..... r ....7., M. • • . • : t====l i 1 4 114 V • • ~ • . , ~?! Pk~tic '• f:: =ME CISME MOM ~Y~: _ 4 '~~ liffi=ENE EEO • •.- -Lye' ••:.• • 4.-..)..t%" ' ' • ..• •.•44dt: • :is • . ' , . , • • : `•••' ‘‘‘.,. a* . !! . 1 ' • • •' • • 1 r ...,1;•q44.14 4 ::! 61 • •-• ; I • : • C. 4- ' EBEIN •.: .! : ! •;ti' ! . •t:-.;- , .-.: , :-: , ',•''....- - •.;::.? : ',!,::::-.:' ::;•;-.;.•••••••.''.::-:-.17-Lv-....',', IMO 8..•. c off F;37&QUIJWASHIPIurom. _ 76 01f (1 !! -" 4 "" • May's°, Isas. raormivenvairen l'otQii.a. - paissioitossiss u s , • iiitsiiisk-iiitstima as dadsurd now, at tank permit. fir avirY $2O O or fraellonal paitvisMiefihnt ihysttr u :t u T s leY1 551111411" dn-j. "s mach "with withinlisirtyr Mao delefroadasiero in trend Alf butalrentediVellbletriClaPsai s64' • Tim MUSA nicer caller,istee.l4ol363,_sna net paid;arlthln- thirW-tir 55115 1 5 from wW Ins invaidarief noelletl. Anima II amams 4 . s Win levatti ocinv!; _ The follarini.iiiinfte_t in:. • -emit eider Leuven - Adlititiiktlettoll, da not ....ZdnalllyenlintsAAFKln the in-' ce t. - PantrlVAliis6d upper eXt tr • utt tit iltin e r ,Oorpation , Midst dntyoradeppi-asigurly 'ltiptsrtidAty au; g krai k MAO l ir Thr dPi *IWO usual de.. ringainaif itirAtetness.)oo pan #.loild. :.'ehronist indirgintint ,of the Out . *...0 444 4 cram - ellitient of the • . " X`wifom'ills*, - atonifested kl:pesittei 'eleirnge 7sf eirtativei ,einlettabmuting of the Minb or.ptsameo,or Mitortion ; of • the 11, 1 1;414*itleieuttienejifeald mut liiritipsamit-of the general heath, watt fag of eta limb, or other nositiverlgns of, its 6. llyopy, anises very deddodir dependent aspostekemitrol plunge of the eye. 6 . atertunering, unless excessive wad can ' Airmail,: - T. Lessor teeth or unsound teeth. 5. Psrtiwilie 9. 'Would* hernia. !" .15: lienorikol Is. • I.l..'lltrieture of the Urethra. I.2.:Liouctitinoo Of eau. , Loss,oCemegoloteiatiapity of both Usti. des (tom. any coon penammet retention , of • - mint* btith tostiala irftEllth6lsB6ku!l Banal. iii Viartocele and oire3eeto. - rein Lewd: left arm; tat forearm or left head, if the ms he casaba for duty of clerk . oroer, ' • Ml rd T' Los ly s orbit or foOt ; provided;ta man bat the Liaellnation sad- smite& Tor service . general hospital, and la reeannosseded for that duty by a medial °Mar, or If quallied tern the duty-of a/akar `Orderly. .47.: QM and imsdnailde disioution of shod ,. der and oliew,ta„,elsielt ..11so bones hen se cituinielatia4 Abused* WWI; near relations. 1. - .lll„;Whiallar aulintonibu oontrimition of " loft 6 5 1, 4„floild4PAPP 3 Ad55z, -bkifir , 9 l9 7" 14.61 wkaQ 7dir A tbr Pkolfold•r ~- • 19. Losaof "u9 o6B36 ilaqiuloPli s ithor . - 20. Lom.Of _ANIL arniiitild phalanges of, • ....Stir thsa_Slgai kad. ' 21 ; Tad , lase et: Any. two Angers of the - A' • 33:; TOtil lees 4Laix..lila/sr of right hand. 2t.Permanunt iinittsion of any Anger of right porteinont,extimaset er dontrao don if any Anger of lettlands 24.,Adhoreat or maid Magus: U.' Lou if any. tie of except the Croat toe e all the teas joined together. - 25. Deformities of this too, it not sallaient to pretest welking. • 27. * Largo, dat,ill4luipid hot that do net osiaa within the dmignation Waves iralgui. 28. VapiCOSO ildit DOS accompanied with itlaarelloni. " 34_ Chushet wonndr,ortgtteipm not involv ' lore of, 80,7../10ARP thafaingoing iatermities dls.. quality offers latiervieein the Wald Corps. In all o at when the ; physical .. ,of .ollioste or .'dieted men come within the provialeas af- theaborts /US, en l istmen t re. cemesisalidfor_franafer to or in , the Invalid, orpai bat no one mill be Admit t into. this: earful VritOolirealkii record does not shairtkit be li Meritorious and deserv ing, - and that;he has compiled with tho proVialime General Orcitiaii No. 105; War Depotment, Adjutant Generals 9mos. 186 f, 'agthorising an Invalid (kr* Thera ire also,tveray4re raise of physical ' lefinnitise Vadat disqualify satiate:l - men for service in thilDlllll6 Corps. 'INTRA PAT AID ALLOTANOIII TO AND PODON ADTOOATS3 OP murroax DOW. Moutbers,a*Clesip Advocatesof Military -Commusione will be entitled to the same ea - tie. pay. and riveting &Horologe aa in the van of. General Court, Martial, by order of • the Adjutant Gems; of list inst. DION/101.essarre T 6 Til auessnwr Or VII noon Tax. - • Thai Commisidattr of Internal Revenue hat mide_tholaitting desision in regard to thallium ' ' Thai income tAx ansfhe_onstisod and paid tiddistridttho maenad person resides.. Pfloti 2 piew Aimee person votes, or - • - 1 le *stilled to voteile:deested hfs residence. - • • When not i voter, the place where tai on per sonal property is paid Is held to be the Sue ; - reddens. - _ - - - It owe of limited partnership*, formed with the eandittor Mae° dividend or division . ofprofitsikilllie lade until the expiration of peameratipe:.esek member of mash Atm will bsnequired to return hie skate of prons azis - lag from such business, for the yew 1862, es, he - Atka so disked. divisloi_of the profits meld have been made. Galas or pronto realised from, the sale of proporty daingtho year 1862, widah *ore . . • ty.witpurebaeedbefore tho Zanies Law went lotsaMsan should baretupted- es infest for 1 1 * • # 66 04# 1 5; ndibtititritora, of the Ihnild ,aipnldyika.diadisalli :year Ise; - make rare of the..iniontsof for •• • ,3s" itinit'aritarsi r ofuatiim 001 Q the holiness of thaloar 1863, szehid. log pro .. , Tins 7a 5 . 1 11. P_ltae:lteastd inotainta ; must bail ....;Ci aw• .. IrmiUmeneArtrioneyers ait WOW, ea- Inauseaptsiorauniessrendentt 41862, to- 1 'tether an elthilate: of tomalflad or con -*it/U*l4-U Tneli - sil 1862 hiriturisdna boom* , that year, no Dividends de Ir iNTrom gat auk are axe ble eitesenni. • coil: ranee must be retained' atisaughritiiirliat %nen , nrivionay paithAike eigprodeilid:* doductiOn can be made bemuse of ate .dintlniatod value, ao or supposed;Of the mei vein or bid, by the 'praises of mining, r ßnt darted; from ilea &nests income. band, pald forlife s instraba ha ll not be allowed as a dodualon In statentunt of In _ ' , irislons readved froarthi tfalted Btatu V. . . other lab ......... _ same ildbleat to tatallo)C. - F.- _.- —Oil- ileits, forwarly-enntsidered hopelessly Jest, ballpild within thitliiie severed by the - - , nem et lamas, sham dbe kat! tiklts ads , -41ebtaprasidentliopalOsly 140,4 the alit ;of 'Dionalar; 1862; and die to the) badness of '". - tlta yeir.lB6l, may As *Waited from ilia ... pions of.barlaest; If Inteinpiently paid,! they oast balneladad In theritaralor tha year in paid. •', la o rb to alrolall dent to tluiProriso to ,lb alsrseetlon of Alwaet of Jell lA, 1882, .. rispeetlag thelan on that_potllon _Ol idoolllll -_ , -.lloll.lbetitlfillnillareaeieirities, It I, dl rooted that when_ biome Is derived partly „fans these mad-pertly from other sourest, the ~..I,l ll llllo,,aailidltar altowanoes made by law shall . ,betdedustad, Ss (Or am possible, boat that pCM. .. Oa at tiletaiLderlisditnatotker sower. and .-, lin&t.toi ke n o p a a In o a l t a a w r ei ,fro ath e . . tax. ,„ nible,laeosse of, a warehaat fot:boinprwitios -pa se d for tho rvion of it tenor Win. A titles . Whoa making 4110111 L. lit the total +fbattabe Alarm prodaeein aboll -- be al , i',lewitdeff sladnatakeraWn toe ndednonoe of .. - '-• haws, males, axes , and oath *kid sash'. shay fa the tarrylltiaa o'f:iald btu.. :The -- ixilsar!t. comical' 14 . wags. ell malmm , L :of a firm, of ilwA astute or, i - -. ' Mit *ism ,-, .: . • 7..,-, ..- ~.,:.. • -- Theltseillargitr W - 1 .- &riaer Anse Dewisbirt 11.stiAdd ''t *VA ,not'be,laelidad fa the prasta b waii ,batAbi profit teal load tlereld witletaneottatedlor Is alstext year's tatestavillatillualtaa.iliebwled -lat it his .- ..salart,..ml,•lwa.le&._bl la V 010...._M.4011C1uis Jack's" a t ant Tact ' "tim: ammenbaMm' a; tie 'mates of ; , t''' ' ea the Slat of DissinberABBl, Asa ... ...... . by brzasmiti lailx :-'0 , .." , ' fik„ ". t prodnethril laud t- ..v.,tr - so flapin" fij NIS. . imidt, ~,idandi_ 111010011. y ilk ammismi 11111111111.111114_ ,rig- i it , : i. ii: a e 31.-A r > Loose interred leelc . tproneerattou otintsl eidaisro-IS far — offset to gam dented fro heeinseapinat nut freer than rettons of ill , ' aims dretiwifromlized inrastineuts, sag as boads t raortgapsirents, and the like. Prbpdrtir fernisbing prolte r whendestroyed by It., may by 'm itered, at . theutpense of those profits, to the cieuttion wirsideetieled; Mitered, the dig fuenco hotwan insurance remand aid amount in restoration will be al- towed The incresaed caleigicen a new building by permanontimprowaments will be charged to tne.terwsee.: The eoetinputtend of manufaaturiag Dor pbrifirtisZsiindri pp during the year 188 f, and nit artikided,' should net be returned as part of thei Worm *Me rtockholdars. The ,nOdistribsted.earnitp of ii n oot?ora, lion, modem:tuba to Septeoph4 te -.. 186 te 'whether the torporetibi "Ikletarod to: psi tax4mi dividends or net, ibeftid Zot b. ion'- sideredU ishomoif thesteolloeldire nor should th e corporation- be leminhod to .itsko ,return of .said reserved samba as trust's', 'Mot ceotidn• 98 Of go'TatigiLlT. . :The iliOoll, li WIllri; 4:11011110; or other 'charitable. fnstitationsi VW:huts of trus t*" o oth*Cliti , sot.to)delt , iskoemeetns.. Wjesri a potion . bbards, andante • room or Diode, the lent - thaitif, of rent of, hone*, should bidedietad him tiro amount oU *teem antdoot teetszatiori: „ Lossu sustained in badness since Dolan bar 31,4 1882; will - not enter ; into the looms seseiement for 1862. - Interest on -borrowed capital used is bust am gm/ bo dsdootsdholn boom. If a planter returns all hjo .fiens prodigal, bewill be allowed to 'didiat r llie setwitatx• *tee ot sibalstinit and. tilothini - klislaris. begatees, aawnot4equlred to iitsin..their legacies as Inponte. .Thero kis speolid tax on leos`if i.ersoktil proporty in potion 111. he Income tax is misused Von The *dual Income of Indivldools. _Pimp, is snob, will not make returns.. .". ; , . . . The ; profits of a manufacturer hem his business are not exempt Ititie itemise tist,ln' oonsequeueof his lariat paid the suite tai imposed by law upon ankles manututgled by hire . . Ai bridge, uprise, telegraph, steam and - ferry boat companies or cerebration' are not .authortssd by We to withhold and ter to government Any tat upon Interest. paid, or dividend deoland by them, all !come of in dividuals derived from these soirees is llible to taunts too. - All persons neglecting or refuting to sub return of income, exempt in case ,of siotaliss, are brought within the penalties presoribed by the llthiiottoirof Owlet of July lit, 1862, viz: an addition of 60 pet mi. to the asnout ascertained by tim.Auistaat Assessor, *Pon snob information as he can obtain, and a pen alty of $lOO, to be recovered for the United States, with costa of salt. LOCAL -I.NTRTAIO-ENCE FrOut Yesterday's :Waning Gasette. Burled la a Well.-A Remarkable Oa Monday evening, about live o'clock, as • young man -named Mfohnol Mellen was employed - in digging a well for • new build- . tug on &mond street, near Market, the earth caved in and he was burled alive: The well had been sank to • depth of twenty-dye hot. and the wooden curbing had tom Inserted, and WSJ down to within a foci feet of the bot tom, resting upon wider-pins By some means either accidentally or thrtingkosseless nen, a portion of the under-pinning was knoekid down, and the curb slipped down ob liquely—thismotion being (slowed by a sav ing in of the earth on thealds, breaking the curb to pieces, letting In the loose earth - , and burying the young man Under a heavy weight of boards and dirt. No one' for • moment supposed that ha would ever be taken out alive, and man ware em- ployed to altar the well and pt the body. The curb being completely forted ta, It was espalier, to work with great . 'caution, end support the earth as they progressed. The digging was , very slow work, but when four lours had elapsed the workmen, were amazed to Lear the voice of thelearled min. • Us could be distinctly heard, bagging the men for God's sake to hurry sad gat him out. Ile was answered and eneouraled as much as It was possible to gin hire_ encouragement. It now_became necessary' o. work with sti greater eantion, lest a fresh Clithipill might happen. In kW an hour the men's head was uncovered, and his fan sponged with water. U. was also 'furnished with itiniulants to drink, and seemed to be inn a tolerably favor able condition. The men wetted on as well as they weld, bet daylight dawned ape them, and still the unfortunate man was far from being extricated. Ile had however; of coffee and other s=g drinks, to prevent the raillbeis of which he complained. This morning, at nine o'clock, when we visited the sane of the accident, we leaned that the man was still alive, but he vat so tightly pinned ender a portion of the earbing that he could not be removed for sone thee. Thi garb had been driven so that the gads of the boards fell across his legs, about the knewand he vas In a sort dahlia' posture, his body inclining beakuirds. Bose of the Led fallen to such a position that they prevented the earth from felling lightly about him, - and: thus -he :Via lend from instant death. The .boards,'ltommir ' Acould net be removed from his limbs, as the earth was very loose; and the bast dlipluement of the boards weuld-eause fresh fall of 'sand and gravel. The sea were busily eagaged in re moving the earth, with their heads, from en der Ids limbs, it being impossible to get at the position with a shovel. At noon the yaks= had, by careful and inoessant labor, taken. away nearly all the dirt from abou t c the one of which was rammed from snider the curb, and found to hare ben unbroken. A freer/1411 of earth, however, delayed his extrication for several hours. At three o cloak we spin visited the plane, and learned that the dirt bail all been removed from the limbo, and it only remained for the workmen to tit/teats one ankle, 'dab was 'till held tinder the club. „, Thelabor has to tat dons with the An of even • are shover ma be used, ontag . C thi position in which the boards are standing.' The yonngsaan keeps in as good spirits as It is possible for kbn to do nadir the itiroam stances. He says he heti 'stronger Hum he dlil lest night. It is hoped that he Will be relieved before night. Bank Statements. The following is • egmlar statement of the eondition of the /tanks of Oile ally, for the month of Jane, 1868;: as compared with the precious month: , 33361111;N/1441 , 1 ,1 5 %es ley t cri .11144116 MAP 11111113 1,134330 113,11611 .3t3 3/3C Attain/ .... 41e4 sot arelisac c: , 1,151,1101 01170108... • 410,181 11140biaka.;.1. 1,1741011 Aqagharl,.. 7 141 PSFI Lift . (61117.1116 Total • 6.070,00 , =:=E( 7 -.......-....... al tos 1 1 0. 1 6, Mi . Xarahants * Xasuirrs. 1.303.011 S ''. MUD Cllthipas....... • - MAIN 9311014 IlsidumP. ---",--- yowl . 4ilyle Ina 01tr.........—....... . let MI ,Si NO _ ---- Tots* • OMAN pussooti Lod moatb--. MUM 4.121.011 lownse*--i_. E:ai!E( o!' tetitiotchbehl O'et4lg, - ,14 witchA "MI f044412i coo 0 6 4 1 0 9 Kends" ,st. Iere11; iildliitla 49 toott, Tw - rowlyeeeipelfrost hates , by the WI ADS 94: - .th• inlet V911,91/o.,,fiefeezh coldest shop, whisk Ina 5it09417 4911tfi1 9 4 hl Ifro. Bite was stand's& is the beak Jeri, when the whole ftrlirni..6lil bust, Iteit thee to 909 9. 9 • 99 Ubtl 9_ l 99PlMk the soap, foe itutsi hoe shattl, pad Owersuot lajerlog her. 'Dr. ROL, Atifing, of 98, Bosse efaieti war called la, and &sued her_woumfo, • dltheta they ware Oar, enure, the Dotes thinks ober 1411. 211007 U! : • . , PazsinuL.—Walts4 OA plume of vial boa U.I. JOU: Issim a lailstaat Aligisag aiming Ja4)ManyAiraell, vaißmitts tom 'Ciarkf .94‘,011101,11:~Cat the fir 4 MIME Aa_ Elegant=BUlTdlag: .Among tha mon kuo - ifOgnerlinento Laly arum' eu TUtit strisio 491141 OooopillOkoi more piondoent plaatitbatttaselegenroted spacious building, No. The atom-rool, 'which is twenpled by our enterpriiing friend. VG Mon ander Bates, is antdnli 'one' of the Busk in hefty-attractive from withoit and tor= copsawithiu—and fitted upiwith.ull then:ed am: impioramentsounong tritisit We : may _suration a 'railway leading from the panment to the ostler; for - thetas, and speedy , storage Or femoral of goods. The second door It co cupted by the aims and darks of the Pitts burgh, Jon Wayseand!Ohleagaitailway, and is entered from the company's atm by a hail extending across .n tattled up in good style, ands rstedraidy suited Tor the purpose.: • The thirlikiry isoccdpied by, bri.' °teem • :Wilson, as a f deguerreas which, owing to the tasted liberality ,og_th* initiptiste4 is one of thj most convenie nt and comfortable galleries tp the two' china. The fourtivatery is alsonecuptsd, and the entire building yields a very- handsonta , mvenui in. the imminent. Tar this fina-improwiMent the pubis are indebted to our gamins and entarptdsiag fellow-cdthion, lir. Man Ploy d, whe.bitilt it for the hairs of Richard Moja, demand.. The imlidingle an *mamma to the thoroughfare on Schiniiit is toasted, and is - certainly one of OW most elegant sad attract ties btuileau beluga to lel focutdsmywheril in thecity.. • - - LATE TELEGRAPHIC (PROM OUR NVILIUNG EDITION.) VICKSBURG REPORTED CH)PUEED Haw You, Jane 2.—The Nevski has the following igeolal from Waeltington Inteillence has been received, through robot ohannah, that Vicksburg has fallen. A verilloation by our own atttioot is awaited. LATEST FROM GEN. RANKS' ARMY RATTLE NEAR PORT HUDSON. The Rebels Defeated and Driven Three Riles. 'Nate Yom, Jule 2.—The stammer Oriole, trim Now Orleans, with data to the 29th ult., lettred , this stoning. •A &spate!' in the Era, of the 29th dated Port. Hudson Plains en the 22d, says Yestuda,y Gen. Augur's whole division was engagirith a nine hours' fight on Port Hud son Plains, in,the rear of Port Hudson, on the Bayou Sara road. The robots were thoroughly whipped, and left a large author of killed and wounded on the The llel4, rebel Gen. Gardner smt in a log of trues at midnight asking permission to bury the dead. we took ,one hundred prisoners, and the enemy Mai driven three :Wel from hie Ent position, and Gen. Augur bivouacked on the tablet battle. Oir . loss au task* killed sad Ilfty-sLa wounded. The 116th New York and 26 Louisiana euf fend most. Our men fought with glee branry. IMPORTANT FROM NEW ORLEANS. Mobile Attacked by Our Forces. FORT EOM REPORTED CAPTURED AN ATTACK ON FORT HUDSON Prospects Favorable for its Capture The News from Gen. Grant Hire You., June 2.—New Orleans adviees Mate that rumors ruched there from Pasca goula on the list, that Mobile had been at tacked, and one rebel 'Muff that a telegram norivod at Pascagoula, from Mobile, that Ft. Morgan bad WWI under. Some of the rebels sad to our °Seas than is glorious news for you, Mere dare not tel you what it is. A letter of the 224 mates that our army reached the presincts of Fort Hudson, and an *auk was In progress. Gen. Augur's whole division fought the enemy nine hours paw. day. ani drove hlm three miles, bivonsaking at night at the utmost Una of the &dram. The dettila of a portion of the fight rid nothing re the adore, but the prospects are favorable for the capture of the place and •U that is in it. To rebel Mule reported heavy. The steamer Tennessee, from off Galveston on this 224, reports the destruotion' by the Owasso,gunboat Owes. of the IkOSOTIOIUI blockade rianer, the West Florida. Vietminh of the fleet off Galveston is good. The Mesmer "Morning .Light" ran into the straw Creole, on the night of the 21st, ands: perallar oireumstaamis, on Um Mlesle = ohm,. the former slaking oa the left. The Opole was transporting troops from Now Origami for Gen. Augur. Na You, June 2.—New Orloaas Era film up to as 24th alt. has the following Mauls An Alexandria letter of the Btb, details the °tiptoe of that place by Admiral Porta, and the subsequent arrival of General Banks. One of the murderen of Capt. Dwight was captured and immediately shot- Gen. Welt sell captured an immense rebel deg, found to a house in Alexandria. The 4th insomnia regiment and part of he Ist Louisiana have been mounted. On the night of the 12th alt. Gen. Weitssil raptured one plead of artillery, twnty men and two pions, Rau Orme river, on Ids route to Shreveport. Gen. Banks issued an order offering boun ties for to-enlistments. The Naw Orleans lea . plats a list of fire hundred sad terirebel prisoners who bad yol antarik* taken the oath of allegiance. • A Mobile dispatch mentions% reported bat tle betwein'itragg and Boieorans, and that Bragg erns badly Wotan, with Baseorans ' The steamier United States from New Cie bass !dap the following news, pabibilted in an aztai of the Era, Lined on Sunday, May 24th : US/LOQUAIIII3I Of U. 5. FOICIII, Neu Port Hudson, May 23d. The following g6od news has Jot beim rs 'siva from .thiarson. We are - half a' mile north of the railroad, and hare formed a' janotdot with Gen. Banks. 'Time wins from General Grant is 'glorious. Uri halsiont Gen. Johnston's tomes to piens aeJtobarailespturing 61 17111001 of artillerj. :He has Violtaburg hominid in so that the amity 61111II0i use lib step gun,. [Si g ned] Msjor General AVOUIL. [Signed] G. ICHLLISTID, A. A. G. . Natal a Duo by total Baigra., • "ray MX* 163 1171 MO ITS 110 1110 106,1114 5111'4701 Eskipiowtin Plain's Store, May 23—To Capt. Goodriok listo* Swigs: Gen. Grant hal had 'a tremendous vinery over Johnston at Olmm plan Mlle, manning over 6,000 Finnan Rad nor* this 60 pieces of artillery. He has in vested Vicksburg and , foaled the Aril two Ines of the city_ debdiron, and Me right now fists upon the idisolosippi river, freeze wheat* he reconvei his lappliei. - Altogether, Gin. Grant has reiptarel over one hundred pleas 'of artillery. Deserters and p soma spins, that Pem berton has keen by Wow* men. . G. Arrows, Maj.'Gen. Nawform, Jun New Orleans Ere, (extra) ogthe 24th ult., lea the follow. tag e We learn on good authority that the military authorities of Mobile' call on thi peeple to nay NI more, arneedfor the defence of •}Yet city. Thlr would' Indicate Mobile threanned ley it Federal tam: Thermbels are tei be withdrawing frOto Welty. ' - -(It Is glom likely that Ider troops being net to theiddlif - lehneton and the citizens sailed on take the view of **troops la di- fines of the oily—Reporter.] Mh o 25.40 i 11475 14,11.17 &MIS LW Tito *Hoped Spiritual Muslims, .at 011 , White _ nottse..Adnotio from Goat4irsat. ilninctirroz, Juait-The 'Utmost. oz. pullibed eolith& to allord 4111 asethigestthi Whitirlfigo• el* entirely' *atm, sal *Mild b strivertly - &Mil, win ICaot tis*apii~.-good- min and moms Iril‘klairlhadog Wire by WM: = - 41ellag • hive lam rag's& trout 2911 ult.; isilesiNf• 110 ' Othaltellaigh#l•lll/ tl. ProgP o o 11211 - 010 11011 P - ' • - - emulation of the Y. Ifoild Prohibited and the Chicago limes !Suppressed. THE OAUE óB GOVERNOR TOO The Rebels Defeated at Florence, Ala. Cmanisem, Jane 2.—hisnoral Order 80. 84, =from Goa. Barntide, prohibits the eitonhaion Attila New; York World in this Dopertmont, enBatipinises the Chian" Wow, Brig. Gen. Ammon, oernmending in Illinois, L charged withths oxocation of the latter part of the order. • '. • "Gen. Inatudde leaves for Hielnnen Bridge . to-day. Gov. Tod appeared before the Fairfield County Colirt of CC:11 1 / 1 111i Pleas, yesterday, in *beaten°. to his Vsoostiaance in the Suit of Dr. Olds, end, by his attorney; filed s motion that, as ehlaf eneantiVe ualdbr'tf ho . Was not bible to artest,ind until 'bei. Vacated the'rlee, eitherby 'kph:anon' ef tofri or pipaelitnentile oduld ' not be littnished that . the este should bb ronnoved to - the Federal Courts; under provisions of an set of Conte., Wt oreastou: The 00•1611itrei oat@ 'list con titraedl br oonpent, he entering Into nesr re aognistutoes to appear . at the next Wei of Court.' ' [snow) DISPATOII.] )1ii:f1):4 0:41,1 EXTENSIVE OAETUIZES MADE. Colonel Comps defeated 'General 'Roddy at Florence; Alt; on the rtif ultimo, Capturing one hundretenen, eight olioere,"four htutdred mules 'end throe hundred horses: 'Marching northward, Comm deutroyed found#et, mills and everything , that ootati be ureM to the .111birkets by Telegraph. Nile Yeah. May 2.-11loarilnia; sake 9,600 bbk. at 95,26,35,86 tea Btta, $6,25@6.30 for Ohio, awl $6, 60 07,10 tor 'Boothia-U. Wheat adUaneed le; sales at 1 1 . 22 0 1 . 49 tor. Chicago Ergl .t 1 ~90M1,16 for watikee'Club, and k 1,4613 ,t 9 torium eatwa• arm; saki 6C1,000 blab. at WWI. Mee( quiet. Pork, 9 309*. - Whisky dull at 44)4911146e. Bealpts of Saar, 7 MAL; Wheat, /1449 s bush.; Corn. 60299 bra. le; Tamar: 7 340'097. Putummettu. .Juno sales at $6.25 for extra totally; 115,75 for oaperaae .. Small Wes of Eye dour $5. Oorn meal at 11. Wheat dull at 11.6601,6 9 for red and 81,6661.7 6 for watt.. Eye selb at ft; Corn eamm elmey—pellow dull at 880 Oak, 10,871 k Oates dull—Rlo, 00634 ZOO hhd. Cutlet sum Pgell. PtOrld9.llll dna. GOIM ESCI4L' ,IMCOBI) riTTSesuutili-tgliTs Ofirmi at rim! Ptrititmea: Dana Q►arlrs , TOafa►a.; Juno ma Gold- has spin unarmed slightly. in New York, brialiquchodto•day, at 147. Hare, we quotenmansty 11 142@1.42 for Gold and Demand Notes, buying, and 13:0131 tor Silver. Government Ontilloatre of latiebtedneer and Eutam Exchange remain an chaise& PROVISIONS—Bacon is quiet, with small sales at 1.305g1. for Bboulden; 7o far ribbed, =dilator clear Sling 8$015):io for Plain Hans, and 10411141 for Plan mod . tfeaverred Bigar Oared. Lard fa steady with sake of (knotty at 9Xeloo, arid prism City 103(0. Sim Pork is neglected and unchanged. FLous—ttakt and dull with small eat., of Tatra lramily from store et from moo to $0,75 per bbl, m to guilty. Bale of 138 bbtf Yana from Whoa at $1.25. By. dour may be que)id at $1,7503,00 per Dbl. DEOCERIMS—In moderato Mod demand of about former quotations—Snot 11}012Xe; Coffee memo and Molasses 65600 e. • BUTTES £ £6oB—Batter is Very dull but un changed; nabs of peeked et 11‘112e, and peas 801 l 14016 c. Kip Arm with aisle of 20 Mb to arrive at do per doom. 13.119 S—Sale from 'tom 01 I bap Clover Sad at OM. Timothy-may be quoted at $1,50, and Irlan &arl 11,75Q)2,00. 01111112A—anchangod; sales 'la iota of 70 bra new W B at from 9 to Ile for common to prima. HlDES—dnli azal drooping; mirror 253 Dry plot at ID pot.' • WHlSKY—flair" of 10 bbla oortomon ItioUllid at 43e, sod 10 Ms old £7. at alb: NlLLTollB—doll, pasha* , sad dzoo plog; Ira not..mall Ws of Patch Matte at 400. Pittsburgh Oil; Market. Jints3—Crude has been teal active todsy, owing to the reported decline at the well., and the market sae dull, and the transactions limited. There Is coaddemble difference In lb. :iteersand feelings of buyen and sellers, the former :auk*, for cencesnints to which tie latter do not seem dispOsed to mai% A lair quotation, we think, would be 15 In balk, and 30 to 30340 in bbla, end some Mil isles wire tide at them Opns. Oa Bonds, evening a- lot of 3000 Ms In bulk, to sirs on the Ili rim, tumid at IA Refined is exceedingly quiet and lithe, the tramilons, generally, being: of a lid charm:Mr. There In bat a Bolted demand; inapt. Lir Mors de livery, end prices are so Irregular, that, In the oh. sortie of sales. we omit quotations. Tke 011 linage Bulletin contained the fallowing dispatch: On ern, Java 3—listket doll, and Ontde hes de clined to $2,50 per bhl et the wells, and $3,150 at the New York Petroleum Market. Special Dispatch to the Pltatinirgh Omens. 2trar lona. Jena 2.—Zoonimp—Ctude la un changed, with salsa on the spat at from 26 to 27. Bakal in bond la 141 at 40 to $234 for intmoillate datirap. Bales hare hewn made at from 43 to 45 Ibt lams, July and Anna &Diary. Naptha to nom inal at from 2834 to ZS for deodosisad. Foreign Commercial. LzvearooL, M 21 Breadetallk ma quiet oat steady. Wakefield, Nub Cu. Blabad, Amps It On, Glixdon, Blues it 00, re. poet. Nom quiet and unchanged. Amarkun Sts® Me. Wheat steady; red Weasta as/Southern 9109. 9d; white WOolllfil and Southern 3d. Cota Arm at 29e. 9d for mined. PIVIIIIMMI dull, and generally unotimiged. The abuse named authorities repast: Best MO and un abaupd. Pork Oat. Bann moist and dull But. ter easy dull. lard tenting upward; ealap at 860 Ma. Tallow Arnier;iales at 4114041 a fid. I PrOdue—Aabas Maier; Nu TIM Pima. Till 64: Bow quiet bat stmdy. Opal insothre• ragas an. awaked. Niro eteedy. Idaseed 011 llosiat des dd. es; Bodo—Elmall males at re. Nikita Turpentine —No sales. Petroleum quiet it la 115 for tinned. London Mattsts—Wirt Omar bat quotations unolummid. Saw quiet bat steady. ooldis quiet. Turaal w et bat _Arm. C. Tallow quiet sod downward. Linseed 011 Cm at eel dd. American dlecarttles-1111note Omani Shares 410 40 dlinotiat; =rlal 51062. Baltimore Grain Market. lAT BO—There was Lair vinyl" of Ocala at mar ket toolay, rootlets at the. Oat Ittabange tent,- Eooking thooo puha' Wheat, 10,003 do Cora, and ono Oita Prime of all the varieties ruled /914 1.14 ' 4484W 01 burn', bablirtely 'MIL White Wheat closed hoary at imawi,sa ter,onatacet to tali. sample samples of Southern, at si,sarip.so tor good to plaid dr; Southern red steady at '111,6001,66 tor common to cholla* man Pennaytrania so at 51,46 . 040 per bushel. Coro wan to very niodetate quit as aSgetto for yellow, and at atteSto per bush tor whits, at which range .we quote at the slow: Oates ruled legno lower underlie kis Kau laqtdrY• Maryland ea quote at 0107 0 elttlitie . altd P.Dmr rants at oggifo, at to quality. - y* wal dull and uoidnasult,2ool,9s per bwOrth'A—Stin. Boston Fisk Blatkot. MAT 30—Tbe market for .Codfloh Mittbanes vary firm, with an expert demand ettamedlng the current supply: Balm of Grand Bank at $5.601 Bay randy 86 . 6 uee lomat a 0d5i5.6005.r5. Wed; small 55,t6 mom. and 6 yamual. Rollout 13~4 5 kmen. Na* liaddock are selling at s3BOlkoonk and ,81Vd. 25 V Ott pentad. Hake MKS'N 9u loam ilitcUri are arm with tomemed demmutc likare hare Men edee of bbla at sl46o4,lsltweaMdlam $0,60.10 for No 21arra, and $6,14)(46,4 15 for No 5 mediate& Almeivei at St 11k In ,Plckirod liming • tbere' have bean small WM 0113.15040 1 8 bbL—Ckim. Balletic. Toledo nerkel• o r gan ! 60 .0. -111 . o . ta itho art et t io lutl y G baosi tinvi m .sh odarstal y ot y . 7 4.4i ttr• note. hoar-Is idloralloratoittattaii.. Whwt Yokel, steady, toodorsta totem* 600 1 ,1; oda 2 . 000 built No 9 Sad at 11103; I,l.oolmshNo I (Da N) sal at3 l It 7 34 6 : 1 ; 000 !mob No Plod at /Xi 2 . 000 Math lit ilea at SI,U. .oorartte .tda. "P a rt"' 576 bush Nio at 66340. 0.-.0 118 6 470 built at 6730; 600 butt et Rao.: Other pains nOmlnal.— : Blade. • • Jmut 2—Thor—Market ipOst. add instal with' smaU salsa only. Wheat— starnst actin an Ans, , ona Ws skipptorg and spialdattrii donnand. Saks on Kamp' 2 cars ot rad on j track at Wk. tkdas Oda alternoon-7 oars rod on track at Mk, and 8020 bused lAN OcorwwlikaUsd is nnottansiod ' and dullitritit manta tralpto and; Tary light dis: ma Tar lain taltrtqaidt. Bats cation nark - at Oto. Oats—lnactlve races*. San 1 ear on track at 650, 8.5 SOO, and 3 5$ - . • Imposts by AallFoad. , • inssousoa. 11 1 1;•Wanr. lli3aaace Luumaz, Juno 2-111 half Mb SA; *We% Les aim; 41 7 big am% Sods YOspai 11 arbor. 841 iraiumatat bbli.Vgaivallidd; ;laps brwaiN 1110n4111130 t co; 110 bbla ale% It 112 .!" P Lapin Mentlit' a OftrUttit' rolbbibbfire lbw lbw* MP allOOrt' 's I yr 4 7 10 Poole 1111faillat =7 , logoty. libb.lll baitb_bb - Sib, ll cab, SWAN i!9er,, Sup= • bob , t' IMoo47:WiliiidliddM MO. Itiot tabidig: sigma on INZ bids ,10, Kum Oodln; 931 do do, W Ginalbr ( Wvlo do:2 dlnwarae4 oo l 2o PEP da: J 8 DilmositrioN t lO Ws. do,, Omsk& & WnE do do: W. Codoor kid; 101 ski wheat, rod WU =did 05 Mb; 10 kepi debaxiii Idirdoad Connor: 10 ban chows, W 0000tl . utir, 16/ko 21F, fait, alf Ii'MAMIIO.4II7B. UR C&111.0 & 'ST. 'Onit ntiamer' 11}10081f, Capt. iss.llallon. will tern tor *bare ataa=. d fa porta en TIIIItDAIf, Jane Id, at 4 p 'Fur Insight. or Inman VAT ail beard - or to mylo . _ J.81.1.911.6111iT0NA 004 ENEII, - PENN _ ST CLAIR. kinaguaes, PAVIA. , The v s,,, cheapest and , bait _I of the :em Jus% helond States: 'parr tort' toll C41410111t121 in eluding siting 1131110nettercial drithnistin , sates {gamin for litiondhettiriacr lititslunintatA -.Bailtoad NA Dank Book-kseplag. ktinietent . wasstow-luAlf . sette ; . gtadeitta antes and rotten if oaf 11w. , - Thts 'run . tt x te'cintinclest' angst 'sad Twines and badman Wen: kenee ths pet oreotoeougtons tor eaneosodeb W a higs hp Inudnen men tbs the -minUMMI. Prof. COWDICTi long know N n as the hest Pen non orthe' Union, tescheaernineitaldind Bapid milvor spa:inane Prof.7omterie unequalled Welting, and thitalogua containing tall informaticeo enolses.twentpace ants to the MiI JIHSIN t laillkly-lan-zetzevT • ' EtiTAßLlSliitli 176 a... : PETER LORILLMTD, !Ntarr Alp TO11&.000 MAZIMPAOTUBIB, 16 e la OHAMBEZB arca= (Formerly 49 Maths= 44nd, New York.) Would sail the attention or dealers I. the artkies of 6L man ItOWD stump. la.boy; ?Ins Da e% Como Bann, Amerhs Gratlema, Declaim, Pus Dectatoalasi Septa). MO Toast Cloddy Irish High Toad. at Lund,ybot, Hano i L. Scotch, nosh Haney l'reett &week. litrAttention Walled to ths large redaction to prices of Tine Vat Obsutog end emoting Tamara, whlalt will Os found of a: superior quality. TOBAAIOO. MNZIKS==I 71X. Orr Onzwixo—P. - A. L. or pigs• Oorto• or Swint Scented Oroncoo ; Tin 101 l asozoa—e. Ago. tl bL, wieder, Tut MIL N. 11,—A dipolar or prim LII b sent on spoil cation. - .p10:17 Gloaamnistan filuinnAles Urtrmr, / Wasinsarnt Dar, March 19, IMM OWN OF , STEAK WSBELS ars to to send to the' Qmartemoneter Demend's ogles tendon ter theircharter or site. • - Traders shadd contein deecdptione of the teas]., War dimonsione,,eurollod or regletered , tamp. ottualOoM/thi all*tity.material.wilethireoppered. whether anonbeeterproollare; whether copper or . Iron deemed; ills sad point of enema end bedlam and smelt Mara theyekwan which Shop are 'Mirada Iris hang or short alserter. with the estbented value el thi wog Tn awe of low, as in cam the gormamint. mold pram to parches instead of cheetah& • • Owners of Mawr Irmsela already in the service of the QUotemsmaterNi &vestment" am requested to maks known to the. Depart:Want ray asauction Dade proving rata* Which they may be Wiling to prank and also the price *Sabah they irlif be arid. tog to sell this.. All auk tenders shodd be eddnwead to thr. Dear. termaster Genera of the United stetwa at Washing ton, and shoold he endorsed *Tropes]. bake char. Orr or We of Steamers." a • When nnadved they *Or be ooniblikellAnd the Department aDi landearor to nduce the homy ex. goose triandluff army tramp artatiou upon the corn sad tae waters by saintitming. whammy it can ao so, chaster Tomb of equal conweity ibr Om now emplarred. Ink2lskm pLuzautrate .1- lIILLMIN, lILMETSB AHD WECOLDSALIC DIALZR, K.. 6Z 00.111ZBOE BT., PkamLiaphis. Constantly In store, a larp matzos:4 of Copper, Zlne bon sad Galnalssel /roa Blab Tabs. Welts add nutlet Plug Beets. Witte Ltd Illerblid or Ittne Most Basins. W Water Moak emapbsta. Wats Oboes of erery deseriptloa. Pamys._lionth to. , 1,011 MD& Ina and inantellod. Portable Wash glands. Vtlithed Drain. tips, tondo, Branotts and Traps. Plumbers' Baas and Plated West. el ess7 do. setisdion. Lead Traps and Beado, Pis and WsW ti l, Pests, Wyss= Nods, Fltunbete . ROAN IlLite, tubber Hass. &a., se low as any boom In ths sasN zrzAa. wzmuor sarwitmixt4ii law lola. ku _=;:r vi rwooLdmii. nyttaid . gotta/lift al Willi ,c 4 gratad.) — Theilmepooli air Tteif aad Mold , pals -3;..mallpSoxylur tafiuml 10111?wassil Ciplitindts to „e -_4J Jaw*. yawn LS; Y. Jac ~wereow~ arriorm imssi tits ay, &t woos, trea" — li;lll 7 Eau. ; r a • ,ftriLiii eel w.f. ii Cifirctes% 11111ft_ MM.— MOW z - --. 4.11 6k• do ao badcia... ~MO W 0:1 - U — lo Loadok 4.. U id do lo Rarta.1....." 90 'do .I*Poliaiv......iti 60 du '. to Jamb u{ . 110 IX .do.. le Bustiarg.. XI it RallmePlo alrto U.Lial3o/rariaa. ;at . tardasa. 4//tarup, ba t at squally law nitro 1 . • dafTatiOU •1005‘ 111 Mb/ odd CliairOdad 'oil .at dada bard as tiarkelniairessew b,,6* Twit bola- rampant ea` elalialliMlii-Aigebbtl2.' :Mt 186 sad SUO. , . diaart:tada Itearpeor.l IN lima 4osaaatowla NO. - . . .. •- 1 . ,!.,- ej t Thar litifsan'havi - supifoillowair.oiadau Jai, aad um szpadratiod Ifteirkros. Thal' 11. 4 7=1a Wator.tiglaarixty &Omsk aaa bay Maur r.re Laalbllatara a.. boial. , 3011.11 O. BALA it,p.„ /a lipar.dvia. au tailh it= TLlOUritylll. Asyut, • Baud Una, MS boar from Ulu Ralik% is014:01, C .--; k l L'!' - 5... . • ---- --- 7 ---. . ' i lr flitlitivi . tIA, , Si VOR:B r AT8,11102, ROACTI33B,. tar FS, X BID-BIIGII,XMQIIIYOI4IO7I . IIB IN TWA WOOLS/DI, atatIIIBBOTI ON PLAT. 110 Wtd , ANIMALS. !a. bald by ail Devastate arra boo Beano °tall enwtkleas LaltaUaoa. Depot N 0.419 Broadway I T. • , , V A. wi aoa a ciii., N. e on,. =BB is 00.. Wltoieesbr Arm% Plttaborgb, Pa., TAKK____O_ .. = N — . OHS •UN •lailatliANT AND USIZIAMI ITMDIOIIIIIB..-Toratirlooroot sod down= algorames, am - MILKSOLD'EI HE TRAM MEV, which Aso rsodhot *Mr olutoort• ant ot tho mat proodosat plitiiwtm thr quart saw Is Dow offered to aa - talotod harm,* as o matrix oars tor the loot ittomossOad rpoptcom orti=from Illommo mad deem of On Ildo Orem: Gonorsi DoblUty, Anatol Ord 711 7 14 t0r Dr=lit TWPronitittrotormlootkor at Blood to tin Otottimoildsmaltstorte, Gamma irettobUlty;litrithionom imllltorphommot oeNWit. Aboroor - of LeiraLZMlZor Itt Aitmeto; Om illr t7 '... llllNahlMliarriliCei raMk, *Wm of the sod la tact to Uto.o o lloorMtortl oto ottroot sod Moto of Um mptoit. , , • To ludo" ttiO" mindatilOor WI IV - AA kr Etsbabotiee. 'Wm mo OWL' llarot•mtimiatolot . . , aft aiikettilewat II imotbor aoloali. olorkaisort 1014,24t00D • :tow LOST k.; :0W aLvisTowtriiiopeadifia.ti•gistea Z. vet**, Moo int mix' • Loottiot'on A. 711•T1ISW111.11W 11•DIOAIr ODES of- Itmdstonbelair tr.wt WaskulftiaTollints l 7 Musa _Datil ta. Amid • logooditbetto to Motlifr at rootaPtichit XPt Noy "nor tit 'Oa P Inostotity. toidttog twos tolt•Atruptito: Hy Itobt.l. Wm , • Irtiat.l4- 1 4 mum ot gm 'err iteib. • Bootlo Tbooond' Ihdbisio: • that tailor otol, tae plain tot ai n to say *Wm. o at poit o. wipe of lox °rim; postai, amp, Ktdlsllo.. Bottom how -"Zak- OUSS.- utrion TO '4)WtIJUSIS UP* • 1 • oske t wati. ..L.V 13h0101, 40:—Ifotter to tient* . 'i ed if,. owners of Drap, Oacta, Oenteges, - , ilaie whollier,nollibit -.. o(i iotit Swill* It of: Inttaborgle, ix pay thole Idoutioowit j the °MeV MS Otis id Plttitharelh, .ve wawa uotipedd Oa Or befetWifilf letlitllM bi Owed frith& Asada'. of theef if 141k* col. leetbm,triWeoe to lak ha of testate Jar. (be odic. that theno4 and all plasm who aegleat or rs te take oat Media wlll ha 0404 too 40401tyi ta. be reawnedheial the floor. doable 'the" latetualk of the Llowfilfi"; 3lte old atrial platers( yeeekefa peal' mat biotarsed at ea thew Idosaawato tacit oat; 01 2k°" tb. "‘"*. -. -: W. fir lAum. ' - . : klAulti3.ol ST AMM suplia. ~ .ruindasdpa iittabuith sad wwirit mama' OTARCE 0011PANY, AM siteos ISM a' eiroply theb STABOR, Tatiot I plesittlaieliwttl bed/ to qsaatttlet to the Us& of met tesseuhle WOW SOHOMAXIE kI.AiJO,• Sid/ LIBILSIT MINI= Lu kCIIIILTIAti Nairaitted trio trim gib 112■._1931" . Batt JAJL.mainitatail • • ' `-= . gal TO Wsk* *NIL ON Oa airr - iasisid NOV ii rieißNtrsYwfz c.nr.• • h 44 , Vte l ' c`A,4O"% ==l ,r,pktu- • tiALB of the valuable peoptatiivaeukaato• ,ssosonzi(4l,-kizit., , By virtu* els teed of Trost; • made pia the lint day of litent,”lB63, tertweent Henry Bloom. and ahem, eneraning atlas trate. binton. Achnole C 0... .of thsione sartindmyrel4, agitates; oil the Giber peen, I an t threTIISTIL (10th,) DAN 011 . 41181, .Ust.st.tha hoar *NO o'clock Sart: ofbrlor ale the .pc.cps.ty. tareiniarebscerited, close the taidasbeiromieelyst 4 o'clock p. 03., of the gad dairy, at tlakketildoor lathe - Court Moue of Ohio ,40,4 tat. st.Vlrsials,.. in: the City of. Wheeling; which will be told . thedunt and highest bidder tibrekir„ the Aollcier to lng drieribra. pr4ruty_ one ; : pareL thaV• isieleityt . 'rhat past, ofland - biThIC lfdltt Wad agree:4ly of Wheeling, netniaingtwo lanorkon snick haws bean anted • Wait Mll 343 Fi‘ctor7 end . other builkings;el _thee Belaiint lion Works Ocniiiany, belonging t• the lidolf al of Borten, Achnog 4004 together with' Ibis strip of Isted,ix.latadlegosn the wat'aider of "Water asset. F.ald admit ot Akessid:tiso seter4 - estiading had sad strait to law voter nark-in the rtier. which I •werelientofore' cattayed by Joissph.Paldwell and vile to Blew d Berton sambas, j . Abe; IDS Pretabbnedlit OWL ea di to the eiaraitlarattejpoialate of by Joseph walL Lls° ,, Lgt Th fa - mamma adSl 21k to the 'WY irr Whaling, - • niso, - Loriroas.ia ik tap isji.ilyttfan to the city of Wheeling. alio, Lot nuaberod.7l in the laid airliner/4h the city of.thbeellog.. - allierrdic ember One in the said .addition to the Alto, Therm:el Oriental on Gamin street, in the..7thit.WradoilladikotWing. described as sditotifigrang for the. wisps r :Women street, 11 , 11tre . - : - bonter of I.ll:4troperty ow which fee inttedrthigisas Works tine Owned Quake. CisiMagrith the, lide thseaid'inblaty 8. 70° L ateireaaall,t 9 W. SLID Me; thence B. ticr • 42/I•l4l2lVlSlOlstrsetaluusos e Itltti attont_to tho ptido Gs the.. leil,itigethkr2rlth thaaidal theittgOlutt prtnitahoGgilithig the eadatutrderszid in the ad of, /otos 1108,14 0 briog the gdeldidelorgnsind a iyr. in; harelip :twinned andifoinkrial foraerly sad: laistaUJAi4P 2lo VAll3lli4nnatransaa oltr, re: tend ; tOu' oused by - drunes.B., Poster; and the, eolith 41iie tri , Wflibing Chipither,'lnt also from so much DI the lindatneyed bi said John Bat to& atobi as le tautattea between the aiorth lime of . aid Rater, and the tenth Past Wlllhm ohepline , 'trithelkandirj of aid hint JO =wad to the said Jaeotelei the fathat Ittair'ot that treat. nil acid - mid do minty.' right cf raining forthe lam under the tre at of land waisted by 3. Jiab Ito ms . John MIN stilt and eejdning oa the eat the coal mine last desaribia. -tahoi - 13itio'cal lOLln tlietown of South Whorl . Mgr sad gad arontY, and known on the plat of the sand: townie cost lots Yp, 31 and dl, sad town 101 l deeignatst en said last named plat as. lots Dos. 11, 12, nausea 08. awl iota numbered V, 10, lb and 16 in trials No. 47: • Also, A lot of graced altuabid in said. town of Beath Wheeling, In aid haunty, knows sad dudg. • need on the Oat of laid town es lot numbs:et 8 ID the ;pare Na 45; all o !which property is mom halls; doodad In the said deed of treat, »ended In amid commencing on pate 611, to which refonane le had made fora more Intl ductiptioviwhich.wilL ha sold a above, together with the good wilrerf the said llnn of. Boston. Alaska 400., with the trataldeu. and igionnaltiew sad privileses spiertelnisig to the tams, end the perchers thereof • ostledsonake the penonaltliattels Itiesiishingl4l to.,tba said Lases of theasidgroperty, sirof the Lite fine of Borten, AohtionStkr.iincept the erdil Hoary Moore at an appralismentarnilmnitst to De made ov tiros fair, dletaterestell: peransltors the to binamed by the Purilitiseri another by the nand/ging members of - saillart Inn of Bratoti;fltheeon ei Co., &gelatin of tin uld•Neery -Wane and 'thirttdog by the other rooster atasealthe lamina otiaktappralimtat to ..t. Phi usoa outsell of fs 0. 7 sod a Utoothe with assottable nottewith secandly. The 01 the said tal anal to' bageidi on the following_ tang,' that I ts to ay tline.lbtrth trishinkohd atlas Unmet thei st/a the remshWeir to tWpsid Lava' wipuil swats. Pasha fit dm Irani eighteen and twenty. toot moans after the fourth of doly,llo. with in terest from-the said bat mentioned date; tea title to to retained by tie Tnudeto until the putohnes money shall Dare been hilly laid, bat the potestslon of the property hs be delivered login pm okseir on the sad berth ot.July. M. The object of the trust mad side is to maks s distribution amongst the member" of the late firm of.tiorton, Acheson a Co., of the pm. owed* of the sad property, according to their aerial intends theeehr. Felling as Trost/6,1.M only convey such title as is tested In ma B. sad doed of connyancre. eirnond B. 0.114114GLE, Trustee. 'mutt TIM • 6 CROTON BOCK GLASS WORIS, 11zW0A3TI7. PA.- These Works:. idtuated 'M at one Dills cut of tke to of Now Cast* ere hliend for We. They Meted cram buntirai =tosses al landicontataiag 15 AMIN, on-whbohlo tsotedthe Tastari, suitable toes stt orlA Pon -11nermasi with all the Mildthis arceseary to thesneoushal mundectorir of WILISDOW GLANS i also, with moms 15 DWI/4MM /1017104 and on the UM Mid is the line Widttoitcroch MAW -which Neil:rotor flock Mem is suouthotured, which far .buntr. Ned Wraith is not narpossid to this cmantai; ; Woks 1D or. 19 put Maw of oaths and on 20 acres Of bud, unwroourebs of s mile distant, which is in samestrol orration.ind from which the larfory Ytnppltd with coal: All the improvements an. in rod tanning order, and- in mccomfalol4lM• Pcromotion given cm the Int of July, nett. sod U not sold will to Ibr natio, one year from tho store date: lefbnosthoi sad ten= mole knows by apga cathen to the' eatecriber 'at law Cottlsi k of ho to J. Crowther, et the ofbco of Groff,lfeasett Pitt*. boh. . • WU. WA2 mrtilead VOR BALE.—MADISON FOUNDRY AND NAINIXIIN BUOP.-..Tho abater estab - inhalant, in Nadir" Indians, te most eligibly alt. noted for bmlw.. It contains a bulge oncost af machimay, and also • Tar .auortment of the sou modes pattern, tor sagfrow, mill sad tallioad work. kraglanu le a tory destrablo glace of residence outpouring reredos seeming/I forManufastarlng t-liating :god teallities ler tanagewtetlon to sal pule of the country. Beets art .krei, Using stump, *Ad Use laislitg second to no othsr in the United Mies fa good battik. Ths proprietor will nett Wei astablishmanti if applied for soon, at good bargain, or aewhalt of is coy to scans (Impotent penton, who nneentands well the running awl menagement of sub an eitatalehmant. Or ti aw dkrposed of soon, he would mkt to respeasibla putles for • tors of pure, retaining an interest or not, as may earths wields, to mat: • T aro two largo yarso rtiesds to lila plece„ wi her e th mom work of s th hi a p. n thay caa do, and many puttee dealing to untrue for steamboats, enema and machinuy, are mmtell• ed to go to other cities, for the want of .pgrties here to do the work. War Pena' aid prim Maus WM 460, Madison, laadm idlexcitt. Futi, tlALß—CAmtaining 57 is earia..wall Improved. ietth - LOG DWILIMG .therson eroded, :fd Minh' - koviship,. Allasisnay obuniY;bibr tha , Wt 7 ,Pear Mesh lbesualy asked by Jaalli Whittaker, dacaised... Will be sold OblelP foe cask: - Abs.'', FLOWI/14671311.; knows is tea "*.Seadlik7Eill? with mew sans Mead, hour, Kara lad dim tmpioyansats., , lnqulr. of D. WAL.EL3LL4 Wan/Parr' Ps., Maddock's Zelda, Pa., . fie - T 1105: 1:s. oar. Natulh aa . d Meat stk • OL. LlA,l47•One_imerior ssoond• wWd , 19111.1AD111 - 31031awW, BO lachoo tufa Owr tqW,llOl, - 111! r tliohlailizosta. I Two WILIOTSZSB7B,IWr 11,wwww1. with puipswasamihkriwi. Waal wow sulasoos - 4 KIM IMINZNP, 'twos ILD hob diluwwWw• dung to 6 Ant - will b sow low for cash., " "EMU - .1101.14 , • Mat 011 tbk Allegisof stmt. ion Total - - 11017,ntrt BZATS;4•Wei War tar sale % ,: ft t ( Tai 4 4 4 .1 011 4 44 4 4 - 4ati 'et kuut Inzig ' tog - two,tdliele inn* Intends An* ale Walk on the Lue.ol Ike POUOrtniallr near Dense" Starkly alp:Wu rpagerty of Ana Wfweabletle. and &lan Flietou. toven,weras WAWA .farest gam.. an to laity low tar oak. lac plot fit Oa Wait and = Wale/cite le M.; has teeret • esbt 134.L1C BIitATEW 'lair list WOW% to 100 .a+.-e0 it** altaeo balance trall . Abnimully beet I. .Slasee sae cat U i tsca kb g aum lbasUlni. Zoom, ..goot Bank Um.' • Oa oss aerated. ths bay wi th plenlo . Woo pleatiol Pad sad Uwe. dlass _ . - Tor faithei bil;nstatlan ?DO . * the biz, or ad• • BLlfitar ticlOitait - - =Now • ton. Winit 704 about tvi gal trunk . toutttatag taro sod tanned d Idyittputiatuarea. land Is Gfigood quality ; abandons , buattent sem skated; Masan tisane* on tb. prauden, Intalllag Boum, Ban; sad Oniant., Oinisered mad well Mimed. WBl.blidebt Jaßt UItIBIFJP =lt tit% • Lady Niihau Ji=l3 ' cu..B. PATRICK, • , AM' alarat. Pltwi ldsidaugh; 1-11 or is nib,Jana, Qt WA). 11.* MUM BALA labs tra Ovid et Wild. 914 SO. Milo • priest, alley. on which lee 'NO -UM; hie cchafectebie Whey brkh atith wheashiebscat Whit') lapheti in the vez7 best iftle s with ma thibliednes. -Pcommin search at a achy pleitaah JAM. 1. 1 0 DA ildliht roll hilhialhWllh strut end imam thepe r ap, caw , Appivicr • H. , 0W.," 102 Tough it.. BALl,..44. A tores of Lang bribe . Illanalikotabsepsbergodtaided on: thOraux labials alma, sod mareairat re the Allegbao7 rtter. A desirable keetka tor eboldag YIll,Soort• thy, la, oe prints n*toolco. - Tarim seano of •toortlm tor the above booboo aot7tlt tee adt sad snobs the property.: Nicesc memot Al .000. ....Jolla% ONISTOINF, libarpshors. FOE BALE- - fibiIItANECION HOUSE Amur:omi - Aoss or almost , . be t to lb• ostOhiolttiii bd. Itagh•fheith. bum stai Chilly the ham" orMartebeahre, eh the cum et Aar* Alettbs,lethit el. the chip* ce Ido &twilling pot el the erettAusera aripeasaat p p ettyT at see*hfth.o ';D.4I.W Weeeteetatteh -- • ~ it-•• R114.748:44.17iiiiiit62 sail; tt, 1, 040 rat *Mat yldy ,4 1 Wadies dr.lllMaroalliehaarthials la 4scidigs, comaressiliti,ldsk Sae a ?aft =Vow awe ) MUM tltlint::itatt: • • s= n+nawne iIItOWN.IIOII4 pin pat% per. trm tevierr puipsOrevarritsy a &dr* Win, - mtwavialkimirisdrestor , • •:,WW4PAISCRIOO.-- 4 ~ 'C ~ s: ''~~"~f "OR SJULJIL TO CIAi'ITALDIES AM MMUS TEAM NU= nOttibre 111:" FOR S4LE. The owners at leo riPlllitle MI 5111 KILL." bo. tog sidiringto coke spirwt a sod to sake a. deviator _sappd at tau& Wiliest • rtes hoe this ism mod tairred• tolitidisimuo.. 5.,• MINI Old mak prtilLidr libi ll toli.li AWN 40 et ti "a p oesoleillikkkeir la Ws, Tisk' a gatilsot dcdcdptiak St .ikk.los2.e t tel ties /OA ba Ml94k. _ %maks War Inairee thso= s ‘ . ad 072701. sad opoacio 05 54,4r-lok asa me dohs to za look - 0504 k its : Wm . Widealitii WWI ai o destsko, a dsoorketkot k I SITE. =3:3L. tiflhre It M sauna *Mai 11144 mil to, ur ll Aumbigaro4ge <ow dun* ami sr. sys.oh Tibia NEMO" o r i rp ° am" 4 gait:. - ' , . di VOW , ks monks iiistene dm. ellielikod!. pi• Ism NA Wilk - _ iki -letrimpl Irk e =pike the Allapgriffiltne. It k thus cospisorig - Issistred, SW/ • i/rohiStrest as i r lua risk Wow tersoarkkadJog - strati aer dogma Oadiksr WO% ' nail se Um Earth Ur solsiirittle edd end thin is 1: taste oboist lte kit z AMC sem fir Pilnaii..oamoil.storof. 5 Ist limes sulk mg of to. Kni. MS tho track ml tikomeollasei 'Pittsborgigas £ Okkop isadAsistude le pittsboldk • A bridgkeloiciatii issaalosasoldrrßoitt e bk. Adam lionbisso Wserod•orttlir than rcais, tad men tbancildojeog , gagg agg h ..s.4., wan . Waitaki iksois.:.le. .: - .. a ~;,.,..!,., . T 44 ' llll4 kn 'l ij i iibsesatega t t: : . : ~- r ookil it* 'Wei - , VP .. .. , . ire dodo idiett,Ainsa • • • soma email sn jp..,.. , is . ...• •‘; • , - rit t i 1414tal 4i, . ' 4 ~,.- .. ---.-ii ........ rt. . , e--• , - • . toss that *au•• . ••• '• ' ~ «ow* r tat mir is V A. Cee3;l '0,;.;r,, ,, , x ...-.1.r ..... _ f „._ _ Wool moon so so &tango prcekrea:.:': - -.,." „. ...- '' ' THE STOILEHO' Wooaddel to the KM•ibligiiaiiiii . 'lol IMO fon oporattOn r whowtbo nocoulty torbitilood room fOr •totiog Wheat, Moor mad Bartels bias& It It 60 test too`; billyU, blot %III: V sod toototwithalotoui At ottlotat_ttpo WI, and eta It krauttbo` lotlOol/4 . Lbsittipt.,lLos the omit 111.114touscr. s.ordf!utigLizs Of Whist us li 4 iiii - 'OlO , ' '''' e &Win Ohio. babliii, " • 'l O 4. . • .- •- - tuali lir,. In lekelail . 4,,,, i i. 47 , a . iin ,„... ow '-/-• .t .i r ' • - k.A.:, - ITC& no 4 ' • ' ~ ii'l . •A" wall as to • mukluk b. ;UP ii , .... , ~........_ , . 0 , madoi tb i agatbsra IkA4 Plodnil, ' _ . 2-. ;• /rp= ir0n 7 92 97 92 9- - . tr tan r . nil MO a - • ;I' , way Ism , mar. ly compietet.i war Wad anamliloa.i =mos d 5ui4 444,6 i ii mp ;, i t . _ 2 li t thee . tim skid 4 1 M4e 111 .01.%),... r . " . . v r b i. ali idev t•AN lb: .. . • - „I- •r . . ..„ ow. IV °AI .. ... Bd . ' • ''' 1.!.. . 1 i ll. : ;' - ', 14917 ,/ . , ^ '. IBM - -, t,t , ..1 .- • • WSW N'nrM A amii Bitiunitui4Vbl4l44BLE flitinEl 0 0 TJ N T EVV — IVD ME Thimbscabeiairaniciat nor. Simon ot "mute sgoeVae. 21 Wood nor psion. spa"- JNO. apl7 and FARM FOR SALE OR MOM, CONTAINING $1 4;anwe AU ender fence sad la • 'god stitifiLfllthsibe. The Ilmpromumti Gouda a a' low 31101 nw4xtud,contalftitenroEo32o.4. num EASY, goad TENAIiT 1101:1113 r ivitii Sy* room* OROLLSBD TOTata. TUTU. ritastod &boat flvs mgea Itom GUN to Bald- Win township. Inquire of BALMY; 7111811 LL I 00. ===l VAIIABLI IRON: ~WORIES • 116,114-thitat to 4410.61 ottior stsfp, w. riot at. ?Ants sale eft ollia LIM mated at Irs~if Droillesabiss,Wl4 le Ilailes tecui &eft t i ntiCh !Min ' IRANI , II I 4 oirk4ou . wsU **toga io leed%ll 000, Via& pie a tweet* lorPialle4lo l 7 - *at - Nana PilibalnA TOMO acne at good and marocol Abs. =toot Irsta Ati: 4 •l • liiii - At Ifout.aa Owspes: deZney pl-thstr . teem Two so na. 3MIPI- bola 11 moillato Tiolidtr as do , riumlaw. _ Tor farther Isbnistisqh *pig pa ; Mk% Imaillals, whirs 42W:ft Um Work% will be g oon' ; .socoriafitinsolri 00. - Ng% .:80•1‘4,64* W;41114 - 0101011. Al /Aide Pat tklkt kr. ts!tsgl- nits, Silkier Vinny.is,. sot li d INA bs. tases Ur sethsielf ' es bea snout.m latodest ' gtehlell sr op el. . I U Ice Dow . Tab WV • as' hieselsels RENT= . • ads Ins Ittetket girths Yost Wont /I es width the hes Is only . tive state. tame enel::%lght idasttal. - - --0 :-.,:,-,.. v., q. • lerse lot Sigma th:Sekhkt.t e 111 fur front oaths Uhk Am,* ISie*l - ep among oz .tiiihrojecolu. add Wave ems sal shrabbit.7o ll6 46ltpAr • . - .000 b 7 1144,,0t . • .weesse . oo.wftew... be Aotehassed Sr ersateseOplesetie ow . lititio . Arlerthet kitesseUes ni crA ir gessal E 7.. iste asi to bs luel st.lsl ll' Esm rnettUktikeodir. =' ' - '.' .-; ...‘' 1;"....,-,,,4' , OR ay. 04 =OOP or hinglivalikiawor t sboat taw Om 014, _rograhrog NOM POI Prow waw_ OirOno • pros, • gri.w jirll fdialluipillirliMos4l3llBll l M/11. E., 10 1 1 1911041 y o l d or maa boalUt NW, ta A/. 1 pants. . :Ay 211morisrf attmber Salt or Or :Scutrat7; UPON OM.18::11PICIM 11‘ , • • Owl:lobschrW • *Mils VOL Bili.L.V44...ool4ValUent ` wai n ViVO43TOVI. ;raw utta V nous sod ' t Ida tram otibb/biok. tot ea Luca OW, liseddisiair visit ' Dal -ra ti ftrfrast ZlLUl:CrialkerSe •14...1' • Vli il. ALS li - A% 3 415/or/SATIIa /UK alliaado lanai it. ': illiandit..., Paakint lad twoolso an" Ow ma /M N., three mUr btu the _9lll.th tet Or ? rcetiVeyserri Alums ear Zhu te *Ohre — emir or tue tie ""I""Nal t,. itaittm _ .B. who . . . . Au*. tinraies, 1861 . 111 A. Vf. =TRONA" ~aa~oien~:~c: ThycnuiiYpntbr. SUSAN VirA.EZ. Illisatiriva, uns dubs Use Nem WwswalgriOnns Inds Le . aus landeadlbec Illistesw ath Mist Ilegtare vat By Oit7 l. tanblegi al Part Seas% lone", laftaillak. Poet tosltMlllllllcOltyilOW MlllNGoitrifdifek: 1411111111 BROW, ItiVOWirehad gm ILLIVIDAT WOZNUI _An. .:41Qiiiitioiamft 4 ' l "' RN trit,. .... . MiIitaIOWSIOAL 1 ' l°- aafkaa aa •"• - ----- 17. , . 1 ":i72.T.. lam, : LIU • - AND Jr/My r e i ' z n' 3.. A -16 111141sflea• X. O. 11Aciaregt . 61 1 /0 1 00 61 41 4 hiha P . - — l 6 lantlirlMilinaki• ---- bterailia
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers