The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, May 04, 1857, Image 3

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i-oe4l 4111di'$.
4 .1 SLIfPLE STATEMENT."--The fol
lowing letter, which we received on Tues
day evening, is decidedly to the point, and
fully sustains the position of the Compiler, in
the Mc(lntim affair. We give it place most
LANCASTER, April 27, 1857.
I lENRY J. STA II LE, Foq.—Sir : As I brought
the boy, McG rann, from Mt. St. Mary's Col
lege, I suppose I ant the person designated by
the Star in its issue of Friday, .April 10th, ns
the "gentleman authorised to demand his dis
charge front the officem:of the College,"
although I visited the College in consequence
of a letter written by the president of that
institution to the boy's guardian, requestiv
hint to have the lad talent home immediately,
and authorised to obtain, if possible, permis
sion from the of:it:era of the College for him
to remain there ; but, on account of his former
bad conduct, they considered his removal ab-,
solutely necessary. Neither the boy's guar-
dian nor I thanked the intermeddlers for
their pains; they have not been the child's
friends, but his enemies, and their interfer
enle was uucall-td for, and without any au
thority, or reason for pretending to have any,
for asserting that the boy's guardian was
discontented with his treatment at the Col
lege, or took him away because of such dis
content. Yours respectfully,
LITTLESTOWN /I.lllllolD.—On Fri
day week, the stockholders of the Littlestown
itailroad located the depot at Littlestowu, and
on Tuesday last they located the road. This
toad will be pushed ahead with energy to its
final completion.
Klinefelter & Co: lately paid $l,OOO
for one-third of an acre of hind in Littler town.
FOR KANSAS.—Some twelve citizens of
this county left for Kansas and Nebraska, on
3.14u41ity week. Among them we have learn
ed the names of Ira Shipley, George Hilde
brand, and John L. Wolf, from East Berlin,
a►nd Oliver 3lvers, 'and a son of Dr. Stewart,
frotu lurk springs. Some intend to locate
permaneutly—uthers go ti) make observations.
40-Z-Wai.. W. 'WRIGHT, ~ son of Win
:Wright, near York Springs, in this county,
las been selected as Chief Engineer of the
Central Division of the Ocean Railroad, to be
Luilt'across 'State Jf 11.rduras, Central
America. Re formerly had charge of the
'Western Division of the Pennsylvania Rail
unyl, and subsequently was engaged as Chief
Engineer on an important Railroad in Ala
lbant.. Of hue his home bus been at Harris
bur:, Ile is regarded as a very able man in
his branch of business.
ee-The School Directors throughout the
poluty . are to meet at ,the Court-house, to
"day, to se ea' a County Superintendent of
Cotillion Schools for three years, and tiz his
atiILTY.—A letter from a friend at York
inform us that Washington C. Hartman was,
Last err .k, found guilty of firing the stable of
J ihn L. Mayer, in that place. in September,
1.85% Tint are st.ll two indictments pending
ugai 14 Man.
geographical Enigma.
1. Tiro-fifths of a city in Asia.
2. One-eighth of-a-county in Georgia.
3. The. tirlit and last letters of a river in
4. 1 4 ne-fourth of a:canton in Switzerland.
5. One-fifth of a V wn in Ohio.
6. The last letter of a county in Penn'a
7. Ne-siKth of a river in South America.
8. One-fourth of a cape in Enri.pc..
0: One-eighth of a county in Teanessee.
Oue-seventh of a county in Indiana.
My whole should be the motto of all.
Vff"..lnswer to lagt wi , ek's Enigmas—
la. ' 4 William Henry Harrison." 2d. "James
Frauktin Koehler."
Medical D'ltraisza.
If there were health in a multitude of medi-
Ind systems as there is said to be SN;isclum in a
ttutiltitude of counsellors,' sickness would be
titikinnwn in tthis age of so called pathological,ries. The homeopathists tell us that
the s.afration of our liYes in sickness depends
upon ittinatesimal doses and infinite dilution ;
the dydrotraltists profess tt rain health upon
us front shower baths, or soak disease out of
us with wet blankets ; while a still newer set
of exclusives propose burying us up to the
armpits in the earth—putting both feet in the
grave as it were, by way of saving our lives !
Then, we have Sangrados, who are all for
'bleeding, blistering, and low diet; and mine
raligt,,,, who believe in nothing but mercury
null its oxides. It happens, unfortunately,
however, fur all these theorists that the; can
show no practical proof of the assumed infalli
bility of their methods of cure. Not so Pro
fe'ssor II dloway, who has really inaugurated
It. new era in the history of the healing art,
and whose medicines for the last twenty years
have annually rescued tens of thousands from
impending death. This is no iSsllloption, but
a fact verified by the unimpeachable evidence
of a "cloud of witnesses.' The archives of
his central offices in L onion and New York,
contain more than half a million of manu
script certificates, authenticated in the strong
est manner. and placing beyond the possibili
ty of doubt the infallibility of his pills and
Ointment in nineteen-twentieths of the mala
dies to which man is subject. Great Britain,
the Continent of Europe, India, China, Aus
tralia, the United States, the West I n di es ,
British America, every civilized laud, and
every country to which the pioneers of civili
sation, commercial and religious, have found
their way, ring with the fame of these all
.conquering remedies. There is no written
language in which he cannot produce*-
uals of their efficacy, no tit
printed ne '
if 35 1 11
which they are not advertised and recommend
ed. Such is the demand for them in all parts
of the world that they may be justly called a
great commercial staple, and the number of
agencies for their sale amounts to tens of
Professor whose comprehensive
mind is tho motive pritziple of this immense ,
system of popular dispensaries, is now in this
country.' His tuanufaeury for the Continent
i s at New York, and th,re is no newspaper in r
the Union that has not tndorsed his prepara- ;
tions ; no city or town Yithin the same limits,
where they are not knarn and appreciated.
These facts speak for tlemselves, and clearly
show, that while so many medical dogmatists
have been groping in tlz dark, he has actual
ly discovered and appted the true and only
meanscof eradicating tte 'primary causes of - i
disease in the human sytem.—N. Y. Sunday
Sonday Li.,fe Chira:9.—Here is a picture
of Sunday life in Chicap, a City nifmt' -- and Tor
sorno time under Black iepublican adminis
tration. It is furnishedbv the Times :
"Here in Chicago onSinaday we hare 50
churches open during th forenoon and even
ing: but at the same tine there 'are no less
than eighty ball rooms, a each of which the
'band' plays from mornig till-midnight, and
waltzing goes on withou intermission. In
addition to these Tesiti‘ties' we have two
theatres, each with its prThrmers in tights
and very short garments,rivalling ElKWin
their graceful evolutions. Saloons have their
front doors closed by prolamation, hut do a
thriving business"throtiglside entrances."
What Next f—A novolsuit is before the
nunterdon county (N. 1.) circuit court,
brought by the Union Bok of Frenchtown
against Iludnut and Snyer for Maliciously
conspiring to draw specieiom the said bank
by presenting its notes fr redemption, with
the object of breaking th.hank! The dam
ages are laid at :$5,000! Ve shall next hear
of s ome debtor bringing al action for damage
against his creditor for pesenting a bill for
payment at a titre when i is inconvenient fur
the debtor to be troubled vith such little re
membrances of the obli4tion he owes to
Heavy Damages.—A use was tried last
week in the Common Phis of Cumberland
county, Pa., for slander, j which Abraham
Swartz was plaintiff and Jacob Ilenninger
defendant. The . latter, itappears, declared
in the public market in Ilrrishurg, before
number of persons, and other places, that
he believed the former hgl.a hand in a mur
der committed in that dainty a year ago.
'I he jury awarded the plaintiff 5•2,500 dant
We leap from the Kingston Journal
that, on the 15th of April, 11. B. M. brig
-came into St. Atin's Bay,having, in tow an
Aincrivan schooner with `.;73 ,s./arr.y on board,
from Africa hound for Wm The name of
the schooner is not given. Gym excitement
prevailed at SL Ann's in emscquence of this
L'" [t ham becoue an establishei fact that Dr. Sanford'a
Invigorator will. cure Liver Cooplaiut, Jaundice and
General Debility. Many people. pergonAlly known to 11A,
nho ,, e word cAnnot be doubted. have given their certificatea
with Ntlei a to, of evidence who can
It is truly the brand's friend, and will give relief when
all other remedies fail, and in souse instances that hare
come under our des rration it seemed the means or snatch
ing its victim frost the grave. We wish all our readers who
need medicine mold try one bottle, for it will surety give
Buetler, Agent for GettYgliurg; Wm. Berlin,
liritioter; And Clatlea lt.lienry,
314 4. ;
11:7 - WooD's lAIa Dric.—ThlN adsiirable article-la rapid
ly I oproring tbi hair. No article of a similar kind, now
before the publit, enjoys a better reputation ass restorative
and illVigorntitii hair tonic. Its peculiar chemical quali
ties hare u beiniicial effect upon the growth and character
of the hair, giviig'a silky and glossy texture to twat which
was formerly of coarse and dry nature, It hoc, also, We
understand. a tendency to preaerre the youthful color and
appearance of tie hair, and destroying or counteracting the
effects of age. With such recommendations in its favor,
we hardly percilve how say lady or gentleman shonld be
without so ratable an adjunct to their toilet. The article
may be had of the Druggists throughout the country.—
M issou ri De inaritt. May 4.. ''2w
SOLO DT A.1.1.1)1itiGG1:,43.
ILP - MAKE i BEGINNING ! Srtr. !—llemember In all
things, that ifyou do nut begin you will never Como to an
end. -.The tlrs weed pulled up in the garden, the Rod, seed
_set in the gromd. TIIG FIRST DIME PVT IN TUG StVINc, Is.
STITGTION, .21'8%11111TM - taut things; they make a beginning.
and thereby slope, a promise, a pledge. an ItSAIIIIGICC that
you are in wiliest with what you have undertaken. linty
nom)* a pour idle, dol.'s, worthless spent thrift i. Wm'
creeping or eratehing his way through the world. who
might hare hdd up his head and prospered, if he had only
commenced Usave-rif he had only made a beginning with
For the Compiler
Firm Yg tits IlLsen.—liishig. Clark. in a recent
lerture un Hi; subject. said, •.loilty years hence. the new
ly Married Or will step into an emporium for the sale of
houses, look over the patterns, select one to suit their
tastes And rr ans. order it. and it will be sent home iu Thu
morning. pu together, and occupied at night i'• but .hfty
years hence I'lo% will tint no better garment.; than those
now sold by lockhill and Wilson. xt the lirown..Pitone Cloth
ing Hall, No. 205 and 207 Chesnut street, Philadelphia.
La" HoLOWAy'S OINTMEXT Aso PI I.l..4.—DnipiiCal swell
ings in the hobs are uuiforide reduced by the applwatiou
of this (/uttneut. It roust lie briskly rubbed if,.
and iu thou and all other eases of external di4east,
or injury, iIN advi).able to foment the part affected with
warm water before using the preparation. At a cure for
ruire breastmdts effects are wonderltzl, Iu ten minute , ,fitter
hub icating he hill:tined ur ulcerated tipple , the pain awl
throbbing (.3.v , e. Every species of sore, 1011, tumor or
eruptiou.yidtis rowl,ly to it% soothing, healing, d i•drffect
ing itillueno. arid, ia fact. its 4.01.1 ive effect on superlici
u , .ll.nlie' i.utly equalled by that of Holloway's I'ols ou all
internal divr,ler.
Corrected frail the I.tteAt. Baltimore. York A;ll.tuover papers
Flom'. icr barrel, $6 44 6 - i, 6 .T/
Viheat,per lin: , hel., 1 55
( i 1 —.
Rye, ia C4O Of% ( J 5
CYPI, 7° (n,73
Oats, IA 48 (al 54
Clover-ee , l, " -•— 7 111 0. 7 25
Thnothr •‘ '' 3 75 (ii ; 4 (10
Beef' Cattle, per ill) ( , ;.1. - * )
9 00 62-
Hay . , per ton, 20 (i c 2.4
W his lay
or ,mll, 1U
per gallon,
Guano,Portivian, per toll,
Iht lir i Ccr— T AIN'S , Id
~ 1 lasi.
Flour, ler libl., fr o m wagons, $.:5 75
Di,. ~ fruin. stores. 6 In
11' heat, per busiieo 1 36 6 14. i
Rye, 841
Corn, 58
Oats, 4 A
Plaster. per tart,
3 - 0,-47—fi'liblay 144.
Fleur, ?er lAA., frui wag ,, ns, $5 75
1),.., " fro!' store-4, 625
IVheat, perbu , ,liel t , 1 33 6 1 - I ' 4
11 ve, ,a / SI)
, o ,
Crn, if e 5'4
Cl ( )Vor 4 e4, "
Ti mot hyl, "
I'la'ter, per tfin,
VESTS, VESTS.—An unusually large as
sortirient, of every description. lust re
ceived at
111(1.1)REN 'S Shoes of every variety awl
size. at 13ais 4 ;m1N .
successors tow . W. Paltula
flaltitivire—Friday lost
On Tuesday. the 2Stlt ult., in Philadelphia,
the Rev. E. W. Ilutter, Dr. J. MERCER
AKER. of Davenport City, lowa, to Miss
HARJU ET 8., eldest daughter of Dr. David
Oithem tornlerly of this place.
On the 2.(1 ult., by Rev. E. HefTheins, Mr.
JOHN KEENER, of York county, to Miss
wieoownship, Adams county.
---On)the Nth of March, at Leepy's Hotel,
Rockville, MA. by the Rev. J. G Ifening,
Mr.' WILLIAM 13. HUNTER, of Adatus co.,
tolMiss B. JANE WILSON, of Montgomery
county, Md.
On the 24th ult., in Oxford township, LEO
JEROME, infant son ofJusialt Miller, aged
7 months and 4 days.
On the 29th ult.,Miss JULIA, daughter of
11. and 31. Chritzinaii, of this place, aged 14
years 7 months and 24 ilavg.
wou ',rut thou have nut well, mother?
A. dying. milden .aid,
Would'st thou have no well, mother,
When death 1 do not dread !
tVould'at thou have toe well, mother,
To battle with the.
To live emit temp' 4t
Where Satin's-darts are hurled ?
NVould 'ott thou have time well, mother,
And then he bad uq,Lin,
And sin against VII e : 4 1\l' bar.
Would that not give thee vain
Woula'st thou inn e time cell, mother,
Ana absent from my Lent,
And all the full fruition.
Dapeteleut on his word !
llry those burnilw tram mother,
And weep no more fur Me, -
Fur in a few more moments,
With Jesus i Will be.
And then my (ten dear mother,
strike the tienibling strings,
That vibrate heavenly musie,
To praise the King of kings.
Now tither. brother, sister, mother,
Wu must, alas, must part—
By time and instance only,
For 0, well nut in heart.
This world is to the at tier,
Ily ties unbroken bound.
By ties of love and mercy,
That all mankind surround.
Now lay me due ti once more, mother,
And with the saint, I'll sing
O. grave .whe re is thy irt'ry,
0. death where' is thy sting, It. It
REAL Esrri E.
pursuance of authority given in the
IL last will and testament of JusErn Ton
nt:Nen, the elder, deceased, I will sell on the
premises, on Thurminy, Ine llth doy of June
next, at public vendee or outcry,
situate in Butler township, Adams county, Ps.,
lately in the occupancy of Francis McNutt, de
ceased. -The property is situatent the. jUnc=
tion. of the public roads leading from Gettys
burg to Carlisle and from York to Chambers
burg, about four miles from -Cettysburi , ° . It
is bounded by lands of Joseph Bayly, Jesse
Bucher, Samuel Eicholtz, Daniel Saltzgiver,
John (nickel, ana — Vthers, and contains 24
ACRES, with the usual allowance. The Mt-
provements are a large Two Story
LUG 110 USE , • ;: 4 7
L 0 6 1 8.4 •
A One Stoty Log House, an orchard,
two wells of water near the buildings—sev
eral fine springs of- water upon the place.
There is a large proportion of fine Meadow,
also of good Timber, and- both so situated us
to render a - disvision the tract, (if desired)
(r_l, -- "Swriiii . commenee at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
when AttendanGe will , be given and terms
made known by WILLIAAI-L. MILLER,
Survivin g Executor of the !wit Hill and testament of Jo
, neph Torrence the elder, deceased.
U'Persons desirous of viewing the tract
previous to the day of sale, are itquested to
call upon Capt. HEsav rrmoit, residing
near the same. .
rri — Any information as to title, &c., can be
obtained from 31. & W. 31 0;14:AN, Esqs., my
Attornexs, residing in Gettysburg.
May 4, 1857,
HAVE this day authorized R. S. - PAXTON
of Gettysburg, to dispose of the right to
make and use S. Davis' Platform Bee-hives in
the Townships of Butler, ltountjuy, Mount
pleasant and Oxford. in Adams county.
\l'M. ; REF,' 141.: Y., Agent (If pcdwke.
May -4, , -1.557. It
• -
All. for May.
yir ARPEWS Magazine, Godey's Lady's
L Book, Mrahn .lagnzine, Leslie's Ga
zette of Fashion. New York Journal. Yankee
Notions, Nick lax—all' for May. The New
York Ledger for May 9th, Porter's Spirit. and
all the weeklies fur this week now ready.
Razor Powder. Toothache Drops, constant
ly on hand. Also :::'l,OOO worth of Gifts to be
distributed on the 21st of this month. Send
fin. a circular.
51;tv 4.
- tor,r, Ern NCiER, Agent for these Instru
s) m e w s a t I";,ek. Pa.. will deliver them in
Gettysburg awl vicinity at the manufacturers'
prices. awl will kcep them in tune and repair
for 2 years. Every Piano is accompanied by 1
a irrillPti yintotnbw, and should it fail to give
satisfaction, the money will he refunded.—
They are all with full iron frame, PAUNT ;
SCSPESSfON" Composition bearinzs. &e.
Also Mason MELODEOSB al
ways on hand. Prices limn w 45 to t : :,;!)50.
April 13, 1857.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administ:ation on the estate of
Jacob Ili Idebranetß7:: late of Readingtirwriship,
Adams county, deceased, having been granted
to the undersigned, residing in Hamilton
township, he hereby gives notice to all
persons indebted to said estate to make im
mediate payment, and those having claims
acamst the same to present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.
62 1 00
March 30, 1857. Ca
N excellent BROOD MARE with foal, and
Al a got HORSE. Apply to
6 5 0
ILVER.—.I fine lot of Silver Spoons and
Silver Fork 4. ag low as city prtces, now
to be had at SCHICK'S. Call soon, as they
sell rapidly.
- - - -
(SLOTHS, Cassimeres, Vesting 4, Kentucky
1J Jeans and Cottonades, the largest stock
in the county, to be had at
6 50
3 25
6 50
BUTIMER.S.—Having increased our
Tstock of Hardware, 01Is, Paints, Glass,
,S;;;-L, we are prepared to otter very great in
ducements to persons building.
,/ tit; and the loi•!A St( 1 0 . k.. t.tVO7 broti.glit to
this 1.1:1.2.2. If r i clotilit it, call hi ml .l see
for yourselve:4,—at
it.u..LET. 1) Avis & CO'S.
Manny's Combined Reaping and
Mowing Machine,
WOOD'S lit () lEMEIVT. •
TUT; undersigned, ha l ving' been appointed
Agent for the Sale of l'tlanny's Combined
Reaping and Mowing Machine with Wood's
Improvement, for Adams county, offers them
to the public, believing them to be the best
combined machines in use. They have . been
successfully introduced into different parts of .
.our State and have rendered general satisfac
tion. It received a silver medal at the State
Fair last fall: also drew the first premiums at
York, Cumberland, Centre. Huntingdon,
counties, where it was exhibited. Farmers
needing a Reaping and Mowing Machine will
please call upon the, undersigned before pur
chasing, as he always takes great pleasure in
exhibiting these Machines. He has - otie set
up at Tate's Hotel, where it can be seen.—
Early orders are solicited as the number re
ceived from the manufacturer will be in pro
portion to the demand.
rhambersbury st., Gettysburg.
April 27, 1857. 3m
• - - ^ - - '
imus S. 11vt.1 iS TM: AUTHOR,
;;Ii Who has had 10 years experience as a Bank
er and - Publisher, and author of
'4l A ,Series of Lectures at the Broadway Ta
when, for 10 successive bights, o ver
.. r rt" 50,000 People jl - 1
Greeted him with rounds of applause, while
he exhibited the manner in which Coml.
terfeiters execute their frauds, and the
surest and shortest means-of
O Detecting them !
4 i? The Bank Note Engravers all sny he iv the
O greatest Judge of Paper Money living.
"Describing - every (genuine Bill in existence,
and exhibiting, at a glance, every
CoJlnterfeit in Ci-cuintion!
Arranged so lid mirably that REVERENCE IS
rrTr'No index to examine ! No pages'to
hunt up! But so simplified and arranged
C that-the Merchants the baliker and Business
than - can see all al a Glanee.
' ll • - . ..
IQ- 1 , i(111',:b. Frriirli cr n a 17 , 0wryi.
..N.vrtvE TONGUE:
lisl • - A Iso. a list of
c i d - ALI. Tltli - PUPATE ITAlIalc:4 IN .1111<ltle l !-.
A Complete &unwary of the Finance of
• Europe and America will be published in
=each edition, together with all the imper
tent, Sews of the day., Also,
:2 ----P--- Prom an otd — Manuseri pt finiturilff*
It furnishes the most - Complete History of
g Describing the most Perplexing situations
Alin which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that
IQ country have been so oftenlinintl. These
Stories Will continuo throughout
the whole year, and will
",prove the, most entertaining ever offered to
the public.
r7 - 1 7 nrnished Weekly to Subscribers
►only, at $1 a year. All letters trust be ad
dressed to
JOHN S. DYE. Broker,
Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall Sired,
April 27.1857. ly New York.
r IQ the Voters of Adams county : Encourag
ed by numerous rticlvls, I , nlfer m vself as
IL candidate for the ofli , :e of 8111;',10 FP at the
next election, (subject to the American
liCan County Convention.) Should Ihe elect
ed. pledge myself to discharge the ditties of
the 'Alice with promptness and fidelity.
Ctunberland twp., April 13. 1857.
rO the Voters of Adams county : Enconr
aged ley numerous friends. offer myself
as a candidate for theollice. of SIIERIFF,itt the
next election. (snhjeet to the decision of the
D e mocratic c o unty Convention.) Should Ihe
nominated and elected. I pkilg.e myself to
discharge the dutiel of the
,office with prompt
ness and fidelity.
MountjOy tp., April O, 1857.
VIELLO W-C Z E.NS of .county:—
I I offer myself as a candidate fir the otliee
of SUERWP at the ()molter election, (sit hject
to the I)emocratic nomination.) If f should
be so lucky as to be nominated and be elect
ed, I shall pledge myself to discharge the du
ties of said office with sobriety ; lip( fid e lity,
Mountpleasnnt tp., April 20, 1857.
rut) the Voters of Mattis County.--Fellow
cid zetts : Being enc,,,in aged by numer
ous friends, I offer myself to your consideration
as a candidate for office of Register and
Recorder at the next election. (subject to the
action of the Democratic 1 initity Uunvention..)
And should I rec;i:ive --the n Imola tion and be
eleeted.l shall duly appreciate your confidence,
and promise to discharge the duties of the
office promptly and with fidelity.
Yutar obedi nt servant.
Tyrone tp., April 27, 1857.
11114 1 .414 :virEat R lECO.RD
r the - Independent Voters of Adams co.
Fellow Citizens mrlersigneti offers
hitmlf,to_yourconsiderat ion as a candidate
for the office of Register and Recorder of
Adams county-, (subject to the decision of the
Detw)cratic Con vention,) and respettfully so
licits your support and suffrages. Should Ibe
nominated and elected. my endeavours shall
he to discharge the duties of the office with fi
delity and impartiality.
Conowago tp., April 27, 1857.
Removed to Hanover.
- 11 - .ItANCIS J. WILSON, late of the Wash
ington House at A bbottstown, has taken
in Hanover, where he will he happy to enter
tain all who may patronize hini. llk Table
is supplied with the best the market and gar
den can afford, and his liar with the choicest
of liquors. His Stables a: e commodious, and
attended by careful Ostle , s. , Give him a call.
You will always find FuANic. on the spot,
ready and willing to make everybody corn
forta'ble. [April 27, 1z5.37.
/Yillot ice.
E second account of 1)r. JOHN A tn., Corn
!mace of the person and estate of (;For,;P:
BITTIN GER, a Lunatic, now of Dover, York
county, Pa., has been filed in the Court of
Common Pleas of Adams county, and will be
confirmed by the said Court. mi 26/// (big
to.'„ci, unless cati , :e be shown to the
contrary. JOHN PICKING, Protit'y.
Prothonotary's office, Gettys
burg, .April 27, 1657. 4t
Bonnets! Bonnets !
11cell EAU has juq returnel from
17 I the city with a new and beautiful asNort-
meat of
of the most fashionable styles, which she• in
vites tho ladies to call and examine, confident
that they will be pleased with her selections.
Miss McCreary will carry on the MILLI
NERY business, in all its branches, and hopes
'by heti'incperior work and reasonable prices,
to merit the patronage of her friends.
Gettysburg, April 20, 1857. 3m
- Railroad Notice--Pay Up!
Ia Rosolation of the Board of Directors
of the Gettysburg Railroad Company, no
tice is hereby given to the StOckholders that
the SIXTH INSTALMENT on each share
of stock will he requird to be paid in to
Jolt's 11, McCLELLAN, Treasurer of the com
pany, On- or before Tuesltety.the 12111 diry of
may, 1557.. D. WILLS, Se.,e'y.
April':;, 1857.
10 Per Cent. Interest.
•A you want to invest your money with a
certain return of good interest, and at the
same time furnish to your families that which
will lie profitable and useful—buy all your
(goods at Fahnestocks' Cheap Store. They
have received, and are constantly, adding
every thing new and desirable to their stock.
April 27, 1857. tf '
Register's Notice.
VOTIVE is hereby given to all Legatees and
LI other persons concerned. that the .lilio in
istration 'lemmas hereinafter mentioned will
he presented at the Orphan's Court of Adams
county. for confirmation and allowance; on
reexilay, the 26//1 dull Mity Heal, via
(These are a portion of those to he presented.),
2-b). The account of Williath Orner, Exec
ittlir of the last will and testament of
. Felix
Omer, Sen., late of Xenallen township, Ad
ams county, deceased.
243. The second account of John C. McCal
lion. Administrator of the estate of Cornelius
MeCallitin, deceased.
244. The first account of John C. 'Weill
lion, Administrator of Catharine. MeCallion,
deceased, into of Liberty'tuwnship, Ailltlll3 en.
245. The first and final Account of Daniel
Bucher, Administrator of David Sliding, de
247. The account, of Aiignßtnß Duncan,
now Hole and noting Executor of the last will
and testament of John Duncan, deceased.
251. The account of .I.oieph flunk, Trus
tee for tho sale of real estate of Adam Long,
254. The first nreonnt of Emanuel Spang
ler, .1 thoin is trsttor urtim I'stato (Aloft n Spang
ler, (keen-oil late of Borough of Berwiek.
258. The first and final. steeOunt of Cleorge
Ehrhart niul DastiOl Ehrhart, Executors of
r4-art, stereos; .*
:21;1). Second and final account of Henry
Benner and Josiah Benner ' Executors of the
last will and testament of John _Bonner, do
Per DANIM PLANK,"Depitiy.
Register's MCC, Gettysburg. } •
April 27, 1857. td
Administrator's Notice,
term of administration on the estate of
And on Voistance, hire of the bormigh of Get:
tyrant! g, - Adams • county,: deceased, • having
been granted to the undersigned, residing in
the satite,pluce, he hereby-gives notice to all
perstins indebted to said estate to make itn•
mcdiate payment, and those having claims
against the sante to present them properly au
thenticated for settletnent. - •
J. B. • DANNER, Adm'r.
.April.2o, 1857. Ct.
Executor's Notice.
tens testamentary on the estate of 31ary
Deardorff, widow, late of East 13erlin,,Adatns
county.deecased. having been granted to the
undersigned, residing-in Reading township, he
hereby gives notice to all' persons indebted to
sad em.atv to make immediate payment. awl"
those having claims against the same to pre-
sent thee► properly authentimitedfacsett
meat. ADAM BROWN, H'r.
April 20, 1857. 6t
Always hi Time:
FLAK just reeei?etl at his Really-made Clo
thing:Store, on York street, nearly op
nosite the Kink, the hest assortment of
Ready•made - Ch#ing, bor Spring and Sum
mer wear, ever opene,t to thk place. IF you
%mut a well-made Coql. rrst; Pads, or any
thing in the line of Ready-made Clothing, at
less cooNt thatt they can he had otttNitle of the
city, eall at SAMSON'S.
April 5.57,
Nevi' Goods.
1170( . 1,1) re , poetfully inform their custom
!' erS :Old tilt) puldie generally, that they
have just revolved the largest. and ' , est welect
ed t kof Spring and Summer Goods ever
°Toro( to them. llavjug porehaseil for the
they are pr(pared to offer such in
ducements a.. to defy all competition. Clive
Ili a eall--no troohle to show Goods.
Styn of Ow Red _Pruitt.
April 13, 1857.
Viranted stataiediatelv.
I!. WRIGHTS, to whol4 constant emtloy-
Inent, and liberal wages will be given. Apply
to the subscriber, living near Dui..ble Pipe
;reek, Carroll county. Md.
near F.onnitsburg, 31d.
April 20, 1857. 4t
IRESIT arrival of Hats,
Cups, fuels St, ShOCN,
Wall Vapor, Window Blinds,
Trunks, Carpet !Ng, Tobacco, Sezars. C. at
April 6, 1857.
Bringman & Aughinbaugh,
sym, A lIEAD!
IVE are just receiving a netr lot rif
Y Halm, Caps, Hoots Si. , Sltpesi "O .
—of the very latest Spring styles, atoll(
intend selling at small profits. Call and see
them before purchasing elsewhere. Remem
ber the place, Paxton's old stand, Chambers
long street. March 23.
ir N' T FOR( ET to call at SCIIICK'S, all
ye who to purchase choke articles
of Perfumery, II tir Bmshe,i, Soar, and
everything el,e in that line.
LWAYS ON 11.1N1).—Silk and Soft. Bats
of every description, and for sale cheap.
ruakiug Soap—to he had at
TO I/AA-or-AR.
del lagrred returns his thanks to the Pahli
for the encouragement he'rendOre extended to
him, and takes pleasure in announcing that be
has completed arrangements by
Coaches will run between Cettys
burg and Hanover, to connect with the trains
to and from Baltimore, York, Harrisburg.
Philadelphia, &c. Persons desiring tickets or
information will call on the undersignedor, on
CHARLES Tara, Ticket, Agent, at the Eagle
Hotel, in Chamberaburg street.
'Special attention given to all packages,
Atc.., or other business entrusted to the under
signed between Gettysburg and Hanover,
which will be promptly and carefully attend
ed to.
',O - The undersigned has also effected ar
rangements by which he will be ablejo supply
Coaches, Stages, &c., for Funerals and other
occabions, at moderate charges.
Gettyahurg, April 13, 1857.
The Gettysburg
RESPECTFULLY calls. the attention of
Capitalists and those having money to
invest, to their BONDS, now being issued. - -
The length of their Road, now under,contract,
is 143 miles, the grading and rdwsonry of
which is more than two-thirds finished, and
rapidly progressing toward completion. By
a resolution of the Board of Directors, a Mort
gage of the entire road from Hanover to Get
tysbUrg, and also of the unfinished work of
the Pennsylvania Extension, from Gettysburg
to the Maryland line, beyond Waynesboro'.
will in a' few days be executed to GROWN
Sworn, Esq., as Trustee, for the security of
the bond holders.
The Bonds will be issue&.in scims of $lOO
and $5OO each, bearing 6 per cent. interest.
with coupons attached, payable semi-annually.
They certainly will foini a very safe and dcigi
ruble investment, as the Bonds will he flee
from taxation, and yield interest payahlesemi
annually, at 6 per cent. per annum. Persons
wishing to subscribe for them, can do so by
calling on the President, Secretary or. Treas
urer of the Company, or any of its Managers,
with any of whom they will find' the-condi
tions of sato. MeCURDY; President.
lLtvw WILLS, &Tram'
NW'' 11. ,MCOLELLAN !Treasurer.
March 16, 1857.
Latest Arri Val 7,
Another' Large Stnekqf Nile Goods I--Cheap,
C &alio% Cheapest
y ACOBS & BRO. have just received from the
ON city, a large lot of New Goods—Chatbs . ,
Cassimeres, Vcstingm, &c. &c.,
which they are prepared to sell cheaper than
ever. Step in and — took - at their assoottnent.
YOn will find the newest styles of : 600d5"...-as
an the latest Fashionsoil L-- ' - gt --- mulen s.
The Tailoring branch attended to, as hero
tofure. Good work and warranted to tit!
Gettysburg, March 111, 1857.
TITE Illinois Central Railroad Company
i s now prepared to sell about
1,500;000 Acres of
OnD q in 4 2AEMINIft
in tracts of about FORTY ACM, Ott long cralitt 4
and at lain rates of enlerres.
These lands
ment to aid in
and are among
the world. .T 1
North West, t:
to the extreme
ty of climate
those parallel.. „ude. The • Northern
portion is chiefly prairie, interspersed with
fine groves„and in the'middle and Southern
sections timber predominates. alternating with,
beautiful prairies and openings:
The climate is more healthy. mild and etym.
ble. than tiny other part of the country--the
air is pure and bracing, while living streams
and springs of excellent water abound.'
Bituminous Coal ,it 4 extensively mined, and
supplies a cheap amfdesirablefuel, being fur
-nislred-at marty'rrnts at $2 $4, per m—
end wood can het} ad at the same rate per_rord.
Building - Stone of excellent quality also
abounds, which can be procured furlittle more
than the expense of transportation.
- The great. fertility of these lands, which are
a (1 from two to five' fret deep,
and gently telling—their contiguity to this
Read, by which every facility is furnisliedfor
travel and transportation No the prinelpal
markets North, South, East and West. and
the economy with which they can he cultka
ted..render th em the most valuable investment
that can be found ; and present the Most fa
vorable opportunity, for persons of industrious
habits and small means, to acquire a comfort
able independence in a few years.
Chicago is the greatest grain market in the
world—and the facility and economy with
which the products of these lands can he
transported to that market, mike them much
more profitable. at the prices asked, than
those more remote at government rates,- a:,
the additional cost of transportation is a per
petual tax on the latter, which must be borne
by the producer, in the 'educed price he re.
ceives f it his grain. &c.
The Title is Perfect—and when the final
payments are made, Deeds are executed by .
the Trustees appointed by the State, and in
whom the title is vested, to the pnrcltsers,
which convey to theta absolute titles in Mee
Simple, free and clear of every incumbranee,
lien or •tnerzgage.
The Prices are
_from $6 to $3O; interest
milt/ 3 per cent. Twenty per cent. wilt be
deducted from the zredit price for Cash.
Those who purchase on lone. t . credit, give
notes payable in 2. 3, 4. 5 andfi,yents_ alter
date, and are required to - imp'reve on - e - -tenth
annually for five years, so as to have one-half
the land in cultivation, st - the .end. of , that
Competent Surveyors will accompany those
who wish to examine these Lands, free of
charge, and aid thetii in making selections.
The Lands remaining unsold are as rich
and valuable as those which have been dis.
posed of.
; -- "Seetiontil Nap.vwill he sent to any ono
who will enclose fifty cents in Postage Stamps,
and Books or Pamphlets. containing nuttier
ous instances of successful farming. signed hY
re.qlectable and well known farmers living in
the neighborhood of Railroad Lands, through
out the State—also the cost of fencing; price
of cattle, expense of harvesting, threshing,
etc.—or any information—will he dtheerfollY
given on application, either personally or. by
letter, in English, French or German, addres
Land COMlnissionerof the lllitaehl Central It R. Co.
t dike in Illinois Central Railroad De
pot, Chicag o. Illinois.
April 20, 1857._ 6m.
JUST IN TIM E.—A large assortment o.
(I , 2ntlemen's and Ladies' GUMS. for sale
flat and Store.
- 14 .4 011 the newest styles of G0t,(1, , , Iwvl
' cull at Self lOX'S.
&lima d '
,ed by the Govern
ction of this Road.
and most fertile in
'rem North lilaßt and
middle of the State,
include every vide
ions found 'between