ta.. ~.,. ~ .. - - _.^ - .., • _ . ESTABLISHED IN 1786. ~~Eoosei mum W 44; 00111.111118101inaCl ak ;r 1 !1-_ , Z atudi Opens.l3,d /mat,. aTraguatax W M. MORALLY, tr - , wsoraRALL GHOOlti • llltZgrtitniikHadcY' , k.„ iTtl23lllball, nu. viroluart - ibe basted or libiliabe - • • vrW maws, the bales et taw " be to receive the, petal:ay ef by • ,: r i M s. k- .1 7g44 1 4;--.Wik Goomons, Conintgan,lll3l=s PILODIIOI. 117,01112.18A003. cosN .&.-I.sitnati..lNANdllol4l_o YARNS, anti PlagniggiE Femerlls. 112 sad Ili &mond stmt. EI=XS (of thoLlato armor D. ix P. , 11=1 7. JUL 14:10:, Wing* Olt' 1:1 - . , A d r? DONALD 4- R . Wl= ANN. sass Cloonio;PliekDreli n. IMATITS,-Jobbeas Is 00/VANA N. 0. SUGAR XOI•APNNO, 111tTENBD•131B5 and BYRO sad M" in.ou - BACON, ...TOBACCO, • , WON, • : , MIMS, t0.,..N0..9111a0d IN., 1111MS/444.441. 11111141 "144:4:44W1Li 14' • 14 EULER .k •BROTIDUIk • • • 1.11. ta liquor & MOITer_MINTO NNOTIONSIMBINIMUcIini 7,,,z • ea 126 eat lie vr9or itri". alms' 11116,' • • lifeWill t age • • • nom NO. $49 UMW WWW. swift Wood str * eet, Pittston*, Pa. fIEO. B. JONS81134;0 , , 11:111 , 11silasse4x1r4korti - • • • "' • WIILLA ROPE. OAKUM.. Orlak •VI • Pittiantrib maina i115..11t4 lit . above Ur Kasasitsbas • -• • • " R OB= TALEBIL - ikala;clor sais Cacaos, Ooicumstor moo klimozurm. PIIODUM sad .•- , WIT 14/1311111.,.4.16111111 41111.11111: - .6..U:WAyAfirli .AIIiBERTiOMMYAMMIE • 1i4L11,0210432211,11ACi:-..5 , & WlLt3ON,l'faaintALA t • • ozu, 00=1111101 Xsaazurris. sad • • • Prods)* sad Plitabaral maw" Matas, lb. IN Mr arty meat,Pittabargh. • s. PBODUON. No. IN WORN street, sad OS •'• Pittelbomrk. - , f 5 ak lr. =Tomo S.. DII.WORTH.tOO7, . Osoczlis. No& U 0 .10$ M, IT, Ir, aw a hly,h4 ,r, Jasi , JIMAMiik" AR Vl:Gaocis,, , ,lttikull mad 111.11raoir LXIAND • t .41 ' A • • " • V P ! .." --AGLOW/MCP j t : thirU• raorrizil Or WEITIIIIFWAI t*Ul4. - AXD CULLY COLON=, - INWOrnair W • tiWO:4II. - ••.a. Swizz Prroolvars. Pa. , - lr.S. - MULOSTIIIV• ...;....J.sr.r • - AEA tl 4 ll' HEMPHILL a 1 1 ~ ALL weer Pike stelValistectrtiket the . P L AT .tim w a zi.A .=.lr in . i lianno .alianto - g : BUDA TALTIS, of ell tiset mad ittelt tijitit'. - ; Harlog pet op trachlatty et WTI toct st % &theme qui. i we ate to do - ' !deg, as .t, mask In a Ss te, Stinting% wampum, mei the chariots/I , elm vat.% .. — lai "1"-44---atiiigkiija iiti-11 VA.LIM 0 131/11 INGLtilltoki advantages hustatte• =attained la this Znichtee. JOIMPH F. iLLHILTQNSUU., : , Cloiser of Ifni sad Misty Amity itIPEZIOR amm 7funf7N =canon Y, a LW BEAL% I • No. SO '' am CM • WASOII 4g ILIOAD. soIi= UGII VE. • ag rIA stud at eltapsd MIMS safa rlf t Isms at eseen.leadovieerder'SVlist A rood roartmeaS coaltaatli est bemL se e. a; vezre.........r. T. esannsier...e. cuussi -TipXCELBIOII.-GIABELIWORIS.! jawoLrz, PLIRIHHT23 CIO., ewe ICAZOT num. Warsbouse, O. lY Weed Ot rtra,Pttastaltilh tJ. sofa NIALti, • .1) • &W, bo. VTMissy .1., me, We d iTar " bic f is,r4 P9 l A s ord.=sonakajicsi msea, ildppid es per viimu n~rrsTnr. ; , ;:r ,. • rpErru ..Earrsacrriro • OT A. PALI, BY TEL MB 0111 1 1 511 lIIIBISZBT2IO, Mani T, Alllll3llO. - limo'. sootioisoo orill Naktrloolimimmo thotioista extracted by Jay roar, Bodges NNW* tout so tot* rffilltr sibil im r• tloa;-irhstamps booboos BMs= usoldAgibit,aiaßbimbibdig no kaitbollgrol; papaw. - ..... -. ,N.• • ^ 4 ..-.4.4 ~.i: :1i.. , 1,3 , t,t1 okraranliaiLtiiirmoolesol ft= mad &dips Tiny lave; wirnatet la ail • 'Amu. Dionli., , I lilzmet=a-of Itetbfat Rummel 'i,t'':-.!li:00 .. , :, ' :: :#4-40'#,;:., OlibitMt= Didslll - 110C • - no:67 L wood strestatttilma‘.) AY 'a& W., '- 4 ail tA l . m 0m. :3414" -wnwi. Third ' I LAW BOWLS amaitaaily ~~~~ _t,'T~lJQ:~IlIXfi utlErli HOBSII i i I r ah is r i d EATONI titAUIWMA 11 nithmod. rt mitts. far Isomer.. Imo= OM salmi LO.Liil *mg% skroar aaa 1U ; es mmessabla 4""111.1116161" Osd emit i L.OO d oL. • • bmwoni, asearrost,emia."; , ..; - • - Pieress . .. /Nan Nair& 111111~,imit• _ • , ammillon gassarsiale r• Bier 01111.4116111111N1 , • 121,11 1 00 111111 1 . BMOINE111•111ftb • • • ' ' • as: VALOW 0110 Calla :' tff" , "77 - 7 .-114-11-6- eir Br L'ig . ocs wow mak, iiin , mils% &Rims , -. Panama:. Pa. * AM*, • _ . EEO C,11.L1.0,5T 14.21. tbr,4i 4- ; I+l. 1.; .) ♦ e- ;;.:I<*i;r4. • - ; Azir.. P 00.414 NBitIVOEIOTON on Art sug. 79 Had (deaf of Gouda itazial. a /1111sadzi. - nakirra= i Ll , ary BTary. • a=apaigno of lama. aumatervialait it 'Mar . .' • LAT a co.. 1. Wood strata. `QUALM, • • s U aIiOLUMS 800 Dhoniala alPutty. - . Lawn' Daindeal Illaitais. 2 *la ••• Dr• Iftlime.6 l 422 l 4ada liasaualz - Oiactliti&lSantla kit Samba and Latin. Hewes 6ma Slaai al a llEga Ilasu U m faa lm. 11211ka Han b y.st Ewa mad Haat Valk& 1 vol. 11=lagarak.t a9.,,1111n0. • 1 , 204041.5t22 , 112 ,0 2 1 1A.T , WINN WO& "2 Win. II as., • - • t0_341./21111.1‘11 Warta lama ..ILT Otis. fliaa ll e Ett.-: : - ii i . " -. 7711* -- te. dew' iof talvin. ea Ma Booadazy of anedhar Wail& - SW Gnat Inn Waal lamoshood. itroinalow. lleataa!o Wlldnyjaan ta Ids .I 4 8, Flaato. E /1/01l r agii id 10per,..-: ..- aad. I a Iltaroandlda~a, . ~1 liorkata Rlatory. Tial. ltadidae, do. = 111 0: 15 t: , 14 ,:flAil. . I ,Agatai amt. ..MLFICELLAAMO US CARDS., hMi.l 0131 . D WOOD mans watriaistuf or to ifboovirELL; sr and Se Tided airs - assionouml a 0a... radall - rr, meta ovev tmkr XX Ittift , Then 01honlis ors Mai hum, whkh besting oal", toss mot k N. D. DrEUXIDG) Pitt • owc 1862. ..... --"v'wBm'••••• a A. IR, P,,.111,-11! W. D. & 101MIX.11=112.- • lisps rattan of air** bob( baralcbcrager prelim So • oda of Wiliam; sad now rep4alia =diatea#ollllllld2l46l2a) • ~• •`— ' 4. Fra DOly + • oppe. •aCa r Z! •- ,0 ••-• • • etvisifils offend te kordummo u . mama Moon Won win outaKT paldemire : &Ms i s LAOI • lints CIUELDIIII.Wg F4IOIIPONar. , • ..anarknikliatle commis /ow* -IAIII - AlDesees::: ill :LI r.` -; • • Iraq misty sal 'Ritmo! du alms goads on talia awl kraalaia ' -4 'CA --1140/0 & 00.1, ---'"" eritsri 111,1/1. OW= 1111•1111111. ALLBefiINY, eO4l, TAM. -F * 4 " 1 71 4- s°l D~Yn la 00 •• * loC aiz aA mujia l4/17111 P T , ' ••••-••• • 111117,0mwor Alidlemen Brad ;id aim& Ckmono. ' VPII ' 7 ! f4`, — !, • DOLINDID4 • lam AIN Inas Nana. AU kinds of BLW WOOD MID% will be pqr .tended WU* somben at t E. Ina Wag ymral Sd a i rl===firy l ' tb ripost. Diaz= lsZaD !funifigt 1 - 3 - 67-artrthwaiolioon alinriP , staipi immamna ruse, m a twtr e t i al., ureic misty. DEDMIL THi 111 T. I. •••••0., IfilliTT &Mt, Cus'FLocrznio V • Ka; SKIM Liberty mad £d i shin; PUP NAN Pa. allralOwith 400. bbil& P*; #74;i 10:5 di, • - el II a: t 4 '8 (37511711717( • • 0 ' , 97L3 ; • " exesolart Mibajacrijr,•4?!4sl norlo suanuntessityq rtt TO*L z 11 2 1.11 T 11 " 1 , sor POMMID mom' oft. MiIIkiMAIMNI cams , t R , II9IINIM lISEILAN lIPBOTA. —airtintaaasinas saw Wanks of R 1111816.1 17.114114 ffi t OP szrAtcr gra A.t •1,1 AriOoodeta the woisootoodo 1 momorto of dam& 'Mt is oda& lo to csaattoo at* =rilifiCAlMl Ingiuld so 1tD8814.11 ono. roe ale by ' DIAMOND, Puho4l I am Of to ftotlbo. . IiaNIFMIZOMMIL as 00., • taa aio scam Linn. HOLLOW tog NM 't - " • . 7 ; • creir2 aims s o U ir _ , ra t . zasze ak .4.hueirat:• N,lgslivsgs #.4w9smpB LOWIE N PAPP UMW Jll3 0011 GINNI a ek! .; undo '7 4 • 4-74. • - momeocx• UM 00AT • MI **A 0 011=VILIMMIK luirmosaL mir Ago , ,arx:l2 ery Ross. itafkmaani. 1 ~+r`''irtxza: ~~.~7~~,~:~v ~:~a:~r:i: lissuietasse is 4 1 011 1( —4440/ 0 44'7 1 ..1 110S'Al arzig. ,Sortre bcAt tm,,411.464 MlE=el too4tiure - i.ri oar tiorroroi • or ow sr has hodthe paper. bereonatlno that Wive Gold . = been aoudad ..the Howe diredies Machine at *white World'. Fair I. London, 'Wm for tits heat op inhibit:on for all purwelie, smiths titbits fot me ii.h-liFerhearneni of sewing.. Theuo aware at the timerthat the statement wee wholly daviddefitemth end hero,/ impotitien en the public, we ichipii.a no. Wins It tomilench time me we oentit grehrtn'ofilafal copy . of,the Report-of the 'Judge!! to the matter, so that we mold rye it a positive and ihtthorttles con tribliction.,, That Leptet.(pabt shed hy enthitrifiret the Vommieslocars of the Itchtlettien, tei new 'biotic pcomestioni and shows bow 'utterltnattne , theillbel 'statements in the advorthement alluded to " -At the Wend'. fair the W ttalillll =son 1I 00PANY had'hut it sh die illsehine on while of this Bowe Mechem. thare•were one hand. In the official copy of the award, wheel 4 be seen at ottr 'worm' lit VIM Main, ii mated that-e - Gold hied& Was - awarded 'the Howlit sewing 15 whine Ilisapaiey, noel hoestetV toelr *lehtine via beater, or as shod **Others fee : ficirpalesi but because in the karma award, they exhibited -the beet thdleictikL" , . 'the_±forir =Wale" all: ded_tolizeitit beet Swatted for superior. ainciate as elseediddiverE weer asserded :ar all, noes di,! tae maressid esnaperior atietodi ra wive even the-barnencooptimena g , .i f lldeutbe neattchofp the7We'. bewar t, iatt, the high eonpttaent bestowd7lV A ThmitA the: 00Mt: witihdle pre endues 41.04 =Wipe oliexkilleiticin,l wait i strudel; . - . fivf'"!^r^'"l %,I , rn ISM r ssa - PITTSBURGH, FEAY SE Tr/x(4 JITACIII.VES. D TO THE 'PUBLIC A . Xlit.gttiooll EIP011$2). AIZIOld) idllatTil 'AM l.init . IT$ PM=4i LLOII3. • Thee ire th e Author tbs cage, weh ibitel the clikial report of the Oesambidonars, and to Jo•ttis to.. carewii sass well as to en.,oes swayable inn iheireut. Attempt d impwitiosa vetoes ewe constrained ,So lilt them - beityrir the lethliti;' repia ii i i thenthwe. 'thu. 'Wit= LIN* - 41 NS it the irefessothime wake wieeivid GOLD DAL Its warier et A.•laza . mig'a Pair, and p 41 statements to the coathary. no =attar Eros what see they emaskeio, as wholly nnworiby of- WM. SIIMATEar. & £Q TB. or Tat Wheeler & Wilson Aladdin*, No. 27 FIFTH STRUT. prrrsbuiuza. myl4:CwrsawF e W, i. 1.1 4r,.uu.•6 L . iH^Il HD BOITBLE 7E2311111) Faintly Hewing Ofachiises, L'o.; M roarth itrest, rlttaba et 6. 1 . Three H.thl ' are from Masa to twcitty . cb•eimit. Waa& uttietzraohts• to the city. Tan injj l .f i r il :: , xqtig. 1 . 0, ibt tbres - ,yest's: - so city* this say child It yous OK WI to =Medan. 'Clottstaatig - all &twill of Darb; Machin .11,011/at. &raj' ' (Mc troet,cr.; st !Meet , • . I.ll' , ' . - •Pt.a.*Ol VAMT4:I"§. • naNQ z Pliaio4oB AUFDAA gb• Winiu4.llBu44,:tadou.ll6ll. . agirrait s a -- tot, itiportot to ott ot3ttlnonno7 , ,n• spiel." Anew swat of thoolpno JIBS =Vow . , " Bobs Agaticy fur this ilairicklbt UNklaidnirty_ Plasms:. li. Yl,ottoattszarra.., WONCON Juan) gutica. A T Daum abraesimir„bwi' turf back atoms i : coo; very 110.16 awl— rz 00 A ttODIPPs ADIOS*. IdOgc-RIPIDDAPAINDIWINI. 1 1. BF/4 a ta5tA44,4414,2maate..... AT 0 0 00 UV% 4,00 .10 4 0 6 bervisna• i _,., • -. raZO,4lll;.Cd aitc... 11l iglu ' a. IN?"' $1441.6..tia1nr004. caned welt IA ut..— . ... • ISO CO A. 13% Wave Als.icA dsa.viumwood. Emu/ -, , "treat; as izialleat Piano— /60 DT D, -4 4 1W.,CCDIDluolgili I:Writ la, jpg'" .... tac. ...„,_ ~........., .160 OD. .A Geortarallailst,./0640 IQ Uo v :fotaroaLi-1114 OD- A 6 Oasis iikviiirt. 000‘06W.—........v.,60 00 ..• *DMus ihilft; r :. , , .! ...4.....4...* TA po i trectaroleizia4'- , ' e ---...---• ea 1313 . A 6 octave Danturair - ' " —.....,.....,...„_00 a 11, catarciond, , - • - , —...:..—.w... woo , lefiocurrwzgeSik , - —........:...;.'4 , -so CO A Slocum .. .. ~.• --i......... 4—LID 00 4torloto by- =.- • . -.4OIL L N IFIAIIILLOB, s' yob ~••:. . , ~ - • ~ • •., 03 Wcood•vtisse. • , 1014134 , ar-talti . :, '• .- .- .. - . . '' fipllM isit.opeded,tttli otrootriii attolettniply , Wilton; Ol impantitaildstran.nens,:tmondlontot ibillhatill In • ttnrconsna7. Anti , fact , Ut , IMIW Inland intmoilky .noon.ina. : Par NM* manilla- Sid w klintlgiOt Ur} We to lIAI one-Mitt I our order, , we imiiraD ilk's TI4R& ,-- • ~T,'.?2%.- , AA- . .rirrl—QTAlß.stiAd*."o4 ' ad. Aleut for 1111•14E:8 nitoft.! - '::. ~* •_'-4441 xoiusioniprevo•rontAmnft tho ; 115; ials by ?C/ 1 44 1 . WIZ 414.171111.,43 fifth streei, EoleAgentlac RAINES BROTLIZIIB' PLAIOB Pitilivi.ll-isamonsurtes. ivithattir AU. PElitltt2ll3, HAUS PAY, and hiltiTAYI CLAIM of seerydssailiddos, collected by ohs writer, at she lolloanng rates, via: Pentlotte, ylO all other claims, 53 60. 0. U. TAYLOR, Attorney at Law, Grant shame; Prltaburgh, Pee H. B. Ho charges are made It the clefts does hat mca :ad, and all lorprmattottjtlsertArAlle, sed:ty URA" GOODS. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' my wudo*-4seatter. okez....DATIP 111 , custams. WILSON, CARR ft CA;;o t..l (Lae tidiosi..Pchaes • 014) will'!"t a ____;4 4Laso IL NOICLON AND DOid Edllo DRY GOODi vi do. 104 Wood streei;44kdid twinlmrgh.e above - alloy, Pltta DBALiiit 171 PUGS &s tl IZA=4,DSV.aquas, clitimulat simia r wtraditriot attaiirgb, 'Pa; 4 . 1, 11.0,e1Crl wade to order. st680:1){ . • LIMN 1 . 411101....«.11321 Tamp.' ;..adoelßOY & CO. l IWO= la UMW mud(ob door below • daos o oortory.r. ;:- 0. L.. • L vl Oroliadanteito . ll4ll** likiatogailira TaUlgazusill= Auld. DAIF.OOOD/h , W.over '4O Mk.. trod. ,3c ; AitAUK eVit Whatelalio IretatlfAsalgi'VelliilMlOTAPWAlVl Cs ,j3l. o4lientrtglMitg.94,-14 übbeit. lit.fAN Ai; • Whoutialle , sat tie tailDialse is dP Wilda of TainJainie, , DAT fiIOODL &a, Mx. 77 and 771 alatkot Wit:' 14`, r, _ - _ - * tawlifix.w),, saitiossar So TU.44loo:44ol,oo.,,Whoissaltatd bola* RitA2Laihaiat SANOIAUMGOODIVIIhabw lit muss of lroisolaani lfaciet strapes. - 14 VhBABNAIS 4.lnoLlionirpl ~~~ f KNBLONO, ~ : soolaniri, BMW PAT. .E r., ...., i ':,,,, A itr 01 MACFriiiii. " ' -'''. ~ ,t- , , .. ..;. . • :. • ~, ~. d ~.; rl.ti ~..,-... ' L r • 41firrelored4;sro aid Ofrfol'efs!h : - 'i r p 0 .114014' PIP= STREIT, Paisbothlynt: .idiaihsdkauslit'Alloshhity furl olatog_orontfori Prousatal SOLDIJIBS' 0 a of ovortdeporthe -11ohrBOMMIBPS/h 11 : "Pw - - 818. MOBS, for wousded alialeed Obid4olli Me ,InilkohißßLlol4,oXllksJildoos,lstassiq S Wdrea. Brothers sad *taw aviator hi* norh. dsplsthflit htthosorilbihistlellohbl .. h ors Mod altar dhobarhaphrosalßssod is parie , . VA° dam natiM -11seo Ide um is sr owsred :Moo • seamy b •••4000..,D1441131v0ny- ii-littr.zto4,leo 0 - 4--triaa .10 4 4,14" *i c fikv ALI • vhawt*W•low. , 1. MOANING - 4. MAY 23,s 1863'. G stivaL. • ThhoCbrpo Donator be , ii; - (WY3sTI*. his mouresiMs, Q Inept? m arum • c ere Inds for abb OaNOLS be regidrek GotammoillevY tbm teadved eemi mut &oft h. M the Form hut. ems sad ;emthteill folllll the iblkorteg - -- ntahlo ' . % Il tatirgt 7-11. -ritialtliwieer' I' IL liar IM I t anallagrboben k . Silage alb sr ' Sopa aplEr F ti g1i 30 %, Wille - iiiatisi ,-..- t •TheSestallstel luattitmarblii rink aalortamustatrr to aim tor aili"illsalai i. arra San art all bra ralleas thetearrediliote . amorole •litany late base; they ativellorto mikes Oh or .merit issiall" ate reorm..--- roar dial billerianisa eta lay re tharbittarar trilobites . al Sillaltaltallag'UlittlatiMorrordpori,. , s e e p co pri altasatitat the' relitornar Mohr it' liking those Sara sal raided isea stilt "a fiervintad lamm *LOC USN lialllnal are aria raw LAS- la StrallsAt art N. mobialat Omega a are Othantie leader tab aiteacia Mann ait- thaw conse the -X - Mar a: at. brown NUS wane trillie , toren% 111011111$ Ur raw -anMe : Wise ors -Irma :the •elar matasarnterdoll nrlarialria rad time theetiallat the alrellentirorainlayno. 04 tats papailleallheiniusairilrlid lan toratel taw at lalarlalkhellt_lldetat D Or :um" madam eat roplialtslam , u, aal ano. the Saberatal laimlaimia MOB ark aa• alba& malt" la petal et laistairr is ttrentlinie tithe seri eta ottlalnnlidChapa,' diatillaverl raii 4 Itial by the BarralL Sena • handier* tarn' calm* et' rinentkairal moat Oa raeparyys nobs thereallicarir II hay tillberataallaid ' sow la the atimireillatinniatalsatiryted the ots Stedital Meat* shall or RarpWl Or 0411111 V, lomat Carr natter Water bit. Ulm', he bill mks triarateriadicabotr but atat' thilienho haw beer hoax s t ilt' iliontapilll tabard* '‘-' - - ' - , -Ma: liyearipthr saabraStas end saline are abo torn anal bainaily dierharped ea noarat at wounds or Sena coattiothlllaShir Ira atillity, rad ab 0 Lars to manor thrall/ha . lithe are of an oilleen'epallaillmo 20 appertain' .an he natio to the liana -Xarhig4eirrel At re Wad Miler tiro the aldlibta VII* Ambit Pro. ran ilatitiliniro latia - lia isplioarn - 44 gialtri-lolt9m 44oo kTOOr_ttle .ci t 'Tan the =l" " = " l4liinkiiiiili )dirb ot4:' :. Woo* et therard 011anarrilt la that* noi r akial he taare" tad he• ism kr • halre lisle dor ols irocrem/ et torlt is t amalk ade, Ib*rait Ss: ble to drilLtial Ir lila ' ditty. , . l Labia Its bunith Arnim iin roam* Or Vasa gratify ... Mt to e aribM4ll . hs'. h. Thal vs tra the pr. prosateli Sneer ton Diana , Crainuillassentie what ha lboaally serial..llitiathy ethers thus provided Sr an apart ntasait-siimpate 01117100 tO UM (70111111411111145 - - 01111114 t shell he law_ irmishitale to prlthr lea •Iterrithat i l establaraL the lb* bariplitis itorts. lout el Zarolhatit -*MUM *III = Pr.. ' rat its antabobte eti Via ihrili - silt amid al he obtained by tieb argamitt, mad MU*. ile treas. mimed with hatapplharahlOastotati e . it then lit aorahralaallarn lunar, Gran llordhallienn the ams - b7W waded rorralt - tha Sereialtit• Ibilliate: _who isleshartoadorse, tieol - Settia military rotary aro ' alai lay ar a sr samba ey hie all !barer th e to the Provost Sabha! irt thellaited Stab& ' ri V ear Libra haborary. . nit aabitos in of dird4US. Sara WIN QS On* _Lit , I tal= t ar t , . r i iiroitbrii at . the Sart thsrlat . : . ruallialls trial . , !Vika% sherta' - worm, Laid ho".1111/1.11."0",brattkme _ - raw, the Brad rhillibleti init t it irradiate era it. SW bSaiStarardo.ln Umber:! ' - L Thadimatit toriporleaadarii -i. i . , Ll i _ : So Tar be lo notthairsis nod alnellilit' ' ' I . F ILM/it ha ma 'haaciabilyaboharaa" Ina Ilho the llama Menial for Samantha air 'ben ma tho 'ipplartire, err this tartilloar ii .r i l l Baal" to the bars Aurelia - Praia" ,•.it i . *send afar Stata,whorballptarittortnit ', ot arra that diarattir a the rabbi a thib thalal ay se *Nth la beldl;tr Ile arlihr Namay, edam Ilia* any WartArCtr "WSW "Sas Ir a 'aentotioatillaniailbst thirtataladintaloa Ise mirrors" tat la ailocaluar ands gab ri the haat Maar .ply to • NaloallabretalL Swaml i - at ter, Winery "Senastolets: e nd ail In I = l46. tira- 4 ===ell "24 .: an unatanammtial ear ary in Woe al the lanatithala .i. - Ilbernorat Mamba Grand is target wird il i e t cl t t i 1 Ur t h►ft t il = 6,c. i t , % 4 art i t i ak id : - By orbs. of nisi a Wen ,- % ai l - • -1- , - D.rowast. ' -: aylitiliara ..' _,Artatent Aalatan" ' • , 1 • - P/01040E21 ESTA.III4 3 $ I NI • • • 0 I SCAM Bitbo 1611111% She•bliblielbit • o i l ster4Zli 'Wok . • of ha MORI hog 1.54 ma Rote Battebßathmt. .2nolo 11•3$1$233:04403CRial•••14.1dp2ofit • ti .440 h tem voldirobod on tho IDA Jan ,sow oropikod to *444044144 • OP Soland ooporkoodoo041•44 • 4 . the hist sad rat it3~1116100144 • icaptal. he be 11001 , 1hilhe .4.i sts/wirldtaroftbe whale budgies. of • Aft P Indurehtsl3llll4lllenshilitikitituf •• • amo•ToefooplAmoollo.. 414m0 *o4' BRADBURY saw satzaszaso: M 7 . I She siTIO Of at, MOON . • • • • • 2114 311liCtiCy=1444 0 . 1 4 0 4# 1 11190011W • 4 010 ot — FjEcf*RsoPli . . thak trilat bkossori to 4441lithsams s i • .104 - 444 tot ' WPOrial".l o Mftaiikbiltal_PO, ,4111A1.41111kJUTN. e 001404 jialiikciaart wit.;4„,tetizum. ISnir f , T tii • KCVO saantwailtilk - t r siMLIVNIIIMOPUODRIIINIMATIM • MCA biwklargarra iyl r ‘ iheitgrarated iltallallllll , OMB P Intr salltaillOSllMA-ro.m.U•4 V) I a 7 AliolliguitallalaingiUMlGlMie • I.o,artgkilla2_ ,10111.11tealimeiNib oatiniug:llll9,l9Mialiiillobtaam WNW 7A A o #l4 . 44 k Agwiisitui.d,. ; wax, Widat AOC = it RI woa k !WlSTralii .• • •01 -,17- 7 7-n• - • I qui; go , wounsteranat P:, AW aMpts• ;i:4 : 61/oafiNEFUr rill Ang_ ipro,pg I.l3lllMrmEni ; Ms rino4. iiiejt= „ tcur . • ;I sir Otilita 15K404401141ii L,l OTO/A t ia V a tt i l Soo sr sue_ ` _ . e the go!". ,-. .014.41+:1= Ans:++t-itd. *La . " &Omit Amttrt. _ Ba . IRI,TOIIOI AND P,ROPRIZT O2S . PabilestiOVOWst Italt ctirdinned ANDinimusa*TWlMNl z e 0004412*0 iso Wisp isimui *lna Lim! OP - FxIDAY _DdOBNINaj; MY' 29 rimyTaas OF GAXiTTEi , ig “ • • THE_ • Morn lorkoi, by mils " soattb..e_ 70. brava broil. by,40744-4.4 4 ^ yor—... 4 50. .% - ~ 10.3 " .457.10.0074. 1 . It. NtaLY Itornewl slap =pie, Tor re:.: 2 054: ~` , ,P '' ?sm. 60.' • 23. Mill tetra 4c. tba Pesti 045.5144145..' , 1547. ; ti.' dab et Mtn. 71 ,7 0.1 .0*.4.* 131 0 he dael ; twenty. 4.0.in11.4.471 . =mum aitirrimuss. ton& cep* if wail:- ' *Amuabeam. ea widil . eta* Irma **till's sisrN. The Bitmatiom_ at Vielntirirr. , prfolito_dispstob,.mild ito too from an 011.410111Cern9r army, MAT"; it dircallti* Praia irrittaif !Mist nitro lill*!ef.:.1!2#*11.:0!1/1W Mikes 'of the 224 irmpamoof iipootattiat that thi eitYmciald be, tathispeitazt 50:.4043 - .111)* tho ittopitah;!'.. of atiaday, thO , 24thi although it dos not say_that the OWMtio not table on Bit day, does ,aot - ny that It h aviag:it itto bi intoz4a that Wino not., Bat ft-to — Yrotibli Out that Tent , ' tlYPateli riaej.'hay, been gotten up to 64,4 up gold • , 01; ttot2stlykotorm interrupted tolograyttio ocammialoatios between Momits had lIIIM I COIoh may siooiat for tho absamol if later nu n s: • • • • 7-w„a~. ildearithire; xi , ANie :Spoils of Terhile kWda ishannalsi—One h that the rebel. destroyed:' It vim dattellin Admiral Poem's edit* report of. thiditit:thit lie hat 1114d:rhea • gunboat up the Tato** - that purpose. The rebels, howersilelabithat dui works were destroyed byllittetsam.- - Umtata, not-who did.% so thaptis &no. •Ptitifrittorts 'poke of Guar. imytailtienrepolied. two QV Area damn is kis attempts , upon the oily; but lli•Sa:40 AIM or auntie . he, would fed 08 strength ef the works before making a grand . Mundt. Another report states that Jointers had' massed the Bin BiaokAprobably to_dte` strithiastof Vicksburg) with MOO or 13411/. the city, This Naiii true; . 'mad it .may postpone the eaphire ftr t , '*. i . Others ibilisNatlial.soitastonisismeentrair , luta !Min AMIN tke;rear of Grant, Tide 108nidstit - taftilliziett; bitten - there- Ansi no' oona ens . rebel : _troops -nod* lkwill ls• a work: of IdelmiritUtiAls•it Van la 'Our Mtddotdient,the gunboats On the . X 1.1•314 iimials•biiiiitirwed if nteriesary,fnim DfU )itea'a !end sad ern from Banks's army from below, 14 , . 60- 4‘.PA 16 4 1 7 dtxti far 9 111.8011 :PraltiallY 111 T•tak0 1 ., *OlibilkillitiOlA it was atatid to 011 F taitruat of hisslkeriboro.iutti in; the Rapp* , Ismk o pvo 7 " repute; whisk tirty.oredit; is& wide& ireA de* .we diriei( from Grotty, that Visksbur_g war jsb 4:- 11rukdry:RIAlutstridtladto•S twat orodes4. .list . e.tioe the :data of iddar **akin. • : ; *ite:Bitttit-ot 'Jackson - . --ThiLlititelliii* (timinicus' t - of yestariky bitif•*ttitiiii!?oitpipoitteit - writio.6l,t Igiiiii, - ,,v4;;.4:04 - ..fiAiefal• 144 k0r mstmidak_ g int-ratitertitft'ACOOD• Abitatomi•Xit Usk-4ft •:'. - .L. - 0 - .”ThaiiiiplioA Waikabstwairios Ifte2" 4 P-I,,tint. &tilts . mmitaat by Ga i ll7opapaderti4Kscanilek *oil. Clinton thit ) nansing at dip, Gel. thtskar A tlisladviiiism,':iffis to ' 1 11 .4 ;Olt-90*i la *-41* a ..dui vs silo fropaZioksoit. (int = r amrod cciatirawlY • 1....,—L - 6 - errnorriti.gainia,,, air v.mp fell until ;cadet or« muss, ot - Juthl taid‘liotgasepoii tiMir nail**. 1 2* rebel position was, a goad caus•-oria pa-, tii_sio A.. ~' orithimaty timber in the mar, atd MisAtWildit; i --.- . . - , gbingi l is ,Ariarilialiosa nary Aran ‘ milos.-' le 'it, Wi.vidaksha Mb limps swank shoat 0 :, italtaltherinal ius_liMeight; ; Ank, l *.tbtitit , bldg. ' Ow sainsmainth 1 sibiptioi snags,Aisti. Moak& 4: **lb obi lit Miami Battey, at tsar Wrote. sp bits- positionlo *I timid , artallarf"ationg AtiMapiromilurso_lattszlis '-iras -alleluia : fors long , mad an loillkailoal aooktosa * imul wesmohtbutellos upward o 6 half as , raithontanyeadsiva- soralis:on-iithok al so 19Wintantrzincti'AnwrittrdaratLinta.amti 11.; Usti . ~ t was i aottooidldll 4 - Alba r n A4P—, muo;,iilearitimpmidoa,lt h * arul- / wi Mama otwa ho - adadwkene miss* anti rolo.Astotion in-tba..nanso_a_tlis pi -PIMP „._. l3ll ,PrOdat, thilbaprollai r, isOti'mPitie , that Immo! iit• - iroick' WWII 141, , ,Ilosftsisinattan , Ot. this on*6 'has ogralatinawastrimeollidie.x , ' ' - ' • ' i .. mlistotopswismoalapbatwasn'ailaid thO : 111 9.7r46,69.6 , orldlittlrliagOOlttroUst V; Um, - 06, astiiim.of timlioni llMlssli, listont ow itransaaldiantwasiotarm ootitl4ll i t t 10199 . 01 No _larrilt:Arijitinritomil a M l tiaptilatbK,42":l.q. 1!' v- - ,,-.. 1. I.- /6 1 .e#49,_. .. CPU Blikbo4l4 110 .1 . ling area siAmiimammand. bilth and 69 . -Ildisph.i.Md Ur' lomma iif b i litta Fo a mi....4 119.45v1 0 i; litirilP.... l ' ' 1 .. ..., , ,7 1 - iitTl' 111 01 — ith;Tsie l. is_ 1: cmassiumeihaliasMip yak: "lihq lamed Is' ItitsapeltuosiLateadllar.....Timilialif tao iiiiimlo allissaaa4 AmMindi .2'h. abet anti iessltAton , ths- ammiescbataarks-faii-Altiek , tb=a4i= o mitliCdsoirtetircn3. 9 ..4 l _* ... hearts mow itopudivalkopapproatimA thojaini oi,ilaatit, Ilsorltaltnitor a taw' nmstanta loarriormi. pti'hiliddie' ifon4 m of ution*goinowt :9 ,. ** apolksa—by—thessiminantlikt - eft=7, man was norradlitifiratriggio -- Zdqa,l atonin. iiniii•st *ma ,amismitid, i n al9l- skt • ig g lM Ula k fiSill "4 "14.* Wowing, -- Tittwidhutsirat . d0uT0.991015619611imz , eititbe*61,611412,11161.609 and cud*, 1 sad firez or ..1 , 410411p bop, 1 'flaillialliii.o AMMO?' ta awl ol d-Paw imi l l,Ap_taCloni AfflitaAderittiallia'49a *OWN hdatinslishtinto.,, All momarrou: Nearly iiroAnanbodlfititat 'Whin OS lame Wake 4 6 7 In" won.:' 1 i ', ~ , , •••=/Ki'situi = satjam.:„.' ' 'l%Pribel!r•trobtoWbet eg =tfolvi the ter e Woke Weigtent : i dhlaktia,. 011r'5919:9 11 4 1 .9 2 0 0 Z..-bilok 0 il , " * l.S 44ll° 'Yel l __. . ~"10J 4plamitHrlC !.,.,,. t144.4,74W4A - WZ Mii E '. sZ.isaumaies: 4 "01"41111 111114 = 4 * " WilliM 4l "6 1 1 h•am, Hu 11.1.•••••• A i... Illrgell - , • MMf3 :.4E;4 milOY.7i4 . Y'~ S Y .: g - a , fi g ht,: ' mews, ptsty.tiod _the enstagOoltt,. half a 'daY, they would brit. Sid taloa that' isasitair; . as 'reitifoitinaSati iron' bonny in- *W.:- Ths 14th 'Sol* Oarollaii and; 46th Glees irrived , -last: night , from 'llharlis ton: .Ths7 wars algkt days Woos:lag. - Illsirigisess weal zsglmaala ':ot Eort-rnadson-troops la ixu , Jihii:lOSi isiltill•Laaa:wittadadt MU:tem& Iwo Madrid* . allitpetidasd Ataintthkobasiya, 'Alpy 17shlowtloacItouloilla A Dia, 3;14 loin wl! hit ll*IlisPill! %.to At 40 that.' , 4 lo 7 lirsiiandar-lyiavy boyar, while oat' it* mos lii:ln g rki* ffeli.,:7l6°Til,o:4lll "ihni4- droll if Obis: ' - ' i , " -Elsisitrilsliiiiiidi E. tiohaitoa - lithedl la. *Wry** lad 'light; from liinkaire• - to Alteol' MIN lea: ..On lsorntaft Mho sitaitloail be t t. azposididosalf dlogiassedmillasicabox to amagiusaatiazd s aid hi souldkagazo d, - 14 1 trad dd4RWiaslstasitoblisa;:a .1 , !,- ',..1.; .* ARINIr to Os* ilt ll l-9 1 01PI .b 7 * 1 'llo haaliatta' tiOu Amp* Alit.AltskAr# APIS: 4 1 Pngrig.lifFO!`c:14t e gtVg841;` 6 S`T •-• • ..., , --.-- - -,CI in 1.... . .... ufilllllllk _ ladtqf id tuipataitepolittlike .00‘iCii.. - ---- There Ma co fortificatiebir irre,VioeYes ail' 'foible aftottli Maaa by - lit ) l itthe ,ut linter, rridcblidif tirdtti ',hilt lill attack -on:themLwelild futabfelhlidefltntellow of ,tthi ,atty. -The ettlreas There tuswary loudiaCtikeig I • esuaciatbau of Pemba:tots - 6 saf!. Weal alit '.tit tiallita44, @taw Iti. )11 , 10.11 1 P1i to: r . .01.7„„..... t, 1uw....0:.; to ..:-.: 71 :a4l Q " :=_10.3 L ', I - •iZil."-LO C e9 I I . 4 , 1t.r1.1.:3 A ,r.b ! , 44 ,ird'fid ikjAtigitilanlialti.: I,lloSki, . , o'clock...Oa artataoma„„lm oW,sais tram math agitated LiatAteAo_uld.bilitt ~tbej,t to gp s - tarlift tlek ifitaidisatior diyrualt. Wm . a ai an' Wily la "comet* ift - lbelairt' f a, debated l'ailtie:' We Wind a Ilagenhaber' I•if We tillebidifliete-, : titi fitilt.maitpi' hid bietk-of keret *dee, Piltilistitaluitteeb to;=ekcarlsit all ale -erldiebleir +el Ilk itaticlW MtatettiatFaim,lvelladthawareedistio ' tfatatygantaigitataialdfamaPite.. 'i,.. , " , r• 1 -..': : Jackeeal tar ILYA* ilkatjtllLett7 :. bat f lan aristoerfabe pri j ueipae, Jpad .thbablied„by i obis of peoprialwayeitsp,be fount at State oftittiddliel golden,- telfiloliiii; ha, ire, 1 and otheitatioleltteaqiaoritables.' trziaer ordtmuy eiiiretnetaides It *obit de fir Me te' devote legit -spike. to a .. deratlytlou cf the lowa, but three 'battle, ift two week" bare *envied *Haack editor matter,, sad .f utucati • ea esomileimspowder material for my fatal. , • : Jima. young troonzi of _Baltimore., Into / 1 40 1 7 hollitod ot putting on crap* for .15tOtto, t ftwsk,i,on;., area 'Ant. Sputh fitiachij. She Poilitroly /aroma to tato the oath. . ' WaLzs;WETmom a co, canemszeszorraziem.ciaarms , • , AuterAciis . • air Am& fitilltleit fa 8, TOBAGB AIM 1343N '7111:4 aAd Brx •• • Oil , ; ALEX. Intlea .uos be :tnabarrateup4 115,8i4; i'isr.rcitim - o 1 „the BM; 0T411w4.% when therylain Itavirth*MkOirinirreledi kheraityptd Intticnit mufti* the , . Ory Whartaytaiobatip, mon, :71til,kwEs 1 4 1 6 bps uoahla arid to, -Wier L * ire O'Ii" • aillioDolcAboro Lao/MO.O - Ullll It,Pompoo trom..tbr; boat* &Toot to the tarry . imol'illippod to ant • r.lnt, East t!' lottlooot lay dx11,124 , 01r roliblpoolp ; An codas promptly Ottoodod to. so - usekst 144..0 Wixom; Pamoogoi • ' 02164 •ollaillso: DUX litutb . mtlx ; I m Di ilanolabr.attbets.tucyconttg.: - ' PAN/VliLligi. .11911.61:4,111: YAM/a-I. ;.; Lzzl4r ...044Rozigto,, , -wpm:cc:o4 zuraiwor)auf.LirsioßATtmck a fi/a N 7.1/ oi. it - 1/ - ffirilliatkcappoillapitarisbart.• P 1 ? 1 , 14 r 11 4 1 : **5 .. , . . P!* a r l a. W ?s , . -...;i0111.91a;. jaOlOOll . ,T 10131/(03.11i 12.1T:44111..117{111TiTtitsbectigh.: ! t : a . 4- 6, orvardins at P 9 IMMAKereAr I,, itp li dt k Orn - ntio.l 4, 7.0. fr , :. • • VIVI ~1.i4100.1z!.y. ark 010110Filiethe Wif&Vthittelit . •Voiaainizan AID/ ONALICILAIIMC113111.17',,11:101) .11M!4,411P30N; - 11411411411*OtorkgraI eatßwirmi): Pt-kiwi:Hu* " 1 swaitanitifitrilerAcrts - 011 - Icamulizatouta:ftg. 'ill:36lrib pie Swam Waiduais4. - • - . I,i 1 441iih.1:8.11tfimxint 4341.09*... 11.3,1.4;a -• --1.0..exft.4.A.„ '':•: VOODVUSt e ItOrtiVIFINERY:. J:11LI -woaAulanalultittmikramado.;*i ;it 11 . e l at l / 2 .,d m ‘ JIMINT9t , ! WAR* P47-AM I IOS Wren orders Altai BlackilictottearsiThrplinaM Wooded to: reedtdtf avi A . 1,14 I,,SZ DllXOAN,"tkilipliik ortttcivairsioith, s o,v - j', 1 1 1 4.i ateeiv4lpular:samovamottn;7% -- i th i t i t i m i a. • 111 1, • Stt 1 11 :6 ' its oakric4f4iiPlO lik*Wo4 larKetTP-Ptballf 11/44-0.149.4)114:, I 44!, i 1:16 1 disrpoimsei*ii ut bitoitk4 . 4 .":4Qb7oD7lstlabYt~ts.4~i.' 7 , ; 14 ' , mit WO arkrto: duerpobaraddrw . e, 4 singsalosocammortio7. ,100h14.041****vrAlfi 2 /I@elP , . ^ ' 100131* lionsed, tiv • ', ' . _ s: , !-f.f%•i*/ bbbliebdodsid Beigahle '''''' - • '' '''' icrimmeit ei.4 sr„ , ;: .1! X. AIIItWORTX. , II . ;L. ,allt i. :olDniciame Way awl.* Cliektri.. ; 1 1,32. SW I 44 444.14.044011WW , 4 *Witham 44 on man end ottani* t* the Let SIM the niadult lt* a 1020;:. - '''eld kr .. Taititielir*Stlai , v5.1):-.41 :,,ve 7. ~ . . 41111www:111, • 4 a • a *AIL C .I ' k . IMMO:W*I.' B d *IL Oak itra•Ll lyiiirript*Wrilc ' , ""4 f- tt gkc'ent a i:• - :•- 2!: - .t ES,. ..= 1 7:2111744a . l.e. LNa P.— 1.44 11 * /014 5 1egia• :kW* AOCAPPLIPIk• ."." *. jak741214;' , thwavieue la - We: V. • lira hobs thb fty dowilital.. witivadik AldiX,Xotiffl.ll44llW-1 0011 1 i t . 0• bow* deeinkotmes, Lostratbott too Ira StolftelhallOblaiiihiguilaidelei tics* 1.• • , t blibiltiZtettf 00c :•Aial . r -t,.... ' 14 enti ...... .110111P 4 , 411, svil i Etailleadrast viiiiimelow saisonescot.p i osu tiostripit..6. g r..**1117" 44i 4e,..7' ei , ,ligliths-itAL . - .1•0 •••:, t±r,- . :-An5: , : , ..... 4 : ' XtgtiOskil 2...4 St;::kr Dts Sit; iel`4o - Fr! - - FAXIM *".1140-'''3 _l_7: - .L_Aii.tia Jou uslireirDtrr Lorzt,•IDSW rola • .‘ - MN= 7.tr' • 1. r tl &Pus mammas Y. Offio4 Elqxiimitoffooditid Pttii des. giRRAIRIWP. I 4 Prigg44o2• '1 • *,-.11/1302Ctiftr,es12,!Dism Wl ' . itilliP k; ' n , ' r- AMA: 3ot Ms& ua tt, • WalV Wa, kliir fllll •Et l = lll lain 1.1.114 '- aides 6.•Blimerlf;2d ,t Ardiame , 1 1 - V°4 Tsl P4J.' 1 *l 4 litiftlftit4l ~.n.7 0„ ;W1UM., ,, MHO -8Y:M1.11421i. 041 r, 'or PIM .041A1.0; OM Ci . 111n4WiiMPUIZei al. • sr col,o r ßy7, oMai 110(t Valsgooo9ll. :MOW 'as soures . C>,; ';•• 7.1 ISI.SI irtMiliffing4/WalkipratallillEVENpit‘rl,4 0 Mat ‘ ID :01M94.i1s iiv 0040 r 0.000,4100901000 eci Lout, MOW, cad ~ 1ff.900 CO City of Thlimicipift, 0 pc ant Lomult - 4194100 00 .mseqincegudigApicap..R.peAtlififtss o oxv 00 Oallettehrbtedi, ircIII• 0.600 09 1090100030am3littocir Sorlloeshillert 'ma lighead Clampaaios i , ::. L O raiiiftivaids`ElMONVCb. atoct at SoliscisZainarkassonoccaMHl et 11149000 r Osumi Thrilimiastimroo......... Vccu CO $400 1 909.3 1 44070 1 4,01 1.000504000.0 'into:oo CO Ooaunerclia Beall do • .4.136 a . , • . . • . yam id* • ' 11 ‘ 31 ....9ae1ui ak .13 - - - - - wartaiomrttroiii a r co, —-, .t.,:bnawacmge - t . a ct rvazats, licgrmi bouga o3 6 en hand and lla heads of, IS 1i:.- : : , ..5.• , ..:,...:-:, ": :di : ion :l i ant. ' al 1 - 04 Cams frr: 1 ; l; : illaillinnir:Zl - :11.T.1g i : . atar p f s t o ip,il i :lp,,,d 4 1 7,m..11,hottortnts,,„ - -' S SA llobert Steen; • • ''' ' 0901. mum; L100 1 0010 0 101 1 00t , :v4 % /1009.129094 Wm. lifcmcm, Jacob T, 0 O. Stevenson, C. LlTialide. -44, - W,T04b0h , ..- ; ,10.9c0.0.0010" . . i. 44Tiric . 4OPIANO4 tkAtl3l4llllA t , a.. ~, _ ., 01 - itliald. ~:., • , ••• •Jklit. iXf cli d' 'Northam iioraii Third antilti Nlq ilk Poet. TNIMEKNITIPYAGAINIST • _3: By : 3,.! , Jaias.33., LIA 3, $: -. 3 ' , zoom-- ilTm 4 l 7 Rli t" D rinirta e ';l:.. %S ui 431 I . 13iatedieni4":Tietiii;'1Zaii l it 1 isfaibi kw' 4 ~igivesegrACut acts( hatiodo7 . ealhalm , ,'.. leirstaseply lecaral... Laigjal OD Zee ' ' Pia. 111001fely 'MN a) 71 2 •=. ,„ OtPAgB. 6 , - 90017A'al i ii 10 / 's Stoasithaseatfeatoe WO iihteali ! Ddi pips Oa / Nowt .ad t 90 . t , C1adtr....W...4 81U5i5..1"1" 3/ 9a °a/ 4'21 .1:7:?.:• (.1 11..,,,C1 a ~9 !¢f_t el . *, ~ - 0 11rTbicielityl yteltalitattibiliiikur that : 13 Cl "V ia7., =q l . 1 5AR:4 1 5 4 5: 241 PAY bb , = 'hate beat :;_latataaartitetat tatatatrAttr toile • - in . tont sad scattitcy. at rate* at lowaa my -IlithilegiCalty.;ll lrf.-54711.J.0.47 V• 7 visa - W .-- . lilln, thikillOgrin..- .AR110:91) , 41;ge2e4 i• they hankpata lSaVath oriat 53 an goat. , ' root.igli ataillatakt cl od to of its advantaimg Speataacs a. 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