*7 3 i l l. . f ,:i I M.' li g .. ... s t_ ~.,,.,„ „.2.•:' '4 14 : 2- •til v..' , 2L „.., .4 7 ": i ..i. 4. . 1 4, k . :. ,o, .:4 A ~ k • ._... ~. - .... . .4 . '',, • . . 1 •-.. . , . );•::::,;.,..,....',.. i ......• - . • 4 •,,,,..... 1.... ~.ii 4.,,..,,,.:: : ::,...•;‘,-,..,:...., .; • ..... :•,,:;,-.,.,.,.••.-... , :::..,.....i,. •••:•-p; . . • ;: . '"4;*•' . • • •• , :".:14 , : , : ! , :; - . I::f: : ~ i . ' ! 0 /;:!' , :':•...J.7:: * :'•*?..:•.:: ••• 4-mi:•:!•••• : ;. .: : : i . .s. __. ple'e:•::!:•.:1;:-:f.i,;:. 1 st..:•:••e•:.,...., . .:1 . i! ,. . , .. .:' . 4 . •! .t r . .i' .1. 7 ' ' ' t4 . 44 . .µ.1r4::: • ,::44 .. .: . : .".. . ...: : - . 4 . . '. 01, 4 , ,4','+ ..'4 ' 4 . ,.4 g . : • P S 4 . 4 . . '0. : •41 t+.... ' ' -. ~ ..i:. : z . 4 . 1; . :' ; '...! 7 .:' .. • ..• .... .4 4 . 1 .r..ATi.44; ge'rel:4l.4-'?":: 1'4;4.... : . 1.4 .' , I' 1.,: . ':; . ;1. , ' . .:4,:j...it. ;.1 1 ,. ', I -. .*:'' •:.:1‘..7.' . '..f ::-!',?•:'4!"'! . t t'. ' ' . .,:f.;:,•• !.,...,- 4...;,..). , . .... .0 4 . 4 . 4 S' it; , 4 411 • 1 1 : 4 ':::..‘: ...4 .. “ .. : • S ' We......t' . *. ' ZM=l =MI . - v• • MMIMII Iffil IBMINIE ".0! 6 • • MEI ==M SZE r:~ `V~' .~.ti~.` MEM r . . o * . ;A:;1:::: •:::,:;;P•ii', ::.:,:: .:i• it 1V4 1 :...:5i i' .. :•: ::4. • . i :.:11.:.:; i 4 v:;ii,.. •:' . -:.7.4, : ,- ;;I:•.:40:42:0;t:3t5,, :; .$ -r--4. ~,7 • - i i;'!.'zi :;i: ::z:-;, . ~., ~. !1 . - •' ' ': 4.' :.1 * ::;..i*,.. :: : T:5....,:.,,:11r5-:;‘..?; •,, ,; ';;.,:. ,:,$:,.,ti`!!:,..::::` iCI-Y,!:,;:l.•:'::, '' '''' ;'':'," --s:;.7'-1,i;:.,!. : :••• -: '4 • ,:-„, MEM %WI • T,:• MISIESSI ISE MIN 9 r t , . ' Siritsburgh Maze*. "VEIiPIESDAi MORNING,' ` JUNE ` 3 - The Progress of Ike War. (4,—; An. iltdrAttoe movement on the part of 'Gen. Lit is still talked o; but what the - suiturcorthat Movenierit maybe is yet., eA,,fArna Anything bas publicly transpired, ,iinpmetrable mystery. The rebels Ostentatiously proclaim that his intention • .is .advance anon the. North, and inirade u ;. Maryland d Penney' cad TalkiL TUN we Mak, is the strohgest evidence that he in-. - • - tends to do nothing of - the kind.' Were f; Una hie' real Intention, he is too good a - soldier to blow a trumpet before him. -.Another queetiorrialiressing painfully .upon the mind of the country, and that is, 'Gem Hootsa sufficient force to - cope with-Lao should they peat in a general .angegentant? There are conflicting reports 'o74,elkittintel on' this feint. Some think ~ .that liege - detachments hove been sent to iki•West;iihila others contend that heavy ;#lnforteinvents hive been : gathered in from - -,tki - Cartillnat and elsewhere. It is impos ,.; iiibtii:titickertaln what if true. If it be truei as acme accounts allege, that the rebel army has recently been making a peat 'show of strength, then we may take G,for grantedthat detaehments have gone ;West,- where-the fortunes of war are press lig the Confederates moat sorely. Oar in pttealoriii that the great issues of tho filet are drawing westward; and it may be .1 that Vicksburg will yet be the Waterloo of • - this war.' Every day adds something to •-tho force in the rear of GZANT, and ren dens his situation more perilous. But • GLUM' ie in a better situation for receiving rednforoementa than Jonsaros; and unless he enoceeds in capturing the oily very soon, the battle there is likely to grow into one .._:,L9ttroatendouo magnitude. - • The absence of Gen. Buns front New Orleans, with the greater part of hie forces, leaves that important city not ae secure as Gould' be desired. The gunboats on the river are mainly relied upon to ktild it; and it is very certain that the :rattans' feria there have the power either i to l tiale 'Or ruin—to hold it, or burn it. Our forces thertihave not fortified it on the land side; and if, the rebel( should decide upon the destruction of the city, rather than that it should be held by the Yinkees, it is per ' holt in their power to effect it. Certain it is that the permanent loam of New Orleans and of the Mississippi* must be fatal to the Confederacy; for It would deprive It not only of half its territory, but expose it around all its borders, to the hos . tile power of the Union. Deprived of that river and of all that. is west of it, the rebel armies would be , obliged to fall back to the mountains, and be out off from their only - reliablesource of supply, the fertile regions • lying to the west of the mountains. This being so, we may rest assured that the ....rebel leaders-will put forth every effort to retrieve their losses in the Southwest. A later telegram brings us a report, through rebel sources, that Vicksburg has • been taken, and we are inclined to believe it, notwithstanding it rests upon poor an - thority. It traeinipossible that it could long bold out spinet the tremendous enginery of war that was bearingupon it, both from the land indthe water; and the defence made by its karrison--obstinate even to madness —can only be sootninted for on the ground of the hope they entertained of being re- y f ~ ~. flared bj .Tiontsror, from the rear. Another report, also through rebel chest. • nal; announces the capture of Fort Morgan - 6 ; one of tke old United 'States tolls at the eatranee of Mobile Bay, - which was dosed ' by the Baieisioniste before the breaking . o . stt of the war. This, if true, is a very im portant achievement, and is the Int step towards the reduction of that Important ' city. If we hate indald taken Vicksburg andliort Morgan, we may hope for an early and triumphant termination of the war. Secretary Seward and the Troops. On Friday last, the 19th li. Y. S. V. were anstend out of the service at Auburn. They were "addressed by Mr. Seward, who emanating a brief visit to his homa We quota a portion of his speech: • Civil war divides the community, even in -those plans where the government re genii its accustomed strength and authori ty, into two classes. One that has (*urge • adequate to the oriels, the other that has Ant. Yhosethat have the courage, In other verb tie thewirtne, adequate to the crisis rash tOlhe ; - In this large assemblage which has come _ oat to greet you, or to witness this solemn ceremony of your discharge from the public antes; both these classes are found. We Cannot distinguish, nor is it worth our whin to attempt to distinguish the one 7 - ,Firetim th e °Mir. By their actions hereafter r.• -they shell be known. Those who ars wise Aid virerons will be found urging you to retarnto the fled, and persevere until the battle is won, and will span no pains, go thenseives, if possible, to recruit the b ' Yank :t i t' thath who are honorablyot w ill met bas do. e found still Caviling abort the causes of the . , war, about the responsibilities of its tins ' voidable defee,ts, about the distribution of henors for the victories gloriously won. they will be found accumulating treasure with one hand AO storing it away from the tax gatherer_ with the other, that they mN enjoy it after ill's patriotism and hero 'ism of better men than thlnneelTlMl have BC. and the athuophlwhich will enable them • • -• toanjoy it in safely. . -To the young men, who I see around me -I have to say it is for you to choose to - ' 'Which of these two claim of the comma * airy you will attach yourselves., If you are repeod, to join the former the greet =give to these our brave neighbors from the tield„ are as honorable to yea al gratifying to them. If on the other bad, you think Mee Of 701:1! UM, more Of • yowr fortunes, more of your personal ex peek/Akin than you think of your country, • your salutations are a mookeryi and the rdild, of One war-worn veterans ought to • Mite you with confusion and shame. Kr, Seward closed these pungent remark Day sa ying that if he was within .the age • iad - tinenditlons of service he weed not have appeared on that ."occasion unless it - wet Wm up the Stela& lite use of those oar honored neighbors has now come to lay dein. I love the man:that will not suffer his name to be ,triton upon the mig ' .later of the Provost, Marshal, It is bad ....:Zejeigh to- be balloted - for Si a candidate far a civil 'offioe. An honest and loyal , However,Siday- must submit to that some . gliggi On the contrary, my neighbors and : Ogiteyween should sever have a chance to • We over miss a eonseripti so lons se 1140iglia4i lan* me at liberty to okflabOod 1 folloiroof 911th loin sad rostorodosi the stops of fie law of the ..... -,- ; ---, ..',::1 , :.r7.... --.. ' ;.,• •.. -,,,,,,---• • -. . ,. : - :' , .. -- ,,'••• , • , ,,... , ....pA... F.1•'•..%'-- - , '4!--,-:,•:.:P-' --4;!•1A:..- " Az• • : : ( . - g - a , •r ,,. 4 - -P-f;•77,4!" , Iez.•1-- •-• 'le,i '' '',f7?-. '" •:T;:-1-i ' - i':• ,.\ •;•4••;:4.'-'..1414I'.. - '; , 5••:•r• - •?,--,.' st,, • ' . .- 4 .4 , 1.•:' 3 '... , ••,-, , ,,. 4- .43-.: •.,...7r...;& z : 41 4 7 :M,.., 41 -, 14:--' - .1 . 1.›;•2:• ,,, , ,, , g-01 - 311-,7:'...4 , - - `Av-I•t,`•-V&CIA ''--ff-C''*=•'-'''"`' ,u4.... .W 4 vf.44viti11 , .. - •-, - ,*•,.7.-' •••;. , .'• , -",4 , 12'.' , ,- -, ', 1 ,•:•, , f-. -', `;? . .?•.1' - .1‘.-•-::':- - .' ' • Revolution. I saw that love and veners eon bacon* the universallentiment of titi! American people, no ;farthat he who had differed from theaior °Biased them or di aled the homage of was deemed . unworthy to be an American citizen. Snob love and veneration begin to cluster upon you to-day, and they will continue till they reaoh such a bight that when the humblest of you finds his last resting Anse, here or elsewhere, and complete authority of our glorlotut National Union, hie son will be deemed to have in his fa ther's fame an inheritance richer than the treasure that can be transmitted to his heirs by _the wealthiest among us. Our posterity will look out for heirs of the sol dier and cover them with the gratitude which the fatheielife4ime was too brief to exhaust LATZZLIGENCE from Utah up to the 10th of May has been received. The Grand Jury for the United 'Stites District Court adjourne without taking ,any action in the matter of Brigham Young's- smelt for polygamythe whole eubjeot was treated as matter r jest. . PUBLIC ...rorrcEs. -Tas DIRECTORS of the Birmisg• ham, East Ellmatagbasn and !Loth Pitt. burgh Oes Company nava this day &atm.! 1.11,1• &ad of 70011 `4) PEP MINT. on the appal Steck cut of lb. ea. plop of the lama alt months, payabla on and after the IMit lop., at the Comu.srelal Bank, N 0.12 /earth strata, Pittahrgh. By ardor of the Voard.4. D. ROBIESON. Tromuner. Illrealusbuo. June 1. MS 14:1111 Orr= or Wltirsur ItAISPOITATIOS e 0 , rittetnrah. alee Oth. lee& . O . NOT/CE .18 I.IEHEBY GIVEN to the Subectibare to the _Stook of th e West. ern Traueportatlon fled se sreismeei et PITY Doe.t.A ILA (ft 00) MI 819AltY hal been leal.d upon the stock stibierlbod. payable .t the ado. of the Iniseurth at" Plltiburh. an or before the 14th day of Jaw:, 1013, lad a illthanit tot oTely thirty dope thereafter, until otherwlee nettled by 0/44r of the Board. pinnies A. J. lefoTiOerlif.L. ser.rethre. tECUSTAXIIII CLIMM IND it P11111111:11104 RALUJIOAD Co., Clirrelend, Ma Mt*, 18t3. MEETING OF 1' E BTOITCHOLDEIIB 01 , this °ammo wCI to hell et Its °Moe In 01stelasd, oo W TON lot des of July tom. at 10 slelock a. m. co to take tato conelJerstfow the pragrte y c to the Gatttal Stook of the Ouropsoy to a =Matta to allow of the coot aril= of ICI Loads. The Moder Books will Wolcott! f 25th to.inly att2thlot Onion or Pre vvvvvvvvv Pittsburgh, May *kb, 1.1 fl DIRICU'IIAte, of ibis Of Lee this day declared a Dividend PAR OMIT. oat of tUip profits at the hat rlt applicable to the radiation ad stack chiles Mock not fully paid tip. and :payable to t paid up stock in nab on demand. N. IiriJUITLI. Pn L GIRTZIII3IIIOOfa fret.- ATTENTION, DIBOH.I BOLDIIIIIII I —Turneat to Gwen 11a 106. the Board Of Earallatait .111 tome 4 o'clock p. ta., at thelr Rootai, Pd.. Zell street, ihttebargh. whets Moots: zed 4.11 soldiers &Wittig to ext. the Invalid Bons, mat theauelers for exardeation by the Bag &. EISUB.O2i. Captm sad Provo., ifirebal Sid U. twCITIZENB' BANIL-A Meeting at the Swain:oder, el thie I will be keirt oa 1131.3DA1, hi. day of June =udder the prepri.ty of oreiantelag, he k tioelVe, ander the sot of the Jut Magna 8., ant:tied wen rid to worlds a Pena may.. I B AB.BILLIII9, Pia Yhtabureb. Nay std. ism 104470TICE.The 911b13011311013 of the Oooper nee Arms mot Cosopeay eill ocutinue open at. the liftlae 1100., Bank Stock PIM fleece, I titer notice. wr .ttio irgUTZOICIffi NOTICK—AII periwig are sot to bike. 11111+.1•11111 F. bound boy, oho rau sway from the imbue Bparfalek In about 10 pare old. was draper coat.guy Teat and pinta, sad Ilea bet. feet II Inches Wet, sad heavy build. Ne AI. R. AMISS Plum tg . JUDO let. Ina. hadit..a Mar ANTED IIiit&BDIATZLAY,—Good ir Yams, Camelia Capitate end Ifteirrami, far white the blabtat wages be three. and If drafted exemption will to obtained for all ettllfel worker= who remain now the work re completed. AYDIS ImmMLtel7. at the Mathew Yard or TOW. taciatiN, SaitTIZIPXY A cla on the alotongaheta Blew. sear the Who Driers,' I.4llColskr PUBLICATII.N. AM Lye' oaAntiquity of man. Alltease's Astronomy of tam Bible. Baldwin's Buttung in Booth Africa. Hlaslak., Crimean was. VOL 1— Backstt's scam and Oommonts on filakspoara. Odds. By Noma Tantptwoos. The Ism Day Phllosophas. By Um Ooontry Parson. .111 y noutborn PrlandS. By Birk. Ths Oantlamsn. By Oalmrt. • nasal of Ilafentfilo Dimond" fir MIL Tor sale by KAY ft 00., 66 Wood W. ritrrxtm - 11ALsrs.—Thi palatial:we al .a - hority coshrrect nywi tit by the flocritary of the Tommy. nobles le hereby given to theme It may concern. that there will • be regular melee at Petite Auction. of captured and atindened agton. in Ike Olt, Cl Bt. twain en the TERSE MONDAY. end In the 011 ot Chtirlanati en the THIRD NON. DAT of every south. insteedcl the at Veep phis, ea heobioWni adreetised' The Stet eaho wilt take piece at Cinclanati, on the Urn or JUNE JESS. bated Jane 1.1103. WI, P. !AL t.LIN, JOI:31 raperealng Special Agent, Treasury Dolt' I NEW GRUCKEiIICS. 60 Wadi. Oohs Bogart 00 do pekoe old erop N. 0. do; 100 bb:a. ;snow rained Sot 76 do crumbed, powd'd sad pus. to; 60 do • (MG* do; Just remind and for sale by LITTLZ TZ I / 1 1BLZ, k, 1,3 - 111 oodll4llsosrod &WM. 'IMEI6( UltUr tv, u. hiutatitles....-260 13 Ws. sod 60 halt bbbt. H. O. Moire.a on hand and Sor solo by LITTLZ • TRIM B tak la 3 111 ass 4 114 Olocord stmt. iaYltUro--Greere,Turner & Co.'e, is 4.. a lads ; Booth n dgsr, 800 Btvo, Goldin and Bong, la Wu; on horkon4 for Ws hi LITTLIC t TUMBLE, ltS awl 114 Snood meet R lu say Jo. VA luvr r 100 togs ehe't• Ble; 10 pock.to do Java; Jett received and for sale tiv trITLII it MINIMA 1 3 11 0 sad lie reeeed meet. leidti I Flitln I /Oki I 2: Vas. 1.2 sad 3 2 .3.22.21, Ia do, k kits; Beltlsoors masll34l2lald U2rlsrgi On hand and kw pd. by 1.3-L27,2 211121,11, 114 B. .trass. LALN DZBB. OLNi.II 8/DZS, 8. 0. DRIED sill, alba beat brands, arriving sad tot mak by LITtLIMTBISIBLE, 011- and li4 R..eged sifta, 270 LEAu t) arrive' end Jr rah t 7 AZNIIT H. not:taus. NOTIOI£-All persorui are hereby maned agsak Nadas a •broistizi • eig . tan Irrosibsoey •iota, mei by 4 O. Day, died • prO la WU, psysblo 'mho mane alto so% to as order of Ws. M. NAN. lisd Indorsed by WI!. Ilm• Day. tsr the eats of Pee. ss I lusts s just sod Lad Woos to tbs woo, abg WM rods: as ks 7. mot tborsoL AMA; 0. DLY. jd:ltt WOIL 11. Hi I In I Vlf snd slabs In C ARP I. Reap, Slat and Conan WARP, So dada, only. Cotton and entail:s4 tae Cotton WRAPPING TWINNA. Pansy Twines and limb Linea Mod Cords, Clothes Lints. Raab Cab, to do Clontap and Twin Wanhous. • R. A. HARTZT, • • Anlin 84 Malden Liao Now Tort. riNIZSTII XILTHAVI AU , WITLWL PAIS.—Ws DOS this method at lallonslog our (fluids sad the _pubUo genstally_tbat we we now purpand to =Tatar TIIIITEI WITS/017T PAM is the pracilm or Dentlstrs. Thum who bars Immo costpoulag this math droded irpfnitkra way now L 7 wild* Mgr lams sad Ors us • NZ as ths appa. rotas ws hovels ass has Wan thotoruto hated dare lag Os pad roar years, tally *Mob alu, uha sad pololoss tharactar ahs ousrotlea. go Drags or oasmbnis nor Gahm') Battery used. All those wishing ths outlaw of • gout sad mitosis Dsotlst will do well to sadl and . comas with • Jall . tB 8. ZINO. D. D. 8., No 94 Ylltb stria ;. or. Da. 0 KING. %lama No 47 galthlaild Plttsburah. erltdilikl. —4SU W Stefan from tha subiertheri L I G H T la Bow towaship, Allegbemy remits, Pa • LIGHT IRON. agAr !STALLION - 01m or eth 7• 1 1 , 014 N. hab• ruthsd ca the left eye, sod the bait of the woe rjabbad off by the kilter. When tab& away Ito had cm •I AM stddlo, witit blithdrilliag Garth He was labia on Tmed. Ittk inst. The said ap as ed himself THOMAS EXOWLIG. He was about doe Nat tin Nam high, sad had en a dark colored owe, oat at the elbows. • low brows hat, lad *Won paets • nilaturs ef std. brown sad whits. • WANT shirt, sada atm pair of shim; light courreskga, and rs 4 loath, ant aiouttaaba. Pb. mrard win t• Etna ter lakoma. tics Imam So the neovery of the home, swift tar Inadatkation of lha . ' . cr..rda Xsv Wier. as; Jr. QUILL rIAWBIII.C. „nut - Wok' avoillag law art IS air Prot *rad% almarri atria I arakelatay pea wawa Ands s• 1.1 • I. 001211111111110" 51 Natal it. X2lr 4Dirsurrliazanum4 //g / // z ; 41 1111// FIFTH ISTABILT, Pirreaquou, PA. - POUNDED IN IMO. • - - LIICOLPOZATID NT LIDLIGLAT/VICHLWITII, Sakti the only oaumnerntal College In the !Woo conducted by • PRACTICAL MIIRCHATIT. NEARLY 7,000 STUDENTS KIM been educated la the principle, and practice of all ths &dale of a temlnesa education from Dors system of KEROLNTILZ BOOK-SEEPING Awarded kw &tea Medal' and maekettate.d by the Oteetel Commltto■ of the American isatatute.and lb. Mambo' of 00 Mame% Nig Toth. Mao. Dore STRAMBOAT BOOK-KIEPIEG, A..palbcf. speed fie sash books sad amounts." AL% Dutra saw mama of t&ILBOAD BOOK-MEEPDIG, Attar the flume of the Pennsylvania &inroad. Also, Dull'he new system of PILITATZ BANK BOOK-KEZPIRQ, The only one In use to the city. The above systems of aooonnta exs all taught under the daily enpervieke of the author, and it la believed to • dogma of parka tion never atteined elsewhere TWELVE FIRST PREMIUMS For best Butner and Ornamental Penmanship, awarded oar present Penman. b the United Stater Fair at Cincinnati ...... Peruagivanla State Fair at Wp0z0ing......—..—...D101 Weetarn Penasylearda Pair at Pltteborgh..—..lB.lo. Wetter* Virginia Fair at Wheeling.— ....MOO. and the Ohl, State Fair at Oleveiend— 1889. All of erhkh are exhibited at oar ;Moe. FORTY DOLLARS Psya tore fall gradaating oonsela Et 60 for Eta. tionery and bawls ol One extra adze paper. ItiolnlllAti Harper's Rattan of Dettf's Book Pa plop ()Mars charge gg and $lO for blanks with aa old arstani of Bora.korptrg containing only 0.10 pet of Books. Margit'. enlarged edltlon • of DIITVIII BEEltiliG Orr sere by Booksellers. Price $1 $7. BOOK- CIAPTIVITL Price t 6 eta. OIL MaCILSLLAIPIS SPY !IX KOMTIM9 IS fIOUBIk. Prim 16 /sesta. TRI LADY LUMTZDANT, Price LS -amts. CHAILOIIII Trams. New N. Pries 110 cis. THE HOUSEHOLD THIASUD.I. touts/alas r^. oral hundred valuable !acolyte tor floating, maim Dila Co!mfay, Oleauleg, Oesioatteg. alga the War: ood malt approved =aux for the slue of dim mare of kiss, Worn and Children. Price SO ovate. Orr AND Oil. A Be. Ws. (110 Dim* Ncmrl.) Plicelo ter.ll. Lll the above, end ALI ether now and popular Balks, as be bad at JOHN P. iiinirrPS. HASONIO HALL, 111TH MEHL arms above Book' will be maned, poet -pale. as =MMI ORPHANS' COURT BALE OF A 11011311 AND LOT ON If ATIII 67211112. By virtu or•n osaa of the Orphan.' Oonrt of Ago. Omar County, Owe will be =pawl to thatho Beth en the prenthis, on Wayne street, to the 01ty of Plitabargh, en TIIZEIDAI, the 301 k day of Jana, MO, Lt 10 o'clock a. ,re the IgOpillif of John Dam, &owed, ell tint certain lot of ground alto. ate on ths ounerof Wayne west sad Jaelthon alley, In the 04 at Pittsburg a n d • tont at Ong Inch. co 611124 street, extending tuck Jackson cut 90 fat, being Ire No. in • plan of lath laid cut b, Bev. /Md. Ham, noorded to Deed Boot v01...39, pass 1113,and the suns which kid icoovsyed by Nov. /rands Nauru to add John Oats; awe, by deed dated Janos, fa, 1337, muraul Dead Book vol. 83, page U. on which le erected • two-story brlak ditstilog bowie. Terme then. JOHN °van, Xxecator. Dor further particulars ft:quire of 0. Dashroack, 19 9 Attorney for potitlester, 10.188 /oath stet. DI:O°SW BEDFORD &SIEGE Tide papules. manner neibe opened JUN* "commutated°. of Welton .o lb. tan GE NEXT and nth be kept epee entE let of October. Thefatal will be under dm clap of erpedenoed nmemiete. and run tureagemeet ha" been mad* to glee main eatlatection to news. Ike Bedroll. fiallreedend be comuldal ha a few deaf to Kona: Dear Station. eli and ate half =de" err- of IS•llbrd, end from that pilot pamenigen will No MEM conveyed to the !petty fn tlnt Nage herb and ° Ample arnorementa Lava-bean made to amply deems and lndivinual• with Beton! Maim in Manciard outs, at tb•following rates, at tlmitpring Nor hall barrel, (malborry) SO . barrel. (oak) 40 3 CO. " ball teazel, toakt Mt sal ono .......... 00. All ordets addretud to L. 4. AIiDEMISN. Sad. brd. promptly Altai, and water mot to any put of to, asaa , . ltb deatrabita that pattkruar thrto• thor thodd be 1114111 for marking barrels. Persons wattling mom, Of any taformatlen cancent. tog the Opting., will &ate addrum t 11 3 .11 PAO- PoltTltise Of ZEOFURO 8111 , 111011." m t0:6111. iv. R. Isowz....:—.ltows BROWN, MORROW & 00., = ROHM BIQA '4IIID 0119AMILIKTAL PaLTIVILBS, assamcs AND 911 4=1194 _ Eh. 91 THIED Braga's'. 'op115:1)sa Prridiiss. PL AA BPLBNDID FARM YOU NALB, eoststateg 11:0 sere& Wags its eras of the ally. mar lissadeld Straloit. an the Pittsburgh d SteabeseffleffeflosuL Leselleat surface for wan try elate, nadetledd er,th oosl vein Dm bet 11 , 14. Ms property, le offered at • Fest husks. brisket( J. E. MOBANOII, rf0.107 fourth steeet, n..r inattbdeld street. salklassrs 28,000 BEAVER FIRE BRICE roe sap at dm 11XCBL81011 COAL AND LINZ 'Aar, Kinn: litsaros; Ausguai Oirr. etk4t~~tttl DEVENIA STAMPS: -A l foll 111 - 1109. J.IO tout of Bo Stamps IA Wt. - anima at ti,* totem! brams Odle% No. water mod. 4U.. Whwi renmas purohastag ra , iitltk, 1141 . btnh DAVID • ' notwo- of th• 2U Dam**. INOWL la OMB FOR BALE—A- flnt4e AA saitua Bones. pated l 7ll , ll - will stand without bltohlog. and wit at Of dot Lxconotito. Also. BUGGY and UMW/IA . Apoly so UM *OOP armor. or at A. JAM; ILiNt Lyle! MALL roast Moot et 21khot • - ' jaBINGLEB AND i 3 &REELS. Iv 10: 1 ,000 Ho. 1 VDUS Mier; ' lOC sow flour Sartsl4 [Col • a.. warm do; Would mit pr Ural, 00 .000 1.. t urns oak swami. OR Wad sod lor Ws by 14 RIDDL/I. opU No. US Liberty **not I•Ar madame fa .04. tosmod sod Walnut Par= as Illukot bbrOot. - . • Jaa. a. somas% - <. — andi I VI - IVRIVVII —_ aJ;tai' /7/41mNM WNW *IirMRMI ANAtis - - rs} - • ALmn., ...„ 1 .; PRI , X. lion t • A St LOUIS, MO. Luz A -`l% 100 Hawing' actieptad the Air the ask of tha BTKPI., A OLa I', Woad near Ft. Louis, /do.. / fa* i t wits Moan= leo of Clam sod Med lisonfactorrre to tho atirlys 0 Alvin abase sa reported by Prof: A. A. /fay,. Boston, and .T. O. Booth, of Philadel phia, which, ether with the teat of actual expert enos by ,ss 'deciliters In Pfttabargh. Obreinnett sad at. Lord . datertateat It to be the purist and most valcabi Clay maw known, whotherynrelge or fLooffeta GU miee from ft have stool to the ekes Yarns tram ISM top months . The Abair& le of - the Clay es talon from the mine, witboat coy washing or po eparation 'hat. seer. it pommels' great adhesiveness sad p satkitY sooltlre, which are not strewn by the linsl4oB. sad whisk admit of the oda:Leßow Or a large proportloo of shell or/mined clay. I am now prepared „to All ordirs for , be above Obey, to be stopped from 8t Look or &brawl heee. PITTIIIIAL PA 511 .00 101.1UX uthdUN, LEAD PIPE, SHEET AlliD BAR LEAD, Pig Lead, Patent Shot, NINTH BTRIIIIr, Bann= /Lan aaa Etramoxi. pfit a vgiay LATEST FROM TEE IMT OF THE POTOMAC, no of tL. NEW YOWL DAILY j PARKIN. nu thous to oil ports of the city =I ZW TORE DAILIES espired every more. ulty imago West iiimrs from the Am; eve your Minor with tha Aigeat, L the NEW TOSE, PHILADLPHIA AND INATI DAILY PADDED an be found an PT GOODS I does of 'ha %firm an hanky notlfael that 4ELLAND, No, 55 Fifth Street, reaped feitot tM &al • lug. sad waded ma of Aritzr, DU/Dm AND OHILDI/111N% own. Shoes, Gaiters and Balmoral& Al MAWS AND BOW Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Balmoral. AU &shins hew elyies mad sheep goals, should call and seamine bass basin& elves AIitUVAL ON LADISS% MUM it mummy' GAITERS, BALMORALS is BOOTS, Y LI BOXLAND'2, We. U6rk et &teed. Conststiog of oast! sfses—Gattars Nos. 2, SX sad S. IfYrs' Comm Shinano sad Clabizon' Y s LosWm Bd. , meas. Alas, Km% Bed outh's Boob Gadlets sad Bslmosa's. ys. sa illrOcountry Ilarabaato rllll do well to call sad cram's. a, stock War* parchasbi almoners. tartan NIL doplkated: Immeaber, as .1. E. BoILAND'a, 68 Market street, . Puna NAMIL/11. GMLUAII Omas. ' lirseloseion, D. 0 . May al. ISM f ALL MEN W II O.DEBIRE TO JOIN any putkaltr Itegbant of thoratry now la the held. an ber.by astboond to prom neonates it of any tismi dung the neat ildny days to the Baud Dateament to their nopecttea Dbdri The Been gap asamtne aid deteradne ap em an Mar Atom hr the isreln. aid Dined to be dl, the Pre. net Marshal of the Distrka shall ilea thaaktrans. period= Delete to lbs Lucent readeovoin, at the liestlguartas of the A. A. Provost Mucha Goaaral Otte Biala. As woo in they prompt thensence at Oda morel teathstont they shall be duly =Wind v m . x . = er t ra Oaket, paid by , JAME' D. MT. lin:Rost Manhal Genend. ALLICit'S HAIN ttltisllMEN PLANTATION BITTXII, 111,0001 OP TOUTR, LINDBET% BLOOD sueonsa, LIQUID BTOVI rouna, BUBBEOL% 11D1011124, CULITLII POWDZIL II UM W= A RILKBO ODA PLD%aw, /LEHOIBIB, zumobre MOUE OINTIBIAE L EINSIAL wATEas. eu I [ll4l, 1111LL'S P I.OIAOII, - 10 BUBAISTT RA % PREFAB/L . 2'018, An lila by BMW JOREMON, oornar Baltillald nna loseti straits. NuRY-WORAS, , EIRSARISOJEBBIi, TOUIDOSI3. 'LAGS, ONION LANTERN% crAENEN, Aa Its, J. W. HADJWILD lasing alma as Ms only Depot la Wallas lamb tin W calsamtal IMES pintrum 111111 W OWLS, We ate to sear them on Um most Imorabk Was. fos mob, boss GILD aaoP GaAs:masa as 4 TORPSDODS, at the bind market rat*. Ordars solioUsd sad promptts attraded to. ota.sstraaza t NUM Impala' of Toss sad Faso, Qom* - se i liassataasioaste of WUltasa atm', Haw Tom. 200-LBB WHOLE PEPPER; 35 bop 1110 sad Jan, 000310 15 boßokooto Onso and kaiak Tau 12 3022. 3.0. 324111 90 bbl.. croobot. totals mad paled flagon; 20 122.. Joao llos2o 10 bbla. half Ma. No& 1, IT& 3 ltocloorol4 Z 0 do do; Mato, 1flali; 35 gran Natehosr box proporod 0o12.o; o..bos k osuussaaa low - SO 23 3024 X. O. lIolosool; . 20 do goldoa Elm; 10 Latosdorlloniag; Jul TocotTod sod tar Ws( by /.1 raIIDIAT•TUMID, i t UT Liberty atteet. Al.BO tows now la digs • AsoOloorDoest ct -I gar B niNNOSl DALOLNIRND ZOOM " • « BALNOIAL9. • 01101 DA. " noon noon. Wal all mood (MINIMS AND to Lidl ihmoikod Lidldroo, insalArAluol to oaracrdor sad loolltlAtod good. / • ; MAX Almon. BOA a 00.. JAB. LINO Kin . No. Tl. earnai Wood uld fourth sta. .EIRB AND * BAft.—Ds taxa pays pertiosur attontloit to tlio trootztent" of tHRONIO tn. Grand 1111/ki opyr• atom 011 CATARACT, WANT arm * /or AMU.. cIAR.POPIG. hunts ASTITICIA4 RITA sod suatama iiirawasATOST ITSRI Woo EURO mama Jai duiria salaam lb* hay add eilPOßao. All 3 PIO STAIRT. ti export tpitits or Oil; rairolonoo m m ottus or on . 11111 11/1102VnadirKONTlibr ZIRII1011; ealer .67 Woks sada, tad, Sado law,priatid sad wx. Joairrair a at, or twl onavalliblas Dwaniglowk, 1 ,,• ;qtalotabikitials4l. 'OO.. 4W - 2 ""is strati ALEX GORDO/i, No. 1218(0)ND 6.111111, I=l Block Tin. AHD ==! sir KUP PO D. JOHN W. PITTOOX, OPPOGITZ Till P. 0 reembd door *OR ItUM. aiw Gun* aro uiai„ SW MUD MMUS an arm ' • saw sus AZD rum, NNW PABASORAILDIUM amas s , saw aux tnass!gais 4 To whkii twits the salaam oi th. paoi; DIACIIII7/11 Ji • n smuts? atom Ilbora WI Um tHelsooll. eT Wood 'trod. AT WISER'S, 59 111ARKT STREET, SANUES, CIRCULARS, MANTLES &C. In variety sad at prima that day ocuipatlttaa, AT BARKER'S, 811-VT 1.1 ST‘ en Iskieszus stook Scr r =gni sad rail—tbs most dowdralds goods era Gazed. AT BARRE"' BLACK SILKS. The celebrated DIAMOND L119T211. - taII batted, for BACQOIIB, 0111COLLI4 D 3 8. te., le ell width% We bell the bared grade at tt b 3 wholeeala price. Mae, Bieck !limed Doable nee at II; and • large stock o f PLAIBdPAYQT ULU, law.. SPEOLLt. NOTICE • • • •1271.41.1 1 1 r woos I. R 'if '6 s S I oialrollbAT," - June Ist, we wilt nen a am sod choke stook of HATS, BONN/fn. BODO= sad FLOW2kB, to which we , butte the attention of Stlithtess and other JOSEPH HORNE Bt, Co.) 714 79 ]I4.I3BBTSTRZET. • • A tory large stook, sad so ;viol be ustoolcs. I K ip °W."2— ATB DR 88 cfocipmsi sn.Lal iC an Whigs Mgr taatas is tlis• .d &Nam, aa nobly la seelly abacataalloltad, altriplitat.about vs lam am addled, sad bajnad all palm the dospot. AT Blue's, HOOP SHIRTS, Of ell klark--fax LADINA KM= AND OHIL. DBlN—maryclume. AT BARKER'S, SUN UMBRELLAS, AT BARKER'S, PRINTS. SU tea wrest Arlo and ass cdori, At 16 pinta AT BARKER'S, SMEETIIII6I MUSLIMS, At 14 90 aad 25 oath teat eats% be beat at 10 ante Da yard ma► AT BARKER'S, goney Comb Quilts Smoral ■ar of the se at Ira ma this an erdtaary Stoettog AT -BARIUM'S, lIVIZYTHING OHBA? •OI BoyV and .Wen's Ireaw, Housekeeping, ifc. N. B.—ONLy Ora hum BEST AND MOST DIIRAIRM. 0330/uil & OKISIZAWB DOUBLY SIOUX= WOVEN- SKIRT! INIROTIIID mum =SBA GOB" 1:12111 OM ;guns, STERA 00111iLO810T10X11.1 PUIIUM 430101, 01 BILYDAL mum OBEIOLIBB DIULPHYIL Whew Bitirts arum& of the but ISOLIBE OAST sum nu Ina Weft fo.s Gasise NMI awoodos, two to winnow to lotto otoonol with WM4 u. witabil ebb silioned drys Pot Edo wbolontio sod Dia. by macaw' & GLYDE, Ito. n Zarkst diet, ; - mg... Youth itrost awl Dlowswy NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS I " L M. BURCHFIELD Hu jar ramp arab bra Nal LW was. aria sad Madame roartarat of 17IROMSE3 GC)ODE3I - tAROT ULU; NNW NEW KOZIANNQUe; NZW *Err rum= BILILLIANNa I NNW /MOM LAWNS; oniunzias i ,insir AID BANDBOX/I OININADJNI ZONIS; NZW LAVA WOOL SHAWLS; 14,01 BLANZLLLda A Wald/ At N. Z. oor. 4th and Market !Unite. DIAL;/„ EATON, DIACRUR ds CO., Na. 17 XD 19 Rim gni" Alt•t•essad lk;Gabr.ol.of T us=il aL HOOP muntountiums; GREW min^ mason, some; ooLLABA rum, eoeam. aLovis, wan; taus; Lad a tall nsortoat at WASTO ararlionoite - The law plow at widele oar stook was otwalimod soabies as be eltermat tadatomala to awl 000/ITIIT KITIMAITTO, ,iTILLEMS eteg aaa bop be ion eget& aorwooloi NNW DRESS TRIMMIV43B, 1111 W 1111:1110/D1411,'. saw smog soe , NoF OP=ING, EATON'S TRIMMING 8 , i is RE.. Tor, 4:Wm coins . 8188 ON.I, 4 !for BOBNITT, EAT AND - DRAW TBINKIBEIL GERM% DINII TAILS; tirraiai 4iLones ; _DLittia Laos lints; - =zzainin BANDICII(nMINS; A - idol/mar dastniblOgooda la we .11i• WROLZSAIX AND- ENTAIL DMUS ===l *ATOM, MEMO* SOD Atizthbulaika rowan). TAIIIIITA scar GLOVES, • To r sty es an ootortooLofsio. at -nduced lobo, id= watts. omit co. LADIES' WHITE AND COLORED °OTTO/ 11,011.11‘,. • 411E11 UM& HOU, all klndr, 4/141XDB1IPIS 510114 At law mina. BLUE. DRIES GOODS, BLACK BRAWL% BUOY 0141111 VIM& A fine stook • of 110171NING GOODS, for rile by WHIT; OBR * 00. C~.OTHN~ PABBI3IIIIIIB, sad A good isooc riot. WIAR ea ANAL WHIT'. OBS a 00 Q UI U 5/=M:21618, mat . atedliat mooth of Howe Mundell's Goods be Ma. br WEitilk 0100100. DE.WI3 GQODS, Eahma AND aceaviadß, A good amorgoloat lit Itrit pi Sow. Werra. osa s oo DRY GOODiI, - srauxucan =n He , camas, aid At reduced pier. WHIIII. OEII • 00. Now Clecicociss, BATES', Noa'2l FIFZET. STREET Letll POINTEI—A hill supply st ill prices. - SILK. MAININIS AID 11111.191LES—Ths unrest stris onittialti on bead. opium amntris a TN" dun. all/LDUIIIIII strai. Innucce 114110QUZB- . , 71/nia to orileitroas the land patterns. imri3ist madams the GOODS, at BATIB', 21 lrifth BARGAIRS Di DRY GOODS, LAZE, lIMBOY 00. , a lid IITAILSI maxim Ai Pd door luta Wort Os sirs lirms.) Wort Os lawhid sad thldasdlisd . lisigtok; Dist sad Lied Mond Mai r Irsadtaid ;MUNK hes& lies .Wool de Wins sad ZahnAbeam Windt imd _en Warp llVlN nt gas sold usssiosd sad Ward eaddmoilouoirobj Wass dosistbsi Poen, Clotasses ; NUM sirilmassaksh Is TYR. he. oldiassis • VIA PU • Sas elm Vises, TOR ! Hot ,CLILLNI2I4. .- . . radii mil lad thi, es tictibmst saki* to woad tho hoods to Um& homesick, dodo. water toe bow fog say sissims thew lot isle by .(I.IIACEStra& TB Mutes nerd, mandrils. OritalL GANA& T. BHI=l KID_ GLOVES. Tar MI cats par qtr. - X . /AXICCIN't num.. 1116 .-TlZldiststreskass. Ira& « itA rill nul7Mi A LLIV)3.O.DURE TO =LIST IN JP& aiii . vatic:War Statinfet of Oatalu istra nr. int A Int bud* settastod to present mil' dubs Us* tinktbilly diM the lou of adamant ta tho 11111 BMA* rm.,f) d law s ib e Hood (rgl mates Matt aaelkanti and ' spa thate dam' ix terms ; and to =oh at ana band dt. analetl44oll Inn le fOrlittiOd tO a. joist Eimiquidammasto tbq banuatatid and esaahv tie antler wen% sad. Aims be fat inadad lOU railatana !_they nay Went. Clatiata odd Proms tat IDAISMIANS Mat Tws "tua VUUN. - .l3llr"—This.soidantosi I. - pilaw to Obi otftrits falatial Pin or La. had ir Au.* by 11 0 111111 rOdosiltrim belong thirmaarbotb Ovum NO sr UM elm orObs Took Or larier Ors ikicarrork OrlogidowilbratmuciOesta 'll=tMlß Mallinitil ii•Vir. any tiosoldaiisi Xaolorsokay Or Os Tb• odOormOrgr Orkoliffirpool" anak ersz u m i Ath ul arookle OrOlOg, adeali kokriiiro - • iyiesioa - - *ma. attolusk. ife"o l3 /1 1 8 & BA4Bi - • / 11/11111i lasiliseuriwur degas la all Mum Jeo ill WOO Au* s 4, Lesparft44 as Ilue4 a lap aid" af Pim aid haddis inew molds 11300.&RDMER, 4 HEMMENGI AXEIt/CAN ••• GRECIAN ARENA, "Lrammi APPOINT= AND ItOtr/PMN win wisbith, PIT 11" Zirm,C3-33. RED LION Lor, at Boa 2ebmit i o oik ■onday, tuiday lad . irdinda t hie 161 k 16{k aid . l7ll 1861 Preenftwlbe taw embed anomie% et ROOM wed l'On3o aad tbe rAzeiar 731.0t1111 OW SALM= MATO EN AX I OIIOI6 Cle whale ander the tour ditictioa of Ow Peeplee Own Clown, DAN G NEL • . ST Tim Wald material:mat arili be ens Olt MONDAY WI WV edimaa—Daan aaaa at ci TM o'lek ; mid a s ....__ AT co WIDUIDA 7 . this* yill to tuo grand ,—.lpuiioaa aad male & DOOM opts as 11 aad TX:eakek satar. Wawa to amaanee at s and i o'aloak. ME=MI 111rAdealidcw, 25 an rally cespets4.) 50 Pada:Log mad seats tar • .• 11111 For lid of moo small tat • • picks -Tlio Grand Procne— masatogi at • o'clock 64 ,: 1 aiyaCcia 6;;F•PITTBBORG Limn AID Puma at Amnar622—PrtratiV 00; lb. maaes Plitata Box 11 00; • fad Due maul,outs Ausity 26 oats (kdorall Gann 15 oats; 1229r0l Bane. 60 esall I • MP' Third n_lah£ of the re-insigiearitt of Mr. ral Xn. CONWAY, th• grist Casio - saki.% *b. will appear la Dr Wilde:tr. new' senastioa TS/111 (lfildurdrer) EVZIUNCI. Wlll bo prorated,: Rosalie, the 4i3Osiled. aonisl•rKr. 001111F114 ' ILE% 0011 WAY. Mr. 011 ma lllllllLT . =7 oanprzinmi, inzi. ABLlNalt e . Tin montery awl spoontairaticidithlt pins hare bun propunt with at an. nprahos CARPETS. • THEIIZAD GLOMS, liar open, a most eomphiL sad vaned iisortmia of mama AIED ginisitaikaamicts, small advazass abovil the asst, FOB DANE. OBR t 00 • bile stook. Loggia Nikes UM l t..dnoor. ntstiy of which its minas at MR inks BUIS. PACTURILar P 11147113. Maim Mod. =BA -KATT1111;14 lu v stew itd qualttbhat *kW pillow. OLIYU tommmor* 00., I - Jim am= 1.7 , i01011:(ell Er=l CAR'I'Ef. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. TOWZILINQS, W. ■a soiliag the leateee of we eptiegatook of New sad Desirable- At. very eeeeideiswe 'Quote= la pdoe. McFarland, dolling - EL Co., 71 AND 73 FIFTH STBZET, taiatelum 6, BELT DOOR TqI3LII ARM 0117101. pKNISIONCh. BURNT; PAY. • 6. CC MICK/LitLZ. ' _ . . . iitorwireaLin asks . Yel . . Mo. 111 'irrra mum s % Plitibeig. • oomaticm. ._dlieciesdritem_i_ . Prodentes 110Llikili`wa... , el deepliem diaI_BMITM doe di dirdened pzo tor Of ken end rrgs eell MUMS he Widow. M. Oflibes Gliideee. t Dna= eel Maw se. dire bid moo minedde et dd. who ban irthesseefeie brie 'fit deibmpy diediedieeigi eft Norm aerie mall affiwitajzfl hair la le smend wake • show I. • - *as. . . ISAAC QUA . • emir kliala, OM. . : Zags 410117ixa Mos • D Iseptant EMmesomat nook ECIIOnurp.AT 746 WENDOW • Mel% Bl VatnikiZaWk PA. asa 1.111(16, - 8• wlll an codooi b 8: Yoe 113601 iota IliTaam oak • gnis, Nauss Lcomo - azoomog PoP• Lw i l Le n potom ammo to ocoodosta ea ifiaNIEF sis Sat , arr R.s MAMA dun,— - • • ihastator! M rnity • 1r TT IsT WO. GO mernunarm amt. Fans rnsim, Pi. • Mal 111111011iftiti 01 rinse ascii mama WUBW) PUNX/PUILiI combo.* ow IsoW. um Ida mg II On local pips Our QUM scoff =mai ITIA.TR4 EIRVIUM, (nusamoss lo Ts* aka Paaart aaz MOMS% eaS AID WRAY irmas, saw ia ii mayo. sat za. at Mena atessik v i m ea bald sad *II hind* LLD LS LLD. QM biIOWAR __B MAZES . .T1E13114 LAT sat- ALX • • DIUULIO BAN. 4 OlLLZDjuisik BIAOLETSoIko. Mirk varnak4 aft MOP rialiALLßlre.4ifirm t I tho cchtes_of jlthot h fito B h BBB. WBBBi nothtay MY. kisa Moil Ind to a—. tootoght, huh; Sus, ONO mnsi is Awn' lamas Pad PuillslvOkihs /NS Ihmaii ii ah 4140 1 1 of— SA% On Illses schist hot ta• us• d=r tl ud nom% to mins /mop oat kr he- _oiseht at all Mae. wit wool og Us gottout i on BATUJIDAY. ii o h th. 2881, at 8 dolt& p. to. .W. nottIINDS /A f '4. muse as Mien • ''=Maw 3.IOHAIID IRO • MUBH-Of ail loads, • ' io•Thin oil brio. 666.iiiihoo • lab libito adz sod llostod, 16 . 66 k, WM; .60 bop Woo Oodbos • • 300bdoo. N. O. Maroc ' 60 do boon oob: • • 1666d6 8 SO bCI3I/ NUN Ch 1•41 , 14 - Nos solo by IIDW'I6 .naadoogapi. 8OLDI111113: BON 1) . /i w4Nups L ItoTIGIUM BAXZji WNIONEI AND 0422 1 8 POWEIALL M Is liellatuillorWerra ac el ..1, iAll7A_ 11111111141 i - D mp : CMS tams t ,sll ash id areas Nov , "m" rielsi, Abeithe isafamo_ , _Wbislat Ishotainisibnan zurritrut _ __ - ',-, asil oft* as Males ASP.. - 1.1, lataba jj2 BTE INs fig rialwiedi ald *Mk bp MI lest the. 14 atmnob ffiliassas , • poly to I. ausamurr 4 - aospoi valet lg. ~`di (bums. Gentlausartuires 44. tody. "aid lakanatioa Idll be Aud• oa mr,MA7 !104544.1& 2.EdATM'. Wm. asizosmos. fhaiumetaii. B AI IJ S INGRAI-N4ll. iIIATTIIII4, Goods ~~~t~r?~~e%~~ May SOU Of