The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, January 26, 1857, Image 4

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    . Nevr,Goodop- "-
TEARS' experience in the bus"
new: has satishedine that it will not do
and have now d..tertnined to adopt the CASH
i;ki•ire - ru—and offer the following (locals for cash
or prorlww only: Cheap ,cLoTtis.
utxrck. brown. green, claret. olive, 4e.; fancy
Overeoating,g. Beaver Cloths. Petersham, (.'as
"sitneres, bind; and every variety of frtne.. col
ors: Cassinot, Velvet Cords;. Jeunti.4..e.; Pan
taloons stufl-: generally ; Coburg, ('loths, Me
rinoes, 1)&1n - es, 'AL belaines, Alpaeag. Cali
coos, Gingliams, &c., with every vajety of
Ladies' lJtes Gooch:. in great caiiety. Well
'wide and cheat,; Dowsticd,freSlG
(2 , (e ° l4Vrare, lt'e. d e. '
Please call: examine and judge for your.
pelves. All will be sold at the lime4t cash
October C. 1556.
New Goods
this way, if you want to sive at
kJ least 20 per cent, of your money. I
Paxton have just received and are now open
ing the largest and hest selected stock 0 1 ti,,, k 1,4
in their line of business, ever offered in Gettys
burg, viz,: CAPS, BOOTS,
Over-shoes and Socks : Umbrellas. Trunks,
Carpet-bag s, Fancy Window-blinds. (lt evil
Guns Clot for 'Witidow-hliAs, Stationery,
Peifnmery, and a . var,ety notiong.
Also. the largest stock of QUEENSW,IIIE,
China, Stone and ever
offered in Adams comity —all, of which they
are determined 'to sell lower th an they can be
Lad at,any otter establishment in the county.
. out
Corner of the Diamond. No trouble to show
Clouds. - " Oct. 6;
Attntion, One and All!
Cile.l T sllollr.
IAITIF,T; WE NT,II, having provided hinr
self - with an en!ire nen and cip , tly
now prepared to furniNll °
Ambrotypes and Daguerreotypes,
in every style of the art, which he will war.
rant to give end re satisfaction. Ills long ex.
pe•rience and superior apparatus "give—hiu►
advantages seldom furnished by Dag tierrean
establishments out of the city, lie• h as a l arge
nunther.olspseimeny at his Gallery. in C.; hani.
bersburg,street, which the public arc request.
ed to call and examine.
• La — Charges'from 50relits to $lO. Hours
cif operatino . from 8 A. M. to 4P, M. A;ol•i
Lockets,' Breastpins. suitahle for miniatures,
niivitys.on hand, at the very:lowest prices.
U -- *Cliildrett tern not be taken for less than"
" •LC7,AMBROTYPES Luken from one (lunar
and upwards. and in Like best. mty ie.
Dee. - 22. 185'6. tf
A''lnc 3AQc]~7Uzv*~.
WRENCH Brandies, Holland (kin,ladrira,
Lisbon. Port, Sherry, Claret. Chain
paigne and•lNlii.sent Wines : Janiaic,i and Nov
Ntigland,.Rutii : Monongahela, Irish a:0
IVldakey ; Aromatic Gin, Fink,
Brandies, 4:n., fur sitin v
E.R.N EY &
Fn nay. Grocers and Corifeciioners,
York, Dee. 15, 'OIL G 7 West Alailiot st.
Bay Wanted.
PERSONS flay to sell will do well
33 by calling on - the subscriber. in Chitty's
.burg. who is desirous or purchasing. The
highest, market 'price will he paid at ail thnoi.
intents having the ifay, after be
ing packed, hauled either to Hanover or Bill i
more, the preferenee,tO haul will be given to
those front whom he !tiny parchase•
December 6, 1.852. tf
FOR.- SAL si
Iwo - FRE -111- MI I.CII CO IV
warranted gentle and good milk- N*Y4
trig., E. \V. STA (ILK.
Franklitl top., Dec. 20, 1836. '3t,
Jacob Sitead%
iri_.O,SITINWF.S the Flour d' .M.ed bushieFts, nt
hi;4 old stand-, in West Middle street. Ile
keeps the hest, and sells us cheap us .the
cheapest. (live hinyt ca/1.
- January 12,1557.
Slill Tikev Come:
JJUST`reciv - ed at HORE'S.Store, a large &tip-
PIY of Winter Goods, the elteapeA t.ver
offered in market. Call and see belOrt• pur
chasing elsewhere, as lie is determined to sell
cheap fur Cash. •
41:so. very cheap 1171717iMi amoy: ''
11, Goods cut free of charge.
Ready-made Clothing On itn4..
will be sold very low. AMIN lIOKE.
_.i.etty,ibuig, Dee. 22:. MG. • tf
1113 nover B. •Ra i ro d
1111AINS over the Hanover Branch Railroad
now run ay. follows :
First Train leaves Ha nover at 9 A. M.. with
PASSerlg,eri -fpr, York. Harrisburg, Culuruhiu
- and Philadelphia. This Train also. cuiicch;
with the Express for Baltimore, arriving there
at 12 sa.
Second Train leaves at 3 P. 31.. with Passel'•
gets fur Baltimore and intermediate places,
and retut iis with passengers from 1w k,
April 21. J. •LCII3, Agent.
Spout ing I
c I EORGE aud Ilenry %Vampler will make
Nfi ilinta.e Spouting and put up-the snonelow,
for cash ur oountry produce. Farinere; and all
Jotheis wiAiing their houses. biule). &e., spout
ed, would do well to give them a call.
