BEE • p‘l.: :.4.,i.,p w , •:••• •-• EOM EMI= MEI , . 1 i ‘ , • • • • .44:` :47 .•+ MEE MESE ti' . . „ ••'.. 4 • -••• .! • • k• - *. : ' :••: ••••; , -,9 0,:11'!,111'4:0:ti:••••-•• ••••••..-...;;;:. • ••.:14.• • . ;•;,:.;:;...7':••:.:-.!;.:.:•:..- .::. : ii ' , .0, . t tr: ! t •''''..- :I +! .' 4 1.... ;^:".• ..,-• , Np 1..,t... t -.::' •:•::.::"'; 8 `.: : . ::: : .: :::: :1 ;:; .: if4 1 ' 1 '.. , :,,: .., : i41: : :e1.•:, , , ;:•::•.N4i:', r , ::: .,:I:.= •.' , i...*le w :41 :: " irty -44 +," .1. . 1. . i..-; : 4..1 :.0...- , t , •-•• 0 ... •Ni. , :11... 'o'l. - ' . it .S. '14) 4 . 'O"N - ..:,-,z l : •'''A,.:;; .:' • ':! . : ' :, , - , , :.'". ' . , ,•', =awn MERE •• Flo '~',5:~~ ~.:1: . •-• ,treß•- - “;?-2:-A3gtvali /AWAY : 1110/01T;L:MAT 29. .49c44'.:74 - . -- ,.: --- ,, - .,,, - * , Irma Tedittibri - lifaxiing ; puistte; . Isandtilig gpporgor Troo p !or some time pael l as. Amos Boiler, who Is deli ..mrsoisistkaitel that ealbting colored voloiesere brats eity, at Us beedgrartsri;Ho: Wohdar gavot, Ileßenik Ward. lir, Issue 'Skit bh sum" bete las Irma. eery, gradtring, earl that he Lir forwarded two mode during the present week. 'Be Ii boiroliing aura ZDS the colored hellgade of IllemardnesetAllideloripildsatlosi In Tim the psq, Wiens, &odds& Ulu of ***, m ow s sa - d Iced Askirlitz will be the same as la en esyearegisesirbg,. TUiamiAiorandsdon ei dims, aniporm elaplares will be sio, bead from the narks., ,Thabsoatyls 4016 at thetas of Orbring in eamp, 126 whin aufstot rtimicifoi oiobstios. of sir** Hen I. Au oplortolaty obaiß _boded tif-e- one wilaretmen to enlist la ea thaw tile ipoiata i *ad Aght the rebellion 'eat at.*mg:the aims thee, . MA -BOW Ii by birth a Hpsakird, and saw . id* ylsh it thy Btesloin - army. 24 the port of the web/ was erith the iris, to Warms Virglnla, and himself ea ea. , Tirade smestatlea as en 'olive and bodilgent moat. Ravin aids soma • dAngerons and Mesessidel seems We the inerera mufti, he rietimployed by' ilea: Banks In the Val. k7,l@stwavalitbromilithe rampage against Bbeimnll4aokson, Ashby's cavalry, ha. He male important captures at Harper's Perm, Whiskester, Frost Baal and other petite, sad Imo favorable papers from soma of wee Bea srals who wore with the army to Vkleale• Orr adored muds will perhaps have no better opportemity of entering the mortice then the masa; and we advise them to all mad see Mr. Baths?. Fere La Anegkeay. Oa Wednesday 2106 *wens ten and tinkle 'o:Olon16-fitli dlietwelld in the stable of Kr. William' lord, madding . en the , . , . Hulk Veseams, sear Pato Alto strut. The • stable wee busted on Ors rear of Us lid, on . . Mato alley., The &awes spread Tay rap lidy,u&llooll ousesuleseid to the adjoining -- itidertof Georg B. Riddle, Esq.., which was abs.striped. & funny pony, belonging to Kr. NM,' boned in the stable. The Wow lasdatals; eosin-and pigs, win driven eat 2iss !Masi pined esulderable rheadway . Wee &edam vu scniaded;as the MOOS was dbialaidassil talks dui.kiidCestad Vallee drew - Wag plandp seem wind -- van - - and the tunes sussed. use bast idsd /red two hissaelioues br Yr. Ifrodarek: Oirease,wllob wag ' also destroyed—the osoopeata i ng with • what her goods th ey. gather. The into. appeared , coca tiler Mult iage night, sad due farther spread of Mu illillll ins SOL One of these. houses - was 17 Mr: 'Owens, sad - we feline , beau ,Isouss adjoinin the stab owned alsapiesib Mr.-Aadtew lioNeia, oar- paughtare and was destroyed— la • , • Theirs was vary dos" to the rear end of the flused Ward school banding, which 's teads Usk -to Beaton allesocid seas bars wen =prase& for .the sabew of that Ilse WI • hat is escaped uninjured. Thp Ise is :spatial to hare leen nelleins. It is elited that thtesleanntsssen tapther is theeflu,eas of wkata soused :the stable with a Wised seals. He is described as a tail usa, and stoop 'bouldered. . • Heat. 41130str et diinas were coagrepted at the wens ofllaimat street sad-North Omasaces, AntditalYs Jut dhoulth4 sidendfwatias that the mejatity were of , Am 3 estaal perstatica-ae the_ comer eknetais aplate when that -*lassof , _ „ _Wee ara_ won. to : assemble . " well-k nows stdes= id. Alleating..a ,•aarpeater, well yews, sad whose loyalty'sad pattinixot ire abe al ,caudy ventsad`eeraest type, kap ' ' pemedtietmnltliat say, fie stopped to listea n.ther,smatarlitlan: pas :.$1 she prin c ipal spleitere war ladalsiag la some expression cull edam ,letsi to Irritate sad pranks retort. bind did. retort, sad words led to „semi_ is; add:. that to as et•ilms Smdplare. tithe hattilis not te.tks seams,'' aar.•ftkos maw to the- ante* aentellisaa thepiset. "Mood Milt". oar Errl4-4o t t s wwell dratted shot from of "prisuipal smakm--wee * eisalind .that agud ao Taman . fa thee pnallar lbw ad argument, sad that e thews% moans copperhead . "argil. - ant° ,-.llbekonly# bonnie. tbaboatty A galena 4 ill abbitiss. 4atati•-nattol Imago:Wan • - '4lll',Aa Allointriy.!.• Imam ' 11.1104aLtsabitiwittatmaillat aI A-:, 1411 4011Amilt latit_attioyal aid. Alrowsolinal *toasts . Mayor to mai kba inaloottal adman, by portootlag Ain Assisting Provost narsbal. tIM J: ' usgate: Mve bailees Wanted &limos, Pima MYarilut of g1in.1* 01 404 140 .aO 4l, • nil PO Wig. of the eld Pooarphaalslifolan are lost 1 112:: tio Provost ltirallars in &pails's= of rho Web ,dra 'rtierr, sad. ma rrollaaolterd to ,strard • sad dloodiago thy datiso or, mak as offs% babe tie mina . ~Ot.laoro %lora taro. oad dds* oxpollsoe at pubuiik rsagraige, sad l Will trap lo whin as await o *kir* that fdaspordis lls lod )ifi;gaty,la VSO oolizari _ rolootloa..rad Sol Jr wood that Capt. ESllollllliil notroin t adv . lag doom rook • Imlay . odd!, sm. ' - 4 P - t-Itadi-Iteisitbor.-- , - - - ', ' . • doniaittlaotor midst Is Iltanstiutor, and ~,, , Ikodkagipsoteto As awn_ be • nsty &owl* . - . 801 0_, __ l 4tiblam jfeemmr,to Ilan lakan op*, oiltildrilir II annoilnid aid .tanottlis Kra; W aii, • t, witoniqgodod inters Ifilicir . WilrAidtille.hirad $l/Itliiii,eop :---; - , alai proved Ake lawns • inwnotdoodotily,Natigtd:; T. , Idodrow , doliOnol it Anent .10, wide]) ow sot -, IN NMI Wider An eirtinutineno, on Os 6 —lnidol : hatt-twoon-Anoot-, 2 _lkwast. Xs 1,' , ,•4111‘111111weLtlooldwp it-dimawty twadnit, WINo _ an Wonaation whist Ida for -; And ballot vitamin, and), but inatar that tboy amid not bo mita ' trod, And 'Moltke& thiaa timi Amy as Na soot, NI Was than lag S6,TO, w ha paid. .., :. eft nod sitnnoussont hi will indsstlwr az _ postro b lootnnuatly tadnlpod. ilkordliN Is Goldm.A Good Ones. ilkonsoliospt. a Jrass, .tho werknos liikkorir kin hdarsphis dinsrh felitaitOriii; *night"'the lesilignse est gold 'eat city to 42g, AllOololoW teriyakis" • siodiesstly adds: letooripporimes Wiwi gins Thisbe' pui 11 0."Zkit *MAI * 'CU wolf .1.114-tellielalitilr *Lull" 14. as of tits wokaad a doolbio stage tam ass good moth Is this to.darrt inn thsa 40 per Ont.!. paid he . . . - Ilenritimm—Dr. Aleziadsr K. Spa, of sibit dittplike:Teet to_Teinenee .111,Wpos —l Nrailiki °KA!l,9 l ..lirtwi*,_ Car illg • Wam m% - OF D! 'tine limey la amitoeseraae may, 01041111014 Ms. %stet. ; , • : —, Allaplieight;T:cptitt, of the 11th Posaryl-- .oa-the-eoutt ..... 1;•„ tit Afeakiagtes, kla :ne lli: -; - scot lar ,IsiOnsat, lilt t Wie lhodasisly sa4 at 11111101 MOO* 0111110er itatithe4 g7lisia-Atii. 'Woof 444 • • This Nie irst• • . a /harp of • yid .11utlitridie dif• . bey vim TM pliaiss reside fa SEIMEMIE s4I C - Olhari r7,>friry , viiispoisgbagtabor c't e t' 4 "'""la 6 1 •*fr-GorkWilikk i PIMA t* 411 r d . 4 iln3 '4=444' MEE State Sabbath Setoel . Coaveattoa. The Eltsho Sabbath Beittei Coamtles wtu sat 1 lb• nit prettlaidartima of tut city. a Tuesday metal ig: iizt, -at tea 2=lll , . It le proposed to hold two seeettagA oaf the • the same toor-;lfolitetday air" aeon, st three - o'clock; • 1 , Pittabargh Sabbath Soitoile will phew nest at their respective ohureharb. et tokl'eloolle forta,,acid move is alody•no the Pint Prot bptetisa thorth; Weed &net, la thee fir the °peeing of the doors itt three ?desk. • Allegheny Schools will observe Ake, same Order, sad Imagist the we hoer, is the Booth Venison lielluidist elm*. . , ;;q, Popular speakers frets abroad : ;CBI: be at each tweetiag. Among othersjfesaibitelph :Wells, pad Pardee, of NON .Torke,4ll4 Midair, of fit, londs o hops to be plumU The Gewalt* request that ,followlat, pious should be nu to all the echools log ,thete seat Sabbath eaereleset Nam Greeting to All; The Gospel Ship; MEW.. Pada—Tine, "Brows r. The. Glide filers! sad America. . .a' Printed slip containing the above 'trill be distributed et both smettnjta.- _ , tiabbsth retool 0100111111 ore itrpd. to, suite it • point of datp .to be preterit eritk _tbair LATE .TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. [PROM OUR ..107/110110" EDEII2OII] - - WM THOU' VICIRMUL Taking of the Outer Works Meditated. THE BATTLE MOST SANGUINARY. The FedenzAa Loss Severe TOWN OF JACKSON DESTROYS] The Batteries Above and Below Takes. Mina°, May 28.-1 spatial &pad frog Caro says : G. Lee, of Kangas, count= the lapel, that the two outer works of the near were taken in Prlday's &Week on the fortldwitione..' The Innis was sangsteary, and the Mend • no rebels fouskt, witheoolims eadillsgar- Atlas. roaming their lissittlloirforiesause -within madam nags. This wen' eritn bowever,by Um main Weil* late 619 This wu the riloutio4 'es Prlday Jaaksos, kaa -bars deitroyed, salt . tks !Want Amoy which .4004401111*- PUN, sr* now soling u a rdnforessuat far Sam. 13Frast. Mesa tko boat lan oa BatorLar atotailtg, the mortar boats wsi throwing oaseatiatil shell. Ws km osptero4 the Imitable both Moo,* and Wow the Wpm. BATTLE IH NORTH CAROLINA. Otettiflll ElpOditiol to 6101 THE KILLING OP COL. J. RICHTSR JONES- linsnYozi; Noy 2.8.Th0 B.nli pada od Lollar from sobrn,givingth.tolloslsit acoonnt of tko killing of lloitoul J. Blektor Town, while istaxilng from tho onsematfnl expolition to Gans Bwsmp : The olisot of Um axpeditin tartan been woomplished, Oel. /owl MOM* Grua Swamp intruesitammts about one oPoloth p. Iry bibs tag with kim all the risosem, bagger, warms, lames, &s., the wounded hiving lam sent on in ambulances in &dames a short this pwrionskr. Bombing thls side of Ocsa Creak this Colonel bivolackad Ms troops on Mellay's plantation.. On Saturday monang, dm 22d, ha traipse ending on hi. way - bask to hie tattoo/h. meats, at:Batalielor's Cheek, when the away opened on hint from boat the Domaread, end sU, railroad. 2ary t amosemett by king shall at Mahe. kwon whisk artmlit Sri Ind was awramed.. The owes wear eased to i* tire from this work by shako of dolls Ikam Clarke'. (Itifie) - whisk mous& te throw thaw into conked's. • . They seas, however, sunhat -opts, sad esiunessed pqtpering **yea Odessa ibrie slowly retirwL They did so damp, their odium was kept ia sheik by.the id* uhle hiseditag et us gess. . Muir _Adresse sad ire for a thee *ad sad Wesel Jesse seesesisd la wiftm alt his eves sad Fifteen Wide idsows hese About three r. N. the any. shilieteik , bloskhouse' at- Tessworkthres.edhi the guard, Capt..irjaalt esespeeyr, ieseseded is asokteg thstr *ape..'• . - ; Basins this Mag. Cs!. Joist ardendS enspeable Lead D i ed this first, sad thew assess .Yhtt lee s meek, es the N ' read, sad wee rest by a very User Mu of the sassy, seasisting ef - the 496, Sikh (what was. Woe thent)ead Os Ltd Zest nbei lefesta7, with sererelythess , agi O. 1 .; JO* _at ease eouneseid thus from kis , bruchnsint,aild' 111111e.-101 breast high, to take a viewst the shoure pet sides, ha reesived s ball labia .hoseeti hathig Ile lady, bustles hiatilibOaig gap,. toddtag is hie blasts. . - - ; The MIMI fell epos the Alledder faithful orderly, Mike Webber . ea4+ etelleyi the eudeastios expired. His death crested a deep fa asp, sad seemed le satisfy the - of the rebels, for they bad set , mused ' Sight till daylight, ileaday isenteg; the ' OoL J.B. Jones was swag - that "traes4 af the breve. He went fates :light bedew [Of personal deem sad yet.with dee regent fat the safety of ids mos. had the avulse I. Hostel iff whets fors hnsithis.! CAI; J. was at see thee vs preseinest_pe . OH. ALA in Pennsylvania, when ha owned as U.: tensire fans sad Iron works in Sahli essety. Hinensisi will pubiAlYhe hang' to this oily by the asst swum fres Neu! Front Waohiagtoa...Coatrabaado Mork oa toniacatloas--lataailh a l Bead. Raid... Oar Pickets Anaokli .•Orgaalsatios of Colored Tr?opfit etc. WssauarrolliMaY nerAli sk• 2 .=, Wands la the aelghbodai Mg if . km beat pat , to.werk tsatnaeta sa s - MTI; that solabborkood. Tko Trevose MOl4ll bas bad a lively this ispremtaStd,... 7- day was a buy day for that badness. li t Crest alarm WM MIMI Ay, &impart gat : Stuart lateaded to slake a lull We Alexia- Ma. /busby is at Catlett's. ' , 1 -.' Eleanal Ilekstulaufs'alld S taff ei Misfit vtilted - aad dins tie fordfitadous. 1,. The Irv. Mr. Stewart, she . has left dig!: mitts for Earope, Is tb ease asa who arrested.o l 2o & ItexAde,lllllie eillbibli - Be. Past, - tkeit; by aoi.'"Nrasswortli, about whoa mak 'mould to the a. rwpapirs at tat time. o eta wercatleekat.tastarday.aumw voilit i l sk t th e vldalty of Ball anisall kapi then killed The away were *based' Ma maw, sad wrirer of the& wets killed ail' wended Is lkesklradakes. -,,,,- • It Is erippesei ibeai aro ale:Wide la f fees Warrnston down to Aar& 0 Creek, es theßappukaaaadr hold the latervadag eo Thai stautry, lad Lal . l!iits . ybi 4,1 or guatius baud. la thetrosioost7r i a base umbers. _ - , ~.,- :" La order was elidally Ptilleistilt 444 for tkoestabllslisest of a bar as tailti'll'ls Ilepartmst_ sayeilally to attest to tblorgap• Isettoa a _allual , ;4.0140 the delimit Cup lEffopitt. -, m9 ~ . ...._,_. 1 1 /hin 3.l" tetted ir, i ll S ay 28."- adr ik—k 'sw=l .. .ilCs. wpm!, irtll 'WI at Caps. aisv 4 simodualiktamedvetbalateetaiesidia. ' - igeatim:e4fti. I * - Bleirr.- :;"'" . . Ilianniat, aga,l - 111 Iluais...inamis, 4ol lo6ll. imi l ia 14 7! 11161.11 re willik.ll%jogin sit, a.F4 , 1 ' iiiirme0prit.t .... ..........„- - 2 - ...h :* ' .11.pdh — ^ r of At! • - ._ - -:" tiLcSalarat...._ll49llftir ti DelididirlOribil* ''' . IDepluirre or -- slie - first 71Pwi sattoCalaalidElbeglareaL . •BegUS,lturldoeffas al liktalleelioditi: Rio. - e tuttlasz emir =Wary mato of tkarror dsli plue . so 4masiaseiii• sir- Owlets i x ik Kagosoksioluolgorrod ossask_ ,llsatk Cerollaa. Wu sake of : lig losfigal_ ) 11 1 11 re• ; garb* talk, as mew weir- , II ;he segolortliderd erase "SIAN 04_ _ tid• ly splppal c oad WNW by 10 . 4 . 1 - of 4 1 . set reshhi r vas clhauskagat „ er aus allotot, =saes ::,:. b 5.'. ,- ...1 '..- - ,' - , 1 - Meer :semiarid.: larsho.llo. RWIRea by ikenitaorhabighl Ika regbagakellberkl4 ea the Stairs alerklaker Ad** • isPsil 1 hosehoteti.--lkoeslaelhge t ill64tOssiu Urgesklke ormemisostitiAliMie, sled -•'. -:- ::. tfilliell - . l) ' l i/4 1 tAtilidVi4 4- ‘ 1 '' Mr* T•“4• 11 114 .14 1arlinl 4 *.Wki4q:- Aped 14;31,.:.114-4,1116 dus riae.,ftuiSo*_ rat ' ;.Pt: • IL._ „_ Took, lave i lß li Miessellerdin Amile MN* 3Va1164116.":1W "'" - hue Aga" ISOrNeasslitnfi ( • Ilumfor goulashes . ~ . gad WogldagegualkasrlelrelS3kot Ile ropes gig la Vert ONIISMCS: , ..- 1 nA) , .T...! MO, Skit (. 1 4 1 -440.10,!i . • Nsw You, Ns7 IL—Th. skip .0441•11 MU, wbbarlsisesi.llo sirsdass., haws boss Isnot 17 thotAtabemadumll Is %sir Ike* siCiss.ssftsteCossfr dsolcs. Tiara sem bons. es Alik i i n A se ili waits eissbliost AM :Me CO l ~ K~'B'G'!~ L: ; $ ~'Q m it: ormis w luirimirmiebak i ' - Timmwor, leiralvtuLt Gold dvabdaspettilf z from Mir S itisplosottag,ilf 111 W rb :S . 011120'601 PU8* 40 40 ,1140661 Pf A1e, t , old oa itaskiciM 4.410 ,dpf to poi oisoololiiiiii *tot salaselfr Me faver. m par mums. mid plc coakicsor, l o l 4,_ • t PaMiantigammi: WWI lOW* usgueo. Salislologe otalliPlOsilatftefitibbak, deo, sod i3(.-airluii liamiiist:wz i ts. Bmea pirdiesisg is . ' Tim ooddip lOC Maar .1111PMVPIA; 011.111—TeeillitttiQflIa. cads& Waraltaraigli &if): iiirsOle , MASS .6104111.0 &RSA sid VAMP *Old*. Voienharrie4bistAbddatritaimitil. fain 64 tor teissimithre sit Odri 141.11 lotil trim iii*da.llo4looid siAbegii* Isiso camas so' wo' par non-anntair - mii.n.6 Otte , &AO tt tali tods as $11,25 kw Ozputioy sllollll,WitswiritO sa &Oft SW he 1 amity._ 310.110 u. 'IOIIITOIO-411. dog% fidltioli iiiiitt: IkAsiorllßlOY lloriOnd ht. ADoidasSOPlKOSpie ma. Oat nabob Pisellibil •411+6,0+ Midi: DitILDMIZ-Behri 400 bamiktitoki !Mica PAO Polo*. mot so bogiltroai *binds lots* klio anr ws ono Is Re =um teupdam IP dd It at 'mad ID Ins old gabs at Us. PUtO* l ll ll.oo / 1 MUOL4I4; . . _ „ /Ltt 211-Tio Wl* he Masi* na .4 111 4 sad useraled. sad It le Uri So quate , AWOL:a 1 110 1, . = f oll falr nedies sad a lesilsd dead. YAW id* s droving twessitp4mighefratil is ti balk =MOM hi libla. 11.111.eirliajoiblo ea ea uk4 icti. imo mid 1101146.-iiiiik at,-.p#140 tas. In balk IS Ille, iim lit t. 111.4 ' IM elate& Earat; ashiellordittatethe ' , are boidlago4 lades thsusitiiiiejidividO WO Mille 110401 idle Aiiiiii4 *it NO 411 market ,tit eime solli pd iiiiiijawm... , ~. has Not ism • staillitaursam lal4oo...tikkar, that wa, odd liravalo A hat alattlett4tort Peg. tasistegeee Ara , Naas; Natribriust pm. thii .6 4 .4, Mina. J WIV I*.i. et want kw lit.l.6ces ' al edavatralonitik icnriusiotteditis as. Ds the show= et mileirat iitatt - 0 'at steam to to bowed itaisisiikt gm bolas to 50. teta. '' • . _. : '-, 1 A m li 4100 bblian bistromat Wks inai mob as Tssadiris pal 7 delivaa. aitboget so ealiatlbs ebt 61611145 t liar; thready Ihrtmolio ta arbectrelie W issa-tadatesl dales I. pessal advises. 1111111•11141114 AIM NUM *MOU kat n* .. 1 14 6 , ...*th! P. 814 • I U kt4eist Osi Con. Us" 31alaaR sualL ihee mils WWl* si WS libli.4ast SAO it the Niaidesar: b *ay 40011 41 tat SlSttai dlAri SALOP - “,roorisipe Pat* itiiipstostn#ooFtruna NET Yet 14454 .r 11 01 1 5 1 !.. ft.! kareil*:i. ‘ Itax m=lks. migemilaiii*.rejr labor' ibis Bia filiatieii.. srviAoiitolimpiiiirt au 111116 1 14110 Apifttillbsealla. • s Pt sad sewiftekkirtb alosiblidet. - • ' ' Si thoiltiosillitirtho -itiativiliiiiis milli! is as* Irrsiorillaikilt44 illiiiiiiiii• . "iilttnetiP ill ‘ 1i 44 41. Pl - 4 4 " ( :,1 4 1 444 4 414 04 44 :),90. . . 44. Ab otem 414 0 41 2 141 ‘ 47 Pt ~: c _ 4444 0, 44 • . . y 1 .•• .; 1(1 ihilqii 4 • '' ." *skate tititiaaitkrnialls ' liti# . . 44 .4 ' ,4' wS writ ballimeselm ill• Jimp..Witt • , it wool horn Mal. wire GAS Mod at 111410.14 mai *Mai TatarispielAisistilikpii itipi-illidittaisitit Clio ' • lintientilliintityifiiiii, I'M!' Olt . *44' Aintbsitl *mos I adigi As tlua- , as ab...... w that as, NM 141.0, ;V.& at - . 1 ,. •.., ' 7d , '. . 0-,7 4 , 6,"" .. "`d rt; T/00 dole, Jut sad eir t W a tce se oxi. taitrapili_Amds , b , ....ii .......imi l sateen . . 4411,* •4 point UAW ,oloor m i. 30 brew Ibt tb• Nub* some o urmac, to w t.. u t i l ti l , 4lo4 ball in fit In IVOZ pagiarlortia4 47.67 7 , 1 4,11arbb0V? . 0 Ipialse..of coatisabil at. 641R141 ; . 411401 W la Jae, aitty awl Au bw.-1000 dtt la Ilattco,' kw In Ft My 41 NA . 4 and goo di Is Platt&l 1141 tot. 44 tboon. as the spot. ts l ls k c it aan for attars ildiew 4 WI , pd.. wee .11.16514t-s-kMO bids wta Whitt' 1041 t a le : h Witoti UM standout n e to Jai* doling _NM 11l Pliou. and 9 0 .sweeesw. pipe 'mai der b c tzgi . W. as the 40w410w.-411•1 Wm A u lloo stirseseet if flpittb, Sabi At 'bolt U 1 giseSeT4essasso e 34 % ,, .';' - • -=. , "' • - 'eltialWeiarkett -, ,_ . iiit - ii,ta Mat 4k .4 ii lOW dull Mw ' •* 6 t i ellh4d. k .1 1 r1 _11•141041.2110100101Woom 116 , 0 sige ; snow lots of chaos it t li t r i kW Om otlikilloid Ildr , iyargar r ire . i i iii -i - --.." '' .*:•: Ilial oho ohob li tos e or io d" potiz d .. ititwali: NO No IL Motor a P.M- No I,lllit lla lA' at BMW aid Itiiested B i f si lint"Tbl: 6l4l" " litirdl edfititlil7 " l2lll4 .MV A lMig"ilir ' l rrilll l l ai r l ‘ ntill 36 111/7411111:114.010 little mid Tie (lora WM( woo sold la 47 sere So dii(o4 lid 4030 Ibrittioi 'Mow 31 : 4 1 V= - - &cil i a • IMO VIZ IitNTIII swatmiswatll foe n . 4 11 w el o sitol two je lbr of li n : Vl= at Ea t 6 b.. flys was quiet and Marty WM (*MA; loil Ks Me liiiiirbot. }Wiry I • 41" 'Mr 0•64- • RICAN won dolt at 26}0, 111 • Valir boa a Rim.: Protidons yore VINIIVII, 4 " : - ,•`• ' '-!*• "" 1 popottilit Moo tie 'Diipietinent of Tkolfo*Vaseit.Sio, Noy' 'die einii4as do balloviog s kretaat Walvis!' - . W. laic moos toy ooylbs • tlkoi • =yott 'brim aidai Ava. ,fionqr waif ihi troll:dads 'faintly Opel ..., maim 02 th eir -way to to Z , at l es l l ar4P / Plf l et 444 . . ;4 T Vrn .Z ie-Ai winos . - - • . loan orbs bppopsfaloilib bniaboo. ___At.meirajloasilk tike Dlopedwoat i i r.rM.. us WlO4 now of INOI4st. jimiiikatilry Op Cotalooldiag'esiota' d ilblakalaumigott blur Ades. 'Mt Wild tin .aitadootato Wont *RC vitt OA loip . ‘ 44loloal 130 oar stag 'sad lit , lfti . - balilitila w Zir k =t' - 4 114 P, m 4 , iblio Akstfiso bo , doofrod by es flioads! of I,tilbo, sc :::._ : -L-• •1 1 . 'Call:6llkb ibioa astir thai Gavarsor Main: la airdisd anftal obis of toil.' matt sad kir*, to 'Waal the war* of iit+ af irt - IZaTh lu Matio l a C I A .artadapV aso a Fitn? tram l i Ama Pasaall !kitlada** Lamli. • - • la - at wore 11477 Ointizastl, an/ er tram tiatibly lune boss jut stst West. 2l4, zala: wait ate fatlnhOons of loin' PETER LORILLARD, "WI AID Tosimoo muuturiurvais, CHALIIHRESIMINT, "' (Mulaty 4113istbui Wadi Now Rork) Mahnl* the . istkar of r, MORNSKIM • Ttra amp% Ottrtt Diqq"Amellesa Gestlessa,Disigmv Pius TWAIN Iladdbodbah " bed,* Id&Nlkk TO111• 5o tot 4 • • • ." - allrAttaillba to the_lszplahlatias to pimaialltaaigatarilmi mai seams ibtarca, WO Aglaia IlagAil 11 • % AK Valhi. jk• X& 4, NM 1!lad *sapid. prMti " Pm Owl Oannse-a. A. y,, ar Oda; Chita di* at Oneil I /mg Illentsd Memo ; Tim AO Osmotallh. • , Ifttallo-LJego.llliabilt. 1•1•111PNr. EMA. Make..Aateilarar4pAm vat Ile ainkt=li• weitiz a!nril OWL.°L."Ab." lawriellmeige O fl . a OWs ram fW Milt Wir o TioiwtdoWtawidolewooOwTOEY Vl rilt laf gai wnited or artiOlonot.Wozooo 04 . 1 Offikelhartwfilorbetior Wliew or ~kw* obador or low twiworit, dm nit wow of enter sal OWIWO ostW 'WI Nolo as pito at ortkit tlog=o, iwbor.WWWWWloNkot, ofilb do 'MOWN val 44 roaa ti t e rA wood logos' to moinor t MIOW* WOW of riworbri. I tWontallitootiotrollt it law of as . on' Ow solo== WO - la tidy pooNdi =Ow WWI llot Ato , =i2fitt l ? . .4 ,4 1W.4, Yin b. rut. .. ._l4l oothitiolow droll Iri oilkomitto We glow rower notono of tbsttottell Matt at Wrowerw• Witioil doollitt tollavoi tqfloprodo Ist Oa *or, tor or wit of Iloworoo" , ... v.. _. 0' • . .. ; Ilibalrillkift.d_All.• Tti bi teitlettg. mil IS. ZWWWWWIt wwwiwoor to `MOW IS. WV al. W illi dii• id=rMi l i g44 . L . O• dilliPliornowfif Med '.... • . , ,u 44 1... A , 11_, •, eisioiL ~ ov sorovoot ' womb,. j n mil •ate ' 7 4 I I l° w Fly • IP .. . - : fal GRIIIT IN 11.8 0 .1.- PIWIllr " 1 / 4 surrok 0" sca*am a== DoLLAR !Posse 04.111,11111111) fir MI T ... 1 Ooso dotty boas 11 to Odtilook also.. II! , 1 1 LI i s io " O=. 1 6 : 1 1 trk/It l a 4ltt liar • i i lot trout 0 to lemma. to aposhod of all atm .at lin Wm 01. Dolly. • 41i1E. of _ass Prodk 4 0 Abrot 11 0* MAIO Jos Vol Dominic. . WwM boo boo O. 4aisogy Is Joo• sal Poomobwolsot As woo it *onto 01 diploid. *7' ;I airi ' draws sal, la &add la tha oar * . el lb.' tor- to polish*. ohs Woo Wade. fou, lore* tho Ord sops! J.rootool , .IbotomOso4 t pai ootoulqg twins ajnotaolo.ll•Obitair UMP tor to WI, or son% moNit ItIO pm book. Ali Ig4 l . 110.11 l WM torW to Illot Ursa .Oohs Nil. Ilicolt% ototstotor Os tlianiti • Welloffet_ owl Itoolottooty Wolof's/ ' grit% osoppuotoooll Ple oiks. - , , ~ • Taiono 11010 1 ALBI ln . . , ~ • , nos nagiurrss , ; John A agOirogoti t Iwo lit_ l l I : ' : • Jobs Itoltoos; - '.Jabs 1K • : Abarsador Spar • , AIIII• ...D. NYML4 sou. t., -r•AsalaiA, A. N. roe* it . . V.. 1 - Juno litsl.llo, - EMI Botiolo, . , Jaws Medway, , Milian, J. Astloisoo; . Mar A. 1128471ri. Waller P. Illarslatt, Joie Orr. - Emoted Robb, Hasty L _ Diagr hoar au* ham a. shr= olt. r . Willisar .11L asada VAG", WUJOrs M Tanktrk. tawra Irldttler, f - W.Oarni 0101Allaa Tromer.:' . RAS. A. OOLTOR. . Gads Adam, Jobs 4. Illookafea, Joie o.lllndlog OSOIV 1 1 10ek. Alamo A. Ginime. abatis. Colin, AIL= DoothAp'' lAA Alum . Y . WWII=II Hum, Pstar liaakr, MAMA 11Ara, Pam* William S. 'dim isaariau •• •• ly. folhdawT 'cosT Apit _ EXTiPtlVtitiA VORRA2B, minx Rommuts; luanuarxmarromotoTasti wow,'" aft; INISOIS 011 PLAITS, JOWLS, MIMI& be. 101 l by all-Drsiglits merstasn. BowswitairitanhOn UsiWoor. -Madge! Ogg* No. Droidwa, I. T. H. A.,AII2II•TOONS. SOS • 00., 11. H. 5111, MSS 711100.: ifkolosalt Agate, Plitstrugh, Ps. vartsseaw.- ALLIMIS MILWEtUALIS. . CHAR= =MIN, unorran AND WIIOLIUALN • Be. 1120oommoz 617., - - . . . Canitsatlyta Oa% a limo avertatent d Ooppar, Ma% hal sad Goilrantaal Iroa lath Tabu . Volta aa4 taaeddPlajg Ikeda& Mats ma Madam' or fum.Oke4Basina, MID Wage moo, empiste. . Walla Masts ; - tit taws feralptlas. itioss nos Waft. . Insuad Pedal. Wadi Shaub. .Milked Deal' 11=Bmwei 1 / 2 ftanchill sal Tor Plumbous' au ._ paid Wady H gray . salptfau. Limsdtpli s sid. Pts• WWI • Gila 11 1. - Paw a Rods, Phanbine Hoeft, o ba Hogs. M., so kw es t . loon ill Os (1.11110 • adi ANL le • • NA 16 Mar Wm* N. O. llogosf 17 do P. /1, dN 10 do Oa* do; 110 bbld Mao& dr, blopdas Mae d sod 11,1 s bbld mad balm; 16 tad Mb. WM& Nob; a do • Lab ihntom 13 Ws. Labrador sad HMIs: Ifirdos Tor &do 1101Roll&ERII & NOS. 1, 2 A 1.4 3MA Wilting; BALTIKO2II lIXBRINCI • LAIN 811171110.1 WRITS rum; LIMN HilUllae In Man an& kir Ws b 7 Joss B. OLIMLIELDv 141 uulll3 lied stmt. TO-.LBT. UOTICE. TO IiENT.—A competent le Ai Lamellae' intateder the Nacre* las" he the dig, er Maim The been' b war Itedotta• tag tteette. tedaosatesta NI p m ll* • mei as • lesse he • l ei Il van. lesatriee zsawa zaarsir a co lAA Itith The thrersion tIKL waitioniiA, Wood , Ismui. setilima row Weis ForuniMpir.SO inuma.smu orct=lllllllllooDuVz amber aft+. riv • —llas,alro ar Um* •• • • ' is Ur Odd ow Ilia* stair of iikurett "Mt itnati id& vrtg .. .sgooirko power: eatii -- NOR ,HALF. VOR BAjAr-41.130nt 20 Acres eludes .1.7 trai; fa Agway emu, view witailim . i r tins, M. sad IA ear of sits* Ma a. b.' Waal Nam, ad rtrit rid - la and di 2..., wilt flar taw dB yr el .di Isa I. If Or rm. Is a the Ideatue Illssabrelse Sart .ad at ad 1466. Mae diailatirWalahlr allow ar vita as limb all aay . 1111 0111411. , 6194 tpieg. • hr. la of goad to lidadlate ad frost as tbe Me raw sad Pablo ste6) or, IrM =. l / 4 1.1 4 ".1r ilieLletr emil ls:49Ta= 114.01 =.9991 factlasi. 269 .6 ,9 9 9 9 1 7. 16 •didamssd las' nasal Ilea dr tad mar - . /lota' talkauttes sad ow ovariptap. '_ - ilia Ulna id irraddsa• a Wads' la itsitias. . DAM- FOR - ElLLlNCcataiiihig 7 aorm va Improved. Ida LOG DA111.141111 !WM. ilitetele_la trnaldp...lilisebor Cola7e awA.. .044 roar reneettoneett s = 11 Joao wiettaker. deoeseel. V W b• he cob. Almost VW/MUG MUsbOlonsin as Htvdta NW with week was ettled. hour, Ism sad ahw tpsotoatoait.Aptetre ela: - D. Wi4 ELLS, 11.61.Erpeet. Pte.. ULM) =Lt.,. itineteallee AM% or SRO& CLOWLIMAR.og. Neettli sailleest Pitbbettli. arylldad • t7oA * M t !. hw bit key sn perm. DeL *hp itlenoteto *ilalakiloglilismisOffk pump itilowards. Ihretrathew nal asseadArail OVUM /MI JeloOlkOath *wet Orem es /1. lads. eft be be at - Mkt( Oa the alleuttere Mot eon Meet Met , VOR BALII-4 vs* dishabli l xi goy go a mob, mldimes.bonliblb as hiumbreabi mum, about Oyes albs foam - dthiceillabyg LI aim The IMO Moody • gee Sall Cinu==st, sad oily I. • • , yank SIMI oa th e P. Z. I. • =ls tooquaThid. fix bosat7 of locoUty, la ': wins/ f. no btlidft Moo • • . . illoonalft, Moog ors • lambi" of tw it - noo so peopeny. laqdre *0 O. B. SLILY. 3111, nth Waft Übe Ooksetil; . • • oTO RPLI _INDIO DWELLING FOR BEI maramaratia - orsii:ll4, u9 ". l9ick 90 alsk to Ow. lairri••,•• le taw • ems saillteistortablls-hilaiv 9•91294. wittrateuhish9o999s9l999o Us no biallbliortll999, darldeast sedillainro Nemla49 99k al a 90 , =mt Wits 9911.9199; 99999ap, ,Tleamitsq. , • 4991F99 1 . ,RiSail=ll49).., —*a shoiliTui 4iVeirrialcui. lbw. - iimayto.fiotoorlio uss: -- lEM R. postaluat-4 Aorta of s Vo: ' 17,14 11 7 1 E ui : C 106 7; ligtbrilti Wessemai oe l - .11w,a, i.• iv thi alert Miami, wut l'+'' rad swan U. propmeth, MO Ilk,' Lase of ' ' J. 9. vollitOOV. isuar,eo- - 7 lii - V - 14 146. 1Thkr t " • 6 14 10A mailtof ukar, otaintillwo VORIALKL 4 WOUNKONL;:ein 'sad ABOUT 011M . AtIlLI .I=ll s~o~ ~.t.~5: Q o .~a~>~. _ riat . ntittrtiinatt .... . . .. FOlll,- . 15.- - ' ~ ~.11., Alt:11„1„:.w..-2, , ,:.: , Tito ono/tier the otliggis, , WI two• log init.', is ot 1L to luau 4 . 1 1 = 1 Mk. ' tailor ie. thi• ufglf at • es !IP? Pas ROW varii 7 r? *noon: LID, g a 111 gatiteiffi.iigfiftillit loin u•plarty• ' .tio . insnaccautr, MI is tit fall _by! tin logrooklllions. IL T. SWIM ii -- 1.1 - Lioad VII MottonsoltrinaraWw4rimi-Vititisia! it tc; laoli *MO ft— 514. fst. If NM a not*" • Itefiratillf nail Om : , -• . , '-,:, 4, !-Alltirt •" •" 1 "" '" ' , Vtillillanapla Itainolnenktrit &WA - blithe glitol-,WILYd par sag ° Nit i nirler il irlilbl =_ . les imillelOtt s g_ag-g a i t e e e INK mast oda Ir NW IN : nial, *bah it otoptits into tie Albsimay atm; - it 'W. 110,8"91960101.:1044$•E sat. protiting s froin 1 gull r ea b,...too M i lt aortal" : owtbs 'esti 000 5 • - , ,v,rrii 0. 1 a• mattli Km • tit ',. pi „ i rm. .tuts is a tads iaboaildo;inet , -•'• 5 ''. , Oki Pon ~itifilino‘flgonts_,..._ Rotqwon o . ... i = and obino.lofLit ringiont:treolt at-tbs! • Intiftegili'rotrentli 9nttinfindaglood= POWs/0 Siff ....Lga .' tr i. i , ,,.. „_!! r.: • ;,•‘' .!!. int =to saviconusiOtallon witifftWt,rion' 1 / 4 . sod mato, tbo toosivian of grata from ORR wow, -. ! ! - ,;•:3 t .-1. ! ... " and c".•- •34sijitXra ' l__ t • . la sigitatglillailita itltnikAiii.nixtliVilliti: olotOi• DU PM: ion liranceir bleb; sit4* li*f ... ing sp oot.. twiny Ii•oW II - of 11461 4 :: Slaw Istringollit" - ' int *fool to boatag. 051101,1.1tbalmaittimilftlitf-nbitiolin balk. 2"l,lMallalttnifilibliowollbeider U.S tialitt i e.., iw orilifr•Al ia rst ow a km m4lamavessaasaill fanyamellia4o,44l=alt 555414 1 cinikt - bkritingitpos as as map lardnot. . . TILE i - 5T01115110,11191W1 ' Was anion so a: kW • itiorni iffinit'aiitiato 'tall- 1 egoistic; wino the =el for inannoof moot too I I. Wiwi oabotoatially._bniliagni= andscoitie nib We; Itjadiatia ;SAMNA link it Males 'Maw L: fbo into 21 49 r. ,vel . .tS coma or north ado. _ . _ ' ' ... ! ~ . .. THE . 111CiIIITC118 - or :411.XP .. lES 'CI 1n ,041. 4 9 =-Oblei *hisialalk •illodlisw OM. 'Meow • itlilYeuf44/41 , toolNy ILA la doe ti_ipasei di* Tiosimpelott Ilkiriltera_lolls. slasipyl. Hy the PY/sinteli Waymillitplals. and Oarrobad.4l4 PiltabonliAidlellys , Ono Is ii O. met awl osa moo to tlis-voilsor.solimy**4 !a -1 Us markt-41M tartosm7krria6 , to ea tolniripsli ignmthlr . turr et, to low amelbeesszaild.l4llralelkit " da le*, ItigkeC indicts SS 01441•41iii.ii , ,taii ' , of 4 ,1 /1 1 44 41111P4,11148/Uscal Illret 41110 bOat Domilmoille . o.- 444atacti WWI: -....,' TM Plftstudill alltsiammills Salim, we' ly cowl! isi!, will .Bard : .o- -'t.' .. aour# 44 gli r tr allisi lie lliproilictot the Yanailliiiiiiii:ril iitlis Is resobsdl byik, Palm llibUr al licon4K . Is 1 1140 d a11yi1. 4 .C..- 411 . 4, Wet. ratontay Wks '444514.1 cd.risou4l4 sag,. .• : re finial,* VIIIVOIMMr NW sar=aget teams, el lie imdezirloiel;.' , . 41110. 7 2.4 ... - .R. T. szazanik6 7: ;-• . -immix swam.; ~:' -a GROWL A BA= CHANCE /011 BEAUTIFUL AND DBBIBAB • • CIOLINT L ItI , :kI HOME. Th. lltoortbse effg664 lot kw= so .111:1 WWI; 11:41= - 1 ' " a1olls t 3 to•totiltostoll•toittiO SAN* iltt" Wow -4101.117.16.11M. alturole, ati•••1144990 : . boott•gbiorlatecav•Valtorls Xtr; K W -pewit Pamesseir marl _a&no*tior, soma= many% Ant imatialilitli mp r lee* t i lsollod el =lES:ittoatiti; to = thrpootturor to num te VI' putt 4 as stosodo. 'l7to gill pod, sedat.ttmt pp* k i S ortlklior oirfirottlfal‘litillpunlass Wm WWII Id debut ittt•litmtalott orttito limpaailizamati tie at ill bi. aril% that suit.' • ti Doi sitemrt* laritrOlit Witlll4l, Ad . Who obottoblaillitott ' MX& Lilt 16 1/71116c.E50W66,x , .. , .: Mt men' Nrill6, bitde ear 1144gr.# rianolootiwei.okleirosa our Pitif*, T 1 D.tior4 11311CIAIIIZI;14:' '" 4 Thus War tistic t z sitsstsdhlib ew tows et lbw swath s' Ib (Thy l go. bawd ea a bean isslassisc iii , WO. PIP wigs& Itacarttaentiarawra it. victim_ • 110 s= ii i a=)krou twos" irm. in o ths - mute , wwwwilsfirits4 9 csi 1 144 1, Wr . ..11dt . 'NE* - (1454._ APPOstV,, 4 a ,_ . .oour_w,fxd4e .staaarms: imorawarnsa- 4.— E l k which is hi swwwwisl ... scist n swillishishkistitit' s = 7l 6 9l =Thai7 .- PawssilisailiplA Jai& atm yid It sot sillwlll iltil at YtiYioi phi law the sists . .„ - Ists.,.lithswathassillossmilialw%lPsw , toilets to -ea Ws Welter arliii" srit aftwthith ali th wellis 011isiKaiteshilt WO. • - , - -, ~ Wal..W La- WANK itittlh - 01 . 46 liptluonv 1 . - , a: , , • . : ~- o -._.. :4_: ;.,-,lt_l, i 4., Vii' da l° sa.t* I 4 iii l4ll4 LOr. : - ..zz. . .11 a 714•„ip.wpmewil.,ocrieJa...:".5.sofe.Apiair, . ! diptiwca 1414.1.1 stoC:oll4444l6l:ll6l.idlitive;poii; QZ. 1/1102010b.0**01M054113111k11-._1:::? ' "' i1.01.1. • 0 1'541141"40,16"41;144114a1i"re 4111346., ifik , a, m 4 itatateast: V:t;aVa.l . • *.• , :•=7****7**?v!_ - -,S • timukoft7o4o ' • • mild*. • *Wft tobi tia lWi, :Da par • .4111t11401Flideall.V1 7144 l a _ . • seoe • 14. ' ' , '".. twit.iv • - 264 mog4lllo.l,buo. 6k4 w„ 1 ! 16 , 1 4!t; MWJlatti do kartuardli kkg do Tad a do t arthee st. Up a Ifbrf ew" lkl it 4l 4 i ll Zakan h Doldr; at =km rt k ul •• • • at Adam ami Okada at lam= Irttlt Adsistlit end Great Vegas IX watts; itis4Tingic Ihdok il4 = 4 "dsladatraralkami dadamatata; 'at *Hobos' loth am! IsaltatutOmmuttat hotrod kr Akn:a. .oaraldes , llllalk sad dirkarstraki; sod aa.Cloomied .0 1 4,4 11.11.-1,, sa s rts Duatirb saClialtala "WM,: 3: to Sitstr.T . o_lada, Ina id. w 1 IX Dann. _ . -4,42MDai AOXIMIUCidtagr bond at 3:30 tot. ' Ittaintsis Motor antrt -, ist 9110 , a ay k9O lad EL. addaleilta' ;: • • 1,, -lldtsta to al prraloaat ta aia . r" the Streat , Dipet, • • 620203 PARkI.II, Iloket J!,,Ed Anagbeny Oily. - - ' Skits& Amt. b aniiii W;. ollc. Inte r= ILLVI • . 1 17. 4L11,2 • ...kk I Met. lf 7 t r iallir. 7 . --- -...... , " z --• i - ALT& ulpwra....a. Asta.h.ftuAD. 111 ITAILTI7I4IbIi _t . 1.71. a. - TM 01011 /1.000111 ( 0DSTEOS . TRAIN 'lsavatliii* Station daily, (ascapt Saaday,) nagr o 10 0;0046 50,41 , Olunlows Detwasa Pito- Aare; in,‘ bi tt=p4Ltratd.cannao.. ens korif a zY aa p. II 11,4415,0047di i!inlea aw l'is• Ma' Waco - reef guival;:bilimui) st il•-"e els4so4 l l4d4WMOdeL IFIII malitigidtrian- , ad ,Rattian fat, saM.L.. matt "sad Wia and ft'' Narita& via Fbils ,- 4.14 t6. - ----‘m - . MONS 1117. MISS MllAWllaaria &Sp at rcsottis= "6"W"l2l.l.ll°24. aaid Z .14' Litisblitir lee •lisltleseas indW sad 04 - ,WDI TAO D to Mtn/0 1r D not TM ./ ECM bine 4/W 13461101 digs (wept Misi.ASII P• 10 , ~ad mil a PO - Id d 4 St thitttabin Sr &Maws nil Wildeldwwswed Walidelads kw Wow Task. AOWNIINIXDOMIaIIk _ Ste J=s/weessnausesesos =as p ine With twwW/ )WWWII I,2I 4~ I i a sdi Hakim its7 4.l. Ace i twastir i tlenTessal i aaill'. Wawa ialfgwesal dellaalla , ---. • - I , ',M muu Wars &AMA lanapakn/in at la ; , - Tnft 4as Wain; Statlaa_ • YWHlSlSlblietkOkStisstsl too P. 10. , ....Aso* Aaspissodattan =on Ma Wars Stalks HandyiCtli tt , ....L i t ar rt ti l%. nr, eiti. kw DIME S. au; in . 4g; - ... ' Isms- Paasirgh a Sp. matt". In Pittibakaltir Mats SlSahnan• • a ta.; Phtadliteh u ls. ffog, WeWrk., l l4 Irnarlazo a. oi,l •sau-Treln, SWIM m.“4*l2lllkinl anaiStilieditim, Mal 4.. , a. f JIM lifill%-elnatiatt iineminobtkoi. DDSS ; liseart:Wall'ailadlan Aseassisadaldes. deans 4 Tiled; Wait'a Psalm, Ataaansaatalea. L4O p. nu; PotErth Waif. Matins Atanciatedoka,. 695 06 • Waltham Stamm WS min with PIM. 11W'ra. at 1220 p. nu. as Standam. ' Inadonin lad laduatalannaaaas Slates- JLintIMSIOn klik ash dsccanaxadatkat, s. .krainkmadaUna -Tbso and Swam train LW, nod wtttlNaltldone:lollaaand Jaatudaws Adam. Teaks kw Mm6up mama at Chant mak Rt. =:=1; ISM Wads Waal, and xi* Ilidaepb mu Biwa" train Ilest. -3114Zavedallla te t u rns?: hissedilis Oa ii2fat f .iiitit lni Mini kailluSba r aidatdi Nip otharennta. s : u tlis Ladls ,beillsded seam sad Iniestkely hezeltad. WS ail Way. speed and =lost le ad wit aiellawilladlaedwillstimatialtawas. 4 lb iiiiiikir.4....SifT lialMis 10 00 SirSkikla SO Ikrjskandat .....,.. S IS To Harelibarg .... 1 es . ir ia oamotos to ill dtelfias MI danPI9IIIIPITS. VII AN1541441101 la Planralptatadaidtbsors . 211.1krnetk=aall Sal SisS ..14". ca =assaiD; ilkitande UMW. In -41611 / 4 Mao sWkkatiaPS-tku-atatl , . ;den the Gummy 5. erase}. ..1: ..1 1 -114=11.,..1n ADM at kw, sWe_ will ki,r thealdhis Wassisailds ix_ cal:, sod Imak.aanasmt ant c - 111) . 11,141A ikandbaa-Itnalikr bean mapiojad la wwe la psweisp wed Immo fa 1110.Wewilm Do. pot, et 1 stati sma to awesetildwiallies 'soh paw wwWwiloOtisPli.ate,liakala, to - AS ltur faiiiiirdit + Ikag.n.lita: 111,«Dnakt.edkwat ;ark , , '.." mat atVMAIIIML' .; _- • . riter_QBAILAW .I2BLIPO2I•I422 _ AIM,' HAY, tiT.II42W #.O 1 - e241- Assotarriosencwin(4)22424 - , e G'22220214/22,4222aa' 2212.222. UM} AISIPX6CIULPSounotAASI 212 roatill -12112112;02Mit/A2 OM% kir Ino UN of ' be MoUtonen Ilatinns Depot, or At;4 7 ViloilintonottonNisproo tn din any. ,321, booposit noinond to Alio onlonSosiod, ond titoprokoolf notalln Isooatin of nob onion roffirod.salin tin peke sad the date of Simi Propooolo IrULto IonSIO4 los Ate nano of Gera or Ws, motility (60) ton 01 Hoy at anns.natipiroodoOttatn laming be Sos no la• d,to oor k tesot tor a lon to b*Plkinskod 'balmy! lama two (2) 1)20221•241. which onto be,taxalttiedit.thecoot —"IOW ma trur-tetememkrili bola. • 001111 sad an etested"to tet'entdect to' lilted fokseetikei tielieberzinieatlettilbum tausebeauesth he i Sbetteass Rae atelpteto the Josisso temaithir es tta hawed. et thaw elohmerbetetes.... serb, "mu be mitred be tealitettyorees comae: mute =dee . . . BMW liitsloWat oaa •IJSOA) IVir 6.1.143A0.Vr1ii ,• • • and - A. 4A,11a.. U. IL A. r„liciil4fiu rkti2Y4)..a.613 are itiviLed go acom ,1041-tur , A4l6./4 143 e dock ' Pkia#o/ 4 42 , 0- 61011140400-l i o pariawit SAtuurwor runts. , wtth *bat hilibeini pub*. elisaiirlikWaidli4artiury4artionlas that • rl _ I•ittet bib 'Wigs' gra4.l• ll ••W b• PPP, rePulto ,_,.. 4 5 - 2 1Pir. iv die Sac ". i4bWaznainesiced sh. • wow 11 1.7 de :: iiimitbeteatio , . ; :thisall.tit.thateuitt !limas • 1 44.1bezeinvastist ,lhereliame for.r . . . Arlo Ither:M' as as 1 P• Rancid Dr stelt,itttl "lima& la pectinate. of lialthtad• letiffetbi* fond. s. the Vow:suave, nay -, Allhanoutautillimaietnt-haspection t;e, ma* • , • behirtillis eleartanieedied. . an catti"Ot inektanoi toilet mmetlipaiky ea* bld 1. he tdd will be onisrt.ftwci Lvin p.rues wha - tave Leiv4ilth ti?eit ho , r3thrbesibr,i4 aury J3)11030,1110120~-14:091. D. '43 . 4 I Prtia. U it. -, ••, 7, , •4 11 -ehtole ii.sed,titioreed - - AVIVOUtcr ussAkthliturus •ElsalralStitittinT gUUiiY Atitsig 114. - 3tethirireattizet AllM no. Iglitt31•11• Pg_aw *We, p m , 1,4 OrAntlest_CAr— - MA A• 63. utiv tangetne tn. vrisoky thy objecns, anode..- ; . ietuisearioplathi slit alloo6l. 4Walgbd. tber Ba• .0x °Wrestles, clip." Ale •Yer'.l4; Athens" andithstheithattes smell vallisiiiimehedtheobjeessitote. lierthilletketti:sid outdo& to • Mallet ihituilietete the imentituiSly. don. mit ankh- Mal sald .Inatinznent Cot MU. thilatikor the Vrothoziotary et aid • notice - be tainted hl the eittsbargh plated In allcanny. ".11= liahtlettaDra•it MA a to inatod sahlOoms .lithhe.,l34l3lJthe)ttirm'os torgiunqint natakii 'boot lo lbw aisi. 180Q4. I"E itAw—uusl 13.: 13. 5 tt50 u1 s vv !UM 1111641.2VW,aliEN - Caw : WL Rfava. • . Inn Ma ituttatigillaniaiaa 'eta taca was • , -I,eass _ gnaw Oft WA itattar auseag alit Mak: wh i t e% jut iiiivlrEraterasesiittilik, Point amiterts. ;WAN* FPI WM_ git4LIMM WAIMIODAT eama• - 7 - t irMialeiriOrle caniuliireTtai scourem.-4 , - - • - thd% AD, , too will nab, prompt S. ettOPlle ts alli*mrift 113141. • iblippro hat aistlmaa to mum; titU fo A I M ' i 0 44, .. 4 " . . • li: GAL IF a OD. •' ‘•• , OTA4IO I A - Aii#lo,llC: . _ ..' Wiiiiiki4 'iiii 41644'9* Irtftizili sad wasztf' - - - 4 ZtiiiNki. l 44 l otKPOGliieg44l/11 A . -al ' sAtifirot nub vorl i Vetkows. tromertim to 0010 ti IS oatatoi nuotoygo Om% ..a. 0,17,01, 1::,,t , 1 11. , -.1 - :.37. ZIL . JArgi4th. ltd 4R 04 C tllllll4b* :Ur 141 AI tss^: .t.l. +Awf i reo zstl*, • ill MAR trAllat
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers