~_ :. ;~ ,:~ ~ ESTABL eltomits: MIA MI Li •. . . a ainithioir - Muir al% 111 lad le Amiudidd M. i►o. m~rn~~s : ~ano~~, ~.. IVOT 4,01 IV Xuatairrs, • Melee bet • imax—ncy----is , trox"soWnisraitalll ar Qom. 73;) aait L79.ftwft : a• • a :lA -J.'_'" ' , ..,-, ' • _... 1'14,111._ c-' ii•ILARV.InIIO7II&._ .... - ' MITT a eith Amman or -NUM alma° •ArAas_.-.. . ::- - No: il ram .IPAr .1. Inas - , 1 • mAunaicruidH, If 611PIIITAI & CO., I ,- 2rAUL Gamer nub sad Olitaa ILTlPStic i * n. Otty 2tarark&-Ptliehavorta,- et -ADD AMIN NOVND "Cre'"'"osoussrma MAN IN AND • • c Atha yams, ve +avow list ben gt ;plait: irliatei IHe.laief. -:,.• AMY* - iye tale -: _Me& amain& lite; estsspee., and the ehartiewagest . J 3/ei ettualtai A* Dati * I t aernimpe.... 7l,4ll.llllV.PAlßOnrifil.ll4 _ N &Au, - -;K-Art;;;ifilialt4l42.4• 7 1. C: &MON 111112114:111:716 '.1"") ja d, q d • 7::: .- ..,._:.:. ' • --' 11 . .°. . eiripli u ri s hc , 04.,E 1 Vl..t --- 0 -- .........! ~ ..- - ~, Pap 0' , - - :1 .area 4,H: li VP - 4 - Iffi*-- -11slarldilk i r jaka: i , zzlirllol:lllK__ _. „ La Actvi alba, masmailli 1 \ , SEO . ~...,. -- .. ,-e•- g-- 41:ftr 4 , NI ~., to ma al *, seli4W Wit. - I, IN' . . . • ...- - . ~ . _ ..• ~' O . - . . . . ... a ' ) 2 -0 -, 4. vi - • .' I . •-“,' ''...-, .--`.---...- '. '''''',,."'" '...Y"' .:',...,,,,.:A --74-A.:-.:, 5..Z."..,..i....V.:7.11.Z.i%"t,..173'.."0.::::'.?.:i11,.-4,41:414.:.4*.:4,2.;40*07-4. s„ ~., ~-, , , , ..,,,,,,,, , - - ~,,. -.;-",-.1-T.,..17,-7,1--.,-, .......N.,_,„... .____ ._. _— 1 :.,;;.. - 7 ., . , .5 . •,....- .:v-,,,. t....... , ,,,......,,.-, , ..-.., ;,..•,-.•,...; -;.,„-- 4..1..z,,, -„..„.-:,,,,,,-..•:.,;.:.,...•.,.,,..•..;•.:..,i,:i•-••-riaie-,4-,k,eIP-1.4....:1's,..W..-..tz,-;4:0-.. a's -iii--P4& " -- A VR . ••• 44 ;••';' , Wg' -'• ,P-i-- ,-;v • - ••• - '`--<- 7 ;•-••: . `. ......-- , '--1 , - ,-4 . 4 "'''''' . 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" .."- IF,A '' , A - ' - `, 0 ,1,, .- ''' ",,,"' l'''' . -'" `,;-' ---= ' - ~-..,.- ""` -13 ' '- '' ' . r:,,,441, .e". , ..+TX+1..4,,..4,i164ra* ~ , . .)W ^V, ~--, •*, ~,,A 4,i54. .. .. „„,•••.- • . . . . . .............. ~. , . . . . . . . , -.• .. • . .. . I • ' - '-' ...... , 4-4.005a. 'tail • PI. .. . . . n. • i ;• - 4 , • - 7" -- .:. ( . .., Bi' ..... . • . , ~. • • . . , a it.. Tai) =, DI . - 1756, . __. IrsoLacwi!osameas • o.lWDlPfirAot_apr. wits. rnesomm ti"ffas ; --ROU lte jalAta a r il; t a rliarik Lip* is oiza: nomi Bi ß tat ae HAND mum It'LL Sr taiP01124111) XIMINIIND WOW. TO= rearensA ()ABDUL ZiA tont, — 11.7:23 . . nallka gnat. Intllolll. • a 25 ROBEttx " / _: ll 7z , 4 . 7 !' Pitairivit• Ferward4ll4 eitarchant ~.dirafiugdatipponis. _ As tmAtouirtaiaaatisaown•, •nrsomitrir OITA; an. coommatkr on' $l,lOl/01 tMlinskidnanl • V P ) ttaal eninnfin. GUMMI col Els,kuusweetw Wei Forwarding," Geo % WS Wood ___ *kW. . CRUDE RUDIRD PZTR9I4II7IS jaajilaMar Plttstiagh ar biters Xasitata. roOtr Items. J. fainuaripas ills Ou - • I .2acncriam litsa, ;at Privet Clor,mtl Moak vex • --- ••• weassa WOODVILLE OIL RICIPINERy s. - : • ~..- , • a - 610161 le:11OLDOLIP a csa. Wit - I suurriatiartrem - AC 1RC1R14424 ii la al * ra 2 .1 3 li Zatca.“,,s ,i,. im d_ sußazaaxo. SileraliErmontar sad umg - I • GRUEL - earAn againvie fr&Wgill-Sami: Saab Mock, wand llial. WM be pirty iliF,r2 ocadif .•--I .7 . %** r,, ',, , : '•' • "" ° ' • awl of b otm , to ruxNT~oAyolla „ D Y 3 gilkDP 4 / 4 " - AIVP!!!"•.9-11... u'l4/ 91 11MLIFI r g i . 1 ! cl t.".T l l OS% No. Irma strusA jamst :privainies p 4: limghalagna '' • OIL os 'Mum, and AQUA : 11411 : 11.1 Tab l iM as* °°l:l a lt a" . ' asamaks. eta rearm _ - IVVRIMEAV • _ . -111417L011 • tiatftil, AUlahans rx CLIMISOS 011 sorkvicuiftd. i:S a / 1 0•46. padhiiiidl Item folloptho Joeg Yew, aussuai sipselooced oesteeetars. ;--;WalLuir tile wee to be Nude br . •ek, be r tie week to that tbs.. tboyoe• •• Id tbe amesszy Oterible Sees 411400 mojeboon. =soma' to+W•11•17; I Sl= OCIT. astr Ptroddrm.:-_= f 1 "4442 , 04,, W4J.A.VWXZWIgE*OO., P. C IF 2 , IIL PPia9N, iIUIPMIIIII rapraomovig, • - us lunar , zilis4-saw ivar, 411 kith , /TOMS] 1 016111 D lUMP!" •.* VEI3 a • PING. at thilemailpadybati, 1 OIL MEN nett *0 b• embairioi l t w~tYw~ ," Yeall% g" MteM the bs •. 6 the Oul Mon% i e VP!. tit v.s.koi. to p, as , ta lIRIT OIL rA,TIN r bk Ai kilifilliketikdoiiii likell iirninge. rvillob wings 011 11 IniZatme the bomb diseci.lll:' usgetnrad . Pleakilif or Wiati .:- AL aide " 1 • i', ' ' , a l Va i sfa rt a i x 1, 4 4 .411 1: : a m ilisswlng4 . A A. L m toms dilly at th• 011 • • Z.1721,1'44180.11P,ENN1N0, • •Isaaaraiii i •sad nwitida.t Omor-otb, Mom AND Mraucwznie And daises In ';ff ',4l far. ~_~ . del* eses,ey. .114 NtYIYU kb* portaged • . 11 .11•12 win be sna • olairr. atilla6psaa. ism: 1. =II PUTSI3IIRGH, T - ALITHICELJULMO UR. ...—........ GIMBAL ORDIM N0A05.; WAIL lIIIPAZIKEty. } , • AMUR! anneal:li Onion Waellaako. Or MIL Isintaahhom of ea Intralld wive te hereby ~_ . _Tbie Chime dualloonnint °Mon ly ft thall aeranholi. thoeibtlanti of - ~ The Chnionsho shell 'ln nide ' l - lap from the Allow. loesnensenelss ' — And By takiair tiii•eakauTiniaillita nest Of arannaohinavria theist nerbetheraoteany preeent Ale toomploaWaluent,b Wiwi tom emnada noshed /a wits an aineueral la nioZ b el are that der Slid aerthate bat a le et eh leaffell. yenbas *Von wee- ether , duty se any be required of.aa Zairaild Crape... Sernental Allninthilassinli at woe- woks owl, Bon aforns ;thallwassbeithomathalrblientesa_haagoalleny Cifb, nth aad Bath tinfa_ . ____Measaveiglip 4 aid sooarding Ile theilhirthilthe of the ofil• am astlndleith thin hobothein otensoode who ithilill thollidiowthen ondincea. the: I I. not they "aberattliat oaths OW& awn* ea looson oft allemn• emended ila theillow of duty; Ibis fed being cartibui b a Odlase im aelllethalb aller , ikarata_thity Oisea=prelos age p , i this that bitig..stand • bytha • 011omr, as • MOW" eifenneenthel 11.. not they,y--4,.-,i' of iidr Clo.. auattiag disernanteedow. and denewton. ; , I_. 2ll "o",thille than - thrilint Ifonmthind myth cod Initanatal , and tinunalt. tad, throsib aft tiplar chanson of Wiliam nue. restiathessuiri,lhe irwron -Mamba& Genntai al the ibellesthanow Quinander thall Edo' hi ill‘ OA . Itaneetreastlas e abrades oath ollatee than ea the rot/. isitnenoat ea to.the general elorenter of the =sainthkeir iateMoottai=.l anew WIWI all shall Illionia imialai san7 nun pain= in t i t =or . 11 . 1 hoptraworktcr oboe tha yfarr es Orrlei=nethMota oness. _Anther moosr -0411theill b i S ibr wardadAllthtbartho whenever ths number of nth falantnindhe• *EMIT. l =dslithlwaritasst tha anise. mar ranks It , ...-IranSiciiinbeirbits edam end gilded sten ininAStelmst... ant net the , sal* t who are tr. thou& nith - thity..ra Boodtals ,re , areisoant .thaath. Or are at ender the min of Botha' Mon la thaw owe lb. tdediell 9 to at. drabaulahallptepere the zadicanardlat non talintail the. hums °i. ate and men ibe leatiViiimitat : • iiilLagro=, and mend *lib Irmo theranthaele edam ear. ilagithts-. I_. the Palos bogliothani ~ ► W ho will inward at benankeasayseith‘ aohJect to ha three oat otalsomenna.- It ha ,arg tw ee ' ie the Itegia.atal Clonaaanaer. Moll Ildnit er Rath baths& althenoter,tharnattaue la the en. t l bßid-Oloilithild BM% , theltdb dhaelsel and own. i z the torsona. ha will aline hsa= laths, pit nalarha and wee the, War o . lag the earstaana. If any akar or wood with now la Cl. teete r bit absent sad beyond the react lathiest Mar fa abbe. ere tleepltal arposva. laterat Chap, dahlia to eater tide larpt a ha add tiksetas thane huthated hos be helaw fbr than who Aro been aratay damaged too swim . nwit. By.o.pistoi show aloe= and sanded nap' who have been Inoccably disehoyal en: soothat of woneila_ or dram aositrathed ta the nag fit daty, sad weo entre to warner the serykon la the ore of an aglaci • ra llth raVthhowasassot thnes;be made so the Proem la.etaab etealital of thy paid ethos theme the cthoss entailed rAGMs/ danethat Pro- ant llarthal lemma of the Both No OfUna thin that .111lionooneared salon mentions an complowyjeldliedt wan Far l. That theeppl _rant the of the Ipa i if **pool us ukase ar s• datela 'rah hi moon, Owl be se u...At 10:4soth • Add Intl on essooluit of weenie ar thew% isi act Ba hia Lathan, bqt le SS Er Any. , , ~ I. th at be hunieh of ithithoAdli onso at accede er My cootnwtod,illft lineal duty. a. flu he poseurs reothaloophasna from the 8.. {tonne, they& Old Dire. ion G-0 rassier. wader wham h. tontierbs term , thas he is "really of brag. lbsePlptlapt hot and withal of retaratag adoyeate thethielei mot .', la Ouse Wrath be to. praosseda. so asit this tail seldom, he map,-bartag ertaldtgir Ira two polzhi atm, the loath Mom thee he to poi. rat its cart & ate of the Lot. late .o _ nun ail be obtained by the aopUtant. and nen totem& . • thaet ant li• • with be Do Allaphiessiohlat epoltatilleatlhow r •shwa lusting Pruitt Berearal ear the theta, the application a be en. warded throu g h the &Aliquot. Ain of the Mato. who Is aeatted to'sodano ranatheastek qtr the conit.7 huo. 17 of the appliouts as Jo . or t e i Se M. thindrdaghb niciannt - sese - go nth , to the Poileit iskohni ballad an Oboes., habitat hosonibly dhobar. 1 asecosit of Of ribaidliel.' to reNdiss I. twoocie. will, present theosaine so ta• scud as Zaritha • t .. 2: =1=31 7 .121= .. c ,... rod. to ........,..a.... 4 ... 1 ethaider Nob awn a ,•.. ad if the npahatat le baud to WO UNI COOtilkile epentled ' i =litiffernitdball fifth hba acionlorde to thas .I. What het la do earths inthothid. 1 That he Is death gaselowa duly. • S. !Us he is oerltorionn ta d da Thar. les woe-inni titissiftanaalimal troaCtle ...Mealtimes! thisaioLgia4be tintrles' all then aund the areasseh, wttb thin reetthesete ot the ,Board.the , -.Aseinythootaat Pomo ,lthohal Goseral of the ens . eta mall mean forth aridence - id - I StIMIIII ta mom. vim: atm* oa noel lbe maidgplataa 7 1,11 Olgle: •', 'ldle‘elad'll 'me aatalleit d than Datztrogi ' , , ; yoehadbrallornathee auppoi b. Yang trrisa fat In. ; . lieutan.kisipetaki, of lialpt• Solo, glowwwwdsa. awl all 0111411 petit. ondowitphodhlohwegoi inalwe in &WI reg. whoilawh ma ,lisbaddook la. plat itheenaga l to aay numananontiodethaeral whet slay ti!s- unto to ...Ms raseental elikina: , 13 da ve tii•dirlik Ur impalas. aiikii ark; lid aqtthrad diultenlii busader the antthrale Wo of an toe on. ..;', ...lirethoyettineduccelary oliWsr. 'graininess ,- - • Aninaat "diatom General OIDDI hand aad 4iIiPEEON. Legibiters -POIIDSIITIU • eat .Palt=lill -Wynn, lot ttle4o4ll. It o*atm atom Aett,o 4 4. `- Bookrthe or Aimodasozpy , the depodtorfr -Tifelhlf 1:4111" the Ileet ',sad blikr,thir I • as.psasioa AU topudtio thefitel old *mu dm! of W ../Raw Atka snob; OM OM 'Margie Splaws, ,a4=athint3w#44. DIAIO Tles Pnisida6—W. B. OOPIMAND. , w mai.istgrikani,-j ibst - L: Lg.-, actorketa, pro &gm, o:o..iialey, . , • d• Jacob Pails. . 11% - 111oholaa vo ft ep. . :. - 1-11 **vil l oorar r 7H±4.. al riasetax. . . , Adeamipi - akylianwr ~~`-~ j Q~~ rRBTA~LIOSYBIT, Ea 427 Bzoolui svuuri, Y. T. i erther ntheetten invitee the etteithe 4ij SYe eabe kalimakthel thmtpithle ateeesus te Mete Iletthustemuth at Elo. en &thew eor• utrithOteetTettrtht Bertha withdrawn hit Wend, stock the met Aletittem the tete Ina of "Math it thedtettis, teeitillmbeetes4a.4l4,thiettry rrierriarefelbt)."l" et :Pre strepati===temped , the eneatt, sailinascrl,whrt«. asuisr.ui. au na a eta* et boa ti d e t at thaw Cettethe tern eta t sad i Runk • :eatehk . 4 141164tima • r•O'S PAW) nil"._ Mt* UK, kAr lll 6ll6Lad web. ho boatMlb ZAlMleftp:st ) 13 * . 7i F 7 1% • KSII-'"."7" -nm* a I i/ W R E4I2 9 I • =2 Istri* BARD,Tuusuist.-, • I oetaviCakkarlad walnut , • vary little • 00 T aotemObtateladt imp • drat rate 900.00 4 . ... ... , ?AAA 10 gOod'OrOar- . 116 a a tji itsiift!,,,t,.a„.._ nas e,,o 4 s!atisd 1,4,--. 00 oci.. mime Gals i - 711A17.....kud 1116 M I Ai ea:WWI PA64,.........;.......... 140 00 • 0 sy• 0 1 116 katio& 1,01 , 04 4 , round pxF.. .00r5.....---4. 160 OD , A AsAimp 86 1 / 6 1. ALTO 11 , rourwood:.-- 111$ 00 AO aim, Radar; A 0 Do l 6‘l o 8 • 1 4.: •r. . ..,.... 44 . 4 . i r.............:.... , vs. co.. • I octavo Qiinisav .4 . , ',., ~ ............. 4 ,4 44 ,_ • IMOD 0 ostaviDonlAah .. 4 .!4 ~,,4 44, 4 4, .._. .+....4 Agi 00 A 4 mistra Loud. ," t , ~....4 4, ,4 - 6000 A 63‘ octavo SagoA44 MI4; '11) A) , A. 6. octavo " " 'l6 DO .for We tA , giouili " '... add . r • t.. al. Wood west , KNABE &Tjari7 demos, rol • Jest opium mr. ' 'bike ci thole beetWai leant oew berweb• doubt elm Sec* i 'tin amain% 'TAU feot We Moodialleciaby con abia to ill osho,lceded. roe somaf 4mr moms DM ai we hate net 0t64/c wanuarsD r; . _ • • • • - • to FIFTH tiTtlitlerj 4+ v, do* skies Wood, bolt Ancslior IN it i We Pal _ _ HAINks -BictiTkicag. xxolunom natio , wierry The best °Mee - Pima' Ist2e. ii t ihr,eliel .. , OliiiiLollF- Blyippi e,l4.etr.,t, leleArent ati , usrilllo3 , oll 4 ll' Plaioso ittlleNuels eiIILCIDT.OIIIk, j l, ewill /2;AI "----- f ALE tea ",, 1 ................--.. _ MtTM ‘ 'MCA* 1300.ri. o.l.T.LianalerlLlifirao inuTirth.fet. serflionit tho soutortms ' - ' os." — l l l Te l Oa t alloobat etalsoo..s3-80. --4.-CLlni —6. • ' No. (boat dept',iltiobaila. N.B. 'behave Wow. IL the olimiocdoos not mowed. lu ttall thiormatioo ittpisi • ..—.......A.,_164-1,- on r spoon& rb.mrtimi l ai H s. WEL 80 )04,101 OA; (z. 44 1 ,6 .4 , 4•Nichw Irso..zbiadebaiLaiaant lOBLIGIN ANV DO 4 / 1 1113TIO Mit 900D8, d0..04 Wood aria, Wed bolos .no laaamd , A• • 'BATII;t"i'DEALits Gupta Diti GOODS. 4 :ql Igh street; Ihtisbury • IL • ...MOANS 101111111S0 Fmr. votaava • 4 06" . .,. do nd . m ainal ww riaiD osaw Dosizsitse dr. &awe.", our wr:e ihrintlesUrs Li ill, WWI- D*llllls. ~v D 111" eOOD3 i OP" tick Irud . -a. lummu hrok it.trimmot. ii-reatsrthwrs gun* tatilititi9oo,Jkl, SWIM Bta i ber.on Dtsakewd as34' non. lore, itr'u ipt l - Daslerfsrall- Wadi - TRIIIIII, GOODS. b. floc 77-4•8 • I Id• ISESai.eAltJaUj, 1113. •Y to • Burchbad U ck.; • • tiallrogit ii.has arrezis ro • 4 , 440410011,i1; Ho ft. a t% emu of earth aild • J.. ; imeaseto. • ;r • • iiid.W.DfuNi.halt - •• • No; 59 Biatkoaltomit; Third and Amu. Pftfabo - orte - - ; . — Ziotootwoowingtio, snk, Jotioto t in oo rkS, rads wisdom wile want to tho of Otioit itintatil 'iguana svarreOLES Ak„n„,..„,, a /KRIM* itaratat andomolats al ow entier • tad blab:ad Is to saw. all atra Vasi lr hINIIBth rZi oast rirb elr S. 671m0t 2 D, ettoth,4 111,tiotoo, ibmilieituvr M tbc , llameha PON. itsguelw lsio_N inki senor: itomiwiiea *Mika pammone f , 1541 4 Mdalfair,4. aw. 410.4. No. tlf 11/Ta MILE i% 1 7ttabaglio MIO Ooaootbasfis AB" and Usa. Pramual SOLD!* ritztlmotiora MI a TIES sad MEM/ (or paws, Orphali Ellul4trly 84,3tbm NIL h atinkatiee *i repro. =la ;4.7711.4 v .A. 4".....= : ants. 1 .: 1 17, . ArZlOVelligtiCOlit AV 1 0,10/ 'Mal; ouirinored mil.. • awn is olid., lalihlyit. 1610 e IN I [Mock p. so, 317 1 11 aU g aa. front 8 to EilA9 OWG, v nun. maw . , ..-aLtaiazirazt can Gasps • soostoutly an O:1LN isottAr seatankl Assk INDI% SLAV AN ri,toss - ;WIIiDOW ramaz 8117117, 111/84115‘G0/B/N.:11104, Hik PA. talloe, ao.. La- Ac Els COI Eli mists for Eli.. am NIP WIG • • ,• masa attot: maw. ' LAII, sts Persons aals wan gtr:tairt isdting LONG TINOS putt szimilks aroma, cs OA to root so sat z.- • isatain' • 01m it , m Egg/ • .... ... maAmiragrinioa pi wzas WORK,. Hays always on bandand min to artint4lolLAXD i bibri l N - -01An'iltilli In, rue di ktnib i lAIDE_WW An , imin ; iti/ WOas ROB WEBDOWD,Re.; BvD io 77 i SRN oar HARBBITAL WHIZ WORK, br - . ~ 1 • VI . No 940 votneva.Arriirj'.' A' ' wooLuarrza & itakr,a, 111 WOOD STERN% four doon tiomnth jdj Lye Dow opening the lamest and dist sortonat of SUGARS- la On city. satin ua vein of ono" dooartplloo. sad lO 1 would ail 4 tL sltostkm sof flaps& 0441 gaiwinv •Plti:ll4 dime, discinsfo r y mon 4. 11:1 . 1rIBBIRKR I FIRIC P. 114.5. a ovaanntisa co. • , IlindLOVEll * C . ofaciairers of • ':- njug. its 4; dishou tiNtIIOIBLI 0L,1414, airoSot, Ala N 6 & P Ma 8111/111Tria Paul's. R. resnypor Depot, t* hi! • ar Orden.. mmontr•llT swildtall Pi 4 4 1 #0 2 40„a140-4Uattf ru Aral tad maks Mob A , WHISof KW Mint Thu oil aide of We ri 14%ausagimartilL 131W—i—mutiL), 040111mai ItarsoitAnagg rpt . Nl* • 44•10101/ ••••••54 ' niiks r ..+ 7 "usca. tt). " a 4 WIZ imo • es smafriii-`ma • >s, • l; 0004, ,arma r Avyaks:ir.„, told) 10-oniet,ipaßnirp.mpun r. .111 b. A 0 111•3111HANHApoii lairifieheaphstanalleNi 04u iTwr mli iigg i vikart7.f.Trio r , • Ulm,: • . , PLiA•os STRINWArA i TIAN irseind ths POLIT OL I O_ P i mam a the wasatirai, Maki •110101161. often la oar is• Epoo•.. • new stock of she atom Just arrhtoc, Sok 4=4 fir Udi tie Itstm ny Plaainst 6 if• flammaziolL, • - " BARGAINS' IN SROOND- Imps • 'billy— ZIND II4B. fi *TOSE slidonr. BALM -10 • ilt and INN& eta Lai ittsint* 05auittl. & 00., BDITOBB AND PIROPRIATODes PubllBl'll4 °Mee No, 84 Fillk Strut. NOMITGAND 'IM MO IDITTONIB, DAILTs bolt ANI= TOM Limn Nrsra Tre TO Tam HOUR OT .I.I3IILIOATION. TRVIISMAY MORNING, JUNE L NEW VE41218 . OrIIIK 6A21.13T1 E; Worm . fflrtttliti. Pon,, Par coat.... , - _ 111. - " • lines irfaxas Zama'. by mail. Pra' Yrar•••.- 4 00 . zaaatli... 88. areak.;...: 10. duals WINUT Karma, klngl• wiles, per peat- 8 00.. aluM of 6 to 10, 100. alabsof lOor more - 1 Pb. -oz4 Ona at= to b.& party sanding dab. lot a' dab of Mesa; los will sand the Brunie Gazerza daily... rat_Lalub_ar_tiranty._Ara veil sand Ms • MO/11113111. GA111:11 dally. Bingls eaplai, 6 mat. saran nbarriptlau laical, fa advaaga.sad papont ohnktiratiptart titan 'pot Unto orphas. . . _ Rounoted Removal of . Gen. flunter. A rimer pnnralied in Washington for few dayspnt, thit Ns). en. David Hunter has been-ritterad of the command of the De= *tun* of South, and Gen: ensnare takethli OW. No reason, are Oren; it Is known, however, thet there has bean a want. haraniithetween` South and Ncirth _Caro lina as represented by ems. Fester 'and Man.! tar. it is also Stated that sem days ago ins order from Washington reached Pbrt Repel to haveseversl regiments Rent up to rilistorms Gen. Hookas; bat that Gen. Hunter refused to 'send thenr,riontraing instead. a protesfagesuit tits order. A later telegram throws discredit aped the' report if 6i6. Haatar4 remotaL ; . TAB,..MStporled Fall of Ptiabla. Timms,. of the capture of Puebla by the French, although minute' sad elrotainstarltisis is not fully sisdital. Oar advises state , that on the oth last. Gen. Oomonfort, who AMA so aired mint° . eats, attempted to forte his Wayitito Foist with a convoy of supplies, bat he was oap add by the French oder inn, Bllllthe and (eaten. Gen. Foriiy,.• in:the meantin:e, 'rualved. his, buoy artillery from Valli On and at once Made's! breaohat . . the tart Totim amen, by whieh tio Yam* ausalted the si in form and entered. on the, lith inst., oept ing Gin. Ortega ask his °M oen, and 11',000 men, with all they artillery , mull egaiptirsi .- tide also stated thata diL t.il i er vision of the It niaasehsdnitiony.hadirelerfaiterrn77:rbertifo _ the city et X •, on the 20th but: 1 1 The New Yor Milton remarks :! ;Lt FUT? ;boa, ._: - Leruk'POlo,lJo the report Amick Ail wall at. Aleatean, hare, 'asserted Mutt tea .. two e ngest forts of .Ptiebis, and wink to anige latent oeilmonded!the- city weri > the forts f. Loreto -and Giadalupe. Neither ; of is . mentioned ai having •tallan Into the lb ode of the Frionalt.! Mat the fart ofTeGinelicau; not hithirto Mentioned acall,lS now led. sae . qf the sttnnsss fln ~- -n r. - farm who, sasorslng to all iMmer - riMtrak. of the Paaloa, bpi 000thfotOd 'I theolle fea of the pikg with groat bravery, is said to have sariandered when the Pinch &r',,,Y.1 itlidireumaTatio broasidatilturifort Totniehnsoan, and - before the begi n ning of 1 tie 'flutist:' Bet' these alietvpllll/i aro hardly suffloient to discredit 'tbs. cirounitatt-, ttal report of the lot the atty. . ' While we hope at this news may prove to f he a canard, des! ed, possibly, to operate. upon' the *Motto s In Bream, '(although •.o late,) y twe hare our foul that it is as stated. At this perilous crisis in our own aliat.s, we ha • mob more than amora -I,' sympithetis interest LSI the ituasets or fail ure of Napoleo n ln. M exico.; - - A BMus General's ,Vleie. -- A letter from Major General Zogliardl, Kik -1 MaryOonsmissioner from the Balm) Givens.. . , gatrass In the United States, who era* ipso. tator of General Mooter'r 0p1114106 on ths .... . lismpokoonask, by been pablisked.i Wietipy - i Rt...o34lofitling pragrva :. , ' i-. . o , Tas , grast, principles of strategy 'are the masa irraywhlsros they . have been ?practised in th e most haute eau, and we arways see titearomnlnassoland ampulla_ l In all European Y wally Lunar , Am•deua ivies. Ve have In Busman*, forests, hills, ralleYe, nada 'Wag ground, stream and Hun, Ai. But year territory is, match ...more extensive . aod lees provided .with resole sad magasines' for supplies. This partimslarly is ohs raison why, instead of doing away with the great funds, mantel princdplea of military soloutoe end toe.' amid warfare, you should, in thir, countit. ~s4hereto Mom- still more ;strictly It you co iort•owlsittiAmitato Napoleon la his! Russian . I . _ samgaign. • Tod say that in Europe we are AO:mistimed • to fight on open and dear battle Adds, and that Itould not see how a greet bale could be fought on such ground. I 'tawok. cozen pustended Iti however, so wail th at irii_rfoge 1. previeiii to the advance upon Ohaacitildrsina, L wrote to my Government and pre bited - the risible' of that susgagluent. la .. cirtain' ca l safsataalitiss should .tak e plate, blot -my knowledgs,Of minonadnog drams sots tied, ma to fausvoychilit an did oocur . I Tim : ra: salt.}/4 that my prod! lions were ebelltamd. aut ALUM saaateat / Cr,. Heetoraoross ii. Jdappalim u seek, end . 7 mbergama prialoti. 4 Astrid** reglad. by se as disrao Inna'i 4 ,deswilisergigwalos Aigt "Gies , Mat I . lad already /mud et Air gnat ae a Massisualer.ia.' atiof. . , . linnawwn Orasartoss IN Bourn Ossounak 4 —gbis-ffew York Mame., of Taos ay,: says ' L: •. • authority, of its - Port 89 - eiitsa;- 1440; Wits/tea land aitt witei Wiwi' r: -, ~,, -, TM Wafts tow days., Kontgornerei,rolil: **adored troops Was' is enallallabll within sk.,Nreek. n The presontagin of-a 6 • 6air to the Id. Beath Carolina (colored) ray 'had. bear ululates:ling in:47;oin. fla a made.. TingreMßUllardToninamont ow YOrk • began on Monday mining before& tall army wf deep ly Intarested.spastators._ T player, wow *swag& by lot i 'three paws ore red Won Monday night Iletaaa. Of 0 elnuxii. z against Kesanagai of NOW York, 6 o.pointsp on won by Earanagh 7r Ma :opponent rworkhtg ly 68: Ehieswig,guse by Seerieter d Pa6g, of. Detreit; won by Poky ) solids " gl 816.;cn o-mkt - gatei Mak bit, Moldthf wall:wild Dwark won. b.l the town i Diary, hindngliM ion ais string., 1 . , - .... .. . .....700 — ssoi iio — Ctitioz iiiiiiiiiioOmi -- 41Sril Is Plows slats that tut tow isiti, "row of thii elttotllsos of tallwayiu welts& sombre. of wablislbslollw 14 Pais l!olag !Millie' Is Ala wasaor f ...Xt...10 sow. JO lona ma shot Worn, olmpfavoisouto, HS AUL ".ItaltAlokila of i• ~ . siottopotlortl4lwthe stssitisio. to g a, woad to sit posson•by% , Ti. tunkloTif - tlis i Atiolitit.tkuaudoso be potjalao 01 ; q 1111111141/1 labial Min Ike Pads 14 stoty. •. .. • 3 T ', • i •V_lFlT*Wdraiso.-mam, 1 mtogi won Loa :to Wes_ Aszoll, 4 4 .. 11/111b VIOS - 9 1- 20.0 . wysl I. at Qs , orolorap of us Matto olDowiriO du Soi- I• IL;.. .. . ordtisialzubsg, 00 altos, I •it 1400 Who of . to yliald„ ._ k-s . -rope titor boa bielSilids to. of piate tit route, "'' `' • 1 , 3 4411n.liku A . riyisputzgthiciffikis of I • . 04 . 1 #wpiTIPW,_ , _ _ 4•440;:mail 4 zso,ooo,wil 4 namiliK ato einge o u., l '. %.(,1 b;:* ,1 that wolu;4 . --, • , ----- - 4 r.EI ~0 r -,.• r x L r f, • General Hunter to Jefrenon Da n. Oen. Banter has sent the following s latter to JeL Davis : • , lIIIADQUAILVWI DIPAILTYINT Or ran 1301:11141 Pon. RoTAL, B. 0-, April 23, 1803. • Junilosi Davis, 11.101111011 D, VA.: The United States Big;must proiset all its defienik. era, White, Mick, or yellow. Sens* novo/C. In the emplo'yof Willi:veer:mint. in the Weed ern nuint, have .been cruelly.murdored by' - yang. euttoritiss, And 'abate' sold Into -Bilry outrage of this khri against the lawsi of Mr , and:„buinanity, willoh may take plass In , ll.lli Department, shalt be by the linmildlitdarmontiori'of the:rebel of highest rink In my possession j Ulan for man, then , szsontiont will outainly‘take place, for every one murdered, orlsoldllitto. slavery worse than - death. On your nieltori. ties will rat the responsibilitr,of hairrug at:pirated this batbaxons polloy, ant yineelllL be bold world' at.d..inalre world to comb, for all'the blood-Quit shed. In the month of August bat, you deolisfut alfthoso engaged la, arming the menet , to fight for their countryi:to 'be felOir, noted the Immediate eketnatien of all cactie,ai should how captured. I have: given yini long enough to rellsot on your folly. I ;nbw give ,yon n0d.... that unless thia order is immedi ately reified, I 'will , once tense the execu tion of ' every 'rebel - officer,- and every rebel slareholder in my possession. This sad stato of thinis may be kindly ordered by an all-. wimp Providence to induce the good ptiopie of the-North to imeearnewily. and to manse that they are at war. Thousands of, live,.. may :than be sated. The poolturgoi is tightllig for lilt:tiff:Di truest sense; and Mit..:..lafforsuoili sheantiz , fully itaid-,-.fin anqikn t wert. Wore hi no *WI- I hate of fhb Alimighty:whioh,wlll,llidnoebffitl to f i ght on the side of `the apimoolbr,q %;-- 1 Yen say , yon Are fightingAmithsety, ou are fi ghtleg,for,..libsoy-AlbrAyto,keep, fouctillifoniyotir, :fellow:hail fi t'Tglitf• ranee and 'dekradallot--Hbirtyc,, sepatelbe' parents and chlldant,': ktotbantif nd wife, ,brother and sister, liberty, to steal the. pro 'ducts et their labor, , exaoteCtritli tinny - 0 Oriel and bluer tear. 6 4lberty 4.4e.sidule their ,witree end . daughwerg, aad welk y our wiz ohildr e n into .bondage—llbertj le kill the,, ohildrsu With Impunity, irheW the .dor cannie be. proem, by one of .phre!,white: blood. Titls is the kind of libertyj—thiallb ' erty to di. Sitalrehlef oftbs fallen angels, was contending for-Whetelie4lMl oast Into belL .. , I have the honor , to be, very retristfully, Your moit - iiVotiont, ler ant;'• D. Hoirrin, Maj. Ottn.loon* - -Fire- tilde Valor.'; ' ~, 'People are oftion'tisid : to: otomplidn of the Mtge of Viokaburg, and-, some. newspapers. profess thionimlres thrd' at, repeating sash day that there le - nothing retuarkable to Is mord. , It It mottoes tome Inewfoild4wMtwablif folks aro of brisktuiltpary,moremente e o Thane li nothingi 'idiot tinild sort of - tuailoyelt Ali ' liteakfast' SO mitt Ws a•gociti hot 'dispatch; a bayonet change sends him to his toast With's double relish, and be, swallows . ! !Aso last; map of tie' With"gieit ' sialefsiitiOn • over a . pretty_ enrol-return of killed an d-wouoded. • "What_ tuwo mar :troops about-?' ice'', 'the ' quidnunc; "nothing , dooeonly, I Modred: and forty killed he tiorttionithes. • 'What are they about f Why don't they; peek'oter"fi' was nottned't2rat Are hundred Would ;b► killed, end here liirume• thole-are not abate, ten I TMs, Mottoes, is a creature wild would net hurts Ay; ant If oilmen:wee trimmed- to here Miter in the next Boom, would go into. .- Thoksnuggers Mate is over-Itistra the more be Waltts hos worki he Is bodily 4 a dlapoiad to quiet and comfort, that If he had iota some,. ' toleg to stake - his- retepathision4ittle,,he , monad fail asleep : , . ltlibeben aimed RiGtUlle :it4mslas,:when he Mei Ade Opervon_a fily , lelog UP 1a.,e0 *lV•Pitskr, 44..10d00ta kg col, ant .1411-.40444.1490511,16/6VitteMa °W4i. fn' and out gently ir uorepp: soda i,-.. 'the ne. titration of tha'anithirmaii,llieltio hostas to "ohtfe over the Indoletioif of 66.1firthy. , • "What are they itoidg t•oWli:lat riTsllitt:' i i, ily-shallylek r Why. don't eke, ilgitt Talk of si ciriely • weether,Liondi--wanrWri ii galena; ausel I earths" -ought 10-bairsuo grit end dzires-akeemeasy out of the country - Ai for . , the fortilkomtione,lea, visit ofiwlt did nil the %nem storm rhea' f I eay,wit i sash a batteting traito,send' troop.' likePoitt , ilr;he , eight to hami stormed theteiald taken hear: -and,(becosolng_ gradnallyoexelter94 pst Po j f nutbrown) the swath oribxwoogufs noel!' Talk ot, vs kind /evil ii . olOi. ,t9:olt • - wilPiar lan Lazi ills up P ._0 S • 4 !aciszt - 01 : 11 P-- petite evade * from I.o4lcoptimis a Aloha-13s -rlotiely,siteittlag,, eiciils, tOott:Mitot dliPost - edit tolled faillr Sikong our people, Never "did a nailer ainty, *list :on earth ithan our' din "and irti Ely 'lately' *mit , oar I emu": in thalitandej for - tault 4 adiair,enadf mend thorAnattar..—andla TBNUotig.i) a 1,;.: % ..!4 .( ll.:: The , dosiledesecei. -Beregigiihlutilly • - Coneatierest,L:w.: ,',- ~. In relbrenne te the present actual; it' , itittie.:. ries of tb• Feather; C oated as sliOiri by tracing ,a! frontier. Nne on a xiiiii—ef the, Eleuthera States; the N. Y. Aloud ainiriii ' Prom Madison, in• Arkansas; `as loot 'of the- Idlasietippl i ' and opposite the leen/barn. boundary of Tonnes - see; the headqtfarters of General blatinedulte, the linetiroisce thildis-: eirrippl - some way Wow'. Metophie, ,todiees , through Northern 'Misideligyi soot* et On-, tath.turni ntirthwird soak to Includil-NraSes headquarters at 'Bhelloyeiße,'lg ' Tinnessee'' going to the`iiitiititt Neely tohNof :marl treerborairoutiAloar to; in`Butern _ Hsi, it-% agate 'goes northward,' by Bit .•,, at ACUOZViIIe x to bionlisollp, in gent ely, the .hoaditiailets iir PI li rank; ag 4106 OS" "1k i tt * * Adlighlti%lei - ttel•th. to :rtoe flit MolliC 210itibiej*I0t0'.01bni onii -hold, sih.ofdija - alo , i oral tit Tc r l ci serapes Wattle/06M c" ,,,, ' -" 5. " 6:11 , o llitiowir:lheAtee tint ; plredirlakabgrg. Aro rktatruzlialfoliti;alitibeibi l W bitten, Cherlottort lad, eseenaskend AM. Mt •the AtiNolier taws , orpssit - Stottetinvos git... 4 4, gut/AY, WindiVabmg the ..Geg : pout; end • f sufeheithildlisiiiippl bai;Weeufieteg Boil,' dTbit Utided*:_. .. L I a ThuS le etairfarial i bisatiiiortbeldoeu . 1 ., Norar • atighliTtele la held Wird lit the' Ma* t Narie*Wthi:iratlefiii, w ii-eroxi:: - Sect -111 WilieillititItleotii ereteia ir of id o Ato., uthens jouitgs,othesi Arlie &tali Wayto be mottoXiiikudwitt i j kzatreaptitro orThlag mith , bartimalie ArittimailiaiTligai tuiteephbo to; ttto %PIER Antos vid , o9 ~ i 4 14. I ti i 4 6 mel.4 .....:IW4Irl flibele -:,,y3. al, , I, -,,,, ~., ~,.. :". _titthitiiiteril ow Or t f,4oo9,!foon by de froaud:tientifelly jett. - - - , 1 ...... ~, , : f. , ~ ,;..,,....... , , a, _..,4...,7/.....,.. 13.plirreltig etr"-11 4 1 d .the -IPlng.ailt , il.. .-ii; wile !see tit' , 441togrotitut owe 1:•• ... rr-lhe lh eib il 'il h i-61 thd'ilt '44 val.p,•,. ,iiii,i,, Ash viii eat the rub :., . ion le. jii 7 h 3i . c .e b .".%:,!qt - 4.e.1. i*drit'td• • b74 - gorao eq :AIWA baftliqgibo:Reelit e• bli sepathat low ateviemislintleveadltke,wFtS gst etky beetlprtigoete ittAleievaitittint el the, ipbmisqlsattlint Air tiibibateihretiT ' Whiee 'slew is wealedeuepieriothat :ems , alp elk hepPOJOßK 4 Oollinkif *CAW. Almin , for , ioksittazaa gattaziag all t isitei.iii .. the ..Weo te,hwile..Pieiree pir.4lve tft - - , - .The plaiiieeies to laYi, sitt itheti• Gnat's leaditrigbittsVerg mbectut, s it 7 :km16'1461.ra . tee .441bitre44-4,llbhm neat, hi, tree" vat #imil'atuar ;Mb; We:WO othii,'Sies - b ttipitteg - k4§''' ae;ebd. gather% %host _to . (alley, WitiP, p tole itteni.44 :44fatilb$11-40,1407,. " ". t eli l ti , liapeotelL'util.O*4" o, unlit) obnukattaiiiiiit inpidot - 10. .aelsimiesiwbotiutehabseild he elylo bo A5etz.4 0 .4 0 .10 - .. - iz '-. -t-z7 c -. .t . .1.'•"1 But N. boa 114** *a Am. hat thew fiat' ii4l Alf Jet .ustliptoiliii - .44 , , p# l ~, _c m flames._ -watiAtoliooqe..of ,It aII oomps , a4lii 07 *.PP ii4i., 1 4:,.. - 1 . ' AO . ton • ,berst!oitibtok:Wit Abitttiqt. tertpt,Al4;* insitt.twwf blo ishpeteolevePoeke ooexpetteag okitte-• .e.oßiiit Of ~.__ Pat ttoellirbbitigb, 44 12 i 4 a' _Yeaste_okoreausumunthie e eorpszatuta t TII/e., .110treen t h fulbefetsifir, ttor te/4 !fiel Vie)lel q u i : h e ei:lo l .l4 ll et i lA Pec !li'eli ' ci9i'd IrINN: leFau.PiilV ?ISA ,we W a ice4iehairt * l 4* few 11 9 4 t 4 Vek tiegt.4lol.k4A=l"glis ittft, tetkoa- .. a l l MilltailAtialtWablul 'hi ' wee't 65feetk, ~,1 1 ~..,..,....,.„.„..„ ; T .... , ~,,, 1?fi. , i... tx:a ft . - 0 -- _............._ pEOPLISS INPITIWIIIII cc MPAN Y. 02*V 4g.. -40:411ar . - - ; S r foOd and Fiah aft FIRZ AlitiLudiri muntesoz. w... - 70 . , : i'voz. pi*i c , xw r . D. Torsor. Joisalifok O.* L' ,' ON* JAR 1,.. Um& Wu. &INA g ,'. II Z' ':111110osi P. Nolo% soma. Fazio., - B. Joi". ' Marko 8.:6904:.z . - 4 -' DOM Wawa, w0....y.5iAte1f„ .... _ . o. ammo Lats. l' alai dOWKWATALPIoo ior . RBLI -, 'ARM 11112TAT.= . s 'ooserszit. ses Rex . zre,gl4:l3au. leijimarete• • e = "4 . 09 0110116 • OTlo oMOlllobmOotroof am . ' I' uuctunaso."Wloi As^ 1009409190-doomood *Oil LiffiThidi Go illOCrif4§4k4odoo'", f 1: fenbOtoallifig9l Gonad mt. 00 CO . Ink -Poood 9,409 60 aL IL: Cfo.Vd Dread. 1 -1•0981 t w., ' • • ' WOO 00 wif f P ell ome...jcp„. so,ao oo . :rot. p ' ti a 10,000 00 ~ , sI OGZ 069 1‘690 00 Iton .. lined Top - 811111:04 , weapon folotrood 1000.49... OW GO Pionlylianti Railroad 00.'190 ,00 OC Moot of BolligooollttOil- ON. son Co Steck of Didati °aunty Fire , looneacc9 °e....4.. .. Im a)o IStbok of oolL IL lairldiaco 00.... TO 09 .ocouxordat lido, do: ....,,4 1 ,,,..-,. Awe di IlfooluoiLs' Book '- do • 2,019 60 •119fou/G:losoridodOilVo..... 100 Co `Book ..O.Pi9OuNo. L =oufterui.opoo.ooido .t._____ `IO.IIT n Aeonote. us n . CIO ea looda9diet-hudl9 of osiiiiQZ .n.eas as it ---- .1 4:1111a-Vkitt e. " _Z. .Lota 4 . WO= 2 . 'Tiloo PIO G -, ' ' Itobt. ROGlfiro. 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Tow wairmr,; David tianOwl'arast.,- obi*. i; Itin Clu i l" *OureDlMlEl!Preddiut Olysisi Aseramiyinat e: I.OARD 111111.. Aoiwn, Nortliiint Cori , Tbthihila. • wasTEßwThr-i--------wdEntillf compi ,.i I rixt Of REElSMiamasl:: ski , x : ; --, 1,.._., --- ... i .ifi Alsidot. a• 11'.'aoaDok:i4crer,. - , I gnaw are. at tenl iViiki i iio o : ll. 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I.l La b 1 c'i ,WAillatr i Vii ndim. ,Nl44ol4.3Atigimat. , f. , :vr bi cli .rrolia 'Saar as " . • 4 13d 42MM. 7.4 1 00 VA 0 i s en ;i i ;.- .!) tergir ia. lstitir!daar 4 . t.a ASILI ia. ............_,....„... r 1 1 1 ' m l, . _l.ll. tr ,,,MCHNW aurau trwo____Mrja. a rq OCADIE4Ir*RMORD r .1; Itaiii""arnli4.olibiltied ps i fill 4iiili 4innaiiiik" Oa r ciidigeGiia t e - • eramaa 12.-___. mprimmucip 041 IliCarganimiaLr till cAa... "arum 47"411611:44.4417414, se Poo . oritimusw.a vealcusu.Dinelat earljarangZekiftWatatt " le at "gra*. 91‘14 Akasesoestias Om asp sell Li ir rif" ' 1. : ( " 1 ;;Laorik allnracbc,r stolL l l ll 3lllllHiftr.4ll fignifeo.4l‘l.4oll. ~ a 1 gijZta r ne_m_a 111&16 Mt"' rV-itt:110.„4.4". ,0 x:.. , - baa 00. MOW .'-7:"'"--','1.,' tilEellA ma t.i.f9tVetirltigh*::::' l um IMMILfatf I LI . :;i ' -‘- , . I ,;', 11. IN 114014111.10b1vd tvarg kw "!'"'" ~ &EA
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