The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 02, 1863, Image 1
. . . ...-...... ..... .__ .......-- !1`."7 , 1`. '4 , . :'-',,,` ~ ' 4' , - - -: rt , ..,:.. ,. 4. - ~ , ; T.'- ' r_ ~ ~.. . ~ .i i i i, . ._ .', i.''':' 6 . '.l - r"...7xv •-.1,,:ve , - e: f..x..q , :. , , s. ____ ow • ' F'.. ..{.)., .' 4.. :::-. - . - - ;:i i ---,-- i - .._ - 1 - . D . 1.). ; - ~..A., ~,,•'•k-,;-• i J.,:.-........f.:;. -•- .;. • .. 4/.. V ZVI la 'lt oommusrair, e. 001V - PITITT a - ock, Oman= IsacsArmird beimfailuDooV 2NNW 10)V ai l of FI ARAM =lnt iii•libleS laingoll, V Ohm 11 Os Ws al agen n rhr. 00001121 MUM!" Maul% It twa Wood sodilidailalMlSßEph m AtaEMU* . a, I : :;a In £ Qum Temars, Imo= .l i IlLsr=hi att k w alk , . Vs&W , lftra. '. „ sora; .1.. V . 4 444 310•11%, , 111 4% li t hig il ch nem .6 1 WI Zara , . 1 Ciatitymoss = asipme at. ll6 . ' : OIL • ' . • • als dialog ta — ll PUMA TOM BLOOM POT ampo UM AID LAW 011.11. MID Produce • • ,Bia. 141 sad 141 mem at Ur Dilmaaa. =Win/.s 4rrom.ffxinp. may 110. 7 11•AXOCIaB . Cla ssassi $4•Li • mancrosimmtbl l i"an. laismirm nosinpmive • wileia. ol " . vcr ass- w i rstiondl i ZarLlV_ m.. et Clutsatic.: ' "1„, Leos VIREPAiILKIid& • • - t Ai MI a: WOW slew lealtbilidl. • • 13.• AT. 43(06.1192.6 011k0,1aTigiat • 131 DRVOCIIITII. WIND TTOON= OOPEODB W*1401; aimaillClM --- a Wi•eamit:iiet -11ffras, 44 miltittstroC 116-,0111-- oboe Wristrittalbarka. , ' ~ t(til'i 1,3 ,- Amp CliatjCALD_ ' . 'M4l l Atit'" 'maim" a _to tais a 06.4P05a raszioraistamir 12 novuluMktinscationimisarreskita, parbitrag. • • ~ :••1,•-• :, li :". 4 eiit .1 ,1 • 7,, WI '‘'pacrfitunn, atsw;lw, Mr)LID -lIUSZCmm 11141111b00.1117Amm zm i titMersassall 111111101•00.11 44 44, ra, =Fop %keit ft •111'1:1,1 !Nrlll , l'TiM i:Trr= • elfri r • -=r "rr" , 11/' Oak '1101 1 77r IF 3_ 1 821212:a11e.m=•-r vc r ' ak4llllMit .. . . . _ , . . . ~.. __, ...,....____,...,,...,,,, , ,,,-;,--••-- , -• - •• ,, ••.7..• ,, .:: , •.=.!'"_',,--.!:r,'::::..17---7.77,-,..-7-17.,,, -,' , 1! , ',..:! , ., - .!;••= 4, -.1:-'k''7'-• .I','•" 4 "l"z3nr 4 , ••-•"\ ! • . . r. . , , . _ ..__— - --------- —..-.•- -- -.-,--.---.7 . 777. -- :'•;' - .1.;.-.L : ~.,::::- . :7 :', =-;--r... ~Tf(-,::-''.4,,::.?4fSr.".''1::%P'S:;,,q4'fg14K?;i,.H-x-f:t%A.---.''Yk!-j;' r z*l'.til.4ref:l/4rv',Z-Lc,.--1;1E;S-tg:•'*YV"'IAvi.'-'-'''z-t,*4''''' ..f4rMVT,O-4: • ---- ' - '' ' - Z .: ''' 7 ' - ' ' I'' • --.'•,'-' -:=;''-,:''''.`-,"'i,''l:,-,.=z7.-::,2-4"-4...,,:,1,.„., .. 1 ....,„•;ie., .e...,.,M, ~4% ~.•*'..z..,V4.,---4.1,044,.'"': ~ ,,, • ,..W . - W , 4 ~....-4-, 1 . , 1 4.. e ; ,,1m.- 1- .. i ., , , 4 ,, A.„ .„.,,, r ...„.„......y,,,,1,,,,..1.,,, , -.-s-a- , ' - --. " - • ... 2 •.,,,,..,- !,44,..-K f l ; ~_; ;; ; :: , , : „3: ,,:, ,... 4. .,: ,; .,4, .:', , i i :,..,4, , , ,i ... ; ` , ;, .f. - , Z i f F , .....i. . 1. ): 1&.,....2..„5,, , ! .3, -; .6. , : a .it . T.:7, z .,,,, ; W. - .4 :, :r.,,,,,-; , ... g. i - t 7 r . ,. , ...-: , .26.1.,4,.7,-; , ,,, , u.,:f. , , , 54 . , ,,, ,' - ',a,n , T4',i.P.l:s4. , a4aPir , M , . :?- .. .4 '" 4„ ,4',..4'..,"-A,V... ,C4ii-34.2g . ' - ' . WI, . ~ ,-A„•.* r ;pedri : rit,,,,,,,, . : ..,.• ,-,*„., . -i . - • - 04:4...0.k „ , 4, ,t _ , ..f , - . . . - . . . MOIM isarrxe Ar.swg. OILIW TO TAB PE18L10.7.-- T:-.•••• • A FAILIVIIIIOOD AMPOSSD. 1 . / V VW war Use pea as alharammaat WV= h as Paw steam( alas Ma bob Min . 11 1 .st tat kap Wain • ha bast ma audbaht ar all of wn,% haharaa alt~ Ibradb at tha at Mak sirolig9=llM Saban rea Weed sedi tba• la Ira aa Ohlig ==lll=l4B MVO. ' loa• so a blallhalhblzga— •• ' geepal i It iw Or , ~,,e 1 Who Vadihritartla rr , 1111,1011 Oonrian wri lat adabalhabilibla 1 abfb• et dr Bow liadMl Was mama cal baaL la Illaaidlat espy of the onaliph Nay la amia st ea sasarblll MTN Ile • h 2 . Waal abla t ": '.° Or ile lbws huh( llaiiMr _9 , ao.sal d, t , balsam itbdr llatl was , ar ma slain Or all a. -- batqb• - --- —cl tb• muse an = ' 1 Aar. 5 • -141 fit frapadimr wilimisairifillire 1890,--- -41414=44.10,00MW = sm .. I re. 'imilliik• lb Cr 3 ' thimith. 41Ma-' Ail 1110111rMinin n ahlal.--• Um& th• MolaW. • , . polhatbes dllepipr, Mt MILO saildre as WOMB. It vas anrisil • ' A GOLD my. Rit vesAtigr! A/ ♦ YAM. LID OS ITA C.. 1: "a adigeg&lML Illre gm the Ms dal am, as exklblk=be = I il l l a •st 011 1 101 111 r tinidater vs toritestril Se emir thee belbsilho pull& We OM llMMalris WIMP= ILA 14, aft waskis wax %CM AMIN al Ills=31 1 birsistra. imossass ei dis «stars se iistfili wbst 152 1. 61 f ogirlsoll .14 tunrettly . W bad r WE. SOME S it CO, Milder I 14/4004 WW 1 % Ia S 7 inFE nib* h!R!!NI C V. WILLIAMS A 00. 1 8 • DIPBOVID POUBLIS /Waft afliAiiie..tiffigit#l4B. mringt -4 an lima Mir to lielon 4 4. *ow lira m re amiturl6 . e l i lt Cita. ut i ribigis NM WOOS U mei di am iiii le MetIMUNI6 0. 1 1 it I. all Mil at Owsfaig lladdie Usitari Mobs Webs, lan al lowntSlit. *- 113. 2 TtirwAll• Wu Tr; t" , lC MIDICAL PUP:LIU. - "°llll4 view vronetia...a. 11 rata Wafts% Midge Mow 41111 es Oalt.wt tonislory. OW Wien isaNgw,, 1 WON Datgria_ _•11 , 14r. Slaty getll . era% Asolosy. Wllos'e Wpm togilllV. Cheimatiat Sum Wee sib kr 1.2 Mlll Wait drat. S MUKAI aillEi r ningat BOOKS. r. Whonlbiwi i il oi a. e2 l= awls. UNIII T as *Bina is inals. fa Sold*, sal &gis t Imes Stirlams. Wpm Mame se Os lismotriies Asayq. itafirSZ: • rei.,lllms. 1 1 Wl47rt V 8 24 • • • IWO I . D.ll •Assinet. LAM PUBLltlaTitani. fa i li ft l AlW l L elm amnia. ansikre .4 Wiaid. no emit Ina WWI isimbolL Samalsw. aseisit ir = =rasp. 4, 'kW& Iwo Mgt. Wig g ra i g ta I =4 Z ig iffnialikafftettael. • XVICIFIII :GIRD& Fo mmtm =bum or - 54 1 4404 1 inksizm iDualanu" • w lava www.wwil. gm*. 11111mallaa sal M Ana. mlilo pAIZMWOOLIOSE: '• ..-' Ditliddieis - Istaat I 7fri. 211M155 114 6. : ,I I 1 xx ?LIST GLASS. 1. =.,:: Vim aftriosalikliribi Yr aki ( ' 'I" les batorldsli msft. okiwril A \ , • ( =soft aigolni ' 1 -) a B. D. -;;:- ..1 ' ~...D r= 3 . 74 lt ai: I - • - - OKILDIOWS IAJICrIf,II W. $ 1 ; . • Irray traeiNty gall Yd miler Isis at ' ' " ' BM QUALM MIND MIT MK* i I W II 4I6ISVICS=MI N W/Msagrai 1 Ir. at. awe &mum& A wigiumr, A:GAL:TAM --ciUtiffintra:oo4' ' Daman ' ~•.. Ibises ell r • URI mum aristir With AM. 1= • • • soft Ow ' • &los : • lie Or l i t tallll ll l6 prellosiao t • • • • kflairg. • ,••.; hl f rON WEITILAL, Laconia ANN Puma b tbs gust Woo ot MUMS% ANA raidololollolllNO AID N 1071 - ?AZOV MM=O 0/111a AID ♦OOD anrtr 7911,111114 1 0344.111‘411141 111 k ROI gam 0110; 1 11 ? to WP SOY RIAMORDATZIL "t PUN" 1110 Walk 00.4. Cliall"r egidit• ""rnir e4"-- ZWlihsai r 147 r • ' 1 -7) '' 1111 . ..13114114_,,..„ . . airCbew Aiding* Ansi intilkalsenvio ll NSlZigami, now ylksimistarStinds XISCELIawrEOO. G INESAL ORDERS . No.. Mk WAS DrPLIVLICre. Ammater Gissues Orrum _ } Waddeaton. ASO Til, UM _ iillec=emrfos a ma Wend Omer Is WOW -•Thile them duithremiet of 1 i 3r,m a N it lithell hemetter bit {bombe bat, et - -Thegieepeabs Mali to - leads op from tae - !Mar Ltdrela WI _ . _ , Ty taking Shan Mims sad MINN eiteeht Wade sow Oa thelleld Orbether solnally pawn 1 I or SalsataallWalaoin.V SOW. trete wee dl Maud In scum or Were coutrected to the Itss sr Wy e , I Mb toll Ittihad antra but are et l / 1 a - a. • li= 1 Moths pin N ion duty, or W ether dt ruty-wr [ NATI* , Mitred cd as luvalld Oceps , Ckommallare stun at coni duo oter, Alm received his their liallad. sea 0 . 011. Laill, eed from their own Itscaleffate - assmithig [to 1116 Poem ferebtral,) of the hism al the aft an sad masted ma seder their Vie. Wall the lollowlag werfolla Ns: -.-- - 1. That they en mit to moths dal er as ai [ seeoget a wound' of Mow cos in the tam 1 cgdoty ; the fact Wag catilled a Oftruo. la the Wthatelarir 11 TWA*, are Cr palms tide fait Wag -11trewlee walled try lie b ps' as [ themi t alar i zecoold suisisultico. c.:. a. . sim la the minim of eileM 1 imadbgllNlcas, meriterbres mad g, " , [ Then nib shall buttertl , jiellLthe is *teselmit. tr i I:4:quirreha WM to Ow mutt lffenluil at the . [l=teses - - llJlMOlllsatraor Mai' • 'aliatiO 'ems ramiks, appalls nob eillach ea the rall, a stemmed es the genera .M.lhg Weer Ihr Wthirlac to cos h=emsebedety Wm ties to ditty I sad all, eileit sedans taenas nth fade as they Buy lathe 055.91 If nay ham nobs. that Nall billr I* thy an • 14:. 4 0 Warm the WIWI a ot dim Mime .W. mcommadeldoll, OWN( relle Nail De waded from Um to olasiwboarar. tio auther cd mea MUM( the csaditione etreaum sted Or the ealgeseks of the service my; midst fl, la =lly takialate allows ad Gaeta me Went, i swim_ sad Asa the rolls, Mil TM ere We Pros duty, is Nospitale ar thavelescial [ .oaao, er ass sawn* sailor the antra* Nakel Mow la these cams the Mahal Mao * sal pieuleace MIN pavan the rale sonailiegi taxa*. totaling the =ale at Micas tad mat from - the soatoSa Sall bribmwelule, and mad tbem=ii on .ethers of the - teriertr. 4.17_11et essmsr ot ed. to the pryer ilegimesui' . • , wan mu seemMward thent, a lentokire epectard, tte the =Mose and redubmants. la to aim, the Begbeattal Onowaser eliell thlsk Mime leak* imint of Weimer, to coutlaue Wimp viol al th. Wand 00 .1" Wale! ambled with sat Wr tr yst.euram Saar edema maitriolishrWir' thi exceptips _below M daft' the cerildow II say Mimeo; atretemme mow to the service, bed West sail tamed risk N s Nalical Mamba shine - eta Clesw. Matt, Ousp, Mares to War that Maid vile the mum loguited Wm for lbw Ito ham mod.oscrebly Classiged Me seethes By acappalut sham clew sad eta ;the hue wosd Ora boaamtoa=als=toadalair at inar_detraldfilietottrititheeerelee..,l2 tra aea AIM ettotrattso to aptatmest murt Mullets - the Proms Neatrel Gaeta et the V Meas Id~thlktaollese Walled as Oaf& halm Pro, lam nwas Mearma the No el atre kW wlll be weleared yam ttrs i[Tbilt - C -- i=r 1 !*•= 0 entNe WM Sown the NW 01 ltsralmeat lbe the alma Is 'aka lis elerakihat ba umai air rob. 101 l 1 detwa'amela m i ttta e r Maar mad 14 sot lie. I. That he teraith manairt osso l lataa 412asaax ea werewat a mum or Niebtlity mutesistra is bat GO too. s. Ste lili prodigal rosealanadadOsa tastlia itor, glasetralaitiade and 01th ice thaalleallooff emir whim he Idimay steed, that la is woolay s nug am peovided U. sad compass of Wawa metre to the thronamest. la ow Is Is J. i iii. pemakaaae so gat that her mere" be my Why istabliasel the Iret two panto shore , WO Imre of tramilmat thet be le trearoltai Ido amt lama &Me et the dial Mite manna* MIN ell be Withal by the softest. asd wet la Imam Weed with his yoloranis se matutiamM - - it there he ea aettag Masai Mona lle aM Gawk lbe sks gleM the erothaties am Ihe ilec wad Womb the' Adlsteat - mewl et tra who se Wired - to Worm Sloorliaa oasis facie fa eillftryNe_t_ey at tM epplesim se beam ithew, W aa ow are raer try lde temulli. sae Sward Os samo, [ to IN Puma le avail General of the Clateil MAW. [ talleted aim, hosont y dleaer,o4 las alaSSaii ag I a diaddlity, &WM to re WM le thee Orem, will primat etrewalves to the load et Tentrat it OM the Wain la which they mid.. lar eamituatros by the Swim thanpat. who dull amine Wm by [ rises to moth to to Beard al larolltsW.l Bead shell then com Mar ea& trea sall it the UMW toe Mal the coaditione yarned =tolard doll give hies a atestrineto io UM . Mos, as: 1, IMa he le mat far mace In the field. S. That he le de kw pram day. I. Tim has merillertree Sad otwaTtas. j a. That he wee hatimay diaberged tran the ~. . , the Purrad Marsha for the Maria shad Wm rod the eppekotros, with this rettlikete 11the. Mord, to the Loan Aolataat . Pasant . _ sit al sr Pear, who mall procure each . arenas sad Wawa ss Sao nsearas 5i ..... _ , _ ..... ,51ia Cbliaill. tr=be Waage& ca Ile at to the , lialvaly. vaiser t gaiNMlMMl:= 7ll7l: amt, ail ohs mall li Vi. be will Wit his la accontrace wit sede reim es the rearosS ablooluil Claaani Lax ealab , Moilikallawasteek Samos in therm of "Mg . file Millbuy themeadees, sad all ware gamy Whitely to dle, under al,/ Mee end age uleglow aid past sedgy m my ma seder thee control wbo ary be flt la earidee la the isvelld . ea ceThe trome=eallet gird 4 doused with the llos a Uthe ads, sad the troops orpalsed sip Mr tit win be WM ilia control ot ids beau. ly ardor at Oa PrimeteY of Wee. [ , o R, D. TOVNIIan, Itiltho44.l' ' 3 AisitaatAdJatast Ciaaaral. Y. B. BRADBUBVB isturailuon fa 4t UOOU num 3. T. go addlothee Made the Weeded of go goods ert tatotablla samoro4 40 ddi rpm . Forte ittetaggedt, at No. UT Bl*lll , ll agate air oor of Mord Mort • . . • 1 iriag lad ft 1 I /Vag t iding Asa sot Sat OW ilNif Wigs. pLoLdslooltisadloona , 'watch trfor . ii .i t 4 *lva the Aar doneury alt. did* SOLI go ogre steg el . riga -MmHg 'LW Floret , aubtogd wog' by: Ids bredo4 g ggerlderh to gd eibt. Om hob to My the tweedea Ommet Ibt TO orbea.. detbiLded the meet ddll , lit gegodo.wdk a lineotock ad aboltiattaat,vatot tionoatli ...roam ea gudloWSLOdkale boo,teked=leo '=OnVoklortte =aro= gig. ewer et raged grogrg. • 11114nanr adt .w saw§ ALLSOJOBT* ' • gibe • diTtlrdt4 ed foram Nag IN dre T moo d grOteato. go g t &Vargo. big rtded.addr: Tex a r Vid Lod, L aIL of gel n o lo a/ ,041,0amouswomoot SW; far., racm-d itAiffk.PartSy NA irreettegli . giflettddLg il = odd' oodeltb",od 1fe1te......„.„ . adoloßtrid geobtliththent-hr strugglee LtrastrasZnairgn le oartog bkoZ ol gd t we Tr old go edeigrightle of the Mile ha gi toad; Oiriarr tootroplO4 aniara WLrtillor Imo. al7/Em 437 Itroode *Log afOroolgall.ld. RILL EIBTATII 111,11110 S iiinnirgoi . , . „ iwinpenma 1 4 I" "ime ill f ea r 0 11 / 4 8/ . 11 . 41 '1" ; xis for Dijoits tem 146.1.3. 1 "ties N . a; 7 ; pin es lIATIIMILT MEM "rola su 'Or'ofikii,44ouslu migui -, - '' ' A,.. h;oo.4:4loininant Ilia Psonsasia mutos i isibiniftllmbeeses.lbutiold w wirodrimikare sou. - u elm ismshissa- iltddieMi 010. giSr it ogra N = Mt lanipir, 4 b timit t twolts, NMI= dim. aria ea tis Ana si t • ,rll4 AhoWtior ir goii ainekit bow tha ale iii was, . /A Mini% wow wo AIWW Is WM" * am i l l goiWiWi k iro NW 0144= 'Orgi oB Mb L 'erne aft Put o =latriely *dal% 411 .0* , i •tasAii aino4 . • - ~ • .. • - . i ,.. limilkst-111:1 1 4. 01: 0 VIM.. ' Thellaiaiimm. . Sol. J. i.lievemad4 ; W. R. • - . Jamb maw wok - auboulimiltr. _ ur aria./ me rimorre.-11. A. 01111301 1 . MM.= siralawlP 1862. -""""' 1862. A. 1?.• P S 1 T S. aIIOIIRTR SUM L isepigaiki`of moot iniK bon belie Forkmetwidost itivring saffitimplia. 2 SlMPMalegi 611111qPia•inliN el Ulf .1110014 l t WOO ONOWPItiI , _ , .- .. 4,64111b;011.41M111. 11 / 11 DIVIVIIOD* 44! , A, iliMisaii risestalts Ii Miaow rissiii4 ambeillevalsKopiiiivillaslier Voir .A.V.:Attircr tisseist•the aluPtidEll .1 oil golmoteto MUIR WOK ... thareall brebsibrost of Sh hatilistsernbk eol sad Alab eO, so gar u teat, Owed id. etnrinsairtls l sehtlaraW sad 1 all;110 , SeChilaill focretaa o, iti7 be ruled Alok*l llo l-DI I = 4ll 0 lornill - 11. - • - kr. 1 41 , 1*- 104 peradVlSA TIZ Mir ChIeCONAIIMI4 Valledida II the - '1 Mualvmalihmad:' br.llllllll,O ll W l mitt* by CM prop airlinasto: Wire , ---, . la oar semolli I( : ..1. Ai g thwa petunia' septum • _ suppllett,nromn M*.4 1.414 ii Lbss - *— Iloa as Webt Nam= , 0 to fame* tbeet; In *Mal MonaP9 ll .4cht SAW all Oa lb. CliMM:Nnethill ill: a roma . tau*** Lint lb. Ganetnxinted mim osa for the pleatsosammytha 01l tbe mid tilt * .111tigirtU tro MAIM *WM Mining. mei the Moped Sof Maine 'Mom damn* of by** or by itle witinriqt tfoaafram , 1..u...nt, ate* •or thift am el Monderksety. 1 oa• pew rja.4,ll4rintlih offiti i me lam v ..,,X.5 2. ~:-. 1 HI Ilia patch* sad traimpacionon i Rabat:, pair gamiisadte• groins* c &ii ra l i . I, ths BMW* Zotainien oftphe• pine In ea" IMO WIC CellarthladAltiaplipAilut CPC by tb• tam , * - the' trial* Mem, in . 011 the Zanies., atm , err tot anti of ma b"taliii Stem to any place toned In the bpi fr. Jill *Um* certlacates. perm*. - M. nand alobrontlp _ _Um meow mann bY tbff mit "Nallifo‘flt tlerl.rel Ghia as vto : No usrdmilfillr fieletr i & hlt_lfo. r• opts* nit to any ph* ',I ' neanty 1* If* "Mew* or te Car NNW , In 11. aVNios m a. or tip swr NNW ta me cionitlia - of memo. gait* - 010.11. in mina Ma* or. to say rho, la may: eyest or meth Ms Um # mfa mom** moe of Lg. irl i f i .iv , • riii=4 o .l r joak wnlb ark 4 boneatrY. l 136 = 0 “ • ' tiro to ths Omm pstrlnah • ,G to It meath;linlimilas WI Mat pert • • - • 'wool toad at** to eat plamin alit • ta ll. mit saw sir writ at kuom, dii_4o,o,4= . wan. on GM Enhfolltefer,to Ifolle.cfmma to eldmolf Oily. thssa, by theiNIOMM tiserte tin Um of tlin stow Ettaip a iFt ant it: mrepaines dabs am, tilts** Girl ' Nosiftal.,X*lo imp*** by tie flef= IctoMil• .., - i___ 1 ' VI. nrltiffif 'opine.. ',a Aso of pfm, ytnyttle. I **by - aft, NhOlent. II om it. of the IlegaleiMaGeMilLlMM. w .1 ild .tileirtraleliSCClD.Bilbtenct. !UMW of in platy hetthict 07 theri.litn OM, to talk WI to Mb aturnatiable, tin, Maimit them* ase Min , emuthrlialAr ilLtiolt. ' • • UNW* •of ifichlaMMlNltt. t . .t i o Om try trbri,. hl.l,t ...14,.,P1a t nantatosi lna; /Ji g. actremllinto be Till..Yoory syyttuoir to o Dott4 - ot si t o esetanclif MU .that tat offpliolltioa eat Mt • memomnflum ef tile mernaanie he ,C to bithill WO tin Mattes., homy to Mbich boot gland •to the esrulaitoi a* - Ana If • &Ma acme Its hos th, cerulean of thaNemit It ha city OClbiatlpisol Oa Ille. ~ ; II: Upon isoian a aolot d teat. grata, May I OM. sr MOM perm' ma be 'naiad Or timi 'aitlykainsof zji ... 3 •411 ai *all flo '.p.iGhsl la In • to. far*. sitinestM ismof alkoseas eel sum: Ma Mb* obamond the of Army. or Halit- - 1 • X SlMmegie Wm ranhowittthil el a, V el Trani le pronwpanto t ot • wing Map t, tb• moods able,* senor W, am be WI to soL he ,so.s b 7 thew. b it; sane mom* shall yln awn is WOO. for shift ou **eat oats pans: Xl In nrs wham Melpe tbseasadais ta tlo 1.14 Mon Ws wised Mat an pailanyne motto Olnla sad soltUnikal *eh comieind, by *dr at d.. In cad Tend may to den,inered B•GMatatol Man* Mot Ohm. co tha Marc Conks , Inch Po:Mr It/ IA taths vitemorrermyore punkt p Come • SONIA OffttlaiZar ranted* canters ep .. 41 . 4 , imam aelanchNflar thonperympelrom they. -la. ads to tie' Invetne otrl tiol tO belotiltoid., ~.1 ° make tiro isameattft Wooly., 111 man 0wn,.... RI.Mc *Man el tratinortattee,_aalato tb• Cinder wan of the Dam* shall In peittonM Mon Pthoit *es elect in writing. . ._.. , . . XIII. after tb• nisi hoof fAy coats shall NI Pohl, by a boat is a hip alemaitoa no mai than tMaty Me' Centa Mall to &moo *dot Ben In Of Ihe liwielannalli hi any mamma *mod span tin** I " TIP. No smelt Mlll MP emit too Imam I mat , i m in m veant obfyfig l o i o n l a md lt l iM ln s ch g wwwm ter aM met ar theme. In mob cesei, remits day ingisn'ea so. tabs ammo got& as they me piefal by laws* hed. 12. to iliac ral*Mlllonnl tinett p ilm whlntlf Me/ 1 W boo to oh am** tun eznp *dad Main paramati:► 'align sill arm tho offorr eat o" the permit to . 'WM shia lodine wpm him mlifentter- MliMM'aic=4Plotat; Me dot Ilwyermli and tin MOM et the soots pemalthiL . • . IV. liatally sank* will not Is slew* to ke to tudbrombetti . .nribm....b.e. Undid Then afi waft*, amg4 * tho permit Wind. Nadi pee' . hot lad thir hi-MOWaria 11Mg att k b the Sara toylloolo-tiooppUis irbit Jail not shout in tile .to mom Ana is mracp Ay. AG...00w by the Baird I. be -amen eery 7 ifoo ' nor badly Tor too montba, ‘11111.11.11. to Ms premitbed form **la dl tom be nolo ban tee youdt 11 granted ,. ~ , 1 • XVL Ofhaers.will la i 'all am ottodolo - bolulto hand by them WM** , WO* Inmininny min MetabILICAOL. s Or 0, 0 1144 Cr ° a= r e = the ,_"?11._.„00. which or woo . iF L , W i rr.Kaiiiii • ' soperdidas Imams vspermac. ' % 'h Ormaintart, 17i , ; :- •. • teriftliG, K N ORDINANCI II foie's. dislitibution pat liwopyilmokuoty - 1 as Irty.,, pyi#{:o, ! 