tz . . --------.-------, C - - ' ,414:1218: --.7-4-- girt*44e aWa2 et.riiir AR% • Quaxviraiti for Ike I*.• Noe, kie:7l. abaw optKia; zie. II Fifth .- ...._,..,_, - , ri air. tir wan, ..„, u roomy A. at......... lb 74 Thos ' ..., ... ____,....—...... a..•• 01l - 11, - listittineinn ' ...."" 29 720 : 11,.iteng hi ti a or Relen t , lili nib: ant of MaiMieriths' Ws cam * of alegales from Bader, Bearer and trams eoutise, wired In-this eity at two Mocklastaday afternoon, and met with a east isor and Mang reception from our r ' Oldness; dal 1 T hey IMO met at the. depot by a ehrle and pro wit ilid tily: on Want, and after some little delay a we formed in Me following order: Bran E . .. .: Kayo= of Pittsburgh arid nd. Ads/hear Hee. flisumou sad Han. Wia. M. /triads or P. 0 taarsure *sway. . ldsatbsiu at Sauttarg sad thdahteasetalsgattaa& . ' • • 00.2mitim of arrangeadata ' Provost Guard, clad... Lieuremit fAridlih. Oua Bandied sad ThittProirilb litliltdant ' - '. • -". The ' proestiton gaud along beolthilold • • Won to the Monongahela Hansa. II After the Bud had played Bali Columbia. Sea. P. C. Bits:mon stepped forward on the , SEines inithasul swot balcony of the Monongahela !'.. .• and addressed the Roginent. • , • ~ "••••.•.--"Miryinmides wzwitic....iimmann or eon. r. C. t. , td.' ,114 14 O'lfrim, 9ifie,i, aid Met 0/174 Gaihm -1-. •. l3l igiliwilitoyit met On behalf ef thireonstl- •-• A" c. , ].. tiled 'manillas of the dittos df Pitts people burgh 1 Allogherm—in 'behalf, sir, , of the loyal of • .allogbany malty, we -oast . you , herd to-day, and bid you a hearty widow ea , , ~ , . oar return to yaw. haw in the counties of 1 Lairranes, Beaver wad Butler. Oas of . the . , most exultant amiwons of my life is to he -, _, • tionsUtaid the humble. organ to bid you, sir, " •*--, and your idlest acid chinhins won, in 4- • " halt'of the tablems* that float oar uo, i • harty"greeting to this city. I know, sol - - - t• 6.11. tkatlen 'are worn out; that 'you are • _. - . tired;. that you desire to Mara to the, boson: of your familia and year homes.- I kaow of L., . :ell, the gallmt, dads whioh you ham par formed at. the ad,l, of your eo ...I Mew,' .., . of all the 'gall**, noble of Wing' WWI youhave performed the flag SI the nstion:--- I know how w that at Pal -1-• :- = eiliolistftirthe lint,-aid ProdoWitbiug .- , ' ,:the woad time, how tly you boys' ths of:the - nation in of as armgent - - "Plook abroad he the stalabriyoung men of the oina lab I 'harkenniker ' , - Book o Mashing sies • and / -c • Mew 4 . .e to oyal, Miow you •'• --. • wise no e lion 1-Novernment Inn '. _ i,,•• ' t 'l . ' Solitiero, go C nal, o/Pittamighs2 27 02 4 rort" :., .. • . fear t rroolo lol li etude here to-day, on outhe •Moniaga]], li. AWLS lionst,"y re:rhos:sada. ' NI, gem." s i x .• down, in whom you have_liallided]wib haa ,'dons deeds of dame& will bre them' Worded "Ant a bright pege....„of the 'Mao!" of piumol. Bit, a Pittshurgher,',ll Mt% yet "gin 'are * • ' ' • -•. the swig an /days. , I ye are -, /W , sir. W ings most gloriosa in your Motor, , • and oar noble weer, ' awl three things which willwa ke ,aintz and ' P -• . 7 . Ilan puladoliir Timken thro th e ralas of the zain clads old C /W 1846, sir, Weil ea' fing was' asianited by a foreign , parmant--mkan of oreign faiourageyl this • -. • wr.....yen; tam a :oust Pitts ' h boy, Tot : Into the ranks a is on . . -your -shoulder, mil n •nad_or this • , .. •• Sag, anti/ you low , of Mesta . ••:. •-. • • "Thai 'Ms nage, Adieu, ilitoll make • ' 'WS Shoat; iliratirAtTO of birth. There aro 04' j illaP,.itik• Maca-dike an unswerving feidg to the itirt of „tar fathers. al 'ithin' ~ -.. .- tilbs,iloo34:tlass ' a mow - powar:.' !peep!, Wen inikad hi tlics past wined braluen— s , page whoosh' hid supported and radminsd, Wags& be. the rights awl principle& hate ~: 114 oil t oft Wm* end dared at Strata to An flag of the soseary, the Colonel of this • ' , ~-; , i nigimeat from the gallant twat/ of Law- was mad the foremost to asitse a sem. gay adder the eau for MOO& tun, and march • - • y ' to tie &kits of the Capital of thr Nation. ' ; Eapplause(Applause:]- ~-•...]., ,••,": /L , . ~, Mr, togonand your gallant soldiers, bat i I /te g oer as a Pittabarghor; /mill ~ ~ - say, you sow bask here tender .with • trigs elm upisa - your brow. Now; after lianas ,/ •• - perthamt sourageous diode, ion eons back, eajoyag the eonlidame of sc ary an. , For , .. due Me people a Allogisay anty we , . •• ~ - • - yea hack to your satire how. • • • . _ .: - •.t: - • •:' - ....' Wills gm ban ban straw maids la a _., ugzusionliogproverivo tadiaimeicamyyabonalta,sytovardan , itare_tha n is ow bein re7 aramittera to , 4 1: ..i d a •,.- .: • • , .:+: • ' . , ..- •,.•V / , . Way we hare not yet emosinen,col SW war; • *". - •:•• • 74 We are wily about satoriag upon it,„ „ , :roa 4 `-' '•"/ 1, . . emaelmek ken, soldiersmaa lad Plidasswitt : • •::, - , 1 . , •:t., , . ..' " • .-- i iii • as suricasnuag omultru_ ado wilus wish " . 1 4 '• * T. — . . good omemag of • Pa ..: .'•',.:l . - silla to vesk .l. ~- • : I•knew wail, Colowel and midair, that ] • . we hays mania those who roapathise WM , the raceitlea.- I Mow then hem boa amity *.... 1 , ' • 11:11 7:r 1 :11 1° 4 17 , alid-Pl nay a ou k z : ling ] III 11143041111" Mow thas the *die tVare the WIWI: &WV alas M 141313 f or Silidt •• • •oestkpi fed glerionsty. I amw that al ever `the bad is soot thi cripOhe tortured fa the ,Mittni-IWM I halm all thus, lehan I pint ex 'Magi: Mir Prat* to as beiallaf _Awn' 'snob, dry awn plea, sat a awe dear to kenamaies., •/: point proudly to theMahn rif • - - Weston Pauwitana-lier Mall renowned fee daraltY, sad tor mad souregsi km Inman far abidr . dimile o' mercy._ : - I eofidads, Willem by bidding yea . alisatty anasesaa to ,sbe Megaliths of Mess tithe, bY ProPadmi ikral tame fr Nagar; eas... him of oar sountry, three e nema fa thiyairr, eramaat of the/Wad flat% and thrseeheas fof W this Prosidont of taw mantry. " - . -, N sissrs wire tau given, a ft er ileali ' • • - eiseiciftdjdayed Ow Bear 13panghe6•Banner. . ~, . -mica.NWia. M: /hawk us Waif- of Col. . • ....• ,', Oltdani Illat istamed Monks for the anapil.:' .t bestowed upon the 00/oael, odour cad rt'f) . -'-----;...cirgiuluDent., ' - —", -iO-, , ... Strillasassla Om, Jai i;li rcals, *Taxi-. with a eplo did hoz*: Wi •,. ' '-'dit Cial. 0% . Ara and A to b y .atrk. l ' . --- l imidialli ", e a . l',,,wkaff of Col. 4P1r.1141.4-1' * - • • • li& P : a' ergiEr*is..V:7l.ll7,rics % I r e . ' Bl 7 naad. b 7 Col. Olidat, 'whit by e .. Indly maul for; 4 -t :',:apposied, •-a lt: - rani: kid iiii:' , 4 lib , Sii speeek-makez. Re samilog the IthAl 4l ,r Mantlfel pram& • - , ~-:,": 'Aim imaritidat I* -5•., , 4 4 0 4,2 a. tbU '•. .:1 -• 11 aaatiatteak of a - timers Sall. prodded .• by &Sth i e IlliblistiWittainelttss.• . _- - . w i g obbling Maw aid Mfg* the s segals(ser thesmagmho gang . 1 . 10 ' auhrioumn se.Lavnui* - sad loam • ' 'eiaatiaij ' Ode' gallant 'Cosaaal v . Aloud ...., , vhAu ol 4 l aa.-,r at it hie , staad lss apit4l ripsaw' -i -'t-ilbititlailat toatalatwards, Wash mum ••••i , • , --ileep IMO dakiratti tit the galliint min of the U 44 4 /. 0 111 ,• and !kalilin , ,ros.sat; . , .., .1.,.., :,71 • ,- 'masa 'OP: 1304,' CO -X=l4 . , , c'''''''''? aggisigkg 0/ aip Ma* , .. , - - . • • '''.' rim,,' the ;gut ay* meow. w e .. bar* bin • ' -.'"" **via /mid salt ty Una ore „:. 1 bj. oar tagamisal arganfaitlai i itaiika di 'bag and army ---f •::- Illailifiki"ioasb Mammy and_thic Wilajghs, ecialkka lfdif law pammi through 'it ,alf - • „„„ -shit- to ysnr,sourry,"sadonfir 10 ••• ' ,--,:A;4ovrigiViiit, Apyiagial Yon Weill *obit •:4 cA'L'ufki•szilla hill low MAT* - 1 1 1401 by yam -"*•'`''.ealtirkLial'lMM ift:'oof-, ktilkto-• Mang „ Tarmily-lia4 ISt eV. Maki !IWO. , . , • - 7 lalli Malaita wiamlet•-,,ele tt AN Y ii t - switairasd' tits . . , '--„,,-,•- ,_11,... Iltrildis fa thweouttioakaaa • : . , 0""go wale; lido *law ,--,,;.*. ysiciraska almtay tbaa swim I Ira' ':'''' • . Y, ' f. 4 -” Ws _' /110 aAba-_._ Ill" fall of yaaatrita mai , . -- . , 'PanlN away at au% fa ig m .„ ~ --• ,S !,IP''. '4111111414 ftrall,,f_bit& ihey-wlllitotieeriii , • 1... - -*] - '` w gg l ilre " - •`" -- -....7•11144 - Nail , '•:, • ~J -.„. •'Zion• erne t .. _ -11°118,24Udi.rblida LAO}, - • 1,„, 1.4..,,, ..._ Oat :stm ~,,, imlNfw& Ana viii add Ilia sem. rip t o th eir • .• , , s • • - ~,t; !filet illld"tieligh 7M aiMet plass . \„. •, , '•447 tin swam ow midalseed • with . \ ~,,_;_,. piallie hear part ef fluitrawai WM . i..-t.'-:?4 1.1111,4flt.IPIP11!, 00.theyhirrii '',: e1gi11.. ,,, -- -.-:** •• - .: •..„-„, , y .. ,•• . 4 , . ....--.. _...jiii— k!iii, imaitiormov4* 20,1, anakilif.. Iliraattidal Ol* wefts* droalos ..1.1414:11":00444 , 04 , ,Nafta1ijil cog. * : i ''' - •• - .44011allte ensile liallagelks my 11 •• ~: .":•'"' ' •c • - *" ?'"Aa 11VJLN•2 1 MOMS aan Tam ima pow -1 :qt -7 - i. , Ir. J. — - 31 . 1 91 mu 4 0trown ti mow% sod 0 ° ''. V ,- ' • I MEM ,cil 0 , pr. ' 1 .:..,.• i'.4. .. . ~4 . . •'-' 1 '' -'' ' -' - - er1iQ; 1 ,446?:.0 , 1 ~ . . • . 'jilt " ~i 1:: • :-‘ . - . t . l l' ' '. • ' ~ .4 c.. 8 ; • .••• :. :.. .• • : . 1... 'f..'t'ii:::!':.;;::4::: •.:: ' : ::.; • ',',:i .:: IA: ~.....•• ''.. ':' • : .• il . 1 !4,;• .:'.....','.' :' ....--- • - •4 ..", : it',htl.;:.:l*-'•':;;', .4: ' ...: t . ' ; , -..,..t....... , 4 ~,...,... „. .....„..„ :4" . • =i=llll NAIM MEM ... 1.0..1: .../-.l' :.. ' ...• . t ;.,:,, ; ';' .• , ii' s . , N..,. . 4...1. :. '4:. -. .3. ,1 .—,.. ~. - : ... 1 , ••• • ••; .. : : ...• t..... .- • .• .-. r,b 'f•‘'..-. ~ -, .._ .. ,• . .:' ' 1. , g• .• 1 *"." .. , ti: • -'-', •vn ..S .',.;•... ~...- ••••‘. ,- . ~ , i ~, ~:* .:•C''.:V:i .l .-!; . ....., , :.• .11 1 ,),,,.. ' 1: . . 2 .. ..:: .. ". --i '' i lt: • ''' , l l l ' : ,-;ii , i-••4: .i ; 1; kA • iii::::;,::•:=...':*.:.•:4 ; l=,==`. •'::' . 7-:: . g . .ii t.. Yi!:11i-. , - , , ..: J,.,,:i4 .i ‘-' ,r , ! . i4Z 4 4,„. , ....;-;:.44f. ,. .''.M' . . ,-, ~, :7:;!. 4, .. t § 10 1 .3,:em T f;s-'11r:; '•:801,1: '44 ii, (*.' .4iym -- . 4^, .::: 42 , v" eit- ,. .v..,.F-;•:qi:".• 14 . , .:: , •- •;;-. ~ : ,!..• *..:....4. -1...4: - ..;„,-;.:,......t.• 1“...,.: , ••11- :,;••••••• .. ..: :, - ; l •Nl''.l:.i.4f:- - i ;1+:;.0y.4 .. ' ''. • '*•§ '‘‘l. .:, i:.:...;+ i ....;w:"1 - , ; .. iiotg: r..:,, ' 1 . 14: 4 ;I::.% .' f:"." T• -I 'i~"' I.V. .:::.-+•-:-•--:•=.:s, ...,tl, - . `':=.,:. -:• =;:::1••ii•':• ;4:•,.,41::, ....1';;;I : :q...1::.::::: , :: : *?:* t' .1if;1 1 . 4 ..:.•.:e :4. 'ti.iNzil..;"::! !I !!. .cqz ''' , t . 4; ~,,,,vg:.:••::,•• ~, 4 ' '' T ' 1 t..: .. . : ;':: , '•: , :1 • : • "44:!*; A : • •:•;•,-:' z:*•.•'' 'to' . ''.'.: 4 I+ - z:.1:: IN ic . 4 - :i•,' l'..:`,l!':`'-'5:',,•.:::,.1: - t: .4., • 4 ';=-', , Z..4ii :: ,',' , ';;;.:' l ,-.:. 2 • li.' :" li': • : V ‘• 0 )z;,','. *ti '` '''' •:i ' . : •! 74 ''''i` - '•' ;,;: ' -'•; , •', ::,. -ii. , ' ; •• .• 4 • .I.' ,;',i'. :,-, ,::- ti::•1;.;: ,, ,•?, • i.l.z; : ~: i? • ~, 14 ,'4« -L ~ i.... 7. 0.. : ... 0 :1 - ;.• ". 1 0. ,-.....`•:':::." . 7 !.. - ' : !„ ~,. ;i.: 2: 1 4 , ~;••••e"::: .“.,..'. ''' ' .'•: • .;: i ; .:..• ;•f•.!.1- - • ~. ~., ._'. . • 11 ~~~~+~,~~tc.~ti,.~~-~`~; .a.:4 ~ "rte. a ~;~».::y«,>; Mash 'Sue AITAP. I I: 1 0314 1 1***.r 80 , General Asattably - ofthe drafted Pef. •-• lOytartair Charoav Tim Gsaararl Assembly of tie tratiod bytodsa Cdiedob apt at'Enoli s Ohio, Da tie 271,b fait., 23d o'olook'wiih s; aaid Jkao Ova . . blelth a :Nowa 1 1 - Jolspli. Ts dipper, D. Ds, Pidladtps; thi'mtitfas Yodora torefroat Igor. p.,15 v. "flat aid whloh ye fans aloaafrjuglii_ Dirt VIII Slap. ft. sabidnina , Mitabitila a aim idequas Mk• aad gam mineral , lailoreetkes• •Aflar the sofiaal, Des core *miaow as Assesibli wick - prayer. bo 4.laamoiser Ting, D..D.; Aftassoisk:lllllaolt o _ was alootma Ifialloosoet,= Row Dr. , limper Arai Opted olorkpro ask' Adjoaraod duos oa Tharo ,day atoralag at 9 'Vase& • : - - ,-:--- 171 tr, !IMMO* ' ' ' • : %- 4 Ilnabl{l,. A da iP, 12 4 tit,, fro 147 1 16 4 11111. A NV 41/d.. al IlliPC44lLib7l)F. AL.Losikiiii i dic r it4 l! to ti.... mu r at 0411,1401 MADMAN i Ti . ,7 , -:!7; , ,,:: 71• , i ' .". : - 210:dlisele Aries i• tpiiiern:2) 'OOO4 posiamit ifilpt insik6fatitowasdpi; ata orthis •I kali; VT enghili we r- Wsaili masque i 4 ruift at'f fivii g 11 WroidslPlsiert,* seirehas i ii spas= i; 1 = 411111 42; atiLtbasilf INMOtaluit; .. , .. . VZIT DRUZIALII PACTLITS !a thelbion- Wok , slaw_ i bob* be ettr, win lio sold tit IbrAbbainialtiabe ftwir Iti. Alb itzlnispHiltett_oisiskrtmiabite s 'by , Thbis it ' sabissmei.'' It b' dumb t S urien4 Otiticzbt tbiltaimungli Zan - loa kbbitittbliatabb du for =bar a - him nittli lit 'win aid atiottii bribubt alb; la i ibibd Nob tit smilisia, Them tins lob, sib. kW XlOl Theaploa's Vil a tigi,wl-:bistbb 14 . Pitt *middy, Amugur;blogtb4" ini sibnurin , i b tb , elityso ' I -41. - M. ihrii,A-11140,6* iblkste4id Aa Abia, Dimond. imadn4 lire la 1 14 .tili' , of lama Miikenu, , Wubdillue Bah lo cei t iv ,.;iike visa; Ifilmos, Ifilitior_ • Nell aad. -no Si. lie fiat* ter I .&-__ ffill ft fait "WV iii•lg it the 'imatket, Aid Ibo -..inifirolsidair iss ray , sjimi swiss lib lt sad • 26•7 sin silica hand in /did* et ' - ipta situksiwpop, tassph. '.-..T arli„ 4 s a g zi. lift au• ig —ri` % mato. ' ""'"g• •' .Min A. Warns, • i!mmm wili leteareitiaseir ieragb ir ett Wait keg before 4 4 ...-k*S ImAite . kweigomlw Midi. aa utAite seemed airilartif de kora, more, who; by his serpont 'peseta, trier tit au the rebellion, than he time tke brave men he meets ea - the battle lield, risking thidr Limut though In • winked colub• ._ . itymlartse, rimmed spin end , sanag.wifek the all Colonel mai o -to step tor several rainutai the ladies in the outdid g .. an the demon 'trades and oravisg th ei r .ndkk. -114 kryou have all latsrem era this that naintary wla waver but .1 caw safely my Cthat no t returns to our ewe loved o wn;for mo h& ba lms mead than your good order and obedienoe to the laws striot though they be- And now on oar part: ba if g, I may hays kw* severe with any of you, r know tile brave am hare Under hearted, and I knew Si need hare ao hesi tation In Win you to betnerous and for give, for / eau emus yod I often sauteed a semprity, though I tat itdad now wish ing every man la your honored lulu shimmy welsome from the loved ones at home, I will bid you all a kind good4jo. Mid Count' Daunt eonr.-41,m vuLtilit, Pretinfaii Elehalt airalast DIlobos! .11M. reasons Mod. Difladiat' s attorney moved - for al 'new trial- Ralph 4 Online, for us, against the ; Presbyterian Chard. Ronsalted. Dahlman Mato It 111111erapleat Hatching= and flaltunne ACtlan for a dole Re bandhrg a steam /nthhe. - Verdict for pisheirke gtek na. - sena need against Walker Reed. ibilina to near er • debt ow cattalo real mtge. On trial. The following nuns are Within reach for, Ronda', Zone Ist : • St ilin inbabetb P. pep, agalartJamm Little •U. leuganala oth Be y: ' agdost /Wary Wilson . and ers, .,. ni. Abraham Patterson wbo La m Pat. 'narson. bits partnarmander the Muer Z.aundred end 4. Pa estum optost Wm, Robinson. Jr. as. :has Ginne and °thus agahuit Joe, itowman :17...nivai R.WRllams and Lilian! Jay Allen, iota yaraterinadertbe Arm of Mlll/sum it Mho; kn. aft of G00.„..._13. Inddeneiskin awl Sway. • • lA ' s '" rw Alla..__ Inman ogaillat: the brceonnabola 'XoniMilan.,___wompsy, - ' • RI, The .esesss,ora end Tnaniti of Yrs: Ann Pat rick. asonsed. against the Bfancegansh. Narldsdkn nn. W., %Race Patrick n 4 the . ides s ; v a.i. navigation Oeseyeny. agai 64. Wria. Owe.; Jr., adminuttator of Essldal Shcaa, . Jaamel_insrai_aindnat John OrawerrA . 81 • / ' ^ anw -Lana& Assiut John Dittoed sad § Cientiralet the Refformed'rresc bulimia* ; anacriz . • I nar—arrs ear. The debste, - on the Thuile was continued in tliii-aftornean• (Isa 11 ,21•11.7, Weed to elect a third prtifeeeSt, wh c ose du ti my it shall be,to teach Greek, Hebrew sad Pras cal Theoley. Bar. D. Steel, or'Philadel phia, wee electal. Piesbyteries were throated to send their students to the fientimiry. A contsitbie each Prisbytez7 wag cppoint i d to *lapis% the endowment fetid of the Semi -1 14. Tito Committee an the Ameneweite to the Sionstitation nada their report. -,Therreerom lauded to Synod, to mantatallsa Negress to take unatitattonal steps tit lave the Conon tattled se dad aa to wake spates mention at nka _the eur anthotll7 et Gad. aatires it team all s! at•on the sehjew of Ilaver4 in ao emunge with the . nimation :at itg hammy sad its out spirit. Adopted. d. , esimittee wu appoLated town, eat the liport.l Thsy an DnalleLood, Wylie, Douglas aad *Aeon debsad Mawr; Btatton'and lionimia Tani ate, mem aplefated to attend the We- Moderator ihautaii.cak the ish of.ruly-next. ' Tim umonmed the num ealtellewa C. Dr:Dome's; Bev. Zahn Ifelliscar, and J. C. XehUllaa and Peter 4. mee Gibson, lisqs; , t maa itedllll o'clock her ' ~ whim balmo was mne& report et" the Beard of irete Abalone was taken tp. Theme width reawied to ths Baum a/ do anameat was stileksat r out; "4 the:sport adopted: - Mtarthe and tontine Middies; 'Synod ad , oatnee,ao west In PlUadelphie lleac Year. I Oil City. ' . The ~ This is e ,awe of a ant littio stienur, . , just Salami bY Riptelii Jeha Not:, sod fu ' - stipu4lartbillibeiimy zfrior trade. : She is of vary light drangitt, and seems well salted for the trade for 'bleb' she was balit. liar _ engem wee entirely mew, sod . we?* bout by ilessra:liartapos it Cf:., g e wthalal wifo Um' caStafitailerstaad their baslzens, a w ard never hit to nuke a oompiete job. The cylinders hrir tat Wiles in - ammeter with three feet 'stroke. ''The bill is one on sad eighteen het ii hark witlinvemeen foot beim, and font flit kol4l. Tioragh swag s she All nest aid roof loillag,'OSlCL low waw a, upsets 'her to tnra_pol : en a - -tria.", -of andow, an do;iiitift'oa lite Alimbeny.itow, ske had drierpai'ionl4 to '*.• levee, at the toot 0..744 sheet, with tho iliktingon of iiiiitisitie Irk pips la tits litiosling trade. She will= be* hod" lo hive o i r, MonilONT. sad altinehriellpisisakboar *rho in mind. . . ... . _ ~ "sate , - ACkk ildoool4to IL, IL Da.Tlio NlT4ll:llswiskiiy bough ma ONO Us's sittilaseolo,o4ook.takia rie! ne thil .carg (Simullay min isa" ) eitipta iu ' • - goal skeet aimalea ifelle. CedOCk. and re dli thoadvaalok“ °tithed mkt" eau be salved to th is Culla& Tillage. Tun aro 'Eif' tat ' and ../lidsoopal obareaus goodpottal000koola; oolibrous beams's oadmay T. 2U - owl; a i d lho old Ulobdiglod Zdivostd - uoutary Glillebipts "Wit th• ot Du. Dr. u TIM klOideiti of May, ilben6olll4 o elti a tow RoOdusodalloa tabu, to 1114•612 Alloguar' sad Eloulatdor - auk day. Tho limed/ thkets"ug low Wean voky TL es dooblaglo pareltam a Oiler a ona try'ruldosu-saa- °p - Mau* *ye a bettor p:molar dine Umax.; ' • • EM=2 tßiflumppiwg ln,flomeraet County. The Somerset IlfUg, of the nth inst., con tain, the following: The most notation, ma nes ever perpetrated iri tkia oonnty, took place within- two miles of our Minion Tuesday evening of last week. Two young male con trabands, bald te him Heaped from bondage It Ihisbiu; wio wanciimed by a docouple of slave-oatebers, were chased and run down-by these, men on horseback, on the nna turnpike two"miles ninth of Ma town, captured, hand-eulfed, and hurried by night, through by - paths, out cf the county, and, we presume, ere "this, ire with their masters in rebeidom. To thadlsgrace of our community, it is alleged that the proprietor of one of our princiiial hotels voluntarily accompanied the misereants, and _assisted to hunt down and kidnap the miserable fugitives. As this out rags was perpetrated without a, pretense of legal authority, without warrant, and hi di ner violation of the fugitive 114101/1 act;the President's proclamation, and the laws a the State, we trust yet to sea the citisen of this borough, • who partioipated in this outrage, pay the penalty otitis offense. Tithe military oomonsadazit of Mb department doss not 'take Cognisance - of this - flagrant violation of the Prsaident't won, our courts, at least, can pun! or kidnapping. Sr/107011M ♦ BEILDIARII WIPII.—The wife of flamusi Waiters, a ♦otantear from the vicinity of New Lebanon, Morose county, Vai, -Qom mittell Inlaid* one day last week, by butting liar throat with a butcher knife. She was a lady of intelligence, and highly respected by her friends and icquaintanoss. It Is not known what led to the aommianion of the rub - a*C.l43he' often expressed herself mach troubled ooncernlng 'those penons of her ea queizitance who, she believed, sympathised with the- armed enemies of the oountry, and rector states that this wee one minim of the antuippy maw:moo. Caarsnur Cunneen), I btll2lllo.—A meet ing of the friends of the 11. B. °tuition Com mission will be held to-morrow (lisbrath) evening, at 7% e'elook, la the Ventral Pru byterian Ohareh of Allegheny. George Stuart, of Philadelphia, President of the Com; mission, and Es,. R. J. Partin of the Pro testant lipisoopal Ohareb, will ' arrive la the city at noon and with other lotanstlig speak ere, trill add ress the meeting. Truuram.—The "Peep o' Day" wee well represented last night, and anansisatioallY received. Mr. and Mrs. Conway performed their respective parts admirably, while Mr. Henderson teemed parfeetly at home as Harry Haysnagh. The entire drums was well sus tained throughout. It will be repealed this evening, with "Ben the Bestswain" for an altarpiece. . A LARGE In of carpetajost received on eon ligament, and will be sold at • reduced price; the ei all now'patterns and the ehespest carpets in ty. Give Ewa call,and smoke all wool as low as 80 cants.._ Stair carpet at 3 teats ; rugs, ho., 24. 145 Wood street. . Hirayr Roanseribfat. Irwin, of Clear field county, had $1,500 token out of his trunk at liariesta, a low days ado. It ap pears that while Mr. Irwin was down stairs at breakMst; some scoundrel entered Ws remit; broke emu his trunk and abstracted the srEcieu. LOCAL NOTICES. eIOVNI Asa }Wars arms Manama, for best us. fondly and manaftwohig.purposes, are As et. P. eigsoli eaT. amoral Agony . IS, Pifth stow. Tunas Pans; MAW and Ornamantal Slate Rooter, and dealer ' in'Pennsylvanla and Ver mont slate of the best quality at low rates. Ofloe at Alex. Laughtles, near the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. apikein ABOUT TO Monday. ne x t D r . Randall, who has .tirmly established his rep, ntation for effecting the instantaneone and gam:dons care of earns and bunione, will leave the city. He desires us to awe that his visit to tide city will positiveli 'Gagged , with Monday neat, Jane lstp incdardve and 11 l vlaglie most sincerely thanks' Ili manor , palliate for the °madame they have ts ced in lam, and should he at say time, (as AS hopes at AO very distant day he uhail) re visit the city, he trusts that equal nooses will attend his labors. The Donor has eatibtly and relieved the understanding/ of many chinas, as lds, visit tannins* as above ;stated, we• expect this kaire a full attendanee of cripples at his rooms on DM:mond street, opposite the *man house, for the mist few a following certifi proof tes of his 'kill we append the c : Dr. Randall has this day mask Menu for Me which have been troublesome. - I hare seen the operation before, but serer scything so priestly to mr satisfaation. Taos. If. ilkaizew... .Pioodurgh, April 11,1808. Jitothurgb, AprillB, /8113..—We certify that Dr. Dentam has operated on our feet, memos ing corns thenfrou, died so. wlthent pain, and oath* to our satisfaction. W. Panura, P. 80y,... Dr. Ueda has this dap rainoved eight terns' from my fret. The aperstioa was a paialess one, and the relief le sash that I ad vise those afflicted with Corito and anions to give the Decor • call. /kr You**, - April 10, 1863. BatthSeid street.l emus r Csanom LID Winn ro Sri Tian. Thi entaprising Ara of V. H. Moths & flo.; merchant Wien maw of Pedant atd Diamond mom% Illegiteng, Wig fully aware of the entraordLury &Mame, in Bpring gmda, hare paw Dm fall a totantdl amortnient of cloth, siiidimmi; mutingt, to., sad Qv Am now wady to wpm ttiMr Bring trade with anor - articles, Am treaty dated pekse- w l / 1 NU their goads hp Um yard it deeirod, and aa May beg eon 'thistly on hand ♦ large limply of ready mark automats win be awoommodatod on et lure a neatly fitted salt to' on*. The work la all done randee,their operomke. and alwap warrantad Mparat'uyer i ‘ -- • - r - 1 . ioar linowsla now Ito lam , Jlerobsat Tailor. would n v otootha Winn lat hinds aattAlio • pablib Jet gaunt 'that Itibso but rotund iron timbal with Hi ant 'nook et Br ing rod 'Bunke Gook -1 amillua g 'of *II in Wm styles - of OULU, ' ondaoro ll spa ms, Goatioanairtinis a stook to ootiot from that twanot le aqua.' 44 by aity oast in the di t ty; and Wit giu , nom onto in tho'snot tostioisla tuna!, - amid ai = d well to gin Ma stall - beds por dull Oen • No .. .. n eitnow,, omonsat Tailor, . iti Iliosit# Mom on doiit'pni TOL lArm:soak Assininio -Votorrnoo 1-21* straw= of oar eon/spree knore defenders re ant/ nottrnid koala, sescot war, aid of tbvpatifle th Sheet :le eggs directed to the no extends% and bandsofic essorsoisat of eke West 'styles . of-Innen, -sad daterfeSsi pfsei'goodi;,for' nantel: obits rid eastritately reoekrOdb, XieirsaohatWeiar Co., Iterekint Teets; ]fo. °ll6 soh* street, Allenheny.- A teetotal - videettan of muftis% Arrilifilagnixolstrillidso Minya be hand calks shelve. of tkosalibllslusent, toptleit 'whit *let of •ready-AnuSereNthlng, rtup In tie lielq'allrain!.., •• • •• . ~.. .. - PEW 'Tait Illtrem—lttn. r diaor' Met. duel, Xerider, N. IL, limas u / - think ray bleat of- Kr& a . ... 4 .:AGitetr•World'a Bair Waterer awl • Zyloomeenuc- ' Bath !spelt sad, wits hate and theta with time .' the e mai, fact ory repa tettes. mate." - Theft prepaSarUsa ire IS. wide Ported lor/07 to ThuoPs, Ittothars i Srorl4- , ' ' • • , . . . pold hylhitiaisti seimwhire. ' Depin,llS3 dresotrUh etre% Now York. -• ` rip ! Vesossisaa /oxlip Autz she* set Li the elm satil.suppllect with Helltsrars pl re, us and Watitinit, fox sous, inttoTiwoinds, aim pu s p, bras and besot oomplablte. these las& 1 mownu the beat lo the world.. amyp ro u .rolittar Ina Glum . 90 1 / *clots Par bos.lll Nanoo so Poor am ilestotai; 44 4 4 3 Air " Ail Ostuuu liviutuni.--On rusks orT k i, tuitions to uterus 4)Z dulllissossw rook Of Wibill4 IJSO is. elm Oarpaiter Gall, owl i i 4 Oathbart a Gamester ahm Vlrstr: aun abste.thiltiotahltto!ata• -AU 9244"-PreliPtri 101116114 W., • , ' -., • t ' prosistsestrisa,'work - ,1141 esiehlt4usent Is 'paraitisi Mimi - mg ollasfeethitt 0 t a P0. 1 44./0 1 t.1114. , a:#l ,ftlia.l .I.osati • .=,--. .- 't.-: ~:.;-• , 19 4 , • liii4A in .Vt 20 iwartii l a'abit !iiiithedig Pro t tilloa. f t la cat N. U. L. will Qua metes et 8 Voleds. at Wilidata Zan. ==ME TEE LATEST NEWS BY =BMWS FROM WASHINCTON. OUR SPECtDIEn.TCHE,4. Spactal Dispaka to rittslughGaut*. Waal:rums, May 29, vas INTLLID 041141; - The War Department ha *mien 'numerating twenty-Mee. kinds of infant's' tbatdo not disqualify agstadynen for service In the invalid corps and t an y"imt.*: that do. , Tne ordiinualudei that whilst the G0T0M411414 is most anxious to prozide for and employ those •faithfol soldier' • he, from wounds or hardohips-of war, are. no i j longer able to perform assns' duty, yet liana] upon no aotootint, p eruns non.undistemag or totally disabled to unntei the 'Thom faithful soldiers; ,whcn.oi are too great to admit o f use in the invalidtheir bang of "aw l oOrpsorillnim re- Mu pensions and bounties Provided by law. ' It L further =nomad that no Miner or en listed man shall receive any pension;pnwohun I or Unsay for rena/lataient or servios lw the invalid corps. They will unpin all ether pay and allowance now egthensed by law for the United States infantry,'.arrept hummg,l47 for remaistment. Claims' for peados' or bounties which may diein previous wit-' 1 vice will not be landid a tod by eallotannt thw invalid eorpo, bat no pansiona oan is b" drawn or acorns to any timing' his vice in said corps. ":odhle - ro ring . men rem be organised in - onsipaniest of Infantry- of the rime strength ere li now einholen - 1 by law for United Biota Infinitrj. " No organ ised brigades, regiment,, donnnsies, mParti of companies, will be anniptid as lan. tn llstmonts in this corps will in for three u *ear", leos sooner disoUrged. Innuannon COL. anseseres 211GADL • aktkllybil Celfax. Ina betas from. odium' of straight's brigado, eaplotrod by Invest la Georgia, giving 42 44111101 , - . 111614444 4444. as meat to their capture frethnt in the rebel papers bug -44 Wind three time oaptund two plow of ,artiliary, Mod ono hundred and wittlothroitutdrod. We took mitiY:irfsanari; selves aka* tined : sad `Jost them. 1 1 Annoy as two hundred and dity asst, Ot.thOr min ' had gone tivintyrini • teedvanee, the iniMmyni thon'and.itta 6'2,100" rebels. The <doers war: to totouttiotrooltiti, aide arms "iiildftine,y. Privet," were Co - re- 1 fain 41 iiglit amino:hot - l w w . Lein I stripped of Mankato and 4114440411 Sad ma I anal, ko. The retention of tin 01 - 1 doers, on theniulaition of fleventor on the charge them: analog segues, f, tie mount possible an aed -vrair'bised on the following A....51440ir of tkentf toolloaa ceptund a dine mound ea ibinriosi oat of iiidfitosintod It to Liont,;(101; Walker. The Colonel's serrami,: sacd,g along with his other things, sad trine: Oaf*. charge Wank th 4 refose:to change olden" of Mutt' brigade. 1 ' - • ; AITIONLIATIO23 err T1:0 ,6, 0T0011111111.1, The °Mehl footings of tha gonna atinte, dristion bills, paned as • the lest seeston Gowen, jut ootoplatid, an al &Uinta Ltotatts_ comatho. judicial sad! aualmiumlela - "----"'"••••••••••••--• PUMAS SO Daaclency' 1,0034333 30 30 317 4010 3ths areas Sur tbspas tad idg Jane 30,3353-- 7 1;331,1313 SO 80 11. 0 13: (hearsay to;iit; 3 7", . ' lam Jos* au, 101,132441thel soniiimitote map col Naval 110Assaos 10 Pall 011ta _ woo Co Dipmatio aod aweder 1 . 21 0.141 14 /undid sad sib* 9.616400 SO /rtia masa sad a m atm la t 2 .131.1135 17 " 1 .10.393.011 , _..033.330 • rzatottpraoos. Th'i intern' 1 Itiiirade Buses bas beet r vimil of the death Itlamsit Appmesmi, Jeanie of. * Nourth bleatinkp DOA& No ineeeitaitaiyut Nis 'pietism& ' - It is set time that datigas for Mina batiks have beim daatldttormisaded arid th. outlast fir dies awarded's, Mated is rant Nair Tarp' dlapiifshis• , is must ben th at a sualMi, o f Dam it mam el Pousjivitisi:-/.'iesilial0111:1O1 Meier fratmha for lir aaosia•tel; he'aimiso & riaamsotio salable*, fig; and that lr has_ imaisiattid aosditior'lliat thaLremireatioiiwilimiefit asth platform. ' ' imiphia There are deed reastisa for % .billinidd l 9l4.stood of iiiiliiillifooffilreestre . ,4Fgawst4 za. Is really-- psditemp-moviss ousemoiddi t whams of lids. ilips a r rd:ind i that Ibis fenislsowaath s voinavevha3losi p ' in M - Wisisesdfri hisiebst metal sik'ia. .f.,. tom vOk!burg ; - . 1 .44r; thisi Thee Oita* via Jab." sad ;Ifebki aimi.ass tesiejtiOntillatAii . The mai& palms are that W satioatrfoisii; haoitiOhiiil bilk "irks' aim tiaiibtiad bad toms slipshod "eh time; mid (haeral Mode • am aan'a &tar. A plates favn, trio atatTf4 ban ttodah nit 03111417:_'11, !ILI* 4•lpaciag that LSS ! nrat7;;.la the bates 44, Ohanaellonnle; nantbeced 115,010 404' g reat ea:ft of redden .ziM. J. 4appa:irould , have bean Emma has for thee:dada th• bacon , !dud "Int la North 17aignme., icteeiran saieinsa. it Aillataat SfrilosiAlentlier Veal. et is. Loeb, uusno• logui*beed Deserth wat is m h e Ass '0940244,11)1U *Phil 40!1!toil 4141411185 t suitor War; andart. 4 7f/eaf• lay* atrlven at Oa* dmalMtkasi " i ll" au- an lafai aatodforaa will-is palpable in the abu t ' .P 01414 att *meat of irillakas' at Yea. ug* _ _ _•_ __" J.X.,lyilibirld, et Gig elkr. foraidm ifewnsaPsiftll?"4 srOdated Bawl Cloiptiiiirecitik• eilway,vise J 1 16 j ay Cottordooosood. 7/......11114 dower Wm. tooloo l*WPti .. a lgro. s• ' TV . R aw Adiailsi lhosiemarked` • Lila onallog; at oimmoiliis of-tho way BallotlAmoololoaq GM Millapsted 110 1 13, to be is Niko as mai: Iris worms. bo of trPlizi It HWY to _be lofilifto4 'to.4llllCt'L4tr f ttoPoolV - _ Awn sir osooo-Naanu. 7 f '+',' I :, t Tolin E. Win iair , omagellylio*iiii se iii bast $ 2 0•111 - 4 " 1 " 111 / 11 44—$441 , t ditty*/ old asikooatort fa the, , Jdge flOOtotts lid art. 711 3 40 7 , 2 ,4110 % Is aOir 41liiiliti W lSOMllltikere id rt• onto Igo lapolto4 hositit.. Is sop sevsaik booed= provinod Ma sal t la Ohs war la *Mu pion Wady to Ito witßiardes t i„. i OtZel Tiikalothirs to 444 osoolvo4 107*MU' Mt val 11,0114 Owe of Mai Arliairri id 4" 2de":"11,11,10/141" ' .. . , , or& loitilainlitizsi - rim la lath aro& ghseboriii Ito - ' win, oak, 000 iliv „.311.,uuttiof 41116* , VOL reviess viet*U.amilim — li-1* JA r - A '9'ai ms sisyfr AL looos-bio2boolo per Ill' 1 51,11444 ,,, tiro itontagolloo•r - ,''' , ' towas Boe urose tie lalonal Aroalie swam AWL ItgiBTIPROE - GRAM MUM SIEG)I PBOGIiESSING FAVOLiBLY ARRIVAL OF PRISONBER AT MRM PRIR Wasuzeroi, May 29-11 p. dispatches from General Grant, dated near liWtsburg, Monday, May 25th, have ben eiceivad at thi War Delitutente-day.--They reprasant the siege of Warburg as progress ing engsfietorily,' and that General Grant is &banditti Ali to =Alkali" his ineitment of the town, and reel any attack on his rem., liaar tiouand gra hundred rebel prisoners, .teptured by Ihteral Grant, arrived at Mom .phis to-day: Sped* Dysoach to tbo Pt:timbal!' atisitts. Bonded, H.T, /lay 30,1868. Lima. Col. Adanui of Wolford's CavielrY.. foal:ant st the Ids of 18 men and 40 horns, by the lattploketiempture, crossed the - river yeitsiday, determined it get even. 'He re turned with one robot - Lientount dad one 'sergeant, ire Privates and elMn horde; also, a quantity' of firms. - . Ufa reported here, by a reliable informant, that Brsgg's prison t forte' before ffen. Boer oran's does not exceed 11,500. Wipes amirt that the Vlokiburg news fi pezatesing rebel wedded, in Tennessee. The deatindien of the army and the people is iasidahit, , /a a few, days will be able to state the munber.saddispoeition of the rebel torus The 001 M-martial'has been reorganiaoA dropping Lint. Minor and Cot. Cu.. meati and sebetituting Hondeded, of the 113th and 'xid.indpius of the 29.01 Ma,,. 7. Lint.. Col: Minor will some before and Probably ; alio. Col. Bunke% as a solleteral. The weather is sealing. The triops ante Ana health -and spirit,. Official: Dispatch from G ffillet , - en. Waiuiturox, May 39.--An (Moist dispatch ressived to-day by the War Department lrem Go. Hllet,irodunandltig the Rad deed , dated Melons, Ark, May Mth, which day': As my-oeaussawee .deseending chi river. Mesa Memphis, ea t he maims of del 221;thi. , Osessaissasu :sad qtunterressiws Nat red Andlato from thio alianseissippi shore by a 'Nato! the adios with two pude M artil lery% whoa shoat els miles. above - Anlthf.' I roused -.. yesterday, eat landed no, ford. . The some;bed a few hours before my arrival *spared a email trading demur, sad liainoti leerr,isking her mew eosins lead apprOpri- ding fromfreight,► A amid obieta Co ,mulin e gems Um lahmbitadoe 8 1 which guard sear inovameets. eavany, tinder Major 200,, strong, cams up with tho eae• ay, 1011 slide sad all mosated„ eight mild out. The light lasted pearly two boors.' The Major wee ecoupethed to take shelter in a favarakte bottom, where he suoneeded Mire puldag therenemy, and /Many demi him off Writs the lafeatip could owns to Me Oaks& was y slight . tete inne4 lead nineteen wounded, amit aunty lett Eddied open tholleld sad itaillentsaant mortally ;Wound ede deo tunity-twe etantof AVMS. tap- I tend three priseners., I burned thir mown of Audit,' /wing first .sweradd. Anil „bundle& de the fl glossed sad mend door hiding u pre the ofeellarge of 16164 IMMIX 1111111 II WWI tte,numitsim ~ .and two heavy sapid/Mu 0.11 powder a/so dourried. ‘Ofigelor..Habbaril sad his beitanoa I nue illOt opera tee highp--Gray desermn a praise. Every eater bad man of the Jamie terse iv reported to hare acted with dui 'Obit dmenahmaketrary sad'prbropt obedfonn. ' Antral 01 the Massaehasette. .Potureaawitia, ites,29,—The sine, stesiaship illagabheeetts,•aegag ri ved Lam, r. won eomaisadtag, arrived off eke nevi zhat-:pieteritay aerates. She l e tt. ibis paten thi'Afftli thet a end hr been et far nue, ea WA:lea's /sleadOlutries toasted New:off the Goltovise igloo', boles ead zettuniess Legit, keret gorellasa,,,-.4lhadeatoe, aeorratows, Bono, Basta - end Part FtejtaL 84• • • •PP/ 104 over teieehil the North eat theta 'Atlases hlositedthe steatteas, visiting Wasik* Ossalak.Doboya depot°, Warsaw, aid 2/3 Anxious, yo., -Yoram:keine set 81..lolua'is this, hew IletliiiBWis semi* Pesobeeot,r/iilie l Amidst 'Ail /Via ataaallicPg Itthglizigiono 4re - at, 014,01014 NM,- all Mad upon' AT Ile bitteejosiPtles the aseliteat. Ber-- LBarseneo tweet& rat ieff t•htl ing • a.,5.4. eagekhavlag been sea se-irliaileetaa„ lOW Amble to ilia the • • i Kaammikisetti ejok. tie nii.iiges of istiato, B. sae at Wsew ireaiiee, 9eAeleetee.:, - • " A Mitgocie .. • Istatatosillar ranisaaimaivtawatiataillow las Vavairy, siiidang as 4ar saw Pm:o . oradslog ottotali ss *aka& a:- ny aadst way . bams;;Vanitiaoa., as:Sarira 44 iistatetea uraati maws. Ta• Mao adka, Lea lded eat isa 'awned. amass , taw lassie leari,soas•.-.eada;l. Taa maalt aaasatat aaafaagia*ta• gauasit,"Lisas, VtttlWaa anraassupL4M.l pan: 1 ;11a10A4 FiluanTaitadlea. 11A44Wati'd44429,- 41.04e1u0n BM saandadaba eau, desaile Nu halo ao-441,' of $4040,da1l irona at five toroattoo ;Wads,. ~,. ..,-.'.: • , ilkektptiby. Tolalitaipk. ' 5 - XIV jr d an; tk TOW, itar.. Okt SS& kid at - gnat ,s; , KMAraer %ow" *as bums, ft.oo % 4llol4 . l o l ,Mbe,ftWum W *Mama 4; 40,00 D bok. omd or intense. * he *Pad& 111_,Mplat'aritiantans• weak, aid; 'bar, we* adroarJost Wu ko old Gad IlieT6e kw mu. - .Pork otoods. of *kr dik -, Aldird MM. ..Mblei ,dolt at , ,PapAgioxvi. ltor .94—Mora dokoalos 1,44:* 0100. at Pe Vite_histoltoo. So NW lorototra loally: XS goer 1415 10; Sad , cora meal it lik ; watt I taw Moo book hid% 44 Ill'eset , Ol VIM; st 74 L: 76 :ideolloototrp et 01:11S. _so d A 'hater a0i0044; io044; ow WO .bfok _ whim Cote. thoo oottt, sold PAN , root*. at .714 Coge• din, Icor led Whew hors atowik .Prorioloiko;" Woe mkt Ikea at ltd **Wang oil it Ili lio ; . 1 IN oral tuisis,piakbed, all %sok: WIN, •30.; Reath ans. ;ow aa; ma; at ingnillnd Jetal at /ask eteasattook Rog 92.--Phors to as salvo' sookikt um aim. onana nientanaah isi ad an. pita*" gad $4,7 7 1et 10 Sot ostruit t ailtots_uloo si /01.160 is- raw weler nitatt nitasuens,t end ibstcsrai nig ansinelami , nestle ass . to 'loth* mi0na...44.11 halm shoots 01 So par: isaoskirat , sil ltieeminnidailla -Li Pr inane rei„ , l ned. indissi nr%, WPC: Ono surello dull it Nolo tokkoS . • Psobtail I. behgb-hhthleoloriad-bleste. 'at NAT Oat adnealealdirdzoinele it et•die% namatneacks,„ nnitatend . natsit. , Ida.. NOVO instated sofa Mina" atria al 405 .Taoro it tort IWO hilitS titproolosiec owl sitars are Oa- Obtlelleet: 'nth liti‘eno tly dam tack sad it pm; and aro bbb. Si einu - Balk _in axe wok: Ingot ill 61 MO Opp tax wow; Dom-, tag dodos In bocoa. -Zug , to row - u'loom ibr cq..aktotortosstry. No choose IA srooodok wen :hleet-ItellteS. ..4.7?diassootoosz„ *a—, riskSh.:4thitbs . :ltiottit.. ogoO lid kohl id p .l, _rtrotrgiroos eau et de.690 bblk it Ili letbe 110 Ibt Mao. ant ii MOT la - Manion; 1 eon; Wei 114,0001iillio. Pott -- .baryt SU tbr oil i *was e at siscv-mied bows:wet .I*µOji. lildiattaniglalk'zrdoki, tulan.“ , N.-,.. I) !,LiaW,,,,4lhirLi ftt ,- innannli - lintati camt ramitadteetWttrant ttdr siffili, 4 ,9sat, fanatllloidla-libiairestiop, - .. -' _ - - • Dikbi - " t • --!: , ...Aa1414144117;V0ce La lisi liii.' ma, dirabs maim WAIN Milk. _._ _ ..ta4mit - aster Jits it: Dilliif, R. 10111.1A,LP: SAzatir, in ON atirlearkebhll6o-' '' ' '", '''. '''' - -4 ' • Mow voisbliOrusaimil4lK;4riii, at lii'diiik Soria ariaa''' ''' ... _ . PNWiiiE:M7 7 W-- - la 2 / 1 114; At fti atifilD '"" ' E!=RIMI PROM KENTUCKY. • anigez*Br iLIGANTLy APPOINTSD AHD KQUIPiiII eLtalbit in Pi l l' TS 33-p-m,aii (I! rear of 800 Trhable's.) c os lleiday, Tuesday and Wednezday, Jane " — lBl4 16th Eli 17th, 1861, • Proonlios the:Wl tralpoil collottlia of 8 0 11 , 81:15 ems ro.zse. - . aild 11.• SItODPI, Off rl4l lSTEDPsaroatisaa IN sicsacilk,-0. whole tisior the Isnou &ate direction of OW People's' Oda Clown . aar"Zei• 'Must - ilia Till ba jai's* on WON DA 'Y in sib% ant o'cdalallP—Dnora own at 7 3(o'olock ; and ois TOLDAT anf WIDSSIS&Dat. sown vill tattoo woad periormanns•—aarnoon and avunam. toga ,pen ski and nt o • U oaot i alms. tainnasat canan.. ata)fi and a o'closlc; 1111PAilmtallon. esia. kiaaired thair, Douai. fel y tarpo(ad,) SOm in , Chintlans anly nitwit !xi at %swat% and ow" la ovary Soli. • ~ • , . . . -.:.- want* Itaof mammon and fortnar taiormat:on ate snail tall( and plata W s. .. _ t; 'Oa Saud - Procescaa mill t! , l Jamaican Yond inaintai, at 9% a., t gek.• - , . ay , as •tt,,____ re .., " 4 . t ....0:14. tr eirjrjo ilioutettua; _tunas alb Stagima nipbassait. Onweertoc . rasa AnzsencPrivat • &LIN 116 ;CO t a sztelik rrtvat. Box IT 00. i firquitui sad Dna Own. 60 ewe %.11essia:-. iry • Otrolbi Na ti Ookwet am- IS mita i• °blared Haus. Id magi ,113.3 • - • • „ • • rgxe'paestrao) avgnixo TRIP tminimisto_J, - peep of zireep &BIM! B, BANWAT. ANOOLL— F. ..' Mr. B. COBB aY. aßodasteg Os awns of Dosoltrook,ihku+—Fas, troße •WI Mot—spa th• 4u3/4? 18 44 0 .froat ths,ax grwas 6'ol u h Atis Thialm • • 4 4k 40 (4114:eiti: • BEN, THE B9ATSWAIIt: • a. gm: : 0 1 .741411114 2 4 1 X" 4 4 AOSTSID, . .. . aItooNRIEN ~ AND LIQUOIVEL:-pa a.m 84/811.11DIX scossisss. by sour, is /0 oijok,w4a soma% aS Sas Osanniestal ilpiles Itass.' 14:11th strain- - :8 bins. My Oilssis ?lalaiinv. _ . '. i . agony !.11 bass filthin standard Gollari , ~,. -: a 00 Atancasitrated Itasas. Gorr" .-- . 1 .: . • 41 ,do moo 411 I,"dat ihronad Priam; 'I do ' do - Clartionsq, • ", 10. do - t - Groans Tartan s.. - - - - ; :. . , 10 kasia o.akd Brandf-XL isar B 4;:i ' "10. di Wild ' Canal zrartall", "' ' 10 to Cita Inisnapprvi',.- . .- 8 da iltstin4 - - - , t 10 bassalasparted bona ..... t 8 ntds.sopsslas Anausial Tap:oo k; : elannsermatmorzaZ' •-• ; -,. . 3 ikasa_lirialt-B.artg -i., .' _Tabla ntasnerati.!..„-. ~. 1, 4 . ,-'-_-...., - - . .....................„..........„_______atallo : /54111,11',8/rneWAVlllkaaoeso,-,., ',ll/11014,:-011.8.r: &WINCES; 4o•-,.= 'Lien 114.11111MArYORNUM:KieNth,,i4310: Z OO % 7. .1. .1 • .giaramivighok andaulagaiii4 ?IN wanWhialsre tad u4oTh , - 7. alktilimr.rt wus ezta zuvoi; , • t ed Burin al—do '.oit ass= * tap IA ; _Bitter Al so gams* W Wool it ou r Giai2oll9siVi t lx g/htskahirSliiiti ay= 1:04.1,16• WeIWATI/14400t'is. titti - ,- . Id ilwtpiadk% *la labk, eat by Oa Ix tba 5010•41A......1 of sal ll4obill *l r add i A ct trilldltaltte lt tito .- lIIr MA 441 -18clitiogiew rsi. _qua A will :Wan. at - hues oak ca 11 1 2 11 4/LAT *WNW at L:oaab__ .; a. fit. wain& mem acci WA tamodatiosi =La tom Alla. stagy at 13 Vattillt. ' kliatil WI lois aim bettia at uto Moot Ulla watt oat at ley. Oka; Xo. el ________,______ ...., _amaattal“.• ~i ---,- I o' ',2:,l t.Dtirtit. - __________-----____- • istaeinsusiArary . 40.-14.41 litrvanArl stosinto:ll47- atilti =waft saill,sirum,m, /1.61",„ i aosor iut isitri..-1- a a kft earistar 1 Owls Wit. ram .I‘/X0 AIN! XaTLWAIII9I, lti tete sting from - the • WAIF, 01 rali. Piston:Me: ' 2- " , The following letter from Falmouth to the . New 'York' 21 - iitine, dated Nay 27th, envoi some light upon the illigniar movements of the rebel army on the 'Rappahannock, and satisfies us that their threatened aggressive . movement, and their 'how l of it= strength, are but parts of a me to oh) their weakness. It is believed that a heis7 body of troope has bun -sent iwast to sue Ylakstnug if p ossible, s and our Maxim:shore correspondent informs us that large reinforee meats have. 'also been sent from Bragg's army for,the aunt purpose. It same to In this this is ktoeker'e opportunity, /tad that we may look Air Ult . :lna times on the RaPPa• banned before many days, and probably in Tennessee also. The ominous movements of the rebels have been watahed.witit interest from this aide of the Rappahannook to-day. There hu bun Marching and caulker -marching of equdzens and battallioni opposite the different Bade (United States ,Relly's and Banks'e.), In trent of United States Ford the greatest ae tivity has beefs diliplayed: In tide iiidnity , new olive, in eioseproximity; ss - if a corps was massed for an offeuive moven:sutlers appears& Bustle and confusion have -been the order of the day,. Brun:Flume resounded, regiments hive man'euvred, and exalting ru iners coin. from oor vidottes that a demon strations Gon the qal viva. • . . • enter DOlll Zr NUN ? This quad demoUntistion has been.disouss ad In camp to day. and many op ons n Cher . been expresso& Young °Moors see ðer battle but the" old Veterans, Whi remember the reireat of the. rebels. 'from - Manusas to Yorktown before the young army of the Po tomao, let it down as a ruse, too shallow to deoeive'thus experienced interpreters at rebel strategy.. The rebel papers, :soothed today, are am iolemn se the 'grave over the oVerwheiming irletorise of OellelSl Omit. A vail of sorrow has : : fallen, over, the_ whole . o onfederaoy, and something Must be done to ward off the im pendineducm: "This is what this movement metme I believe, the army, of General Zee ie forcing their defeated columns in the West' to 4ay.' believe befoio Baturdenight chair roll around 50,000` ei the veteran troops of Jae will swell -the 'bettered ranks - of Pember ton, and the blood-bought - laurels of Grantl will again be contested for on the battle-141de , _othinaissippl. . , WRAZA,11,1J(111.0111//11/tAL THUM. Conversing ,with a distinguished General to= Jai, at blibeadvaertenr, he expressed:the fol. 16,14 carton: "The rebels /Nalli no IT do one attire things : withdraw their army from MS : elisippl or eremite - Virginia. - It wars folly I . liiattempt to hold beta positions. They may, l'aind 10 000 men to ft/pi:loath' to - polish over the defeat of Gen. Grant, and, then, leaving Mississippi, return to Virginia, and,' with' a' releforeettanny, carry ,out the offeneive pro gramme for which the radical leaden of the rebellion have always been faming,aid bend ankh* await of the Confederacy In onsigrand tent Atr r eoccupyVirginisi . and invade !hal territory of the Union.' , This would agree irith the opinion expressed ab.:ve Conearahig the reinforcement of the Western army front' the rebel army in our immediate front. ; • ur acionsa'a TEM, ' I Yesterdaj., serompanied by Colonel Arrow- smith, of the:ls7thN.Y., your.ooxsapondeit called on Gen. Hooker, aria had quite- a long I conversation the "Betting Californian." I bad met the General errant times biters Whiks."out for the. frillnee"during rho wind bh g- in u of. o Campaign, but never ea, nin P o pe's tWrite than Aeeterday. lie was highly Mated at .the stocen of Gen. Grant, and tharaaterized his late movements" as' Vidandid guitar, nebleveniente; at the same : aloe enthiatiasticilif a:limning the Opinion, that Grant would not °al' , whip the reboil, bat capture the entire Vicksburg fora. - • -gm us _ _ HIOWIKG'S A/LEBICABT CIRCVS, RED LION LOT, DAN GARDNER. .aversorr s.azzat. P OLIfIrICALCJAVV. M_•.''..1.1391G1 SLY. C' E uvr • at, Baur *VI Dtimeit Itt ilia. beoz,. era UN Therm Goghs, theirmaikli as • es•didite .t. abeeecs ee . rem north• f th e sz AtililaiLlP =Jour(' ' b o 7.4 4 at .f opm b, iota rfOlf. sodmdllaia or tho ob pumius.ooldool a aro sloois ou ot tat nurT.. thin .„ • ools. AL488.111BLY• (North aide of tb• Ohio Borar.)—Joar KR NUR. of Moacheateri .bo oboro pot. t, Coovo tkon'oolleof go to tfordtetcoit of tho Voloo U.OO- a o, - • los itkt I"C.6iNV - AlitillilliliL,Y, HaNs .13:11u. Ass a Basiehri Bail/plan town. *hip, wl.tprneut his name for nee/0y for limb!, to 112,,ijakn Ocuivatatox. to L. bald JuneSC inyw,:ta - - nr tenuo sigrommrA, tn.. of Rabb Ileacrontke/ *lligiitra For num basica c e the a teleeefilA.Dets*.therAtleg (Wan Oenab Oonnortleat' Dirtiag • - 11;1 , eit%deerto • - WAVY•TreI. CoUNTY TRNAttUtilia.=•••• Dam lie AI or tb Ants, Jr.../4 Poobko.tOwoollip, NIl 0.4311144 tar au ibov•lfah solioss .24. do o wit NI Iro evA.lni! ."- t 07734, ~itic the . 'lllOOl Wait) 111/E OmmtldiVerlii ummt7 'coonols.lotoor,. anwo, to itorsoollioa Oho Unl.n (Taint, Clanoontioo. - , 'Duo .11":111),R COUNTY COM • w lONER. , -"Poitirerruisa :Niko AZlMAllttoboriba, • Do lostois Ike .Erobn,-04 o:l9fireatke kantildat iboY4 o for the `oniel," ' — to ono_. 1 • 1 1 01 Gunn °Ma ,wirfritaatv. wd d di allldaltiike Mutat 'artobiatioi iin4ia to she ticialoti'of *Unita Utitotrikioeimsltidl';'•'" 10. FOR COUNTY GY)l4ll6Blot.itit, ruft.- Comeroot t at Pitsopibt•elf.ewl Ibe • .ehe 040.• *Mak us** eck elm &deka t the next ,lla:ca Oostall dbueentlwat pl.. .. . ......._. FOR itiscvsmat.—Aanfix. Ide. - - qr 07._ =Ott Milllia tik - .14:bo a mat. data Orr asoordor, outlook tetab. 01 Ma next alost Gout, illoomoom s . •._:./- ~.: ity:-;.daptO:ta .FOB, RlCCOAUBliasave. ly, a tn. &Mond Worf; hi rillorob. win to a =Maio for rkforsdar, robjaci to the. {voialoa of flu, awe, Amity Gosooalka. owl Lto ltux Oslo , Pty ,1 &3 1 .11./kip..,lM, Ur kW& &X littlaorso t&Oilpeialpapt nioitvanq ,thass of ,reY- ` inat , dida• tor ,Oofoel cbuit tli. &bon akii,,Abpdszattuk: of tell nevi 11411 i b:111". of .UPPE...#O3.4k " of Uol mete ..gorrarOmb let '''t.t"%za,t hati:to rerii lirmtionsur ClotroloitlOfi. Wrczaaif intamokir Will be s bead:Mass tboO.Mos ft /*mar of WILK !I?:•••gt..oesk SiXuaYs subject to tts decigton umen eplu to —JoinrlL-Lo ,of I*pp-hip, Ivunhtl :rill boa . _Oaddldido foriaoratatarte. ta plot So the combo of the. ('Lty,bloadooktios Cksioatka , . , • • , ~A ,ifz,-Tm02,30 Adboueoar...f. P.M fflcThimp, 'Mb* aiktdldatirlbr "Ukt - orthe. Ong*, Aillogheay %a nt,. iiibrolit to' tbdidichisoir OftbleMrsilia county Nonstnatio • AN , ...zitim l tritrOEC L 1.tb54a144 mitt Litt:l7l. asatoe " p, wtll tbip traton Ourium flepays , nitaft, tandsdatdi IMark arta Marta. ' aa:te paw-mum Akiatokiiti:-...±, : fR°* a ir, Ox.r '471 1( . 3 ", d .; POTOGALP444...t*.A PHOTOGRAPH ALLIMIN.IIII, ,Z% a . 1.4 <;,l 1701:11q"'. = • @ sZTIII, Masonic Hell t, A e His-rraintrid another:l44i loc:citiliase snub • PRozoosamaxsuiteill, - • ezmnispze-Aittnixa .PHOTOOROR 4LBIPIR, PadVOßAyi ALBIDUkr Whlohkr lawasekiaidAkkasokiadoistaptarad. air A harp Mick Gicriwinatevesrus 013 1". one Rag 'IP Iligt swine OF Tnivrlittiout. an. 'ow, at Ow thlikitlPAPETta 11. Uta Wo 4athei 416 ti 0.611. mas , ise-ziumrdiriMmpa Thoraw roma •DAUJWIIOII.OIiIta9 =era* 1 1' 47 , 6 ° 11 4! b#4, "FA tk!,4l4TL'ft24' • ./f l :l 4 **iii„4, ; jig -rktoo Ctl A# .P 4144. 4P#1,4,1*L40 kllMtra camas. .11 , 101-4, ' - nOOll ellf. C4fgas . . •.'1(....t I of .41 ,1 r374try akb" AeVir ifitellheabWkilOOdig • • J 0 TES 1 414 ; - Atehrialtd; * CO, 74 4 1 P74 ".XAT,POO,4.4O,MiKtinIOIII, et coo. ia lt =r k 44111 1 4. 14 / 5 0 rr:44, alswatiaistisokroseatiatear airuut. asked 6fb awn an pan Marcia sat stoshieUWitlSSlMlr 4,llrat 'l = 6ll 4.,.:4•3l7 43 lGlMPlitaateialitsty. - Nsaftesitiali kriatisisiakhatig m e addis . 'Aftdisc 144.kivid 1101101111. , „ o rnitla kati, .. . . .... ........, . . itimitatiii t r iiro ,- -iii iwoymicht ono, `'11,”44g4,001cf,',01i0.: ...,.. 4. - -. skwioADATlm. i . ikw .. , - if wom - Irif4ippati 'brae ~ , orb wow - ankw-inwrz,.)riiiisil : la , . 04. 1 10e0 •-;:i1211,-IRINI) irt:r3Powz , ' MP -,-, . F 1: !,•,.?d . t ., ..!, .419.114111MinigR '' ' ' -7 ft f.ltz :!...;r4 1;z 1, po. , wi - ,'.1,•, , ..4. , . - .4 - 4 its . ,:i‘ 1,. , --,. -...- . ~ s i r ja, r7 'fat ,• • :1;' ' .., ' ~;4 4, P 7. dem KrSA.'ll'filla . 0 P ! .. .. . . - t - .7trrne.T7Z/ irrirr . " : ,:_:, .-...*, - ~ •:..;:. 3 / 1 .000.1 , •._ - SW - -. ' ns. ~ - . Ihrealls IV . ai RN. P. SUM Oki at4l36.l.thsiv OW* ' • :d L:w =EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers