The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 02, 1863, Image 1

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001V - PITITT a - ock, Oman=
IsacsArmird beimfailuDooV
2NNW 10)V ai l
iii•libleS laingoll,
V Ohm 11
Os Ws al
agen n rhr.
00001121 MUM!" Maul% It
twa Wood sodilidailalMlSßEph
m AtaEMU* . a, I : :;a
In £ Qum Temars, Imo= .l i
IlLsr=hi att k
w alk , . Vs&W , lftra. '. „
.1.. V . 4 444 310•11%, ,
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: OIL • '
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als dialog ta — ll
POT ampo
UM AID LAW 011.11. MID
Produce • • ,Bia. 141 sad 141
mem at Ur Dilmaaa.
may 110. 7 11•AXOCIaB .
ssassi $4•Li •
mancrosimmtbl l i"an.
laismirm nosinpmive •
wileia. ol " . vcr
w i rstiondl i ZarLlV_
et Clutsatic.: ' "1„,
VIREPAiILKIid& • • - t
Ai MI a: WOW
slew lealtbilidl. • •
13.• AT. 43(06.1192.6
011k0,1aTigiat • 131
aimaillClM --- a
Wi•eamit:iiet -11ffras, 44
miltittstroC 116-,0111--
oboe Wristrittalbarka. , ' ~ t(til'i 1,3 ,- Amp
CliatjCALD_ ' . 'M4l l Atit'" 'maim" a
tais a 06.4P05a raszioraistamir
12 novuluMktinscationimisarreskita,
parbitrag. • • ~ :••1,•-• :, li :". 4 eiit .1 ,1 • 7,, WI
11141111b00.1117Amm zm i
titMersassall 111111101•00.11
44 44, ra, =Fop %keit ft
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isarrxe Ar.swg.
T:-.•••• •
1 . /
VW war Use pea as alharammaat WV=
h as Paw steam( alas Ma
bob Min . 11 1 .st
tat kap Wain • ha bast
ma audbaht ar all of wn,%
haharaa alt~ Ibradb at tha
at Mak
sirolig9=llM Saban rea
Weed sedi tba• la Ira aa Ohlig
==lll=l4B MVO. ' loa• so
blallhalhblzga— •• '
geepal i It iw Or ,
1 Who Vadihritartla rr , 1111,1011
Oonrian wri lat adabalhabilibla 1
abfb• et dr Bow liadMl Was mama cal
baaL la Illaaidlat espy of the onaliph Nay
la amia st ea sasarblll MTN Ile • h 2 .
Waal abla
t ": '.°
Or ile lbws
huh( llaiiMr _9 , ao.sal
d, t ,
itbdr llatl was , ar ma slain Or
all a. -- batqb• - --- —cl tb•
an = '
1 Aar.
5 • -141
fit frapadimr wilimisairifillire 1890,---
-41414=44.10,00MW = sm .. I re.
'imilliik• lb Cr 3 ' thimith.
41Ma-' Ail 1110111rMinin
n ahlal.--• Um& th• MolaW. • , .
polhatbes dllepipr, Mt MILO
saildre as WOMB. It vas anrisil • '
A GOLD my. Rit vesAtigr! A/ ♦ YAM.
C.. 1: "a
Illre gm the Ms dal am, as exklblk=be
= I il l l a •st
011 1 101 111 r tinidater vs toritestril Se
emir thee belbsilho pull& We
OM llMMalris WIMP= ILA 14,
aft waskis wax
AMIN al Ills=31 1 birsistra.
imossass ei dis «stars se iistfili wbst
152 1. 61 f ogirlsoll .14 tunrettly . W bad
Milder I 14/4004 WW 1 %
Ia S 7 inFE nib*
C V.
WILLIAMS A 00. 1 8
/Waft afliAiiie..tiffigit#l4B.
an lima Mir to lielon
4 4.
*ow lira m re amiturl6 . e l
i lt
Cita. ut i ribigis NM WOOS U
mei di am iiii le MetIMUNI6 0. 1 1 it
I. all Mil at Owsfaig lladdie Usitari Mobs
Webs, lan al lowntSlit.
*- 113. 2 TtirwAll• Wu
view vronetia...a. 11 rata
Wafts% Midge Mow
41111 es Oalt.wt tonislory.
OW Wien isaNgw,, 1
WON Datgria_
_•11 , 14r. Slaty getll .
era% Asolosy.
Wllos'e Wpm togilllV.
Cheimatiat Sum
Wee sib kr 1.2 Mlll Wait drat.
S MUKAI aillEi r ningat BOOKS.
r. Whonlbiwi i il oi a. e2 l=
T as *Bina
is inals. fa Sold*, sal &gis t
Imes Stirlams. Wpm
Mame se Os lismotriies Asayq.
itafirSZ: •
1 1
Wl47rt V 8 24 • •
• IWO I . D.ll •Assinet.
LAM PUBLltlaTitani.
fa i li ft l AlW l L elm amnia.
ansikre .4 Wiaid.
no emit Ina WWI isimbolL Samalsw.
aseisit ir = =rasp. 4, 'kW&
Iwo Mgt.
Wig g ra i g ta I =4
Z ig iffnialikafftettael. •
Fo mmtm
=bum or
- 54 1 4404 1 inksizm iDualanu"
w lava www.wwil. gm*. 11111mallaa
sal M Ana. mlilo
Ditliddieis - Istaat I
7fri. 211M155 114 6. : ,I I 1
xx ?LIST GLASS. 1. =.,::
Vim aftriosalikliribi Yr aki ( ' 'I"
les batorldsli msft. okiwril A \ , •
( =soft aigolni '
1 -) a B. D. -;;:-
..1 '
~...D r= 3 . 74 lt ai:
I - •
- -
$ 1 ; . •
Irray traeiNty gall Yd
miler Isis at ' ' " '
N W/Msagrai
Ir. at. awe &mum&
A wigiumr, A:GAL:TAM
' Daman
' ~•..
Ibises ell
r • URI mum aristir With AM. 1=
• • • soft Ow
' • &los :
• lie Or l i t tallll ll l6
t • • • • kflairg. •
hl f rON WEITILAL, Laconia ANN
Puma b tbs gust Woo ot MUMS%
ANA raidololollolllNO
AID N 1071 - ?AZOV
0/111a AID ♦OOD
anrtr 7911,111114 1 0344.111‘411141 111 k
ROI gam
0110; 1 11 ?
to WP
PUN" 1110 Walk 00.4.
Cliall"r egidit•
""rnir e4"--
r 147 r
• ' 1 -7) '' 1111 . ..13114114_,,..„
. .
airCbew Aiding* Ansi intilkalsenvio
ll NSlZigami, now
Ammater Gissues Orrum _ }
Waddeaton. ASO Til, UM _
iillec=emrfos a ma Wend Omer Is WOW
-•Thile them duithremiet of 1
i 3r,m a N it lithell
hemetter bit {bombe bat, et -
-Thegieepeabs Mali to
- leads op from tae - !Mar
Ltdrela WI _ . _ ,
Ty taking Shan Mims sad MINN eiteeht
Wade sow Oa thelleld Orbether solnally pawn 1
I or SalsataallWalaoin.V SOW. trete wee dl Maud
In scum or Were coutrected to the Itss sr Wy e ,
I Mb toll Ittihad antra but are et l / 1 a - a. •
1 Moths pin N
ion duty, or W ether dt ruty-wr
[ NATI* , Mitred cd as luvalld Oceps ,
Ckommallare stun at coni duo oter,
Alm received his their liallad. sea 0 . 011.
Laill, eed from their own Itscaleffate - assmithig
[to 1116 Poem ferebtral,) of the hism al the aft
an sad masted ma seder their Vie.
Wall the lollowlag werfolla Ns: -.-- -
1. That they en mit to moths dal er as ai
[ seeoget a wound' of Mow cos in the tam
1 cgdoty ; the fact Wag catilled a Oftruo.
la the Wthatelarir
11 TWA*, are Cr palms tide fait
Wag -11trewlee walled try lie b ps' as
[ themi t alar i zecoold suisisultico. c.:.
a. . sim la the minim of eileM
1 imadbgllNlcas, meriterbres mad g, " ,
[ Then nib shall buttertl , jiellLthe
is *teselmit.
tr i I:4:quirreha WM
to Ow mutt lffenluil at the
[l=teses - -
llJlMOlllsatraor Mai' • 'aliatiO
'ems ramiks, appalls nob eillach ea the
rall, a stemmed es the genera .M.lhg
Weer Ihr Wthirlac to cos h=emsebedety Wm
ties to ditty I sad all, eileit
sedans taenas nth fade as they Buy lathe
055.91 If nay ham nobs. that Nall billr I*
thy an • 14:. 4 0 Warm the WIWI
a ot dim
Mime .W. mcommadeldoll, OWN(
relle Nail De waded from Um to olasiwboarar.
tio auther cd mea MUM( the csaditione etreaum
sted Or the ealgeseks of the service my; midst fl,
la =lly takialate allows ad Gaeta me
Went, i swim_ sad Asa the rolls, Mil TM ere
We Pros duty, is Nospitale ar thavelescial [
.oaao, er ass sawn* sailor the antra* Nakel
Mow la these cams the Mahal Mao *
pieuleace MIN pavan the rale sonailiegi taxa*.
totaling the =ale at Micas tad mat from - the
soatoSa Sall bribmwelule, and mad
tbem=ii on
.ethers of the - teriertr. 4.17_11et
essmsr ot
ed. to the pryer ilegimesui' . • , wan mu
seemMward thent, a lentokire epectard, tte the
=Mose and redubmants. la to aim,
the Begbeattal Onowaser eliell thlsk Mime
leak* imint of Weimer, to coutlaue Wimp
viol al th. Wand 00 .1" Wale! ambled with
sat Wr tr
yst.euram Saar
edema maitriolishrWir' thi exceptips
M daft' the cerildow II say Mimeo; atretemme
mow to the service, bed West sail tamed risk
N s Nalical Mamba shine - eta Clesw.
Matt, Ousp, Mares to War that Maid
vile the mum loguited Wm for lbw Ito ham
mod.oscrebly Classiged Me seethes
By acappalut sham clew sad eta
;the hue
wosd Ora boaamtoa=als=toadalair at
inar_detraldfilietottrititheeerelee..,l2 tra aea
AIM ettotrattso to aptatmest murt Mullets -
the Proms Neatrel Gaeta et the V Meas
Id~thlktaollese Walled as
Oaf& halm Pro,
lam nwas Mearma the No
el atre kW wlll be weleared yam ttrs
i[Tbilt - C -- i=r 1 !*•= 0 entNe WM
Sown the NW 01 ltsralmeat lbe the alma
Is 'aka lis elerakihat ba umai air rob. 101 l
1 detwa'amela m
i ttta e r Maar mad 14 sot lie.
I. That he teraith manairt osso l lataa 412asaax
ea werewat a mum or Niebtlity mutesistra is
bat GO too.
s. Ste lili prodigal rosealanadadOsa tastlia itor,
glasetralaitiade and 01th ice thaalleallooff emir
whim he Idimay steed, that la is woolay s nug
am peovided U. sad compass of Wawa
metre to the thronamest. la ow Is Is J.
i iii.
pemakaaae so gat that her mere" be my Why
istabliasel the Iret two panto shore , WO
Imre of tramilmat thet be le trearoltai Ido
amt lama &Me et the dial Mite manna* MIN
ell be Withal by the softest. asd wet la Imam
Weed with his yoloranis se matutiamM - -
it there he ea aettag Masai Mona
lle aM
Gawk lbe sks gleM the erothaties am Ihe ilec
wad Womb the' Adlsteat - mewl et tra
who se Wired - to Worm Sloorliaa oasis facie fa
eillftryNe_t_ey at tM epplesim se beam ithew, W
ow are raer try lde temulli. sae Sward Os samo,
[ to IN Puma le avail General of the Clateil MAW.
[ talleted aim, hosont y dleaer,o4 las alaSSaii ag
I a diaddlity, &WM to re WM le thee Orem, will
primat etrewalves to the load et Tentrat it OM
the Wain la which they mid.. lar eamituatros by
the Swim thanpat. who dull amine Wm by
rises to moth to to Beard al larolltsW.l
Bead shell then com Mar ea& trea sall it the
UMW toe Mal the coaditione yarned
=tolard doll give hies a atestrineto io UM
Mos, as:
1, IMa he le mat far mace In the field.
S. That he le de kw pram day.
I. Tim has merillertree Sad otwaTtas. j
a. That he wee hatimay diaberged tran the
~. . ,
the Purrad Marsha for the Maria shad Wm
rod the eppekotros, with this rettlikete 11the.
Mord, to the Loan Aolataat . Pasant .
_ sit al sr Pear, who mall procure each .
arenas sad Wawa ss Sao nsearas 5i ..... _ , _ ..... ,51ia Cbliaill.
tr=be Waage& ca Ile at to
the , lialvaly. vaiser t gaiNMlMMl:= 7ll7l:
amt, ail ohs mall li Vi. be
will Wit his la accontrace wit sede reim
es the rearosS ablooluil Claaani Lax ealab ,
Moilikallawasteek Samos in therm of "Mg .
file Millbuy themeadees, sad all ware gamy
Whitely to dle, under al,/ Mee end age
uleglow aid past
m my
ma seder thee control wbo ary be flt la earidee la
the isvelld .
ea ceThe trome=eallet gird 4 doused with the
llos a Uthe ads, sad the troops orpalsed sip
Mr tit win be WM ilia control ot ids beau.
ly ardor at Oa PrimeteY of Wee.
[ , o R, D. TOVNIIan,
Itiltho44.l' ' 3 AisitaatAdJatast Ciaaaral.
fa 4t UOOU num 3. T.
go addlothee Made the Weeded
of go goods ert tatotablla samoro4 40 ddi rpm .
Forte ittetaggedt, at No. UT Bl*lll , ll agate air
oor of Mord Mort • . . • 1
iriag lad ft 1 I /Vag t iding Asa sot Sat
OW ilNif Wigs. pLoLdslooltisadloona ,
'watch trfor . ii .i t 4 *lva the Aar doneury alt.
did* SOLI go ogre steg el . riga
-MmHg 'LW Floret , aubtogd wog' by: Ids
bredo4 g ggerlderh to gd eibt. Om hob
to My the tweedea Ommet Ibt TO
orbea.. detbiLded the meet ddll ,
lit gegodo.wdk a lineotock ad
aboltiattaat,vatot tionoatli ...roam
ea gudloWSLOdkale boo,teked=leo
'=OnVoklortte =aro=
gig. ewer et raged grogrg.
• 11114nanr adt .w saw§ ALLSOJOBT* '
• gibe • diTtlrdt4 ed foram Nag
IN dre T moo d
grOteato. go g
&Vargo. big rtded.addr:
Tex a r Vid Lod, L aIL of gel
n o lo a/ ,041,0amouswomoot SW; far.,
racm-d itAiffk.PartSy NA
irreettegli . giflettddLg il = odd'
oodeltb",od 1fe1te......„.„ . adoloßtrid geobtliththent-hr
LtrastrasZnairgn le oartog bkoZ ol gd t we Tr
old go edeigrightle of the Mile
ha gi toad;
Oiriarr tootroplO4 aniara
WLrtillor Imo.
al7/Em 437 Itroode *Log afOroolgall.ld.
111,11110 S iiinnirgoi
. , . „
iwinpenma 1 4 I" "ime ill f ea r 0 11 / 4 8/ . 11 . 41 '1"
xis for Dijoits tem 146.1.3. 1 "ties N . a;
7 ; pin es lIATIIMILT MEM "rola su
'Or'ofikii,44ouslu migui -, - '' '
A,.. h;oo.4:4loininant Ilia Psonsasia
mutos i isibiniftllmbeeses.lbutiold
w wirodrimikare sou. - u elm
ismshissa- iltddieMi 010.
giSr it ogra N = Mt lanipir, 4
b timit t twolts, NMI= dim. aria
ea tis Ana
si t • ,rll4
AhoWtior ir goii ainekit bow tha
ale iii was, . /A Mini% wow
wo AIWW Is WM" * am i l l goiWiWi k iro NW
0144= 'Orgi oB Mb L 'erne aft
Put o =latriely *dal% 411 .0*
, i •tasAii aino4 . • -
~ • .. • - .
i ,.. limilkst-111:1 1 4. 01: 0 VIM..
' Thellaiaiimm. . Sol. J. i.lievemad4
; W. R. • - . Jamb
maw wok - auboulimiltr. _
aria./ me rimorre.-11. A. 01111301 1 .
MM.= siralawlP
1862. -""""' 1862.
A. 1?.• P S 1 T S.
L isepigaiki`of moot iniK bon belie
Forkmetwidost itivring saffitimplia. 2
SlMPMalegi 611111qPia•inliN el Ulf .1110014 l t
WOO ONOWPItiI , _ , .- ..
4,64111b;011.41M111. 11 / 11 DIVIVIIOD* 44!
A, iliMisaii risestalts Ii Miaow rissiii4
.1 oil
brebsibrost of
Sh hatilistsernbk
eol sad Alab
eO, so gar u
teat, Owed id.
etnrinsairtls l
sad 1 all;110 ,
focretaa o,
iti7 be ruled
Alok*l llo l-DI
I = 4ll
lornill - 11. - • -
kr. 1 41 , 1*- 104
Valledida II the - '1
br.llllllll,O ll W l
mitt* by CM prop
airlinasto: Wire , ---, .
la oar semolli I( : ..1.
Ai g thwa
petunia' septum • _
suppllett,nromn M*.4 1.414 ii Lbss - *—
Iloa as Webt Nam= , 0
to fame* tbeet; In *Mal MonaP9 ll .4cht
SAW all Oa lb. CliMM:Nnethill ill: a roma . tau*** Lint lb. Ganetnxinted mim
osa for the pleatsosammytha 01l tbe mid
tilt * .111tigirtU tro MAIM *WM Mining. mei
the Moped Sof Maine 'Mom damn*
of by** or by itle witinriqt tfoaafram , 1..u...nt,
ate* •or thift am el Monderksety. 1 oa• pew
rja.4,ll4rintlih offiti i me lam
..,,X.5 2. ~:-. 1
HI Ilia patch* sad traimpacionon i
Rabat:, pair gamiisadte• groins* c &ii ra l i .
I, ths BMW* Zotainien oftphe• pine In ea"
IMO WIC CellarthladAltiaplipAilut CPC by
tb• tam , * - the' trial* Mem, in
. 011 the
Zanies., atm , err tot anti of ma b"taliii
Stem to any place toned In the bpi
fr. Jill *Um* certlacates. perm*. - M.
nand alobrontlp _
_Um meow mann
bY tbff mit "Nallifo‘flt tlerl.rel Ghia as
vto :
No usrdmilfillr fieletr i & hlt_lfo. r•
opts* nit to any ph* ',I ' neanty 1* If*
"Mew* or te Car NNW , In 11. aVNios m a.
or tip swr NNW ta me cionitlia - of memo. gait*
- 010.11. in mina Ma* or. to say rho, la may:
eyest or meth Ms Um # mfa mom** moe of Lg.
irl i f i
.iv , • riii=4 o .l r joak
wnlb ark 4
boneatrY. l 136 = 0 “ • '
tiro to ths Omm pstrlnah • ,G
to It meath;linlimilas WI Mat pert • • - •
'wool toad at** to eat plamin alit • ta ll.
mit saw sir writ at kuom, dii_4o,o,4= . wan.
on GM Enhfolltefer,to Ifolle.cfmma to eldmolf
Oily. thssa, by theiNIOMM tiserte tin Um of
tlin stow Ettaip a iFt ant it: mrepaines dabs am,
tilts** Girl ' Nosiftal.,X*lo imp*** by
tie flef= IctoMil• .., - i___ 1 '
VI. nrltiffif 'opine.. ',a Aso of
pfm, ytnyttle. I **by - aft, NhOlent. II om
it. of the IlegaleiMaGeMilLlMM. w .1 ild
.tileirtraleliSCClD.Bilbtenct. !UMW of in platy
hetthict 07 theri.litn OM, to talk WI to
Mb aturnatiable, tin, Maimit them* ase Min
, emuthrlialAr ilLtiolt. ' •
• UNW* •of ifichlaMMlNltt. t . .t i o
Om try trbri,. hl.l,t ...14,.,P1a t
nantatosi lna; /Ji g. actremllinto be
Till..Yoory syyttuoir to o Dott4 - ot
si t o
esetanclif MU .that tat offpliolltioa eat Mt
• memomnflum ef tile mernaanie he ,C to
bithill WO tin Mattes., homy to Mbich boot
gland •to the esrulaitoi a* - Ana If • &Ma
acme Its hos th, cerulean of thaNemit It ha
city OClbiatlpisol Oa Ille. ~ ;
II: Upon isoian a aolot d teat.
grata, May I OM. sr MOM perm' ma
be 'naiad Or timi 'aitlykainsof zji ... 3 •411
ai *all flo '.p.iGhsl la In • to.
far*. sitinestM ismof alkoseas eel
sum: Ma Mb* obamond the of
Army. or Halit- - 1
• X SlMmegie Wm ranhowittthil el a, V el
Trani le pronwpanto t ot • wing Map t, tb•
moods able,* senor W, am be WI to soL
he ,so.s b 7 thew. b it; sane mom* shall yln
awn is WOO. for shift ou **eat oats pans:
Xl In nrs wham Melpe tbseasadais ta tlo 1.14
Mon Ws wised Mat an pailanyne motto Olnla
sad soltUnikal *eh comieind, by *dr at d.. In
cad Tend may to den,inered B•GMatatol Man* Mot
Ohm. co tha Marc Conks , Inch Po:Mr It/ IA
taths vitemorrermyore punkt p Come
• SONIA OffttlaiZar ranted* canters ep .. 41 . 4 ,
imam aelanchNflar thonperympelrom they.
-la. ads to tie' Invetne otrl tiol tO belotiltoid., ~.1 °
make tiro isameattft Wooly., 111 man 0wn,....
RI.Mc *Man el tratinortattee,_aalato tb• Cinder
wan of the Dam* shall In peittonM Mon Pthoit
*es elect in writing. . ._.. , . .
XIII. after tb• nisi hoof fAy coats shall NI Pohl,
by a boat is a hip alemaitoa no mai than tMaty
Me' Centa Mall to &moo *dot Ben In Of Ihe
liwielannalli hi any mamma *mod span tin**
I " TIP. No smelt Mlll MP emit too Imam
I mat , i m in m veant
obfyfig l o i o n l
a md lt l iM ln s ch
wwwm ter aM met ar
theme. In mob cesei, remits day ingisn'ea so.
tabs ammo got& as they me piefal by laws* hed.
12. to iliac ral*Mlllonnl tinett p ilm whlntlf Me/ 1 W boo
to oh
am** tun eznp *dad Main
paramati:► 'align sill arm tho offorr eat o" the
permit to . 'WM shia lodine wpm him mlifentter-
MliMM'aic=4Plotat; Me dot Ilwyermli and
tin MOM et the soots pemalthiL . • .
IV. liatally sank* will not Is slew* to ke to
tudbrombetti . .nribm....b.e. Undid Then afi
waft*, amg4 * tho permit Wind. Nadi pee' .
hot lad thir hi-MOWaria 11Mg att k b the Sara
toylloolo-tiooppUis irbit Jail not
shout in tile .to mom Ana is mracp Ay.
AG...00w by the Baird I. be -amen
eery 7 ifoo ' nor badly Tor too montba, ‘11111.11.11. to
Ms premitbed form **la dl tom be nolo ban
tee youdt 11 granted ,. ~ , 1 •
XVL Ofhaers.will la i
'all am ottodolo - bolulto
hand by them WM** , WO* Inmininny min
MetabILICAOL. s Or 0, 0 1144 Cr ° a= r e =
the ,_"?11._.„00. which
or woo
. iF
L , W i rr.Kaiiiii • '
soperdidas Imams vspermac. '
% 'h
Ormaintart, 17i , ; :- •. • teriftliG,
K N ORDINANCI II foie's. dislitibution
pat liwopyilmokuoty - 1 as Irty.,, pyi#{:o, ! 4_
i i .
sou. maga. S. n .4 - - ' . •
- s i c , 11.1381 4880881. NMI 8181818617 918 . ,/ltmot AA
Amos art Sams Of **PIM Yee
MS *Pa 11101111004 Yeti ON' NMI 1118ded 4808
aqr. ammo. !bet of Or Omelet Ossetia,
dai los Closoalki to litre Iteitaresta gra"
Meat oat alaonsa duff la 00l Is • }mitt set
apart and ahaUlor Osid- to oast' of itertoteatog
wool Dna therlaspaos, as : MAMA Neptao.
Illsgaree illitoMilliss I" ala °V TAW ranC Datum* I=
it sew salMitaba '
Deltas Mau Y. pa/ to ealAs of thEttaslttas. lire
Ingham cc . flaw 001461014 - 411 i lielisA palseate.
eabe aad Goat Tamil aall Stag atits:eessaaal
JR my ordhuim bersuffes mipll cosagook, as.
&Ay* toosseta‘la and a, maels sionled..
°Maud sad aosteod WO klaerta.Coisidrs,
, tear
sass day of idle.•?•:-1,AIKINI .7114tratis i - 2
Attest '1; 11. IlinsaV iis i ci
Ciortit Id" - '
. . ,- , ,•,',,. - ' ' • *Zretili i
~ • tristaliotittkaasoa '
emir Aparmig . . . : , ' ' • ' . ::s1
'"11111 NM ° CITIM ALS!,
ioavami.4 -inmbigt kn ef.,aill4 OWE
*Yr lianr bow7Xooo.l dlioolowoolli
oval al goose or Olobillir. sad who Oreoloiv..._
Woe tioo lon*/ to Oho WWI Clorpiiitouw
tbo prooldw of gibed' Ottioti/ 0 /1, oi
Oros the Mt die oo Iloti o r di bmols lo UR* polio
* moul our idlikomoso maid
to oomply
dot, odd sooo l ltiditittoti noftidurs t . si elk
to sovillod. r u 4%,
dig Um drafibt oar wa • u
dolq as .folonAP. ttibe A
Ibroloilloookol d up Kam ilt-PagailleY
Osok aides MON O Trona loollosk Osou=
It MO forward Os 111, 11 1.4 011 4 *UAL Ids
nest, to tio !WM Num= asionadßiol.
Moo latailittloot ribs oppdatol
W- l ir l o g iropog
antsy iniauG z i osoloagoto. iota onisolop
onslloto of Si nob oppoistrato, oat
KY too Ow IftM gilleoloo Meld
wen.." aYi
1. "
IWO Wu',
' -- r I' , . ihsraiisiti;Olir• ,
- " ;: v <- -..: - - - " -- s•-. -• '
rem ilni "II
PM - - • IMP Ofgn „
tt s
iriosiali g e
lad a 'itiiiiitiarl4i
X bow so auriftsft se,
1.161 WI 1,5014 " .1 1. 1 . 111,1, :.
~ 111410 0 #1111242= ' w --
it -
111.1filialltillibtir T. 11.
. .
. . . ..„,,. „..„.:::
~ri.. . ;
7 : - . . , ---........ 1
t . 0... kr. y' -..,.
. ' ' ' - • - -L,ii .i.,: - . ..,,,,tinil 4L,ZO Ii.aCIR
, VVIZ cVi". 'YL
iphtsgh #Sazettit.
I D 124 1 .10, AND. PROPRISTORII.7:
iileitiOi 'Office b. 84 .111h' 8410..1i
iftania raw turnso =rums's, Dam%
IteicuidErd TUN WAIST NEWsArp, TO MB
nts orpmraaAtion. ,
TIISBDAY - *Ore, - JUNE 2.
by , zillad Par Por*.iigit 50.
• o • , , do& L
hilunk Limas, by, tun, err
,yoar-L4.• 60.
0 : • , • •
ZEHTION, o.4l.ll'F6pitsaktpar, i OS,
• w " el " - 1.60. ;.
• 4 - . more
-.106 ow lays to b. party sending lei a
dab' f 111tsiii; vs TUI yen the Umaia .$407:51.
4,517; Tar .slab of twenty, we tell laid 11" ;
Yossitss, Warms daily. Single Sep's% 6 isslth,
- Firm Pißm
always stopped wba tbtime "14n1.
- The eittettomet Ylcksberig. •
W.a_hays some firths? light upon QM's (Ma:,
Ace Witting. et Tbdislimg hafindhibet sit
had lintirday. .W. havo' no mason-to
doubt the nitlnints tnitaess, o! *Mersa Guns;
Ws hare a ,, diseeicis to-dst tram —Cis
throws vonsidaralds light upoti
yalleia 1110 ormini as it floss from in odioer
direetfrost the Sold of *potations, my be so.
lied open. The most important foot ;stated
Is that the; olty Into be approached by mp
h! Ansi bob; too strongio be taken t$,V
saniti loirrnox is said to bo in the nnlihi:
borbood'or Jukson wit/rind Allem *owe*,
mon, and short oflsth provisions and sainno,
*nu—_li:hitlM solmitstioid. rime Vitiltaborg
. ;
.join . i' ii '
ll An ale gallop of Shed* afJ aly
__ . .
Ueda the auploss of the palm Upsets of
rhi /0 1 0. etlio Ptivi:ii to be a ialthretion on
the aorta , Of. July, werthY if 'the city la
*hick laiepaidenee was tint daolerid."4l
, the - lidos Leagues and stssoeintion& lethh
, ~ ..
- ::fattOrtlialfil - Ati pallid to .Piftlall!il# &an
.—. i d ..........
to -ma. delegations. __The l
omenionea. alli,
tat& la Indoestatheellall. - . 1 ,-.. •..
1 • le.the flat national celebration OA the'
,yatriatmf of lidependeatto that his, in
proposed.,;The' oommittee of arise ts
' have Weed a call Ago-the Union an Loyal,
Leaguer sad loysl citizens of the Uni ted
Stateer , _ ta ,eommemorate the birth t 'the
Unless at the plum where it war bo rn;tr im, re-
Sind the great principles of thoi,
At that all men &recreated- *Orl i and ire set
dossed by their Vreatat withetnein lialicas.
bl• ri*aitilltlVhfoh at. .014,:liboity, and
the' Or. happiness," to aoknOsiedsts
onzob 0116611 to mankind to mints* Alum
fathers did r_teditra the
E r s i d ad ita4 of the Anottlean Union, itif the
isitezibie purpose of the Amerlosn peciplo; is
God shall glee then. strength,: to sabdturthe
satiates of the Union And re-estibilsh , aid
peeptaste the national authority altererse It
tiff been exerthrown by treason- at rebellion;
to ere an appropriate expression of our grad.;
tads to the ermy and navy - of-the - ripablio.;
&ads !Malty, to leotard one determination, to
wain the oosititetednethOrilise of iliik.S o T,
walnut: new tad' hereafter, in, _all memame
adopted and nroacontid - Di. then forties inii. 7
.mesmiaci-ottimeeholitearyithour. nomprotais•
.1134 orgfiloo.4 fhil.lo7 MMote et. Heckles a
ftettut aid honorable peace,
Ns., Lineolishes meepted an invitation to
be prileati impanse pub
.lll lutinese, sad " be will ~be .. welcomed by
thmesitede•af trnahreerissee who. will go up
to this coareestion of the willow.' The loyal ,
men of Thilatielphiw are determined We:take
the oomtit POtlftX' only less memorable then
that of rnis . .. ,
The remain spy captured at Pieria
NAM nosier, at Norio*, ort
. .
the min, war amen important arrest.' liar
Tommie) Momrolkliy suatahted. repnions
, ig.oontaaltiChi• tkor . linadle was Si lottimm,
pressed roll of tiditiimruPtin which lam
e=tremsl mlarita . deraipttonof our !trees;
with the - eznoinualher at each point, tAto test
rtiodWof )eatrance and nit by whim certain
ease Maid .'bi main:- Localities !were
marked dews, toenail= trued and lean-,
merited. Tice nimbi. of Itonitore and gm-,
boats hi the , locality were spikier off, and it,
was istated that the Union loran at Suffolk
wonbil. 'hest!, shandoin that, place 'and
bmk tiltitina short distantw of Norfolk. ' The'
movements of troops in the vicinity of West'
- Point WM:given to consicemble detail. 'A
thawing ;of mutts, moompanied the 'letter.
VIM' Broads :Stream, An, were marked with
Nverythisg was mentioned with roat no
'way minutely. The Information
would hem beim of untold vales to the rebels, ,
sad It seems extremely straw how
coal& be *balled ro ootrenUy by the &bottom
of om - - -
.:ThainteMoptiA doenmenis.wers addreteed.
to thi . 001illikladir of Ake Contadoritirfirms
14.1 .atiekirstar..nosier had Imma
delegated to ran thaw flattish' the.blookside;
enthave. them forwarded -1n Wm for whom
ting was handed: • •
TM whole was a well of
scheme. 'lt sou
-1 template& the capMln of Norfolk, pointing
teethe' mut which it ocald be done,- and glv7 ,
mask'essanAo the rebel soldiery ti
timit appears:meat maul day.
h. plasm where Oen. Vieleand Eloyetitor
PierPont resided were designated, and it Ras
moommeadwithat, siPldergen-ratd" - bi made
to mmy al the 4 1togas Governor" of Viralitia.
• .
!kw now Refortito isi Russia.
, •. . . .
' Although "Ai Isaperer of Bassin *palm
to" be -weging - n "Indolless • was lest the
Pold, theddl reforms in Ids imp an go
ing on.: The imperial - ukase neatly Laded
ebnoesninteorptril pudoluaents onspiowiy
manta wow= end some +Ammer of lidivid
isabrAf MYISt VIM titilittlita le Mat ox.'
taadedt! as,•ior issaplo, teeeluwaid prisnizi•
malodor pascal who tonikaniskel their eds.
menu distrist colleges. and ether schools.;
PeneAte ,ezeildnilg dative bluetit= I and
bitty; : asides of - parbiws. i The nobiiity
sat the merchants rot :the two tint gailds
how for a bag tine been ozenspt -ilea
uelPoiel:.losnithlwit. The peasants aid 1
boargeolil who dil. not bdong .to the- a i
d- 1
gales' that enanowsted will only be sub:.
Pa to the lighter oorporer.Mianats in
a nd wow spelled Ay law. The knont
the dm sops are denaltively awed trona 1
penal cods.o The othawdshinents art
soulbly diminished; CVOS _ modlioa 4
}ten are introdelowiliCtili an 'ode of
22 =7 end nevi- Tint , Olden and the salon
new incorporated, and those of old stand-
ing, who hats been diutlalinWisd IIP to
this by good oondust, - will not•he mildest
eorporal punidWitints mop% under the d ,
see of a tribunal; oaths power , of the b -
' oets is sewsibly limited is I. the psi-
Mutate of soldiers and sailors- TM pn4.
isluneat of whipping with rods, And of t*l
komiki in the =ALOUD ail add lively ibilishd.
• •
Tas Loner or Clourette.—ller. Rho .
Otte Keg; In a late iattt to obese heads
I reeks that I osi npatt to ye. lasibie,.
JIM etißlate le loyal ` tea talent to- Ik.
7 1111114111°.°216 , u &me ,. W4l7 ,W ia o l"b lt lble"li epeto - a s lr eer ow,
elostion of tO kola. *Se !of fett
yeah est = Seta fa Ohm Ewan/
AAA OM este the lasylefloa at pat:totes
from tenfold& lased aathlasla saes'
eat lea Teialito It to-day tho, met loyal
soy Wes Aeolielliiipaltesii
0 - 1 , ":, i''',''.:'ii.
wiltr oo to ,
- •
Lying in England in Itagazid to Vat
_ - Country.
Dr: 316011104 d; writing for,the • ililhodio4
lininie I 111/0; in i llhistory,, his ea 01'1
isaided system of lila& pa so lam 1 'scale,
=titled among lam 's. Ism outset - la Ending
dellayetheathatiath diait`ster, The Dni"
work waltolagoaa; ead`thik wear
*mkt& tobeasthloydd td do It. -. rho rather
of. lier hat'aird his Andrea We 11..-011 the
Admit= qiestioa`althart the whosalad 'et
Saalas4 is,wwweitedowst IT ale t, of Iles
taieenk BasYlthokifa `theieros'
c; **lib 14 littiodad-th slikewsa.
.91P41:,°4414n.b1ik at•ivleswbtah vain
tion steio4l from o f eonathivreq r the
tuatara ttho" `siek.. for their *lra& -
with lerWasia end
dare 'iriethiranners, the ,Lairdi sad the_
Unan&lgh'irho kite, shown that no
boom" disereditiblW to' Of' town of their
ocaetry, caw brims.* Wash their own
provided it wily pats woasY, in their
Tk God. there isAwalwr elaaa a l ma
i eglead ; awl they awe, X treat", likely 'to
massed redeeraint the statuary from the
thfeal,witli - whlck the dominant piriy hart
for thil fait two yawn beau loading It
:-Titi. LO*ilds '0r:ge4?0474,•:,.a1urf... 4
li,l# l , liti;_a S. Itlir Fie t..._1 - 1 •., ... -.• 1....11 - 4 ..
- te/eFil., , 4 ;WWI. ifsky is. iot . so tb gp,
in the deleutage at Om rota whom,
'UM if. iiritio Au:. lantred. ,se . pli sikia
4"•ehtittr;c:Th:e etPOE-At,teilkitelMe twill
_ __ -
tck,tsw.. _
trotkeein' iMpressianiiioOno4.o4ll7; bu;
ginailly' hirgdtteri thit'theseezpiring
rroglitedits maitr • oeutitht — liut two ;or three
huadmid 111•11-411141. • 'Thi loss•Wtlni army of
the YOtotimstliasfarbytheretiriagreglm guy
Is not over timilratkoisand:f--2,,1' •
Tin zit; Sounmi—Aistding to
the,,hugusta Lisalliwsliwrsr the talk
about ' , Urge. gals AMU. is not
true. The report has bseirrilot $0. 1 4 spin=
Wars, for their ens adrantasm• They .hare,
the OrOpii thil-firinnalst a low
rise-with iti Camila@ rates,
thrilsoithar the who!. ofillo Istlt nos'
-fuenlart ',Mims,
abwriewsiosidist,Siyi; butribuggrht
specalston eariohed, and govornraint„ and.
peoplo - ibremt tri• - pay the 'old high prices,. or._
perhaps more. •
, .
Sup, ii &mato of Don* -
cot, ik vial. of JUMP, to
olglqi handl* tosetrio to tho Simko Mit tlio
portraits cot-yr.:40010ot Toabirr +#d
Almon Ad' ettlionoo of-thoir ,not
pradees4.,whisb, ir t elorftg to iM istolotion,
Mo4thiss;o9 pistemoolut
vetVirOthAl lakcittdsc.. , • t., 4':. d
,'Aa ham ba. "id
nr '1610" Uzi joy, might !Dili "'England
*mint' it la' it - eionkin't mile a dint Wilke
gionikof idol:ea Midi *stir &mutt holds Out•
amnia anti Ireland in an' as for Eliot:
isadpricalgat stick it ins corner, ys'A Ayer
be able to lad it oxen/et& idea be by (ha
commissxoN. mEncfrna.trris
ruirezas or pirersot.iruss
114 - 4fAIDAN,
Apelo.tbcup.ts. cr neural sap, star.
- Pita. at tuar.rwisidviiirt, tip
fATL MEN - need -wit be (lab el I
%.Iby the eaftrocite - nt of the Belk -
gibes tbsy ma /WO their_Oil ,barreled and ihipprd
wptliout Witching the City Whereat. mi Miley, tom,
prompt, IOC& Met rielt, tem trouble exid in better
order, at
• • • - Kilt KM 01 lf"l , A 1I D.
'oit tho,Lnini i iiitirosa. time /mimo' ,
liiilie;'whis• i Oil is Wip ed from the Obits direct e
Abe- ceribead:shipped tl:ilittiptlet,'lll4 or', Welt,
_villadli'= driolud i tir. rlbith
a{mnaritii :•..,:i ) 1 : ,-; .
sarollioe st:lard, MI Matte Pseiesigir* . S. 7 ,
• AM OXesi-mMtees..BOX'llo2,l PitieWP ,or /
min,be teed tali Jef, the Oil Cottony. i . •
• aptl ' - - . DAN/0 ELM.
..7111.0N O .. LTIE OIL - •
..• - .
-- • Kam tacturatir ink Balintpl el '
. .
Atui.daklets la
01 Ef, D I' 11 . 4' 0,,Z; -.11 I 1 it
illirWerks, opposite Sharpiturg.
ditte• i9git4T:B.LOOL. PUPtiosselVel.
ST. 01.1.111 BMW. PiStemnith:
Forwarding Commission llerchant
prszonat um% act..emaukus owharati sad
Ilat ode at the lavat mixtot )iclass. Oamonrops
imp owns IMOLLOTTED, „ apttni
k3s4tAAriX &
COMMIIIIOII aid Foiwardim Ilkqekuts;
lf wnr Brans; rstnicsai.
aorlObanot 'ousioinvoiaso on conalenrate lc!
laud J. 8. tniiroarii i
Selma* RAILLO•4IIiPt. • "
llsomost Bmasi Jig.ylßes't
aux ar; ' • • • • • -
TT -
- a 50461% .w.tmousliaLt T.
•Brantira u ster i"d ani 13 =Podc h trtg .
ilarAn aft% uts at 10,36 lint Anis" Spat
iloole, Soma Igor, via onimela ekiaibld
" isnioal; IAMW L poi'
. lbandistainrileo
Peal WINIZAAMIND cAuoI 1041/4
• , 1..
020;43110.111rUblitl 1.
157447 i::. -:e.:^•;i:17.c:;:;----.+,:f; I : J
_ z. •
era= lAA at woes mama areerComaisite
Ofe et moat Rio dna% silk fork* 110
111,1111,011 VI 8 i • • ,
Jammu arainiumus ix mums OIL S
u n i mmo st l osikitami:miiiiiit. • r
410E6640 al *kr 4434 16: 41 14/ifilif
Of 0111111 01t, , .
• -
i mniatirairoaaViiiTpsll4:o,_. ,
vicitersosasdiffse._- , ,:: .. ~ ; .
~ worPsotiadmitsosam , .";,_- :. ,
~..p.M.11. Lbilib 0
&entice of di not &me it tanstuabe
thattlie iiilliaigml s3app t ood I" al
110011elf,4 0 Trait --.o ll *
• - , -,
- is s 4. itriiimilli. eltarotteet. '
is 4 Z '
D W.rfr. ~I, CI , n .. , , joy
by EMT V. 001.11111 k
.....,—..- .......4.4.4...u.A. , ......._
frg4lll3ol3lM UM-CIODIPAN Y.
Sm olt* N. Fifth r. f , ..;
.z . le ,-4,..i .;2 2,..ii i , 61:
vt vill3A Z.: .it..:,,,,,"-.. '4
.. , ~,,,,r.::_ii - - w.c . i,
Thal, ~..4
-..r 0 t 1 42 1 , 1 '''''' ' /auk L. no& i - -' , ..
.:.; Wla. B. nail, P 321 7 i:libliqr. IA
M: 6°.
- , 43horke IL Blensp. - " Warns i ';' '
1 1 1 0 4 Vszi Ultra L; t; e ' UAW .:..,-,
. ,-
;,. , ~..; 2.; i',,,tlnrcinalit t iPollollll. . P.
MittmBUPAZik Balk
agirks T.
' PII3:L. Ammar. salt. Neittni et
Ornarir. 0410010,111"1113. amt.
,SlOnlikAataat-Alssyst MPS 0 11 .•divos 011
• t
of Pella, n
itch c.olAPPTONLltMer
GOMA =lli
Penna.S. R. Wet monikii 11110011110 mace oa
MT MZEptipiaaati svo ll
=gl.6o2oololt7illio=ool4lVl 1f,666 1.6
bode, • •
Huntingdon and, 11;04 '34611330 ge .
: . Ballroat Cos me eoll
Pkm Ot
fric j e l f=teli Nana lassionplan? 1 11 • 560 1 : 02
Monk of Olnaltyrbeelnittnakir 13n... 1,060 HI
tra t l i rourn: /11.• St AufoHoPB,o6tai, :0 1
Meohanks' Bank; 11sk.
• Indon 11: roil:mono* Oe.'s 100 00
,81112 Rotetiable,:bnabinni'6. 16,267
Be* AOCOQIIiiOIOI= I I4 04.041. 0. 210 751
.060 t, en ltand sad beheads of egenm....... 11.186 16
,zi a ...fintlit o ; s : II • :Amos.
16ospol-8 - a ; : fhn Viiiiit*
Wm: lit: Tkompra.
1 , 9 1
+, -=.',,,--„,„7-OW,
ilabortatain -N , 1 ,4 A, 7:&,
tridarkk Brtir..4_, 0 v .. r tiLt s 9l"" gt
'Wa. litissor, - : • " ' ‘ es:.; :. out ,
C. )31•1•Itsb . t, -,, :.-..;,,- aitgkiit&WO
H.q. " W, 'Lingle, ~„ , , ty4itiv,
Join. Z. Wonelli • i° ' ' ha , , . rti.
ll" , . . b2ll
4i c
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Mark. N . DengEtl.,:. , , ; 4
-Itordecal Il t qwwis, Jacob IL WO.
Acatee Welpiett. - e,, - . - isavrwili•o:iitae,
David S. Browa,
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