The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 01, 1863, Image 4
MONDAY MORNING, /DNS 1. LI2IfJ.& Marl" Ornatir4okeras went stike fret ontbrenk of the Sabellian, for LN Omen, (asaing 'others) of setwoodslssg ! AY. oydowifie :distribution, the WWtsurifus , b o o ms 41,8 , plplqn-ptit of t3:9.itopei` vioussei pintas *Wong, wills. Alorsounteet uffalslil,4o l ,sePeolSO with . aiwo,`;ziarimi..,.,l4 , lespeotois sad Agouti-sae 'recoodsed onirldhere through - Out Our finer is' sodded to - thi maiden's of ' Governseast, and se the only almonereof the piople's bounty, who Iwo ollotally bound to . twos joilugydbosiais" aid who irrwit ii They; thereforsicosturalrenjoy-pssou funum ;Tory obtain 'orders - 11)i trunspirtatlori of inw pile., oven when It risen' my to rodswe thew .se Bute spats, and the repruntstlnie of lewd 'colones. They Ease but ous_ddentlelly , r lisgrusgicsgusgssintss depot of oonft .110 , 311.14 iistrautspim* 'stab ,_.... ° .llesses4or-sni...boadls , 4l- the wounded In' in bessloulsoitUrsi desivired, lop.* hire se sated •* es its to unastionas tbisd *WA snifory • tensed AO_ ^ . It'ailetWriffiqkirsittlisOlitateekarith i*ljAssioAititava#ltiatoirsieraailflosat, . de.Ne 44 for ournelitors Ikon ararewantent is 4 'l./1.41 , ,17 ;11 Ifliswork Pito or- - • ate ■ - 4Wlll.lllad . 471:! - jj**Ithlit'Ot • in.' ilielue:P - floialsAol WO's budgillP ,we wweendeaergetle Undid the army' Yet , Uwe Boma. , The depindewee of Word soldtors int tesitootteVegfelurr dlsnlim'end -1 for owe When Inhospltal, Ii 0010 Notional' flimmunsitsattarlledissl Buseins;., Tneoldef sdals'of tho fleniguy'Conwidt; Monti publineonedenu and **port Is, QUI heretics fa etrter Snhortitenttiin to Met ite . • plumose of goribusteist,iiitioskl to rappii; went tempo:op - and : neoltintal dedelinsdie in its system:of supply end •ridled.7. Omer& neat is the Wesel hest friend. 1 Rensimist is sit thit `tittperates witlflireiu - - , seat, sat hilpildin : lstispplylsg priwitere; bit as afar an- possible through the =whinny ' demount.' • • • •, . Allegheny - Co un ty Trick ere' Assn. •-. ciliation. , Thetssoeiailon aid' it MO ; this morning, . . i . and was a iled to order by the Preeillait. • - ---- Tie - deo IiiK14•11; order was reading by.; . 7 ..Piii: Vseheni who - autiteti..4he favorite' Z. by .7. gaints,,..lilute , d4 " 1 the Rhine. and Blur _Earns,'-'. oe to botli-of which le did runtdelertleit`",; Then fella, 1,01 "equitire ow : "The 1/taker IT lias,nhy }WS alter Wilson.l Thin :wig ably treated It illustrated, thi buttuter - skewing - lOUS, of Oh labor, treated btu the ' ' tire*, WA( A **nap a ~ . Ow deLty.,:..t • nfi tollaru 1 thile, -die - boner, exosoiltheute the motives werebnee or ' - Water.- Mbill4rery 'human - being should: - feel that be hitd.h - snission In life a sada *hike - of Milos givia'f•orn on . high, Odd( isle& ' . not be °hanged or altered, except for mat sr.- ' - - - -'Here followed a dilated= on the ezientif ouldvating the memory la our soliiole ably . . opined and supported by Prof. Baton.. ' Prof.. Oitamberlaln followed, holding the view that Belem was of little - or no Impertaue le the - pupae; 11 which he wu eppo*.byfthultuf.. Mr. Guy, who nave tolleralanorfaiit: . . ' tuition atlas trout and,bafaaililarg or all . progreas, moral, religions or intuleturetz_ , .:, _ The 'Assoeladon thentool rurilellg '• direction - of the - meeting d lA' tresses tel ' the death of Lieut. J. T. /liaise `7lrho 'fill at OluentillorvUle, in the hattle of i 'lliaday . , • 'while gallantly rallyiag his wan. • The Aar, Unduee warm large, and theproosedligs - quite interesting... , - Vega! Intelligence. 001:1112—AIDGI 7ILLILIEL. - __The following cans are within Auk for Mandeb Jim lit ' s 4L Illsabeth 71. Nagy Against Jams Idttia 44. lhaDazda Bead aping Mai) Wilson atal -44. Ahaham Patiagn who anrrhad Isaac Pat terson. tat. parnmannaar tia Ina of sad Pa ws= against W. Itobtasan, Jr. O. Jaw Gismo • sad °than aphwt Jog. _ Nom= aid gibers. 47. Davtd 7i Hallam aid Xdirazd Jai Alla; tats par nen ander tba aro 1111Diaata Ansa, for me Catiadan Homo& Jiaiii!tre. lgiagegalida 40 SU Hogan:is and *atom of Ifra.ltin Pat deftwool. *Phut tbs l l ' i rtu bd 9 favi g" loa s winos Patelelcaptorttbi - Slakcoati Hatlgglan Haar 427. • Mai: 01• s. admaliatritor if Masklid - Jam Nagar. graters Ado Cruder& D SH k agalasts_Joba Dillard* and —ZIJa ooaro rius-icDoI *ULU. . • 'Alio following ll:PM'owe an ILA few _ • . . , /1193919,9..T9991639. , • • lidet'l9ll3teat'llaCaso whet the ig0r..43- - • , 11enes and dtbase or, Meth etg3t, • Poorired ite01.9:9 - twee el±sna,t W l 4i• • 6 - J•ha99.lorrneet 669thatilue tool Diatetot of eitiothets. 9.....Chertettett 13sode•or assieurtJohO . 1103r90. It ob. lionuony molars P Mean.% 9 Dr ,6 and 8. arthers agatost Ju. lhoesso sad ZO: :Diu. hie "ode. . 3o D•.. 64 Doleory spinet Own Glut: . • ' 9.0br.; au ihr - elost Jim B. MU. • is Pr . iii, WlLeet oplaet, &pone' IL 31o1Ittire giraieheor - Beirl .Todoe sipiust 1969994 lorgueon • 14 Geo Moos spied Job* Ihyke. ; 36 Joins -6. ewer egattut 61. z. Eddy. , 16 Ramat% L Hemp against Beni Lobo. . , ..11.4.,W.knometretietelon Itioheet Miran. Mho isn't ligslovats - swath eonsista of,TO. MM. 01 wlkiolt a number ate oontizikod;----* , old f l aroimy. .21112 fosiaoos ibe martial star of Mr. J. Zir . ~, on, TM nnistosar the &oda Ave, au 'stared and tobhed of ever My . :„....i. Z 141 . 11114 iit'tbe . . and Ida wife had left the store la charge fa ge a . pi 'd iddldrin4 -3 1thlle the welt to Obit ;- illteit she rotund eke fogad that et Iffy t ) ; ,_..-dellan had boa abst ra cted kroas 6 draw " flaspleioa falls' sprat • 'slag UM . he emir . - I t - • , _!a sod took • .seat la the synoildra ho db. apprizid - ;l,F•liito - 7 ) - .& JF•iittpli. • asps bask, beirsial abir whet' told if Wooly i t ~, bikparegird Wrottbot A* WO , " la "' Hi lrac nbloquatlA arrestod sad mead; . bat idtipsed 'hit badraorae bWs of, • one "'ilikoalliatlorrtriilled Stitii lives) those lost. WE :11 - 7-filled to Mot* Wm. As di*. was ca suc'ha tbef 14 Jar. 1, as , Ja -•"* .- - - '5, fbr liOisty' litIllif: toads &plait -.The Alleged Mmbezzlearell‘ .. ;:: i1t":5. , . Za ;yedikettiriptitisc'lia *Mil 1 as sr! root of Mr. J.,..W. Craft, doing bedew Id to: 76 flidthllohl nowt, on a ohary4 of :eIO -.! - - liesalotanorrel by (Fiero If.`Yohlt, of ik. 11.0 m, W•enotkla Mating that ' : draft elide so iitam of the ...peosood of the --:---4191/114•idr--Bir lsfotauirtbia, . its over yllle on the oorailawd - liaa - Mr: Ws re mdpft for ilotrapm,,,,. Tim „will! co .:3%.AMerokarVieto Aided -11.00,1 mg It ' WlOSr ar tbe, 491Priptiont, at this awkoMtt that the - go of ihboritiliont was msd.. Yr. • , ~,,..: Skadhopos that ths. money wield hen been promptly paid hod A. not failed to mato Nen .aellettlois *Yoh wore dol.!' Tkli r ra plimelho atiAltramed.tmoril-leve e light ~ •.4 for tlitoistandast. t - • ~, : -Y , ~anima • of Vol. ' Bayiefi eat. _, .. , „, pm followlag Alvah& ha. Jut re- mind from .091. 384 MA I ... . " ' " ' Itazausstms, Ms 30,186 a Amy A. Maw t W. in: Pithy - ----- 7'.batiVoilltiadigiaTi - 110 slosh a. sti.- . • 1 ,P.•ll44lr#ll' -•- ~.. woad Onmaosithig 136th loghtost. ' 1, ' - to.til/X Niariti:-414dig to a ogy w pm. ailyi•tol pima it•th, in lam boo taaipotiod to patchy*/ • more poutfat usts. I f ir -, :Atha ttka_/,,0p•1p yhytint.Las. - -11 , 0 . ; -- , -- oliiiiiirhirs tho •••11.1moint: ole•Y sad iliehlaiatsOluiits,;Nolaloshat• WLI 41/• Oo , why. intatitilluatatf/ teased o rik?. sumo, onset of O'llara,' 7lhacotatafsk , 'id{ dis , xigt ii - i terf/oly is opsiao, _ , ~ 1i01a0., - , ? 71 Jbrieuitpowohdig b AIN thaw ./.. ~„, , t „,_ guitar Inikt•ifs, 001$ toad *9lloo*--of mu' Itosci‘,:atoriti oit'llossidattta, fpf • ,4 "kiTiriVedltimulolii* . -0 4 , VOIPA ~ ,Pite,o l il t1id). 1 44, V. 4 1- nr l '' ''' q <Mir l ig t r k T • i ._• 4 ‘"" v4 , . i 7 • • 3 MiglLllolo*ii... Afar 0,..7 . * sine tatietirieliON. ~q.,... .. • , n , C. , 4 - l'-' ' v • • " / ''' 7y t. 1 0 ...L.' fj ii J 1. , . .- . ....! ' . . -..... ?j*.,t1;:.... r;i l 'v!''' , ‘ t l .. .. if. 1104 u ,.• altr- -- ... ; ; . ,", r. ...-4., ~,,‘,..i-AroOtil, = "s , 4- v. ',l-2. -• - .V.Usg- . 5 •` 4 t v • v t- 4 ' • • --, ,Hrg, , ,.. :so .. 15,..••• MEM • .- • - • • - z ,4o ll skSel MOM WASHINGTON. Dimpstabss, to._ttualagAugh.llsastts. WAsztiastoi, Us, 29,1863. rev Wile - 4 - ThiDepitrtuthritfeflitionlinre km jut ro . oohed robust frobt s opoinion` Of *ore onu. of * f l fs moonily seat ten lfow oth unvon*norer for onPari . moat in oottettising try.nproisas, ihninor t to , • that b r wid th tthrltoottonised. . t un • pleat, 'rowlock aorsaapo, enthral foot in hight. Ithillus.sepainton.fitni the nOed7 ooge :thit.ginathat:thoe. The nornit'of tiottonielut. bosatifol ortiels &transom than clothes or for..eetton. use. and Inatrooto, .and thought by the equennentst no be sus. thplible.,ot. working upon eetton inaohinory without the letotAlt!hioalzp., •; • ...• o■ora io:'s• oath 11 wmuiei.; . . .. _ . . A noteworthy elga of the than heni-lellie prodaetlon tertho , lesithae 'on thi -bard& of a neoldngten Theatre,. of the I dramatised" version of trade T.&. Oebim t Thls , was of *ram the rage for loig terms throigh Pirelli etesoni, bat 4t bee elsewhere at leaf loom male:. ' , ./ 'as marl irmilty=4l4 pre;: slarety . eenpinwrator s the.Vagttot twat kith./ esti pr e vented Its ntyrafentatlon.l ' , Bien lot' It does tot appear la the plittolyet Theistrei—' that of lir..iiroith f wheteflOtiOng , IWO Ito aotortbad:telai Mau At d lido - toelll''`iir titi thiptatiltatyailiatisittitthillitHellaill'aita. for shako! Waalittlatea In a plata slag; bit the satabtlatratant that Dia brauittt It oat 1/.iaai ft 'alba tart: - - -. ",ti., Zion or .:71,41.4.4maitax:-Datirritil -13athiatAllia.Hik sthabet,:itths 21.1 With k t 16014, . - teith iliiwttad Ai OW 4 ria 4 r 4 1 , ` , poaltilkililgaßliti, 05;041,4 . , In el; af; tentoon..'-ne t with'othgniliag *iterate; friaftho Miithilelagesiwai'Arso.,te Ifellaa. distththitiltil,liiapthilti fltth tiljaeitoset ats 44idiiilibad'bjpirn 411100tha &aimed. ilittaa a laid itilithsit,ltat. tha thuthat W- I lag lii• ap . P,Pq was 44 . 14ite5t,;,6011 the boat* k bat the of Prodertalteburef, Oapt Boyte, of Soia , , eriet, erie,trOturted Litho arm ,with a Matti Ihrfermaid hesiot,bdt el:instant Ireiti:•' utoi rte:folt;'amilt tins kripimisod theta plea, wet VrOdd.4 tU tray. to:. the 'armee; A few dojo Nit an esiminatimitras made by a surgeon, audit seam from the - baller,aome *ingress shams tame cent pisos, was uteri from the. arm,. tXrp, iaehes ;troll the original . ' Tax 11. P. Gnaw. awund ee_liaatx, Oato.-0a th e :mead the liev. Pr. oooper.'lo wee dlotci -WW l, ' al:Welch, Waft Bev;Dr f t i tispor: , ot Xoalo, asseletiat." Thatidey wee exexpliei • sparely with tlis reeding of the Rows don. lad PreseltlltepoOs. Th. nutlet of Vie Zapata Illae preceselaz ea Pride, Itondat. The ditleseilen L lergej tad "oat- Ware saidebes; Mrs vs the is the tithe of ambit dd of Beadier Vet Nord*, published by Saudis orNers Yorksad Laid*, and John ; P: Hunt, Pittsburgh. Is is a stbry - of Ate soak . and WU of rideruiture. Noval-roadleg ii a cheap luturyrkettri v iaji,_ whoa one eta pu J. rr: Oise iisiststplAWK _lldricdttek Call al IttlittVgaso'li 'lra- street. ft toncethes•inen 6tnn through tho Chi. ohoid_ 1 1 1 I WS PO plane of:the Prone.; tikrashit Dirnt4tto hen bed ittotes,:ancl blUe othoAlesonloation of An gendereinintadtroia then Inistropeatlties toe ettentatin dna ecouney. - Unman att. be" 'oPki , 1 44 tot* lib* 4 ktaP etitiltatin hinge& -Sumo laquos...-Patrkik 'Burke, 'of Qs etxdurrurdowso=olutouriod 111: Qs Court of gitirtalksitais,l•44, for _NUles lignoi ea . 11111140:: ' ,U . fa Bud taitiollan, COS, militma. la Iliantsaarr.n—This abls wieldy asyspapst k malady at J. W. Pn, Soon Nati sad Pisiedssal Davit, opposite ths pan elan. urs TELEGaumc NEWS [FROM . OUR -)Piql=o EDITION.] FROM VICKSBURG Gen. Grant Gradually but Surely succumbs& TifEAKBELS'AIIIVEN,IITIO THEIIt .„_ INTIIIIOII, IfiIIt4NCIDIENTg• The Onter Wake Turned on Them. DESPERLTE B071:11081. 40,000 /en lent bj Beeniegird to Rein • •• force the Tielubarg Army. - STATEMENT OS AN EYEAVITNIW Liar You, May 30.—The 21.tlitet says at Ago Otto* this nunaktgpur Waktington cur rogra4ont..ll!RlP.ll,..A...ilo;llkail of 04 Wan , . eon it Vicksburg. this* arethns eakusted ap try ligb antiositY • • ; Quasi Great kis step by step 41141•11 the "bell Übe tit* Inge ter Intrenskatents, tart- lag the Others against. them. They. itenever, tann-Inisepil reibrrirsetkoperies ;often es maybe gesireg ot their works. flosocil Groot is eoptisaini,irlitonit mins If soy molostatioil -from Johuton WI to oamoufally bat grodasily, In order-to iaka sa oinsh oars at 4a . Awed take of filo 11Tot of his .troboo _ Isrtlio"draiiporoto Bitable - of mot a,isgs. _ A lettar frcm Hilton Heat, data& May sub; ta.a. menikk 0,41: fine rebate on Marls laud are ,nnyom saanieutre, and reserve Lush amittonsness milli to the operations oat wut We are 00/iiiiisMio yowle r teem- Ow roport4 of de. serten andi storied-it rebel 'pteketi, , that - 0 . bait 21,000. mas have been sent by DMUS sari to lirtakaharg to aid Pemb _ erteaa's define, tie'advanM of Gnat. We sin only inthap lalbe hiph2 that Pemberton's relit forecauts wine:4mA day after the re la time to bieomp - letsly dogged ;by Omani Ina • Aii4puiradese and ectspetureir irOold7-b• set nerd by the tillt• this:Unit# /sfewTerk." win known riior;Aagit Yonnee Pi:64 l U Ihiselarleetp 14 with Poi'4l:4oiiii4 - .4nwasi4aw itcormktiratokto— prepared oray!siftelt bylaw rei4eatit were le tlOaiwthptglehilltitOgnat of t '144, Oinkr*: l3 .fijr! He Ws t4.oo4eintlehatur*thout may were not trade by Via! either 1144 poporld, bat lot a; loci" Gen.; whisk smelted the:bit bettaty,rod felled. Whatever the reibeli,-*tivapted toy ptazi their gum they r were. , coiled !it, oni altar* Ar N 944.441 aco_ bias Iv* t orm i O4 - SO 331433443.43 1 / 1 3eleiliir 244414 r• Moro Sit 0 0 0 11 Y* 1 4,11 1 .,*071 - itau• .oabi 42D waas643,iiit mut stoma dos. _ ' ; ' ' : utpelaitos thiassivwwasis. aw es& irdateamaink yM9f - Ovinit .."0444,44.144;d; , - r -- ,Gatstbrul**Csittor(o.6 . l4 Wla eolith; irewostiidsd o ntif dasitensti. -3 tr- 131 WilirAitiPlbuit Ai dimly ;YU!? 010111 4.# eight Mad:s.l prisoners are 111,64 . al ?Oases, Paul. iiiitwaillOsolat&iiiAill'iroiiaj gor . ne-44.,:. 4s *lewd - b•4ll4ss Uursislistv sist 4116 , 410111114.50 i tut ,4141 . .sikse wily my siiiiinemtkOPl,l..:lx. waths.- • - ----,.,. :-...,:_•.........*,.....:. —..,..,.....:. , 4 ...,,, ...,,, ~.,„ , r . -) --) .---.3:, q , t . ) . . ..!.„.,,,, .._ ~... ,„.... ~, ~ , 4 „ ~,,i . ....., ,„..„.„ ~..,„ ~:: .%.,-; s,rartrer.4 , Eqtt t 4/ §ii, ~,,,,,,, '"• , 1.. , i . ::,61:1".. - S - ....- i” . ... .:,', 1 , ...: ,", 44 •s , Vejkl ~' '''''' '', .. 4 '..' " -C, li, ":, A- ...., -..-.... . .Pa . .C . ' i' , 16 . 414 Vil"- -,, rt, SL ;"tivie. t.t. .c , ~- w , ; ~:, t,e.,..n3 , ;-I.x• - i0..,%3 1 , i - A..... 1 .§-,,,,-• ,•-,,,,.. L. ,,,,- • , -. .--, ; . I !...71...i ra i A ‘, , t . . ' • aellidOi 41i az.4.2 % . Az i ,,,,,,,, 4 .,“ , The Potomac Army Hospitals--Pre seatatloa to . Dr. NorAgain—Lees Fitafyr"Ft Mel lei.-a. "'died lA"' "motor, oltison,lm imentl,y speeded the esrgsbeepitale at Ave(' and Po tostatmeehi,and VIII moue-iikalt to the di pastaseiti detailed report. Them hospitals =MBA- resnarkalels exemption fromniwtal:: SALT In Ely , =riled Operation*. This Is attrib utable to the excellent pip oloal eindltion • of the midiTitifialli to the battle, „as well so to the ..:oonipleteeitoielf tht tirangentents, and sklllfuLmedloal attendance In the holpltals. 812=, *a". of 50P100492 hat tannlnatid An ampstatien.f the hip Joint was Per, V ofiltd,itil the ,NentiCtlielsioni Ant Corp. .1,44ta1l 0PW 140,1 11 0616 is almost inn °gamed bj death, and eousegnontly ii.jAild;,bieltgismullwiti,Entopean and alamoin sulle l 7. The pittisat ft new. in a Pae *fa reco The _rri, ".notwentemsetonote . cilloors ilia privates of the 9th Now 'York -13tatek1111Itla, to-dal, - praienhed.Di. quilts ,Z. Ifirdtplst, chief on e*/ of the impond dtviskon,Orstlocrps, with a mtpcib Anelileare ,chstmonstar And maths obits, walawriat $1169,,,1n appresdation of Ili &muter and sails' markiim-of their teilment. ThemmtaitMlne theMeond anni versary of that • zoithammt'i,deplerge from licom• in the MOW of their osiltry. (ten. Bebimoa mintuteadlisipiet.diTidisitekether *Midi Mat ware proseat, • lfrom what as beltiassed, Gel. Leo set .dentlf:Contemplates a , neovessent, but as to .Wkat point can only bib matter of conjecture. continues to show off troops front of ,Proderinksborgow If• deditt , dibasic tog our military.:: There mono Indloations of a moment h 7 Nix troops, V4 O / 116 UStd • P•ad .poi that of the entratp. Latest from idexteo.:4ta . Important BAir PaLllOlllOO, 29 A ---Adriou noshed from the city of MealooprinlAespaloo, wt. the 6tli inst., hare been iitstfool. , "UP to the sth inst.4e. nnoh condoned the bombardtaent of , making bat lit tle progress. " Is is helleowl that the Yam& will soon be cempellid S. aberidse the siege. Goa. oencreorttutroonainetteed, an impor tant tanyalnant diatVl ll 4 to tin the Mr of . 114 hreneh, aid thetthrow hlll6OlOO troops into Paeble, andltreegthen Ortego. • On the 7th Gan. 'Cemented telegraphed to Sures ies follows: - • losansy4 aim a AU* lad a half from one poolVtonJ Rs keep op *slight =nom. oaths of 2aibla. dtthla attention is directed .to my mono= te. extondi to Ban Paolo Del Monte. If. Tits soldiers am leery ontkislastio, and Wend to Fait by It. ." Admiral Wilkes" liquiadrea.paaralid seamen. PORTLAND, Hay .e0...-The ship George Tar- Bar, from Beams Ayres via fit. Thomas, on the_ 16th inst., has arrived bete to-day, toinelas four Invalid seamen from*. 11."13. steama,Alabama, four ikon the bark Qom- Aok i .% four from the steamer Marline% one tramthe steamer Ovoids, sad Arne! from- the Vaiderhilt--all of -Admiral • Winos' squad ron. The Vanderbilt bad tants 1500 tons of coal and was ready for a mules. COMMERCieII. BEC0111) PILTTSMAKNIIMILAMLISTO Oman or Za Alrocasak Dans Guam, • aamisai.. ISM Gold le still edneeing slowly in Neer York, being quoted at 145. lion, we gee teineminelly it 149 for Gold end Demand Naha baying, end 41.190190 and Bihar. Miriam. lzebange is study e 9 per bay leg, and 3,1 ;sr as on wiling. Cloveinipent Cler. Meilen of Indebtednarit main about se het eeeted. GRAM—Wheel Is nonfatal altli aaLa of Sod Irma Ent bait& at VAL of I air pas end and part Waite - at jI,BL .oira b IMMINI and du& lunar. batfu Ufa alumni alma= lie Oath pft. Wont. Br Ii adapt fa the small way i 116.8.1 k, Tanis fa acablag doing Ia Oa& • 411100431,1E/3:—Tba mast la quirt and prim are without clams. Baty raripa tram U 3 toaajics. Ckdbe 660,4tc, amiNolaise• 660606. Bilis at 11l MOB Clubs Sapr at 113(.81134N 25 bp Oaltre 303ir, add 60 bbbi liolaned at 666 for oldwd too tat ram. PROYlBloBB—Baciin ix dit l tt s i s tnin unchanpd; Ira nous Wei at toir t gWigiriiihtitilintiog eiggTo por 1314ing 141316 he Plain Haw, and /00Uti le Plain and Caoraiooti guirseCarod. Thera la nothing doing la Lard. EBB of 10 Rib Gip Nom Pack at /IL /LOUR.—/tarkitt continues very &B and languid, Outdo:wind bath' entirely , local. Wit iota small salsa to= atom at WitbagnSin ihr KWIC Sod to WE or Botta family. 111011-114 'Liana kradtertl may he quoted at Qom ppto p,OO pot bbl; boarding to guilt,. Bins alb halt bbl. Las' Herring at SUO =A L IO bbl. Whitikiith at $l O OO to. SOB 941 Wiri—litithalgoat, mho am bat ua. W B at .boa 10,t01.10 Sor euxuaoa to prima. OTATOZS—duII and Maimet tab of LSO Wall Poach Loire at MU poor bushel ~.. " /ALT—Sala of 190 bbli No: I Irks $4 sl.7llcper bbl. LARD OlL.—Bolia otS4 bbla 141 414 Wag 800. ZIACI/3-15earc• mod In divaudi Nit atObbeat Pittsburgh' Oil •- XLT 114-47rudo Erb q t to•day. tho tronsociltor bottleclizoitod sod of no ;tutitsport ant Igogdetti. ; Tho otdi itiowAmdato, to itoUeo to • Etta further &Hot, yid thittutOtit . dlopod doll with oda 4'200 WA, td bilk um; 104.,1i51+16 at, ICI?, paap4es inolodod, mad tbootoroto the nt*g The receipts anttlnuo my 1104 sad the!tossitet IN oat weU soppllod, 81=0 soehtsalt to m 4 the IMF out dowsed. • Raniod, also, Ms bun ratnarbabliqnl44 and boo tlys, r wkwern unable to barns. at a idnes trennan tkna. Burnam baldtattlr for prevent, nadir the tingled= tbthat prltisi 'gun • tarible noced4,. , vials nu wan Ulan ing*" do not reig Partiat• iisitoue to taros to*i4 ler baly.dpUnity, tit offend In bond as 40% suf fer Isinadis4 &ninny, about 38a wpuld b ktalr gnotation,' - : Tnni inai be quoAed attics 43 to Ykr. scordlas Ygsa t 7., . Ilesslowle nominal with esulloalie of Oracle it le talle. oat Milo for deodorised. The Oil 'ramose Bulletin eontathed lb. Waif= tog dlegiatoh • OulOrry, Key SO—grade at the month of the creek Is bold at pp por.bbL Tho rathet Olitentar prima a fellare;owiNg to itt . toiettleilisoy of gnaw. scans Yong Bo* Mei' hz bert ut4rs ythi'ints lot Oh thefts*. Market ittet' / 11 . 1101 i - • - i • Now York POroleunrAlikiyete , ,.. Epode] Dbrpatch Gamittni -Nzw re ll 4 XIX PrrOnd. 4 844. sr 1414 te d uyid,F,. 24 9 64•_1 0 bond for issmorldo krerr; 4o so co. 00 4 ar 4 1 4 1 4 14 4 1 447. 4 0 Nekt sh.frnaliiiier at kir. 7 • • 4 , ' iretroleen to Belt Tref- i' R Itei 92.—Onide tether i• 4 is it, with / 'Were thh Plum on lb* IPA old at& but pr. re s s icha Aral -ale elotdebut h* prom& Or 0 odlutepeaadet pate i WO Nrigolrittdr StibtlrlteateL r , it le et* bble or% the 'pot "P. t? ..„ hassawie r ritauti,:ithe vo •"*.! - 7-- '1 „ 0 1 1 ,„.1111. bauthetibitte kW” l& Aldio OW Wain, MASA .. 110111., up*. )0111irdiyfiei rid' ill prime ha &VOW atilt" ehlec to btu, 11.6 mt.** *NW: muy doi t Ve4tvet7 p to Ma peex j ; i te dolt* 411 d ' A Maid, 7 i) Lead 760 do 'foe • Were* r ' U. • K, Sin hu beabbltobbuta lola. te Nam& bygone 01. the *lkea' tog bee. t6 h uo Mies t 410654 claally at Om , . me d l ell"rell g iviV etf l°° 4°.- 211 1 i psr =l, 4 poe e ilsol Doe* or len, in .. ole,,Ase rook- -I piac otter, fr=A u r 11"Vd, ;eel, dab la erne., tee , 04 XI tar pare SU .+1 v Tit Woolitilide., ' it • a umeetee el weet goiiilees beelid dieleOzlei ether der. vadthat vit le het it lik,m t l 01 ardOmptirsi to adAblisk il usibrm pike . out ttooelsow and thiempooeiltdoa 1 4 oadeeees ey ow steldell. ecorro =LER altaii MI eiglillaLti um ter yammer ws omegas 'eat Myth* Mot til 11OF dPS of A'Nuagi.4 lo meth= boot ash& ton dot* bflbt Si. Oollar par 1~ Sidamia& 'Quit vs virtue our burtebte to' obtain that meet TS esoosio at the ertety or rabteltog Amp 'Shout miles tats lii. go by "lb. euebbs,` and, ante a tilleouseieb, It was guserettraybod OM It ;Vol= le the adveutage el beet•grovesia, Dot Asir li a l e point of view. hub bad& save the drew. , UN 'l*, illserrooteto task a( ebehlos sheep. eagt elao eat. the sheet, the faturial Istrurrld by - -Toledo Market.' , ' Key Stio—Yeet l ee the bubo* ay ales see son oil our dacha, • Vet teettud aubtibt =in* ill demi etebiesterta •10.257 there is ao mouse de« beretlor,Whoah now b , —llre. have, mu Wee 40 report. ;Pia— Adieu; gibe baltr 4 . roariiki;vtar viz lilt Vo it Zed salbeeed.OWtneditle '4lO Welt moos Mill bob Ist '`.l4(olo , s= NO , Raw IS '''. loin x'' • - rise woo. Ooro—Tak lootdri a MI. No N 1 imported. Ws—Lug soloist 1170.—81ade... mat 22,-Vianr—Saise *lsmail Into at shout prsvi ousenotatketc. Whaag—gales at the Boater Wday'" I car Man track at slag. end 2000 bolt' eed f o *SW., Molders wane quite Arco, but burin shooed little-diugswition to operate. A cargo ink Chang- : ad hands this atursoon, but the terms - wore not, mad* patio: Cora—Salas 2 cars skilled ,track st 600 : hear ear, at den Oste—llarket quiet, with light dantanCL- 'Baku 9 care as thick at 69a.-iiereld.' Baltimore Grain Market: Mar Bp—The offerings at the Corn v bangs to- - day were 2,000 tunhein Wheat, 14,002 < o Corn, find IACIO do Oats. Wheat was isatire, asd redohowed . • forth., deceits, of 162 c pe r bath. Wel now..quote Woultutis to, fair Southern whits at 01111.8 3 . good - to prime do at 5t.22011, 00 : choice diet $ 1 ,1W0 1 1 95 ; toshotaa Southern red at $1,624111,20, and com- mon to strictly prime Pennoelyants . diat stosaim - pet bath,' Sates of Corn wets la up to nolor whit*, and at go par bush fa-. patio , ha; at the aloes thee, genres wars not obtainable; • whit, may. be gtoted at WOW, and - yellow at 8622070 per bush. ;Thy inagirp an Cate, was tarty Mire and heavy 'lota brought an &domes of IWAs. Maryland we quote at WOW° eselakt, end POSSIBOT MU as 72675 c, se to 17- ago was without motorist char !ales ov.olt aids at 21,0a1,23 par busheL—Sun ' ' •t Chicago Flour ` Marlret.. Nue ts-Tbs ileuulatt for Irlour wee more _ &retro, 4 04 lialltelpally manned to the . low &taliWadi= WIN Some 2,000 barrels told 'St ip p for choice te Wlater balm $4,60 toe low pride liiirtog tn.aad 11.96.,10 for Sopease._ SAW wets:- 604 bbbrubreoellmte Winter at $6,10; 600 bble Mellott's Mitre, 1001,bla Wotan low ipadelliatterratro, 1 . 01 300 bale Usuenutd Ewing Slug at 0,60; 100 bbis .Clizsolon Sprtog Super at $4,10; 40 bbts Derdtt do 13. 10 0; 86 - bat Yeaeottaso do at 0,60; 100 bbls Stone, 60 Obis Eureka, sad WO blots (brands see dm (h. * $3,03—a1l dallearett.—:louruaV imports Tn Railroad. _.PIITIIIMIGX. it. WAXIIII at ONICIAMO PLAILILOAD,' Kay We-100 bids tionr. • Gregg A 'Cleo denim tit to hans,,Eson A patkartl car corn, 0 Walters; 235 bp noilt, J nodal; IO bbl. on, 11 A Fahnsatock & co; 10 dos brooms. D Hawor th ; 4 tar cheese,! Webb . A Wialasan; kW yip lead, J B Oactai4; ill bbis ban. 4.7 e. Lft olis A- w. - - . Perosavaan a OLSTILLILD Ituakcan. slay 25- 1111 as bsoontWas P Beck** co; 40 bbls Apr, L Par. a il ' 6° ' bbl i W1ib87, 16 a wiiistp; as etas, 10 kegs tobacco, Watt A Wilma; 40 tali do, ettoDorisld & At li back* lb die 11.4 A Meagan '4l Biz elutes, Prank Walksei . b y dry Malt, Ido bathe* Means -a Wain 276 b ~ tatoes, I, 11 Volgt 4 *to; 26 be. &Pas, Little A Abe; II bdts bids* J It McCown sped. baoaa, J.a A Falser; BOn bp am, Xbas 11•11 A act 5 ykp Usidnr, Mciallongli. ebnitb a 00. . RIVER IBTELIAGENCE. Ittat,ia ittUt traeding at Mb point, with less than thistg hicks' ,on, GLIM ,H0¢1.41), me watcher during ths past two daie Ma Lean stornkr and cloudy with an Occasional sprinkling it 1510. Our stoma. boatmen entertain strong hopes of a ' , Juni rise? but Ira lust say that the tadlattloas at greeeist are not . , eery anconraghsg. Tits any transient arrival we bass to notice Li the Jenny &gen, from ObialtulatL Tits Bmmit Grabdunt from Zane:drilla. is due this monting,,, The Starlight and Neiida, from Se Tamis, would have arrived some days vines but for the low water. IS is net thusly now that they will gel ul? 'mail than Ii som 'abr. -Cimairoar." . The Echo 80. 9, Captain S. Gordon's new boat, cams np to the wharf . = Saturday evening, and will, tre.prenime, commence leading for some point to-day. Plea wee built after the pattern of Cottage No. 2, clod of wags will ply cn the Allegheny river, where it In navigable condition. She Is adapted for low woler,,, draw/splint twelve ands lief inches, light. The Mammy, Captain James • Mellon's new boat, la expected down from Brownsville to-day. Thelaide No. s, Captain Wm. Andt reon's new boat, L shalt linlshed,and will be ready to commence business to-day or to-morrow. Tho Wheelidg latelikeeneer ,of Saturday, says that .the river l dill felling with scarcely four feet water to the channel. The St. Patrick arrived again from Buillsgton sad discharged bar cargo. The gunboat Sal:Mama still flag waits the city, tubing eery losibr" and formidable. She discharger• couple of giamjesterday morning upon the arrivalol Governor pelzpOnt aboard, which drew a large crowd to the landing." . • ml Ellison, a new boat bunt at Wbeelbsi, 1.111 announced to Mayo Mac inchtl D,r Fittabinb on Sat. The Princes., Cantakt Prank liartattah new boat, L chant completed, and will be toady to commence baslown sometime this wash. Tin Oil City. Captain Noss, Will latai toolay for BTACRILIID4TB. F°4 'CAIRO 'lc ST. LOUIS k at gm strw ILLILOOBI. apt. Jr. Itelban. will fern for stem lute &et* ports on ,TifieDAT. Jens 2d et p. m. for frothierN on 7 bout 'or to . J.. 6. 7117 lie l GisTON * 00.. Agorae. ESTABL,ISHED 1760. PETER LORILLARD, BEVIT £ND TO11&000 YANUFACTUBILB, le 41 - IS OHAMBEITE 1901111 T, 4Tonmoil7 42 Oluaham West, Nrw Turk Would Oa attention of dasleni to the artintei of musulactati, • BROWS 81111711. Iterboy, floe Hopp% 0...,. Hamm hinsoksin Ossitloooo,'Dsmlgroe. Pon Tregints, ft schilochrs, THLLOW num thatch, High TOW Med). bleb Htigls Toot or Luedibet, ftsey Dr. Hootohansh Eomq Scotch. Fresh !mirk. 1101 - Atemtion Is WWI to this birrittidoetion In Phial otHissAnt.theirlisg sod flumoklig Totems, otilni will be hand TODAtM ot somia. . • . Iliatar•—Loug, No. 1, . N0. I. Nos- ilia 2 012 4 iksfulatod Fos Coe ClAirwroo—P. A. L. or Oar • doyen. Varetoilb di*, et Arai 11*.st Boontod Oromooo TA, 101 l ld. 6zoiumo-8. Jog% Lb, Canistor; Turkish. 1. 1--4 drools, a j boy wilt b. mint on ty y il' catitax API • ' WanzQueirmenan Chria l9 m'a 07110 3 , • an= firm Yarn Ind. OWNERS or STEAM 'VESSELS an Mid to Mild ee „the theartemster General's dem Moan Ifer their ebarter or ens. • Weft oenenn delatterdeaa cS Me ram= their dimaiona, enroiled or reipmende looms% Immigidenrradiapaciii.nuiterbd. Whether nifembeel ez propellor% arintoorror or han fanned. also and power. of mitt= and when, end abeedditate the peke at =kb they ire eared. hir, Win diertnizier, with the Mum= =Me el Memel In pem of Ya. au mea. Me SaYern ,2o4 tebeldpretir to =M em Inatewilefohartatied. • Owners at atm mei alswedy= theerrlce of the tteutormaiterie,imparnweat, are mad to Web Man to the Departamaray =Mon 19 their paw= s*.. =bah the may be =And to sod olor akithlah Men win be ail-la.k sodetn ' MouldbdaddnrtdtoitbeQoer. tarts tee General of tbe lotted Inn=atllf l. teneenMehosit be Mate= mProporte the Mar. ter raw= neensere - . ea W Whea iiiihod they in be mi4=4, and the ' • .will endeavor_ W. reduce. the palm attsittog =np stands dpOn the Goias mgmbhadoldere by sibetitmlaweekettenitt can de Si,. =Me at -ednalweraMM h 9 r thom naw leragl i moßl ON :—NT ititDloloo.-rd armat sevodiseett lOC sad lO4a Untied *iv amid Wa s . total tY m arida.' ttii somnitat bad PaPeoene dbilivOindl• agate oil Tromso •a I =Orper assicat Dobllltyi titel oil • • Delfff****Jhelbsinitre d _ • • mai. oadmod Omen) Irettabalts. loplempw arta . wawi+ if X radar; . o f m t° u . c'ibiu=‘Xtra's alm;ro' Was ilk o fire idtliak! stir, as 44, 7 tiaxibtlift r•Vilik• Wed. , 'OM* kveg UM. :. seems revetboneest.ta swam caper e BUTT THIM-41thaidaiii . rim* A e = 4,6o y........,,, timpliqtriiisolt if obol• TB)cstr, NAKAO Natalia ta_ Aim_ ___. ovo7 pad. _bilikonliticid To boo was vlawl thy, looms. ~1 • IV AO& raai-ifrastaivi 47 kg: • • • • / :wane TrarobiG Woo quiff/ 4 W '' NO slOr• 4100tv, to skre. semi aid :: losob,•Elast• 0.0 gpo., seno ji ....,.. a..4 .,.•,. isittaitlithi Nu . kl. osu -. ma , 411firairiitheiri- - '-" ''''''' • z NIMMIBBIBie tor i.,•44«itiartib: tiiuu6d,' . 0 64 a , :.. T.ll,l3lkiltallri rrirstiltrEClELkm•Ci,Ei*iio is* • •.g " ._..... i " .410.1...e.t.t.., ,:tinwor..* - i - l. lD i .* 420 14004,4 Vi 7 . LOliir a t 1 %Ot , vir '.. ' ill' iiishr. A imam+ . cm: `INAL , m - A.tirr itAVIPAri mug os or &idea Weikafails lassiory Amal: DelAlltril aid 004 it llearilloolls7 4ll Pu* 61 4 4 1 p. T ,ritsi,_ w, .4. f.slitist r how 5 . 0 .4.b...46; - vi $201.J relY. a s ' D. lAittair . of -ow - emir /me* ilsr , .... Ar ik4Alla ..Thowitat aleillAwal .161 it -wow 4104 Ia I,W iallilAnkol" le In i t i h 0 1 °li r it" ' glAgnAl. at Awq . lielklONA , Drx OIL , wx,1.17 'BeiTiT., , 14 , 1 5, r0124A 1601e.ili:Dat na ug4:k ....,, 1 via;n2. tor* o.oo,4lZainAilipt ag. ,a i, ,h• - i , . ALSAI III N' . , to TiiripATlAl•lo TWA "I'l•rTTY' ' 10 014 On Bunk s sod oft -0141,10=reser MIZal -Turraiit"t3AviNas. mum, No. 14.1 Torun demo% - ONAIMMN) IN uss; - to Weakish. shoo on Wedniedo an& Saturday . , modage:trier Nay AM Noronha tKrlAki tedadt. and hog Norember Lt to • Maytit tom Ito i o'clock, . °epodes %eared of all nano übt Ass than One 'Dollar; tad allbidetid of throat& dolor! twit* • .oar, .it Deamber. Wand lo• been de -shed Inng-annunn.Y. In Jane • and. December, atom the Bank was organised, at the ode og do or mat. * Tolima, if not &town cat, la toed to tar otedlt of the dirpOsitor vs ea boo the iimmto. Arcot Awe the entdaye of Joao sad Mombar.Mal..: pounding tab • now without tretbillagemdeponh: tar to call, or con to preeent Ida pan beak. -At tide inti - tan:4U, doubli In kw than twit» put' Books; oteshantng , tha w Charter; - fly-Liank 'Salts iced;Roubtioto, tornhhd gratin ;On appliostion an. paziED;i4.4IIGSBOZ num= . . . lan B. Melradden, ;-, , i lama AL Pennock, John Helm. , . i :oho MinbalL Alexander Baler,: --- ' ham B. D. Maeda, NAPA. .rabneatnek.. , A.: IL : Polka. H. D., lanai a lie Miley, . - Bill Builds. _ , - • Jme llorlanan. . , . William J. Anderson. ,- .... trzosisatt • t - Coil Ow Morn.,. row A . Nedalra.. Joba-CI: Baken, , :: ,nr, i 3se. P. N an kai; - John U. Bladie3,- ..Tean Orr. • George Meek - , .I<aditArbb. Alansi A., Denier, - Henri_ _I , Bin [WS'. - - Marla A. Deltas, Jana Ma* • Wlllliun Douglas, :. Jan B. Blia tid =. John Brans, - , WILLA= 74 ' WlBlea B. Haven, Alexander ?Inds, Petar:K. Raker, Wilma irsala. : . Blaard_Bera leuallrldtder. halo D. Kelley. . Ws. P.ll4 , yinan. IrMleni B. Tmely. Cbrletla Tarter. Elsrawrair a TuaktrainoEiAß:l.. BOLTON. •• itiblarwT " o sllll ' iii - V 4111 1 .1 --- - W ( - - -Akk'-:-. ' , : • EXTERMINA S. - IVIR RATS, MICA ROACM, ANTS, a: BID BUGB,IIOSQUITOI, NOTED IN 71111, WOOLININ st 4; IMAMS ini b. r 'OWLS, ANIJAELIA. to. Bold by all DriagestA IVire. Beni* of all wonbleme Miliattoas. Mbar? 31 :NPA Nca, aa Nmadirry, N. Y. B. A. ream IisTOCKB. lON a co., U. z BID. LNA3 A 00.. Wholayas Apng Pittsburgh, Pa. mylk4iodiorT pLuraissue CHABLIS 311.17LLIKIN, 111PORTAIM AND'WHOLZIALI ru. costinoz BT., PkikwkWAL Gmakently to store, a large atorrtment of Copper, Zlnoaton and Gsleschad Iron Beth Tuba WWI* sad Marbled Ping Broths. - White and Mathlad or BM* Chisel Baths. BM Water Gloats. complete. Water Meets of slay demaiptlon. Pampa, Bams„ to. • Inst. Bab. lien and ClimeHet Portable Wash Stands. Vltribod Drabs fire. Bents, Branotru Trans. Plumbs*. Braes and Plated Work, td every de. Load Trans rind Bands, NMI and Cedar Hydrant Pate, Hydrant 'Sods, Plumbers' Myths, hackle Slabs,obber aces, id, am low me sop hung eot I ihtluiallttei AM, 1 Lth. N.A 15 btads. 11.0. Igor; 11 do P. B. do; 10 do Cuba do 11080 bblo. segkid do; bags Owe Moo; ..KAOS do.—Nco. 1, 2 and B,ln bblo. and halm '25 bid bbls. Whits a Ith; 41 do Lake Haring; 23 DM+. isboador and Halifax ./.186 Horting; 10 Tor tole by 6088.11 • LSWGI. NOr... 1, 2 &Di/ 3 MA ; RAW (MOUE 1111,BRIaGg • WAX flUtialltii WHITE. 7I$B; 1.486 ennstnoy In .tare end for sale ny JOllB B. 0411/11CLD, 141444 RI Inns stmt. iaeir eA.IIO latiatioN, ia.small loaves. —& fresh ht lad melted .nil am Sala at tali fatally Grocers nem of JOHN A. 112530 AW, wart Marta sad Bud attest& Nbw kutuL IiaAiSNT-161.1 blAs. of isvedor artiols =Dim 14 _ ,11:1 AWN air 00141:1114 TO AL •HOTEL TO ILE . NT.—A competent Landlord la waatad for the forma Bomar. le Las arty ad takalrh JAL The bone la now ardarip• .a swim anunordlnary rodnounsaul will toe Oren to a soltnala man. on a lama for, a ram of 'cam /mantra of nstp MILO DUMMY a CO. Gkat. URN T—The. threastory BEIM —W. WM/sat:ma& Ho. I Wool *trot, two doers trout W.t.r stress. for tents spoil to InLKS. 4Ii 1.) Bahia lt 004j_ JediPH WOODWALL. coma £4.od Wood shoots. rpo ,or Three Booms J. In the third arionttb stories of. Gums Bad- Ins, stets street, with or without stseafpoirsr. ' inquire onOwprensisrs, inekti .FOR SAAJL'. F o. twat— TAR CROTON . ROCK GLUE WORK AT 11;11WOASTL1, PA. then Ntintik stinted itbent inn Is& tan of bian'of Iturtfutla azi Mimed for sale. i TTlla~~ an located en a beentUal amber of lead, kosOlitnig 18 ACLU CS on whit& is emoted the Iteotos7, ultahla for an Bor In tots /nosey with all the buntings necessary to the encosedilmanntiocory of IF lADLeW' QUM i abo, With eau /6 DWAILISMG • 110110118: and in she same - land Y tha Bee sandstone rock hem welch the Croton lock War le manu6ntuBad. llll doh Ibt lONA, end' sisespit' b Dab Mitiessial In Oda oonntry. Alsa alO or IA par lame of all Oa seal -en VO sou al Olds thoehoothe St a mile didusti Whlehta6aahertdoBentton, and trom'ahhall tba toosory te upped With coal. AU the, impetuous' are In aced running oda, and la isennagni %nub . . , Itemlion fl»non tho frit of Joll,-ntx4 aid If not told will NI Itir rust for am year boa the above &t.. lid:xi:nation and toms loads tow* by • • astlta to Ihe Imbooribot bow tooli. or to J. , IL:Toolbar. as the aloe a Graff.Dontots L Os.,Pitto. bomb. . -.‘ WIL; WA2IOII. AILK >r. OA R D . a Illwissr BAUJIIOIIIOIdIa. a 0 G stank Washingun D. t 7.. ay 1i 1813. J The underslood will twelve essied bag for lb.. purchase of 134.660.1140 tees al new leiltoset Iron. .41 1,1 •6 60 Lk* , ito -SVC' -00171043{13 tout Olf the ebore is as tinOunbria MILD, Jobastchra Pe.. led th e balance, 67/ mania too, Yat /Unearth, In ten • bid tvenspead, the OM misting the awns will be notiged se somas prehension; It den In-twenty daps attar yen neutarths. party shall tell. tz =Tray Igionrasentlr a is, to the At i suend sands to any wtkms> other person The right to Meat any sad all Olds Is seriedi no. who'd. All bids meet be reeled and hinnesotte szonordgued, Washington, D. (.1... sal sacred "Did for tainted Iron." bids will be et came wall Jolla ate; at widen elan • a•daloi will be ideva. acialNDuA. oipt.saa 42.0 L • . . • VOR EI.U.4lLtio . Ili 2) Acres &aloe. ,w , .14 , 11d. lm tidal lb: Weill" oats, f. with dad OM. Ima.aatt; lit }amid rtor...botteat laid: Or tura Ai mita* 4w/r i gid Ikea • etl i tb about ant kludged' t be IPA alto, altar I w i ll lawAt OM ..,e , at t*.a• lamblas= Ma . sad d i g' Woods Ma Ildiktiatliedha Sata..Wadad il Cali • illtriads 011 aidok th irdua la only tint autati that basalt , latraltddiataaata,...,:. ..! ...4 . 7: • : tvo-tr: -t 1 Emitatitaidtet mineta ataatatatia. Ird bet I on tba tildt sad Ptelblaidattd, pita Imp 1 duettists pi twain nom. mad lams fruit Irma. sad Ittntliburbtadattly tiatapt.dd by.Jaammi Saa,,al.%adivablitardasia" Thit'Pattadt7 Ka = .0•-• tattooed be • sitludad pi of tad - lOW. ate Vital& ,Forttutt Isdisaiatied el las pa** Alt ire td bilait;tat l tit teddikuoi: at Wdode Ilan .01adtta.": '-, ' ' - -:..11:..11.11S01.1r. -aktidaaadaa- ! - . 8t.,.,-4.- Aprtimi) nwhiLLoo; FOR SALE; ...Liornoto4e , front on et 24; fed, ant oContling book lar NA to it 'netvalo silly ioa'ablcbw Greate6l4l!asse; ontrodniantable 'tonlitoty bria drailitit.. - oltatottotalvo back boll4Int" atliao4 tkotrorpboor Aro, wit% ow otatontono• • fondly' .coola dram; tomtit in aorta of o vet, plaroka , boas Willllot to Wilt No: MO WOO !Una 43 i 4 ; tocsin, the terty. • -Term tont. •'' • nob -1. ILIIOLAIIi Ou.. 1061 A.:: __boa 43Au=-Fhb-hikritacwaouto and'A2tio2' 0211raCIU p ltttaiteta e tit the ist• 'Bilk login. hon. Alfa trlositt4 to tho Womb of • Manclastar on too caws ot-*Lbenat Wort and lb* bank of tgit Witt snort ' vitt*: tbi airol. , anorfa entinnbodnity ' Win ( Salt- • IR*, ,of p. es ll'ateratostt. IPtitobtrob:- • 10210: 1 4 „ , -1 4 ) . A;."vezivelaugis Ana =wen attligoollBo4lTDBl 11810/Ll/01:111% orttb.t toisoCiout look** oils; sud - Acittotat Ito;WoOtl_ • Aimeelim stable book, Lot SO:110i oriltiotO Oft.llo, -Itoaost-strookrilhullirogx way. its at Tam lIY RlDD l ll4.Looostotrost. , ll t polktt•-- %/ Ali 0 Alija II . risurisasT It' , ' MIL V. 13,4941 D £ cu 00 ' 41 0 1 diZ li ith Blanklitnr. :l nab* on Obooko. asom. Mix lailfs ,, d M .' blis, throe WWI pos.,tho , o, . on ow pitiolnanK fat Wimp sad - 0 sad Ohio Myer In MoOlusu taynoktin. craft on most of tlj gollenon.--,N;lVallig. llsobankiiThrnit. IV..tNigteig .... a= ot IS salk _ siglia moot Alinubwi.sitiaa; 111,2111116,1 L itt vaillwrfoasslemisa A8AW,+41,441.06. , A1 .leaky a _kip iatf4, lit mono:1m so", , pue me: ' ' .. .. _ . --- —.. —_ NOR 1141,11. it() DA.PITALISTB AND MILLERS PLUM STEAIt FLOMIING MILL FOR SALE. The owners et the t"PIDAIIL aTIAId MILL.. be ing aotire . l enraged in attar' positlts, and desktop pi, .11 b.:a a division of their interest, otter Zrc sale ad" iwiPAtoiltalaatolesaitatdbanient, on time ttua rati W PewitillitewitC . ta Pally wishing to llot boolassa. . co - pinata reelding" lit this rtoinity a particular of .the propnlyMay _ta tianiceasiry, as 114 E Its tact sad steraitator operation by the lea 'New" ILINTI7IDI a Bit OTltalt, and Olio tithe asainhiatien of any .who may deers to' Isolgthronghlt. Tor the Worm:Lotion of parties at illiatilawea a twist desettptlosi here glens • • SITE. the NM oarailei a small *lmmo( 'retrd In the OZof Antlibenf. at the iternerof faro* and Dar. street', mbiott bound the pommy on the south and met,StmYeonghaata Qaaal forum Ili north. athdet.trodera brumdary, laming at : the min and ' 'southward/4 about on. traedred _yards. lidera f 'gaieties titto tee Alihiglway It le Cate • Manpletelt Istlitel and Imotected hem the Mak frooethesurrouredag property, 'having streets ea the ronthaint mit !My test 'Wide the mud od therrotilt the arenerfAth t .white on the Creel Item Y birtn - ltbaut ,100 ask .sousm. Just =OO tile PemolltstdiAlastil. stoa t 16 Let trout the north ind - ortlar slll.rens the track of tho; orpsolidated rlttstromli,lfort Were dt Cit4ceig".end Ohmedend rn46atge,EaitelJc.:.. - A Wage Knee taaee eattale monftry , rebuilt; brtnes an e d lunadl toaliy commnalatlon .e o l m tie th oeroilik es the eu c hring of min f em mum., atamtandakwß• raz BALL Ie aabetenllnllyT i bunt of beak, nod roofed _with dare. .It arm fat 10ug,'66 hot orldar dle Stotler IdaWnott p sixteen foot genet{ mating set ffoori ac. tually. me.. It vat complated In. : the apring of 1363. " Them Is ten palm ot, ,tons and If. oconylste hotting chests. Ths marlin/ay for cleansing and' rooming the Wheel le ententdre, and, the best that can be ;epaulet ; lb.emsoify tit le Aun sum be foirlyperdmon 630 barrehr, 'M. As many ma WO bends pa day have Men made; "hut orator or; aagyAranoatsaixailST:opli mead. be rolled upon „THE .STOREHOUSE WY tided - MGM Mill shortly oar I. got Into fan •piraucqr,,wherthe areemity for lacreased mom ter attains Inereillour and Barrds became apparent. ILL Odthetloov raiment:lay WU, Ike the Mph nod roofed with date. - . ' It adjoins the /1111, and with it forme the letter It, the 'bare mattes on the canal . TILE SOURCES. OF SUPPLIES Af Whrs , we by tbs Ohio - Bltig from Bouthorn Ohio, indians, Winds, Itlisourf and 'Kentucky, Mid In times! Matt from Tennessee - Mid Northern bib shahs!. By tber Pltuburgb, fort Womb It Chimp sad Glossland &Pittsburgh Beltways there io a di rect mad easy scam to tbs greaten .graln mirkst IR Um world—fink VITT Olt, thstoAoo,-m welt as to as pal/2'l;olring melon SMlltel Attila, fit nortbeta Old 000:1110iii• and Indiana. , Thuingitter .ow stags Cl caster htths Olds river, tbs stouthl 014 . 1 7 aid acifolt.esupplles of Wheat are obtained from bouttoun obis sae Kentucky by rail. The Pittsburgh 3 Steubmmilla Nailway; - now Weir. yannidetet, will aged in ,•addblonal Owes of A market fan ths product of ebb Mill In the caste* *Ales la ruched by the Pomp , . Woes whiM I all around it 'hi a and stememmg dli. WM, ratienzing largo isuantlitauf Moor and tuft, for lona* partiordam sod for tamp apply to so eth• undershoot. ...IMO. T. LOGAN, - R. T. KIIIINADY. . ' NVILLIAJI Bsosimr. Pittabur Ars% 1861. ..mAttf. GROVE. BEAUTIFUL AND DESIRABLE A BAEZ OHANOBI 1 - 01 t, A OOUNTRY HOME Tba subacriter offers for sale that besetthal rood lot Mimeo as lag tirisiirl, containing about - fy. idsuatad In the Borough of bowl.likry ham. thusly coven. ilk. new Preoby Whin Church. and adloinlng th. besathel reekleoc• of Cruise So . iltolglit, n ° par , Thls in °party pommel many adirsallve country reddssee, Wit aniongastdcb Is • MN/ Oa. be rd as eyrioy of good dialer. This 'piing Io imposed as • point oullidonily &ovate& to =abet Clie parcluost to roans) the ester so any fart of ths grounds. no oxll is good. sod the ground Is nee :armed with to old driest Ova, id. purchaser wen har• nothing todo hat a SOOT' her of the Mow. Ininedlatily around the' Ms lie may 'choose for Ms boa" lay ontoher nob, and boleti ham ill ;Ur an be dashed for a cOunayansmo. a 'brie entrance to the, property tosiatfook and nor. thheisesary to au anything with mud Vos dogrobilsomos of dui nolgliborhOod-,lehWliaL. LA - AO WALLAVOWAL - Tkl• pralarts Will be wall on tams to salt the Fueleset. or Novato of YILUCING DAM. Na di Woad greet. Mr $4,51*. • JNO. FLEMING. -171sout icumat Mll. SALE V. 1% ABA; coffi , Arsoa 61 A(MEI3, Ail =la[ boat sad La a good date of =athlete Asepronsunts 4iturbst of nor BRIM DWIILLffi6, amtainlng tan rooms One nal= I . ILIIN, pl 4 TINAZIT BOMA with Ave roomy, and OBOFLOW OX YOUNG! THUS. elbated About, T. Who 401ZI the city, In 1414 wil township. Lagafn of 11.AILIT, TAI4IIIg , ,L dt 004 M== it41..1*/ _LS . 1.11011 , Wllttliti • • HOU N. ~,O.U.S. to a dtaidutioco of csisrlarn: WNW: i _ ,trlg lit pctials Els one INOR WOEILEI„ oill: ril iim ig tme 4eo 4 406, 8, a th. the c.wi zzlno ara c 2latt , bos. at ad .lo - hi:l'Es, now to, aussottat opetstkoh soaking .11ion. alghtton to tit Els _0 /10./ pig lrola per/don , httittif diStlisie *IEI4 Ike labonntoz. ooti ., rreo n ot i l i t il l'itt i roi - . tritw. 4 14 . = 4nith,' =i, '' -.' . ' ' • - WE: 111 ' VIM the lusediEtbsi libostals Cbstisor Its - dallvay of their Es, bEths tirehro zsuo to ton. loop boob of homottto art Writ to:-. !Etats ttEalVirt las tuoaco.. / , ..., ,- Yor:tattbie bftmassaa.apply L it ibiq Ma, U. 'irosialiii' Eton' svoz1:110,01111,:lar;oxacotedni the. LlltorksiEll bostEst,, • , „. I 4 - Two - • :;'' Ah BOOTY ` ILAUTEION a CO. . PLYARMN,- • FOR - OALE-.-Sitaskitt in Boa • taunt'', 'about two contatoing tto hutared s•d olatity.llll4 Tha =au Itood 4 1 1111111 Yi ibont'coe lituidnd sons • Oust oat Ilmaides• us lb' prainim. - Also D•illusg• Bono"; Sun stdOnliatil. Uncleared land wall itai*Mil. Will be molt lox, either 14 ens, twoi at elizeiltaSsail..7.• t lao funk" , puritanism Otte to- _ss • $ .$ • , 1$ s`*s $18.88.1111116 BAHL . , $ or, 11.„ PAIRION. ,$ petit ottoot; titiotntnitt; Or, J. M. DlOC.llittanntnip; P. • - lowans 14-141411.;'VA tiAlil> - 57 Dvrabiab 0 iimud„ *Alla . Allinthonp °miry, bine - tki' Olt, root inta. Onteorly °want bp Jaren Widttokor, docoss.d. WILL b. toll fa owl. Ala, alf LOVIOLZIG 111 LL. known u Us. Ealludlirlfflif,"Uilio.ton vitro. of and, bciono. pair said :ono laproeseasti. jnatre of $ • .• $ WY. 11: . P 1.4 10641.0,2111iLit traddoak's /Olds, ta. - - .*349lo,4r.rMuil4a* gla d OAts.; PIA SALiEL—Une s3pezior is - heat OTIZEIDIS IrlL - Es, Imbsalay.lo km& alliadna _„. - Ou sapdaralsllollJOl, Imam dtomito f i," lot itegolhick Iron. Two SYDOW:WO PILIBEI2B, for Floplood. 'OW paps an augalata, &mud wow oa t auead•haaa =EMlOrlik from is tack dinstotor down to 8 took, will be 0n.14 law p!orli, RUGY. 110 LI. _ i&it(in the iii,bemi,y EOR .BALII-Wl. very, desirable prop. eall Ihr a t eammeda mane, about three cake teenthhlly *o uet o the .cityucetalataisitli seta .The Let LbeafrEaleaa , s Neill/wpm me ta boot and only Moat 00 yeah hos ftiOi.ltatteci on the P. /I: IL TAU y L metoaned, b tee bleetj of In £l. itteu h =rli4 are =e l trate trues 1 7 yeeperty. 7 7 , terde• •11,-D.' . 0111 1 LT. 4 114 itith"gt., • • • • the Cliterdesl; tett:he ;I . l)UA'lli 2:I2IAIIiT—IN e eff.r fur isle bus Nia.alatTaierAnthiedy Wiwi /ate et igoeud, :sap Ng*. Idshul gliblO Pack) Iliao of .Q 6 Pikkairranta MAW/0144 next Omura IlmitkoV idjolntag, pc•pittg of Am. 'ggellgsk. Wtosaldkr int Jolla flaglo n s... - Imer.geng swing formtlprok, Ogi to: bak* viNglov kg kul. ,Jhe pee et the fisio aktibtikor. Intonsialos apply to k iDtkourtb E*AIL -114 ••- . ; 21,41 0 V Al i . ,':OOXCZY Whig wart at Nay. BdahPn. wont too. seni—ao skims,amur weal • tßopps/ Lod of IM beli (pang. VW. Sri 00 it .01011 kOod —. o . Ncesle. - one rot Bask Barg. aftOal Boom co toreoissit at Os Wm.whO Pm t! pl hot.: alio pleatgr Opal sad /far tailor haninialoa antral 100 / I nn ' cr ( 9,Ptigutlak-elt Acme -Mum che -Saiasi‘oxsbosoosissisitooNion oxiolcoma, ilookomoodoii :Allgiefrasy mfr. boilta*OPtAteUiitlinlOOttP• &chi 40 lutist& rtinoomV rirtoonrlfts wor th of locatica.llU thwaboll bostoolovOGY sof toll to 0.11 mid zutotoolhosofil Moo as Poona 5300% , .buro• a•-‘4.-10P5P014 Pm/01W , - . , 6 1 4 1 0'1 4 k - kaighlOine l 4400,.1._.014, gumwserg 4 ta frnry vragoAsisjil i ge huaRVI lan.Errigaz 41'4 It4ILRO4DS. El it ND, 110111 4114 After 010 20th. IEO2, 'Nom slO mos nu llanayttantl Rao‘ ,4 4 111.41," (MEV kJ PI WDZILIDIII tr 111 1111031 DAL, Depot of baroe ~,.., . /1 ad Traallow-Idne. IMI 4. - pk;;-0 10 ...... la4o p. ut. ...1.11:10 .. i .1S “ .1 3: 66 .1 4:19 9 . 1 991 " ; 3 : 53 4. 6:10 9 19.96 '' ! 6,56 u: J..— 6:25 9 19:26 ; 5,3 _, „ 5 .. - , at Steubenville .d B. 4 . 5 ...''''. Indium. nenlreed end C. Obto Ball. Mil% 15 9.11:11, Oolun. Sun* DV° molls. en stnnuti, Len;...iie, 0.130. Ed. vb. end alt poine veal sad eouthmed, %iv, Baleen* ego ..610 lialliona. and Wished ints. iIIaTIMI Pittob ...rad a, LIU 1.410 p. e, do W .........,..... Clo n too .. do le ................3.... 15:40 ~ .41 o do Alliance -................,:.. Mad .. cis 9 do 1i5uana......... 7:44 9 6.23 9 do Skarn% ...................... vas ;,• /kW .. do Wel — do Ease do /IF Arrives e Conneceln Dens) AA road Sal too, / Lou% St• and at " • • edit 0. 1920 Oonnecting aelfajard with Tuscarawas broach fog Now PtdiaMphis and Canal Dover at AWM.. with Pittsburgh, Yon Wayne sad. adage lisflreeds as Havanna with Atlantic and Oreat iNtstana itaitroat for Warren, Greenville; Mradvillo, Corry, Jamastown sad Satanism*• wt audosso with Cim bnd, ZaneeTfrie and thochaliati kroh-oi.d far Al^ Ottyahogs Wails and idahsebturg. sod at Clew with O. A P.. B. R. for Nile, Dunkirk and In with o.'d T. 11'. L . for Sandusky. Toledo, ant with steamers Ihr Detroit. - Wellsville Accommodation learnt at SZA p. • Binnynlng tram sastm at PAO, a. m.. &06 - p.:and 410 a. m. nw=ti TicteM M art prOminent et the Libisrry Street Depot, Pitts • • GIOSI3II PARRIS, Ticket Ae And at Allsibsay city. Q. 0tam11.111171112, Ticket lip. Tor father intOrteatloo, Milli to - - , WIV Id ST/LWAST, Amin At Cho Orninpanreeillse iwraight Station, Yew • Q 111- ht Di IC g: - . andaf ß t ea W ra l s N m D a A t Ap o tilwTi ah: ' • Xstni..Akaausui.D. NINEr ,DIILY TIM/ .a& The T12E013011 ACOOIIUODA.TIOI9 TWAIN haves the Patunow Ranee day, (stoat 811nday,) at 4:80 a. s. steppingn all Btm tons between Pitts. burgh and - Philadelphia. ant waking dizeet conna; Waft law. Torts* Philadelptua: Tat TililOtlfatabilh. Tit3l/1 the no. tamir Elation arra ottonlne (aratet hund-zy) at 2.00 ‘ll. v ul, aoppb,r; azalea principal stations, sad sashimi dints assonotiont it Harman kw Balti mdaorelphia and Waal:lintel:4 ad for_ 211IW Teak via Mb. The THROMII2 =Ph= TreA/I: funs dab at &BO 11.126, steppiag out:, in p.tintl;4l etntions, dtractootinsetion Ilarritharrft Sattistn Walittlistan and for New York ranAllentowa routs Os -PLET,LISB lava tha Matta daLl7= aiaa.,). at 03, p. stopping 0n1.7 eations,'innatetor talc tor - Aaltiatto and WaabLutea and-at -Philadelphia tor New Zak. . • . 'acsoatinowaloa 1721A1111:. - Tbs 7i2SulasiassoccainiilSSO =Ara main ally, (atept Sunday) it 11;48 p. m., stopping teal tattoos aild analog ea SAS is Ossnsoine:, '7lnStAaxistotodiftes Train tot WWI'S Otatkelliavat &nada) a 6:80 aNo • --Saari AdtM=.,Trap - See; Weis Main OgYel dS4 ksP 4 7.t.a..unde4 Asamcodatas— Tr= or Waa'o tlfatica lawar dolly (a pt li pt ttculay) et 4:00 p. • Par* Azocontsoistion. VW-a • for Walre .Mans daily Bands') Tie Marsh Train isslat WPAS Boats ersr7 6 55 - ds7 .1 8 : 06' st 4 FstFrAigilitur! , Pittsburgh AS - latumbig Trains 'erria atitub,: =s ga. l / 4 . Ba ld:sots t P Za. prier, 1470 p. m.A IVO- a: o. ; r rongli MOT Trein,l2.2o a. Ascansodstan, TM* a. o:..; Pita -11fAtble:Acanonedation, L-imy Sward Walni.Wiates - bletwastuistbni. gaga to.; Third AglidripstitittioS Ansatamodstin L4O p. ; Pcnoth Actatowodalbss. 0.116 p. m. Deltimetwitspeas w3l arra* with Phil adelphia Tama at 1450 p m.. a Wanda& Troia for alaurrilla sad InawaSpen.a a Maim Whet inteneotan with Through Arcommaistiou, Zobr_r.r. • • oominogattno and papaw train Feet, sad with 11.1thaora Tagrest and Joasstown .toota. modatkno West. . Vela SaAtesetrova anima at Oases with li. paw Tram sod lan Tato;ard with-Th=4h Acwomoodation and Zama Train least. ..Tbs patio all and te plata w lowa hitertais I 411=1 . '1; tivtarnal, by _the Pmngiranla 'etnnotha =pawed pa esti aberrant& The Radi lana i - Whaled with watt, ad - 13 serirAjr tree has dot% -Ws an preatwatetp, seeds:id arnica le ail - tap Lax titan Bad set_ arts glartaVS, 10 130 To - Phitadelphis 10 80T0:Taiiarter........... BIP TO Bdtzfssart'. etwatd to all Raba arras Przotpas• wa lk = ilidiroad, soil taltiadelphin. Putiaran pane tia-a6; wa k he rileastel exesissi to disinna travelsn, in Wilda' to tat stadia rash snor„4 tea etations artists the Cleapany haa xv; Apra, • - cue oi. baro. lhpCvs.p whit kola ea--ekteqTre resiiazigage,tor vorzor4-, - ." 1 1. IMO ter zbt: SI9SS; , 5; P. -An Oritdbes'Lhab hat a.a.stoplortd to Ina ay. translate IQ44:4graru. to tailjtrom the it.. I pa- sa a eliageael tottered 95 aolater vs* pi& sow: FOd 4,72F.27.... Par 4.tatit . sppka . J: r sasl.lVr., the Pouinlailt;flealeral liatrea. - ftaieigst 5um... a -14.~ Plillet/ISALIV FOR 'HAY, STRAW ADD Ammar Qvastrenatarnta's Omoa, /faxen. DIPLOM= Corner Cl and twenty...axon stasis, . . Wannerne, D. 0., april,36, 1848. iiratTllllUttsuPWM.A. are Welted far torniek• log HAM DTB./kW, Oran and.oollll,lor the coo of thni Depobi Le delivered at the gadlroad Depot, or at any otthe Qtaminuaent Whines, In tads city. Tlis pro ate be &amend to the untie; Wiped, end OW atm the Woo and the ahead state rho quanti date of delity of eacvery. at tiole offend. YroPoilate will be ratelved ter thousand (NM) leabaket of Own or Oetee and MY 001 ton. l tto or titre*. dad upwards. unless ILth.tukt be for tbe tared of. the GeveLnmant to confirm for a le Alvan tubs put In good 'Nicks, of about two ( bleiblite each. which auto be f urelibed at the'- , ..11tbellas aid atm; td bieeepnify Wed. . : Alt Greua sod Her offered te be evade* .. .bitaPoOttonlrf the Qom= le at luMg& ..talittecte will be awarded tionet battik. lowest iseponsibla biddire,Ol thebiborate of tk lee mil at ircars. Good security wilt be regain tlne lultdment of any contient made a ttda verthientant. Payment to bO made at the completion of the C hoot. P. L. /WOW 151. it. • : Catkin aod it. Q. id:. IL g. A. .sitritte Wistaksa pgriv .ors.sua- • , 14 IN= /IP I,AVA6PCOL. had kOtAtink" Pawa 3 ,7s, - 1 *COON kesulv 73~15) "T=k,i;.'14194, ViNcreesd•PasAlsi% *cad daaii,stchtet ..Wipw.ggS :Az Ut4igulias sa h• "lirDYNBMU ' 12. °MU" MAIS I2I3-7 -Sal°4 47 . rair, 81 4, 04 .7.4 2 Vels.••= l ,14104. •• 1 /hall Otad'of Oticsdadod Chorragy. IMAM UMW:W.4IA 001d1UltutS SS' do -c So kordica,t, 00 do, to OS M - Yogis SO 00 di., to Pardt....-- SO 00 Co 'to Rambla* 00 - Cc ta'adteto ST 10 •;• Ptimaget abo tcnnudod t itogroi•Thotott. Sadtto. Antwtro, .14t, at Kunz toordtbrt. ddrYnoons witted to • Orbs out thtu.Xdolo sod bdy Itckstahas ths .10110414.41.1 X Talitt 'from' LlterpOcLor Cdotot ototro,•;.lt,V data, SA vss sad NOS. •litectico trom lacrrooSald lroa . 'Mau Sleatzni bief gilt; ofAcza=rfatton tat poomodext, and airy cot.o.4,.o.rgrota. Thalf sra Dant do -19atz•-titht..Lood...doeSo, odd ton Istostro - dom.tsi.h todl. Wad: • • • '• •IS DjroaQsyi ow hut SOWN I:ttlatts.9ll, dm*, • '4oad ite01tP d . b., !P 6,20 .? 2 ; ths SOAP. -tag% ...o.I.AVEAANA.-SAGlm i gh t . Alen/tie NV _& A ILD L E 111111.0 h j The new mg 'argent join — gnaw' "Winer • *MEAN - 'WAR.D. osisa Wu: maw. *nu ran damn the mem hetenli ihkebore vete 'Liamarnaena 13eglinew_OTAIrot 'lngtniv int big Oftlr, tow:Sang at Port Maxon.' Lexington. Pert atallnet Iti;rarta, Anima& PertiLitetin and Twin-Oath' every witroussimr T *Wank, ILT UZDAT Musl All freights =Waned tau min reertiii prompt. o et- tentlen.. gbeezignaxstraote ands: %Dippers As lug tnalada ready esa send flen* nx.onentorti will goon dist neat erittuentnnexploxolWroWNineenlio• .se w '. • 1i....3.0 W W. Y. hiALdrAmi 44A,Liutt am* u 4144*. br;iitlabdria sad 0 4 1 thri tor mu•isom errAus-ooictunr, anistizai oa 11 . 4...0M Of Oath a r m . Taddaattarkdd" "Auk ts .14 0 ,,, 1 „, id ter Oa ita , alidal . kplial• teem. • • • 8011011AKEMA LANG, ambit , . fdla Tanswry RTRIST. lk I U a's i.,.u. 'IV UV/ Alstwi UV - IMA II • g 11:•iiii0X8. kw,-;.111atle• - tr - matt s hnis to 16 owes* Of, 'ltnirse . Carta,. Carriage% „43 auks, kr/ whether ruble*a:, moulasstent isk.,the at, of Pittsburgh, to put their Lioeheoeartherreseareee Me of the City of Pittsburg* lertfidit. ad Li. cot Ode as iti take* It eMuthl, 1863. will 0. 51 ,i . i. i bawds; el -iisl/ling 01. Polio% kr eel. t e a r: Ma tee of aucapqr lkir the oak*. a" iirl/enallo OW "Mewl or Woo to :lama. viii be iract hia leasitle to to 'ketoireritalwWww its ll** Wobble , ►laa , aateaut of the Limas. The old toets.4atie=“Aelehdtt Pam Patlethelektratsi at the thine tdospeln i r4 nib 4.4',C.VlA.traPvlh&sior , f ‘ Y-:"l a ttrwrwowww. 1 g,, tiilijabo• ' AIN UUlt ibis j ollity 111:ovri 1 ; 4/"llu rra sum ta sto4 WWI fai.o. bp , - -.--" ' - ktirrivu.. fla._ , Nor swift lakiV4 ..-,,- ) 11 40 . wink . ~....: .::; ~..- -,.., .2,,,,-,-.l,stztl2