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' • • :1111; ...; iliaiiiiiiio/, Nu 11 ig iL intAglit)iicilsonum, it Gots, omi, to., No. is, stmt. littebon , istirliklv Lia 1114443 i f /PUIL Aln ) "ellanielrobsea ianr:Ocncuscula Ifiscuarz fix Ur yds cd GRAIN; BUMS, CRIZeI, PRODUOI, ( litatta - nr 4- =Tr, alonto~a Q 6 781 sngt h 6 4 l. • WSW cumczintr... wow& it *l VII , I4NILART, nous eek TithoitiPlostres AND Ocaccamos Pak, Br; Nt ai l d rr iff ttr * PRA 1 1:*6s, Wm: a.f; imur ina serwa irnotj4 Max qtais ali. l qtr!' sl alittLiberty n•, Pfltnner¢h. A pipi,,px.,CIAAIS i'',l. - . 11(.41), , , wimp , 'sr' n 701441) yosirssarsa Ms/omit and whole. 0 1 .0 i'• Ali , • An • WISTHiIIi ; 1113NAltV OBIZEID," ..21 - 4.dWHN,;I4/11:10N 3/10011. MN. , r ,, ..,. )auxsa, HaAIN LIN. , 1,43.0 PILO,' DRUID 'MINT and " - Ptesio rierally. Noe. 141 ..l 143 Trcnt 'trent, CII2IIX & SILKPARD_i Otoonniovr Mite: AL., Gnaws and &ohm FLOUlai OILUN AN.D PROM% N0;'2,13 liberty street; Pitniburgn, Mob* brands of. Ittoof Int Balms sad Iroly ote sonotontly on hardL. JPartictdor attention paid to alline gram for Morennodionsonornll7. orfl:dly —••••••••rr,... _ . , .... „ I . • - .eIT, Coinguaar known. for tb. sae of mos, 'Ollll.lll, 1610014, Wi/11), BUTTS.% TO" sad Waimea Prate* gesungly, No. 10 lOLITHTINLD SIEMSZT corner of PIM, lquatralgti, , • • VatAlUfat LOG,. Colalmos ulissiscura sad Itholosal• &gent a (MOO& 11 YLOI3I, GRAM PRADIMS, Liberty ustounn.r.. •_ .1411d/li •VALMAIJ & EON, fdannuo• th USD OM ion ConlinAlon Um ,innornatzotbil woUno - and ego of MUDS AND 11.1111111XDRITAOLIOM tionAa inn 40 V, star Si., Pltintarrenoon nada on consinimnnts. V 11.1.111)1,14 sucactioorthho., ra' 10r Welk Pitts. WO. Or,' 931.04710111 AND .1121/ALIISSIAIIAIVL, •omsignisent. rap.c.trairs «Akita. festonir - • • 1 a - ' .. ' .._. :, ~.' :, 44 YA • . w. .. .., • .''...;. I . ..i. ' ~. '.; . .4:: ...h IBIZEIN ~ri ii. i %. •-. , ~., ;at— t . .. ,c4illialsor aliawalt. - ... 15,-,113,,,E,.. '..t . . Um,' ,::,'" 10,1::,; y ; , ..4.4•.•:.: • %a taiz.f" , , .:;- - 7 , i,....1 ..-- --• 'XI 1: :t. ~,, t,... .-.. f. . - 7c. , IMN=MI UMILNITIII2O7. ' AMALtatIeaTISCEL. •( BROTEiBic iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii wzoLz. tatallt;•1: niiity3:plberty street, • 21.111101.010 k- ' -" • )mplfkly roriegusnius, -suc---Aranrtor,rYk~ - c_i :,,Srpc4a *inner. / COFFIN, illcae4sozi ,W larsdlaribisans Oa. WPIOLISALEGRO. wasrucd,Wood Lad Water streets. Pittsburgh. Us. VAN PsoStracasa. ounarion Msacizarr dealer in PLOW:01IIT , .mossooms, srsus,Law, cusisiatons,. ,slassiss rsurre sad 'P reduce gen. weft. Liberal tea adrenals made oa catadgiusants. -Waebotost Me. IS booed street, Pittsburgh._ wispa. veva. • T IL - VOIGT CO., ancoessor to L. G. JJ• axe PBODUCK AND conansubs BLEB =broom imam West, rtumbarsh. Pe. ans 'TOHN I.HOUSE & CO., Wnotsaam u cupolas axe :amain= meamusrs: corner cd sad V • tax %arm% PittibuTith. re. 01 101Xintfavir o ii:08 Musa Gomm az, 00xximoom UIT Wood Mud, Pittatnusb, JW.11.11.0 Wacpussis is`ss JIND:UUAKISSIOni 11/110Harr, eon,* if the Diamond, Ito. IS, Pittatiorgh. talltlyas M;A , OA% 00013.1tAN, ArrOSINBY Asp • -,lmaimmizmni:LT 001ce, 49 Grant Ilits*-PlitOoglAk, Pa. All Laminas entroatod Ao "AdialOilltlrtoodro prompt stteatJon. 00116Atrotm —llllll5llll-"611114"-aoiLLA OL LOPLIO,LM o t tIoo . oAd Yr money renal tad promptly'. , 84.1 y .1 e• AILACIARTOWiIar U Law. Orrick second story_iluctes LAW Br o. 4 .1 2 %%146 d i4 M 4 =t . ea n i;C:'n 4 ,.3l . si aid ocileo tam of claim, bounties, ix, ' fn Wtobington, Maid. KOcinabis. . • • • , . 11.1.1Kaur -MOM XXLMI ITISKPATB MIEL ICK & LO N, Arroz .723 s. scsom. aii........a------cuu 0. Imams. Q &' & Q.: BOHOYBR, Arsoloripri AT J. LAS. 011061 132 Scmrth street, PlitsbarGh. 'al '' , UI.I I link tifiGtirtiii : IMMO woozwoz--.....--.—... ......was i. ICALLICS. ~.WLIOI. DINDE &WALLACE ..}.„ • •,.. .•-• . ;.• ..-- t... .... , . • I WILOLISALS-DBMIGIBTO, j , • I ' l Aid _ deibode to W111.T3 L.T.iii,IIID LEADSLI.TH. .-01LS,-- a Altbrisas.9, DY I ieWin.Vall wDO GLASS AND AnnU•lo,lB ' Min Ir,imas maims AND wauirm OIL: as. Jo* No; W Wood Wait. kltUboro.h. oFtge. rani JU STUN, Lasts rirtrtnur' ',DIMS AND carcxx&us, pssiriffurar, A. 7401 1100M_BUBELINGZLIRD, OIL% TA.M. - • , Wit YRDI.., az:, 60., Or stdotly rao val. ;7. 1 1 4 aldwillzgrtuadfara at tcrairm= P. ar ,Eladtti "Wascorldo!itoodo,„. pomaded a au tioara. _ . . .. -..„ W,101.11. .I.l2 l Wiiii• Lozano:own atamiboture: of. learn wasp prnuitasomiler oc woc4 moat - . I litiLmer.Lre DALLAS MUGS pAuirni, M 3 138 ix imams. lie. ilbe Liberty Arad, Pitiabbryb.— or t it ,m-tereres prom& = Exit= m 624 Darman, Al 140 Wood Wog, corner of Wood Wei sad 'ftrita massy, Pittsbasich. Pa. OD fICE. Junsa. NDSLY it TELFORD,- ltilviLiuuts Ajax* listuz OBOOVIS. TWOH. AND PAO ' LOOS MILLI', AU Libezq §:not, Pitt.bargh. WAKIMUU • ',Tv-immune, rannedl7locomusfogkia Mr.. • Aims am dram In-DIII3CO -11IITTNB, LASE 111111 ant Produch. O. ILWoodatrobt, Plitobortk. 1°72 /WA L. CALDWRLI.i i - (suocesior to JIIMIN•beIe 004 PO= 1%1=12 Sad dealer a IPIOVIIIIONB, sonar of Karat suer rost sta., 1•6 P'; MIL 00 Wsox.iuss lipf•noui4H - and denim in TLOIIR, and 11 J. TOWNSEND, (enooasaor to Jack -v. itur.sca a Tormeed,) Pons PActsa AND plain 1r20116/011 1 1, 114612 Fourth 'it" LibiMil suit4.orcie .astz.irr- -'GOIDENIER. COFFIN, Aanii Nos 43ci. Bizajigg L. •• omaros, #Oll , onsior Woad sad -:.7l"gr--r"27 Eri rtom Asni .,ti;3ll64llrllei'49"l4 mai liattliftuTl . 11( swiriow c anixi_ 0 WI I; Water MO* 82 . 14 1 -0 1181111 " .1 WI. 011101111.114 sz*All f. z., '-L Summar 311fth dart. 1 - I' 7vislct, Jo. rumor= ----------TitIIIIZI' MuLta tw limo- MID Aral,- ser:Asivit ~,,.„,„1 . ' 'lnsairsilt. /btal-4111211:31,1430:55k111LODII. • '- • gag, 0.0 mlasfiiliPxmill dagisbare Woo 4 Miligge rl6,2olF7twri !.0..k,h0.0 Ides Zyr 4;:ll3aLiSa IX AAA Salo ago Idaaßliavlanationns, and sole ausaiste aelletastial .ILos, tie wave,itsbargb. /9" 0112 , 1 H. DEBILOIDIgaiiIIe Wax, Os Woad stre•4 . Mums mom se , it . lDiseaaon 'Um iltudirgh. ~_~--~~ X•P ; 11A1141:1 Al 4 TN . !USW Tkems, Ma, No. ST Wood strait MEI '` .7l lllr 1:; .v 1 : wow, +el • :11212411TR1117X gibOrs ' : AND , SHOES. z.z.F.tott *sr +-0,4 PBELLlLuttrAormoi or lama :viol disatipili". MM.= lir umpre JLECIZZA:'IU. 67i uTO fi kr. 10 . A FALSEHOOD IJLIPOSED. . , lor arse ° b t poet an advertisemen has In the ppm are Mating &bat live Gold= bad been evened ..the Bowe lietng brachia," at toe la w. Wow leg Milt Is' LI • • .eAW , 'wad Ibr the best on eibltdron lac all parpOssly and the others ix en. = 11 " 1 = 1" asildigr'sluest wan At the Quit stetemaat was wholly devoid of truth sakagraa kapoottisat sa the public. we aortare no- , tieing - it UM such Ilse am ire anddS dacha, teal d .thomtargett t ie ; adapt tei at so that no and con. troth:don. Thei gtn 4=V te a iblitY -antbarib7 PI the tbantbdroula the .Mtgalt le itetr peoesdeat ant- shows bay stint, Ite_trei 'sr, he atslnaaala In the adveralsoloent inwar d At the Warld's Fair the wagons a wagon 00*Peaffr bad trat a degts Maddlibito kohlhltiont while of Use, Ilene gfitoa thin - oatel I ,_eirtera On hood. In the allhdal dopy et the mid, !Ma nay be am at as ramie it 1117111 WUXI, It le stated that Gold Nadel was awarded ;the Bowe 90,1211A*6111111-4aMW, Det. 00.404 teams thalr , imiehme iiistiostrar, .< Y good *others for purpows, bat beams, In the lenienc e e the *liar medals" alleged to lava been awarded for superior igeoisiens ot awing, mere NOR et aII, nor df d the oicaseakl Lenigartor sawing . ro-• cave even the berms annialmoittot en thownable ineation . in - ths t 91 = M bbi. Wit h the blekeoliatillisat A WHA' MAOHIMI t... . Moab latarPeolr.: aradhig alt - preteatioas display. bid bet a - I=ga' toaddne on eablbillan, It Ins aoudad A &ha) Y=DAL OH rli Kamm As A nal- 111 31•01115110. , AID ON UP ,yysirysAwym ; Tboa unabolholt tho ala*: astS l =t li j o Add wort of lb, Gosambudosonhazol oarova,ma wan as to clizeasiparpams, _flagrant, attomy4 at laspodfioa. bay* agoolzalaa° to lay them bor. the patio. We • tbsrabola t .„ • .llle Um r.AL cm te. 7i F atatatoents to the amazon, no smatter what iloart• they ettiatiNmoutQoU,urcoili of talla. ta a, Co ACIMITII,O.It Wheeler £ Wilson nes, vb. 27 rifts - elesig, in7l4Mrssmr , W, WILLIAMS & • iirsonwiteinta lisap) Faintly *mew dtfaCiebse4 earrota, 110.41 iinitfiefrea. russot;Ek. vac i sizip. Thom *Maki iiii, trioillikom to tor/07 do rloPir auger thaa say caw itooktoo to. ct . t rir .oill 'be birldado o; watt, ' for throo - yotWThirfiiiiit ON* pot clad 3 1 yeas oti ea ow trOallootilL co It and. all kb& of esittag Illsobbo I , Bomb/ 81A, OottOloi Simi* tint' Matitst prloos,_ 101 l • 111. VN. seat 1, , nom. Na ota, VALI/AISLE wisracau xuts4(4. Wcgde Practice or Ilisikdoe.' rids. . Woods' Tbsrapeatice sag ammo°lccr.• 2 phi. Watien's Practiceof Physics. Orilith'e Universal lormilary. Cittoe System allows% 2 Tots. elcolths inirpery. Todoly published. Iluailimea's *idled Dicticuary. War s Austosky. Waimea Boma dastoeSs 'WrpatdP. Haman Pbrsholopy. I. • rm. br SAY ;lb Otels. ralreed SCARCE AND VALUABLE BOOKS. Dies:doss of Parisi. I vols. Leland's Ddstlail Winos. ' 9 vols. D. Pieties Lietatis as Momllka. oradllo di IkektOkla IllsisdikandAsdist. iiiinssasnotk Itoskri. Wye sad Hats" Watts: tvol. Mesita:les It =tab. _3.vski.. l9 NUN Oollystalosetsrlisolkelptive,Wasta hostas/ , Eaves Works. ITo To. islls : LThb.9ll Tourtli Wrist tits r IBIALUA %Mei Seathereirrklete. - ItYlClac. tibtory of the lelogoiattertla s te k laral floe Ifeetrelle es the akos of .wend. The Great Ire Wiroellliaambet. Browalow. • Beaten% Stdrty bets la the 11. G. Genet& Im IllearatOoti :Gleta sad paper. Ivo sad TAM lateaer. . 'ltte Iftre awl the *ogee... - Works rp, l'beNem, Illedirbo, La. • 4 01 4 16 •la filato WA* le M&G. If Pour* alma. .. , f;a777Mn7lls: F urwmaug nowol4l on waotatiAls Os arum CMM;M;ZIG pATICNTAD OUT. % 1861. , ' . Ditll4.4o's pito* .. ~. 4 OVAL . t . iii'iri , CiEUMNIEPI, 1 • iLuidi e tisred 4 I X.X. FLINT OWL , \ Thais OldiaoTl CO laTialaillast TM " I Sat dam, which hastlag ill parte al , tbaZa . ps!t Itell'i I AS.P" itt° c; I . - ---l terPr ilD4 Qiela taika - - _', . ' .11 - W P liki =g) t 4 gest ia. - . LADDIEF BAIwY !" ; 0HL1103111191711 1 10 1 711/12; glare rim airs,oomass a awns; Locum aure. flay tirletr fiat stylY of tio Om geode oa foal and for gala it LAON. DIAMOND. MEDI. WORNN, rmssustut, PA. PAILL BBATILER & 1118'r QUALI T Y EuINID O AU liti/6- Oval', Met sad " Ai dam Wansatod u *Aloe aitWeshov i Wass=rf =RIO a$l2l5lllOOlDl .':;-PC I ATti , YARD. ii.4li:cfrathri-di IMI411 ! 12 guAronhanit&Pileril um. earn ow • T4,1441'.13110241t5aaa Yonnkilso i .l_ axialaut Timm All Idsitfoillimis AID1110110001.14m4•14 ardor, I.kro v EZABB GUITUISSiond/ msds,ll. 11/00Dasszer Ai , tab lam , • tit • , Ara bible vodka or or• u.fr4'e', irOON-71:1=2,11ttiVirdffl 11. ,LiStmligitstbetiaillimeti :13111X10(110NICial at 5/10EING OW COMM 'ma. ooo- i tsia Cr; "OTN 110138011•1111 W 1.151. TVS &V la.ila peat =4613)Mi1,M,8V ._ _ JIMA' -thwvirumigt .-irtiowers*-first" wgz.,;4ot , re-- • • 5t im41161.30 11 . sots., , j ~;,,,, : .:;. ; , .- i't:!ii: -'-'-' - , f - :::: - .);;; F . .. • ; PITTSBURGH, WE GENERAL ,ORDERS Na 105. WAS DEPART/MOM 1 MOTU'S . Gitsam's Ornes. f, Wathinaton. April 12, MR Tio . s&ailllastiOn of em Invalid Gaps In lareby nut This Corps shall consist of Oompenies,and if It awn handier be thought best, of Balla The (Impolite shall hems& up le% r th i)li:o follow-. !fig some% •17: Tint. By tatting them ;Moos and radiated men Of commas& nowitt the field (whether actuntly preweat or temporarily Manta whit, frent wounds marked s a es acti fo r ! buses centrated in the line of duty, unfit old novice, hot ere still +/e Of ef fictive garrison day, or guar other li ght duty as halTarifthired of se. InVelid Cape. Regimental Caddlibefers shall al - et ante ant, from inform*. -flan received fam their Medical eau Oom o ry.olll. oas t andAtim theirs:own knowledge. rolls . according efi the ,form tan lahea,) of tho.nanes of the' oil Oars end mileted Mal under their' latill.the following =Mita* vie t cannon& who 1. That they are aunt for Uttar field gervioe on umiak ot 'woad' or dtrataa contracted In the 11ns of ditty: this fact being ceittitt=tdical Meer in the service, atter national 2 That they are fit for przisen duty ; tide fact Wag likewise certified by the Medical Officer, as shove, after personal examinelloo. h. That they are, .11a:the,Oldnicin Of their Com man.liug Offload, me:lMM= and daiervisig. Them rolls shell be malted by the Reeralitint =xut ItlZZ.l=llll=l=netritt tedttioes the Prom" itittahhi Generd of the ,ThreSegiMental Commander the' inter in the dol men or ructoiui, oppotite ealtketflosee earns on the rotlVattstatotint. Moo' Me Seseealckeraster of the iedareltolndelllgefibt,onlichitrileditiety and atten tion tp duty Akaa al fritantamitatalkaaaaar.dara shall endorse o f each facts u they may palms in the case, or if ties have 1301111, they shall stabs haw fro they are • I mes to ender. the opinion of the ollbsia. or efficers mekkot. thcreconanendetion. whenever t he sisal be kneaded bum' time to then, whenever the tounber of men befitting the conditions enamor ated,or the ezigeuulus 0 . 1 the Berrie. may render ft axpaditat'l .!.,. -. ;.. _ , . becoad. By taking these officers rod enlisted men. still in aerate end home on the roils, but who are . abs about from. duty. Is -Thorpltale or 'Moralism:it Camps, or are otherwise under rho coekul of Medial Moen. In those asses the Radial Officer in at. tendence Mal prepare the rolls accordiag to Tenn, estates the names of oaken sod men from the same regiment on a all by' thaniolVes,• end send than, with the «airman of the durolon, dilly sign ed, to the pap. begimental Commander:who will forward them.no heretofore spectotd, mbject to ihe sameamditiotte mid requirements.MO the Begkautal Cothmand a shall think en officer stall, in pin, of ctou-ter, to continue in the ar viciel'ohdlaralid Oars* t hough disabled and certi fied by the Enraern, be will sorts htsobjectlion 1, the mho= of remark., and not* the exception before I alining the CatifiClLLB. lf any oedema enlisted man now la the services hilt ithashLand boyend the reach of a Medical Omar in Maus of s Floopita or Conn. lomat Camp, desire to enter this Corps,-he will take tbarentreeinUcalal below for thaw who have beimiliontkatArdiabollned the melee. 1114-d. By .0..-optioa those oaten and collard men who have been, honorable discharged en account of welaide or divans Matracted intim line of duty, and who desire to retorter the service. In the Memo( an alba, spot:nit:on for appuintorat must be mode to the Ernest Manisa itsurral. of the United Malta hgMhtthhae o mo rel .ollf .i h e I d M A a tn g Arl aippicPo 1 af thls hind will be considered unless itos . summing IcraiCatitag.iteVoithtli tti Malik:ate of the Surgeon of the Load o Enrollment for the district. 1 to which be Valdes, t/mt he le uult for active felt ditty OtMesannt therm/Mit or dlleese,Sad ts not Its. hie to draft, but is to for gatikon 'day.' 11. That he terniat evidence of honorable air-ha[p I ma account of woman or disability contracted in the line of duty. . =l•in= the. Be- B. Thu he mearmersoMibda straental, Brigade and Marion Oemnietartere under whom b. formate ...reed, that he la worthy of bang =ailed lamed capablosol, vaunting sargast. td taikloydrolrmat:. In bare It shall be In • praotteable to get this last °aileron, he may, ha vin theg eetabbabeethe. time two ,points tabors, seS2 .BoartlOf Enrollmentthat hies /11 , Ulfhia.j. Pre. gent its malacca. , of the 'fact Itis iar avece mutt al l obtained by the implicent, sod widst he tom" 1 mitted with his applicatiou tor appoinuant. If Mete be ho outing, ?mutant Provost' Harem] General for the Stet.; Cole abhdkaion.lnas be for warded throogh the Minim& rietteratof• the dial, who la decked to mamas tbareon such tact. in the sau.frawry Gills epplkant to ma y k it or no are afforded uy Ida recocds, eno as forward the same to the Provost Marshal Ceara of the Coital Ewa. inlielod pen, loonerabli' iltechicoen,skoetcoort of ordisebiliti, desiring to to talet in'this Corp, will moment thetnalas to the Beard of korslim• sat for the cia let in which tiny melds, for examination by ibillWpm lateral, 'lllO shall examine lima nod reomt the melt to the Beard of knrulknost.- • e— • the Board Muil.thrn coned. each ma, end 1.1 tho 111 t e a found fo r n the coadillons rpecided =the Pward WWI Pie him seertillcate to Met . preishuues. QUIZ AID WOOD CHAIM azugazi> pOoss. JAS. W. WOODWICLL, skairm a CO.'!, No. LU WOOD 81411172 canna , ,-... •,..- ';.'",, .'s ___._..„...„.._._....._._:_,_ ___ ~ V. , • :' ..'. .1:: '. '.. - :. -, . ~.' s . - ' --...•;;. - ,,,_ .. .... ~..„,....,./... " pi .ffISCELL4XEOUS. effect, via: hat-be la-nattt Iry serrloctn the tlald. I. That he la et lor was* duty. B. That he to roarltoriour and deaorrrtni. 4. That he IPla honorably duchargal from the service. Than:ewe* -JilfaminsPUr tau/nada shall then 'Wad tti.J . sprittmten; vith - tilta. certificate of the Bawd, to Alm Acting difsicut Provost Manful Gerwrat alb* Stete,who snail procure each *Carus quarries and chamois-rail teareaorde or the Clomp. ortd urVich. hs beltaidatianalle aft ba.ileedguarters thil etas:May Al., sod if sethflad that it a. f meritcutous aimallknd that the meals deserving. his inill enlist him la isecuraeuri 'rah such *eclat :Mee es the Provut Marshal General may euselish. Badtcal lospeetors. Margeopcia dares of graph tai. tillitsry Commanders, and allotervi bolsi enthorliff tordliclecyfe, under. 'gifting less and reg ulation. are 'forbidden I. grant OW-herr re to any awn ajar theirowecrol whomay be dt for sash& fa the tilvalid'Oorpe. The Puerta Itaritial General le charged with the Th. Meath& cl this order, and the troops organized an• der 11.111 b. wader the control of his Bureau. By ordir of the Secretary of Wu. L D. TICRISIBISD, -ST/2ilS*Lr.;,- l itsfistaaghdhdfatGracaL W.B. BIL&I)130111 , 8 PIANO-FORTE ESTABLISHMENT, 4 1;110014 84ATZT, N. Y. She mibiselbatieeimcifolly invites the attention of his friinids and the publicgenerally to hie ,Ciano. torte istalellstussatsat in Brom stpot, cur. err of Crosby street fitavierwithdrynru internlailaridl mete. • tieleinft, the 'later Arm' "lAgisteTylinrys? which inn wee dissolved on the glst J try and having purchased the entire a • of slimo • fortes and ilano•lrorte material °Wiled by Mc brother.iderard 9. fitedwytts ttistaid Sr*, he is 1,00 IDT4IOO-1011447 the • •aseggeopwid for kis risiebvated,Fiencrforteu,ltdiployidgfhe nieet fel and experienced workmen, with • Wee stock of the best and meet thoroughly seasoned testate!, atd in abundance of °vital, be ban taken ; hi band the OffliOniaillpilli.l. ll of the whole betimes of menu• Latticing bit instruments. and is summed to turn ont Piano.lortne of unequalled toss and derstiosiass. BRADBURY 8 NSW BOALB Pl4llO9OE= --,,licaltitznrcut JAW ;fir Artily dtawn and utimatemwrweirculdil br hstraonr new 7111ata, we have added every improvement which on in any way MA SO, Oft petficaoll of the Piano-forte, and we • cannonfldeatly assert that, for delicacy of touch, velmite,_ parity, brilliancy and intestneu of tope, ooistdned with that strength rend. • solidity of frame necessary to:diusidlity, that Stra/D•IIN are megaalld ..%111,11irfn asp Beach ? ' b our motto, aud vita the darttaithrtno of the bees nitdated Judges In the land. t sarllvery instromen warranted for Eve yews. WiI.B.BBLDBUILY,_ esta:Sin t 27 Broomiist., car; of Onnby, T. .RMAL BSTATIO SAVINGS INSTITUTION. Dameparsted_ of the LoiDlator• of Yeautsylvaubfir I:mo6' re aritiodill 1146 s. so:to Si &dock p. m., dab an on SATURDAY IVININGS, Rolm ato o'obook. • , war Moo, 6 YOUR= STRDET. A DANN, OONTESIINT and PLOTITABIA SINDOSITONT.Ibr lischanimiLebsren, mai all thosewhose means or savings are small. alm veramandi Iteelf to llasoutors, Admiration, Cot. *tors, Merits, voluntary Doolittle or Assodattrms, 'lni=lte of to of SIX PNR see ' ono le bald on ds;osits, which, lf dratin, s placed to Dui credit of the deposi t for on tho ant day of Nay and November, and thensafter beer the Imes Intend si lks principal. At Ntlifrate, wavy ioefilo In Imo Am, aloW . peen: - Intend Till reameauce on depadta esprit sad' Mama dap of the month alter snob deposits are • mode.. Books, contalubil Obstist, By•limM, Dan follsh• ad on spplbstices at ths offish pay —H1660 JONI& • ~ .. rtes Pi iddisii—WZ vi OPLss: HD. i Hes. TIM% IGHows. , HIM. J. E. ItlmemilM Imes 0011, . , 0.9. Hums', . W. B. Clolilsad, Jeoob Paula. Ham ilds • ! moue Timigtl7, , Wm. R. ilseitls , - - - A. cai r easat. , my2oelmerli a A R p IEI rr W. D. & H. WOLLi 10tUrrit esxnr —_ • 416,11111 P plit67loo .oar stock Wing Dm bmof. Milan SO • merles of advdam, and Dow fayissUb. pliusitzeddiend Iho klutuff admee of Odom* with tbsiddifift WO' aiinree, 4)19 wrias WI:MY B.IIADZN ioK A &patio ty to cased to- oarohoort poloroliotOtotoo pekoe 10 ootttljbo. hishi.‘ NESDAY MORNING PI.Zo!"'001 STEIINWAY'F P - i4.1W13 noTioid Irks, lIHEIT °Lail/ I 441 1101)1L, at U.a Wofon'a norifirrontid oucortho wan oiling In Eitogi n 4 opec.e.!, 0 now dock of the aborniut veldt& oar Ws Apaay for tiffs fllntifo*lbitto Stolnormi Ma. IL =OM &Blurs, Nft BLIMAINS IN t:IBOOND:." aLND PIAIPIA. 7111"" ,6T octave Oblokering, beautiful blaok eralaue • owe; very Itttl• vuea.....------.......,..-4160 CIO 1 & T oot•we Obiokortug, rosewood, cooed tor • - VIM • first rate luatrillielikt. • • ago 00 6 T calm good A 00., rosewood: • biudaqua . Moo. to good order -••••-•••••—..44.' ...«.. 115 00 a. th er l =re Stodart,woo d , carved panels tea co 6 6% octavo GTII.-&-7:57:,..rW07;;;1 .' I front; •• excelleut Tiano--„--.....—, A6O, 00 & 6 Ware ahickerms, nmerreod, rotod our" " • - ,a ° dim Hetet, MAI A ON, r0ftw00d.«.11 35103 it 6 oda* Germs. ' .....--.—...... r‘r 00' i t :66"lixda:jee'13:aula1571td., '7°Cll4:‘l' ,o : "--- - - I li e- 7 7. 311, ..:4; "-- t0 . . 16. 8°1 n ' WI) : 6 eai octave Intisit. " •• ...• 10 CO A. 5 (Atari • ......—,....... 'l5 OD For rale DT GM K N ABE & I V IB oft PIANOS. Jest °penal this seek, s abates supply of these beautiful lostrursouts. bound s doubt tits Must in. the country. This bet Iba sow Wriest unieuttelty oolsoaded. Woo DOM montbs pun tie 15,4 not 'twin in able to $ll sObsifd our Mien. WARILINTAID 7111 IMO& ITE CELAILLO 43 rxrric sTaitx. $4 door 'bore Wood. 8010 latent for Hit ealrft PYANOS. mph HAIN 813, BROTHERS' p, CLOSIL9IOII PlA.llo'77oliTra, The beet cheap Plume made.. Far do by CILAIILOT I E BLUM, 43 RIM Elds Apia tor EILINK6 IIBOTELIREW PalauVa eiILODZOIIB. Juir.l2%,Mr CLAIM' MILLTABY BOU PlitiBlollB, BACA. TAY, ion, sad MI CLAIN'S of omen keibertpl eolketed t metiber,ot the follasing rites, vie Paulo all other olidans, 113 60. , 10. O. TAILO: *Harney al Omniancet, tiltabn N. H. Bto charges atenadide Ins dabs smarted, and all tulorundlim divan grads. DRY GOOD& NNEN Ituaos—inial akaa—.*Ano WILSON, (wiz. CO., tram wams,Ami vaos.lo.3a animal* AND 6026:5T10 Drit to. Pt Wood otroet,:ttdrd hour above slloy'J.. • . A LEX. BATES, Dimas is FL ftgiss VILY (MIA ATAA.. NS. 4 N 0.91 ranks littabb.NM' U m u. kir= .A.NE. Mo&BUY W.; .1 'Mikado in n J.I TORSION AND DOKINTIO DST ;GOODIN da ItO iwillenkl street, (emotes_ Asor below , Wow ar. Ott Etetillestin, vitf. .Moir— -VTO, MAORI:IM .1, CO., WU lesale ,12.1.1334 Zastall tilitKilialrASsior- D.4WLI3 DSY • duriPtl". Lim 17 and 19 IVO amreet, rlttaba MAttitUtd & GLYDEWholesile and, I.F.J. Retail Dealdrs fa ratOT • ISTAP4I DRY WON. asligiatioN.aajaits. ,71L t anat. betimaiiolldiairTerblit Vittelwo- HVHrti otaala Bpd Ho- tj tail Roam to sla 'Mu& TRIMMINGS, , DRY GOOlstre•t: : M. - tO . Deaohneld ow, Wholesale end DMA Dead.... DRY 000 M North• ast comae of rowel, sad Market Mosta. wi I W. LWOW' 4.0.)., thaw ipt EI LDsT . °mar; So. 50 blarits street, and Psulth, Pittsburg*. Meow: efahanaPoilmon.ea outdo, sehlhaten, Me7411i.17 2 . NOTICE., 4 he attention of all4fflears wbo bore bienitemorobly disdritioll on ao. oouut of nouns@ or e Wblllq. and whodesire to 111, Ultra the Ilerekekth tbe -litvalld Oorpe, lo Oiled to the gootblunt„ ot general. Onion, pl . 1W tromihe War Dikwtonst,:pabilebed ltd papers tbrooduat the country. Pooh *Marrs ere nti n idad. to amply promptly with Ore provisions of that or, der end to seid their written applications. Dere , In Provided. for p wittoos In the Oot tote, tingles thareotst of their anaiittya with It le dole) , poettble; to - ths - t o Meet ant stabil Gehehallitatentzt• In, whloh they May be. hoot Actin. hseirOat Floret Marshal Puma' vtll et moo Sanford the eppl-Witkrosi with. Na todorao• mart, to the, Prommt Minas& emend of OM lltath Offloen far the Walla Chaps will be ripptrb . Wed sawitataly neon fornblilog the b 7 amoral Onlar ltio..lo)rof )42, W il lf= 4 . Mont- ilmir pay- and Antelnitabte thanienco prom data of aoreptase• ad surth,appAntleinbe, end pot flub data of reganlsation ewe teeperilie on.. mania to vtdolt Oray.noey be aeuttpurd. ' - . J B. 727, snsiOrlus ?room Marshal Cleheral. if iVisits R 1.11.A.154, • ookitission 3CIIII,OItABTO. I 'Lod Tutors 111 14171101,X11111 0131/ Ali I. _IT P11,0D170213„ :011,J11. IXI, bon' 61 aisw Yam ." 159 H 1690 the POIMIXID ILIBOOKIEN OIL .11111.31'' r&HLVVIU O ANRIA C W .O O mYA6IY _. W.1:0114R151 . 21, Agri; • - ' 59 Baud DIII3BIAN PICBBLB SPUTA • : Lb —Notwithstanding the Wanks cd latheu. =eia 1110dIrth who moire to the ILIJOSIAiii PLUM .iinakitas are thadving dalig tho wannest eadeolawthathwilii i guaana.. nu ; th at in In to stamina all. oars =tit; thi ~aKNg ana iAe bre,wdithlthin • S. DInIiOND; Pinothial 9easiss, irs..lOrzomos.s. asstisn'ftbei.spoiodes. fao • ei r.r aassin. (alum A IrroNvitatx, ... . . • fits.striaorusolus or wisil y ck sz, =••.„:.: Haviw Altai inliapiar:ii;l.;44*.oli AID BRANS 0021122 wpm ownli.llliVlLo.o oil Wadi ; RlDDl2o,:_tor ift•n •:47__ • -re; -Kahn SOMME IWI2WWO.._ _kg 400,0 °AGM 02 Ame. 7 2 . 42TAL W . 112P00 02 . Ibr l'Unr•rg, It . • .., . 1 , . • mrell idsiwit of Wl22,Spe Igor* .. . w , 16.101P0120 1. 2 1er2211? IL 1LM1.......a.311111 nt3BIIEGIZBWK•bIikbi. POirsoltrialpi =Ulu. V= CO., iichisimunam,*,.. wig 'IIIOYv soros* No. 10111 . 19 r, 81111111. - tbs am% . 14= pa, sir °nun . tosT USUIiaYBD, . . AT ins TM Maas nwildi; nos* : sa as row* S. imp 10 et ion. las VALI FLAiriD W/L1134 VOW Goons, M., lamb: Arm be pm aar= w ent im e .1" d°4l4 6 Abium. r. r ato:ut)u.,„ r F orwspuivi SID swum's. 'T s ., iiir Deb., Ha 4uproar. of , 41 . 111 itteeta. 9 , , c•opip envy sad _ ri9 FURIUTUBB _: PBAIS$13;•4111' x...-.6iindessa-stalit-swpaggsny isatto-the et. talsillaVU'VtgatirirtilcUiniT BMW , 1111, is; ipso** bile th•StaaarilisdigilodiA - ossiulL Iliapholis ea , ~4:11,14f'.607:t. sk.a.aa4MISI:L algttrild SO Or iablrl ' - IL lA . MAIM IS • ••• 3, 1863 Viltsinnigh 051wttct. 13. RIDDLE. & 00., :111DITOB8 ANI):140PB127010,' Publication Office No. 84 Fifth` Street.' IMINTEId EDITIONS, DAILY. oomrsuasomm LLIZIST Non vriroirrai SOUS 01-71:1BLICIMINV • WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 8, NEW TERMS OF 'TEE GAZETTE, Moan= NDE11011; by mall. ; per year.... 118 .00. month.. A.— MI " 41 / 4 1. Emma Comma, by mall, per year.. month. , . IF mut Ammoz, chethaeopo,, par. par..4l 00. • " " Oltibept 5 t i op, 9 1 50. alubelel 10 or more" . „ 1 P. 0 1 4 eltrilo tho.PortVianding deb. pr • *lab et fifteen, we will Fend the Ernaut• Clattgrm, WV. Ter •,olub tWellt/ 1 _ will send the 510s•MIL oamera.sallyi 'Ain& tophwill ante. - Aria otiavfPtleaa riaodeaaw, end poets gaup iiicgyPed whin the . - - The :111taatioa. at Vicksburg.. - Grant and 4?hnston. &peaking of the kittation of affairs In the Western. Department, the New York Two, of KondaYi mains the following pertinent re it Is now fifteen days since the 6tlie• of . Big Bleak Bridge, and fourteen lindoile In teatmeit of Vicksburg. With ' tho first of theseevents, Gan. Johnston seir - the despot-, ateness of the. rebel,situatioakt:Vicksbwag , and the nseessit7,l4 ,the atmoit elera id ooneintrating all Possible troops to Muck Gen: n • vitt If inna•th, #.1.. 4...,cege.. We ill to his , . - sissippi Hour, above NJokoblargi la tar mat lei position to receive rointoroadeits than Johisston,,&44 the iir ay. D.roirtaniza is, doubt lois, fully advised of his naossaittes. The rebels send us stows that Bank' haslorossea tothe hiehslde of do Misstasippl; aty Bayou Bats, which is only ten silica above Port Had son; and, if this to correct, it looks mire as if he was ping to watch .his opportintty to sego Port Hudson Hula to 00-operate directly with Grant. The . country,of course, looks to the galhist army of Soso:trans (with the praissioa of the powers at Washington) to watch Bragg's form It hie ' 0 sand to give him prowl bottle if it* attoun to move his faros 'down to over whelniL . Grant.: . The eat of War in Mississippi. The following foots connected with the dis trict of country in which the national army Is now operating in Mississippi, will prove in timating and nada at Ms time. The dis t:let may be - said to inolude three ocitmtles, ries Warren, Claiborne end Hinds.; .War ran is that in whiob Vicksburg is situated. Clialborm 'Deludes the month of tiro Big Black ' river. Jackson, the capital of the Pitts, Is locatadia-Hinds. The reputation of thew counties, wording to the canine of le4or was ' as follow' • • • • • WWI*. Ire. 31331 . 1 73793 03134n36-....6"...3344 • 44 - • 1.3296 --...11.910 39 21,365. . , 117 `i 10,4.22 • The slava population, It, L MD, io almost •two sad a lu,if to one of the whites. Tim lit- Jar hal, of sours*, boon ioduoad larply b 7 the orladiawal of nun for the inny, _ • Prtteideal Lincoln's Reeponne to the Address of the Emancipation no. • clew of Magian". - - The address to President' Lincoln, a4Opted at an " Sminelpation" meeting heldat Sze. tar Ball in.lannarp last, has •lieltod - i; reply which emus from the tpen.of The President Moises that his policy; his 411. mired the motion thelfzeter Ming, and he marks Withnstisfacalm the Mantanbe that ( in - all, oases tkows who ire 'most Jost la thalt. sentiments toms?" the United Ststm are -also the. most Minus in their'44edre for the Pres e rvation of interns tioniti,poissi and friendshin." To the 'Odors' fforirnstattideclared tale "I MR! motiTs.for adhering " to its determine& polio of pcose,,jostioe, and friendship toward "tams, end ispeole,Up Mina Oreat Britain." -•- • Tni,.ll,l4Bo3phis /forth Amsricas mamas ilshOrstio satinets Of thorotel arralpi, and - sz- - rives at the. oonclusimt that ' simians • oannokoopit 11011;1530, ifittributs4 is hollows Loo's writ:100,000p out 611 V 13;000 ; Brigs's eru4,, 60.000; . Sosiropra s ramp 20,000 ; Alabama 8,000; UUsissippl, 30,003; Lonisisno,l3,o oo ; Tom, 20,000 r Arlrouras, 21,000 l...fluartillo bands, 0,500. MA-Hilton Mad haw states that Bomuogard has Jut scat 20,000 men to Joisiton, it wonbtappistr : from the intimate that ther•ht not sinbd &or loft In Southessolins. Of muss nothing bat &pp:ash:Ws eorrsotnou ow at best hi oz. posW front mob eamputations. TOW 0402/ a probability of warm work 0111' Wiliam of Arkansas sad the-Indian Ter'; ritory: the 20th, 001. Phillips,ooMmand. tag sur forces in the Tamitory, ha& a light ,withportion of * Prioe's army near tort bib: Min;Tho reboil mere driven took, bet as they ,AO , : •yelX,ooo mon . mell provided with artilisr our 3,000,+ cur forces! will rely for the present on their strong fertilize" tires._ Goo. Beam is, holiiver, on his Nay to the VOW) of his hamar_ triumphs, arid the rebels will not bare 11111Sothiagthkaln Mq. is stated that the Texan Ranicors and their aWet are likely to sive the trains for New, Upton considerable trouble. -- ; • . .. . Ti' Salter of the Sciattitis Americas, 11i10 has examizted the, monitor Passele,Aiowl taw dergoltiriiialia - tit Nitir York k ears the big to whishibirke todkria darbitthitattabli sla Chula's", yraresiliat. oar heat elads!Att bapiegvables isaiLtlist iv may safely defy !all the loglish iroa•elvis ' sad their atmasivits. Th e yrs t itwerth sipt, arias similar et theili i a.. majority. ot asses, struck sideinite; they I,reaehed thy lama la all pcisibleAnsitrau, and shcw very poor shooting ot - this pit Or the:rebels. Whorls no bidentaltan ' ant thi Nisei. deeper this a tea. sanoti,'aoll slietru the mist Wired - 4 thll - 11141101411(beetb sump the Keokak, Whist vas soils monitor. . Is 'Mut be nioifisht for of Potion who Is woad to oitAltsli his Slam toss:mm*lot until he romlnst littitih halm iIIISTIO 2 II hlm that. ho, kw boon 'Wafted * . sad Man he Ise Imo ton dot to show Walt* li tlotl 1_49..31U1)10 1 . - a t 4 - soni for lewd stitantint • p • • thikllonwit 1 , 111 plomptly mowed by Mtgweliwallst 'lst*, &II rant *OW" 11411,311 n. .0 Iz' It is dated thatall of Gen. Hunt/lee forest, not absolutely re q uired for the.performanoe, of praise'' , duty on the Islands of the South Clarolinaeout, have been sent to New Orleans, to MOM* Danko awl enable him to co-oper ate with. Gaunt. to opening the MI ippl slyer. Gen. Butler, tastided before the eon.' greislintil.Citintitfee on the Oonduot of the War; that he turned over tollanks over 17,000 110149111! yank/-took with him nearly as many F e ta,. „ La Tf.,poutmand the lower His elstippl ,andited Ayer, we presume General bias hug 10,000 "sun Who, can he tent to 'litaitsbnlVl With *doh' in addition to his ind•the teficips ;that miY drawn fivio. Tenitionae,,Corlith; Memphis .and lielenn,deen.,Giunt ii, beyond ‘donbt, Mister of the dtuation.-c'L Ammerman to reliable ,correspondenen from Vieluburg; the rebel form within Vickshurg cannot, now be,more than 20,000. Before the light at Jackson they may have ited4s,oo o ; but pieta that number we forced up north ward,losield Canton-4ay 10,000. At "thi battle of Midway UHL (or Champion's Sill),- a on the 15 inst.; their effective force wan: paha s, ,000 men. Of these at least 10,000 were , wounded, captured, or driien to escape northwaid,_ be such a way as to. pre vent them retuning 10. Vicksburg. At the, n e ar y Big Sleek, on the 17th, we captured nearly 5,000 'surd scattered many more In such a way that :hey &remora likely to have strag gled home through the woods than to hays, reported for duty. _____.--...----7----- _. I: T/11 PA72 T1LL11[01...42002 baton is traveling the hard road of all trail =A native of the loyal ally of Phi - ann bt birthright oonneoted with the Bootety of lhiends,.he was doubly an apociate when , Ws &rata this'll* of his country to join-therebellloi, to spread*e evil influent's , ' of slimy. limw, since babas-been :beaten by 0151-Vrant, be has ill the yelping c him' the Confederecy at his _bleb, charging with tteadmry JO their traitorous - deg. , Doomt• (id to is immortality : of Infamy le a traitor to his country and'an apostate to Ids eatlY prin ciplee, to to now branded (sire to the wick ed cause he has impound—Lids is • lamentable fate, Indeed. :unfit Davis, of the -United States Bupreme Oman, was holding Court at Indifipapol4 on 'the, day Valhadigham was arrested', Daring 'thaintensdision of the Court for Mani?. the Judge ainetthehesd of the dinner Wildest the hotel, while the members of the bar were ar ranged . along its sides,• among wh o wa Was -Vocwhetl.. The Judy, - in his peculiar y, nailed out to Voorhees, who was at the lower land of tht o.Voorhies, yon had better look out-thej have ,got down to the V's." Thin wit this tibia Inc rear, and Voorhees fitt- VMS to hers appredated the point. i n i ng int ,tab-sold }ton as to would in. Hit lan not riokotty p 'obtoluod r N izo it s e t O t to ; t r s p 0 I lifortb our m otif** it Ups pis sad iroald be bi /Wants, Lir upon. esid ist& it Bose coigns- A ottmatra,Mill, found at Port Royal, tilos -tratasipeoullar -phase : -of the institution of slavery. The tostator,John Cooper, of OfITOI fine county, gives his property to his wife and daughter, Let to do this he is obliged to emanelpate his wife..lldll) was his BISTO, and Shereby (according . to arisfooratio Virginia practise) legitimatise his daughter, born of the aforesaid alive. WALBS, WETMOBi (0, CQMWBI3I.O.N JULEFIO/3.11.N.'ra, iinerzas PIZTROLICODI Mgr Maple 'militias ter STOBAGE 1-VD PiNil. at Witt. pad add wild, &so gem akirlt,st, iLIiEN need notbo .(inbeitapoo womiti they can .have Undo basociatauks without touching the Olty Wharves, as cheep,nnore ytoinpt, with turn nun, mai trouble, and In.roetter - HEIM'S r A-Br Cm the Irstley Barna sbniii Lawrence- Tide, whin Ott Is pospod trout' lb* busts &NA to the aste r and shipped t any' paint; East sr West, without say at nod.ipple* . ' ell ordsniptooptkr Ittauded to. • 19117091esstlartl. an Class= Passsupr It. B. Past Oblos address, BOX 902. Pittsburgh - ; or I Ain be toss Aslty at the OH listhenge. •_ • • a •- • DAVID SLUR.' Tim CITY OIL WORKti. r GHORPENNING, C1A11914147.11.1 AND LIIBRIOATttiII NiriPalo, Opposita Elnarpuburg. OM» Izt PHBB2 HIpOS. I:womb Way OBERT ASHWORTH, no. 1 T. GLUM STUMM Pittsburgh. Portvarilhig dr, Commission Merchant ss,D,I;SAZEII DI arr.& • 4fir oxtailAnva, 013,171)11 tincolauX (AL% An, constantly on band p ad_ firsairstiti=ulnl_ricon, Cosgaisoan • 7.6 n• tonudildep and Norwarding erciants CRUDE PSTBOWM, mirlAbareltcasui guslieunenta lot aka's. Ilttabargh artura . . , • . nrerwa sassuicsa:, • • -1imu11,4,-11.-talplin L Ck , .; MK. %1110101011 ItzlA00!1., Plllolloosraerotal Bank. Ail 111). Ir. 61.114137......------31miT %Van. . IIVRODVLLE 91L • U ti il t 4 _.. )1 . I . 3 -.0202:98-FL _,..a—ii.Driarit ~- ea. ; '' l lidUng4} 01-WlLw g ii:At t i 4 , Il s aa a 0411146Ottbapgrt > Ntiatz•Vm, 7 LOl eld ; h . Id itn±i, anuir ißmkt door. . Wat sw hedol idl l tt i ffii, i im ptli otowlad Ick; `, '..1 DILL NC. sraiDsm DANE. HAW TOBY. Wren and Beaux. • AAA dealer' In PlrsoLaval PMEAUSGE. PA. /4. STBFILT,PII7IIII9I,OII. rivn% WORKS. • igagn • • noicia. Dultiap a oo • wasiak;uffies# OAIIH . OS* 1110:11i1 16 b eydram, M&B,B, /BMNI lbaukkotamit , ?" _Ayala orswi ion i tt Robas OoN OS* ose• wiltrildidmialsl 4 'wort Ilit'S Tr orip . ukrzTo on , W'ORIEB. ' ' :-111.117L0/1. a MTH, $. ANDO MASON Dy prdbySol* . • odes; Yo. 41. OTBNOT,,O mttYoCcw4wts b.7rmmmins,wlU b . TW O CUM* . OM. " • a . o_=MUt w . intt4i :loO.bbta h isa ASUWo . _ 411107_ .ura, titsW - -oar. 00401Basifay awl ficsehat QTUILIMS FtigHSFUNWIWII - ISile 11 , 2 esratiowit isipa Obirolii,sours itur fter, tut tbe eadelletbet 4411 1111111.. i cool WA in B.llitilelb da — ft Wh un• ' ; •• dl Oiar LXXV I Q.,172 .7. , :- 3frisexitiadr i zave. TEAM BOATS, AN 744111NE8T b -Iva trim:. • ~. -,. - . • - ‘-.,, ~ Guar QtrAzmuraties Onus. .-ast, or Lfflurdlis, grow/m. l m f )1.- tilux.rfigsiesu4 rolstm.r.",.. v e a= ib. -*nog: , cittti stismilti *Lair 'CCM ast A ~,...,...i. -7, sit sipaztemass, oi vbstowet kind; ma OS boats lay., Timm toils Inn lnononl by tha rebels. abouttlitstanYAßOS. awl ors 4 tepettcd now „aa lyinitilt, quo flmal Mu. hi T2ls9. at butt at imps* DSOs lisl.t bawl budi , going wp the Mir, 97 mites stove Olatilatille. 51 4 ill, step I. maw miser: -: .' t :%, i:. • K es im( Oasi m, it, 11 . •ii.)1Ovm Ismaili, Mu_ Les Landbeira OA-bald bank.. Irlallta soon 0 &divine, at i feat 4 alto tilUt kftitillA at for ob. - . The Wary Or me woo esterionebrellatt. sad bon a of litadlaan. Ica., in 1851. of *is sass; hes 5 - hlgh.prweinse bolters Wine& loug.l6'hichilli diem. tar, of ay &dried term, ormsteweles ha 11014 with 1.1.2 inch. rehire, floes in was. of tea Irta .ithickneis; an* wisty.tales eta* WO; one enpritt sly, of mare .dhonetter; one Hawn pipe of 4ln dineceeirr two higlignienue Teo. eta cylinders 10% firth libuoliteenenh. and led strokig' two 'forcing pomp oft tea plant. sod 10 inch - Tarots, rob. naiad -by UMW - *nese ; lee inane cooks. and one swim rue I r ons tine pomp of 8 bolt , itatiekiVend Vincif' e= tilarn pliorge. .1 •.. ; The Tile' Wei it itirmiheil bost i zoil taut as -Lcalowa K 71.131 ]BnB. et 160-tenet two bl6 lO Immure boilers 20 feet leng pad 511. War Meseta. of tylicrdrkal,formeted of 111.46 bath hon. with 144 in ,retarw sineet6..-,isahini WU tank ' Iran thickneae 'Hee one sefe# vales with 11 66400 mime incirewnii One tociiiiALYr4oole dies*. ter: ,01111 deem pipe de Two hWt. preienne aglow, with . - 12* Monster/ each, and font feet eitoho. wi=r Inch plunge andl2 loch WOO. eafir. 6 0 0 . to engine; biz 'girepcookenailkinflraw POP. One 5 tar0 ,64=14 . pronto *ha Loa 5t:656, and 6 tali diameter of bulks reposi os ng will slab fielit oo / 10 to la . two boon. hidden will plaits toll same =a port I, flab minter. The re ipinialbility of bidders matt be certified to -ty the Clerk of the nearest Omits noort;or by was dance theQnsi terseenteen Awedt. rum Cfiati; WV. S. Titulary Nom. Ail bids to be eadtweird to COO. W. Main. iseisfrint Qiuntanietterl: ~ BAviNGN itikrrawrioN, No. ilO Sirrrarnmo MUT, (oppadts iludera -OW We. LoOdetom: . . .. .. - romildent—,LUMß PAB.Wolpe,- ~ _ .... ...... yeeiriemunsete.. 1 Wm. H. tsmith, li l t. - . li. Budd, John P. Jeanine, ~ . h...Betaidesi, . Tim. P. Idolater, . Joshes gbodee, • Um. B. Blanc , ,• • • JIRO ittacktath, frencL Selles, . hten,:anWW, Henry Lloyd, - ' Alfred Week. i ah Kin o.z -- • j z. " L.T.u, g• ... .T..tviii.;; , - iiiCL% ~ B. B. Yowler, . W. A. -Seed, -. ki ' WaJ *NM. J. W. WoOdwell. 1113. Belnneeta, a. D. Jena. F. Rehm , .:. • 0 . . luainetitne, B. iaOR Os J. ht. Tiernan, & U.,tmen Wjt. Philp, U. 91. LOCO - B. J. &tat** 1115. lieriath JOI. W. Baxter, D. lecilatolow W. :amen. Bemoan' an d .J,teerninfr.D.. Z.. id 'F.lfpirr. ‘ Open deny, foam 9 a. as. to. II p, ni...,,th0. Toady , and itetirdny imninege; fridu a to 9 Aka. DOOOl reCellr.l of OHL onisimmtiarimAL _ ' Dividend, decisied fa . Peeeteb, B F 93 , ( ... 4.0 " a •8° ". Idehlanda - di:oared to .remein _ere pheed IS the O of the depodtor ea prizulpa, eon: Clow Inter oo, Ono composzOnz r 4....' ,: , . .-, Booki containing MarW,Dy..lairtaraideeet dell - Thia Latitation oilers, eerdeelly le thees per. mois 'wheel, sendne wo' ma% the 'oPPoltunifil to leocumulate, by s mall &VIA% •WAL_weed. I arm • which Irfir be a researee win . neee., their mosey not ady.-bednet infe, buS lnnoestOnstead of remsluinic anprodoetlap. . ... lil9lCatroisial 'TO ' giliaibeb . - CONTAAIToRk 3 -- _. 13taitd Ptoporaals war 14 .wiled the the Alia. Snail InUe3,llailteed Otooprattwat their Wilco co elite urea, io the City of,: rithibamh. until I ok t iera T. m., on TEITIVADAY; JOAO' UM% for the wadeation end lissom ot Audieao /toe 41 sal 411 of theirroad. etch *bent bb. title to tenth. No. 47 We null ifs ft boatocat,thatueothrat Dwane. hutoi/Uruk.GUr Wise than ralia . preon t tomb= alba toad at Attotonleg. ,, • =•• "" These deotions isoinde the lustiest mutt betimes • 5 Weaning' sod hishOniFiti axe *ell 'worth the itiAnttell Cl oxitudentot totraterti 'l 4 :. l'a , unisit lot th e apt !AA* L.Atep . to oath, la .sooothir estittlatitt; :, ,r; • •••,-;- , , The line will its piroetiy stated, NO MAUI Ma rapeoldeatiOni *Vaal tot exhibition Dr Ute Ist Si Jose, oux 1 hat Ahooldsour dello to attaadoe the took preeioni to that Woo tiny trartAbUin ad the leVitaatioai worm, toattahßt , theat tato se la a satisfactory mother, on anhaatioesto..l„, Wawa:, 1 rogition. atiii , erapethatmdent of thel ost. at hie I *Moe in Plttrablittibc ' '7. , .1041,13 r, SaItUBOT. 1 • oirMtdoc" '.— • Preshink ISl' Tae .o.apiu. ,Mt Naf 'g." ~, or. AuxonnNy•cottrair; MUG orLveali.a. .14iths otattar *l,l. thastAsta to 4.. ea .Paitch; deed.' 'No. 6; DiceO ,1 3 se,lanpo2. Writ of Pottithatat.ralaration., ~-.,,,,_. L,,, ;..0 To Mary _ono Cart, tier:nut, Moss Asa Pattosa *tido% Min 3. Futon; Dexidli. - I%tholt; Wok) ago. Dowell and !audio Ma Alle t e.-00m1133` , AloeUlt 13 . Pattona UT BratrahlErrattoe,—Ten are hereby co. 'oex:that mx..lropleithit OM is belitlif-toutaaaos `ot the abort eratouopod and I tt i Vt otlOotltion, ea 111 pteotheei intationed and bed Ur lobrwrit, to &nimbi& co tits prataltod .to MA totheldp on 21113118DAT;'thi At. AO it Jona, Mao_ Is 6l . a 103 o'clock's.: nx..th malora,plAitlea to and .moos the tutu, A l., of the said deolorteds is sash manner ia 'suck pmpottions al bylla Lis of the commonwealtit bud 'ot tanestiesais to Cade& it such pranitionesst be toads Shared adthOlthkoistild• , to or spathes *slake/Id; but it intch'outwm aut. 1/1,4 b *lo..4ll4tecUtablonsladilbBll34o l'ailio sad- appisise the same eaxtrdirg to law,at; which loin and plaos7oulitaistitenti it jai thinleptnies. /AASlATllOik3lll.Abesiti. •' S M Plusbutab. AP,II arm /mint a. DA1111...."W • " ' AVIS k; kinsUoneers, -Pt 14 nprzt stisrr "' - Us acid taw*, Osaetat Atiotion Bad. aria, - .etatodod to ISO bythe late. Jolt" IL Dads, as contina.d it tell old ataa atlliftb et.. nada the: style of DAVIS it.ItaILWATIII, JOB. DIIVIY3 Wing ibis day apatablbld ,atith LLXX. ItedLWAiNIA. ash taws aaaishroaaa tat ' the bongs art may yews. Detotbts Salaam in. °butte to a Posooleiloa Asa** lavabo.. ia ti da l attOa cn t "l l. 7 .: ;rrallac eaau idairbiqaut • V> ) 8111111 gf Skil • ,XlistA, dWrar-apadk , • win Tatadaydrudagi idtaldr..diad nob! aslia goon. t - labtattad and. tatioalladdourediketleurbt Boob 011 , stally aki,i&irbedlorliabklAget.;:t '1j.144.7 AlMSTNAlisablitr Nuntnlf.:*'4lVe hare ou day satmlatadadth tadba sagas aun badnea,A. J. DOLL, tba , stAa -ot; sba aos to be llEZatt,l2Borr.as ZraJX:tbo PirthAlAlP to sits 'abut tbiedg.l Dwell battorauttrbictiatfad ea th•dudarddued s. bantam, ,;• 25th tesi. - ~ 1 41411 4; 0 11A st. 3A00111411114:•ft wisOratur. 'GBA,FP k , idabodaseat rolit Sedi od . Saving coast:natal "oar yob With IVilisw al waltas Oda Wad at pad la rpotaility.w.payddlidkr pandit • aliddal task • , A rketaw..earast:- . od. itedtbdidd adt, Wades • 7EI '1 WILI4.' BialltrAt i t. ri - 13011er Uri 4 li s ‘lll3ili - 1/!.. j ,-: :MO UMW: mid, Moat IL .: • , , • , a tarp_ yard and tant . iteldtb Slot . , tolcd.wi "wigs."'" sr. M and i° = . ' " 1 21 s e I ntso .415(4410a i'af WO bi-libet *WW. . warranted. rainsl-, , t0- ant - muds ttmalln . Ww= .. onittnga BESOBBR A - BliM B PIPS kt 0419 3. I 'CON UM, •BA.L't Pala TA.I/12,CaL 'A ON% . drattxlX. a PAW, 1101.1211 , . 111 UM" tilgralt - ' FAll§Lsimi igimsaidia ad 411/01.111. 1 :BlLLV.Pirpart 'BOILILL'" lions as Itm•bortne imitko . ~?, i.,:, t-,f.1 c :., - - ArLI ,, Mike . Uuu,tilitgUltllATlSUM "Nig si4gtsgs„ ANS lam olnwgiggss is inSl:o_ll9ruicrgnoomor giggingignolo bf AWL 111 0 Dt, ilitlatitridsiq in Other gliargiririllil& Wk Ulm WO" 'gorging mown s bib Aria tm inaral s On*L"V s t ditts ; artc: 4 .l4llP M Wt---.11. SAM' 13inots:% , - •‘• '"" told bn.Slinons *otrigth- sad iiti• theitinotariagg inn TWIG, iz zad:-..1.4 41.----;---/APAPORIMAYIUSaIIWVAI6O7 - agrir - r (mina;. s RtitertS Man' =A* ,COOLL.Araifi l l 11:1 "' malarorma.--Tmos ZaTil. H g 11111 Wl._ tog 11111 -VW Crearlii. ON I / 4 WIMIC amairi est mocirces.wiewl sD. sea • a Am Okeuormr. *ion.' masji!* lab 1111-P-Pcnina _ L . ~ 1 -kblti • 0 • pral - " J.ilrcikft4lloX4 :414411119:- j OB WOOD 11.464....044 4.4 1 1 A. 041.14424' 4 1 . 'SPAYS Apitto_otk_ . 4 4=sallsoWkeiS Z4 ktmendlt, pima[ ASIE • • .!•114°1M.1.1..4ft. z r. 'ta vrrvi. ei) 41,1-1 2 , - ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers