• t : MEI 141 q# 0 41 4 : 1- 5''''' •:; • r • • "• • ' • 0„;i: . .. •, , • ; !.; • r ; BinaEl MENEM t: •-!"' •• EISZEIRE EZIE t!. , !.....-. '...-.! .1..-i,ZI:7: . •. ' ... . 1 -.. C.. --.•14: d ...!.., .. . i%•,;;*--;,:;"?..i.—..i4.., '.i:. ',.., ' ~, ." ''' •-. :: ~:.......k1.::::: ' 44, . •,..4 :•••••••• •: ' • t 4,,•.. ;...,,....)14:•''•' ''' : ...; :`, ' • •• . 4.',.: i. • ,•:•. ',..1•71,.1 ,f;:,...4•0. :•,•.',...'•,... • • •-, ~, , ...:....;:!.!•17...",•-. : : : *: - 1 "--'• ''' .c. ', ..1. :•; -Is ;;;;;: , `..;`.,...;:t. ' ..,.. -, , • ‘. .1 :::,..,. '; —, 7.: ~, ... •; .„ 't -, 4* ...,,,,:.2....,..•;-1.t'qi.,:•:: , :i.' . ; : ',.• , -... .:.:.::. ::..7 .1.4 ....,::.....;L.:*4"':: ....". . t.. • :. . . "r 4:. .. -::. '.. tyy'.:: ..4... .:'. ':+".1: ..' ' 4. V .".r.M"':!li oth4`?' '.- '', .. ..-.. 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'' . 4: : - ~:.•:.:....., ...,:t...,..,:;, .•,,,,,11i:.4.-.::,‘•4,..,, ,i . ;.i.:• - ,., • ' :..,..; !•..i,-1. i'''i••:l'••-'.:- -.,.,..;,;:. ':' : :,.• ••,• .• - t...,'• •:,,,, • !;•, :**", ; . •... y: ,-. ... ~..- '•', s: • • •.:',.;.,k•1• , '......'.. ' . ' ' :.• •t• . ~..;!.,z.w•-•' ~' • - :••':, ..,.:;' ; . i , . , fa. .''... 4 ••• .- ..., -: •4 , ,.., • "•7 lia ~ ~ •i d ~:a~.. aIIIMEI S HRIVRIEL Zit AR, - WHOLIKELLLI esoczas 00111XIBISION 11.0.17 sad le limithilald Stmt. (karner Wes PITTSIIIIIIGH. Pb Ulf M. liattbibli, • •-waotassam anomm. , - NO. ITI ISBIRTY 117.191 ff. ' • PITII3IIIMH, PA., Novlas pwahosod lko lateral of kis lAso !Arab vtlt 000tlatio th. bush:ads Ai ths old stood; and $06.00 to Ithslf,* pSds9dsgs of his old Meads and cossoiestil. 151411 - IVY. : Id smsa niactures • •• 1 Second strms, • tubscrgh. au moan slaw ". •-• •• • .nro. sasousta, (of tbs late dna of D. S D. It'Donaldl Plttsbargb. • WsUrrille, Mao.) IArDONALD AIII3IJMA, Wawa. ALL Ws Gacenns, PmaDOcra Oostiunnon kiss, Jobbers la oOrrial, N. 0. SUGAR and BILFINZD SUGARS and r MO ion LOON, TOBACCO, TNAB, CIHNLEI • MIDS. La., No. St 2 and Saildbarty St., i, , -I -i . , scums& trattrimumessern la Borne: Animas. irhaiessli dealers In TOREIGN TIMM !YID AND 821018, 00D. 117.0TIONEDIGstraesadmia.woalp,40.. Dos. ana Wove, stave!, &bow TM. iDlDabargh. Penn's. • • 1,22A32 100s1111 41110,1611 • 1011rE&D & r idETZG&B,i, - . GiCICHaa AND JJ. Oconasssos Ilsatssorrs. sod. &laws In vl kludge °ovum Naomi mos Prcaution' MAN. gastrviss, Ho. 2411 Liberty stt, ree opposite heed ot Wood sixes*, Pittsburgh, . . • . opl sausis. ;;;.-40a .. num. fIEO. • B JONES & SON, • Waotssus ILA Gamins wo BOAT DOsler• fn *LBILLA. ROM, OAIIIII OILS, PrIVEI •nd Pit •• 4 4 irop. . 4 . N.. 1 mows DA, r. DLIA/111. 10[10BEET DALZELL Ali GIIORMS. 00=:= 30 . Xs W irs, d &alas PEAD K 102 0 1 nd IDIEWO Pats. Wit 1.10111112 WALLIMUL T .41J1NERT, &UPTON & 004, Wuota saia Guano and Puma= Dz&LW, ao. Stab itiset, 'Pittsburgh, Pa. i . _ sous ATT &WILSON, Wirotstais - Gs°. .11 0111.4 .111112171UITS. ant dialers in Produce sod Pittsburgh insuutiatrunst #0.168 -Lib• arty gant. Pittsburgh. . OZ. _ . Y otW, WHOLLIALI Gibecnni, Cloanunnina lilnnounin. 041 dealers In • DMZ, No. SO Water dna, n 0 86 Irani Omit GS% 11.; DlLlroz2ll. & DILWORTH & 004-Wsounseim u . Gams.; no.. LIO and 199 second - mew mit siatths.ra. Pituayargu. Doi 10H1.1 FLOYD & GO., Waomiarakilai aW mOo litisc Aaa.Bi. 1111 Wood end ittt Liberty dna. Pittsburgh. jele AA, BMA NY Wacumsaii l* asocispitc.. u 93 Wad latan, Mts. Alt BEN NNW v.' PlAXll aaranswinti LABILD as op W ill= STOW: AND 00 /1111rV0v100 Juin Wixom:az AT No. TA Fur= - • ~ . P - ItA &CKINTOtAL, H HM.PHILL & CO., • MA , Pittnisllko mod O'Hara streets, pair Ins City -.littaloo.,-jr.-10A, 111 PROV nnunictursos of - 20511rnmtsPn ELLIIED PATIIIIT OlialLUS2lll4l , BlMillt IBM= AND . 1 MUM VALVES, of all sista sad ben ststo. Ration put up soaclinarp of turge =path) sad of tba boa quaky. yrs are proposed to do beery Sot.; bin& ant *pilots vs* to this Usu. tomtit; that by prosapaum, ant tha obaisctor at out murk to mutt public ••Ida g " Z's attontkat to our BiLdbialD TAINZ oscomantia ENC 11.1174. a bouittobas sottaittmlis baratallis unattainad 1a tbla oboe el . ja26:10 Oda% 11. IiAKLUEON /14)0., • _ a turiv . au rderinA . atillira tf T. , eiILY,ENA.M.I4,I4.4t I Wat odd:" 0611Vtaterety____—nianZiotareretIMLIS MUTH. BIUMMOOKOION-AHVILILLLBOAD, Or.baposznims sna :',,= A aksbies mile& •rood simortmeat constantly co baud. mylOmrs 7,ll4lloSrlir. rigNitarf.:•••4...M WIPSILL VILOBLEII011 = .0 1 :4 03-, WORIEB. 4 A:firirOLlM, PLTIVEIM Gam Karma maxis. Walsis,lio: it WII MOO. arum • of Pint. Plttabargb. : • • • • !selr.lya INIEN ALLA -13-411 i 112!: • it - o. 215 ~, • 2=Ma a Vatin i st% • gterrdtf r2.l4FlutAitin:lXD , • OrdusgatklitAfthiresnidii, roll Promp ts shipped worm:tunic columis ni 2 `.Zilartitgb .4.Lut HT TIIIIMIng AirArriamtra t . ro zoom t ! zowrestio oArnanr Mika; aoatloomo -sad , thoii 3 nflt s iILSTO had 'their tooth extracted by my procaa,aad ars ready to Ma* soCtoilio Wet, pftloameimial tho °Fara ' Cloa—mbatanor los btoatiW by?ottotalatOtoutd la - resettoir the ..cOnlmw t kaiiiiiipui tacirladjo of aty Drown• ,11alniNr/7;011.11-MTH hauled In onsp4l. sad chargoara7 kror ; Inutoated la all caw lobs b s. s OODSZ:tairin 1/34 dadttdlold se AI W. lkol4011.14 11 (iiilip .thr•- L 'ACV* MOSS.WCXO POMISilleXt dpar ',tartar, ot OKB rltta o mstana ilia— tingly, l 8.31100 L sad TAW. ISO iiijMEEIM %-,., . , ~ • , . , . .- • , , -,, , ,•-••,--..•-•:,,,,ri.,:,..1 . -: , ' , • ,, , ,,, . 3„,:;itsliv.,,,tr . ,"4 , , , 0 , ? . • , , - - ...-- , , , ------!...,, , ,, , na-krar- , „ , ...-.....: t.,-...- --... - •" ,, *.. c0z , - 4.1.- 5;.. , . , ...- - , . ~ ..., - , . .--T.-, 7 -.74,,,,.. . r.... , -,--,,-?.-,- 4.;-- - -...-.---4,-:-: ~...--,,, ... , ,, , Pi..7, r03,;^., - ,, , ,,,, , , r- , 6,17-• ` ~. -..' ' - .. , , c,:", A - V,,A,..,• ",,,, .5`,,,' . , Akii"4"..M.14`4..- ,, " " , - . I : , „ _...,4,.. - ,^ , ..!••• -- -" . ."t"":::". -- ,. " P-- --,' . .... - , .. -.... .,, ,- 'l .7 ::::T=Jr".; "-- ",..,N "' ",:,.,ri;g7,0.4 .v 4i-:.4'',, , e ' ' ' ,,..,,; .. " . -:?..1"1... 1k1,,,,, 44. 4.- i gtel . - .2, t41 ,..'-' iltir.A . *' .'` -`r- - - ,,,, 4 : 7 4V.,.. ,- . 1. 4f .' ,G .....- ,it ' rOC" ' ''' 74l,4( ' - h . " - ' 4 '... ..- -' 1 .... ' - .. : . - '''' - . " H .' - . ..' ~._, ---•, , ,,-.,T , '"7-. ,- ',.*:-.'-;" . : -. " , ;,..s , '.;.'..; ,, . , S. ,- , -,- ,41-' , -'. , ..“, ,, -.: 1 ,St - ‘ , 4. , 2 , -.7,;',";-.4' ',: - -'7-I , i'e, ; • -.. ,‘C-:-,0-•;... -...:,- -.- . • I ~ ~.....„ ir4A.,..,....,,,..:-, ,:t1,,24,,„; zi,, ,, •? - i,,...,,,....-E .7 , ..1.:1.::,.•:' -.W.`4X4',v,",i;•,PLNI" •• • '';:• , „...n..• ,-- e , •14- . , .. -- : ". "4 - F,•1' . -4 , 1 , • 7, ;, -,' '?•.‘• , .:45-`,. --..- - - '2 - ?•?..." ‘ %.2. , ~: ;;•tl- 4 ,;', 1 7'.?-;,'^', •." 1 -;-'...•*.,. ,- ;•' i'-;-,..5, 0.,47 , 7. - : , , ~' - L.' . . Oft. ti f. ' :,o6'l l .:,•: - V.T- L , 1 ":4`,.Q.4• 1 ..:6 4,--- ...lP3Zi'',.44V . Z 4. ' ' ''' '' ' .* ' - • - • ..--,egkev.. , k, -!....,-,p0.4. 4 .,,,.....„,- .. --:• • ''''• _. - ailii-&--. , '. '''VP.4.:,:.l-_,.'3.lh.YA-,--.-;.-.: . , :•c . : , ;-.'1 , q—,4. wick ‘. , 70"..."7--'14,? - 7' ''- ' THE WROCER/I. r/•:_ e - to a:1 011 Oxsar of ltio.t 'ol,4lmq drossy PITTEOWBGEt, DArrifilrßY. •-r kL AUAMdflPluqua voaneuy u zonatag g ainwrot as!' Op s • !MOM*, • ' ' ' , ==2 'l/.:44AN1E1T0N:4441i Sinzoir ,Asuokaboicltactzlliuktrneirstati Sso Jos • So. StWoalses ; soSO M== ?Tux ilookbpunig army am* No. IT . MOW Argo& PP - _ LEM- - - '- ' - f - - t k yavajWinim..._ _ a OJ., Dmiss Itiosougauls. I= !plume, si?.,4aL Jot 111411211Utraut. '—itgAL ESTATE Actift*Fitt, ; .-AArilattilt _WARD, ItLaISIL-35 ' • - ' L TT — rooort Nam, Baal, MCiliVa".. On 4 11 / 1 It outitlos for Roney. - • • . , Iroroses cot procuri LOANS th rough VS7 Thisnc7 to tooloo o rdo term. • I . -,120n0 wishing to Mitt troth. mow to good 8.1- omitabosys 110 fintanit ssapail dam! paper .-- IV saorbiterdnis striatltccadl. osessaLofilooklinei stmt. ifirostio 118 . 110141 jaktla 41"Ciii 2 We rgr i gatio, , . asaiRIEWM, - , •-• keip7o *Ai al sinllll44 or, • mob" ea rermatifr swim. • i nsa i.4 L imo m a • 1 :..i'►is I n'°"aill):04411/90q,' ingiktS , t . „ do aus A pia. OGN ga Ain 01 431 ""'" 1 / 1 , V Olt/ IWO* IMO . ...., _...._ 7 L . , D _ T . _. ....., _ .., „ __ _ GA _ sziriire JII.ICIIIXEB. CARD TO THE PUBLIC A FALSEHOOD EXPOSED. ter some tame pat me adartisawat has appeared In the posts bus, stating that. lire Bold, Wadal• led ban &Waded "the Masa Swett; fluidal" at toe La World's Far In London, *woe for Ida bat on exhibit'on kg all parpores,i and the others for su. pear specimen. of seerlag." Thorteh aware at toe Una that the Steiesient wa whbllf timidly( truth sad a gran impala= on the pubile. - we tuber no tidos tt until such of Ike l time as we ciidges ould get natter, an official Report 40,70.the1n the to thane anal gag it • -Indse end authorlta • con. tradlakm. 't hat Report, Wodellehed by authority of the Ouldniedatere of the fthibltlon, is new in our posesion, gad allows beer nasal alarm lira the antentwal a the adruthielant alluded to _&t the WNW* lax the WHAM = It WILSON ODIMANY had bat • sheds Medan. on exhibition, wad.of the Etna` at ch as there were nand on hand. In the Wahl ropy a the mead, which may . be wan at our zoom. Si NUM STIIIINT, It to Mated that • aold hada .was awarded the Slows Sewing Hubble Clampany, not, lunnwer, heats their Vaal= was better, or as good am others t an al purposes, bat beasew a the lasgusp of the award, they ablated *.the tat co ll ection." The flour medals" slimed to hare been awarded for Impeder er< titans of .smogs nose-wanismrd a stall, tiordid' tbatermakild ,viper* swag " V" . Wee even the Wren cola meat of an "honorable mention" in the lodge's halat lamina to with. the high compllesent bestowed on the WilliaLitit & WILbON 'MACHINE. Thu& the Occipany, abiding all pal sale= bad but a stogie machine caseitliation, it Was awarded A GOLD MID:IL LIS A wax ILT itecinEl4 , AND OA ire llTarn LIA& Them are the trots tdabe sue s al exhibited by the eleetel Mart Of thitGenlimbeluera and ln joidee to ounerria se wolf OM toe:cow &palpable and flagrant attempt at Unwritten:a we hare felt ranstrablud to Ay them Ware lbw untllft, We, repeat. therefore. that the WHICILIta W/h/301111LSOHIB3 th. oaf whir stake received x GOLD MI DAL or fib write at Are iote lair, and prenouuce ail dElentil to the contrary, no matter from tenet source they ornatfate. rinanrtlfy of bullet Wlll. SUMIVER it CO., ACIINTS or TUT Wheeler & Wilson Machines, Ho. 27 FIFTH STRUT, Prer3Bll . Bolf. 41111/1 — : I loylttsnisiml? W. Wj IMPBOVIID WIIELS TERRA!! family Sewing Afachtnies 6slocrooso. So. 6B I . l),lrpk,isine; Pptsburgh. Sham Machias§ an tram =ma M twaata.dallsr§ abeam thanAal. othat;yachtaala. the eity. Tan do sa ltttda.ol 11otY. sad'alli aureated ton tame yeast Thar era o aimpla that. MU chili 11 yews old can am them to tertectioa. Ootimaatly cm• lama. all klub 41 Eaalaa,Maaktaer Emidles, &Mail au x 43ctte° ' "' lammil ida t ik tg§ is A 'mei lat. MCP= 11.1L.KOALNS Lei tifsool4l7: l ` ^4 , iia . . iw]o*Jh.aioa. T ootaasObSokaring, boaalltot black "tact - Gls; ass, -40110-00 • T mom Ohlokarlog, lairaroodi toond oor- wog • Mt rata Instrookaut.— . ..—.-- 030 OD T octave litays a Co., oxiorood; a tandaoma • 116 00 Plano. to good coder—. A VA octavo BtoodionisoOd. ou'ilakpassls to 16.6 00 •6% octave Gala CO., namo.l. =dot boot; aa geostlont P 1500..-. 160 CO A 6 odors Ghtekinng, roomeod, round mt. 4_6 QOM* ElsEKZlavin A06.1Fewr0ct1.......p1 9 . 5 00 IA Waal% 60 1 1A4 517 9 A octavo BIM% " 75 00 6 006.6111 Gszmaa. _ 60 iXI I.6.l6s6timipnieso..:. " 50:00 60 IX) A.oud, A 5% mums 11Ingliett, A oaten 1:9 for valeta • aEIIUR EL DIELLOB, 61 Wood most. K DIAit MI es I:4.lVcs !In Jest opemd this week, • obolor 'apply of thee. korsattfal laStrtfamni‘bnotrdri; dOaln. IS* Must to the ooactry: - Thla toot is rum abseet antratalry oonoodod. brooms =walks ;oat WO kayo not hors able tafilloors44 tfoor orders• rrva PEAR& . C.HLILLOTI4 BLUM 3. EIITH 6TBIST, 24 door sboir• RoaL Sots *out for STRINWATIS PIQN tecelved the 71257 ?LAIR PBIZB MEDAL. at the Wohues Yoh. loah:Loh 1363. ear Warranted =poi= to ell Shoe In *oaf . rt• era. h. new steak of the abchrelteterrlOpg. air ifigaey Isietbb gletartet . lbr grt.g...7 Moos at ILlAlsili; Dlicett., weal ; ; 140:63 Inecb etrnrt. RAIN ItS BBAYrELEEI3'M SZOILBIOII PIANO4CiRTI2I, Th•—b!? 'two ISt* Tor No by • - GIIABFATTN 81.41711f4 4331fth street, pSlnWe Apia far HAIN= BROTHLW PLLSOS and glIpODlOl9B. my2S Itetiar CLALAIB, Sc. _ _ 11 gr.sITARY CLAILMS,, BOUlirrt: 7X5410 .1A Phirg, and BILITAB igaillaigisartPtargi adlecasity Co ob. at t ..otring taus, els Nagel++, $lO all whist @Wm, 53 60. 0.0. TAYLOB, Attorml at I.IW, Ns. 73 Grant sYsst, ristiOurgh. Pi N. B. No charges are d ais lf tha aloha, does sat encosat, and ill toturnogop. /Via gra% se4:ly DR'* , GOODS. was vas9l6...aamont c. 4111.11-:.IIIMD WILSON, CARE , 1011.DIGIIAND 401T10,-DB7 Gloom so. 94 Wood Wed harass Acne Diimcin4 A LIM BATEti, Daawiii ix. gamic asp CRAWLS MI 0001)8, OlAhiliS 811 AWLS. ha. 21 Wit MINA mow:" 111. - ,andLiAna isiad. ado% Wills • taw Irsiess. ,AN 19, -Oa.. Dealers in BxiGG~YtanDDollairla 60otos, ti 0.440 S e d_oacepg.dogiclekrur opr Mar keelrAlis; Miagbar • OM " O. F ,Orrrq . lad illainkikri 111 unawake NAHUM MUS. sad DU .1100DS, of a= ifolotizof • nos. 17 sod 10 Iffftb Moot, Pitfabr Nif MAME kettfilailflitiliAsli sna ma Baku Doan IA SO T effSPOIV DST TatilLialiGe. tn., O. TIS liszkAit OEMs, bompos Plliarmied ppid Nowak. rittabniukt. • •-.; . . . tiedali YE ho.essle atid itep to tall Desks . la all, Idnda at I'ittkULLUGO, Vrt GOODS, Am Not 71 aid 70- salurn amt. • - - AWV.,44411i mooesior to J• aurobilitilli ••• • • 'and Data& Dalai ITAVAI' CT. An. Goobv nffin. ass warm • Insist stmt.. • la -.."11T,C45TV,,fs i's., , Fir • Ilo.6lllllkellitilaid, - betimes Ttgal and i,C4413,,-*AI,tiTY,..BAOS PAY. , - I - .Aural pollo Aar, tkir:baccal .1 ;14 ...;dschastuni.,, Wa.Afilliff -Tara. dos ;,. • kli su Mocker So P Si" I, • . Dn. . _Pm; • • via ban ow fa tha . ssallpoos w a s 41 1 405, Op:WM tom dissais coulirt In fa tee doxplotS callegtolh =ODlvir• liotter:6ll:i • , oarms• - ii“adAnia,--- -4.1 s _ FULUMUIat • •• - .The V "W iLi ria fte at' Pallatt 1; 1 ; ; NOMPlOrtkoinnal *ft le • ipilestrisSA nal at ottailt_,, • i tilib ili agato ma to du rgi‘,,, idastiggim". ll rig w araelly , ' 1,64 e 1 XIf,SCELL.d.rE OIS ,'S. G ENERAL ORDERS Igo: 105. Moores! Ginnnail Cresin Wend:atom Aptil 29, IW.} Theorgentation of n invali d Claim Le by eathorlsed. . Tine asps oot f otape anlots.bosmd if gaunt berretta be thought ob e l i mol beet, o of C Iless ,The 0 mania shall be medeop from tae follow low aurae.. els: ri,ef. By toting those altars and,enlisted men of tomaande now In the fold (whether Ontrany present or temporal., absent,) who, Mau wounds recarred In scams or ahem contracted In the line of duty, are unlit far held eareice, but are egg capable et et teethe Bardeen duty, or sunk other light duty as-, may be required of an Invalid Corps. Beginantali Commandant shell .1 ma i make on{, frolp Elfaxima lion received Win their Medical am Company OM mar ad from their own knowledge, rolls (morning to the Porta turn Janina of the names of ill the offi cers end enlisted mixt under their commands who MO the following conditions, rut' I. That they era Unfit for Meths Min arra on mount of wounds or disease contra-nod in the line of duty; this fact being certified bye • this tad heel Mow in tits make, star personal amnia 9 That they ere lit for garrison duty being likewise bagged by the Medical Ogles, en above, altar personal examination. B. Tina they are; In the opinion of their Com batting Ofilonsonirilsolout and deseroleg. Thew rolls *hall be *Kited. by ,us e dx fazgeon end fleet:ambit Cerstuandetamale . td, through the rigida channels of military corm madence. to the; Prated Kasha Octutel Of the United fames ' 'the ReglttenteiCommender shall enter Is the ma nna of remake, opposite each tames same on the roil, a stresocat e to the genera/ character of the officer toe intelligence. fudinary, sobriety sad Men tan to duty ; s od en intermaleteCouunanden shell adore. tram, etch Mots tW say poem lathe me, or if ray have note,thWithell elate how far day ate willing to endorse the opinion of the ofilosr or area nuking the recommendattom amens toll. shall be forwarded from time to time , whenever the number of IVO refilling the nonage= .tad or or tie argentite or tbe Write may upedlrmn render it' Marl By taking three offleers end enlisted men etill to mare end , bona en tbe rolls, bat who are anent' from duty, to limpitale or Cenvaleatent Comp, or are herwtee node, the control of Medical =are It ars, rem the Medial Oldest in tea Nadel:roe shell prepare the rolls tocording to Term. naming the names of officers and men loom the sam• regiment on a re it by thessuielveth and tend teat, with the mertifictte of the Eatzoom duly sign ed, to the pr-ove betimensal Commends . . who will invert them ot heretofore ttectaed abject to the mime end montroments. If. in say me" the 1.510. 0(01 Commander shell thin; an °Mar tuft, 10 pilot rt eharocur, to contras • in the ar ra of tit, to. end Gotta. though &Mimi and certi fied by the eurorn, he will state tusobjectiou to the alums of remark*, not note the exception before astute the oft! °tele if any odloer or enlisted Mt now to the Pen•iotat, lAtt &Irma end beyond the reach e. a Bathed f, fewer In cheroot a thoplal or Move. lee mitt Getup, cocaine to enter MO. ittpe, be will tate the COMM teetered below for thorn, who hate bees hanoreb.y al o, aged awsenice. 7M G By Noonan; those °Blom and enlisted men who eavroeen hunt ably diseltmged en mount of sone& or ahem contracted In the line Of &typists". Modena to reenter the genic*. in the, atilt Meer, epahantoe for appointment mambo made to the EMI.. Mesita of the United Jamie threat the ogler astalled en &Mug Assistant fro- , woes tdarehal maser of the Stele. do spplintlon of this hind will be cousidered antes the following condinotta are completely toggled t L That the eptl cent nrodua the tertilicste tithe Surgeon of the board at finroliment for the distant in notch he moons. that he Or acme field catty on emoutt of wood. or dOmee, snits out lia ble to draft. but Is Os for Etrrhein duty . IL Thar he furnish evidence et tont:rats discharge an =corm to worlds 00 &ability contacted in the Lea of duty. S. l too Le p-edoce reeemmendatione from the M. glmentel, brigade and Um ton ilonmeneer. under wham he MM.. s od that he is worthy of beteg thus provided Ita :ap•tae of returning &digitate liertiOn to the t 00..., Carlin to Cant it shall be lo ' pracaloble re get title tar evident.; be may, having satabl shed the fns two point. 11.t.d7 the Board of huralloamst that he is de.strinig and t.rs• mot Its oer. do .e of tea tat 1 his .0104110 Mat at be ottantei by the auplicant, tad most be trios. mit:ed with has snob, same toe sgalateeent if ante ogt uo eating alinmant entreat Biershal General for the elate toe application 02.6. be h to:- weed .hr.tit‘b te Artt.trart esteems! os the disfas wt. destruct s•J .adosa thereon each note to the itilotiory 01.6 ry of the epplicens. as he niii7 know, fir et. an eti..ed , d hie teem de ens bowled the Mlle Me Prorat ta.mhat omega of the gaited moor sobered men, monorstey dbrionreed ou *reagent of of disability. netting to re enlist be thief:tone, will Mara ateasetrz it - to the Mani or Itnrelal.nt the ,tanct. ut *nab they undo, Ice exammetion by the Surgeon thereof, she shell ezeinter them end ripen the result to the bore of latroirnenL ho ilotwd shall then °minder each sae, and if the eminent to Wood to nloll the ottadltioset epecified below, the Board shall give Wm cattlkete to that tact, Cat 1. !that he ie unfit La service In the held. it. That he is tit tore gamma duty. They ice I. memoriam end damning. a Vat is wee botarealy diattaged from the service. hs Protium Marshal for the Marla !than then wind Weapplicatim, with this rertglante of the Board, to the Acting Assistant Provod PlarstuA General of the Scam, Iran mall procure ouch evlieuos cl marries and chmactor as It. reoords or the Combat ay to snick...he bekagedims AU at Om Hmdquartirs of the stank may 'Sow, sod if estbiled that it is • rneritorloas we, aua tbat the men -le Smarting, he vlll antis& him is accordance - with earl.perial ruled sr tho Arcordst larthat General bay estatdish. Baikal Lussestors, !urger= la nimbi! of 11.10- tals Military Commandent, and all *tags bastes ultboritg to &khans. under ealsting laessad-isti nlatiotuy IL - II forbidden to s;raat .dlocitarden to sig x I num mast; thoir control wbo ass he Att tot service :tbo boraild Corps. the rroVost /denial General Is charged will the executkus of this order, and the troops orgardUed an der it will be wader to. control of his Bureau. Al order of the Becretsry of Wes. f. D. TOWNAZSID, Axel:taut Adlutent GeoeraL myl2.l¢isas Ns . r is SAVI3O3 LSIBTITIITION. Ismotpuratosi Pjf the Legislature of Pralasyvfale, peen or Prpootts from ID co. uk. so S p m. d%,[7 f &Imo as b.:al/11DM/ ironssuip, from 5 5 0 °V.A. ()Moo, 6a tQW TH =an. • A SAYE, CONVIMIENT and PitOrITLIMS 1:::?(I5ITUL V, tot le.ocasitlal, Laborers. Clerk.. and all axes whoa nioar.ihr sasings are saredi, 1.1 also' earskozelalt itself to &zoo:tory iltatfatarfollSy 001.4 lectors, .I,okuut vc.ittatary exchiles or assodakimm, and parson, of • Internet at tae ti:ta of MX lira . 13N51. - am to Mid ott dopobita, which, it not drawn, ea on plarnd to me credit oi tin dapositor Um WI days of Hay nod Sioestaber, and tharesitne heal Ma wino laterszt es too principal. At this rots, moot) , tiorMa to tan doct.." «,«Li lan. • • • . latmmt conout.no. stt allfl.d. thairsi aad pfteraik days of the geouth afteenich deposits Ws • Ik oto , contatotUd escari,r, By•Lavi, AO., (tuba: d on application St Ito oltot. • • Pm,Likm-3..t.6 JUNES. MI rratamog--.W. B. VOPZIAND. . , , STT:t11111: non. Tim , hi. Holm, Zan. J. Z. ILoortMak Imm Jona, , O.G. awry. ' W. B. Oormli, Jaob Paints, . Elancy Mk% Macau Irmely. • ' Wm. lL Maith: &cream mil Tramillser- , A. A. Wailltilta. .I.4:olmonn ~ mirPrOmmle whs. a BBADBUILICEI: iliso-Forrz EST/T/LI :$ 'go: l2t Biloo2ol 8111313 IT" I 'lr The enterrlber tbs . attitatfin orb, friends and the public pneralli to bli Plano: Worte Sitabliebertinit, No : Jl.9l,Atoonte Arcot, tar— nor of Onleorsueet . '-flae(og 'Withdrawn file' hibireii,:atosk add fiat*• rids front the fete Arta or LIJDb IB2sdbnryl." r which Inn way diaveired On. the. lad; l ined4ry alt; 'and furring . rirojtoteed - {ha' mg. Aim,. ',Worms Off ilara•Pottro ntablefid oirnid by trother,lideard 0 livildbury,lD ths Dahl noir OreOefed to ibiply d :aaM" Wir celebrated Plena r dee. ;*hmnlqpithe , most, thin.. and enntrieneed Wroilrntet slob ed, the NO and rood thorough) d litiabondance of cardiel,. takizi biad .ther ilniettrition of thewitele. bedtimes of apuid.: Et7rTig Ole instruments. sod la emoted to turn out Pvano•lf cotes of woodshed low and affair* • • BRADBURY'S-BIM 8041,11riastairgant. la the erraWdeent of cur neer oath, &awn and prUpared with Ine utmost cum aryneeely for Our ueW linervuloits; liir• aided :siert iniprOvemeat whartitaninalky4sy.teud to , tha pffirt•Ctlek of ,$b .Pl.llAoVrilliOnr IVO van ocraddenuy awed that, her ['ileloy of touch,. volute, purity, taillferonf sad' aweethas of WU, ocenbluod with that _etrialgth and validity of tram 0et ,, ,t0 durability, timeline atramante ars ammo • •• , • . 4.llD . BlAbil a Is our motto, and we In. itte th« Mown: critici-m of the beet wabhwed jadsm anrivery Inotroment warranted for Are Ism. %V IL B. essoausi, =MII 427 Bream...rt.. oor• of erme , . in y 1860 . SU Visat 0 le,' 1 -ii"l—tr—gri:437/4/9.--""1.10nr) Pk dila moiligionstesiarricisortne. -- ,aietloBl4 . ,-.,,,,,,, . i • tatculat . te:tnreaofraolies. ' --------7'. nu. a 1: --- . )I TV ay 2ttb I ,'1116.3. O ATTE lON OF MELIWOANTEI sod oaten Untied to tics folinneg Wigwag to Tiers, Shippers and Onagers." yowling tisde with Inturroodcwory States sad Section, The regulations referred to asa b'had in applks- Ron at this can . , . , -, ORAL W. 12031IRLIR, Skinijor - 1 XTOTICE TO TBADERI3, - SHIPPERS , . _LI MID Obßßlßß3.—ltLptingiagni the. LI- Toni iit nee of she Prosideurof the Thalia 8 • Mated ° +manila intercourse Lea' ten . .by Der georoary ef the_ .to be oond *NW bin keillasiliitie eWils ' the amen oi wep Meta* lusd,lit to Grail Mote in llion — nrhi a State of MAI on , n . ...sr ef she lesunees rin r, or the Ontabarland river„nd_oecqihal equipoug by the foraitiat tbashd.stihq sad eke In. bebitants ef each parts of Arhus ts Ws, sham! and Alabama mire so occupied detaitmli. ed, so far ea any be nor seary to amply the Johan'. tante thereof with the neoessarlesi el lib. License sod permits are a:abashed for such 'Mated later. warn attar the 27. b day of Bay Instant, under the said Regulations, saltbox to the kidloirl i gel rune and nenotlen. as to the'sstent inn lima of each intarcouros Which have ben d by the flooring of tbe Tawny, such Malan end pirsolts tiny be gloated ty the flurveyors or other Ghosts of the Tenney Department,' swim as nab, at the sel• Jawing named pmts, to wit 1 Pingo:et. Wheeling. op t ennatt, Ifsdlion, Ltishoille, New Albany. lir. senile, Paducah, Renville, °alto, (annoy, St. Louis and Memphis. 1. 'I f in .porn too cf merchandise for Mus, may be permitted to lieshrzile,DiatkorlDi, limpltis Doll en and Jackson, Tommie. ; Helena, Arleastee sad Corinth, It tenniPPL to nth panne sad in snob quantitkui as the tespective Dearth of Trails thereof sh remained: L all ai. Tramportation of family impel may lope& milted by the proper Dom& el Trade, in neon traur eentsoste, by bat sayers:to all persons wridkir with. in one se my lines In the main shoes inn; Upon persona spplication on behalf of the flam e lli to be moiled, ot sons member thereof, or sun o f orlier; son as shall be authorised by the boa pf family to pacers them, provided int the applicant shall wine affidavit; walla, °facer granting ,the permit ah.ll Le lauded that the supplies we:udders ones. sari for the sole on and ooneumpties *Abe said. finnup during the two mr rats rest ends& end tbst nowt thereof shall be seiner othatinnepoeed of. by aim, or by Ms antberlity, counivenes or .s ant, except wr the un of the mid fazally. =dna one to he be recognised IS reprmenting:, more than Una [mina . . 111 'Pb' perchsee en d Wourportadira el Donn, Tobacco, and - ocher tainhitio in gron gad produoid . in the Sten of Teonene: tray hen neeteeted la sae tr-,tn any place therein pawned &ain't:Felled by the tsar of the Milted antes, on or inst of the ' Tamen. River, or ou or nettle of ths Ocimbisbad Rine to any plan andel In the byallintaa . IT. all affidavits certificate, benne lien! es, red cooks,inklether . paPicsor decumehir Wilma ty the add Regulation., or by them over, Mall he ' in undone Win; • ', - • v. Ito menu:lax :des:good for sale WRI be pw . milted to go troaltpace la Johns candy. in West 1 Virginia, or to My VOCh ou the Sig lialiwba rive r ,: or to say platen tbe ooneties of limp, Ware or 1.910,10,10•1110111PiciVr to ptar eg o ~gauttnehy . erne, moan on Hob chweasTrant of Rik I bandy -Direr to Lexington, these to - Deakins. th"c° to Bc",l4R.Orcen. Oien_ to thi northland onsn'el ingsa-Ormity. tined Gloat earthen bonseary of Logan, Todd, Oariatisst end TAR win . ties to the Ono earned river, thsanden that tirer I to in along, handing ad that t ase-oltsatesly 1 west of sad river, or to any plus In she lints of KW anal noon or tooth of a line linen Isom Onnerce, 1 on the Indscippl river, to Rolla, theme I. Mann . Oily, then. by tae alles.uri nee to the Wet lune' I Sba base. weep. upon sad In penance of the otere 1 [Model el the plover Board of Trade appointed by tee Hacretary of the rfreesury. Vt. Bow& of 1 rads %minted fa the States of Wen Vitamin., Sets achy •or Iliment, ander sea I XI. of the Se vista - nu, end keep a mad of alt ton tonassaloas, anent the name of nay platy needled by them, in Inca ta which th 7 dein to nu. ismonsaane, the amen% thereof. sad the him len no tor teems the ealn.U. 4.- •---- - VII. Do o Minn or noon •eliell - las given by a Bawd of Trade sr ceps epee • anidavtt rewind by rec. XI., aid i.o.corium4. sink ha nil: mine than thirty done:ter isainer...• _.' V ill. Reny epplkant tea. Roar et edge lor • eentlioste shall hie with hie ea ,e 4 alidarit • sonnanduat .fil the a.erehaelldie to. desires :to bethink , tat limns. alupy eXellith Audi be at- - enh.d to the certificen, sod stall halraweilitea eon. rte teoe the ceetlecateaf On lased A ' nt leis et. copy of the origins* on die. ~ --.-, - . i Jr.. Upon a squaws if - oconwiitten tor ileiiri maw. era ?7 , Pqm. or Raul notalima,parlattormlT be greased Dixibe,stu pirweeser sepap.ptaissa amit enppbn, et, • shill he .polleit In dnad, ba. snob se quel.. for the exonsive ale of the oaken end POI• acre and othen connoted !faiths clars}lounilWalk X Whenever the recommendation of S 'Rona of , Tone is pre- - requisite to ti • imniad of a Pena. the geed. sbrzdet it .hl,l . an be want pansy to .n., e end Owe. but ell salty le ebb h• -magi 'fa 'lade beriaNtssiine mistgPlba- S. IL. In awe whims Ow pe Uommandsrs new Said shati have indeed ten au packeues send netnews andeokilentd, unit; canon*, by their trisaoa. be celandWoll So :daidenini 141pm:dal 01Sairs tn, earn• y to the proper puttee, not plosive may be teamperted Will Ont einveyon permits by Adams , . Irma Ocespeay, or audio** carriers* may ban noise sutbocitzberlbat pupae fronithe Issratary of the Inesury. - - - , , I it. all. to the Ravenna will aatlit i trafttellte make two consecutive trips intent tad boat, or other vehicle of trmoportatioe, unless She teperial egmet of the MOW shalt In peetkidor cam othil- wu. direct in lotting. XIII. Mtn the Out Deaf SDI tante Oki be paid 1 w.f . witlara itrirsionuabi mimeo' s nrsgo-1 tr.. ante shall be charged under Soh xia. attb.', Regalatins, kr any reagent thereof upca the sum , V. No permit will be 'Anna Ntlst- excePt I upon presenting the original cartincate hi. eve roil:amain from the commanding Meer his root- .. moat. conatenon C 7 the . DMA= Ceresnaniter thenot In no beon permits may liosirditir take such goods as they are permitted by win deal it. to their rsddironte Innen they,i 1tii.t t.... 0 in •auteunt - not exiining twinti.smi - b.= down per moon, and In all caw she allay Use permit los datlersball iodine upon he. p r i i mit 1 ulicatenf Altiplano:ti th e date of the sad ' the Unpins value of tin goods pezzolit•L , .- .. . • .i. 1 Mir. /*Ay poop*, will not be, ealowednego:to . Indlvidocle In 'ltharlinialiebin: Donde if Mende an. . spladuted, except on the permit thereof. Bach per , ski wet on y be greased upon SUng with (be Bonn duplicate Woke' at each simples nick ball not' amount in the eangeW to 11101•WWIL he swe a by the applicant and betteved by the Bard to woo, eery for such :family for twonouthe. ' vit. la the presented kale *boll la all ease *sagde before the penult le imaged 4 4 1. 111 • 1 • In .01hotha will A ail „ooo* attach is *hid hs shah either the orleistai • .la of the zonvitscidlase er certified ettllinthint4-14 mtc.Aw.i. Mee inannii,l4ollloVelt with* elmil snooped*: courunaland br, sassa.. . ,- = , - -.. ova. reiiiszawri -- saparywaittiladaLestut: Tromari:Depv!si. a . •t; ' ' ouituukol, *4 O. ARM :.,,!'., ..... ~..,atylwitai bass Poisieuot 'ow stook imbue to swiss of stninors. si. Out neso~Pha Wiest iv' idthilunonna • .4sinos fs _ _ 'I-3 4A.LtrcriT, " 2i- • tziry,3 eT:49 ,-.Jitersa * I " 4 * - U1XXOUll• XISCE .;011did1 iiStati .151 S. 01 am trer F Aloa tfp, tot the • saa.l: , ffewt mlOlOlO4 Midair IN_ LIAO: Arms dad -141661 ii Pe•ter yaw' merittimidi_ems•goT a a .l . l SIM" ifilha. ottr4, wow 91'. tbs Samar •)*„9,priiyokby ,Ckia /nem 110•0, , ri4.ooa43o,Doitilis Oen • WO4 VI 444 cf,tkit •thit flaw& - 0444144.+40 1 10 004 sod Abla *I **Mi ;lIPPIWO.NtO4ps: ran ~otelsk•• Micarg Voll.ni Implicr imi Wt•• loll Nds• ll9o, is s itme org.•••Cksa as Isai;Xlidepead• moo and - Good latent sod tlMMauna aoaass! is wry •t" ats' luir•4l4; b• sod Ordaused sod eructed lota • law In ' 2l • °.f 1 .# 7 6; *. 014- '',` - -maces'YOL Px","9110,444•1n. - Attest . a... miaow . 0 00 1 ‘0 4 4?„ 4 4' 4 " 11. g r it , • „ 11/31: • :`,Litiste , . . _ Provost alszseeegrowe i ZiPirrs •; } - • J.0:36, — %414. - Iritteaati briat Ta Olat Teas " - srlso ilOart Pee booPRI*O 40diorlia 'moo. =all svounsopt disatenty. one who oaks to no: Potor'Vet IMP** WC InOotti. *opts's' Pelee to Oinspneletons' Or POnoPll:fll4.qro4o.l9Nol awe iron thy Woo SlZEl...l6sitoDio, InVill pawn ObrintssolOSAO . • - ~ ca*P o oossopostoi OA eosonts , pftesPti 4,..r4, nai_or- Vior.essifterropi trlingels Woo: ti A lo lo . KO'latds *F . zi ur b t° flaw On` Ung AO aharettP r At. 'd 4 1 4 'Via okilitit. Mal as iihu.%Viiillbio at , Wen* *mita ot dial& 'So be, eacer*tlog t Provost Ira ' 'Pt Mat *Wad Oki 'sytalopt_tonil,,ipttio Me erns lions..lailus-Postca.Aansile-4101Mtsi" or tlsolsoolh` i Ornoorefor toolevolleoorpeville‘appoftead no nodestar mos leirobeiletrbsPpopore netedeeer_py dining theor Nos 1036 or sift Pew Ws= anat. Slkolk,pst,Onslnesoloosolilli ‘lll. • one us. ar . onoselocooll:reser appelenpoots; Vie not trion:dsa of 05i0n0,44111 of .las mew,. n 0... ,; MAE* to Phial WI ?apt losseO"lpriv n . , ' `P;;" -'''' ''''PeeOoVerrossasa co-* UVe .;• AjOolOf Mafia tho:Ot~ GOO fif AL*. aw , pAlisr, dome So, the ea ic s olpfeo, ot the 0011/1111= 1 ^o 014 of Pitfall:MO , al . JUIIIII a5a.,...1"a, at 10 7 67 , - burgh alazOtit. • DLE tie 00, ,AND PBOPRIJITOBB. Office Ile. M Fink' Strut • TUNING ZDITIOIO, DAILY. LLTIBT NOM DP TO TIEN • LICATION. IMITO FabMail. mama 130 ST • • aotns or Y .P4ORNIN% .317Ny. : 1 NEW TERNS Of TILE GAXBTTIe, Noll moroz, by men. DR Ter--. 511 . • month,,. 70. . 12: • ;T 1m Simms. by ma. Per Youlr: 1 , . • . 1i1a...L:4 0. 10. r:8104 • 0. 'S. 4 - Wixaar terms, alaihkeepiesiver ywa.. 200. ' dabs 01 5..t0 10, o 50.. . elabaeilOaraserso -18. • --end cam extra to the,party:MalLlss club. Peva dab efilifremi we WO 414 thaSimonaa GUMS' daft . ; ii 4 .• rani or. twenty,. we Intl sead.the , Koasola MAIM dlay. Nagle eepiee,6 pewter 0r,.nb701546-8 WW2 WI *Wm* ana men ahraysalwpped vim the tins,. swim. Tie Siege of Vicksburg. We have reason to believe that the amounts which related us, yesterday by telegraph greatly uaggerated the • firreenes* of the fighting on lfriday. We have a dispetoifro*. Grit Gaut•hiMeelf leas& lialleak as 46, is, lionday, stating that the siege was progress; lug feimably. - - • ;,,Up to thelest accounts Gnat had not been e week in the attitude of abridger, whir& a short: tile en which to rodeos a stronghold. like that. , Posaibly it might hatebees taken' , by assault in a single day; but, apart from the hazard:of failure, the operation would Kati been attended with a murderous Ines of ten. Gan. Pores, after gaining possession of one-third of Puebla, continued the siege sig. oroislifor more emit three weeks, and then had to give it up; and we all remember how torsi It twit the allies, with ail their power and - ehlicto reduce Sebastopol. We Orly, abide to• thesecases to induce our people to here a little patienos. ' . • Washers and Puebla have some things is ecnationk and in some .things they are 4 f114 dlisimilati.=; Both were made, as strong ai thi maim i'itim command of their - otuipeatsil would admit of. Souse captive damn, Mikan., on thelndisaola, were confined in Vicksburg.' for . several days, and'had some oppoStrutities 1 foi.obstreations. They state that the streetel of Viakoburg were fairly studded with rifle-1 pits, and every favorable spot along the *lures' or In the suburb' had these Mai of defenses constructed on them. Whirs it was 1 aseessary, yards of houses were taken •and , l the abant - manner; and very often • Itistliwarks were thrown up around the dwell init. The same kind of defenses were eon- 1 Jitznotrid in Pubis", and, did.mteb r verj Mimi, 1 to the city. Bat .the'grest,difforene• in the eases of the two beleaguered cities lles In the feet that while Puebla was be i eleged on . She sOutrurest its defenders held / strong and eiterateiworks on the northeastimhill Viols- burg islraiested on all sideit-hithi 4irm. In- Linn - possession's& dm Unto geribeats , en one Side, and the honking anal on** other. Pasbfa could be and was sucosumdly defend ed; Vicksburg, for the reason just stated, cannot hold out long. / .. • .1111.Apeastnisitive Soldier. A lottat from B'W:a Rouge describes one of 'Ool. athletes's :miens making Ida entiy into that r fown-after the Lamour raid, laden with the polls of war : On oaten:lw amused= greatly. .se rode a sidteh.tallod male, for weld: hio'. had ehalged wora.ont hoirse.;-14 carried two Confederate sakes swung, at. hie saddle-bow is addition to his own,a denblo•baneltd shot.- bog beads his carbine, and to trews all ireW a Ildilllkbez ander hiesitiartn. .111. he smiled treat, ander hie slentlud hat, and glatteed benigely' , spen - u -Wank ♦ JpaiL of itego`gieen•gogghte, the ;:tlisposition to Wear rayons mirth= was -11riptessible 'Seth I . la , dittoes 4ton:6i:tattoo of .all the bast ttalta et trelf cake" ek trasteoL-oonnge, dash, end:l iana and thzi.t.—!was lever seen before. . ..arresAr.surta'arfn SuiiveA, in a few days. s the flat two weeks of May, da strayed tho following Tem& t The Oneida, with tea from Chios, worth =f00,000) the Okarlee SW, from Liverpool for Montevideo; the whaler Lalhpette; the ship Nod.% . from Liverpool to Calentte; the Louisa Satoh; the Ilenriotta; thi htig-Sate Corp; and , schooner litgliber. It is in pPosed that English *tr.! .oltants were_pretty heavy losers by We! do: ,etrastiot .of• thelifora and Charles SCI. , - The tip - pintas are operating in oompanir II is assn that eon. Gasso's am. now, I bawd about 50'000 when ha. ooinmonood his /Wait splendhi oatapaigh Mississiipt, and that now it boon retain:Sea up td fl,OOOl - po•oposasion of tb. gusitottS, India antpiu In., the hands of zawr„to mast llMllq_rebilAluiritiziod con-, tbsganor of the If* of Vtaksburs,—oigra Junin" and hbrhoo,ooo, mostly awn . In, buotrun; asiutuAdas • Run A latter from Portialm /10311 lo°,;lirittob ob/liFaish 1 •7 11 • ;" womaitnanial. Ma: Hosier war - ameba at Suffolk Forollikl;_:"i.4 olooninent °obtaining , • P 1 • 0 4 .,, all ; the fortilintions at , SalibUt war found is ha paused**, sad bitters to figiborit. Losistiasti t aathigtbat hi Gould niatioazg4 Pa_ Watt ,btu -Goma Visis.anA eiroorsaMapwat. liboaooninenta pawl by as attommat Norfolk, by "nun.' Of MAW: Ho Is nada a fl oat. • - TauiTaarti Wiz iillLAast.—The ittat,ii iilltied . ot s, heavy Mulls& aad'agait ac., O opc b 7 the akilittuaant of pansy:St the moat Orliro,autlars nowastipt, wants at stipulated Ow, alit roodoo-flea Gams.: Intat transportation from Waohlaatoa gala Oak sad ;Stooks' Station. They its al.' W W.4I eiargi cents for shoe% 40 goats : for bottom, sad tO oats ,12, - !ZsionsatitutAtorr ortstrolierickevlatiod & th "n t r i aall nal gar i rd irsiths-lia : : Woo V seasogbenami at ;01:112• 11 4 /I la_ TM OispgaNktiNksel"nr( oo Pr its") *F lt#SA • -.olhe sorrow" syttiWats shooks/ for, lo*" dap, bit au kii, I sat booms insaae!! - Yostaidg lowa ( rfaidistfitsa Bur pisiassmdedarpaiiti issess.imitsalt a t 140. 004. . b' bd le. &fie its, • _ that dieliebodalwadd. take `gait lfild aifo ll 7i ff , lax olzled fol 'WV good Um cosidfie of_Was minnow abSard the rumors of a Mad 'dealpaiAmisbia "gabs' Jitio - liKllOlllllOOll by mat Slims AO thin are lib Nu alreattos 44. r hibill; Him iiTe!li gallandigham to the Arm*: A latter from Itorecrans• tamp gives the fo losriug sesount of the passagoof hater el route to Dixie, through the army t Milereesboro =• '" Nine SIM theta; immed - lately trarroondliag General gemorana, knew anything about the time`when the prisoner would ante% or when he would be sent South, and eonsequently thefrowas no: stir and no excitement. This secret- proceeding tr . u a precautlinwy men-. sure for the percent safety of Mr. Vallandig-' ham. , army, In the , United Statestain a better state of .• diseriPlints then the army of 'the , Cambodia.. 'Bone L more easily con trolled by' Its Moors, and kept Within the striates% 'bounds 'et proprietj and. law : But bad it 'boa publicly known thrmighout the, esiips, - that the notorious copperhead." Val- landlghami kad arrived In town, it is the be- - thator yboaestocastomed to reason most coolly, , all =se of discipline and restraint would have at entre' been lost, and that Crowd : of Aim thousand. men.. would have eol laSted instantly round the Provost blathers, swayed by the wildest and most ungovernable, excitement. "Whatmlibthave'fitliowed no human tongue. can tall; but it is °attain tilat'eacti; soldier. tis -the army entertains for edit man Yelleg hilar an -intent* and buraing,-betiteff, *Meth ean. tewpwWiticar only in-citron. True, they feel s 'stern ',indignation against .the, armed rebels's their Icont r and et the' tisk 'or limb and life. itself are determined to sitlidne atiFti bfti theiraspeelaLdetestetion latest:v.4, for ths.stiiry yeptilesqt the North; who, with base Ingratitude, hiss-at the „veil "Ilidien s . tikesirentefitige an d W have ibis 'torpor ebesittfottftlite-iligraliCexemptiba from the k to a z ily thie•thftrecor 'that - Sofia, knowhig that al *Disk thelisindO of them may faille thecerty last, their bsaVeryand, pirrstiverancejnot at last prevalliliAtettY be saved, and jthet II ion restoreclibititheymvanot wilting and- Ob not feel.able to _withstand. the, cowardly assault s Step:SO diherients - in the North who,ere con tinuallY shriving to stab them in the' back; of to delimits: them,bound hand and, Voir .to-the= guilty murderers of their country'd poem. 0; ;,these nultratelnl end most/misohtireue cOpperltimbr the litteSt, tnt se fiery of tele armliniier that 'ffaitandighsmi is chief. They knoW that trier* itetealt he elide, for the last two years, both in and out/of., Congress,' ba s tended Iteekoottrage-the rebels, to render mere - difficult and dangerous the task of tbeirson- Jegition, to lodelinitely/Proloug the war, end . Ours to increase the perils of the-nation - and pat far off .the -happy_ .period when, in the midst of peas., the .soldier.may return to friends and home. /,gene the hitter Perienil hatred which every soldier feltlee•Vallandig . bean S. and hence the of bringing bite, irite'and thviitgtildurfreelbole.,,, while sleep and quiet overspread the mariPs., !'I imagine; however; shit bat the man reel "./ 11 been hrotight into the prenisieht the sol-, diersr , their feelings of personal 'deteatation would.hare given way, and • that high whore every which . heratio ." would •have risen , their Bleaheard expreisal by a 'sot. d.4,r3,4lardltri *at ' , the natiort was wiong• log itself in sparing the life of. Valiandit. ham:" An effott to right this wrong, lire-. shtiblelY power, would,then hate been Wade, and"'ffatissidighatu- wnt& probs. • billiard purchased - with his -bleed that crown of martyrdom *blob her has se an:lonely binged for, but which he has been so dmicous of obtaining at aehesper WALIIS, INEThIQR.E ' oom2alsErlow retErtMaerriPs suirrinor or ri4TBlfLiaoA; ns marbsg YO&L Ampla cor#ltici Lr EITCHWITC PIEIG. M t►elt yard sad wharf, Bay tiooa mylidl Ou.:llißx,neea .not ire A MbilinM ed by In. *armrests= ot lbs Bulk Oldhay.t.b, urban they au US* theft. Oa barreled amid abhor onthout tottetdag ths O . ' , Plans% Es otu;iP. o n prompt. with ,Ssosi rat. isms trouble. and tu hott ,- • aatdae ./P/B kir or:. i 2.4 it b. - • ' 1 , Oh tits Alltrbroop 'yoga panned .bat. ratrishee: irtalt. whore 011 to,phmpot Moak tbo bast, dttort.to the tars, gbh oittypod. (..int part, roma or , Watt. •hithootsny &Soto. or ro4htyythg. • , • rail ordure promptty utsundsd to.: . ,-. ~ B. _, 71• . Altiriltheo at lora, on Ottawa Paloohtlihr `'Port litheo - idatoot, BOX: 902; Pittsburgh: or /.. :an to aeon &Oyes tho 011-hichoopt. ' . ..., ~- ... DAVID, S. • FLON CITY 911 WORKS. .LYDAY'4• 911WIPANN1110;"' _ maz. , 9hosPxotimul*clunt ogd cuaßois oth,(Buznarrani tusatthiizio - wis v X • . FMOiror6.oppailti Birapshiseg. siticia;-ntiv•ine ÜBNtiY iAritiWUJSM, LW /19.181. aL.A.III =MET, PlStitnimn. F"/ l l t i i 4g & -C Cl . l3lthiOnlieral/A1 .lIJIALEB IN AIL& mr-ruanniikre.l4,Vcrinii c4i.Triza, CRUDE. PRTMOLSO II . u ovnetat.l7 kr alb *caw Jamas .p:kemL :041?chnerans /10 011 DINS NOLICITIA • - , Cumin's and_Forwarding ner6hutsl ' OPDS: 4 JUIFINED. PSTROLtrac; 21..1112T1V0 STBEST,Tirnirosin iirtabsratouf invicaon«vaftaiiwiji4l Agellula.aataargarita.o4 .3, • Rama& illxigr ame 13ink r am - :.- ', ; Inaunibit Ast.h.l.tek;.2rme. zlealthto ' SW. if ' • •,; . .5..;.^.".....:- lelfirk ttiaDlPPit WIMAYAIX - ;u4tijUkati .11Mnarkitest 6ii;;; l '.: w „o : . - da u skivaptsiso imook cod t , lfrPtl as MAAP. BMA taid4G wax Gam wfallii. ellisok 111dookiloissitiimiviottoodtd so: - 4 Li tim ti 02.,N.5a 101611900W-tA el " * :1 p,a•: 'C. t.l t. 5 . • ircl etilAit o i44 pr ~ieil'.WOW ili-M4V¢okeig 7111110014011114-10Mit laNtgotUtissUftigtoult ' t .t lip , ,tr ,nriiii rA ii a t , : ,- , ',, , ,i; :1: , . 1 '.• ..11 f44.:Zi. ;,.ir .757174-.,1 . 11=771:Vf q 1 t -P.:4 WINIMMAND4DNATaiIIAiteIIii MIT .)" 51..... .c.., . ~,...:. .:,... -, lin'.-----440,110404" Witatt 14""itkl , . w Mk atg a gt iimmtiii. ') ' isms asotatiAW:f k• r ;' , l - -; heat . . Aiptaiii arthilhipeii. Intiont WWI win ix& - 4 ,,,c 1 uf . r. ta ...:,.?.:42 . .::: ..-..,,,,,,..:-. 1 ~ ... , . 4 0 , Igiskileli satlerricai tbovia til i A, : iiii, i siriA U7 104 :ittks iikdrOf AO.: 1.,7 bsoestar - ...; • ~.....: .-,- i , ia , , To, ..s ;7,-- , z. tammillosib 0 , a, , M rwiri”:4044:6 0 4, Aii- '7t4., 'eleirit..4'" gliiiiiiiiiial"l".Kß •- ' t r` ' 't" Slietillt , tit, .71011111 ' ' 14!! kile ---. ,rj-. : ;:xilf:-:;•--',,.1 .) • t br..: .:z:Na i -.141 kIaIOW TO,;fflO .51 WAlk. , tl .:,1 , V 1 1:1•1 , • t 6 51.44411.; A 11 i..l. %Pa .4'''' .1 ' "Tea 1. :t.--_u6litc:xt .41.:Acti •• z • -.L..1-,7.4 - := 1,4 - V.I. . . _ ... ........._ .... ~..._ Z ! 5. -- J.., .c.:.:.., . _ OL ' - 1 FE/LC/ I *Z Vrti coMPAN Y. N -----liiiiftANOß ipiOFLES Wog d- Fi ft h Hui. -1- I' E. corner W.,s- office s - - nellThialt". 'ABM FIBS Wm. PUMA, John Vi*t, NV Bi Flays, Joan .E. ruts. Clunks B. Lianal. Win. Van 81x2. wee: I.awsD . VIRE INSUIAAMIS BY TILE MILL a; ems MiPPIIAL, INBUIL&HOZ COMP/181. OP PHIL ADILPILIA, BUILHISIGE, Lizaltaa ci puma - ad, ILICZOILINDISZ, IttcHti MUHL Pa, to Sawa at manta. 015 a. No. Hai.Walnrt Msg. . Barrai,„ 11=,4101 .641_ew, 99osjsco 96-Iweeted ea fellows:.. „ . first itortirage Itationd 014 1.1.4•1 • tyosorm &ails tliof ao Armand rani, Brat ;Vends:lL :110?ir `par coat. 'Mortgage • .1."9, 97000 'Ma et I' ad pkda, G. par amt. 30,040 00 :11116$1zettp nudity 4 per earP..B;'B. iioHr 10M00 Oa lielleterar 001011,1161Laecat0d—........4 MOO 00 -Bitnatirgdert 'and - Broad Top Mountain Bellroadz,Ckanpeara, mortgage 4,C00 00 Peansylainfillallread oo.'s 4,006 OC _dtroknt. Morsel bwerance G 0... 511,e60 00 droek of ()aunty Fire Lam= C 05..., 1,060 CO .61oekef ' , Delaware AL - B. - Waimea' 00.. TOO CO Chnurteratal Bank do. 6,186 II ilenbanies' Bank de .. 8,011 60 110fon Jawnrancerestsienrip.—:—...;..:—. 160 CO 8111, brudneaa KW / 3 Boot *ceonnts, accrued - Interred. 6„506 78 ert band awl 14 banria of agents.— /1.00 4 /0 o. it=ll. TLHOLEI, _.- ' - .- ' • trutorou: 1 Olen zupitey., ,' ~ 4. .;,. H. h..Cianson, 'fintroni Dopiness, . Z. Lathrop, ' Wai."ll Tnompacni, - • Bats Totend, • /lobed. Steen - ..... . Oahu Lelia, .Yrsderiek Brizsin, s ' , "Yrak. - inig, 1 4 . / 1 4.,..T, ,_ 5, _. Jacob •T: Bunting U. Siense°, O. 8. 'Wood . .11nj...W. Tingley, .".• ; s•lnith , lkintre, John I. Worell, , /Ow o..llqodward, Idarehall Hill, .- '- Sohn 1304,11 rittstegis .r. .. , ..,,, ..,. . fiils.blialieretrg. J. O. Onkilli, Agog. ;Art Northeast eornor Third ind;Wood unrest. . . _ 1141)ElliNITY ' 1.01:56 BY .1/I.IIE.—MIaItIEDIN nlioniutbletioz °oaf r4sy OP PIILLAIALPSIett.: .o_4llxj, 435 and :Ohattiabirtreq, near wet.- thaternerit of Alskts; linnary lit, MO, publiatuid wee,algrtollitl Gi• Amonably, flir - IVA Marta antgll 0ccured........ 1 , 888 , 51 ia Ileal . Naste; - On e% fat. f 106,81410 dist ILttoes oco -umporin.4.oo 3 s ,, fr,szoglo:Oella ursa " &curio 10135 Woke. (preataitAredue WO/ 72) dad::: %VW ut) .NoSes and Ou 117,919 it 112,408,061 66 • aiiirpits • . which tide Goinpooy:nou.4.l‘l4,l4.. Inr;ollapotn,41111ro whk.l ISOTO Nom atheist:Lino& . . _lnioninoontade oo4y627 , OtoolliMoid - of prop arty, In town god country, A rotoosolow, aro oousistoot withoiettrity. Banc their, isior.qpqrsgob.., • padad Of Shirty Chet Gate pladlioso by Ire oo amount, oxonedloa Four numocc - ctrzoacp. iberbb, nebrdin otidena of the odosoboro of Imams= ym well . p Um!, abilb ky- and divb. 10 - inobt tith prompt - new oil tiob4/tie. 0114a4 NC. _, si_L is ~u. 01 170 • • lAitivrostis ); r Jules D:Nernet, Caps 4 Jollakitiosda wand r. Ithriver, -George B. Jens, "Dazdoi.Wsilaw. V. Ramos Lan. Ltes; Prwiea.sks. , or.r.ruipfri•Am • 1014,t rums Loeft4 dwarigtbir year ista—.::::..oo6,o6t+ ..-.. ... zkiiiicrwa32' '' - 1 iihariea ti.Nsneser.. , . Low loft Ibirdtaid In lawis, — .Tigic.b IL brattb. !LOU. V 4104. Edward. O. - Dale, David N. invwp, . Gee. W. Iticherth. estand Groat ' , .1 aeons Adm. .011.6.11 JAN N. U,A.NUEL Priwidend .-- irDwArnro. DAIS; Fk 4 4 Presidoet. Mr. .b..E.'zigli../3.0 darppnpiess....l. , i. J.,IMIDNIN'CONZIN, ligeat, mys OMeo Northestit. ax.V6calrThird 10. —....--..................mmerrerimm. - , IV ESAN .Ll , trit.l : - UB Mai, , . li - Ist ' T Of Fitt3BUILGH.: e- .„.!,.. • -: ,•_ .-- --- '' - 41.00.4111,*; Prorkel. .1: tilLiicisiiiliji -, hier;• -: = :. oem, So 9R- Wrier stort h emg. ; Op.'s W ar. librAevtpirtikreg,t - Pittabrette -'Wali44/..t.tiol444.l44.4irdt.rpiira,Aurt Marfor litigi. - A /19qu'.1.~,44-014.404 by Directors ithe ons idlii:Mookatiti:tha wo i • ediii• 'are aster 4,4+ , ..4, by proit44oca mod ,biberal944 - to -praitharb Ow 444,-44r#10.4.- .4 they lari‘roilkaid,,rffiiUrriew du reile - _ xf ,.,hr ow.. wh. aww,..w. Mr . I , - Afi'Aris, 0 0145851 t 30,, isa I 4tocr...4ncoratr:-.-....?-11 00.000 Oio lortymer. ......:-.....-................. 24 60 IX :011140.1412nXcr0.—.7::.-X.::...Z.:. 4.5“ 0 • OPah<C•cP.l.4Wl 49 -..,-t,,..-,..,,...... 7.susw tio 1,- ......-.-....--.......,..i... 14,461 90 P44941;07.a......644::::.«.% 97,ers 14 ti : ° r . • ,1'!?illf r"!"' 491 ! 41 r.' 7 :t .. "! 'rr".•/"A aa " '-`_ ' efisimiii: ..-.6.3111Wit i Jr...- ', . 4 4.- Amdree , r , lWkleY. James 11.4Ablay. .. . , ~.r4rzwiter, Speer, - 114444iitti Ifolenr; • , .' -1 - 114 414 mi.? Loin. Ale y- Maack, 1 Bas- &Timm, A u l tston. P.o.-........._ "Beal:P. firtewell, W 11Bafik, , ,- „RA, B . Warns.. ;ay* , :-_-:;...!:; 7. - .. ,P.'/LOStaltol9. betesky".. I,It4bUIMILNOZ4.: ' *.-ftL,... , 11•.•.. 73 - N, • INS , 011, COILFT, ONAOILTS . , .• . bent:we:to. Of the Eitateefirspil.; • • gittifax4l:liis:likiniranee•Compaisy. itelAntoranen.l3o,ka Olinda AnullaiiisbU4oollll path, can , b obtsined Pp. sgsald4plea, • • .. • : 5 - - k:raitig Magi r 1,1 .. • • _ .fratdly pagsley's Etalkite4hatte4sr West bQTn _MR9t.ku9P i cto , ;94"Mr . .agek •S Wad " ;.,•40,4i1PUfrilky ti' "thameaci triir "b= k 'SiaaQ bifXIS nr . • - 414 ,4 1vatetk: -jabs as pay I tat urrepieweis. ms low and dump P. 7.41 1 1: Ami ..; 70 itho i v Y ITS t 1619'4 in& n Ease J. Pad* , B.,.*Trestop. • • PkVi.A" .9#0.P4114.*-.1 „ ~,,r7acters . ,:kLIAXIEENT lONSURA.24___,OII (Xihi .41416 Ulla ON P/TtaBLERGIL s uasivlti?. arum .tp t sp.4. 81ack,„.^ ,,,, ,•,No :ail .014,18- of 111fortne BIM 6 1 i , ; , m ,1 7. 1 t•ii.701114? - : • ••; - iiim re•-:-,--ii...“,... I,i4k 74a 1109109,4p.midut Rd AA 7.tk. ~.,,M.l . .APtlifte lltal. / r e e, li S raso Jona, l'•-! 7 : 7---l rdeisIfiVia= JOAealviognif azghla..tieftikJ 1 A ,t4rT a t_r iti v e4 ?. ; . ' , 'S & . ilkEh_altmooler• .ge bta m f• 'a * ' • ATIERNIC BRAESMO : z .! cs : •thibIEA.II4k , CRIMPORD , . il'eff# l l#: suss WOES !OR 12KUKBKRIOVILK OS ASp <-4?9gr1F411.14.. ih ''l3llA iseernthl e. a ' sll-4 "`l d yrkt=o" 4 " D Voßtitat,. eAro AITTP46,IO4IIPAIMUSEI paiassiimram... - :Tad' iglat" attentioli pad 4,..otaiiirsElltstraill• igtios Pu toukl; B,RIEOSSROK___RWw , - lOsiciilitterlar WidenlWwwww el Row ir/Wastia Ow *deice KiLgid,k'rfillbOSl. l . 'AOC -R411 2 :.011XPRK Pear. tastescent s I'4OllOW so .1311y1144 }111,1144111011 , to pt tat al brat, - 5.d willllitovr non thas. imq 4A, NI , 4,,Wit115,24104.5 45 i 67 . ", b•;;;; 41 itranto4;l? 41441ivi.Wi:-. • bronallsonriassow And Aguas be lb. btu • • . Itecpini* aZIPIIMA-4,!10f ltuai;vataisAi *S:—/kaffildit taidkin -4,.Y.T1F111e5it446 "- - --Absies#l l, - , M 2 •soOkl—.," inglign
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers