1 • -t-r i , i ~ -. . • ~`~~. =Hi ffifilEMl lEEE 4 tibt , 4?•!=t- MIM=E2I =MEM t: ; • • .4 , -• lc , - : • ‘;'• ''!,.. . :' '': :;:' 7 ': 37 -1. , • 4 k. ''.-, .1.. 4 .... 4 4.; 3. ~.....:... ,- ..4„.; , .:.4.4....,.;4.0..4..4,1. . ,:4 , :.,'!F,•. 4 ‘ \i ' , el; •:* '. .. - , .;e; ' - ;•;. MEE ' • : : • • - ~., • • - (7 11.. - ':` 3 ,*yr •%; : •::.. • ..; . • - If r 4 • '.:•!=: q• •‘ •;;; •• • •••• • • v l . 4 ' 1 -' 0 ;40 , g.-. - •••• 4 : 1 lye. -40 r , .;•;-, ;;" , "!. , • /,- •:1 4.. , '• S`~: KM ; • ~a- . .. ~ . MEE =le ff ‘•1:..- • - -•!+ . ',k t y . -- - . . ,• re , . _ ,-- , -_-, „___.„ ._ 0 4 _ , .-.... ~ ... .. ........ , . CILIUM Edit A LA Z ON 11121,0114 . . . IRPL .01 a•lns,.olUl4 81.4 It. e With wsoLiseieaggas,.. • Limn sr Art • . „ glimaThe b 'istiii et ti YlRczei VittelorA the tosidneseat the "14eites& - end tan bli=r em rteeive the eitretteite ley L-dtt Mode priMiTIM 5i....."....................4.•11UN1M11M10X, 4 ,TRIACKaI, Win Max weans AND, Dolmans Stgiurwits. dodos PNDDNOZ, !LOU% BAOON. anr .. l: 11 / , MI AND LARD OIL. IRON . NAILS. LAN% TAUS,Entre , ,11Aapt lit &wad .Tittal Do 5kuan01uu..........a1A5. oaks (of the late Dan of D. k O. WDonsid P urea.. a Ca,lirslinnb. Ob.lai .• - , 1 Ar DONALD & ARBU ' irtiii: ma. Ana Owens. I . IIODIIOIII ow Ooirxreo Nil- Maws I. OOTTILD, N. O. BUOLB and _3lo_ DEFINIED BUDABt3 and 8111/tea. PLOD'S,' . 00N, tOBACX 10, , -TOAD. } EWA OEXIBI t EOUIDS. Lo.. 1ti0.20,11.r42,54, Men ..11.11.1. asa 1)1111(101 — ac BROTSIERB,* nod Allier &lame as4adamowe .Wkakaaw loiainni SWIM, NUTS AND .81.10ICS TIMEXIM,IIIIIII3B,IIIII2 OSES, a 311land.P1Vamtate,Ititb.. SIMOSI L: METZ94II;:: pau ..-lbosenures, t 434. Cloveria PBODUCiI !4.1) j_tniiit4Mllol. .7 • 117 • JOIE= fl&O. JIONE,Ac. SON, W. • • . ‘l.lll-42zoixsiesioriSOLY *61:612 6 las, Ds la 11=& BO" PAISM.Ntre and magaiftotutedritd %;. M' ter et , ••• • sliorith itoponsibiaaltridiv. txtinteb.• • SOW? BLUM • .--- D ROLECaTiDALZELI, CO., • :min ium Gamma. oomussios Lim Too Rom • ani deden 1n PBODGCIje/ Drs WIT siataine.-.:amts inurro;° We= 8111r4V.4 CO.; r ot.* sun azocsak luirlEiboaos D/41.31111 No. 6 Wart. Pittabater.-E6,. MOEN JON3I 1 IVATT & WILSON, Witouraeuil arFut otsM bad Pi qnsaufactlll WHO And_ Qllol=llB. 001Mridee kl=sict PRODUOIr. WOO WOW' 614 OM W. SUMOUMW aU S. OIL 8. DUAKORTA 10012 1 , ,Wao A -ur amosigni,ltosilßD• got= Stead .• • HICVI.O3:D: CO4: . • . II • 'I I el Mit Juno Ocroagos Itiraqg ' N.. I lad *IN ••• VIOL • PA, BAtiALI3I, Wao V‘ ilsocco,Troi. 14 and SO Wood nroe VON' .VON' .• . • ( MAIM ...u. - grab= 4 4 . AM I S A *A.Vr • d i tt l3 i m s r" -JIIG t ICNIVAPACTIM ILIMAI. • bilaillli iga s 4 AlM ru X ennizas or wmue. warn BTONX ULU AND 0111 A MILOS= or Orrtas..s. Watocovsi at -Na, 14 . 1 - 11:314m1tensuaint. Pa. 1 i.s. ' , :ter r Johl&LI I I: $ ....: . i .4 .' I °I. .4- . . IkArACKENTORIg- H geutumv Pike sad (Mud Omits; Demi t r IL "Mar oeurGLATEN /LIDS. VALIZIO, id madame sad beet MO'. Ewing Put didadrltardevelty Dina the 1102= us4co=Vor Wain R , e. end ......... mak • d i r= B6. 'isddia - ditaiddidlircidx TALTs.otroarallasalMir7e.,llll GSM haw 1.17"14.1r:,19ft-tldb". r'440"4 /a tft 44 , r1 sagmes. smasuri- J ONNPIi HAMILTON CO., Calar at nut sad Mott atm% ; • ' nino/111 1 44, —2r:ll— . -72 .11P1-7"37x9!ar 3— s w. - - r - : • - Enii7663/ litlMMlildnneltk tr l, its• &OUGHT se,aolacoaeaD BAIIDee el =l= 4 al shsPea4RWM sheetS sir ilWatisarosidh we& te Wile St • omit:rat MMIWIRUTORAIWiL- 11.11, I. T. ISIJNZrrf;.....t. Jr VIECIRLSIOA GUM WOE LI. ac• •"5-'4 A. . _ L A'•'l ,J. 51.113, MAMA & OU, 24=• 11T Waft staittliellehar assithibpsts Mari' GUMMI= B 5 =1; wZideresoa,kliiiliitziggsai iamb b.0.1/94-15-941 War. f I 0 U -....!-,ii:inalinfilrlalligi 17 4 11,2 *-. 74 ' 1 ' 11 ,.„ "Al" 117 , T B , S r. -) ,Alllll3l=l • : . . , ....rfrT.-... . ' ~- -;illiadibblr,radbora and Vat:6oW bad ' ' ear Mali astradad by akeyrdang; dadvia La WPM adtatlaraiddy aaddmidassold at the tios—wbatrnor bail bans add by pumas fa fa , .- doorldblldayaoada,lailay ddliceaurlfaids,of r •:'' - l'Emo . I: =4 'a I l b : . lillo ll ti t . =.,....„, r e ~ ..._::;. , 111: euDir. , lncirligolif Ihdadigaiit. OSADAMB, Mimi% Quart , llo • toralSof WeiasAilaik4lticia4• 4o, ganwallb-'-Dr. Aka; 'Dr. lialLool4 tbraint•Rabtdol.24lll•4*DgMft IrVITS:D.I awu soon, a. rsoilis m 'NwisTwOber '‘4C 16,t sa - ,41 AID t dew Pre -Wan' or Tlgid. Pittaitligb• . "WI BOONS ocautuutr ou ha: 111441 Q" 18" E MAIN' sooltatai r E MEW ISIA• . fin. No. TII "meth stlTia, 41444. 116042121 Wral4iNc• 00141,1101 1 1 1 44 Daum's, 1.1"?"74411%,1 •• r • • la a Iv - T.= • • or ..t i, ..=.....' ... " alft an ii. liasishgorria"4, i i 1111434 ; 4.: ___..- - • - ... woo -,, 3". • Nog. = • L imit ~...... .--. it ami Pro*" to g oad lid ramosabl• i.ril l inisei WO 110.7 dm. MN r INV° satilesa sai Nc r a ' k awkii sor ra „I 44 , , ; 812,1 j; • , , t WIMP MC," jetati ~., . .;- , kotpiaerNer - '" —7-7--",-.7-77420114110T. • • all c, , 7.% • • 4 . A n0., AlbutAM _Thluorare AID BTAAANSA tiado4twdaym - sad - dtpalatlakal War dadialak: Wynn . 1 . 0 ... 300 r 1- • -- 41A141) • ~. , • . 2 • •- tic °.'sl, B s'ilcia's .6 .? ) 11 '1( . 011u r/-411113;'.'.' 1014A/Ams. acleri'll,7:44lll"l2 . .400 • u • l '. • iPtlithi • D. C. vanissi. - WX.IL HAW .1 00.. 408110 - ~ ..,......="G~wa .-..::.:,{.....-i+uzir.:s iix ~.~tAaa ` w ` ~teu~d~i.~'{~,r~ .:'e_` : `2-a ~- k r: ~v,c~i~r+r~.~S...~~.x F y.~~.+'_"»~~~1`~+~"' :~``3ax [ ..: 4 wTk`ac WPM =CM th/LS, NC. W ALBS, TipittOlll3 CO., t.tioL4,Lli owwiety oc)Avu=ugpi4' n!mwciEJ:•NVis. 111-ILPEPOS OP PZTROLMOSI, iuntisltNi. SSW YfIEX. talrroaicia Ann este . 1.. it., PIRG, it t its ysid and what!, Bra nOOK f.c, l , A4 r -00fitintii `macsewra. ApAluter. rrrsobruis ♦HD ITII PiiiODSOTIN 011.19. St MOLD bTIVICET -Win; YOU. fa HAN D - . cgr a cte tor ths VORMAND ou. wo .113 W -YOWL Q,VSIDI..II 0021 P W. A. 01b1411!..W. APRA. T, ,N Baud strust: . st • — need" o b. embarrassed NJ bj the est-romment or the Bulk nhen.thej, can bare their Oil beiralell sad 11 Wh inpre vi.th.ht tdriciil4 the 1114 Wharves, se cheapp more sprrrept,with Ism various bramble And In better 'Order, at OA tee A is limit VI Ler Leilvoed. above Lamm* , rite whit. MI ts Vompsa tram the boats Lima to the car., and shipped t ant plat, Irma or' Wash mttno4t env dta - piog ri.ettaplig. All orders arm:opal attended to, iflllillitYfilEiatnritrC.eaVittfilir , Pr ooo tager TL Pest OPP. edtrree tIOX laVb Plittabitrgh tor I con AAie. , Ass Let - • . DAVID. 81111 L pub" curl' OIL WORKS. LypA Y CLIO)IPENNINGS tun:r. 4 .4 Eagan el okaaou oLi4 .plaizsm er. miu pplaumnita n. Sem kl; palm to PiB3T BLOOM. tru. r .n. WV. Prrrutrsau, Po Qsd ra Ltb tak limn, CO„ I , rs.ott vain eNn IL ; Yd i D, nd /mien In US. Uil PSTROLDUIL. itli. HAIM) N, HAILJ4IX tic Commludot Aid Forwarding Iletattants, 0 WON :6 !MINED PBTROLKUM, - • rizio.iirtelrrit eitzgr. Firm/mull. 10•Lib4al auili winner aft cosidVillasta tot etttAnosk ar Bows Xadois. ..,M=MMM XMXM:MI Iltimo. LB . Disarms k Owi _ ktIMMEICSAkkozas. rysia-ci wk. Mac' o)BYda AIiLLINUATtt, rticave. mass must Patabaisk. Forwardintit Commission lerchant -las' miss :vs on& OBODII S sOL SUL- ylLsito, oasimasit es Wad ' and tar axle .tabs thud mutat; pima. 01101111KEIMI lianas .W.-20.4bliattP 00., ILIXOT•47191111111 Or E.OICIFING OWAIDLUDILICIITDIG 5.1.6 p 411111illt.AT at bad the mei bat atattt7 sutliuita ouft fileas and alkali. odor, aa,it pod pa* WHIMS 1 . 151:11100L3 udOat .111618 L. arias IA 4.1114. SA '7 ••• Dins c uus. ovigar b 41IiT11 sash CA3BOI Q. ;MN. 1146191' Wirth steilk. vrrreau - saa.v.. 1 JANUS LEWIN, c; r.,7 T 4 , 'Ulll444alkot ;;. 4:7 .• ' . `,..`' ..:: ',,, ,-r. ~-:.... • , orcAdiiisoi., • sad - oraididtai wriiiim uattl A cr i ogr'. as °Market taAltssi stilikkitarigive promrt attentka. - 8.20 DILMOND 0114, - etoo4;rt.ryi -11/1217.118 AHD DJLLW 1.11 OLSSON on, truarpmedby ipty to thrsadort. OW•Orders tat tbstr ofics.Eri. u WM= OTBIST, or pt tbdriraillab LRnaoKNbwll l • 'II CIIII7DII am: non num• ! • Am... warn pIITROLITE OIL I WORtirak. swum= „rugs aisishrtaaas e W 'MO 00000 tioakiiiddi iogi Ina LID rsaorioa wanam pp.. • - /*WO .tt alidirli-Pfepirtbrs. Mr oalo., ItireiniPb*Aages. Zittibar , :5=102 503 . • "1.3 ataallift-EURAIWINS"Uor.4IO /kJ 'agouti= of ellissaanAloOldiftificollOftte 'ttio Let AA the =denials IS •lops o:or 4 dfi "mit' "" trirla il aWo 2ll 4 toyl3 PfigestuOMAllitt.P44/trlie;--‘ InELAILRP4PANTRAC TOBE talsd groparilrinur-V.• neollasd by &b. kw' glit:Y=Ziardotintritattast4ldr °rant riz 4 = o'clock est. on TflOgnukT, Jaw lab, tank tot, the sod Illasonfy of flonfoas Roo 41 mi di sub abant cos nub In Istiatts. t No. iff anel No fa locus al Ogatana hanaoaCtioak, four WWI t ' of PetntleVio of the Tod at ItUtattsing. - '• , Thom iSootiona Inaba* tholmlereilot work testi:ink Itttannbeg and alshontaiNtONA anal arotalf thi attantloa or se coneraCtare. w=elo to Mas& In tattler . r..,' be propaly dated, and prollboa_l gad T"' prepared for IncedendOn b a tbe lieriirr OW rar. fir Paril,ielidre to W Worn Sit •thativaboy can obtain auunfoo O n't Nif tolonsattos nonfaary to *nab* Woo to do lo On jet . . tr . y at P • IMP 4 •• ••tilli itia Nl= N. B alOTi ~..,' mantles : • ProldeAt.','? psivi , ? • • • • 0114.11CA a re I. Oda day assookbot witkOs la the bndesta. L Bill•thCWW.losaLiboiloc-tol og .113-IL'air - 4 k " to 1111.- allot sida d • -May OO auccald co by tto cudgel al Woods& ' iarditb. • ^ AMMO 011437.; /AM manor a. duo _ RUA GNAW h DULL, • 1, Manifactorrn qratelitegt blait old lla • iio o 4 " . .4 ecOdcaeled:aiiciaa Orik a vise cif caking Ws lOadad Oarlalakr• ot mooLially icakis a abira at WO Oslo . ciotOdloa moat IClNlatkadi and lectai! atrota.. 01 AirmaaAhe BARN :II 06.,*,...... v v , maim oak OW ardWilliorloul,l , 7 1 iirranalah=ii ea St. Rotor s o mato* ow II to sossoffoottic "4" O l osolUtia of ro t„, im k." ......t., , 011111211111,171.1100=. MS 3 Wr PIPMACKIONOWINNOMIRMIWI vs, 111. LT AIIII.WII I / 1 01 7 .: mum - PAM& MIMI N njapalst SUGAB- MAIM mob maatootax elm of 8A1}t1• BMW PLUM! DOILI&. Ropolttag woo o tbo oboatoot *Woo. . V x4,-; r, z dolge.;: im itkl OG I. 6Biti;u4wherritAtsitiloilitArlidtliat, 1:%,, "rnis r i t i„.o.4b utl aa to irpecial .laa l aivr :LI S" 411 °1 = 1 &OAP' tombs. 515 altkaLiSagmr orirmill M i iv Oust albla Or sanity' spriblikr: Pa alba as tho-famoit 4=6"41 moailloittes.o=g ,oll on' otqa', , l ..".•%it ono. Itionoto. ,-:,— _..-, • A ," num. iminriestark_ 0111 014)./ !Ills, , *Mot aill MilialllOX7r l ".." ... ''''. J GH, S .Erzsermv.,:tAwous. GENERAL ORDERS No. 105. WAS DIMARTNICIT. A2I,IITrANt Gmaa.'s Omag. Washingtao, April Mr 181 8 . The organisation of on Invalid Corps la hereby authorized. This Corps 'hall oozed eCiasil=ed if nee hemeter to thcnighfiberte of OellOisni shall be made hp tram the follow log mama. eta Fire By taking then ethers Reverted men of common& now in the field (whether ardently promet or temporarily absent") who, the wounds received in sem ar abases amtmeted In the line of deny, are unlit for field sore% but are stair& sf e lective garrison der, or such other s duty se O r o be regained of an Invalid COML.' Regimental Oomemunien shall af coos • make oak, from informs. tioa remind from the Kenai Oont . tony OM, are, sod from their arm knowledp, rolls secording • the Perm fairished,) of the heir of the ofil• oers- and enlisted then ender One ananands who fulfil the folkneing ocaditions, viz: L That they an net fir actin field rubs on - amount of wounds or demo contained to the line of duty; this feet being ontilled b a Nedkol Caw • In the smoke, after parsons' Tbat they ire, fit. for gardens duty ; this fad being likewise certified by. the Officer, es shove. ten personal examinstiOn. S. That ;they am, fa :the opinion of Shelf env monde g Ofitron, monodies' - and deemlbilte , Them rolls shell be =teed by the Illatubing Burgeon end Regiments] Couthander, sad Stansrutt• teds through the reeler channel* of military stppowadeues, to :ee Proton ithestud Best e of the The trogimenial accammdershe enter is the ool math of most; opposite sea Miner's name on the roll, a gammon es to the gemarel enactor. of the elan fort y ece, indoetry, sobriety and sem- Om to dut jand all intermeles floonnandare del endorse thereon stee foots estheree poems is the ram, or if tong - i o n none, they eon' dee baer for they am willing-to andante theopirdose of the GlB or sinters making the reconmandellon. Metier - rolls shall be tannuded frinet time to tile, whenever the number rd man fulfilling the canditions mummy Mad or the ezigencirs of the - surto* my reader IS &mod: By`tthing those effigies end-enlisted men silll.ln eervltes and borne on the roll,, but who lee oho as from ?duty, he Hospitals or tionsement ono+, or are admiral's Studer the control of Medical iCiftimen lei these mom the Medical Otrlowr In et , node= shell prepare the tons soxirdiag to Tons, meting the-names of lawn And men Mom ths same regiment on s roll by theneseres, and mod them, with the malt. au or the limi,eon, who sisto - ed, th- vropo . boolmeneal Commander. who win forward them. as heretofore spected,enhject the same condition. and-retnimmenta.' IL in any no., tho liegionetai nominal:pier shall think an aglow. anti, in pain. cf therieeter, to continue in the so nde 11 the Corps, though disabled area fed by the remark, he will soda ottledlorrin the column of remarkt, and note the exception before diming theastiCatte. If thy cetera enbsuid man now he the mem., hut event and loy end the reach of a nedicalOUthetin charge of s Eloepital or Caner Mama% Camp. manes to enter this Corps, be will take the course loolcated below for thane who ham been honorably oito-,arged the wefts. 204 d. By saaporio throe °Moos and enlisted men litho have bean ham:hail, diaottaqied cn emote.' of wonods or disco. contracted In the line of duty, end who desire to re , coter the mimic& the cam cd en spoticatioo for appaistmant mln oat be made to the Primo. Id natal earotral of the United ifttafee thronah tna OitOtof ataihM 1611 ACME Amiessot Pro . mat Menthol Umerat of the State. No ipplieetha of this land will he ...sienna =tem tog kliewing moditeon are completely tented: 1. • - That the kepi mot produce.storiertitatts of the dozenth of thee:ward of bructinstent for the dame la wech..h• thorn, Out he is o .ilt tar mauve field wesyreambet of wounds or dimes., and is netlith• hi. to draft, bit is lit for genera dory. I. Sheet h. ferule nino= et tionorable dischaiXil on ecootint off. woondsor disability contracted to the hoe of duly. S. Thai be produce ronnnmendsOma from. the Be' giomese Brigade and filmion Otnenonders met whom to ionemsey wren, that be is worthy of beteg thus provide kw end aspen of returning 'depots soma to sue Omen meut. iln case le ale to In - minket. to geS Ude lam endows, he may, having ,eetehleed the Wet two pants anon, seep the Boma entireness:et that he is deserting and pre. mot Its oeriXiaste of the Let. She eTWIMOD mut ale hsetbtants4 by the opylkant, sad most be gads' aloe watt his applocation for appolittatat. r U to no eating Eminent naval llersbel Oeoesat lor she nude appitheou ma , to ter. =l . thr tozsa ona,hth.a.dkolotme iant s.aenl of the Sot•. hewon each Inca Ib. sob gory Waxy of the airptlains as in may knew, or; as are adorned oy hie-mood, end forward the on. to the Proton lb ankal Zoom' of the United thane. anlistad men. bsenratos Mecham, ml 013 Sor.ool2lli of of ds.DOiq, dettrina to re mint is this Ours, will pellet thetteeivte to ins Baud of tnrdlm at ler the Owen In width they roods, Ur exammerion by analaurgape nunnat who shall mammies them and Mt .'" a attal thou =e cd rerch !Login the 'casts _tomplo..folit_ll the toadittoos aproMai L %Int be In nullt fa aril*. in du indd. L Thai b ta 0.1 or entice dup. L That be 1. inaltoriono and desertinig. • 4. That to yr banornnly dbobiargod train ths rink% • . • She Provost bloshal fa , the District shall Dor sod Ow ap e with Ude eartinente of the Bord, to tlis A um. Prams Sloshal Gess& oi stall moors ash emblems* doer** sad s o d a ato swords of Os Gompe, sy to which be talakii.d•alh his shths Smato.r" rl stills chow; Oros, sad di @SSW also tt Is sieritorlosscosoni thst the mash denervlng. be rill 'alba , lam la aelennwar•We melt soots! rake se tbe nods; ilszehal Deudslsorrstsollelt. Medial Impostors, Booms i n shoo ot Daryl. Mtsry .Lessosoders,. and all others bone' entbrnlty Se dirnanrel• nada 91/0124 end MP shako. so kolvddes ossi be to say met under their cosset who gay be At tor fordo is the hislid Oohs. TO ;sorted etarabal General is charged with the rossitios of this order, sod the troops litimOsed un deret Os nadir ths Oriirid Of ids 13111.11 n. MI order of the Boritutry Of War. ,f • ALD. TOWN/ MD, , • 4412;111mi' Alabama AteJeteat GeneraL WILV,ISTALTE its,try WE ~14,2=71491+. lapanlat Depodis tram 10 a. Eh WI dalocac daily ; lATIIRD4III pairsplzios, frfik 10 Wr Moo, AA mastsßrifr4 BA'Xi, ociiirmarrr. mai • ISOMOIJI DSPOSIStiaI. tor Illsetuudes, liatirlaili 010 lAA alLthooowbo o o Maul or eaviarge wit' ofilli.-W deo maummAr•Smoll to IsomAorA •Ad W olle,,—ltowill Cot' Jomms..4Bintr. stizotarr doMmum Or AFW!{loot, cod'posonoM .31 domou - r.. -• •• _•,• ,••-• ••• • , ..,•. , ....tawcimat• gm sow at Ali 'MI' 0117,40 k 10••• 1 .2;pa 1.v05.4. cm &volts, likletei tif Ad -AlWom be iwill , • piamd to -. tie emellt at tba detmalttartarib brat dap of Mar and November, mid tamable As twoelatonot mot s.PrAmpoL : At Aldo 1114 WMWT ma WwWwisk Iwo iiim. Amara gos. , —Utmost will mum= ob All Mitraetta tbeikai tad V i es* up ot ilm,morAte . atm snob deponto an . .IfooWi. miAgoini.auoloo, By.l.mos, dia.. twat& OWL olmWatioalmAlso MAco.o , .'• - , , ~ 1' rANI PronliwW— . R. OQPISLi•WWI',--- , • 1 Elon:Timi, tciton, ; moson-st idottesd. , . hem low -sr , o.eahmaki , ----W. 11,0opo , 7 - •TbrobTaitar Ilene) MTh% :__, ' }I • -, Matiolso Yugstrp 1 ',,, g Wm. FL Saab. , ... ..; ..2 liew.win . 1 4,0•0/u -.A. AL aksymis. ; ... „. Obtserre • . , ! • , - -meriraMierlf ••; jAPa. litiaa,Mir - jai 64 oak Jr, l c !1aa111%,1112011 ,53 , , 3[o, C 11.7 . 11 .13 10 .1161U55V-1111pletta„fliiiiiiliii i i irteiliktft et hub Meade ead the public jetearally tit Mit flabe ratte,lldgatbitaiti as -1103. Wit Womb" "ilieteti cab , see Oi MOW WM* . • .--ardsg.uithdraine.the thtetest*hill liate• lteteireee:lthp date g fUlilltiafikadtatjs.", wilisgaziaxaaammllemt ou Str-lanhary met haring thomhosed , the dear* itteek elisseeq: ma & .Ptaho•fott• .ineteirld .everieter hhi **or* Mum% fir Btedeen7 t ibr.tievactil &NJ* le heinemeettosapply she oillepiegths Meet lb dissaufir Ideo agaust444-itiebistrias. S tot eson trethmehh - vittrs lieelethheik of airtime awl tagettionehbersessesid siatetiah ea iibecmhemot capthailui , hes llama Winne the =zzeibritdeu of the WWI/ hatBtu..of maikeW tart rut -leighadrhigtdrEt hieKodlid-100 end dianableew BEADDRATE MAWOALII so PLAN ia O-POEM sushootlint 4= w eesl, des* end Irick ntailitiamv,immaylor •ita,, we. l heri hatted *fur letwonesteat which aka In enr why. laid ea . the peados Of the ftasHralrer. NOY. AlMOolliiditetly SORTS thll. ifkarff4, 01,0101160toluag• puny, beil4ehoriand of , lememe. olfo.ti -tuopotisr to tY * robots are unekroini& unwire" Asa Bum" ii teed inottool4 4 te Ine "We the. dame& **km of the best =Massa fatal 1147Cititi r." &BR/08E11ff , iir,HrOimadist.oxa. of Meshy. . V-1111562. • L C 7 3 W. D. IL_FDALMrty , yffraiinsus ~o urit iota, itOnTengittirTva=t, j..= l'ziehommorr4rAwsspow lap isti4 * doormat. ovindatittiY 0611114 W Piallailin 414.°47:. t ) I T I. I • ~,, -4- -'' I , l' . .--'' '.-'-, • : T., 4- ~.- , , C',ii.,,..1.1.1., !ail , kl ~-,' , ~: ...., '..• c - „, , " -;: ''' .- • .1, VS , ~.....: .. . ',-. ,0 a . . . c r .. .. . _,. , . ..... .. . . .......... „.. . . . . . ____ ••• 1r3,-.‘7. ,;1, ':;:1 .. `, - ,',..; , ;.7•1' , 7->17.7•.;• 1:0 ) 47ir .IdoVIING siEwLivra AracznArAg. waskuria& VILEOI4,B GIIIIIBS risuroia, oisatitAsNrkKos SEWING WOIISDI3 PAIS 1. lINDUsIBL&T, With ♦atathk imptowainta, T only liadane la the Wodd flzg PlaN I•• 13, MUDD= and MIDI% *tit flpe Etaxinta. Vat one to romptottany blond to tall at alltom sad no the Latham la °past . = • marAa ifilehrodewarraists 4 bralsk 1' '.re.na far rOfcwtsT . . WIN..BIIIIIIVER , & • WEBTBI*IOI35 1 1 0 ; ••• • ' 4 Fivissasaa—lio.2T VIVI% OMIT:" Crotazat—PlKWEl OTlClLL•nunamoi Locnirimr—sco mitioNtelmtpuF, ,1 CW. WILLIAMS & 00.13 ~, r ... -. neisoviD AMIN' TOSILTY 1 r Finiaill "i_et.o ll6. *a el - 140684 I kitabl oo l n isawooos, so. SlSioarth strait, . _ . Than llaskillot .ap bon Agtona to Maas Chop.* than ans , Woo siaohlas In Oho asst. ... vim do an hinds of most; and nat . lamp _. . three pats, 'nay Pi tic; atsnlai'thai naia • ..1. pars old an two than to ontanlost.- -.... .• ; . liana. all kb& of itlaarlskg laaaatia mad*,„,.. -' Only Cotton, U.. atlas:ant usrutpa..._ w , , low .. - - .. .11.,,•TvtarT.*”. ~ , ~ Arleir;BOolf1 2! . . Q,csacsAlro.:vAttrAstat : I 171. NJ Diverting of waftole, - .. 1 ' labors UuI.U o l &i i Mgr • , Dr..bill•rhila4terts au Ilmoisks. - 13 - p o oduo.la Stssto, In llossisit sod Litialt, HowerstresSbew 10 rarr. , . 1.. • ... I &Maim ot, thslissistsstion , , &clay. ' . ~ Rows sad Boise Works. 1 soL ILlostoos Usistsb.... I is ow `,,, ' 1 Oollyass factors, on isdptassYsoise P • ' Ilows'sWorks. , 11 sroir4,ll m)l5 .. , .. J. I« fanakiS towns low I _ATE PUBLICATIONS.' .• I AA lifeuibink Tramaa.:. , • kllatory of Om. Raf.:naotkot do dada d footfall**. tbo Bowsaw, *lt moth** I zhiGnat k.* WOMA lass had. Baotou. 'tblrty lora Indio IL s flaada.i Ls* Illmaf4tut. Clot. sad paper. fp* azal.Pra. Boteolkar. • th. lit*ti awl th. Amp Vert' L 2 Maori. Thedw. zu3 II .5. L. WIN It /aunt PPFri= FURNITURE aunt haw woo]) tuAtas I CLIMIQ OTT • 1 11414 JAS. W. WOOPW sii,;..t. a ~71 it =t 4 r‘,. infOLEPAbli Olt 1111TAI4 PATENTED OCT. 8,1.881 Dithridge's_Patant . . .. . OVAL LAMP -,...... z= FLINT FLINT OLAsS. nmeotamair Or lataaderllble . l flat Sam% which liestlag an parts. , the awe Kui!uy. dose ee l _RI ri- c. -- 11:1i4) itiiiti I —I Fort PM Waal ono LADIES' FANCY Fosb CIIIILDII22III tA2icllpt3; GENTS 111111 OAPS, OpWalls emprlit ■SRI ANF.* OAPs. CT•I7 irueSsty asyls tha vxdacai at' d lab at ; loCIORD f 00.14 .140IC DIMOND STEEL Wi?tt,lES, Lio - PARito4fWiliet CO., • Xaarbehtron DIat'QUAUTIVICOOSIFOA# " sok*ingui=r , c 4 llama, - r sad ISe _171111 4 11 . 11M 4. 114. *ans . :4 • - aim: a, manna. 11 09 1 / 1 1alf-ABZ t • -, •• •- WAG 'Pi tittf*R.i' V . • , • : OA. 1://t• •,1 Thillatitio 12161 TIMONIAnAgiti' tia3ll- , - Y 1; rct, %., .141. 0 OA. 00 420' , -,t- we. ttuFtl7, (14.4160410E0M161A!ir! a 141) , i 1 411131040414M1Fi11t OrWitir W i n om4„:s 4. : 1.1 3MN li lists sbalalim 4 sail saor.,, ki tc.in *MI imam • nem . , thsts t: KM knorlitilsbi ~ • .. . . WOWS YORAM ,NtiltFVfLii ~ illiflftrits. . - allliilhilisr *ONO! Itimiilik: if 1,1 I. A , ki -1.1 tiOlLlilifol4 e 4412 AA:4 IWO* , iliogrei, 7,A. : 41.1A9&'M • Ae.!•-irr sau, c 41 l ets „, w w • .thaitronna No laisisTt - trisasto• • • temes.-11.11.-=CIRRWRIsSan WM.& BROWN' 110111•11/ 1 Z. IMI •• . . , NOIAROW & 00.; ~ ...1 - , . ....... i A 01..-2. .:tl' :.,11..:- .. r . . atOggiojaifilniiiiKiiSAMlUMAFFA .. :.,. :?.:Coallalfillia4-611r.OPAUltiV. C 1 7 7 : 1 - Iptil ,. SVID Onikilil ::i•'..,-i ..ir, •.-:-.-,.. .. 14.51 . Prrigumaz..*Z' A t ''' — ' 7- " x4u4 e -4 " 37 . ir w a"m%offo il li.4..._.kThigr l-- Elam-7-- .BA 41 amovrwriwr bS :M 1111 12 , i . Raps ak sod outhise --air—t.tatilzgAVliilli—lint Ir , es TiojroolllA zaodo to adar. Aloat _ VI Wry It t l 6 A l2 a rlD *Pt - 't.t iff i r& - c °9-C./re di.l 4 - .1 ;qt., Yeirti 1 Vitifitiargit ilbattil. B. RIDDLE & 00., ainTosa AND. PROPRIBTOBa. nblloololl OMllli - lki 84` Fifth Street. ifiisoiasa AND sizirmo sprawls, DAILY' ammonia TBEE LATZIFf EJWI UP TO TUI 01711 07 PUBLIOATION - SATIHWAY MU M% JUNE '6' NEW TERMS OF 'FELE GAZETTE, Soma =mos, by min, Pfe Tor -.;;-$ 6 414 month* 10. • week...- " do& coptee--.-.... a- Mem Lamm by mil, per yew—. I 60. o 0 • ;_eatmth - 10. " L Mart forme. e1ee!,00, 11 . Por roseF- 2 " " flohe 016.100,, - 160. • alubsoll6Orwee".. l2s . - o i L d one est= to the, peftf lendtri Tae • 010 et Iliteanrere tall wad the gnome Guam daily. See eihlnti of twiny' , we will and the ltotterse GAME' del*. AlOge '4lO 01 1101 . istreettehoiiit aridly te easeese, end' mere rTAII deep etoPped when the time expire!, - , General Buraeide on theAltato of .the, Country. Generiel Iltirnside has just issued the follow lag important ,. , which ‘....,... order, entowewe views . . that will be cordially end o rse d - by every pat , :lotto dation. We ask for it a careful and -considerate perusal: Nwanottchrim6 Dsrawriatur or ewe Onio,l - ' .oiieubenti, Olio, Joss 3, 1863. f Gumless Ocoee No. 96.—The General 00. m: media' directs toil General N. 0. - - MaLia a -Provost Marshal Geneva, at ones Institute" ati brieitigatlon into the oases of all . Clasen Winders - now cantina in this Departinent, and in all inch owes as do not clearly show . premeMtated disloyalty on the part of the &e -ased, or when a desire is inanitestedto 'atone . _far-pest faults by future good conduct, the prisolthrs'lrilf be reused - on taking the oath of elbegicties and giviag bonds le: a islet observaree tiered. The General Vionuhend• log Ii tiOnerinood Het a Jeep, mejority. of the had arrested heti been misled b dishonest estireing politidans, end he y prefers. to ethics at the .soutowi of the evil, end hilow those who have leistell4)istray to retur n to their loyalty and alligianel,if they have seen the folly and sin_of opposing the Governinest. , .i 7 tMtfaf.teCilt•-be, in salving to put Own. • rebellion unparalleled . In history, requires . that vrs ery-man, abho' orbs the fi eld, shill; -.each in his sphere, be enlisted in the Mama 1 The necessity demands a sacrifice from all. In 1 responding to this Cell; the deiotion of the' citizen soldier stands foremast, and his semi- floe is the greatest. He gives up all chit Is' . _deer Wiley_ oithien--his hone; his [reedits .of , I speech sad eaten the prospect of . gain, sad often gives his lite. He exacts no conditions, but surrenders himself wholly to his country, , 1 as represented by the constituted authorities, placed 61,112 him. , i , .flatieldhe he thus yields up his aide rights so entirely to his country, he is none the Nu'' w oldie:iv:he waives them-temporarily .tri give - g reateizeNalenej-tabliiilfoits, and looks for- ward to the time 'hon.-the authority of the 1 Government restored, he shalt spin exirobee the rights he has patriotically laid down. • .. While the duties of a citizen an dl' hum, '-pesoiful* and , -less 'exacting eharsoteri 'Weie none the lees a soidier„.and it becomes h im to appreciate the grandeur Ina eatireasese of the , devotion of his brethren in the led, and to ,remember that he too has saarilices to tnakel hut the eocustry's dentand upon him is one paratively but. small. The country re i from him no physkel,sealhee, no pe nest r lerdships: it mealy astir that; he shal imi-. tette the arianple,qf .the soldiers ia ihe fleldiso far al to eboubsomewlet of thit Iris- 45505ataptoch mbliele•tholgive up swankily: Tlot,eittrar would be unjust to the soldier; as well all 111311111tittll Olaf cainery, it, while enjoylog the consbnia of home; he werel un- Willie g to err up a portion of a ,privilege which the soldier resigns altogether.' That frietlein of- diselaulon and criticism which is proper in the plitictin and jounialist intim, of - peace,hecOmes rank treason when it tends to weaken the confidence of the soldier is his, Gaon and his government. (When thin 11; sidaonstniaseeietriblits'nt the'iery. rod( - of that military pow er , wash Is for. tie ;timer Uhl the country s proteotion, makes lid spa Penney it's He bounden, duty of -the ilom mardlleg -General , toutpel It frouvhis lime,- 'Oar a teenier MO than he Would . drive frorrilds aimp the +lain who would latter a I I niaterl4l, poison, :that, would . enervate and, 1 sieelinale hie soldiers.: r i 1 The Genewileonnsaidhlg desire, to again call the.attiation of the alders; Provost WI- - shale sidothereinanthariOito the neceitsilf , of gre•Cearelin the meld* of atvistsii *highs, should in all instances be founded on tallith; WM; - sustaining . distinet charges,. estosph stn.*. 1141PnWil of. the ease demand In. Meat notion. 'olYelesiness in this respect is only lescAensurable.than negligence In t h e detection and punishment of crime. 11- yil, !filth the exercise of scrupulous care i and sound discretion on the part of onion, anol:i outdid consideration on the part et all ti - -,, •d r eons, of thirelitions of the people an an army,. to each otter as above set forth the Gentel ern& fol_if warms tuaTheno tin in putties down the libel. - lion will me more hearty and effsetivei, the actiblitylatarreiti :will itallielaished,i and the tendency to fictions opposition to the gov. ernment, sad hurtful criticisms of its male- - . ... ures, bi removed: By command of Major General litenside.-. -,,i Litz BIUIIIOIID, Alen Jlttkrt Ga. , - Oftidalt W.,?. ibi****colf .I.Adjutant Assistant Generiloi. , , ninon Fa . on, No. ILI 9fDOD 0. - GOV. hepley a Bectiah Toady - , ----------------- Nor so time • past, complaints have ben , , 6 0 114 0 No_ ..144 101 1 - with' from NOW ot n ? litatio, of Gov. likeptey'e !nailing proptinW Gee ecltebitli the kiwi ma ialletil 'of that eit4: , 1 , „. m ' "' Lhater..iuss „thane._ gives _anothei...ostgiv. , - tide of Cie. World Or flov: -, Sliepley ti,inakle , himself agreeable to these. people r, ' ••' i,a..,- .. . Last Week 'Got , : Shapley invited a smoibei -')IIiillliolideCilloot hirr„lit.higlattiito eon.' snit with him as to , the propriety of Wain, an elistion-'101.• city Mors. - lio wino** , meat _hod or his been made respeotine, 'matter. It weictitto private, tint of coil*: "Umbra" manes to know all that was gold] dn. It is understood that no oonebidonwas. arrived_ at::: Tim most remarkable thiog shine the sseetinglest the .prellattes.of certain intra [ ` there.'' No' Weider some gild Union lain peeped in, looked around anti walked offorloni they saw the Term:nor taking pith 'edit. Wlll - ; libt editor of a elirßw siplueset 'ed itaWel cadinst, end a - ruiddpro.slor , cry Mhdr tits Presidents. of two of the banks; here, whose rebel sympthiss are well known F Thomas Ar:ldems, President of the CreitoMO. [ Mirimeillsunuanes Company, who so- lithely, testified before Judge Peabody inbrdiaG,Ut Imallizroid7Zilidgilinii-roglelera ell." 1.14, Who doctored on matlagith liTifirwaww win` ,with time, mike! . Pr. , Kennedy, editor of ; Gib' Tres Itsissistidrevrossee. - How think an: With Meelibb asvo pthwideltrotglilk• gay 'braid of *split two:Years like *look .of.l *MAW* with hist" la cam, taking:counsel. with. rresalevery, aun t s whoa alVwhe -thew,. sayibiitof themeassar of Wit ribelliod know that you might tis,Will,eidlikt. bag ~ 401 1 ) 14. with.* devil tfmako'peePla pions, as too. usorproodwivqluser-PfludfclayethliPsion:' 6, 1863 The Way of the Transgressor. 411111ag0 2,0 . Porto, betel, Mayor of null. a merchant of that city, bonne bankrupt, oaken euralutiosi hero Mow aredthat bee! eeerett, ssoiesa es se. tiemptFlo Se tOultedif f and tit mot with molt • trots. and retenNet losses la Ws, es Owallowedispneirly AS V's', or Ns forum, Sad nuedeitbit .Plikifigter,earotherr, of Liver pool, as inddbitid in the Court of BlRkruptsy OR May 111. tallsakindlarldstery ef gambling .11tipments.follo1it by oleos dosses. In this ale the fdlumitforsurre than two hut. And Jitgesand dollefos,the emu. of debts offer ousts .stsuntiatto 141,121. Amon the reitiresief wideh this dna beano beak , aptllgfiumbtlate.ntialloiroisolied" ittlieirou'i=tt 4". the shipment didithirineits4 made: to' time Southern States of - Am! but the Alpha. ' bee* seised' sad eendenated lißlO,llOlik- Prise Court, As appetite' biell iabledioU which, if sucoeutult 04000 ray birproduced.". , tinder the head of !Impute la , the hand! of cieditors:, the followinn eubsto.histotY 4 "One third share in sight oirgois slapped to the Confidant:4 Eitatis 'Anal* being the joint adventartrof W. - 0. Pearson (a bank rapt), Kt: Wm: - Dibsen, of Boll,and - riyalL Slap Peterhof, oust of ono-third, .13.000;.1.14 I blo&iwa-fifiNOO, 101110, 4.1.0111 k AO*, ;ditto; £3,000; Phoebe, dittei 61.110 0 ; ilertiotss4 at% 14,000; Lodesnodittee &I. 0110; •Patras,:ditto, £l,lloo;Stettin, .4111o:04 1 o fi ; , Anna is Wooed to • - ,.1 , 0 teld*; sad As. urge re: &Hood 4 0 , 1 0.9b0r. SO :At ttitk.PbasbOt t , Oar ttlea.inforolgit,._,. %put, Arst eaters. 41,0 Ofiexte - of the IferSOto,soldby Iteinrsi Ourad,Ciarnity & Co., 'who readaOtterpre. coeds; cargo' of the Peterhof w e diabolical et an isteraudiate paint. and °RA** is bailer, ed %Aare. susceeded !obit ran into. Otte Confederate "litatuwe. estimated. -.."Jot, tiS,OOO; cargo of the Lidorte__,'"Wift sille4, os astenspiant to • rut ildonleW Ibrissey ) don nasally this wW bo a dead; /am taito' &Inoue; and thiTiluitin !filed:tile leeks The deoluatienenf .theu-Britishlnsciliest debtors are. perhaps.,the best,erbleasto could hays of the ' eltism: of Oliebbistedso Here Ia a,dria>whl.h ttoo . 4. output of sexual ntithirts& al" • ,lpfolootiii. AAA whose creditors , are found in BLOM) Mar land, Luboti;llew . Tork,`Portr;Zrelf Or i eli v4 , Stockbmisi,,saCetaunt '4,04011,16` Of M i t land.'., they ester, ce sanies. ;..4g1.4 1 14 0 4. Orating rentiris, extol:big our able tisiuiwithtbeevidintintiittonte'sipriid ,tberiskhendtheespeatation.thetirr:the leat run the extraordinary profits would.soEithan cover the losses. They knot, thit; Ina sell, their podsi if they. are- safely iota aitariestosizt an :ailysasSiorf - frost throP, 0/ , IT. hundredur rub for Coafederate mossy , 11 - 1111 0111/I_bu with Ws, :tali cargoes Acne it ;risk nits; per pound.: The ionlito of. sae retred - tritof this Mocit is lisiar,notibtOoseethe lithe of hilt dose* shiniestto; and - yet; one alter the' other, the blockade 'violators ale into the Britisb' ovate of bankruptcy, 11 mournful procaselon of disappointed- gamblers.-IV. Y. the Pale' Goias: [ NAT 'Wait OstorriOtiediej Yak on lionday, la Addition to stall mount or basing of ilii4ioOstialift - Ode;wldah 4 ll. Incur dig5#441,0417, --A 4e131111a ;43111 7 itatasz Doi l 11 4 t. liwit o6 ASHOilliet mak oa th s itisteXP4 4 ttlotttio.lasaltss4 oottelmosse b be Pita Costs as s timid plisse 1111144 Alit-see slit#t:rsrs fond so isossetatO, , 4,tjahottes.. r btlessptaisitsiosltly - osatillotitsstst -1104 .1 Air "AVM ,AyllionAltiptf solipsism We , 1116.:136* Li theltsAtotif *oy, atelsosa , „. ~.... .. . .. . Mattatttgteito,t Callan ,avl,Wool; Tho lislastaslaaosathaltsjor 14 4114 ' lligls of, a pm! Maims plaah,altbsit: has ..poilitlat, wan*a lillaitialtil / 4 / 99Itortaa4 wool. 4' ritisiblos Iliitatoti thaa an iitistr . lsaiki pie4:lliialiiic-aa4; Whiki - readily ittAse 17 . 'lnstill preratilorlolattikaltholthoi,oottow ' at -wool: - Its ' us 'lor tapir ieoelewha lilt diteatatid V , William -Vow; Pristdatit.at .tlt•- litstorital -Slidell '44 , Ilaittaxi *Pao sent satspaupta . AN • 8. 111.. Allsa,•-•ot • •Bostop.rist 1841,14 :tasting for abatis:: Tim sumps; to. ilinitialas yaw paha...sad Ataxy= Admit! , tad thap fr itiplap at % Atittdc.tt tbsolitsatins gal hilliti44 10 SI! ./tAA•...a.,lnkt COOV*44 tiero*Put Ito; ix .sfamttaral,kskliAts- 01, London reliatitad - tha allatiTislor that* sot `stati,4ltord thoy atilt radials: asiliarloslt: This lbrs Is thtis dostalbsil:" i ••,•=;,•,, .enc Jl•ionas, LOwstad . la iirills, tram ,Itollas apart, la blaytoonissabolromiround: hs, roam sr! 411.04 IliThvistista:AY , 41004 a : anWP°Ul 4,4kfrAtintoo44ol , for small jisia..l/21s.Plar4 *ls lA. ..ampe4 ' It Molnar of ' arca whim ,It , bola :14/ 71.141 le Abre mar aittab fdk eta litalii:Of partsysi ntitills4; - It growl Icitholtetiltt of . 5 ton loarlo' sti- foe: - Tor papiiitbalc thlk' Yelllotat may U 446161 haw h 51,421 ' / reread tato valpitaammilatilttrOst sh.' -./- Alm .IlbralstaL sioo4Las. stalk. being *err sirlast* id' at* 411forsakmariallos, slipper.. A iessitgitz "oitittio, ialaabla am-tat thlo., 'Ant Is; that At. 01 07 v01u43 1 AR thtl l 4 6 -$ ll ..wisba, thi air, snow,llY grist aal taistjaill., s.fhlsWiirlllisat laikiir 0 th i itr o tkiPl*SUL llowlt ' - ortakthi Uslastaf IS' ' .. knows sia appitilifid for 410 dalikalallowsi 7 ' aad &ablate awl lastlat, pl ""1 - , - ; { ''' doe. , isa /31:lissi Pros turiisholo loiailitterksV , tag tistiits'at riksimplitlos withal mihsoos. slots Whist iosUis latisassathsa , _w In AS.wh.l. Dosisist,stakisa.cospalleitist ttill N.13#119.A9.110141•11.00 thsi staalth i g olltlcolPautellet AO AQUI, Nri .-, m ln tel .31si, !ripsaw. hi" . , it" lii' !Wirt T wo .ss Ohs h idyl it* , Val ten, iiist ttraaVialhidrobzisis hkaihrt,iti autos' to a-orkessi WA brosil.sabahhoui4 I Its ..s. Is not astopsillob bhilisinippossh i, is DssirK.Lsho—sos - wheat hi. i WWI mizsitijorin-,Ski..szpoutithrs will. sit Is Oneld, NMI:UM& OLCallegragiOldia. `.which is t 9 *OP, forstirtlir9l4 f r toonE 01.:i Tows. ; Low rmiltif hal 1 19igel ;4914 r411,1"1111::Billif*Ao ,aeo n otos. !,86 eithl bir laft`ts - soir 4 ill() ' itoifirst. htslii:- manta and sooss-hontliod mad tit siesui hAvo' boss thatribliad =tong Um. warn -far salt. ilohatoo. - 1.: ‘'...:-:.... z .._! .. ~.......; ..,!. i - :,• `, : ; lio . fAilil,TOro. noliaTtorfux4r, - ozom.--Allo ClaNfilia. fry pit indiWof 'thiP*liiiii!**KPl:*** , tio:l*.t.faltaff -41 m ol ool4iy tßioirfoloiat&Zoldorok , pof we olow‘ii:Okbolii;' , ' Obiatlill itik be. wdliisolfall oilt_pouo4l 4 * l l4 sl itiiogogii loaietkii articaujiwoofol* AU diUdros_of, likonipakiloto As AiliAl4plotkuooi. ; hook boor VitilE4o,ol 3 7. l fon niff i al,l * l . t 9. 4kft MO foltri liosio.ttas o r S.W iaw r ler e gr um mot tot! l'of A _ IA :Fiz z : lig! ,11 4 41 tcj,, Mau . ta r ty •ww OlOr , , elz-iiiidied fri ' .';' it ' .pfiftetpally, intlooi to* iwiiitf4ffositf MO; fory - aii:ik loir.gitowto iiim)4lft4lll#ol43 Bobbi n ;!..._--;/: 1,...-,tft-.6-*.**" • •": 1 MAWAirjumbispbor4ifatarif.tkii,soorik.,: I(OffifiAufflifioViabfox ,3 _ Palf;4; Wa l lFriit= 74ll iF f Zn afffainsA. Of IC .. * Pig &Ili ofopf otAli*iro sad* lila foit tit i r i t, iivik.i, .4,1e,..w., rookafr forWitoklik•WriniressoW.49, press riliatliso:bolof fait islilitfolii sal LI E. - ts .b*: +no efilioibooylikiit' get** 004 Atovfos Stf- Um Maim,. Ji !:-1:1 bat 5:1.1.. Lol. In, IPickhlil iliosioielmilkam Gimp& iigi _440"410441,41 tWo rosoN °Si; ,MIX-r i ,4 16 .... ~ 40040. Y. i tv W4dolot 04 - ' *l aw onsiali "el 10 * a* IF' 'thlat4Patiellia* ' tifi Mosotho ifiielliiitolf,. _lrolliiiiio bolgli.flitkok, op Ms toildooolo:trDiSio lap iist Jeottoo..o4.' MI 'Zioloot ~:_:-.2std t.:Acit U ---., f' 4 ..: i ~ ,'i 3 .1.4,-,4 , 7•0 2- ' -.. - *' - 1-- Halm,lll:o4toksei) Pot% ilorgiON Ind I t Idedlior PUtiiibri. 0.) laSfAii pf 41/40,firifdliff I , ‘ . l i ii s/ 111 0 4 40 4itt* ratfil. !iiiistillie *1:5410,...04,•11- ,041:keittite4ANA 2 ; 411040 1 01 0 4 e, I ffisf.fi li I fil - II WU" ; otat .Aolt,v,ol 4 • . . • • '' - ' . ..---- ircaksammaiel* M i n g 4 -` , . likthiMpoit *mils= 1 HA , ;V& l la ms 1 ,vidibri ginlila fr " : 7- . 7 7 f rft irrOhrioaiiiiiiii*llliviAtirl4ll.,,,4, e SOD e3~l 111111400^bl au r is = tg b a — y~(er~dt:~rrs. rotas INUBANCIII COMPAN Y. Ofies, N 11;iorOr W ind Filth B. FIRESIMLIIO. 014•••••-• ••••••••••: • • Digliertit Aims D. Teemst, Opriaella L. Bassas . bum& Whir. 1 1=Stallsce. keig. 11,101 mos Lowe. giaiLrelkgrilidag. Wart. nits Amide. 1•11414_ w.. MUD% Debi Zola EL, IL. Parti 11, Hays, . .r ', Charles & Wm. Tualrbir.' .b • • UltaLtiAAtcTiK , Bti • escrininnuAL gym ocßarAsT. .or-ram Mea inff u nr a tire ts esstitri: 011itars%S Wsisst elms. PAW rAignii *Opt gs—lnessei utibmis Mist NottiPPINITFAMY O O I 4. tir;i6itk etaapilmist,lnteirv: • so roam R. 4. We 0 Fi!or .;lasa..10.000: Ugkintto « ta a ~ . a e~e =r ifi e cr. It g it . ll. l" latta . 1t t 2 l a xt a 1w74664 / 3"r rix9 Kona t&tzi ' 44 Tiombrania Irigcid 00,41, 4 ,43 3 50 co *Oak Ot Matti' ce 'Mad lamirimal Co., Doak of issosoaco 1,060 CO Stook ot. Deimos fl ' lSlTlolko " it l T 4 O*l6lTsleKl.a .W 6,100 =Vgrtiit ' ; 6 O O Y O a O o "_ s h* ‘ O IHook LoTTAT4*OTOTO• WNW. -11.216 Clegc•int band sills boadaatassat7,ll,6Bs 11 +. -• ' • - - . 4=l" i ::: :,.: :. • :...... 1 .? .'-. MIIIIMINW , ' ,4 .• ' ..,, • • cif -11; iboapilptif ,•', .110bLitlalik' i •,...Notatfitessifi:LJ .. ::.; L'OlimAdsidiri , '1418117115-‘'' ''''; '= .11. 2,... 1a =a5. 'Ha ' - ii. 'o:lKWaiter ; •,,IlliibilUlTisiMlN:-.; Illealthi DoOOS : .. ..k . al ato 4-4i n i , / t * rniiirtlaYllt , --wig -nalthigOorseCTb.l#lol47/Pooastraet. Tammffrnr--44AneV Voss OZOBY 'IFEILIVIE/inrillitlOOthgONO riMA erminsinNurva- I. 0ff105.4115 sad 481 ,lirrtaß#KAPlalCa *, - i.,1 4 = .1 i 7Oteladiafirsiiiillitqdliedi'lit;,' , jarftinstil etaliordalyi re triSO OB 4 4 A 0c5! ; 19,965 co lempostir - inransOls 'OaMiuffor •-lacmllo.--- . ONUS JO Ht ack% Onlialt•TlOat l°', T 4 eald.,: i..;SMOI O CO D Oadi NE3!l= .. ~---,, ..: _,,„,aialakaa a ' ill ”' ,-- fs ' ai li6lill i'",,,P;illassa Which ass r Ckiattlay ..... died/CW.l* so vhSei •liambenilkedi-. 0,1, =, - •'-' - - • ,Iritilot mai* minim ilaieliptie 4 In WIND** a**l7.*!*** ky.F.a.Ait 111 'glib estturttl.' , , • Sinai that isesepoistibil*pertait WA, pm% tbry bsos 1.614 loss by Ilis to as amount emaild Aar ltalise I_ rtf Dais* Oa** silardiar.l 44loo, ' et el 'aviator" of lisoriame, IN *II rib& 4411. Militim ' ft OM natVl**lrrill an 1 _', ~_...ii i t ) -. ' unarm . Ilauckirr, -, ~ Imo IA& „ '• llroaiest - IX linalli - '•'•• . -- Iscobll: ' ,Tobist Iliragor.: :-= - u.lrimia Cf.= Duna 11..8r0. tgobn.• W., , L ?fa g . — 4,33 k • Clacer l ar .14 . 4 " ..„. • • „lIIIIMILD 0,; DALll, L ll6l,4!nalim 4 il = i ?1s l';1"11.i8IMS6i r 0 iiiii.,44l.4 '''' mss v•lo24siltaraira far. - Viaodlyzntra ets. , 13. ricTca 44,1)&1PA•• ov""•tIr - - , :WWoTrnvennlS" • , i' - 'fii.id.d. • , - ...4 ' " 4"l "fieeititie : oawliroi l_ .... W:t; -E.*. n.......... ----u4.._. no ../a 141614 Vral awns sisald ... - be Zonakors silo • Matti' bkatilash - . m a 40. - 04 dam' title A i s as 'al imiiildis Or 1 *moil 1.0" alli, a , aort giii.C.4lll. ts . all a go dea wk. amino i• Ue_ nor „ 1 ARIMOOrOir",w. --- 11•111.000 OD ~.-.. co •:,-; WI Ot• --a• Azensta. .....,...........4,,,Wk suzi 0 ..,= 16A61 r , ..18.5ig. 91! Vont= , Notes sad *up" tollooisti4. .Ic,, --z. L::1,11:4 , 0151 St 1 . , jklikaeiiil •: , - 84 ,r 1" , ' , ...iiiiiir Kiikeloy .-" - ':: • 3..11111120611“10111, , - Dsiblii UGC IL -,ilgtt,li-..::::., isric=i. '• -2 dlit ELlialk - -L,Joirefl.:. ,9.o:„WianOstims. -3 t ' _., - : . .21y. L ...2 , 1 .v , . PO9 :11:: '.. VP' •: ::::-' , 1.. 7 Jr., M. , w owzooffsmi. •I itiumANOL2 , I , •• '- ' '''' "- g• El f,.:.1. :, ',I 'Ai , f.! —... 1., ~. , , ~F , Is'lnfß4 l—. otto - ,...,iim2 litijaz,' TE s irunranoe emor4itietsteforraws., c.q .1.-..71 I -77,,i•..-, IrAstfori.Vre, giniii*CCOlripany: N..:i9 ,-1, 1 :IPlldikalabed*lMirbreiBo4 4.1 r4 106., ~..1•1L'.% 11U , :11111M/V ll 3311110:014112111AMIalinet. , , IY V V4'.l' : 1 VI ''. ' . M u g . I•ANY 91L4 1.1. l ii i . Mid* so W.. . - Vital 4 .f•" .- "-- '''''''''' - . .. , ,m1.1 . b. it itirlreWialifi*MkAl. . 0.4 41 1: ,r 0 , ..., , . .. , 2.r.. ~... 6 .• ~ 4.:.,,,ii40.1 ~ iii 0.. - • ... .- iimoir..... sm.., li 'll4/' -- ' - VsZtimairly ' - il'ii .. 3 , L , •,'," ai ‘0,12•11020111t. ',. . INsi.lbeiliViu f, , li - a&iii P* l6 alliterardhWil. ,Pr.; law .24 : 3iLirs .WMI 0 0 7i l L , ‘IIL ~/e.5 . .2.1..1,. .ai---,j.1 AW,— ..11...:. Eankaralikmolt , kwy ,, , . ~.. .. ...orter , , : ,e l --.. ow • sdr, 0 :110.3 1 , 1%1 1 oP t * l" ,Quikk all Jo . , . 1111. -- • ' .ti li;- - 1 LI r.--aTiIIiMMIL MINI ' JciP.,/111R9,4910WAVniim. . L . tin,.._ ..... ,1 uziati7.7lmorisi s CA"r.r.Ali••'• • taissaJeftwit: .i 2 ..,..: ,' t J41011)1 ' di "' . . • -. ... Illireay. ,,, -: - osse l ai, , t •170.igilltall. :II vl 'AIM , . 4AZIIIIii,s . .. ..., ~. ~ . GUMMI ;MAN WOBILIV OLV raft ~ ..' tf I , DIS ,t1.4.D1 Di i•i•V . • I ft:,:.• • :Agin ° I. raft. Insaman on. aiks. itnl3 7 sari to. ita s A z argrantisO its itite r9lll. _ Alsat estittellgaifwagers Diri at woaiwv-puorim OM. Ilot thourp out tdra e sata IttajtponttitriNtynitEtititt • :IC•BARBOPA ,' I t " ' -: '11 2. --. It. 0-:10:4t -I,,u,_,IJITISaI - .14_ - ..a.t 4.1-1,a1,-- •,' t `...: -.: 01'.4. al LoWIOIII - ilk sump 0 4 1 •1• 4 - , , • •cbgidriy totsie aid Aiiiiio - i'•i - i'fia4" ) „:`, L C, / ' 1 • - • 44 . &1111(0112. • ' - 111211Militla / • . •,......:, , r,•••• 434irairii I / ...._..... I 'l IFtbsuilanealiliflNlVlllllk ...._.... --„ .... - .....- r 4 a vv .,,,,,....„.....,....„:„ ..., .. .., .. . ......,„ ,+;.; 4„........,.., mehau~py4, attas- s a t,O W41.1V-40N . . .., " .' ''' 4 l' ?" * " r oluat thtlallk-l-atec44l 4 er: , ' - , • ___s vAr ityAdl ,e —, , 1;,,.., , An•ir.4. 12 1ra ' -I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers