The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 03, 1863, Image 3

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_Thelelegatesaleatil at the primary meat,
:•:I;Slnge Ilia) asiemblek at
tam Oesit - itteteti:on- Jam 21, per-
Ziecative Com-
Name. Al 1 5,
ia; atirria, o'clock.• Wm. B. Regis,.
--thellomety Committee; esiledthe Oen
l''.,lehtlento-trider-and read the van. —
'''2llll' Cliatrthiur thee", atmonnoel that the
..t,. , 04 5 .,0 lemgiii#4liiiisettistisa Would be In
% , - - 1:12 atetbuillltivers. John , H.' Stewart and
was daV *law
TM ate4entlale 44igitei Was then re
. tha tallamiag named gentlemen "
••••% mare duly admittedeo mem in the Convon-
_ _ WPacco, John Grace y. .
r.;.Blll2iMiEWard—Dardol S. Parma - lock.
Tlebd Mard—rinet.Proclnct: D. Blass, Alexander
NOW& Second Precinct: A. kb Brown,
ToariiiWird- . ..M, W. Mackay, J. 11. Hare,•
Ward—Pint - Precinct:McOllntock, Geo.
01=-' Second Precinct: Jame. Taylor, B. J.
- • Milk McCaledkee, Jam Phillips.
-Barna' Ward-48=1W Barclay, Bobt. Thomproo.
Mlothirard—O. H. Bauerman, J. M. Kllhm.
. AMU' Ward—Jules B. Hill, Wilk= William.
• tamantiarty. .
T..Tohnatchi, Dobt. While.
laacedl_Ward—Jamaa Donnelly, J,bu McDonald.
Tided "Wardlilnit Prockett: Arthur Honion.rD.
• Oatiaellna. bmod :Dew its Gant,' Clasper
Pnetrtle Ward-7/1M Precincts Macaw, A.
134Madirreclaot: : Louts Monl; Wte,
, ' Bosoueas.
Barb.wb,S D. Miller.
•Illancheitir-4aness Yllter, W. I'. Wilson
. • Daquina—Jous Morrison, Burr Sohtata.
; bantam; &mu 8. Butalkdd.
lrL Tanintant—Jame Dickaya M. Parlor
11a , 41-IV - BIZT,, Wm Bishop.
Irobinson; Tees. Yarinson.
• Sprung, Autb. • .
~Taer mair ancern•—m b.
'"311001=1* PU-6 —Potin i Perry. Thu Banter. Bant er .
..W.qt Barker, Than. Ossahlay.
" Prodnet : Daniel Wants, .1
• • '7lladdick. fkayitegredwar W Wm. Graben.
'" WUnlittsi
''' ' NoKsuport...l: N. Coartin, W. D. Wood.
Walker, 1. - 11onghton:
D. Surer.
P1tt...1. Gluey, Wm. H. lierrieon.
Tinley, J. H. Stewart.
Plea-Jaws. Pattencm, EL It Toner.
' Sinner, M. B. Mitchell.
- Illissitiedk-r. Patterson. Y. Gardner.
;. '...1111111 'ha.:4. Y. Dime; Weri. Oliver.
Itenteson-Issaa M. Itees;John B. Verna.
litoon=nlvieotokl. Poore. Wm. Cllrly.
'itnalhh--11rot District; Lam Neely, Robert
Wdght.. ihnond District :__John L. Wheeler, T.
Heldvtn-Robert Wilson, Robert Mcßae.
Item-Wes. Paten. D. H. Cunningham. '.
KoOsestlem-Ina McCauley, John Redpeth.
US Deer-P. IL Edentudsou, J. O. El ouUns.
Oadi4W: . J_ °Unmet, A Ontlen.
Mc W. H.
Annecy, Willow Leemaauk.
doh o.Wdliams; John
.linea-Zsektel Miller, Wm. linstottt. .
IEWOLIOOLN; laanr; - T- J: Stemma. -
. Unketz.livlos ckae. Noah V. Cillmora.'
"ikett-Wat.'l3:Lee.V. L. Gamble.
-Tint Precinct: W. B Neglvr:John Mer
doeltar. Seccad Plectect: R. H. Pelmet, VIII=
',WillitattLJame4 Helli,.DlUlol2l Hamilton.
Petterleint Bickercatr„ Kunkle.
Yessalltee-JohnJ:llic ee, Wm. A. Shan: '
Jefirrnot.`Wilean; John Jr. Blair. "
, lleVertner, Js.. MoCounigle.
- 7 /MIMJ .-4.11; Hynes. 3.-Egarier.
, Obks.-; Sank Little, Campbell Doff..
..._ssane-isms Beater. Yhd. &mein.
• Snowden l :-David Riggs, John B. 111111111%
Plais.l3:llcCord. J. 3.4 001.11[4
',,lrait,Dia;;-Allan. Aber, John CaklerelL
armitrons; W tkoo Seery.
- :Loom St. Clair-Jonathan Italy, 18.1•0 Whittler.
South layette•-jikhned Kayos, tognonl,..Collins.
, amothq-B. Y. Nevin, Samna liefoloy.
" Oreseent-John Hantiton, O. W. Stags.
MoOlers-Chas. Kerman, Jacob roans.
" a..`".rr -w az i tiltY;tl a :hittiter.
*Absent, and kugnet,ensusen substituted.
7:24ekilne.the retention of the erode:alga,
Dr. W. J. Gilmore moved the appointment of
Athatheithe4 of gni' onPermanent Orgeniza.
The motion was adopted, and the Chair in
newaged the following: W. J. Glimoni, A. hi.
Brows, J. N. Burehlield, J. P. Dravo and W.
H. Harrison. The Committee subsequently
' • seported the following
President-Wm. B. Negley.
yin Presidents-John F. Dran, William
William', Samuel Pahnestock, George Gent,
George Neely, John M. Porter, Geo. Finley,
D. P. Nevin, G. Y. Magee, H. R. Tower,
Inas Contain.
ibeeneteolin H. &bewail, W. J. Gil
man, D. O'Nfdl, and B. W. Mulkey. • •
The :sport s of the Commits:m . l'as unit-
adopted -
The Chairman briefly sothnowledged the
honor efinferred upon him. The committee,
le !gawked, might have chosen one more
worthy and competent to preside, but with the
:aid of the Convention he would endeavor to
hangs his duties faithfully and eatisfacto-
They_ were called upon to ... perform art
thAperialit work, and - he' hoped Hist good or;
eisit'and decorum would be °binned, through
dethred ' that suitable candidates
••.e •
be chosen for oath and worry- office--
- :mg NAM* could stand upon the platform of
'ltli k iWirkiailind:Whe wide fever of a vigor.
• Neimentlonefthe'war.."ll4" Conoluded by
nven on or their par.
v0ga,415 f
Imi invited the other Officers to teats
~ w pon :7 0 Fin. ,
On nett. OA. Ht9trt;Nr l l-, the Chair
' man was :ILLikoilsed to appoint eatZzecutive
Committee for. the wing year, consisting'of
-'twgity-one - ineelbers: , •
The Chairmen' then annouiwed the nomina
lien of sendidates in order when the follow
' ingsainewsresubmittedfo; th e urvirral °Does:
• rdfbr Jar of .Diarkg liamp7
ten; Thesasit 111e0Onnelf, David - Richey. •
lot akfrket.the 4.llerros,Jaci.
• "i Jhr Jfiggisber=Wat. J. .Itionannon,. James
Alm Wm: Glees, Ralph
r. 'Booffrifer— , Abdiel. - McClure, Henry
. _
Par rinninwer;-David d3kaa, Jr.,. Goo. S.
Xottook and Emotion. - -
''3.." Oximb7 Cbsweissionirßennett Lake,
• George Beaatttits; Barreyßobb,Allon Dean,
G. COinstosik;A: • • •
./tre -Asesialll-..Gity..-James I... Sutherland,
• Joba'S. Ceee,-.leha if. Jona, John . P. Glass,
! A. - Pentanes. - Allegheny—Alfred SW*,
' • nondnated by noels:gluon. South of Divots'
--OoLThcanss M. Bayne, John P. Kennedy,
•Ifaist B. Semen, Jas. Shipman. Between
H. Donnioton, nominated by so
' efamition. North of Rime, John Gllllll'4l,
'413112. XeKei472. 1. Di ghoul.
• Pinder. of Rior--John Dow), 1. X.
Below irooseding to " n ballot, Mr. IL F.
Bair named' that'tha'zionilaeoilor Assembly
is the .1131eghinif distriat,'and in the Kstriot
• betwomrthe shwa, benominated by &colons
, Bei,. ii tiara was no opposition. Adopted,
Gad Msan. Sleek and Donniston were dollar
el day isfindastsd. •
'•. A motion was magi to abolish the district
system la the cholas of eandldstse for
ititiviter_osserke. from. A. At. Brown,
•Beq, aid Dr. KoCandkss, the more* (Kr.
::.Bass) withdraw the proposition.
•• • • Tin following Is Om remit of the first bal:7
" * (notinalarked this. • ire noisibtated.)
son :Wino oi DISTISIT . •
• net caw as nu Gait.
Ilarton• —.lol
Jobs & Goal 33
John IL
' • = -son =own: •
- MAW YnClniri#.'
. "'"flaary •••••••
a Jabs JP. Cada. • ' - - withdrawn
- D a ta aa , Jai .418
aimaga L. kalotat—...
• I
_2 .91 "n 2 r C P i nl'? l L
it# -
4a. u;,_:11:11
T '4 cAI.PEA.II2B.
sironfatar , Attess,.ax - orma (air.
WintJ• RkbanlFrie
' Isar
a. •
• "
---- rang
Dmi•-••••••w• - ••••••••-- -
.7 . G. ---....:.---».............
lihsd Bla
lk! lbws.
Oat. Thomas I L4I
robs. 3
Ham B: Herm* '
Jas. -
(WI/ of GM Rims
MISI F. Dnino.---..—..maisutted by acclanutp:R.
afiltintz Jo hn
first ballot, via
withdrawn, and John P. DM° nominated bs
acolaniattoa, for Director of the Poor.
At the request of .hhaself, A. MeTlihien
map was< withdrawn, u a candidate for
Couty Conmissioner.
. .
R. P. Nola, A. G. MaGamileas, rohF P.
Bravo, A. M. Brows and B. H. Palmer. it.,
were appointed a Copulates am Boolatioas,
pending tint ballot; . " -•
Towards Um olose'of ant ballot, the
name of Mr. Bermial A. Pandas's, for Al-
Muddy. was by reqaestof the nominee, with
drawn by was,
Wm. Melte*. •
About two o'islOok the Ooseeition lack a
rooms till thrse o!olook: ,
Thellonenation wainalled to order by the
President at three o'eksk. • -
•Hr. R. P. Nevin, Chairman of the Commit
tee on Remdutions, muted the follotsing
Resolved, That the loyal °Ulnas of the
North, fergettlagaliformargerti associations
had bfillds4ll, should jabs to la' the one
hely purpose of itudntehdng the Constitution
and the Union, at 'habit& oast of blood and
treasure the and Is to attained, and for
this pupae to contsontrate all their means
and power .in the knowable detsradnation
that "tae union stud and *Mk ed."
Resoksdabit whilst tkelo and patdotio
sons - of **in North are pouring out their
blood upon the battle.llebl In &stenos of the
I=pm:tiled life of the nation, it behooves
those at bone* to take tars that no traitorous
hands wield "the eivil power of the State—
never (*resitting that the most dangerous en
emies are those Oyu own household.
The resolitioas were vasalmoinly adopted.
2dr. E. P. Notia mooed" that the , name of
AnthMtilLeTighi, for.Ootratg Omaratssioner,
be plead sport the llet. - Se ruled it in a few
remark', sating lbw ground "bat atone good
Democrats Who were dates and sating with,
the Unicat.partz ehordd hero a , represeatotiori
Zit. also spoke in Win of the
motion. •
Mr. Alex.MoClintook 1314 others wore op
posed to the
Mr. John P. Drove favored the motion.
On the question of placing Mr. MoTigho's
name upon the list, a division was called for.
and rudfted 48 for and 42 agalnet—eo the
motion of Mr. Nirrill_lfte anted.
. Mi. MoCsantess moved•that the name• of
Dr. George MeCook be plated on the list of
candidates for Assembly in the City District.
Mr. Nevin proposed that in the election of
the two delegates for Asiembly not yet elat
ed; the Convention be permitted to mark Ir
rapNtive of the looal division of the county.
Mr. Malantlisse accepted It.
Mt. R. J. Mattawan stated that Dr. Mc.
Cook pesitinly that the position
would destroy hie basin► entirely. He
therefore teak the ilberty of withdrawing his
name: . ' - .
111114 RY tillatfil. • •
The proposition , of Mr. Nods was 'than
considered sad lost.
Mr. A: Id. Brown naked leave to withdraw
the - mune of John J. Case tor Assembly.
*greed to.
The Ooloantion then Twoomuletto nominate
• gnats& to the BMW Oenventins.
The following genthunen were named aa
candidates for noszdhatlon
Smanwid.Dsispator—Mmun. T.• M. Mar
shal', 8.. B. Carnahan, T. X. Howe.
• B•prwinditive Dsispons —Messrs. W. J.
Gilmore, Jas. iloAnley, W. B. Nesy, B. P.
Nor% Juntas D. Uranus, Joshua -abodes, J.
Baron Tater, J ohs. K. =en, T. J. Ingham,
S. IL Gam, User . H. Barka:,
Wa. A. Shaw, Andrew Ban, Dr. Barium,
Wm. Bishop.
A mettmlwas made that at the tad of the
flat ballot for delegateslo the State Canyon-
Lon the person heals; the highest neither of
Totes shall be declared the delegate.
The motion mu vented. '
Mr. Nevin moved that; the delegates mask
upon ehe paper. appall!, their maw s the
candidates ise their choke tot Governor.
Agreed t..
Mr. John 'ld. Killen, by consent, withdraw
his rime Ai a candidate for delegate , to the
State Convantiol.
Mr. J. G. Cemotook, by content, withdrew
his name from tho list of muldidates for County
Commiuloner. •
Wm. A. Shaw also withdrew his name as
oandidate for delegate to the State Conan-
Mt. lifellandless eared the following Ivo-
Saoload, That **delegates sleeted to the
State. Union Conventlen los inetrested to vote
for the Hon. John P. Perim' for Governor el
this Commonwealth while that gentleman's
to ;before .the Convention, and In the
eient of Ito iithdawal to support the Hen.
John Conde.
The resolution was adopted unanimously
iii'. J. H. fitetiart, during the balloting,
moved that the delegate prevent from Harri
son township be permitted to vote for his eol
begat, who had Mt.
- Agreed to.
Allen Dunn asked the withdrawal of
his name from the list of eiedidates for
County Conietissjoner, which was agreed to.
Mr. John ones. a candidate for Astern
hiy from the city of Plueburgh, also obtained
the withdrawal of his name. •
Br. • Navin asked and obtained leave to
withdraw the NMI of A. KeTigha, candidate
for 001114 C01R111111110211%
Mr. P i Barr. moved that, in this ballot,
thensadldatas having the highest :timber et
votes, be ' the nominees for their respective
Mr. Gilmore, by request of Alen. McKee, of
the south aide of the river, for Ass embly,
withdrew that gentlizein's name.
The following result of the second ballot
ing was theta ainenneedt
For Owity Gismissioaer.—Gtoorp Handl
•ton, 88 votes • Diary Robb, 39 votes; the
other candid ate withdrew.
George • Easellton, having remand. the
highest ninnies of votes east, was declared as
the nominee for County Cosueladoew.
Jbr 4.00111/4, (1140423 nu I.Butheriand,
54 votes"; John P. wets, 86 votes; the other
candidates withdrew.
John P. Glue havthg received the highest
number of *deo, was declared ,the menthes for
Assembly from the elks:,. •
Yor Assesibly, (soak side ettliview)--John
- GUlllast,li votes; V.. 7: 114 has, 71 votes.
T. J. Blghint having received thchighest
number of win. was 'declared the nominee
for Ass.mbly from the south "Woof the river.
. Thefellowieg la the.reseit of the balloting
for delegate to the Bate Connmtlen and the
perms for whom the delegates !as hatred
ed to vote for Governor:
W. Marshall, 132 (Pawl°
11:12:Carnaltan, 109 (Pinney° T. - 11. Howe,
37 (Johnston.) . .
Neam P. N. Maraud! and B. B. Carnahan
haying received 'the highest nember.of votes
cwt, were declared elootel as the - Senatorial
Beprwedatieo—W. J. GUsiore,9l (Penny°
Jas. McAuley, 90 (Penney;) W. IL Begley,
115, (Penney;) B. P. Nevin, 119, (Penney ;)
Jas. :L.. Graham, 123, (Penney;) Josh.
Rhodes, • 41, •(Johnston 3) J H. loiter, 11,
'(Johnston;) T./. Ingham, .31,. (Johnston')
S. HJ Geyer; 18, (.7ohnstoa -;) Geo. B. White,
-10, (Johnston 0 W. , B. Barker, 17, , (unin.
atrucrtioft)'/Indrew Bert, 9,. (asinstrseted ;)
Dr: iiihrehier, 6, (unlicitraeted I) Willie=
Bishop,, (salastrasted.)
Messrs. as. BLeAeby,latiletriel; Jas. L.
Graham, Ind dialliet; B. P. Nevi;
: 14 dlr.
Wet ; 111.: B: Wesley, 41.1 c &Watt sad W.. 1.
Cilhaore, 6th dletilet, herbs each received the
highest number of veto, were behind sleeted.
: moved that• the' ticket'
elected by the Ociaentlen ke.deelareC unetd-
Witisli nwitinated.
Tice settee Aka, ouvirl; - _
The Peceldent thee aaneenoi that there
nowas Other badness before Convention.
An motion ot.Nr. Jas. Brown the Came-
Von adjourned eine .
ALS 07 TOCT.II Davis . waSs•
B —' B ' la giG4ll '
ths-Cosamersl4l.B4l. 4 Booms, No: 66 NMI
west, TasidaST-crails_ si•Jass 34 :1
llsebasis . ... . . 68 26
AiLetheny 'Malik.» • . 55 25
Iluattauts 444 211.5;Z;Inar . .21;11.... 64. 76
Oavlap 48 26
Alfejl l! ony Map SI) 25
li gcnoPX 44 ftnis 84 76
Pltlaboab, 14: ltays• t CY64•215241
Way Company "•••••••••••••••«•••«89••••••• 76i•_1119
• -
L„Thlini ZnargTher-sit' week dclis st .
dasslips beast sad
••••aeg asalps bad la dawn. Mt
haa lkaa
The second Matte Sabbath Belt - o'ol quintal-
Mon of Pennsyliinii began itiiassion tu; flee'
Pint Presbyterian chianti, of thiswity, at tin
o'elook on Tuesday morning, Jane 2d. The
attendanoe wad large, and a lively interest
was manifested in the proceedings.
`Mr.' Wm. Frew called the muting to , pular
by nonttaitlog Iron; Mobert hloptight as
tazopotiry Chen:ctn. 'Mr. Moßnigia, on
taking the Mali, spoku ufollows:
Cho.Was Fr on&awdßntlsrent Before tem
porarily occupying the Chair,to which, by
yonr kindness, .I Imes haanoialod, permit me
to exPrios my tratllicattrin , .. at seeing so
-many delegate' from all parts of our State,
in attendance on the unions. of, this second
State Convention. You are engaged Ina good
and noble eause—nosemore so. And I earn
estly hope that our Interims° and consults
dons may result in good to'tho work and to
the glory of our God., . Y. have faith laimeh
contact of mind With , mind, and heart with
heart; and as yow bovIC seen; when n drat.
is formed by the anion .0f hands - around an
oloctrio Widish, how Blatantly the - electric
current Is transmitted to startle and animate
all included; loamy we Dere forma Sabbath
school allele, whiles. spark front 'Heaven may
fly from heart to heart, to,quickilitind Mir us
all up to greeter seal and aotivityin the good
work of Sunday sehools: We are .malting
progrevhand with the blessing of God, we will
;doom:we: Formerly the teachers of our youth
'were mostly to be iiiiiiid-Suitong:dte 'poor; or
the invalldsr—lperhapfuntltted, phisloilly or
°Motorise, for other . occupations': Of late
yeirsiladtez and ititttliten of all claims are
deeming It a daty...and privilege to engage in .
the training and eanation of the young.
And especially is it a praisoworthy and noble
occupation to train tho young for the Saviour
and for Heaven. Sam. glad to biller° that
In this regard a rstorse in sentiment has
gradually and surely mode a lod,guient in the
hearts of Ake Christie S community. ' -
In eno 4 .her particular has a wholesorao
form occurred. Formotly our boyd and-girls,
on approaching adult age, felt themsellei too
old and too important to.',stand Longoria thO
Bible and Sunday school classes use pupils.
Now many grown men and woman are not,
ashamed to occupy blab hi such Muses, and
iwira chose , things whioh:pertain to "their
ovorlasting peace." In this we might.isike a
lesson from some of the schooltin 'flew tog
land, where, I have seen It mentioned, men
of eighty, 2#411:11 are sometimes seen' on the
Sabbath instructing chum of 'forty and fifty
years of age. There van be no more glorious
occupation, my friends, than to train the
lambs for the green postures and wells of
It it noteworthy, too, that now, in our sea
-1011 of national total and calamity; when •
stupendous and winked rebellion i.e Upon us,
causing to every household either &Motion
for lost ones slain in bottle; - or deep hostility
for three absent from the family circle fn
- the.
camp . or hospital, or on tho Auld--wren now
so sonny who are kept ot homeoinable tohitt
for their' country, are at lust fighting' and
working for Jesus, the (heat Captain of our
Salvation. And, my friends, this wieltiCre-
Wilton is by no miens the tint in the Ilstory .
of the world. Btapendons as It ft in extent
and enormity, it; was immeasurably trans
cended when Satan, the'Arch-Fiend; rebelled
statist the Almighty, and-drew: after him
one-third of the host of heaven; and, after ,
alluding his legions and netting hit &vita
l-ens in the Add, to Impotant ,attompt to over
throw the King of Kings, was Asivelia with
his traitor host id-the bottom-lass abyss. Bat
even then he did not ground the weapons of
his rebellion, but still wages It earnestly and
persistently, recruiting for his traitor canoe
and banner all who can be *Wooed lend swerved
from their allegiance to King Jou: - •
To oppote lum ; oar - Captain has unfurled
his banner, on width may be seen the sacred
symbol of the Cross, and the memorable
scrlpttenofConstantine, "1. hoc eigooeioces."
Every Bible and Sudsy-school clue is a *re
cruiting ogler and you, my friends are the
duly authorisjed and honored rounding Bu
In this glorious service there is no &stifle
tion of ago or sex, cook as exista in our patriot
army ; no liMilittOD to 18 or to 48 Isere, but
all alike may be enlisted in the nedeemer'i
cause, from the "babes and sucklings, out of
whose mouths God has ordained praise," to
the hoary-headed man or roman, tottering
to-the grave,. Again, we do not enlist as
dine months' ines,cr three years' men, but
for the War—"and there Is no discharge. la
that wan" I need notrealte the weapon" to
be used, which are not carnal, but spirituel.
You will find them admirably Imuntersted by
one of the chief ufleers formerly . ongaged In
this contest—the Apostle Pnul—who, in one
of his letters, tells to "to take the whole ar
mor of God, having your loins girt about with
truth, and baring on the breast plots of rip fit
sorsases, and your feet shod wilts the prepara
tion of the Gospel of peace; above all, taking
the shield of faith, wherewith yo chill be abbe
to quench alike fiery darts of the wicked; and
take the Ulna of salvation, and the stiord of
the Spirit, which is the Word of God."
There can be no doubt, as to the non.; as
to whose banner will be crowned with victory.
Let mutton praise God, and take commas;
and may our meeting sad discussions be
abaddently blessed to His glory.
On behalf of ohs Sunday Schools of Pitts
burgh I groat you, and weleome you to our
homes and hearts.
Mr. D. Bobineon Was atom tem;orary
Tho Convention then joined in a song of
pralaa, after which Rev. Franklin Moore led
prosor. _ _ - • -
• The following rcsolation was submitted:Ltd
Booked, That a Committee of Eno from
each denomination here represented b* ap
pointed to nominate a permanent Board 'or
Officers for thiiConvention.
The Chair annonneod the following al as
Committal: Rev. Ptaokiin Moore, D. D.,
Methodist Pro:es:may Mr. E. Matlock, Re
torted Data; Itsr. - d: T. Stewart, Cambia
laud Presbyterian; Nee. Alfred 'Taylor, Old
&boo/ Prearb I torten; Mr. W. B. Sohmerts,
German /Wormed; Mr. Wm.. 1.,; Getty, United
Presbyterian; Rev. John Douglas, D. D., Re
formed Prase/Whitt; Mr. 11. L. Dolmen,
Proteetant Episcopal; Rev. George S. Chios,
Baptist; T. - Beata", Methodist Pia
butaat; Mr. John D. Johnston, Disoiples; Mr..
11. Hendricks, Christlen; Rev. W. A. Palm.
Daring the absence or the tiommittae, the
Ceriventiort joined in devotional riaerolses.
The- committee then reported , the foilowing
as the permanent; organisation
Pruidentßev. J. EL A;BOMberger,D.D.,
'or Pitilidelpnla;Gerniinileforined. - -
Vice Presidente---o.o.Phililps, Pittsburgh,
Protestant Ephroopal; Robert MoHnight, Al
legheny, Old Sohool Presbyterian; Ray. O. U.
Robinson, Harrisburg, New School Presbyte
rian; it.,. J. B. Glenn, New Brighton, UM.
tail Presbytuizn; it.,. John Douglas.
Plilltdirgb, - Reformed - Presbyterian; Rev. S.
T. Stewart, Pittsburgh, Cumberland Presby
terian ; Whiteman, Philadelphia, Meth.
odlid Bpileopel Liter. James _Robinson, Alle
aturny, Methodist • Protestant; John Weise,
Philadelphia, German /Wormed; Rev. J. R.
Rendricks, Montgomery °witty' Christian;
1 A. M. Spangler Philadelphia; Reformed
Dutch; S. L ess, Pitudwirgh, Taubman ;
Be,. Geo, S. OherielPittsburgh, •Baptist; J.
D. Johneton','Alitigherty, Disciples, •
fitztretariss—Rev. Wesley Kenney, D. D.;
Philadelphia; W. W. Math_ Allegheny; D.
Rdblasho, Pictsbarglii fleirael - Aokila, Car.:
mlehaels, Greene tawny; Wm. Getty, Mb:.
WAR. • •
/Vassnrer*Win. B. Schmertz.
The"Chalniten appointed Rey. Pr. Kenner
andlt•T. Dr. Donee. a committee to conduct
Dr. Bomberger to the Club. The Doctor, on
being introduced to the Convention, delivered
a stir/Lug and eloquent address.
On niottori:of Wm. M. Frew, the Clair op.
pointed the following committee to prepare
business for the Oonvention Wat. M. Brew,
W. W. Mail; Rev. J. 0. BCH, A.ll. Sneakier
In the absence of the coannittse, the Con.
volition adopted the following hourfof meet.
Int: From 9 to 1.234 , 23i to
r. a., and from 734 to 9 i evening.
On motion, the Looal Com Use on
Lion were designated - as a Committee on Cre
dentials, and 'greeted to enrol aU delegates
who.xsport their names end aehOols as MOM.
bens of the Convention.
. On motionof Az. Getty, Pastors, Superin
tondents and Teachers from other States were
119,1* to talte.seats in W. WO. -
The Beih24lBll COMeitie• med, it Srelimi.
suuy mar, azing the above hours of mow
Ins, sod tootling that , the mks of order rso•
ortipea, Ary,,lll", parliemeitiry nue :obliges
Asa .iii:s4optei by this 9onventions
Utgrair , ffile#Cerkla
*sotto at. ma% LOT tooratbsamsot oaths
otiswiloolallmi: salon by opodolpollitodiai
s. Ora+ OGalrestos then &Alarmist Wand of
half pool two Volook.
Tho Copnention roaTirlduid,_ , •u Tuesday
ifielioon; ad, tin .uad r‘oloek: De.
13Oinbe'rear, tb t etheirman,lntiodueed rho ex
ercise' by: thaclnging of a hymn, after 'blob
prayer was offered up by the 114iv:W. MA U.
eon, of Troy, Dow York. The Buil*" dun.
mittte,tbaanudas.clpott, fret
re3obation wee adopted by a 1 1 / 1 1.118 note, and"
the tinging of a doxology while pa thistand
lug nelfinn, 'ocomminaing—= ' ,
.4 Prase God, fr om whom MI blazing@ tow.". •
71hia zesolation was one of elaistian
Coil or grieting and contained en expansion
of devout grstitude to the triune Jehovah for
His kind: providence Ihpermitting the Suits
Sabbath , Sahool 'Convention or Pennsylvania
to hold second meeting. The second reso
lution sot forth that expo lessee has taught
that this most hopeful and profitable field of
labor is amongst the yews. ; The thltd stated'
that eirlynoirrettion is of the greatestinsport.'
ens. to tee church and the world. The fourth
zesolutlei declarer that thi majority of con-
unions are effectiti before the age of. twenty.
The second; third and 'fourth resolution were
discussed together. Able Addressee were de
&end bY - Dr: ffontay,'o4l6iiiilCustelamand
Joseph Parker, Eicl., of - Philadelphia; Rev.
Mr.' Jacikant, liarriabiarg,Niv.• Mr: - Ohid.
law, and *theta. ' We ire Iraq sorry that we
have not the space Co give - even an outline of
the" addresses delivered. Most of them • were
appropriate and'iont-stirriag. May, things
w e re nig In Tigard to "youthful conversions"
that stied much light on that very lairesting
subject, and with the dboussion of 'Which the
crowded'audiiiinos 66=1(0 - bi Intensely de
lighted.' These who wish to Intraloach,that
is useful the idled of Sabbath SCltiols
abould'attend the OonVmation by Al means.
It IS eitiniatedlhot there wet, 'algal Durham,
died delegable preient friim different parts of
th o State, The hour of adjonrnment, Ave
°week, having arrived- the Rev. Dr: Wilson .
closed with prayer. .
• " "-• irrnarti muslOsr. '
.The Convendon met at T3j Veliek in' the
evening; Tfi.ldosibeiger in the Chele. • 1 •'••-
The ementises were omiunancid by singing
a pardon of psalmody, after which •R e v. Mr.
Htmtingdenk of ' Rochester, N. Y.,. led in'
prayer at 0-Thronstof Ormi. • .
Th e whites of thinfterri•ou misilen were
then reachaftirerbbilkthe'diaatideaprotiediii
in the resolutions curly cionversioas: At this
pointquitest debate sprung ip MI to the proper
phraseology to be used ; the ShainesiOommit;
tee havingitatirdtuthe third resolution, "that
convention at fifteen Is incialsolably mere im-'
portant to the church and the world flan' eon
version at Nei." A.subslitute was offered for
this language, which was laid on thi table.
The 9d, ad and 4th resoliatica4wers then,after
some amendment, adopted seriatim. !
The fothl resolution states "ilust the' akar&
has stet always folly apprehended the measures
of its respensibUlty to thayoung, nut 4hib vat
importansi of making their converaloa a mat- •
ter of pristar, y interest." It was ideated..
The Rev. sir. Robertson, a delegate from
the New York State Convention, exteadad a
cordial imitation to the 'Clcitiention to send
a large delegation to tho ' Eighth State Sab
bath School Convention of •New York, to be
held in Troy, in August next. *After Mr.
Robertson's address, Mr. Getty, of
delphis„ offered the following reiehdian
&soloed, .That the Convention heard
with mush gratiAsation the cottlial greeting
of the Hew York Scats Sabbath Sehool Amu
citation, as sent through Rev. Mr. Robertson,
of Troy, mind that the .warm Invited** to at
tend the Eighth Annual Meeting is kindly so
opted, and the groetihgli of this Contritatioa
an hereby reciprocated. , • "
The Chairman, in surname of the Concise-
Coa t :444omi* the fraternal sendments
premed.- • -
Pending the discussion of the sixth resolu
tion, which declares that " thefilablnith:sehool
commends;Steel" so the most anleat sptiep
of Oho Chnroh, next Christian parent,
in aosomplishing the evangelisation of the
'swing," the Conventlon adjourned, Hew Dre
121Llett concluding by prayer.
Legal Intelligence: • •• ••
[leported Elm the Fitaetrurgi Gezeas.,Jmae 2=11.1)3433.]
J. Reed Ts. Wolter 'Bawd; yertllot for NO
plaintiff In HAL — -
No otbor burins:a transacted.
0011110 Z riais-4VDOS
Downy vi. Clark (before repo:l44; sadist
for plaintiff. - . •
The follOwlog Aftoea oases us witibirsseh
for Wednesday, Jane 3d:
16. Ririiett L. Romp vs. Ber.J. Lobs. •
17. J..W. Johazton vs. idleturiliCniain.
21. James Andrews, James ifidlsor vs.
Co pt. las.!itathsws.
13. .12. C. Clyde vs. Brewer, Watson Co.
28. James Harr vs. the fitaadard Petrels
lam Oil Co.
24. Jackson Damian ' Mary A. Phillips,..
of Jobs H. Philips, for take of
Nathan Han and A. D. Tann& ansouitas of
J. H. Phillips, u guardian of labor Children
of James: MoFaddan, deemed, vs. Bentui
W. Muni and Mary Means, his-wife. . •
25. Ciao, Marta vs. David Dimas, Arthur.
lagram aid Nicholas Mayers.
27. Cornella:Paihrer air, Wm. Smith.
28. M. Wilson guardian, vs. Jon H.
Brian and Predat ion Minnisrish.
110. Letitia Dennison vs. the Pittstorryta
Connallrailla B. B. Co.
31. Geo. Haatlame's: 4.09. vi. the Picea
ft. A. Co. . .
32. Elisabeth Wotaavastle vs. Mary Jane
Worn:mastle, 641112,1st:tat:di.
35. Jellies Elozd vs. Moreland aid hlltei
36. Dr.',Eitmtuld 13. Rama vs. Welters and
42. Itobort C. Sohmetta et al. vs. sllllllllr et.
.QUARTII ',1111111=01411..,111DG1111 1171111117 AID
The followths sant, ohm hare nobarnad
Com. vv. E. E. Shaw. Oa oath of D.
O , NoIII. .
Coln. Ealkingg. OA 04th of B
Molatyti. - • •
Com. a.• Wm. B. Ross. Oa oath of J
Woods.- I • • ' • -
The followeng tree bWi stenfound by eke
Gamed _ .
Com. n. B;Zeousk, for foesdiallon
and bastardy.
• , Com. !no. Collins, Wm. liners, for
Com. u. J. Galati, Wm. Brown, for
Com. ea. :is. Campbell, for mledameanor.
Com. us. Christian Stan, fir lumping a fa
no:dons deg. _ • • •
Com. vs. Jots Mandl, for lansay.
Com. TO. Jobs Banlams, for aUrarented aa.
null and battery. 4 • '
Com. vi:Jobn Mcßee, tot keephiii
Cam, me. Christian Mellor, for assault and
Com.'es4 Joseph lerneationg, for 'keeping a
jpemblint Unto. ,
Com. vi . Jobe idatissy, for 'Wing Ihivere
without limas. • -- • • .
Cont. vs. John .Wlnlath. for selling liquors
Coin. is. John Bmtili allao John Hoover,
for Wooly.. . ,
. Coin. vs. BAIA Bator* sad. Jolut. B. Obi.
field, forrnstritalat i Vg I national. ,
- OM: ye. olOsahartor; ,7 ol.34hor r
John Wider, for nialatalaing ands/woo.
- Own..os. Jam* ado -and' MarboF prat(,
for uudntidalona uhorses.; '
Coln. or. Goorso'S. Drew Robips W.
Burke aid Richard 8111, for inalntalnlng a
uniaanoo. .
The following bUls WIN wore*
C om , I rs„ Moygaret 3. Oyler, for keeping a
disorderly hone. •Tho -prosecutor, Okarles
Watt, orderotto par wits. t .
Corn. vs. Lords OCOOUa for usault sad- bat
tory. The Initiator, Patr;ek" M. Repidar,
to pay ;
• Own. vs. Jot. 13.1Vedol [of selling liquors
without OM:ease.
Com. vs. Seta. Craighead for selling Uglier'
without ► llaeeur•
Oost. Ts Elisabeth. Richey for await and
battery; Ito prOsettatoh P.Watklas, to pay
Oost. ie..Lirla Le* sad l'keir. EWAN.
The following "egg WW tried thl. Item
hrliNan t ta. it jbo . C.liatalP
Not Enuty—and roulade' i obsk liable; and
defendant eseh to•pey one. of the 00Iti.
Mary 1 Wawa tot -bop II - dlamderly
hones. ,Gailty. Net Mtn -- ...., .
Jam* Townsend &gill Mhos* Ise.
owl: •• entity. • PefentWi saiii**l ,P) 0*
Nutirn; Polteselary 0414 on
.41!IN . - .
• Martin eihiclat; musty ,the roc: ,De'
-iondas4 'plead Lamy.** toe, -r.. . ,•, ... ,
:.,14issais flalikfierstr of itte.pos i tlp 4.-,
04,0.,1, ..,. .., i
, .:fix. ..„ , . . i -.,.. "Y . P I , 1 .. 1 ..,...1 411 1t::, 4 1 4r : .:+.l
' 4 :igniTollitrii; '''4lit.'ir 10
MI Wiling Of MI Irdides. •
Allegkeire Board of 'Cosa°liars.
repdar monthly meeting ot the, Ape
ghost Board et Controllers was held on Tues
day evening, inns 2d. Opened
by Tier..Mohnliiii"
Mionhare pnruf, Mewl:Bau, Boreland,
Craig,- Frannie,. Gibrui,-(fornikyi animus:,
Lea; Litton, MoSonnigle, McMillan . ; Sleek
azid,Preildent 2
Minutes of the previinut matting read mid
The reports front
.the .sorteral waide were
' rastrand acoeptod.
On motion, the reading of the reports of this
Ward Inititatee wait. postponed...:
Petition of . Leonard. Snyder,. of theYitit
I ward, asking permission to and thrw °Midis:ll
to the Sandusky street asthma in the Fourth
ward,- was referred to the Fo urth Ward Beardi
with power to act. . •
On motion. the consideration of the ollnitis
for the Government. of the rahllatiohoole
the.City.of .dlleghany," was postponed forth.
: On motiOn, it was resolved/Mix &hemostat
of eompeisadon to be allowed to the Mood*
of Bohool tixes,.andar.the new law.. -
Mr. Goraila7.offired the . fallowlagorhieh
Rewind, That ttre_lteeelvir be albsired 'IWO
rig czar, for all taxes ealleoted. by him up
to the time he - 'hail issue to collectors' war..
rents of , Was manainining unpaid on the lit
of Naiemlier.
On motion - eft - was resolved that ell tie
**hoots_ in the oity .ba oloted on Weduesslip
afternoon; - Jane Sd, to give the seholers Mid'
teacheroun.opportanlty to attend the State
Sabbath Sohool Convention, now In oration '
to PlttOttrilt- ' :
On motlon,llidilloardagjoarneo. • •
V6O New EttanelCittillitistd to • Oil
The louden el the new branch road,'Whibli
is to be built by the Pennsylvania Meilratid
Company for some point if. the _PhUadelpida
and Plrla Itallicad to 011 Creek, will moon lc
dttertained, if,;,it has, stoi,beela .determlned al
ready. !Three reiterative beenisitiveyid; and
the most feasible-one is over a line from Oir;'
land, twenty-eight miles to Oitgritak,
aiirada Julie* sat !Odd:swabs unto
*amber of miles ahywher• in this part or the
State. The Work - is to go into oparatlen
within a short gaup, andof aearse Ads enter-
Prisii give* the- Phllitielphla and 'Eris
B,silroatipeonliar'adViintages in the oil
—Erie (Pa) Dinesieh.
We ask those who are more partlealerly
ask those .
tainted In the oil busineu I. the feet stated
in the above paragraph. If. the fdaliening
and Pranklln; ,Railroad_ Is pushed with 6:
vigor it; Ought to be, a:railroad oonnaotian
with the oltregitin eSll, l. bostouridlby this city;
before P h _ tan teal* by the route
. ,
of above. The line. is'shorter, and
the ground at least as favorable.' •
. , -
"We invite the attelitlon of ,those our
readers who are interested in days adapted to
the saalmfacture of glass - pots, or eincabies
of any kind, to' the advertise:neat of Alex.
Gordon,headed as above.. Tho'734=o'4l Clay"
is-obtained in Missouri, and IS coming- fully
into this market as a imbstitnbe 'for, and. ta
wny's:neat upon, German Chip, ,
_We have ax
aithedit, and think it, a verpyrainabla native
production, finer and moos unctions than any
foreign eley w•have lawn, an d adadrably, cal
• d to ,00mbine with .theitheallent hard
clip of . Western Peoniplyania to the eciipo -
. anion of pots and crucibles of every kind. It
is of vast isuportaaos that our,eottatoy
bb isdepeudent• of Europe in'theiltriin• es
scalds to Um manufacture of glut, steel;
brass, do. .Salinas and skill, patience and
•perre•iiatee; Willemstad owr pe•pielo com
pete with the world in the manufacture of all
such things; for User° is no leak of. any kind
of raw esessrial In War highip favored eountiy.
, .
Bet.onme.—Asinentltese•of the Unitas Lague
of Philadelphia announce that they haU re
corded the names of two. hundred_ honorably
dbotturged *olden and' tiddlers : whir rieed
come light- employment. Many of them Ire
rk r .
entirety unable to attend the business they
Wen tn'whenlley left th braes lu defense f their country. Bonn e them *site a good
head end can aid u el* 3- °then would like
to be lantern es num, and eosin sootOd tact
as watchmen, ao:' .The eotamlttee request
any one In need of 'surto° such let these , sot.
Olen cad urfona, to tans A note to A: Mar
the .1011 Chesnut Street. / . : • _
EXIMICATID _AT Liar.—Mlohani Main,
wfho was buried in the wen' on ihroond street,
oh Monday - inning, about foarteolook, was
finally attritatid on Tosiday afhwnoon,
shortly sitar , throe o'olook, and convoyed tb
hiensidenoi in Minersyllle. Ho remained.
Leis perilous sitnatlon fdr aboit twenty
aria bean midst:sap to say uo bons wen
broken. is was severity bruited and loam.
what Wind internally, but it is binned IWe
will xeoonr.
Tha Cow= Itsentier.—We ate reinest
eti to state that the Moor for mastering the
colon& minuets at this rime has not yet it-
Area; aid•that It will to bettor for these .who
Nish to Join the regiment from the Macon&
lag towns, not to oome to the oily tiatU it Is
announced in the papers, that thelmi;peroill ,
ens bin arched ; when snangoments MOO'
maid for tabsisting the »entente; ai ito lush
annulments hare yet been made.
esevnt AND RuaVs Swum hiAoinia, for
finally and taaaufasilarinf paTposal, at. Pip
vest la aro.
OT.ArI e•nersl 4E14
• :TM 13,,tifth strati.
Timms nue, Phan And Oreltetentsl Slate
lioefer, aad die* R Pmmulveoliand Va.
moot elate of the but quality at low rotes.,
Olkoe at Alex: Lough Mes a ,zkier the . Water
Works, Pittibarib,Pa.
Tiassza.—qPiep O'Day, , has' evaded,
and the drantatle ion rises to-eight on alto
sane is Amused." What di Is meowed of is
solver; evident, bat we prunme the 1161711115.
tibri is illtoinded. Seek .ia.nenally-tiii case
with dritiatio aootsations. Nor is it Wm
cuently so in teal Ws. Newever, be It tree
or fable, the. bWiinfointot,that -th e end
Jerkins is tritunYiutt:!
Amon To louvi.—On Wednesday next Dr.
Bendell,,who' kis firmly_ established his rip
elation for elfsottng the instantensolut and
eilloarions =re of *Greased bunions, will lame
the city. Re desires tra to Matethat his Walt
to this city will positively - immolate ; with
Wednesday next, Jane ad,- indusin and In.
leaving he most sincerely thanks his sumei-
ow patients for the madam they have re=
posed in him, and should he at any time, (is
he hops, at no very distant day he shall) re
visit the city, he trusts that equal oneness will
attend his 'shoes. The Darter. has certainly
relieved the understandings of manjoithitts
and an his'visit terminates Si above stated,
weldpeat that he will have a full attendance
of cripples at him rooms on 'Diamond strait,
opporite the mut holm, for thi -nest few
days. „As II proof of his skill we append the
following oerthicates 1" ' "-. • _
Dr. Asada!t kris this :day mind corn, fir
me whloh have_ been troublesome. hive
seen the operation Wore, but never_ anything
so perlsolly to my satisfectiod.
Aitslink April 11,1863. . :, '
Pitabersk, April% 1641.—WWoartliy that
Dr.lisndall;hu :on our feat, resuit-1
be oozes thanfrott, doing - so .without pate,
and "spelt to our satitfacdiee. •
•- • •
W. Pwicutn,.7l.;
, Dr. }leaden hi. thli; day removed: sight
ousts Irom het. Tits operation Atha a
paielau oae. and•the relieUla shah that /
mlawthoie ailllotad with Coma 'awd•Ageonio .
give the Dalian a oyl. : itg4 tYoung.
Tyra 10,1883., . dwlthielit 'trot.
• rusts Time -Ittent,y.—Ber. Amu
otkerd, Norldee, writs' t'!".l think w.r
highly of -81916-8.: A.- Allen'. World's Bak
Itestorer 4 ed , 4 l obalestentic 2 •4loth myself
and I,lbl:wenn. thim - wlth the tioit
guton , rwlta." The.. propizatkrat ans U.
pared. largoly-to:Relope ; sail hose a werl4-
wide mutation. 4 - _ _,•
Bold 148 8/1 1 . 811 1 99 17witere, ; Depeti 198
Ormeorlett atone, Netureth., • e3ew
- • •
Asa Ofizaostripitto or olot
londooktoltozotot issllkosoiskow rod - or
locroktocOmr_ist likeloompooltioo,
Oatlibettor Shop..lVlosta-3
gots ftiltkila And& Alt 0141R1
Woad to.
BY:M=IIUM:f: , z , z‘
Spectal Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Ciszotl3). ; '
. . irl11111:1GTOVi June 2;1863,
. _
The readpts at the Internal Rersnue
run for Yay is• lour minions- blue hundred
4and sixty-three thousand eight laraidred'iad
dollar.' When the, 'Unmet tax
Oozes in it is.hopeCthat these receigi Rita
be greatly trimmed:
The Ciminditioner of 'lnternal Arms' has
dooldialthal afAdarila laude .befoie *peers of
lntarnilmieaary oveartilhater timid by sreAC
*mare, wkiii- low or by requisi
tion, these Mears. aro lot stageot to-stamp
4ty. ' the duty of Jastfaei
,o! th e
Pesos or Notarieslre efo whom an affidayli le
made, to iti : and . catisii a Ave cent stamp -to
be pLaied thirion
, •
AMICLIIA:311A.T10118 wrraaaiDzAxi
. .
Coutudisloner Dole to. lay reoeived the fel-.
lowing &gist& from' Indian' agent goon,
dated yeti if ?lager, Utah. Territory, June late
kris hundred Shoshone' and Bioko Indians
wilt visit this! agency to-day, for the. purpose
of delitering up atoll* atookio.gioir possei-•
Sion, and of pledging the motives to keep quiet
is the fat - 4re. They Sill entirel,destitnte of
food and clothing.'' These Indfans inhabit
the oo d ntrp traveled bY the overland emigrant
nail to ths•Pacille, and for years have been
the terror at travelers going that route.". In
the opinion of the trommissioner the voltat
, - -
t!tcy sitrseiider of, akilen property, kis:, evi
dences their pungens* fOr-pilit,andai
detemainatiOn - to livilloqfgqg on'";186141.
termi lii'whitei ,traveling , throughout
thetteountry, The agent has been ktirried
to relieve their neoessities.: "'•"' !
••• .
Tke BOard to examine applicants for_ sp 7
pantaloon' to negro regimente.
new in Session here, hill , . pissed' ,00mpe7
tent' and - riooMmended' for :apPointikent,
Corp. Wilson-ead- W. Brown, of the - 21 it
9hlo. The engineer} who piloted Gal: Mitch
eh / . sieret expedition into Georgia, and who,
.witlizaost of his pastrami, Wm* captured and'
barbarously truted by the robot ?Athoritios,
Will probably be cemminionod a Colonel of a
negro regiment. . -
ILTIONAL BAJXLi 0401111.4.71
The charter of the first National -Bank of
„Cincinnati has been sacepted by the Comp
troller of ..the Cancun with. a , capital `of
41,000,000, with poem to increase It
000,000. The Directors are as follows: Wm.
Emu Davis, Charles Davit, George Beck,
N. H. Thomas, Benj. Eggleston, Beth Evans,.
ang . 4lenry Bowman. The bank to be to
utedla" the upper portion of Cincinnati, the ran for twenty years. .
Gan. ROssorana bag brand 'a general ordar
plaaing the rabokofkoors
,now in „Mr
don, and hereafter oapturediln close croriffno
mint, and, forbidding obe parole and exchange
of any.
°Ohms who resign on tho plea of disability
will herwifter be transferred to the Invalid
Corps. Aboard, Consisting of Cal. Sackett and
Medtleal Director Coolri4go, are to examine
taa.enaaeania or romL,
Prominent •gentlemen here, vrell•informed
in Nankai affairs, says U the repotted fail of
Pliable prove trio it mint be attributed to the
tresehety of the Ifeziein commander. :The
object which French bayonets failed to achieve
Most hate been; tooompllehod et hit by
Prenett4Cle. They say the city, with 10,000
men, weld have bean defended for six months
against quadruple the neither. The news,
however, knot credited elredes. •
num= to nassurrma. - 4 •
One hundred and twenty-reten:_eoldlers of
.the Departitent of WallingtonAieble to or
andatiolig , itenteioe of court-martial for de
sertion, bat •whe voluntarily earrenderei
themselve previous to the President's ;midi
tion-of Mar* 10th, are, on reeenunindatlon
of Aeaeral Hdatselntan, relieved from the
penalty of desertion, eseepti the foifeitirsiof
pay and allowattoesdnringtheir alma*.
Conualstioner Lewis boa docidod . that mitt:
liptotaaaufaotarers mast bo held by their ad
-11!*34 7444 . 14; that, thoso •who aloha
that their I:Wicket MVO paonliar propartlis
for. the purpose of isle, ow:4ot excuse Quot
ient from taxi Da the groiiind that they are
90.1oaty drogs.o the pharmaoopia, da tom!'
Twits soak to do. • '
ApPAIIII !It sal Bona.
. .
•-.,* The Ftlithraorid Pat.:h . of /day . 30thp con
tain no news from Vleksbarg;
. The Soniatiaer and frAij agree that either
Extra-Billy ,Smith or Flouring has been
sleeted ffereinor. •
„ Dispatches from Grua aro to the 29th. All
faTorabla. 30 1310:0 figEttlog.
'nugatoag(426 inz,*cciLoxzi
The Pisani has formally communicated
to Eienateir Bump: ixie conelitslons . iespeatlig
/Inmost and the °elated troops, to ,kit: - That
kit can oompand theni if ha sill. No 'doubt
L :entertained Of htt seeeptanee. • -
The ititeniimi tbat Gin.' Hunter.hat boon
emended to dented to-day by tome likely to
bneori, and Matterswn to be 'lnirolved in
'to • ,
donbti '
Tioa noicitrooinro. • • ,
- The Belger-OtoWt adjourned till Monday to .
Mini iline for preparing charge!.
Wituriorea, Jam 3—Mideight.—The tor,
mat has rewired aothiag favor - from Vioks
burg up to thin hoot. ;; . ...
- ;The Richmond Ally, of. flatirditY,oontains
.12 Wag ' whatever from, ;V.Ltksbarg.", : That
. p editorially cinaplaine of the want of ef
*soy 04 OWN* govirnmenti arguin g that:.
i i ir
rat steaterroiltilhio tionottot ot,the War
7a4 fit:in, . 411 4 PigiriONl: 410 figiiiiii, and sus
-cutlet Vila* am of time ne myfr. - off tnedls.
Wine trouldiraitse desist -from further
, ,
- SOM•rdull - Nialaroll6l4 . Weft — 6idered te.
the eommaa& of -the tron•olad steamer Eliti;
immeiiiihiMPAYisititeritiehardson .to the'
itilla!Oets,)f4 4l h.,
wl:4 ll ilit, - ;4o4itiiiiirtiei aiiir.L
„,.. iut
r i7me.ziagar a .l4 o =o l:
OM " soda ; - "Phoseitistusted by rebel
ashiXdatel yiby,different rout% hut prin.;
ellisalloY elitiaillag.thi.iluere ,- - , .t
' -- AM'eseidellt , oeuilmed Isamu* morning to
one of Au .ballomm. It had ascended about
400 feet when it waa straok by a tdow of wind;
oanshwg sa immense went- The aeronaut fell
to tho round. but mutained no serious irjary:
No alarm exists In the army of the Palma*
donee:mins the reported robot Moemnonts.
Nmarnua, , Janal 2.--Brig. 8.
enaglir takes sonmigaid of I,sraiii!illls to•nasz.
- • .
GALA B 'aie.Bizt. lanes B.
Xolisn r ikr• edind -
esd.'/lit#4liltiNoti '' , P9 E •ko.e.mfliag. ; °
• -
A lot a foe rhoOpr: t4l: * l3 /
0. " r611 .
The thq h Khutt. 2 H it 01" •
FM- ot 1f litilkstintt • -
Lot Italititel.A" - ieste 1 :44 bund
le/ en elnikatcalk ..a krilkliVOrMuMni
far eletisit /Ka aat natvi,faV %du;
tutu. It Is swppwil Alattlassara ' % ere
billed. Waimea ate autiting excavations to
nem lb* iteundall.
ir.V6FOIN`.;!..}4 ,
0 - 1
Haim Jose 2, MIL
tbilailniAiggig MARV& a hew
-atißt, 19-41 foqi_x. AosaPit AN* to Goma
it,0,4.,<FA1!. It ovilittNalF.-120.4 / 114 4 sad
le a x,t ? 412 i 14 "d 4 1 ° 4140144u* IS sea.
ir - usl , Idablrlateresthig utlissArythg:
4 - Galatia, putopfablis lag the
slave toklisd Sabot if mashie, . WA
are birtog Mask pthpleisrthdritiflt mutant.
•Iros asy lathe sthreat that*. bath $8
per - mouth, and it Wire fattlialalit good and
work' herd. -We thy Whim in the pawns
of his format - Ithstas that If hit employer
*Asses pay month la
good money, than he is .th .fattna. We Nuke
vritten - oontraots Ili wbioh the Anse is only
known Itheedthea. .
Thelletthieifititite Tuts:ANOVA? clam.
The estate Ii fourmks from ere. The tsar,.
'tees and dentheers'oestitor mt,s4l go,thus
and compel the Math people to wolk. I told
them I aboald doodOntil,sholli tithe that
in lime pi el: othictrw thitto for- their
, 'rev at 'this aped to '
,11. vent
down and toldthe Meeks:4a that they should
have eight dollars per'month math, woman
fire. I *add - *tot) the:pejo, aoj 43, Or dis
obedient sweat. and would pinta him be
sides;' Toff can form Wel of the great
change of ththe people. The *thither Is that
pilled to repoo tome each stiie? s aith says
there never been an/thing' At. Them
hat furratlinutle ninth troth. or ball so
.11.qn4a on, Eitontsivy ? ; Z.:, .4
Wm..A: Balkirkea :eltlaan'nf.:llllllain, las
- beaniniad bra tionin ;tafitio maniac
14 Adam Weimar, a,altisan. gakiiip doublet
and aanianoaa to to hang unaldny, JanalilL
The nastier la •iriptivitirOdi: •
There is no inkier:ea for thifoleshutoa that
Claiboin's diilstoi traia i rkesaty had been
sent-to Vicksburg. Only Ale 'Awe Infantry
divisionrof Breektnridge arid 7N‘..!eyan, aid
a ev/airy doge of .Borrest'i, formerly Van
_Dorn's, art known to Lan ions, aa has beta
stated. Doubtless' the make dhisteas of
,WAtkers,Olidbora andOhlbi Istituto(
4e7ladss;:'ofolidiriweir, aid, lbw
estalzi. dltisionsof Maeda and Wharton,
, nie on otietront:-:'-',
—The Surrender-of Pebble.
-New -Jens 2.--14411soitati.Diario of
the 27th Amin* bYlkii,steartior Craofy
Metal thiit ievotossibieadFitioa
through as sattiolizot some, g the
aotountsvf-tito oetropation of IP *b by the
Proud, widens thy tbllowizrig Wolk which
it Galls *Saha • I
-On the 16th, the Nienolt 'trtiopilqwhieh had
opened ipuanetone hundred ind nighty war
tote from tie - fort of Totimehunran opened
an artillery nee which, dismtiunteet all 'the
uuns of, the- foit.' The balloted defended
thinitreiviorwitit'valor. - Thir, nett day the
parallels wore -admitted to a - ahere Matson
from the works. ^''•
The Mellow Chineril,fdtOrd'oaa ; :kppeared in
Generil Foray's intik,' Ithiltinked hip to per.
mit the'Maziotortrdopit tei'vettreltroitt Puebla
with their arms and a lonittorthillr artillery.
and on this condition thepleoe would num
-dir. sgodinal-iNirorpromptiirefesed is ae.
oeitt Galan: , Itt dye 'o'olook the ' bluer of
a deg of truon,presented - a letter &but General
Ostego, stating that he weal& surrender an
conditimieUr with- all his troops; thereupon
the plea° war oompled• by ILpertiiin of the ,
Frenoh troops eadon the 19tirtiliMeral Pony
himself littered Tubb. • - .19-*
Oa 'the 20thlisaitol 'lltsalae,4t the hiad
of ii , srpa-ertheittlat Of iliwo - dleistiAts, eon
minted his. orithir apon:the clty efiMexleo.
Fron 'irliotiturip.TheAtitnbOat
• -'-
dated the let list; sig a thelotieinesiuminsay
armed on BitusdaY with:polo to the
28th ult. The - gunboat Olnoinnatl Was soak
by the rebel batteries it Vicarejwirt 02•041/
26th, with 'ireported 1(404 tiieuly ja lined
- and wounded. 13evatal of ourrnetawe*arded
by the rebels,' on 11000IIIIed.thitr ty of.L-
From If exkuN-
Nay roan dc,isanii7.2 -
.-4 - Rhin transport,
from Vera 0 otilha 19th tilt, antsid here
this.afternoo . . Her oaptaltadmaits the re
poyt of :the gture .of Pa•bla,"artletss from
that violnitylo the 16lb; whit& areraremieed
at Vora Orns. before .ba htt,.repremmten the
Mailoaris fa thasi holding half of Puebla, and
.so strongly foitilled that if !paid take a long
'time to eepturo Mom. ''. ....: :. -
Explosion.. Arrival of Psis
.• toners
Aom' Viekerstig.
J'astel.-44 plakd._seritidge
iisariufsetery, nu; !Idiot'', exploded to•day.
One Puma ; w e ; killed: and sorroal Aritionaly
Th2oo thinss:d rebel idiom:lei erived hue
to-day feria Viokainug.
New Yoe:ohms -20;-The deem: Creel*
brought $300,000 in epode from New Orleans,
.find kcietaehinent of -Citeatawromplareci
Capt. Beed'altilleh 'with their AM. Sweep
laaricets Di Titlegrapi,
17swIrOix, June I...oottort arm j saletiof 1,000
loolor atrana. Moor hasalr o agt bunk,
at $5,25486,35 - for State Wheats, fcre OW 0. $5 00
CO 05 tor Southern. ; Camp
ht 2261 43; '.ll.llwarikos•olol4' IL mat 45; 1;c1 a
AViatern, u 40(E01L 63. - Corn - dull ••at rigfers. Beef
Arm.- tort firm; Incas, sll7s;plf forontaird ALM
13 12% for now. Lord &toady arAVDIAPAo. Whisky
steady at 441 3 .4150. Sisals arm; nOWPrielll2ll llXc.
Moots moll. • Geld, 40%.
CERIthIIUTI, June *-FlOur arm it - 81 00* 75 for
Superfine. Wheat' advanced to 81 - 15 for rod and
Touitd rota as Matt mkt 2/0.. (kat lad oats tumbaoged.
rebuke ila...Promaloos unchanged; Ora-at.. pork
sold at 59,76, and now count y a 111.110tkIng daps
to lard; ft Is bairns stilt held out of the 0111111144. Itsdk
hams us in 'demand's* Syso.loose; andiogs. petAurd;
they aro soup.. 110 change to zoo mho: , •
thrld, - 115, 1111.cUnge s , 3ppramleus.
I►. T 7
Long, jrliliest*
Works s Ikuosstook krork4 4 Anebkii Tang
Itaroid., Oaks sad Weepers; WIWI=
tincirr Pittsbugh. •
Mgambaginn et nammusiza
°awn clamor ons 2/112/11014
sir NO. 1 BILITIOID OIL, vomit* gokrgagio.
on, slioutqa bra. ,
Aucariair 1411L114
Air ,V/.IIIDNEBOAT AftII2NOON. Juni& at 11
o'clock, at the Iltaa.alo Balt Anattaalloanitc. so. 6 6
hub .treat, will he sold, • • 1 1 1 •IP 66111 11 6 • 4 • 6
haw and seetwtable thittewodi, come:Wag.~ I. tat%
ettate, , Somas. , : Hick Pendia IkelalseCTlald you,
4 1 e7tnowate. hepheld and ali.tbeePlalde 'brocade
at..hetr, 2/044.,1144 6:npoil;11. aalabldnec heath'
-111ack and- 0 4 01 .91_6144itehaele,
tweroare ettaiele,"Plelt Sepikit wpm/. tr 6 1 4
beentital stylea.l4oo4ll Striped'
dui-Brand &atonal , t l kirte,'Llnom - "Xalite Coven,
Atieh Chaco Ideen SUM NOMISIT.
• • 'X. A. NoCILIILLAIIIkohing..
asoond hitt — ammo
- ` 2 " anz .": i n V L ooli sr/Ike:L..
I ..b.BOREBIS ;WANTED..-400r lta
z.. 4 worn*. ina ate !Lanier the Ifink Cloth sad
.Bwrge Irmo, Barad; Lamm, anialllt_'"*Sa%
wars $L al Pot' de, + ,14 1 Pwl44 12"wifirr.•
menu: , • MoGlitaall..#4l2ol4or
New Cutts. May V. 16111 • -
WANT/ED—A • Boiwgzasiti - n Who
11'104 Jadp baby. , Staftbild Ye.
Ply who an yu.t, goal aye esportuwei oss,
welk inelbetkeablo bkontob. ef , pbyow d 1 be
tbU damn= littlY MA bsonthe ecit pissabsas
b bastlen. &debate* ebb 'yaw; telbblois led
coo a . loobtuattomozum
itour ,nabg2ll. *bilnY l.. a. Tonle& CO.
, .. . , ~ ._,.
NITABTED:—.47S`A. ticattlttrilir. to
me 4 ifte
•1 or bLe• alwil It may ' *Amy X ITS ' UN.
;swam pwl4 Lovell riwznow *bop
lischtswk,-/WWlte. ;- , , ~, . •,-,:.
ANTED:-480 A troslttl4= , -
,-v v. Amato ai IWO simiatic WWI* Idl :
an Mark/sew Powdh, Or! mawlOON l o6
other new, tweed awl awing withello
-,i c 1 I ra W s ga ir! " ll 4 ItlVrefaiaitial 1 4111" '
lyi.XXX;ArritidADl ,
SO bbla. IX .
Be-4° Wows I WNW nmemd dal Wralk i ai i ii ;
, ~,