-Ya (honours= now rum mina SUM' Askil.ll -- firivo - easeKThat alieiniireibatabrofik sect et Atil.P l l l P lwaen " !..Iliarptroprperelirsopg. ll32 ° *kV, ,41/1144i4141/604.1 . Att. AUtihree;' aid) foe tholoareridle_tiirty, - eigh - : -.--7...*141-hilditkitrY•lpoonsii-for other, •" approved July sixteltliOightien • -and nutty-sirtsionali.hil conotaed f.....-So_Werressesho'indadesof-theibiperinte nd dotal Übe Comenwor the 'Alielstant Post ' Aliprifed • ebrnary 26,1868: wa: 447 ; atrilo prating coirespondenee wha sl'enticied the =bedew aid - Houle of Hof eluratited Mates al Amen , keen (keep* I dieorabkiC That Kerry Ter..n .31/01/111tibillito(dthit ftf she:TaiLea. knifes, pr~petng weal= thereitiastd itaiding in .nay foreign conater, Mali Without sitseffoi-orontitority-of-thVGdielwient of = ,ens United Wows, and with the : inlaid to :11.eiess thet , rneashrerr- qbh!said- - Govern:- way their eel - Mu, li - hottl - lirimaitheinitOrmttror , nutty; itatOotriyandetreeor litikthafirsvAtitrailithAlsiboreserl_reuand- - -lid rehet Goverunusat i er with say officer or _ -'avataskaard, or_orith Roy crime:individual aetiag Or sytriparhieing,. therewith; or if day meth personabore mentioriedinotdoly , authorised, atudi -conned ca. aesiet in any --:litiolelorrespondenee or-intercianne, with - IstWat as. ofonosidi' he van be deemed :vilify of a highinisiwireatior, and, On eon .- viatica before any 'court' of the -United _ Shites hwrin_ig jurisdiction thereof, shell be , punished try a furs not exceeding ten then : . nandrioltars, and: by imprisonment not lees nix months - nor exceeding Aire yeara. 2.` dad be it Jurther enate4, That - 'idrowerthe-offento isoonntritied - in -any for eign country, thir district west et the United Illtows, for the - district-where the offender doll be first Writsled - alien, have juriedie -';‘,40#.081-704ari 28i-1888- . _ - .4s] IiNTACT 4o amendan act entitled "An sat -0 to prevent members of Congress and 061- aas of the Gorerament of the ljnited octudderstions for 'iproenting a•sracti, ollosi, or Ilse* ftoto tint • and for otherpurposes." 'Saab: and Bouts of •a *Use as Stater, of Amer , ism- in' -Cbsgreas tussah/a, Thit the pro : 'Tido= of Said act sheathe so cosstrued as ---- temslasnecivigentittptellolernineht of the'lldted States. • - , Apprc!*,:F4trairi 25,1868. rt4FILOVII -- INTELLIGENdE. 001Tellia011 - of liietliMist layme; which - Met In New York, en Wednestley, thill*itiddipt measures for the intro- . duetiori`of lay-representation in 'the Gen eral Confereito• of the M. E. Church, is re -Irsess atid as having -been a grand affair. llimiliais of two . hundred delegates, were mint. doe. Cannon was called to the ::sad after-devotional exorcises,' the alai:roan, and Judge Bond'of the only Jurist in liiryland, it iiMaid, who, hid the courage and decision to put his hii upon the rioters who had killed the Miiimohnsettii Soldiers:—lnade brief ad dresses. The • permanent organystion placed Es-Gov. Wright of Indians, recent ly Minister to Berlin, in the chair; smisted py t. "), Tartics:CrVitte Preeldm4. among irhom we nolitieEathankiitiolmes of burgh. The only PlttstOrghtirs present be sides Mr. Holmes, were Alex. Bradley, Frs. Salem, J. B..lHabley ant_k J. Horne. The froomedings were quite harmonious and the dismumlons were -conducted in' good spirit. During its seition of' Jiro days, able speech es were delivappribi.Bialtop Simpson, Judge Bond, Ex-Ociv. Wright, Bev. N. M. Hatfield, RE-Presidenl Allen of Girard College, Alex. Catiminp, -- Esq., and others. The Com , adtiee - on Resolutions. reported a preamble - and resolutions, whisk we And condensed to our head by, the Pittsburgh Advoeau. ' presilable ritiords — with — giatiutde the . 'prosperity and growth of Methodism, and msoimis. the Identity_ of Lyman with all. its . intiresur. This is followed by eight rm. , I *ffirt. l-44belleved that the time has folly come for • more intimate union of 411, laity with thistslercr in managing. the Interim* of the Church, and that prevision should be made for an equal represents. tlersof the *Uri* the General Conference. 2. loy representation in the General Con ference is asked-because it would exert a benelicial influent* on all the interests of Iktethislism. & It is raked because iris right, ai well as expedient., 4. It is asked because no siffirdimt reason exists for ex . 4,lo,ol4 c lholaity from the General Confer. rtes 3s'ref~ieaoe fo the itineracy. L. It is 604 because a co-operation of the two ..,olsaiel would ba abetter security Igainst 'AMMAN& The sixth resolution appartita • tioivention of lay delegates. to belteld,ht Philadelphiadday 17th,1564, to take such cation u may then be deemed pupa. 7. The seventh appointed a oom . —..ogtiettoUtlftion to confer with any similar • 'Otaisaii• y appointedby the Ositesild Conference. 8. The eighth ap• plated $ committee of finance. The Fi • asnesk_Committee reported $ . 15,040, =es -114 to 'Carr* in the Present moienient. Thai= of $7,750 was immediately sub ' Seethed. The report on the State! of the eaudzy wairihe!k adopted. The Ocrnren ,A;'...) ,1,4111173,41161,414,1A!0rf1* ' • t reporicc, 'Oa the 1114-tero Con onai ,Chprohes in Minnesota, only Aims, tilt is self-supporting. —The Pittsburgh Synod of the Evan- igallealLutheraz Church vtll hold its nez -- anitteroonventlon In Trseport, Pe. , cam tosnatipg the tldrd day of June. --Os New York Obsenvir states the fifteen yeses ago a reddens in Boston made "`" 4 le g gme one fialf of • ten • • -es tirsa tyelollar library, on condition that Lw:Odra applying should raise the money far the paysien4 of the half of • library. 12issosult is that. 2,048 schools have now bests ...applied. with libraries under this :proposition, oostfng the founder of this 11,869 - 111: . These schools hoe in -14,474 teachers and .80,176 pupils. • - • , -41wForty-sixth Annus' Convention K the Protestant Episcopal Church in the . . • Dhows of Ohio, will be lulidatt at Akron, bblo,o Wads - 185day, June 8(1. ~, • w0......Thu5..1,18th - ;4l.4uktiO Meeting of the " Idlilsteritun of Wlll be . hold Valli Blinds*, mei 3114 in Btl • : :;Istileitittrob, at 149.aingiya;•_ ulihlissionary Confer- - asp, held last December, quite in animated astern es took plsoo on Polygamy,* 'AA • . 7 ,rlibriP _MI: g . , .- -;--, ' . , ' -: filf Mutat ralwardes rai d apa kest Oa pthiay, is whisk he ' advocated tie A1e .1117 oettrerta of ell but the flretwite, • l. °meal dime* ou any ground but illotAiUttl.:: The ..13,0. Mr, Rata teek* 4ffilieltigier; Caudiuriii ths!Poir • " 4 before eoutieultut should be no ,'la . • ustibe ltted ~an:.,: ..• 4: 01-:.- 11 - 5 - , zt; • = ,--.1,,,,:••,..5•••.4dtP,0;•••;.--.:-.4;•yA-,v‘.c: • • • ?..3V• - • 7 ZP%-.'.7,y- " to commence the poetics, or . to odd to the mother or theist'terairßdi iad rtiC:': PgYEarittshi*X4lol-4-44enll* • ' office the . thurnh. 'The Volfirerich - !bout 404 1 0 al'ildetkOnthe *Neck gie g 14 - tita Clis» iceralately held In, Pitualbripl4% , a brother watirepriccanded by the meeting' for "haer itrga piano in his home, and a tarrespond utility, that had. he noir& been mien of wealth and •Hborredifynruld - Probil l l l 7' hare been expelled. He protested against such internment% and says that it,la no worse to heep a planolhan to 'keep 'hors* arpfetares. ' - —A merchant of 'Bolton Theloiging to the Cell gregationallsis) bas 'recently erected. sills own' expense, and. dedicated to God; ilrotts'e Of worship, which : will - Seat 750 - iilllollll. Be distract/rat te stain may ways. remain free. _ , —President. Bannister - of Ala bleat°. dist College Jet- Banta ,-ChmB Califor n ia, states that More thiiii'fortj students pro- , taxied amanita and tailed ;with .the* lant'itesitin.; M. - Church in *Apt's e Idetho-, diet Episcopal Church, bra easureed . tharer: sponsibility of purchasing ifillierirne rersity, located near Xescia,:-. It will require $14,000 to pay Arr. It. Asti* mea sures lurre T,been adopted by semi' of annual. conferences of that body to raise the money. ' - • • -A pew easel*s decided in the Con alstorial Court lately by thelter. Dr. Todd, Vicar Generale( the Meese of-Derry, Ire land. The Chrcith. Hardin& Of Tondender ry had, with the consent of she' : Dean and Chapter, allocated certain of the seats to Parishioners,,Whieh - wis objected** other parishioners, and the proceedings were to set aside the allocation. In regard to the rights of pew holders generally, Dr. Todd laid down the law as follows: "There is but one observation further I. desire to make, and ilia addressed to those who shell be allotted pews. I wish them to understand that such allocation glyes them no property in the pew. All the pews in this church are the property'of the Bleb op. All a parishbuer acquires by en sack, cation of a pew by the oburelwintraeus. is a right to sit In it, .a mere easconen4 he, has no right to exclude others from it, if he and his family do not occupy the entire Of it. The church-wordens have a rightio; fall the pews, even those allocated to parlshlimere: A man has no right to heap -• pew pied." —During the session of the New *hoot Presbyterian General Assetebly in ' Phila delphia, • spirited and prolonged Pens sion followed the reading of a crommunia' i ll= from the Secretary of' they Union League, in which it was stated - that the :Israeli of the members of this Aseenibly had been placed upon the roll of the League as visitors, and that a cordial invitation Was extended to the members of thobody to visit the League House.. . . Heys. Drs. Smith, Skinner, Brainerd, Albert Barnes, and others participated in the tileaussion, during which a spirit of the most. enthusi astic patriotism prevailed. It yes finally determined to visit the Union Liao, Club House, as an ecclesiastical body. —The Preebytery (0.8.) of Allegheny city-will meet at Pine Creek, Allegheny county, Pe i on the second loudly of June. —lt is stated that $16,000 has been secured for the purpose of sustaining • Bib- Deal department in Allegheny College. —The Bev. John C. Blise, for several years a resident in this community, and well-known from his prominent connection with 'the inauguration of the l'ifon.day Business Men's Prayer Meetitig movement in the halt, was duly installed pastor of the fiticond Prestirterian Chinoi4 Carlisle, Pa. Prof. Samuel J. Wilson, D. D., of the Western. Theological Seminary, Alleglumy, Pa., preached the sermon on the (ocarina. —The British &yaw& says a number of the edifloes in Eogiand alarm us by their. *lmpiousness And splendor, and 'adds, that the temptation in that direction is to overdo, and that probably, in -scone eases, this error has &beady . Wm commit.. Led. Th► Boston' Pilot says that st sister of Horace Greeley is on the eve of becom ing st Catholic. - —lt is reported Ms relish:ma interest in Haverhill, 'Masa, still continnee; one hundred and fifty having Formed comer elan within sixteen days. . . LOCAL . iNTELLiaidvez From Yesterday's 101n1Pst -- ... Coa t O il , .... Important - Ur . - 11heflmeri.- • , • We hare been furnished with the following sop, of • letter from the Doputi Oonmaissien sr of Tetanal Bayonne, annonsoist s decd . sten ray important to she Martuhicturirs of oli, to wit : -.' , " ' L . TUASIIIIX Derszensar, • . I • • 07/W/I 07 lITSZIAL - EITIOIIIII, 1 Wssaiscrror May 27, 2863. Bra : Tour litters of April 21, smiths nt h ~. , ... lust., her been reeetred. In mayor I hams to say that ander :What 96, coal illuminating.oll, mad, from l'anigise. .and Sanaa*, Which are the prodeetii otabe .distilistlon of noel or other bitiminots tab- stsnees k enumeratel in asitiet 76,1 S indieelto 4 duty of Us essta•per galion. •' : ! . Sento% as s product of distillation, litnib-' Seat to soduty of Ana per oiaturn ad redereie. . • .- Yours - ' zespecifolli, L • , . - . • - YD. -11oPirsemi l " 1 . .• - - Deputy Cloiltmbi i sienar.' ' I Davao N. Warr. -. 2 . . 11,9,4 - . 5f0l 23d. phi- 1 ' • tiled; AlliteaiitY ' ,Ta:- - - -- ! Motu tble.otheisl IntapretatiOn of sion 96, it appears that U- Parallise.:autt Ay cube promirmiesaestsireigrodstettip that dlitWatiou - then the Wahl Of thill liogether without disilliation tor uliail 140(444, will subject the i roduiltiat' 2o )Ctat Of 003: per matt: id . r . OnSui.... , ;ilit .11 Ilte Pitrohno, and Beasolosra the' predoets of disidlietloni .an illumlnathie oil made: by !OWES Ait subject to a tax of tad Oita pstr islio , _ is no doubt, ands; the jaw , thlitAll ill ~, _, ? tr int oil made from smalipartifeultis • *am , uuderroos distillation:3a any 4mist of pro.. ssss s is abject to a duty of ten eats ion, and w• 'ntidniidsnd that Ahh',Colloolor,:9! the 234 Dlitrist .14144 Maitre" to thhif PA-. olpls of intnivii44,lom, ~..L. . . :;: ~..,,,,..: Chaigo of Milbazikoneitr Kr. J. W. Creft, optimist's* imerolsoi ft Smithfield street, has Wilt arreitod add , cow. mlttad to jell by the Mayerito sliver it charge of embesslemast,•prefinid by iGiSerih W. Walsh, of /bark' musty. _TM ail/let* Is that Kr.,Welth poasliaodl,i9t Of h t i oes>4., Ors% iriMtts betasia and tarsal 'arid dellemosidek- wag saidAiitfi site -rsta Mil made of the moat,. Mr. Craft edioittaditity ill sold the ema, toot iralqi, es 44 meson; forgot pails)" ilisr 14:preelletMitlf, ha had not men Kr. Walsh;:-.14:1* pistdao *NM, yet, sad satbalatalgiinnb llwassoimluad for trial: Thessooased ,. asase here from Jay- *its ematyiand boa bearjfp'Wlialla Oa% 41 - Latonso vs 4 Wiaaar:lia4 'Laois sad Thooloi Thomae,, W (both WS as tlair,dloalao maim toilleat4 )aio. baisr **OW So Par biJostioi Xo/17, . W so mar fop ties laraosy of a Goal Wipes asap, tie piety of Pa7l4Aforai ,surd at oaf OP" !laY D _ , avosoussr: of VaaA, 2d V , '. 1 4.4 4 P 101 1131 0 01 * As*llmid4oo- idartir Sod Otaal. General Synod, of the ~Soleel Tll4L,P l itineklAt Ul t agi rMe MIL). he Msousion on the intaiiiiats 6 thi consimitlop prtpritl, atter ,th. litspatch of ourepettliro Monday... , Bit. JAllot( user was followed-by-Sea. J. W. Morrison, who said' he 'UM tiallo for euyeeedematuaion somMidag ine maid about thesuitiet of de . on. It Ine_theit moved that the pupen be takenwp s pitiably its,tl;sisi : Rsatibsg which Synod adjoeite/.. • : , - L, In ttis eitirnote dediseseiou ere tans ea, wheb a*Mittn - to ,I4fer that Whole suite' ie spetsriogeHtie 'erendied: The Moder- &tor .theauffshintail the tfbikrunr penmen ma utemben of thekclenelpe I fine. gated,' Donee, and We/ k ik:4 ir,iin. EltimetitV Bretueuerillortinik: " L'` 2 )&eoleatjalbit eleuliiptioltedisuni fi nally ; it bee nekis tleXite, iieforeed Prely-' tareaChsvilip,Philadmipkison,..tie.lid - Wiii. `aeldie of May, lilat;lVlN p. so.Pilibetua. .a IrioLemiumAr_tbs - §bduilto -nt Jokallelaietor to be Waiter:tato Rii. a: 1i: EMMA" zata., was appotitiki delepteto tarniqtftlarid.4owsibly of the -Trirstehtiralt tomistia nOtdo,,Okle a , Mated 1 - a '.. On Tamiday, thilistai, antenatal at ` iii. tar/ CO • tht Intoktimel/ *attend mi.. - . Ohaplabt Wyatt la MA than: ifho l :4eudisis was Thule Seminary wall. roads estoopto4altd mod e . e oak/i4 the day for the afternoon.. The reports _of Gm -Otto mitteice Presbyterial ItopOttiriiira l rtutere of Domestic Missions wars mad sad salvers& In! the afternoon setae. Ma Cranford asked to:be snug from- thawing kis Mi totic"' address untll leaf pear.. He woe an- The report ef the Bead at Foreign MIS . - steno Wetted to_ the , duck of Dr. Gumboil; recommended the Dworman of the !UM of Ile inisiionarles," and 'poke" of the iodising. health of Bev. Jos. Caldwell: Itulse stated that thopropriaterd dm Bauer eltU Commit woo-desirous of disposing `-of: Mud-giving it bask, on certain terms, to the Egentire Com mittee of the Board. • TMs , ocasiderition of this report was nada the ordsr'of the day, after the disposal . , of the report of the toil mitts. on rho Theologies' Betsipur. : - Thersport of thsßoardof Domestic Minim tudiamendid that ROT: Johnlioarlasi D.P., and Bor:J. A. Grawforttbeimpointsd • com mission to proceed= to Washington and Wm points But, and aseettals.whot can ; be don* towards the . utalibdtment, of a Minims among the freed Men, sad report, at their .earliest convenience, to the Bzetative Com mittott7tihrilme utherind, should)~ho report bilivonibli; to establish Ttidi mission. Bor. K. Hataltaw wat-noosumanded' togo to the fieathwast on a similar idedon, and, on ma, lion, the name of Bar. John_ MOWS' vets . added to the a eithateitena ogatioa. -:. TIM mitt ~adopted. Ihe sum of $lOO was votelf to.sapplemant the salary of Bor. Dr./3181k of Ilevatileatlii. i r Promodod Utile okdst of Yktkli 4,11 ' ablerUloa °flaw report 4011 tits - Theologiesi Seminary. It wu moved asatiotitato tor. four of Alteresolatioas that *ear be referred , totho owe of Chair rum Ma' *testes. Pending this,- i i woe . that Inaba bold au Aderfordror aeetlag !for .the mum .1 fuming istronbitanduago tif,opia, lens oath* subject ...I:1 - , ~, .. The Foreign lessioury report wed then takonap,oad a good deal of discussion -fat lowed la testi= to tbs ileum. of-rise ._ Orre wait. Pandits this, Synod loth a :eons to go into aturfoosau at T,if p. M. fined met- as Wednesday moralist at 9 o'elook, and engaged in easnalmstercdses for three quartets of ea-haul , , A motion was nudes. to*Frio dela. guts tamest with Gall-Pi soltlyt to Con.' moil Xenia this Musa, „num noted to lay this reeolutierel tai ' table,. idsmtnich as t h e 11. D. Assembly had not repeidea to a proposal of this kind umber U. disk some ran iago.. , The Clowatttee oa lflaaaae read *els - port. • -/t was, after sena diaeaseloa o adopted t Promoted to thearder of the day, As aoa eldersLoer of the report_oe the: Theolesioal Seminary. The roll eras' aid nab member allowed ire &baW to 'Webb) 114 dlsearelea isia prepares' vs dose 43er , , ImitenstiscDlalegao. The Harrigan firleraph sop the follow. lag 4xusuned o day er two ago, betweth two soldiery Jest paid of eaailbobargod: • IFYrse &Mier—Wall, Nod, we have jot our gresabooks, and we hare woe a little , route titre as soldiers, so that To oth now go lent. with sad be metal* of ea koastr , " able video= at the- bawls of oar Mesa bad relations. -Seeend Soldier—Hornet go' hose, did: yew say. Bill? ' • - i Ara Soldier—To bo we I rethioas. Alai low gob g- Immo I ' - . 1 ' Sewed fiarlisr.—"No I Letae WI Joe Irtirl "ala's going hose ; I have es Prolth 11 home so there le oa the bealth of_theiLeUgh —I . have bro th ers too - paterte itiltbroillen Thoth "Cleve and who are berstWall wi th S mother wile loves oiled artoal aiake, bat," lad no soldier hog his hued fa slialpe,."joy . father b a bitter oopyertimmid.-11thini s hake la ray pods* from sae of utilities, - 10__whisit 1 rho mien; th at father bus Went, se Mow is the nolghberhood for ids tresses INEspethis that fair shunted fry •ble teigithomi pad air_ 1 sylsod by ell lit former ibleads.—Voisitot go home to than that &t, /- wilethalej4•l la to proems Niehaus I bur troth Ns or by re•rallsibt sad "-Sitting' Es dabs of .the Gosersetsat midst ay latiatia Atte Wig to &rpm sat dishessa.", -. The.:. , i' sit-" deft,rooted by stissity- ereettelilifiAll eassyseloas sad was soon tootle, ,thewii 'blob .theaamigo( the abbe 'MEL : Ifeathat the. fathom of that hosnakry they yotholsoree pea, for Ls lowa ay i l i latilag .to ,theags his • tr. lay. his soap there. driesa loss to dad lore eadAsityla thierealts the gloriosa de !radars of Ala eoaatry, me day fat llte home of his shlldhoop &eased of elf Salts , tress:44le sad ooriardly, Sad bo smlooree& to it by the aellei of Wawa*" rad brethas„ sad sisters whoa be es sisserely-level:. garrozgllmarra : •If it, wag sot alma._ wellkaawa *Meths ataAs of hods* strait ara ,Ziolt3 Commas. arm& llil*lol us swWail to tiasovorialady inetroula fool Witt aboittriva'aStragrolars Meta aIiI OO2 TMCW .- * Idietreal aktlro , ,aorgai r ausigans44. ' : taao saw emir, for se me ostragrasilisator do de 'reptiles goat* at ageeragt %Aiwa It' this 'today. rola roporgaramst Altaiiali. taken do emir, -yritykliglatmqa min - la. aorriale arg'dolot, gall ,16hava oalga afar* War, lola fii MILS . 5155:0 Aii j wk. / loartialegotatry Madam wawa* r t of the lovormaaat, aldose' asp wsr ot ap pear/4f • iaarf iglir OW aila ma- Plqtalg'-,41.111"t0. .4 oNUiP itim .} :...Vlii• tr lami r ws4:-Xth. 'Germ of Masi strait gate, a 14.11 1 oraMsa legargirt.Wait '04151 XBD is .roftsttkii;-40 1104140111:49 . 04 * i lifitl• - • :atad,wholia moarlaihatgalitesagt wltlr the Ganalarr of Maim do !WOW t ills titiviatolthea , er,•di_Wgkarg to or iiiioq. 4.10040 1 11 -1 A . . b e this A 04...4.. - 7 , = .1.1...1 .ir 4.1.4 01 sytmailtilampodliatikaidor ontio, 44,11004 st thiptiopaklsit**lfhat atm itionas i a WI S ' 010.04000;30 IFfiW oar 41 4 14.gaitela a of a Bianca 'Atterici'lasOixigia as foit:•e Irish laboras ea is o'cii"auelit biro pai skid• • •rifue itimatkr !angora:l *sop lif. Mitrifiti***V r a - Ain ) ,thi;, At, .. mAftwablt, O- A* min goemsootea,gar 'itiarsuleit Imo that sic 64 iiiiallameogagamitedaiamate. l i a ti Zej_ly. Jeeka46 Their moteiro i th.sl, 4. Bialthittagieisk • Dial ial Goloakaa, W Illake! Oolomait. i 1 Alio — .ffrodura..6 l -ttit k erAikvies , :tiTtil***). lll mi .lll 4: . tongs l'all primmest of 11 - atfaiii 61440/1111 0 0 6 1 far ratiVir, x Pots 411 a TIPPOINeme at 5 011 / 15 . 04.14 pigasmf .3nriatags. A atrdigaltaalrattastaaa Wilted - j ! ltAisi =jordir atom 4 f Attatial Saito: oa • Warp of threeham: Sidi lialW, - A6gareaVai "It Is sin roMI4 din& ISM ko a oaoolor istiff limakt 1 ' - --..-.,).7,-7,t, Homicide Ia Fayette eounty., r,ib CE , lbliall,thaald. Gauges Aownahlp, . dletteletinudyosn Saturday last, . argon ' Unabated in the_ tilling of one of the'eotn batsitak A * t-phrs that Henry liallaby. and Josopt4 Epley bad Toweled some ten years ago, inalbat the grudge then engen: dared :atiikltsiten4,3title.ibina. 74plaY - had been indulging triefy; and was eider the In } Sumo, of 414kwer.---11e had ohm off ene'sr. two, newton, puraulng.bem wi a revolver wad fixing after them. 'He had j t robbed from a elma as Mr . Mallaby ate pod ' Oat di ... a.rv it.Atare th o few , to OMB our • striei to - 4' Wadi& .biihuste,: , jedsin if ploy -7-411,1tim,by--,the maw*, and dornsadtd outbillallam forth, old. grudge, at the - tame Anus cockles and floustihing, his reblver: Ur; Maltsby ordered litta to Wind off; bit the warded to hove -nothing totdd with. dim; ladtkdat inlfy nonviurwinket.gpley Wallas -1 ElWlnffr , _ shoot, Nabbed out hi,, own' tea', Oa died, baba altering his wean zit,, a iblt,itesidag downinids ; and lodging bet the , shorldba.- -They , was ; fisting 4111 Agka iliatit the- aet , netnused mh quieifir than conaiteh time to interfere . 13 ployelag off a 'Win COI end.ink down - anddied 4 - it IniVianifies; -tartly 'front the :ion of ,b100d , 114 tie: ban :hiving . eaters& as : infernal /e': l 3tt , dtosamedr marl .% non tkithays thirty-year, et age, and korai with Ind one or two - Wafer': - Mr: laralaby la wane ten Ivan his ientot; load has alto a wife and tam -1.14..41.,..a fawn in easy eireatastaneee, and mach seepeoh4ley the nommualq.. ' DoostiOns to"the Allegheny Ladies, Donation' neeired for theoremic ending May 28th, the Allegheny • -Ladles' Aid Society - for the ileklifil wounded "Allen: j• Mrs. Ma MoGonsigle, eons tecnetoos ; Mrs. John Patterson, SS religious poets, 4 c i rdauf soap, and Clans of l apple - batter; Xn, Y. Outhrie,Vini totrn"hip,l crook . leattervhfn.aen.- Robinson; 18 bottle" pure 87 1 0 8 •4 810 •3 Mrs. O. Rbeir, ,3- bine jars plemalbly ;. Mrs. Beale, 4 .copies Rerper's B 061;, amok deli& 'apples; , Biwyerk2 lbs.lectuiT A'.Ladyi 4 papb., . a sa.,iinrspipas; :Ladies Presby Win daireh, Sewickley" 10 shirts, 7 pitra drairose; Latia. pits Boone, 4drissing 'Tolle 'bandages and 1 of our, and 1 of resdingneat • tee; weishPhy ladles of &misty, 9 cotton shirts, lannel:"Mst, and. d pales &swan ; Bowe Atltde,lB ants. . Early Closing. She hissing tad notion dash» of our oity ea unaalaously amid no • hereafter ohne dish phew of• hostas.' at tis oNthsh: p. Wu affording as opportunity to thoir Hamer .one ersphyoss for reonsithin and onjoymsnt.• This too'ioment h Tory"oommlidible to the inerehonteitilteit bone of bullion', and we Anon thal,their worthy example 'wry be fol lowed by other hranches of tnida,Sl 'II duns - shoal hi "allowed 10 - tatjoy the. ironing of rettoinsr. ire look nen for a stmThilt nuns• went moue oar dry goodunen, as thirst' ne hatialed worn ishozious and oonfloing upon tint storks than theirs, and, indeed; our ma. &eats atilt; with adiantage tainuithes sad their odaphysla,low tde earlyelosing Ncrstritarr's Cluisamenflrecarios.—J. J. list, No. 100 Federal street, Allegheny, is sole spas for Al leeway silty. and general apat for the sale of then celebrated speolllos. Tair SICOID Vtaantta Ittataire.-a litter frog a lanabir of this mum% under date of May 23d=_Shat the regiment is again - PILOPOB4LI4 SRALICD , PROPOSALS are limited till Paths *Ns DS! or KU, 166;1, ulncrelook m., I<latomdelq a ttin Bsbeistatin Deportmilit with • = B. NUM 01 /1.00 Bide will_wind tat whet la knonn ea No. 1, No. it sad Ils3; and fir say - mon hen than tbe 110,0tlibtrialti ' • . bids tot different pedal elate* ap.n 'orparats *dam Ai t4liser la to oommenrad eat the NU day ot Jena, or ea do therearteri ea tro not. temsatit ,alse;atitbi vats of SOO %mole daily', dismincolue. ta• iliterisnisand:Watehroon to OrelyriaAitte. karres,sr at the Saihned Do- Farmd . made 612'0144es of -lidebted. ms, or_ nob dhar hank se the. Goistriarest .m 1 km OW dieultistion. r 14110,40marriannt Val= : „niN he midi Jut bidereZ nowt o mei en oath . eiNegisam most soy oath bld. ' No bid be enteredaied tram Media etho base .irrorldmar . 440. 0 Mgr: Oda their bide, or hoe . bidder, not mood tirreepon4.. I The berraU bOits# aoti Bide lie iffieo tot JO WI: A.. I . Jl. andO. IL,. IL 11. A., WaddagtOn ; end endow. 'pnpoeale but roar.' me=nd- ps taus 111 ClOlOl MU BIM WOlll4 nap 1 , 0464 'Stoat otaboot MO all. cat of A. toaad Iry Oro* am olbota be Wo. ray on bowed oa talOattot slaw of loi4, ocatatolas lb A021111.6n aldol ortobd tba lautaty, imitable &Yak Syst IS has IhrasseNvitla tile Wallop vocusay to the roctortol Matiootorrot IlibDu 61141111tiita, vAtb itano t 6 Dilltm l ll6l.lloollllk da lal lo tit Sao atodbloo. dab tam all& the croup tat whoa b iwasbattl, abtot Di filagt a US taW, oba ottieftb y Or not .Yew to Ws • blakft,lo .12 oor Yaw 4 lb, god oi Illiatio - Ot Toad. of • ails UMW, Ankh • In isethmeal oposinysksisd. tram= imam 1. ospotiod IMO ant. All tho on to goof roman odor, and In 1014tatil vow 1144 std. tboot.z. itot ramialoo shoo as taw Sot of 1011. ma, sad it *EI *OW rertlbr Wpm &oft t* oboe 7,lolrootioa out lams fide keenrik try opal- Nora so dr ot botatbar • 4 bow Oatto , ft to J. Clatnbtai s it mop &Myst Sonata Os.,Phir WO" . _ IiCITSUIL attittaid AD IRON kW, BAWL V. CM*. ate stmot o lltailaatioa. A ss tad O. laaa. . astollipstieltl mat , Ix the make et Era 190.1140 014 lobo Of pito aafiraid ".1411111/164-211-sea. 11104110 tow et W above lo Wei* Ciabels 11W1a2auarloaa. guidiamr tobaPeo,ettiounor taship se:rptibutek. um • aim:4W.. dieao4tmaktheAlse aithi , alitter =WM at thee peorthaeta It with. . 11 2!,111 1 34.4aWilkiteirtai make the PM then tail ta theartmest Tani% to 'the aa. 4 the troa tor width oath NI tat aiale oral opoiosaYscan say ethar The den Do naiad oay and aU • intioa• motto oasts! lad la the D. 04 orat maatxd • Mao 11111, lolociivoaloalli 'MUM hit; al add& "Flea W lim cs sumo _nun bonlas 'C iti of . mw bud, soutalant d Orthiluse nine nuoMillnattourau, n' stubileat 115 1 4 Y. lay Nan for Ibe unnalsolin of Funny nig% liindlidintod, NA unpin With natant' UuruPP1T,.....„..„.5.:/nO• /NOM:Ago& aloud for gunnel Li MO by in ellinfnuni-Ear—.lluninroduni• yipoll on In lasi. -Teenbunlin base 'ben to jays Air Ur. Inbt ; SU:7W lot_ untx. imbibe-1W senib' lining ail - Multinglinbaknut. 60 inns us. • " fat awn* %Moan ila'ran 'of in is 4111DWASD-Y0 0h0, .. Jgrop-zs,_olllle lll 4 of Osman ynporly Wan tty tbi up+ of Ans. s furibun. u a.l dinund of t a°^ ‘ • lOR thitlit;La very ,fleviividelFo , , —.emtver4ikieritimmmwomlYfurvilvd44 ea beemteeptaktmwooliA444i4ir leallewi the- Mr ifole 03 Pletie• - 71 1 • 1 4 4 4 4 , 40 , 141 1 0011. Ager hleahl= bitiehlkindl , onp , _ * 400 Eket 14141444.114 11441 % ,1 . 4 4 14111 1.40441444404110. *AV l eeeirg W r ial Tbe . Moe are estreaely deistrolhountelltieni4 AMON . a brit tragical the 4 ac oil arosind4n4=4l.• Alitliik - namii., AIitiALII6MiIaIiMIONZ I OM VLIALOVT,,OI e ur „ .47MCk id to a* Nauss k tittr et trolg, armor of Locust ottlit ond rhorAlliali waif tkloyoriaanira Ciromorold R, p. • . Mom, In4uhp,_ol7,l ! ,p alitrilaio. aii9'iV,tithpli . "lo.•4llror Brlshion; -4,11 serlif bltsttdibaOec Int =s ttabonolilsitoffibLisetisaltly. rim 01011'0 od Ihmanng limo% as. Ar te l . Bsalt /lam RAW itt Psi vierseal juloaq Olnitt. , :illso-sitairottleilya , • , /41 bilbnaatkiamplinsilisformi Oti , ol. ,1411110,11 - . ,t, • : SatililLAP:- 'likNowe " • - ' Briglitoo, us:44. A*. •0f, 101111 4 *the 'AV ail**4o of:Ohan s _ I ' ll!** 4 0.1111kPOomilL 'an4 stilew4Altesteibie . lolistUeliolli / - 14 - I.l — 'esA. , bibany *MI , . rhsetrndikomi.atintesait. SOMA ot • 1•••74•• br the ob. , '" PaiDelltlilW Act ion to o.n sad suable . the propuft. Pricks& MOD. ',7llNideser: ,Al.74fier Oatiliki. V.* lillA4 liliks;Pennemy iFot V MALIL-IM Awls. - Inagliiar' ,- Nabs 1041 lbw w it abriateffidivl ig ir ma i Ups = tam; sum eaws! ..4. 1-.2=i4 i laa, ..- I I i,L4vtarteclaci ct.adtrit! egito.:ll! t i ,',ll ,11, .000,w41.“3. c 1 t r - '‘ , ; q" -0. • FROM I CKSBITRG. HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS iieverate Fighting on !thin): FOR 'aux. ALT BIZWCULIITLE: Pi. LATE MEGIWKIc NEWS. Mg 4 l t t a. .i g4l6 .* /244nLi rOBTAFICATIONS TIABN MID 11E-TUAL O 1 r 'Lois About 5006. NOI kIGHTING ON SATIIRDAY. , Clem Grantiteinforoed by oneof Get, BlOtrir Corille OM, GRAffrs REPULSE ON-FRIDAY. The irmrSonfldenit of Final Tietorl. GOING RENEWED ON SUNDAY. AIL THE REBEL REDOUBTS CLPTURBD. The Fighting GUI!, Going on Puri . may on Monday. &o. Canto, Max 13.—The steamer Inapnial ar rived at Momphis, , front below;: an Monday Writing. - - Prom Capt. litimroa, n passoargwri we lain tam following . Tee light at Vicksburg, an Yrbiey, was deryerate. Gun. Grant oharpd tbs fortifiestions and took some of thorn, but this robots"raped and retook them, Thera was moth band to'hand. fighting.; CaPt. Stinn; sayi too lois on that day la . Mad. and wounded was about 15,090. ; The rebels lased hand gresadee Liritert our forou attempted to stormlbe "malt, It Is reported that on. of Genenal 'Banks' corps had arrived at Warrenton td reinforce General Grant C 29 Th — avoid . 1114c10, • • datefin the lisbinsaz Vieltsbiug„ on I fthe 211 d, at ' 9 o'oloek p. m., WWI say; there Ili beesn no lighting to-day- 7 8aturday. Our troops are resting from yesterday's assault. Oar repulse wu eomplete on all parts of the Ansi hitt no_ discouragement need, Us .eater: Mined of our final Maass. We us Intronottlig,ourielvon, aid banding. rids plia. : ,' The enmity have been Boit out towards Canted to maintain:the whontalxints of John don's tomes. Our loss wu not for from - thstunad: Th. Mies' spuds] Memphis dispatoli of Gun 29th, says thostramor finnan'', from Tunis. Point, L roportod lost. • Oa Friday the Yodarld forces worcropulsod at Vicksburg. Tim Mums Citk of Monipkis, tross!tio vi cinity of. Vicksburg on Monday, =lied to day, and pipits Gummi Grant u having saptarogStary rebel adonlit. . At one plus it minimalism owing is the , steepseis of the 1111, to seals it with ladders. Quaid kayo led the usult. 214 rebels rolled sluellsrdown the tills at the Faders% which exploded am* t them, itisklak fear hal havoc,. The lighting was ins os furiously when the City of Nemphlileft. The Federal lossu aH said lo have boils rA I'EXW'ESSEE. Spada Dispatch t tb• Mitabargh Gazette. Kumamoto/A, ?day 28,1863.1 The weather 11 Moldy and soot. Time - is absolutely nothing new her., lad Lsandiox a dispatch to-night merely to prere&t you from Walla; from the Wenn, that re, esik engaged with the enemy,. , --• 1 .. t As order mat out to the maps last -night for the troops to hold thermeives in readiness to aura eta =mint's maim 'lrish anent !Ina retipm,tarested some excitement; The repots M a fannidetble rebel Assam- Minim' on our right is hardly conlimmd, but gore Is probably , rebel gores amp In that Gt0144!..1° keep our rr°oo oil the watch. ..- keg. rem. Ilarditst has Waxed bfs res ignation on assesat of disability. I tradista reports hate some in from two or, three differeatseaross with roped to 'VIM*- , burg strain. So far as:they go, they )apr be considered reliable,: bat the news . in demi:* meagre, es it is probably antielpsu4 tam *Aar maw. , Ili, . Gen. Grant seeerdleg to the very la s tall- Moss, was still before Vbilsbarg. , . The Mel amounts of six ansatrosufal as-. malts spin the city are exausratione. They esemedto kareampinedeverr remark utiles into an assault. It seems oartaln Iciwever, that cam sins, Saturday, Grant did Make s pretty wand &Gook upon the isorkir, , bat failed to earry them, sad concluded tilat the puce was too strong to be taken in that way; Johnson has aot yetattacked t, bat wee gethariat his for* at a Past tot'hz thl i away. He marketed in moms way pent word to the ganison then lf they would hold out for Aitken days he mid bring 00,000 to their relief. Thls he d ke would: do; If he were ootoPoilod to don hest as* p i t portion of his de 1. /t wee mkt sap pondahaitkality could holdout 'astir Shirr taday at the , futhest, under Um , trvajuidou Meg of Gnarl ' i Illior vans of Wit U. 71 Is Area: ' - ' but I em ro• view. int ta.maticar tihear , : ',• . • S.. 26ecilialliiiikanifiliansoa Atililt:l4o4li . ioVultlloll2kseYansitedrakiri Iko ( 4 P**V' *KAltralfi•••l ll o l ka*LiNksi De' ~,66 l iia•tt .... flv•Lounis Mg 120;—A llfWatsade spesdai•of tbs,2Bth. says Uwe tie fralt: let- ofLtreunded 1 lamer/aye army hadarrised,air that: i Oaf, Ilasveahln. Una. ~17.141 • sad ?maker, olthalltlLlndlana; aid I.Wtt - Oor• of .- ablas.tka.24A Adfiona. Theo 11 "Mt = .l UM ladlisiaoo ablate 260 =id each: 1 "ous , ditfrviabora• &pedal is; ;that. $r *ides and crAge it 4 6 !***,* [ 1 1 *)°' their was sonth:„. , '.._" : ' 1 Vallindlighnnils the gash ellbeis, at lilt' itill handguns:re s in filtella vitiv. _ .) ' ' los Tohnston I s lap vesitytig iabatitaii, meats is the *lett, o Inn; wjtli the ta , s isatlos or attaohlan 9 t anew, 'Us fitra;., pertod tibiae WY t tit Vloksaari siali , hold otit ittntiiritgiii - 6:1 6 74,111 throw. one lisit) , , fired.62oWll4 Pin:l4 14 Wit ` ' ll.riblir-lVf rellatelitusent eras Coot of lierilotiiiir Ali „ , 1' 7: • Ilirkiescientii *lO-,Cluemlllakot;;:,' Ortieseci,lltey 9.=k speak' dispatch 2iomphts - iditk"Ure 26th, sari that a *h im% of the id I Whionsin:aavOry; a t, ell the asi•We Ilenraadereitd tea) Tie.. 'day, kilUag fourand oeptadag inn= 1 ." : , L - '• .•'' A few days Ilan le detaehoms if -- - „Are s as 6X Kans sad la brie' tunnl4, fob re. saperlor report foreez i t s krerdna l men umu b e ad lia lana s and drove *Small; Iti ' - '2nslK Os l-I r*** 15114 killed and tlrellWil +01110 1 1 414 0 01 ,.._ , ..*dtwl**6 o l l l6 billtb*lllb ,oolol4!.Thaptalaai Rau iris - loaf 1 killea: l nad't*intlieerbilided 'aid "seviitallnjawa r e. 1 • Oa elailatk last. 001. Bata tar si likt with SW or l 2llll l l 2 4l.oentllite, am} Eleaa *billable bit 'aflaalble' UMW/ ••• int is s u b m odzi,,,. , ~.. ..: -.,_..,,-,1 0 ;.. r, v. ;, ...',..71 , .. c..... c . v.. ~1 .; ..7".." -,-.., 7 ~.> .• , .v:: -•::: ) ::::li ! rAe..s , al,- Z.., ,:r.,- - ,:' J 2 1 , 1 :5ret.C... , 11 ' fp* TIM _RAP aftUrt **Ma ADD6IIBt7TO • MEMO ;I -4_*lol-1:**0:011/1f*wed• Ilfandlif..toM,O4UPß. 1 • rSoauizziii)ected. ;MOW/. 6N_;:4 ...isw. Tons. May29.—Tkalfircitd4ontaint the following dirpatatt i - '' ' Ifeadcpurstaie Atlas of the Potoouri 4 - May IL—The enemyisi v ia motion, their *sine le illit ohperrkruovipg.towarde. Culpepper, fol lowed by *heary-ootnnt of Wept. . -- - - G*9 l ' 14i..3,#' 1, kot hl t .illt.ittlied-on 1 4 6101 to hit army, oongrstulatipg„..tbantripon" their part sallisrsmagr, *4 AererWeitinir n raid tete /fariiisi. ,:llitilla—titsta:VeiY) are to ur' lolfCWlll "liPk Vittrithdit thritagit:*. - ~_. . .. ooatAry: vithinadrairmtdrAfid liolli open . 1 2° 111- 7Y .. l 4 .:„oo. 4 Selie ,i t i a , a ertireat h ihiPi: - - -:. , sz. , 2` - '' ' The trail if tieiealry;iiire ' , kph& ern for aeveral day, aiiiring,b4,.zeh divot et ragas', tele, ineetliiete 461aaii; Wen Pleeendisseewluierillaceivorid a.sarok eol-7. num pis - bias rapidly in the dirmthe of Cul peppen,iillartkortite t madam& craid ilitarr ging' ; to get 114 en betwerrt iii.trg o IThOlt Air* and 11 , ,aah- , tigtieri, me amble to detearinC.L.=. ' . = # Tomo= laen„ , thit:#o.edde;kaid 'Union r"3l.4"Y'alebilmOte#' .1.#3321.:01i!!•1110i1 .2neyttitarreteleAdir afoas f'tk4 _lfni.- A hr ..44w..1..cpitworipbeltg mown upenthaßoath bank, but the' rebel pickets lounge in the abode as anal,' aiparentlytito 'Mous td-all eperette4fieftiticet their ~ own .5 " 1671ii 31 1,'Mr1 1 #;V *Vihi l ia# 11 ' higton‘dirpateli says: ; , ~.... .1 - , It it oonsiderediby more military arim that: the rebevateatogi -bake to tarrceistug the trontter;while nary effdtt rball be parterilt to crash thant'a anny.r If he be not abliTter take vg4tl.lbglft2 starlit,Aelea:tequirad 4 _ a leer pariteu morement.o,footha;ailii' regret the ' eity;whiolenteiribientirk. sae regtea, - aad , will , tharsby'subli: libli',if properly Xotahli.to putt. liable iltectaber ,bra t° dm dir!lt...rifer,49f—Aiiattainiti' and 1 thirmbfifilllire,the early.l4 of ylokrifirr sad Port Hadirm: ' " '' . , , _ The New29.—krarreapendiest Ct the' Ilderalianaie Izehinei writes Bair Per_ nembneo : The Brazilian anthoiltddi ham db." plaoidAlue nomsaanderat -Serialido del Na tasha. forallowinn tkephsteAllininin sit depredations is Braxillazi titers: A'aew . eeinamular.aza seat to' the pra- - .nwitedeepeinzt thaAlabanurfornainian and ordered heri,to isms in ri , lea bat- eatorensatily, ha Malmo' mud cer.ite- with' which. re.enierechis , orders. Ulna irappored fs ROMISIMbIiCICCIaIat gill Alabama Whet youth on thot 2116, el April. , • , - • ,-, . . Iralliikiiii*ifitieunmuut;Ace4b. 1 4, - n4stiSok )ilsoinansintan 2 Aassr M. 27).2/ie . 1 1 41490 10 . Alcs, MarAIL-oVallanditiniwk : is now sit Siayvillis, Zona Ifota s = 4"l. 7=l, '1"--*"ora .wiskont sooonsplisldng nottilnyk-) -= • Th. Bth said.thatts _l rle portion of thalitk.zsemont will ro•intiLlCloi the rizoit ifAiniPiceON.! WAsammar, Mikx2B, 1863. Oommankrliszbirt Tgniond, ham! beenofi dg o%te. tiecDPlP*Plotlis ImaAgaii la gager, te , rPilmi 11441=1620alibrili: , • , - witrosviatuon; , . : Te Otsosalf#3l4l: fit -;.niall'ilsysalyl tagista44.iiiirqua l irii 2 SWlti GUI rued aitilifidrAP siltleif 0t it:4 o l V liPr eat am' . 1 4 1111 : 0 . 4 **4 so act as . • 11 " 1 " , a " 4 ailio ll i t : illi - .11 .4144 0 404 itai iialill3o A Aliirll : UrPc- ela t . ' - ' 4 '''' Itattris4 satirlisalif i aritlazal • iii. all alai ,ltVarritesE SW 1, * Aii» 7 4.4‘..0 1 m inch lid Llan l* WA aid 40bol ; t f 4. RAW' tid- VI pis siGAN,icitelfslrasifisiPW •bani oiit it; tabarAsittivt,it. km *lx.' oaten poaM4ba - tiottltkooML/Ipi °taw irlsoLprortasefor;"rii'taittble Setts .rats of f 1,60 pst la: Castingsital" pot,axessdiag - %a panisararitild'istait ' *ldea Us so. will boon 'aad rasisirsia rotary 'semi iiiratatfratas, art toady ilocome. ad M. knot, ; labia, ast,istkasise , prorated for. Elarirsisitd "hollOw ~"iiiiiiiii.`taxitlola at the rata if 'sl.;sllpit tok &too pososta, ;:ctott Iran awake Itridesay liatlttliet brift.r.perk masons strustaru, is taut/Wit -as rats of .$lOO pa tau a 4414 A Panadift ,' . ~ I. h 4 1014 to: Utittml*WoCiUl. tli• fait • glop or Stooliaktizaktif(o . 4 4,i.kbrifitri 1 / 4 Utda6, Wither partaittaaritrustirsar* dieriAtiPPV'ti*Pidiuseds4 ,4l 4 "mina I* aftattkraciui orlitatstl4‘spa;atire-aii. indict IVO 404 la mod }}'or-not: at Uto - option'or tholull4rOMlKf to omit (tufty m moindlammildo toAtio itztustme alitban(no amatil mtaolarloy, - 44 MT. um: '4.11 - IMotOt trot UUMlCittilotiom ocapioto o . ktim pt.'lliMeiett4terittdolt co* parts o o f 011001/1011 ite *di ltiPtip. ittskitss4 lir in larstraolut! al ii,tsts - alid lams la: to ttao; are Mali lo,ttlair =art Ms. oom-oct i•vio., 5144.11 a Wrought, Iron Shifting,. aor.za -son:: XXIXTIII2IOII or maismos' / / 1.; . 1 ~ , : : , - .-inficsM• lith Boohripplkoattrilibeasainlaea ak'to Ikea** and idisia:for the emcee and of Ur detlee' of lin Oil% sib* Moen lesaidoseril sail payettet: — fi Vada,gis pet *Him lo r ptateirat is, orthography Awl otompoeltfese•emizzikust be A* Wet, PragaStfatialiaPat ileifiete to ihaq.Amestioasisigeogeiphy• physical ittid, Po.;' Uunt Ilftiallk ot Suiromentr , , division of ifeektelleiteLfd.lllMusentaMithAhe ratio tieekteeetilialtitelpheteeladtfoiothetker semtiliclitiappitdiateotjolat Altiretksper 7 : We_ ,vt.Afic flirt eouto:tegabethtna orteiq sad iftpetoo Of No millttirs estvieeiphttfes- Ugly es teregethe Mamma letpirleteet ; the lawilel&leplifftlikl goesrategrazit. di.. reothig i ithet gimp: meal - fhb reoeptiONAlte. issae x eaCtle,aoseutttablUiff for - or/Wu% ottlfaufee'itotilladteepplisip Weida gel: L tieWiterittratiihr 't re la - At wad Ab il w metettuttleti NW OW* t, f. tfut strength ett' . l.llle - ;iiatitibilsfluelti torso of th. stales pleileeed vs Zetre eV oV.ettltf oo AWN* 4.. ef.: tile.ww 'doff A imits3rAto pdaelplea sad "teir_ r otubjetA9RL-Cif,matiemetioal I retell tril v l 4 - 41/4 4 *-,galtj o r4ltiont ll ..:til As* ) 3 4.F4 1 0, - SPA skill ,i4M u arsi itrPflaif• or s ue- t is . 4 4 4 44 1 t i 5r ea dr"Wity` to •trik Ltiocoites -ma ortls In 1 iheff Iniclu. - 'A' ,` ."- =r:;tiAltaa. Itzli i 7,- -''?' at . .... " s PIMPLIbIat P rt Aftno llegeali, Zii: 1 :: riteltolALMlMillidAlf.-- LlM . !ltaiteOttar3 : ll2l .1=21114, 11121111111 al All KWitllnc saisseg Alltruhl .1 44 5:44 t`cl.Ts' %Son Or 9Pal s k - - .;1 f . N ov mitt si •'A to ~„ Wl* "it 111 69 ,15 eft° I ala,_SlareiMit. Ns. Inteirk V144 . - tigir4',!N • , rato ""'tr .I"oatea Tfut.:ll: /al7loor lIMBD COMWIIKiIAL , 0611111011talffigliiiiiieDiSOMMER. ?AVM we" Goa his soh hasui}aus..irrial.Our xaw isuilk,ssUsssi 144 vo uisque is ss ist• 4„ utritUrdo . sad rates Irryttar. ` . C.° 6 ". 0 it 111 - 4;ellold sod Demand Note!. F A for Men Gory nUllllllt . • tlllcataiatodebtadtiais miaow tS' ice. Cad • Item P 3 491nik1: 115 / 4 4 1 as / 0 4 (pato,. 41051: 1 Cottlltaid :;,daspassai. adtalie - -. Wittiott toillittod ttaltii : tt'rer' low ed am. Sala from 6esl LiadattfaObbliltatia at $6,00 VD bbilltritta family at fa m, sad Sr., do do at Pa& Ws wits zombis to boor tif i lb* iota from Iton. PROYIECONS-Maixtle Is dull and Molders and Aldan ban doettooL 'Ws aotaatf,Xoo‘• tot lenClo tor ribber Vidowdl.63o tor Ma 112=, IDD .#4l lo :tai 4 1 4 altd_Oallatiad:lloor egatLaid era, ableidit ritiVia; fiItAXVIIIIILV4iko is nri te - dap **es tirteiwithOilislcvniailaipna oetaiL- Biwa iitgaiffsabeiiiaK*lii It :K. tifor Oakistaskoind liasoli****a old - MIKI!.--Ther• la Grain of 04 alsaiipliaa. The desnikm ii limit... - and Prica F..1t.. , 550hd• : MaTOl2l5--Ooritlitta . Vag &W. tbfeigli pole.. <Moan liffolidotf." Woe *llOO Me at that $460 A5'..P.0 . 4104 1 : 11 5 °420401//r dr. WHlSll.oftsady with aim of Ii bbh Occusca ' o'honiv °sal° defkit 414' ."' - -,-: -,• 1 • 11tIttell',,t,ittirlita iiit° gamy am 4 "(4/1!. , P1....,, *l: mos :Jis from to to -120 4.M1112;2 1 7, liftiedtidldllio: u. ...t. ~,' , . tirtaviiii. : ol,l jeariiet; . iti.: ii=jilii - 11:117tittntokoSabeif nay dull and fit, and Prim* ta" .pia dsc4z ma.- Bulos sr• 'still howitips fu'iizuhpattot, of sun lower rate. . . while hohlari t Skil deoend .$151.4, its =alma to sell. We Oda it balk,, 60 la balk,, aul- 20 301 21 e Is Ule,lrlih ales of 350 bibiti tikutst itic., and, um libloia, 10, len 12 coats per DOI: for drapp-bbl .r et ;tried.: Thu aupRIY: although nicht, &ppm to bola name Otttheidteriaad, arid' while *hi 11 the . we, there Übe! Iltthi romped Ofo2 difirOuluaint ~ , Myriam& - '''` ‘''i • ' , Thais la nothing. - *Lift:e'er dohigla Ititted. The 'market Isdoll sad tufacitled, audit la Imponlble to rote co rrectly - . rectly. It ft safe, 'however, to say that pd. 'iorilvidielluedtif4rlagy;tuad:we know that good c , libill beat of id; botatu bind and ft*, At low da. Yuleftre4 l .unl 2 • 2113 2, beee,:t..... 21 1 1 • 21 2 hdiatehrs Ana Xelf 10th ht•dan.4llolo2l 3do loy loaded, ,110 11 Pahht° 61 - 6314 2 111 4 trUlusaill ales Whets :at 4411a4 ana Wino for daoandudir , , - :Am, , i ct o tiy-,11-I!bb hiarkethireii ifichaugel. Aimed la Spaded thief/Mtn. , - :4k.. 7 114 e ! 11111401kin%Cireater. ... . , lemit -,, • ; Arrsises., Kis u, ism s it; ' thenstuctui . °males fa facture "A pia the mow Waned kola the hat She f yhat la recorde*, h elor Lfor l hems =Pet, - ' folubefaur • Oft. thil Xt , ltstst. the tot " rol:Berrr tkor,„ Adta, , are , aullrely sold; tbst btu - to arrive par .r ... .--' ~, . it:VG -- (411 - • os ii 4 1114 P l ahitit rata. .NWelommuialterl *oaths' pow 1 lOW and stray 4fietba;Weatera WU,- has arrived lows, auttiirkllat2B2 , lll27:the litatheeuld Chmetal ,- The ruaddlai fel thhhoixt Girths Crude thatomes aver uraraaate, and haptradteli cello tor knownrstilipparß and brands. . f :Chitd•-42,01:0 Oaeas .2 thuds an tra l. all to the Vau. at 414 10e to 2,16, ere sad antral, with 'trout buyers at he laud., LIG Nam damitidta. osmium° la notateal at abOut th e . .- ItatUted-There hare bean atioug l>= l all week t auy.edag ander Ir.:ANL spot foOo at la 111 oets,sad - auk Ooper :as 9.;62.'-Yoe =t6aree dither, %daft:Woltz Ada Li talk &Wyly ladiptember died to II Odd Cootober,lo Ekiocp. - ~, „ ,-.,..• _ • - ' - }ledediip bere.lialn dulvdce. retialue. lualate, fh/y dull: alddle ee the ealtelle 2• 0012 92. 1 yak . .'sft• 02-blethlify„ to repent. i' - - 4 ' C'' . ''..::' -4 Tolido,illiiirtn: ''' - /La Xt-'im marks - inhe t itla - vililkillaatts7 'aftentoysi,•&ad the ,4 ,nlerfor - Mg 1111111, probably the o imeacftr. 26•f1a7 thimarint la gt : a „ , y's iddrei. .111cau-Staisset itf there l elguit except WIAPPO All kali de. man. FITVIa the ce pelarda7 iteA up 27,!00 bunt the were AM Kftlie $ Medi Ell, roped, tfjfi b Ol O e 2 l 1t ills. V or A 0 / , 2 Yseh I d 'W d-W llTao=.day at ifiddill,boO bush Ko &lied at WACO; WO .lotelt 2o 1 god et 2424 •• No ague dna the liar York report. Corn-pleikat" odic sad slig h tly lower bakes report; tale 2,01 X) bosh 201 It eta onti-saii • goo bulk at 670. Bye-Nolgualidditar...-Zheie: ; ‘ ()these° nail.!. `nlUTt i 52 y - l T ta b b s l a k l; rall a elli o-b thtalb was no quotable jkprrnaufat In 301061. Thais 11 . W* tatc.destaad for Wheat and tba =- drat ruladateady.at sl.lditlile3ifer ZW2.101510114 ler 20 2 exigepippiacatot, Owego nodes at Or York - illipeickwu OF" 11,4 dull :,wt; without ws* ratlal change: . .... , cont was la atilt' demaad 4,otliloyiblypera and splealikors, sad the Ssiirkat lasi llna'as eiffltato Out Wad, ultim' at ti, auldne idea: Alma Vora ,wee_o l 4Y F. 4 1222 2 1 2115 1 .___, - Akers 7 ... cad Di valot vs% salapnar Szifilned ,plie retalsh lauffneadfrat63,,r_2(,:2 ~..& .4230423ic ' That, eras SonsiatoidrylOr4lAbk.aldppers, mad prlcomintotarty. st 221.t.lberier wia,vd.t with fight, am of ampalltra at &Ms° suses,: Oroartif. odo valet tut, fulchaaged. Zak* Plea pre in bgbf 'aundytuut dm dt oluotkost. .111altirtaee M . C.11 na ; at 414/0830. ~Profklotia vita. - - • ... ... _ Imperial, by itailroadi jillisrimAilrAlarititi -'W 18880 lima •. . /Lar fiapa, 11 boomottlan4 ba rapiat 4,;;Ja...0; 1:64r. 46 J:40611116.40 AtAßArhulq, b.6606604A - 4.6616ti k al 611 On, Oba LarealVair DUI Pr0411044_,-- wit 00 wklatiallaastotat a# tkista6=6, J k ar, Us clines, it Olingsl44ll , ilq" do, Webb .i. 310;1111140 101 iriccois:l Ealsoathipor, 14X1 Obla Sourriaft 11 .444. DA a %MIRK V) An Woos% 'D .. 4140664i a%14: daraghcy6Dro: cy,,syk. 6 PIP 00dAW1114 . 11u AJAsesr. % Ocidurin •Dadacam:Way 24 bib tobacco,4 Wrg1id:211,41444;317% D Atm. tisinilda da Irlijaaa 16%4 . 6 gas IDDOOO, J - Map potrielt *am aftaldri, Halbingli I 641 ett wig" Ailox potroluo% W "-WA:6l4dg% 160 4 .6 p 13. ,=1:6841 . 6%,14 61:464061644% Bill m 44 lead do;l:Paw cskin, :J A tai Ob art imefit, :JailtdrmiDe; 60 Do J0Y6606163-64644, K1Udd1%44110114 bbl votatai‘ , /...a. Vast am; wrap A/ANA4 AA 66. $ Is NARTOO.* 810 .Al AD/alkali:A IL Odlalli KO •• .as amlara 44116 il i natiVro di 4l 4 boa dry fesits, Tad* IS pap matt% Maas* :BO nit INT if sLiaIt.EINICS• • .„ . . . • . „ Tin; 'dank san attlai Wal;:alai mast; _ , - . . . :latrycaplaitepOrtalat:almai-goiai.:Thi weather conthiwa 'dm , aid bd, 01 tag' agabizqt 41a, at 91. V Ol 4 8411 00 vaprormqua asidlAs loom& Aws.llJfa lon • maamatte.' Ardr the prawastid 1444:14111111108WW f tintddidd The aswitaluaor . Sava: SW left With Lout .yezturthr attiaama 7ottli 'll4 tba tothOth tho "old and a Wealth:that of tailaiiigota., .11110013DIAlii1/4 /11:111 . 43114F14 fib Na. railaftiniat L.4i .ate.lL. next Mite die'. : V1i4 4 ,6 441 415 #/mUI i S I ! ) : l4 *°.! 6 l lmail foc PMO3 I 4 I IS II *I4ST; Picvooiik•!% lll 4 l 44.4*," 9tioi . s!x4/4. Naamlaas t rralcb irlxiviutamd wham city, comasaded brOoptlebs Stopm ‘Pittibtaittr,.l%;'•'Contlition of aoadillarobto rams* va;utorinommor TM X onaa- , :r o o r o a ltts apse Dallog fa nmat e r ISO • ludre,tour ubt uwalsit fthi Tt rtal iiiinigttett - to. Visl; its bo a t , jog rai ltor,ao. , olinamMolrotlttettfyin „ of ths . Mit‘iiil/71 sfeaPCifo.7Wltea..lo l boss., tati;tiii 11016, trim ittii . 11**** ligNikerjaw IrtU day bat 4ittok! WA 114UsItS.21,:1;)i Jaw laid, sag in cad itiltiout that WO thi ligation 0/.84 wow to &co bar to dal 41bi b VII adDS4 I I 6 a6:14, liglit;lAtillii4l4lo44*.brilfogr wadi' aiabia pki juliad itmeytribr ,imd; 41 4 ° 11-11 ec 6 . 4„,,„,tbi_
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers