled Co. • •
PAINL—We tele thit method of tefoneing oar
Mena awl the
_paha gotheelly 'karma are now
reared to ILX ricootT Tann 411TilteUT PALW
seta practice of Dendotry. nese who ace tea
eatpeabos lids mach dreaded evocation apey
Ide *dee tsar here and en es • cell, as la lOW
Met MI hays La we has bees thenctahly tenteetie. -
laj the pea tea y.s hilly *debacles the ma
ma Welds sancta of the opendion. nap
or Ossadati, as delved° Battery wad. All thaw
lobbies the woke* of • good wad roadie Dinah
villa well to all end malt with • •
JAM/13 B. KIN D. D. IL,
Plo et filth area ;
az„ Da. 0_
aau 111 . dattlll•l4 et.. Pittsburgh.
Puna Xenia& gisaseree Oinem
Wahl:Woe, D.C. Aso 211,
A. 91. say buttoner ilembhmit of Marshy aow In th e
04 ere &unharmed to Pmt Memenete 'et
ray U. dunes the smut thirty Mays to lbs Dowd
ed dllerelmeat Is their neyeathe Dbtdate. The
Meant &ben asemhte them, ead lietrimbet span their
awe f,r these:rice, sod It tined to be di, the Pro.
met ltenbetof Um MMUS shall hit. them Mae.
=minden' to the imaerel madairomVet the.
of the A. Provost nanhat neeetel
ot the Mete. As emm ern nig present thrmrNrat.
Ibis wed teadesreas they shall be ditty mastered
by mastering sod dtetratalag aloe, &ad veld bi
kin the homily areal by Ism.
emdklat Provost Merelud Oestret.
SS Fourth Bina Pomo MAZIMasi °lnas. - •
, Pittsburgh; Lys
A 1 IL smitten's' ibiglaust of ClinPry-riow,ola;
toslaal, ma hereby mooted to moue ihnuselres
se_ say thaw dialog she and thbfq days to it Ikon!
of Dandlawas On Sid Distinct. Pa n Lars the
Boird will siousua• all sash sollossis sod dater=
sofas non that Sums for *Amos; and to Saalsot
aruSaasid fisaspenstios halished to UM
11 torsi ilsolgossisn. when thsy will bis manirid
sad nissirs flit regular boastr, - sod Mims bs as.
warded to the isgtowat they mas
4411.1.ta J. 4. 1111111 SON.
Captain sad Prortat
Wrillktt ad outdo.
taxon 6eD1 . 1
foe losatlss • Wick= Vass oi fats In • few seo!V
os:a. 20 teats wort!! ',Luz Duke twain 'lmam.
for Ws by
sizoa Joanstus,
maw dadthllskl sad lloarth stessfA,
sar iletattga of OM SIX . sad ail
lguds of Dal litaGli sal• odors,* ou koad. . • . _
EIaLAW ric PoWALLS will: be reale ,
te the Cloataluee uft The /ba thotuadt-Oil* aatt!tteee..
u to June =kb, latia, tar One teat
te p
at qaalit7of VIM a2lOll LIALTHatt AWN cep er .
p r - rareted sod Acme Pateat tusplfaip attached.
ammo, Tie a.. to haproperly tempt .befor• they
Y. teolitoi by
the city, when mutant *lll be mow
ta oph. JOlitt
Sattatan etOottalttra,:
Ro - A. B. ENGLISH reawittullj•
UAL Wanes t.o atUsees ,pt Pitteb.rith; SANG,
b. au Wel ippon:dad eolepseat for the pool A
ers *bees eogutal INT AINTI.OOBIIOsIV y A
PIN. Tbq ate tocommndled tbplerOet holm;
el:. mama I/Web ere'
emir. Bums? a Co.. .rma
leoWititaab Inca Crn 31 VBTCO.0
Zak Panties I w, . •
WOOL.. TWINA ell , kinds; in balls
d V sad hefat , fa
p, tarditldh (MI A S. _
Rea Edo dad CIA
%lotion . lttit 'WAR". to
Oidua' add sedadlidiii attoa - WRarptra
%MINIM Saw Wass lad . limo.' apt
cord/. mom um. Mood void% to., do. .„
Clottip sad Silos Winlectk— r.
14" Waded lasi New Tali.
Xlt/L—Lleaasei tot" Drays. Weitite a.
_hemp* to avoid yam. tam Ppm
ad amino, Tam eat Weulr Yeats •iteat tea
tat» the Lt of Myatt au% toveonie itroloosies
of hes par ant. therm... aho, Mate Keralathe:
Limas. siost be paid oa or bocce Ist of July.
sioll Wog Owed In the kande et aitaleetnuitt
lot eellsoikeh : • . wm. micasamm. -
kltter . .
stook, of &I duo aid tit kkoonot, for irpirsot.
6.41 true lotto* sad otlor plorpOolo.. tau
mkt, lam bola Wars . the oolutoritty for =ow
Two, sod roinirmodivd to bo napalm toe Irma;
porpoise, to. asottda. arm to too. trot ado it lie
isodzo 'abbot Depot! 26 and le ot. Moir Pont.
5 0 0 PIGS LEM),
"It wAtza-stesirr
DUE ISALE X ;4I. Ibi; largo .Beillibpft
Alollsll. Mann Ite 3• 11, 1
weittanks rani lensed dm telmesram
s canine, or gerateal trainmen OM Plural
alKa ral MIMI/LB BUM? toes eharattne.
• Imp* tic ' • ; ~.
iela.Mlllllll - 7011X;
, is ..zatar
d ~ p 4
3/0 b_. Witte
400 his.kag Alpilkart OMMILDDIJNI;
ia - oritestaad fls p - Wit. A HA TiS
onosisiasse.,;,: _
110 busk,
Mum 0:0.4/1001 • • ce
'TS on Oil Ihinalik -
Abtowaik, by L: V.. VOIG? 01:141:' '
rrNIVBB3,6Ii 01.0111Z8. itlM.tiE
-16/ MI Wit tairmarrerget "a
telatiokb smelt jug ne tai
MOO Stabbrqfts% sae 111‘411Mrstreat,; ,
Solo Arras ter ilk sou
50bbils: this
dd. ALI p olld N. O.N • -
:100 blob. do;
!o• /rill ssadisiis; 441
J 711• sooe &se isl na
netted dad • •
• . :,11111•11114dieendhapoidi_.F.
• ••••
- 01tOr ' ••
-' . , • ." ercz
bbis:iiiid okWbb b. 0 ~' es
God Me ode - • ',LIMN&
.• 1111 srit 11411anaill mak
5.1 Y !mar' Coa, tut
MAL aothaz DaVaa4,4aatat saa
assamalibi.a at arm soitibisais ;
Luna a rimana,
111684-114 an mot
(a • HAM
KW WlPOls."`Mmi,
4FEM04, 6 NeifieriL
Oa SILTUZDAY. ATT111110011..1a•• 6440
itaedeitodll bead; staidenediCkhleinam wake.
McKie allettiliktaleghean, the .folloolarandrame
Wiz oM hamamilamvet of bald voila
Stop le aat the earaat of, eat leasldeatea
attetaN'each laiOlog a trait al '4O as oiletals stmt.. •
aadizteaalne beak Id Ina
Lt at the comae of William end Orabittntatr.
'hirttota front oral. het ea Wbuta start aids:
• •
Saidlag slept Catbditned 100 at to Elaita•y.
One lotren - Mtlu,m west, t; net lag et Cask
etteekvlunteg front td hat ettlifidhpik Wad,
sad eataadlas beak 100 Get to Plea all/da;;;: •
Tint'lieteita Valor Amt. adlohlfold-tfieffy at
Joke 0. Atlas. ettle haying a_ neat et; on
- Wasor Watt and anodise ha* Oblast ken alley.
Siro lota on Jakob atrastiall fist maw
a wn . strew o.oa janant , Stnastg.llo. feet ea -
•jcendighret and natandtne beak der itiriaga*:.
Stana fleze•7 o l/talld eithitaldds.., abater eat .
: - .:lferbardent psedralame Willi, at altailili !Pun t
jai . Davie a lealtAV/11113..suothe. •
latragrWAg 1.1111 14/1 1 ,
-- On. sit;* Jots '11:14113
o'otock. be poi& 356310 („1043133 . , ?Mil; 3!)lo mum%
Obi, law Otioo n odord rt
Ido flrosod. rower;
b n il I,34l•Appiir,
6 do Osooded
5 do Mut Riyadh Ivo lain oidi
5 'do Wed Moon
3 do , 3111toon_
mg. sapattz at "'MD* •
1, do Bonn Sanl4 :
l e & eio old& WoltWilTllll.'kuovro.
- - -
- It/Wm:alit' Lula AT U
ass o'clock will to a 4d, at Us. CO anwsdal Raw
Samoa iTla. Si Inftbastost, two I* ouittsse stows,
at Simid, , inch basing a boat ot Si kat . moron
- Mae; tad aviparlthirbuk as 140 Si an sl, Ulm
beassaaw ,v
Mats, ow lot Maas to Davy hn, ;Oar Bard st"
Wain boat tor Si Sat on Devilleni rots. aid ax.
Pada% beck 91. last tops al*. 17400 . 0140. MI la
Jas. B Trwta's y
Tustin Stu
_si...-Ows.t&tal. nab tadSas fa ou
and two seam willstatassat - •
,t-DarWis itarLwAiwwi'sraseia.
uvatou lUtilkAb BUblutt:=•VA , ,l.A •
tattle Ka; at, the Omentemlat &Mee nee ha L -
Era &match*
,ustmMwAseeethes let
oi s tr lc?' ei a itaimintiviimers.
1 1 3 ‘ 11 UNSIt
OPII6 - • iliet6lo.o4ll Old Mild MEWL — MOS
a name! 'Amy aniant4i szybeinii, ss
1 5 1 ' 4 , 1/11 ru aboeirlirs , /FP* Atig•
-A : 11T p . l
A Wit lapdf. :64** . du; We advances,
! la " F l t I OY": , . 1 0 03 i 0;44.T44*. AAA,.
e l / 2 ..;
OS MC!: UDC ;'4AUX4;IIIATITtiiisr in ow
mos . otr 9loslal/4stos_cartetaiii.-
';l l 4'.P M'!'74
pgliViallitirp - -
,-. -;.;-",-' '', . • , .
. -: L . 1 k ij 1 0 4:0 6 44 , ** *4914 8 1
OOR NUM AND ILMlLliEllthritill, I
Wad tifiti issi Oivilleatidsiiiiiii . 7m47 flionli
il kiji,iiii, rA.
4 . O •Ji ~ ..- . i.i.,Z:4. . •
_ lizoiroas•Ploidifiriii-,d
, ,:its
Oaitid, ions ' *PCT - liiiii ii**..l4 ' g
'ant Lii.'etsec.. '. , ` ''''‘' '' ''ll' ~:__l
1 : .W40: 14 09 1. , 4 01"100** 81 7.gall ths
-Matt/ma pis-41 . 4 . : aim u r ns: to-Am's/4C •
billtica ibisoikell ' it . iiiiiiiti*C'' 'lgm;ciii . .P;i 1 0
a.m. -
, - •
'Sir Puna , ptpiwts c and - Mlaif.o4lo}, &ow'
, ,
Asfoistanlial at:
gamnitszinisicti ca tie- toms
6 . 4341 ,4rgi.Piir0s
U %MU,
!nit -*esti aurob
A.lo , :42;eonth
) - .;100M1dills - ASE .
HrMaai~aty'l?r,iritifiKb %
A • tAIL a 4,w r ,
• irn akis.
."z C4NIOcitSCW. - guW. 1 4440440 6 4
4 04 4 , * 140 1 ,*1 10
75 nwo sad &or. to 46 I•4!Nagr . ? Bala.
gout, irLiraw a/Ways:al axoaaaas.
Produce k guard Commturokiciskaaf,
Ana dialer lila ERdiiK ocitarrirt:PsOrtuas
:sir- • ''saltr- Amer a , .
~ ..nakagurt. . Pa.
M. el/ •
&wit ! imas.
M Cl°U4'4ll .i.;
:,41F# 1 0 1 Fg. 1 P 14 24 : 4 ;;A!, istol-16di at
:TO 1 P4 1 :0). IRITYJNIII4) MUNI:
, . •
X. `WOO D 62 11: ITs it 111301.11. FA.
• , •
iitzietrwie Plies
,sad • leg Tawas: , - r t unibir
Luang se. r 4upsoutainftwoo .3,4
I[lll 663)
,:.• : .
11,41a1UBIS - aid r UAW - 7
lithkaajaal. .7'
<IIIF-,V.4,a5 Nam lanagja alga Wader al
Mak a wAsicaikyl_ -msa •
:Imam WrOili
-21111)=.41 Nab la as 0,4=214.01 vac.
aka& ` Abwillil Ilkeliel" 1 ' • 14 lt,Au,
uie• gums nutd , NOS /AT mass.
ibk -ati ' mel assigkos al ilari°B 7 ostriP aa I'
' SO; 4441/ AsAtry.rtukr Rapt pap
" r ......attiatioeto ilie fi±4l6as oill
I.+l/10 CLOMP/aft:shit 11112anotaim1 ( ! west ataisil ULM, 111p1111!"111par It ?w es t
tut, run ttith,...saiarnvipiei; siD
Lli ssa ill illotiolor allian illis sad
it „,,, miiL
as : iirhii6 , 4 l .
'if:Aka/at t.trtimiluattc-i- --:" - .
pouseesaviubigamurtir. ' .
.astigliiii ,3 :A ll :rP ~ ..4,•1 4 1 1 9.
-u- to mh IA- I." •
:26 ----
lb4l44sta 4
, 1 i -31. L 1
;,-1 , 1-c.
°2 i, L r41 13 Wilt: Istra 11,14 parr, t
...* .
la Amami itiltili I , -,---,, - -1.• Vt.t 4 .
90 0 t4; MIT VGA
Jf_iiif,l2l4 q a.J-. ‘ Y,..-- !lts'iltilat 11. sftrat,
rl l4 lrOaftlartratirWr
ntie , - ank tc. Xis -
1.1 1 0-1' testa
• ' itese•
":"" - ' ll Q . $ l