The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, May 22, 1863, Image 1
4-; 74 44' 'l' .14 :h am , EMI= ME= 4 N . . _ 4 ,t ... .; 44 :: 7 . V...:! , •••••',..i ••:.- • .. i...t.,-,• ;;;.• : '''';2-.••• 4.. .i ': 3A-,•:, • i•.;:! 1 , • t s c ' ' • -.7. 1 ':`•:".:-•:• 1 ' . •'• 4 ::•••iX•': ••:••• ••••••t.; • . t,. • t:.,.„,„,:•.:,.._.,...4 ~....:.:.„..,,,„,;•.1..4: ..,.. '.y Ti ~ i '.L ~~~ ' , :i.i:, , ,-. t .i..:::,. , •••.:••• ..t • aV RE= 4, - ; ,:•-: : Pore ; gas i n trams INAlftfor sr- dollars Aim, firs hundred _thousand • . .: L .1..F0r samplciting fortillationis and Greet .l : ...• big raw anis/or the defense of Washing - two hundiod thousand dollars. 1t - • Approved, Itruuy 20,1861. t ' ,-!:.; •, , nuo—No. 80.] • 'r , - i-- ax Los to s for the appointment of i__, _,...• an • asiddant ter In the TreasuriDe .l': ...." ' ;- 211rtiliti in a solicitor, for the War r - - - .' ''; ; -, a)ip•Emusnt, and for other pairs's. p l ea N , ,‘ . 4 bilks Sonata gni Ilona of .",:. ~;•,,•:-,:e ...• A uplaggol Ow United &duo/ .dour ri ' ' -: :: : 6 ~ 14' ....i 1 is i5e.4548 e fU r tgabled, That the Pratt ' ' .., dee . the he' II hereby authouissd to 0, ~t , , A.f.- , advice and ma . p-- • r.,,N Velpolaftand with the au ' ' . ' - ' l ' '' theßautt& for the tar= of one year ,•,.- ! .: i;;' .4014 a 'abed the RaSittar et th e V" '7' ' ' li!).lllefilair A la ill. the assistant rests .r..- 'l. ‘ l"llll*ifrtP be of two thousand. ? : i , -, ..-_,L.aer 4 I alnaus!"llTY ~ . ., ,,; - 1 241 1‘ , . 25. • .d5i he it fuiikr maid, Tha - t . - —.7-7-f-Atia datisiof said assistant shall be such F:---,, y Acenlvet mud= by,tldo Rolifster t - ; .I ..:.'•Wiba , and in the abloom of th• f• ..- '..."..:,:.,:-.4lllcgistar asslstant shall eel in his aittry tV' :, •:.-,-.2..'adtoe =sad; and - any official record, ~ •-,:, ,!„-niketifiesak 'or other document, excepting aationlialuis,t neiterand,ciraftiphsllshaifnalsatheodsambre 0. .. - 1:1.,,. -I. ;":4 l lP l , _ :rilegi fellia teist alad the ralkill tisittry as . if signed by the ~ ` ""z .i.- lrao- 4 1 . 4 451 ft Aran' ottado4 That. _':'-ilift.P be all he is hereby author "-/'l5. -1 •sel to - biand with ths advise and -::C..-Tailiat - kw.; anefikter hi* Wax ' 1 j - nkal • `3 oVrroi.lita Department, - to be called the Solicitor of the War Departmenti at an annual salary . .. . LAWS OF THE 11NITRD STATE/1, efa weritY-fire fiundrea fiefiarc , 1:,_...., _.,.. ._ Tair„ , 1 + .s ~ ~ ~ . ; Stio.... And be it further enacted, That ''''tfale ‘-•,,i'°4, ""` " ar t.!' the &menial neceasary to thesa laries --••- • , •,- .: • - -- , seventh , Coisrei. °nit off- authorised pay , , • .......... • 1 oars to be appointed . . •.. ter the current and next fiscal • - [Puerto Resortirres--;t1t o , 9,1" - '- - I fftafila seta years, be paid out of . any annoys in the reICIIIM EssOinerootcarevive " An act to tree , Treasury not otherwise appropridted. join to the officers and menhetuegy tual: • APPreallfir "Refirnar7 201/868- . ~. . i ployodU ths i Wisteria-It dtpartinent,' or •• * I ;tempo . 1 . 1 „;" --- ",_ . , , it i department of Missouri, ii; pay, boon- . ' ' I. ' I -------°;•"' ] 7 Ail - Aut t- rarilylto stipply vacancies ' • ty, and ponsion, - andtfor oer purposes .Pesoked a detthe Seam and owe of Sep. in the Executive De p artments in certain essattatiota of the United St. el Otabire • ~. Clue... '.• ,:' - .....• :111 ; .. t) ha Confirm insensitha w Thai the provistons me iroweted by the inmate and Sours of I nfie joint risoliurait sculled' `A sycalfiltlint_ r „94lf9Sitc3 of the United States of Amer 1 .; ,end all ;ivy meth, an kr :de ..ct. op. tea in angrese assentbh4 That in case of I • ` he twenty -out, of ill4reii eishieelil thekleath; reitigaition; Pbseence from the' and. sixty.i Jr 0, CU illifdia - . k ik • act ticat-0-_hownmen‘ 7or - Biokneas of the :'• to secure to - the ittrioars.and , en actually , lieita °limy Eiretative Department of the employed in thelirmicrn 1 partment or ; Government, or of any oilier of either of department 'orNiiiitolifi, ili:',r key, bounty, , ,Ilifd l i pt i lm en nhwhark.appointment is ' i ta and perisi.m,. and fur timer p rposeet -sp. i -not. in },e bred-thereet whereby they can- ' proved July twelfth, eighteen Lundr/ii atidt rform the duties of their respective adaty-two, be,:t they are.,--cp ratty revived f o es ; it shall be lawful for the President `-' 'anti' the - -e am lobel j a tbervln tided ; 4-re 0, too,. Zpite4Stating in casa:he shall think passafor shall be allowed six muulfis - I rein `rt fiecanary, to authorise the head of orgy ge of this :ivolution within which ta 1 other„ExecutireDepartment, or other off . Mak their report. -.- Der NI tithe? 6t-itatd 'Bepartmertta, whore . .. mate ,16, 143. appointment is vested in the President, at his Li isoretion, to perforni the duties of the : ..-;•• - - , : -7777•'' said "tom offoes until II successor be iippointed or an lenoh abreence. or inabil . I'AN Ault: rilnkimpt appropriations for the ity by sickness /halloos:as: Avoided That Ito one v -.otintApy !hall be supplied in man construction, preservation; . and repairs fora longer term than six of certain fortifications ant other winks, months. of .defitruietor Cur. year foiling thirtieth. ' - .,..13et0. 2. Ind be it further enacted, That ' June eighteen hundred an sixty-lcuir.' 'all iota or parts o f sate Inconsistent with 2 , 4 it niestahrthi &sok air Bl oom , of the provisions of this act are hereby re ' Reprseessogrio ends UnitiettilatH ofd r a i ll 'A l • - • . . hni in Ornyrearauesibtiet,,Vhalthe follow- ApProvsd, February 20, 1863. lug sums be and they art li reby appro. . , ----- . Ipriated, out of any monerie e Treasury - -7 ' ' EPrante--No. 32.1 . not otherwise appropriated, lor„ deti an._ As Aar nonoerning•pardone and the remis euo preacrvation, and r „pair . ' of oer- sion of -penalties and forfeitures in crim .- Wu fortiliestions and other works of de- um]; caeca., . fence for the year ending- the f thirtieth, of: a , _. .. iize.itiiihteeit li-un--areit:ma. ofr.,y_fhor. Be it enacted dy the Senate and House of Amu:tenet:does of the United States of A - ' For For Montgomery, at outlet of Lai: ----",-- - - —"Mr Pewees =nab/4 That to remove Champlain .New York, one hundred Awn- - "sa me doillti Si to the true Meaning' of. former - sinirdollsfrs.- i . : laws hereafter, whenever by the Judgment Far Fort Knox r at narrows of Penob- of any court orjudicial offsier of the Dai l*" Awe; Maine, an e , ". k ind* a n d. q t tf. ted . States, in any :criminal I proceeding thousand dollars. - ' --- •: ' -•-• any person shall be' se ntenced heretofo ' FOr fort st.entantethilf:Xlinsiebeo river, to two kinds of prmishment, the one pet r i; ; l- Mains, one hundred thousandidolla re . Wary and the other corp Oral, lila President 1 , . • For fort on Hog; alax4 ledge, Portland shall have full discretionary power to par- ' . harbor, MalwiAne, Inuit:lml and fi fty thou- don or re m it , in whole or in part, . either : sand dollars. --- .- - - 1 - 't l - one of the two kinds without in any man- For new F ort •Proble, Portland Harbor, nee imperil* the legal validityof the other Maine, • One hundred and fit ly thousand kind itref any portion of eit he r kind, not dollars.. 2 „ „..._;„_ , , ~.. 'pardoned or remitted. Foi *Fort Sissitimei„;_rtiritana h ar b or t„ Sec. 1.41 .5 ti bo it f urt h er mooted, That Main; one, limbed, and. _filly Dionne:ad j o a ut • oi o „, tu hi h th • h . , , t . . , , been : mane 01.11 W C ore 88 dollars. '•• ' - - been or shall be a judgment or sentence • For new Fort Constitution, Portsmouth against any Vernal:7 r a 'fine or. penalty, harbor, ifeW Hampehir' . e, two hundred thou w h et h er o l o „ or with anyother kind .. :said dollus.:: I- - -i;-• - I , , - I i ' of paniskinent, the sane shall be deemed a • For new Fort MaClary,Partimouth har-, judgment debt and (unless pardoned or I mq' New ninn Pl h iret ww l t w Ored thma nd remitted 1 the -President) may be collect dollars. ' .1- e on execution in the common form of For Fort Winthrop and exter ior batter- l ow. res, . Governor's 'slan proved, February 201863. t Boston -harbor, Ap Massachusetts, fifty thousand dollire. For Fort Warren, Boston harbo r Mass- • aohisetts, twenty-five thousand decant. For permanent forts at Provineetorin ItarbOr, Mossashusattr, „one hundred and liftytollarig' - ' ' • • • • For Fort Adams, Newportihrbor,-Ithedel Island, twenty-five thousand dollsz, - • For permanent defence, at'. fr - sett bay, Rhode dolma robe - hundred hundred and' tfifty thousand dollars. - Far additional fortifications et New Lon don harbor Connecticut, two hundred thou sand dollars: Provided however, ..Thadjlt appropriation shall not be expended unless New London be selected as a' permanent site fdr a navy yard or a naval station. For For Schuyler, Bart river, New York, twenty-five thousand dollars. I • 1 For fort at Willet'aluint, oppeoite Fort Bohnyler,,New York, two hunered and fif ty thousand dollars. .. - ," ~- For fort on site of Fort Torakids, • S t aten - 1 Island, New York, two hundred thousand dollars. For .resemited bailer/ ieri SW= Wand/ New York, Iwo hundred thousaisiihillan i . For', nowlattery near Fort. Ritaeltine New York, one hundred thousand dollars. For fort at Sandy Hook, New Jersey, one htmdred and fifty thousand dollars._-.t.... For Fort Delaware , Delaware river, two hundred thousand do For • permanent work for . Delaware, , ' Breikwater harbor, onethundrod thousand dollars. • For Fort conell, Baltimore harbor, 1 Marylied,two hundred 'Moaned . dollars. ' For Fort Monroe, Hampton roads, Vie. glalivilfty thousand dollars; , For Fort Wool, Hamptonroado, Virginia two bundrettbonsaind dollars. - . • - For Fon' Clinch; entrance to Cumberland 'sound,Florida, one hmulred and fifty thou sand do - For Fort Taylor,, - Key ' West, Florida, three Madrid thOusiand dollars: • For kart Jefataik.thirden Key, Florida, three hundred thousand dollars. , For new latest Voitugsai. Florida, one thundred.thimeand dollars. . For fort at Ship Island, 'soast of Miss's mind, nnehindred and serenty•five thou- Par Fart Jumbos, Mississippi river, oni Jusndred . thousand dams. For Port Saint PkWp, ifiselooppi ritari one hundred thousatuf dollsaw. For fort it FortLPalit4 Francisco ibey, C.lelifort4 - two,hundred thousand dol. _ Ftm , fai at Alcatraz Island," Pan Fran edsao bay,: California, one hundred thou . 'Apandedollars. For delluuthrs works hundred and 'Washington Territory, two hundred thou : sand dollen. • ?or twoatinglideo sf foiktieations, lack ! 4Los field works anktleldopenttlons, !seen 'Atiadred thousand. dollars. -- For tool sad edge trains for armies In the field, two hundred and Any thousand ismas :~ ~ <; t I,c ' • • . . , . -‘ --'--• .1.4.7:2 , ' __ ... t......,,„. ..:;'.0T.... :,-.. .., ..,.. . . - . . . ~ . _ . .. I'.ISIT - Pp TAr • Y. Irr•-• ...-- .-2 - . . . [PCDLIO•-.NO. U.] AN 'Aar to change the times of holding the circuit and district (mute of the United J,Btates far the.district oflndiana. the &mei Obi Rouse of ileprhaitativest of am Usitegywortes of Amer ice cs Cbnpreas aswebtect, That instead of the times now fixed by law the circuit and _district colitis of the United States for the dist:tin of - Indiana - shall be held on the first Tuesdays of May and November; and I SAriecitignixances, indictments, or other proceedings, civil and'crimbral, now pend ing in either of said courts, shell be enter ed and haie day in court, and be heard and tried, according to the times of holding such Courts as herein provided. Approved, February 20,1868. RuNqa—No. SC] As ACT to change the times of holding the • circuit and district courts of the Hated States in the several districts in the seventkdistrick • =Wed .by Benito and House of Representativlb of the United States of America In; Congress assembled,' That in- Jlolr Axed by la w the circuit and district courts of the milked States for the several districts in the States comp:Wing the seventh judicial circuit ehall hereafter beheld at follower : At (Sarreland, for the northern district of Ohio, on thefiret Tuesdays in the monaus of Jimmy, May 'and September in each year. At Oncinhatl, for the Southern ditariot of Ohio, on the ant Tuesdays in the months of February, April and October in each year. 1110111,211. At Detroit; for the ot of Michegan on the nest Tuesdays in Jane, November, and Much in each year. And all mogul:snow; indictments, or other promedinp, civil and criminal, now pending in either of said courts, shall be entered and hue' dayin court, and be heard and tried, to, the times of holding said 'courts as herein provided. Apprond, Tebrussy 21,1868. AN ACr to allow the United States- to prosesute the appeals and writs of error I giving security Be it elected by the Senate: and House of . Reprisientatives of the United Stated of Ami l in i Congrees assembled, That whenever any writ or error; appeal,' or other prwees in law,' admiralty, or (gritty shall issue from or be brought up to the - Supreme Court of the United - State either by the United/Rates or by direction s, of any Department of the Government thereof, no bond, obligation, or security shall be re= geared from the United/lista, or from any rev acting under the direction aforesaid by anYJAig• Cr: clerk of court, either to promote WOW& or to answer in dama ge" or soets.;,lrr sass - of sa 'Adverse de cision; wsh - casts as``b'y la* are taxable against the United-States shall be paid out of the contingent !And 'of tie Depart meat under whose direction the proceed ings shall have been instituted- acts and ;Arta of sets lerebiudetent herewith are hereby repealed. APPmede YebITIRY 21e18611. [Posiao—No. 30.] As As: extending the time for carrying into effect the pros/ dons of the third Na ties of the act entitled "An net .relating to high Ways in the county of Washing. • ton and the District of Colembla" sp proved blts*, , thr . ec, eighteen hundred and Be it enacted by the- Senate and House ofßepreuntstitesof.the United Mates -- of sietla in Congress' issembled, That the period named in the third sectioni of the act entitled "An act relating to hilhra7 B is the county of. Washington and ther,Die trio! of Columbia," r. .thres,.l eighteen ktmdrbrand- ".--twojiequiring that the raids designated " ; said, Beata shall be surveyed, platted, and recorded within one , year:from the passage of said sot,,beiziandedl to - three years; and the levy court amid county of Washlegton to hereby authorised lo cense the survey, platting, and xicording of such roads, In each year as it - Mal deem proper ; and nat. wary : Treeiis4 el <a said roads be so surveyed, platted; and amorded the period of thaw yaw. Aa Acr for the removal of the Winnebago Indian; and for the sale of their reser vation-in Minnesota for their benefit. Be it enacted by the Senate and Rouse of Represeniatizes of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United. States is authori zed to assign to and sot apart for the Win nebago Indianan tract of wiocoupied land beyond the limits of any State, in extent at least equal to their diminished reserva tion, the same to be well adapted for agri cultural purposes. Audit shall be lawful for the President to take such steps as he may deem proper to effect the peaceful and quiet removal of the said Indians from the State of Minnesota, anti to settle them upon the lands which may be assigned to them under the provisions of this act. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That .upon the removal of the said Indians from the reservation where they now reside, it shall be the duty of the Seoretary of the Interior to cause each legal subdivision of. the said lands to be appraised by dis creet persons to be appointed by him for that purpose. And in each instance where there are. improvements upon any legal subdivision of said lands the improvement shall be separately appraise& But no per Lion of the said lands eh elI be subject to I Pre-emption, settlement, entry, or location under any act of Congress unless the par• ty pre-empting, settling upon, or locating any portion of said lands shall pay there for the 'full appraised value thereof, inclu ding the value of the said improvements, under such regulations as hereinafter pro video. See 3. And be it further enacted, That after the appraisal of the said reservation the same shall bo opened to pre-emption, entry, and settlement; in the same manner as other public lands: Provided, That be fore any person shall be entitled to enter any portion of the said lands, by pre-emp tion or otherwise previous to their expo sure to sale to the highest bidder, at public outcry, he shall become an actual bona -fide settler thereon, and shall conform to all the regulations now provided by law in cases of pre•emption, and shall pay, within the term of one year from date of his Settle ment, the fall appraised value of the land and the Improvements thereon, to the land officers of the district where the said lands are situated. And the portion of the said reservation which may not be settled upon SA aforesaid, may be sold at public auction as other public lands are sold, after which they shall be subject to sale at private en try, as other public lands of the United States, but no portion thereof shall be sold for a BUM less than their appraised value before the first of January, anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-five, nor for a less price than one 'dollar and twenty-five tents per acre, unless otherwise provided by law: Provided, That whore improvements have been made upon said lands by persons authorised by law to, trade with said In dians, the value of such improvements or for which the same may be sold shall be paid to the parties making the earns; and in case the land upon which such improve meats shall have been made ehail be pur chased by the parties making the same, at the appraised value as aforesaid, the value Of the improvements so made by him shall form no part of 'the purchase price to be paid for said land. Section 4. And be it further enacted, That the lands of said Indians which have been set apart for the payment of the debts of the Indians, shall be sold on sealed bids' for the beat price the same will bring; but no bid shall be received for said lands until the first' day of January, anno Domini 'eighteen hundeed and sixty-five, for less than two dollars and fifty cents, per acre. Bids shall be refielvid for tracts or quar ter legions; and for such Argots conform ing to the Government surveys less than one hundred and sixty:BOSCO as will se ease the inuest price for said Undo, ,the' Secretary it intherized to receive, pay-. ' meat of said lands, certificates ofindebted= nese dead Indians, issued by thecomtais. dotter of Indiin Affairs, for the debts of Wild Indians, secured to be paid out of the gala of said land by the thirdartlole'd the ilkundo—No. B&.J Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States be and he is hereby empowered, by and with the advice and consent_of the Senate, to fill any vacancy that may hereafter occur in said levy court; and all acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the above recited sot or with this set are hereby repealed. Approved, February 21, 1863. I[PonLio--No. .] . Al; Act. to annex apart of th 37 e State of New Jersey to the collection district of New York and to appoint an assistant col lector, to reside at Jersey city. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all that part of the State of New Jersey which ilea north and east ef E lizabethto wn and Sta ten Island, comprising the counties of Had eon and Bergen, be and the same is heie b7 annexed to the collection district of hew York; that an assistant collector, to be appointed by the President of the Uni ted States, shall reside at Jersey city who shall have power to enter and clear vessels in like manner' as the ,collector of New York is authorized by law to do, but such assistant collector shall nevertheless, sot in conformity to such instruction s and regra httions as he shall from time to time re ceive from the collector of New York; and that the said assistant collector shall re ceive for his annual Salary two thousand dollars in full for all services to be by him performed, and in lien of commissions and fees. Approves ,:lebruar7 21,18i2. • [PUBLIC REEIOLTION—No. 10.] A RESOLUTION to amend the "Joint resolu tion for the payment of the expenses of the Joint committee of Congress appoint ed to enquire into the conduct of the war," approved the twenty-seventh Jan uary, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. Resolved by the Senate and Rouse of Rep reaentatives of the United States of Amer ica in Congress assembled, that any por tion of the amount appropriated by the joint committee of Congress appointed to inquire into the conduct of the war, ap proved the twenty-seventh January, eigh teen hundred and sixty-two, that may have been, or shall hereafter be, allowed by the 'said joint committee to witnesses attend lug before it or to persons employed in Its service, for per diem travel[liing, or other necessary expenses, and paid by the Sec retary of the Senate in pursuance of the order of that joint committee, shall be ac cordingly credited and allowed by the ac counting officers of the Treasury Depart ment. Approved, February 20 1968. Prinme R ] A Reso [ lution expelling Esoturtox—No. George E. 11. Badger from the Botird of Regents of the Smith sonian Institution, and appointing Louie Agassiz in his place. Resolved by the Senate and Rouse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That George E. Badger, a member of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, who is now giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the Government, be and is hereby expelled from the said board, and that Louis Agassiz, of Cambridge Masia cthozetts, be and be is hereby appointed a 12tttdber belle said board to fat the-reran -cy occasioned by the expulsion of Mr. Bad ger. Approved, February 21, 1863. [Punticl--No. 38.] -...—,,, treaty of laid = lndians „with ` the United States, concluded at tWashiagton .on the fifteenth'day.of 'April,leighteen hundred and fifty nine. The:money 'arising 'froth the bale of their said lends; after paying 1 theriudeb - Wriest reOuired by' aid treaty to be paid, shall be'paid into the'Trtiasury of the United States, and shall be "expend ed as the same is received,. Under the di rection of the Secretary of ; the Interior, In necessary improvements upon- tteir-stow : . reservation; and it shall be the daty.Of gti Secretary of the Interior to ,allot to . _ Indians. in severalty Linde which , they' mays respectively cultivate an linProtik not exceeding eighty serest° each Ifetursif., a family othei than to theleitiefe, to,;_whent larger allotments.' may be made, which lands, when so allotted, shall be vested in said Indian . and his heirs , • without the . right of alienation, iidd osifLbe 60 0 640 , . . by patent: • . / ,_,)„,. Section 6. And be it further enaited, That the money to be annually apiropriatedfOr< the benefit of the said Indiana shall be iy-. pended in Such manner as ~ w il l, t in tile judgment of the President, best 'dolmas the said Indians in attriealtural and me chanical pursuits, and enable, them to e a - . tain tbstottelvetuvithout the.eid of the Gov. ernment. And in snobexptidenttua vie.' Bonable diaoriMination &aylbet' made in favor of the chiefe;who _ shall be found faithful to the. Government* the gaited States, and efflotent in maintainin g its au thority and the peace` of the Indiana. Said Indians shall be °abject; to the laws of the United States, add to ithe criminal I laws of the State: or . Territory in . which , 1 they may happen to reside:" They tibial al..' I so be eubject, to suohlruleitin .regidakons for their , goverrunent as . the Secretary of the Interior ma prescribe; lit they shall ,be deemedinespable of sushi B. any valid civil contract with say plain, other than a native member of thalr,tri without the consent of e President o the United - States. States. The Secretary of the tenor shall also make reasonable proviii for the ed ucation of said Indians, acco rding to, their' capacity and the means at his command. Approvel,:Fabruary 24.1863. FEM2Et==e CekR.D TO A FALSEUOOD EXPOSED Tor some Unstepost sir atile.rttereedut hi. appeared in an. PrtWe hem stating that •tfile Gold Medal' had been awarded •etts Howe .111.achlate' at Wo,ld'.tee late oa you f dewier the bon ethibit'odror,rdi putpelaa. Mid ilia others for eu. .pc tr iforitectmeir 'of *tittle." Thbeat aware at its time that the etateteditt war ,wholly.devold of troth eod row imp:mil/too en he publiM wa torbo•e no. titter it mall mich time at we uphill get an !mew , ropy Ctf the Beltort o' lb. Judge, hi th• matter, ro the, we torrid rep Jr a p Ott'. and lathoritive con 'tact lm. That Hepott, publ'atted br authority of the t cuomistioome of toe Exhibitichti t le new lo our pureettoa, an 1 thew. hew utterly ..44410 the %wet:omits in the tuirettierment alluded to • . et the Verb:re )err the Wet &MOM A W MAHN 00H P .11Y had hut•a et , gle Macyt. ma vs blbitioa r whit of the Ho: lifcchitte there a re termed on boatLe the lel copy of the aXti t which may be emu' at oar mew,- Et rirrir TIIZILIVIc elated that • ftle!d wee &it the. Howe • *roving Ha:lithe llomparty, not, hi:meter, bottler their tr111a:.1214 .41 triter, or ae• goetrt as ashen for o l putpotee r but j bet:tutu, in they leagoaite cf the A award be, ekhiltited the. be t The 'four "mods:." ai aid td hare Nee &Warded. •upoticr 2 ,palpie..s.l we ttiog..7 sever seeded at al{ mice eren Got teCapiseeirl "raw. r etrfutg..,:yee rho leirrea mum - .boa Albite xuratloo a to rte Jedgee eepart...,)(6l44re thlt eittt s nigh oompii ee}lr bettowed bz •be'WHZ*Lint aWI h,ON Ott. eIrE Thou.!, !the Company, erotanc eh pre'reileen ,:replay, hid rat a stogie itawettfort on exhibition woo &worded A 00;,/, MtDeL ON 123 111 LIII*S 1111 a riaz ILY AIiiTHIN2, AND ON ITS ALONE'. Three are the tali the cae, Oe eshlblted by the ,Hemel moor. of lied o,mmt Wooers, and to 'nem,e to pan 11 s Y well alto ea 0 e • pa.potpo end flagrant attempt at Imp,' Rion, w bare telt lootuanstned to ley them before thd pub tla We repeat, therefor; the* tans WHY&Lift mitSON tl a. UZNX is Me owls seardise watch rimised a GOLD OJEDA L w ft& milli. al Me tale Worla's lair, and fprocoluies all statement. to the Metrery, no trier from what source they emanate; es .boll; now!tilyor belief WM. SUMNER & CO., A 111713 Of TII6 Wheeler t Wilson Mitchlnes, No. 27 FIFTH STREET, Pirrsb myltiwinatir, a tio..ti 114.1•110%*..6, .ouctLit rstal..l PanelQv NeOns .141a*httarit faloarooat, No. I .ll*partb aroot, kiitlbuzsb. • Tolosa Allitchinta atOiana tlitseit tio twenty !WY= a:arguer Lima any utbir machine la th• city. Tbay ad' dr ll a kind. , mated kit Lb... pads. ne f.of. to , ..lcapia_ , tbat slay Child 11 years old can nee th ere do toriectiona 'Oefintauttr as t ' fla all kfu of 8 4 nflrfe, Mantle. liiodlo4 At. Gott,. ht. at -twirl tauketprfee4 hat: Tll4llll, agent P 14414 vs PIANOS Are still .brad Ci Stelpway's and all' °Mir PIUICII mede to tbfa.ouontry. airA choice @apply 0- - elved this west ' - - ORARLOTTE BLUE. NO. 717TH BTBRAT. Soh Arntror EN 6.11111 PtiNoB,4nniB BEN: PIAI/08, aaalquabriaistowtops. I • • B 415(1.1.X.1 • 1 HAWD PIANOS. atif • A 7 actaveOblokering, beautiful block walnut ow; veryllttle 00 A 7 octave Oldokering, r'Faessod, round our oars; a Ara rats 1n0trup”nt:5...........1.. 966 00 A 7 octave Lilo it Oa, rniewoat a hoodoo:us Plana, be good order... 4.— _ • A EX octavo &Odell, VolvaZd' cavv7,4l,7r.s.i 1 7 5 00 05 00 A gjg octavo Gals 4 Cla t , rowiwocd, trop front; an excellent Plena. _ 1 0 0 0 0 A octavo Cllackering, rtnewea, rtaa3a 7. 150 A 0 001ST. 1151101, lamb CIO, rosewood. 185 00 A octa utodatt, 80 CO A octavo Swift. A 6 octave Gentian, T. 76 00 so 00 A 6 octaVO DOAtiazu, . s o 00 Al octavo Loud, .• to 00 A 536 octave gaglish, .. 90 co A 5 octave n . for r sate by 14011krill—aglizo 45_00 . fe n wow utiTkT sTEEN:WAY'ti rIAN received the 0L.48 FISIZ MEDAL, it thaWoar.i's lems, LoodSO, 1691 J 33 rWurast4i soporloritO all Whin to am; ts. span. & new stack el tha Shove Jut &Maths. star 'kg. Agway for• Starlet for tha &Wows: P/atos at a= I / I . I ELEHIIIt & allow; • - Ha 66 firth MC* puati NEW TITa: CATO-WEA-mg Threaded by tor lot of .Ir.W2rit 0 richivA wr;s 74; The pure joke of, th• It fa of. • • iatiallll4 =w oa d d womilas OsTalt., Is partioalarly de, Osabla Ibrslcased Wrath& pinow as 1S WWII; tan tat whams& OtiorkesaB Whitt at Vesna X .IbNatn W Pittr6¢r t h : . eiMlMl.TlNagrAjir GitiTra. sorascat Ye ;Waged r0d , 1,17.: Anglian or 44 Os Mks . • morrir NifatiMati t ai Ewen* tr. • 14: MAX 22, 1863 G EN.IfIER AL I , S I CE °W Ii g; 4 II I3 Da B I: r :Nara ° I 7II6 :: AD/97/1217 Gazitam`a Omcre. •} Washilaton. April 111, 1381 i-The orgenhitfon of air lavald Corp..le hereby This Oorpa,ekaq Corp.coedit, Oompanhemnd If It shall fairish* be thought MK* Battelle*. The 0 amanita Malt be made up bum the Kiev. Log name, Ms. i - _ - PM. By taking thou mum and *listed Men Cit raismarandekrawin-thadadorkither Motel present Greulfrrallrallrgreatn,liem wounds marred at Mom or-dlemeelooratemited In the Une of duty, • mcaltlor,fletrieserks, b et el atilt ova* a et. Meths murriemedaty, or each otice light duty ag may be regalred of-an Invalid Carpi. itecolmantal 'pramatentlea 'be/Irate= luau put, from (/form.. Mon received/ram their Mead' arm ein i :ry tMII. hue, aid triran their ma knowhedge, rolls according . tip the irartnAire Wish) oldie names of tha oat eon "sob anUelidmin uratiar.ihairi conmaide who MUM" balotriagnonditkras, rho 1 'Mid tbey are unfit tot active bald monk* on amitual,nl wounds* ahmese contracted In the line datyi Ole ket-baragehetilled b a Medial Otker la the mike. otter Peremail. a . II That they are 111,1 yr gMytata due* t this fact s h at:/ 1 1 1 3 40 a' 1 000 ;Ay tit NeditakONcar, ea S. That ignite, g lit!'oplfifon of Mete Om. ratan_lag Opowst alry . , , and dessraig. ~. These rode Mall Mid by f the lambing rgeoriond, Rigid* eir, sod transmit. 'Md. tiummikthe m. Is o military corm. dace td lb. ?mem e aeons! of Ma Feltedpl, iii' ', I lb* 'dial Comatalder a/mates tm ta the aot , tsi k j wee o resooks, oppotlkireseh tabor's name on the rill', a Blatant.* es to, the ganeral Maracter of the officer for bitelligence„-Mda , sobriety and alien- Non to ditty.; Arid all Oestmeaden shall endorielocradamthiactawthey may paws la the cabe,Mr`if they buds shall auto bow I.r they art *Pod tdefralioriptlieoppinkin of th e °Mom or *Ming atittlaw, th thmahkendatiaa. Similar rolls "ball be Ibrearded lime to 1111101111/0111111101 the acmes 4 4 47411,.. Me condltione enema, and or tile IR, . hank, may tender It Tt L 't i i y l':1 i 1 ii l/al;44tiotwe ad winged mu JI I, Ice tonics pad WA* sit the t bat who am l aihnt from dote,* Ittele orthinvelemmt It talliiPlo olf ace othespies an the coatml ot Medial Otbaera .151 three` came thelktellail Oil In OF Undone" shell am Mile mincedMg OM I *,/1. a.1171 11 ,0 ,I_lllollll 01 eMan aatt non ramtr ,hie memo agile* oa , a imik- by themselves, and send than, With the tarthibeta of the ilur,ean, dely dine ,ed, te th."ptyp,,r beatchsatal Clunanader. who will 1 fi n eard them, a. beneadore vistaed, matfett to Ihe m condition. and raquinemsath It ht say caw, I cb• Regineeta Comeemsfer Mal tided an officer Paia, to Dan. of .harasser, to mats* In the me 'Mee girth, I nraltdOorpe. though dieittaid and out'. fled by the eur.o.o. he will mt. **objection to the oakum of remarks, and note tee **Whin beide doing thicertlecice lt anyofiltrarator enlisted ma now ic tit .'moo., but_abeent and beyond the nosh it of Medial i Moor to Marie at a hospital or Coals. hem* pimp,. Maas to and: thie Corp,, be will beke the coursejoilialed" below tar those who has born hoznadny dtio,arged the cab l e. Mt ot: bran opting ihossoMnui and enlisted mum who here teen boao.ahl,y diaratiaiged on mama of wonod• or dhows ocintracted In the Ilse of duty, sad *co Mire to winner the mike. In theme of an unser, "Dillicatee kw appointmeat muscle made to the fr-v,et Mondial Mineral of the United Mies thranch Meadow detailed as Acting Assistant Pro. You filattbal Weer* of the Mete. , No &Diabetics of Ude land grid brooneldered enbien the following oondltione am aomplakly A:4E4dt I. That the "mama& produce the tiortlicate oaths ! Fargeon .f athered board of garalment kr activeMkt er Mat he ii n.,11t Mr Dali May On mutat of 'wound. or Mame, end Is not It, ble to dram, but in At for garrison day. 1. That be turnish evidence of honorable discharge on mount cd' vocal. or disability marected In the line* duty. • : h.lism te imodoce resammendetiold from the ]tar. meow, Brigade end Mellon Clommaneer. ander whda hie tornmay mew, that he is "orally abided am presided kir and *Dobai of aidining adequate seta* to thetiovertaneat. la cats Is shall be Irs• joremimblit to get this lam eadmno, be may, harlog Mehl abed•the Ant two points atirme,estisty the Beirdefdarollinsnt Mot he Is demeirang. and pre. martte certificate of tte tea. ll* vadat* matt I Wile obtahked by the appincea, m 1 ; 1131 1 he frac* i milled with hie appheatioa for eptoistptant. ' lf {hail • be to acting Antlinant Phiroa Merited Ganali ro. ' the titate, the epplkation ma. be Rho' herald oh the delete* Glencial of Mediate. whoa trod to ondom thereon much fact. o.ln Me , mititsi7litet ry at the applicant mi he may on, or neeraldoel of his mot* ran I forward the same to the comet is ar.ha General of the Mated/Mateo learatod men, honorably tHmhar-ed oo amount of of raisetinity, de.inna to rye enlist I. this Corp. will Promot thecoselr,• to the Bard of dwells' a few the .o f to which they media for anuntrustiow by the Burgeon thereof. w ho chill mediae Mem report the remit to lb. Nosed .4 itaroDurata. sel -Ihe Boma 'Mall then cesidraer Noboo, and if the eptalmat le Laud to Wall the condition specified below. the Beard shad sire him a 0•11 1 / 1 410/0 10 MK sloe, its - • I .. bat be as unfit kr maks In the Sad. A. That Ls le At wr orriton duty. . A Tn.; be I. mitikniotta end deruaing. • 4. That l• was honorably dterberyed franc {ha awake. aha Praryet Plarahal • the Dir dot abaft taw send tbar application, with thls - cartllloat• of tb• Board, t••• acch!g Saiialant, Provost Illarabal Omani of taw State, who awl& proauswah satiate, vf &snip and darks., as tea amnia of_tha Clampa: ay to whleataimionyac. on SW at ilia nowciappp ue of the Wats way Wow, and if satiaded that It la • wilt wwitanona oway ant that Ow am desarring, ha aallat ban la accordance with such spacial rola w the Betarsi may OUP'S/h. HAL al las,wators, Barseass la Waco of Howl sal. 11.11ttery Commanders, and ottani La astharity to Mocha's., ander saints' taw sad re Walton., ars • farbaldw t grant Glichars to any mos ander thy ['control who asy ba .co mpante* Um invalid tarps Iha r r.rost alaahal Getters' tachargad with tbi execution of this order,add Lb. troops carp:died 114* der It will ke tutor lb. Gantry! of AU Bounsu. BY order of the Blareeary of War. a li.TOWBB • AsalatantAdintant Banerst layl2.lazzas BRUSSELS No. 0p... • mot complet• and trui..l manortiasit or ANCILUDI AND AIIIRWAN BRINIMINd, & mail advances skive the out, FOR CASH. II Ai /14 I 111 S. 1.41. dock. bought be ore the Late.edwincei, mop of Thlot, aro nib, at LIM TEIMI 1140. 1%019111118' PRIOta. • MATTIIVGS, Of s►.q oarEA Jul - nags. in SW stew red 4ie old pilaw _ °ultra .111VOWITIME co., SO AS irrativi . . oldnviaiiM STABIAIIikLED 1760. PETER. L-01/ELLAutD, urn Asp Toß4ooo.musuracrimult. le • as asattasva armor, (Vona*:ty U Ohsllina streak Now toik3 fould tell the ettentbm or &aweto ebe eetwace numitteetsre, risk 0 szowsi Baum. /tomboy, line ISany , o4oaroo - Rapp", Artissicni o. 2stanklen. GentloalooThrmigros, gars Virgioto, Nub!loan* • _ PILLOW saturr. - sooton. NW. Toa4 Bo3tob. Irish liigh Lundytoot, Riney Bev !OWN Nosh MAO &akin /rob Biota. atirAttontkola tailed to the largo oduction la prim of rinsOnt Chewing and Booking Tobacco, • which will ha band Of suOurinsalit7. • - " Boos ito—Lonig. No. 1, No. 2, Not, 1 and 2 mina' Granulated Inns Co? Omitirno—P. A. L., or plain; alai, or odlah. Sweat ; throoi Scanted Oron000; Tin :fag tho .soma—g. Jag*, tlpaaOanaster, nkisk s ' circular of Inbar , ins swat tisiapt. , cation 116:114LW,14-2. X .4 111 " 1 lar 0 0 -11111.-211111k ofusumbi ttruclA r tra4 0,34 r tt ' trii,_ mil t ‘M planiammit falliewerad ID / Alio..brftl A as omortraw mur„.4.4".o4lgodia X07.2,' OM OrIIALTINOU., May ao. evi. —...... at ...liatarlay, Joao e. .. ......• 44 t*wari ke , ataft, , re a r rt.. 44 Iwo 'Mar. . • •rne • CM ' keit A Sir' ' • ' • Aserabkei' Gold: wrlitottootaaws Clinomii.'•"' wiultatia:• la waw. ;., . WIC 4: 1 :40 - to 16idcroa 3 41&00 t 4 o lo tomalea .-- , gli 11 to Plalir.* 'llll Oa 4 . - .14 . 10 - Potio;.--..- to at to to gamborilgi .:1«,to lloalond.: al Ira ..loia=zewinootdair Sato, Dwowto. 11. ' avow,: aciftwoootitp/ww Etta. gig•Romota sleight Ist %It" dolV ittalr trurada oki rosir MOW bi aliV lBo ,,tolloirtapitl oo So Ihs , Taft,- ' ,ftou'.thistpargorotto;•lot :Goths. alai aallorttllalk.61.11100,1:11.".7“4/1110. raw ,-,-- Pritellitlembsillll-104.Serfaimilimianaam Ma' :PmengoilimitAittrobiod, gurwas. rut mei Aka ei, arsouttioaLkow Amami 01-low. ttottp Aro , tlowlmoterieft - botov iz i , 1 - : -- v. .-; 1 ..• -- , 401/11 Mt Allt , l; ' - - ,,,, i , i Wait/aft ' ow Ten _ hos tilli all . M. . Vittßburgh Otzeiht. I B RIDDLE , sprioaa AND PROPHISTOBI3. lablieation Office 80. 84 Filth g ree HORNING AND ZVZAIHGNDITIDNS, DMZ CIONZLEIMIO TBl LAILIST NNW UP TO HOUR OP PIIIILIQATION. FE DAY - MORNING, MAY NEW TERES OF THE GAZETTE , Nar,,,, MM • IXII, by men. Per liWir°°°o 11P- , ... month_.. TO. • 0 ' *single 8.„ rll3llllO IDITION, by mall, per Year•-• . mouth.- week etinglee 00pfee.......-..- 10 .. 2.. Wszeze Samson, alagleemplce, per Seer... 8 00 .,, Gluts ofd to 10, 1,80. clots clu of 10 or More -end one extra to the . peaty sending' club. Tor cub el diken,,we will mod the EVENING Giirrra dilly. Per a club of twenty, we intl. lead Oa blown Guars daily. Blues ceplee,d "JA L , • mall abecriptie•aetrielly & adamor, and pow! d'art , aToPPed when the tiass From Gen Grant's Army.. Facts and Remois . On the /.4th, Gen. GaAs: attaoked and cap tured Jackson. Of this feat there is no doubt. Inunedistaly prior toast roortiment he isle-. _graphed Gen. HaLtaci that he would "not sommuniVata with Grand Gulf for - several dap, unitise it should be found pecersary, and therefore he might not hear from hilit,for. some time. This accounts for the absezioU.'of, lets advisee. More recently Gen. Humor telegrapied . the War Department that a eitionftrom Siesi 7 son nported the evacuation of Vieksbiari 'by the rebels on the 10th, and that the y marched northeast . along the ridge to Livingston, which is bat twenty miles northwest of Jon.; sou. This was lour days before the .capture of Jackson. It is hardly necessary to, 84,7_1 that this story loelte very apocryphal, andz i ls not credited. • From Murfreesboro we have a report that litunt had evacuated Jackson, and. it, Is min jectored that he was moving towards burg. From Memphis It is repined that the rebels were,moving from Miselisippl fo , rein force Bragg. On the other: band, we Van) rumors from Murfreesboro that rebel troop' wers - moving from Tennessee to reinfor — . Ticksbzuls, which we think th e more probablC atm. But there 'nay be na truth in either of these last ntters, - ; The Battle of Chancollorville. s I A correspondent of the New York Tribwte, who, from his signature, foficsi.rxx," we sup pose to be a • medical officer of the army 'of the Potomao, and who says he stater teats which came under his own personal obsorva- i lion, gives the clearest and most painfully. in tenet/at account of the causes which led to the Buster which beet the 11th army corps, and finally to the failure of the expedition to' the South side of the Dappahanovek, which, we have yet men. a. Whatever may have, been the degree of sucesse won by the general movement, (says the ariter;),it cannot be de sled that a needful disaster was permitted to • happea at Chaneellorville.'! - At first. the blame was thrown upon the airman division, under Gen. Benoit, and this writer remarks :' "That one brigadie(Gerriiin) behaved badly is admitted; that they ran pinlo-strioken through the line of other brigades, &forges:- Ong alletnila true; but t'that the fault was the torataanders'—Or a commatideesand that the result have been the Mime with any troops, of any condition or discipline or, na .tionality; In from _thaw to five tali:otos, is Malt mulain, as the public may judge when sties the facts. " Han. Bohan has requested permission of the War Department to puhllsh hie report of the battle, whieh le an evidence that he , that he and his division have been wronged by the reports that have bean made patine. We shall now permit"Boalper• to- tell the reit restof thestary : . The march-was thee mostremarkablenne of this war, or any, ether. All the Biel - and doiebtfal mass Tam left behind, and the Cam- Witimadertaken 17 the hardy and buoyant. ith enthosissis they,broke up' their Winter gip, and full fiff fierfadiace ler/looker, began mu& Buoy . hoped ,would be crowaed with dootoive issuni for the ionotry: How patient. -1 7 tb.y toljed.. beiriath their knapsacks, weiglisn down by:sight dap' tattoos, march -1417-4v' and by night, throngh sun and edam,' are; meteors: of :' houle Mord- And eressnle the A Rogeldsayithout ofltion; oo nalog- Mir 19c gum our plan w ere not ren the_anamy, they- betnion: hopefully , Jubilant: -fi There „-wera numerous regiments Which. took into: shk_gght every -musket with , eshieh they lift camp.., The , falter parent the march WWI *44 plank road leading from Diane Henri Heise : to Fredarieksburg. They 'cion tinned tba dinrch ofi she highway gowrCteileo--poitet the - old turnpike lading ihnithie mike pas Joins it, distant froit Oluimileivilleribeit= a mile end a: half when the boys "Bed soad;oamped fit the nigh4 - a - -Mile,from the point of jameure, knd slept Is pose& Friday was spent In mak- I ing-pepairationo- for the dedeive 'hour, stir. Miskingiimi.beessional mranonading giving on earnest of the coming fray. - The Ilse Of • hatuatalte& by the filth Corps -was formed early liaterdai morning, and kept during the day: It wee a.long ; weak line, that migki have 'Planted at almost any Poinfi.,l l ll Mikhig it.ol/1 feebler, one bri gade merdetselid to pursue the retreating (7) rebels(' _So adviitage of Limbed was. gainedby hide-pets had, been. dog:Alois tba ficenti'ilfterdieg ow. troops a •largemaateiri of safety white firing neon the I.a anemye ef tk g , tosweep Over, the•open , I,l4lllollllllliller the rebels. were busy tryingOtir in in order to nine Upon, land profit ley Its it points. - About noon, it became gene evident tkitti4 kad itiade their decision; for lergo-kodlit. -- wOre; dittiardly seen alcieg;thi: Katimaidir Road firthelluotibei of„oter right This-UM bnutidissAillitna tho plank road; *lslet salleirlfroli"-„,lhigitickibmg, at a place sidled DetiktinG Pcird'i tavern, foci? - milestrusDaeherepis metres Brook's Road, =sift . ainteekat. Tight angles With it and interseeting•the plank road and.ths old ' tarn- , pike. (k - glanee Many one of chi published. maps or diagrams or the Will thew. l / 4 , g NIA these aosdorsys. gave far, f q, l4 - I .4 4 filatl 4144 Their course • eacktother, oasht, to have sag. *SW this. probshardilly. !hi moriment; and mimed such a-disposition, foreu as' would rinse enabiid no so mist it lironititii: sad ifiornsibri -Births wiintrif men eeim toted to - seasons ntipidity, 'Time aociunad- der of the Fint Minna was netts n aware of Btertdoteneerif - the reeds, or the topers. •pkylif the leoalltrd - .WNW asked bg one of Ida Wilt regiteentileoinuanders t 'aDoyoi know where wears heantweredullo,ldon't • bow act to . ,1" in ',9Do - Yottitsow anything et the roads of me sectleal” , emu regimental :Miran then wont to an, old sosidsit !links, - stook poddioq' and dooniptitin of Shah lid., then made ' roegh_dligpsik aid' brought it, hie tubed general I Bit •IlTell after thin helall ed to appreciate USW s*inietuMuf these nu. memo reedit kos ehannelfar-tea rapid men, meat of traps. .. . The deg . Wore- idAFQatrafF witk u while the rebels were pierfatßrut Men At ebont t ri n % Capt. Bantwas.H, r i b Ohio Ohi o out on nut in his itiu g mss word the Migu7 ‘ ,11 1: on Use ammo sigkt with Wintry, eu r. 4 Babeigusil7 seoafa 'from Oki'-bulyiko the- pearak , timeiemeny von Jar kg" IPlnk ol . l l*rii • whils wail OM ONES • • down,the road anneuncdng that the enemy 'irere"W force ' n our right with artiffery I • Themithileasepeatedifirsings ought to, have roused, themostlethargielcaper of Inch holy interests' as were trembling in the haleness of • that thith. Nut they tell - upon sari that heed ., - 1 4-them nett; No change et front was order ed, 4o.atisquets okstruOthaste Were placed In tve,irai of the idrienolif beets. The arNh ler,' ill reeilbrediii Its forrath position,. ready to r epel•Only.Mslthat atteekthe front and 1. dank skirmisher!, had not them Ilse of oom smanlcitlete iiith'seetr Weil,. • Bub , wills tlie"pbdtitur of :affairs with the No • Pint Division ,imoutiyisig,thet extreme right. wonder the fear,k. general and that fully eviderit' -every imcusie snbordthate officer that , our•tienk irmi being turned!' , • At. ALI r, tho attack ,00mmenoed without Nottiothited sentinel tame gal : loping try with the horns ; butvery little pieket :firing heralded Aral note of warning that the shock, had come tras,the shook itself. tremendaiis Volley Oririnaletry, immedi 'ably followed, by ii'vollay M ope and canis ter,. mid the rekeletvele upon us in overwhelm puutheroio three conoentrie columns. One Was Meting 'down,lhe ;turnpike, one down iffrock'savea‘asid :the - other further to the . :kil n , and; oil their prisoners, stated, in fall brigand forty - deep, While a section of artillery Iris' brought rip'to a position In thiSsondoenunendinionolineiwhich it swept. What Gould; 4,000. mon do with 30,000 Their flanffmthi intirely exposed to it. toes, cad therpirsltionialladed at that. lint now siorelyritter surprise in the roar, Dui will change front; opropoOn sense do -Mends selenoci may well Mush in shams If ,- /Jt!hsi nee instantly done. The oonimariiiiircit thq4Otit Ohio, his eye upon the rightlietectitroompieteljflanked. hit ting spurs:to his 4 horse;hVbietens to the di vision commandos ;nnitalsonts, "Our right it I turned, may I . chenge front?" , ."No," is the reply. Ina moment him regiment; Agath a -. rad:lteing hie right gliinit way, be Mee tb his Gineratisetond,time., "The right Is breaking , and no enemy th front of us; ma y. 4 I not change front'andiat them in our rear ?",,: " 4 .1 lo;" was the 'grill 'reply; and thus soldierkl, :*14 . 0 never Yethad failed tO 'do 'their duty, and whom . Napoleon would have:decoked worthy a place im the _"Old Guard,'!, were !akin the trenohid itztddr in eitfflthlint Hie of grape and °Canister; and-nneble=to.thiehargo a musket directly or obliqueiy 1 4I4biar. Toes, who were 'sweeping them down . any called off at last, without Command of iny general officer, they .broke by.files and companies, but reformed behind thelgallant ;UtitOhlo. cite' the 55th, 'nth that they did better „than 'others,' but to show the consummate ektll with which:the- division was bandied. The Uth and ffsth Chiolregimenta acquitted thamtelves like men who hid a country and honor tcrdefend; while the-17th Connecticut, although nndacfireferthe Arai time, eqtakid the moot veteran in conduct. The 'love in MoLvan'etiriga'ths re `very great, both . I n•therank,aidin fleld.oic e The noble itiley fe e dead, • This 'Poole,: illehardson is dangeroaily: Crouiddit. The 'brave rand un daub tact Nailer,. fain tfroarldits of blood, I the field to ' hie gallant ::iiientenait Colonel Walter, who gave up l ,bialife in the very set of entreating; his men to Stand fast by the flag of the country of his adoption and of his love. It was a surprise! Who _doubt' it? and that in the hrciaci dajlikht I There is not an thither in the corps; 'aside from the guilty, • whci will not Banal it. - troops in the world could have 'stood, PlaCed as .were the right of the 11th Array, Corii. • Far nobler would it be for the guilty to frankly acknowl edgeltbeir error, than to skulk' babied volati les; prirates, with 'itichatge of cowardice, and smiting the memory Of the heroic dead with defection, or robbing the bereaved of the eanielations that their loved ones died with their soldiere honor bright.; c. 4 Itis far easier to flatter ;and /pish! than to ', • esninre; but the Metheri'of the noble men gone ito their graves Ina now languishing in • hospitals, is entitled to this Vla/24 LLI/91111111b od statement of fame I lisi7e given you. and if it may serve: the purpose of. inciting greater , diligence and watchfulness in the future, every motive and Object Minim •Wilthe fully real- ed. If Sigethad leen hrecurnsand of his old corps, nonobelierici that such acurprise could have happehed; yet who eiri;,doubt that the responsibility rests upon Uri who was thrice notified of the danger which finally robbed ns of a complete victory F Complete victory, I si4; for I claim that, uch a fight and such re sthts a, Rooker there achieved cannot be de- I, nominated a defeat, aid_ the4iride and Ind's- .p nation of .every true soldier of the Polemic army is 'touched tfit islintincated. Even as I wsite, : oer returned surgeons 'stab's, as the ad rnissian of all the rebel Wither!, they met on ,thic other side;that thithavisreoeived no such I terrible punishment since thi werocimmsnosid, ,eld if .ibis' . /1 "Zoo. iloakees" style , of fighting, they want no:more of it. - • • „ A Change In It aentrigton. • A We/Wigton diefitch of Monday says: The-. large 'common, - near the Bethel Church and , louth'of Oil Capitol grounds, :presented a busy scene this 'morning. The tint colored regiment:of the brigade now forming was mustered into the service of the Union by officers of the regular 'army, in the presence of aA immense crowd of ladies and gentlemen', white, and black. The utmost enthusiasm planned among the troy!, and ' they were, generally strong, healthy lookin g fellowit They manifested an eager dieposition to, understand the art of war- No attempt Was'made to interrupt them.. :What would hive occasioned a mob two years ago, is nowiltailed by the whites 'just and proper, particularly when they ace that the more colored men are mastered into the, sersrico the lesi white men will be required. The wildest 'excitemegt prevalle sarong the colored population, and the con trabanda are partiaularlY anxious to go into the. army, -- 'To:night • Uncle Tom's Cabin is to be peiforMid for:the first time here at' that. W,ashiligtOrt Thiatre.' Who Will _deny ,thiti wet hare. fallen upon:new times, and tit, 'spirit of Liberty is abroad in the land? • • - 1 .1111311.' • EITYPATIIT, roll. VALLMIDIVIAII..- The Richmond , Erasstsm• :holm editorial on, f.hik arrest of VallandighaM; irk which it sap Tf sympathy for an individual and an en emy word permitted, /MATO* for-the fat* of V4 ll aa 4l llo= would*, felt by , , moat men of biattLiAPiero., lag col or l two ,othi; altiatna th e , United StatisAutyll d6played the{ - hlithast courage, and the Most honorable.paytottsm amid this wildirlolididis of their oo They will hold, 4n the of "their *mt, a place not !Pali raliPoolahht thaw that 41044 to Chatham and Barki, pliallel+story of the war :bettreeti Ragland and lba 0•101ifeS. • I . 3 is..--The Bt. Loma lle►ncaat Wilt"; in vigorous terinsi against the removal ef ftea... i euitis from the:command - of that department It fears his removal hithellist step Inwards a vi ta= to a do - nOthinecontmvative" policy, in , -Vrhich it is aordirntid'hY t4e fact that Goi:Gamble, in *hone - Uiti people have no confidence,' re. said to' hive ";brought the -clutige alma. I,t addsi change re ported, in the kreseitt` condition of affairs in - Slate, might and, probably would lead to se#Out nomplicatienue: Tan coup'd'etai Of Gen. Dia; id taking pox- assort:4o( Moot Point, hal peon of groat ad. wanks- to:our arms, sr in Own tae *away AVM,. making ,A foray -: at , Eilowdastor Point. Gan,: Gordon who hria , nrooporary command ••••:;', of that, poatjhao isittotthedi.bintsoll on tho •,.„ paninstala,iatratoktngtioatiotilintspony to tho, tint, and with tit, oima ry at 'pod I. that oatoWand, /moan =aka& dub ' aioa d( Mat say Hoare aioiaeat. 4vecti - Leivrevi—The llithkruk‘ott geoisset ofmeeys of 7edge LestrittOlef i j & nfo.fos ig Dereeent, hieing aloe_ troa Itter-eppelstatent from Geo,,Jeeheen.etmemt oni of the .eldeetJudpe, eethik.gieWiet ileneL - . _ il , nalli 4 14101L* KILN ' ::_liiinWso otk. • . -a t , P_N CtiArili a: t .*-4, .1 . altar. tra ' i tt c" t enm T ; tam' :„ Amami i. itr awas mums =at •/... .. - 6.•171.11z itiogizz print -,41.• taw . , Pa. . 1 - • ;re :•-.$ „mss i,14%_ A' ,, ? x,. .