iz, ai1 1 4.t. Z: b4.4 . t, * b..., ' l• . _ ... . i , .. ,.. ;' , . 4, ', ,..... . • ''1'.t.' , .. ' , 1 7 - ' .. ... , . : . . . .. . , , .... , . : , ._, . ~,,, : ,_,,,,,, I - , 4 . . itisturgit ma FRIDAY MORNING, MAY R 9. ENE ..) ;;;••••••*; CR=ZI MEE E==l i-~~ ,' •. •••'• Mill -1 '*" . MEM 1111 EEL= .q*,-*•,4: - ::.:41.• !•• '::•••••• •,:•• • •. 1 1 .• : ••••••••• • ,•• MIME • •-: .;,' ' +: • • ;•:-.,) F - 4t , ': rxf•i',.:rv i ll'• '-• , '• $•;• tN,,,-1-;2'. se !•• •••r4 , . ..v:;:tikait;:;;4t4,••••! , :•••••; • • ar. .•,;,;;; • •,.. • f: ' • !•-: =EI . . ',• -: - ''. : i: A ::' :'• Ji . .: - . • , ••• - '-,, , , . .. . , . - .. ' • 1 , 1 ', , . . „.....„, . , . \ .. Ai .. ti . ~.,,, 44 ; ..,,‘. , . , e.. , amen Zhu Naptatte of Wildman:xi census P - 04 seed refa oat rearm to OUT bitoiradade edam= to satisfithem . that --- Smarts nitre omen is entity, sad that bail Vie/6ft' sad Puti*lirox's army ire da Wore Ode rise: :. • Tr io Great Flew York convention. Union Convention at Utica,. :: Wiktoild of sit= partiss favorable to the matitenante g ibe Union and the =pyres , z Af* of lbs rebellion, Which him just been 141, was one of the largest and most en mike,* assemblages of the American peiplit ever isid,"and Its bananas will be gi l b . oit. the. whole country. Its io. delsa4 ra la an particulars_ is very sista. ; t Oak- resolutions condemn and to- ',lease all - party distinctions - end Ill ..: . Atigkons in tide of. war. - They recommend Oltlifilithin of Loyal Leagues throughout ' try; and they characterise this re bellion as al attempt to overthrow repub• .:: : 01#11 inititntinne, a position that will not , ,I*Piiiiiiii by many honest and sensible - - .- Ii vu upon the delicate question of :ti Ciaisse c!iirptut that the utterance of the Cuveatioa was the most significant. The - • seselution- tut thaapolrit, as first proposed, . : . ... .. yea a little Sonservative, or, in other Innis, = •- ':'.'illitie timid, and counseled the greatest , = ''.'ialitten againit the establishment of dad _ proem precedents. This was not very well : , Isoolved by this Convention, and led to a - .,(laito, in the sours* of which the arrest of - Ifaisoatonan seemed to have the appro batik at the Convention.' Finally that enigehiern was recommitted - for modifies . their, and was reproduced, after a recess, Is Wawa : lisArd. net Committrim appro. , * and endorse limas s Wove ottbtory moth calm w ammo sod ',.,4presmot dm • p ra me sbo smut. ou•ly employ :UMW to ittotos t sod comfort to th- • bomb. t d IMMO in Ulm of mar sod formidebb • *elution wee tussulmonsly adopted. llsay Agar tuna this that the Govern. bby no rookie in advisee of the peo• _pie; and also, that the people are by no assuma afraid that la ding the Govern -100 eiatrani Vagrant's Nand upon "Omar found, they are jeopardis- .. . In Satolni Atkin on nettles. We in , • input the alma readullon to mesa that ,elaha of a right to disseminate, by a s% -.A or pea, or pus, sentiments calm. ,- , ' ' - ta &affect the popular =had towards Gkororsunont, todsmKsiu credit, or in slay wad to entbirnun it In Ha efforts-to re : ;,14thol intstrit7 of the.gidon, is to claim lhi~knomanmarotriihtclaim; and ' ;'olllraia Until and slight. ; to bring the gime kind peter to bear upon the doe aht. of traitors that, is brought to bear art the other. Certain it is, the Utica Osetaatiou has decided that the street ;tad ' beetitthe ., teat of VI.I.WIDZCIELY was right ; tird it is egually statists that, truly loyal alia:sitifis& the _ isiat alarmed at the peditleittlrhielithat affair established. , iebelliest Iris ia . smbr7o the 4 *ad by _Xs. ilsottaassi and ether Meads of the South wait, that therewas no in thii Ginetlkition to costae those nritoOrere timing- the 'Union to please and ; ,- ;•-•=pg. lorsilertf ; nor, the cry is that it itistopthe ntonthtof tractors. --)wilt pseitielia are - about alike aboard and `' tiiaiaatibla.-, Thaltalkini in the South base eo their eat tLt't 1a Government itia*m pow of ooltprootration, snd )loltirobt tie Nadi balbotte-toke warn c% leoiriirmismas as Victrasuio.—Mr. *in, the ooneepondrat of the New . Irse!tcr sad one of theme captured in to ran the gmuttlet et the riggibirg kwiteries, states Inn brief Oar, ilowstiptddiskeiln the Washington Christi . Irk% fa lilokshori he had several to — Witn both the strength As works and the umber of men in Mont' Prom the top of the court house be B:tlidayikekrVethiiiimrstaiding row* for a 134 sad eindiiet discover any elaborate, aardighorkiwat she enemy except those tnetiag the river. They mamad to have . ao torototioo of an attack In Meow. Awjhe ',OP% of ,* coal operators of IL Lads, skm days epee, as agent vas id sad ample funds provided 'for .711611iiihitleinCaT 11 large' lumber of -'.oosi aliases }rota Europe. This will probably . - f ttid,Stt selirrel 4 * operators sad the public tylatatville 4404 aed losisash as they ileW4,lldrawd grow the miners' strikes dur „, , psit trice months. Vaildet Lessees tat caltfornia. Beiteraluilsock, of ihe - 11341141: (Isles Leeissfisse reildly organising in Itz; =out he Utast* t formation of leagues ssids 'with the inisnibm of also alnibtitifkied City Cesitral Loins, and 11 7 :Amish-sat:re: 'nisi in this Mite is to uphold • Sevenassit, and Win to - 'ilk' 111,10 a CAlitorais_now" folds in 'r ; _ wrvTrligTN ,, fM ; - that be inquired of thine eeldists he must how they liked VII 4 Tbiy liked it so well that they thlre imputeth to return to the army, Orns replied. - They explained, thereupon; ththll l bitt intended to ra.nallst, but meant tlillaarlithittiba draft baps, as they de: three hundred -dollars by set -610101011/illdththi . /MOM Man cannot be blamed for thin s . - -:qiimytherlotorwtheatilla opportunity Uatfiil GIS' kindred dollars lxmaly klarroilivat, th ree hundred from - vourei--sind - they wait for that ellethees: let thasovernsent hurry on the dretts there is th= to believe that a get eit ON minted soldiers will ri= ithilmslunesP-41. - Y. let. Post. ** '•ENNltit"' — eicu! at ilwastAr; liamotnue—A sick, to the st. Lows , „ Wiit" ' 4 , ial l e ahas s iP._.•4O _ -- , v.,. . . • • . ' • . • " • . . „ ~ : . . - • . ,„!,...,.‘Y,,44,ii.u.iitiet,fv.,,,,,...F.J1.14,..,fftiuit,,,,,,,,,0,..ekr..-Ao-g---.6i,,....t.,..-.:1.;;;;,A..A.Fai-4,,,,,,,-- ------ - ---- -,,,,, --,......,..,-,,,, 1 ,.„..A.....,,,,4,,, , ,•,..„,,,,,, , , , ......*.,.„ -,,,,,-...,44. . - 15''iiltV_;it4i4§g,i1417%Wii,-;.--- . • , .. . --.. ........ . , . . 4,102...... tr. , : - • . . . . ; -._ ~..,-; .....4J-4 l'.. . • F ‘ ,„...- % '.',..,,,,,.. or . . • . . • . • • • . : . - • . , :. - . , • . . . - - . .~~ - Irish Emigration.. The emigration _of Irish to :tile United ,States iu now so extensbnithal c beetied of four steamers leaving Oirt-lisebei Plat fortnight, there will be seven In ths same space at lime, for--some inontbe- k- kite letter from Cork sayst--"Tha Duna' Com pany have Increased their sailing' by an additions' vessel fortnightly, and the Cun td pen has advertised' its Intentkm starting an extra steamer every second week. In addition to this increased con veyance, the litoatroal Ocean Company will this month resume its trade hetween / 04 :7 1 (via Queenstown) and Canada. Next week the Canard Company will des patch the steamship Sidon from 'Liverpool on Tuesday, and Queenstown on Modiste day. On Wednesday and Friday the steam ship' City of Baltimore and Senproo, be• tonging to the Inman Company. will leave Liverpool and the following days: Omni town, and on Sunday the Cunard steam ship will Wave Cork harbor." Stiesulere arm Letter, of Dublin, a British buy or gan, remarks on thug—" From the facts which have Istely transpired, It Is not ex ;meted that there will be any further ,00n enter denials that this increase .of trans port is demanded by the enlistment of yoang men in Ireland for service , in the United. States army." The Trent Braid, speaking of the exodus, sityr.--"The due of the people from Mayo and trim this county (Galway) is becoming every Week more extensive. _ Whether for .good or for evil, the ' stream to swell and flow on uninterruptedly, and the emigrants may now be - reckoned" by Inandrede from two or more cities. A Dun dalk paper says: "NO less than one than sand -emigrants passed through Dundalk last week on Ibex way to America and Australia. They are rushing out of the country as if to avoid some terrible dus ter." The Western Bow - remarks: "We have never known so many people to leave this district within a week's. tra i n Sunday to the present. On Sunday long lines of • ,3,11, laden with emigrants and their friends, arrived in Ballutaaloe, the forma leaving by the evening train. On Monday and Tuesday there were similar arrivals, pearly all well dressed and .comfortable ' looking young men and women,.evidently bait:Drug to the class of email farmers. 'rho destination of these people is generilly New York." The Clare (Ireland) .Adverte ser of the 18th of May, says: "We witness ed a novel teature last Monday, The trades band of the town, ' in fall fig, escorting the emigrants to the quay, playing 'Porters Day,' 'Oarryowen,' 'White Cockade,' &a, in dashing style, and with suck a martW. air es would be highly interesting to an American recruiting sergeant, if he hap pened to be present. A crowd of bur three thousand persons cheered loudly for Apiar ies, and groaned the Britishilovernment." Sketches of Johnston and Feather Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, the rebel com mander in Mississippi, is esteemed; next to Lee, the best strategist in the Confederate 'cc Ha was the Quartermaster Gen eral, with the rank of Brigadier in the 11. S. Army, when be resigned, and was a graduate of West Point in 1829. Lee via lain classmate in that institution, the bitter standing second and the former thirteenth in the grade el merit. Johnston gaited much distinction. His first exploit in the rebel service was outgeneraling Patterson at Bull Han. On the Peninsula, 'dosing McClellan's campaign, he was siverily wounded and disabled. Upon hia reliever, he was appointed to the oonuaand or the Mississippi Department, and proceeded to Chattanooga, metre he inipertatended the operations of Gen. Bragg, until two Ite three weeks age, whoa he lett Tennessee' lila a conaiderable force to stresigthui: Victim* burg. Lieutenant General John C. Pemberton, of the rebel wavy, is a ,native of Penneyi .vuda, nearly fifty years of agity and was appointed a oadetto the West Point Military Academy in 1883. He graduated on - June 30, 1837, standing No. 21 in - aeless of fifty members, among whom were Generals Ben ham, Summon, L. G. Arnold, Vogdes, Wil liams (dead), French, Bedgeriek, Hooker, Toted, and others in the Union army; Brax ton Bragg, Mackall, ??.arly and several noted rebels. He was promoted to Second' Liniment of the Fourth Artillery, 1837, and to First Liniment March 49, 1842. in the Mexican war he was alit to General Worth from 1846 to 1848, and was brevetted Captain from September 28, 1846, for gallant, conduct be the . several conflicts at Monterey; Mexico, an the 21s1, 22d and 23.1 days of September, 1846, and , Major from September 8, 1847, for the tie of Mineola' Rey'. - ' —' ' Ha wee distinguished and wounded' in the capture of the city of Mexico. ,'Hs wee promoted to Captain on the 16th of Septem ber, 1830. On the 18th of 'April, 1864 he resigned his Malawian.. vita the United States army, and at mita - joined With it/ enemies. He was madea Coloidier regular army of the rebel . Stata , and for. some thee remained' - with - thu restl4 When suddenly he was raised to the rank of Lieutenant General, and plead in cots. mend of the works around lriskehing and the Department of Mississippi and Best Louislans. Tan Springfield Missourian the Madth Union paper in Southwestern comes out earnestly in favor of bunediate emancipation. It says that the State kse suffered enough from slavery, and , her Pa! triode eithens have determined "ta.menti dimly destroy it, and that without temedy.". The St. laule Dassocret thys than Sadao:* log the newspapers in St. Lon% most: than half of those In the State have ncnr clued in favor of immediate emaneipation. The State Convention it is feared, will :not accommodate itself to the earnest feeling of the intelligent masses, and will: Make emancipation too gradual. . ' A Carrots Asossissr. ~4loaead Beaks Ss - sild - to love loud at Alessadde, pU.d iv os the Imo "e mile of *otos On Mats high." We hopile bony dons to New Or issa' and ship lt. The Wormwood would do well to order the humiliate despot& abroad of ,evsty bats of .0111411111 it sea lay heads on: It should be shown to the flontaiseate sad to the meaufsetwers of laser, that if 60 "sat cotton they slut pt it of as, and sot of tile Malt:- Oos. Woeiide panests its is sue from rebel ports, but this tare , .only half the story. Lot us also tell the ether - halt Lot us shim Satopo thatwo are .the moron of mottos, sad sot All nOmP4.-T2r. ;';ifkasfissi Post. `~so~a% Yaiiiu Beaufort(Soutti Carellas) Fr.. ' BM; ropette rumba 1 r , .. outrage. --A mull Capitals Brasilia las Ism aleartat tail VW WWII Beaufort, from'Met thdßarawells, Shane,` Flotsam, Youlms, aid othert amid la draw, or Imo dump, the man shop NOM vitt their obes,oook. pile audjulep& The .. 8.. A me: 4 13osue of OW reddest" wars Wally mini. Mud alpereelvbg that, they bud limaslablbi lag a dowel:km of old tate, pap, won. yam b oa t', este, arooterp,' tla pear, Muhl.., esoond haad - olothhis. sta. A sew tisyli ago the pickets ottihit road below Clerkestrille, Tons.,eaptored espo with s sack epos his busk, ',Allah, new assielesticia, prated to be jpeolubges of needles, to the sinoune of one bemired *Maid con 'Wader at ; eirtry liois. la plows co!. Tao Ilonaiugh L :swat piottiroly de clines to be a osodadatelbr the Dissooratia tide; for Citiversor of Ohio.: Rio 'wider okod that; Volloadig#A !MI monsl7 swallow& . ' Paanzmar gesazzaa—The Vermont mitt tUrta viittocd amanitas la Oa &Tuft sad Lta seghoiata,luara se4ifaaata allot= meat, alaumtaileeluf fear soulfu l 'Me =LI FOX Louts of Ms sityi -at Willi ratlike, Agar:iv ;srotts, _ , , Lamm: of rebel moiesibleero la Tor onto ea °bad to rale* *subscription-4 foss forwarded to Ittoluaparl inlaid of AI tvid to omits aosimat toMoutsii Jiolrnon ..,Tsussrelp Alain" Ilan sisewerieemsaylistst 1114 of Use llbidoo- le that # 4Fi r l l l4ll .11!",111146. ,~ a -~ ~~ .i,;;; POtro 1, 117A11 - AMON •,171,11410Ur zati; l ia r tatal l ivint 2: 111111 = w. O rautass. &Alm as madam. AU sie Swift!! WWII, sod Wr. . _ my19:I1 0100 trams us Inuit, Curtest= & rtriltiolle! LWOW! 01,1 • . annitad. 111_0130,11141. 111MbIAL MBIUMG,O,F. TtiE wftr onicOratovossis - at cialika . :q,"; belt at Ito tan to Oteralaud. on WIDINISDAY, the 14 day of Adi amt. it 10 o'nlock a. =On =ld de,. be Übe tato coutbratlon the. soptheey ot toms, Ift the tbettal Stock ot Okampow to In eneeent salklant to a t et the content= of lb X Itcedo. The tresoncllookeerlll be closed 01=- lbti to fd dinfloan . WI NI ON COUNTY , CONYEN. 17.011.,-The loyal name( ttlimilmory ia=t aoppertese of the Akbalaktrattes tithe prostaffros of the War for the Vales, me repatated to wet Ma* maiX plates Orboklbm Maeltoomoa parumair, the 8041 doyen* fag., brag the bet /study of themmul. fa tie Mar mos of add doy, to-sat toe deloptst troy ea& Wetly adrift sad radial ta easatyi to em. remit them La the Dabs Oearmstfoa, erMO, will antable fa UM Gaut Mew ta Ai* City of Ma. bomb, es TozsDaxas el ef ,11111111ket‘ u o Mira m a. of mid day. The Ape. of this Cu.. mann toptaes fa nomlaatka aladhlitte tor the fel=kaa, oft - Plus of the UMW Cloam. Alas Watilen fir Ow Howe Birrimitaim. Camay Trimenr. ,lbardar it Ash. IN. &Our Mat. &a. OW* oil Os Okerb, te. Di ce r . ert. of the twirl 054 . Dakota Ole Olisktruies The mime MI o meettep will to aehl law Trim. aldps (maapilig Peebles sad Oolllat.) between the hams of d sad a &teak p. e., sad to the Wards sad .Botamplis ami La Peebles sad 03111aa Tomtits 11•• twee the beam ate ma p. m. The mites la the title sad lambs ha be bp balletomd In the tommitlia by baLlet at meals& et may Womb* may deteembm. sJ order of the fatestbre flommittae. WY. B. 1111111,114 Chatema. ' JAM. BUT 11.11111.611 D, MeV. • auffellairldfr aoeordance - with the wnr._ previsions of as tot to laosrparato deo .JON W & MINIM ILISIMPACITIBUNG 0014 PART.. appurriod Aptil:l" &WU* oadondiat& will opt& boobs to roam tabratptions to atom* of mad °outplay cm MOIDAZIatte WC; at the alba ot iffallioaltri & Oat Vaday Maim &mat sad &atm dna" at 10 Oda* a. so. , tort W taloratottaa mint to olOck.plaa et or.. 101:k. lat al/ t 00 . 110 1 47 OD Kam kat" Mao& OHAttlan A. Malik JOIMI11:111111311/4 J. M. JUJUS. W. W. PlUt(7l6 A. M. WALLLMOTOBD, JAL L 11AMMICW &LAX. NIIIIMS WL &MUM,. DATIO 11101/14 Pituborsh; Mai 13.1113. Corporator& I . otylittOt fr rU Mail NO 110%4—P1 , mm:soli ara Unworn TaanWs, Gaznunr.-61a: amorthiain, wiLb too not of ameattal laeorpotodat tho ?nutters% a Unbitten' teloospa -- Oosaw. there to • ssottag taeoorponaots molders of .aid Ocaptay, at thelgoe to the 1111*. bosh • Deasoihmia ltallrood T.. No: ft Sonia Mom tbo ot IPStahatata ea MUM. Dat, the tat dq of Joao, UR, tee the parrot of *Waage rrWa.hbovitakaarattuar. tad lbw iamb". oad doing eadt-Wm• oca as ney be so. mazy to salt a peraiiisott orgeattattoa of mid Ootapeat. - ERNST ;maw= aiti. JOH* WAIT. U. roar's Jou a. sward,- • aad µbur lwrieribtoer. - nilintilinirta. Lamm Co. • Ticiabaral. Maiaou, SOIL ErTES DIRMATIthits of this Company qo We •liiired • Inroad at /Oa Yam OM:Moat ca sae Foils el 11o• Yin la maatlay •Pliklibb to sIIN nles sum at a ate& abllbtans stock not mil pad up. sad parb1••••, pad op stack In erk as &m a*. I. VOSATIYOllualsel. , 1.11111i2 lIPBOOL. - -.10)141 r, ATMS THIN, DISALLRGXD mamma t —lrsesasat to ilosoral Otdtn so: 104 the Sant of Zatonaost sill Was dells. at Seam! poa.. at tlairatssa. Woos wg Istigtas. ttlt asset, rittaborgb. wises ilactto alms salaam doselog to setae tie amid this. oaf ro ma thamosss tee efa-u.Uoslf tho ssrpos. J. 4. assaohl, Oliftaut arySt iN Plistest a Pa.- .11 - 7N0T101106-AL publio nimbi of all irw" Wel as oak 'on - et Ittni. win In 10111 la Isi.lo/14Tre ZAlol..ausase. et oaset sad Ormsbnarmilmas.TUtiilAY . /1q; Wily at te nap arrAgesesal Wit Mu" elaixtaa aedelagelei t)arimiCOmikly Cluanaillou ASINOWIIII)STr, sins Adams MbOITIZENer uv.7 AMU' et the Modareisee se We Bait !Om •UA be lisid me_lll/4DA11.14 Mae amt. M. emeMer eimpeieto M argalasgoks tirasow Meedsw mike Ilessee al Da MS Onegere MUM II: 4mettiled ace te pratiM • Amami CM , miePisty." • SUM lentaliK fleddeet, abencle. Nay . made grieUTLlA—Tbs dabsaiptioo *aka UM *OW PIM AVM Cleurpsay erUl &Wilms °per al 027 e gl V I 2 OM'S& IVO.. Sisk Lak e .111111 k sisissoistiftu- POILn'ICIUL ABEIKIIBLL—The fan& of - CoL , T. N. Um Area Lb aim bans 11 .• UMW* 00110 Ups simarlidas• Ur above Ake. Eros aimilk id du Olds Ithoor..._ • • WASBSIIiBLY:—Jair. - Quo,: ,of Pitabares:iila bi is a iridefibk fir As alba* pima", ealteset tot ibir Goias et fbe Miles °matt turmilus. • :to fi - 7.1 1 1)13 AESSABLY, (Norsh.side'of ;per the Obio - Alkttir4.4ao Ittsobtattr, gut be ro tor, tbii OW" Dili , Usa, suliket 'WU* of OP 0.45. t Omtitotlos. ' - - • c- WAWA§ OIL AliBBiLllLY,llAxii 11.1111, 'my se Xamosia bow dft; vrl,l proem Mt maw he asedaataosille_ smell to*, Uskii OsmusiSis, Mit* bad PEIIkiID)INT - ' JUDOS "Of lilt 1 :10' nirrslor yourt=4 - sous oe sow itikectassiq irgr d tossimia W alues Mks, bete gUs essdis must Coasts•Clearestiag, • • 71U%! FOB COUNTY TUBUINIIBMIL'.-! Muir Dm, An" .Ir., of PabIoSWOON& gilt •• • masfolloto Par sb•Oomi 01114•1110111-4* Ule 0 1." . dolos of As oisol.Ustw,Ou•Tootlas,. •• 9 fr - itIitOUtINIT 0011111M1 wer —Astii-Dats.;111111mr0 DIMAdV lOW 311zik W 2041410 kali aostlastiaa umadbdiser.-1001 4 0 al dodelmeglaii 1 D-0102COIENTY OUNIMISHMER. war •analies Luis it 04,01trit ritiaste. Imr lobo .16,- Woe, Conti - Illarnstisa asselite• bc Us • 0 4103 OMMTIr OCI 777. i se :1 : l e - GRANO all aillltg OfilftliWitt • amillthWernapasizAlimillilluisiti . allibllMUlaunisOrmillim` • r- ,,.: a .: griyOUUNTLAXIMPII Asodl/106 of the aszillsks, FrIA - 1.- FOR , BSCOBDBlLikassauilio- Aner. tiAilitgi 14141411. Adobe liroalosst Os dedia et .11 - 7101 i RZOORDEWi'-lhisipt airr — a• Inv- - dimatiorirsati • • -yaps memos sir asaramr; saw - a t try 011111N1dillild/ 4m /111- 6 4 14142' 14-7 4 rr. • : et Pig lithrilidoziilif tow itieskir, MO* fa timeilator tatimatake,may; fr...Wthg • ' - 0 ,11.1• 1L e 3 7 .6 41ablaimst e =b• • Zl . fr ' - . 1 ' - a diso ll ii it a lisif ' . " - . 4 Wilr . 6111' OW** ' L soloot -WO& , Vidiell uomation. .. " 7.1 flab ' 110; • Wusiala 7; «Irmo tuosei in.. Aapitimitteratir NOW id Me Milos Ommty Pereatlim • • t fr A protr, tussmi; OF - 74 thy , Latimogit 0011114, NV tors oomiliato_ &Mir% at *in= so olz sa too Do Abillo/Gooiti, smizo l d Wo a Tr In ' VAT • , WIWI sillti 41111 a . wisIL W A• II. IIt (Wol lip. 1341111 1 0 004118 7. maidso4lolla4bi; ,111!‘ . . gum u • unity isemiammu t eotreatsca: - ' ~ . :t . vallrld - • " 14 -• • utr i .. 110 -410;11„ilopii. of 1=416191 Ow won Valls Chesty On UXl=22= 'l4oBagr YOW:SALEIt: fle me i s • .- 4 SR itous; . 4oob.ut tour wiultabirsuasu of gob kiatargibigoillageT assays: Arifse. Us wool) altiaworrial Az allot* ulran. iltewl44 boa Asses. eliNli - , PIIWITT- & ClWobrudir - IIaM I TNV Ak a Vir i L l ike.lassA, .truk, Aware . ribefri 29111 Ft ittit -'- -- .• fr slbse ridir - . . Ammon ack .==! xwmtx,im parac!!cogi. ALBUMS ------ tibias/1i ALmnia. into:roam= ammo. JOHN : 13TTINTT, Illasoiste Filth Street, I. 100AWILL, Hr nosing omOurr Imp lot of thall, • sliPub WM& Ike divaparsi and illigu.;:• an masarpored. iseti stick of ChliTis DI 9.411TZE1 st y on bawl. r .pris getsion terms Ikeineee• Or M Warner, Noy 114 Isei.l MOTION.-7 he *bantam of WI officers .1.3 'hi. bar kr Were* ahalk= i ca "' 'went of war or : Wierlar, •hd Who to n• enter the ankle In. lb. InvelldJkszes boiled to tee yeerbee et iheerst. *dm, 1d0.106. Of / 363 . .berth. Wu - Deputising', rehired in UM Pc". aloool6llt the . duck omen ere remota " um* oI tithe terror Of test or. der.rd to ere theft mitten Warm tesno is trebled. his p aromas tb• Ohm tee; trig tee Aerates of Ark disidolttfid et* ea 43 / 4 ddh7 el Yeedble, to. the Medic Awklwit horst .111arsb4 koinia • 4 the state le eke* tlesy say be. leek catty roister Priest Year ewer .111 ht am . fliwww4 the eppikatlor ran litt Whew. art, Ss the Provost Markel ewer ollhe Bate. • paw. gak the Ihnild Ozer lOU be elpelred te .erthstidy Iljea Merlins .he pryers smoked by Central. Order ,XO, Pk at 1110. for Wr cwt.. flak do had enelateseht wiU immerse tar date dr accepters et seek ambition% eta Wit Nadir.' enhossatioe 6/ thottelirth• 4l4l • aril to wkkh they am be raped. J. B. LIM Ihilblie • • lroroet urraGeserel A N (211 LAN igion ag w for2h . riti edis mout *buLion t. kat tha So UAL flan 1. So a oriagad and mega log (ha war, aP emit and inform at ~rah to Offal owl. Onio awe florma smaltlal, wad de Co UM, wadod 11, faisii a 410 mu* 'SW of do sawalic aarotalowe Vrini=4ool=•niro , t. XI/ agars aid shall. bo gald to mak of ato; /0110•14 armed Meta lira ala Vagliaat, Noun% Jiblis*Lhoi. 7 win AVMs/a i awl MA of mono aggeogrialoon goo sant of nolo altuolrod Dollow fluni Ira palld Samoa ot lbw following him Sao Ouigisair. vie i SAW. LidelP•as. ism sal Sal /mist Lana Um* slats .j aossalaal aflaribascas hipt.44ooll plait ay Coasietls, con- Lathe barovltlyin lad drowse la homy ale& Oniaird sal onitated tato • law In thli nth dry ot . iY r Jr %JAM . JAYA' ,5I Ail" Atiods IL A; litaiaow Obl otl Sod & igQua Alla K. KILIAN. Prooldant of 00aUlaili Maw& At!et/Iva WllLuais§ fillaket Comm Ummaca. • t CV I AVM uftot or silo NJ else eget Vleitsiliel Wood lets et t cane, leem.• lair kW' Ihe km siesta • 1 thin see I.J bad* be *be Übe et ebs Teesolteasis ibellbove, weir Weirs 144110: AGMy primly of Yea 'aillOalbell; !Mau Who. Wet Jola ii/NlOll. levee ease 'eseersl tense snow Oen be botabt be,y kw be beau I plat et th e miabbail busker ly ibeensiellea app leaLBl7, ICS Twit se. Au/MAO Ladd •rUldialUanuilia. 1.7 Idcl4ld'elecaru. Vela 1.14 4 Sa • Parsalmsvilksitri eed - aUls. • Illabael Adaanaa UdM W Taw. a eds. ..11addies day laadesay. irea. 411laneesti flaakeirseedkatadatme Valorise a lea tregarq. 111-1410.• Mullwites .111111ded ea Staapca. Stele. 11sarge Mead - II vela - Ewe ed. Sae ea•lnt • Kai* CO., Ft Wad M. wAttl7al L ludif•• ' 64416 2111/1111 , 00,111111 da *blip lei 401; iu psi - iambs.* art LIMOS stra a ti 01011 00 a rrutassz • eliutordixtrWa, Tormlia• Etas, It vibe fee**, ear, N tw liellakarnittiolunitta, Ina Maid. alsok itaalso' slitter; poll raw, tallag maa. ihmlllag how, birtiatlVE: ries two ralucamorsuoiaton ' ut • 11; mums, aWS It Unit es. IJAS 1 . ANWA"D.—Limit, go iss leaes Preseteesibbeim ybe.l be tb s fjga. .1 4 )"." 2 . 11 . 10 .." ir ADY% amiss craw sisiIIAWIRLII, antle pm% aidosed SM. eame sob Tbe Stem Ord bib be pie Al kw. bbi, ft es obeieveby lowest - • sicramtu a •la • • asratanot. dam ova. • • *War initlit‘i• - ? • have i.IA•ANC4Ar mod% ilia thilkelflog 1- 1 M 40111 RARINARtANTAPPIA, i.• : eqrsi ghlitn-`..4 dde=4"l”,"" , imwebeastreibla oaritork. yak_ 111111khre thiilftinres'aellantri w,• 11.111111""71.1: liratar, D .Vu:s .TIF. : vire maxem - rariaa - Wt SLID • ' • Iris, , Ms Ilse aid —1 1 . 6. mire swim meta PHOTOGEM ALSIMIL PROTOGILIPA ALBUM • PBb[OGI&PB LLiUML eaoines►ea Auttnu, marositsza Amtuss. ilicriotaars. nitrite. PHOTOGRAPH DWI➢. PHOTOGIII7II ALBUM. • b .1* • • IS V - b • • 1 . alb 14114/11.11 . 110113.11 host is Illroot au. gat bis . said:Wag be age. Avg, to I • VatisiALl ULtfkaUsti Vett U -a.Mites' greets. 1/t. lb, ettgblestiple as ea/ SI it:Caw Oman, -rye = • LAM I AVIA AUDissit, _lllutstuey oc no. ioiellytlar. kr gab at She lons Nowa Dep. oir J. &H. 111114.1t0, ' at* It, art fi Oa Walk wed. g %a l I I 0 a il Wklaisiiiis lw* the Olt Calk 3, " is 4. IS solli IL gait west. - a g. rumixes. 1 - VuT TialAtais—/3 Ism m Mono JLar sad Is a& bp MLR WOW a 00. 1 . 54 5*V1 1 4....11i !luglagwys&n. forrgourn OIL *04103. aancylnurs moan Ow. azigSui , , .AN) nakoiacut Osman* as. • OppriWiwi Mimi. emits millet ROSil GRALralivicidon• B***Mitiblall* MBB. ALLBWIf WARS/STORK% 'Miurritaine mums. s~Ll/eOf2eDtioeDfLiOl~ -` t .: 11014 om worm 0411114 • . CAMBIA POWS% ni szat , 61113110114:1114109A PIM& _ Lurners•BIL10.1101112813" WATIBIL ell Mak voinszva siT roues, swissrra raitteskrums. tor NW bi •ai.raribliaasat Pairth amt.: '1,111,114-0 • 540511 k AT I % LigLagoanDoni, sTrommutarrourrisse, saa.IICMAD/11141) baba 1311.111014 b Dogoi IroPos Liao to. kb foloorstod , WSW Piallifilt PM alra.SK Woanopropogrod to Orr them to Ms root ammo!. torsi; ir ark You OILD OM* OSAMU'S, awl 10112101X/MONorataOlokilsiON: mag=raot OPOI:MG"64 Lasoloorsor 111 • - nor Tom ^w.a - Liaosatar....l.4lo. BBUWNI MOAROW 00 / - 1101111. EMI MID oiliainis. unrolls QWfl3t` r.orrsufu''' '' Ylctl; 'rUYZ MEM(M tilr ItLY!JUM6r g Bums _ . AU ski Aellikiintirallassii °Alio/ ip !lc* 2.13a&5. .11Hr deitPM • FLOOR OM CLOTHS. Irs an maw the balsa* at car liprbsi Stook of New and Desirable Goods, s nry own t&rabla notattloa m pt k .. McFarland, CoJlii s Sc 71 AND 73 FIFTH STRUT, arra Boos an tits rosr 017/011. nii,PH&REP CIOURT 13/LLIL—By tip taa of= older et the Ot i • Court of Alio. shaky amts. dated gay 13d. tie toll tit Pahlto Salo. at the 011 ZS Stara SU city- of Pla•lntrah. cot • JUNII 111.1. 11111. at 10 o'clock rl la.: 611 that teat et bra of had Ovate la ifoChautta• township. • Umbras county. Pa. ad- Janata hada of Wad's - belts, Whs. Wit&t, Tama Nasty, hash Jana Mahal' sad JohaTara. sad taatatadag about 75 Worse about OD ism am tharad sod the nada. Unhand. sad tams we woad • las Doan. kag tatty ham Mal& sad wawa Toons—Onafauth nub at tline of salo. aod tW radon, la aqua annuli laatilinenta, via In- Won from data of ago, amnrod V a ndrant bond ant inonsap. &GLIM MANNAR DIIIELLP, km:eta' and lizaostrix of B. W. Bubo, doe& matlatilawlf • • L 1/1311.1114.1:111 tame, L Watateetea, /a 0 , SWIM 1013.1 A LL HEN WHO DERIHN TO JOIN AM soy patteular se e silent of antra stir la the 11.10. are ha by ash sisal to road teenietna et say time defog tbe cad thtny dars tO. th e Board et Iterebmeat tbetr bespetthe ICU M• AO Ulm. detalotte UPS MI& Atone to the aortae, me lt Stunt to be at, the Pte. lost Karthet of the 11/htdot that! On thesetrim. portatioa tickets to the Omni ran el tbe ilawlytetters et tbe /L. /L. Planet Ilanhel Orient of th. Batik An loon at they pretest Itteseettie at this petrel Inuttennas they ebal be duly atesterea by a onettataraoa alsbantag akar, and Pell by M . the tawny Wawa by lea. UMW B. MY. Proton Mental scram l'aoroorr suasassis tarn; • SS Isuth stout, Pittsgll4lllo an. isa. A LL WIIO DEM% TO SNOW IN La. say patient's isatosont of assaby Ike. to tan Geld. ano hereby rospottd to pascal oliamodvas at say antedating tlio tat Maly &.p to tbe Board of larollaent la diS pad Diteklat, FL, pliers tbe Head pat exudes all aaskapaleents sad doter. aloe non Ads Oasis tor "Brom • and to sod' ma are foosidit, transportation will bilandstad to the G.noral Beadosarlots.mb .e t 1.7 sill be anotanat and moth* the titular Wady, sad tboam be top , vatted te tbe dress tidy ma Maly to J. a. BaltiON; Oaptala• . ad and Provost DPI a . A Malin!! SUPPLY INIOU'IO HOMEOPATH IC REMEDIES, LIST 01 81801110 smarm No. I—For F•mer..osigertlos aad Intammatfon. Bo S--Nor Worm le,r.r, WOR Code, Wamtag the Bad. no. 11—Tor Ogle, Crying. Test/di •id Waldo& st !skate. Mo. 4-Tar Mabry pholars bantam and Bain. au Cooplasts. 6-IN4 Oglo, Gliipinp, Drank", of 21kndy /lox. No. Chokes, Chokes Itoibok IrmoNIBS. No. 7—for tloogloo. Cook, arm. Memo Minot 710.41-11* iftwocho. Noustips. s p a. Vulg.. Rost sail room ot tto Nord. 11 °. 11 ? -4 1.1!"." W . ek 1 . 1 ' 4 Dinned pie hoz. Par iMaila.-11Ma Aosaimalatlam. Multi lima- Mg% Maa, amsfy essradara. 10a. par bal. /Mae DEW Mom, Taralia. Ilfga• ma, Tamittab Kamm Irma Wog ea mem M, 110 alma par bas. ' ' dadbary,Mmarat amyl. Waal emaall. Daum ettbe ildapda. M r ` + °` baz. • • JaaiMma—imolailmaT Plaimpa Opmarme* Psmaraidas . TM mat aummilaildma alackal assoM Mom. aadl mar eslistupr as lialk ilicsa 0 7 Pie beg. ' • JOHN I. mTOJt, Nos. 07 AID 69 Funs fitnass, 1 PuTorkwiLl'i-• Ws lost l& the WailOs amity horMilill . UK I.SON, LZAD,P4 P Et SKEET ABED SAM, LIMA, Aoi *Minn la Pig Lead. Monk Tin. _ Pant ehig, trArral sraJrzr, " IkrrligNasir•ailrsillem ;111112411Ma . TO RAILROAD OONTRAOTO . ,J, ariaak Papaws vial be miedne-bisb• ipteep Tata /lettresil at tatatalite eirtat, ta the Ohs al Vita Oda* p.te.. at TIE Ulna Jae MA La the atatatatee sal tlietalY M Maok.. aCt a I St it et their realoata stoat ate ante ta WNW- ata - rriads sal Bo U bele at lb. Math 4 : ),, tatal• - Raises Meek, gm slaw atm she prom tuataas at the rad at ttatialap. Thew Iteatlaas laehal• the ameba auk blame lamella lull alelseetag. and ate veil- liana las imam°. of aspakmad eastrosten. • V ol •for the work- to Jaltlat.tet: .. .. be ma &la et" la TN lan etlts=l, dated, end Paialte sad ei ter ezllblaita la tie let ret are "a raest bat easel! say dais* to made, the mak preeloas to Oat that. Opp as 'buts tattneattes aeceseery tetaab • tatta to do es la a aldillioSucy /wan. On to 111. Wassail. llealettt sat ot the leak ea hal at Iltabara ' BMW A DMINISMATONS NOT/CI L-4,44 ..011. Uri i utiointery os ibi id's* of Ji, mai D. WEI% lit• of Man tineislif a Allegisay OM . &arid, hatieg b.in ;pilot to ski W Dpi o. latellied to add eget* aiii.ngissiii ie mW immolate pqamia ; awl Mao Dann slob* slut aid etas will rem; ilismapopesis lA. tor settimaism 1 . , . Ann B . LIMIXONG MA% 1 dU fll tea. has* sloths asa 101. Lab Whits faitsall ts iith. it Whin lOSesspriseedimg - 11111bbsall. O. Solssigi N. bests Scisokasiist : von- • •••••.., St esousla warnia„.4oo,.mvx t 6. .1W .1 Sb. Ts halo sat VotitsClissyllollsollamonaso• stosts. hos 11. NM OPt SOIL =JAM thrh. lin x. 1642. • aiellk•alkt LIMIN-4.60 plge Galankjast imbeisit tor sop Diet moons. rasa ABErvAgs 07 ivevericus - , AT BA-TESL — -- No. 21 STREET. LAC 4I 1 01=7 :4 11 74 elk *NB. aux 710174 4170 arms Ark eassisaifirinisid: smuts imiolts . lis Autty*l"si t P* 4l, GIUIDIZIPS arts r swot= skat Mae tO Wait Mali. hugs puma; oroat am as tb• arzw 00070, et BATSS', 21 Fifth Strut, B ase s LAP ligigDPs4 l3l4l47- bailouts * alissearstv DOUBLY ElRlEntla WOVEN SKINT!' amour; itraziwc, ! EXTRA GOBEr _ EXTRA GOBI QUAD. EXTER - Gou mum Barzeug rum= aims, oR asmax; Mart.:: coalman Dziplauss. • , Thom lEdrito its nods at Qs bed 10110LIBE thltit arm Will, WeebtottEMEtt Mitsmiso, toot to addltloa to tothg osoorot lirtto 1111. oto Flood OMR oboe likort. lot solo trtkoiiiolo !ry ims.catiilasCaararDE, 1r9,78 Nan* Btreitt r . ), 011otweta Wouttlishmiatdplamiai. ~ it. NBW !iliac. 1:111,1017y0#1! J. M. Buichfield'i; sum uccium, _ iron xi - imams' room wit" 01111ANDLI Zkinni J 1.001111712 rrwaet PL•I3I 11 . 017 WM, limos ♦ LOT Or LUT 613511 Rl . MSS CRON. tamed bon 114 to SO oats to dos !skivvy pile warn r. L. wacrliptlyi4AJ . F; warn anna. W 8 1 .41 SWIM uooinern m=sti - IIPJACOI nllMAilOa. N 01numi1f....... -- . 1863= , ~.. ~..,.. B I L xeti - - i ... ~,,,...._,„..:. • . • . Ei Et .a. VP Ma Eh . : ..:, - . . .. "B 7 11.. :0': .. ..44.'0.T1 13. - ~. e Cf rig 0 If 1.4118 t - , ;,, , .. IMMOSEV - CX)Orget. ..:! •! !, ~!! :..,.. , 1LJT:0” , : . '',:' , 4 , ,,, , ;!!„,' j r :',!' . I . _ . BARKERVCO I S ' !!: !,--1!k!..!,.!•,,,!•1,5414:4-.V.!:.:i'n! .Irl , o Pi IW iSerntrILITOXr - . ..intaita+Ansisiviii ) - a : -- NNW 00WE11 iliSW*Witif:i I -- . MILTON,' 0/11011011 - itsi, . :. z- : • :iiitiio *Obi doftikriestristit i 1 -•• .. - _- ..,."...•_,.: v.,, ~-,:..; -..-7••••,.! : :! ! -: ,4 ,, .:,:-., 1 .. ...-- , . 114 =4 All m g a l imis Hi ..I% r iumOl Ml d a VEgi, rtsi .' 6 aini:L 1* 1 1 , D IMITTTEINI T • 1113WAILITZUll MUITILLATI :.„ Bia3lo*A3iiiiidii4b 4itctiiiii6.l . - TRAiwthwinartiiiii.l . 7 : !"..:':'-.lrak IT wA.lll'Ol. ToAX4INTIL m T 1111/WHANIR - - - - . Easort,-aratoram. .„ •-... memporaffamit.7,.,•• munias, soar palm • 1.„ • IlltasiD/101.6 worm mum •, . - .- • ,1•r • tr.. , 1174 ,- : . : ' 111.1611010 Th figR11143413311 iOMlOO4 .' 341 1 1 1 4 • . • irVIOW-'ll4 oniormim;Aki ' D: - ThIMMLIIOI,. Annrismowillitek,' , • •:1. - wr,..svigAulfufflimi., • ' • " ""' wit ma tfillstk:VOßlCVa t - iT arrify,F - 0071Pytiag, • ---: ;,- - • , -11 VerAtiliniti" 44 7 °' ' 6l ke Iwill!:.*Misinsfe.ths-,p66. •”11 - or 1. :atetotal allientrilii 4 1 eitwo 10 7. 016 dr. J.l/010.1rahla hw asa illllllß lIISMOWSIDavy ffi n c rewor" taw( • -a4G .. • t. 1116 110,N =ctifig)sobessa" Air* I ass prows - aims *lace d '101121114M - Sii Wool irmaxits BY coon - Lux iratoy Ifo nbrui, IrrgErr. Anithft". Chi door poky Lb•u. liouitg if 0c.../ • iad"Vittariebe—b au `l3 , ' 1 :if:: Du k "4 Wit Mimed Matti &num Obb,"" Mai Leta% Inse , Wool E. . Vote° 0.11. 4 Nola, us Amp... 4 ify,TIFAN sad ttgaratmak 03.10..k.01 Sum Pomitog Lestria, Ilee Ltomi salLOottai. ibertlas 141 km o ho . : Goads; OW& Our...sarsa ; 151111 ea& Cionet flasalno,brdh. Re•le T 4. To OPERA GOIAS. ar g=E:aMMltH THEATML Wowifizta aziorasoi: ADziamm . 11.imi, se coi Sit, &m ate Primo Bat; in 501 Palmas. sad Dam ir, , Qliales.so.assao viands MOO 15 maw I wareacruam plp.i odarietßoafkaomtei (Trilayl wawa% , imam oe ilia u..cicat pro; .110 vat % , "0 01 h. c.OPF 4 ,,i l # ll ' Than oiw4lch tbsy hiirquiftbdamalziPts of Day I xliatieturs.F. 2, CANWAY. DajlallT 0"2.122,211r.:2.2.W. T. &imitates ths same of Deavi3teiiiat Fitz , . Tan, AVIS —acid tea until* urap tr.s. it, Irmo II apt at AU Tlttstm . irtaißY u.:RicpS & (xt, Ork:k 4 s , ;i l6 '..hinag Watt) Merchant Tailo r s. 8111,11101 STOOK - ,Or .0031)13. iiiOnituittiatili. l4 i:b•iivibet: left% auxto ' art approbik&oa ot, -lute pttt ,tedttmNul.bJ tka, at. seadiWto bestheektudstire4.loo.l. apt tho appioviiiir ail wlio - mirlimniewriorah4elly i 011 . 14:111141 lINIIOBMEI 11401 Wardell" Guibildiotailiiiiief oa reirowble was:, ilimuyillsolmod • geric..msay WV 1 011 bb. Ond Sid:Joteriliglose% is. In I"at br . 11•61,iiisn'ongodied ',lttresimade cadets ithi dna Adsli.dsdriniare dispach.' •-' • - Atilusidis • my abulowaoloctlon of 211BISM1111111 111.1114111oloags ogtikmdl. I; I `~~:~L:_liill'ai~r a+~ F - tiVIN 08 ail Mita by il6 pia kr Dipoitti from 10 86. is. to 6 OCloct p Chan' aboon 641.21:11WA1 evas.aoe corn 6to WOO% ett 101:111TH 9TSSSiL A aux - ocorvianzerr sod PRONITABLII DINIPOOITUIII.4at IlLectkinva. Leaman, 011itta, tad ell Ukase whew assakior myths) an soul. -it slit imam& 114.1. to : lizasksors, adowitstois, Wow*apixis;votiusual Soo:Mir or Arowitiom, Writ ma Ye eat* at BEL FIB 157212. ia. sae irsoillas diegoiss; visa; • tr dot Atli's - , *III esedSt.olhSoo allragiter GO Me 1,4 inllol - Kat Sal liskiaties; mid thargestri bra dr 111111101101114 Al tabs mei *am, 4isiniiirtliawaiwoot4iii al/ ivadto:tis,igiii aid. 11 = 14 ..." 41 .5 ! b ! ,-2144 "4 4* Fuck: 0 0 5= 11 s an J ' 11**11111;414111,14 . 1k1)41110. . .41s.vb PaAamiti , • - Eicadden Toolidr, •, •i • ',74istairj , lea erommor.,6,ll..o,llWriat. (3****044.,,' ■et spays rat complete and rag reartanit al MIMI= any - xmaavies Dams:ALA as mitiaselakeisiwits• yea , . • "''' f.****4l4o4o4l4.lwati VitteMingiraW ` - s fz. NMI/OpirCiallrig :5 4 , ZII aUltrtnleS, I tel fir nidanesx . Ml' Fir; O. XITIN WPM% w ratuss.aukuvia.. • *swami inn% km law . ? ikon EMI Fixat, - • . . ..•. Ads ao*opatrtithOlitrat odd nag codijdite.r valessd rot Ilihrallirto•soet!lty; smbriahg 610410110-01 Onalliiiiripik* tiiwttlert th•-its - cation ht. dm tied* hod the* .46.1614741111111.4tirazikscaidion:ot.L± . Persons late, . — avialria - tha. - vhcli -411.70 a 016 -maw 'Afiataial ,qO, man Mari mart *Wale am allay. thralas tram "Ohlikattata alk /Maw staaa. sod imagist vim iM raircaaaama, a fors'artbareby tar.l‘d that the trlaM.lo,lo.l4llCiAtaii “V -0 /‘4 1.4 . 02 4 6 :sod apaahts al 'Abe aaata..atil meet 04 gritintOm'sBlolllBDAT. 'Juba' dtb; boa, at a l / 4 1.akp. - W..1141i10/01q, ,t .T•EE/! Glt•Hali. .1110aalito BRAM 11. r ~A ti, - - WHlri 31[21,21 GLOVIS, , 75 emata per pstr, at KLOkUX ik GLTDIrs, 80. 11..1%44 itvet. out vide .114/01 VblE.lNEdrrb. /1110/ii “bsortal,*s6l.l.llo TAILLOsi Mae - nil- A ST. OLAIRAITAMIEL itit'trs':l4k',' - ' i, 110Lfseell***Inualuien Retel*, _11:10110iWIDISS MOZZIV ." #.l4ol4Nairiiii4o.osecootrsnix mow = • , snit!. '7.4ll:iii:- . :COsiii . 'lo . 4o4 :4 1 ‘PCIRM"Ir 4 a 11 ATini al= OIL solicits& r5r.A4.T..04 A, ,114PULItcwituirlitfin* no.iniepte. a 5 ' , • 131uNEkBoutitY a_tpuLt4LAWG t;,4 o ,4ftrfa al3l3l " 9 4M i a—H. l ” " 11 .4 7 1 Totit 6: 4 114 door beim °Acne o=4 rat tad evAttil, amt Alts.-r tufk. assai. • lama sad soak* to aft WI wApuisillg, Dlasilts. Tilts 1111 MOW^ , •-•IIIMW.samBOWL , AISur NOBS 21111UOZA,0 1 arlastAllie bus essamaims ilz naSlLT:gamMilikos•mibigod tallenumilareareuutrai.snkagraums, "moo awl seam Manua Amur, n straVoir to. iligiMAX Oft. • - Allgclmaira I.,:ra, tat VtAi.l.l•46eshr-iu isS• ltst., pea t—ty Vy riaib--lataa Mae 1414-14gascoristamiaMir,- ■ .1115 Ar rinsue,gn* t•tatay,.:zi - . Nagai Week bog 341 ,04 .7. ZOO. , •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers