liecoveriay.-4Lon. J. Glancy Jones aloi lion. W. L. Dewart, both 231., (2:8 from Penn sylvania., have nearly recovered from the-Na tional Hotel sickness. Mr. D. is on a visit to Washington, and Mr. Junes is soon eipected there. iterAccording to the message of Gov. '`-Young, the population of /Nal territory now numbers upwards of ninety-five thou sand. slo•The Savannah Republican intimates that poor beef itx cents. per pound-in that ,city, and ether "feed" introportion. 46'°'A prime article of beef is selling in the Wilmington (N. C. market for 25 rents per pound. 1517" It hasberonse an established fact that Dr. Sanford's Invigorator will cure Liver Complaint, Jaundice and General Bebiiidy. ~blani people, personally known to ua, 'whose word cannot .Ise doubted. Mire given their certiLicai'ee to prove thigi, and with each a waif; otiovideuee who can doubt: It Is truly the friend, ani will give relief whe all laillusr remedies fail, asti:i in sun* instances tltrt b re 1 pease under catilitwervatiois it seeseel the zunanSi•ittEt• lug ilts victim fre.g4 floc grave. We wiAli •o•nr - rearlers who creed assilicies nuatli_try..yee hiittle, for it. willauntly give teller. • . D Tto.kler, Agent for Getts+barr*;.Win. wavy N. paw.. 14 e, 4.10.14 , 0, wort:eo. cretliesc ur "Cratitiaz k may tltruugh the might hare held up big hr.t.4 and progpered. unnuagneed to gave—if he lowl only mate a begliinl). t/I311: IS Tit& SIVJSC,4 INzTITCTIOS. 11:1"Ftrrs life. n —lliMop Clark. in ii\ret krtaire on thig ••Filty ye trg thig\ne ‘ a\ iv mar.rhq pair will atop into an emporium far the of \ bingoit., iluok over tlio pattern.; PW ect orm to suit iii,e,,n.i.ordgtr it. and it will he gent home in tlie, ZiUtatie:. t,igotlsor, occupied at tiT}.Wffr - TifirliTty yeletx lia.ce 01.17 Mill,llo ii better garment.; time there fauvr ;told by NucliMli 4n I ‘Vil•tou. at the Brown `tune cluth tug lien, Nust. An.! .2o; Clte;eaurt .treat } 19.111.olefithia. -011 . 01/4. colds. intheonzl, and itotb.l II .11.ctionA:ere alsk.tra ,ft mole or le.s•ittittd_srith. ~ >trrrtuiuiti orth, seeretions.... Ph,. abnnteia . tila bowels. 101 tlut firer , t',44,111.t he itr it..lie.slthy cowliti , !tt while the 'hi.• air jak..agon lea , Ft4r to them are obstructed, 6 , 1 d ilia!' t1...J01 , 4 , 4' the ripirmi.ory i0rg.01.4. thls ejrpt•t or tire - rm. A. an outw.trtl spriicAtimi for fore thrtl4t. Cr" Up. bronchitis. Itolloway's ciotment inrs.:nthls. It A , relieve+ this irritAtion of tbv:./otwou. noombrance of t to trO.Cl3 , :t '1914 the hroncliial said :o;,r.gren that ch , 111' be/PM/lOU tta alarming iu e r ‘,l, ll l'. ui d FINICIA..,IIIII.Icrs..c!FWINICEMICrIIIIIIW Cart4tl+l4f CX, 14 the Ate sit - Italtirti!ore 7 rk & lluuoverpverx " ' )7 , l, f ,ii.thyln..—.Fritlay I(r:ff. )71(iwr. per learrel. 11' heat, per 1113:1w1, C • Ira, 4 4 /),its, da libwer--;ce4l, " . 7 00 (u 7 ` ) 5 "Ilinatliv " ", 3 7-1 (11 1 400 I3^ef Cattle, per Ituntl., 975 (a.{ '' 00 Il ,;„:„1., I • e• 14 , 40 (ttj 9 00 ' ihy, p;!t• hut. '''o 00 ( , !j;24 00 - 1V Itt.akey, per jrallort, -, 2.9 (44 - 30 Gliaug., - Pertritut, Ter tm-t, a 00 :,.. ____. 11 ,'irer-- . --Thars , lay last. Flour.,'per bht, from , vagiptu4, .$6 Ofd Do. '' from stare..'' " " —''' IV IVlmit - , her lasitel, I. 40 , `.(...' I 5() Hp; 0, _.. , 85 Corn, 0 _.-. t 55 Oats, _,..,": 47 Clor_go6(...e(l, " A (10 TiNifothy, " ') 50 1 4rtaitter, per tam, _ 6 51) __________ _ l';11•1,•-k ' lifiril 1,1 v; ' Flour, p4tr front cfn ofi " front stures, ti :10 40 ® 1 50 84 44 n 5,1 itvo, C ,rn, Ota•:, tvi , r4ce4l " mu:l;v, Atf!r, per ton, . REA.RRIED ae inst., by the'Rev. Franoi: Net- GE(iII4;F: A LjtERT fit t)H: to :CINDA C.ITIIAIZINE ILEINTZEL- Ioth of Adams effillitv. 2d inst., by the Rev. J. tVamopoie, . Of dolistown, Pa., to Miss LA L., daughter ofJalaes A. Th om , of this rimmee. -silay, time ith inst., in St. James' Chureb, by time Rev. IL Hill, Rev. AUNT, Pastor of the Evangenioal h rvh, at .‘ allay unk, to Miss LLESPIE, daughlor of Mr. Wma: this place,. ult., hr the Rev. 11. W. Super, S. MORITZ to Miss EMILY buth'of this county. hV the Rev. M. J. AlJe ll) IkUIASILL, of Ifeidellierg, county, t‘ , RAW C., (laugh uf ljuion township, Ad- AOTICE OF INQIEST. .voTiclis hereby given to all the heirs 11 and !Id ;representatives of A BRAILA. )1 . KITCHENIate of - he:0111g township, Adaaa s county, deinsed, to wit: John Kitchen, Henry Kiten, Edward Kitchen, Mary Kitchen, Alter intermarried 'with Isaac Bercaw, Ila4ah intermarried Nvith William Berta w, now 'eettsed, Margaret intermarried with Isaac Pierson, now deceased, and Ila ehael-Kiteheti also the children of Sarah King, a decea, i. sister, to wit: Rebecca in r termarried wit l Samuel Vanorsille. Sarah in termarried wit; John Diehl, and Margaret, Mary and Steptn Kitchen—that AAA 1„V Q VI; 8 7' will be held 04 the followito , property, to wit: A _Muse nd Lot, siftukte in the town of Hampton, Arians comity, known on the general plan of s:d town of Hampton as lot No. 35, frontin;.ou , Gettysbuts , street, on which is erected :one-aad-a-half story frame Dwelling house, I; Stable and a Shop, with other improvemeis and appui•ten a ores ; also one other Lot, situt e in said town, and known on said plan as ti. 3(i, frontin;.: on Gettys lan-, street ; also JLot of Cround, situate in Reit r diug townshipand county aforesaid, ail ioining lands of jheph Sh ea iVer, Adam' Mil ler, and others, cotaining Five Acres, noire or less—ou Ifuntlq, the 14 day „/'June next, at 1 O ' ClOek, P. M. on said premises, to make partition thereof,'o and amongst the hei-i-4 and legal represeriatiyes of sai•l deceased, if the. same will ailmi of partition, without pre- Mice to or spoiliit the whole thereof : hut if the , same. will it•tolinit of ~,,,i, partition, 'rift i A now then to inquire fi.r many' lir said'heiei - ir ~rid, who I will conveniently ecomunalate—and part and Luta 01317 divide the same ti alal anion , ' as my an of ~ ,----- . with them as the saine,,yill'acetrnmnithtte ; but if the .sione will no admit of division at all without fir spAling the whole Tit thereof,.then to, vane Mal appraise the same, whole and it mil yiled—whereof all persons interested are h ereiy notified. lI.ErilY THOMAS, Sherif. 'S eriff's Office, Getysburg, 1 . , May 11, 1857 td f . \ -- 7 - \ \ p....,,,„„,..1E4.3, „D.:Ol ,',..., \ ' „ '' V*- - "ii.-7 ""' s `''''' ' • '''" ......j,,;.,„,." -, ___ _ \ T•_RailrstasLCAugractors. R6l-(!,s \Ls ,il l he received for the con -L, sir 4 ,e'i s in of a Railroad from Hanover, in lork Cot • 'W.l.:town. in Adams coun ty, Pa., aVista ce'of about seven miles. , Proposafs \ will le received for the construe 7. tion of the entire, ()sad, also separate propos als'for the Gralini', iiidgin c , , , &c.. of the en-. tire line, and, OK\the, several sect•ons, and for J am b F . L ower , the'iurniAing of \ the I on, Ties, &c. ..."- Jacob Mark, . - Irr"Prpti,les. sPecifie Lions, &c., may 'be • Ab ra h am Scott ' , .. seen at till . : office Ur i 4 mii .- ' onny. in Li t tles- - Samuel Co town. from th . ' to 11,e 6th of June. e 2Uti ‘Ti„,..-~ . J,,, 0 1, F'„;;.,Vie r , when the Contrite! 1, i given out. For !- Pe . terAckleY, of 1)., information address ;11, - McSHERRY. i„ es B. Wrightson, /AWL .. i1,. . his cowitY .0 0 : 1 l' L. Miller , . May 11, 1857. 4t \ ') dm ! Chamberlain,- I ------ Yrs. Rollman, RAILROAD N'OT I+ t• l ;- . • Tsui, Byers, i x ' a i / 1546\ \P • \_ C. 11.Curfnoni, ) Y a resoluti(ht of tlike 13 'ta'l olf - Direetm•s i , , ~ . Tinanas Cooper, B-P ot the Littlestie • veil to the udders f Huntington (p. " Itailtpil (...inipituy„ Jeremiah It irt, notice is heretic gy , ., Stork,. i that the FIRST 1- 1 - 4 -"MIf4N, -1: each .Theoh A Gardner, on car, . 4 • • l2 . ~. , ii i. i n r, F. Garthim• 13 share of stock, w Ai 1 ,-' re T iiref i.„" \ - , I sty, 1 I ,: j , . , • ' to 1.; rpnaitiot,(Eas.Treasurer ot_taq \ liiii; ts, 1 0 . 1 , \ & Ifiillinger, 14 14 on or Intl the, 28UL day of ..ifiry,\; tld ti .it i Joint (irardaer, 1...,,,,f , Ar on said date of each month \.t \\ l /Am ilfimban tp. afar initalments will be due and pay .'l Solivan & Rinehart, 13 Payments eau also be ma. , l c to any of t j'axcloi & Blvt,;ie, 1 . acol) Uoifficy, - 13 rector.. L. F. 51101 W, . 14 May 11, 1857, 3t '.I, lin C. Schartzer, • 14 ML . Stably, 14 Oxford tp. !tide is rapid lac kind, now a restorative leanical quail and chltf4Ctor to t:t:tt which has, alai), we dui color and steracting the in favor, in Mould be The article to country.— Ilay 4. '2w rulier to all lirkt Roe,' $7 00 7 51 1 60 ri - r, 1 7.1 80 (;ri 95 7 76 48 i;r4 58 it., by the IZPy. D. Ziegler, 1I VEILS, 'if .I,c%aiu. viltitit . y, `I,I4INGER, of \Turk cu. --4141. N UED IL/1 I ll 111 , 01 of several \?eeks EDWA YOU );(i, Young. Hardware t son of Mr. Jacob 5 months and 8 Jays. -lily esteemed by his ointanees. - Adams county, Mr. 2 1 ..1 . yearS h IJIOI 1 tli:\ 357, in this county, ,vid Chamberlin, in OF GETTTSBT - Rei, t Nay 5, 1857. Directors of thii Insti- day declared a Dtvitlend T., pavahlc on or after the _AIcPLIERSON, , Candies;--Crackers, Fancy and Comtnon NORBEeki:S. , NOTICE TO ' __—. TA 3C-PAYERgi TOTICE is hereby given that the County Commissioners will .tiittke an abatrtnent o 'fire per cent. upon all Slate and County f tal€ assessed for the year 1857 that shall be Pai'' to Collectors on - or before Wednesday, i the it day of July. Collectors will be re quirk to call on tax•payers on or before the labovtdite. and make such abatement to all persolk paying on or before said day, and pity " the sai3 to the County Treasurer, otherwise ' no abrtment will be made. -1 3 ,4rder of the Commissioners. J. M. WALTER, Clerk. May i:, t , 1857. td Come to all S.mniz4 Is- a liegickniug cu rAnce that Ikea. ELuw Jl's 7' FROM 771 - cfrii_ 1 \ 11"Iti \I) c : 1 S. kr .. With a Larger Stock than Ever 1,, 1 .\ ' ' a • L• I"l(''' ' , .....ary Ip.airv i 1 A1, ' 013 NOIIIS.F.CIi 1).t:, just leceit . c....l\tr;thi \.l. Stai t ) ,'''' *I the, city a. large stock Of GRUCERI \ ES, i A ) 1 1 1 ,,AM . ..‘r art i rt. FLSIL, ,f; :.,—the largest lie has yet offered to 1.1\.'„ Stiitil l i ;N•:, Co., the public, and which lie is how olich01):, at ; EdviTt 1% , igle, hi s n e w lo c ati o n, ,K. ;) • 1 -P 8 C O r ie f; l ., o n B a l t i more ! \ \ Ecru-irk 1 1 1 street Give hint a call'. You will i‘inii his`' 1).s1:' .1 ty 1, r• ~ tr ' • .\ \it iiii,A• (i., uraate, • 14 Caike, Samar, ldolasses, Salt, Teas, Will, I‘ , I-. • 14 and e‘arything else, the it st awl the clit•ap- t•J''''''l ll ' \ t`\ /Emil v, 11 est to he had in town—he having, I)•tught s at ; Habit 111141 '''''. 14 low rates. Ind being determined to sell ft ,t, „ John & 1.:\.. 1111 1 1 f:;!, dideascini (r i4 at sinallilroits. llet.oliect, Kerr's old eurnet Baltimore aid High Streets. \ i t Peter O'Ne(l, 14 1; ettysintrr ,May 11. 1)i.57. I\' ' ~-,,,ii I ••woli 4,; • kJ' 14 ____ _____ , :Joseph :1. Ilettlitr, 11 .1.?1,,:ob Slio,vlv, \ 1 , 1 'eePiiii 111. .1n4 ; ‘,1) Aulahatigli,, 13 10 ot) I.:pfir.d.ll If ow arcl,\ 14 7 oti _Until S. :41y0r , , \ • 7 (10 Anilt•cw 11. Miller, it 7 ( h i ('oienet 0 fp. .) -} 70) -1 -- —IIAWA'. 1).% VIS & CO'S. J )1.11 Bush y. -- - . 1:,:i1.... ‘1: Slim:ringer, I.k 7 01 j (;;O:Tti1") John Giiiiier, uniw. fp. , Peter Long, - \ 1.1 \ 7 1)t) ! 10Er, Ell•INt11•3::•, Agvitt. It- tilde itictrit .l_alt brani Sell, 14 \ 7 (0. ; CD iitenis at. i - e,wh. /fit,., will iii•iiver 1.111.111 in Win. :ilyi.:•., \ 1 \ 700 (;P:ty,' ! iirg awl viainily at the twintilartitre S' Ala.:tit:tin Slieelc, \I \ 7 ou prices, and trill 1:,•e1t thew in tone and . tepair George Bair, :, will. ) 1 , 4 \ 7 01) ; for 2 Years• Every. Piano is aecolnpanted by \ ( le isittiny fl].a wriii, (t , ye0 r ,,, t .',,.. ar i l it shouldhill to ,U.llrt; \ , . • Ephraim Myers, 13\ ilk, („, satvitaction, th e Itio t w y wi ll b e ten:n(lol. E. F. ,'I A. Sh d), /3 . n, •‘, They are all will: foll iron fi AT inte. PgNT ; o \ 1000 Spalding A; 8r9., 13 io) \ e , l) stJ-e:•:Nsios In r, ttim, cowposii ion ,( a 1) L'" ~ 171• er , 11 ' 7 (I \ t) Aim) I,L:solt & 11.tInhil', M EI.OI)EoNS a1(4.,; (4. , ;r- ' e Ilotte,:, 14 ..,.../4•,.r. \ Ways on hand. Prices Low :•,;•43 to ! . .,,,tt.t. Win.l'' F . C ruzi:.i., _ 13 \ ou 4 \ __ Ayr:ll 1:3, D 457. -- - --- 01. - 111.1.ET.',' LICESSI-2. \ Administrator's Notice, I),L%iil i11y.,1 , ;-, vr,,,..f.r m tp,. 10 4: - .) 0 00 • N V W Ali. S.Jellkiith,Coilovvitgo tit~ It) r in (it) —ll.uwitz, `• 1U 50 ou v." ' Letters of administration on Ilse estate of "Jacob Ilildebratid,sr.. late of !leading township, Adams county, deceased, havingr been , ;-;•rt•aitted 0 50 6 A At NEW s1'1►(:1: BOOTS .I,ID SLID x, .1? thr (lid .'N'i(11(1 itt iI Chttrillierxfittry sited. FriJ E inalerAgned has juit, purchased a %yell St:it:co:Cl Nock o: Goods, and invite: the attmtion of the puldic to his line .ts,orti li ent o r Gentlemen's. LatllcA'., and Chi'. dim's BOOTS AND SHOES . 11-7 -:'At • 'v . ". Tn t .se GooLs lave (leen selected 14. - •4?cire. with a vie%% toweet the . %arious %% - anti a nd tie ( .7..szdtieN (feti,unitefs. Alut, a splendid :iS s,irbuclit of Phial and Fancy GA 11 & SLIP al sires and descriptions, made of ei..% hest nm w attds. which he is prepared to sell on as la.uratie ICI Ills a-s they can lie had at any plat: in the County. Having b ee n engaged in tie Mine Lusiliess lot :10 years, he Hatters hitn.elf that he has selected such (joods give eltire satisfaction to alb who may wiA to purchase. Call and examine for vonrselvd. Boots, /;:c., made to order as iteretotcee. NV ILLI A M VEIL slay 11, 157. Zt TO BIC a)1.41: !!!,1 LDE Et S. lE,\.LED Pptio s: ll; w ill lie received at the ()thee of Alt Colutnis:ioneis of AdanN county. i ii 14 1 4.. fir build ing a WD,/l 1;111 . 11:;E. (withunt d roof) tietth,S itiv,i,•r',_ua the road leadlng from Getyshrg to Pair:leid, near John (.;vl')aogils. to he One siian, ;13 feet .1 1 1,lls and specificat,ors for the Lnlgcean •ee:i on the day of let ting or by pp cation to the Cleik of the Cum unasioners. GEM:GE 1\11•E1tS. 11. I'ICKING. i()S1A11 ) )1 LT FM, Cit;i l :. May 11. 157. td, AX.r.- - -). lrge \a Salt nn-band at 13 Xi/II.I.;1•1:1'ti. Haein g been purchased at a cheap raeit wili'Vc:s7d4l lower than rit any other .!1(e in the county. 1.75 per sac 4;, and w.rinted to )e a superior article. r f - 012 7E D always on hand at ._..- NOR RECK'S. Tiowl)Eß ,4 sifor, the best rnlnufu tured, Luukil ab NURBEO ~i LIST-0F -MERCHANTS. t h e county of ALMA, returned V anal classified by the uniersi g ned, Ap kaiser of Mercantile Taxes, zn accordance with the several Acts of Asse ? nbly, for de • year 1.857—5--of g oods, wares and auerehal dize: - Borough of Gettysburg. ' Fahnestoek Brothers, George Arnold, 'l2 Danner Ziegler, .. 13 J. L. Seidel:, 13 John Hoke, 13 George-Little, 14 Marcus Samhon, 14 A. D. 13nehlor, Cohean & Paxton, Daniel Plank, Epltrainulklintngh, PhilifiWinters; S. S.Vorney, Agent, Samuel Little, William Miss M. McClellan, Miss 11. 'McCreary, 14 Jacob Norbeok, 14 Alexander Fraz.‘r, Geo. Jacobs & Jacob Sheads, Britil:man li Atighinhatigh, 14 Cu inberland Ip. 14 14 14 John Weikert, Goirge Trostle, (mill,) Francis Bream, " Jth.ol) A 11attn, .Venct1161444.- 14 liavid Iliviney, 14 .1. & S. A. liurkhelier, 14 .i,e , init Peurw , (..& Cu, 14 Af.):e T. 11'right, 14 urge Miiiiiigh, 14 .1 - el Fisher, 14 0 P. lleuse, . 14 Wm. (}% erdeer, Jacob 1 itzer, • puller Ip. Nuah 31;11er, IL Edward Stltlile, It '. .1 1 ,11-01 l Pelisvi, 14 . •hiliii nom. cr. 14 ]len ry 'larvall,• :„., 14 • —..... ~.. bamuel laber, Agent, 14 - Tllotte fp. \ George F. Eekenrode, 14 - 1 Snninel Stoke, - 14 I 14 Liberty tp. c G. N. Grayson &Bro.,- 14 7 (K) • ilaxiiture. tp. '.:panf.r,ler & Bro., 4 ' 7 (Ur . It imam w(ar, • 4 7 00 Henry L. Miller, 14 , 7.00 J. B. Leihy,. :14 7 00 .11) 'nil Iciigy, 14 7 to Win. Breeliner, . 14 7 110 -J-crlnr-11-awl-leAre-14T-----14-t.lO - tp. . Henry IL Smith, 1 ' 14 700 _Atm idiuy (p. John 'Yost,l4 . 7 (10 .„. I,Qvi X,l»i lichert, 14 7 (H) Beitler, 14 7 U 0 • (p. \\l Appeal. OTICE i.. Ino•tso gi v(.li to all per4ons in tureslf.o in th.. almve return o f ciaAsifica. tiun, that I. IA ill 11.11(1 :IA Appeal 011j, : e, in Gettysimr4, r,ic Turgddy, ‘, 1, 1j Join: Iv:xi, between the hours of o'elock, .1. and I'. 31., when and Idt per-.4)lA:= that consi , ler them sekcs ag,....;rived by ?,‘•aiii classification may aLtend: J. M. AVALTEIZ. Appraiser Of Mercanti:e Tae for Attlenx county. :%itiV 11, The Last Chance. i fow itiori; L it-,of prim , . CH Eti- . ~ :IL Ni.'T iLud. LOCUS 1' TIMBER ; . " - f%•;: LAND, fa :,ale. Apply to , 42,.1- J. I). PAXTON. ,r. : ) ..4 ,........„, May - 11. 1857. Fit 4 Et; AIRS, an iiiirncti , ,e quantity, of excellent ttivor. and decided!) , cheap--ako Tobacco and Snuff—to be had at N 0 !tit ECK S. rpllti EA DS, Pins, ..Needles, Thimbles, La and other Combs, Buttons, H (n,ks And Eyes, Tooth Btu4hes, Lead Pencils, Mdtchez, cheap at . • NORBECK'S. EXECUYOR' $ SA.LE OF REAL. CsTATE. IN pursuance •of authority given in the - 1 - last will and testament of Jossen Toff- RENCE, the elder, deceased, I will sell on the premises, on Thursday, the 11th cloy of' June next, at public vendue or outcry. . Amount. , A TRACT OF LAND, 1 ~..,; ; situate in Butler township, %dams county, Pa., 10 L . 171 I lately in the occupancy of Francis McNutt, de- i n 0 ceased. The property is situate at the junc-; ~'„ `‘`,, tion of the public rods leading from Gettys- 1 • i.,." li t; burg to Carlisle and from York -to-ChafiXers . 1 , 1 . 40 , burg, about fourjailes - from Gettysburg . It ' . 7 ... )0 t is bounded by lands of Joseph Gayly, Jesse 4 ... -00 _ .--Biwher. Samuel _Eicholtz, Daniel Saltzgiver, --- f,0110) II John Ac RE ( s, brickel, and others, and contains 242 with the usual allowance. The im provements arc a large T wo,Story . ~,,. 700 7 001 LOGIIOUSE ,4 i , .. a „ ' l W' 5 11 , 7 01 0- 9 ''s• I i :!!‘ 7 09 I LNG 11 A ILV; ' to I A One Story Log House, an orchard, • 00 i two wells of water near the buildings---sev .7 00 end tine springs of water upon the place. - 0(1 -1 , There is a large proportion of fine Meadow, 00 ', also of good Timber, and both so situated as 00 to render a diSvisiour)f the tract, (if desired) ti! 00 : convenient. I'D - Sale 'to commence at 1 o'clock. P. M., when attendance will he ;.TiveTt----9 rtil tuins 1 Imidirk flown by %VI I,LIA M - L. MIT,r,Plt, 1 liurviviug Ececutor of Ow Lot will awl tegtawnt of .1 . 0- ~. soph torrent.. , the e idor 7 th. c0 ,,,,,i. CO - Persons desirous of viewing the tract ptevtous to the day of side, are requested ,to call upon Capt. IIk:NILS' NV uratoni----residiqa i near the same. rl'Ant . information as .to title,-&c., - can 14', -.olitainiid frum„,a,•4,, W. )le, t ; LEA X, Esqs,, lily . Attorneys. - residing in Gettysburg. May 4, Itis7. &Milan tp. I I 4 . 7 00 7 011 7 uu 14 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 ►xi 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7Un 14 7 00 14 7 00 7 0) 11 7 ►lu 14 7 0(1 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 11 (H) 34 700 14 • 7 00 7 00 , 7 00 1 7 00 7 00 1 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 Oil 7 0(1 7 01) 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 litEG rErt & IV,(.111)1/1) ri 10 the independent Vol ers of Adattot co.— Fellow Omens : --'the tin lersiineti offers himself to your ewe:bit-ration itA ti candidate for the o !ice of #:egiSter and Recorder of Atlantstctuotty, (subject to the dectision.or the entocralic clitioo,) and respectfully so liens your support:lnd sulrra Should I he !Intim - Will and — ducted. Inv emicavottni shall he to discharge L e dune:, of the office With fi delity and itupar:i:dity, 7 (N) 7 (o 7 (10 7 00 7 00 7 00 JOHN L flt - BEIZNAT0 4 .1. Conowago tp.. April :'7, 1557. Et EG § sTrat R EMIZ R. - 110 the Voters or .Admi C e; County.--Fellow citizens : licin, eneolunged by ons friend:4.. I offer ys•el fto your consideration :is fur the oilice uI itegister and Recorder at tile next clixtion, (:inject to the Action of the Denwera tic County (;linven Goo.) And Annild t reecive the o rntination and be eleeted.f shall duly alipii.eiate your notilidenee, an l piotnise to di!;eltargo the duties of Lhe Dili e prouipt.'y and with fidelity. .Vour rH. 111 surynnt. _7, \ .‘ Tyrone tp., April 2.7. 1;-;57. - - 1 • I.ELLOW-CITI'6:NS ,if Ad;ine: mum' , I offer Myself as A can4litlitte for the office of SILEIIIII , ' AL the Ocmher election. (subject to the Democratic uoinination.) If I should he so lucky as to he wiiiiimitvd-ntid he elect ed, I . 1411311 llicdizo myself to dkcharge the du ties of said 'ullicc with sohriety 511[ (.; 51'.1.N6 Moutitpleasant .Ipril 2 1 .1. 1857. maiIAtIVVA LTV. TO the Voters of .Itlatiis county : Enenurttg -I- cal hy wino:row. fri k •n(l , .., I °trot. mrself n eatoli.late for the ufli e I,f SHERIFF at the next elenion. (subject to the Xinericati hem] (h o nor (;onvention.) Should I lie elect ed. 1 idetige iti.Jsell to ihscharge the (Ititie.s the office with promptness anti fidelity. IS 1 II I,EEPER Cumherland twp.. April 13. 1857. 12 f 0 10'00 7 ou 7 (m SHEDUFFA ILTY. rpo the VoterA of ,\t . l'ims :-714.111C01ir -1 aged h • noinerint; friends. 'ger myself as a c a rob d a t e for the uiliee of SIIEIII FP at tho next ejection. (st:l,4ent to the deci•ion of the Dettiocrati , .l 'minty (.;onvention.) Should Ihe nominated and (demo!. I iiiedg.e inySelf to disc:liar:re the ditties of the °thee with pilimpt ness and .tidelity. - 1) oo it oo 7 (10 7 ou 7 uo ISA CACiIHNEIt. Mom] tjoy t p., April 6,, I 557. NOTICE. Tk) BEE. MEN. ll.k VEtlii. ditkiottlwrizoll I. 5.1'.1 1'1)\ - lir ;ettys , l)l/rg, tit right hi wake awl use S. I)avi•C l'httf; .prio i t , the Toww:hips Ni.mitt pleasdnt ()Arm,' in A tank ott ty. IV ( ; 10.; ELF, (;1 pahviire. nay 4, 18.17. lc 7 00 7 00 7 (0) 7 00 7 oii 7 0(1 7 00 7 00 7 101 xoncE Iptret,y g.lven to the StoPkhon_ 1.1 er: in the I;e.ttp,hurg \Valor Company, that an Eleetion fia• five ..‘hintqr,ers ,t 1 Nan' Cuinpany kilt he hell at the ai'worgo mi•ciona ) ,, in i;lottrsiatr . ..4, uli Sqte.nt«ll. the filii it,:y fit Iwo , hex!: betwvoia th iodirs.d . tt od Go'clocL, 1'..11, .Ir(ler(.l . the .ard, S. IL I:I;SbELI,, Sec'y. May 11, 1:-.'•57. • to the undersigned, residing in !landlton township. he hereby give-; notice to all person-, indebted to said estate to inake iui tnedrite payment, and tt,o.e having claims against the same to pi esent them properly au thenticated for gettientent. (.311.1 hE E ILT, • • • March 30. 1657. Cc LAicsi , oth er S/of./,.- of (i'ooils Chrap, f' I 1 JACOBSIt°. have jilS:t received born the ' • city, a large lot of New Goods-01'10i IP:, ' Ca vsimerits, t l / 4 ;c: %vhich they are prepared to sell cheaper _than ever. Step in and look at then assortment. - you will find the newest :style., golds—as Hell as the latest Fashions Th e Tailoring branch attended to. as here tofore. Goiid work an,l warranted to fit! • Gettysburg, Match 16, 16,17, EE(' DRY.—.I hoe assortment of t3f tt!IELLAS just received and for sale clicap . i at Attylltitbattyl4 ~~~ Eleeti9n. - i PP TO l'l E FARM ER:3! Nanny's_Con`tbined-It6vping and Mowing Machine, %% till WOO irS 1.1IPI;01-1,LifEN i. fr - HE undersigned, Itaving„been anpoin'ed Agent for the sale of Manny's Cemhined Rea ping and .Mowing Ilachine frith %Vo.-1:8- Improvement, for Adams county, offers them to the public, believing than to be the hest combined machines in use. They have ,been successfully in trodileed` into" different parts of our—State and have rendered general satisfaC - - tion. It received a sitter medal at. the State Fair last fall: also drew the first premiums at York, Cumberland, Centre, H, counties, where it wn4 exhibited. Fal'ircers needing a Reaping and Mowing Machine will . please call upon the undersigned before pur. chasing, as he always takes great pleasure in exhibiting these Machines. lle has one set tip at Tate's Hotel, where it can be seen.'-- Early orders are solicited as the number re. ; ceived from the maiv,r:Laurer will be in pro- portion to the demand. ;+.lll U Eli !I ER LIST, inhq ntherstrU 6 . 1*: , /, April 27,1.657. Sin M1.:J.14.10s Not ice. IkT °TICE i. lierelly,,g.ix,en to nll fetes and .1.1 other persons coneerniat the .1,/ipitt itiwtioii ..ler,,tottx hereinafter nientivned \yin presentetl nt the t/rphati's Court of .Idanis county, fur eontirmiktion mul nliow oon Ti;,..1,/ 7 , //iv y .I Hr "17.: (These arc a portion of those to he presented.) 4:f, The account of Wiltiain ()viler. ENoo tttor of thg,lot will and of Felix ()viler, Sen., 14e of .I(inallen township, Ad anis ty, deceasekl. 24:1. Thy second aceount or Ailinia; , :tratiir ut ti,„ esinte, of comenum 214. ftrst noel 1111 t of Jolin ( 1 . 111, Athluni,trator ttU :110' 1 0110n, ilooca , o , ll, 'moor Lil)orty tmvliship, 2-1-1. Tim 11.,•:a asstl final of" Danint 131 u 11or, .Idiniiiistrator du evaso,l. 2.17. 'rho nooonnt (.r sot, anci o,o,tiug; Exot.litor of Ow last will ;Lit & to..tninent nf.lucnt 1. Tho amount (If arl,h flunk. Tr,l, , t:w tor tlitt real e:,tate of Adam Lo:Ig, '2.1-1. The aeoutwt Elit:?'iotel zi):111- .ler,AtlinitiiAtrator of Out E-itatu ut.fullll Spaitg deeerrted. I:tte of li , ,rilu7ll of Berwick. :258. fir:4 and froal account of Oeorge Ehrhart a3kl Daniel Ehrhart, Executors of 'rholoas Ehrhart, cleoensotl. :24;0. Stsvond and final aeoount ttf I fonry Bo lloor lictuier, Executors of the Ittst NVIII a:Ill testament of John Benner, de ceased. \V\I. P. WALTER, h'egisier, Per 1/1 NI.EI, PLANK, Deputy. Register's (Mire, Cettp:lotrg, t _11,61 ,1857. _ td -11011 netrr --- ISS .11c6: REAM' has just returned, from the city with a new and beautiful meta of • iz, ,::., A "% n * ' `, • t r\ - of the most, fishionalde styles, which she_ in vites the ladie's to call nod examine, confident that they _will be pleased with her selections. ti'lisi 'McCreary will carry oft Al.e NEM' business, lit all its blanches, and hopes by her superior work and reasonable 'alms, to merit the patronage of her friends. Gettysburg, April 20, 1857. 3m Railroad Notice---Pay Up ,t:PY a li:-tohition of the Board of Direct o rs ofthtt (4 , ftysburg, llttity‘qttl Ctimpatly, au tiet! is hereby yi.t ll to the Stoolthohlertt that the SIX:111 1 Nsi.ALmENT on Carat share „f. will 1,4 , 1.0. 1 ,0i.ed to he paid irt to Jolts 11. 1111;titt,1,‘N. Troasurer of the emit truly, tru ur bili . oro Tutivlay. fir , !•l2//e ,/o,) (!/' -.1/(7!,,, 1857. I). IV 11,1,5, ,v'er'y, ril 27, 1857. 14) Per CPO. Interest. -N W s.kvlNt;s INsTrruTioN._lF .41. you want, to inve4t your money with a certain rei urn of interest, mitt :It the izarse tiro fo , •nisli to your families that, which vii;! he profitable- and rseful--jury all your * Goods at FahnestoOk3' Cheap Stoye, They Imre received, and are constantly adding i:very'lltio4 now "and desirable cu'lbeir stock: April '27, tZ:z37. if lidminist,rator's Notice, AizoN coNsTANcii's EsT.vm.—Let!. tots 01 ntholui:,tration nn thiri:state of Avo on Colr•tAnce: bite of Ow borough of Get.- ,‘,lnoe; county. deceased, }laving been gvaniett, dio micergigned, residing in 1 - tire --- s - riine - Totliee. hi, lierefq g ive.; oot i cv t o o n persons indebted to said esisite to illake fill myliate payment, and th o se h av i ng v hh os n‘a the Slime lO lIITSellt tlicw preperly ted fur settlement. • J. li. DANNER, • Ap r il f.? i:',,luel11100:4 Notice. -1 3 :t .NRY 1!:1):)Itiq'S ESTATE.-1,et ..74. tet,t;iilloilary On the ~esta:e of Mary I t;•ardoi fr, whhiNv, late of East Berlin, Ad/um; c ,i f i n ty, (Ivee.,stod, having !een granterT-to--e+re ender •:igmql, riz. , olrog in Redding' township, he herel)v vivo not.i , :e to ail per,zolv; indebtol sdni estatl- to nhtise imm(•diatt. payment. awl ) 13 vin;; aglift,t the Sallie to pre. sent them pioperly oHnthilitiated for settle ment. . A 1).1)1 .BROIYN, I;4'r. lipid 20, lit Ptemovvii to 12:ntovvr. " WII,SON, late of the, Wash .. *„ iie 4 loti IIo:' e Ibbott.stown, has taken R1;1 511 EY'S OLD AND POPULAR STAND, to Danover, ‘vhere he will be happy to enter tain who inay patronize him. Ilk Table is with the hest the market and gar den ran and his Bar with the choimst, of lignors. His Stables are commodious, attended by careful (kilet S. Give him a call. Yoil w ill a:'N:ty'S Lind I'RANK-011 the tzpot, ready awl willing to wa k e everyhody coin [April 27, Ij_)s7. 1;01:ve. r Recon4 ar(;owit. ut . Dr. ..fottN' Ant., Coin intact; of the person and estate o f Eoltj; BITTISI2ER., ;2 Lunatic, now of Dover, York county, Pa., has been filed in the Court of A mmon H u r l s of Adams county. ,in , l Will he continued by the said Court. on fk (If!,/ o/ .1/ +y io , x/, unless cat he sflown to the contrary. • dIN PI I N .y. Pi ot; J :-; oimtary' oilice. Gettys burg, Apsil 27, 18,57. 4t } li:Lt! lot of Silver Spoons and Fork-. a, low a+ titl jrri i, nuw to b.: hail at, SCill UN'S. Call soon, as they .4;11 rapidly. Q ILOTIIS, (;.1s:-iinert;s, I, the largest stuck in the county. to he ha,l at r.‘tiv-:sroct: BROTHERS. I' EWELRY ,lc - . ,i'.1.110:.\ - I:llY—any plan e tits,- and. th 4.! beNt Stool; cv-r hrt,nl;lit to . ).i tlii` pla , c. IC y,rn tl , nibt it, call in and :ice f ur - ourclrei—ar , SCHICK'S. . , 25 IV ITN 14:S SE'S (51{, rfIT; FOPG Ri, . ry 0 NrICTED. JOHN S. DYE I UTE AVVIOR, 0 Who has had 10 years experience as a Bank- ; .4 er and Puhtisher. and author of 01l 1 ;4.:rtes qr.LechireB at the.: I.kriadway 71t- ~ W , .hernarlr, 4, when, for 10 sttece'SQiee nights, over ... e " r "-- ." 50,000 People ~....fa ' . Greeted him with rounds of applause, while nhe exhibited the manner in which Coun ty terfeiters execute their frauds. and the Do surest and shortest means of 0 ', ' Detecting them ! The Bank Doti Engravers all say he is the 0 grerifbst - Juflge of Paper Money liviag. AD O GRIE 4 11TES'Ir DIISCOVIER 6'ol , TIM PRESENT CENTURY FOR. Q • 1) ET Eel' INO CoIiNTKRFur BANN NOTES Ileseelbiag , every-tienuircrliill in existence, and exhihiting',lira - glance,-.erery oat Counterfeit in Ci-ettlationl ArratlF, , ed to r.d.mirably that REFERENCE IS z EASY AND DETECTION INSTANTANUOUS, I:r7NO index to examine ! No pages to . 0 . hunt up! But so simplified pint arrange , : that the Merchant, the Banker and Business ivan can see all al a Ulance. . 1:7 ~ , t l j..: j r . 70' 0 ~, l oh it rril 0 e - r -vo ( . 7 pl . ' 1143 ' ' TUC'S EACI.I. MAY Itl'All THE SAME IN xis OWN or U NATIVE TONGUE:. or_ HOST I'EIIFKOT SAM,: NOTE 1.1 - ST PULILISTIED. on A ko. a ' li 4 of '4 Att. Tim ntirtm: Ill'oz,'As t' Amin:loA A Complete Sintmary the Tinance_of. • Europe and America will be published in each edition, together with all the itu por got tont News of the day. Also, F.l A SERIES or TALES. From no old Manuscript found in the Eakt. d eft furnishes the most Complete Ilistery of ORIENTAL I. E • " Describini , the most Perplexink Situations in which the blitie:4 and Gentlemen of that. 14 -- country have been so often found. The:ie Stories will continue throughout 0 the whole year, nod will prove the most entertaining ever offered to the public. RirEornished kVeel. I v to So hse ihor zronly. nt $1 a year. An letters must be ad dresFed to JOIIN S. DYE. Droter. Publisher and Pi'orif ictor, 70 Wall street., April 1.!7. 1857. ly N(‘w York. TWO D LINES 'To it.. 1. 1 -0 XT RA ACCO MOD ATIONS.—The un 4 de,Nigned let urns hj,lllllllhs to the puhii for the encouragement heretoi4e extended 14) and talus pleasure in announeing that he 3 hits compkted iiratigenlrnis by . tt hich TWO DATIY - LIN ES of Coaches will run lietWreen Cettys.... burg and ilanover„ to connect with the. trains to and from thtltionoe, Yuri; . 11,olsbut , Philadelphia. &c. Perous drsirini t tic-I,ets inforniation will call on the under•iLtned. or on - (11AILLES TATE,• TlektyV.4ent, at the Eagle Ilotel, in Chatubersburg street. • (rI Special attention given to all !Adage* &A... or other business entrusted to the under• signed between Gettysburg and Ilanoyer, which will he promptly and carefully 01444- ed to. r,l=7The underPigned has also effected Rl'• rangetnents by winch he will be nhlc to,suppl) Coaches, Stages. &c., for Funerals and °Oa: - occasions, at modern te charges. •-f NICHOLAS WEAVER. Gettysburg, April 13, 1857. The G ell ysil) feg Etailrea d • - Company W.SPEUTPULLY calls the attention of Capitalists and those having money to invest, to their BON f).- 4 . now being issued The length of their. Road, now under contriict, is dert, milts, the grading, and masonry of which is more than two-thirds finished," and rapidly progressing tow'ard completion. lly a resolution of the Board or Mrecturs, a MN gage of the entire road from Hanover to G, tyslturg, and also of -the unfinished work of the l'ennsylvitnia Extension; from Gettyshm to the Maryland line.. beyond Waytteshort.', will in a few daycs Imo executed to Gina SWOP PI, Esq., as Trustee, for the security of the hood holders. Th e Bom he issued in sums of 47 , 100 and $5OO each, heating 6 rer cent. interns;; with coupons attached. payable semi•annuafly. They certainly will form a Very safe and desi -ratitfliiitTli's the Bonds will be ft(.e from taxation, atallield interest payal annually, at 6 per cent. per annorit Po s tr o s wishin g to subscribe for them, can (10 so calling on the Prestdent, Stereta"ty or Tree,. rer of the Company. ; or any of its Managcrs, with any of - whom they will find the eolith. tions Of sale. IL. Meel;IWY, I'rc4ithiii,',„ • DA VII) Wt JNo. 11. McCr.Ht.LAN, Treasurer. March 16, 1857. . El AS lastroceit ell at his lleafly-macle t thlng Store, Ou York street, nearly 0 , ,,- treilie the •13ank, the best assortment 4.r Iten,cl3r-made Clothing, for Spring :Ili,' S:111)- liter wcor, ever opened 111 this phtee. 11 ,Y-It W;L:It a \veil-made Cfmt, thing in the line of ['wady-made Clothing. at l'ess.cost than they e au be had M l t:icl e I Ito eell at SAMSON'S . April 13, .1..-;57. Ivor Li) poctfully clistiml el'S ILIA OW pUI/11:: •;.r.interilliy, that ti,( 1' rt!'olVl'd the 1ar,1.`4, and 1)0:4. or Spring and Summer Goods e%t.r ofb;rod to tbelu. Having purcha , ed for . the CASH . , they are prepared to ulcer sttuie ill -4111Cel»Vrit to defy all eiiailletition. Cii‘e us a call—no trouble to show 'Goods. I'',III`ESTULi.I Roll rtS, Siyic of Gee Red Fruit/. April 13, 1557. 1 / 111ESEI arrivni of llaAs, ifOtbi ;tl)(tl'4, Wall Paper, Wiridow Bliurls, Truuks, Carpet Bags.. Totideco. Sev:ars. COBEAN a PAXTON'S. April G, 1857 Bringma,n. & Aughinbaugh, TIL L .1 TIE. I D! 1171,TE are just receiving a ir lot of V V Hai 1.'11V», C:00:4 Slioes1:1 1 1,, — o f the very latest Spring, styles, nude mewl selling at sunal profits. Call and see them befln e purchasing elsewhere. Remem ber the place, Paxton's old stand, Chambel,- Ipirg street. March 23. D(►N"l' Foll,fl E 1 to call at SCHICK'S, rill ye who wish to purchase choice artieo; o f I, ,,, hair Bm:hes, Soaps, :IA cnerything else in that line. i , LNVAYS ON LL ND.—Silk and Soft Ilar4 I of every description, and for sale chttap, at BitINGMAN .&;-AUGIIINBAUGAI v 9 , ' \' OR. C 0 Mlii RATE . cc I two -;:'' p—to be hati at . ...-;" —•- lIKEST( 1C K. Bizotiir l iiiii BRING MAN tk.- A UIII NB A liO if...V.' • ' . V. ', OR. CON' ~ NTRA TED /4341:-' •,, r P—(o be li KEST() CK. Bizotif . . ..fe • , - - P() 1) • LI ntakiug 5,%0 ••• • . 1.. -'-' - - ..if;• 4 , 4 OE Always in TivetA , 31. k Rcus SAMSON Nevr oods. pAIIN EsTocK 1;it0111ERS NEIV GOV;DSI NM El