=ESE I= Br llENlttni. S'f.ll.lLE. 39' YEAR. Terms of the "Compiler." sar The Republican Co►npiler is published every Monday untrningi by HENRY J. STA II I, E, at $1,75 per annum if paid in advance—s2,oo per annum if not paid in advance. No sub scription discontinued, unless at the option of the publisher, until all arrearages are paid. far Advertisements inserted at the usual rates. ,Job Printing done, neatly, cheaply, and with dispatch. 31fia In South Baltimore street, direct ly opposite Warapler's Tinning Establishment, one and a, half squares from the Court-house, "Comci LE R" on the sicfn. THE FARMERS' & MECHANICS' *wings Institution of Adams Co. Owns Saturday, llth of April 'THIS Institution receives deposites for which - 11 , it pays interest ns follows : For over 10 months. 4 per cent. per annum. For 3 and not over 10 months, 3 per cent. per annum. For transient deposites, not less thin 30 days. 2 per cent. per annum, payable on demand without notice._ The weekly depositors share the Dividends declared and payable setninnonallys. At the first- meeting weekly ,deposites were subscribed by responale citizens. for the cur ren t year. to an amount exceeding Slo.ooo, whi c h will he paid in as.required nosy: of the associatimi. F o r loans apply on IVednesdavr. Stith!: received on deposite as low as a dime. Interest to he allowed whenever the.deposites amount to 55.0, and on each additional 65,1/0 nod npwlirds. otti„,'ins oli d i West Corner of Public Square, next to Grxirge•Arnold's store. Open d a ily from 0 A. M. to 3 P. M., and fir receiv deposttes every t.-. l aturday, from 9 A. M. :to 6 P. M. G EORGE TIMONE. G EORG E ARNOLD. Director.v, John Broitrh, John tituuliel 011111elralk, George Arnolil, .A. li(intzelinan; • Jaeol)Mtisseltdan, I). ilc('r'-arv, 17. McLuni.ughy, • jotin Mickley, r,„1),...1 lnt nor, • John Tin one. .April 6, Izili7. Adrniaistrator's Notice. - E Aeon 130 B I ETZ'S ESTAT E.—Letters of a,ln,i;:T.ttation on the estate Of Jacob Vottli tz. fate of Mon n tjoy township, Ada MS cO, deceused, having Ixx tt gratite