4_ i i . sou. maga. S. n .4 - - ' . • - s i c , 11.1381 4880881. NMI 8181818617 918 . ,/ltmot AA Amos art Sams Of **PIM Yee MS *Pa 11101111004 Yeti ON' NMI 1118ded 4808 aqr. ammo. !bet of Or Omelet Ossetia, dai los Closoalki to litre Iteitaresta gra" Meat oat alaonsa duff la 00l Is • }mitt set apart and ahaUlor Osid- to oast' of itertoteatog wool Dna therlaspaos, as : MAMA Neptao. Illsgaree illitoMilliss I" ala °V TAW ranC Datum* I= it sew salMitaba ' Deltas Mau Y. pa/ to ealAs of thEttaslttas. lire Ingham cc . flaw 001461014 - 411 i lielisA palseate. eabe aad Goat Tamil aall Stag atits:eessaaal JR my ordhuim bersuffes mipll cosagook, as. &Ay* toosseta‘la and a, maels sionled.. °Maud sad aosteod WO klaerta.Coisidrs, , tear sass day of idle.•?•:-1,AIKINI .7114tratis i - 2 • Attest '1; 11. IlinsaV iis i ci Ciortit Id" - ' . . ,- , ,•,',,. - ' ' • *Zretili i ~ • tristaliotittkaasoa ' emir Aparmig . . . : , ' ' • ' . ::s1 -----...— '"11111 NM ° CITIM ALS!, ioavami.4 -inmbigt kn ef.,aill4 OWE *Yr lianr bow7Xooo.l dlioolowoolli oval al goose or Olobillir. sad who Oreoloiv..._ Woe tioo lon*/ to Oho WWI Clorpiiitouw tbo prooldw of gibed' Ottioti/ 0 /1, oi XO Oros the Mt die oo Iloti o r di bmols lo UR* polio * moul our idlikomoso maid to oomply dot, odd sooo l ltiditittoti noftidurs t . si elk to sovillod. r u 4%, dig Um drafibt oar wa • u dolq as .folonAP. ttibe A Ibroloilloookol d up Kam ilt-PagailleY Osok aides MON O Trona loollosk Osou= It MO forward Os 111, 11 1.4 011 4 *UAL Ids nest, to tio !WM Num= asionadßiol. Moo latailittloot ribs oppdatol W- l ir l o g iropog antsy iniauG z i osoloagoto. iota onisolop onslloto of Si nob oppoistrato, oat KY too Ow IftM gilleoloo Meld WOO SIMOI.O INIAPOIL wen.." aYi 1. " IWO Wu', ' -- r I' , . ihsraiisiti;Olir• , - " ;: v <- -..: - - - " -- s•-. -• ' rem ilni "II PUJII We"' PM - - • IMP Ofgn „ tt s iriosiali g e lad a 'itiiiiitiarl4i X bow so auriftsft se, 1.161 WI 1,5014 " .1 1. 1 . 111,1, :. X ~ 111410 0 #1111242= ' w -- it - 111.1filialltillibtir T. 11. . . . . . ..„,,. „..„.::: ~ri.. . ; 7 : - . . , ---........ 1 t . 0... kr. y' -..,. . ' ' ' - • - -L,ii .i.,: - . ..,,,,tinil 4L,ZO Ii.aCIR , VVIZ cVi". 'YL iphtsgh #Sazettit. FIXPPLE.: 4:0 I D 124 1 .10, AND. PROPRISTORII.7: , iileitiOi 'Office b. 84 .111h' 8410..1i iftania raw turnso =rums's, Dam% IteicuidErd TUN WAIST NEWsArp, TO MB nts orpmraaAtion. , TIISBDAY - *Ore, - JUNE 2. :W TERms.or TIEF.74ALABTT by , zillad Par Por*.iigit 50. • o • , , do& L hilunk Limas, by, tun, err ,yoar-L4.• 60. 0 : • , • • ZEHTION, o.4l.ll'F6pitsaktpar, i OS, • w " el " - 1.60. ;. • 4 - . more -.106 ow lays to b. party sending lei a dab' f 111tsiii; vs TUI yen the Umaia .$407:51. 4,517; Tar .slab of twenty, we tell laid 11" ; Yossitss, Warms daily. Single Sep's% 6 isslth, - Firm Pißm always stopped wba tbtime "14n1. - The eittettomet Ylcksberig. • W.a_hays some firths? light upon QM's (Ma:, Ace Witting. et Tbdislimg hafindhibet sit had lintirday. .W. havo' no mason-to doubt the nitlnints tnitaess, o! *Mersa Guns; Ws hare a ,, diseeicis to-dst tram —Cis it_.givos throws vonsidaralds light upoti yalleia 1110 ormini as it floss from in odioer direetfrost the Sold of *potations, my be so. lied open. The most important foot ;stated Is that the; olty Into be approached by mp h! Ansi bob; too strongio be taken t$,V saniti loirrnox is said to bo in the nnlihi: borbood'or Jukson wit/rind Allem *owe*, mon, and short oflsth provisions and sainno, *nu—_li:hitlM solmitstioid. rime Vitiltaborg . ; .join . i' ii ' ll An ale gallop of Shed* afJ aly __ . . Ueda the auploss of the palm Upsets of rhi /0 1 0. etlio Ptivi:ii to be a ialthretion on the aorta , Of. July, werthY if 'the city la *hick laiepaidenee was tint daolerid."4l , the - lidos Leagues and stssoeintion& lethh , ~ .. - ::fattOrtlialfil - Ati pallid to .Piftlall!il# &an .—. i d .......... to -ma. delegations. __The l omenionea. alli, tat& la Indoestatheellall. - . 1 ,-.. •.. 1 • le.the flat national celebration OA the' ,yatriatmf of lidependeatto that his, in proposed.,;The' oommittee of arise ts ra ' have Weed a call Ago-the Union an Loyal, Leaguer sad loysl citizens of the Uni ted Stateer , _ ta ,eommemorate the birth t 'the Unless at the plum where it war bo rn;tr im, re- Sind the great principles of thoi, At that all men &recreated- *Orl i and ire set dossed by their Vreatat withetnein lialicas. bl• ri*aitilltlVhfoh at. .014,:liboity, and the' Or. happiness," to aoknOsiedsts onzob 0116611 to mankind to mints* Alum fathers did r_teditra the E r s i d ad ita4 of the Anottlean Union, itif the isitezibie purpose of the Amerlosn peciplo; is God shall glee then. strength,: to sabdturthe satiates of the Union And re-estibilsh , aid peeptaste the national authority altererse It tiff been exerthrown by treason- at rebellion; to ere an appropriate expression of our grad.; tads to the ermy and navy - of-the - ripablio.; &ads !Malty, to leotard one determination, to wain the oosititetednethOrilise of iliik.S o T, walnut: new tad' hereafter, in, _all memame adopted and nroacontid - Di. then forties inii. 7 .mesmiaci-ottimeeholitearyithour. nomprotais• .1134 orgfiloo.4 fhil.lo7 MMote et. Heckles a ftettut aid honorable peace, Ns., Lineolishes meepted an invitation to be prileati impanse pub .lll lutinese, sad " be will ~be .. welcomed by thmesitede•af trnahreerissee who. will go up to this coareestion of the willow.' The loyal , men of Thilatielphiw are determined We:take the oomtit POtlftX' only less memorable then that of rnis . .. , , The remain spy captured at Pieria NAM nosier, at Norio*, ort . . the min, war amen important arrest.' liar Tommie) Momrolkliy suatahted. repnions , ig.oontaaltiChi• tkor . linadle was Si lottimm, pressed roll of tiditiimruPtin which lam e=tremsl mlarita . deraipttonof our !trees; with the - eznoinualher at each point, tAto test rtiodWof )eatrance and nit by whim certain ease Maid .'bi main:- Localities !were marked dews, toenail= trued and lean-, merited. Tice nimbi. of Itonitore and gm-, boats hi the , locality were spikier off, and it, was istated that the Union loran at Suffolk wonbil. 'hest!, shandoin that, place 'and bmk tiltitina short distantw of Norfolk. ' The' movements of troops in the vicinity of West' - Point WM:given to consicemble detail. 'A thawing ;of mutts, moompanied the 'letter. VIM' Broads :Stream, An, were marked with iio Nverythisg was mentioned with roat no estruma 'way minutely. The Information would hem beim of untold vales to the rebels, , sad It seems extremely straw how coal& be *balled ro ootrenUy by the &bottom of om - - - .:ThainteMoptiA doenmenis.wers addreteed. to thi . 001illikladir of Ake Contadoritirfirms 14.1 .atiekirstar..nosier had Imma delegated to ran thaw flattish' the.blookside; enthave. them forwarded -1n Wm for whom ting was handed: • • TM whole was a well of scheme. 'lt sou -1 template& the capMln of Norfolk, pointing teethe' mut which it ocald be done,- and glv7 , mask'essanAo the rebel soldiery ti ste timit appears:meat maul day. h. plasm where Oen. Vieleand Eloyetitor PierPont resided were designated, and it Ras moommeadwithat, siPldergen-ratd" - bi made to mmy al the 4 1togas Governor" of Viralitia. • . !kw now Refortito isi Russia. , •. . . . ' Although "Ai Isaperer of Bassin *palm to" be -weging - n "Indolless • was lest the Pold, theddl reforms in Ids imp an go ing on.: The imperial - ukase neatly Laded ebnoesninteorptril pudoluaents onspiowiy manta wow= end some +Ammer of lidivid isabrAf MYISt VIM titilittlita le Mat ox.' taadedt! as,•ior issaplo, teeeluwaid prisnizi• malodor pascal who tonikaniskel their eds. menu distrist colleges. and ether schools.; PeneAte ,ezeildnilg dative bluetit= I and bitty; : asides of - parbiws. i The nobiiity sat the merchants rot :the two tint gailds how for a bag tine been ozenspt -ilea uelPoiel:.losnithlwit. The peasants aid 1 boargeolil who dil. not bdong .to the- a i d- 1 gales' that enanowsted will only be sub:. Pa to the lighter oorporer.Mianats in a nd wow spelled Ay law. The knont the dm sops are denaltively awed trona 1 penal cods.o The othawdshinents art soulbly diminished; CVOS _ modlioa 4 }ten are introdelowiliCtili an 'ode of 22 =7 end nevi- Tint , Olden and the salon new incorporated, and those of old stand- ing, who hats been diutlalinWisd IIP to this by good oondust, - will not•he mildest eorporal punidWitints mop% under the d , see of a tribunal; oaths power , of the b - ' oets is sewsibly limited is I. the psi- Mutate of soldiers and sailors- TM pn4. isluneat of whipping with rods, And of t*l komiki in the =ALOUD ail add lively ibilishd. • • Tas Loner or Clourette.—ller. Rho . Otte Keg; In a late iattt to obese heads 11-3011tals I reeks that I osi npatt to ye. lasibie,. JIM etißlate le loyal ` tea talent to- Ik. 7 1111114111°.°216 , u &me ,. W4l7 ,W ia o l"b lt lble"li epeto - a s lr eer ow, elostion of tO kola. *Se !of fett yeah est = Seta fa Ohm Ewan/ AAA OM este the lasylefloa at pat:totes from tenfold& lased aathlasla saes' eat lea Teialito It to-day tho, met loyal soy Wes Aeolielliiipaltesii 0 - 1 , ":, i''',''.:'ii. wiltr oo to , .0r - • Lying in England in Itagazid to Vat • _ - Country. Dr: 316011104 d; writing for,the • ililhodio4 lininie I 111/0; in i llhistory,, his ea 01'1 isaided system of lila& pa so lam 1 'scale, =titled among lam 's. Ism outset - la Ending dellayetheathatiath diait`ster, The Dni" work waltolagoaa; ead`thik wear *mkt& tobeasthloydd td do It. -. rho rather of. lier hat'aird his Andrea We 11..-011 the Admit= qiestioa`althart the whosalad 'et Saalas4 is,wwweitedowst IT ale t, of Iles taieenk BasYlthokifa `theieros' c; **lib 14 littiodad-th slikewsa. .91P41:,°4414n.b1ik at•ivleswbtah vain tion steio4l from o f eonathivreq r the tuatara ttho" `siek.. for their *lra& - with lerWasia end dare 'iriethiranners, the ,Lairdi sad the_ Unan&lgh'irho kite, shown that no boom" disereditiblW to' Of' town of their ocaetry, caw brims.* Wash their own provided it wily pats woasY, in their aria Tk God. there isAwalwr elaaa a l ma i eglead ; awl they awe, X treat", likely 'to massed redeeraint the statuary from the thfeal,witli - whlck the dominant piriy hart for thil fait two yawn beau loading It 4 :-Titi. LO*ilds '0r:ge4?0474,•:,.a1urf... 4 li,l# l , liti;_a S. Itlir Fie t..._1 - 1 •., ... -.• 1....11 - 4 .. - te/eFil., , 4 ;WWI. ifsky is. iot . so tb gp, is in the deleutage at Om rota whom, 'UM if. iiritio Au:. lantred. ,se . pli sikia 4"•ehtittr;c:Th:e etPOE-At,teilkitelMe twill _ __ - tck,tsw.. _ trotkeein' iMpressianiiioOno4.o4ll7; bu; ginailly' hirgdtteri thit'theseezpiring rroglitedits maitr • oeutitht — liut two ;or three huadmid 111•11-411141. • 'Thi loss•Wtlni army of the YOtotimstliasfarbytheretiriagreglm guy Is not over timilratkoisand:f--2,,1' • Tin zit; Sounmi—Aistding to the,,hugusta Lisalliwsliwrsr the talk about ' , Urge. gals AMU. is not true. The report has bseirrilot $0. 1 4 spin= Wars, for their ens adrantasm• They .hare, the OrOpii thil-firinnalst a low rise-with iti Camila@ rates, thrilsoithar the who!. ofillo Istlt nos' -fuenlart ',Mims, abwriewsiosidist,Siyi; butribuggrht specalston eariohed, and govornraint„ and. peoplo - ibremt tri• - pay the 'old high prices,. or._ perhaps more. • , . Sup, ii &mato of Don* - cot, ik vial. of JUMP, to olglqi handl* tosetrio to tho Simko Mit tlio portraits cot-yr.:40010ot Toabirr +#d Almon Ad' ettlionoo of-thoir ,not pradees4.,whisb, ir t elorftg to iM istolotion, Mo4thiss;o9 pistemoolut vetVirOthAl lakcittdsc.. , • t., 4':. d :..: ,'Aa ham ba. "id nr '1610" Uzi joy, might !Dili "'England *mint' it la' it - eionkin't mile a dint Wilke gionikof idol:ea Midi *stir &mutt holds Out• amnia anti Ireland in an' as for Eliot: isadpricalgat stick it ins corner, ys'A Ayer be able to lad it oxen/et& idea be by (ha smaltkbt ifc. WAtt.EB, WETM commissxoN. mEncfrna.trris ruirezas or pirersot.iruss 114 - 4fAIDAN, Apelo.tbcup.ts. cr neural sap, star. - Pita. at tuar.rwisidviiirt, tip fATL MEN - need -wit be (lab el I %.Iby the eaftrocite - nt of the Belk - gibes tbsy ma /WO their_Oil ,barreled and ihipprd wptliout Witching the City Whereat. mi Miley, tom, prompt, IOC& Met rielt, tem trouble exid in better order, at • • • - Kilt KM 01 lf"l , A 1I D. 'oit tho,Lnini i iiitirosa. time /mimo' , liiilie;'whis• i Oil is Wip ed from the Obits direct e to Abe- ceribead:shipped tl:ilittiptlet,'lll4 or', Welt, _villadli'= driolud i tir. rlbith a{mnaritii :•..,:i ) 1 : ,-; . sarollioe st:lard, MI Matte Pseiesigir* . S. 7 , • AM OXesi-mMtees..BOX'llo2,l PitieWP ,or / min,be teed tali Jef, the Oil Cottony. i . • • aptl ' - - . DAN/0 ELM. ..7111.0N O .. LTIE OIL - • J. ..• - . Y CHO.I . 2PVIIIIRG; -- • Kam tacturatir ink Balintpl el ' . . oAlißoli OIL, DIIN ZINS OILS. Atui.daklets la 01 Ef, D I' 11 . 4' 0,,Z; -.11 I 1 it illirWerks, opposite Sharpiturg. ditte• i9git4T:B.LOOL. PUPtiosselVel. ROBERT ASHWORTH, ST. 01.1.111 BMW. PiStemnith: Forwarding Commission llerchant AND - DICAWDI IN 01Z8. ILLIIIIINAT/NO,LIMBIOLTWO, warp'. prszonat um% act..emaukus owharati sad Ilat ode at the lavat mixtot )iclass. Oamonrops imp owns IMOLLOTTED, „ apttni k3s4tAAriX & COMMIIIIOII aid Foiwardim Ilkqekuts; 'CRUDE *ENO / I " II tOLEAM I t lf wnr Brans; rstnicsai. aorlObanot 'ousioinvoiaso on conalenrate lc! Pletsiongt!'or laud J. 8. tniiroarii i 00.1 Selma* RAILLO•4IIiPt. • " llsomost Bmasi Jig.ylßes't aux ar; ' • • • • • - WOODVILLB 0111111FINSBY; TT - - a 50461% .w.tmousliaLt T. Lio!aucaxiivioii.4 •Brantira u ster i"d ani 13 =Podc h trtg . .LIIIIIIIICILTOL pats WHIT' -BMA saut ilarAn aft% uts at 10,36 lint Anis" Spat iloole, Soma Igor, via onimela ekiaibld pANT " isnioal; IAMW L poi' . lbandistainrileo Peal WINIZAAMIND cAuoI 1041/4 • , 1.. 020;43110.111rUblitl 1. vim. 157447 i::. -:e.:^•;i:17.c:;:;----.+,:f; I : J .;:,;.tld ty _ z. • era= lAA at woes mama areerComaisite Ofe et moat Rio dna% silk fork* 110 DIAMOND OIL WOIDD3. - 111,1111,011 VI 8 i • • , Jammu arainiumus ix mums OIL S u n i mmo st l osikitami:miiiiiit. • r 410E6640 al *kr 4434 16: 41 14/ifilif thativatt!iirmomodWalts Of 0111111 01t, , . • - i mniatirairoaaViiiTpsll4:o,_. , vicitersosasdiffse._- , ,:: .. ~ ; . ~ worPsotiadmitsosam , .";,_- :. , ~..p.M.11. Lbilib 0 &entice of di not &me it tanstuabe thattlie iiilliaigml s3app t ood I" al 110011elf,4 0 Trait --.o ll * • - , -, , - is s 4. itriiimilli. eltarotteet. ' is 4 Z ' D W.rfr. ~I, CI , n .. , , joy by EMT V. 001.11111 k .....,—..- .......4.4.4...u.A. , ......._ frg4lll3ol3lM UM-CIODIPAN Y. Sm olt* N. Fifth r. f , ..; .z . le ,-4,..i .;2 2,..ii i , 61: vt vill3A Z.: .it..:,,,,,"-.. '4 nal AILIDNIASIMENIIMUUR3I. i;',l .. , ~,,,,r.::_ii - - w.c . i, I Thal, ~..4 wr•rwit, -..r 0 t 1 42 1 , 1 '''''' ' /auk L. no& i - -' , .. .:.; Wla. B. nail, P 321 7 i:libliqr. IA M: 6°. - , 43horke IL Blensp. - " Warns i ';' ' .. 1 1 1 0 4 Vszi Ultra L; t; e ' UAW .:..,-, . ,- ;,. , ~..; 2.; i',,,tlnrcinalit t iPollollll. . P. MittmBUPAZik Balk agirks T. ' PII3:L. Ammar. salt. Neittni et PIimenWHIHOWIDISII. bot. Ornarir. 0410010,111"1113. amt. ,SlOnlikAataat-Alssyst MPS 0 11 .•divos 011 • t of Pella, n Yo itch c.olAPPTONLltMer ;:*iirtedatiaebsNas GOMA =lli Penna.S. R. Wet monikii 11110011110 mace oa MT MZEptipiaaati svo ll =gl.6o2oololt7illio=ool4lVl 1f,666 1.6 bode, • • Huntingdon and, 11;04 '34611330 ge . : . Ballroat Cos me eoll Pkm Ot fric j e l f=teli Nana lassionplan? 1 11 • 560 1 : 02 Monk of Olnaltyrbeelnittnakir 13n... 1,060 HI tra t l i rourn: /11.• St AufoHoPB,o6tai, :0 1 Meohanks' Bank; 11sk. • Indon 11: roil:mono* Oe.'s 100 00 ,81112 Rotetiable,:bnabinni'6. 16,267 Be* AOCOQIIiiOIOI= I I4 04.041. 0. 210 751 .060 t, en ltand sad beheads of egenm....... 11.186 16 yrgigmnri=.9. ,zi a ...fintlit o ; s : II • :Amos. 16ospol-8 - a ; : fhn Viiiiit* Wm: lit: Tkompra. 1 , 9 1 +, -=.',,,--„,„7-OW, ilabortatain -N , 1 ,4 A, 7:&, tridarkk Brtir..4_, 0 v .. r tiLt s 9l"" gt 'Wa. litissor, - : • " ' ‘ es:.; :. out , C. )31•1•Itsb . t, -,, :.-..;,,- aitgkiit&WO H.q. " W, 'Lingle, ~„ , , ty4itiv, Join. Z. Wonelli • i° ' ' ha , , . rti. ll" , . . b2ll 4i c ti..j!„...:, 1t..."„b7.363.1.H1, ...17.70.6bte, my a tiorstmot,,Ponorladriliiol44. , . • met.. A & - 1 BIM' huxert ~ ko lt tAin ,„ • • No:, am mid 451 WAN, tat AscipfstenalrsocaoszAlie,eue eo ftsartiti4; (Ono% o sioszta: icams6 X•l4o3llgalawi-ot, wairle &Kazoo ,„ +wax 89,1 33 Isloto,O zeoatrilueleeNf Mean.- a 9.766 Oa Re ""A P / A 1 - 110044." 1,821 eo b u b.- • ROD Oo lIISMI , .., • u ,' ~,,,,....- . 1: •iv.ii4 IMAM ell wer The ''caryo! eats from pretabowo which title Ciia4oll7. aavativie. &rime aiiiiimi deka which IWO ,Imen, dotengued..._ ; „•„ 1,,, a1 i f ,,v assumes kola *wain • in Oink and eaMitiFil at niers, c=i wittrieccrity:' . , Made thairiaeot I !Auk* htValt, rem i, they have pitd lam by Ateto aa,,AßAFAlkesseedlx , 4 raw lit .cif Datterktairehliffarding IffidSTAC• et the adulates*, at Pestauto, aeliteltlyatholtv ablila ty i slid "ittirtOdtibii to aupt,..etti, ,Teptswel sit - • - " 1 4 0 1!!! , PlRlttitatin 1; 'Weir iird'-iiiiiiitat 'year"113511....,...r.RX1P1 11 1. ~, . : . ~,, •,,,,46,iii, a.- ~• i Mark. N . DengEtl.,:. , , ; 4 -Itordecal Il t qwwis, Jacob IL WO. Acatee Welpiett. - e,, - . - isavrwili•o:iitae, David S. Browa, ~, , ,,M a ir, i v 4 41.115, lambi Great,- ~-, • irsiss iwthum ,• =a31,2E1 N . 'ID A P 4j a L4,t" l -L NIL: P.— fiTir . .i 880111414 1.4 S J. 'WOAD iXl=l,_,Aewei, wit Olthaillart :linens' Trawl AG _ _ ..... _ .. wzmazi 7tbautlegg OOMPA 'I v srtkr rrnits. ~, - A , ::, :,-,; •r:, i 1-) 'Ai.liktigi . rmad.i. Q-Iti wougusakisiewo. ott 'to ow, ca., So. 92 WaLf29929 212,40110 W•nr. itomis,Plttibaxio. ,.,_ Witi I 1ea44 ,1 4/4140 1 0 10 . 4 4 1 # 9990991 NM" Ws: - Mary Imio map" I. lifilWar• oft we yea .lialinkiii Vid #1•14Y104 Alm. - 0 " 0 4 .4Mlr h ir • pEa . As VZ= diameter raetla?"! , .. mem Oil dirirokt - - • 'AISSZTS. ocrr9p4a sp .! , br isop OY 11"tBtcat5arnr"--"-1" SAW 01. Olcs. taie.:::-.... ", _ ~ 41SCC 0 Opas,/uxixwbatc.*::.:.:l-41.,..4.1uAt0,,,,ec• op buh........,- - I - a utliga 99 Vilna= 1ieta5..........4., ....44.4112,406 14 Note! an4111114:1?tr0n10.77....- •-.o l s 11 - ; , ,:,.,j,-,:, ~,i• ••, >,, ,- .::.tiio •111011,241 Ili • • saini.4l ": 4 "j 0 m 0 r -. : it 'i * re19191192/4)1"46-W43221,;2..-1 i. 11152422121222 4. . .4199.N1zaia. , -. • - ,X4444 , 11440pft 1 1 , gyro Daris., -s -' - • - sips; E Isamwon. ;' whoa aitialtue; I- - aaseig. wows. a„ .S.492stals., -,' .:,,,.....F:w!2 Ma mi9O W- S. G0*12 4 9011. 999 7. .. .. . ~ .. P0,0114110*--= , to btt..Tit astruitaz •f. • - bauranoe Co. d theatde f Posn'a.; • .; - • - • rwriaratpats; . . - Eariford,-Fire. huminacarColiipany. •.. .... • ips=ii,:winc.: - ,l2'tbi - sterii;' , ifa ani *totakormit Plagoao I. obtitaal Witipitattimria -... :.• . ,:, ,'. - ."1. ~... ,• .„ ~ ..w. i,:i c iiiiiai r l d. ,:Iat:ELY BieWS. ll4l . Ol . 6, 1 0. t. «Ism. t irtaioreruestitszact, IgeOliaraak I N., or Prftlannalt - OW* : - .11 - 1114 litarkst ..2 Wo/st et .r!Sta , 'MX" i li k ;Vl, ~.t _ .4, 1, SLIM:IXL AIM asorasetr- a• .. L'& 2641." lawn Eltesallbc+Aa ead:).441".. 4 - ' ' Weft midair lairstidditi..ailn de iiiiifestis of Qs floatioura sad VI Num lib** iMilito. is !.,=ste.=eak=iiiitziria,,,,e 4.,...L.,. t. *1 ..,.., ,- .) imanovatff.t 1 1...T=7 .: .12 i . -•• 7 ,1-014... m u, w.. 4. . ~. ,,.. , est, £Th Saolalblevt L. q '-e; Zit 'An liCegii. ~SONY :; ,, ,..ei Z.7.4' t.....g. 4 ... •t t H. 1 I li Al "'I I B N I'm T niL - IL: - -- dt **sr r — oh ., iletwath onswearatiliceks l •---, I .'°'••*""'` • - lestimlaaiiinaltaie aiO• .•:1:i1 -t i 'Mia , ..,,,, i • eit neavaiiima. ~. •- ~ :,.., ..tViii,V lL i nui t; 1 1 :)pri.......„.. , ...i. w , ik ,,ttigi ta47 1 „A.AA ~,,,,, a - ....n - ; . pi, hubia ~ i„si. maim, I - - -• ... . 4111W*411,06a7 IVASMCNIA*WiffigIi I / 4 :*:f '''',l34lolll-044t I,4saidlieterail iferlifiiititYA" • • ...a ell 1 . .. 4111[4. 0 I , Li• 439 t. ttr ior llll. l allll62M4r to "WIFAUT. ta• thottook upa. is ~ 111111140.1;0"117 A s oritia awl gal thior mac Tv IL BARBOVIV - :.. -- I:.' , 4) - . 111-: 7,-W=.:' :. - ' - - ....f1:.,-.. - T,,.. , .: - - 1 , i '..• ;^ ...^lg.fC r.IL- . 7 ..T.,,iiriri . • -• . • • .i*Wii*.orriiiiiromialeiii) . ._" -- '• -, , ,, : •, 0 .7., , ,a: , . .3....1,..(4,21.;,.• . 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