The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 02, 1863, Image 2
Ipittsbitrgit, uttht. c areport. • 'mu fist &base irk, was captured by _ Aka-rebel--geseral-itaindustaarrolfiffei 11 - 1 /nr° "1 61 $ 4• k iho, t 2r whgafilaWireestd-iiihsie ---- WailtmosthiatO robot ohowofhtEtt e i 1 totirlieglitial'epawkoa• that aide of p 1:-_ , Ilitilitika V' tail* iiilitrotol'fi ciukiot, - but . load to sl=apialliag Outoquenota; t' tf-t i h r s ,444 . -, lis balm i „, 1 •-•t...T141711-ralltololl3litilot if jiiii6l sate Osafothwaimarnment, to =aka ~..--, Aatkloa s 'ill . mwir Pailltd it ,AiNi WV *tritium, Afkliii. !u s m 00.4. 5.,. g •7' - '.;', B .*E r t a l ill. 4 .1144 i"-lire ini4 Ag i iruk, l , unwitting lailataiript4jAs* „,„4 . 44 :both dictate that. the; _r, -- li4hT4 l 4l4Wßoffioin t r_fittlie IL2-7 - ' " • ''-' 111 . • thiWtini 1,14.114.14, • sL•.__„__,... ..., . ~. . i:l,-.12t , --o•m 9 *--"••••4 ow ling.,7o?aribersllo asAvaii - ''?i .4 salibliot ***Clall4.l4Blll7,* A Willaperlag I UttlitliipOitriblfgted &t !! 11 9 1 4 11 1__ lassos, edited , 41001. 1 by Aux.terliaPrivrox,- Peg .9a~t7erraa~o h. tepreiented Arm strong 4111 .0 1 .414 ilui.rclgtelature,:Wiere the most tslabid did Was get-arm:s „ bueg..iin g o ,.. r iddi F i- to bring their *Wall 4401-innitil;ania,•ad-werirtheat xis isonmetat a time. The bill, wti was Darer premed telt *tic - Mr.' O&M,. bdirna in 01044 aaaciiiini initibigcbt - • sad et emudiW - i - rigixta" mita:into heresy, all of which be, as s ..;,:‘,,,..`Borfest right Witold and defend to' (hi' ex teat of his'ability. Bat we deny' that he kli any right to brew false witness against his ommtry and hie go'werinurnt. la his paper of last,ireek he puts the fallowing language intollut mouth of .time istaggary father of a wldiee ilk I thenot it au' t. war fors the Valsat I never suspected it was a war for or Ili never would have gone: - ' --list - wharasaW - urwr:We hare-weehl imind 1-bltPanti= serreadeiVisre wernust light and shod oar blood, ;nes 4d -restere'"ourt_qoun- Uy, bat to AMMO a pet. lit o_ *hose Maga'. ItTaeraerimaiteetiate, so gigdad tW ite10444011144'.in 91:4 .04fte liistike.aild 4penti: , must arabotkhis 0W 13 1. 11 4 /44, 1. 17*, whanbspenned them. - Semi 'fee hem a mixture of truth in them; list this , -la pUre and unadulterated. -' , Ws hive seen a geed deal- of the ,111111 k• kind of ;tuff in the ,Poet of this oity, ate klamlrsd sbeets;- but it was num,' 1145 k "W oklitas tabulated to wle , oriedanea sr make 5ay1121220114111 word' coals rao t ,'" lag, that vs paid no attention tot; T; Ira file Nithuuring dikerheed has . a sh_ a dramatic styli or ejecting his poisob, that wrthoaght we Would let our r nee how-ha -does it. Were he defen g' "profusloaalkr, (fur- he is a - lame s ) he would whine and warn r over. ,thimeerocesof Ids, client; and when he , would otoX "000ntly to the heirt, he apt dwitbi it* other way. 4 *pi - • • • me et - et the Rebellion. Tim dergldation of the border that% resuitsof the misichy• whit& the rebellien. has Gaoled in the elate Sims% kw eleisdrhegun Tennessect-A. ".' •Neidecille gegmeisjitimialise beenaheeiy 0011113,31eete. Midas Tecuteis chains , - &pet time or or spilbs, **Fick Mame, and adds: - - Thsee-perple go 'to seek_ luizose Where they bops to be free from the annoyances °osmotic:l with state of *sr, like that of whisk TIERMISIII is made the - thestra. 41 °Considerable number of the beet shim* of Nashville have left here for the sans ressoit. A portion of these have loestid Ist Im:divide, while others have • gait hither North or West. -An old oiti see'dNeakillis, who has loostedin Locds- Me, te us the other:day that le Mit Maio Neshtille men in Loubmilis than 7 ••••, he 'did here.; --Another citizen, who return. - lid to Naiiiilli a kW days itgo,'efter an ahem* of are months, remarked atilt be • eoeld And comparatively few aequaintiinces be knew. tve ths reader n ani of the seethe ihodsbra taken place fro* our midst; and &lutist every day adds to the cumber of thascrieaving. „E''..-Ez0,0.4421114W11d *mac /raw at ilia*. ' fugitives - lON 111.10111 to their homes, hill: bugs cumber of them, attracted by the su perior saUghten - Tuutt and richer resoiries • clfreeftasilirill'lrms an t aseonat oa the prairies of the Wes 4 that the mix" desolated by the ratites of 123 - * Ai m ust OTII4III*-flat fat behiad Chet makes a Mate great. This is a minor Ault, but still lan ortaat Actium:quip°. A iteniiitineiee. WaeldigteeemeeptiMdiett of ' the elyldd (UaiLY.2.4,100-P Alike I the r3a_ 8111401-AfgiaiiMobL;i'infaim of as atiedearsiddrlial Ohillandraw of Ver , lki . ragister of thk . a ~ q lMly;told ea Mediu the dam: opt. lie rabatild -la would "state exuded. in eaamidea-a* expirifiicaiti this city, ablib'be banal had sane pa ha* Wide pine. Hie Ant:visit Solliaaidetten_ame POINP -101 . -71 1 1 d0=• Hs yak ,a likiikeetAit/Iltate - of Vitutoa‘ to thi. poem eminiareimahlek met ii: &Welty' In it , the ma* et.l.liartiemlb.D. upon the In z , "diGgilant4haganni#29y "viva,. 4 , o..elosterairadkrai - . 4*.iinnutd A* form th et ALINB. Clay, of San "WPiersillltra-;-&--Zuiddea, of Virgin* Star/M AUI Searetary,oll.4 Gar- Kahhe4 of Sontuoky,.(wkaia nay - Aa l bspediarg woad - al: be =Obi - reitisied,) said Oki* "VD t wet iAtilatft::.:-.01u1d4, "Infors M illg a= " X :lP"ls V n ..„ hand oara UtNtit r dai-Rota ilkra chitpolden. ^ Be That yam Ilti tilkd, but lit Intiesoo.4Mll4,fros earn to. *nether in masa • manner that is could not hap but tivityro...on ,* On;the card viii4sittel:4haiamorde: 'Lincoln is in tWi_t P. sew 100 h coas= • .S*a4llgelefOra. ryuy~e rwitiaaseMent. ca '/, bnisiinkmnardel .otior!oratrot A,174i1,p ;‘{ a V PA 'l 41- * An.:_a r .rtra: . "411111 . • .1.1".. , i - iiii - 43 - cizzas gatiiiia .11u24$ i t t issir.-14)11‘11, w t riter says iiii 1 , 0, t - ils• # l 44 2 okAlikkkrf... IWO"! Spa " VA iiu runt sad fuhlozaDis ' ~, I larkgli t ... lo tiwaisksittsoodo biliProkubatir . ONO& iiagt . r -As noble' A ma mi ol lhaii. liiiiakrAN . 1 . 1 0 1 h1 ) il=ko.ll, tub - WM' lUi''' UM litueraeursualti• al iiiiibilairsA• SW lair ' y". 41)' ' t ' :,:' ,' ' . • e.',..064a.... ,daes. et,./.e. , :a., 1 ' ~• .-. 4 -t .:.1 W1L,E.1...: • OgPAL.lna' ~~e~ ~~~: x 3 Jefferson on Arbitrary Arrests. Some years ago Gen. Wilkinson made an "arbitrary arrest!! of Aaron Burr, who -:..,. A) .believed ; 0i le en ' yel an unlawful 4i 4 Zil t tlie st . rivers. A A etre o i then to objeo .* . the act and to stir up an agitation against 1 tlll - 14t. W i lkinson and Preeideit Jefferson. iNatter, in replying to the letter of a Mend, need the following language: ___nithtt s -preposs..witetheretr , :_,,:.,, 4611 1 0,Veletiamntottr wlAtb " 4)14114,4 1'1 15t1ii of gelatin:i Pike p 'l>, buS sportbues em' ''''e 'bit, _ to officers of high tnnjg,lll aseurotan ties irrd thi law—la 'easy bareasins in ractiro. _A t 1 observance * oft - tbeltritlen jail / It one of the trtfutieaLtf 11:_got4 "'Nut it is not 1 to fofrfteffi*- 804 r. t a ll i t:. swN aeletittlf4'rgeg4l,l_, to ,_ Spa ar i. .. ,04 49.1 , A,414/11600. ' 10.6 4 V i1v..A..../r - Ar :I sarnpalont Mhereinse - ti I gilleffit:nswovonlaipo teohnelitself with epliberty,- property,randLiallSth ..nrcenatlyilstowiertelunti_Vats abtostaly; ilitarilleing4ntend; ys,hltnileitit. lk---- , L• ,t lirjedgtaftliidwis b ti, -':,'•IWO o -n.: 4idlif We etatie 6{llo .. • . 1 ..,. p, cured litifffiaitirrWlf 4 , '1 !' ' S on )l lia weliso,. Atei : 1 .; . - 44hisband litoW la*/ 4,,8ki ' , . ear •Itiontintloy and 4,1 1 ,:eir,. .. - MerkirsitkiamhiablsOonsptisoy trithils,t4e - nity. Undtwalkswestinces wanheinsiihable--ffittroinlistens hotor' ions combating 7 On this them zgan be but SWO.W.IIO/11 4 on, of the - 114ty mod their ien4lieelcctliii "604 that lic all honest mint. - t , '24rtatheni 14 , Waist of goisittnient'awhinftWiritteitaplaVi them a•rigbt 'ttriF tita r iii - the tirrltorfr The .ilago O_r_wtsTr reeens-o,_ Atwir cOntitninf tar atitiellisaltfmkthViiiidrneicandirtialt:* nem of tin, liw, it`pititi if c atiflit t l a ges, oct ave patronap ettlintrlkoktr e 'W of wyers,„ Istatweisil loltiWticirreti 1 - r es, and betiriirOles*Ttidinifilin Fmk; latintiOa Wile, ...' 44 7, 11 . 1 ire 'IA : cries* WA/ er MA** „celtlnhihriii 4ti centre .11141"Seiniginst, 44E45444 a/4 Mute Lai*2Liiii&W. 4 3tAeoessilf ii i tit ell-pre, ;4•l7,l4eni:sttei.xesiAlered. that 'mai ihpremt-orentbe written law. Tlie officer _whn_isaalled Inseams this enperioriround, ,dass-indeed risk himself 011 'llli ius doe of thstoontroUing powers of the constitution, and his station makes it hit duty to Lacer , , Thera worlds fro from } WW i 4 be Ittge; dotatzliorlo oso - ~tonlOtet. TIMM tit ~...3 .1 14 *o'o ' ki, ~.g. welaiditek Arne& 12, 2 v Oro- li k eiJiiv: VW is WV' . ' :tic iiiiscithlst„i t, Oman. 7044^q, .1 ,t, 3:.s c. :, 1, 4 Oh the narelts , . _ . dontroespondone with Gen. Grant!s army -IdieffolieV l 66lllll° on. the spot., ..- .. _ , _ttypAtaii 'it t aprfeit of ,fair_nestimr, - WW_ f ora niava hismnalf abaft of.ilwat Maims , imtfocatisti and blindinikand,oov. tiling bami antkpoyadsimitha dingy squa lor: that alonosedellta witiognitittlyenvempe the vsafooluuni as it' edvarinalt. The - pro= -gress-tlnt, the swan, of the idottekrillrod , frittethir:rattle4f hoof= and f k ' liatotit - Toittialz,W4liw , f.. a d a hiMaj ityi hie . ' inehThOhrong4l. *pall .. 9to restickirhoie :Ideas itt.,.Wir lenve Altr n , Ayer iroict .114 itarwia- ground, w - blo ladlY—disappointed' na.titer tight o le , _MwelliWiEtwZriwil it. to I such swarthy, sunburnt, tattered lumina I _belongsalmilory- of- the- wax. They wear um bade:eland heraldic* hoaors of i long, - untiring, faithful service, and the country- will cherish thsnumber stni , bllth-PiWw of. iholiliglmonts, while the prlioipleif they; supported through dust and rain, anti, long, marshes are held,doirAo, the, nationi Mao , liiisay bivouao at night, the dream of home, broken by the-roar of cannon—let our fair 'countrywomen think of these, when; hand. in hand with some scented and . glowed. Beau Brummel; they "chase the glowint hours with filing fret," in , Ott boll Iretin, - Liti the heroes of '76, their , payee 'ire -1 altitiglsl7.lhorcoAnCtlyidec of snry state. Thipanansit :Wt. ne ailktintithiv. ' -_ Sollimalogling Elk th•lrjkima#,Orlzi , The r lgissogrl ISNkte IColieatiank.., It is not probable that State : thialissonxi, tk&Vtattion, whichhaf bein aa7led together 4:llOveram maecuptielt say; thing in the dielootieClit gradusUtuttaiicg 1 46 4 01 . 01774,0104.4 re taking mita lit favor of an immediate extirPatign of the 'Amery system front the State ; and the Convention, which is really opposed to emancipation in any shape, will;hardly presume, under these air:amitotic* to act anwtly in the face of the popular desire. In all the recent elections in the interior of the State, emaneipationists, except in a single instance, have been chosen to fill ex isting vacancies in the Convention, and the delegates, the people knowing that nothing can be expected of that body as now con stituted, have been in all Cites pledged - -ttk vote for itat immediete adjournment w e i.44 day.. The COnTentl9nlMPC a t** ofBiee Yeats igo; *Mit the 'teatime*. uttheStste was altogether different, bozo; ; would - Rely hal Wr that It should forthwith dissolve, and thus: afford Am people an opportunity to doter. •• • • in a new elecgon, whatpregleapolioy • ! ..2Cgnian ) A reigNieditinally *ono the State the, : abomination which hoe ee long inipearealiii prespirity. ! , •=Tec Otiforriox :tatz-Vta.—An Otll - of a Connectictorlio lraa. Watt taken priecateraid inirted'fo month: write! ai follono ‘ toAktler,,Aieit 'Fittaitart: - '" _ Before being taken prisoner I was some what under the impression , that we, could neier whiplhe South; Since taking a free .trip to,Biokmond I -lanai come to the arm conclusion that We are whipping them ea 'erydayi and that thtt tine la not tar &g -iant when they will have to knock tinder, whether our army advances or not. You would be astonished ,to see the miserable condition they qt! l .. . .., .. . _ IE . - Lunn: or Btomunsw.Xcultra,Poor. I ~ ~ _ _./4g.r.o.LlMlST.oltoillitatoo; Closet Sur loymwoorrwomolllatelsootrWitifoittiointatthe Ilm of coosit - now:wsdor Illooluoto ortoods tro tfl• 94,A Msaadria, Idols the Poto- rtaa rim oad-011iomeoltolloAto Ceps Hon. .ryi alit faisiiii*OttoblisViloNgtlik'pator Ilse WAIF arOttrid7-041113110raiolilorlds 'Afar a* tlii* 1 eisirliot this illititr.'orom tho Aim and harbors la dm dlrooidOio Of th• 'boast. -4kr thu that asibritials.'lool,ltie stointior.•- 'AU whole sublimed' 4Pean gs I. 129.—.1.4-amaroillgtorstorthovnabur of wpm., bounder olifiWadoptfr.fdrWiliii; bit!** I i slr. foot sad Woke Mt ILitoptkoirrontyl t . two= s twill' hot and ofiglitara feet In dew t e forty-two; oirorolghtooaloot In dopth, ado,. two. _ ....., ; r. t imil. ~.; , , -„ :-.- r-,------- - ' • -. i : .If 7 ;:aMl - ' , ' ail . TIMMY A. Wzan eent_Generel, Dix * let- :war Oferec i tait' • Sal ter the other diy, oontidning tnenty•tle, zeramsettiro***bitto . ' ...A 014.70 1 rinen peg eA &cooing eimplx f . , nimearefikbaitiX9Po•4lllithar.q. ll VOW' innertylarkMair of 4i1 .-- fai. ;., 4 11mtletter returned it endorsed' ealollOwei "Itiitetned to Brig. thn.. Mae ea n•communication fit neither to be written or reoeiaad • . . ••- Tanlknoteranito Maio limo states thit Ai oldie.° , Wiebvetkern rodats , it is Mold utborealL• ;married quite -a your Milk Ili next youi ( Ellr jo koo inandod..lluVskfr niontoi. on - Ap_nopot took tor ids wilt the frandm . Vapid In our Masi Mho- Map &boot on*kogdons anion of two taw Ulm .—•- A wrozneonkoo r* - l frol ri nt OS n i t Brant%Ore know w - 9.4 1 1;13 1 1541 1 91Mtd: 4Mototheo-bdiNawl-ff-- _ el isrpiis . Wt i MC i NTJu 411 0 69 -14 Sr i t./0/ 6$ loddilits git ittPtinkalZ i • •-• f s : 1 i 2 41iiiittil iii r C4 Lo ' l MR' Piet p or o laiteleiklo/fet**llo ,li ' PUBLIC ~VOT : : uND • wysi taw • t m&oeuel a s i tar No oau omit IAIIIIII NMI _ Pittyturg k=1411611. * MOE.* BY GIVEN.I4 tbo.souoi,lboror, Agook or otio woo, .irsk aasportstion Mummy Liszt' ( so area:Bp* et.: FITZ DULWitt (L 5 00) Pg BEARS. t o halt levied 1106 - W - 11tati tobsertted, palatal thi aka ot tla Triaritrar, at Mthitnirai. to of tessrPtb, no day. of-Jtitrt, I 3; atd 's - 1111to soctilflt 'amid thtry dn. thatuftr, now otaatings MAMA talit of Oa lkoarLr ... 0114111fia PettshttY. gesilusi out sung% doe si tu= g . ~dmd .4 04140i-aii-SiOnOMPVIII46 -. . - Mickittertllll JAI4S • :.1439t Ji 177; Ilzs-r ~,-.1.3is Mills - ram; AULLl'atthli Assetof the Elute &bath &Aida oesisalkedidn' Asset THIS NOB rINGI. at II olde L elypoLialmil• Shozzot , ths nest Presbyteries' 1iai1114.7 Wipe= ass retteettel 'iv rephyt • utedblety ..ta thats artivet. that they clay be 'egged *KOWA • , MUM" of EVU NLO COUNTY - CO TLOW.—The loyal voters alleg Osystate= tr. earnest saypOrtas of the Administrative u the 'toms yiestrattlas of the We: for the Pekin, ors repeated to meet at • tbalr.sousd phase Of Mao" oteckfrea,ea SATURDAY, the 301holay ofllfay 'Wag the lot Istraday ci the wetlyln the alter. memo} satd tey;to WIN tore delitates ifom ea* t wo'. a aortal. adaddaddla adadrodadatfr id MO. ffi la it U.& in the abbot .Cloareager. *blob eta loolibblertat Ihrillourt Moen, fa the gay ad Fitts bonbon TONBLIAI, ihd WI day arida mte, aiTl gyk a kjan...zddaidday--Tes **ad efi Ala Owe rtMis id•lLliddinttaadidataa let Os .:Piddidda.ladpe4f =aria 'vire Pin ,Ifembers 41 04.11csaj qt JignrOidggew; • I " -06.1Plivis•nr: ' I ,Jtecerdic Itf peek Eze, ' . 1 1 4 1 ,, -.4., .I , ..tcrb , o ** Alel* Chmalkagth.- - . c0r..1 Odd Midair sl the 41 , 0 , • • wawa.. as u Matt UstiorOmeNtdat. I Pdadr7 aoloWeWo fa 'laws dupe (.aseyllea Names and con") be "sea tbe boars of fk sad arOoltak zst,V*tor the Wards and leraisheead la Perbleaaad Goatee Tovraddia tows ths boars of lad U.. Tlar lu the old. aail4torreidhaitra bodes ballot,apd jn the toeseldasflAallever.tearkhoy, se oath WoreWp Werleteridelf. s. } Wfedierfrf the .alltrtewitallaallstsfe:. fik ai 'Vrt AB.Asf 111WWWW hThr t ieey, , ' tll IVA ,-..r .. Slll7 :^^ AaringeillrirOMOil, : A , ‘. '' :.'"4.A?"-117Witlittr, r l '.' .4rg "Cril a in V •I 011.11 Cit of thlil IT) wart" tad •ip. saw In Obvelasilato 115kolita AT, tut 6 4d do a Au, next, at IQ 0•44-91_14.- "Y. lactikstrio considatltiolk err pivpnety Luxor MetLoitiVrkkir:Ullfir .altssotlit Sawa ;1:151 tnadiellookeittl iii driiN =re 1/541141217 4',. - , 34:1 lielgWili ‘ =',. - *Oa= - . " - • i...../ " "40iihat'oeruittn. "Wiwi= 041 zumbig*ltsit~a43,, , 0 141 TNAL 11 4 44419884taliS° Te Pan t finisattiliir 6,22,47., naa ap.,...Navar..- oth enelimaa&r, •DISOHOGII.6 AKILDIISS 1 •LlNlseaat'id ikare•- saAßi t thetaligill 91.4bridilmiNglaaiit dal% 1 , 4' 14444-0.41044/01,44144. 96011ralladbity tta ?Marna. More Jabbl satcur sor Po tan' diortoretiratiortbs l Do*. am per alt thalbailvis cuilitastion by Sumps. , . " asssobi oiptsta • • .• ad belga Marsha tlitk 0.01hi.4 c r i =r o . - - facaikw : . BAN 4a 1: : , * a i d mitt Otibitit oe-TitattliT, itete.A. !Mato tbe enmenleet id eidiebbere Wit de few tteeble, seder tee foe et dr 1011.0011dtee et Om , fk ft".:eatltkod An ; Art to tsorla-a•■ Owe !VIM" - 7119.A.11214Mid. Pzeddeet.. Ilieetedeli: Ned Id. 11103. . aliegek jr:NQTltsg -p=4liiiipbeaription Boos v e 7 al As . _ orotAnts Worley Ifift Ammar *pea at tla 02of if Z. IL owns I*" Back BM*, llfffftsisuf. ;WS tar. thee codshi .riEPT/CEA. Foa , ALESO(B.I.I(..W. ipseo' insiit*ocoutattoria4,lrarswhia. ass iminvime &be erten, for Moto Oala.:110 , Jo/ tofflui deoloks attpaValerk downy Cenryit. 'llo2i 'A 8 8 RMLItt, .:-siarayo &l c % Aunt)* ens tear u. t.• vs en OP "Li a Mat TheTrze' ndi - oreou T. 11L-11ous *III watiot C 4 moo bottro Ito Make tkonktrOotTaWbn or • coadidata be the abort onto, Ltoikko 41 al as toitto "hot. to Ei . ..&Bl3llllßlilir,i--htsg J. Cmo, of Plttoaorth. Wit Do soolostod to•titan fit tbo stoovopoottlits;oltdoot $0 the decision of Odom Oolatv ednaotkot. = 1 m►lt:to 0.1(01 '6,880 BL ' ;` (North side of. toe OW ILV d ,ae B. inusin.. al Kesobarter, erittlyi'it kir the above pod" tioaa=aß is abiaillicidea of be watt traban Clow 40.F0R cABSEMBLY4okr, 11.tai' UV l : • lige , atvetylil earn _ ,amemp , • 14014.411 no Oaks Ocmaingual . • PRICSIDINT ',V4oK_Or..lkl4 snix2 Dunne oouti-=-Ticaltiaiip44.. s o 44...018abta firk Doak bad= th• obeys aloe, o n &Shsh* llohlt, Ownse Ma. . 1. isnyttalwts . . FOIL 001314 TY wtsY. , Di Arm, blvalp, $ cutter/go tor theobote ooso.'outdoot to Cho do. !Idol( of ttio sort Vat= Gast raw, Bede 0011111ESIONEX uvr —Luz. Duni, Putst, Oss4 ihs 5414 te s t Ibr *nasty tgisobi thsta t on , ‘ low. setWa to the Asilmitaot sielralan : • fztzi $ s 4: tPr.," —BMW! LIU •et th• Ott, et, *III be Wpm; the thtlatzOossty. Ourollhe `lttinaldatt • t shots G.l.nt -a • a., AN', COUNTY ICOMNIEfI IONS& apqzmimintsor,atiutaliiiiti, eft OlbstOWSOinip Oodosballealri 1151*Ili. tho 0111:4011 Sri 1,1150•14300114010. Ur ovizat iog inua s • BNTT OO lMIssION: 1 • ate, rojet sok. imossoimuogyzarmietunt. , tg, dde, "'FOIiaIe" , O I 4 I4I INiTSSZ. na• INAst, Will be iitildrdsto tor' Eb6calie, antlisat . {9,tika rfyn of • UniffliOnitli S m.! a Ileh 808. filielbpratulles.t.itiC ; , • . aLl'itt; uninadp watlo _ - t c t.:•;+ NOM :t ..t y, t sebwierinfiblipirtea. alki*Cmbeigmb ocom • •.le-Ftiral ,W it -M.; wmm4oiemmantwww g mwoomposswi it * "I" AOCTilleittrO r4r, OLNRIE (nr law -4enot, be a. eleeeLlies: (0 00 ~_64211110n el tic ibitelesserelMi I R.) • uirra Ps? PjhlP. bs seadiglitoAbralltairk; " - . " Wih6 ttlatr i" - )11.- FOE 0141 M , < ,• s ,--• • • ' : aolJtoil , 're ,+ e frf: 1.1141 ! • ""'• •~ :}. ~' II I SO ""''' •4 l . ;IL f: I • D • • and - z in 14441 -Was Borula,Co and 7 304 591,0E 1 0 en Reel beats and Ground Bent--. 38,455 91 - 811:990-40441 1 ...41.0.. -- ... ----9 :• • • • =other Docks------ r _acx i 550,319 VC - uo., 7'l WItILIBIIow.- —.111,1434 00 OrP - • s and Emisp.—*-‘. 1111,e're 0,.. ljniabilDlyldsarts and Brooms Aet 'x3,311. acct: 4:4"kfittat &afar • —.. '4.7 10 98 -7 -•, ` - -11W005r10w,..........,i....;'..' 1....-4. , 36666 I .;;FlrEtr-i"-' •••••••:. ir PS 4? ..... 4 , • . -- . v-z., 83.213.6:8•410 r, ....,- WWI- Statementis f. ttoi Vest of m 7. Imarrloßsaand Wild -,40,11UP Ear Bulger. -%- Bwarn to and robscdtad tbli I 'of Jl2=S63. ..t. . ' : - , T, '.'; .4% . . ~.. &s ars, otscr ~., EZCIIIKBANAW OII • - • • = • /.1.136.9,t ',11°1,.**11,b4 81411 ST to M t; 17. motes* • 8fad.4 7 :1-PirElfr , o (4o:*° " r 21 x0ix' 11 ° 17. 4 , $OO l l O 430 116A100 • 00 - • latMolleit 611 /2'690,1t5 75 1415 .4_ ItaNalif:x = 9.817,40 vimy: 4ketmedriiiip beltist — .% 'Aftuthed betire 'me, this 410.7iN1A • ma=oro Atitalre 419)7 1 0EU RAC " - I , llrnitßAlol24 108 53 . 'C4 4, 1 60 4 141 lb) ' /303.01581 X, ; --- thso - Dbratit_---. - „,, otAer.*.Lnks •• —r77.--,rrnr -- - . Pd :,. ~, n , Loim and tycemiraai..,:_Li.L.,....,,„,„4: MO 41 , Oat* i...,44.` , 3 Arts 4, -:' - lidos add Checks of otttealAtilkt..,,:... ~ 70033,11-6 • .IDue by offionsa. .1 . , . ./14WAT 644 I: l 6onooinetglif of Ponh's ;4. ',, „140,0 00 00 1 u. 8. occfera ! fmt LoaTtalT 0 ~44 i ' .'" 0D - - Mg Uwedi=smimi. Ii t:mkt log trail to the b.II ef Iskylatnitledgo Ind boltet t ~,,,, .„", ;:trwas.t. 13*Orn Bn4lflll4:l3beCt ' tdil lit 447, of Jtavel22l. • • - '"., ' o"Tacnta a Laz***ipys7 pow. , •ItAlakilGE BANV`Or PELVS• JJ.J. BURGH ..1103p13. 1 ~ • iiM' 4y o butot 11811&r..- , rei : lareollettoit..-r-'',;2130,11700 .1,1 I , lhai to (es? ;,' "......„... t , 1 .;:".) ,Li 4 ? ' D OT I . 1.1.41.....- 7 ~. 413) 14 1 11 , - MIS- lam Ofitt ,Dto:o* V.:"..,..,04.010 6 4 - '1 Watt, Other Max'. ~., , 194 nto 71- E4=k miw AN'ax1it0..... 1. ........;....,......, ,11 .454 4 0 MrSe ll 4 o,t4 ll lC l Pau - 02Clib 1151; . ~.„„1 .,.t. ,/31kail ell Dtfcre MB; n 4 0:13#017......, , 41ACO0 UP *of •m,!: to. - , " '":. '' ''` '31;04,644 84 co v , 12,,r,e."ictent Is * lmor Wie. dui. aft,glW,CaohOly. Ilidix iss.lblo Ist 0f4fizi40.869.. . ," ,1 - 'T :'''''isaigic W. 1111111 .144447 14410. - IRON Can' BANK:" • ' • loss. oqatia‘ Rao BOO.OOO co Losioisted WOOS Ss ^ zwiLlait Ps. Sandia Pettligatm.... ,14000 00 , Dopsdtast tor 11. 11.isS , Tros#0,„„.... 'MAO co DOI otber BirgA , • , ,217,701 6k4ia bad Cliacka Lot elan Batkkind • litstes . Troposylists- 467,18) WI /3 1 . 1 Dom toolbar Sias— Ole 4r • vostenspoatanz.:—..—,—. IA2 II 0.04 the sham stsismsai'V'obrreCt4a4goin to the bsliet 141" staaor,rilt, Casbia• -.l.lllnsofiorto bders Sis'ShlsAst. ".1 • , • - , WHITNEY Naar/ Pobliao A M2 - rw," N i 4 Vni,a.. a t T ANT/au—A iiiiiess; - ,la ••• ' -0 3•• • 1004 Ado‘ .ic. •rionsupl lag* Aide sr Vzlia kis Vxdiald N•Ped•••ri balt•St, u Bl " 6 ; tido II" irt.lllls4 br ic =l4 - 47=insiii damns., •14 gigot mid Manes. 10 tf Wit W.WIN , all , kincli . Imdakstos, 011 tointak4 pow /Igo, sod p6tioni:nal/ t IW W18r„ to MM, Mom Tetsuo off Se* Woo. Sol wftitTN OothoottasEarepeoe4ooo..llo: : . • . oatt TodosWoniko . *. 7 ; lei Limo; Wist Yak. tr 1113.11: . - 1 . persons I are,, . ero,by AM militated iabayfaitas ilbieciaattatallaa. tan Peosalmory toad* by Alba D. Day; data AO/ loge Mkt team xmaitbal attic u 4te, to the order et Wm, B. Melia sad beamed per %D- U= Dan be do am at 16000. as Lima Net and legal diatom to th• ma* awl will Tidal Ill*o7' matt thong . • . ADMIX O. DAT. INA. - . ' allitatUltilP 'FOUND : V . AND 11A0111111 111104: skis *deb Ushlstalh la 11114bOai What. Is mo st stlgibly di smal ss beetwass. Is esstabis • , tarp os.soess st issisb •aoll elms assist large skesszteseut of tbs care , Ir• }Mew listsailass. =UR sod Witold work. , li.iillsa 111 sorer/ dlailtWe•lsos of rusids•c• imp uodis. Asa PoOSSMS•lllcreit Ass itasalsstants• otentairb alto a4l '.. lXi r4V 4 1•1111.14A. ' • ~,- illtbm shop. Wr it .satkillsi " ION& ; 'blur Its tbs United - ' 1.;:4' 4. .44 . 2•84 1 the Illeageposer_ .if le .•• sr , ,ss hemphi, Ateswisalcionfli ' s • - ...,. asompsiotho sivissiessis sin • . - 111_' , • , sacb sus 1110111Mbosat'' .ir iis.. ,— ofmo ld s. 411 *". 4,0 11 - W togn • , ' lll 4olssikter e...temsk of pine s swit/6004 hIS, • • Of.C4 - 44,11‘4 tb• sargsisibbl4l•lo4: _MAO" ' It, 4•11 P e solf4ol*•th.2l•••Pstdr,hisrl' twlsig &h.* assyssa ilkosP r rhsesl4. so egatrses Ihrlitiflll •Itioblairy. am ix sh•sil• ':.d Wise Sost•ist •I' IlkosaiKag . : patio hay tiuirisheekelht '." ,.•'' , ! • I • Apstetts , ftet . gditaktftilig4*,oo: gridisan, h _ _ aws. , -..- . I. • • , fib—n9lAF, OF ' A MOs,.ww •Off= or . te r ttl=''''"Agre s t r ; ..ahimoce. arth *Wei: •- to Pub Sam. ii-1-I"l."Nis wero.stopit..l4. laxity .4 marrow uatimr:the 110)%i I. of . I Z. kfiloak • • leciselc• ii. - it " alitheilig” of I' . antalailen ; ground atm: rat*. ...iairqueusettadNl•Juiaa all•y, ---. w .ittasbugh: boughe toot Utast s ' ai - ou at awl, andateilliik lineal:l* ~ • .i:' al gr . l4 4! 1 =4:114 B otal IT t,itti*m ,A-, -1 ' 4 . traithrigant uttr itlgits* , spfr 4"4 "Vat•:iiikdit - eliksid is r4„... pot at. 0...... , .. it _i i „„ 6 ,,;:.,, „.2 .....4 i ..: :,:.. r ,„,, - .„,,,,,,,,,,,, Amtiiiiiio.r. 'imel l itresf. 'ffisbepoek.• ... L .... • : tittp44llMaNylltailellrotrixsittet.- V.I.INITIU SA' ; T '1 0 M ; 1 : I, T i f i er: lb t= ,- , SALMI= PUN Asolehotshairs.b.•D egirlf#6 • '.l_st Pni Ta 7 otv • LST--Arnew .....04,1_0tyrot• • effstratakot% lra`"" WWl' • a1 0• 11 a . • Ai% gm will ,saa Ando, as 1411 VLONDS, si exportEpirito oar Oil; ` 1.11110101 W,• to ezon ddris p nitAGIVANSW IOIII b I • i lidf Who th e NadaLw,p tedma d '3lfid"4??-11(.10IiiiiiiR CO., Weed stiee ;u; t. BouSAAND . BLAti ,Aii3sik eadtWldsliT WM" 41421141" rl"sad tot We by • • !Mut O. lafftiont , • - - - IPraT,L• l : r fA lrBi sVZE trait sad lit4t uma t OS latta, t ~~ xiew aprEigrzs t. N A LYSIP.i ttr . ..... 49.60. ~,' s.musa .--.111.10. x. vim 2.20 A Lumr......... .01. liAli 4- 1 4..r , ...- 01 - "Willa ---111.40. lriebritile'eepted the Arem al ° ot the STAN,. a _ . . _ R - fret. Mo . . • • Nerersed- ,• . • • • ••• •••-. - Mlle An diets Alma obese. Ise _wrested by NMI: VIM". a Bwrni itia;ixt. sootit a PhINEN i o f rm l a t. • • • • heembermittrtteetlat O f teritlffe enre by -.lsemdlermarlsi: Ma °twine/MI , tod re.,lrdale: radar fe t e IN punt sod • feQgt te 1 ,Fs known, whet Fordo Or Oneerfireff , i .le from It Nord In the Nlifw, . .Iko,l‘toNementhm 1 .t 5. :4; litl -11fred tilt. ff of lice tiler me Airier from the mine, sieheek ~. Aw g:mvmanit " . 1 ., •IIIT: - Itlikei . OhelliVlNAMlCsa=lcity quelffor_,,fdeli Ittrioeeho* brmi. a sod "Vim% edledeof the atiO4thlikill kliegs sargittlaw of 'hell citjouriednleN:‘4.l.2o Ar - o- ••=.4::e.O.L''': . I *or 'mow yee&m,Ao. allbeirdere Sr r WI .W"' 016 1; 014 41 . ot:sa:,fr*ilt t# , COM ttflidifFedkNOM ,•-kalitTGORD(l44i -, 11 ,:ri . .[,,,,, 4:1,-, -a , ~.,..c,. No. 1111:13100NNiNtZENT. ,*- 'rkreseeMlL M..' .110t/i4iLPH:AWMB. .:.,,,,imbiossavl4loa#4lß PllCCOlitaril 'AMIIpM• 7 "` .l • miorociaut' KUIME. tsr , • ' EEal • ranoasepkiktanntp.! .•:-YHCtO67APB 4tamtits. : 0703EET-P 6' 'Mrt3Wl Masonic HalltEllitittAireieti, . .„. . EM iiioltve4 - another : tarsi" IPt . V'ttoiset,gitere • • 'AILBI7IIIII,' : ' • .., -, llloTo9llJkilirikLlOW. • s•paotoupAre ALBUMS . ; PBOTpais s Aim AIXCISMIV - racaurams &Mini& s 441 4 1 . 8 " 1 "/ 01 114. ** W44 !R i- r L .: 44'1 Islip vtddi Oromme ;ix lama . al. istriti land: ' : RIM AT • 1 1, / I Muss's!" cat thitSirif list .. • 'Ai . 41111iti. • Irak biliii.iiti44l*ol-1-11,,Iii:ji.jeIld flea • . 1. 1 4PV.04 1 4414 0 . • . • AliOtililPLlD BOX'S' soot+, Shoe', ctWois _tad Bahnarils. Au &Ennis an aijna . 4E* anis. nasal •ytMsu.bsltu~; m. NICAY LinfatqleitOkli ARMY 01' TIEVOTOKAOr ' .-", • • itsv. oe• , of t a NIW yOulE DiALY,?Apsaa •- - , aapritt dioni rgitioc LliiPitfiti.inui . IfI P IW : M IA . DAVOS rocellikt ival moat. 4 6 .4" ,f ! °414. Ana. . 11 .7t•OP:*4?'`UP's!!:..4 ' tk•*is i ld. JOBS NIT: PITMS., - . • —orroariis 'ma — cv,-, • WOO; War zo4u4PIOI4I4APHIA AND tairoiNNART DAILS '1441[121 . a;;bt • . • VW easier. 1 s _ FLOOB OIL CLOTHS. w. 'iv sally 11, 1.4 sot /prima Smotrat New and Destrablei Goods, McFarland; • 514;D:7 3 FPg4-#VirlaW ISIS Wei TOTall 19(T 01111pL DIOS WIDINHID: 8 P/012113. 4 ' , T1:18 perd u annum tor as Icosimmittitrisi vbeIMAIW Lem OP ORS -112.1 Maid bill bp kiff tyllniustll Well Mbir. Lesottt4lllbeand tbiikaMP it inMobeld usairm. and limey inligimit M l bteq *tie io ow, emirs sitittisetiOlo _ :Ili Wirt- liallealpilind be mails bd. .1n I tor, dais twainotTii Watt dziacis LAU 1 mg *tail" *id boa fillAllehlt biscamod lo iis ;11M set . Ample &Wm sae tadtMeellr irith minasibl eisik** : 14 22 11.1b116 We ilit4i ..f 00. lama: - Mint; Ulu 00 OD. tram , •tb rtr/1113411114111.11ed amt. Ittimlttir P l 4 of lbsarb , lit bomb= ptoubt butttritify lattlitag blasts., ratitirufebitil toe* be bay tabrltsdita wawa brael*lb/64_1,111_41ms sabetto,:_“ T4l IF/. .2stlXTOlutelf' EIDYOItD 1111 WW. ATEOTHERAREtIVALOr:''', ontr,biuterli 8 4 04 / 4 11 "...1P* v e Codotatlog of mall ufsao—fialters Nos.!, six mit &- Afore (boom asfloss mid morals: Also. Monis, Soya' and Tootyl,PoM. GalloolandBallso!eL et .~Ooautra klmbants will do wall 41:voill4 osamloo lay stook Ware parohashigßlpqr tartantartanbMolaellatiLZiaainirbori aft ,, - • , _ ... - • Yaorowe beariataselmualicarioicrti • Wilaaleg II e lary.W4lllll:f t . ALL MINI W 013121,14.51 To ,- 40.0" lay yrrarralk ' tTilletrillit lAhhie Seal. hr• bet:Wroth . . tel "e Waders:ad say genitivally' tbeisiesalblrey dapdb;tho Amara ad Isroloaost la tbste'rosysothr Illdetledb.7 'SNP Board aball saalalea Vend; lad dirtirsdeiwello‘ 4 8 . •I_ # lessor fullbidetriciyiutd /f Sottsll-tie tw atilliat gear vest adstelhal of thii4ilitriot skill strallwas:., poosilon tectkota tbs moral erodes, ,' at lisidtputabwersd l b. L.A. itiriedi If of the Wale. As ecolAi they earboldt ellaalialella hi MI! general mambas they doll be duly ranstaesd by • mastering and disbanded eillleorisaue ;add By Alm the bounty &Wise by law: - - - ' t ProJAMS B. liff, i siest Kariba' Gewarat t w. a. 40*110zaaw......../ss. fra4 BROW, hteroW 00., ROUSD. mar Am) oiximmut aviroo4l iikTEND =ME 01.13,111/VXR.NAR* WOK ...Le .1"14.11311. 1111X011141101 00411.1;4411/...w.4,74*.L .11 , IA11.111110: ` r ianir,flei amoibtami o r to. f5jp0gp,54,46,0%, iii:ensiveaMis, aluVie sATIES, CIRCULAAWNTW &CI .=•--- -* • iirtioli.";.—J Avs • . 0 1 . •:;,:te:usi. a.o.g c., , , c. , .. - I.A(), - . , ....u...0.m.1 , ,, ,•., A, S gE. A. W 1.2, i 7 it! sza satrolgt::...:3 A , ,-_, T . A §7. km Icstoenss stock kr. Imam and Ifolhabir dasirsble go6ds sus ofiasd. TY:CIO-2-. ",- .::..Ct .1: - .W. 4 . !al wasUz.l.l , te ..1., V.4.4-2.,-....1 '.'+''', .'. ...4 ; aT 4 0..,4-aa "W!' ._.. • 7.4 ,w.6.r.r..1 ; !A' . 4'..:4 .4,Jtastrs• .‘"4-, :::-.,....,1,i3 : . r.•gevi, ...;.; e.-....,.. -....., _.,-,1.1.-,... , 1 ,- , ...,:sizy , .. , r , vt.:lsll4Aratt sit vara,s. iy., - 1 ~. V ,4. , i:.1.., .- . ........VIP",..,WIMMIIIiIIif oroltr. ts .., r,!.. - ..,.. ow v.-. 44.11 it,a*:,.44;i .1: . .:1 , 4 , 4 .. 1 1. P',4' , 'itzoidiataitiiiiii Adi-ila, loi i3o4lo"*l4EieneelilllZlAß, DUOS. Saiellifill..l6.s','W*l6C:iii 'kr. ,s 01 ,4 6 : 1 4 ,_,II, a irmi rsuri arc. ' . 1.: to ea; .1u,....;.1;11,, ~ i , 1 1 1./ C..y.t.A.4r:C.14,.,% IT. fli:2lA,.,•:...'4, • T. , , i. .1, area cif / 24 p.u. 1 f -Air Rutimost . t ..„,,i, b5„.2;,..ti, olze .s-a ---,r t '''''''` t 4.g . .* I di. - I.airli .........-3 ~... ~!........:.. ~ ast ‘7-..t..1-ritc.ft : r, :3:lllel4::Caflstp s .. .a vu ii: 111 : .14 t ~..45474{--,,,t1.0.ht10c14.1 •• • t'l47 /.4444.41 : Ms .11113111k9, s.• ,rr i ~' , : i rsikijs • . 11 eicliekbagAke . , .„. ~/.0.4**14044, Ade ; -....1 u 11..... 4-1,;-..a , 6.4 ~. ~... L.:, , ;"....., .--,..-• t'....77.• tV t. V :4 .41,4... ' 41C1 t.) Alr .Emiltiartitst.,, ~..:tt , A ;"•:::: . -_ - ,_,l_ 4111.1. • ' or in ki6ai=ibr-sainzeonseler,4la o l. l *. ,L • `4 it* 41 . "'PUP 11,t0t4 and we man azipditoi ' "? .z.ton'2 If I Inifkati ,all. • .- A-ama o 4 11 4 PRINTS. 1.0:10- 1•p4.b:.-„,iy...,_ }WOMB'S, INg Pit It le , rtelir"..,f- trt 1.0A1141.1* !•o,4oiiit Asa= cirdthaiy ' A d :t.T,Lt 71K / 4,, " ,•-•. ' ''.. ":l, 1 7 • • - E ."- Boys' fr.;lialielte - •St 11. .-4)Nt.rOrritinucts.-"` • tEO •••., 'tr, -.Ai:v.:A Art7o W. l :'l4.LOrVirM e leo el ,Osa I wo will open • swan/ choke stock of flATIt i ): BOMTLAISSIIRBana Yriowals, to we Welts the attention of SIIIIMIII.4Ior vtk wholesale barn. • I •.• I AK' JOS i'II,IIOIINFAir _ _ _ ndestlan u w h REWAWOPIRMIWOUO II . I I i t IL:EMMET lit (7 * ,1 1 !"." 4,1 1 4 !trkA 1 l rA3KDOD NNW BLACK ELI% NNW runnuio UAW' , M.V94.149.1gtik.. 021,'2.1t0, NNW AND gAinacomi GRIINADMIMI F R OYNMIE WIrIa LAOII INAIITILLAS L BEAMS; FRBBII.4WVALS_ r... 1 ' • -1 : , , I'll; A 2311119EV1 MIAS I WOW:, .112ripools .IJTiq..iglitAkMll- 11V6.;.1 -'"2;.v. _ ,„ te r.l lzato , . 1 1"...-= var., t7-.V.Ik 4"'7"r"-.44",'STRIDE , - -- 4 1 ' - . Ir* ..k 'WO, • "I""fitairPfilielidellll4lll, ! airs siwaelawixAll2l.3m--Ta sinnek Wits anntastly ca Maillas4 OPArllkioncrstar sionatzos. -ix..lA._ - , donm6i 011Etelidir bP,..,-;,,•14,-.:•yrio. .. r um a Iminiajuuk ..15,4Atukrbrimtiot .i. t , . I. arca .1.1. a t' VON• 74 aRA , t .-. •r 1 !6,5,51'1 ,el.t, aellts't,masu tr.R3lO VC , ; fi Till i ''''fliiii-Wialitil • •'...,•,,, -+ D...'d Ls tu ,ul.. 1-4:11..,..1D 1 st,s, 1r54114:-.4 ..4111101.111,elffifiltillg,.. • • - • t . , • :•13teigoyis.d. • eliiVritt:VZ,6, hOLI 3-A:1 la /-0 •4:4,t`irc_v - 421:)P,A441/Viialatli** .~ - ~~..:~ :.r ~s"a~F:.~.'Sttts:=c+:=nt~ra.<:c'w`:`."u;~ ^..~~F'.t.n'_ sti:_ ~ ':o:u<:l;'iir.;+?>:a:u:,::m.'L:r.~«~~ T ST ,-,f-,z MOOPLSErEtTS. IME MMM!M MEM Apr stoops. NEpr 0 TP.4 l :4ollsl4'siT 0 RE. Verreixotareolol - • to-3a,... b Ara, a a 1701MONSTatittlft00 4 4131M.VINOS. vs. vi•sHalT at { ab • Ltv • tide elgt:zu. Ki.ll • I "klthicza . 1 alidgair 6 • • indsehleamteawissecreihruz. Aa.nrcit (I...,intorlxtialsr , sayii pain, 91, Alt; tAiract A.. . '• 111/4016at fifkiaOMElS F• 4 •.!"..-1••• alWinm...• •`• 00, ••• E!!N!!!I ELMM vivAa.nn' tritirtillha4 cat • • r'rrt ~ , t eekb bra 11,110N4-01111 I 00 Air...... 70 1 t.,::: 54:.rt i catiS,) 14 4 3.1x.v.:', =3 14 Try 1-::..,:_v..4*. ot -IWA.IIICMITIIigku.: - ..pZ ----,,, .I — ' - i 'F ax -gaol . 1 A ' ' '' '' '''' ''""t(FW Luie `-fingaggtit amo F timii iieitook ieciticam. a a cod., Arida by • ' - - • •' WE tVircuat a, co. -- - - , - ,- . .. , , 7- O,LWX4 larklitigiititis. kga,,lswrameas as isw l ama -. . 1 _ _ _ _, , .. 1 2. - .11-:!'• - -OUR* 00. _ - 1 :13 /AU X # 1 45404 3 k ~ ---.- ~.,..!_ 10 2 . 44.• ' , 24116 1 444,64.: 1i i:,'.,, riT..,...:., 0.6....... .-5...,..:7:: ;:;,111.71.3;7+!',Z vane. } ..,,nal...ixiixemoirsanctiltici* for gala by i•,;'•'il:C4 ~TTja,..!:.l 41...,..-....e ~. .1.1.1?./1 ,:v4E. n , ow l , 00. • / 111 " ..- Nvumar ..!...K, gli t. - 1 4 :: : 016•4'..' 4.,.. . iiitilut ~,13' . .,1 Shari iiirXlMEOLlAttilis; =ow, . 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