f===. d i,_ i . , t• z •• • MEM METE MEM .4.. .1:- lIMMEM =SSE 82111211 =WE EOM .;.‘: •‘.i. ai. • • :••••0-:' , -!-4:v.- • ,4 " , ,;* ••,• ••‘; „..x...:4‘ , •;'• • 4 :z•-•4; • : ;%••• • ' :A: , • P•:'4 4- '.3 • 4 • 4 . • • • ~, . . 1 ..- • : .. :. ::..., t - . . t ' 4171 -,.. ...,% ..• \ . , 7t \ „ ' \ \A, _ ~ i:' MiNE • ••••., _OW !. k•• • • .• Izt4 „. • -114.11tRIDAT-AaRSING, MAY- 80 iffssedOia 'peach. Ou Dasin Teirts,4:lllll4rA drew gra - - envy, 016, lately mud a piiiszt -Liodf 05161 thithileiring words: - - altosistaats to Onassis patriotisitl - ' 1 " LIP *Mau at Maga mad Tedlaredavaded oar , :ualoUit• drag beta their. boom aft baidired G t , l • . Moon Ait, Crawford amp. To arse, ye sari: %SOO 01 Crawford 1 'Boos bllll4 ready for the „ 4 Assi•••• like - order OM drafted am to iusre r I /CU& ud soler Wil l. " 1 1361iik• kind of staff widokpoliticians al 44/144164.4,Fir are trying t. eh* • 1 treashasesi the oonstitotional imm u ni 'ip so .f boa "aplomb. TIM= uses • MUG 1 * - . 1 ! ! 1 7k 1 4 11 , the mo re . itgral ecoonapitehad masters of his r Wthool o , Sorb •• Birrucnnto - Vooa. •;' ~e sittailhut Use l imper! it the tame; and we kilo, that the country:full of ink men ' si be; who 14veseitlier 'hint nor blsiai , •.; .g# l tc!. Aire *lllaboFelthe /ow range J l 2.: of i.manpertiseus, and who willget. them- Seleilkandtellelfdtrpos into serious trouble 47 1filiejilerrelitiht followlig"thelr leaders to I Li-. the c 0 Riot with the goiernment. For the benefit of /111wweithww ,men adios. party !mitten •Allight . drhe them to the commission of acts ta in: , 1 thOtn in armpit = - we ivippema by rata awe Or the: sot of Con ;;b :c pin-for enrolling and calling out the nit. Usual forma : 1-1 " Andtee irdirtheeaseted, That if any rerreon . •"", =4 l, dostinedn any draft of, man enrolled unde r Wein intgrthisenteeuf the 110114• Matas, IN OM 'mod or aid• any person to resist ;•!, ' , arr imilbliatsi et' olua aosaiat •or 'obstruct trif thimbles- awit drab, or in Qs W ismar of sa7.lortioo la rsiau thereto, or a... , :...illleoaniskany paean to •usth or °burnt ratted area cot to I °e at the p rban " of cum "mid:evens, er,wilfulli'dLeaade them from tke porton& arse of allltag, duty air •blipthimiby kw, such " pleola ikon bo - sfojoet to sutamary arrest by these provert isatitakt, and .ball be forthwith tiolheweil the atoll authorities indon liioniodos tlionot, he pudehod h a w ins sot 11,satioodisifito handled dollars, or by napes wjsteatostorsooding,two yes% or by batik :Sba..Pkfilftnta Of WA section will be ; trigarestly enforced by the provost 'min . &G&W gkeeteral distriotiaid their dep -I.,re4s their command : uita it* gni . 0 4 1 1i 4 F1 win;. :admen litho cis inclined to - toptheir timid, at playing the part of trot to*yin ana ouit it Is a`eery different As/ ' Gil** au -I , W Polilics- Lays ammored Ckaage of Politico* do sot hallestikat it, the purpose of ibeattral if heir. really 'abandoning his 40141140 at Prederialtelug, to &Swept AI tifthm!lPlPa WM/ma or Poinisilt;44ur • " 'asseagli . ire sat is 1111111101 *Ai /4 should Airdrie to Fake the getanissit sad people be • Alsesthiii Chet is kis latratirs. Rh - position at Tredidsksbeig , had besets not only tom— . .guativitty aides, but awlerard ud beams. He la toe far ressred-from Richmond to 111•112 kb own Haas to it, since oar ' *Fel lung taken Puled= of West Point, at 11hilitisitioa efts biattipony and Pantunky there, where they are Staunching tictinstres stratify, as if with the impose of making it A baseof elossiens. •-•' The Mattison, sirs is navigable to Ay- We sad Berkrllle,'widelt an from thirty to tilkty-litre miles - above West Point, and the 1, , . Pesualtey issigablit to New Cssthi, twenty mike rani the Mat. It will be shin, ,from . . _ •Pouliterstielttr. that, with an adequate lama at West: Point, air sea mad - our gee • - I" bely,itid tniatabits"-tip thi' river to the plass named; bind getaelunents, sad scour • - -Vie Whale iumatry roar of Lee's army, ilklie tbs 'of tiossuithation, — lamest ridiways; biidies, telegraph's, Ae., .ftiabsieisd Lsly tub supply P.ee . g tritas, , sad, Vutiiiging Les_ laissnsely. • Sway edth Wirt Total pepirly seed, it would koalas* Ripietiblir for Lee 4 obtain ado - c vita'nqqdier by the routs, and hit the Gortionnille route. 'that Len may sie that he is a tiaededlalastsraTeneessas(thelouof _ Sideksreultbe disastrous to the Couledesey - , eallawaterlitalmemilantanable)then in bat ets Yitptsdm ' j *nitrates hi &Fads it, Ross aasaraatilmisraa-wW hare it Tory loon. . AM be Ili' destiaition v it would be _ agestaF7 . torthe . Elestrameat Nab large ; FOlVeasSatitte to the same quieter. ' Bat ai assi peopi. tan - only spaniels - Figiatrapea the 'simantoin mosements to regrew ea botbeldits of Uts - Ilite. Wiet Vir . :Oak lig* be la isiger; _bet in !Sire no ap 1/11041VOW of Say eishuts abase being made .IVatc aterlaad sr Peansylraala. aleast — higess a lt would be very unwise to eartdag to eltaneir for shoeld the des pindsoisf Mel astberities base them ' Ii lake as elesispi upon tke'almost defense. . bre Rau or Testae Kiribati aid Peansyl; jettge,lhti gisenaust ought to be prepared east ties. TheNowa - frost Vicksburg. AD womb from Vloksbarg warps to isameast tho-oialbloai ariaotatlcat of the es if oar, therof ' sad the 1 1 11.10 11 As isPr papers is wuzlag.W. hope verl.looa to Mir 8 4. AO/ et lb. esitaro of *a , city, bat of ita ania ander Piabetrat i roll io liruMtwstf-avo ffilitt . " y hilliteliiparre of hint the 'MU:011001d Sad its porboa, that Mill sake WS lb. greatest •`lllii h i!<thi War. As plan; Nov Or- Inas *ii of mere, haPCWWIA• that Vieki• bum but 4ker• Ire took 0n1y,44 eoismativoly saseatlied lat.to losssae of their strewn eitadels, thif kla tie lutltnh wide& 'll4llStaile ie . kb'Tiass:llllifissippl - • : iris& Saar of iliehi4aloo ' t oes mrooPP It b _ aiaisffjora sathoiir . thatito dam rens ~41/4"illat all trosalUty of New is eat off, eri rather, was eat, of oa Tharidsi of last • that oa Irlday aeralag Perabert,oa - Wheal A* isinudo; on ocadltlea his might to lay_do wn this aisto mad amok oat; bat that ffeaoril Groat sdtiUt to aseafe to the tas& LUsitißipotoluto least u nut oiler Oa ihut k.t ooptarod ek. »UV irosksi Segge..tho rush :OW, sad lox Ofliienl.!ook. tkslr wait ir• Vatic sisy st in poluti, sad .#lllllO llO O it,!* AAA byk. „The theitatir. vas . , • ,-.11N1144 ,4•ll4oo•itiert MINAS Isiah's. i- - c.:OdkassatirsriNdadsress.,eralis a lon g - iipdgi.spasr thS !Slot wadi lad retest ibsis, Plat sa 'Oa Dan' army Uhke oolfkitut of 1 4 1 44•7/a07;,/t Is AAA tliliCs 4444 cf 0011441 aria ts 4 sixiiiskst Wsassios as -11dokillstsigs* viskaftty, nolif4o ,i,04:-Almallgir-WbOovoloant ton*, on of Oise derpstits'usousters, •i s" . idifaiii . isiddsitii out of As °opts:* of 14 1 ** 1 4:4 04 •10 4 uP 47 P? 4 , 00 2. • eb , ,z,„, . is ;....". 1 .4 1 40 1 4 f Po • ong , 4 ' hitoTliiid U ft, Nillawnipi Ii aad as •pdaktolialit:i i Ado iiiiikeed laaiiiitaraag ' *Mat "IWO Ms kaowlodp get* out adtd• toesdo., . ___ _ . t•a -9/241P, ThelsSwittv,,e , Law. ..' thitosis',lif the illiVilicAllave Ha ll , *aelibigio — nellY;bmi r tiniMe to attract mush' attimtion. • gar , readopt _will remember , that be was diseharged on the vmsul that the fugitive slave law did sot apply to the * P l iPk g ._COPWll_allk., _ll l l.l, strictly and technica ll y speaking, it- does not, neither - doll therslaitlitir Om kaki loneliing the reiattiee'of 7 tires tar it . speaks only of iStionslield M Ser vice escaping front one &MI - to another. The situation of the sliveholder it Teri tlmllar to that' f demanded visiferously what was finonthMtmi in the bond,"Amt was held so strietlyto the terms of that bind that it did not avail him any thing. In .fiat thing s h ey, eo' aiisbged' since this rebellion liroke out, that the Saine * Prinelple which 'WS! bred Scott de-_ alsion applied to oolimah men hid ;cols to: -be applied to eiaveholderkas :Ls; that they vo lwri-ncetights which awhlte 'Man is bound iSisepest."'•'Thirit biui beeli• ricau!liA l#P9Pilftr °Pinion- • pesthisth i print ' The Washintop. Ofironiele, in the male of enilsl: 4 4lteigegentilihoil notice of Gen; dram, las the following ) , delorthing hie persona ipPearafte 'ete Grant is about lice ftei'ldne inches high, has sandy hair and whiskers,:blue eyes, a firm and determined month; a well shaped nose, and a complexion that shows the effect. of exposure Ho is yeti ..far Isom what is called ahaad.ome man. He fiais a good brit, eery Ana= elioniden, and generally etaids squarely en his feet, rioting on one, leg, or loiriging egibit a nuppoit. peter us= protale or extravagant language- 'He is almost model of tewperanoe, `seldom drinking at all, but he &makes continually. le conver sation he is rarely animated, except among his moat intimate and familiar companions. He prides hintselfon his horientanship. et the battle of Monterey 'he was ordered to oarry an order toss point "Where he Wilo. pass under the flra of it, battery . .. He put his horse Into' a full gallop, threw' himself off on one side, after the manner of thc_lai... holding on by the, hbe's Mane end bye= leg thrown over the' =title of 'the *day, and in thin petition leaped a four foot wall. Getth Grantwas` married: soon Ober he left the - regular army, and Manor .thile children, one of , 'a boy: bout six years old, is 'nearly is ieed slider as Oen. 'Grint is air inuissuming, modest man, hanno personal meanies, never spend ill of anr one, even .of thole who lidure him, knows nothing &bolt polotios, kaolin ambition for office or divination, but Maly' desires to -do , hil duty. • General Hatch - described him very well when he said: "What I like about Grant - is that When he is ordered todo anything he seta Tie:Liebe= doing it. There are no , ohjections or eirfr Mons or suggestions of delay—not a' mo. men's rest until the order. Is executed as well as he , can do it with thei means at his command." Grant is not a man of the highest order of intellectual ability, but his operations have shown him trposeen strategical skill of . the highest character, particularly those mince has been la own chief. flat he is not one that we sheuld set down as a great . Man; and a tenon 81* ing him but once would almost surely hal* a mean opinion of his powers. Paradoxi cal as it may seem, it has been pen. Grimes great good fortune to Unbent alwayS un derrated. Newspaper ocrrespondeate, who make it their business to criticise and dic tate, not to narrate evuniq - politiqiems who have places to fill, and contractori—all bare joined in one general andunbroken dentin dation of Gemmel Grant. The'eonquerer of Fort Donelson, bad he been a politician, might have been ran for Senator hem 1111- note, and then some one else would have fought the battle of Shiloh, and the twenty dap' campaign of Vicksburg* Had any political party undertaken so persistently to make a popular hero out of Gm Grant as they have out of tame generals whohave won a success, there would be an anti-Grant party, and another wrangle about "political generale." ,Fortithatiny, Gant is a soldier and nothing but a sol dier; he has, said that lie wants to see this war throngh and them go back to Galena and sell hardware and leather. 14. has never had a day's leave of absents since he entered the service, though his 'family have twice visited him in esizip.! Ills qualities are not, therefore, appreciated by the peo ple, though they , are by the Government; which may now feel as greet a pride in having sustained' General Grant meth any other instance when they hare withstood popular clamor and private expostulation. The Tatheadig Ma Case. 7rhefollowing is an extract from a pri vate letter from an offices of high sank in the Department of the Ohio, Mid& givei the seasons for Itarnside's west of Vii. landighsin: "I think you are wrong about Vallandig hara. His offence was essentially a military one, in this aspect, that it *moralised the army, prevented recrultinth encouraged de' section, incited men to , resist the arrest - of deserters. and tended to make trouble shout the increase of the army by comeniption, by inciting raletanoe, to the tutenttioa of that law. These, mind you, are not, prob. lematleal'reaults of his cenuse,' bra actual. Specific cases of all of them, Amami the last, are continually occurring, invariably among men who call themselves Democrats and swear by Vallandigham. • The only remedy was by sudden and short stoppage. "This could not possibly be effected by the civil law. His offence is hisfily known to civil law, and there would have - been no end of trouble in gettinghim indicted. Than he would have 'been' slinply bound to stand his trial at some future 'day, and Would/rave gone on talking his treason and sedition. And the bad effects befinesundloned would have gone on' growing in power and influ ence, and might have got too blgto stop. . "Moreover, 'special traM it"-doing, re- suiting from sad direttli aterordanoe with his teaching; have Constantly, to be secluded to. They eannot be overlooked. Should we punish then and lot WM ict Inciting the nouteisslon of just: melt sabot abusing the courts that try them, and lelick tag their authority -into Abnegate f • "T 0111441 no ides of fke . amount Of 'open and bold disloyalty 7 -not simpply disloyalty ' by the'Republican rroutdardi but by that 'of any honest zaw:t.existing itiOhio,lndiana and Illinois, among • the - VallindlOant party...lt suet be dapped And idewn now—not six months '. military tribunals are the ottlg ones that can ;do Enna be PtLt itshould :take a temporary military: anpottsm, - oat here to do it, It is that, or the, lois of the ease. The course of these men prehei z e the w ar and costs lives by thousands, and tell you edam - 6 9' -.Or ,• she Itortratasitt MUM go Own, and.that : • , •. BO7E bit obsi of the City.optunni o t thnore lasi *hided resolutions:expressiat their etathidetioit at the rettioviii of, landless= beyond the lfederaf Hine— Orin, of the resolutione is as follow"; • amis T a, Thet.ltiiid att rosisures of, te f the'Pederid lloveronitott are subjeotsfor just and fair oritiedmpekft do sot believe that at le time thictthle, our mast should be tolenited who is pbsiolTs Palo' bly and notoriously endeavoring to omits a toot/ono opposition to the ,goolrolistit; therebylimsreishia dielettittos ,of • put. tit* datra 0. 1 •.:•Ta. boltbititt 4#o,,bies NAtiniet4i hkralilisdelptde f ee pat t er otttro i llm4M g =a named Leah eleeteit the Common Conseil D,lfel *EtcAbidowto moad, states that the sew Marlase Is lain a4 andfsadl£or - 1.1 1 4 4 -4184AUPO forme tb - 1, watts as fonablable es was her samosi k u lest Mi. The 4505, ear a bible.t be4tigers .frei ...=taesclie=km were sEreaa Resperringthe wollw erected los the of Illohislat he iltatskiklit; _Skeletal of feet/ tie tweitty - 414 WOO* . g two h dist aidAstilety4kret — Ilieel , allpsi had nil been completed before thiefielpestai lest letaheri#thasetheritleekieteg beams. -4111110411 the "ear Apirtsell•olePlellas'o. arm _7- • was, rats see :seattere4 . weer 44ene of several it, on , this sik.as,far am*, plapkalusalas. The/ °remandlb. stitrias. IS seer, direction, plink:Witte 14 IW:stifle& aad the Jaws ealibrei:itow nail field plooss , ip!4e lellifesadere Yd 11 1 Iselfilisll pas, The • Rams aid ararai aunts sf a ratdpal works are as follower . sh.r.easenate4, 'MTh gnat ; Port Raa Iph, 14; Port arektells.litf ,4ior l Jeliseis,.: 14; Nom Desline..(low eissiasThd and Itisq4ated) 26 s 'loot - Low, 14 guns. Ae• 'Oordlaglo thlewriter,lhir Itliluson4 of. to. day Is lei thus as strestlielr walljut Tan Canadian Governmentie.:iheil ITO troduoing anew Watt law,•whieh will be found of_grist importance to American is ventors. Under the present minor patents are granted reshient_, Canadian. Viulecthe new;jtiepAtpesed to extend the protestion'telnyaritors of all with out distintitiOn-, favor:, of-natives. . ,The. eximisedPSo 1.4 I litereducod to &boat the sMite amowilae is required by. our regulations, and liar, general features of the new bill are much the same.l Amer. loan's have been virtually cal off front*" banefltiof Caiuuliitn = proteetfoir, while rill-- dent Canadians' bars, in - Many instances, pirated Cirpreatirriinthini The newlaw will do honor to , its framers , Wm* justice • • M.U. RUIZ elleNe;"ef 'kite Ontedgamis ampttmdeatd tq beettoehedto the column& of On. Hoary' As Wisi;mas aziestmd on Yin. .47,iaandag at.Burauits AtrAota; is Bll: tbnari:" Itiittirum tems, dip ago; Mid au, tit' Nil Mac, *hue beim married. laumillmelystainard'he tibiae& to bride, mid it topiii4' at 114 heal *lambi wasEittutiL , He is tieit voallamVii eke "digit at, tlutillivist SAN :shako aim to amilt wbastlag ' Dears or an oraNsintonesnrsito—T Pane lie correepridentzef :tbs.-London Tits. , Sraph,st hisy.Bl,b, leo Htatßenerelßaron Dopin Aled thug on, the ?reline :Friday. He is celebrated for . ..kering:saved the • Hie or, the Pint, Nipelson at Hohtenbrotta 14, seising the areref,the regisid• Stabs.- Be lutdslso tesghtinslbehe Bepolsotilo ears. 'slow boast Thleh soon very. few viii he leis to tutor. ; ` • . -- • • Train Afasiacts Cosenza Itliontimo. •=L•On payment of thm_:l3l44.- bounty at fifty dollars to milt oniittod man (rani and MO; font. , out of nine hundred and. six t tp44`, mon easopoa-. ink the .111a7foiartil*.amaohnsotto, regi ment; eignid thatr waits in a good and clear hand._ This is more:Jinn can be 4 1 4 gild of s icato . zeirklitrat• . Tas (kumm:/img liousm.pf ,Represeugm t &UM ii comp of I.lofarmsrs,, 16 mer okiiibi, =madam/um; /8 laiyers„.3 WON** 8 ..,04/2PlieSt'.. Phisbasati Mag ma, ,mthark lumbar . dealers, clerks, tokuotxu4my, hotel ',keeper', 2 sack. ship ! muter% piinters, bank mamblarkma i rinen, murmurs, bakers, glawblowszo, 1 es& Tai court-zsartial in the cam of Genera Corcoran for ,shocting - .GeV - Kinkbell, has concluded its investicatigns. The molt is a justification of Um . . Tan largest casting ever made fa Eng land, an anvil weighing one hundred tone, was recently, "iesuarl". from 1 . 1 Sheffield foundry. IT is mw believed that the $3OO dawn in the drafting act will be held to be stands , - tory, and eo earned oat' by tin Priatdant. Tama/alai 'Wildly of Merle D. Disko, Itaillergaildidsr• for rifratour ores Illsactuf Coarunioa 40a9610ta, b.5.141.' ItZLIOIOOII warless. 10.THII- Mgr CONGILEGATION Or memos. Pttlaborik - mot MB: tbny. la um, MX GOLLION, BUILDING, corner of Ara owl et. Mgr Mora. LOIU/9dq.idllW Illteateg== boart...lhindei ratical at IM Aloof kip. a. Pett thettng *art WIDIEVIVAT pebble en topectOOti: 11730 at PWSLIC 4*)21C1. ISOUTAITIII OM% . i . : Otansozo a Ittoollotat BISMOIAII Co., Clooia_vollily, ma, , 10.1. lIPIKILILL'a QIP Tsai STOOJCIIO US al tbli Anioloo win to IWO a* IMMO, ta as WIDXSIDAT , t i lot deo of Joti iwtt. Oil La a: au on NM goy. to . toka Ink cosid4orstios tlio llontlibrifi te Ist =NO& Wok of tboVosiposy to es samat t to alba of Ur amonloo dtto lkook. • %It tamihrlasks vill Imp gaol /Urea' 15011 to .Taro.ll4 e , , .. , • ; 4.. /1044W3111.14 • W . IN I O N: aNnar OMEN fIOII.—Tho heal weetteet - 41ftelest ems& 3=llllsepiettete er the Aftetetthefte, la lie Osier for the Vipeftere fteftese=itr a se theft epee pletertk eleetheftee 1 1 / 1 2103DAT. the Illeh ft/ IC Ner bees the ftet et the 10111111, the low Doss ot NO doh so teegileptft hem oath iftetloa Attila ea& Eredeet se fteeeiftwft, etc. retemethea bribe usft olll ftallidek w lthea, IKE ifteeftle ft the Oeuft Meek ta-tb• ekte.:. Weft of TUIIIDAT. the ha Wet Zoloassioo U waists. m. ft left de=;elitteleftiY Ole. gloilloer tO plow ft easeefta .. stet tte Maellett ft• Hoiakif avarnfrir if Deft, Aft Sigh er er Aft Clarket oftpfttlei. M. = I gsw e am e fte 0.. ./ XmarCt. ' ru.,, , ,boistgor sin 'be Itillet the wet* ehtla Plealsefted.eilteht eetweet.fte bows ale eft• efteetp. aftt la hhelfil ft end Boteeeft est% Paftlittfte Conee'lles 4valautokeihreet seiTftft , • The, poen Lis SU Addeo soll • bssoilebb So be le linos, sod le the ftellefteebf !I,p seder Oft, ftneeteskiftitell - 1111.11. sieftwar, .' • , onus o, posesimaina l t - i i =34 i . Wlll 42" k`'' ' ri ile Om I Ns y %nor ~liosvo tido dorolooliookiplbliontair MI 11112 OrllTAiot cot tlmpootto at 1110 iiin v im., =blilto obo 'rota lion !OW -pa. lolOrPoig Wane OloklN' Ml' of rk! T. 45A ! 11 .1 1 04 oNiniftw r zr.• , I. Milt MOM, 5.. . Pss=Cio „ AItiaLSORD lli -do titelil•rimor le sal 'Orion iaalialiord et einaitilinher 4 °Woe* low . o4lo sOblimba aillo*vi Wises 'sail Midas Ilawlag to eiut the' lanua rat iburrives qr anaalastionoy ifiteisuma, cq J ... - J 1 = 0 ° 411 " 11 14.. “ • • ?m ad: MU. ilwlft iBli oVellll*k4eilrlw *ioiMll * o * C U*l*MV* IK * o I - B 7 AbNeK * o * a * k tob' L k i S * ll te "M ll a n , ,l4*Mae tibeiaksi *b ll fttt***4 r lipil ; ~..1 1, 1 11 11/4„14411 i a i . . 114114610,111 OW. ... 7 "airt — suirsiostr. g li=t" 01 710, 4ritiki 46 ...... • cutte• *ow Itivi'•Arso Amallael'imili 0 - 120 'el .1. • IZ / W lo 4 lll .lraisdailliblillnkritelil in% allmilltw ; ~ ,• , •,.:,/, •,, -+b JP:• , ... ki*llltel. , . •Ilts 47., Au rmaraummAkim -- -- - . .soiditlaWaringoile ' mr 114iinie AUtilirdaizestattsaltdi adiVriaird Raw, le. KMIIII,-facif ifirosall• le SaailliArliOdnit dby. SITHINWAYII 'PUN `." • 1 , e'• . ..,radnic‘ „star Anatatuareatioa 11, q 0 . e '714 VW's:4 G Ail mu % alb a alliaar 'Web 410146 . 111, ililll/1114_1011n4 WM akasmaiima MNI • - I .7 ~sLYOB=-BAIL SILL. [ ' I= lo 4 Dodd Of Try= made= thedlistety Of - '• 113. betas= .800tyjIllsiire and Win% 1 censpethig the Isis arm of Ben= Acids= /Va., pertil irepe oaths i (th) DO d P r M sglhAs er 11111, st_the hoar 410 °Work a a , oda for sae th e Well hereitilar described, and will • dew the_ sodo probe: at deck& p. a., e ethosd dot so d h fro= dotard a_ Cosii/loar of Ohio own% 1 en Iteio of if nl ie.in the Clay Of Whellte. 1 widervill 'Weld We the bee and highest bidder thonolottlie (-death= . rope ty . in at : peed,. *het It to au net, west of led in the edititirsid et the ix - et wa...thm ocetaidlog two Itelo a we= ea Which heti meet= it*. lfollios SIM, 1 liaal , /aotsigy, Ltd haleings of tie Belisont I /run Welts the . Wea= to ties I= Ire of bertha; leciiitha I •, tote Joe with de strip of land, or leaditg. on tha wet aids of Weer eve, and see= .1 she aid Iwo sues; awning from 1 we 0 einem. hoof ether .siork in the nye, "Mkt' Wert bentotore' otheelwr by Jeoph Colimal and gib mi itivmdli. Norte* =dales= , ~, - /lbso Ike= nantbere VS it. the addition to lb. =ft eillifealthn. a toot of by dompls Wilma/. al= led Inntbind 71 in thew= widths It lb. • :Al2 let sambeedle h ths tali hidden to, tie ,stuthited Olin the Odd sidition to the 4,11ew Loh/rube one In -fhe odd 'Within to. ill* #4 91 1 W besting. - - ~.....,_ • 'Adel Yhe o f pats items o n, thrash 'street, In thee ruin %Idol tee dip et W . .Ikieotliel as ibiewe:'.llehsetc fee ths am... thorns. stow, at the I. W. center of the property, on whet* la emoted the ophos tats flar=ely awned` by (abut= it Ohl On =OHM tie der et tie rid teopoty r a _lt*.:.W Mien thew:salt: 111,e II 110 feet; tamp* h. 03e. W. LOD fet to them! rasa sees; thane 5; lb ° W. B 4lth sold dem= = lR auto the pisoi of the bg, together will the red a= toil eachuhe 'lntlisio, ~ of =ides lb. . sastied lit die bead . 44 doll sok, adJoadonthe seed per,ce of gen= ly. ; ton= wellattio groan/ sadlyrtirdiget formerly eoid by the hald.lolia,MOSlo Willett Lean= ma ono lithietil. tow, •own= by Jams B. rarer, sod the " fir ithe of *III= ,entoplaeo, and alio trust io hdadiel the trait 01 Lmat'coasayild b i said Jo= golf he I.•Jecobite fa theindet beers= the monk Use re Settrotter.ond Oa south. tenet _William thopilts to. the bootdary of old trete . oonveyed to ch. sold 'Jamb; to Stefanie= =tee that treat: .. •len, Ihe end sad the erressini AIM of far the thaw Owen thenwit of landinueles= Jeep loan Jahn Jeffs WIN lead odid=ilt on, tli• LOS 14 del tens last fleotaibW . , .. . ._ ,'/Airi' Thiel cosi lota In the town Of death Whorl, -Wen= lee Osotty. and /Mimi et the plat of the est_ - themeo net Inn st. &I tad 111.oad won be =Atha= en said lee itsulkt yledas lots hos: 11, -111 ,dotheith411.1ind, lots niabend 11, 10. lt and be hittpwrello, 41: -..-. ~• , , , .. . ' t . • •eso, • Ise ig ground elinalod In said town Of leek Whaling, in Odd 'ethity, - les= and dalg. sated tab?ets ot nod town as lot MUSLIM/1S la - the see: 4 a all e. Thins property 111 Mee it deeded tn rho eh del °fleet. reeorded lifitook : , 45, esztothoilan ota pse 1114 tO which ree. onto Is ' here 11126141 M • thee ellidtheription. =lob will be =As sbore.tandbet Wielt the gond will of the salt I Ins of Nonce, Admen It Co.„ - wlth I= traooblese 1 sad hasuattles sad preheated eppettaanen ter Ow oast =dabs parabser thaw* anui slat wattle ' a pe cheats thekbelonolas to theL odd knee of the aid property, =or= ail of tie lee lithe Anton, anima a thl., Wept the solithady glom e• 5441 iinthistient evened= to be inadfroy. Ore: hdrittatittoreed pets.= Chet eto berm by Oho perbeher, illietifelt by UM Nothing monthers of . osid, este eine( Itheloa r Atteron It le., nielashe of thelet Vieux MOMII. NA the thl'd by. UM odor 'ibiertiosehown the taelllt Oil sal 3ffra'eament to 14 pps4 Nes awns of d s dst 6, 7 and s anonthi, with r te with tectrity. -no Bale of the laud rid atestotO =mad* one= Idled= teas, teas is to my 1 Ono dborlis oath ft bend et the also of the Wei the settaiseer to teo void is 101a e sold hotel; Wadi. Wet= In aft, tireinN Woman ted newel. Icor swathe otter tee earth. of only. Itai, with in west tries tho sed he nettiooeo ten tb• dd. to be malted by the Irate snot deigunhare mom dull have ban toy paid, hat the ped.rton of the pop my to be &lumen to the pat ek..a on the aid want of July, le& - Tie =pot of the trait sad ode la to s dasoritethor smote tbo at enders lit SU We Zr. othorgim. Ache= a Co „ cede pro. ends if the odd plopsrly. esicereleg to themes el c toiling as, Trete, I will only .they neb title so to =the hate by WA deed Ot woman= - hilifthl ' kAildlldlUgs Troetem NEW GOODS 1 , . MU **Me of the atria' ite bitchy luittliad NOLILLAID, Hco: . 1115 PIM Street Eh" last nestiVl films the bet ♦ lu . . aid Tilliod lesartaiss of • . Lunar, atunsw an) oznannura Boots, Shoes, Oaten and Babnorals. /Mo. MUM AID BOTS Boots. Roes, Gaiters and Balmoral/. AS dishing_ raw rte sad sheep goods. iboald all atd ayousa Odin baying. r 1 A VitillqUlS I anctlior arrival a emirs ma num aim cum= TOM BOOT& grail 5..1 pi a patr, at 4 1 c2 1 1 EalUrOt a XMILISr Min "11' 71"431•06"'"124;3:1274°‘d0n010-10 10 Volk Itttio - FraV: Thar; do Igrora 6:4 aft Podia; , Lod; • 10 11 DIAL Mit Ihd toe; $ do Doy•4loo, 11 , 1" Mk W, •LAZNAB, ' sod dalildwd *toot. tt • Gt. r • mai si th,,WIIIBL • blots s sal Mimi accordbetr. lo N low or by patiently basght aated, lor Ir. 1. *flay &Lull INott 'stmt. 14111INIUR intUU M 110A crinumag,1 emu Tom. ma. try . zips. r. MARSHALL. /414#4 1 ;4 6 . lobla.Valoinelif or sae 111011 i. COLLIst —YOU bail[ bbl.. W 1V14 41 i . powdezed, for "lairi " .l " "%SIM V. t r.trt 1 tAf.; Volutualoi - Wittioaajnik - spa itigatasii numbs, tams. Laws oo psalm ad .. ma /I PlibititaWd sax& w . -) labials JAM biLIA —A tineA .u. Taint 1101144 Plebda: VI& MU Mod Ingham litsatogool sot &triad WA, warble .AbbaIOGGIT and MAJIIIENS.: 4491: at vroop STIJIIr. Oa 14 A. !Mx. LITAbq sumo, Rasa stmt. OEN lEi Eillltra‘-ifull assort. "Avavidarsoprvistvapp is kip. mimed at Me istentielloras• OS" , 3110. IT weak Mew, Lbw evi i lieum war/Agin , oath* sip b$ aG _ 1:11;15reli. at OS Dabilkb. essa.a. EIZATELWe oar for sale Iv saw wry *saw" begat bas fa. a#9aaa. gtwo SO - in ure, weelite willing. as cm, balk M of tb• Porgampeuele itidneka, SW - DUMP stein" Aptilbig poverty Of ilia Wale wariaisase sal Jobe Ream brut eitevalmenst CI& be "V /ow retStS 1410,0.nw.1. ,14 M S , 1 4 , erst 4 4 ell - Kama a a. lell:1 1 Wit et: YT !Tumor arra , iatnat Kay 14y Su. ro taros, / 1- • • • barrio • OTlONvialhik attandas of all apleirs. 44,‘Arao lon lisoa fruabl3ol oar. cora ot your ,Olorillthir 003 lam to n• ' far tbo arias tt blots - 00tPirtt taloa a Stir Oe et ihoong Order 130: :let, Ur, rat_ 11,8 War Dopatant..ra *AVM" •Wriliftla rm tat tort% Our enamor mart to early pray 13111 ebb 'traitor et Or or. dor, gad tear tato laird o t a alkatinar trap .1* sg parade Sot praort roil orontali 0010. yr. ttro roars of disab4l%) rat r latta ° write paanda, to..the Actlas Arsioat "mew 00 ••01.1warm? el Os aro tor ear 11.7 tar 00. 1114 actin Aarrat Provost Itorshal antral aut at aim *rams taco Eta labor rat, to re Parr arena of W ear 'Marta tie pram tagoalll b 6 Findniell Is swat* ape aaastriag pm+ maw kr oontrol Orate No. 103, stink Ina 111 8 Z Dern*" art. ,Iltar .0%7 atal.orturato wM coaroaco taltddrit om.pUtoew loolVtapolotar to, sad 11 . 8 inn JIM* 4 arypeadicit ot tioptotla ra l Maar to !Nob tag aal la ardPad• soma .manaatiloterat. I*TOTKIK-We have .a. eh del eidoelhlea with vete the Mabee YU badeesa. J. bola. am asii aas I ' to be' lalil4 alias a DuLL. Psalsaik t• Gime wildq. The 011' ladareloll be seet,4l ea ebevad me bealadkati.- • Nal 180410114. I Y , P4Unallia GUM 'Me 01 ansiv*AIT.! klmNivi suy.s. It I 4 I OIWrI P AN T A “ A "." 14 ,7., ai l liab a m* 0 14. e itaittsitimag j 0i tt 0 ,40;:44 6 4; surgems. er a orkr i ogest im l ik e frasitiAl 12 1 emoi uyt i r Deir 1 4 11•011X6-13 'MU in Non end air sob br MU" NOM Oa ~~= - - I " is.oucTowitoipts, Prricresst,ifallity nth MILT mHE ATTE NTIOS OF MERCHANTS a- and ohm 4. celled .° 11• fothrwhir whistles-to , Tristiern, 4111.1;wre and eirrient." itearniag trade with la.n t -readerurr Stein sad &chow titt'ailette referred to oenM bad ew Hoo at tide Ghee: - VOTIOR - NO TRAMIRS, WEIPPRELS 11 ; AND 0,113111.9.—1n_ pawns= of the 1.1.. coins! tboi?reddent or Moo Wiwi BUM; li mited rnitesakat horn:Warm ban- Wit • Sermitted by the scummy el the 'ftensmy. be brodnetwinsdarldo RAW AtiOrly Mimi bed limb MUM, balm= tbe, °Morn of the kip,* Stites end *be inhabitants Welt JAW*** thews salts of 'the latent Irnimesolying OS Of Mat of the Tronsemie Sim or sole OUP . 111 ten Churn rland sires. sod esis:d and wonttonett by the term of the United Statm'and In. habitants of snob mate el beam - Lenidana, MIN Clapp ant Alabama as eraistemuidea end smottotl— sd, to las ow m.y ho ; Mbenty to supply the tants to ,oritb-tbe isicamurbe or tik. Mimes and perste! are authorised by 41L011taltair &sew atter *be ma day at lastaat, ends, the Amid Begalatiose, intim tithe &Montag bat rain Ala fate:slaw las so tbe astern. and comillisms - ot eittntatcourm, which tone born apprartsdby the l sc deareary of the Tremor?, seat limes and y smite wiry be granted /7 thellurneyoi *Messiness, 04 :Os felomaryikipartatial, mutual nob, It Ile Mir I wing named putts, to wit I fitteacirgb; Oloconsatt, Madinah Unbolts', Nei antral.- Pelee* loalotillc; Miro, QauCar, 1. Trarrportaloo atmerokandiso lr , sole, may be permitted to Miskrilli, kali* Mae p pop. vas set Jackson, Tennessee; Ilebrrn arsenals, and. °ninth, Misamdipt. to sack proms and In Mich gratitim is the napactiva Award! of. Trade tbanel ea'reosmmsad. - Transpertathmeebridyswkithe msg be ;ern, nutted by *be Fames Boardeartiade, or men certMeme, by isiu njoei, tO ell pallOas midis. with. , In ear moms dose IS the 'natal above mewed. smog permit appthrnaes an behalf edits Wally to b supplied; es sem mean .rnanot, or such aka aw as Midi bearnbarmsd by tne bead or *be family to practise theta; pral7dsd *bathe . eirlirstd mai allidavt*, en! the crneerisanthad tie pirait .h-l 1 be /atoned that *lB,a:types wanted nseskis. easy ter the oohs nee and' oonsumplaito of the ea i wally' daring' the two urmtluraetr essabsg, int Soar =Peed *wreathed be IWO Oiritherwm, (haploid, .of by elm, or by ids antbonity: coantrame as as anti except •or ttouse of the .14 hally. and pck au par. son.ball be' atognmd 11Jpreaultibg, Mira tad . 7.11 ,The ruckuses anCtransportatlon *I tlittent, Selstoso, and °Liar mercleasalse growaaal prolapse tailitate or'Tesniasee; say be . permitted la sae tiossanY phew theists pommel tad eeatrellea the tome of the _United hulas, ea er_wela el .the nalesse Atria. or on ar nea tat of the UuLtimisad hirer tottorylace puled In tie loyal Mama TV. all - endorse; aattaaeles. yersttei U... round Oooluaaail other monarch nemeats toy m the sad aegatellota, or by these =lea alma be la ama has. ' No mathoeffisvdngard too oh will bogio: loath* to no to my . iskeo la Oohs= math boner V treble. tit to sag pun sa st&Jukainitrztvor, er to thy planar tha onatlsa of non; Wyse we °Candi. to &AIN , Man bete coy. pot. In Neausaky atm et math Of a line drains Iran the nouns uf Dig nods Alter. to Lerdastati a then , to If= ce then to Thrwilag Omni then* to The -mksm of Loin soul;), Umbel obit this acothera` bounder, or loom 't odd. Onion& sod arta colici4. toe to the,Oatiberedid Nam thane doint that il, arc osouth.latioding ill Ill! iyalt;Of Xthuany ma of said ritar,or loony plan la do iltatoof end or South of aMe llama lion tharaorm sodis niter, to Zan, thaws to dirlihrsaa Chty therm by Ma Ninon river to the wet Imin th. new, mon: inch aid' to perniate of the osa,, „tames rd tew prone Done 01l lune wonted by tha &aviary of th• Tramiel. , VI. Saran of Trade ambled' fa' the - Shine of Was Virgada, inotoky or , ffilasintWundar no. X.N. of tam n : ice Old lain tiebaet et oil took tranamma, shoving the sums of every patty certified by thin, the ohm to whistr I s damn to sab• trireasnate, the atm= thored, oad Mokpo( mooted km teams th• affiasult e - VII. No o slant. of notuamesdatica b• even by e Baud of Ito& Slaps open the &Want, pleetsited by Me. IL, sad so oardleatei atoll bs, edio mss thus thirty days atimlts Was. Vlll. Suer appikant te • Board id Trade kr • certitude anal tkie with MI apt laratloa ant allow* • maorandus. of toe Serebiklidiae' he anon to brie( lase tee dkuba, a copy or whisk sheil Mat - tubed so the rerun:ate. sad 'shall have vein sane Its fad ceralicon of the Balled that'ti U a copy of the anginal oa . LC. Upon Maine st, IJoiestemlette of , Pont mum Array Corps. or Mira &Wan peult, soy to granted for Ild, stagnant or each ponders sag toffithea se abalt.tivaped in. dead. la auk is. ousts, tot the ,nollannt,_ nerd the elloanand onm sod eilues withthatporatnes of th e ! Amy or Nov; , X. tha ; Mbeirethdaffica of - o lad of 'Trade goods a p p r p e tmseuaat sd u g a oeaa pgmarts, tth te be lesol4 by Una. Mt ell sales OMNI shod only be ante to partial* fortiodr ewe ato aaa conarapdan XL, la osessokan IMPS tionownan thy gad 1 shalt have *lidos that ad goolugee ant to nand sad soklifis of their conassad, by Noir trleada, seitered only w eteakaand BeirMattn- Wilma for delmertathe twine psalm maiming* miry b• tratunattail nand bathayar's maks by Adam' Axpititi Winn. or such Other union as asylum girder annum ihr Int wpm kon the gummy ' of the Treasury. XLI. Ain se the Itimous Sot be ;erudite* to 'mite two Woolealittlei Una oput is nag boat, s . , other Takao el meant ratios, sons the bpedat atest or the Dlatrks duel ha partisan, am cam was dime in inning, XILL After - the Met hoof Ally teuirshak bas pad . . by - a boat ihr • trip Monne% no soon, thaa:tweety. aye anashall be thane* under ino. XYL of Lao itegulacloos, any bibiWal Want op= thimede tri .VV. No penult will be gt.ua to a Bats inapt . epth prosthaing tar wigged outtllcan of Ida eti. pantos= trio the commediag Alm of In regl:- ma; eocuaerslehed by the name Ocomocurr. theme in Serb cues, Wain may bi gnaw* to teas such goon* My an parnlawn by bur n deer ho Ulm ruporerde whereat they my an to at amen not canning twouty•Ave aoudad dollars pee iteetit, - sad ta ad aro the tillat noudlog pnait to•Betrar Md. bonne upon ha andans. Winn of appola of shetrant, the due of the parmit"aad the tonna mut pads persairlad. XV. termy nipping, will ins bas glowed logo to laduldasi. tri Nagano Tam Dawn of Totes an, up.turad, arced oa the posit heed.. 504 per. ie.& wtil b• pastel spa Allan with the,iinat Mahone avant of euth manna width than not soma, Us the Oggiogaut to .more Ina Is sloth by the walla= and moved by Illte /knit so be - iecoe. 0.07 tore sash badly for twoommths. Affidavit la tba. pthaudoed torn theft in ni ca tonsnabefore * X. 1. MMus will la all seen attach to 'punka bawd by Inks !either ;as edging thin= of the amobauhaa or wound aspire thereof tezorA the Lou .=t 51.00) oerh ewe at which anti be Malay italtPed ere OnsiVti. APIA b7theet;.... • WIL Z. ALLEY / ' . eannisiog hationl Aptk'Freestay Lepataiat: Cansuman, leatleti.ifit. • • . .30*W A . A. N ONDISANCIE fa r . the , dhstribution dlb. siArtOptidioll 2 . 0 the , ittf Deptttalas. Ibr the poke /x.ll. • , • • B.a. J. sea 0.114.1 fed MOW( it an mere,4l2. dram sod dame Alf lobelia! .4.611 ape (Arca sproble4 Nod it anadidile W. salon/if of Oa sew, Ilistof dis mats itantal..ts iii.p.opatital toy Osamu, to Inn leibus sad - Mao; SUMP a.a4.i Daibo doll him., is - limb, set taws sad idyll; be pabt auk r, .and Mom fain llaglasaa; lelsaanti; aptine. Blasi% 4 , itiorasty Diaisaisail UM ot_aatic appmariatar, taw aunt et Thaw ltutdrit Dollat thaw oppabi to rah cd tbs.iellortiag Ills : ta(dasaorllo.• Uomitailictta atatistilotpasia• boot sad Good twat I sat Una anylksgoontaltaol" la amp aitUritaos hastafor•PlPMMl.Dy Coanctia‘ - **** Mantas ltatauttlt, Waal the maw b bottbl.rtuta, Otdataidazid matted Into - a - 41r Ootusetia, this Preilds opitintCatuten. MLitt: Z. S. MUD, . JUAN X. intim, • rpmairat, at Oamada Attati Now 3t . Mask Cknatroatowitell. • LIM lan& ausz I pinscainm OIL WORKS) . itannAchiluie rim Tim cum" Otiy lii?Ltaa , AND rmouropt saniiisomie Claway tiro *milk Mit* Nr weit RERIII,4OII4IIP,' Prolori • bra " E ,421 P. Bili4ll $ 411,11 b. OW , a ' uutokicTirasalit lamas anie74olnni- nos. for As 1.• taNti /11414. loone , .allertleeinne, 11114 news wrialelantsit i r ebb. AID ise an denemils aka* ths std Vsonceeprew..: .• ' ets" anS e • . _maw. QTANDARD 'LAW PUBLWATIOnO t 142'.Wsligbra Iliscorta.: , Vols.:l; 3, S. imid .rissoe'sllossolle Lan. i Pa Soss WASPS - sad btu & • Wholes's AsuleSsut Mama stls.„,„ Bookses saw Illosiesary.-2 sob: -1 , Sbanwool's Elackston'schossoOdes. 11 , Nobon 'ea IWO ProperkTe . BMWS en lhokraptoy.4 ' ''Stet7 twat" 4selayiradssos. Ihireol: Yee es , * by' • Kai • `00..16 Woad ss. inPrUelTlf `1 1 1t0113KTOYM, Lioidato itittoi; Hnn hie* As am; ier ea.; 001 a tulniitlais-matiNisia4;imad..• illaillimiliabeirigeoirgety Mai. am bony dureWas Muf f pillow. wawa, of scno belt , hiskinkag ol GI • • ••• • ontENTDrantii nirr Aj AHD oxs.itArar none tioas 07 bittiviput Kph ow Or Ws. Appis to so 26 ouTinft , Kaatatti," CIAP tll/400tRgAlitin:slas il pp —,ttreak 1 4a.,1 1 g 11, 0 !OP,. :101014,111i111111Wr i rotnier-Llbletesad Hied • ULVERB/lts CLOTH3B.INRINOBIB, Quo be *AiddlisPeldtaet% ix Bali 1111q1Piti,"69"ii:PHILL116`' ptia' t e ttu a V at at u '.4uultL. &p e lt a Es ' 7 l amis ' is 4isiciai."Zirshmer„lts (VI tastillid I OIL CLOTHEIT - Fro ll. N.t. kW' soda& Wrest Flew s& the oti OMPay Dt potol•sad mu. steert ft* 4. • H. MELLOR . : . ;.:!,.. .;• . '. • : - ' . 4•;::' , Z ,- ,'. ^7 ..1".1',i;';! . .•:' , ' , ''-''! , ' , •. ,, .°-:7; ,,, , , , - 0.. ,,, .-*, ,,, ,, - A... , 7;:f_'2 , 4,-', , '1!.:.'-' - !i',.f . ,7.'.1 . , +c t rzovL ifFOSB ; • LIMY or avinziirt 7 , • •c-iirn lt • . zumerinnimponia4l 464...yearmokroludageldH• • • , 1* egiii;cciti&Taudits • • no. souttebdiatig 4 4-Zar Lgardio..9l4olff.inistra lad . NO4 6!"4"."7". •••1. - IH • 7-'llO Craift eu O•Myladenr..llo4 . ... ,. ' •ftes, , adigh ....116.1144411*/ rf- mac 4101 0 r .4 114.10-=D w 461 •= r, iI itgoinciyamalgatiousaillane No.,i&-ftstturieltsKslindo, _ 21 1 4 1 11=1,,,orx,rissa, ?zebra. XrABS, "arts; ,r as I*-SaranniN Mom 4 X441 3 4 3611 fr05tab10 , 1i0..11-84 Jams. 251416-11*,-*484#.1 ai " .: _low thilig ' ll l}= ll*'di: a 4 146 , -Tee loom l. 01, Ottaßlitiai Lola no. 211-44a.tas ind . • se; s 9-.410 ft Nouskor Osairof .&p. N.. tfrthag ri rahm_g s t a t No, 3115thil - ''S*4;34-Ititabilmr at tbsopot• mig , "mo m Ago. VA..111110.11, iiid4114.16.0110111 $ OIL Wilk A=Por Num cad am, giormor. Old ItlionstgedAisol;• p 11x84,4Raisa , . t 0-lar OorilraiktalNlß*ANP__ wittomp.nuMos et pectatiffidiargic • t • _ w.x 4-I ,vrAvuesdpsognisok.mkg 11•14 . Azaostto • , • 70. /Asa or PichfifoOpplosool, - .Dllkoat. Do, bohmt lizorrofog. altoolod wuJOCkritOiol ifspoto.' rub& Polo", 00 arts por - - - • • - Am. S ir Dif threw poi Joldlorog—Miliorpo from ilia Sir, Etwirooult oelloorist frrar.-Xessors a<l4r.. ocotillo - ?or Hardiami otifoof4 pr Osgood Slio= toThillkory sad Ear-4140. 114=6=1 Oa& /NO Aurador 'frooilloil mad' GU Me% 1tM41.• lout Ofrauost ol - Prima/ owns per WO , 7ar, align& Dobarg.-1 , 140k0f Nernst Womb, aim. either Ohs mon .of Edna.. Ramorro 711•41. °Wow iriss,it . bss , is Pror4l,l Aectuailmicsi. • -' lop, with booty ftersikaa.• Pocket boaa. i . ler liss filiasato—TlOLUlV Sidiaaaa,Tirtasiolha. miZOllliatyr, sad allaumaitaaa aidawat au.a•alla.M ' 'sr wean mems6ll.--gar itabiataitittismistaiswpaisis Of I , SW 60 004cotairprriezi.- • - • 77 . 7 - . ll lmuchtagairjr.liadama . sad ialta d apPraaaaikaaad taidllq. Mama* aatuatid sad Oakdale naiad, - ksiepala lad, alak apeasaaasell. P ri mal prim. ' - . Nc4 lo7 Aklis laNTAlglia Cogeitry4, . WAWA AZ4PJ MA • • - • 0111:14 tiiituaVt• marinao;,-AS.4O/3 444 . " I owed hogoodt will boomer! tb Ofess so. SI LI 1 1 / 1 24 UTIRIUNIgaIiWbr,tM B._ thll 1 / 1 110k$ itisassr iskYST' vAasis and aid osystiossuoi ot Wasters si Sailboats lop: Tim bests on* bersol by tbs shalt Jimmy, kid Im. espertol tor to.lybis Ms- th=b4~Sitor:os I = i at Mid insystig soy, k w.ba i ij o di /clad IPA* 1i t t044 7 . 14 , I t•ele :MU* -.0.34.3.: tiadis&Olit Uses Laa4 1 110014.44:11014 It lama -AM's, ealanie, 4s .l, !or 1 4!,aki 00,111111:04,1 mils ; Mr Nary cimasiirs giustsmisabist, kid* 04 4104 : 060 .414, •W M 4 of /11. Seri kaki, Idsk4tiorms woo 110 toit Ids& U beim disso. soastesesoll eV trio, Thiltikt tookretars due tarsiolkitd WI boo tkions4ass istsWoshoo War S Amy Anil dna Og $1354 Vi Ittekst_diaostort us sties pips bia Si. fra vult tylisdor ,1034 took dlssitotstsk tad 0 110104 11 , 0 1 00 01/1 Id Ustk god lath 'woke; oath.voted by ducks Y Ave lo 0 0 000. and am ti.ls upu i o Szsdkestsg . Me el Loh ,itredus I , tete Vaitstss Tto Mid • was a stiti•irtsid boot. sid Dieu it zoordn., 31.7. 4 ts M. of ISO tau; bts too Ides: wpm MIKE Wiwi oaddt Imam dbootos; at ayiladeleal fora. comOsoooddit.l34ll took tros. Via twat Won Ems Neb. at li.4s lack too Ultimo. Hu sus eddy arsho Olth 11 114100 SW* tack row ptp• IWasyre., Two u orksapoly idle Of Its* dhow. us. Oss stow mak p,. pass= sagas. pith. Wisdom 11 Usk diumsr. Olaf =taw lostotroks-14ro Ibtotalt of it butwoogo sod IS look otroltbstre. Aso: tar 444 4 sp okssad 44a pow Saul row. m •131 mak. sestoto . titoi Iwo bums— VIII /191100 stts MI awl owl Pat Inlto Woos. 111•2•40000Mti Midas Mot kd *WM" to 1 7 So Omsk anatomist COM/ Omsk or Via laser otitis Qsattonsitt Sluor—Otto,lo 17.0. Stiostsy*t_ss,,- , AU NW tt 10 ' I ICI • ... htIAPW.9 4 1 *APtig , . . • LimAn. - Plraf sHEATAND-HARLSAuk • - *.z."44 • aijirs er-4rair,. F ' '2;e Ban.lioia) cotteaurusek— hd. Puy*la Pa s atin ma Wag iklateed bon No An* nee aftese, ehe410147 at min deb* iboisitSUNlAbbri Jury MA he the ma alilala ligidela be& dligWl et emir Ant Me Sege inhibit*. Me: 47 'ads sad 44 Meer et Ohs bre* eigeteas, Mem why shave thelessetertelm et the mist elumaa 7 l46 • This MOW laeiney the UMW mat mem 11 and Itebeetag. eat ea imp mete the abate= saperbeeel eaehrestem - = M. " • th. Wa di Pe 41 .4 1 / 4 fa -llbe silt. be melds *ea. eall men a& pakolor 141,414410rere le tie lat Joe an bat should_ saw dabs to smesbuethe vat pasetaata tar NNW slay Gee abatis mita* a, samara is subs Ihra to dale•ta s whisimilaa anaakiaji Walmar4 claimimpala/ aid lifttail of taa n V ir t jup la k inemehe Padden. fl ralkhlt ,0/ . LI too *Warts: vw ,W4 °nine. Oaart otlll4. Visit eillaVkliat /WM /1113. As Molar witilam Was OMIT t aaJ ro „ stwm.sztlemiz..,ez on Kethallas =L ie. coca% 11 , 0484.: Jeldarasted Thaspe ••= n.i e l L,llll+ /WM mail Mut liaa, • abow 74 asalomgOtsksailikyriass fair rildamlimuinderfa Irkarimirs likliNlPPMeaters.llllNoll. mewls •••:••• *or tio taut Iron dais if ialloriscandMu . livid 10 4 11 intrqh ALUM imeasiailiZziestik d • s. I.o l l,l2lofiaikkaliiillOnfa,C4 Wl* ZWP WAYISA / 11 .011,14idmit athaagriop_4; a a i s dor ant t it 5, la i rs WILOSINQ it Utrztor Ie , 4 2F 1 494.4 WHOM - sod alba Cbrponioni. , ,‘' " P ,- ` •.' • ' 1' 177 j, 8060/44=111 - I . SAE*, I °,. ^ , i 4# llll6ni r r il4 l4 #*. 04 are panispiftlimillstimiaatit i Viiik sest.ist qqafitil 11 •T Z*i ssa 5r. aorta voinVakeir stistla 166 smiths OW* ora-041000:01 .Ikowor., • 2911 • r &te l iniWijair a AIM deft the seseoliknorildp ' r`lar ll -161=Mat ihm 4.a um% us mei omi t Ermiase. simaada nimiapAni, Uti'gt,%fr;Marer,, , 4 mo ror A rt rii* aeons. AT liaungs, 59 - lILIUULET - STUMM . • BICQIINS,WILths,MANTIZI&C. I .;all!*7.giti* sews ars agy ftlisems •••••• ;! AT BARIERI3, Et ?SE 8; 1111111•111 Irernailr '64 11166, ago erafswigo•lifige Whim. ' "" IM=11!31 BLACK TM ribbising_ MOW' 47 . k.Z9igtikSidl bills 4 ne ilaCQualttCW4. IWRAW44I Paw II: aft. 6141 fkilt*i i „VAlst Pig aMIPIPII. M . 4 at. xlikaush*-4-****Alowklosoli ‘9o;ftlakialfso4444riarAlla ,ATEAMAKErg gi r 1611.1 . le#3 . — 1: 4 83 kz - .2 ca sea „tsieprillm*lmiiiklit. au. al m• Der giddy Isieft.llla3i. Vag Aar slialetes biftgr.init lislibtls4 sat biradi enelMathles UN! okigult . , . mok_amas . • . or 11134.4seiaa y rsara. .1 ~ ;.` • : • . a _ t.:?.:.7:1 • _ A ir • ,oi k iaL.c44-iwig m eaoogi. asiA. . . . tiililoipt • ---' • vc..' o- • ' it.r t . . , ~.. . • .. tliir,2tc.J.Wlq, i I A '''.. ."' .ii. i ;.• ; '.. - -.1 '.,S:; . liCitlf o l.::.ril ill . .“T.z:: f t;.Ellir arallC. , "..-. - :,... , , , ... , -.tr4 :•W 7.::.:t. It. i ;... ailiejeititMilitlial 00#;,Iii if Plik, • NS,I SILIKETING NVIM , E=== : 11611111 =4. 1 . 11 -ten1F*1,41 1 1, 14714 1 1114 7 - . *AT -MaCelle.C. _ 1. ACiaIIILPSOS BAY,4osig **WO. 11e104-' • ;• ••• gia , „ &....4:hmiOn Putt FmnisOulavAtir -1.:111:4 s. _Zraiikr ciapcsaisi • OA - T. No a1.A.A.E.*ET. ' 4 46 *4.114: 1, 4 60 aims idotamtuatr iiitess; 4 .2 innannilaxasi 1unt,40.4n Sag% W l 7 dr* !;.1. °1111 ,!1 11 1, 1.1 4 1 4:* Innitill)l4o4lMlL m=l;,wikwe..Dowzri. oncuunitilismix44% 464 EN *tilt T I • :'..'. WIWOUS *, 3 1 11, Tf !MI ;-; unu.:ana wiumaik. ' zrau cicomilftemmioi nuoavi actsx4s famakagurr.. OUR MOO MN. .111141104**1**, ealls• NW All.diet.' IMO to seipiectivitair soma Mk 10 81 0 10 11/t04014111 Millnidier.;_ik t• " -; AILACRIIM : 44ILYDE, cestimik*rimipideadapplaq 'NSW, 00008 - .1 41.11 - if .434,MADei RATON MiL011:4140 Can • f;: - - . ;Pail! seudpiiiimoilisiisotioalat , 1 ::::. '.' 1 '1 ; 2 4 " ; ,• , ' 7' '..?.., ; ''- ~, W___ 2?L*Llt 1”....t 6 ;e:. .4:'• - '. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers