The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, May 28, 1863, Image 3

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    THURSDAY :14,C. 81 119..,1Lt1r : 28.
.1:4 17 4 7 A:lk 8 •
sir onzaraz iAiwiroa wiarrr.
,Xmlipso;439tutiz OansvAruna Tor thi Qs
hy 0..1. Optidas, Ife.' IS Fifth
reraes....le-nsi,a aattr . -
. .
40'5504.2,,A. 99 114
Lt- :1* 1 . 2 e • 'so, •
•Ni••••• 29 549
. - Our Special Dapatches. •
We feel .a proper degree of pridoin-the late
and coplout dispatoltis IldeleSre ere now ex
abled to gin to oar readers earth morning'
aftarnoan, am: Mules to th i s Giusarn. •
Atter much oars and effort; dat a my:
au .
heavy expense, we ham succeeded` la organ-
ising a nein deportment with which - we hope.
am »adore are Wilde&
Our Wasidegas correspondent is aided by'i .
. aerie of 'amPetont assistant, with the army
of the'Pilaw: Rill disPatbliawillharthe
closest milk:lsm; bell able, industrious, in
tim and discreet.' • ,
Oar ihrlreseboro co respondent is also both
faithfnitlidobserrairtofdetail. His dispatch
- es wl/1 e'en, we trust, inform eu of events of
more thrillitivirmatance, when Gee . Nose
crilre-ephoudid mores; as it will
. arm. . tam
Might I :Pli d itrt •• , .
ants Lareekr , cuspatolies- keep_ our readers
° well Intermit in regard - to Ihe'IROVIAVaa.
`that beportait 110 d - oroPeratione. •
W•haTe'just perfected arrangemeats,liitli
• -111 ememetent earespendent attached 'to :the ,
army of Nen: Beaks, from whom we shall
hope to hear, regularly, so soon as that army
gets a thue nearer, civilisation.
We have also made an Important arriage.
meat tor- daily . telegraphs from New York;
giving quotations of the Perrokun maketi
widen we hops to begin at an early day.,
:Oa aim is to renter the Gasman worthy, the /sagely lammed oiroutamon to which
it has smarmed ; we are introdueing some new
machinery into oar establishment, by whieh,we
hope se be able to supply the increasing -de
mand which new seems to require she Astro
duties of Laster presses than any ever used tri
this o,ty. •
We need, scarcely call the attention of
slams 13141/1' to the Increased value of Om - ad-, ,
vertislag 'settle:is of the Gszerms. No news
pew tn. Western - Pennsylvania has ever at
tained:oat precool regulacireulation.
The render laislovilly Cale.
Theinvestigation of titeolumgerof disloyal
' against Othoor Pettit*, Wilder was
reenalid at two o'clock -retard:ay bratra - ' Oani
before Mayor Bawler.
William C. Maraud, Dag., and Dept. rem
. . •
ter apposed is behalf of the pronstadee, and
John N. Mo9lo way and Wm. M.'Lins, Mtgs.
• for the defendant. . , •
Di. hirMandiess was sworn ' aid trebled
that ha had aided the Meyortlat.thare'wrai
• :* 'a ranter about in &Mums direotions,
• charging one of the polka oaken (Kr: Patrick
Peneer) with having amid treasonaide lan
A. Weidman wad sworn, and testified that
he was present at the tim e who °Meta Pan. der mass DoO ci this alleged treasonable
game li• did not recodset hearing the cdl. •
ear offer a toast to. Gan. Beautegard as tho
bat Oloaral of the country, although ke
members some one said something about Jett
Doris mid Banzsgard.
Mr. Wiliam Dana was sworn and testified
that he was pruent in the month Of "Maroh
_, or April Jam, oa the ousaion that oMoar
' . Ponder made nee of the treesoaablo Lustig";
• that °Moor rimier said, Bally for Batt u,
three alum for Jeff. Davis, Abe Lauda is a
demigod 914 e•-- of a :
Mr. Lewis Nagle was sworn and Wedded.
that odium Peade said es; the meariss ram:
rad to; ....hurrah for Jeff. Davis and Bemire
glad." ,
Mr. P. Cadman was sworn and alined
that °Moor Pander said hurrah for Jaff.
Davis and Beauregard, and Abe Unica is a
damned old s— of a b—."
Melwung (proprietor of the drinking
. saloon at tba corner of Fifth and - Wylie'
- striate) was time and testidid that on tha
cassaba referred to,- he heard a talk about
Jeff. Davis, Bwairegard and Lincoln, but me
be was Marie did not , know what wig said,
nor who mad the alleged treasonable lan
Llan Said he was gement at ,
the time, bat had no moolheotion thm
Peador:tnnak to the health of Jeff. Drab or
Odlser Panda stated that on tha evening lit'
question he had stopped in Mr. Wehrtmes
saloon with a Mr. Coyle; that he was taking
ewe - of Doyle, who was raw' drunk; Aka
Coyle get- into a difianity with( a;:intilar la
„ins saloon ' cad, , heat 'orthknunaint
said thatlieff. Davis and MoOlailan were the I
two pato:Med in the mannyi*. After'-the
- izoiummut iris over, Chrybo asketildm to tat*
a. drink.' OA taking 'drink 'Coyle land
something about Beaaregard andJelf..Dells;
and talk:a-he [Pander) add, "Hares to Jsi
Davis with a rope to'hatig Ida." After that
they left thiSaloo3l. •
, ThaMayor than said: The omen charged
' is one of the moat eMeient and mounipsoui,:,
°Moms of mine. I have every andidenoe ik
ram In regard to hti integrity, :ad ia: , r•giegt.
to his loyalkr. I catraliny was istonisliedlo
haat any oaargss et this emaraoter laid at Ids
door. tat I Mast sap strike! sae` that the
WiLDOOSOO >o Ms drying in regard to what of Pander said, may have, Without the /mot
intention of wronging altar: render, alto?
'vow mistaken tleyte's language for Mr.
Pander'e on Mat ixdasion: 4s . has beta four
or ass months sin*, and 'lt , have been
traili tea heatof in. SiseinsAS' slisy Aid not
discriminate as closely la the lassase need
ea "If they had knows they. would nave to ten -',
• tify the Mauer. Alto hare threw reputable
Chains testify ‘ that other render made
use of - no Anthill tinpressions, end we have
use an squally reputable alum who Wands.
•,• es-to' now a. did make use of , a portion
of the , Szpressios alleged tp ' lava been!
need op hum 'The cond . :mu:AY liebnainly in
41assylad a haring farm man
in the mhos tome, whim as am most
monsumpai anius. Ills oerininly
a very, uarorraiks master for dadaist in regard
• to - Olicir riader—in regain to Ids Ditto* and
the satire tit his tranty. - - •
lay taiiieotioacto' my odious, I have
regulated them in au tutuaations to endeavor
is te sondeot ineumetres to attaimtheir turd
in Ja', with the mem shot: of authority. I
donor puck trumit would lave been improper,
.I,do not dosildsi.tAaS iiwe.improper tor all,
' oar reader to me that , laigharre .1 or, the par
' pew ti it 'was tor hone other man -endeavor.
'lag, toga
,the Inebriated man to go with him
'ls ids none. Tb. diskoyalty *ragman Lin
regard to latoation—in regard lehis Omaha
Asiouslassios.' / stated jesiorday.thad °gat
Ponder desired . as to discharge , him until be
'ponld go whit a form to - 11gbathe leitima of
the euuntry. It' oss stem to me that, a Man
• favatable to Jed' Davis, '/Isauregard and the
. rebellion, would not not as he has due with
*. .
regard to asking a Mesh:ego for the pmpose
~.. gams the Settles of the eountryi ad,
Ander the ofroamstanoes, / shallinire in dear?
mina in favor or oontinunig 'floe: Ponder In
his present posit/on. , .•= ,
The invemigation dosed about. half-put
four Oda& ' • •
The Ethel' urgethet r
ile . Eleisitor.
• -- -
• - The advantages d graik'ettrater szi well
zorobeate, sad osio'` - /toesialty for.
, ink* a ballehig boo long Win MC heti. At
the last elitloa , of the Loglslakre,
,Aidaser Itarbattgladut Oootte'Wllliam
Orem lute others wore Ltoorporated &slim
. .
.....illttsberylt Grata Bkrtetar,Oosepoity," trith
—aspluil stook of plo o ,olo-11utres Abe ma;
, objed le to *mobil' yeah •building sat
- Iseehi_oeu, &moulds to the reUrood Uses, as
4111 thothtere and Morgan tie obtrude' of
p , 041 this plum. The veto basing of
711tehltibr 14 186 4 Vac A.S.uts
The moms 0051 of rostirtrog put trete the
mom ma, Earls& sod deet redo& to eut-,
we node, or to the sonannter, la shonts6o per
thousald balkolele balk, or are maw per
bitehel• Wein ik!etere the eat vona4,
b e b et no, or two casts per baahal.,Chkisso
tiostypf .ittese elneters, sad Olarelaat
lbetlw " Plttabersh autoptestlaftabsy-,ea
lyptey tistoAusit by ass saes ter ye, 14 soli.-
usplatton. Books of sabletiptlon bo
rat the iferehelltV =Mop ea tbo
, .
• .7,
ganitavy Committee,
'59 Roots Bv.
newst Bakie ft, Praideta of the Rae-
Ohheithie :
DLLs Sts—Being on my way to Ybiladel
Ihis from hilefreerborn, Tawas**, whither I
went with:the delegates of the Obsistian Com
immediatell after the battle of Stone
river, andhaving labored thereme since to al
lett* the tempera Sad epiritual wants of our
Melt and wounded'soldiers, r 'deem it my duty
. to Mato to You thelawrissriblo good aeoom
,by th e luiPP/ble mit to the Army of
thi otimboriand. through the United States
Sanitary Commission by-you and this
ous oommunikr. By 'eel, bounties human
lives were saved, sawing wasprirruntel, and
the health and meat of 24127 'USTI Utah
were promoted. It would. have done your
heart good to have hoard the blisaingishow
ore& by both the masons and the sufferers
leponthe heads of tho dollars of those timely
_supplies. - They were dlitaibuted
by' tha. o and impartialityf the Sanitary Co
among t
Union somas who needed them most. Many
thought it strange that Yearisyleudit should
seed so obandantly to a point where she had
sales° low troops, and they: felt a joyous
tbankfainese :for. ,the :generous course you
have, taken. The, potatoes and onions you
int 4am of azosikant quality, and ahoy ar;.
highly pris e
d, in aor the h ospit a l 'lathing eanned.frults m
maTniny other + and'
lleles Ware very adaptable.
surgsona rely great!: on the Sanitary
Commission for stimulants, as those famished
by the Olovernment are usibilly of very Inferior
quality. Your supplies like . thole .troni
Northern Ohio, cams assorted and peaked in
toe very best manner, so as to give the least
trouble and accomplish the most good. The
.want et Vegetables and dried Dicta in Gen-
Recerneue army is s till ,very great, while of
'mom. other arstalas there is not so groat a de:.
mend. At the Central OM(' of the U. -
nary Conunienoe, at Lobisville, L the fruiltsid
' , the various armies are . knOwk r So. that wtiat"
tem ikse . at there wi ll ' tii'fOrirarded to the
point where most needed;
The operations of' the U. S. Sanitary Com•'West; ici oondeotid in 'the'
Most ',Judielo)m. Ind ',osmosis manner. I
knew. not v ast the army - of' the" Camberland
would bay* done 'sinoo the ileitis . had it - not
been for its benefactions. - Te the faithfulness
of its inspoeWes and agents.... I can bear di
net *muss, acid.i was rejoiced to barn. too,
that a biaasti of this Natrona' organisation
had been •smoilshed la your city.' My heart
was made to thrill With pride for my native..
ILOystmass State. Go on your noble work,
and thar:llitivea's blesslug may volt upoh
'air Sikora, ;will ever be , ta• prayer of your
zetiow laborer and obedient' servant,
War.i.otis /d.
Laid week thi shipoients made were
wansually large, Capt. Dean, of the steamboat.
Camelia, generously taking , of charge . , 20
barreliet vegetables and 21 bozos 'of alothing
and sundries; and shipped, by the ablameoar
I 8.. Dtaltarson, ogo barrels' of potatoes; 4
- hail chaste of tea, and V9O pounds of crackers.
We are much Indebted to Mr. H. Sealy for
a largo jar of India/Rile ink, with all tha ap
pascal for marking: '. • •
• Thaooktnbations la received by the
-Committeefiaiiitery. Mac* last upon are as
follows • •
Lyon, istaira Co '
Hiner -hind* a Co' ' • -
IL an•b0ebra0.........._-
IL mobilo ? . a.
____..isoisms......-• - • ...... re co
(-toms as Emmaus • - , ' 37 00
Pa.barrtLiatautertaaadtua......«.:-.1................;„• ,
.)2 00
Eatmettuto &Maim`Aid Idociaty-...c........ II to
to N
Wra. AL' ataith & 1.30........___' -- - -...6.-._ 23 OU
:no. a Hula giri.-....-........ 1 lu 00
Lüba'aany -
admit diming the week soidlisjeltai 23d :
' Soldiers' Aid. 800104 of Barron-4 packs
ages of sods asekers, 2 do. pliznes;3 db.
deed Currants, 2 do. sweet aracken, 2 do.
thud peaches, -1 do. grimy tea, 4 do. dried
blasMinni t a t 2 bags dried =ernes, 2 package,
oldubentes, I do. plums, 2 do. sugar. 1 do.
stant, - 7filts. - dried apples k 4 gWoojalip, 1
Package ' soap, 3 shins, 2 paWiiiiwaii 6
pairs socks, /A Saari towels, 3 roils old mu
ria, 1. Hasa coat, 2 sheet' it_ 31'11811,4. pieces
4ried begs KO,* -/aa6-94;"1"1" 141441Q1.-
hails, 1 eaw pears, 6 coos peaches, 1 eais to
ssatoso,l can applabatter,2 saws blackberries,
6 eau knit, / - jar pepper - sauce, l'botu• cat
sup, large lot of reading natter, largo lot of
041061,11 pspettios. ,-- •. ,
A Prisrad-2 dozen 'fruit can,.
A Prieud--Nagninas.
B. G. Barrels, bilierrvilhi-Sarper's
. ..
-.. Mrs. John ] d inar, New Dzighton-1 barrel
po 4 bottles - carnal mite, 4 can, ample
Isolhieni,; I ems ItimMooo, 1 eat loos.
- • Nrs.N.l Shilds,'Sewic
liald , CwiaAld feeistp. of West err earl
pallowsi 1 , ;botoe gooesberries, t l shin, 10
lunditershisk It rants, 3 'towels, 2 sibyl
won, 1 pair socks, 10 cans, halt, 3' gasses
jalip;,3s pounds of fruit, 4 quarts bawl.,.
• : flottion' Aid Satiety of New Critic-24
:Al/Is, 9 pillows '
19 rolls of bandage', 62
aumixerublarc, 23 towelsol padi; ;drooling
gowns; it sheets, 60 rills•ioulla, dried fruit.
-Soldlare Belief Oirola of. Tallawirey-lji
goilsoup apple butter, 2 pitons peach =UM,
2 Jugs _Gana pesoloss, rema . swamies, 1 jar
apples, 2 bottles horso.radlsb, 13 banns rim
barb, lout limit, 3 jars trait, 2 bag. dried
psmdtwo, 1 bagts prunes, 333 ‘ bushels potatoes,
5.5 barrel bou. '
Soldisire Aid Stailaty of Noir WArairigton
-22 muds obirts, 28 pain drowns, Ilipsirs
cantos damsel damn, 6 autos flannel Oars!,
27 towels,. 6.,,, , paira woolen. sons. '6' ponds
pit; Tiolli bao.dageo;ll pads dot poach-
W; 86 - Palladi a / 4 4 lIPPIgsI. Packed* whoa
sugar,.2 =Adam dsisellealt, 4 pads, 1 pack_
age pipers, 3 bundles ' rago,.l comfort;
Mn,. Wm:881=-5 'bog 'Westin 1 bag
dried aim; / bag dried pucka , 3 shi r ts.
Jaws. IL Dam;ltlek Vallap-1 nook but.
t er,b 2 pacing*" dried fruit. '
bius It. /1... Johnston ' Whits Ash--1 cans
Of prisserin,,l jar 1:1'142 bags dried'huit.
G. 44. Janus, Woods - ills-1 bbl onion.
. Oliver Gardner, Woodvlllil% bushels.
diiiin . Chinch, - Allegtiony,,Dsr. Dr. Page
-2 can, petwhesili oaas blooktarrin, 2 nos
pear', 2 dos. lemons, 12 papers eons star oh, 1
paper cocoa, 7 papers fame, 9 papers age, 1
*inn grape' wums, 1- yaw tapioca,-1 bottle
'catsup, 6 pairs licks,ll tondkerelUsfi; 1 bot
tle blaokborn brizidy, liar pickles, 1 jar ea-
Wired p•aohas,l.jir Splackeerriee,l jar plums,
8 bottles raspberry viaagar, I jar spiced so
aaaacisa' , 1 ist •etenies, 1 "Jar gooseberries, 6
palls' kit faut,r2jirs - earrourjelly, 1 jar to.
min pickles, 1 jar platted writings, 2 flannel,
shirts, I bindle must', 1 pair pantaioiiii, 2 '
bal shirt, 12 - pounds terseness, 1 bottle
ss e s ' berry wino, 1 bushel dried peaches.
- Alleglway Lelia' Aid. Bolden-2r oasis
trunk - elm:kap 'dried' poaches; 1 'package
white sugar; r package, btaoklaa, 1 - package rho', 0 papers imp =to, 2 bottles =tubers,
wine, I jar ideated- °alias, 17 shirts, l 4: pairs
drawers 2 pairs-mks; 1 , package traits, 87
snagnatro; 3 Nall potitelip; . l buridlio :lino
and oottoitrags, l 1 botsleAalsitp. t .- .-
iO-.2 atiteihorsaradlib, 3 tool-
Ins, 2 haadkarolildo, 1 shirt, / buisdls 'lbsen
!Tin Little- Ohls'...tiat .lit. of Peon
nreet,-23 haadosroblets, 10 quirts'diled ap
plow, 5 plains- dried peaches, 8 pounds .palm
soap, .11 pourids pound, ; 1 can; poaches, /
~csu grope!, 3 toss blickberries, 1 pair ollp
pors, l'iftMoillast, r bindle old mulls, :1
pecliaga books and trade.
.''' .Lidlis' Aid Sudety of Lseekbarg=l2 nos
lliratins, /1 pain canton Salmi &swim, 9
hop pillows, 21 hau4kerOhlaW9- towels, 3
haikwora shini,,, 2: pates violin socks, 2
link "I'quilkti paekageoold smalls, 6 Pads,
2111114alson own apple bath:4l half gallon
prosele- 1 , halt , gaboa' earrseeded ebonies, 4
quart Gals pasoliso,2 Outgun appli butter,
I quart. ourourrearjelly,' 1 quart esti' pears,
1 quart einuabarpiernr, 2 bottles pasch
al, 6 sacks , shisdP tipples; 6 sacks drista gin,
steep:246okt dried etsisiispip.,.:.l,4 sacks
dried - Images, 4 :Wit driakoldnbentoc,. 2
sat* dila( blagibants4:l:44oli Usti nap.
berries, 1 sash oolong, 2 arocks!of. batter
-8 pounds east; Id pain -draWarip, lostelsd of
t, u ose ifotedisi the bier list of:the Limpet
e Sloth Ward Noldien s 444 4.kwi,e 7 -2 pairs
T —
09unis amour. Se, 1861.,
rd Quo*/ poa Seam permit me
to mate kno "Silo tbe:Publit elid - ths
Uulon 44asity Coentastos ibtositi the m.
Moat of Joaopapas, itb• ai ms of Jam.. Ship.
oup, u sultatutoudidibto tot thoAsualbil•
U. 4, th Oirlul mai lbed trlibeet
ertbitreate lummoxaid ittereeltbit etym.
se aebtammettteeets. ,,
Z 1 S
i - bmetis,"tifitmen.....ll/ Cut 'dbiiiite ads
istitbusys." Jr isanistsid to be better aid
(611 4.1 thee mis be bad tie city. *o. 251
~~ ._
ti ti. .+~
al "t:b~.wy sti
Our Doak Table.
Two Annulus; or What vs Think of Ourselves sad
What th e World Thinks of Us. By K. J. Man.
tosh, Author of ...Two Lino; or To lona and To
"Charms and Constar Manny" etc., old.
New Took: D. Appleton 6 ( b.
torsoe by It. Darts, 113 Wood Wrest. {Tipp
The work= works of Mfrs Mclntosh have
won for her many admizen, not only here in
Amities, but hi Europe; key 'Charms and
Comber Charms,' eSpecially, having been fro
.quently republished, and widely read, and
much appreciatid abroad,—perhaps sea more
so, (speaking relatively and with sack refer
ence as our memory enables us to make to
contemporary pnbileations dating a few years
'beck,) than at home. Be this as it may,
however, t, new work from her pen will be
warmly end geserally welcomed. A writer_
so genial,•uo kindly-hearted, so hlgh-purpos- -
ing In her moral alms must indeed always
deters, the Tory best of welcomes from those
who aspire to love and cherish 'the good, the
true and the beautiful'—that trinal unity of
pert:Mess in Ufa, and in its reflex, art. This
story has many, if not all, the irreatful and
gentle traits of a true woman', metiers, char
actor and_ jenias , which rendered its prods
lessors such favorites with readers of either
sax and of all ages; --end we ran safely com
mend It to those who would read something
- healthier and batter than the common—that
is; the popular--ientation 'stories with which
the press now teems to supply the market
The Vostrt.
DMIZIOT 00111?-4111161 wILLUIM. •
The following ten cam are within molt for
Thomlob May kith f•
1. The County of Albigheny agatuat Thos. Googol:.
len and Lit. Carnahan. • •
Li. Gitooni a. llnoduri against John IL Borland and
Amos irinkline.
UP. Jneptt Mark Against 'Martel Nelson and Philip
81. Ttos Allegheny and Bev Btighton Turnplka
Bead o.tnpan3 against 11. A. Phoning.
. YI. John lyightiout. for, use, &gaunt Edward W.
it. John Melhirray against W. W. Wallace.
..34 John Itekloy. sgaltwcW. W. Wallace,: •
81. Alexander whist John - Aillaon and
, Ralph d Owens and others against the
Second Presbit van thumb.
O. Peter P. Denterset sgainst Mathew Harbison
. .
C ONPRotnelitt. - -M•SUlLCOltertall4DOrithy,
who were therein' with having . taken the ad
wentageOf Daniel A. K. Bander', in a eon
•tract ter the ule of a wagon and team, cow
prolnised the matter by cancelling the origi
nal eon traot, and entering Into a new agree
ment by which Bandon po sssss tun of
the property until the porobase money la paid.
Odom ass Bicancidurzte limutzsid, for
:Rally sad munesotaring parposeft ars al
best la -
A. P. Cranny, General Apt,
150. 18, Mk serest,
110XLII Paasi, Plain and Oinamental Slate
}tooter, and dealerlu Pionniylrania and Ver
mont slate of the beet snallks at We rate&
Olio* at Alex. Laughlin's, near the Water
Works, Pittsburgh. Ps. apB:6ta
Cent Cumums aka Wain vs Bar Tm.
enterprising Ina of Wm. H. McGee &
merchant mikin, *emu of Reding and
Diamond square, Allegheny, being Jnity
MIX* of the extraordinary Mums is Brining
goods, Lan purchassi bet fall a seautilni
assortment of Moth, oasahnisrei outings, &e.
and they are now.ready to opals Weir tipzini
trade with superior articles, at greatly sw.
cinema pries& They will sail their goods by
'the yard if desired, and as thy keep con
stantly (island &large nappy/ of ready nude
clothing, enstonsrs cam b. ansmusodatad on
demand, or have a neatly fitted snit to order.
The work Is all &Sao:ender shatr smpervision,
and always warranted so surearuseers.
. .
Psis:oasis:a Otorramm—Olar altable young
friends composing the of John Wider
CO., Merchant Talton, No. I.2o•ltodaral mem,
Allegheay, haveJustopined the moat eaten
else sad sietivshe steak of spring and sumer
goods etv erliffitted mut ef lb. mountains,
temprliiag ems of M. most benefited hens*
ona'Actorleast, illselmsereeMOtlui3Osshmeree,
bfarsailmr"Jm baliteadimilmr meta
as market. This saterpzialsg arm ham also
a very large easortment of the latest styles of
farnishing goods, sad • oonslderable quality
mady-made olothing of enperlor quality. Mil
advise our Allegheny patrons to eall at this
its tablishment, and me for themselves.
Jai • liercam raoa m Raw&—flainael
Graham, Merchant Tailor, would rupa stfaty
Worm his friends mid the pablisi In genend
that kolas, just Married from the /rat with
his new stook of Spring and finammr Goods,
emu: Wing of all the Mart styles' of cloths,
entsinteres and vesting& Gentlemen desiring
stook to *elect from that cannot be map's*.
417 any other in the city, and their gar
ments made fa the most fashionable manner
would do well to MP hint a sail before
chasing elsewhere.
liastuu - easaus,,Jimehani, Tailor
So. 54 Market m ak& one door from Third.
Paula Team Eiroaxv.—Rev. Amos Blan
chard, iderlinsa, N, if., writes: "I think very
highly of Mrs. 8.. A. Allen's World's Bair
Restorer and Zylobabannua. Both myself
and wile have used them with the most satis
factory results." Those preparatiou ate ex
ported largely to Europe, and have a world
wide repatation.
Bold by Druggitts everywhere. Depot, 198
Greenwich mums, New York. mew
irOLIIIITSZIS son :Ha AZYT 11/10110 not leave
the city until applied with Holloway's Pills
and Ointment, for sores, sunny, wounds, small
pox, levers and bowel complaints. thee, mod
tains, are the but in the world. Bray French
soldier nuts thong.. Only 26 ante par b0x.211
Novas To P Houma, Anises AID
Au. Orson istruturan.—Por replan or al
terations to stores or dwellinp, nee roots, or
ruching else in the Carpenter lino, nil st
Cuthbert's Cormier Chop, Virgin they.
above draithboln streets. Ali orders prompt!,
attended to.
Ganz' Anise.—Frank Van °order, 196
&woad strait, km Jot received a Large ea.
Ailey 'of. green appwa, all aouad and in good
order. Call and gat a banal of tiles. as it
will probably be the last opportunity. ;Ida
Ottaminkaad Quituatia (lama will b tan
at Um Usiaitraammae, no. 406 lanky 'tract,
day as 'lilt. All ordars left at the above
plum will bit promptly attended to. All alb
aunt km paid 111 64 la
0. Btu., Dentist, 246 Ana street, attend to
all business of bis profession.
WAN I'ED—A Iltalmares, to tato owe
of • IThit Odedsn and-usatlneat
Mu city, Zooneamadatkros main& -
Invilre et tnn oast ruoutaza aufah
tarot:o Lawn sod Mire apart.
- - -
1 1 VALIVIlsV.76".. -- mosrat,l Wain to
vhlraNitata in *Too amity at TN • month.
anima OM to sell aty now einnolfamtly luring
&maims. .Aditran. O. 4Ditlol/:
int6:ll4lt Altrw2,, think
WANrtiDo-460 A MONTH ie , W• *ant
, 'Airenta at $6O • =mall, expanse piad metal
feu Itaripsting tender, Orieuetatilerars;•ad t
Afar. sew, peelal itod.4eetions articles. /Wm cio.
calioissktirre. .41eldnep. .
of iftkest . . guava CLARE, Biddeford. Me.
T jikt()Sl -. BItOUIT, fresh baked, jest
reabiami ; aba Ariboad sad fain Orarkars. far
'Mob, the barrel ar ;fags paaaa, by
. coma Liberty acid bland sareers.:'
I \KI *V Arrlin*" ANL rE,AUHAYS.—
AO 00 bbis. .41BMIIIL—tirmeo; Nautilus •114 N.
*.-60 boxes ;Jost reothid and Rif as • by •
• ;luta:ft WEBSWILSiNbON.
"•217 1.14211 stmt.
ii u M47. • "
ri: ALE ISt'
patterns, so., for WI b 7
I W. P. If oASTIALTa. ST Wood Wood. •
Nbb •es I A°. ',TV po,
IA Jaatsd sad psi tip kw Wady too, hi man
smutted sad icor Ads as tS• Sandy Swami biota of
cola • • snow. Ltharty sad Head atisats.
- DADizicrerhazs-43 ana some designs'
m Wi; Irmewcott aid liirpainkraprinirte,
Ef,rersays, pus v et j t st
Ot Midst attest, nea
JO ILR intaints. •
littp u.IaIACIU/10.11b Uttl/1141
J. axamr saosiztkar44.sra 'On.' taws
trif wow. • -
-isa,miuiriczmy e:oo.
iLAJUIt—'2UU bbli. atlatc*/ 111/11*
VS 31"214""adtgatatvirTikiir.-
( HlililP~tltL - 1W /Alf MI& for saw
'Ty par MIT IL 09,1141114
t ~.:.
BY n=fll,M.
2peda Dieptteh
,to the Plttehorghtowte,
WeattortOr, May 27,1863.
Inn £00001? OP £raatsnaz Troxsanta..
The Blohmond isostiest, of llifOaday,Oon
tains the following : "All that tan be °Druid
ered certain in the oonfosid Jargon 'of tele.
grants from Jaoluon Is; that two Points, of the
land defense of Vicksburg keribia n a is i ta i ta d
lid that the assailants were repulsed. ilimi
larsttempts were often nteds last summer,
with the same result. Indeedirnothing could
excuse Or explain the want: Of. eneasson the
part of the defeloo, ' - •
- UVioltsbarg is a moan* the bead of
the dyer. Oa all Sides are hilkaloffsidtol/0
ed with breastworks .and kattarles. We are
initormiti that= attook*Ostmobere tie Ra d.
with a forms , the 'garrison, and that
oa no side aan'mpre 'than !8,0() be'deployed
in line for asmit. The: Shiraoter of .the
ground *deli 74*;141741i90..41Aepit,
while the bibs.and roidalihS the, °auto
dmingoix months of tittlyneX :ef;
siege at the moult swim . one of the *at
marderons out en roeOr2.-10017 treaohet7 Pt
oswardlioonid atplitlikitknaptartrof
burg by Sadden assault, and its fell by ether
maw seems daily lees and lessprbbible.
If the, Yankee laity had Inept dowse the
Talley ittsnoh otertflothningloterias ao2only
to beat Conklototo :in Northern
Mississippi, bat to take pertains:appals:haat'
of the wholepountry, and setabileh thoineoiria
there 'Ahoy hays In Zionhain Ten:mien and
Hentaoky, the fall of ' Vietkiktuir could with
difilealty be prerewed. '
Isolated to the midst of thit territory planed
by the enemy, its rednotiouy . Sbe . M 0419410
would be' but a question' of time, but Girukt's
Wray 1. not an army of cayinest, still less of
occupation. His advance sin - Jackson, how
ever Intended, ha •boen converted into a:very
ordinary raid. It Is trio 4he gained rap.
id and repeated mitantaireil frUm the time he
captured Grand Gall until lately, because the
Confederate forms, under. 1 Pemberton, had
been soattendover half or the State of fdissis
.eippl, and were, *orogen, tmble_ to defend
say point. • .
'ln a moment danik, howorer, Gen.
Johnston was ordered to go think itutilte
command of that army. Whether he will be
able to retrleire all thelosies which hare been
auroral by the Confsibratai, rediabas to be
seek bat we hare little rasson to fear the piss
of the State of hilasissippii and the maze.
'pent fall of Vicksburg, 'while he , eip hoop
the ludd. Their disgraesdui . attesuit L made
hare in Bichinosa to fix on bini - the rupousl
blilties of the &mitten of the Lieut. General,
by War p who was eatristed with tlto
mud of this most imporeaat'army of thd Con
federsoy, withentUelog pit a squadron is
the lad of batik, but it is the dutj of Artery
honest man to see that this detestable maaon
rre fall. •
Goa mot MID WOUNDZI) W 714 mmisio.
Dr. Wood, Asiiittant SurgoonQtatwal, tel
egraphs from Bs. Louis that ovary amaze
ment has been madefor the Via/burg wOond
ed; that la this hospitals atDeuliville,
Chictinnati, BS: Lome, fdemphzs, Padu
cah, Hookah, Camp. Donnison, Valiant= and
Diordand are tlifiy thontandemply beds,be.'
sides ilarge toopttil hildfirei-tisiisea,
vine, Indiana, cap/aka aeommoodating SAVO
An order will shortly be !Hued pardening
one hundred and fifty deserters, convicted by
the Corut-reartial'e Dopartaont of WigWag
Xollll47'if / 1/14pli MT* bosom.
of our pickets, killing oas.
The Richmond Alcominer of the 26th inst.,
sap that Holborn, of the .Werli was released
on a pledge to procure the release of an em
inent citizen of North Csrolllna, confined In
..the Old Capitol, and adds that Hotace Gree
ley's two old Gorey are retained.
Eieccretary Chan Is expeetml to make • abort
visit home to about three masks. It will be
his first retina to Ohio sines hem= to Wash
ington as a delegate, to the Pew oeavoation
la tiu winter of 1861.
Capt. John H. Pain ham bora milevod from
ditty onlion. Ellgel's Mat; mad ordered to re
port to Goa. Harnable.
Col. D'Utassy was sent to the Old Capitol
prison to-day.
BMWs 6111111 AL lILKYOND oonaawrruArin,
Eminent physicians. from nearly all pans
of the country are writing Surgeon Samna
Hammond congratulations on his order abol
ishing the WO of calomel and tartar emetic in
the army. Among the number is Oliver Wen
dell Holmes. Prom others; hovers/oWe'
growls are heard.
onnns oossunnution.
The President has had the Missouri ap
polatmgmts under the consoription law ander
eonaiderstion for a month, being unable to
decide among the conflieting olsdnis .for those
of that State, and for the /Hilda of Milani-
Ibis, the may ones remaining.,
aviLL's azooi'D
Has not yet bon promulgated. Addltloual
Indloatlous show that the Chart almost acquit
Doe% Ending, In effect, that he might hays
done more than be did, but limit usittilng orim
lust attaches to him.
cin? won. Tao wan , or aloiraw DOWN DOL.
"A amp raaltaria 4 about bolairostabllottod
at Praha Du Chin and Port eaottlat for the
relief of soldiers broken down! .b 7 the boat of
the Southern ollmara. . • '
XIMIIIIO /UM Trutiumuia.
' non Is nothing from Visksburg. Now is
impeded to•morrow. It is now needy two
days- dui. saytking has booM rewired from
Gourd Omit.
HO' mosamiso saws, rm. *HYOID.
The latest Richmond pima contain Sot a
word about Vlakaborg.
A samba of beakthi institutions, two from
-Dayton, Ohio, have deposited boadrowda the
national oatteloy act to-day.
Canaan or WarIOC
Now Yogi, Nay 27.—d: Mphdujiab 3 k
from Waohimstoo, to the ZlNNiairr Peer, says a
cannon of wartime held ;melanin, at the White
Hotta. It was the malt of the late This of
Senators Wade aid Cluindler .totthe &oar of
the Potomac, aid hag reference So. the.offen
sive movements whisk the rebels in Virginia
hare been for 'MIMS time threitining. Ova.
Booker it said to alpress thi 'opinion that
they us bringing up all their fortis from
Charleston and probably North Carolina, for
the pupal: of malting an &ingressive mon.
went. in AM, however Cl the publipity,
widen us been siren to _t hese,blollllB sb•
rebels them esks selves, it IMAM afore likely that.skids d la te provide for the *duo* of
mobi n ai i and by their =fug blustay, deter
Gen. Hooker eon waking another liolinedit.
Lotatentai - , goiesage n '
Nooloilio mote
that LZ ita, P o Mtlit tg tam
noel aritylt-Issitos and i t * up .
Pond to too ratitiog thodtrottlos Via..
ninacki, Destroyed.
MN, "Tia r y , r es t risat
tub an E asestMit bar.
]: e,z
Siscial - Dicatp iw Pittiptuxti &sate. !.
Sounuisar t Xi., May 27,186 E
. Mattert
Dry weather and Dia tharmcmetar at 90.
The - excitement of-the late rebel raid and
the pieket rcpt hap hat subsided.
The pickets both sides have rearmed
their old places on either side of the tier,
and farther inter•oommunication has raised
exooot with the muaket. .
Time of orm cliptured pickets kiln !waled
and returned, and as they were all Rolford's
men, the bilancelareexpeeted in soon.
Qnartsrlassterl and Commistariat are mr.
tive, although 14d and storage is still defi
cient. .
Three hundred'man are covering the cordu
roy on the Stanford !old with dirt to facill ,
tate transportation.
The rebels in litayne county are °etiolated
~13,000 to 8,000.
Pegrent's Headquarters are this side of
Manticello, in Gilbeit's front.
Capt. Moore hoe advanced to-Big Creek
; Gap and drove the rebel/ before him, and Mat
thtenmes, who *tiro captured. ,
Much "peculation and rinoirtabity cife
to the "abets Intuitions. A bold stroke' is
Sonthern lhewe.
Fenroitils 'Canon, May 27.-=The'ilag of
triate - stelimer 'Suite , - from , fifty
Poirit,inis arrived here.:- She brAngs down 67
exehangad, trolen olSoar,, among skein Capt.
Brawn And ide4. Oarstair, ot tie r andhoat
Indianian': "She ale° iirings - back 14' rebel
°Rows, the rebeli - beving - •reftilml. to give no
. oat ogurersin exchange. -- Tkey were sent :to
Fort Norfolk by: the stemniet Groton. ..
The rebels are holding a Lieutenant u_iiiii !
ago,' fora sprte be extc!ited by Gal. -Burn
ide. ... . ...., . —: .. .......:..' :1 , .
The 'Richmond Whig, et Aar. 25th, :min
tains the following items, hnpo!cant it, km:
Our Southern exchange/ ventllite ait
that Gen. Johnoton leas taken front General .
Peasbetten'his .SWOrli and placed "him tiler.
The Jammer Margaret and Susi, Capt.
Wilson; Annie, Capt. Carlin, and Kate; thipt.-
Stabler, arrived se Obartietoll Onlasa:Wednee
day from Nassau, with.VainakieMirlioll- ^ • •
(lateral Forrest and stag arrived at. Shel
byville, Tenn., on the 14th init. ile is to
take command of Gen. Vin'Doit's division.
Talteeorna, May 23.--The rumor ef theesp
tare of one..of ear regiments Wylie front, with
one piece of artillery is nut owe, Tfirs. edam
did marioned aid " &flare a 'emsgottepost of
ij i
Mime forty'ycid., .... •-•":: .
Ail is "quiet in efrant.." -- . ,. ..
Tha J.cninin . of WI 13 . 93, ' Ova; that
our foie daring th e, -iirst:tisi's entiontsant
near Raymond . m Y., be 'atiterit '6olr killed
and wounded ,inil Laing, - The leis of °Si- I
non Is sald Gibe:install. -,' ,:, . , • . -..:
A disputa - trout Mobtle,riated this 23d, the
mainyortiois Or *Slab hitt lama. toldtpaphodi
iays h Tha 'nobly aro ririrted to ba at ;Pm
shutouts,' sinning tbs . taus up that farlsom
Now Orleans. _ ,
Atkoda,..oa., Mew 23.—Veinkrtiors , has Aim*
months' suppltes of eiery'klid; and hin be
taken only when the-foroe defending 1t has
exhausted lu - • .
The steninettalitbk froin - Wewbbin on the
24th, brings -166 rebel prisoners; who were
captured at limn,. a, apeat 20. miles 'from
Newborn on the 20tht ' Gar' foroSs'Ooludited
Of nee rellintetits • node! , tilol. - Jobe), 'of the
6dtli Pennaylsania:Volantsuita.. -Iris Colonist
wee.hUledt Oat we Ptir•rad 1 ?. 0 otherioe. -
New York LerykLLeague
lines, N. Y., Ray 21.—The. etc, is ,allre
wit!. demonstrations inoidsmt ie thisCenve
tion of Loyal Leagues. Ths - re will_probably
be a &toy-undoes . chineeller.
Sqttere. " -
Arrangements knee been made to dine:l3oo
attuned toldlarirwllolaa gathered it9i n "-
floes parts of the Neat.).
Boni Rory A, Poster will preelde.ei thq
Meeting, and addresses will'bs made by .14.1
Mat Tractile, Ditties S. Dickinson, item J.
.lisymoad, ',Temp '.Nye,JJehnr Van Buren
mid otkors. "7-^ "•+-
1 " .- 11. - Urgd Chitchat:rim'
Mau Convention, and illsititions ores State ,
are represented. bpseahes are being Madi
from three Hand/. The 20th; lith, 4th, oth
and 10th regiment's are here together with
squads from several 'ether regiments.' Great
enthrudasm and gelerat rind reeling
The Siete lbefin sle.Payment of the
47.-Governor -at 47.-Governor Girtla,
by appointment, will Main this evening, for
Wuhington, where, In conjunction With Idej.
Girn. Schenck, be Will commit with the Pr/in
dent and authoritlei relative to the ".futsuir
protection of the Statingainst Inimsbin.. The
Governor will be aectokupaniMi by Adj't Geli'l
Raised), who' whilst there will tap upon the
Government the payment of the militia called
out In Bepteizibm lost; and tire expenses iambi
red in organisinethe army end subsisting
and transporting them.
An'appropriation biliongnies has aliaidy
been made to liqtdditte 'claims of this cluirso-'
ter, and order by the iVai Depart:ten t eat
this forthlhe manner and 67 whom the ap
propriation" disbersed, is all that Is
required. This order General:ltnesell,hopus
to plume - before returning. ;.
Balch at 6-20 x,
PEILADILPRIAj• May 27.—Jay Cook, Gin.
twat SubtertPtion agent, reports the sale 'of
$2,322600 in 6.20 i te-day, atefolloirs
kiew York aid New Jersey, 4 $900,000; 800.
ton and New England, $ 460,0 . 01- Philadelphia !
and . Pennejlvatus,';'otdo, 5 1 70,000 ;.
Wluittington; C.; $166,000; 'radial* gin,-
000; . a:; $20,004 Westani States,
$34;600.' The - delay, la' getting ant
.tavorsble area • from Piokshurt had'
sensible offset upon he `oil. Id liens bonds.
Beliseribbre loot more to the final al:coats of
the government and to' the' switirity, whieh is
given than - to'the present and prompt
upon midi investments. 'While smell may
lurther the: hiorenie or - daily subsoripilons,
'delay br tallnie does'l of 'lessen the Willing
contributions witleti the People are making in
the glorioui noose. • • • .
FrOut North acid Apuitt,Ceuolina.
NYWRILIfj N. 0., May 24.—001.-Joais, of
88th Yeansylivania nolgtment, fiat% a ration•
noissance tram Nowbarn, - ea lba .923, with
L2lll . ..briall4lolbea wishiq about:loran
toms of Kinston, ettipriEed and captured two
hundred rebels' of the 58:h North Carolina
rogimaut, With He Moire, gad alold , plooo,
SWIM ann., .to. A rebel tetaptatu and Ilea.mutat womtulleiL .41onti chore killod oh our
side. - ,
-Dealofori, May appears nu moat
doralopoiouu oat& have, beat made that one
million dollars', aorthafsupplisohave
the enemy through thi agony of divislai and
regimeatal tutroro..:
official hp.teyigisnpq lion
IVaararrror, May 374lgidalgit.T—iha
sit othalat latalligaecia kola, Vicksburg Is to
too. o'o/ook Sunday Inormag, alma ral mar
represented as going bat-well. -
Markets Dy.
. _Telegraph.-
Now To May . 27 rat' n
67a Lib 14 boat, 113,671 faun. Ann, - .166,1200n0b.
Cotton quiet. at 601,-Iflotu• adeanclaw 11,20 u bbi.„
i### it beAByse,69 keunk.:and Sa iUsv,volor Wake.
era. Whist -advanced , 181k-,sales • MAO - hush at
81,17491,277. Chleidio 6 sit ing, J 1,256441 for .ltd.
Jpriug, and $1,4x81.48 tor tied: 16.4ru seine:mint La,,
to Wiper; sales ve,tsio 'Lush. at ?W.l.'. frostsloaa'
'Vet; ink nneleniod. t.Wedaky , dull - at 11e4f14 - •
Mock, dtall,kaabang‘unkuna& a , A./.. 88
076‘. Cams. teal, 37L .klunia tkattal 11,12.,11M •
&wpm, risk imittal, 1111 A.
liesdki, /Id. (kW 144%. Tirekam 7 2.ldain.,
Itebtual7nud Augua2 4 ' 60 11 . 14 - lAtalltatei, 104 , i
new. tesua.4 6 ) ( a•-•, Aar ti.-Artour, dull mt>allae
vueatkeu. oak* WA:PP. : 1 2JFK17.09 ;Sat; Wen
tamdi, 67•6061020° 'AktoliVidall ,
/6,26, Corn mom t ask* Pkneokaka
sad Braaitmilas 14.;62. - ` Wheel:: isles' 61lietlef
1,68._ nde quiet at s l ,U B .;Clain --- In Wand u. 4;
puma Pronoyleank at, 270. Okilese-plantk tzt...
7wao. Nothing delay Bailer or !Ga. Yoke;
kW dull and unclasupd.' Wleaki
bansliaad 48a. curdleseim ,
time lest Ma: ur. ;, uoiui-auumiliku ' Wei a
wet 15114mL ,• 2 1ear:adrancto#, i5t5,"45,9%, #-
.$2•120600.1,016e2 $6 4 51 .4 4,26 1 .06 9hkaint 1440;
06.00 'Sot denduckW/ 101. 46 advalkitila#4. Was
MOW baillusle at 14 1 7411,1Er1ie
11,410.11 $1,411 ter
rod; umuuthiuuontig4...44l.l4.cmikulau.-
410 4:1"416i. • let- eili,atid• bet fur to .
Pak IMO $11,67}(0312 .
Wtdakylkin at
limakluser at 460515; sa eamutat.W.96,3o fres. •
13,emiss.M. Ley al; ,.. itleamilallteit imam au;
la baulk enanet none tealinalslhaviatitsem.
Pause Ii ogrosufkut Kiluoltutultuk loud demand uu
liseompe or Ise, bout awe MAIM kik M ~
(km Amer u udi - AwsooaloumuuttO 40600 fu isur,
mid 4110.110 t baua wnsurautbausuo. .w.utrur
dotihnouvald• city le aZug#o l ,
DOW btilt Blusuiders at •isetteig
dams Lu &Md. Butler I. Tun dull at magas
nactiaats& •
Galat advatassi 40 .1 la Um miming. but fat Doi
UMW - NMI" Xsubauposue4y. ,
+3 ~- '+'afro` .~ '~ F^ '` -0 c~..x .~.-is;~ ; ~
x~~ a
Win Diratdm to thelnntgrerib - aerate.
- Nay 36,1863. ;
arrsaxix eareatre nxptnlox.
Commissioner Lads has made the follow,llll
decision: In reference to Zairese, under the
provisions of 840.12 of the amendments to the
Excise law, approved Ranh 3d,1863, parties
may be allowed for the Waage of spiritons
liquors, not exosedbg lye pa ant of the
arnamt Sweet, aceruing Cuing the transit
of the same from one point to another, 4 the
following MN I lit. When removed under
bond fes4he purpose of exportation... in this
case baker will be allowed only on the per
den actiieLly exported. 2d. When removed
ender permit from on/ collection district to
another, wader 13a. 46 of the Excise law.
- They anon* of' leshage in the 'foregoing
tains to be asbertsdnisd as folkm The spir
its are td be inspected by a United ,Btates
Inspector . before the unto are removed from
the distillery where produeed, and again in
spected by a Milted States iturpeetor when
they arrive at the point to which they are re
moved: The lou la quantity will than be"
asouritained, and the foot - tat such loss actu
ally oeourred by leakage and , not otherwise
must to Clearly establiahed by affidavits or
other sullisient evidence; provided that the
amount allowed for leakage shill not *nosed
one per °sigma for every two hundred miles
the said liquor is - !moved, and in no sue
ihatever shall it exited Ave per oent o m. - •
IMF rossornan 111ITLIILISZED.
;Clarelead, Fayette 011,. By.; (Malian. Ad s.
ems 00., ILL; Dunn, itoultrie 00., ItLfßook,
port, Ohio ow, EY.; Lin Wood. Ouse on., No.;
Muddy Creek, Merlon co., MIL, Tim folloir
ing names of ,odloee hare been ohecjitr: An-
:gob 114. to Band Lek*, II.;-Bear Creek,'
/owe, to Brooklyn; lowa.
_ ins itstrirrn easfte - osaz 01050.
The gnat fitgltlie Ware ease whishherbesn
oceepying the attention of the Soprano Court
'a the Distriet tot semi days pat a, at last
besot Weight to a Anal Issas bribe release of
Hall; Shelnisitive; under a writ et habera cor
pse/abut his subscquentinlistment bathe col
. .
„. • NOLDIEG 0 03710101 AT OXON.
Geo. D. Sienese, who holds fthe position of
"Crier" to the Court of the District, also
holds the - pistil= of null carrier, under Jeff.
Davis: - Be was arrested, in the dischargo
theletter ditty on Saturday, with a rebel malt
_in hL pasession, and now arise" no more,
,ln th• Old Copilot ?Tifton.
APACCIAL aryl wigs.
TAiliD TEMA% if alkearto program, reran,
liirboe Paissomirs and Himichist . llxdou., of
„tiatinsio incurable.
'iiitqw*:ll - knouoitliz moon=
niecliditicag the eget:cod peke. and gin almost in
_Want In ABOASSITIB, dIiZEINUr., and
CATAIIIIR they are .hesnoncieL The good effects
Yesolthigfanwthe nee of the 'batik and tindr.dw ,
tended wee, has amid Mai to be annitarleitcd. Be
mare tortoni igshisCwarthlese Obtatif
only the yeeedne ihrowe's Freecsidel booker, which
•hameywoont their eilkowy by a tut of many peon.
Pala° /polkas and Singe= alma Iwo the Twochen
itniteiy Mince elitlihddlics who OreNts: the voice
end aie ezyceled to eaddini dumps, should have
them. Bold winqwhiCe, at f 6 anti ye: hoz !
terlaike Sulam' Caner gill and
otTgL,iintia wgigiuk Prnsaumis•
• PARK MTU.EDY & 009
BOLT OOPPTB, pans= coma, Earroms,
asisra) STILL sorroms, epeALITER SOLDNE;
alsolmporisaTiad &alma in METALI3, TIN Mal,
BEN=T Vi/ON, Walk Os. • Omit/at/1 on 1444
W•aasooto, N 0.119 lint and IXlScooad otreato,
Plitabarzb, Pouch.•
seispecidwideri cioirmi out to. nos dcond
Zo Nervous Sufferers of r /loth
•saiszs.-4k ririmeuie haring ban
eliont34Cheelth Atmderfelli
the Nast routtuehnd firmoilMY'Aganatme nodes of
ttmetutent, without seeeeme, conildahr le him snared
duty to 0011111MUSdalia Why WOW catetture
the sumo or one. Ben* ow the receipt of an ad
&toed lormelopm, he win said (6114 1,47 of the
Oneuriptbu t arid. Dire* to Dr. '.lolLif 14 DAM.
HALL, 1/16 ildta dive' t, Droott4o, 11.1 V
Anna is CO.
tvßks st Armes Duaaa, 611.6,7 141303
01100 lad Warebosse t No. MI YAM!
SISSXR: - • • -
,Maaphiesusis al ILLUMINATI:I4G wad
Mr No. 1 BITIM ineranted Romespic.
awaitau - land. • " oattbd
ttsbnigh Steel Works.
50rth.,..64r. seamovaz.
lianithictiuren or .OAST 'sami; auci, BMW
B. BTU arm mums AND
umaar of non sad Irlai demos Pithibates.
Page& r
ercoßainrizz 4 . 8.555, L. -
- - ' AND sBABB PLArlauk
Add Msaufaotarszslii
AND cuismAGl ximiDwAxi, _
10.7 52. CILLER IBTRZIT, sal
DuOlin Ins. new tb• Brldp,
Nos. 11 ad 131 TWA atm; betwais Wool awl
Elastiklaidairmal—Nargh nide.
sarBANIC LOgiCil &b rays on haark. ish2ll
Wid C.
mow imam
aritnuism icumr::*
Aa, Ammo isru 3114cammeny Winxrarai
Wcars, Piltdmigh; Pam's. • •
Comm, No. N Jimmy? Staxn,, . -
NaaubdursAll kinds af 81MAX intomsa AND
WORN. MU! Bowl= AND 'lairs laic'
Aitn airenurre done o..bxt
nioiszanase, wit vax nre
AND. Y4 17 / 1 /;:.D9024,: WINDOW MMUS.
.WWIDOW GUARDII, kn Nokia Wooed Anil lad
rldrdokrog, Wilma Wood mad Workoo. •
Aoto ea boad-a variety of tall y. bag
sod Wu, adage kola popoom '
- Particular atiomWonloodosing Qum Lit
.Tobb injodose at abort 00tk0... - - • abt
mem. & HOLMES SONS.Dealon
ii - Tcoamaow Azo oorturno Biwa or , U.
NOTUM% 01211PICATIN orporsrawnr
AND lIPMIe, AD.4l' /lota duet; PICIa.
i i
41.11PRi °lll.ll
&sk: '\ wa9ll'
.farrialua, iL - .COLLURA
AIDING AND 001111U8SION /112110WiTud
404ace,be 4:111111NW
nai rousd,Picidwisnerani. N0. , 1111 Woo* street
pUB mi cow, oune.
o prima from Poarifitt iountitias .
. . .
And elsoUlcions zoit eAliaar And oasis, of is
um, zppipreurs daisas • -
X LaLalit'ik •
Lit. 5am....,;,..n5u vioseare — .....;.,ram , c. s. asok,
wayngi mo*R9w A ON -- -
~ ,
novskiffair Ain, osijuxiFrux,P ± UlMl,
- ...:- giannt!Airit — a*aciii,-,.'• 2 ; • ;
' :„, ' • sirw:in - riusD trirlislV e
. - •
.8.4 ~n,MIO Ciffialla in mall - osiral.
:-..- fa.' tpisak As list ticatvollibt be , 101 mg
.14.14.9nemOvie•it, - -=,
1, JraNtaallaiir. - - 1
''int7 ,-. wain utotra•• Mead Amis.
(JAWED, Arriasa..4.oo bbla, choice llo44 . now
Vf ars..kippiadissuit
, sod laireld Woe - •
nadrdasi sog MO al 16 qiT /S Amami*
1 ~~~~
411thirw.!itgamm -
DAY .1108/0 av , 11904 at 10 cialool, ant
,b aold. at Ilia , Copuathr . rat, Paco* at Walsh
'Arm*. an aocatat wb. la It Easy pratiaii a 0 t 011;
draa's Clantagat,aatteaciag as eloutat, twisty of
flaatai thtiats. Pyrite Ws, 1 anise la sal Woe
itylve - Datr•lt *111•••Lara
A ocrt'lON tiAbit of the ?examining 20
AEI MOLD L023..1a. - the Lira .st taialmaat.
itussztorstand isninty, Pa,.
, .
1111788DA7 Aftltlttit ON May Win, iBll3,
'At 2 o'clodc,••
Tbi lots Wit by sold 'Mtn:nit riprqs,"tti tbb blob.
at UMW; on Abe okay Suomi ot.tb'nyab, - 640 $3 •
month until pal* ter, or -thc vial•-popipat In atz
mottos En approved mat('=
Ulf st•olcue, to Co.. op too --
• • zorT,-4ro voodlife ..Joso
af.e o'clock. OIL at :b. th tractal Wee
Booms, d. re r h cra4. L E.l....abis 11 6x, .
1114 % Tarr Pre p.. ty • .• at cram Statb.a,
ea dr tonacts,ll aseita.:. ; a ffit , cold risers
Um* ” sat. dr. *ca. , th.-wak *mt.& ~ 1141g1 nabs,
"JUU.I l b ,
fa SU, holds, •ot dr loop
liescal 'throws.
Lot ato. Ite oar. p OradOw trd t bc„,
tw so the klast a. atm. r.r n 'W.raa.,fol Orr ,
owl Tula ltalicao—an ed. Vara Cs* to arotsiii•
Lo: *a. it 5 rasa ZS teirbon; beidaa -- ,h*
road sod blow of tee bill an fratoako rf
dears, pertly brisk • lta - 66 cams; horevat
Sttaletn, wash hoar rid bailsman._ *sit .aryl . 0
With deface meter. frame - carer tries door 114.•
Aho a pans wart yell also d oak, scl ood
ass' chat lsppll.of adK to vv.&
Lot Ito.' 3 Is 6 swat 07 prolate .1 4.ol4rlaail,
rear et lot ho. i flat bot co leader bandtheah• la
the county, haling eau sidle II:veil car, .Yd
per os - elttsburatt. hiradosbar eat sapasci
.157 tfl kiradtAvetiott: darer.
4 1 ,61.111.L1 &aikido •
:4WD th.ttilt - I lie
.Ia7BITIUI ALT AVO ritill.--Un.T1101111341
16861.10 N, rap ,dl5, rk 9 teach. CI.I. be en' O.' re
the premier - at ruralised hteflon, da the Laredo .
yule Ilettrad;.Pootkho falsoidas
or ere Lotioeberh bar bra altberbledelis the
2tc , l ocatabdarit era slO4 aratter..
a .do 9" do litdot '
a 6 do 6' do 96 do; ' •
a do 144 do;
a do II so 16 ftts
n. 9 do air '
fIC do 10 do Ile , col .
10 do 10 do do '4.4
. do_ —9. de 107 ,-Attt
Thoo ma unlit Port or JOho treat.
are shared adrift aim Madrid yards ot ;Basso.
wood Maros, sad wall Idapted both -for &Henna
coualary redactor. sad lb, trots sod Coo shads&
. korona recrauttat Thatolt the ram 40 "
do 7 of will: is shown d grotoofrow
oablarr Tbossi.ll6irlion, analen the load.
Thar GC Ur err era bisect rear pram.., , or et
the Acidic Ursa. 64 /UM sure, ate, or {pr Sob*
llactoznalL bbe iced' street ""
Taw or sais—Ano foam,- ,eaA rkeseetdM
to eas t ZWO aid arms lace. wlttcher..ont,,
Alkmaar' dramas of saterrie throb CM be
taksa trap of diaraa. for Ude mope; repaid
baht 111111 , 18 the littabaraa a t4;41119 , 1“1(la EL/a.
Doper aStrarter past 1 o'clock P.' at.. preareir. aa
day of we.. Two trains tram to Plrebarab 600
Num renforp—asa ea 6.3iaad ire st 4.. P•
melt %Wiper/CIL Whir d. "learn.
C!W.Lbi Tit k basia2b stiUktur4.—
NJ Thom fp:4mM Imo h d oat bs nalimitnr.
la tha Mama id 24Moklas ind Ohm sommilo, all
within"a darriblaatai vain ot .mOMSllsana_tanS2s.
b) and Unborn..) on ibe'Plitaiwsv walla*
Mango inutroad, vlh , ba cam .4 Snapp I.l*. oa
SATOSDALIG May Mtn. as L Adana
pomalma. Tao nmr.nursalation,trallsamma 4.111.
shiny at 12 (kb& V. /hula of Ca long can men
u Montan, of war; stri7.rt l o l °- Ga
MY26:td ' : "$ osVia.
A 3- ihtSDIKOWI Ueda/a bartaldh--•
0 eswkost ilwesto Habasortoo boww,lers.lll/floo
awes, wILI be told Drees ti•ode, &heels, Tells, Die,
per, Irish Limeys Limn thlri Doriona-...T0
*estuary Jeans, Sailor Cand, Tlifedi 1514610 r end
Datekle tliidaurse. V•ettass. VAIM 'SW al""a "
Tank Oa" together With w arse Anardlly of UMW
IWO'T 41,..Hc0P111,T04-040eS•
OAU KWh OPAUTOIi -PG thatlPAltlf ....
lois Corpse,, chartered by the Lat Gras-al earth.
bly of the buds of llaniiii., "lib sop a and taws*
powers, has-opened took*. fore the ey
stock at their aloe la Oman, of-Giro, *lnsets.
Shoinamintsottire of eager froth Ourstuirs' or Qs .
Obsess' eager Otto& an 1 the 'blink barristosem U
not fabsto. s peon font tn. arthileamen at oialstare
roarbr rates, are hods *bleb now admit er the tali.
. ml ammo.* zahlon.. A•Pathan' 111thothdo hoist re
climate sad DOW, adatratly adepthd I.r thajoustht
0 that 'eons, aid• as the thuOvattni of diothine at.
mt .
toady knees great bear. la tor 'troth par.
molts ;Atha limo*, the Other Of the .110 r the
. betory will be lied ly othoidird. -
'- /I Inas Portost WO* Osimpail to rod beet`
in °past:ma , largo Litho risings tin itlcW pot
prison ameba; sad with .11 , 11torr Weld Assis
tioalar, intronpUoss or thook sre solicitel tanlia . '....
Ukases& bras: 'Shari* Uso Houthrsa_Didlirs each:
twonty-Are dollar. at ill time at siidothiptdio, sad '
the bauturo In quarterly pro nrente. ' A votips will
be Ito soca Instatothamond'obs the fell Mal
lipoid. a ourtillithte et theh. Worths thOollfollotat of
'to Pastellist. and then tory of the *opals. alit to
The taboo Of this enterprise. • Ithi . , pane carted,
IS beyond omission. 'I he Fraolthioi of .111- thapeny
has had. mach ospaionco. to shurupe 4. ooes.ros.
Wt. Lis the great idi of tees, A. ossa 014.- Ilisoutoff.
tare °Closer, and as abhusreoy ,thitadmmi that vo • •
Arid of" opounn h. biai,e, ii - ea I,.oitithis bottler
tharishiin as triby s. thee. to a...dowses, that br
Doe he s mop.. rae sate is .. i 00 4 ,10 abuts of stoCk
51 air P le% boo.ter bib , .. woo etwoga he bawl
'alm to apt as , put 1,. 44.01,612.11 Um bat foolOry. .
tail . . 041'. Osopiiy ...oath rood Sakai.. near
the romrOftice; Chumi,`.t.litio a ' - , •' ' ' ..
otifibstrisoil •' - . - rap, 1) Mr; Hinson.
: 6 ,01
MAD LOU . FOR 6 , 106.
11)2C 22.2., Mar v, 01:16 on 4 Ilsr.tuolry D raga
1804-• do ,• - 'Woo LEW
MY. Dr2k2 Olo.risq
300 bldg. Piiodere•O '. o i
2 bblo. 41trd Ptak.:
4 0b10..14.14.ep Dalsi .
20 bolo Dap*. 242 i•
/0 kegs 111.plo. trim • • -
1 ta.l. torgoaaa So odor, _
O bbia , • t.oo. mai 2 bozos hook DO 'Wen,
tOi bbY. sett Dodo aid valo 2-tadooq_. •
{Wim /Moth° • sad ftsups A4Rei.olll4llBlll—
pi eas 04ently Boom:
800oos ./12-cy Drooonn •••• -
4 ,111.0 Daze. W. a ,
0325 , • - ' 'L. IL VOMIT it 00.
Ur 11421141. li r atliN WIZ a cu. sake
Mak= sad Mart Izea Workao.:,PBEDI
BTRJESS Noe. 20, - 11, is ant al. - Ehivlag secoale •
large ant atid (Grahame It irltb the newt harateal
. 11 .`ffireptepared to sonallealue opn
dearlptioa -41.13011 ate babe botoesallare. *eh
Inalltatert Val to ea/ mole •Is the cesaGy.
OILIMEDITS. BRICHIG, nut me i ins-am
MAD .PANR.aae wale toiautasto.tet of Bank
GLIALIP .1 . 413.7011 , WSW. • Refaulas Sea on
Milhaud Dalai - 4 4 2 0 '
W. eau.a9taAN, book
ANVI 'bro. XVlZikinii;•4o: Aft.
• •.' SODA': dial&
SrsaoaWnll76:.oo.ll - 1616i'a !".
*444.leiftraFAY aPkbe of
&AV akilfee
plat 13..2kiVAT 4,04
.1321;1162131cfrattae •
'amp rlbar alb
niannii4ra i, zioiraiink
A.111141/411 1111 11111Rapins.
The J iLltUAßTllettet ewes Itte•
oho Temp, bribe Teeett/Mkfre Dheteeeolhie M.
tete milted, and smile* eat It_WeiteVat the
llama . Berm* tettkay
doer to the tar Feerninr, mitimoz, Mint Mt
~. • -
• Davits it: 1111:11N .
thehtese• et the art Deletw ees-
,A 6 118044A;_, g
warnated krt . tillage% Ad imot t#vta. 1111.11
' ' JAZ: Mktaliwl!,4ll.4l.
' •-• • A 4ad'7l/ Waif* And.
mit 1 °
em d "r s .
. -VM* •
, ioa• avows loisriof ilk; Ivo* mid
ar. *al ke4 of smad. lar r Issasoll•
.• age • u `
an i Itlrt /101 1 14:112 WWI* d.
QTOBAGE=Fitt Crude , - 11 4 1leed
ou, uu Xmas,' end Whir Mgr eiliadis
, _Or
11021 i
Qua.Matta — u16041/./wWW:0"411 -
001381 M DOUBTS 114.1117114, •
_ Sate Onitsthmitinfiteftl4
• gporaugibins pork..add -
Art ma/ ±LitbiunAl..Vir,th
urinous sad 'W1302141,4 et- 1 9 10 Iftimerids
SOW& kt br ' _
inn,. • ... N•It•R • Taqir-Trisruiv. e i t • 0
"Li Ititbarray 0.1/..-3$ • 401;14 .7 = .
4 asdpilhistlWiliwOr4ig. , .4,44411,,
4 'J
i 4
it 4.•01.-0,7
r t t ~P ;k'T~'':