.April 18.1553. tf
8t)1,1s and Shoes.
larp,a assortment, juqt opened. and will
Le sold elleaper than the elleapelit, at.
SA .11SON 'S.
jewalry! Jewelry!
L. SC`,l-11t hru now on hand a large
Cr • aild us::ortwerit of J vwe fty.colii.
'exc!rvtinog in tLiat, tine pins,
Plnger•U.ings, Chain,. &q.,
All of %,%11.:th .at., the
Call and exawiwe for yonnwlvt , it
&rouble tn show gooiic. [April -21.
a I'd Wa re.
OUR sztoeli liardwaPettas he e n v, 1 • % , m uc h
increased, and p e rono; Li
ing- anything ie ife;);)rtiputit. !fr,it
cali and lee I LIN ES R 4(: Chia SLueli,
Cz. Le d Onirt rola .
1 - 4 1 AIINIE `3 (g., i;R) ruEits. h ving the
extlq-iceNll,., ula frmi fily
Li I 011 s 111 i:C Of 1! WA —ll4m: i:j I IJ(• 111.11 . „6,
•—sx ‘vai at f itly
'e k.cep ot Iron
00:1...-c-vIlly oa 1.1.1uL1. ;LI 1 :1•' `•;4 I J ":. La
k'f:S).N r.
,orlsc6 Caz;e of Sircisc• — i - . , t
rftlie l y Groec•rs
irstris, Dra. 'b6. 67 IA 1:4.11 , ti b. t
COBE 1N & PAXTON have opened nn
usually ht asset Untmi •of Wall Paper,
or evtry style and variety. fi,on 12,11 to 40 e .
R piece. lIOUSAVCIaI S; and POpel Hangers tire
invited to call and examine the stock. which
is superior to airvihing heretofore offered in
this market. Only' IV. cents a piece, ou.ll
cents IL rlra, fur %Vail Paper !
Gretly..4l)lo , g. FA. 25.
-Q-A-NEEL B. PA 'l7 E RS( )N ' 8 EST ATE.
Letters testaimentrav on the vsinte 01 Nam
-13. hitter-on, late of 1-I:intilion twp. Adams
county, deceased, having been granted to the
uudersigued, m S tritium township.
he hereil gives inoti,:e to ail persons indel , tod
1.( 1 .4 :01/ CSLItle to nrl ke immediate payment. mid
those havitig elsnus 11gailINL the Saila' to e
seta them properly authenlicated f•ii• settle
went, GEtlitLiE EintEnAicr.
11011 N DEARDOE S EST ATE.—Eet ten:
o vestomentozy on the estate of John Den r
droll. late of Strahan township. Adams en..
deceased. having been granied to the under
signed, resjifing in Franklin township, hu
hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to
Said est)itt• to 'mike inlmethate payment, and
those Having claims against the same to pre
sent them properly authenticated for settle.
ment. l REDERICk DI 'fIL, r.
Decembe r 29. 1656. tit
Ithlo. Cider and White Vinegar, Sweet.
Cider, Tomato Ketohup. &e.. by
Fancy Grocers and Coltivetioners,
York, Dec. IS, '56. UT West st.
- 1
00 SA K S 6
. .\.
5 Salt.
at F.,ckagu:i tamed Table Salt--very
tine for family
btils. and pael,nge: fiih—sneh ns Nn.
Mat:liarel, Swteii and Sdt Ilyriin , vA Sal dines,
1),) 1:11N EV ,V ?BRA)
15. '56. (17 \Vest . .)l4rket st.
1,1,k, Prime Piciliks, in very
good:urtler Jur tannly use. by •, '56 67 ‘l'est st.
cy ST NTION PIIZ V. —Schick krep all
IC kind, F.tnoy Stationetys and sok, it as
etivap. cheaper than anyhoely eke in the
town cuunLy. If yuu duirLt-Le!icve
k..1.1‘.. ee (•,!'7.
a , Aorinieni of Queensware,
Elrt v.• a ri.. at
t.:0111•:.k.N & PAX ['ON'S.
— / F-4 t t
j. 4 e 1 r 3 jat,;, - ,ers fu: gale 4...hottit at the
ittf JOIIN 1.1()1
" %ITT, always t , e
er, .11 , 1 .1 i-ti;,(.llinctic.
4 del al ‘V IPV 14;1 1 1. .at
• 0.0 VO.I alit 10 &iicrt tt'ullt .1
/ all I U LIP/ V a It V=tit
: :: -121 1' 1 3 1 4C1m, i i.o r h ti du,
' t;411 itt C.
- Bounty land Claims. i THE IIiGG Elrr sTocii, . Osage Orange Premium Hedge. COME ONE! COME ILL!
91 1 11 E undersigned will attend promptly to , And the Cheapest 1 THE undersigned having made fledging his Here We ire Again '
the collection of claims fur Bounty Lands
antler the Into act of Congress. Those ‘vllo goo
rirllE thillersigtied would inform the d I exclusive bosintss, is now prepared, with
L people of Adams county anti the rest of Avail the handsomest anti cheapest Stock
his extensive licilities, to du any amount of V v of NEW GOODS to be bond in this
have•alrendy received 40 or 80 acres. can now the amid, that he has received an extra large' i ' 1 , ,, , e.. .;,-. r. ~.. tv , place. MI the newest styles are 10 he seen
receive the balacce. by calling on the soli:it:it- ' supply of all kinds of
1 .t,',.c ;.':, .!..1 i d. ,6r CA .. ' 9 in the assortment, and many Of them are real
her and making the necessary applientiou. • MEN'S &, BOYS' CLOTH! NO, ion the most r e :1,0110 , 1e vritts, in any part of 1
I y to3giuliceut, without bein 4 costly. No
JOF. It — n ‘-----t
• Boots. Shoes. fiats. Caps, Buffalo R o b es , & e ., PentiTiYiviiiiia, -New york.-New Jersey. Dela
, Gettysburg, March 12, 1855. tf , , Virginia.
float New Yolk : and although goods have ad- ware. Alli'llarld. iiiin J. L. ScIIICK'S.
The o,,ge once fu: Call in ail see to • your
vanced i n p r i c e, he k tilde an d d eterm i ne d to strange is be:1111111d. Ortlaltielitil I, and protec- On the Public Square,
D. Milildnaugby,
sell nt a less price than heretotore, tire, proof against stmk, hig,ii winds, back _
• 3ttarlirtt at IC mu, Country Nlerehants are invited t o ca ll _h e u titer, 41. c. .
will sell them Goods lower than they can buy , I will fortriAPl,tntiz, Plant anti Trim until
(Office removed to one door %Vest of Buebicr's in the city. No one can c o mpet e ' w id i in tl ,. ' the4ledge a ill turn all 'shit!, of tarn, stock., at
Drug &11-)ok-sture,Ghambersburgstreet,) unless .he buys his Goods as he does: that is u) f otn : ; •: ,1 - to --* , l 5, per rod. I/lie - thud to be paid
Attorney &Solicitor for PatenlN say, go to New York and stay two, three or' when Planted , and the balance when it is tie'
and Pensions, four months, and watch the chances.
or i r
,chired a good fence by disint , e i rt: i s e t, , ed ur p e ei c s , o ci t i is i . (7l
1110('NTY Land Warrants, Back-pay sus- A word to the wisej is sufficient. If ynit Those getting the fledging
need such Goods as he keeps, go to hint and to prepare the ground tiy deep, plotigiiing, and
..11 P . ',curled ClaiinAmm: all Other claims against
the Government at Washington, 1). C. ; also teal o your purchasers, to save money. cultivate the hedge row as di; ee t e d.
American eliding in Englund. Land Warrants MAR- U.S SAXISoN, fledges set and Pl.4iits furinslied at from 5;)
located and sold. or both hi,. and highest prices October 20, 1856. to (k) cents per rod, payment to be made when
given. Agents engtrged in locating warrants -- __ . the fledge t.s set.
in lowa, Illinois and other Western States. I Gettysburg Foundry. ,r - i -PLANTS at Wholesale and Retail, de
r,j'Apply to him personally or by letter. I A NE IV Fllt M ! I livered at the Railroad Station at this place.
Gettysburg, Nov. 21, 1t.'5:.1. securely boxed. as follows: .
When 5 Yam ate ordered in one order, $4.50
per thousand for No. 1 —54.104 fir No. 2 ;
5,0410 in oue order :....5,00 fur \o. 1—if. , 4,5 I tor
No. 2 : Less than 5,1)00 in Line order $6,00 for
No. I---;:is,vo for 2. "
,Ort , /4. u/o/ of the best quality, at
IA bolesale and Retail, at market prices.
The value of the Osi,re Orange for Hedging
is now settled. Its lit,cee::,. with proper ni.t n
agemen t, is beyond thiti ht. Nature will do mitt
war k iii mak] , ig it :in impervious fledge, if wan
Will do tuts in its culture.
Edw. B. Buehler,
attnntrit nt
wrILT, faithfully and Flrntuptly nttcnd to
e ll ho stiles , . cm rtistcd to
spealin the tier m an latinage. 01111.. e at th e
name pinee. in South Baltimore street, near
Forney'-: drug store, and nearly oppubitu 1/an
tler A:, Ziegler', store. ,
eiettysbuig, Match 20.
Win. 31111ellaiv,
.;litnrarl nt It nut,
),FFICE on the smith side of the Public
1, mire. 2 doors weq Of the Sentinel oflice.
GI t y.borg. A ognht 22, 18.53.
14:11Wid A. 111111chiery
lttrtrnrq nt gw,
promptly attend to collections and
V all business entrusted to his care.
r2 - 01lice in the Diamond, ailjoinins store or
A. B. Kurtz.
•Cipttysburg, Feb. 4,1856. ly
J. Lay/react) Hill, ra. D.,
vs". )N , --• -
AS his (M w
ice one door est of the Ludic."
.11 Church. in Cilambetsburs rtrect. and
opposite Gramme is store, where those
i op; to have not' DeatalDperatinT
lie, form
eitare respectfully invited to call.
itityKi)iNcEs : 1)1., I). ;Oben. Dr. C. N.
TiA:t ludo , . Dr. D. !turner. Her. U. P. kratith.
1). I)., 11.i.v. 11. 1,, l',3l,gher, I). Rev. Prof,
lteynolus, Itev. Prof. M. Jacobs,
Prof. ..11. 1„ Skiver.
Gettyalintg. April 11. 1853. ti
..‘„:, \ , \\,, , 1,,j1 li illip ,t/i.?) / •
' ' ' ':'• \ • ki-2 1" : '! 1 /'// / ,'.' , ') / / ' :,'",.,: Th
:', —...--••••-•
, ---- : . :1. '.. ^ - ' - • - kcw"7"7›):>''"7 - 1 7 . - :/ C.......
-1 t .
---:_, C -s---)
Tin Ware fi•e
, .4.. .•
COOK inforiw:: his friends; nnil
173 - the pulille Onentily, Iha t. he has oil hued,
at his Shop near - ,y opposite the l'ost-011iee• ti
very large an,l A ell-nottle nAsortnient of TIN
WARE. which he will Fell at, prices which
cannot fail to plense. Ile will tilAo execute to
order, with proniptues4. in A well:wan-like
tun neer, ami ow best tont ci ials; till kinds
Out.tyshiteg, N0v..12, „18.55. tf
navoi GOOD N,
11 A - 1()R Lathes and Gentlemen, c•in he finind in
immenhe variety, and cheaper than ever,
Step in and examine the nen.
Gar ball and Winter.
totoher ISSII,
Exeoutor'3 Notiop.
Dee. 22, 1 5,16. lit
Executor's Notlce,
14' (; ror-rh 411(1 ( 't)tilvetit.flers,
EltN EY & BRO.,
I'mleir (irocer, and 4 N)llle4altitiet S
rirTlE urplersig, , ned. having entered into part
'. itership to carry (nu the Foundry business
under the film of WAIMEN & SONS, hereby
ottake Known to the citizen-, of Adams and ad
*lining- comities, that We are prepared to wake
everything in nor line of bustuess. We have
coustantiy on hand, the
Hathaway and other Cooking' Staves,
the, l'irlor Air-Tit:lit Ulla Ten-plate Stoves., of
various styles amt si7.!.st. Pots. KettlQs and
P a i e ... and all other Iron Cooking Utensils.
iSrafllo Irons, Washing, •Machities., Ash-plittvs,
Boot-sierfiri e rs, S.c. Casting,s for 31ills and
other CA.NTING'4. Of every
ckze.. ‘Ve tinikt• the Si!ylar• 1;loelt
er, and different kinds of Witherow Mouglis,
c hate also got different pa tierns of
Ve:icing• acid litailing,
for Cetnetetieg, Yards and Porches, which
can't h e heat ftlr twaiity and cheapness.
,[l7 -- All the above articles will Le sold cheap
t or cash or ellllntt v produce.
'l2 - I:lackstni fling still enntin.:cri.
BRASS cAsTiNcis and everything in our
liar 111,1111 to order.
Tilit IUN6I MACHINES repaired at the
notice. Being Mniiidoz; ow helves,
we will du our work nicnrr,
• 111011 V.; WARREN,
11111{1'1N — ll , A ICREN,
111l!11 WARREN:
TM/11.V N. \\,, A 'MEN.
Gettysburg:, .11:ty 14. 1 tf -
F.N )( /TILE:It:4 have just re
evivpo au , l are io , w upt•iiing a, large awl
variol as,tutinvilL tir Dry 4 ,;( tr. (1%:,
‘‘11:01, they the ntti.ll
- or 1v1,1111►. 4 chehp As our
litt; \%ttlt glettt. ettrt. frniti
thy Itttgc:i Ittot-tts of v‘n Is.
l'hilmlclphia. antl P, v.' we :Iry lot:pond
itolitt•fmtvitt: to ptircroiNt.• f uni u:. I,lll'll
edtmot. often had, t'ttlitt• :not
U 111 sliwk, and 11;l: Ls lUI IV SKI IN iii not lenre
()rt. 6. 1:5,1
ENC i Mcritint.:4, all c olo, 1; 0 .1 1 ; 01 - n 1,1 0
lis 111iss. I hi: to 7 i% :
it• [Au s; .:y FAN
vi:ry 'st,),•l., or 111 , x sii
( I'e,t l tp. t s, nut \Ve'.. t y .
Slieetitigs, Tal;!,iliervA. "W t•I
1 E
PV , /,./1/ ti,m/ 114 , 4 /ff.
illVilt.rl fO t•1•dlnlI H "nr
Ninl' Pa: 110 . 11-4 otin Wi•11-:onled
pren'y kind nr :fry c.;1 . 0/1 , • IV(' u,;, t•
till :%1111 fw• NViltilt••
P. S.— reCei 111 fri)111 litr
,\ 110'04141S in New Yuri; ;Intl
TE:ois sr!
Dect.9l r 15.
Ni"1.' , 110113 FiCD:I
NJ. .VOrtil Sh•pri;
t.l S. I. Ikt'lNC4,
13 I'i, rou4ll, for
7 11111; iiil(lor:i4iit.(l contiime,: thi. Flmir
nt•.;; : 1 4 h tn Orort... lii SI. I IS. i l till! b:11 . 101
4,r n ii v ,: 111:1 31,• 1 . kl.l.
PII01 , 11'; hr 0:111 1:1:V :IS 1101 'and ' , ill a. IHNI:
a l i vothiv hy always etilleay.ll ing to
I, cu p 11.1111. 11111 1 ht• I,f-zt. ht. Ittrpc.Ul ; li er;t,
rt..ct..1% e Colitmuanct: or tal - pa t
Oct. 8, 1855
61,11'ITAI, 51:19.586 itt•otraners in
t..-1-attv part of the State, tigtt itt:t 10 , ,s by tire
Priolvlitly" adapt.: it:: operatiott , t to it.: re%:otlr
oot: ; tllCtrtl‘t ample iluivainity, anal promptly ,
Atl-tto; comity is: reprvsenteti itt the Board
of Nl..knagerN by llort.-.Most , :s '('r.E;.\ N.
\1":11. \N. I
cok e of m. & m
May c:.(3, 185 ti.
~'..t ~'~'t l i < N
Vl'aiihiligitolt Wel,
(IZe:umed to the largo ;n.l Convenient house,
f6rmorly opptsite t lie old
V H 141 subscriber respeo fully infortnc the
pahhe that he has opened a l'ulihe !louse
()( Entertainment in the borough of hbotts-
Linea, where he will he happy to entertain all
who mar call with lm. I laving hail many
yeats' nowledge of the business ol hotel-keep
ing, he flatters himself that his ettOrti to please
will be satisfactory. live the Washington"
Pebruary 18, 1856. tf
IIISS LoUISA KATE urrix, wishes to
inform the Ladies of town and country',
that she is now prepared to execute Mlllinery
in all its branches, in West Mitblle street,
few (tools below Mr. George Lutle's store.—
Work done cheaper than elsewhere iu town.
Please call and sue.
April '2l, ISSII.
IJ, persons indebted to me will please
; 1 1 call amt settle on or before the 14th of
NoTember. After that date my books will
be lett in the hands of an othoer for collection.
October 20. 185 ti.
Vials, Hats.
EArt: Sit% r old Slouch liat of the latest
tc—, tLa r
A, TIEN r fox! Ttiose whri are fond or music,.
tit liod a lain. a.,:ortinent or,
Ac,:or,k,ols, Flutes, Flit'''. tiL"• (-711"11 :it
:2•.1150N 'S.
div?ir Coatki.
litiwit Oran kind., just op
• 41 - .1114 S.)2' ‘,Lly cile,4ll.
ivitik-tx. 0)r 011ie reop;e.
rJcte New
Eloor flour
AL the PosIL 01110 e,
littmiarance Co 11 pa no;„
New Millinery.
Not ice,
or tho 1;o1
:111;114' :I 11;;4'I' 111:1i10 Pr:l • ft ',NV .
-L2- 1 111 - 11ri . ql ( 1
I It 411 111.1,1111i)i . tant. 1111 1 1 1l,•;1,‘ a.sirro 111 V 011tito111-
' (11' , -, that 1 1111\x,spi:1'1"1 111.1t:11”' pain,: tier ox-•
pi , ive gottingit ni t ; z4,1:1 it ntit he es-
I le,. auy .zieve
o! , ..traoter. I an: th.a . it -will at “tlee
laq• , ,nit , ;1 :•tan,la:4l `t , l\l..
0 "
111 % (' .1 1 111 t 1 1/
1 1 ` , 1 I.'lll i ll C t'rV
. I\ -( t 1 i ) .111 , 1 ;1.1.1 1(011ill
i 1111'11,1 1 1 14 . 111 " t 1) the I',lll - 10, 0 - 1 10111:t! ill
2,11 1 ' 111.04 : , ati-lar. , ,ry
1 Po: . .ntee : .1..1. ;
t.' r.4;1 I,k- 1),:. 1): )1.
‘-'• • .15 H 5 ( .•
2 Cases Calabria Licorice—large stick.
ii. 1 . 1 )0(1 Lis. C.INDI. ToYS GUM
I)rops, Sugared I.lniontis. Jelly Cakes,
ingeil Secrets, Mint Dtops. Nougal.
PAste. Cream Dafts, (•realli Flgs• Crea hl
Drops and a , gener-kl aNsortment.. of CoNrl4:o
- prt-pareittl)iAlte_llottil.iys approa.dt-
Ing. Alen. a large vallelv F•tncy 111 , %n-
Getman Toys, - F, t :ley goods,
Sc., suitable for Chrpstnias pzeseats.
F.Ancy (trotter; and Conlectioacr4,
ItEl."•;!1E.N0 —llOl/ (; , .won. tont Venn
till ; Kei
He., rm.:. I'g : Nom.. IdeVet t.,1%11, ; • 4 1%
Vnrk 16ur c. tb ; lltpli.
So l , 0.17 11101/ 1 • 1q111.1 . \ k.tril t. Ilru R 11.tle,
l'a lioto 11' l'4L-; \VIII. A. 5t.,,,,t,
(; A L 1, .1 E R ' S
StN.RISE A ilf.:-TM,11117.,
-Aka IK3G. .1 pp wl 8 1 /le / Hil o ! Lorye
He."ll. Vol Tt,i,
C ttnii te.
For coal or \Void. F,;fir Sizo4. N(1 , 4, 6,7, S,
1 ...L I,ea.u•
Vi 4 tio.a ~t* 1t )i0"1. flat
Stilve;ja,t alit. It, i • (u'l,. rte t,) a Iv,
that o trror rl V inahr
,yea:•••; extier (511 . 0.
811‘11) 1. 10:4 fUlly i' , lll . Vep.altl With t+. 1 .1 a!
z, !w:11 i
voilted ~it the 41 ro-i)kci r l, , , that I hal.e.
ta1,0• , . a hanta,:„:o,,l'e\ 49.yw..1!
in,•:it that 11;t; lei tu time i)e,ql
li.t:tlrul.tri; in ro'e,-t.a..e, t,l 111 , . rwatatialk
Ita• e
111 l i•,;,;..11 ti , "l then). all itt
Sit4l•-.7 I,"ois
ShiNo x(wy tio.ll v ;tail
. 12,-.10.1 NI11”.
)R, C`ro )11 ti f Syer:4, Fanners. and
m. 11:11'111:• /1, mho
p;CSVIWO Clll ri or BI
1).( y Nt•well'.4 (1 lobb's) t tz. I,orrcs:
A ',l 1? I).— rhe •Ft qr. Pito , sm:E.'• that
pr e serv e d ()lir during t
Great Fire at pnr . -
chased )1A V 1;11 -1:\ G 1 S. .thid,
Philadelphia.— (I • •/ht,./c.
it,efriv.- 6 rators Nirater
EVANS' Proui-n-nr*oiribt-ted Refeige.rators
fur cooling preserving
w , 3!) an Hows (or culinary purpose;.
\V FILTEIZS. for purifying
of en,/./d,/ water %dweller affected by rains,
lienesione, wad or other cau:•es can Lc had
separate Or atta , ,heil to the Rt•frigeralmS--;l.
tillialt quantify of ice cooling the whole, in the
Cher. r;ttpomis,
Inr the tt,c of ,r or watt.\
( %)61.1.m.1. fen' Hotel:. Sr.ole.s ainl Dwellings.
.TURF; TRe - ri:s. for tinivin!.,
Cl)1•1 111t1"(;(11ST 110.
.\[,, 61 . 1 / 4 :••rwp,e snit/.
• ( EzNT.IItI.I:•IIED IN 1835.)
Fel). 11.
E , :rney ler°.
NEW I••/ll IT, N/; U . FRUIT. (
lOn BOXES Layer and 13 unch -Muscatel
" itakins, in whole, half, (part e.. Lind
fancy boxes.'
50 Boxes 11:+iga Figs.
1 Case in Caney boxeq.
10 Boxes i• 110.1 Citron.
20 do. Snelled Almonds.
10 do. Prime Lemons.
2000 I lavana Oranges. (very sweet.)
5 Bids. Boston Cranberries.
2 Casi o , %mitt- Currants.
2:1 Frail, new cr)p lvica Almonds.
100 11)s. flitter (shelled) Almonds.
500 11)s. Smyrna ltitisins. (seedless.)
5 Prails Arahian D A tes:
1000 Fresh Cocoa Nuts.
2 Cases Prime Prunes, in fancy and
glass jars.
500 Bushels Afilcan and Southern Ground
5000 Lhs. Eastern (Theese,very prime quality
2 B ag s Eng. IValnuts.
5 113 g, Filberts.
6 Ban Batter Nutt:.
5 Cases Licorice Stick-4) to the lb.
No. 67 \Vcll.o ket ntrt•et.
York, Dec. 15, 15:56
t \V 101{.1- . ; T. EF r. of &Joule's Clocks;
.:11PL .:1141.; 4 6 )ud 1 11 . .10;tie,
:..._;.I,I:SON 'S.
A. lIA lASI] BARI; Elt.
:11r 1 "rytomn, ;e co., l
, ' ii
A Dark 'tiro W2l M tan,
QYEAR: , 01(1. gnod under saddle in ha ,
num, and a very in etty animal, fur salts
LOW by
.101 IN L. I[ I )LTZW9RTIL
Gettysburg:, 0et.,20,1836.
takes this inohod to
firm, his friends and the pn Wit:, that he
has opowd a Livery in fiettysliti• g. and will
be happy to acconitnud,ite with
llOR:"ES VEIIiCEES, all who
niay call upon him. Ilk stock is
first rate, either for saddle or ha 'less, arid in
cluiles a pair of watch 'greys., stabli• Iti
nn the premise.: occupied bv John A. (jab'.
un l':`"triille street, where, or at his resi
dence in East York street. he inay generaliy
be fOund. Ile will at all times strive to
please. Terms °Asir.
Dwober 27, IS5r). 3m
Stiollechatina note:,
Ulm Hite Ca, curt '..4tat ion, Baltimore. Md.
r r ii I under•igned having leased: the above
Itl ' , Achill I put it itt -der, is pre
pared to accommodate, his friends and the
travelling public. The -proptietnr •ill
please,' to Net! his O i ta friCTidS, nmi proti :ses to
make their stay comfortable awl saiist a • ory,
litggage taken Cu al.ll from Calvert Stilt on
tree ul
Jo IN (fiiriaerbi tr r
July 9, 18'55. tf Pitoriak:Toi.
Tali lorialw.
Removed a 1 . 7 c1V Doors h off o',4lStand.
11. SKELLY re.;pe(!triffly itifortii his obi
0, • chAothvi's api the pithlie generally, that
lie continues the F.-1/i,
hear his ~k1(1, stand. in Shah Iltittiore
w here lie will he happy to :.econitiloilaitt all
wh o way riAtiotiize blot. .All uuti. etii 111:4U:a
to his care warmitetl'o fit and la: a II:0.i :.uh
suintial make. Thanidol for paisd favors, lie
solicit:, a continuance 01 plthik patrohrge.
j.:, / 4 are reec•i% ed. I:All and see tutor.
(ietty:shuig, Ala it 9, 18
E IV YV 11 ►I, isSA LE
N SPENf.I . :II it).`.l.lS. No. 211 S 6 ntli
st,rt.t.t, lotpoitt r.
:klllllll.t.ctblict• rvild ricalvt• in lb.ogs
1)yt:;7;t4111 . .. l'ujot,;
White coutt, .ln)cii
cti-tcti-t Zinc, I.itzttlow ;We.
S i W h 011.! S[k!CVS.:ul l a6l 1• rll r art . lis u:-
,1 4 ;tv Ity DritAgtsts, itzitfutipc;
111 , 11:za.1 L iitte. &c., &C.-
111 by Coail or otherwise proolptly
tc:111,....1 ln, Cowttry Alochtittls ittvittA to
4; 111 ! tip' Ilttutine not stock bt2tOte tatcliasitig
1 0 ;:-WW byre. Gotois s.teuu to ;my witat•vt::,
UC rttait:ttl Nitstiona,.. Price.; low told gootk
waryaoted. 12,1arcit 17, 1656. ly
V:4;11,11 TOP:Stir.
1011 N T[rD. / • ,c, Pd j Thfrh/T
/I fir van at all times he f o und
prepareilto at rend to the calls of the people . . at
o re the thainonli, adjoining: the
Front Juitgexperieuet.... he
flatlets iiiiiv4elf that he eau go through all the
ratinti , .atioits of the. Tonsorial Department
%‘ nip ,such an iiirtithe degree of :is NI 111
11) , c1 wish the entire sa tishotion of all who ttia)-
111.ttut their chin , : to the keen ordeal of. his ra
zors. Ile hopes, thelefifte, that: by his atten
tion tai litt,iiiess, and a .lesite to grease, he wd I
merit a: well as receive. a Itheral share of pub
lie patronage. The sick will be attended to at
their pi ivaie dwellings
G,:t.ty. , bur , z,..J.Lti. 6, 1853. IS •
!kottalCer 112.artcv.
"Il() and Bet ail. at. the Halarlel-
V V plita, teal . .leaulry Store, No. :hi
North 5..4.:0nd street, corner Jr Qiia,ry, Phila
Gold !Awe,. Watches-, roll
. i...%%•e1ed. catBt,
00 ; (; 0 1,11,, T i lies . Di carat: III):
Silver Ll:els, fitll jcd Cod. t*:*.l2. Si:ve Le
pine j tat: 41 1 p et ior Owirtiers. .S 7 tat
Gold Soectacies...7 111): line Silver att. :::41 50:
- 0 - 1-. -- I . :Nines' Gold Pen , ils,
*-* - 1. :-;llver Tea Snow's, set. Oil:
WWI ana silvvr holder. :•*3l. 110.
to \vatch
i;lasses, cents: patent 1S1: Lattet
25; oth e r articles iii Stroh) that. All goods
warranted to lie what they are sold litr.
& II kltl.FX.
On hand. some bn,,t and silver Levers and
Leontes. still lower titan the above
20. 1856. ly
: , artni . vot of Umbrellas. at all pri-
A :1
ces. just cceuived and liar sale at
To those who are Indebted to me.
,n A VINO now adopted th e C as h sys e„, in
II my thr the porpo:41• of settline;
H p my old hiNiness, all those indebted to we
long .tanning, either by note or hook ac
count, will please call and pay the same.
October G. 1856.
Buffalo Ro hn~c.
JUST received, and fo: sale cheap at
tad a liittie the Chvapest.
QUsPES ra vats. Portinonies.Socks,
► Knifes. Stocks. Pocket 11;mill:el chiels.
1 azors.Clul hes Brushes, Woolen St , eks.Gloves,
Comforts. til uslin Shit is and Shirt Collars,
are always to be found at
0 " - ( - )0 BUSA ELS new crop Ground Nu t s.—
I,'„ r sale at Ell\EY & 11R1).,
Fancy Cool,ctionery anti Grocery store.
York, Dve. 1 i, '56. 67 West Market st.
1 0 000 Lhs. Candy. Fancy Sugar Toys,
t - Fancy ti in fections of every de
scription, at ER EY & 1111.0.,
Fancy Grocery anti Gunlectiunery Store,
York. Dec. 15. '56. 67 ‘A est .).larket st.
/ - 1(1/1 LBS. as ern Cheese, of vet y
0* I • 1,./ 1J V prime quality•
I )ne case sap sago. or gT . een cheese.
21 Tubs very pi tine Swiss cheese. Fur sale
___. EIINEY x. 13.4).,
F.incr Grocer , : and Confeettoners.
Yolk, Dec. 15. '56. WeNt st.
4 , ;) / - 1 11_\V.1\.1Ora ogps, of delicious
11A vor. For sale at
11110 ,
Ftncy I;rovery and _onleot;oliery :•t.)re,
York, Dec. 15, '56. t:l7 11e-,t Market St.
large stock ti! Boots atl.: sul'ilt . ; . a L
1] .‘ N •
I 1 olloway's Pins. 11
rurniNh es
the material of every hone, muscle. gland
and tihre in the hutnan frame. When pin e;it
secules health to every organ when corrupt,
it Iflecessailiy produces disea , r. lifou.owAY's
operate directly upon the elements of the
stream of life. peutrali4ing the principle.of dis
ease. and thus radically curing the malady,
wlicthYr located in the nerves. the stoottch,
the liver. the bowels. the muscles, the skin, the
aim, or any other part of the .4ysteni.
Ur',( im ghoul lb irm•hl !
HoLlowAY's Ptt,ts arc equally efficacious in
corupluitits common to the whole human nice,
awl m Ili:orders peculiar to certain climates
Dysp , psia. and derangement of the liver,
the source a infirmity and s or t , t i ng , an a l it;
eatt.:e of innumerable deaths. yield to
curatives in a!) however aggravated,
acting as a mild - purgative. alierative and Inn
tiloy relieve the bowels, purify th e thri6s,
and Invigorate the systeio and the conststation
al die same thne.
When all stiu►utants_fait., the retinva ling;
and bracing propertiv:4 of these Pills girt- tit ill
ness to the shaking net ce; and enfeetiied 111116-
des of the victim of general debility.
All irregularities and ailments incident to
the delicate and sensitive organs of the •ex ale
removed or prevented by 2 tew closes of these
wild, bat infallible alteratives. No nut her
who regards her own or her children',* h it al t u
should fail to have them within her reach.
The London -•Lanett," the I,rnolori
cal BA -view," and the moist
idty in Great Britain, Fra,loe and tiemiany,
have eulogized the l'ins mreittvr.•
!'ills are the Y,P.vl ri kt.iiiert4 its
Pre t oo r ia flfr•folioiritt!l e liveitgrg 7
.I , t.)»ria * Liver
11,,,rei Complaints. F,•%er asAi 41. Bpi, its
f!..,11,411s Ft...isle Com
-1.1" In• 2 7 141 K;r; el
I: Ii ,rot Nseahes Bradache".
134.14; e , tiurk ,
ll ,yei,4:l Iwl vre ista
I) Arrlitt-a Ind 311)‘p,tti , ,
1 rm I.N c-0.4 744%,
nt the .11 a oil five tories- Pyote,..: s l)r
II( iwAr „, 7.laiiit st Lam. vw \To; L . ., and.;
244 Siraioi. Loodon, attrti by All. rv:Hortttabits ,
I.)rq, , gists will Dealers in _VA•dieioe
the United slates and the• civilized warld, ii
boxes at 15 cents. t cents, and
Cji - There is a euii6idetabla :avit4gl,l. taking;
the larger sizes.
ls.—ltizections for the golf - I:mfr.. of pa—
tieois inertry disorderare att,xed to eaish box--
Aug. ?5, 1851 i. tow ly
CH E si,l pct il , eis wmild repetttlnDs
minuet, to t heir ttiends and tilt.
_th,c7y, have opt nell a 11-and vvai Stott, in lir, hi
nriore strect., resi.lence s':' David ,
Zitrzier tlyskurg,', nt which I he;t: alwas In--
temli ut off' r to the public a large amt ge hu.l l ll
ASS )111iteln
Evil t
fEcbae-tuarc-5.13e :i i' t
Paints, er.:ls, and Dye-stwirs,.
ita genenli inciaoling every de:•ei ipi leo)
tics iii the abilve. line of lite-ine:-s. in Iti .
!bey invite the rate
ni.on ('o::eh
Carpenter , , nods
6110e•nothers. an , 1,1 ; ta r
ally. -Out' :hick. ha vim! teem It co. d II
Meat eat e•and ;pit chast
tee (an- thc tiaaney,) to 17i...14e-e 1 f :Joy
part of it till ;IN reason:o): , ty tent.' a , t hey car. ,
be purelno•ed anywh,fre.
IVe - pit rticit:arly . request. a cal 7w OM fors•
friends, gild 4.•}ll3ll'Sily a shale nl 110. 1 IC
tavnr,as We 81 e (fel el e st: 1 101,1i e
aeter for selling t lorels . a t low prices gild doing
lon,iitess uu principle s.
• Jlt Ell, B. 11:VN:i1.11,
Gettysburg, June 9, Issl. tf
, )1/S 47. BRO. re:4pect folly inform their
! fricnil, at u cure poldie gtlierally. that they
have !Tenet' a ilietrchis utt
?Vela ,in the rinntn ttmeent {W ., 4 -
i 7.',lll)illi by A. At rthlti. in Solo la Baltimore street,
near the•Diatoond. where they w ill at all tittles
he happy to arn•ononotl:tte ;111 who may pat r)11-
' ize ihe,n. ThCir OA Of Cloo', CA5• 4 11111 , 3 vs,
Vi.”41111;2••, Cords. Stu Good;, -
Sze.. km:6 and aleeted from the latest'
styles or. which they w ill disp4se ut, ar..!.
tince•-: as lotY• as they can possibly &rd. tht-ir. -
heing to sell CHEAP, fur riols or coun
They At ill make up garments of e.very- - de-•
smilition in the most. substantial and tiesit it hie;
111:11Iner. an \V :11 . rant ed U. fit and not to rip.—
( ;nods )oiolt. in their
establishment will be cut free of char,.;e. They
are making up a lot of READY-MA DE
tbe hest manner, which they will sell
as cheap as the cheapest.
They have also on hafill - ii - Targe assortment
ilasiery, Suspemirrs, Shirts, Collarx, •
Sc., to which they would call the attention of
the public. •
tr - .....}"The Latest Fashions regularly received.. 4
Cush ur coun tr y prmiiire always current tor
g.HAIs or ‘vo-lt. Don't mistake the
March IT. 1;456.
' Cheap Fall & Winter Clothing..
E have now got up onr Fall anti Winter
stock of Ready-made Clothing,. consist
ing of o%er Coins. in great vaiiety : Dress
t 'oats, of every desmiption : Monkey Jackets,
Vests. Pantaloons, Shirts, Drawers, &c. &c.—
A Ise Boys' Clothing. of all sizes. Our stock of
Over Coatings, Cloths, Cassimers,
cassinets, Co ds. Vestings, &c. arc., is large
and full : and having experienced workmen
continually employed cutting out and ninhing
np, if we cannot please you with a Garment
reatly made, we can sell you t material, take
I your rueasnre and make you up a suit on the
very shortest notice. IVe , ell none hut our
own make, and warrant them well mode,-and
insult) a good tit or nu sale. Our prices are
low, inir motto being —small profits and quick
sales," for the CA:).11. Please call. I►'t ,wiit
be twirl.
The New York and Philadelphia falt`and
winter FASHIONS just received.
(l;tober 6,1556.
IF you want gvocl barrel of Flour, call at
}LORE'S STORE. as he has ut,ole art;inge
menu.; in h,lve ;ilway... the best, he %%11l
J 1 v 5
et f) to see F.IIINI.STOCIi.'S cheap awl
pletty as,olinient of Dru—; (;,...d.:. hf
roi ‘vant anythin g faNhiunable, the
i ihioe lo g o. it.
PrOBACCO. -A pi talc article 1,1,,t
- 11, - at t.s..l:‘btiN
Health or
cllooss BETwEEN TitEm
I /rirtit ;iv/ Di.:,Prilets
1.14 irate b'estales.
New lEarffiware ?.44
Hardware, iron, Slut Grorcrirs,
Neva - G vordiNer-
Four for Sale.
cents auV;itfa
S +pep talttry u,
- I. '
lTan , •rt-3-1; 3,•a lions
Ilutuu. at J /