f - N'L 1786. O'FF'''t di' A L. . Lima oyt. zar.:. , um:Ep.sTA.T.s, - Passed at the Third Session of the Thirty. seventh Congress. V ~., 1. ~ ontm—No., 39,1 As icr to'tviderthe 'Stott; Of illicilian'in.: ~ ~,,,. , : . to judicial districts, and to provide for holding the district and circuit notate therein./ .., -• • -;• . „_ li fe Be it ted by the Senate and Houseo .Repreten I:ea rel the Milled Slates 'of ielmer fed in ngress assembled, That ,:. , 1 Stiff” - 2„ of„Mie an be end the f..r.t, iy hci,:by di: Tided - to two judiciildiArtate , tt the fol lowing nner nem ii • 1 t- • , - - TEC TEIST AHD WESTERN DISTBIITB. The este rs district Eli .11 - Jinbinice all, thaterritory and waters wi,hin the folle'w-' ing boundaries to wit; Comm, neinglat the southwest comer. of -liilledsle ~._oeunty, in the Staten( hitehiganeancr- rem urn from thence north, on the west line of salitcouny ty, to the south line of Calhoun cciuct ty ; thence bast, on the smith line thereof, :0 the southeast corner of eaid last Thawed • county; thence north, on - the rust bouoda .. ..:. tidiff.44 09tuktYi to 'Ommtit to, • hoe 4 Ea ton county; th ence coo' , on Said south line 'lii3o,#lol.:ooll4oUPlgr ffiii4 county; thence north, on the eas t bon dary of Ea ton county, to the south line of Clinton _. v. ., 1L panty i' . Mance west, on _the south bound ,- . ,:l. fareyeitsaideautlYi tit the"-'soutimwt, tomer thereof; thence north, on the west houude. rrof Clinton and Gratot counties, to the ' . month boundary - of Isabelle County; thence watt, omits south boundam,to the 'tenth - whet corner of said last. named :Ninety ; thence north, on the west line of Isabella ' ,-- ' --;and-Clare coundee,-to th e l south' boundary , nfldissankee; county; thence east, im" its f . - south boundary, to the southeast' corner of -,-.Missatthist 'Monty ; lhente. nor th ,' on the , ~.j'ealtlinkof,Missatthet, Raleistia; and An him :senates, to the month boundary [of] ~. limmet equity; thence east, to the south ..;".. 7', iilitt corner 'of Eanel - t0.P. 2 0.. thebee north, on the east boundary of - Emmet 'County, to the Straits of Mackinac; thence north to mid Way across said straits; thence' ' Watery, in a direct line, to a point On the "..ittore a Latedichitan -where the north • : , .boundary of Delta county- reaches Lake ...``•-,:` ' .Michigan; thence west, on 'the nor th line a ,f, .1.:,-.lflioata_Coludj;.to the northwest corner of 4 '' .4 -14.144De1ta county;.thence-south , on the ' " --- efeitbeandary of said - county, to the divi ding Hie between the States of Michigan eat Wiseoisin in Green Bay; thence north - • --resetwardly,•on.the. said dividing line into : . - ,, Lake Minhiganc- and •thence • seutherly, - through lake Mich igan ' to the ' southwest * 'caner of the State Ofillichigan„ . on a line -- - that will trufintle within: - sad boundaries the waters of Lake- Michigan within the admiralty jurisdiction of the State of Mich igan ; thaws , east, on the south botindary of the State of Michigan, to the intersection of the west line of Hillsdale county: The judielibellair of which district shall be at Grand Rapids, in the county of Kent, ' 171 6 1. 1 447. "-n tit. ;In i t d rier stl t l te hallta `e mbrace all the ether territory of the State of Mich: lean and all other waters of said State not embraced within the foregoing boundaries of said western district 'The judicial ten ter of said eastern district shall be at D. troll, in' the county of Wayne, where the courts of said district shall be held. Section 2. And be it farther enacted, . '- 1 Thiktliere shall be two terms of the cir cuit s t ud district courts begun and held in each of said districts to wit: At the city of Detroit, for the eastern district, on the first Tuesday in June, November, and March in .._ _ each .year; and at the city of Grand .Itapids, for ,the western district, on the third Monday of May and third4londay of October in each year. And the said courts' are hereby authorized to hold ad- Seamed terms when the business before . the:courts shall in the opinion of 'the court reizi i t. • 8. Antos it farther enacted, That • all suite and other proceedings, of whatao _ ever name or nature, now pending In .the circuit or district courts of the Unithd &Mon for the district of Michigan, shall be tried and die - paled of in the circuit and districts courts, respectively, for the east: ern district of Miehigan, in the same man ner as the same Would have been is CBBB said State had net been divided into two districts; and for that purpos6 the juris diction is reserved to said courts in .the eastern district. • And the clerk of the cir cult and district courts for the present - illstrietaf Michigan shall remove the rec • ords and Ales of the said circuit and (1,18... R tried courts to the_ city of Detroit, and 'do and perform all the duties appertaining to - his,otlice within the eastern district; and all tiroliele and other proceedings taken or issued, or made returnable to the circuit or . district court for the present district of ' Michigan, shall be returnable at the next term of the said courts, respectively, in the eastern district of Michigan. - • . - Section 4. And be iffurthcr enacted, That , J upon the application of any party to any -, eutenew,pending which _would have been ', ••• einnumussediathewesterndis this:a if this act - had been in form before the commencement . of said snit, the pietfor Court may, and, if ..... 1 all Parties Consent, shall order that the same be removed for further proceedings to `. the proper court for the western district; '_ and thereupon the alerk shall transmit all , ...- the papers In the cause, with ' a transcrip of the orderof theremoval, to the clerk of the , court tol which the said suit 'hall be remov ed; el; sad allfarther proceedings, shall be - Main said court as if the sus /tad been '''.originally commenced therein. " Section 5. and be it further enacted, : •lhat the present judge of the district of • Michigan be and he is hereby assigned to -.-:hold said court/ in the eastern district of ... Michigan, and shall exercise the same jn- . risdiction and perform the same duties *Rids said district as he now exercises and pat:muss within his present district. •Illection 8. .dnd be it Ardor enacted, That Anil process upon any judgment or decree attend in the circuit or district court of 'the United States for the diitriet of Michi • ' gan, and all other process fir the enforce. g runt of any order of , said oburts, respect linty, in any cause now pending therein, cerpteanses renurtedits hereinbefore pro shall Tidal, be issued from and made re . .. turnable to the p o ro pe r oourt for the east .. eme district of MI 1•41,n, and mar run and be wanted by the marshal of said eastern district in any part of said State. Bastion 7. And be it Armee. enacted - nil Min be apypooiinnteda district judge for eresternllistrict of illphigan, who • Well Posseas theasine powers an ;do and perm sA such - duties In .his district as ...'uttizaw enjoined or in any: wise spear - ." -- taittiagto - the* Mont district Judge for the • &Cadet of • and the : dlstriott judge e mit dbetriet ;hall be - entitled to the rams exeniantation as by law is provi ded for the present judge of the district of *1= 1; And be it , further enacted, • nig than be appointed ene person as distrienntierriv r and one person u mar- br said western district whose terms I . • el appointment a service, as well as du- iliesnd emoluments shall be: the same those respectively appertaining to the nsikeinces In_ the district of Michigan. "..."Ald said marshal shall give the same bond that ether marshals are required to give, Übe:approved and recorded els now di ' ,`,ssined by law: Provided, That, the present Astrid attorney ofdistrra lot Blichl ,, gin shall be the district attorney of the ,eastern Cadet, and retain the 'charge of • Mat already conitneacad Ala . . - .. ; y . *tt r .„37 5 4,74, 4 1-: . : •!% -• . , : 7 :.:17'.!.'7 , .' , .. , ;. , :".; - .7.• ,— A.; -;•: ".,.• ,:,,[7.7.--1,...”. i ; *:• , ..r . . , .F; . .f. ~.';.•;:: .•-• '.' -:-- • -.:- -- -. .41,..c. :4;::iy:;;,elgiT:4-ii.e.::t;.:f..,,i,TX,-.:::J.,..t!,,,;•1"4;•':::.fV-,?f:;-.-.:.;---.‘,.,.I.:' ' •- • ... : ''. ''' ''''' '---4'3151.4:1,;?..i;r2,24'.1..ffit.3NX=.7.,f,r,..i.,;&7•Q.:,%;:if:.;•-g:i...q.".:::-4,::•j.5.,'11i',:t.4..51,te-,.;:,1..-.4,..,..(N-.....• ... .. ......„,. ~,. , .....,4 ..„, . ~.., _ :,. -~~~ ~~~ ..... ~T ~, ,:.. .-. - .:3F , 44 . 4 - - .1 „. . , ~,' 1 , , 1 . - 1 7 , :1 g R G H , . , ~. . • IPITT:. . . . 16,-: . f , ~..i u ~..:.7,..- _ _. . .... termination, unlestr'the President of the United States shall =otherwise direct, and the present marshal of the district of Mich igan shall be this' marshal of the eastern district daring _their _ respective official terms. Sec: IX' -arid be it itirtler enacted, That all suits hereafter to be brought in either of said courte.not of &Jogai nature shall be brought , in: Uts _court. of , the, district where the,defentleat4raitles; bat if . there. be more than one defendant, and they -re side in' 'differeist districts,' - the plaintiff m ACM *her and, send a duplicate tlkairiletht Cellitdarita,=divected to the marshil, ofdho ether district, ea which an '606 - genie& e`..h . slThe made that the writ this sent We copy- of .a writ sued oat of . the court. utiles proper__ distric't; and the some writ.; when e.xeauted.and -returned into the office from whence they issued, Bhali constitute s onc.tsuit and be, proceeded in aearrdinglSU.: • Approved, February 24 1803. itftrunia—eble. - 40 . 4 Xt.:r t 6 post r oads. Be it enacted by the Senate and Howe of Rep:wee:tat:thee of tie &lied State., of Amer ica in Congress Assembled, That the follow ing be established as post roads: • • - • From Colusa to Bear Valley. From Folsom to LiiiooLu. From Trinity Centre, via Summerville Cecilville, and' Centreville to the Forks o Salmon River, in 'Klamath county. • ! MISSOURI. From Warrenton to Troy. From Warrenton to Pinkney. - Front St. Chardea to Eilaah,in Jersey county, lllinale Tia Portage de Sioui. From Wellaburgh, by Chain of Rocks, rßailey'a, Chantilly, and,Snow gip, to New :Rope, itAinColit county , . ' t From Mount Vernon to Carthage, via •Solver3ii Mills, i - ILLtuois. . Brom Peiv Station to Blue Giaits • From Knox to Hamlet. From Bristol, Indiana, via Osborn's Cornerti,lo Brownsville Sliohigan: From Wilmot, via Indian Village, Crom well, to Ligonier. • From Brookville to Sumanville. lOWA. - From Dee Moines, via Adelphia, Vanda lin, Bennington, and Red Rock, to Knox ville. • From Sioux ( CR,' to the Yaneton Agen oy,.Fort Randall, Fort Pierre, Fort Ber thol, Fort Union, mouth of Milk River, Fort Benton, Sun River Farms,, Deer Lodge to Bitteti Root Valley, From Masonville to Marion. • itIV , iTTICKET Frorn-Vaneeburgh, Hinny 'Mille and the utouth. of Laurel, to Olive Hill. 12=E33 • From Omaha City, via die Witt, to West PoinCl From Omaha City,.vis Hazleton, to For est-City. Prom 'Fremont, via Jalapa to West Point. From Columbus, via Monroe to, Genoa. From Columbus to Camden. From Nebraska Center, via Elm Creek, 43a - ale Creek, mouth of North Fork of Platte River, and Lodge Pole Creek, to ;Boulder City, Colorado Territory. Frore - fort 'Laramie, via Deer Creek, Platte Bridge., Green River, and Fort Bridger, to Salt Lake City, Utah Territo ry. From Cottonwood Spring➢, via Republi can Fork, to Fart Riley, 'Hatless. Ftom Plattemouthy via Plattsford and Forks of Salt Creek, to Camden. From Brownsville, via St. Frederick, Tecumseh, Vesta, and Austin, to Camden. From Beaver, Till Greenville and Fort Adams, to Minersville. From Payson to Goshen. 1331233 Prom Boonville, via Bast Boad; to Port Leyden, and titen6e, via %yet. Rolid, to Lyons Falls. From Pittsfield, Pennsylvania, via:Free hold and Lottsaille, to Broken Strain onto. From New England to Arnesonle. From Braceville to Farmington. Frora Gremlinle, via Clapboard Town Dill's Station, Beanavill, Nevada, Brook, -to 'North Star, in Darke county. PENNBYLVA-SLA. • From Mapleton, the present terminus of route number twenty five hundred and eighty three, to Newtown. - From Pittsburgh to West Middleton. From Germantown to Silver Rock. From*New Germantown to Concord.; prom Quakertown, We; Itichlindtown, Pltasant Valley, Springtown, and Dur ham; to Itiegleirrille. From-Pflce via Wyulusing, to Dushore. Prom Pleasantville, via T4nostiv y .to Clarion. From Now GermantownOrt 'Perry corm-, to, to Concord, in Franklin county. From Milton, Northumberland - county, to Lowietonville, in the county of Mon tour. From West Nanticoke, via Harvey's Creek, to Silver Hook. From Strondsburgh, in Monroe coon ty, via Snydersville, Kelleraville, and Fount's _Tille to Brodheadville. From Kelly's Station, on the Allegheny Valley railroad, to Cochran's Mills, in Arm strong county. From Reading, via Adams,' Brownsville. and Hip's Stdre, to Womoladorp. From New Germantown, Berry county, to Concord, in the county of Franklin. ' wzgconsus. ' From WSIISIIII to Jenny. Prom Wanpamia, v/n Amboret, to Plover WEST YIaCILISIA. • From Kingwood, via Albright, to Port land. COLORADO From Denver to Bear Canon, on the, headvatere of Weet Plumb Creek. From Golden City to Baleton oreek. DACOTA. - From Mankato, Minnessota, via Madalis Aahipman, Randolph Lake, Stevens 'Like, north and !math bends of the Dee Moines river, Lake Graham, Blue Monad, Sioux Fall, Upper James Crossing, Yankton, Smutty Dear's Camp, Bon Roque, Wanns vi, Tuffsville,-for Neshudu,) Philbrioks Crossing,(or Choteau,) and Greenwood, to Fort RandaL -From Elkpoint, via Ernie Creek and Valley of Big Sioux River, to Sioux Falls .City. • From Great Salt Lake City, Utah, via Ogde. City, Cache Valley, Snake River Fer ry, and Banusok - Clty, to Fort Benton. NEVADA. -- • - From Chios, California, via Bussaililo, to Humboldt City. WASHINGTON From Fort Laramie, Nebraska, to Hell- Gate, Washington. Bee. 2. .elnd be if furthirt enacted, That the true intent and meaning of the eighth section of the sot entitied , "An sot makiag appropriations „for the eervloe of the Pest Office Departumnt &mini the _fiscal year endhig the thirtieth day of; June, eighteen huhdred and pixty-twq,':iiipsit,likiv, taken, 'deemed, and construed to lei ,clireot4eVito tho Postmaster General toveske'tho service on the route tharldiAl*Oeild"- sal-Weekly for the period ehreeela prOlded• CJI44TOZNIA For eons!, time past an advertisement has appeared la no polwrs bare, elating that Flee Gold Medals had been awerded "the HOwelievrivi Itlackdatel at tee late World's Fair In London, 'visa for the beet on "3hihit'on for all PtirODlVill, and the others for su p-tier cranial.. of sowing." Theneh aware at toe time that the statement was wholly desola Of trntb ands grow Ineraeltlon en the pale ; we toriar e no- Vieille It until ' melt time at! d get an edictal copy of the Report of the Judges in the matter, to teat we could glee Its POWs. and antherithe non Wis.:lotion. That Report, pubPahed by authority of the Com minim:lore of the Exhibition, le now in our posetelon, ant shawl how utter untrue are the !Mateo:tem In the adeertleetnent laded to At the Vicrld'e Fair the Witt RR • WILSON COE P.. N Y tad but a sh.glo Machine oo exhibition, whits of the Power Ilachlne there were !leveret on hand. Lu the °Eclat copy of the award, which, may. be Ileen at oar rooms, :V bTfLEIGT, atat.d that a Gold Medal was bearded the Nowa 'awing liu.d.duu Company, not, 1,01.11•01 . , !meanie their Mandan woe Letter, or as good as others for al purposes, bat Sancta* in the I.guate of the award, they exhibited - .the be,t cellectlou.• 'I he 'lour medal... g..d to bare been awarded for superior ape:knees tf era log, were wear awarded of all, nor did the a Oreeilid "nopenor sewing" rt. calve area the berme compliment of an .. hOtturabla mention 'ln the J udge's report, Compare this with • the sigh compliment bestowed on the WILE [LER WILSON MAOH.INE. Though the °company, deoldbag all prelentioue display, -had tut a Lelegte machine on exhibition, It was awarded EIMMEI A COLD riFDLL ()it ns?assiTs As .1 YAM Thrse are the facts of the case, as exhibited by the official report of the OlMlllts.loupra, and in Jo.ttem to onrs•iv. a, as troll as to extols a parpable and flasTant irttecopt at impoltion, vet have felt constrained to lay them before tbo poi tla We repeat, therefor, (het the WH6&bdtlB WILFON MACH? N 6 I. LA. olds machine errata repaired a LAULD MEDAL °. i& ra-rias at ta. info Worbes Fair, and pronounce all atatomenta to the contrary, no matter from what 'mule they emanate, s• wholly unworthy of belle, Will. SUMNER at. CO., AGSSTti OT THE Wheeler & Wilson Machines, No. 27 FIFTH STREET, PlTTSbliaaff myl4:2lntsuwi" W. 'er r i.L.l..l .;. ), Pant L.VSn floir•Li; 'rid -4-it Sao lenchitme a, (mot /Moon to treaty dollen &mayor than any mime tonminto, to the est!. Tiny w;11 do all kln,b of vote, •ad ere 'mama led for Qat. 'Gaza. They an to altori* that ant child it yarn old tan tom them to martoettom Oonste..tly oa hand IWO* 4 daaitot Machin,* lisedion, owning I , ottot., tn. ai toreat ideate: prima. Jolt r_ M 241.1 1l:. matt K N A BE& CO.'S . fi.1.7-IFea PIANOS. I • t r ; Jrtat °nailed this week, ► choice supply of them beautiful (untrue owe, beyond • doubt tb• emu In the country Thu (set Is now edraost universally conceded. For bale =MOM* peat we hay. Dot been able to 1311 ona-haff cf our orders. WAR IL INTEL) xrvr FEARS. CHARLOTTE BLUME. 43 BI FTf4 /3THErT. 2/1 dew: above Wood, Bole Asrut forKNADES PtANOB. roy29 HAINES BRoTHEESOM E XOELS:011 PIANO-I-OWES, The beat cheap Pianos mere, /or sato by Bole Afoot Cor HAINES BROTHILEB' Nelms imd PRINU6I9 siztoptohre. • ,serll:3 BARG.A.LItiBI Ntikt.X)N 11A190. PIANO& , A 7 octavo Chlotrering, twautlfel bleck - erabu9 case; very tittle CO at 7 octave adekertog, rosevned, retard cot 'nen; a frit rate inatrunteirt..;......-a.,.:—..1 1109 00 A 7 octavo flays" a Go., rosewood; • Land:mob Plano, to good onier—..- no 07 A octave btodart., roaewo'rei, carved panel' 1n... 166 00 A OK octavo Oats A Co., rosewood, round trout; an azoelleut 180 Le A 6 octavo (Thlckertnsr, roe:l9°od, round cor- A 6 octave (ballet. Utak A GO, rasewocd--.,196 CO A 6 octave accalart, mah0gany......_...........,80 00 A 6 agave Swift; " . ..... 76 00 A tl octave Ciernsau. " GO OD A • octave Denham, BO 00 A 6 octave Loud, 60 00 • 63f. 0011.70 Englteb,9o 00 A 6 octave • 711-60 /or sale by Jfitte , rl9. BIEL4OII, fat 81 Wood `toot. STEINWAY'ei PIANO I IIIIII.7 recelrod the FIRST OGdeS P BIZIA I - 11111 MEDAL, at the {Volum'. Irma. London, 116.1 L Bar Warranted experlor teal others In erten, re spent. A new stock of the stem jut errleties. 115 Ir dole Agency for this dletrict Ibr the fitelnwey Plana et H. 151.318Z1t &HEWS., iv= Be. 53 fifth send. poseL ht.w.rera -3AVINEIS INSTITITEURi. Inaorpor id try thy botiolOtaro of Porautylmott 10pett Mr- Dopoirits from 40 a. m. to 2 o'slook p. dally; .10 onjATtlit.DAY XIVZNINOtI, fron46 to 9 o'obtolf. sir OM., 63 POI3I3TIL STEER A NAM 0 0IIVIINIINT and PIIONITABLI9 DAM ITOB Y, hr Mocbarda, Laborers, Marks, sad all those whom , means or whip are mai It aim commode hay if to Executors ; Adtzdolutdre, Gut. Warp, Agent., voluntary 19cidatira or Annelationc, and perilous of affolooes. ',name at the rata of BIZ IA MIT; par as. rum to bald on depoelts ; width if not , drake, will be plaood - to tlia cradtbof thidapordtod co the And don of Hay and Norambtr, and thereafter bear the mania intarati aa tbd principal; At this rata, mosey wilt double in Lea dan Rocha Foam Interact will 006=61200 on all dopadta theftrof lad, made.Meatth dart of nut month attar inch deposits are Boot% oontaining Chatter, ByLa.a, •a., Ambit mappllcation at tho °atm. Pr idea-100.0 JOl.OlB. Vta Presidevu—W. H. 00PNLAIND • ...mgr.'s: - . Flom 29208. M. am..., Han. J. K. llocatt MI, ism ;OW4. - 'Os Q. ammy, W. 11. - Clopelm-d, ja..,/, mu., Barmy .ob.Mls. - Uldsolim Voeirtly. • .;., , ; _. Wm. El. amith. - • geormiry mid Treammr-.A.A. 04371111 L • ' Mokamitir , ' . - . mriManwir , 14A1KUM. tezatuutiuN, ant= OF ti - AIGIL TB /.11/);.lticlAß4.4ms; . . . . • omos, No. 4. 0041144 • 0 4 Energy and . illth Eiseki•Velcaopea mut- stsfp.9aAne v aad sa d ,. puma, 1.210,10. PITTSBURGH, MONDAY , MORNING, MAY 25, 1863 See. 3. And be t further enacted, That the Overland Mail Company now engaged in carrying the United States mail from Saint Joseph; Missouri, to Placerville, California, shall haYe tha privilege of oc cupying the public lands where their sta tions are fixed at the rat* of not more than one for every ten piles of the route on which said company carry the said mail, and shall have preemption right therein of any land not mineral ? and not- disposed of or reversed, or to which a pre-emption or homestead claim has not attached when the same shall be brought into market to the extent of one hundred and sixty acres, to. be selected contiguous to and to include their " iiaprOvements; said pre-emption right being in lieu of the same heretofore granted by,the twelfth section of the sot approved'third' Aleph, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, entitled "An act making appropriations for the service of the Post Office Department dating the fiscal year ending thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight. Approved, Februst,ry 24, 1863. enetrzav .irt.ica,Gratv. A FALSEHOOD EXPOSED. ILY hiA 4 :IIIN,N, AND ON ITN &terns ALONE Yezxtitif aetriNr ,Vachtnes. ea.wrara, >. tior.rth • treei, P1.1.11"011. onest.cirrE i3xiumm, 43 lllda I.ltree.t, MIS CEL LogarEo US. GENERAL ORDE • .ICO 105. wee MRPA.RTIIT,NT. • AAphraiLTVGl2lo.Lee 0117icl. MI, IBM authe iorysaizThation of an' Invalid Corps Le beraby orized. This Corp shall consist of Companles,end if it shall berufter bethought beet,. of Beeeafeen. The 0 mandate admit be Med* tild tan the fallow , lag soma. viz: Fine, By attar tared awri i ‘ad enlisted men of commands now td t 6: Wald twee ter sanely present or temporarily absent,) who, from wound. received in arisenorowes , . contracted In the inle of duty, ars molit for field weir*, bat are still cspabla el et fatly* garde:in dot, or mach attar light duty as may be required of en Itt•elle Corp., 4•Ktre.etel Oommenders shah at .4:ce make ppt, *Am Mon received fans their Medical ano Orman, ROL are, and from their own 'knowledge, rolls (accardlng to the Port. furnabai,) of the names of ail the gig. cora and enlisted in a auular their arog agg g i w h o falai the following condition*, Mr: • L That they are unfit for active field service on account of wounds or Masao contracted in the line of duty; this fat being certified by • Medical Officer in the service, alter personal examination. 8, That the+, are fit for garriann aut ; this 'fact bebag likelvies wilted by the Medical y Officer, as above, after personal ameba:on, *. That tbe,y,are, la the opinion of thafr Con° aseding-ORicems, meritorious and deserrlng Thaler rolls shall be cartilad by the Reamboing gammon end Regimentel Commander, and triamita led, through the °molar alumni/le of military corn ogedepoe, to the Provost Marshal General of the Mated states. The Regimental Commander 4801 enter to the col umn-of mimics, appetite aeon ogicart.lll=ll en the roll, a statement n to the garment clanniter Of the officer for Intelligence, Industry, iobri g t, a n d tine to daty ; and all tatiatualtata Oommandazi shill endorse thereon each fang Y the, may pepeasln the ease, or If they here none, they 6'll stator how far they &remitting to endorse the opinion - of the °Moir Cr officers tasking tee ra7.6lo3eildlltiClD, reiJs shall be forward.d from tbs. to t5.„.0i ne ,,,,, the number of loon fu flUing - the lunatic= enema. and or the exigetml.e of the saran* mag-renderit espedlent. , Second. By Laing those damn • •tid enlisted mew . 0 111 a... r m. e and burns on the rolls, Brit who are Lent from duty, la Licepitele tr Coot:hies* Camps, or an oilier wise under the co trl of '-tredlcsi Olden. In these t 0.,. the ldadiciel °Meer In at • tendance eked' prepare the' 'lotto' according to rem entering the names a r- ollkiereend-lecen. _,yen ,the 11•1110 regiment on a roll by themselves, Mid send them, with the mrtidc .tent the Von, ddly Man ed, to tit. proper iiegluienoal Cu m ander, who will Lumen! them, as horoMMA el:ocif.ed, notlect MI the came condition, nod r.quiresomfta. If. in any cu; the limbo. end Commatiorr .ball think an ofiloer mat, In pAn. 1.1 character. to continue in the ser vice of th.antallil Oar* thengh disabled and oortli • fled by the SurroJii, he will state hisobJection in lite ooloma of remarks, and note the niceptian belore dyeing the rental:am It any onlomorejimed man one le tho earthier, Vitt shallot and bate the reach of • ittedical tiftleer In cbaNe die Hopi ot Coate lament Camp, Metre. - ti enter this Corp,, be will take the tonne Indicated below for MOM who hate been honorably diontarged thisertina 211 - d. By accepting. those °Mean and el:dieted men who bara,bsen hone, all ) dttchaini cn a*onat of - wounds or dismiss connected hi tha . Una of ditty, sad who dredge tote:roes the serelca.,_ baba cam of an ofSser, mmucattoe for appeiotmeat mast be snubs to the Prone: Blush& Loheral 61 the United Onion th,.... g ritt ie emcee e.t.a.r., Acting Aniettutt Pm vat Blanbal timers: or the State. Be application of tnge land will be orniatereil unless the following conditions are completely halted t 1. That the appl cant predate tta auttanto of t he Surgeon or the board of Enrollment for the &meet 1 In ankh be rules., that he M 0-51 mr acne* Bell cozy on account of vor.folf or Maims, anthle not Ila hie La draft, MIL M a: Ilr p.mlacm duty. 2. That be furnish evidence of nonorable discharge on account or moulda or dlmbUlty contritelid Is the Los of duty. - E. Thu broproanceneamairsessilstiene tom the Fio• &mental, brigade mod Interim Commanoen guider ahem he formerly arrow, that he le eottliyhA beleg thus provided be end carob,. of /titan:anyrquate senile to the Govern meot to ..alit she be la. t practicable to get this lm: erld.u.s, he ma haring astahlahad the Bret two points above; •• eft the Board of Ifdtrollment that be 11l deserving d ore sent Its oarritcate of the fact. o hlll (We ce matt gi he obtained by the avollcant, and raVa trap milted with hlsapplirsten Mr epanoteeenti m el there be co Acting Essimant. Panel l . rend General for the State, tun •ppliat cion ma te to:- warned 'brutish the A •Jetsot bestial ut t • aim, who is deeired to oadosaa Memo such fart. In the mi'llery him ry of nha applianon as be may Boole, or m Ikon afforded oy his remnitc.ati I tormire 4. same to the Protmc Se 'tribal Derretaluf theylidliolintatn• konatent man, hottorsobi elashar.ed au arcount of of cllaadllty de Ina, M te enlist le thla Corp. will mascot chommaii a to the Dowd of Lare/lto 01 MC the ..ls:rtot In which 1401 ,olds, fur esaraltimion by Ma Surgeon thereof oho than .zafalm them and _ . report the 'MOIL to the dcard at Snrutment. a. he Board than th-n Ids:elder *eat owe.. ahil If the applicant to totto4 to 'olitl/ (be ooealtion• ' opociftod below, the Board etutl oleo !tat s orrtlncati to that t:Ldt, eta: L hat he It neet to se,lee to the II:Id . . Y That be b 1111 .122 v. , lima du t.y. 1. 12. Tn. Go I. 22.21t01i./1.111 Wad ale.urrig. 1 4. That Lo wan h0u,r21,12 dmch•roxl from th • tea he Provost Marshal the Di. riot attall then scud lb* appilcation. with this , ertinoate or the Dotard, to Me acting /sisals snt P. 1.1,001 ldlaeohal General of the 6tilita, orb aoall procure such lorldance of oeruoe and chi:vont, r u it. record. of Lbel Comp.. of to .bleb be hetonsel. on file arlhe Unatignartoto the etate, may shalt., If sfied tel Fit ts mernoriam cam, sal that Ma man le deemiring, he will owleb him to atol..lance with etch epeOal nuke Y the Proems Ilanhai mneral n •.t.'Ueh laadlt al Imiaetorz, normems la, charge of humph. tale hlllttary Waanmadeet, and all atm» harleg sathatity to discharge, nailer ealethig , ttee Mad mfg. alaUoto, are forbiddan t. grant .alomergen la any men under the r control who a.ap be fit for .pence It the laralld tairpe. The ertrcet alarthal Golluild ill charged 41th the erocalkm 01 this order, end the troop organ}sed un der It Bill be under the a. , ntrol of hhi kly order el the ban etery-of War. L DTOWNS 11D, n.•la.ht AdJutent GeromL EMl=l WM. B. BRADBURY'S PIANO-FORTE lisT4BuilatENT, 'O. 421 BEWOBIE V. 'rho laibecriber reepectf4lly Welke the attentloo of h Meade and the public generally to hie Piano forte Netehllehment, .t No. 37 Broome *Met, oar ner of ()roan) street Having withdrawn his interat, stock sad mate rials fr Len 14. arm Of "Mesta d liredbur3e," which brut was diasolvad co the illst Amin, nit„ and having purobanad the tonna nosh a video. Porten and rtano•lort• material owned by his brother, Ed lard Ct. Bradbury,: in the said arm, he I. now prepared to supply the Incased demand Aar his adebrated Haan Forte.. imidophgths mast skill. tot and exparientectanorkund,• with • largectock of the beat and inowgtheconghly senatuod molar W, or d as abantlanoWof Capital,. ca Wm taken in hand the personal rnimirvititos of the whets , budicae of.rnann factoring Ole instraments, and ts enabled to turn out Piano •Voriee of &nap:Willed lois and dreakinsen. BilADDllltir 8 NBC' Baits PEAR 0-£WITS. In the arrangement of cur pew sdsl 4 , dlosn add prepared with the atonst case, expressly fo tdr now instruments, we hove added nosy improvement which can In any way tend to the porGietidd of the Punno•Forts.,and tss can confidently asierthbat, fcr delicaoy of touch, solo me, pate, brilliancy .4 avatars of loin, comb. ned with that strinigib and solidity of frame neornsvry to' durability, tad. in. strumenta ma unequalled , • natation( Lan Blatt*" ia oar mutt°, add we In. vita the clods{ initicVm of fhb best inlithinal Judged In the land. • •• iffirEvorr instrument warninied Tor !lesions. WIC, B. MUDD BIG toh7:2m 427 Broome et.. oar. of Oroeby, B. T. ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER LORILLARD, 6 SNUFF Anorontwoo meNureortraray 16 & 18 0114M1411118771118T, (Tormer)y 49 Chchim street, New York,) Would call the stlentlon o d Ave N the Miklos of tda manulectore ' BROWN saurr, nacaboY , kin° it•PPeo. yowl. &VP., American Gentlemen, Dankly., Pare neve* Neobltochcs, Oopubspo. • YGLLOW snrurr. Scotch, High Toed tlootch, Irfah High in.,. a Li:apiece, Roney Dee Bootch,Treah &met Boatel, Slech Scotch. tor -Attention la called to the btrp rediotlon In Plow olinnei:Mt Chewing end Smoking Tobacco', which will be found of •supertor quality, ; • _ , TOBA000: ffMNOill6l=l Pun err Onownii—P. A. L., or pink; 01rta dial, or sweet i Swami Scanted Oron000; Tin Poi inivondloh. • Flamingo—S. Spetabb. Canuter, Tufkish. N. a—A dredge of prime 1011 be eLot do open cation. 4110:17 pENIBONd, BOUNTY, SAUK . YAY. H. U. At A OtR6LL, .11 . 1tomprel- , Lase and Okla. Aglow. No. 114 TENTH.IS . 2BIIXT, Pttesbarab,Yee .oollectloya to w Allegtieny uldmottunit ander • Prosecuted IP:neDIREB . 014,1. Ed, of crar7 boo; BOUN3IIO, for ill 42nbar,yeet Beleteila dw ar 410L18., tor woandsd.Oalcore "lif &Mem' NOUN. .Trittt and_IPISSION Witham ratiatoi Wybax ghtktrenßrotben *ad S Biatent, for pr otberjegal repro. ieutstived of tbose.wbo bay. died la taSeerrttes or have died. attaadleobarge, from Olean coittreetee to eirtto charger until collected, mud no Wear all! be &anyone note. • flexor I. wadded- ' ee.e. USTATES EXCISE TAXES. 11.0 The JANUAiIIr LIST. of United Staten dee Tie" tbr the TenwatpThird DieUtict. Pa.; bin 5. been teeeteed:ind le now toe iduriwWabli the Internal 'brivonne OW*. WATZB • flair, sed door IC lbo cuy Trawars. DA Mia* rID N , 0400soit !Min . ]-' - { Vittsburgh Gautt. S. RIDDLE & AND PBOPRIBTOBH, P.uhileation Offiee No, 84 Fifth Wert NOBNING AND EVENING EDITIONS, DAILY,. &PAINING THE LATEST NEWS OP TO TII HOVE OP PM3LIOATION. • 'l,lo.Np . e.it MORNING, MAY 25 NEW TERMS OF THE GAZETTE, Dimming Limnos, bb um% per year-011 00. month... 70. WOOL.— la. • siiigio 1.7Z/lINO MDITIOIII, by map, per year-- 4 60. month.— SS. week..... 10. •• 'lngle 00p1ea,.... Wwastr Eatrto•, 'lngle tipples, per year.. 2 M. dubs of sto 10, ~. .. 1 150, clubs of 10 or more" , 115. • —and one extra to the party sending dub, Toi • _ deb of fifteen, we wilt send the Evans° Quarts daily. Per ■ tint; of twenty, We will send tbs bloats ilaserra daily. Single espies, 5 cents. WAn snbacriptleas strictly is adesaes, sal pspers slintys slopped when the time expire': The Situation of Gen. Grant. We have enough of news through rebel, sources to inspire a good degree of oettildenoe, thatiiien. 011417111 safe, and to naafi he that -he has achieved a brilliant serial of victories. Leavingthokeon, he appears to have marched westrard, alums the railroad leading toN'inks burg, destroying it very extensively In kit rear. At or near Black river (Which ',said to be 36.mlies west of Jackson isd.pnly- 8 from Viokibuig) he encountered the robot foroia under PEIBIKTON, defeated them, and - drove' them wogs the bridge—which is said to be the largest in Mississippi, and which was not destroyed—to their intrenchments. This all comes through ;rebel sources; and is indeed confirmed by the dispatch of lien. J. E. John ston to the rebel Secretary of War, and Pub lished in the Rlohmond papers. Ih a rebels acknowledge 'Ruts of three thousand, which proves that the battle was i heavy one. The Cincinnati .Gasetf• of yesterday say.: ; messenger direat • from Orant'e head qusitere, stated that the national arm.* would wove egainet Haines' Bluff, with the view to opening communication by way of the Tattoo river, with the base of supplies at youn g 's Point. ;This informant say' Eliant'd army, viitTf the rations carried forward and shpplles captured from the snowy, did not expect to be under the necessity of tending again to Grand quit for rations or forage It is almosteertain that the decisive battle as been fought before this time. If the rebels ace gained a Tiotory, we shall doubtles‘hear the news, vie Mur freesboro, to night. I othtrwiso, tie may have to wait another da or two. The possession of the rest bridge over the Blank river, and the o. upation of Baines' Bluff, combined with th complete command of the Mississippi, bat. below and above Vicksburg, will leave t• • rebel army no ave nue of, escape, and at di. SUPS time cut off all its supplies. Wo cannot see how it can avoid capture. So far, the m• versants of General Groat appear to have nen conducted with great Skill and bravery. We hope for glori ous news from there In 6 few days; but yet we ore by no means free 'from anxiety. The movement north to Baines' Bluff, on the Ys coo, is o very bold one, and is fraught with hazard. General Butler It appears that in accordance with orders to reptirt to headquarters in Washington, Gen. BUTLZI was to arrive in that city on Thurs day night. Our dispatches, yesterday, stated that apartments had been engaged for him at Willard's ; but it Is not thought probable that hie stay in the city will be pretreated. En• mor has been busy assigziing him to thle and that, bat whether he is really to go to St. Louis or some other point, no one can pretend to assert, on any' ground more sure thin mese conjecture. Certain is is, that if. the Govern moot can not give Gen...rturcss a more portent command, the country will rejoice to learn that Gen. Unarm]) ia cot, and that Gen. BUTLER U, pe have the Department of Minolta. Tu■ DLYTON .Jovaa►r..—qt is anziounced that W. D. Illottuax, Esq., lately clineeted as army correspondent with the Cincinnati Cosmerciril, has agreed to conduct the Dave.% Aurae', the publication of which is to be re sumed, et soon as the necessary arrangements can be completed. Mr. Bickham's 'corres pondence, whiob has been so widely read mid highly appreciated bylhe public, affords emit evidence of his ability to give the people of Dayton a real live, loyal newmpoper: Tint Twat CLAD escura.—This reseal has recohed Philadelphia from Fortner Monroe, for repairs. A number of shots pitied. through her armor in the attack on Fort Dar ling, as though it had been wood instead of iron. She Is malted with thin plates of iron,, laid on top of each otherlbat the attar} thlitirs rues lY.not sullionnt to resist thotitreim Elias' of largeualibre." • She Is to be repaired], It It Is possible to fit her /pr service. When tor teat of mail is strlpitedi off, whieh Is to 'done; aid the Mill sulthltted for Inspeettoa, ; it may In found unfit fir remitting. _ i Carrara or A. RiBIL CllplltAell geromras. —The household furniture of the nbel Gen eral Buckner, inoluding Igreg d quantity of silverware, seversileohvofar, smuts, sea -1 tre tables mirrairs, and all th a:tida l:tang ly fourd in a fashionable TO/1 01100, Wes cap tared atlillsabethtown, Hi., n the leth In _omit. The welds' captured lied ea's cars, and were brought to Lonisvill on Siturday jut. Tun iteiMer D. G. Taylot.arrived at Bt. Louie on Sunday, with sena hurfdred and eight rebel prisoners, mostly captured by Gen. Grant at Grand Gulf and Port Gibson. They were under charge of Capt. Ewing, of tae 60th Indiana ;regiment, and were taken tb Alton for oondnement. There were twenkrlthwee commissioned ofiloere among the number, mostly Captains and Lieutenants. • PAPIIIB NOS STAXPIID NULL AND VOlD.—At tention is called to the provision of the aot amendatOry , to the Tax law providing that all Instruments or papers which require a: stamp, made, signed or issued without cue. siabitrt quench) , to the let of June, are null add void. • • Twb daughters of JOlll Bell, of "Beuitiessee t recently cum through our lines to - 'root': of their friend' in Philadelphia. It is' elated that upon their arrival in th►t talky, they were .mpieicily amazed at the incileet*ni of shun-- dunes and prosperity. , • . A Ni r kcarroix.—A unlit aggro the' oth er day, in making his exodus through garwis City, was driving a - stylish buggy With tho following inscriptions Bianaipation and no Compensation," I: Deportation add.:Froo Transportation." 'COTTON IN Nssosait.-8o =rah geotind has been planted to cotton laSansas this Spring that it will undoubtedly become a staple crop in that Slate, if the present proiu suocessinL RU IZ* YOR lizwarD.—The stun of MAK bacihrwostrvitiadod_ko_,sho Bbhcrp of Boston, who is nOw ix Boom. atilt, solid of ato solfaciappoor of :Island., : _ , : ~. 'A ; '' , :eir.g.;-- . IT la 'said that filstatllla Ilansphraf*U 4 shall has Wen 414thrad of oosa b 7 &IL Davis, awl em ~ P nsfotli put in his Ow.' , .. • . ,-L .":„ . ,77.7",..:-.1.7.7", a ~ ,. ..4..:r., . ..., ,77 . .ti . ....,..tt`, ...-!....',,, ..:, - ,:,... , 7"A.. ~.., ...7 4 44` -- ..i,7,74';'. , , , , , ,1Tc.1r, ,- , :";.7 . ,... - 76„V , g7..th,.., t..);4 . .:,, , : . •;."...ii?,.,,:,_.E4,;.7, ~.-..;.P,,,,i'''1-:"4:',411-.,,V,tAV4V,,...,-,,i's..4.'4-W..e.3.-4-WI.,,.f-0f. :... p**_ ,,,, 1 15,1,,, W:'n,,,,,k,,, •.:..31:, - 34.14 'W;g' . 4.:; , .;''''.31';;Wf.' , . 4 . 4 ... ,,,,,, .. ,, '',,, • 1 144,1 0Y.;:ael ' , V - :%r s !_ltt ,, R%„„teA.,.a4,tN' •-• ''',,,,' ..q.......0',-,„4, , ,,,5,an,'• ~,,,, ,- .1 , 44. 4,4 . 1, 0 , ...-ai- - ‘, Ott 1.-.W.Z4V ' • le .•',' ... ...• . - Davis' Last Grand Project. The following artiele, which we copy from the NOW, York Evening Pb.:, irp ovidentry written hy one who has closely observe&and who has also (we think) sagaciously inter preted some recent movements, and iildiCi ' Sons of movements, la their:riles of thl rebel °adapt-soy, The vicars which the writer . . take,, And the policy which he reocuunends, are. well worthy of immediate and earnest eonsideration : . . Weltave some Masons whieh lead is to be lieve that,' in, the desperation of his fortunes, the arch-rebel-Darla is prepazing.his last and desperate itroke :for .101:101:0. lib Confeder act,. which has boon rendered an exhausted receiver by thi filbekade, no longer affords him a good atmosphere for breathing; he is Mori: .and more stilled *here he fa ; - and should Grant prove victorious at Viekebarg, or dev - essraliyitmder the new Hip:Uses which , hive' lately been' 6:ammoniated to : 14:1'014v.. a few more expeditions ilkethole of Orlareen . and Stoneman his: respiratiototiliV become. still more dilliaillt., Knowing this, and know ing besides that a bold and Imposing effolt mullet:a made to revive the dreoping_spizi of his followers at home and justify the.,per iistent attsehmenkof his friends abroad, he hes devised all eggialls&P) campaign against the North, with* be hopes to execute this spiiiii;"dein the Minetiof the early summer. , Daild Is 'aware ' that another malaull upon Lea, la his present:ppaltim4 like that reoently .made by Hooker, though it chould be repulsed+. as the last one Wei) would neiertheleierprovek like that a Pyrrhian - victory'' It:Would coat, him more men then he canorell spare, vediee' the pro - portions of hie main i artny ce rt ainly to; siShiasteous ixtent; and f&eliapt elposelt to : :a speOirextbotion. , Bet ctLthat':anity de pend& the fate of the sobeg9l4 .Ltit it be dispersed or destroyed, 'and if crimirlAue. impossible to raise aboiloilethe Tahiti ofee. cash. .- Three eoneeriptiMmecnibraof g._al l . persons from the mese& siiteen ter slit ;hive swept. Its society_ bus of able- hedio men. Whatever is.to be done , tia 4 AllUitikr WUr most be doge , by the . preeent mhilaeyliChei," i unless the toilets preceod to. recruit, tram- the: ranki of the elites mare Taigiely thin they have yet done; and morelatigeit'thadlhey are likely to do. Whatever is' to be done, too, ' umetbir demo quiekly, Demean their retottreee are running:ft the lees and the •anfferinge&f ., the ordple getting to be intolersble.. - llnder.theme OilTIIIIIVILSIIC011• the.wily leader of the rebels conceives that Macau: protect his army from a future attack, relieve the noose attics of its commisse,riet,, inspire the confi dence of hie own people, and produce an as tounding' - sensatiore• in - Europe, by a grand offensive movement against the North. Should he succeed in' the purpose,why , of coirive, - everything will be iecomplshed. Ills soldiers will get food; hie horses forage; hie generals glory.; his subjects oeurage;and his Englielc abettors a hope of security fog, their :ioottenn loan. But shouhtlie not succeed; theic is it Reindeer in the movement which will re-' deem even failure' teeth utter &evade: - Like other great criminals Jeff Dtivia - w111;at lease, make a game exit ' as they' coy , emblazoned - With renown, and prods:deg a 'Lopez:dons menestion There ate unmistakable indications that Davis ie quietly withdrawing trepps from the ontlying camps along JIM seacoasts to rein -Urea Lee, which moveinotit Will be continued, we think, until that-General •hoe _a command of from one hundred and fifty to two hundied thousand men. AO toon as it is ready Lee will move, we conlentnic, not in the direction of Washington, bat of the Shenandoah Valley, with a view to training the Pottimao setae where between fdartinsbnig and Camberland. /twill-be easy forhine„should to be labia to reach the valley, to defend • hie flanks,'Dy o.i capying the gape which are the only access to it and to maintain also uninterrupted 600721111- ninations with Stannton and the-Central Vir ginia Railroad. The valley is with rapid ly ripening harvests, and once npoet the river, supplies stay be got frem Pennsylvania. - The Southern editors appear in have ob tained an inkling of this schonic:for . the Chat tenons& 'Rebel, in a resent arable abusing "peace democrats," says: "Whai dowe hope for? Not for peace more than revenge upon a worthlees, heartless-and *cruel enemy. Wo hops, and hope it earnestly, to live-long enough, if no longer, to see our cavalry troop ing through every city., village and hamlet of, the Yankees; to see their women begging Pm' Motion, as ours have pleaded with. mutat eyes to fiends in Yankee uniforms, to' be protected from their brutal soldiery; to see the ploughs torn from the hands of theft-farmers and bro ken into pieces; their fences laid-waste and their homes in flames ; their wives andehil- dren driven Into exile and hooted front their , own territory, by an invading' enemy. We hope to see all this ' and speedily .", . lent writer , indeed , bet - whosematinees is not without method. • - b military authorities.may readily aback mite this daring move hs either cue ottwo ways : 'by a — eigorous - issailt °iota on the army of Lbe before it shalt hive been Strength ened; er by e previous Occupation Or the yet ley& with a more donsideriblearmy than we yet have In that region. Men - sufficient 'for either purpose caul* procuretfrom the camps. on hhe seacouti. If the rebel. can afford ,g t . withdraw troops frouitheir positiolt, we ,eau do so with mush greater propriety. At tide season of the year, indeed., wittoo.the stammer heats are at hand and our soldiers are likely to be exposed to the fivers of the 16egronnds, It Would seem to be the:dictate of common sense and of charity, as of military predenee, to transfer Otani to peril where they; would find other enemies to fight than maleria: -. And . heat. , ,• • On the uplands of Virgh,la, amid the brims's' of the Alleghenies, eLd tear 'the's° thermal waters to whieltAbe-Airst flu:0118i need to resort for. summer health, our poor soldiers would haTe a better olsinee of it than among thi 'swamps and create of North and SoOth Ourolina: It is there,' Moreover, that' the battles of the yammer are-likely to be fought, it.fought at, all, and. there that *a Wright to entrap the reninants of the rebethost; and punish them no long 'w man remains with arms iwhis hands..- . . Mrs. Illeviashelm in etiti :Hospitals. Ina letter to thellew York Tribeie, Biro. Bwmansur,afterneknowiedging men dry.Ofta - and .. 4onatloni for 4h . p Melt , and wounded soldiers, &myth' fallowing heart stlrririe pleture of the work In Which abs It eniaged, and of tlie outreilngs and heroic for- Utile of the brim, men - iiinone "eth - ind she la. labOriniwith' the strong aid warm heart of • true woman: I have beim Uri, 4i, the hospital, ten dive,. dressing' wound., .w 'Wounds, ',giving 'drink; and stimulants,Oomforting the, dying, trying to- save the iiiing. l The , beroto,forti -tads of tha sufferers is sublime; 1 -W4;l:Wave bald the' hands of brave, struts . ..ran vhilel sh a king in a parozism of waspiner. The dila tors two eommittad tol my.tipeniel „care wounded feet and ankles, and -ihniel raver: anti, by_itue:manglid: lluitutif. time; heroes and thant - Ood - and - xan - TO - r the privilege of washing them. I •iiiintlildaky—banets , of whisky—to waah feet, anti thus hip up 01/012• lotion in wowided knee!, legs,'thigits, hips.' I want pleklesitilatiln, pinkies, himinue;lem: ins,. Limon,, oranges.:;` Ile well, men Or noman'has a right to 'a Visa of lemonade . , We want it all in the hospitals: to . previnti gangrene. Imill get -lady voluntaars ur go thrlnagh the War& ,of a. Many ltoapltal*it I 041 0 1 WPAY With: drinks._ M:r 'hillineall la f .drusing:wounds where amputation ma,- he avoided bY spiels! ease. I writs ict4i bad., side of Arming .Littiallel4, Augustar hira;;. %oanded ankle--where I have been ayie,4l,tw 9, o*look this morning ,,, YU lifil llang,inlf „An doubt. ' - Four days 001 Umlaut j.d:titti,ainiA bfi.i. , ' E. Smith, of , Babridere, N. .T., 'from ireuriir. my nook, where befoul clasped them, dying,: as "'holt to repeat , the immortal pray* Of the blind Bartimittlaiddeiri die poorehitiv ad handl, aid nu to Idr:./h, ties thrOdaiid, with look-jaw. Oh God, there . plentyr„ek, work; with the snip advailissi or UM ;RAU vadisa akillful physidians, the utmost elitilinisaand bait ventilation,:the exesedingand 1:4441ir . liiidinipssitiii*itsiteilltd nuraes r thert isinialito d0,,1f VW flew persona .ipirdiAr to -go, jgDr.114,1#10441V4 °WSW will itdpizadi! • • avAedbinh_ritilt.mir :the ausasir4k hi.iaziatatm& lad the mans hol gm for dedshra have so; dlipoidtrod ti Volatir wlllfiLealki Chnillalliell , AI!! . 4•"M i tttarit &$ - _ 1 ' VOLUME tX.XVt7-NO.!;-,:1a44 are indafattgablo, int aidin'tb• eabbnation •or inimatortii tb tki vesnipoi: lithium,' to ma, hotter% I 40:1", Would rather haTitralt and wirto,thagliadney. Ali Suit ttirmeitNo.,24 L **lid gm , traces storage from thoiliOa. 'DAL lola% -of nod atprooh;th kaop ao. coot if all "that 001R05,..1410 ichnowledge It, wit!toutptiyiireittirk birir,*4 do to to tumid moos aLo It auttapPiat torts to have ever trablt ocaSttimita/ 0 7 sax* Bo to obrofirtiag and our Wounded Sea. . s7.~s; ~ : ~~s ABIPell. t • , lla mama LT; ma( rem • I 4mpls beau sinP• ,2 4 : %kW ki4j94 Immo i ~ •I' 4 , 77-1DIllitIL; V-!? 4 . t 1 ! , 1 , 5 . l' „.,,--L f __ __, ' Wiiiiii4OkAIPUXAIA Antiridaisit: ! lit exisor ! sum Aso ZTB psopuots, 0114. iaißßOADAutiorraw.ziaala. 69 H 9ND 811 1 / 1 161 "••• , ••••"fttt... •Plifirmuln• 041 ta for theyo 4011E13 raw 160$16 1 W IR AWDLIS 00 - 9 rAin - flAcva , 19 . 01PMA16.tAigalit, .4. 4 l6F.ffstid West. Ob. itiEN4,ineed • not be .vetbarritteed Iby 4, Iparcmentent 44,9,2tak. Ordlitmea, Cwheniboy can tibititliett MC - WNW aid shipped entllMMknolinig tbsCitYqnsorwilroPsobroP) more prompt, With less Mak, Meebionble; and-jn better eclat et 1- • I R 474 194 1 1A R jibe AUarheny..Valley BaUrcail.ahoralsairrence• ritta:where OU le pumped trout the boats direct to to. *Woad' shined to; antlaanti East or Watt, without; au.draylog ar realityphig. , tlVotaetrpromptly attended tet. lairOlßee At Yard, ea OlUseat „Paistregar - Poet' Oita, addrese, BOX 9 0 2 i rittaliarth or I litatea &By at the Oft Xsohluwe; -•;;• op ; „DAVID NIUE. E 01T Ull. l'U ILYD.A.Y et GRORZMUNG, ManufaCtunrir and Boinsis of . 1 ' C1A193011.07L, Bi,EZI2tZ VnlttekTlNO aiiatti tr z - rir.p ! sr Work , ' .PPon!te Bnar i4,(• OlDio,ln YYBBY BLQOI, Duiplana Way, TETrimpase. P. 11,1 , 9P./144W 100. 1 BT. OLal&BTß=frt Tiliaborgh. "FOkyr It girraziassioxiXgrrohoa . t , 4 11 DM4LEia .P 1.104 . 1 1111 - TI4/ 0 11.1 1 1100.1148,/i1181104.13113, P/LTSOLZI3.I( 0 , 11.1, Lc, conatlO4y on ,liand And for Silk St the {MRS 112111.ket-pgfiahl Commuting W minus roLterrro. , 001.6m uluisAuDbuN siatuiska &M) . , Commission and Forwarding Ilestkants, ; • I Lti ,1; f..IIiLIDE & .4,ET 411. EIM; ;4.19 rthvi 82117237, Ilninuaki. for f1t4041401 a Muterm • !' •iL inven4ntem Parn4ces . :Or Ideiors..L as.Dr.isoaTli di Co.; Smug's* , rnojnioiA K9q., Pius% I:Maßkinr. Banc. mtaleltat ;T. • p6TII.OI,IIIC,ULLth Pi_973.21U8R/7, Pi ansz * Pioprietors; alrome.-aosoritimiume. sclsit. : Gm. VOLOllaire WOODYILLN•OIL REFINERY • asemioz'w: acizielup • ao:, , ALthroiriansim - ikingi/EG. OIL v. LIIBBIQITIBG OIL,;; a natintll7 'an d Mir Arp,' best' 'quality of BEIBELLtiGI OIL, slesi.ead witholaudor oho. • P 4 td7ARIOATOR, puFs glamor, , - " eirAlkontoa 1i•46-Firka 62•4• Tr ri•;ak Blccic, - iie4ond floor; wltt OttnaptIrolt••••• to. oc6:dif : ' 011 tW DiitioAR.IDITNLAP 4 Co., ' ' ifisaficisurn el ' mytesubce ,PErieltfßell PA: , . A - • , OIL pr4lTßor4 ; .; . 4 4 1 414°31a; Z Oiden ktit AVlldia.l6l4:o6l";egn il44 !! , raF4T prom DlladOND 'OIL' W0.R84,' „ . • • A-W/7i ozzair*olkooolima- f:14.94,80a • 'iimork,t. imiro4mr Aar omq, NO: 41, Mealnirr lattsge. 43,; si4 Um& works lit.Linmaponis, will to prourptirattitided tn. Bo BB .oc 0R11D.11.0174. PPEBINEDIALLTOIL Aft glikeriio4 2 Aro pr di the best con a t y ' aunty' rtenadrCtorbor hhiktikoi muirad hai board of ihOrita rionhaet warehoore at Red Hook Polot, lbw k. la. Wit 'Wad dip* tors pros MAO- aboaild '44, or 'MI BElta ,Liediarr or proroot dud lota oak Liverpool. alerginr; Illhokdrit.oo4bo-Naln_ and e ts, other - *aroma .posta..; DANA i.oh.ANT, iqt Potrolite 01/ Worik.Pitrohdrdh. ;RODS i • 1 . " ‘A .1 ' l' A 6AIiS 04a0Z TOW A BEilTAFUialioilLlg p OP! i k ta l lt. .54 t Itlia:1111 .a ' !. i .74,1 4. *•th0r arms Ali iida•••• smaima wixwi: la , 4 ;at ISSlSYSt*stathisi . About 11% liesiii. of AOSA:folbo Boron& of &Salo', loom. 1 ;41/itoli q• 44' not goodly teOliki - Okozok, sn4 .64 11 lbs 211 1111 USS Znoddolor/s1 Angulo Igo: 1 /VI :t .: .7 7.0 rl ....- „. 7.4 =x ,,, rw . 5a ..,, f11 . 1 iiila , . 4,, , ....., m ,....., ? ... pri.-, ~..,...i . .,444 4, ....„4 0, ...- _ Ao mot ~ , As !pylon of am poitoke ThAirfASCsotopood StASSWOMd IA now covosodoStklborold Avow so* ostt miaow win = 3 BVs UO O beA ,let vacian ai liWzo to* gm - Sul SW! Sot So . foo td. Unify ;its ilow'itOold,' Awl Do -01 l that a rd rale todiedisew evaatry • :.' iin V ia. l 4 • Ans ~, . 1 4 0 x 0 t leeikrOlni boliA . 4 mo anno••••7 So os7, pasy ~...,,,,a ftiblbqer yajitrog.. lAST 1.11:w.:211011M an f.? - 1, i, • 4 - ,•, , rbis : Pr yin!rl V!. 1 44;iii4:3414114,44, Fag 0 4 - 4 4 ~ Pa z ' i ~,,,i i ......, , ... ~i,:l I ' ~. • ;;; A ISSIllasqAISSoNfitlll:44l.lll4. 1SO: SA I Woof .. i , - ' r 'i 'q- ” . • N - „._ ),...w., -, .1.74N0 . .: Tome • - I ii-• -.:17.. 414, 2 . .. ',!., •••77 ,- • ''lm! - !7'lT'"?"..' - the .s • tette leates,Valltri. •• Ai!" , A1em ..... ,t• 74 11e , jactewrtrleTe. ! A . ' • '4 4001 . 1 74 WWII* , $* MOM • •-:-- i-